THE DAILY BE JBr-OMA&jK MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 4 The Omaha Bee 1 t CubUohed every morning , except Sunday 'ffhe only MonJsjr morning dMly , TEUMSBYMAIL One Tsar . $10.00 I Throe Months. 13.00 Bli Month ) , o.OO I Ono . . 1.00 THE WEEKLY BEE , pnbtfefcodeT. TERMS POST 1'AIDs- OneYoar . 52.00 I Three Moults. . fO UMc Uui. . . . 1.00 1 One ! k . . ! ffl AMERICAN NEWS CoMPANT/Sole Agent * or Newsdealers In the TTnlt d States. OOHRE8FONDHNOE All Oomirnnl. tiuonn relntlni ; to Newnund Kdllorlnlnittt- ers Rhould b drtrciw > d to the KniTOQ or Cni lire , BU3IVE83 &ETTKBS-A1I Bralnwji tetter * and Reinlttnncm thould be ( ! fl.-H to THK UFK PrmURtiiMo Cox- IANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Chock * AFX ! Pont. ffioo Orders to be trade p y Wa to the rder ol the Coapanyl f Iho BEE PUBLISHING 00M Props. El ROBEWATEFU Editor. THE AMI-MONOPOLY 'LEAGUE. OKNTHAI , Onv , August 14. The SUto Anti-Monopoly Icngna trill meet &t Hastings , Sentombor 27 , 1882 , in connection with the State Pftnaorn' tllianco , for the purx | > ! n of putting ' "bctoro the voters Of the sUta of Nobnska an independent sUlo ants-monopoly ticket. All antimonopoly nopoly loaguofl are roquoitcd to call epccial ncctingn to elect dulogatoa to attend -tho convention. By order at tno executive com mittee. II. 0. GfTTKUIIOUT , I'oo. frUto Anti-Monopoly Lcngtio. Toltho Antl-Monnpoljr Xeaanoi of tlio State Ge ? n AL CITT , September 1 , 1882. GBNiDUJilKN : Yiiur nttcr.tlon in hereby iavltod to tlio call leccntly Untied by the committee of tlio State Allic.nce for un in- SUto Convention < lepcndi > nt < Antl-Mnnopnly tion , to bo bold t HantlflKCfteptrmbe r 27 , 1882 , for the purpose of nomlnithiK sn Anti-Monopoly cUte ticket. ldejUc ! to thin cniivmtitvi will be eirrted through the ARency of piccinct jirlirtrlivi nnd county ounroDiioiu , und nil Autl-Monnpoli In if thnntato atocordla'ly inviti'd to parti ! lukleta thc/ pritnarl n nnd convention * , regnrcltaM A ! pa t party nfiillntinnn. It In Imped Uiit intmVrnof the Icnmiothrniifjh- ut thn nt-ito will Inteieitt them elvt > H in the { ttirrmfo * , und eo In it that their re- xi'ccttvu cui'iitieH u ro fully represented u > . lla tinuit. liy order of the Stnto Allfonca Kiectitivo Committou. Jl. O. JhoKM ) * , Chulrmin , H. 0 O-IIKRIIOUI , Proiifdent of the Anti-Monopoly SAM CIIATMAN'H Cass county boom was another case of promuturo birth. THK Now York Sun , "Is thu uov- onimcnt run by clerks ? " Mr. Hub- boll's attention is directed to this conundrum. Cliuiicn HI.WK in studying uy the question of "Trade TroapoctB. " The result ol his deliberations will too soon in the First district convontion. DH. MILLKK hts again interviewed lloratio Seymour , and finds his mind still intent on tree planting. It has boon several years oinco the oago of Duorfluld made up lilo mind , after Bomo bitter oxporiunce , that there wan moro money in trues than in politics. THK Union Pacific republican organ eharucs that during the past ton ycais Tin : liiii : haa never oncu supported republican cindidnto for an important position. With the exception of 15. K. Valentino nnd K. 0. CarncB will the JiqmUiecm please nnmo n national or atato candidate to whom Tim IIK ! : has refused support. IT may bo n great crime for tlio editor of Tin : BKK to closet himself in General Thayer's tent with the two Nebraska senators , but the public will bo tnoro interested in knowing what transpired at that cjuforonca which was hold Saturday at Union Pa cific headquarters between Tom Kimball - ball , Caisper K. Yost nnd Frud Nyu. THK months [ without the "if have gone out with August and the oyster season has opened. Great preparations have been inado in the east to [ supply the mar kets , and n larger number of oyuturs will doubtless bu sold in thu west than over before. Thu nyntor shipping is mainly confined to Now York und Baltimore. Prices willbu higher than last year the general advance being about a dollar a thousand. The average - ago consumption of oystvra in the United States is said to be two , daily , to every man woman and child. I'r.iimcrio.NH of n decrease in rail way construction for the precont year do not appear to have been verified , As long UH railroad building con tinues to bo the most prolitablo form of busiucis known to these ongaifetl in , and surplus uninvested capital con tiiiues to pile up in eastern citit'B , jnet so long will the tics and rails bu strung across Uiotcontinent , conni'ot- ing towns and villaues nnd adding nuw means of communication between ( ho farms and the markets. Thu A'ut'ftmy Aye claims that a greater number of miles of railway have been constructed during the month oi August than over before in a similar period in thu his tory of the country. The total is 1,274 miles of now main track , exclu sive of side truck , laid on seventy dif ferent linea , exceeding by moro than 300 miles the construction during July , which , it was thought , would not bu again equalled. The construc tion for eight months of the present year , ? n 238 lines , in thirty-two btttU-s , has been 7,0-18 miles of main track. The construction for thn entire jcar is estimated at 10,500 miles , thu largest number of miles being 207 , in Iowa , the next , 103 , iu Now York , and the third , 142 , in Wuconsin. VIKING'S PLATFORM Railroad manager * never tire of telling the pub ic that their business is carried on preccitely like that of every private merchant ; that the same laws of trade operate in protecting their patrons which protect the patrons of n grocery establishment or a butcher hop , nnd that the law of com * ctition acts in suppressing tyranny in the part of the milroada towaida ho shippers. Practically there ii o such thing in the op ration of our railroad eyttom , The moment any warfare be < ween nominally competing line roaks out , pooling and consolidation TO resorted to , in order to maintain Ales nnd prevent the pcblic from caping the benefit of a buiinue ivalry , which in mercantile transac ions is tha lifo of trado. Some iconths ago THK 15P.P. cutlet attention to the contract system 1 - by which all merchant who daroi to avail themselves of th competition afforded by the clippc ships were punished by grcLB dUcritni nations in favor of other ohippern i. . , he enmo line of busincus. Most of the San { Francisco merchants were co * creed by this policy into mgning con- with the Huion nd Central V.cific railroads binding thomsolvcfl o ship exclusively from the by , li overland route. In return they L'ootvudfobatos of from $25 to $50 a car on goods transported over the while u few morohants who dcdin0iHo sign nuoh contracts wcro forced to pay the regular tariff , which had been rained arbitrarily to uiforco compliance wilh thodcmanda of the monopoly. A firm by the nanio of ( Richards & Harrison , of San Francwco , refused to ( surrender their mercantile independence and nt once became objectn of attention to E. I * . Vimog , funeral freight agent of the Union 1'ncific. Mr. Vining inaioted that the firm uhotild outer into ii contract with the Union A Central 1'ncilio not to nhip any goods from Now York to Kn Prancircio by water mid when Kichnrda nnd Harrison refuSed , ho retaliated by gross discriminatioiiK ngainat the firm in Tduho and Montana , lie finally found vent in hia spleen in the follow ing letter , which wo commend to the attention of the producers in Ne braska : If you continue to fight us , wo will fight you , and prevent you Boiling n single bottle in'Idaho and Montana. I will put your rate po high that 3 on can't gr' , there , mm give others apccial rates which will keep you out. Wo will fight a houao the oamo an a com peting road , to the bitter end , or we atand in with him and protect him on ratos. In openly announcing hia platform of "atibmiBnion or ruination , " Mr. Vining admits the gravest charge which han been brought against the monopolica by the outraged pcoplo of the west. That charge briefly stated ia , that under the present loose laws ruatrioliiif- railronJo , and their ntill looacr enforcement , the power to arbitrarcly build up or destroy local induatry lica in the handa of the cor poration manngora. and ia continually employed by them with no end ii view excepting their own Bullish in terest. The denials of this charge made by General Manager Kimball , which are regularly repented in the Jci ! > uilicai ! during every nosaion of the Nebraska legislature , will not stand boaido this open und defiant confession of the gciv oral freight agent. Mr. Yining haa committed to paper the policy of the Union Pacific in dealing with its patronn. "I will put your rate so high that you can't get there , nnd wil giro others special rates which wil keep you out. " This ia the sentence which atarca every merchant tn the face who darea to protest the exorbitant oxhotioiu of the great monopoly , nnd who altempta tn avail himself of the boiiulita o a competing lino. In what line of private business could such m outrageous policy bu bid down with out ruining thn firm who durud to an- noiinco it as a principle of their mor < ouitilo transactions ? What grocer or butcher could an tin eaten hia putrono and retain a standing in the business cominunil } ? Ia it not a pitiful com- muntnry on our laws that nn interoct , brouuht into existence by the poop ] nnd fostered by the national treasury , uhould not only have thu power to DO coerce trade and comtnerco in the United States , hut tn addition backed by unlimited capital and buttressed by legislative corruption should openly defy publio nentimont by avowing its robber'u roost policy ? Do the people of Nobrjfikn propose to stand idly by nnd permit such a poliey to operate to their detriment ? Will they pormil the monopoly cappers to blind then : with the duit of pluinible liea nnd falsa statistics * jf the benefits uhicl the railroads nro showering upon themk while every merchant who uses the ro'ida knows that Vining'a plan is put into practice every day to rob our producers and incru.iae the cost of living to uorv man , woman and child in the wiut ? Mr. ' Vining'fl pronunciamonto IB likely to create more stir than hi. labored attempt to prove that Ilnmlot waa a woman. It : uay not possess quite ns much literary eicellonoo , but it goes atraightor to the point. It i iuterwting as the showing broad gaugu policy of highway robbery by which great monopoly U enabled to pay dividends on its watered stock , and may in the end prove doubly inter ing to the railroads In awakening tU,0 to realization of the dat people | n t ort which threaten our merchants th fnagh the cruel domination of the n CHURCH HOWE. A dofiperato ifibrt is being a < Gdo4)y the corporation politicians t < > .givortho delegation from Douglas eounty to Church llonro. The ofiicial . ifj. .p. or. gan represent * Howe na a if.nunoh republican - publican and man of hoi KIT who is entitled to the highest pot fcion within the ift of our pooplo. T iLiala-cimply an insult to common intelligence. Church Howe is by all oddn the most notorious political repr obato in Ne braska. Ho came at nong us from Wyoming with n dec idcdly bad repu tntion and the firat tl Jug he did in Nebraska politics wa a to array himself as A lender of all ol > jmuitts of opposi tion against Ihu ref lUblican party in Nociaha county. Starting out as greenback granger ho was elected to the legislature in 1874 over tha regular ro publican candidate and voted from I first i to last foe J. N. H. Patrick of'of ' Cronin farno for U. 8. senator , j n 1S7C ho waa supported by the , democrats for the legiehl'uro , and K. , A. Allan , chairman of the democratic state . central committee , stumped . . Notnaha county for htm. During the . electoral contest following the elec- ion of 1870 , Church llowo sought to iloct Sam Titdcn and wont on record as n supporter of the plot to have the ilcctoral vote of Nebraska counted out. After Hayes brcamo president Howe flopped over into the republican ranks , and by thu aid of thu corpora tion cippcM woi admitted nto republican councils. As legislator ho is notorious rious aa a corrupt jobber , ' ready to sell himself fur anything , and on every occasion. Ho would have been politically dead long ago if it wire not for the corruption fund ho derives from the ringK and Douglas county hna been Uxed thousands of dollars tor rotten job ? which this rogue haa helped to put through the legislature. It was mainly through his efforts that Douglas county is now attached to the South Platte district.t Church Ho wo had made a trade to help Valentino by cutting D.iut'lau county off , and ho w.xi promised in return the delegation to GongrcES. The question - ' tion is , will our pcoplo ratify this cor rupt bargain made by Thuraton , Val-'l)1 ' online und llowo ? Will our working men give support at the primaries tea a ticket that is pledged to foist a man upon them in Congress who h&3 in sulted and villilied them in open ses sion in the hat legislature by kicking their petition under the table ? "Tint regular party nominations to the house of rppresunta ivo ? 'a ja the No\v York 'limes , "so far aa they have been made , do not show munh capacity in the uarly machinery of either republicans or democrats" to respond to public opinion , There is almost nothing to indicate that the Miinogpra in the rospeolivo districts ire aware of any ourront of public sentiment condemning the men and methods of the present houso. Some of the most conspicuously objectiona ble men on both sides Inivo either been nominated already , or have madotheir nominations practically sccuro. " The Tiinei says both parties are working entirely apart from thu real wishes of the community , and claims that there is a growing foulinfi of despair among the people of being able to obtain BOIIIO good service through existing. party organs. The beginning of re-1 form , then , must bo made in the ma chinery. It closes its article iu the following words , which are especially significant as coming from the leading republican journal of the country ; "A good deal can be accomplished by concerted action on the part of thoao who in any congressional district urn- ccrcly wish the reform. A roaolut0 demonstration of the purpoao to judge cunuidntes , no matter by which party named , by their probable course in this regard would ho entering wedgea that can bo driven homo by successive etl'jrta until the nmchinu us it nou oxiata can bu broken up. Well ( rounded fear of independent action in the only healthy nnd honest sentiment of which thu machine managers are capable , and every opportunity nhould bu uuizud in the vuiious districts to arouse thU desirable emotion in their breanti ! . AM intoruatingcasu luia been brought in Iowa to test the constitutionality of the recently adopted amendment. A brewing company hues it dealer for beer delivered and the defendant , while admitting the nnd receipt of the beer , nluiina that ( .coording to thu now amendment itu sale WHS illegal and thrrofort void. In amending hia petition to moot this reply the brow ing company attacks the validity and force of the nmendmont itself and the caco goes before the supreme court on the legal points involved. Two of these points nro of ospouial importance. The first alleges that the amendment E was not sanctioned in the manner to provided by the Iowa constitU' tion. The plaintiff asserts that thu measure in question , which was passed by the nineteenth general assembly and adopted by the people was not identical with that which was agreed to by the eighteenth and never bofora that body at all ia its present form , thus failing to com-1 < ply witJh tie constitutional reqnire- ment. The second point involves a much wider principle of equity. It questions tha right of the govern ment to destroy the Tested rights of ra nufacturcrt and to inako largo amount * o fixed property valu- lesa after sanctioning , encouraging mid protecting a business for a number of yearn , The plaintiff claims that if the amendment is held to be a valid part of the constitution the effect will ba to impair their vested < rights of property acquired un der n law of the state without pro viding in any way for just compensa tion to them for the fame. Tlicro ia a broad principle involved in tlis dis- cunsion of this question. Has the state n right to destroy capital in vested under its own previous express sanction. Is there any justification ' for the annihilation by n majority of then product of years of industry with out adtquato compensation for the pecuniary lota inflicted , And is not oiichnn net nn example of the tyranny of the majority to which moro ind more attention is being daily directed in thin country ? , THE STATE CAMPAIGN , | Orlando Tofft Bags Cass Comity | on tno Banks of the Weep ing Wtfor , | * " I . While Hon. M. K. Turner So. cures the Co voted Boost in Platto. A North Hobrimlina Proionti Sev eral Strong Point * cm Couijrci- nioiinl Qualifications- Can Connty Convention- Correspondence ol HinlljiK. WuEi'i.NO WATER , September 1. Pursuant to the call , the Cass county convention convened hero yesterday. Dr. M. M. Butler , of this place , and Dr. II. Mrade , of Plnttamouth , were chosen . chairman and secretary rcspeo lively ! , and subsequently , on the re port of the committee on permanent organisation , were elected nnd perma nently kept their place ? . Dr. M. M. Butler , not being a delegate , thij was rather an unusual proceeding. Still business coiuintiad without interrup tion for aomo time , when a motion was made and carried to mnko the chair man a delegate at largo. Upon the report of the connnitteo on credentials , and a motion by Hon. D. H. Whuolor that the same be adopted , a lively discussion ensued , which was caused by J. E. Morrison , who naked libeit of the chair to state that there wcro of nine delegate ward iuJ'Jat.tarn . by the committee. jifrMorrnon was hero requested to cit cSwn until thu I convention ws orgtmz'jd , nnd on mo tion to amend the report of the com mittco waj adopted , except the rcpoit on the delegation from the Third ivard in PJattimiouth. Both sides wore allowed Jiftoi'ii minutes to make a statement. Mr. Morrison first took the floor nnd said that the delegates who tvuru reported by the committee were in favor of II. H , Wooloy for state rep- preaantativu , that they had been elect ed by democrats ; that thoao delegates not reported by the committee and ignored , were in favor of II. B. Wind- hum for otato senator and elected by the republicans of the third ward. Affidavits iu support of his statement were read , n protest purporting to bo signed by many republican voters and many other pipers , nnd as commented upon by the otlior oido , one. marked letter "A" , one marked letter "B" , and last but not least a largo alii lavit which was challenged us being fulie , marked "lot'er rip" . During the ani mated dobatu in which IJ. M. Bush- neil , of the I'liUtamonth Herald , lion , 1) . II. Wheeler , J. B. Strode and others took part , considerable ill feel ing waa displayed , personal remarks were indulged in and there were indi cations of violence which was fearless ly and coolly suppressed by the cluur. On motion the do'ygates ' from the third ward wcro admitted , a > by the committee reported Thj balloting commenced about S p. m. , and E. L. Reed waa nominated tor state senator on first ballot. Next billet was taken for four ropreiunta- twoj which resulted lifter tun ballots in the nomination of James II ill , II , 0. Wolph , S. L. O.\uuon and E. H. Wooley. Tvvolvo dulcga'ea were then selected for the Mate convention and the name number for tha judicial convention To vontion , The delegates tor the con- urcosional convention evince the fnct T tint Hon. Orlando IV lit has been looking after his political fences it } 0 Class county. The delegates to the hi judicial convention wore instructed to cafe support J. B. Strode , Kitof \ I'lhtts- caH mouth for prosecuting attorney of the fo second judicial district , After ap pointing a central committee of which or AI. M. Butler was chosen chairman orU the convention adjourned without 0 dity. The democrats hold their pn- 0ru ru nurica hero to-day , YJSWTAH , tli Platte Connty 8' Corspotultncool tlio Don. ra COI.UMIIU.S , September 2. The re-1-1' of I'iatto county mot In con vention ttin afternoon. The following 1' delegate * weru elected to the state tliu convention ; fi. O. Belcher , M. Whit- tlihi nioyor , L. Garr.ud , O. W. Barnhart , iu , Hare and E. Monoriof. Delegates iuai the congressional convention : L. 1'at fiorrard , D. L. Buyrn , Wm. Sulser , at si W. J. Wheeler , U. Wiley and A. siP Hcinricns. la The following resolutions were lam adopted : hi WJIKUKAH , the republican party haa , tl over since its organization , been fore a most in advocating all measures that were beneficial to the laboring and producing classes ; and WUEHP.AS , tho'voters of this state are about to elect an entire new list of officers , legislative , state and national. aud it ii the duty of the people at their respective party con ventions to express their views on any new questions that may arise for the purpose of instructing their public servants as to the coureo they are to pursun when elf-cted , therefore Itttolvcd Trt4 * o the'republicans of PJatte county are iu favor of a careful , honest , _ and economical expenditure of public money's in the county , state and nation , that wo heartily endorse the action of President Arthur in vetoing the river nnd harbor bill , re cently pasopd by congress , whereby millions of dollars of the public moneys were recklessly squandered , that wo condemn the action of mem bors of congress and senators who voted to pass said ( bill ovtr the veto. llcsidved , That wo are in favor of the bill recently introduced in con- grcas to compel land grant railroads to take out patents on their lands , that the same may be taxed aa lands owned by individuals. Htsolnd , That the question of trans portation is ono of the most impor tant problemi now before the people for solution , nnd that the republican party of Nebraska should voice the sentiments of the people thereon with no uncertain sound ; that all transpor tations routes should bo so controlled a.J the state and general government as to prevent extortion , unjust charges and discriminations in nny form or manner ; that the actions of the dif ferent railroad companies throughout the United States in consolidating and pooling , otherwise competing lines , nnd in issuing free passes to public officers , is contrary to n sound public ; policy , and should be prevented by proper loeislation. liuolted , That wo pledge the repub lican party ot I'latto county to an earnest endeavor to carry out these resolutions , and hereby instruct our delegate to the different conventions to present these resolutions to the ro- upectivo conventions and procure their adoption. That wo will not feel our selves bound to support any candidate for any cllico who will not fully and chiHM-fully uudoroo thcao resolution1) . Jltu/lrcd , That the delegates to the congressional convention bo nnd &ro liortby instructed to use all honorable inratu to neouro the nomination of Hon. M. K. Turner for member of i congress from this district. | A Tompornto Appeal- NORFOLK , Nob. , August ! 50 , To the Editor c ( Tin Bee. The people of the Third congres sional district are soon to select a rep resentative in congress for the coming two years. BIr. Valentino is a candidate - date for a third term , and noema to I I have Borne support. A few facts the republicans of this district should , in this business , keep in mind. Wo want a man for whom every republican in this big Third can vote with enthu siasm ! ; with an honest conviction in his ability , integrity and worthiness , and with a clear republican conscience. Although this is n atrong republican district , yet wo want a man who , by commanding the confidence of intelli gent , thinking men , will make it imre atroni.'Iy ropublictn. Wo want a imn for our congressman who will repre sent at the national capital the oner- fistic , independent , nrogremvo spirit of the Nooraska people. Mr. V is not that man. Hia connection with monopolies his supporters do not at tempt to deny. Hm relation to them they dire not define. If there is ono qualifiCHtion above others that n congressman ought to posscoa , it is that ho fllionlil bu under obligations to no man or combination of men. A representative in con gress is the servant of the nation , not of individuals. He docs not repre sent the nrato except as a part of the nation. Private interests , should , therefore , always bo cubordinato to national interests. Taking this view , Mr. V.'s record is weak. If his own conscience approves his record , his conciousneas must inform him that it is without strong points ; that it is passive , and not active. If nominated Mr. Y. will bring disgrace - grace to republicanism in North Ne braska. He would bo elected by a majority unworthy of us. Instead of strengthening the party , ho would bring it into disrepute , hence diminish the majority which is disgrace. There are not a few republicans , not cranks nor sorehcada , but intelligent , honest men who aay they cannot support Mr. Valentino. There are in this p.trt of the district many of the came mind , who will act according. To aay that the third district c innot furniah a man who embodies more ot the republican 01 ism of Lincoln , Simmon and Garfield than the present incumbent , would bo of to say what I do not believe. There are such men and I trust they will bo 11 brought forward. 8V NORTH NEIIKASKA. 80 11 Tom Hall for Governor. OMAHA , September 2,1882. howi the IMHor ol THK U . | co In your lust issue you mention that fla Tom ( Hall wants n delegation from Omaha ; aud Douglas county to endorse him tor governor. Are you really in earnest about thia matter ? Can Tom . Hall have the the cheek to come be fore thia community and aak that we endorse him for any position ? When [ of Hall was appointed postmaster of . Omaha , five years ago , ho was bank ' rupt. Ho owed many workingmen their wages , and wus in debt to grocers and fihop-lcoepera for food and raiment. Many of us expected that ho ' would put aside the surplus earn ings to pay off laboring men and all grocers and butchers. What has ho It done ) Ho hss earned over fifteen thousand dollars as postmaster , and iiatoad of ( laying hia honest debts , ho has equandcrod it in high living , and wilJ-cat mining speculations and in running aw mills for the U. ' . Ho has swindled his creditors , and oven dead boated men for living supplies since ho has been postmaster. J < Poor Auit , who catno to his death a few weeks ago in the Black Hills , told iily me last spring that Tom Hull owed him and ICnuth $30 for meat ho got three years ago , when ho was drawing sulary of $3,000 a year. Joe Hodman claims he has a bill t against him of (270 for groceries bought wh'lo he waa almost Destitute. As to the postoffico I hear general complaints of rnismonsgemmt. I know Hall has been out of town for months at a time , traveling in the cast tor pleasure or out in Montana sawing logs for the railroad , while the office wiufshamefully neglected. Is this the man Onifth * should en dorse for'crovernor'or foranything else ? For mytelf nnd many workingmen , I protest Wo shall watch the convention vontion with interest ana spot any man that dares to cndorso a lazy dead beat like Tom Hall for anything. A. Adnmn County Convention. HASTINGS , Neb , September 2. At the Hastings republican primaries held to-day in Adams county , James Laid received the delegation of twen ty-two votes to the county convention , by a vote of 4 12 without a dcaenting voto. _ _ _ _ _ GENERAL POLITICAL NEWS- The Kama * Crop of Politician * . ELDORADO , Kas , . August 27. To the Edltcr of Tilt lies : I sou in TUB BEB that Nebraska has plenty of men who are willing to servo in the various ttati and county offices , so that it sooins useless for Kansas to transport any of her 1,000 disap pointed candidates for office to your stato. Hero in Butler county a norni dation for ofllco in the republican party is equivalent to an election , lioncj there is no time in the year that there io a lack of self-sacrificing , willing , anxious candidates to servo the dear pcoplo in oJlica. All the year round there ia a hordp of thoao tellov.E who never cciiso to importune the people for their suffrage. A year ago aud less , there were quito a number of Farmers' alliances in this ( But lor ) county , and for a while they bid fair to live and become useful in checking extravagance and corruption at homo at least ; but when the party lines were drawn they scampered - pored for thnir own camps , and now seem satisfied with men who have be trayed them before. Right hero I am induced to nay that it ia unfortunate for the people that they have not got a newspaper like Tm : BKK to awaken a lively intoroct among them und champion thoircnuao in a straightforward , fearlcns manner , regardless of party lines or party fealty . ono that would voice the wants of the pooolo in clear , unmistakable l.innuago , und strike hard blows where hard : blows are needed , regardless of consequences , or who it would pleivsc or offend. Wo have too ma y news papers that cl.iim tobaanti-nunopoly , but through ignorance , cowardice , or some other wcakncso equally as harmful and shameful they soon tall far beneath their 'claims. Ono week they are for the pcoplo and ogainat monopolies and all their abuses , and then for the next two weeks , under the withering frown of political bosses nnd railroad officials , they bow low and as gracefully as they can take back or explain away the charges made. Then to cone al their short comings they throw the pcoplo a bone by tolling them "this is a glorious country , its inhabitants are prosperous and then-fore ought to bo happy and contented and not grumble at the r.iilrcal companyioa. " What wo want is moro papers like THE BEK that has the coura o and ability to show the inner workings , the cunning .devices , und shrewd villianics that are prac tised upon the people , under the sanc tion and in the name of law by those giint monopolies and corporations which the paoplo and government hai lifted into power by voluntary dona tions of land , money and bonds. \ours , W. P. FLKMNEK. Mitcollanonuv DL-ISUQUI : , September 2. Griffith , democratic candidate for congress from this district , withdraws from the field. CLEVELAND , September 2. There- publicans of i ho Twenty-first congres sional district , which is part of this city and county , to-day nominated Sylvester T. Everett on the first ballot. * # * "Troublc3 often como from whence wo least expect them " Yet wo may often prevent or counteract them by prompt and intelligent action. Thousands of parsons are constantly troubled with n combination of dis eases. Diseased kidneys and costive bownh are their tormentors. They should know that Kidney-Wort acts on thcso organs at the tame time , causing them to throw off thu poisona that httvo clogged them , nnd co re newing tbo wholn uv.t'om. ' ft Crops. he following ligurur , showing the average condition of Nebraska crops , compared with last year , are fur nished by secretary of the atato board agriculture : Cjrri 108 , whfat 107 , rye 10 ! ) , oato 110 , buckwheat ill , potatoes 121 , sweet potatoco 102 , tobacco 88 , sorghum 101 , sugar cano 103 , npples 110 , poaches 10D , grapes 107 , stuck hogs ( number for fattening compared The with lust year ) 93 , stock heirs ( average condition as to weight aid alzt88 , flax 185 , Average condition 1DO. Vlulblo Improvement. Mr. Noih Kate * , Klmlra , N. Y. , writes ; "About four pearn at , ' " I had aa .utack of bilious fever , und never duly re covered , My dljuxtivo organs were weak ened , ai d I would lie completely prod- trated f > > rda > a. After using two dottles ycur Hunlock Itlood liittera the iro- proveuieot was ca visible that I wnu AI- touUhcd. 1 can now , though Cl yearn of R.e ; , do fair an-J reaaunnble day' * work. " 1'rice , $1,00. The freinlouc A rouuci , Special llp tch to luillKn. Nswrom , Kopumbur 2. The president remained on thu Dlspatbh night. 'J hrco tnpa lire alongside. ia thought she will bo pulled ell at high watsr. OFF TUB SHOAL. Nuvroivr , Saptombcr 2. Tha Dis patch is i.oiv on her way to this har bor. To Forsonu About to IJtirry. "To peri na about in marry , " Uoj -rrpld' addles waj "don't ; " we supple- iCXtH. iiieut uy 8 jlot' , without laying iu a bup- " if tiriiiNa lii.ossoM , vvuicli cure , tl- tie Inimlnuria uml other kijuej and liladd. rAn complalute. I'rica60 coatt , trial bottles 101 ccutii. neti An effort h malting to remova Collector Ijiko Haynea becaate be Had irotu Brownsville the approach of yellow fever , 1KIDNEY-WOB FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. Ko ether dlanueli BO prevalent la this _ eountr ? a * Conrtlpjitlon , ncd no remedy C hw over fqn ll l th celebrated KlDNITir- WOHT tui a cure. Whatever the eiure , c horn-over ctetlnAto the case , Cil rtciet'-y will overcome It. Oil ETC THIS dlEtrc-sInccom- fQfti GO. plaint la very opt to be . - eoapllcatod with comitipation. Kidney- nWort | etrccijUjims tJio wodltcued psrM naA qclekly carro oil Unda of Piles cvcawhcni E physician ,9 : and laeclldn a have before foU' "t "rlfycmhAve cllherdruicao tronblra ] Are acknowledged to ba the best by all who have put thorn to a practical test , ADAPTED TO HiPD SUFI COAL , COKE DR WOOD. UY SAINT LOUIS. Piercy < fe Bradford , SOLK AGKXTS FOU OMAHA. D. JVT WELTY , ( Bnnoosror tn D. T Monnt- ) Manufv.turer nnd Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Roljos , Dusters and Turf Goods ALL UESCniPTIOKS. , . - - ' f L-sp . Svir- * ' - > - = = = - ' ' -x ijt idi- AKontlo ; Jus. II. HI ! ] & Co.'g " The Best in The World , " Orders Solicited. OMAHA , WEB mcly _ Samuel C , Davis & Oo , DRY GOODS itr > Washington Atte. and Fifth St. , ST. LOUIS , W 0. CITY STEAM speciMty of Collars Guffs , AT THB 1UTI ! OY Three Cents Etich. Woik Eollciteil from all over the country. cluirt'CH nnd return piBtnce must ac company Die package. Special rntea to larnu clubu or aceucles. 2I-tfme WILKINS & KVANS. JMTADUSIIED 1653. SIPK Sl'lUS. . AITACIIJieNT-NOT 1'ATtNT A. J. SJ MPSON , LIJADINQ CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 au < i UU 1'0'jgo Strcat , iuijr-rfinJ3oi ( OM.UH , NEB. LAKE FOREST UHYERSITY COLLEGETlarco . courKCo ; open to both AUADI5 CUislocl and Ciiglla Glicj b < col traln.nif for colfgeorbuiu FEBUY HAL-L-lcmmary Voung taJUs. Unaurjuueud In betnty end bcal hful- nl bituitioi- , and In ixteut cl tultautoirct uflcrtJ &nil thorcujlinciitt o ( tnluluy | > n. Oo Mlclnr-n. Year begtea BcpUmber 13,1SS2. Apply to PRE3T. GRISGORV , lM o FqreatJll. I