Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1882, Image 1
THE OMAH DAILY : BEE. TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA NEB. , SATUHD. MORNING , S-rNUMBER 2 , I G5. IN TENTS QUIET. ' The British at Kaasassia Shel tered From tha Sun's Hot Shut , The Oalm Preceding the Storm of Battle Felt at Prout. The Greeks Kt-joot the Com promise Proponed , by the Porte. Scarcely u Grotica * pot Left of the Turkish ' 1 roop = ou the border. The PolJoa t rusio in Dublin L.kuiy to RtHull Most ( Seriously. The City Jntho HuutU of a Mob- Ti-oi > p lliu-ijlii { ; to the Sonuo. A Btonmer Btrnnded ou tbo I null Count , Without Lews of Lift ) . pecla ! Dljjntcroi to 1 im HEK. B11ELTKUKI ) VUO.M TUB bUK , IHMALIA , September 1. General Woleoluy Bays : "Nearly every ono ivt thu front ia under canvass and thuso who are not in lunta , uru sheltered by reedi of Indian corn , which ia plenti ful at Kns8.isciii. I hope to securu thu aid of some Bedouins , shortly , with camels. " ONE m.M OP TUP. 'JOHT. Ponx SAID , Septum our 1. The En glish admiralty owes thu Sutz canal company S7-.000 fur transit ot truua- porta aim men t f war to date. HlfcCB AUrlLLKKV. MALTA , Septembt-r 1. The trana- port 'IVviut haa lett huro fir E-ypt , wilh tour hundred gumiurj , taitty airgu t > uiib and u quantity of ammuui tiou. CONF1SOAT1SO K.STATP.S. ALEXAMIUIA , September i. Nowa has been ttuuivud trim tlio interior stating that Arubi P.iaba ia nulling European property lo the nativua. Savurrtl < * elkiuiwu r.ropuities belong ing to Europeans have buen confU cned : and bold und ihu names of tliu native purcbaseis given. AUAIll'.S riHKl' KMIlXliKi : . ALLXtNDUiA , Stpumbnr I. Mah- mouil I'uhmy , * P.ialia'a chief ongiiiour anil nnlllury udviaer , who waa recent ! ) cijtur-d | by the British , arrived huro to-day in the troop ship EuphrntiE und na handed oierto the Egyptian authorities , the khodwoj firat puuranteeing that hu would , MlJtr -chVBmi4l lf by'tho Egyptian TnTnistors concern ing Arubi's m.vcmentn ho waa con ducted under u strong guard to the governor's bouse , where ho wua im prisoned. PROM TUB I'llONT. PORT SAIII , S pttimhor 1. Only slight akirmi lieu li vu tiikjn pltic-j'ut the front during the putt ttw tlaja News receivud' iSonhrms the report that Arabi Paah * ii withdniuint ; hia troops to Tel El Kebir , li-uving at Kalr El Dwarouly thoao nuceaaury to hold thu p iHition. ANOTIIP.ll P. > TKK.NCll.MKNT Ivuasiisin S. pt. I D iruiuri'cnnnoia- ancejjentecdny a freshuntri'iiliL-d ' cam ] ) waa discoveud ten miles from beie. ilVN : UP. ALFXANUUIA , Supiembi-r 1 Forty ROiunen Irom tliu .Mmo'.iur and a com pany of the Fifty-ihird rt-giment blew up a hotiao on the canal which haa long been a pinni < f vantage to the enemy's sharp shootora. DUBLIN MOB- WHOLKflAI.K IlInMlSjAI.S Ol' POLICK. DOIII.IK , Supluinbur I. Ovtr throe hundred of thu Metropolitan police have been diamiaatd It ia expected that hundruda will roaign. There is great eici'emuiit in the city. All thu police atittions are occupied by lUron. ; guards of military. THIC.SCAllb IN IIUltMN. DUIILIN , S ptfinburl. - Uptoalati1 hour -to-mglit no overt act uf viultnco haa been committed , althouuh thu streets atM duii8ul > crowded. No po lieu are visible. A body of JGO dis charged police went to the ( juutMis- luud uniigraiion olliuca this afternoon and inquired if MO men could bu taken to ( v > noiaiul at onco. Thu suburbs ot Dubhn will bu guarded > by constabulary , "iJO of whom huvi buen cirdtred trout ilm depot for tin purpose. Thu uuEOS t > f Dublin castle wjru locked at 5 o'clock this afternoon. They uio dounlu gnaidinj. HOII 1U/.K. Rioting brnkH out on C > llrgo green at 0:30 : o'clo k thm uvcnini ; The mob was very violent. Sumo police men who remained on duty ut College atreet station were brought out in a body , but were obliged lo reiiro before fore- the mob. Additional troops have been sent to the scene of Iho riot , as Ihoro aru no poic ! < or special consta bles in Dublin , and the mob haa cum- pleto | ) OBL-ssion tif ihu city. At 10:110 : to-night thomob in Jlruns wick struu threw itonos at thu troops and onu man wau wounded. A mag istrate road the riot ao' . The troops charged nnd the mob IUd. No fui- ther cauualitita were rrpjrted. i.'iunoi ; has been muau in Uackvillo etreot where the aoldiera wt'ro hotly pressed and badly atoned. Troopa are station ed before the bank of Ireland. Many oonatablca luvo returnoi to duty at the Kevin etroet barrackn. CUKKllS roil TUB 4UKEN. When the police vroro discharged tboy gave cheora for the ( jueen and their officers. Soldiers nro taking their places. Their ofllcers ndvued thorn to send n memorial to E-irl Spencer , lord lieatenant , asking that they be reinstated. The lord nmyor haa had an interriovr with Hul Spencer on the subject. A special meeting of the corporation will beheld held to ditcuta the matter. The dis missed o in stables rrcra ordered to take oft * their uniform within an hour after receiving their discharge. On ij'iitting the barricka , men were chefrfd by the crowd which had gathered , TALKING TO THK C'ltOWl ) . 0 r. i. Msny os-polica in cili/on'n clotlits n.c moving bout in bodies , hnrrtngiU'd occa ionally by x-polico- men. A number of persons not connected - nectod with the police are taking ad * rant ago of the occasion to dblivor or ations to the populace. 10 r. M. laughs are a orabling in force. The mob haa a aaikd a tram car , and has broken the windows of the police station on College street. AllorND TUB ( MS1I.K. DuntiN , Septemburl 11 p. in. Tmuieuao crowdn are galhtring in the Htrtictej partiruUrly in the vicinity of Dublin castle. Excitement is increas ing rapidly. Etrl Spencer , on leaving the Vice Regal ledge under oacort , was loudly cheered. A number of constables who left the can- tie yatd shortly afterwards alao re ceived n tremendous ovation. All the police have now struck except the i fit : utQ and membrrs of the detective fmcu. The latter number only 200. Four hundred men have been sworn iu hero as pv cinl constables , A I'llOCLAMATlON. At a hastily summoned meotintr this afternoon at which strong antigovernment ment speeches were delivered , the lord mayor declared his intention to isaUH the following proclamation : "FtLLow CITIZKNS : A misunder standing bcUuon the metropoli tan pulicti and the government authoritu'H haa led to the with drawal of n largo number of police from protection of the city. It is theruijuo my duty to impress Uon every citizen who is anxious for the nafety of the city to personally co operate for the preservation of the peace and order. Self control and peacdlul demeanor were never mure necessary than now. I rely on my follow ciiiztms to dinplay tlieeo c'iiil- ' itic-B. I am conl'i lent ymt uilljiin ivith HK > in imuntainiKg order and tranquilitj. " THK COlll'Or.ATION OOUN'CIL. The mounted police and thu G div ision took no part in thu utnko up to the pfemnt. * Atu meeting of the corporitinn this evening , the lord mayor aubinit- tednKtriesof reaolulions expressing anxiety of the council at thu difference existing between the police and thu executive , and regretting that thu samuiharinmuouB relations prevailing between the police and municipal council of Ejpland and Scotland do the peTacoT Th'o' resolutions were carried , ALL QUIRT. , Sopti'mbor -2:30 : a. in. bodiea of infantry and cavalry parded tliu city during the entire nil-lit. Thu cjnatabuliiry at country stiiiioiiB have been requested by tele graph to come to Dublin. GE ERAL FOH.EIGN NEWS. TUB TKOUHI.i : ON THK 1'UOM'lKl ! . VlKNNA , SeptuiiibrT 1 All the Greek loicia in Macedonia aiu being concentrated on the Irunuer in conso- quuncu of the pur.i cution of Jonti and tnu insecurity of their businesB. The ilfwiali banking firm of Tgnuco , ISphruaai it C. . > . , of Udoesn , tin-innat imp irtant house in Southern Jt-iuxia , jiiiiounco the dissolution of the Hus- elan house. Thu Porto decided to mirrendor the disputed point on the frontier , pro vided it ia declared neutral territory. OtTAWAYO OVY. IXJ.VDO.V , Sept. 1. King Cotewayo left nuiu tlua murniiig tor South ampton vvhoro ho ho embarks to-day tor thu Capo , Hii wan loudly cheered on his way to ihu station. hTKAMKH AhllOUi ; . Thn Jiritieh uteaniur L ko Nepizon from Liverpool to Montreal with SUV- mi hundred porcona on board is aahoru ( jf | thu IC.iatern coast of Ireland and will probably boa total loss All hands uru being taken ashore. MIIA.MKK ASIIOllH. LONDON' , Suptomber 1 A dispateli from i'Vlniontli thia livening says that u largo EteanuT of ihi litnilmrg AmiTican linn in nahoro at I'en/.incc. I'urticul.ira have not yet been ru- cuivod , ABSISTAMT. hKNT. Livcut'ooL , Si'ptombur 1. Immo- diatuly upon receipt of thu news of thu disaster to the ateamer Ltku Nupigon , her ownura dispatuhed a meai-auu to Hollyhoad to aeaich for thu mieaing boats , which woru well equipped anH of ample capacity , Thn manager of thu line to which thu Lake Nnpigon belongs feela aaourod of the safety of the bjate. ALL NAKK. LONDON , K-'piumb T 1. Two gunboats - boats have buen aunt from QUHIIIIH- town to assist thu Like Nepigoii Thi' preps ass'icia'ion ropnrtn that the hike Ncpigon waa towed ( < ! ! ' at hl li tldu b > a tui { Klu < wia hut littlu dnmuged , and proceeded to Liverpool rtilh two enu'ineera and pirt of her crow on board KIM.STOWN , Irfhuid , Septiinhor J Tnc Hucimd i Hi : i-r of thu btiamer L < ko Nrpigon , with thirty cruw anil thirty piaauiigura , landed hero at1 o'clock this afternoon , Two bonta ro supposed to have reached Arklov Too ciptaiu of the steamer and five men remained by thu ship , which WHH making no water when the second ' lluur left her. L iNixiN , September 1. A telegram from Liverpool announces that another bout , with fifty-two persona , has ar rived at Oreyjtonu , A correspondent of the press njiwcm'ion at Wicklow , wires that all boats of the Like Nopigon have * afoly arrived at differ- out points , and that there haa boon no loss of life. ANOTHER Rl'QURKTlOX CoNRTANTiNortn , September 1-- The portu has cuggested another mod- ifioation of the military convention with Great llritain in regard to the landing pbco for Turkish troops in Egypt. HAllA SICK. Lonim.v , September 1. - In con- neqiience of ill health , Snrn llfrn- hardt itartcd on her return to P.iria to-day. WOOL 8ALR.S. IJOMIOV , Si-pteniber 1. To-day 10,400 bales of wool were disposed of , cjmprising Adelaide , Now Zealand und Sjdney. There was a good do nmnd , but prices were u .IA1I , .H'tll'INO IN ST. PtTEitsnuiui , September 1. A desperate uttumpt waa made recently to release n political prinoner confined in the prison at SuratolF. During the hour allowed prisoners for oxv'fcise ' , u cart containing two moll drove up to Iho jail and made a signal to the prisoner who was walking within the prison enclosure guarded by the jailor , The prisoner at once threw sand in the eyes of the jailor und ran to the wall , while the men in the cart fired ro- yolvors and mortally wounded tlio jailor. The liberated prisoner and hia rescuers drove oil , but were otopped by persona who saw the occurrence , and after dnapcruto struggle , in which ono of the liberators was ki led , the other two men were captured. The captured liberator elates that ho ia the eon of a landed proprietor. THK COMI'IIOJIIHB UK.lECTKl ) . CoN.STANTlNol'LK , September 1. - - Thu oiler of the porto relative to thu trouble on the frontier wan that thu Greek government should establish a neutral zone round the disputed ter ritory until the definite settlement of the question. This proposition , however - over , waa not accepted. Moanwhiht , according to latest dispatches , hostili ties continue. TUB TUKKS HETIIKAT. ATHKNH , riep'cmherl. - The Greeks have drivi'n thu Turks out of the for- o't between K > rbns and the coat. Torpedoes have been placed along the Thessnli.m coast to the frontier Steamern are conveying troopa and war material to the front. Apoicluiitnl Shooting. Spcc'al t'l < | ntcli tu fun IKK. ! llisiMi , Neb. , Soptcmber 1. Chns. B Wilcox , a hardware merchant hero , wno shot in the right thmh this morn ing by the ctreleps handling of a gun in the hands i > f M r. C ish , u brother merchant. Thn wmind ia not fatal. P-jLiFPiOAL NCJTBS. Estcn Nominatiid for Califurnla. gpcclil Displtch to Til K Unx. SAN FBANOIRCO , Septomborl. The tint * County Convention. Special ni-p teh tn TUN linn , WEEI'INO WATKH , Nob. , September 1. Oasa county republican conven tion met hero to-day and nominated E. L Rood for the nrnato Jas. Hall , E II. Wooloy , II C.Vnlph and S L. O-iimon n-prcsontativo delegates for Orlando Tell't lor eonuresa. The delegates to thu jiHiciil convention were instructed for .1. B Strride. The delegates to the atato convention were not ins'ructfd Toxus S | < fclat Dli.iatili Lirn.H HOCK S pteni'icr 1. A special from Uorsicin.k to Thu Uizotto oayc : The Texas greenback conven tion finally iigreod to Mipport the in- dopoiidcnt ticld-t , and endorsed for governor , GVush JOIIPP ; lieiitonanf L'ovi-rnor , D. Younu ; comptrollt'r , .1 IC iinedy ; attorney general , G , 15ur- mil. _ _ Short Htniil ( 'nnvoiition. K | cUl Di iutch loTlIK Unit. CINCINNATI , " September 1. The sh rt Imndera convention ia in session nuiiin to-day. Mr. Jno. T. Uull , of Oinxha , dnliv" ' an address on United StotoB ci irt rcpuriinir. The Coiifkn Floodi , Bficclal iMHjiatcliiatalllit IlKr. SAN AUTONIO , TUXUH , September 1 About 120 ouraoiiH wormirownHd bv the Concho 11 > od , and 1C 000 sheep , cattle and horsefl were lost. Tin * lonura t" prnncrty will wngofron $7 ' , 000 to _ TJui Trnjitdul Scourer. pK'cl | I DUpatc KiTllilliKt Ito&TON , Scptembt-r 1 A steamer arrivuu from Porto U'co ' rt j ) irto ynllovt fuvir broke out among llio crew almrtly aftur lueviiig poit. Ono cast' proved f.ktal on the pAsmvgo and thrui mttll were nick with ill" diauase. Thn stiMiin-r ia at iinchor at ( jiiurantmo. WAHHINOION , Suptember 1. The surgeon general of the Marinu hospital Borvicu to-day received a toh-uiam from Acting Aasiaiunt Surgeon R C , White , stating that thtru won ) thrut now cdiea roportcd at Penaucola yen day , and no deaths , A seaman died in thn horpital thin morning , UnoWNhVJLLi 1 Kuv : , Saptombur - - enty-livo now cises , four dinuhs , all Mexicans. Thufoveris rapidly epread- ing at ! ' lint Isabel ; two deaths to day , ttirou yenterddy. At M.ttainuruu then a futv IIOH ciPea and three deatlia. l/ght norlherly wind blowing. Tin- UKJ Graiidu in ovoilluwiug its bunks , A LaUn Colllalou- 4 | > rcal ! Il | ia'Oi to 'lll < ! ) . DhTitoiT , September 1 Rumors of a serious collision in the vicmiiy ol Clmrlevaiix were founded on thu taut ti \Vedneaday lust a nuiiibdr ol fiahera reported that they lound tin wracks of two vessels abuiu u mile north of the villavo. One wan a nail ing vessel , and the other u stuum barge , which , it it supposed , collided in the bay on account oi the dunau lot' . No late intelligence haa reached > thia point concerning the matter , HUNTED D HAUNTED. The Traglo tr.ry . in the Lilo of "Old ! Bridpr. " Why the Known Scout AmonK the Esf Indin ! 'B ot the hwoot. Hin Franclfo C A recent gram from KRIWM City , Miaaou inonnced the death at Wostport , lingo near that oil ) , of Major Jan hulgtir , who. next n Kit K < trion , ts n f oromoa' lunoug ' the pioneer mis ot the Uo'ekj Mountain ro , . Mrtjor Urid or or , ns ho is b ir i\nd more fiH llirly known -umo tlirt urgonauta nhu crossed the ' : kica " and SierriM in Uriduorwwi iho golden , idontilidd w almost ovt-ry warlike the Plutto and expedition i h of south of th 'ellowntono rivtr for inoru than fu ra. A companlo'i of the fnmou .tlnir du Smut among ihu OrowB , t-ut , Flutheads under Sioux ; a gui ; or Fremont ; a scout for Albert uoy Johnson in UK Mormon wi r.n utlucho of Gen erals Ilarnojnct Kunnu-y , end boon cimipiuiion ojoht , Honnovillo , llibi deaux and K Carann , Jim Diidgoi b'-crtino u pair portion ot the fron titr history uhia country. The wiitei has followe the old ecout uui3 3 long and woi tratlsiu the north west and has listo J"night afior night , bj the camp fu whilu the old mm related , in ( ill , monotonous toiua stories of dtMg'and danger in tin days of hia outh. Thousands xvhi nude the pilimago across the plain on the overlid 'trail am remumbu this uctentrand | celebrated old cou' who foundoiiud maintained the for which buro I * name , not far from th Green Uivu'oroaoing. ' on the old 01.1 : grant rouliio C.ilitonu.i. llo suvo by hid tim warnings many banda < from Hurprif unaut > pi'ctiu ooiigranta and masauFu , and hundroda who hv to-day owjtheir hvis lu ma wondoifi intuitive nill as a ccout. THK HIADOW OK A MYnTKIlY. The uai life uf Jim Biidger h ever buoni myatory. It wasuHiibjt thu old nin A-otilU no\ur opeak upo During n'oloRo ' intcroourso of thr jears , frob.180U to 18lWm thu niou uum , th | writer , who caniOj fro Hndgor'Miown county in Mitwui c mil nev r elicit tvom tbo tccunti old man wny details rebtivo to 1 early lifny It W known among told " old " ! , would toll connected wi hu , a jam hia early days on the frontier win would ticlipao in interest any of i most thrithiig incidnnts of lito , ama the IndiiniH. But whenever ho v importuned .to.npuak of hts early i ploits , the flldsnian bt-camo dt-uf u could A-AJS5Hjfc'jVdijjr,3 being a . iJJm nJSy to thSj t J'rtur Outj or ttTtho top of the noa'tswii'SfASWS rock. Tno old French trappera half-breeds , who are to bo found ing with their Indian rquaws u | thu Buaver river , on thu upper A uouri.who know ot Uridgur'a uarly could never bu induced to upealc him Thuy recogmi'.jd' ' him wl they met , but it waa notictiablit t , tlmy nonu of them , c.'XC"p old ( Imi Legrow , made hia cabin or too ( * imvrtin ) a pl-jci ) of rufori. Od liridgor boasiod of having a wife ovury Indian Inlu in iho line aim know ail the chitfrt and > < pi > lt thu liiiiguagua of the original triht-e > the ( aitorn alopu. Ho avoided much an pobsiblo closu unsocial : with white men , otiicr than milit i Hi 'era , and often alluded to thtt t uhuii hu hhd livt-d for yeum am thu India ) H uithout intercourio v white people. Thu myriiery of Jim Uridger'u ei lift ) was ixpluined to thu wriierdui a recent vitit to Orcuon by CoU JUUB Applegato , of thu Umptnia val Colonel Applegato , who ia now Monterey county n n visit , ohtai the following details of an almost gotten tragedy from aoino of . lindger's compamona nearly ft years xgo , Thu story has never bo been publisliud and ia ptculiany ( fruiting , > IB it explains why lias u b rated scout and guidu sought u hi and protection among the Indiiinein early duys , and why ho was uhs avoided und nhunned by tliu Kruiioh trappers and trad era on Upper Missouri und Us Iribularuu , A TllAOKIIV I'HTV VI'.AHH AOO , The atoiy , as related by old Ji Applogato , la as follows ; Whi-n , HrmgiT nah ii young man ho beet identified vitn the American 1'nre i , which , more than half acunt } { , kept a umtur headijiiartera I Hiu mouth uf thu Kttnmia river , 1 trading jiust wan in churgo of Choteana of St. Lini.s , Miaio Hern thu Otoca , Kicliupo B. OD ; and Kiw tribes cnmo to trudo , here , iilso , the lUtboatmen und traders , eiiijiiijntm and others in employment of the American company panned their winter * prepared for their spring trip up MKHouri river after tura and poltr In the spring of 18U , ' ) Jim iiridj with u party uf eight or ton hunt trajiperB and fur traders , started the YullowatuDo oj mi try to npniul or tineu aoaiuiM hunting or trupui 1'ho j mrnoy KP.U a lor g and tirem onu , and I'M 'I ly had iimdu a late s the fctirtun vtiu far advanced w they reached iliu present site efFort Fort Randall. They had ulundo their boat and were nuking their ' on foot to Fort Ucnton. where the Iciving tragedy occurred ; Thu parly yaa maiohing in on lilu through a consely wooded regi euoh carrying Ilia kit containing ft ammunition aid trapa Htrapped u Hia back , his nllu upon hia ahouh The leader of Uio party , a young h tcr named Tom Glass , was ton fifteen foot in wlvancod of the pa when a largo iho boar and two c were mot in the trail. Ueforo GUsi > C' ' iild rutroat , the nvutstor hud seized Mm in a deathly bin ; ami bora him to thu earth. Butnro the bear w s killed it had torn open the unfortunate man' * nbdonuni , oipoiing his int stim-ii , and nronched his lett arm clo r of the1 socket at thu shoulder His com- ' DunioiiR did ail in their power to relieve lievo G ass and ease hu intolerable pain , but nil agreed that ha could not uvo long. His abdoinun wiw bosadj with buckskin binds , ami his left ! trm , which adhered to the shoulder merely by pieces of lacerated tlt-sh ] was washed , bound and tied to hi mcio , Mild ho wai laid out lo dio. LKPT A1.0MK T. ) 111(1. ( As the ptrty wab in a great hurry iwing to thn lateness of the season it WM to lwive ono of the putty to attend tu Glttna nnd bury bird > vlirn hu died , while thu real continue lbur jiiurnoy Lots wore cast lo r - who should reninin with the dy man , und Brldger was selected. I | . apenra that Iiuli tns were fierce nndl IniAlilo tilling tliu Missouri riv r , uinS BrnlgiT did not rehub hi * task very keenly. Hu ant benido ths wounded man t > noday mid ono ni ht , duriiu * which Glius be.camo delirious Mild iu\ed wildly , On thosecond morning Urid cr de- lurmiiiiul to unticipato thti doatl wlnoh hu Mipposi'd WHS c rUin ti claim his companion , nnd overtake hi companions. So , whilu ( ! .193 was uu conscioua or a lut > p , HridgiT Katlieroa up what few nHoctt hu deemed mosl vahnblu bi lonqinn to , inaiudiiiK hia rifle , ummunilion , etc. , and iiitetlj | ftttlu away , leaving thu wounded nun to tlio nlonu. Ho nuccpilod in over' taking his c < mirattoo , and re-ported ti tlii'in that 0 ilia had died und In had buried him utid brought away hii ui ins and traps. Nothing mor < was hoard uf the ull'air until tin following season , when a terrible do mniumunt WHS nuulo , and Bruiser Hut to thu iiiountinnnben tot-avu his lift ) It appears that Glass aw > ko Irom hi dubrium on thu second dny aftc BritU'.or had left him Hu found him aelf weak , alone , without arm , food and aiill'dring intensely fu ior help , d water Ho realized only vaguely hi if tornblo situatum. llo reinemnore the bear and thu dupariuroof hia con p.uiions. after leaving Hridger to u1 tend to him. Hu could aeu u col bubblinn spring of water leas Ilia twotity feet uway , and hu was d } infer for water. jfv r [ IB IMiUhClllllllILK TilimMlKS AH1 > AN f. Ct lUAOUWNAKY JOUIISBY. n.eo Ho managed after a long and tedio' eon auirorod II ' which ho during eir--rf , nin moat inteiiBU utjony , t-i .roach tl in I wattif , wbero after Hatisfyimj laid himnt-lt hesi ttiven d tliirat , hu tliat hu could roach t the I'pring. ao us , Tlu-ro ho w.ittT with hia right ivrm lay Buverul days , bathini ; hia woun d , wiih water and kucpmt ; down t nil fuvor. AB hu had no food , his fui ( , | C soon left him , nnd in u fowday , wa ublu to crawl about on onu BI und onu ulbow. By rare proviai vas calt 1 : of Providence , bullalo L'X diud on the plains not far fr illtl .id thu ruvo in which Giaaa 1 y , , bflu , 'ul.Jkocra * } to * k carcass ' , ( Uridfjor.hna failed VoTtmdJ'tnif wou oil man natitfied hia hunger. Ho 1 or hv- by the tdu of the carcass imverul d during whicli ho cut oil' und dr ' pen 1m- several pieces of moat , and tl hfo crawled back to thu water , t ! olden a month after thm timu Iho outpi don at Fort Randall were-astonished lo tmt a strango-looki ig object cr.iwl rlny slowly toward tliu etockalu gatu. did not look liku a hiiinan being , pee rcBumbU- known mini lau did it rcBumbUany inky but it kept slowly ciawuiiKuloiii | n\ \ inu iii'iibiir n HBO nor ai u. It ' ky , ail piukud up and carried nil > thu ti on whuro , nf tor being wr.ahrd and uli an it proved lo bu the animated ukelf as ion f IVm < ! .HH , the iibando nvl liun He hud m.idi ) bin way , cinwlni ; ; id Kill' arj liUu n Hiiako , upon onu mdta tuncu of inoro than one hundred mi nth eng II. had hvt.d upon roots , reptilet , I ileH and nven grass during ihu la half ( > f thm terrible journey , \V known only to h lo sullVrud waa ring inel aulf. Hia wounded arm wua witbu his wounds hia b and dried ; upon leyin Muru partially hualtid , the lieuh bu net ! skin bandii ea having ulmoat growi akin. for- the lacerated Jim A MISSION OK VKNUKANC'K. irty With kind attention ami ciro f ! fore waa ublo during the following \n \ in- to wulk about , und then hu utr.i eh-- forth on hia mn > aion of vut euncu inn- mndo his way to Fort lienton on lint upper Mieso'iri , whuro hu us faj > ocl by hia former cuiur.tdiSjjB nil old patition and ciliated connirrniiMuti thu tlio cimp. Luckily lor I'riJgur I o nr-aont - trapping up in tt u lig II country. HOWOVIT , ho uusduly ti by proxy mid sontuiici d ny hiu JHEC - ' .ho l''r- . eii nnd h liin brueim tti die at the ha u "f lh > > I unit whtj mit/ht / meet Inn. MB wfn mi o urrd an oudaw , u r < neijude , I ll ry dooinod to death. mar Jy a.imu moans Uridgur learned , i'hJH bii ( ; rtut horror , thut th mmi thu thought doud and duvourud by ol mi was ulivo , and that hu had been ti Igftt by hU coinpanions and dociiied to c and Hu losrnud ulso H at ( llass hud uw , fui to follow him ho killed him , thu eseapo thia fute and avoid meet Fur whim mon who iniyht I-now " und crime , .Inn ISridger ll K ! to thu Rocky mountains and nu < iu his ho lea. among the Hhoehonu tribe when ; remained for inoro than iour yoi urn , when Glasa discovered hit rotrt fir llridgor again Ihit hick t' ) : hu Ilia t'VO foot , tfhuru ( JlaaB again fol"lwed h in I rait the Indians to attack the whites , without warning thorn if ' ho could reach thotn. Ho WAS n bashful but rather Eollish man , neglecting himself at any titno. As a nenural rule the old man disliked to oarouso with strangers , but M ho grow old ho bc-camo nlmrst garrulous among _ his actiiaintancci > , while at otti r times ho would decline uven to yiycs or no to n civil question. Thus is explained , by ono of the old toou.'s oldest arqiiaintancos , the sin- ul r mystery of Jim Ilridgrr'n early iifd ind the cause of his lifetime exile among the Indian tribes of thu north west. KIMJHTINO. IHnivlcliDi to Tin ! ' . . A HIU HACK. W YOUK , Soptombur 1 The Spirit of the Times announces the following iioinitiatiotm for thu grrat ? 10IK)0 ) purse , for 2:17 : clasa , to bo trotted in park , Itoston , the 14th : Fanny Woathurspoun , lilack Cloud , llulono , Clingstimu , Parama , Edwin Thornu , nnd S.uitjt Clans. Trie Spirit also days that ho lu-r.rot of Iho wry fast timu m.ido by LiHy Thoftio in u private trinl during 1870 is libw fu'lv out. .Slo trotted the Jti 2:101 : andthulmlt milo in 1.05. jj nAsn HALL. OuiiUno , September 1. Chicagos , 7 ; Batons , \ * HFKALO , Si'ptotnbor 1. llutftlos , G ; Pfnviilunct ) , 2. DETROIT , September I. Dutroits , 1 ; Troyi nonu. t llAHTl-'oni ) llAOKri. , Soptt'inbor 1. Charter Otk'pi-ik nioofi closed to-day. 'Jltl : u'a ' h , Minnlu R 1 , Pickard 2 , William H 3 Driv.-r 4 , Humboldt R 5 ; time , 2:21 : , 2:211 : , 2iOJ : ! , 2:20 : , 2:211 : , 2:23. : Open to all , Santa Olnus 1 , 1 , 1 , FtumoVi < tnors | ) < ioii 2 , 2 , 2 ; time , 2:17J : | 2l'Jj. : 2:21 : . - 'I'uriio iiiiiui'M oia'S , Wilson 1 , K n 2. Svect "ess I ! , Red Bird 4 ; timu , oior.l * . , MU { , M.W.J o.o > > i , oi M. * > . n . TIIK H1AI.L10N HACK. MiNNKAi-oLH , Suptombur 1 Hudi : U. bltt to-day deposited with a bankci hurt < $2 OHO tin the stallion ruro bu twetlll Moiiioit Cbmf , oivmid by D iblo and Comni' ' d ru ICt-ison' * YanArnim 8. Th Thu race i'Ci' ' r September purao is now $7r , > 00. > HUIM'Y TOM. i ( ii'in.sTi'U : Mum , Suptt-mbur I - Sleepy T 'in meet ! two heath lo-dayo a heavy track to beat bin record ; llnr us 1U hunt to-moMow. Timu , 15:21J : , , ii : ' . ! ' . bu cniruio I'.xritii'H. n IIH CiiiOAtni , September 1.Amot do thu entries i f spumi p irstia dtirinu tl ho IIOTKO fuir Hi -niumber , arc , ( ) ' ludB man , Jim Howmun , thn Infer "uteri . dB old claa-i in 2:45 : , nnd f pur year hu M > inr < iu Uhuf in ihu stallion and 2 : er cl tun , und Santa Uluur , Lucy , L U hu Mr wn Jug and Rosa Willies moth id ii classes. ion A TIIUKK MIL'S U"W lad IIIOIIPIKM ) SPKINOH , N Y. , S < iim t umber 1. The ihruo milo rueo He Ononduuii luke to-day between Coil md nuy and Leo , was ro od in thu i i * > " - . t 11 , 'iii.-- MU" ' ' lid in favor of 0 . .nrtnny.U'U uyH A Fatal Row. .od . _ . ucli ti > IIIK IlKr. lien ST. L < ) O1M , Suptomber 1 Durinj lian row bet ween a negro roustabout nun Ildiiry Harris itnd tlnmato of I h'tiitmeriuinl ( Rtjpublio , of the ling Paul lint ) , this uliurnoun , in wh U Oipt. Jamt'H Hunt , eimi.iander of < nor steamer wa involved , thu fen iia1 ; I lire iv a hiru'u Ktono at Oapt. Ii. iak- which Btruck bun over tliu lett < rtMB and fruc nred hi'i ' bkilll. llu ' in , t lon to St. LuKi'rt hosnital. It' IDll , HixriitM into tu-ni bl tli , t hu was ii ton iy critioiluiindiiionnn tor. C.tpt. li-st rtHidi'H in mil ! ana hu wifu IIIIH h"n aunt for , en. Tlio Golden RuIcrH ler- HICO | at 1 > ! HIttill | ttl Illll IIKK , iti-r ST Louis , Seplembor 1. Con erablo excilemeiiL bus btiiill a roll mired - here by HOIIIO iiainiigini ! revolutions rod litiniing Iho order of Knightu of nd ) Guidon Rule. It ia Bind that thu or ick- IB 800,000 in debt , mid IB quito lii i to to fill to jiu'cuu. Fiirthurmoro i aliened by Dr K J , Williamson , of tliu fliiprunio trustees , thut pa ) laaa touching ihu o nidtiet of Supreme t llif. lolai'i Smith and ' 1'rt iliuior Huicoi md ooth of Cinciiiniiti , hnvu been aunt Hu him to thu Hiiprumu commander. T ' the t.Ilieer has timeted him to pn irJ- ohurues agninsL Smiih anil Ilarcoi up- Wi'lianmon ' ut prei-ont decline in htatu what thueu cb.nges will bu , win auys thut tiny will not bo criminal urn ohurjotor , . . . . - ii-il - - - old A Soulpni1 Outiht- alf- Upuilal MiiiiUli | to'Int. 11KB. 1m KANSAS Cnv , Si-pti'mbtr 1L. . ilt- Rota , tiiikoo seal , t r , wan atrealtd h iltmd md lo-duy wild it iiiiinbor of bogus tied on hid peraon. 'J'ne licketu uru ovt to nuinber of rouda und Biippoaud to ho made by an orguni/.Hd cliijuo ut Vt'B Louis or Chicago. led L D , Roes , of thu firm of Delun liu. ROB. * , tickul bcalpura , wus a i rested I orn uvening ut thu iiHtiitiiiioii of I'J Ti > Jowott , of the Miisouri 1'acilio r i K road , charged with paaning fraudul Ilia railroad tleuuU. Tlio nu in ( jtiuet thu was signed by J , L. Alien , ostunsit mn gcnerul uu'jnt of thu Puuriu , Ducu he iV Evttiisvillu railroad , issued by tread XIH , road from Peoria to St , und St. LJ ! Ut. and ever thu Muaouri Paoilio. oK- largo iiumbiir of bi > gu tickuta ici. found on R MJ' person. Ho olai tic thut they were bout him by Eisti l.isn parties to nvll. Appoarancuu niUic lilll a big ! Buheniu , wliica Inn been 'oin operation uomu timu and swindl self novcral rouda , DovUopmontu \ to-moirow. The 1 1i gus tiukots louiid on R jsa' peraoii i tilt ) over thu L i > ldi A Weatorn , Si Ii. Fo , Hannibal & S' . Jou , Muaouri I ins , cilio , Pooriu , Djcatur ifc Kvanttvil non nnd several other roads. It la thou { or , the tickets wuro iiuinuluciiirud iitsu itlj pluca in the vicinity of tat i-ouia ent Chicago , and that Ribs m ono of I ) US , unng employed in circulating tin tiim In the complaint the forgery of low P. D. tt K , ticket in nueation tot- charged against Rosa. FORT LYOH FALLS. The Rebels Driven From Entrenchments anil Oom- pletely Routed , Lord Frederick Wolseloy Lenda in Person and Fcaloa the Outer Wnlls , While His Heroic Followers Bravely Breast the Bay onets of the Foe. Tlio Artillery i nd Mnrlnew Tlnll tbo Eucmy'i Flnultn Accord- KoKnlntlnn , Utllllunt luul Dloodloea Hkotchoil by nn Eye Wltnosa. Spcclvl IX | vtkh 13 Till Ittn. CAMP LYON , OIIAND ISLAND , Kob. , Sopiuuibor 1. The programme for to day was carried out to the letter. First at 11 a. m , a grand luview and in spection of all the soldiers in the camp by the national commander. At 11W : ! promptly General 0. II. Fed- unck , chief of stall , a most soldierly and otHdunt o Hi cor , formed the line on thu parade ground. The troops theu inarched passed the rovlow of- hcer in columns by company , making . General ing n grand display. Tliuyer then marched the whole command across the prnirio to the camp. It looked like a small urmy. At 3 p. in. the sham battle c uiio off. A space of about a milo of and the , quire was cleared people troops took position in line of battle , thu ca\alry on thu right iUnk , and the artillery on the cantor supported by six comp inies of infantry. The lire waa opened first by the skirmishers and the engagement soon began to bu 'iiorul. The fort under Major Clark- in responded lively , nnd finally the Monitor sailed up and entered into the ongagumont , finng bombs , from the m irtara. Thu fort hold out 'K ' gallantly until thu fire- became to hot inr und just ut tlio timu a squadroon of r I cavalry under Col. Wooator charged it. Ono inci- ! > nnd insisted in taking 17 dun came- near being an accident ono he take forgot to tif thu uttnoting party iur nut his ramrod und tired it off missing Paul Yandurvuurl's head about two fuut. Up to this time no accident hog on happened and nothing unpleasant oc- rt curred. There is to too a oaaip < fire in ' i night at 8 p. m 'and'to ' favowolls"vwH ry * year. Gen. Chas , F. MaudoraotT'ar rived last oveni g. ? a NOTES. , ted thu H | tx-Ial D Dutch | to TUB Hull. St. THK MIN.Tl AND TIIK DEBT. ich iiiMiToN , Soptfinlxir 1. The the coimtuo uxuuuti'd at thu mi'ita du-iiiR ner August i < valued at 8aiO ! ) 072 , of : t , which $12-1L 5UUO , Wuro atanUurd del jyo lars. lars.Tho vaa The debt statement allows a decroaao vas of the public debt during Augu&t of i i u S10,128.2 t. iu.U . I'AVNK. U , At the refjnent uf the uecretary of thu interior , Secrutory Lincoln to-day directed thut ajnu itnU his com- P..IHUIIS , of Oklohuma notoriety , who hid- luivo been in prison at Fort Rune , bo UL'd turned over to thu civil authorities at Fort Smith , Ark. ro- ihu Iff TIIK KTAlt IIOUTK T1IIAL dur Hunklo hud not concluded hii argu iblo ment when thu couit adjourned until t ia Monday. onu lers Bob Font iuTroablo. 9U3 Hit | < clal ll | t h to TIIK HUH iirt , Ciiio.Ado , Sdpt. 1 Hob Ford , who by killed Jitaau Jumua and. who with Ilia 'hut brother , haa been playing in a blood- jfer and'thundur dritnu in u low variety urt. ibealru hero , wan arrested on the i to ' Li-vi > o" early this nioriiinj ; fur dia- i but conduct anil urduily carrjnmcoticealuJ in weapons , Thu Fordu hnvu buen lead- inn H very low lilt ) huro and uro con stantly gtitting into rows in disreputable blepartn of thu town. D. Vo IK Iteiui , en CII 10'lllK llrK. tola DKN VKit , Suptuiubur 1. The Rvpub- ; r a iiotn'a LJU VcL/aa pptclal 8a ) : bu ( ! mural ( Jrook and atutf paaaed Si hr > UL'I ) hero to-day ou thu way to Kurt Whipplo , where they will winter , tiV Voati-iday Aliirtin ll.ipu Price , a .his 5' ling Ii-uhmun , livinu on Fred , S. tloupur'u ranch ai Red Rivur Sjrinya , ail- van uliot and killed by a Moiic-tu her- out Jor , who ttien o.iir.pullud Mra Hoputo ion ijivu him all iho monuy in the house , 'iy- CHkii'i , ' Hooper's beat hurao Ho es tut- caped , Illll uibA Knllwuy Proinutiuu. A ill tJ 'lua lit * . orf Siiptumoor 1.Gun. . A. ma Sanderson , who bus hemi jrn i oiit of thu Ddiivor it Rio ( Jrando atii nlwny in tltia ony for t.vo yoira , has in Ouun iippjtntud gtmural troight and in ugont of thu .P.tlmer-Sulli- tyj'uin in MJXIUO , co lautioy of UO Nationul and I' . xaiMoii- uri. -an lines , liuad > | uarturd to bj ul Mou- uta > turoy. llu , Geuorut iiuti-r' . Yacht. III S.wiUil Inuju clito l'iu iln < IIIme me Ito.srjN , Stsptuuibur 1 , Much anii- or oty ia foil hvru among trienda of tin ( ijnural Uuilur for the aufoty of his mi pur < y , The yacht Amuriea was due tht at Q Juboo two weoka ago , aud nothing vh i.ivur has been hoard from her