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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1882)
\ . "t 1sHE . .HAL - Lll.L TWELFTH YEAR OAIAHA , S' ' I'PG MBEIi ) I M G6 Have now in store the Largest § to- f MEN'S FURNlSh'JNG GOODS IN THE WEST , We can offer close buyers every inducement they can possibly find in Eastern mark ts , and * ave freigit , besides delay ia transportation from East ern c ties , whioh piomists this full to be a very serious drawback , on account of ael ys. Havng largely increa-ed our stock for Fall Trade , we can offer "Western Merchants G-rea er Advantages and Cios r Prices than ever before , We ask he attention of Merchants who find it to their advantage to buy where they can find the Best Sticks , at Closest Prices , getting their goods quicker , buying ofien as ther trade demands and not run the risk of carrying ov-r large stitks of goods. Call and see us and convince yourselves , if St Joseph is not your Best Dry Goods Market. John S. Brittain < & Co. , Corner Fourth and Jule Streets , opposite Court House. GIVE HIM ROPEr \ And in Sufficient Quantity to Hag Him Higher Than Gilroj's Kite. A Block Fiend eaaulls and Outrages an Aced Lady Near Brownvillo. The People Juatlv Infuriated Ov r the Brutal nine. A xormor * Omaha Miin Bndcleuly Dlspusi < l of in Utah. The Uaual Variety of Crime. Crimo. [ ) HH. BHOWNVILLR , Neb , September 2. T..CI J is excitement in tlr * city over an outrage committed upon JIra Copulitud , a wliitu woman , hvint , ' in Bedford precinct , by a negro farm hand in the employ of her husband. Th vtllniti has boon arrested. BIIOWWVILLK , Neb , -September ti. The excitement , conaequont upon HOWS of tlio outrage in Bedford precinct has partially subsided , and tliu threats of lynching the villuin hnvo boun auper- coded by a determination to lot thu law take its courao , and the fiend ru > ceivo the full punishment merited by his bullish crhuu. Thu particulars of the vile vffatr are as foil iw : The negro , whose uamo is Oloyd , left his woik in the fluid and wont to the house during the absence of Mr. Copeland. Choking the poor worn in to iiinriisibility ho succeeded in hii base design and when alio re covered coneciouauess ho niudu her prnmiao not to toll anybody , threaten ing to kill hur if ohu did lie then loft the house and then returned to his work in thoCeld. Mrs. Copeland , as eoon us &ho could collect her tered flenses , Btartud for a neighbor's house , but on the way met a couple of nit-n aud told them her etory. The men secured the assistance ot a constable - stable and arrested the bl.icn villain , whom they found working unconcern edly in the field which h > ) hud but a short Jimo previous left. lie was brought to the city and given u pre liminary examination , tlie result , of h which was his committal to j til to av.'ait thu setting of the district court. The victim of the b'aek ' brute is about 65 yeaie old. For name time past she has been in poor health , and it was feared the shock to her system would be mure than aho could bear. Bho has since iticovirtd and will bear testimony ilut will put Cioyd where ho belongs in the piniitenti.iry. BKIQK ft. ftl'S KINGDO& . CarrojpQ iduiiw ol Omh 1 ! . AMILI.Y , Utah , August 2-1. Last eprii g a > ourig innn naniedY. . B , Bo wen , formerly of Omaha , came hero with a woman who ho claimed was his wife. They lived hero quiet ly about une month when the woman got drunk , and told everyone that her narns ATM L'zzto Weir , and that she came here Irum Cedar Iljpids , Iowa , to iniiko her living as u prostitute , as alio had been doing for the last oiuht years. Bowan lull hero but returned a few days ago with some money and tried to make her quit. The woman was drunk and called on her "running mate" to protect her , since that Bowen - on has not baen seen or heard of , The women has become 11 no-orioua drunkard , making disgraceful exhibi tions of her person repeatedly to Mexicans , Indians , and nil others of that class , Bowen was a quiet peace ful mm and has conducted himself seas as to keep the rorpcct of the people. Tis thought Bowen has been put out of the way. If there is any inquiry by friends of -r bowen , addrcsa George A. Davis , Cruel Deed of a Futltor. BpecUl 1)1.patch to Tun Dn. MEXICO , Mo. , September 3 Goo. Green , eon-in-law of Major Bybos , a wealthy farmer liviug near the city , wax recently divorced from his wife , who resides with her father. To-day the children were taken to Green's homo. After placing with them some j time ho shot both dead , fired two balls into thtir dead bodies and then tied. Beiiic cloudy pursued by neighbors ho tired u bullet into his own brain with fatal tflect. Murder nnd ( iuloido Special Dltpjich to TUK linn. CHICAGO , September 3. Lira Eck- lund uud Andorron , brothers- in-law , arc employed in an iron foundry in thiu cuy. Saturday night they left the city for South Erunston , twelve miles north , to spend the hijht with another brothur-in-law , n.Miied Rand. A quarrel over BOIBO unknown cause nroeo nnd they got nil the trim ut 11 > g i'H Park , at 11 o'clock lit night. At G o'clock tlu morning Utud , hearing u shot in thi basement , went doivn , and found An demon with a bullet hole in his breast. Anderson confessed that In murdered Ejklund the night before Rand and Anderson went to tht- police B tat km. The former wont on to t > 11 the story , but when h < j cnmo nut Andereor ; was gone , " | f. tu this afternoon his body was fourd hun ini ; from a tree on the lake shore , his clothes wet showing pre vious attempt at drowning and strips of cloth strewn about showed Ander eon had mads one or two futile at tempts to hung himself before he got strip ) , torn from hair overalls , strong enough to hold hts weight. In the meantime Ecklttnd's body was found at R jgors I ark with three bullet wounds in it. DOWN SOUTH. The Drought in i-anuma Horrlblo Work of the Cutllttus m Peru. t > ] > eclal DispatchcB to THII linn. PANAMA , September 1. All heavy woik on the inter-ocean canal is to be stopped. TJio rainy season , so far , has been very jit > ht , yet it la found tin- Mi0'lit rain full impedes all work , and in low ground entirely prevents itu being carried on , The men who at tempt to work feel sick , and the men in charge of ( . ' 'ktigs say none of them can work more than three dayi n week , the balance being passed in bed with fever. Drought continues to bo severely felt in several Central American ro publics. Corn and all edibles are. ' rising in value. The governments of Nicaragua and Honduras and Salvador have ordered corn from the United States. The indiscrinato slaughter of small Carrifona and ntrocitiei committed h.ivo induced the Chilian t'ovornmuut to determine to ad jpt stringent meas ures. Rumor claiiim that among these will bn the following : Martial law to bo declared in all teriitory held by Uliilinii. f'Jicre ; ins ant execution of all who attempt the life of Chilians in garritioii ; all AlontonrroH to bu allot when captured ; all members ot Cher- rill's cnngieas and the executive to be ctpttired riid nuut to the penal settle ment at PunU Arenus ; the Chilian people , congreas and government , will pr < laim usdeflnltely incorpurdtt-.d with Cnili all territory south of the river Ole and back to Tacora mouirains , which is the dividing line botwi en the Tune department in Peru and Lulaz in liohvia ; prisoners of ar will in the future be sent to Jui > n Ktrnandea. A letter from Lima states that orders have been given by head quarters .o burn every town or village where Peruvian troops may have re ceived food or assistance. At last accounts the sloop of war Angamor t > as lying off Tombi de Mora , where an encounter took place on the ntglit of tie 28th of July , with her gunu allotted and trained on the town , In anticipation of destruc tion , all foreign residents Hod from the neighborhood. DlitlngaUbrd TonriiU. Special Dltfutth to III Il . OHICAOO , September 3. A dtstin- guised party of Eiiglishmen are in the city. They include John Prender , member of parliament and president of the Direct Cable comoany ; J. W , Fuller , secretary of the same- company ; Win. Paten , Molineaui Si. John ; Win. Booth Scott , Thomas Osborne , and II , Derby , of the company , in company with lion , Abram Hewitt , j F. F. Pnyard , and Lieutenant Com * mander Gorringe. They are on route to the Yollowetono Park on invitation of Mr. Ilowitt. Hotel Bnruod. SKclil [ DIrpatch to lilt Unit. CAIWI , 111. , Suptombor 3. The Planters' hotel was burned this morn ing at T ) o'clock. The building mid furniture are n total loan. I'artof the lower floor woa occupied by the Iron Mountain railway company for a ticket otlie ; alsj by the Pacific express com pany. Loss , $15,000 ; partly insured. Saturday n linll Game * . At OUcaijo - Boatons 7 , Chicacros 15. At BulFilo ButTalos 1 , Provi dences 2. At Sprinfiold Watch Factory Rude 19 , Ohiu gx Whitirg * G. At Detroit - Troy and Detroit game postponed on account of rain. At Cleveland Worcester and Cleveland - land game postponed on account of rain. Tlie Glntw . Bpod.l DUp.tch loTlls Ui > . UPAN. . Y. , SoptriL-Hor 3.-The question of wages between the gln 8 m.iuufacturers of the state and wurk- men has been settled and the contrao nigned. The manufactarers concede to the Pittsburg list with a reduction of 10 per cent on single thick glass , and workmen to accept the usuagea on carrying their own rolls. Work in the factories of the state will begin at once. ThASkirmishing Fund. , BpocUl Dlrjiatih to I'm UBH Ntw YOHK , September 3 , Those nuitating trie whereabouts of the Irish skirmishing fund luve appointed u permanent oommittue of investiga tion , the other commitcro not having receivid any satisfactory accounting from the trustees A Price Special DiBpVclito Tint D SJLVKH CLIFF , Col , September 3. A prize light between Billy Lynn , ( if this city , and Joe Silvers , of Albany , took plick at Robert's h.ill to-day , re sulting in u victory for Lynn , Silvers being knocked seriHoloca in the fourth round. Both men were badly pun ished. Bi > cn * Railroad TlcHoU. 1 ll p ; cti to TM Dm. KANSAS City , September U , The true inwardness of the R > iss ticket fraud is described by J Cruise , gen ! eral agent of the Bantu Fi ) road , who returned from Hannibal , bringing 000 bogni * tickets , representing an average of § 25 cwch , > lie tickets were printed by W. H Folsf m , n printer at Quincy , U , , employed by Rufo. The printlnt ! began about three months ago while Ribs W.IH located in Hannibal , Two months ego ho removed tu this city. Lint Wednesday 8 to i 1C. Hooper , general putiaongi'r toJ urjent of the 551. Joe nud , receiving aii n ; inkling , visited Fulaum und adroitly a worked the secret from him , and at t ; ( secured ! ) UO tickets which had btton in printed in compliance with the recent II ! order of Roan , together with letters of .U the latter , Folaoni protests his innocence 111 cenco of any knnwleduti nf rand in 4t the transaction. The tickets are is tl sued in the immiw of the Peoria , tlei Dccatur A * Ewinnvilln and Li'io ' Erie lain & Wojtern railroada. They rend laP between the following points ; w ICunsai City to Chuyenno , Kiiisan in Ctyto Santa Fo , St. Liuis to 8t inP .loboph , Chicago to Minneapolis , anl Peoria to St , Joseph , The tickets for both roads are tigned .1. L. Allen , goii era ! jiasaengor agent. The tickets hi have a genuine look , and are calcu lated to fool the oddest conductor. st Nothing is known as to th probable in blat number of tickets a'ready ' issued and blw used. It has been ascertained that w Unas had confederates at St. Louis athi hi lie is now in jail awaiting the grand hidi jury next week. Ho is about twenty * divi two years of ago , with a plausible tr manner , He declines to talk. No More Bloatiuc- 62 KAHT SKCOND STIIEET , 1 at FOND uu LAO , WlS. , I Aug. ; -I , H81. ) Wl H. II. WAKNKK & Co. . BIIW I Wlbt have been uaing your Safe Kidney and btwi Liver Cure for dropsy , and has helped at too very much. DANJKL YAHNKV. fo THE LION AT BEY. An Invitation to Awbi to Try BisKoyonKassassiuLook ? , ' 'he Furies of War Momen tarily Oalmed nt the Front. m The Suu , Stiud and Wnter Prove Moat Eiliciont Allies of the Rebels ! The Mlmilltrl of the Dublin Mob HivrrniM tbo Ronr of tlio Brlt- Jfth Bonitt The Police Orlslf * "lowly Subsiding Two Constnbloa Killed. DlrpitchM to Tint Itu. , , COMB ANI > XKE US. KASSASM.V , September 3 Tlie British position horn i > so furniidabK that it is hoped Arabi JVihn may tent hiBBtrongth ngiinst it. EMTRKNOIUKO TU * OAMI' . S r t.'tnbor B. Orxs In dian sovon-pouud battery has arrireti Stores are being fast brought up , t\n < l onsincors are busy cntrencbini ; th * campof dofonso. A forward ino s- , raont is daily expected. ! ' . TUB nOKTHEKN CAM' . , J September 3. Knj- liah uoluierstit Muksaroaulloruigfrom1 diarrohca nnd djBenlery , o.ilined by thu bad water in thu forts. Dodouitm continue ( intrenching their position tpt on thu Aboukir aide of Alexandria , in tptMi close proximity to the British out- Mi posts. Tlio khpdivo has given the Mim British tlio noccsairy pcrmuBion to out the dyVoa tit Mekn , thus inundat oo ' ing Murooiis lalco nnd preventing 1111 oeM attack by the enemy from thnt side. tli Experts who have been consulted fuel 1U s.nii-liod thnt the operation will not fo interfere with thu l.indn under cultiva til tion inBohrn provinces. 1) , AKXAlM Art'AIKO. h. ALBXANUUIA , Siiptuoibor , II Ad vices trom C.uro report great unxiety felt there lust the protect of police will bu unable to maintain order , do- apito his uncuuhig : ( iFtris , Tno pop ulace continuu to menace thu futr re- mainitig Europeans nnd threaten whok'H le plunder. POHT SAIK , September U. Arab ! is rol Forming u cump at buhlmy h , thus tht'eateniog the citml nnd the lirttiuh II inks.VoUiioy ! h.ia taken prec-iu iuns igatnst any movements in tlut direc nu tion. eh A ehO' AI.KXKN ' Jtensbor 'J. \es- 'M tordny ai-v- ' i . fihui given the vil.r iMiemy was' . . VVncinj ; ucrnsB Liku .r Mareotis. Siiikij tti ( < ; j Mmtinos were .rTl laudeu . o 0.iSl tut. U , b'A the iCjiui't proved to bo falso. tin tinmi ' mish AKABl'ri IIONOKAI1LK CONDUCT. sh PARIS , September 3. D lj ssops , all ipuaking to-day to n deputation ol ill 'riends , Raid he had been described ns in enemy of England and a friend of thimi \rabl Pjaha. Ho waj simply u friend mi aid defender nf a work of civilization. flu said Arabi P.mhu'ti honorable con- qu iuct in regard to thu Suez cunul ought hit en o bo acknowledged. KllfcDiVJi'K . . . TUK P.MIKMAMF.H. to lRHMAiiiA,8ept'imber3 - The omis- th < lories ot Suit in Pasha are doing thnir itmost to inform the people of Da- niutta that those who lay down thtir tei irrns will bo leniently iio.kttd. ttn ttnMI ARMS lIhCOTKHlt ) . MI It in reported that a largo _ Q > . ' ' ) f armu 'and ammunition ha's been i. butul in one of tlu inocijuus here. ' ' 3nly four pjr cent of the troops hole tlu 'In ire tick. , | eoi A TOKKIHI ! I'KOl'OHAL. ' September 't , Said Pasha prupusod to Lord J.Mf- tle < i rein to-day that Turkish tro < ] > i br kllowcd to duombjrk at Port Bn.l in. tend of Aboukir. Lord Dudcrein pc ulegrapln d LordGrnnvillo relutwo to ho proponal. It is miiltr.ttoud Hobart J 'dshtt , ehief of the Turkish udmirul i me . tad , has . pointed . out to thu porce . . . and ! D Lord Dulfdroin thu imnoaatbility 01 | 11 iaoinbirk tion at Abnikir , Rueutta lion r Daunetta. Lord Dullunen lias in-1 prc , . urmud thtj portuthat loyal iiiitlionlii-o ' t Boyroui n'ill prevent the oxporta- nili ion of iiiulea for thu Ifrllioh army. I _ l THE POLIOU STRIKE. per ffcl l Dijauh toTi > y Din. ton A HJUAllh III UK DOWN. Cr ° , DUIII.IN , ouptembir It. I'ho strike virtnutiy ended. Thu uuperinton- circA ent in un interview with thu did- JCO imaed men advised them to draw up niemoritl asking that they herein- atid and acknowledging they com- . , . iltted n brench of , diuuipline. This lemnrial will bo eulmiitted to the ithoritioa this uveniug , and there is com ttlo doubt that the men will be rein- Ivui ated with the understanding tlut i.iul leir grievances bo investigated. Sav- bu i al street robbcrleu were committed that at night. The wounds of several ri' t irtiea injured in tbu street nieluea mai ere dresaed at the hospital , but no juries of a eerious nature uro re- r ) rtod. in a , rOUNDINQ A CONHTABLB , tion About I ' )0 fourteen persona tvho wore ounded in the street I'uhta i > ro in the | "pj capital , Five huiured special con- ' ables were Hworn in to-day. The ob to-day attacked a epeciul ooruta- red i e , The latter tired three ihots und now oundod a man , Thu mob thereupon will win tempted to lynch the constable , and uidlod him BO roughly that hu will By o. To-night thu mob became very opp oloti' and wai charged on by the nipi oops. Several persons were wounded. ItOlKllI ON CONBTAIILKH. L DUIILIN , Suptorabur 3.-In George Hva root to-night a tram oar in wliioh a fttn iccial conbtablu had taken refuge , Bull at wrecked by thu mob , The pun- oitii iat Forester lias arrived at Dingiton , has hero disorders are apprehended. The to t ithorities will advertise to-morrow niot r rceruito. This action ia believid purl ' . < indietto Hint the dismiwed police men ' will iirt bo reinstated. At II o'clock this morning the Mreeta were much quieter. .U.L QtTU.T. lrni.ij. ; Septcmbi-r 'J. MinsiotiT Tim crowdn have uVp.'r > d nnd the t 'els nrt < unli-t. The soldier * have bean withdrawn. The mi morial from tlio dlMiili-at d policemen asking for iiiBtnti < iiu > nt 1ms b.ien signed by 1U7 of tln > 231 disinifchd nion. Miscreants to-night plncod n dirty tin box on the head of the bronzt utuo of King William III. Thi trindoirn of iho College ( ron tele graph station have been broken. H. It , U gunboat Forester , lien nt 'ho custom house dock , not far from Sio svillu street. 8CRNSS IN DUIlLin HATU1UUV JtMlIT Dt'iiMN , Sip'umbur ' ' { Thu CIIBIS in the pollen atriko was reached jes tordny , when the .loUce , almost en tire , numbering 1.17o men , refuted to do duty. The force ha * been i > c > - tuting n gratuity of throe months' ex tra pay , linnlar to the royal Irish Jtmstiilnilury. A mooting w > > s held on [ < \idny nihi ; to sot forth thu men's inevancun An order wns afterwnrd mated that nny man nttonding nn- ther meeting would bo nt > nco di iiiasod. Anottiur meeting WHS held t night. Tlio men who attended , Ul in number , were dismissed thin uunii'i ; . This arbitrary step wns nmediatoly followed by Iho entire > rco refusing to go on duty. At 'i 'clock in tlio afternoon thu lord outunnnt issued a proclamation call ig lor apxoiul countable * , and np uniting the time and plncu where icy could bo swosni in. When the IIHM spread throughout thu city the tcitement booumv intenso. The up j.irniice of comuAiiiw of soldier * , ho hint boon o 1.1 e red out to tnke lu pl co of chit p'ilioi > , did not mend uttun. . The lord' mayor culled a lacul meeting of t'ui ' corporttwn to 'TitiiikT the gravity-of Miu Mtuition. nny of the diauiured man , witb eir BjnipUhmiijf cumpimoUBen - , u.'ching throughrio ) atruetii , llotvid by crowdd uf > nivghs , ch or- \-j. \ nd liowiintr. iVlt placev of iti _ : eiA were closed : \l , ( . very Oiuly mr. mr.Darly in thu f vcninfj the ? men who ipied ( Kent nieinor l to < the ooClu In pieusin deep reirroi M thkir neMoii , , d respt'C fully nhkin > Lur Spencer cctiMiler thuir cue. n-rcV Spunccr pied ttiHt if they refjrneci to their tli ity their case would re- I * ivu tliu fullest ootit-dunuion. A Wi unher of iu. < n roturiu'd tothuin peers , Wid d n lurgu proportioit of thu muht III liefsro on du'y , Tliu rotult un- > atjoiiiibly auvod the city from juts of noting. At midnight the cityw.vs in the exited stnte. 'i'hu luiliUry : ir/sd / on . thu . mob nnrroumhng tbii . r * * i Connell statue and cleared the npot : ) OB3ij of polieeniini on duty Al Sack- llo otrcot mudu friUitit [ clmrgut in dur-to clear the Hideu of'tho Blrt'etn. u lora was much utono throw ing. S .v n' ' svuro" ' iu ju < rriuudud and jji iniber of arrests made. Both thu ilitury and police uere. hooted , Inn owed great foibmtrauco. It ited'that the police hr > vo uxpruniud I In uir deturmiiution again to i throw oil'I IMS uniforms Monday if thu dis hi sued nion are not reumtati'd. in Lord Spencer madea diplomatic and IK ieting speech la < t night to thu npe IK.hi il conntablea. lie iijiyvnled to al .hi 7-abidmg men to support the gov imont in this cruis. liu promiBed | be favor the specials in every nay fo . . ir fiervices. Ctit'ern for the speaker in oted thu conchihion of his talk , tu It in auted that in thu event of ro nm not bun n , ' niado with the airhor 400 or f > 00 polieemni luvo artu iged to sail In a special steamer to m : iietiHland. The men nay thnt 000 a in of the royul Irish constabulary Fi ve refused to doduty in Dublin , and u it they hnvo received u telegram on th part of thu entire body ol the th iBtubiil.iry staling they would not tu ; duty in Dublin while difficulties of to i motropulilmi forces remniii unset- nil , | J. A IE ERAL POKEION NEWS.ut ) I Weji itthoi to 'I Hil linn. ltz : " ' ' riiR corroN ciuii- . \I.EXANI > IUA , Si-nti'inbor y. A atu uting wax held Friday to consider in At i position of September and Ojto- wli eontiactH for cotton and uecdx. It i buiin found impomiible in the f ( > ! till ment state of the country to nmkii tillUl ivories in those montliH A com Ul tee if the principal murcliants and WAS formed to uncertain the , ot ponition of the market und ro ipl t within fourteen daya , N w oot- 'ea bu arriving now , but thu nt i of 1882 is behind and deficient l ll to tin ) nbajnco of labor und irriH , " ion , Under the mnct favorable j' } ' ' . iumntunof B a largu deficiency is ex- ted. " "I pel TDK KUllWH'I JUCIIKI.I.ION. ! ml hepleinber 3. i Purdiuu L-mtMBaador having pru .t ted to thu p rte u liotu proposing .tle i ibined milttiiry aution Hgninst the hu i rdipii Chief Oboidnlluh , the porto huJ ttnit the me.'jauro proposed would nv ittrndod with m 110)1 ) dilliuully , but wai ; Turkey would do its utmost to en r.-tin Obmdulliih from acting in a inor hoatili ) to I'urani. yiUNOl ! AM ) KNULAND. 'AKIH , September 3 The Totnpa , Ul n article on the E vptitn ( juea- on i , maintains that the British ox ra ition will benefit France oven eu ) than England , and continued ; 10 awakening of the power of m ; lund proves that Europe i nut tin need to thu leadership of ono nl or Germany , This eircumataneo roi benefit none so much us France , ; ep cl la thu national ally ol England , IK : separating from her wo afford an In ortunity to Germany , \thoao out- op jtonco can only bo opposed by an in jlo-Frencoullmnci.1 he A LHAIIUK KNVOf. uti IONDON , Suptembur 51 A. M. Sul- t n , latu meinbur of parliament , and er ily , sailed for Now York to-day , r livau will lecture in the principal iel js on the condition of Ireland , lie lei with him an illuminated address vc .ho mayor of Chicago from the hu 1 nbers of the Irish parliamentary y- 'ec THE DAYS OF slien Linn Left Family , Honioaiiu Friends to FUht tbo Ra tion's Battles. A. Pnnorauia of Those Dork Duyo Unror Bnphtfr Skieo on the Prairie. The Glories ot the Grand Army at Grnnd Island Briefly Skotche . Jnokmtv Hatteriox , Main Monltort , Drocir Jtrmlf > K nnit Mnrtlnl filmic. Tun Htorlo3 and tjoiuo of thu "Wftr. 'prct'l Oorro xnl"nce ol The U . OAMI * Lvoxr GKANH INLAND , jptember 2. The econei and iuai- lotits of thu ronniun of Nebraska vet irAiin of thu war , tlu- has just olcoad , will no7ur bo forgotten by who were fortutmto enough to thnni. The grounds Ufcn which Iho en- i inipniunt wai located are ndmirably daptod to military umnouvrus and the ports of nliiim wirfnrj. Luvol and lauoth' RB n b irn 'Jior ) , thu tented -Id wro laid out with skill nnd pro- ision info great iqtitros , BJNICIOUB av nues ! id reeli r.iohAtint ; in every iiectiom Thu ( UO ir'nto tenU nnr- Linndin itho gr.ind pavillioua und din- nInillei covered nw\rly : ns muoh round jur-.k aiuall city , Tlioiuvinda of i.una oorvred the prairio- all around ID camp on thu oiltuktrtB of Qrund ilaiiil , und'o [ xirficr htreain of oinni- uaof , exprtnu wagons and vehu-Jes of /ery di-hccplio ) ) kept ruining bick id rorth between the cuy. und thu imp. 1'u thu voisraut who had shared the mlships of'iicmu ciiinpufjiiinir thu inu pniBont'jtl 11 rather : urMico. Thuie WHS much * o rewind iuuf , army htu luwl n g ted deul more ut made thnuhaut Uutlo giotind up- iar Bumewb.ib rxliculuus. There i-ro thu Buntineln .1110 hurryinu' or- tiliun , there ivi-u * JfineiB on hoiauand uut in their llt-.i y umformn , them uro drunid niri/lifua und hniBi < biitidH martul miiiic , but tlurn w.a pn > mi8ciioano3fl ubcut thu cimn and 10 tenio mit'lu soldiering uppear Ko rx > > 'it pl.ty. H'ure wivs thegiiizy .unled Vctuin'jj mtber wo > : e lor o.vr , with hln ihiddlu-nged wife , in buxom duughtura bouncing ) j-8 , x.nd eiuenli < ig inf.intry nil tout- . i ig in luxury , luBtt'itd ' ot hiird uck , I ! " 1 sowbelly , r. < l army beam , , the j * " nui > ioitcl : ivarri.dru wctu buiu fed I' " i tlio fat of ttfj l nd in i itli their wiveo and children. & ; Thu Hohlier'orulow had thror o Bt jr mourning and put on the lutca ; ony. Tlio gnl the soldier left be O'K uid him when hu went to war hui K urried a homo guard , who was her inw jw sporting the title of colousi o w inerul und telling terrible tales soon nitl H bloody expurtunce. tl : From tint to luit thu reunion hai ri sen grutitl succun , it is not on ! . & : all odds thu moot extensive gather J , g of war vetinina that baa eve : buG ken placu in Nubraaka , but in every G npt'cv u very creditable alluir , to Tiiu opening day was rather blua II ring und sun my , but during the ru in Hinder of the week thu weather was IKJ pleasant nu could bo wished for. 01Tl r rom sun rum till midnight there wai Tl uonatant stream of people Uimitif ro rough the atrcetn and iivenuea o th e oiicampinent Uu Thursduy .if rabi rnoon fully 'JO OOU were aaHembled bi D witnuHS the ( ilium buttle and th InSi val engagement on thu broad pnuriu , Si sod fort had bean erected tu rupre th ut Fort Blunter , hulf n dozen how. Cl ura had been mounted on the battle 01 intii and u luttory of light artillery thW ' itionod within uuay ninge , tuado thu W id Ily right and left , until Major feiUi iduruon was compelled to homt the Ui nto tUg and mutolled out of the ub t with nil the honors of war and oh i flag 11 } ing , vthilu lieuuregard took I'J : neealon. Fliu naval engagoniont took place at ; ht , in id pruht-'iited a miiet uttr.iativo 'IV jotaulo. A htigo woollen etructuru , behi vmbling tliu original Monitor , and hi leiiiousiy niounted wheelu 101 on , went oiigh a llerco bombardment , ( icry ilia illuinin.itod tiiu bky and ox ided with terrilio force , and thu .nk fihotn directed at the Monitor tea de the ve.T.el fairly reel , Tiiu pro- 'M ; ling force , down in thu hold , win u no rot mulesand General Minduraon 01 ru public oxpreaaiun to his surprise .v ) : tina murvul of Jni'dorn warfare hud mien jaokuas bjitorius during t v war , but never a mule Monitor. if \purt from ihu flpiciuculur eport ifse ) irded by theao mimio battles , there he i i inucli to amuau and in- n I tut thu spectators. There were IKI liteen brass bands on thu grounds , tii aouraing iniibiu and the pavilion 'or i ehaUing with ringing ipeechua , 'orur noroua war otorlea and patriotic 10 gs night and day. The 5,000 No- > in sku veterans that took part in this hr nion were marcliing and counter- nil I rching day and uight. Nearly all iti I rallied . 'ound the various state rit ridarda under which they had TO lated and served during thu wur , ail ufly every state in the union was nu resented. Iowa , Illinois , Ohio , hu liana , Now York , Fonnsjlvania , huJ ishlgan and Wisconsin were each all reaentod by from two to uight Ca idred veterans. The enrollment of : on 00 Boldieru formed one of thu inost rd [ treating features of the reunion. rda brought together nuw who had a vod in the satue regiment L'hi coiapanr on many a gory wit d whu hkd never met linoo the he 1 no of the war , and were not aware ) in that their comrade * were still in ra land of thu hying , These meet- : \ raa \ B and recognitions were very lif wtl ting , From eighteen to twenty r had wrought such a coftploto yo . 'Holr appearnnco that many cJinngo In , -.niza each other were unable to tev-0 ' -1 then until they were introduced , .a. . . . they fought their battles over again , oiu over every incident with in- t , * o emotion , and cloning with a ton. recital of what had happened brief > war. At night the camp Binco tin surrounded by thousands tires were < m and children , listen- of moil , wom d patiently to the ing eagerly m of bloody on- bio recitals and nea , and counters on 'jjnd lalriotio iionti- cheertng lustily every , 'orously oror incut , and laughing hois. haps and stories that pictured inik i0 { nn ( blunders of the hoys in bli | when the 0 , A , K lenders atrui Up an army song thousands j jinrd in . > chorus with unbounded enthuslftivn which ro-echood over the prairie for many miles. Among the nil cresting relics vahibitod at the cnmp was a sword thnt had boon worn by an offi cer of the continental army At liunkcrr Hill. Hill.Gen. Gen. Thajar commandant of the camp was highly complimented by everybody for the splendid order nd discipline that wns maintaintd under his direction llii opening speech wns applauded1 by the voturana-os a , stirring nppenl < to putriotiem and loyalty. To General Tlnyer and his cfficien nids the success of the reunion i largely duo. The rniliinry reviews and dress piradcs under the command of General Frederick1 are spoken of by ( tiera of the -era regular army ns de cidedly incompinibVnnd considering the brief time for organizing the vct- L'rans , General Frederick cvrtainly ha * tllown estriiordinmy tnct. E. 11. GOBBLED BY * GOULD , L'le "Old Koliablo" Hannibal & St. Joe Taken ioOatof . the Wet. Statcmouftj'Uy iccial I ) Hiwtcn ti' IIM linn. ST Lou IK , Svpseinbor 3Tho - ro- ort fjom Now York published hero tis morning that Jay Gbuld > nd iundo-2mvo bought a controlling- - ircBt in the Baiinibul it St. Josopli ill roads And thnt the line VMS-to bo icorporatrd into the Wiibttah'systoin , itiued poimiduRtbio comment in r il- md c-rclca to day , und various pinion.i were eaprewed by jiti'eront f itiiiiuls , Rome regarding it no n atosk > hbmg ojieartivu , while othorucon - durud it1 a legituiiuto trnns.iutaon and no c.ilctilAtext tivbu of great value to ID Wiih h nyuh'ni. John C" Gault , CD pruaident ofi the Wnbas hy in an iterviewKaid hu bsil recei\vd- ilormatioii concurni g the rupurtod rniiKactiom ? Jb di < ] not , hurrm-ft gird tt improbable. The Hannibal St. .loo people h.'ivobeen ; > nr.i.u to jll , and thu road has been uxaaitned y reproat'ivtativoa of Mr. Gouldi Ita innectioiui are important , bt-ing JiiiBiis C.ily and Ut Joe on the west , nd Hannibal and Qimcy on thaeoot , ith Bomo hitenil1 teodera. If eo do. inel ; , it will fit on very well with 10 Wabaah Byatmi nnd will bo , aBO - OIIH loss to-tho Chicago , Burlitiqton Qjiney , a * thnt system reucheni-St. no nnd Ivitnuas City over the Iltuini- il. In reply tou question , Mr. ould naid that tha Ohicau'o , Durllng- in it Q linoy'a nrzan temoiit witk'vtho & St Joe railway was i-ulo lust year , but M r. lUalt Iviincod no opinion whether not it would bo openitivo. ho Chic I/jo / , Kosk Island & Pacific inches ICanias City over n portion of to lliinnibal &iSt. Joe , but the nr- iiigementts no fuir that it will hudly diiturbod , The transaction will uvu an important bearing on tno DUthwetfurn railway association , in its wtiy : The H.innibul & St , Joe Hints M ono line'in tint pool , and the Incago , Burlington & Quinoy , uoinij 10 Biuno route , counts it us another , 'ith the Hannibal & St , .loo trans- rred t < i thu Wabaah and the Chicago , urliiigttiii & Quinoy arrangement irogatcd ) there will be material iinui-s in the division of huaiueaa. 10 Chicago , Burlington A Quinsy if privud of its llunnibal & St. Joe nneinttm will atill have Miagouri 'er oonnectiona , but they will not BO direct. Its Denver route is by it Burlington & Missouri , and will t be affected by thu mutter. 11AJUIOA" TllAKFIO. Vicn President Gault , of the Wabaah item , ft ; speaking yesterday , of the LSOII of activity in tratllo juit open- und the great corn crop to bo ivod , estimated thu buaineas , to bo no by the southwoaturn roads and at tire known us the Oiiuiha and tifu't City poola , at four tune's what Vds year. In the wottern part loivu there ia a corn belt miles wide , embracing Missouri slope , which -ill yield the uyuregato more c mi this year in it has uver done before * Indeed s in that section that loivi depends its showing of inaizo , the eastern t of the state having gone moro andre ro into dairying and i-raiiiig. The nilm line of thu Wabaah passoa ough the heart of this corn bell , this year will bo ita.ftrt opportu- y to show its real value as a con- julor to thu Wabaaht system. The * p wae so light last year that the , Lroad carried to many points oa eh corn us was skipped away froai , mi. VIr. Gault said he had recently , kud with westeJij merohauta from , IIBUB City and thur points , uaiiall iiuionted on the vapid inoreiuo of lera as oomparod- with thu aujlnojs , twelve mouth * ago , and tl Wa- . ih is already foaling the iwpntua. , 0 earning , are $500,000 , weekly th 1,000 miles of road. TtirougU country whore the movement of porn crop ia great , the ittmrsrf l < io of that portion of the lyntom , w contributing ooinparativoly tutlo , 11 materially add to tha njyoauo n , Uouco.