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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE ATDAY , SEPTEMBKK 2 1882 HONEY FOR THE LADIES New French drones nre short In th skirt. Hrnntp nnd crimson fonn a fathionnbl combination. Crnshcd etrawbcry Is n favorite Mi.idi this Summer. n lingolo * will be much worn during the ( ail nnd wlnt r. . Continuous rows of foiitiche brAld trltr the new cloth jacket * . Small bonnet * And large round hats nre announced ( or the next teuton , The new tbade of royal cardinal proin < ises to b a leading color thin ( nil. KngH'h glove * hate a small pocket In Uie | mlm for holding tllvcr change. Shoulder ca , en nf gulper lace ara the moft stylish black fichus now worn. The newest ribbon * for trimming are \el- vet on nne aide nnd corded like nlcilienno on the other. ( Slovcs nro im long as evr , and the tin- colored variety nre "till woin with full at ening dress , 1'laln velvet Is now considered much Warier" than that which It ribbed , bro caded , or striped , Theold fnshlono'l dolman mantlet with pointed nidra l revived for a jaunty wrap for walking and traveling titltM. Co/iucs' plumes nml nmsll bird * will ri val u-trich f altier * its trimming for An- tilln hats that nro half of MiHetand half of ttrnw. Pepper nnd rnlt mixtures , mutllcd clothi , and timiifund KtripcH nnd plnkln nre tlio rule In the new woolens for I row * . Hggs within cgfl and rings wllhln rln will ixi mure fai-hionikblo.ln the ntwaulun goods thu polka tints and tiiiion HIO woni at p eiient. "Alan w.m . made to rmmrnand woma hen MI blei-o her w made to nttciit .Satittilay Matinees and Illrt with the bni bad actors. Frankfort Herald. Wool embroidery In brMit red shaded la the novel ornament of largo | unr crowned straw hah Imported for Into sum mer and fall weir In the country. Ucpt > ed plunh , resembling cnrdiiry , I mcd for fikirU nf checked wool tliowcs impiirtod from London. Dark rod suits o plush nnd cloth aiooiy fnthlonablo Black velvet , ilr ! | > cd anil boudetl grcna dine , worn over a abort underskirt of p nin black velvet , makea nn elegnnt summer toilet for H cool evening nt tint Hoanldo. Take * a woman for Ingenuity. A Cleveland - land girl who had n new bonnet she wanted to thow contrived to get herself culled IIH n witncxD on a cnao the knew nothing about. 1'olntcd shoos of velvet , matching in iihapo the laced ones uf kid now Keen up on the promenade , having the IOOH covered with au embroidery ol gold nnd tilvor licad * . They nro laced over the inntep with gold or ullvcr cords. A fashion Itim says the belle of the per iod i.tiw ncarn ut her waitt bolt u little music bin , faintly pUymg n dingle tune Woftuiipiipe this is toinuble the gtnlleuinn to explain to anybody who comes aloir'iin- o.ptcleiily , that ho wan winding lliu box. haco llumicci nnd frills , and ft I HO muslin embroideries , look well when placed o\er thin coluroil muitriiilimich IIH baliitu nnd fndiii muUiij. Tlio tonu given by tho-o reiiil-trannp'iroiit fabrics ii niiich morudel- Oi iciti : than wheru ni.k U employed ax H OiSi /onndatii.n. SiT. A woman bathed In ft red llanncl costume T. . nt Kyo lunch tlm other day , anil n , unrin A neighboring field madu n dive fnrhui , IIF and lor u time tliero was mom curf th ! ! F , Neptune hud provided. They Imd to kill the ! in Iho safuly T < cow in < nior got woman back to Imr bath-house. II IISr A bold , bad man in Wnlrp , n defendant Sr in a recent breaili nf promiru rare , mlnilt- Jl , ted tlmt hu hnd kixsod tlio giil nnd lli t hlio r-at on bin knee , b'lt hu would not call W It courting , us ho had trcatrd moio than WTi filty filrlii in the FIIUIS manner , unit Unit Ti they liked it. Wheic nro homo of the ra- TiH cords ol our gilded youths , nuw ? H A New York biulncpH linmo IH trying II the experiment of liirnlHliing UH nhop iiln AC'ip of but ten \ Ith thdr dry dully luncti- Ii con. A paper of Unit city Mi gcstH tlmt IiYc this bit ol kincJiiewi loultn trim the fuct Yc the rtrcet car rompunies found out nevenil years ngj tlmt it would jny to fend thilr Id. botBes well. 1'roliably it ninkuN no differ- J cnco why if Ibo girl * only get their If" r " * The Wow York fxidner sBlts ; "Is n mn.1 W to h deemed insntie becAUiu tie UMCH jhu girl to wh mho l eng Ked in nn ( iitliii- A i simitic and luilitmiiiHiiuinncil" Wo i-lioiild eay IKI , miphaticallv. The foot that ha is Ai eng.i ed to n ( ilrl I" nn inthiitbhliu und hoi toroim iimnucr lioulil not Oipiixo liim AiTl of ihu right to klsiher , any til-mi lli nlf Tl he had engaged hlniMilf to ii quiet nml or derly manner. Ni.riittown Huia'd ' , TlH Honm < f Iho HOW iiiuumn wulking costume - A tume i f tweed urn decidedly iiiiucilllnu in atylc , i-bowlng u whim uiidvr-w.ilhtonat , uutiiwny coat , fault nod Just I elow thu ol rnt with nne Imtti n , n Hliindini ; o.illur with round gold collar-lmltbu , and linen cuffH held tiiKtthiT by huge gold linkH or luuo culMmlttiii" , nnil , crowning nil. jaunty 1'nglUb ' , low-cro iinl tleri.y lint , dtivnid nf trimming of ny Bort. Mnny Kim l.b f.lrU go u ktvp ( urtber than tiio YunUtu girl UatcK to , nnd c.irrya slender cb ai > cam- . Autumn travolliiiRdro'SBs of line wool lens immrrfiw ' | i ir''Btrlpui > , mn II clu'clc- , and heft hi iiiiiigsof color mooiy coiiimo U fuut , trimmed with u multltmlo of Hinull button' , eStber round or Hut In nlmpi' , inother-of-in-trl being n fvoil o vnncty. Thn very fathloiiablu "BO ! l.i.itunueted' fabrics nro further biubteneJ by many gold Imttons , the > e forming Iho HOO | trim ming , till eo row * of them being placed down the front of lh drcim , a il fill very closn tn ftllfr. Wide ntrl , edv. . ollcnn In rich Oriental colorli g' , aUo tnk high rank In the pre ent fuihloiiH , nil lea'llrg IIIIUSCK In thv city having n remarkable cholca of them 'I'hiy uro as fiudiumublt ) In udk as in oilier nmterUU the tlilferfiiue only be ing that the nili > H nru In delicate nlmdos , thu wcmlltim In darker , richer tones. It njipcHiH tlict If nynung genllomau nnd lady go out toyithfr thry iiuuto iinu hi mo thu fimiuduy , ' ulu-rwli-u theru i * tiou * lo. A uoupli * , lit a WIno imlu hummer resort , went hunt riding , dvbarked on nn ItUii-1 , hmt tholr biut Hiidwniu out idl ) iin-ht When they reiurnul Ihu young latly und her mother redinul to lo tlia ynnn man ill > I IIH IK xt day lelt thn pluce Mls < fiity , of llrnnlfljn , nml Mr. Mill * , nf New York , wuut to Limit Deiich onu nfirrnonn. They mirsrd the luht Ir.iln by which they could g t homo lin > t night , und found no other uay out nf ilia dilli ulty tlun to not married Immediately. That wnsvhitl they did Two othi r couple * , one In Cieor- giiiiuil tlio . Ihtr In Ihe Hwiw m 'iiiiudiu , WITH caught < u ihu uaiiio way. but , ii'il wmitlug toirnny , Ihvy Jldn'c. Tliogos alps inudu Ufa uiicon fortublu fur them , however , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r < OONNUBIAL1TIE3. MiK < Kdwi'ua llootb , the daughtvr of IMwiu liuuth , m to marry a Newport gen- tleiimti this fall , ThHtntement made In several papeu receutlv that JIlM Melgi ; * , daUKhler of Ceuer l Melgnii , i engaged to Mr. Archl bald 1'orbc * , ls authorltutivoly denied. An KnglUh judge held Hint a yonuBlnmn oho walked hou o with n girl and ald ho hoped Id * wife would have just nuch n ll.p as he had wim iu"ty of _ i > rope < ing mar- ria e. Von Uulow , the great plmM , U about to marry n woman unmet ) Marl * Aiimlm Kutliuune .h'U'l'lia Hcllu zer.lientliH Udy add. Yon llulow khu will l > e nrtgular ' . A l y i'f ix und a lrl of two , at IJ ! lardville , Nebranka , ure mated for iimrrlogi by their pireuU , who ha\e M-iml an agreement lli > t 'he wedding until ! take place in the year 18U7. Wlniiimucc. , King of tlm 1'Julw , w uiatrled the nthtr day In Nevada to n nriiite ii of hU tribe. According to tradl- tion he U thu l&Villi monarch of hU Hue , aud tracrt hi * li'Pg buck to the time whtu Jlumboldt Valley wa a lake. Uridegroouii who f ll to atfud the \red- aiufi have bteu nuiueroun cf late in the northwest. When utrargfr Is fean wit , a "stecr-cauRht-ln-lho-g-rden e pr" lori , h may be fet down on M a nor'hwesten ' cscaptd bridegroom. Courler-Jonrnsl. U isn't often that a couple Is manied It three lanRiiAgpn , but at a wedding in f'lcrti land , O , one day last week.'he JmtW performed the ceremony in lln IWi anij Oermai , the i rlderepond' ' in II .hemian , and the groom answered in Orrman. i Catitaln ( Scorgo Kowltr Hadaway , K ) , A. , of the Uritith army , rec.n ) y hat way of his own nnd marred Lady Ai r Orenvillp , aecond daughter i.f the Duke o | lincklnRham and Chando- . The I'all Mail Oazptte mnKratulBtes the nohlen/an tiXii | hli marriage with to distinguished a com * monrr. i A German advertises In R Hcrlin papeir for a wile exactly rcsmnbllng l-i looks ami character th < heroine of anew and popular no cl. If ho ma rics all the young womn ] who think they answer the dercillitlon dq will havn to move to i tali. ' Sir W. Owen , lawyer , c lontl on Sir ; Garnet Wolseley's t If , was married , saysi n I/mdon corre-pondent , ju t before leav-i ing Knxland , to the youngest , and , it may ] bo added , the best-looking daughter , .f . Mr. ilostph Moses Levy * ol the Dttty Tel- | egraph. The marriage of Mr. Wllllim Hunt , son of the ex-Hecretary of the N vv , In Ml s IJcttrmlo Upshnr , daughttrof CommodorH Ul < shur , who Is etat ( ' > ried at the Ilrooklyn Nary-yard , is nnnoiince.l for the 3lft in-t The ceieuiony will inkc place In i'linity church , onllro'klyn llelghls , Mr , Hunt Is engaged In huslncus In Montana , An elderly gentleman of Htntin , Mon tana , the father of Katie Mitirorty , learn ed that his daughter Intcnde i to elope w | h , T ) lm Cleary \Vc-incid y ovculng. K r- ly that e\enlni ( he took his blankets and prerMJ n coinfortablu bid under hli bugt y ivhlch hn oxpcctnd the young people to .ako. Ho lcit | roundly the whole night .hrough , mid In the mornl K found the hug- [ yovcr him safe. Hut the young | > eopio lad t ken another buggy , and were quietly iiarricd in Jiodlu the next day. Sometimes It's hllse , and sometimes It lu't. OACar Y. JUInes , of FalrlicH , la , ged about 22 , was n rival Miltor with a ilnfstor for the hind of MUs I/ewcllyn. ie heat tlm preacher at wooing , and the tdy becnmu Mrs. Knlnen. lint inntcad of ittling donn to the regulation hlisi of the : ) neyincKn , and chuckling over the dls- imhttire of the minister , ho became un- ippy and at the end of a few weeks the tlr parted. Un SumUy the bride refused nco him when he called , and he idiot meclf. The girl nhonld marry the cachcr now. Mls < Ixirch and Mr. Launt , voung poo- o of Delaware county , Now York , tmyn Jtocliprtor ' for tfij 0 I'oit-KxprosH , met st time at a socliljlo the other night , icy fell in love nt first sight. There was .otrotlml , and that Hiitno night the girl nt home , entered tliohimio ut ono of the ndovw , and unknown to her parenln , Aired her bridal costume mtvlo In nntlu- ition of her murriago to another man - 1 walkud to n distant town with her new er , and tluy were married before morn- ; nt bin boijic. I ! ' rnwollnj ? Man " si in Ihocjovuled cnr Is ho to offer U IrAfulliiK man , unhouored und un sung 0 itoat ho paid for , to HOIIIO woman youug , old untl wrinkled. Ho Id first to proffer trilla from his " " netliing a "rauipleii" maybe ploasu the fiincy of Iho crying baby. lifts the window nnd ilro ) H the curtain r iiuniieuHtomed liundH , lie lends bin "cue" make n bolster for n child , not certain t it'rf mumnu will frown him in thu face Anxiously tome women Book for danger dl every c.urteoua acl of every ttrnnger. 11 versed In he In nil these ways condu cive comfort uhcro lenst comfort can bu loiiud. 1 little dcctUof thoughtfitlmim nboiinds. turns the feat iimakcd , jit unobtru nc sive ; glad to ploaco you , or to ha\o you pleoco him lukoj it very cnlmly If jou fieezo him. ncr hn tmootliB the .Tovc-liko frown of the official r 3" y.l.5Llll.0Jftl2J.f ; ! ! 1i.9rhp.n'VTfflrifoi ( ' } vv I "Illri , " of Ojurite , if you 10 Inclined In thtt wuy hu 1 , it > ou arc , Lo auro that he detects you 1 , if jou'io uol , bo euro tlmt he rc } Horr'iwu of the moving world him ; never lailti to lent ) what aid he can. hoiHBiid limits tu-duy luve > o to likmhiin , Is mucli ubuicd , mliiisi'd "C 101111. rchu " mini ; n nut ntiivo to cast a hulo'round him , m t Hpe.ik of ( dm pita Holy IM I'vu foiinil ni ULI.A WIIKKI.KII. w SINGULaKlTlBS. fo I'ho laniotiH bh' trees of California are y Hhriihs. AuotrnlU c.ime.i . lo the front .n \egutnhlu giowth t 0 fuel Idgh and ftet in circtimleienco. , Ullford , MUHS. , but a fat liny named Irio Chepdelnliii' , who in lite lent eleven IICH , Mivt-iitevii ye HH old , holds out iilty . thoiiHuiid h\o hundred Fi ilidtf , ralen \ iiiiilu on u lifting machine , and \velgln br u hull Ired und tight-live poimilo. hipu \u attempt IH about 1 elng mailo to cult- ! CO pu le oytteiM lu IJ rent Salt Idlte. Six fu MiHaiul toedlliiK" ulll bo forwarded by II M 0 inmi > idoiior IducUfor , wh i ban no ulit of a Mitl-Uctory irnulvif pioi | r bed i bo found "here thu iiilnutuanimal llle , ca on whlih the young oyatuis feed , uui bo In mil. tin Probably tlio oldctt stove in life In the lied Hiatus i < ona out up in thd C.ipltol tw Kicliimmd , Va It was maile In JCt > g IT id nnd unit In Iticlimoiul in 1770 , nnd th .lined . the hoiuu of IturgespeH fur Hxty th"I in l-eforo It wan removed lulls UICMMII ; jlii'fiheiu it hai rtmulntd fur thiny 41 d. I'rom lliB itlti'itlscmoiitiif a Xiw York in n the Bhiiwni. n' ttktaintir , the Ud . r , uu ImJ in lliu iimrtia piiuuf Miulift lt\u ones to le as iollo\ti > : ) < 'rH h nkiM , eight fei-t long. SSO ; nine feet § 10 ; feu , iiO ; 12 feet , 975 ; II fiet , § 10. ii * Ii uu ill nulling it nolo i.t dy eu'ry. Jy who Is fond if pcta , \ eye Onu of the lini'st lulivo gemi Unu lui' ye .coverod In tliU couutry in on evl.ihltlon llaugor It id n r.rrcn tniiiiimline of enAi ro beauty nirl I'crl'icliun. ' lt\v < uf uud Ai [ ewdaynogo nt Mount Alioa , mnl IIUH tu it been cut \eteraulapiilury of lt > ii- pr ii' An ua enitil of IU i/o and nrfuo- ofmi m l-i extremely rail * , If not unknuwu , mi What h jld to IM > the large t II i cb Anuiifa I "inn lo be laid in front of li , nn HUiurl'M h.U8o lu New Vork C'lty , Theme to mo lueiwiitea trtcnty.slx feettlv Inclies fifteen feet nine Inches , Is nine Incheu Id ; , aud wctrhs murly TiO.OOO pounds. fn wan cut In Sullivan county nt the same tarr.V from which caiuo Mr. Yandfrbllt'ii inwi pat llnystoue. It vras drawn by eUjli- wiHi m horaei to It * distillation. Hi \ mtx-enbor to the oyater , tb Fxtintlnn HiFI which U from time t time prixllctetl , B been found [ u Wn-hlngton territory , FI tlm whnpe of a hugu loft-nhell i lam. The w ftaplrant to gnsirtuioinii ( a\nr , when g out "f iln home , Ii p.dd to nu'iiiblo u i In imp duck The oilmen .if tl > e thrllaru I' I mrrtted by a broukt of ll hblob Incut . .oelicornlu'd in meiil , i.nd Irio.l tlio vor being oqunl to the lu' t UM.UTthllo ) meat it very tender mid juicy. II IIII 1'hu chmipnuziM' . ! fiom Hum I.BJUO ( II arrived lu New Vurk etc duh a week go 7c i now nt houio to vlilt " m tlie / lolo- r I ill ( Jan' * ! ! at I'hlladelihit. As their re uiei , Topitv and M'Hy , luliejte , they tat i of the Hotter > ex , Itoth ar J..UUK , | , ut illy l * tlll entit'ed ' tu U < > ailed a baby , ey are amatinnly intelligent , utui uu- lasautly lUu the huuihu fundly In looku \ \v ) b. Their chkf dlvcrmtioin aalde from flirting with tlnltom. are eailng b anai * nd tea log n or ug.ont ng whl shares thMr caie. and is stuped in U nos that he does nut even iVmonstra wiien they rob him of his blanket. 1.,1 ° * "t'1 of 'cr < n or ' 'I tlt differ * kinds of frog. , am ng which tte leopar li'Ckirel ' , ami an enormous hull that can I heard a mile , themselves known u > n alloccAMors , In onie f the slrean ate curious ralairandeir onp thn , cr msc spi.ttfcd trltfin , being n m t l.enulif.d crei tu.e with exrcMlvo | eus. Nea Iva dore ! > ' i can In fni nd by lII.ellt tenrv.i I fin little reen nnake comnii n here darl awa > thriiiqh the vrM n * w oa-s , tirt . ctid by lu wonderf I liking t i th ier > > age. In fome portions of the > t tHth isoiled raltle-n < i is see . , but fortunate y they are t-xtremelv rare Il ! > ck , wnter prttUd-n.cks , rlnnpckf , milk , ri'.bon iniwn and strlf > ed unskes are all com n nd prey upon the > irds , , and llttli ilUf. tailed llr-inls Ihstdarl nimbly around lere , and within a r dlu nf a < ew inlle * 'er , bear and aoo e are Fetnjeuly , sf ording good shiHitlng Li Ihc > port mer who have pallenie tu foil .w U up , but ll Minn * much coung to face the endlts- ilnck fbes nd morquitmii , tlm I tler 'l | hich conllnually hover ntor the Inke" nlnhts. Duck , partridge , snil robbltii re common , -ohi'o foxoard ottir * are ft'n brnunht In. ISetutnliiK In the lake , sit nil flock i f NorthcTi | ih Inropc r > ce nd swvc | > awny , and far out , with InNiri- ins fllghf , I itrRotni ter pull moves slowly long rtlth wntchfiil evn. If Wo Could Kiiowl [ f we could know by the uhUperlng wind Wnnn lo fold In our brcl the passion flower ; Timt when we p s and Ira e behind The porlshli ( / ncent and thu blietful hour. f we could know by the immmirln/ lids Of tl e InUnd river that n-cU the fca , runt when our defcrei-t hop ( HIM dlrd , .Tust how it Ii It by the cyprem trie. f we could note In the song of birds , .Something of love who took his wlnir , n t when to Kpeak tl o parting word- , Just when to jleld up th tinderos thing. t wo could BCD In the early dawn The shadow that flitn by th * open dee , nd know that our happy youth had gen Ncter to Mip nor mt with us morel 1 wo could know where to dig the grav Wherein to coflin our Irussurcs deep , ( iw many npe < il KM pungn we'd nave , How many useless team not weep. h , but the trusting heart beats still v * balevcr the evil of imrdreams maybe nd the weary fplnt walls until The fetters br-ak and the 6 < ml In free PHPPfi'KMINT DROPS. Milwaukee * people nlwnys fight nhnrgln : tli the garden lines. 'I hey k ow wlm ey hate moat themselves. I'lilladclphli > wn. The Kewnnco bank robber WMI caritnr by reason of bis ti > ricHpi > ndtnco wi h i ly llo nuro your girl can't write , thin about ) . AH n mutter t.f Feasoimblo Intelligence , it reported that New Yoikersnru innk- < pepper out ut old Hhoct 10 sttd and ) Und tine. \ liitnv Island man with n glum eye has d threw of tin m I roken by young l dy : liew shooting wild. Jle feels real sorry ' iv mull with two ojes. I'liu tt.njor if , Grand ForklaV. ) . , Is ugod with swindling lib mothcr-iiidavv t ol 310,000 Tlio cdinate of Dakota mt bo hi in ply uotideilul. A. woman ut Newnrk him caught five ft rent cl iltlrcn nullify were falling from rti fti.ry . windows She would miike a id thnrt stop for a bate ball club. V Jtrnoy inilkmnn turned palo when oral nf lii < cu-tomcrs cliiblietl tog ther I Hindu him : i prenent of n scarf pin in i hhin i > of piiinp. It was ncuw-haruly . Pitlhburg Telegraph. I'ho Piillmnn Irain hadn't run more than inilen lifforn the iobl > ers boarded it. 'ou'ro luuk > I" said 01 o of the pnsnen- H to tlio leader of the gang ; "the porUr n't been through thu car jet. " llustnn it. l tlm coming man nQ hnth ht.uKf ' inrr n H ee'how the coming man cjniud ids null HH the comil'g WOIMUII drives the 'he cini ImskH nra heavy , n HIUO Ind- : nn of n hind winter. If Yeiinorand KrucloUM KIIO-O 1 onu Hhould concur , at doubt , tl uv u ill it will \vuclotako ir iilMvr iiutnf pan n at oucu. Uoi-ton inKCiIjit. V Kentucky woman baa nearly reformed husband by | .omi tiling him to ii'O tier of uhii > Uy ivi wrlghtx tor Ihu chiilc. uofUliei hudrlnkxthu flower the clock is unit the lull or he hits to wait for hU ills , riiilndelphiit Nown , V mnii ndvcrtiso furnn "umlablo wife , 1 linn liud thu hUppimiMl tn-nbiiru lor one iik , expiei-SPH hlniKelf thug obicurely , hn hadn't liecii In the houw twenty- r hourd In fore the m Ik soured. f you art' roasting K > hard that your lar U almiiut melted , nnd you want to o iiilod elf , don't go nnt gt\u lilteen U for a ghitH of leinonud . ilu > t at- ipt to light cigar u 1th your nhtnulch , en n breeze will utnrt up. Puck. Pha Aunrlcin cnnMil i.t La Hochello has covered that puru b.iuiiiy in HO i-enrco in incu that thi' ImportatliuiHof all Kronch jidiodinto thin ccunt y khuuhl bo pin- lied on tntnltiiry ground < Very few I ItiUnH III care to ho upi olnled loa sulrhlp In Fnince as long IIH this dread- tatu uf thingH cxluts. N'orristown raid. Inmo gf niuH ban invuiitwl n little artlclo c.i u ' 'liro-kindli-r. " Union it U made .he nh i | o of tt coal oil can the newlv inrti'd sfrviu.t girl will not loiich it. If outal H Kiim thng ! that will explode 1 knock tb" domi'fctio end over end over i or t'ireo ' chtlr : < an I burn elf her eye- wj without doinif any other diinuge , m muy bu it lurt.0 demand f or i ho new ro'kuidler.--NorrUtowu HeralJ. ' tta'.mtlcal mun rl s nf iniiuiliem chii'Aid n ret tain m r.ngllidiVc leyan cuufereticyof li8. ! ! 'he ui't iiuuiertral growlh of the United Muyteriun churc'i hut ye r was , t the y unit , d' ubla that of the preceding ir , \lz. , l(13'.Ho818. ( 'ha fief.cluinh movement apparently tyii exceptional ICpUcojinl favoi. The irrlcnn Church Ueview fayes "Of our nty-clght bl hi > pi 8ixt-titu have ex > mly given tholr adherence to tint p'nu ' free-will ( iffeilngsiiia tlu only 'ciiptural le of providing money for support of irchef.und have expressed ibeir condom- Ion of poiv.tent , at offeiii'g n hind.ance , hu clnirch'n uurk. " habilitated persons , and tutrorcra m wnatinK diseases eucli as con- iiption , scrofula , kiunoy utructidna , 1 bo groatlv bonutittod by using Iron ilittom. R SALB-MILL MAOfllNEBY , AVINf elnngwl our mil' to HupffirU'i rot- Irrl'rw ' ' , " 'o otltr | < ait ol ouroU nu "cri 'or .u M hw ir > t"i It tn ln of a ol llailj B UIiiil a d tui-ul | uu n Uri.iiK ; l whO'n.tlro iilmorli ) Ino i ill bf c , d | uclH plicli il I . 'in.- % ii > a > n up l lu h It jt3U c I" irkiia i Up. ono main im 111,0 Y.I , . , 7 i cli lu a and ijlidi | > IMi t O'lr I itnd 11 > Ir ! > i Incli I urH , n Indl , \ inlont rchhN 1 ] Pi'- " ) . b etlM i-l r. u , vuttK tt , oii ; 1 oh . > . 17 u t ioih. , cowp moiJw.oiielttorovl oii t , U Iwt clolh , t iwt oflrtl twl.iatUcHirMNo , m isimUtr , 1 ttanurd * Kvi i e h n par - r ai.a l Utor , haft , wiwU jml s c n tc. aiw of tlio iu hluery IIM U ii lit I imt ollltlo o\r t ow , ft ; dull ll Inood . Tor Juitlur InlarifBtloii aadr f a. jo. IIOKF1IAVH.IIO. , ' Coumll UuH ! * . Iowa. Sioux 01 & S acifif THE SIOOITT ? BODTP Rnoi Holh Through Irov Council U to St , Paa ) Without Qhanfie , Only 17 Hour * X.OO KILK.1 MIOBTE1 KOCTf OOUN "BLUPKB TO a. PAOt , MII'OUS . tnd Ml point * In irn Io . Wtno L W ) > JM : . ThU line ppod wlkh th li r "f ! whcniw Ant. Air-brant " MUI HPJCKD , RAlAND ( K'MIORT riiMKiI. Pt p i ( siftplng Cai Tin through WlTIltH/LNOK between E U ilCityund B | . pflt council Bind n lout Ciijr. Trlu | f te l.rilmfto Tr tot l OOTII 1 Bluff * . l Ti 0 p. Hy on arrival cf K nr lly. SI Jowpli itndnctl HluB : r ln Iron ho South. Arilvlnfioax City IHO , . ml f the H ( Jolirxit > t St. CMII . .i 1 65 ran. EH nOtmil VI AOB Of AKT OTflh- lib * Sloni Cltj Hoi * too get A Ifcroath t The Shottwt un Jj Qnlckurt Titan nomforUMo . ! < ! lu n rhtonih Oars betw COUJiCH , HbUAHD St. P.\VL. T8co thftl year rk tend H the "Una Ir tnd Parlslc lUIln J.B. WAlTLKa. K DuporlnlonJsnl. rje . . ' < > W. K. AVIS , Brmth' . r riienrVr 'u Will LIufi' ' * ' 'OCB ' DTlEln , Pffrlrtrnl. Visa Pro ' . _ W-8 Dc nr e. ndTr . THE NISASKA LincoliNob MANUFA011ER8 OF ° 2n.PIlVPterB' ? Hrrvs.Pfirtn Rollers aulky HIW KatowcKot , JSlovntluH Windmills , Sto Wo re prepired to db woilt nd nuuiuhc- urlijr'or .th r NEB.IA.1KA HANUCTUBIHO 00 Llnnnlin HEAR THEJTNESSES , M y ahrlrk from pu HIn conn ctlonwlth J H. 8. . but w u-e permtl to refer tu tt-o fol- " " ' "K pornonihn Imvo own and wl'.ncucJ U Wbn.ctfuUffectn : , . 'KBlHouKton Co. , Oa. We liavo kn wn "Swil tiecinc" lovcil In lundrodn ofinott o'lstlnniui got loodl'omon- i > ff , iUrcuria Hh.un.ati Scrof.U , Hero * , cie'i a , Cat rrh etc , a do CJ > Klentlouslj unify ihUlt met wl h th'ost perfect MM > U i l UCCOM , effco o l raduimlperm ncntcurei 11 oic > c co without a Blip cxoo tlon. lughl. Dcm.ird , Utiy Kill n , elm ( l. Ilrnwn , OoW. Mi.ffliton.J Vm. Iliun'on , Jo , H. Hose , tnm D. ( harp , KVarrcn , 0 Tu te. J. I'cWn , . W. WlmU-rly , J. Woolfuck. \ ' . It ' Icrco , hcrltt. J ' llMin. Co. Trcas i. C. , T. iKillen. y A ( .ordon , T. Si.uii tr , liOff- Wi-aroor o ally a-qDalnd ullh tu K < > tie i n wliCMO t uiitt'imn upiMirto tlo l > oe ccr II at . " "htynru Itlzu BofaM cjuntjol thi iRho trifpu ulpllt nd c.i\ctur. * . . ( ! IIES , Did us. v , llciwu Co.0x U II CULLKKi.rk Sup. ullou ton Co. O bu1 favirablo rcnoB. Bellovo , li Hpp tl o for all llood Ilcoscn. 0. W. JO K3 & CO.tmphs.Tcnn. ; ! "S. ; ' . B. vttra bettor atl fitlon thin any ilng wa I ave ncr handled. " J ' ' Ark. C'Kd & C'O.Itclcna , "llafo nc\f r hiard a complain c.t S. S S. ' AUrilUK PKTHU & OO. , .cunvi'.le , Ky. " 3. S. S has given entire natlfnctlon tofvn ic. " A. II. U1CIIAKD ; , bcrnian , Tox. "I haic had excellent ralo f > r ' . B. S. and th auka Uetici > n mo-n CK ln'n toy. ' J. 0. DUIWh , , Ky. "Oursaloo rj s. S. beci good , and It CCCBJ p rfect. " JO.Nm &CAUEY , Jl3iit omry , Ala. "H S. S. lias ( jhcn entire < atli ( t'on ' fooor " E UKU3S , Pa la , T xa > . "S. S. S Ins ( liven universal eatloficUon. ' It.V. . POWEUS & CO. , Kichmond , Va. 31.I1OO Zr.o. bo paid to eraliit who will and , .o Prlcijot Small ilie , Jl.OO. l.To. soH hy all 'o Nervous Sutterers THE OntAT EUKOPEAH KEMEDT. r. J. li. Simpson's SpociU ( t It a iwiiitivotiira far Mpstaiitcirni * , i noknesj. 'loimtwy , arid all tlUfkiMit mi Soll-AhiiM' , ail Ucital Anxiety , Lett reiorj , Pali rln tin B rk rBldo _ , autl dl ar " tl.ut lead t uin ) tic inanity an , cstlygrn "to Spec f \ Iellluo I WMwii P > Js. M Jrsv f 'ill HUc _ _ _ _ _ _ n ftuj V ) iill , Writv tcr Uom red ; ct full p > i r < . u , Uyoc'/ic , 91 M pel fvecknge , or e'.x pisk ; a fcr 55.CO. AHJrcui all urderi t/ > U. HIStSOli UKU1C1IIK CO. Nrj. 104 mil ItO Mali St. U'jBs'a , K. V U In Oraau ! by 0. F. OooiliuAn , J. VI. Ijoll lilt , tnd all Jrticz ! i "iry l" ' 1' \ .J i I'nat urrlli'o icouren fi v r rd s'tr ' a d Id teener lilllloui rfiiillteutili'rhcstlTi-tloiso rt iiiieh , llterand the > iowd < i. boll ; vradlia land I'luvvnt il | ij ilmum if II "teita < Si ill l.llt if , a puiilyrs t Mo u 1r. . Iml irsci | ii\alolam | anil nior cict-n-ltil ) IIM | SI urd ) for Ihuntioui ilix rl diaorurrx , n rl lor nun } ollicru , tlun rny medicine ol tin For ulo by all DruuiUtii and Dealers DR. CLARKE - } , ? " SI. Louli. Ii ttlll iK ll I'BIVATJJ. KHIl JH. niiuoNio J lor hiua Im.iotiiii-y ( Rex Iiicaadt > ) , Ko'ali 1) xrnnf , Irn IMItl ultlr * . it. . on a 'Sulmlil wor" ' cniltlod "l'1-o n > ' ol arouj n , etc.Vcrl ClIHUMC PISK UfK , OIU HlllDll. Bill alni < or 1'rhatu itawi. tend 2 1 wuii ItmnuATiiu WoKkHouirviau tndtxuV tutkuii. Oonsalutloii ptucnally oby Utur , KB Consn t lliu old 1'Jvtor. TIIOU.SANi * 'UKD. OlBca In ijulct , itUate , rr pc.taM < \e. Y < u tcv 110 one sal the doctor. Dr. irkoli Ihoonly ) vliulcUjlnllwclt ) wtiaw-r iU cum or no iuy Iixllcltuta nut tmj , ttt. Hours , 6 i. u. to I r. u. cliwly Hr J. n. Robertson , Tltlf jur ? . Pa. , writes : "I VM suffering from general debility , want of dp- petite , conntlpatlon , etc. , S3 that lire wss ft hup den ; kftcr uMn ; Burdock fllootl Hitters I Mt bet- > > r than for years. I cannot ; it&l your Bitten 00 much. " K.OIbbs. ol Bn7 ! | i5 , N. T. , writes : "four lunlock Illcc lilttcrs , In chronic diseases of the blood , liver J kidneys , have been slifnullv marked with success. Ihare UTO ! them myself with best result * , for torpidity of the liver , and In c cof t friend of mine suffering from dropsy , he effect was marvelous. " Brace Turner , Iloohcrtcr , N. Y.Xrlt i : 'I bite icen tnhject to serious disorder of the Icliliieys. anil unahlo to attend to buolnm ; Ilunlock Blood litters relict dl rue before half a bo'.tle was used feel confident that thev will entirely cure mo. " Ascnlth Hall , ninghampton , N. V. , writes : 't suffered with a dull pain thrsujfh my eft ung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite and color , and could with difficulty keep up all lay. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters M dl- octotl , and have felt no pain since first week af- er mine them , " Mr. Noah Bates , Qmlm , N. T. . writes : "About oar years ago I had an attack of bilious ferer , anil never fully recovered. My dljrmthe organs were weakened , and I would mi completely pros- rntwl for days. After using two bottles of your lurdock Blood lilttcrs thoi mprotomcnt was so 1 iblo that I wasastonlihed. I can now , though 01 ycArs of a e , do a fair and lenaonablo day's work. C. Blacket Robinson , proprietor o ! The Canada VtsbyUrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For vears suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your Burdock Illood Bitters with happiest results , and I now find m' self In better health than for years pt t. " Urs. Wallace , Buffalo , K. T , writes ; ' ! hare n eJ Burdock Blood Illttcn for ncrrcus and bil ious headaehm , and can iccotr.raocJ It to anyone requiring a cure for llllousnone. ! ' Mrs. Ire Mullnollasd , Albany , N. Y , wiittJ ! 'For several jcars t hare tuOeicd frcm cft-i < cur- ring billions headaches , dynpepila , and coin- > lalnU peculiar to my sex. Since using your lurdock Blood Blttors lorn entirely relieved. " Price 91.00 001 Bottle ; Trli Dottiei ID Cti FOSTEHMILBURN & Go Props , , , , , BTJFFAI.O , N. Y- Sold at wholesale by Ish it Ucllahon and C. F. \ioodman ) e 27 eod-me The Great hnglish Bomedy Never falls t * cuie Nervous Debility , VI- tnl Exhaustion , Emls- tlons. Seminal Woak- ncBscs.LOSTMAN HOOD , and all the \U effects of youth ful follies and DICCT- < ej. It stops perma ncntly all weakcnlnK , inioluntarylcsiisand drains upon the sjs- tcm , thelnoiltablerc- ( .ult of those ovilprac' tlcos , which are so destructive to mind and Inxlj and maUo life mlsorablo , oltcn leading to Insani- ynnildcftth It sfronitthons the t ervcs.llriiln , Imemnrjf Blood , Miiiclcs , Wijeatlve and Repro ductive Oreins , It restores n all the organic functlrns their former vlror ; and vitality , ma- -Ing llfo cheerful and cnjojnble. Price , S3 a holtlc , or four times the quantity # 10. Sent by express , secure from ulw , rvatlon , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. U. uent , cxecpl on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. letters n quc-tlng answers muitlnclojn stamp. Dr. Mintie'H Dandelion Film are tt j bent and cheapest djKpopala and blllloui cure In the market. Sold by ull druggists , trlci 50 cents. Du MLXIIK'S KIUSST RSUKDT , KsrnimcnM , Ouresill lilndol Kidney and Madder complalnle iroiiorrba.1 , Rloet and loucorrhca. For ealo by al SlI MEDIC Al * I iJjllJUir * . 713 Olive St. , at. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by Jnn26-lv Ulseoco Is au cllec t , not a cauno. Ita origin Ii within ; Its manifestations vuinout nonce , to euro the dif nso the ru'asrauit bo icmovrd , ant in no other vvav can a over 'o ' ilhvti'd WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY ANX LIVjEl CURE Is i-sUblihho.i on Ju t this principle. 1C rtall7c 'lmt ' 95 Per Cent. -I all diseases orl/o from deranged kidneys an ivlvir , aud It striken nt once ut the root ol the . .Illiculty. Tlioclcme tao ( uhlchlt ia comjioncd ct dlroctlvuKin | thcHo treat ortrani , liotliasn OOD ai d KKsrOHKR , and , by placing tbom In a healthy , condition , drlvo dbtato uud pam Iroui ilio stt < mi. For the Innumcrnblo trculi'ea canted by nn- hcalth } Kldnojs , Liver and Urinary Orinvns ; foi the dihtro < 8lni ; liUordirsol Women ; for Malaria , nti < pliyjloil ilernti"iincnt8 KenernU ) , this great roni d > liai no IUwar6 ol Imfostora , ! nv tatloi < s and eoncoctinnnstUt to ba just as good. ForDlabcton , a , lor WARNUVS WAPE DIABETES CDIlIi 1 or sale by ull tlralcrn. H. H. V/AUNER & C0 tor N. 'f n i , f BJttri * Hop RitUT * ttitt tir s ' "i"1' ( rr ' \ * ' , i , ; . -v"/ . i-'iTSpJ " lirt i'l > 'l"l ( jjW'V" ' . rl ' v ' , ' , i ' ' , . . . k itnil ; i vr IVI Ii i jr Miuy /our ( Iff. It Mil * GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE MARK Th ° " Tni Dtt MARK KujlUhrcm- EtFlJETASIH8.wiucnrB ! elf rTEH TAKIBD. ! / Mu . CutiaaiM' s rj. nl > enal LH--I udo. Viln In tlio lUrk , L > i nmiol Vision , Pro iiisturaOld AS.V , mt r.ivi } otucr Dl < oatni that iij ! ' Inwiiit } ' or Coi-.miD | lieu and * 1'ruui- turc Q rate. / < yrull patttcuUrt In our r muhlet , nhlcii we dc' lro to cnil Irco Ivnitll to e\cr > one. tVTho SpcclQcMi'dkino ll told by a'l diuglnU fljtr jiickagf , or6uck\ii lor U , or will > oot lift by in ll on rer ipt ol the money , by Jrkosiayl T11SQKAY IKDIC1NK CO. , Bcflalo. N. V. ocTrot-cod rn Inrtdfff Iron , JVrM . Jlarkantl I'hotphoru * a raWaMe form. 3 . KN In my praelieaol . GHNTI.KM IKOI Toxic dtws. In < . MiM wmdilion of lheblo < KS.lhirfrr ! tnorar n"5JS'ijSuKSit ! ; nd lnfnmp r t > l rfmMW. Ipttwer " ici n. ! " ' ld . .lf lSoin ' 'slwrnToNioi ' a tiafllnl some of nor inol * mln r it phr " ' ? < J l > a h , i " . ' II In j > rofrmw i tn anj . Iron preparai " 1"lii tiTi"lit"- " ? " ' * . - ; * , ' 'f"1--M" ! N" ' a r itiy In my jirncti' s. J/i7 < rrro7or7n7/ir natural healthful tnnf to \ tltrtilnmtlrr organ * .inrfl nfrrtnm Hfttt r nt , making' it apnUral'tf to ( Jrncrat MEDICINE CO. . 213 H. MAIN ST. , S iEDR.HABTEIl ii PULLEY : E. M. MAXWELL , FREMONT , NED. , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following ailranUrjei arc olalmeil for this Pally : It M durnble , owin8i 1. To the abrouce of shr nkngc strains. 2. To the ln" " ed . ft M the rim h much stronu-er thun the east nra. bor of nra 3. To the fact that i nALASOKD. IT IB MUCH MUIIIFII. Ir H VVKH i-fcwiso. IT is CHKAIKB. . There nirrTEn is no dangerof brenkitgo In hnuillia < when Bhif.peil . loose. When "ty'Pd. ' .the7 a.e generollv accepted third-class freight instead of firat-clasB , and as " > f J g' ta . reduced. W | atJAlu.NT only ono-h.H that of ca.t VullojM the froitihtissti I further TIIKM to perform patlsfartorily nny wgik from the lightest to tbo heaviest. SPLIT I'ULLKTs from 12 to 48 Indus diameter only. 1'ulloyB of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two nets anna without exti " "wo " aupply each Pulley with two tot-screws without extra charge. - ALSO - ' DUE OLiA-IMS. What wo claim for our PATENT Her POLISHED SHAITINO b : 1st. That it is round nnd str.dKht. 2d. It can be accurately rolled to any desired ( range. of maguetio oxide of Iron obviates any tin- 3d. That its BUI face being composed due. tendency to rust or tarnMi. wnile it nt the s.vmo time gives one of tha best journal or bearing surfaces ever discovered. 4tli. That it will not w rp or npring in 'toy > eitmg. 5th. Thtvt II , u made of the very Oest of refined Btocte. 3TFor further particulars , price list and discountf , tend to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry find Machine Shop , Fremont N PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For snlo by Mil rnu nofiFRS.fc 2QNS . Jull-miclv 4 Single Breocli Loading Sliot Guiis , from S5 to SIB , Double Broo oil Loading Shot Guns. $18 from to 8 75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from ! 8B to S25 , Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Ends of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Showcases Always nn " Imported and Key/West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class C'gar , Tobacco aid Notion Store. igars f-om $15.00 per 1GCO upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. OO" ft Or.iAnA , NEB. & GO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware iHouse 1108 AND II 10 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA MILLINBEY & NOTIONS Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGSE THAN EVER.f f IM& IMO W - . . I OMAUA , KU I OBSRPELDEE & CO.