jFHE DAILY BEE--QMAHA. PBIDAY * . SEPTEMBJSR 1. The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Prirtuv Morninr , Sept. 1. \Voatbor Heport. ( ITie followinR olwervatinnaretaVen i the fhtne momi-nt of time at all the ttntioi named. ) WAR DErAllTMMfT , U. S. fllONAl.SKR- VIOK , OMAHA , Aug.ni , 1832. (1:15p.m. ( 8 * Denver . . M.04 nt | S r tr Cheyenne. . 30.00 fit NSK Miiht 10. U SK L'lcar riatU ) 1M2 fVI NE fresh FMr Omaha . . . . llrsk Inudy Yanklon . . . 3o ! 0 MRht Dos Uolne * . TO 13 Kreih "loudv Davenport. . W.OS rre * < ih Clo\dy 81. t'aul 1) It Krenh lou.lv EL IxiuU 33 OT "rr h Moorhcud. . 0 tl Krc h air nimnnck. . liuJonl . F th l-ar Cuiicr 16 LUht Cleir Amlnlbolne. a > .u ilRht Blrer 0 fcoi 8 Inches atioi t low water mark Omaha , 3 fe t 1 Inchci at Yankton ; lllplwlp | } | , feet 8 li chos at L Uromo , and 6 feet I Indies Djlbuqne. LOOAL BUEV1TIE3. A ear lna'1 of lime tnn from V n Oolllnit han I fen recclred lure for fi > mjl There will be m nervico thlp , Krlil.i night , ntUrncaMisftlon Kiilscopal ) , Noit Omaha. There W.M ono Bolitnry drunk hofni Judge lieneko ycjitcnlay Ho tiaid tli usual fine. There wai n lunar halo Wcxlaecil * with one ntar visible la tlt. Thin ImlicaU ruin btfor * tonight. . The Deputy City Mnr.hal , Mr. K. A BIcCItirc , hunroigiml anil Ollicer Oruno clicr U tcmtioratlly ia charge of the cit jail. A whole-silo lea houro haa Icon open cd in ° llio Kdwards biilMIn ' on I' rnai , rlrcet , by Wll on & It in Ison , former ) ; oTSt. Joe. The Wc t Ncbranlta minrinn conference once convdied yottcritay nt Ht. Paul , Xeii Jilahop Merrill Is oxptctud U > bo there. J full attendance of thu imiiUturn' miMilon I expected , A ojinpl.iint linn been ( ilodnnnliiBt lid 3/ccdcr for keeping Ida moiii optn im Hun day , tlio hiHrlnj ; uf the ca-ii bulni ; cuntiu ucd lor . 0 daH. Kd. protuincH to in.ingu rnto n general war. Three new cam Imvo 3 t been rccciv- - cd for UK > by thu Pullman i'acllic c.ir c nn- imny nt thin point. They are tka Hv.me- ton , JiilobnrK mid Kearney. Tlioy Mill iH > Into active service ntonct' . " A conplo of colored mm were rurn > tc < : by ( Jllicvr Burk iait o\enln , wln : mi i chnr'ul wiih ( .tcnlin HnmuooilH ( from thi jjotiiriom ffiiudo known nn .Tulinuie Hull They received temporary < | uuitert < In Hit city Jill. Attention firemen : Thcro will lie a Hjicclnl meeting of Ji'iro King ; No. 2 , lit J7iremcn'n bull , on Friday evening , Sep tember J , 1H82 , 7:30 nliurp , for the uiinunl cloctlon of ( ifHcoin and pniude. Chin.lliodwny , tbo 1'iipillion f ri'inr who wan arreHted on the ciiargo of rap ry little Anulo Moil day was exnmincd lu l > oHco' > nirt Wednesday and at the iluuo of tlio bearing wan discharged. Hu wept like a child aa ho left the court room. Attention Sir KnighU : ] tc ular con clave tbla ( Friday ) evcniuK of J\H. C-il- vary Oooinmudery No , 1 , K. T. liuslncsB of upccinl importance will be presented , A full attendance in requested , Ity order of the cimmnuder. Harry K. Hathaway , recorder. T o brother * who ran away from their homo in Orange county , N , Y , , about live .yearn i-io , and lyho must bo aliout twenty mid twenty-two yiarx of ( , ' ( ' , at tliia time , are wanted b > ck at tlio old homi'steud , wlieru n fortune awniu them. The 1ml beard of the toyii they bad learned the pi intlng buflncsit , and wcro woikiui ; in un ulllco in Nvbrabka. ItcHtrved heats ate now on mile at lioydV Upera Home for the 11 union ISrutlicru' eiKiicnient In "lo Yoyago uu HuUio , " ThU in n ( unions company , ami Jlunngoi Jitiyil J fortunate in ImvliiK He- cured it for the iipcnlug night of thu regu lar Hcauon , Thu Lompiiuy recently cum pk-twl u wundeifully Buccemfiil BOIIHOU ol overal , weeks In Hun Krmu'isco , und for n week putt lm\u been drawing cnWii' ( lioiiu-s in Denver. A man who had the uppraraucu of be log a common tramp witti brought to the city jail i.lmul 10 o'cb ck latt night by Ml 1' . J. Qualty , who caught him In bis ban and wuu latlbfied that bu wu there for the puriKiso nf Btoaling hemethiug. Thu follow came to Mr. QunUyVi msldcnco , bt-twren Harris K KMier'u ami Shrely'ii pt-cllnj , bousm , and hung around f. r dome tlmu , arl > in thu eveniiig. Ho won ordered oil by Mr. Qimley , who , uliK > ( | iieiitly , on going - ing out to hU ttabla t 1 < ck up for the bight , found thu fellow In hU com crib , Jle ran.unny , and waa cbaird by tbo doge ami cupturul on the lallrnad , Tlio me.'lmnloa of the Union Pncltio nliopa will gl > e u grand plcnla at Huuncoin I'wk on Hatunlay afternoon und livening next , which promises to boa fine affair , A uuuibcr of locomotive hradligliti will be placed un the grounds tu furnish ample light , a * ttio moon does not il > a until 11 o'clock , and dancing will be indulged in until lulduiglit , Irvlnei full band IIIIM ' been engaged and arraugcuienU Imvo been made f < .r ample transportation hi from the jurk ufterthe plcnia l over. Thu nmnu- Kort Invite all frli-ud/i / to attend the picnic and Itmire them A goml tluio. Chun. Clwdiey , Lev/ Green , Joint * Murphy anil jit , 3'unh me the ctmnilttce on nrrutigo jurnt * . I teuBallou In Ilia > ! cinllyoi ( he U. 1' , deiot | yebtcrdey nioui- lay , caudal by the-uvertuinin ol'a furiu- er' wagon , containing B couple of winiitu and u viral men , tt the fitevn liaulc In /rout of the Ht. June * hutel. Ollicor Jiurk caught the { juiueii ru they were nidiilng aw y And luoiatfd tbo paity , cue of lh women buntf cut bully about the btcl. On | irxk2 edlug liume , Uuik found that hi * revoher waa luhtln ) , ' and It ijuiiltK of < ne who hod wltomed the Accident , learned that the wu/uan who liad e caiwi unhurt hod picked JU > the tba "weipoo , put it In | her and carried it olf. IJnrk took the 8 o'clock dummy and fo lowed her to th tran ffr , where ho fonn her on the C. , B. ft Q. tr-ln and doinar hlsplsto. She nt first denied haling i but hen hln i lc < l that she hv ) , * \ ld i > he thought It w. her hotbami tt an picking it out of her pocket returned It I him. The engineer's office .f the H. A was trnnrferrod to Mncoln je-tcrda ; the room ? occupied by this rlcparttnent , I tlio third at .ry of the 11 , & M.ul dir will now be occupied by the general pn sengcr and tick t department. A. telegram to Uraduli wt ye ter 'ay ai niunce ) the axslgnmen. of OrfgA Mulf'ifi UlvMep , Neb. The hou e cnmmenc business here i'ft March , c mln < fro : ? alrhury , Neb. , where theyhaJ l > een I bunlnois tdx months , A THIEF CAUGH P. The Diamond Stealer Arreote in Council Bluil'd. Ho Luys HU Tronbloi All { o Cnrd Tliu pArticiilarg of the modus op randi by which .1. Thicn B t nwf with $ GCG worth of diamonds an $210 in ci h from S. .Immson , t ) jeweler , were yivon ycaturdny , ni now wo nro urntifled in record the ca turo of the rotfuo , with the larger pit of hia plunder. At 1 o'clock Wodiicuday Oflicc' ' EJ. Oormtin nnd .1. O'l ) niohuo , el compnniod by Mr. S. .Joiiason , li ) thu U. P. depot on n special ungUi for Council Itlulf * , hnvin privnto i't ' formation of a rollnblo character thr Mr. .1. Thoin hnd skipped "ovor t Council lilufb , iiiiiong the lott toughs " On arriving si the otlit aide of tha bridge thuy footed it u town in thu innonlight nnd finding ul the enlouns nnd furo batikn closed pru cocdud to take in the Imtols nnd muki u thoroutih invuatigation of the ru At the Pacific houio tliuy founi that ' ; . ! . Thi in , of I'hiladulphin , " hat uft on the 28th of Aug. Altur work iig nil .tho big hotuls thuy full bacl ) ii the ICLB iniporinnt OIHH. I wan Into nnd ntnrly uvury nin md rutirud for the night , no it wne in uaity innttcT to find tlio until tin- ; wuntud , but thuy hud tiikun thu doou ncnt p.iH-ud on Mr. Jofinaon , wine ) r/oH u promieHury note inutuiid of i check , und hoped by coinpariiif , ' tin nignatiiro on thta check with Bimilu : iup" > niiig onua to gut n cluu to tin ugitivo. At HID Bi'clitcll IIOUBC , u airt of ii ( iriiiura' hotel on Drcmdwuy , thonnmt if .1. Monn W.IH found amoug otliera , 'ho initi.il " . ) " on the rcgiatur tiilhod ixuctly with that on thu note , and luving obtiiincd n duncnptioii of tin larly , uscondcd to room No. 8 and ( iiockud ut the door , thu occupant ol 10 room responding imuirdmlo y , und luing iduntiliud by Mr. Jonaaoiius the inn thuy wuro looking for. Ilo war lid that ho wui wuntiidaiidbeinguBkud luiro "tho Btnl ! " WUH produced it , ithout r. word , from bin pocket. The ( UHuiiy was nil hiindaotiibly enc-ised ,11 vulvut nnd old gold , und conmated ) f two aolituiro diamond rings , a ckis- .or diamond brooch and car dropv to untch , a lovely diamond scurf pin , ito. The awindlur was taken to thu > olico court and naked ns to hia will- ngnoBS to cotno to Omaha without thu luluy and formality of procuring a 10- [ uiaitiun and alter sonio huaitxncy bu lonaunludto accompany the cflicura of lia own accord. It was by tliia time ibout 0 a. in. , the job haviiig occupied ill night , and the parly , taking street : ars tor the TrniiHtor , found a train in .vnitii . g nnd uoon arrivud in Oiimln , .vliurn thu prisoner wt > n lodged in thu : ity jail. At the tinio of hia iirrcst Tlicin had i httlo ever § 10 on hia pt-raon , all .lutt waa loft ot tlio $210 recuived of Mr. Jontison. Ar ho had luu-n p'ny- ' ng faro through the night nnd wua ru- [ lortod to Imvo inudo u vMinnng , it wan not known how ho had gut rid of it iint'l it WIIH explained that with S100 i > l the niiinunt bo hud taken his gold w.itch out of mmk on the other side. 1'ho reathuhtul probably Kiuiuuk'rod in uoi'.iu way. itcfoto tlio much and canli could bo attuchod by thu jowollur for the balance duo him the prisoner gnvo Ilia attorney nil order for botli , wliich took thorn out of the handu of thu authorities. Thein olainiB to leave n wife and B'IX ohildicn in Chicago , ami tvfms to fot-1 very b.id indci'd about hia ail'air. II u na > n IIIH trouble wua ull thu roault ot gambling. As ho had loft a cull for U o'clock at the Uechtellliousu , ho was uakud whiithti wanted to got up HO tmrly for. Ilo roplii'd tlmt ho had made up his mind to return tlio juw- ulry to Mr Johnaon. The latter will lese ever 5200 in cash advanced in ad dition to the uxpunso incut red in the search , Tlio discovery of tlio wh-reabouts nf Thoin was nmdo in H Miigiilur and accidental ninnnor , JIo had been fruiuenting the gambling lialla of thla ! ity and waa known to tbo doilura .md iiropriotors both hero and in Oouncil lilull'd , After olitnining tbo [ iropertyVodnraiIay liu skipped ever the rivur on the 0 o'clock dummy , and having redi'omi'd hia wulch wont tome mo of the "banks" to play in a Httlo. Ho nmdo n winning of § 35 , and the proprietor seeing that ho bud hia wntch and BOIIIO monny beeidea. and mppoaing that ho had won a good itnko aomowhoro , tulophniiud to ono sf the bankrra on thiaaitlo of his luck. A third party overheard the moa- ago ruccivod by telephone and nd- nsod olllcer ( iofiimu and upon this in formation Iho engine was clmrtored uul the trin made to Council Bluffa , which roaulted in a complete BUCOCBS , 1'ho watch wna Ihocno previnuhly ro- 'oiri'd to ua hitving been purchased of Mr. .loimson uoino tnno ago on a BIIII- hirripreauitation , thu paper in that iiBtanco proving good. The wutcli B valued ut S11I5. filuch credit u duo otlieer Gorman or gottmg thu clue and following it ip until thu capture of tht man , and o niltcor O'Donolmo for his valuable iMwtanoo , us without their unitud of- orla Mr. Jonaton would not probu- ily have recovered n dime'f worth of lia proforty. Salve Ii unequalled > r clinbUIn , cliappeJ Landf , frost bltiw MILITARY ACTIVITY. Additional Troops to BB Ser to Forts Robinson and Hiobrara. Who Will H/.VB to Build Hul For Wiuter Quarters. CoLTnylor Relieved Tram Ann to Rnnort For Duty. Death of n Prominent Army Offlcor i Port Nowa was received at the militai headquarter * in this city yesterday i the death of Major 0. W. Wingan U. S. A. , tUtioned at Kurt Dougla Utnli , ho having di'pattud tliia life c Wednesday. Major Wingard hi boon in the torvico for twunty yenr having orii-itially been nppoinu been nppointcd from I'oDiiDjlvani IIo eorred for n number of years t the 1'ucilio coast nnd had n tbiuphti married to Ospt. 0. Toboy , of tl Fourteenth infantry. Ho leaven a unmarried son and daughter. Mr Wingniil in reported u-riouoly ill. A JJKW DUAL. When the orders were i&nuoil tram fi > Triiij.Gurii > riil Oroolc to Anr.jnu , th Ttvulltli infantry , 0 < * pt. Wilcox curt mutidliiK , was ordered to the dcparl meiit of the 1'lattc , Oitl Wicoxwhe ) roliuv d being uiRtructed to roixirt n Fort D. A. Uussell , OlieyennoV T September Int. Although no now him been received t the drpartmon hoadquurtera hero in regard to an ; change in the di&position of theai troops , \V&Hliingtoii diBputch of Au guat 28th ea > : "Orders inaued forth wuro to-day ) twelfth rogimunt of infantry , Col. 0 , B. Wi c ix commanding , whioli ha : nerved in the department of Arir.oiu for ubuut iy yearn , to proceed to Mud. ison barracloi , Suckutt'u Harbor , N. Y , and report to Alujur Gen. W. S , Hancock , comtnnnding the division oj the Atlantic Tiiia trunnfer ia madi tonplnco the companies of infrtiitrj sent to the frontier from Now York to be mounted , and id nlao made tu iquabzo the burdens of the aervicu. 1hu order , which will take ulluct suon .ifter the 1st of September , will on- tml mi expouuu of about § 2 000. It will , however , give flon. Hancock two ri'giinentn ot infantry insti'iul ol only ono its herotoforu. TUB \RW ASSISTANT ADJUTANT QEN- KIIAL , Colonel Joaoph U. IVylor , who waa ordered to Fort Omntm useiBtunt ndju- Unt general of tlio depurlmi'iit of the I'Jntlo , vice Colonel Murtin , trans lerred to thu dup.trtmont of Arizona , will probably report at , heiu.quartura of the dei.irt [ mtnl of the IMattu in a foviT daya. Colonel Taylor had but ro- cuntly I'oen traimfi'rred from Arizona to Nmvport li.uiackr , Kentucky , and ttuppo. mig that liu would , an UBiinl , bo kept there nbout five years , went to conaulurnblu expenoo to loouto himself comfortably , placing his children in nchool , et. When thu order came for him to report at Oma ha ho niada n grand kick and , contrary to the orders of General Sherman , applied to thu Kentucky senators and congressmen to have the decree of the war department ovokod. A Washing ton dispatch nuya : Thu record of the court-martial in the ciico of Cul. Jonoph II. Taylor , uBbifltant adjutant-general , stationed at Newport , Ivy. , has boon received at the war department. The case will go to .ludgc-Advocato-Oenera ! Swaim for review , and will then bo Hubniittod u > 'ho president for action. It is niidoiatoiid that the court found Cul. Tnylor mlty of the charge of invoking political influence to nt'curo thu revoontion of an order transferring him to du > y on the frontier , and sen tenced him to bo reprimanded in cult ural ordeia. The tipecilio allegation on which Col. Taylor was tried waa that ho wrote a letter in which ho im pugned the motives of the authority which gave the order for his transfer by alleging that the chungot \ - \ was made to plcaon an oflicur junior to hinutit , ( Col. Cobin.J thereby mibjcc ing liim ( Col. Taylor ) to inconvt'inence and uxuunao ; also , in giving forma ! noticothai ho intended to use political n.lluunco to have the order ruvoKd , then by intimating that ho would go over the licml of the BOO- rotary of war. It ia explained at tlui war department that while ulHoi-ra ol Iho army often ask politic.il influence to Bccnru favors Mich as promotion , leave of nbaenco , and what urn known mi indntgfnciej , it ia tilwiiyn considered u military olIoitM ) for an nllicor to ueo ouch oulsido inlluenco to Becuro the revocation of an order , as it is generally xuppoaed that if tliero iiro reaboimblo groundH for it they ill bn duly considered by the proper r.uporior ofllcor to whom uuch npplica- lion should always bo addroneud , " Col. Taylor has boon roliuvtul from irreat and will probably report at unco for duty. SLAVKN'S YOSKMIPK COLOGNE olado from the wild llowuri of th KAU i-AMKi ) Y08EM1TE VALLKV , it ia the most fragrant ot purfumes. Manufactured by 11. 1) ) , Slavon , San Knuicieco. For Halo in Onutlm by W , \Vliitohouao und Kennata liroa. , XsCo. Supreme Cpurt of Kobraeka. Sycamore Marsh Ilarvostor com. mny vs. Sturm. Error from Hull sounty. llovorsiul and ronmuded. Opinion by Cobb , .1 , 1. Where two parties Imvo made a sontract , which ono of them 1ms jrakon , the damages which the other night to receive should bo either such i3 may fairly and reasonably bo con- lidi'rcd arising naturally , chat is , iccording to the usual course of things rom the breach of contract itself , or uoh us may reasonably bo supposed o have been in the contemplation of Kith parties at the time they made the lontract , as the probable result of the roach of it , 2. Upon the ale ot a machine the ellor gave the purchaser a warranty n writing in these words : "Hutiuira , Nebraska , September 5 , 1877. We rarrant Wheeler No. U combined reaper And mower to bo a good grai cutting machine and a good raotrir machine. Should the machine fail I dr > as warranted , then , in that CM w j are to bo notified nnd given tin to make the machine work. Shoul wo fail to make the machine worl then wo agree to take it bscl ( Sinned ) . " Upon suit belt b ouftht on one of the notes given f- the purchase money , the defondai plead the warranty and breach an made a counter claim for loss of tin for himself , two hands and team , lot of grain out of crop caused by dola in being compelled to him extra hoi and another machine to harvest sal grain and for money piid on said mi chine , Verdiot and judgment for di fetidant. On error , held , that by tb last clause of the warranty , the vet dor'fl damages were limited to the n covcry back of the money paid on tli contract. 2. The contract of warranty oboT pot out w i M ned by dealers who i point of fact were the RguntB of tli plaintiff , but they uaethoirfirmnnmi and not the name of the plaintiff , IK An they dwscribo themselves as ngenti The notes for the machine were draw payable directly to the plaintiff , an cult thnreon brought in its immi Jleld , That the giving of the warrant and taking of thu notes being parts < thu same transaction , the claiming c property in , and bringing unit on tli note , wan u ratification of the wai runty by the plaintiff. Kirl VB. Darns. Krror from S.ilim Unversed and temanded. t pinion : Where taxes are levied upon re ; rotate without authority of law a coui of iquity may enjoin the collection t the b.iino. Atkins vs. Atkins. Motion sufj goatmg diminution of record BUS tamed. Michael vs. Fedawa. Motion eug gosling diminution of record DUG tninod. Fiiajjrraltl vs. Hollinpsworth. Mo tion to atiiko bill of exceptions froii hlcn overruled , O. ifc U. V. 11. II. Co. va. Martin Submitted. Notice- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex > celnior Roof 1'aint , " was patented Maj 24th , 1881 , atid ottera pUcnt num < her 241 , 803. Any person found 01 known to tamper with the mnnu faoluro of said paint will bo punish ud to the full extent of law. Ko prr- on has any aulliority whatever to sell receipts. UAWTIIOUN & Duo. , Lancaster , Pa. PEBSUNAb. W. T. 1'attmr , of Now York , ia nt th < Millanl. A. T. Pierce , of Hi't ' l.alie , In nt the Millanl. U. L. lilackburn , of Milford , It t tlie Crci hton. O. II. Wheat , of Liuouln , is at the Crrighlon. John A. MooMurphy , of nilt mouth ' Idnthectty. J. W. PollosV , thu Weil 1'oiat batiker , la in llie city. Etta UiiiKoldine , of Fremont , ii a guest ) f the Creiyli on. Hon. A. II. StoSbum , of Tombstone , i\riz. , is lu thu city. J. N. Mayer , of Wyandotta , Kan a , jazette , h a giiOKt at the Croighion , lion. Clue. H. Iluntliuton , a brilliant roung lawyer , of Oa-lanil , is in the city. K. 8. Uut'cr ' , re iiterj of the land ollicc it NelUli , > Iik tbo city accompanied by hn ! wife. Mrs. M. DAnnett , Mra. T. U. Dan- iett and Mian Ijutt * Dinuott , of Clinton , town , are at the Crelliton. S. K. MaKlroy , of Palls City ; K. Hurl- iut , Columbus ; A. Wilson , O. < ceola ; O. "i. Davis , llluo Springs , and J , II. U alloy. 3olumtme , are the Nobraakana lit the Met ropolitan. 1C. A. Kiclmrdann , Clarks ; J. I ! , Oreen , N'orth 1'latte ; V. L. lr..inlL-y ! . and .1. C. 3parV , Tbnlcher ; MM. Irinnan and child , llicknun ; 8. 0. Smith , O klaudj rrank Mexaiulcr , l'i H Is'iemim iin-l It. li , stnlo' , North Plo'.tc ; U. II , Ulrney , Mn- : oln , Hii'lA. I ( . prague , Stromalnirt ; , nro it the Canhcld houfa. C. M. llur OD , Sidney ; ] ' . A. Voie ) Crete ; V. K. Wliite , I'la'tsmnnth ; II. W. I.klii3 , Hon. L. K. Cropney , H. K. VVHii-h'2u e , < ! . It. I'ottcr und John llotb , Miiriilu ; Chnrlojl ! . Codioan , Gimlell < ick ; M M. Ilitnlin , Nulira'ika City ; rf. Der. my , wife unil two ladles , Weeping Water , unl A. H ( Jauiot , blduoy , are am > HK the liromlneiit N'ebruakani at the Millnrd , Col , Liulingtun haa loturne 1 from the 'att. 'att.Hnm Hnm liotliwtll went toCr.uitl Inlnnii yeb- .cnlay. T. K. LuivU went to North I''ntto on iVeilucjchy H train. Mr , C. A Daman , of the CUcago Inter- ) cean , U in thu city , W. .1. lirontcli and wife ha > rvturucd 'rom their summer ttmr. John Hitclicock left Wednsitfay fur An. lover acaileiny , MaeluisjttK. 1' . KbKeivater , editor of TlIK ] ) Kf , liua ; one to the ( irund If land itMiniun. Oiorge Cnnlield and H. C. Ualdwiii 1mo ; nii to Ilia Oraud Wanit iviinlou , Mr. J. 1 ! 1'rtMton lojkn qutie at homo it tun old ntaiul , Kuhr.'d drut ; btore. Mrs , Cul. Kdily , i.feiblia , Mo. , arrived i\'aJne ( Uy lu Omaha for a uliort vUit , Dr. DeiilbU relurufcl from hli western .our on tlie Denver express ycaterdny. Ml > Little CliU'rwo > l left ycntentay to loutlnuu her niuiicul iH'.iication ' in Ik'ston ' , Aim. W , J , Council nnd MM | Iaura Council nro at homo nalu after a auumier rUlt In Veruuuit Mr. Frnnlc Ciuult , of the Wuhan ! ) road , iai returned from Chicago , tiriiiKin ; ; witb ilm au cjtimable laily a liU wife. lion , A. Sauitderd , &cconipanlcd by hix \lfo and daughter , tut e-t to ( iraiul Is. and yesterday to attend the reunion. U , Fredcricksfu , of the dry goods tirm if 1'reilcrlckeen & Uro.ttarttxi Wednesday or the east , where he will purchase ttock or fall ( Icu. O , O , Howaid , Uie new comniun- ler of the department ' ) ( the 1'htte , left Vent 1'oint yesterday for Ornuha to us- ume hU new pualtlon , Mrr , A. lluw and her daughter I-I11I * /ho it one of Des Moluei' city teachers , ( ft WedaettUy afternoon for their new home In DM Molnex , They bare been the city on a Abort rUit to Mr , Andre KreemanXwho o wifa U Mr . H w daughter , Mr. A. M. Jncobl , dmcgist w ! 1 Kuhn' left | Wedne-doy f r Chiesijc n tri ( > of pleanure and bnin < H % and 1 e iiectcd in hi rettun to oriog one of tl fineflt belles of the ea't a bis bride , Walter Davi , Kfq. , late of the firm K , J. Wilson ft Co. , codec nnd npice mill Cincinnati , It in the city with his famtl Mr , Davfo if highly educated youi man , with large buainefu eiper.coce , at we are informed that ha Intend * to mal Omaba hi home , and therefore wo c/ louk out for n new butlneil houne. Diamond Dyes for famil UAQ Imvo no equals. All popub colora eanily dyed , fast and bcuutifu Ten ccnti a package , You need not bo poor and depont out on your wedding day , for evei person male or f em tie -can get good round sum of money nt nmriag if they hold n certificate of tnombui ship in THE MAKHIAGK FUN : MUTUAL TRUST ASSOCIATION of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. $10,000 ht already been paid in bencfltn to it members , in the nine months of th aavjciatlons' organisation , and there i a golden opportunity for thousand moro to reap even larger biinotitt Nothintj like it was ever known Da not postpone Bonding in yon request for circulars giving full an complete infotnigtion regarding th plann and opperations of the associa tion. Agents can make bigger mono than in any other business. It i strictly honorable , pleasant and pro fitiinlo. The Auditor of State hold n deposit from the association as pro Bcribed by law , for the protection o their members. The only atBocia'.ioi of tbo kind in existence organized ac cording to law. Write at once fo circulars. Say whore you saw thi notice. on Rats. " Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flics ants , bud bu 's , ok links , chipmunks gophers. 15c. Drugyiata. two doz tor 05 cents at J. I Nichols. 203t , WANTED. A good pecond-hant bicycle. Address box X , Centra City , Neb l3t ( METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA. HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the market uttords. The traveling public claim they got better accommodutione and more general satisfaction hurt th.m at noy other house in Omaha. Hate , § 2 per day. nui21tfnio * * * "Troubles often come from whence wo least expect them " Yet wu may often p-evcnt or counteract them by prompt and intelligent action , rhousRiido of perdona nro conatnntly troubled wiMi u C'linbinatiun ' of dis eases. Diseased kidneys and coative bowi'ls nro their tormentors They should know tint Kidney Wort nets on theae organs ni the Fame time , causing them to throw oil' the poisons that have clogged them , and so re newing tVu whole sys em IS A SURE CURE for all dleonsos of the Kidneys and LIVER It lies Bpeelflo notion on thla meet Important organ , ctmbllnK It to thrair off torpidity and Inaction , stimulating tha healthy accretion ofOic Bile , and by keeping tha bawcli In free condition , elTccungit * regulardlscliatKO. BA > > lr > ' ] ? > IfyouarcE'jirorinBfrom ilSSClleiriCl. nmlarialiavotkochllla , nro hillou-i , dyopcptla , or constipated. Kid- noy-Wort Tlll iruroly ro'Jrro tl qniokly euro. In UiU season to cleaneo tlio System , every onoBliould take a thorough courto of It. (5i > SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. Prlco Cl. HEAT YOUR HOUSES w FURHAGES IN THE WORLD. & 1ADU DV CHICAGO , ILLS. rmuolv now 1882 I "Pr i.iiiuirs. Jlor. uriicUoul 'ut ii > , Coit lost ti do pin iomj 1.1'lnni l'a < lt "i- i > more " - ' ' < ii i u lirirtr viiltunu > ' liltrn nlr tlun nn > 'urnai'f mv'o ' .S-ilIt ) l'IKUCr.YilllAlr [ < MUnmniNib : 'lOTICK Advuttintmeni To U n , I'or , Hair i iomul , Wftata Ilcerijlcz , ao. , vlll belli. ert d lu thut. rolurani once lor TKN CENTS , ; Hut ; unh nubMHiuuut Inxirtlnn , I'JVK C11NT3 ti lint , llio Int maertlou never Inu tbun rwvtrj-v viw PUVTE IO lOAM WUNtY OMV : TO iO\N On chattel tnortiraiK ie- M c-utliy. A. II Tufj'ii uilliu rl UrorT \ , mrrOimhi Ktthnal banV t3- ' ( hA ul 1U I.UAIl C4UM t 1) . 171 iTO LOAJti At 8 < > cent In LcOit/t i fiii- ' * - ' M r" - iJ'i < JVUUlturaat lu anmSjOt fiKiO ana ip vardd , (01 S to S } eari , ca Ont-Ui' n ilty fnl ' na urorwrty. UMIIB Kiii. " " < aud " - UCHCT. tbthjj.t l > ouylajBU DtLH WANTEU. \\7ANTEP O tnpcttnt'rlr ( , ccneril liouic- T work. joud uii 'pf ; re ircneen rvqui'til. 'n- iulr Mr < l < A Oroa. tleorclaav.niH , or ( iroll t Mnnt.iiury , otcr Ouulii .Natlcnil L'aak. ' PAS1KD A iHjrtir u sujcr < 00 ' ( icrmai HT\ant gi'l nautcd Irqulre 11 at llw "Hlv. _ _ _ JSQJI It ANTI'.l * Clrl lor fi'iural lioun-uork and > ' hi'lpuith dilldrcn. l'.iuUlri' | at ItitK olllec . Ui'cn 11 a. m. and 1U o. m. gT3-l \ ' rill ( ioo < l thlrtlroiur at Omaha Strain Uf Ijundr ) , 1107 ! I'arnam atrcct.ja1 lir ANTED -Good rook and kitchen girl. Apply - VY ply U3I& WcUUritrvot. 'J30-1 * n /"ANTED Tailor ee , pinuand e t rraker. \V KEKDUKO'dtCO. , WI-JO \V i't ping Water , fc , "VITANTED A Brt.elv tateaiian ho IK wi TT P'teJ In drj ( fOO" an clothing. Slug refit , ullllnzt'1 irk. S'ate * hry wjntoJ , l fir-t rJ4 i Mfortncj. Aidre4 locb' 63 , A rora , Vtb. * 8-t | < H .x-d l.vh.r 118 B .nth 13 W ttrict.tyc , 113 00 \ > .t wttk. 2.181 7NTP.D-Olr hi ( ftnerjl hou-eworV , 161 w liouslwMre t SVI-J - s < x > i wo3l rl cooli tope to J' WANlKU-A . - tspklJ. App > a- ollito. SU n an to abh and ircn. API ot Kaiinctt IIouBB. { 17.4 AN"f7Tl iWo dnt i-ro nTKliTs t 'Tan w trVi llouv. 221-31 \TrANTED-Olrl for ccnrrat henwwctk. 17 ! W JIOMD itrcet 301 > , t WA.STEU A ( till lor general hmsewrrl Oo d zcs Iv n. 1 > trth r l eorni Uamllton and I'lei itrwiU. Shlrm' . tddltion. IDitl D M n adwlff. Inrm're nt Mai clll. ft. ICS-tt \\TANTED-airlj mn tU ) ( rood e ok , w he 1 V und Ironcr Apply to 174 l ) unpoit b tl fcio'col requltrxl. Kfl U - the Natlrnal llctclat I cfl tOne Ono flrtt-cla.a porter , mutt ep * lt ni < i | nail dermin ; * No. 1 fnu-uUic ) k ; tm ) t oNi U'lrln Hlllia ; them $ lc and :0 pur month. A ( N I'n ' jutfocd , cle.n ( Joo.1 v Kftt S. llcOoy , G u t lloune , ni r rie poTertiii.cnt corisll. 115-U . - WA > TKIWantc < l Imtsidiatily UEt.tWA . 'Iniry roiniKl'lof etporlrncaal 13C90 > i ItclnrubiK. 212-U A boy not lm < th n 1B ; & > old WANTED - t Cuftlet's lead U K phnto < r > phri , U12 f urunm tl 2Mf lltl iiifu tor rallronU Ttoik. 1 WANTKU , oDplojmoLt ngt l , lit ! trcot , ntar Kariiini. 93lf ( WANTt D Ten teams. Wa i'ii W.BOet iliy Inniilrr M , Vincent , at llcieuce Cut-oO. 9C8-tf WANT D One hnodiod men. Wages * 1.7. . per d y. Apply 'o llltclio'l Vincent , a Florence Cut oH , fclna mil e uuith o ( Om.ilia. Mi-tr * TT7ANTK1) 6W pnvj vao.lt. Binks and ci V | > eoN to clean with suilUry Vault anc 5lnl : nioancr , the I'oit In uui. A. Rvinn li Co. rn > livmw ) 1S06 IKulita troot. Om > c < Two ni ir.rro rocniB nu > tabli > fi WANTirD .r.Hicn. AiidrtMi lit. lilti Bopjofllco. _ J _ 699-U niTUATIONQ WANTED , WANTKU Kuiiiluytumit la utorf , olllce 01 iltiwho r , ht hiiobirtfadi man. Arplj or aclriruM J. Uuhwcll , h'u. C05 north 10th St. 277-t * fOH REHT HOUBCQ AND LAND. FOIt lKNT.-Vlci ) dwcl In ? on If t * dtrn. t l > et" WobHwrainlC-Vltoriila Inquire t XI Mcjci S07 ouih IJfi.trcct S41 tl 'tH KENT Frni't U < 1 ( rocm , plcisantly s tu- " ated. huitibloloror.ocr t o .ci.itltmeo , t 1610 CtlKornti , b t 10th nnd 17th SU. ITloaUENT Nicely fam'sbel r.icm.117 souta ' 17th itrect , two blocks Iro-n poitotiJLO. rno UHNT Tlir c new loome , to Km H with I ril re cr. l. o U3ird , o. 1516 llow rd t. , btt. lltt r-nd ICIli. i3V2 | { . "OIlllKNT Ahrifo front room with clwiK I FurnMuil , I.WJ Doujlus > trt-it. N. II. cor. liitli and lioii las. ! Ki-l ! * 17KIU ItKN'T Two houivH. iuiiilro : | ol U. . 1/ilnjr , cor. I'.tli und .Mawn strcuts. aai-tl KENT CrvUs.-o with three roorn In- FOIl ciilre | iO h , \ . Taruhiaj kt-t-ct. 2i5-tf fPO KENT Two Itory r.ti'1 boseir.ent brlci { ho 'he , with furiuie , b.th ro in , o'u. * Vaur nflrl-Hc 'iiLtctcd. Apply to J , J. nlcli-y or N Sliilton. jiC-tl 171 It 1EH1 KmiH lumiahcd rooji.IUOl Far 1. namntri'tt. .el j \OR \ HUM KurnlsloJ room In private fsml'y II t ) gtntloraii ultn rulirenccii 131i Dod.'o i tcit , tut. JSth neil lltli. OR IlKNT iiilL-aeint furril > h-0 ro.-ra F oneir twj gualtiucii. Immiro at 'Uot 85J-II UEVr HOU H of rt rooms Uoo'l Icra- ITlOlt 1 and convcnl nttOH rett cim. li | iilro U41 i.nrtli l5ih , between MchDla and Aaul t- 1 -4 " ( IlKVr 'csldento JJ. W. ror. 10th and F liiirniu hlrccls. Apply H.V. . corner 19lh il Wcl i r. 48-foil t ( { . 'O ' KI..NI IVoforj dwollnaothardC > a , P i room' . io I'rmy rrpaliud aid fainted uijuirool C. T. lajlur llthaudDouj-las. 127-tf , i - ilf.M' urn mini ucuiu.liiuulri : 16 11 ! ' Hoiga tro t iti'-tf ' r.TUUNlSHEU lorm f r rent at ] U17 Chlcaif L btucf. lltf "It < ; rT "null fiirnUlioU riau.nlxoone ir , . fr. nt.i ! un suits la tortwogcntl men , K o u IT lltli and Cble.iiro. ll'-tf Oil l N'i I are r'Xtn with liott ; tl urJ jrlw 1WS Culltorrla etrrtt. 18-t . nr.'l Ntj > cvtaffo or D u rooniH. 1 KnquinX. K coi. lath nd < hiwj Su , . tl I A A1.OT" * ( r ic-isn at Si1 ; 00 jvir annum , rach lyw ( irft term ol joirs. nf'Orancu Orovt Ir.l " adj 'Inlnir llaiibuoni r rk on the ueit , iKMiilnuicB uult ( rora s rct card JJoi cy rau ecbuuitJ to build with , byicrsond leaning he.0 lots at uvular ratrn. JA1IU8 \tOIUO * ? , I13t ( On premUas , otllcj 1515 Rirnam Street ' . luruUhcd liotn looui. U ll t07j K N'lUhi.V street. _ rfM-tl l.lOlt UKNT lion o ol 6 mema , nc > vy plas t' tend and p IntcJ. 81500 per inantli s'ortliot ICth utrvtt lirldKO on 15 li Btrtit. Con .enlciit to fliopa Applr corner 12th ai d How rlst-irt Ntmsiuper Union. _ > -S7.ll . . > full Kh.1' .1111 ill .UM laritt NiM.niiU.iK > o j.io . rnoh ; ono or tv.o IICH nira IUi a'l u-oili'tii i-onu'nieiK-tn. Ono ol 18 ; < x > n\t , m.l it.le tar boarjiu anil room renting , 17th O.IMI D.iu lJj ot4. DIvMH , Atri-ut , j 2S-tf Uthand Do I710U 1U.NT lirlek ntora. Icqulra at J ; b ota , uuinci Uih nuil UouxUi m. 5'JOtl ' ' 0i d S' il ill | i iiifle Iiaoloiuc.llty. uy Mi-Koon so. UU l > 'j.i.n < tliftt _ > .i7-tl * " " Urt c rt . I. JI' AI.KH uliUjrud ) , oia JotIJ > l < 0 , llli ; 10 h II-IH , wnl , I'Utvrii , n'nn u In Her- > i'i' ( ai itii < nln lirc | fro.u . tlio II. I * shoi ] < . ln < | iilr ut 07 > * nth Klih > tree5 or A. Cainnun- c > > l i"lu tin-nil.n Menus' C ANCl' Iloutjaudio * . I'ries Jtf.O. RAUI J. I'lliiiul KitiJ.\iiiit.JMI JiMitlj * . r -l moif lpOltKM.K--II l ( IntciMt oed pijl"u birbfr I1 * h in. cintrily located. A.-ply " 18 n ISih ilruvl. Jonq h Fioiclll. IbDSt HftI.E-120 c ollO worK aulcs , rnistly FOH la ge and good a < m. AppI ) tu Carney L Hurt , CUriui'a , 1'aico county , loan. W 0" uio Blimp for > ' . Ca'l on or . - a f.ti OHAULK , 16Slt Kearr oy , .Neb. SALE llouie and corner lot. at ? 1GU ) . r71011 ? McC'AaL'K.opixKllo V. O. t3UI , lilt Al.r. tlrccvry and crai'krry buDluo'S , I oltri or without bulliim ; , Andrum ' O ro- ila"N-b , liox49. 4i-t ( JPLENDIII I'J OPEUTV KOIl HACi : At a j llitOALs , one hue brick boute , and one itc Irainu house , ltl\ull ( loc onCasant < rl&iti itrei t. nut ) chiuce ( or inrntiuent , rent d r 870 > er injutb. Cll ( i ( ull partlcuUrk , on BEMIS , C00-11 Agent , 16th and Douirlm * ts. 1'OK S/LK CIIUAI'- Dark Lro n hot ( , mJ I' nn J 1,1ml an J oodlt buir y tnd un'ern.id- ' lie. W lUtll cheaii B I luio no us lorhm , 'all at 'iID Ca .lorila tlrcct bit 2IK ana ltd. BALK ClIKAI'-A cow e&tbcr top phae- toulaiidancH ntllury or etu-mi UUKOU , : ill at Cl . Karlach'a tliop on t'llttoLth. IUAI ru.'im. 33-II fTA 'It SALK House t roon. snil corner lot 13 ! L' ( cot iuare , JltOO McCtKue , oppoatte I'o.t met. _ _ _ 877-K UA1.-A flro acre lot aod good bouve POlt tulle north ol tUrracld. Inquire on rcmlsui or Gca II. I'etotuon. No boi , 10th licwt. SALE Hardwire stock , eonttetlng Of FOR , notes , tlnwjro. uon , lc ; w U irrtedanj In KO dh pe , lll ln\rlce abonl | 5KO. Iiltn c4ih. No trade wantid I'opn- Uilon ot town bier tw > thouia d ( tO ) cn 7 on * O'h r fckol the kind In toon. ( r > , K xl. Kor full ( anlcuKii addrtM "L. F. " l. ( ffice. 167-i 8LEtcre \ ot twn roonn on > jw l FWH , U B. our. B h anJ Jackion pplr tn . 173-1 SAit rly new Suward < ' < w.Hoe IJlOtl . , flitt-cl4S9 c. ndltio'i , cheap , A dn a ' ( I. W ' ! ! < , H1cc > . 1SJ-U -1J | HKAUTIfUL , UJ1.S-6o IW reel cacti in jj Hanscom ' l.wc on stn-ct c.r line. Best lots in whole addition on very faty terms and at a great bdrftalu. DIM u'a ent , 16th and DouirlM street * U-U story bnlldlnic ( or rale at a bargain. Lo TIWO t d nt noilh-e i corner of 17th street , and Capitol avo. Mutt be n.ovod on or before AUinut 7th ptoilmo , llhltl ' 770-t ( Agent 1Mb anil DongU * . FOK SALK. The Arlington Hnum RUTKb rJusi all ( urnlthni. The only hot l In to n. The cheapest proiorty In the ntita. Han all the trarcllne men. Will be raid chiap on tenrs to suit. Knqulro ot K. Fullo , proprietor , Arlington , WmnlngUm county , Nel ) . E < U tl 17KMI SAL11 Or will oTcha a ( or Omihu ; < ro. 1. P-"y. an Improved sea on ot l.inJ ijjjln- ! n ? t. station in U. V. K. U. M. DUNHAM , Hit ITariihain St. , Omaha 1"i tilt KICK I'Oli CAL.J1. B va-tt EniAimooR ft 3ALR The I'OrULAI' IIOTKL LntriTD POU tht BUYS' HUME. Thl hoi o IB ien- trally locM dh&8 cu < h and wut front , aid la turronnded w.th fine rhai ! ? trcw , conk Jjui-hlrty sircpltif ; rooms , IIM Ice bou.c. laundrj , w.inpvb room , Ac. llasi world w.ds rcpuutloo end better patronage "inu nun ) hoiUKut nt twice IH capacity. Price 5,000 Vor pAttlculant Kl- dress , A. A. HAWDKY , Hod Cloim , Jt > ( cb , SM-M ) tied ani will rrnicklcd r-nir wl b STKATEt > l murt eon. About 7 ye9 old Lh v 1'ctcltoo , Matted Oil Workn. 23J-2J r OUT A utraw fatchil , cict larf"piinie ! | and Jjcufl wllh luttou * . Mndiruio r. tain ths mon > nhlch ff.s In purse a d return to Omaha halloinl tUuK. S 'J-311 Jo ' " buv the furniture cf the bed pajlt'if h til In kwa. 1'eat ' rwvv enable. A''driMi Do'ph uungor. liiu otllct. Om aha.h'cb. _ _ 10C-U BELL & AMES ; REAL mm : & LPAN BROKERS 15UG Farnnm Stroot. HALE Five room cottage. Oocil iond5- FOR . Easy tcruir. fin acrc , with jfocd | MIS > , b m , well , frail aDd sntde tries , uvarr lown. ulth excellent lionso , cletern , nell , fine 4AciM spor ilidproxity. | VVistUmalia. Turnery * ) \ery ria > ouablr. VKt ! Y r'mlralile rripcny on Ht. Muy'd avenue Great bargain. J Lots In Iteopnn'n ndilitlon. Bargain. ' the flne-t prrjieit'rs in thin city , on ON'Kol . inc. Lcrat'On in surpa cd , xeveo room houl , tru'.t ' , &c. ault.llc .od vldo. A CKE tract , very cheep. f ) Acre" , with hou-e 7 rocni" , water , ) ult anil 4 fliiilo thru ; * , onbticet ctr lluv. Urcitt bar 'ain. ! ROOM houtc. cheip. llocth'j paymenlj. , j \\RL\4 \ located busings lots. MALL 1IOUSF , full lot , goodj locaticn , ROOM hou'p , Una cellar , fnrall 1 urn , city i uUr , cirucT , cast ( rent , excellent kiatltn. I'iry easy term * . ROOM housi * , KOarran1 crccnt und loc\tcm ! 5 \aI\MLlti prop.rty. 'Icrnn ic-soiiaLlo. i'Oll UKNT. I KOOM hoiiEC In K" J location. New. t T 1100)1 house , good cistern and lhron , stroit I cat line. j IIOOU licuie , flrst-iliei repair , bam. socJ lo- J tali in. ' hOOH house , will cittern. Ptslialle flace. . room bouse slid two 5 mom c' tta-cs with wills ahd citterns , to good tenauts. r3oui hcur. Cord 'clUr , e'.abrn aid ntll. ) Houih lro..t. 1 hi i. locatiu' . -room lions' , cliliiiiand veil , cellar. NCAT ) htuso. Two l 0'-V ( rom a'rcct cn < Tno bluci a from btrcet curj W 0 1 1 Ifiuo. S ( lOl.tJOJ. Inly two U cltii frcmtrutt 'ar . and no better locution in tnit < | fy. row In the tlmo io r t jf < od I it easy of aio.ut. . itO D n n. tS > I ) .nil , t"il Dotvn. Now l lliu tlnui t ' In1 eit. Wo efff r t tbcloti c n'liirn * trjui fry einnot 0 ic tclud In tli.mlty , iltlicrlor ptcc orloca- 1 n 3(00 to i30\ with t 0 rfnwn , br II.H th n men- rtj wl'hl tiuiitchol til. J < o cri-ip r or u.o o d rlrabb property has > cr foioller a In hlu m.rkit Y u c nnot iiv < H jour m jut i In a HliuiH or l > it ir way , 8M > ilmn and b-l.noo on mi.y term , LI < L-DSBI. US. . KI.I.S AMIS. BDW ASjJ KU KHL IAGI6TEU OF PALMYOTEfty AKI OcKDI 'lONALIUT , 118 Tenth Slrcct , between Jrr'itm udHaincr. Will , with tha tld ot 'ij.rllin | irlt6 | , ohUlu lor un > cua a fUttco at tbo V'l nd priwcnt , and on ctrtnir. coudloioit In tat In. nir. lee ) diu.lHac m 1 10 mtui. 1 tilts 1 * * t1 T fc.rir.p4 i- | , ft. .rA for h J iHmuiiil to ri'prij-ciit the INDUjTIIIAL . H : ASSOCIATION of InilUnapoll ) , In. ( Una , itrch ha > stood Iho U > > t of tlw , | niB all losses n lull ; utronk'ly lndin > . rt hi the lo-t lu uri co uthoiilw ; ttoroiiK'ly ' ( biablMiud cnally lOrkvil , and Iaot on the -opi-ratlie or oM mo plan , Liberal contract * made with etior rulj u.cijtii at a cornptimatlon ol from two haiiHanii to thrca tiioiuari'i dollars per year lildrin. 1NIIO TU At UVK ASSOCIArlON , \o. 70 East Market btrtet , ludbnapollb , Ind. Absolutely Pure. Tlija powiler never varies , A marvel o urity , strength and wholeomentMiH. lore eeouumlcal than tbe orJiuury kinds , nd cannot be uold in competition wltb th mltitude of low test , abort wetebt , nlum r pooapbatd povt ders. Sold only in rarw , ItOVAL llAKINU POWMII Co. 1W Wall St. , New York ,