Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Be <
rnb'.Wied ovf ry morning , except Snadi
I t > e oiUf MooJftj uiomlng ( UHy.
t 6 T ( r . $10.00 I Three Month * , 93.
Bit Monthi 0,00 1 One . . 1 ,
CUB WEEKLY BKK , pnblkhed i
ry Weduandny ,
One Year . $2,00 I Three Months. ,
IxMcithA. . . . 1.00Onel | v . .
or Newsdealers In the United Stale * .
latlonft rcMInt ? to New Mid Kdltorlkl mi
en xhouH be ftddrewied to the EDITOB i
toe Kite.
liuaiVBsa LBTTEIIS AII Titutne
lietters and Itomtttnncca nlimild lie n
drefod to Tin HER PtmLtBinna Coi
? Anr , OifAIlA. Draft * , Cbocka end IV *
flica Onion to bo made pityable to tl
nler of the Company !
IhB BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop !
T-ii RO8EWATER. Editor.
OIIMTIUI , Cuv , August 14.
To the Editor of Tun Um.
The State Anil-Monopoly ICBRII
will moi't at Huntings , September 27
1882 , in connection with the Stnt
Formers' nllianco , for the purpose a
putting before the voters of the atat
of Nebraska an independent slat
anti-monopoly ticket. All antimonopoly
nopoly leagueR are rcqucated to cal
special meetings to elect delegates t
attend the convention.
ly order of tno ozocutivo com
rolttoo. II. 0. ORTERIIOUT ,
1'oa. State Anti-Monopoly Loaguo.
THIS cash raluo of Minnosotu's ha ;
crop is estimated at $20,000,000.
A UTTLK loss damp at Grand Islani
would bo acceptable to the votornns o
the Grand Army.
AFTER afowmoro murdera , highway
robberies and street lights occur it
Omaha wo shall have a fallen Augcll ,
AccoiiDiNd to the Mrooklyn J' ' < iylei
Jay Gould is an "incarnate pestilence'
and a "consummate scoundrel. " Tin
lirooklyn Jtayle oupht at once to bo
suppressed as nn "assassin of chur-
actor. "
DR. BLISS wants to draw $25,000
for medical attendance on President
Garflold. Iho dietinotion between
itlios and blister , DO far no thuir draw
ing ability It concerned , is not visible
to the naked eyi > .
LIKUTBNANT FuiTKit , the colored
oflicer who was dismissed from the
army for irregularities as a disbursing
officer , has rccoivoii an appointment
as capt'uln in the Mexican army.
Whittukor may notv toke courage.
' to rottuli
Marshal Angall oxplainn that his votu
was cast against sustaining the charges
because ho wanted to apito Hovoral
iiiomberR ot the council. When the
gratification of personal npito con
flicts with the poifonnonco of olHcinl
duty it ought to go to the wall every
Foil the third time in lie history
the pftstoHico department in solf-sus-
taininK and at the prrsont intu of re
ceipts will put about one million dollars
lars aurpluH earnings in the treasury ,
This is Mm sumo postollico department
which under Key and Jinuly used
to have a yearly deficiency of from
two to four millions.
OKLAHOMA PAYNK'H mneiiuornding
as the MOJCU 'vlio was to lead a band
of nettlers iuto the promised land of
Indian territory has boon stop *
pod by hits arrest with six of
his hands , and his confuiumont
at Fort llono. Payne will now
discover that the Indians have some
treaty rights which while men are
bound to rospuct.
Tins Now York World which is always -
ways ripe for a political Bonsittioii
publishes a story that lllaino is re
sponsible for the attack made by Gov-
oruor Cornell on Jay Gould , his object
being to prevent Cornells election as
governor and his subsequent possible
candidacy : is president in ' 84. In the
words of Bunalor Pondloton , ' 84 is a
long way ahead , and the man who is
certain to bo president hasn't yet put
In an appearance.
37B now clurks In the inleriur depart
ment , and a number will be given to
fern lo applicants. It it an open
secret that an investigation by the
women into the causes for the appoint-
wont of thu present female clerks in
the departments , with a threat of ex
posure of the reasons inducing sen
atorial influence , is responsible for the
change in the secretary's view * . Many
of the mysteries of department life iu
Washington will oot boar unraveling.
SKOUETABY POUJKII denies the rumor
that Colonel Irish is to bo retired
from the bureau vf engraving and
printing on October 1 , and says that
ho knows of no prospective change at
the head of the deportments. Friends
of Colonel JrUh atsort that the only
cause for the reports of his intended
removal , is his consistent refusal to
wako places In his establishment tor
the Mends of congressmen , which
courao , it is eald , has incurred for him
the enmity of all the "inilueupe" In
This is the question which the pc
pie of Nebraska are pulling regard ! :
Iho candidalcs who are prcsenlii
ihcrasolvua for approval and ondort
mont at the polls.
Where do they stand on the i si
between Iho railroads and Iho peopl
Are Ihey in favor of the regulation i
corporate monopolies by the stal
Will they plod go themselves , if olcc
cd to congress and to the legislature ,
use their influence and their vet
towards securing the paeeago of lav
regulating inter-stale commcro
and restricting tha exactions <
Iho railroads through oxotltitat
a"d opprotsivo charges ? Whei
do they stand on thu questio
of compelling corporations , protocto
by the atato , lo boar their just shai
of the burdens of taxation which at
now shifted upon Iho shoulders of ou
people ? Are they prepare ! to plan
themselves upon a platform which wl
demand a rigid compliance by Ih
monopolies with Iho laws which Ihc ;
consistently ovadc , and will Iho ;
pledge themselves lo work and vol
for such measure ! as will make com
pulsory that compliance ?
Where do our candidates for congress
gross stand on the issue of a reductioi
in taxation , and a more economics
expenditure of the public moneys
Do they approve of the rail
on tin national .treasury b ;
which $20,000,000 wore devoted to i
Bchoiao of local internal improvement
of which thrco-Gfths was a clsixr steal
Can they pledge themselves to worl
for the modification of a tariff whiol
is bleeding the nation to increase ai
unnecessary surplus in thu treasury
while it enriched a few wealthy monop
olista al the expense of the public a
largo ? These are a few of the pcrti
nonl questions which Nebraska votcn
are considering in connection with tin
political campaign. And in consider
ing Iho answers Iho records of ttu
candidates will bo taken into consid
The public should bo on tholr guard
igainst the bogui reports of oxtrava-
; ant harvests which are daily placed
n circulation by eastern speculators ,
vith a view of decreasing the price of
rhoat in thu lianda of the farmers.
'huru is no questioning the fact that
ho preocnl otop will bo as largo , if
ot larger , than any ever btforo har-
cstod , but the wild reports of nome
lock jobbing jounmla , whoso only ob-
jet is to depress values for the
F great operatoro , sh.ulJy'uo taken
'ith a great deal ofjjowaiico. } The
Arkota just B - present are unu-
mlly dn. ' , ! rrhB ! I , own ( , inrg0iy to
' ° C8nillicUng reports of thu probable
nount of the wheat and corn crop
hioh will bo available during Iho
lining fall and winter. Ono leading
Hinnl places the wheat crop ul GOO- ,
30,000 bushels while another equally
iliablo KOCB lo the other extroino and
jttmatca it at 400,000,000 buurmls.
loiiBcirvativo judges allow 020,000,000
uahols as the probable harvest , and
liL'Do tigurca are nuariir to trulh than
ithcr of the others. The largest pro-
tous yield in 18SO was -IDO.OOO.OOO
i hioh was ninety milhonn uboto that
f last year ,
So far as the oorn crop is concerned
otimatoa vary as widely as the
rhuat harvest , is under discussion. The
riirm run of the past Ihreu weeks
aa worked wondora all over thu
ountry in conturbalancing the dis-
stroua cll'octa of a wet summer. The
'ublic inclines to the belief that the
mil yield will not exceed 1,200,000-
00 bushels while Iho Commercial
iu/Mm / places it at 1,000,000,000
uohula. Leading grain dealers pro-
iot that if frost holdu oil' for another
jrtnight a crop of 1,500,0000,000
uahols will be assured.
There is the same dilferonco ot
pinion as to the probable demand for
ur surplus crops in Kuropcan mar-
ots. Thu bears declare that
10 crops abroad are abundant
liilo the bulls announce that
rought in one euction and rain in
thcra have wrought huvoo with the
rain. The most reliable reports in-
iouto thai lliero will bo a foreign Jo-
mud at good prices for whr.tovor sur <
lus crops thu west can diiposo of.
'hosu ' who fear unusually low prices
lusl not torgut that the amount of
roadslulls which the country can
pare this year will not be much
irger than in 1880 , when the crop
as lif-hter. The crops of 1880 fol-
jwod Iwo years of heavy harvoM and
irge surplusci , Our home consump-
ion of wheat during the last two
oara appears to have boon about
20,000,000 bushels each. The pruaont
ear , with our iucreased population ,
. cannot fall much below 1)20,000,000 )
ushels. Kstimating our present
'heat harvest at 020,000,000 bushels ,
'o shall have only 200,000,000 bush-
Is for export which will easily be ab-
jrbod by thu foreign demand.
So there ii no reason on the part of
ur farmers to fear that superabundant
ropj will bo discounted by unusually
hr pdccj. Thu figures of last year
ill ecarcaly bo reached , but fifty con't
heat and liftoon cent corn are things
f the past in Nebraska. Local con-
imption is much greater than it used
1 bo. Thu demand for corn for food-
ig will ba larger than ever and the
estern markets which are opened to
ur states will call fur a constantly incasing -
-casing supply of our breadstuff * .
Each year is taking our product
more and more out of the hands
eastern speculators and making the
lew dependent upon markets troubl
by groal corners and alternate
raised or depressed at the caprice
millionaire operators. There will
a demand for all of Nebraska's ran
nificont harvest this year , and a d
mand , if the nigns of the limes do ti
fail , as prices which will bring o
producers a rich reward al Iho frc
of Iheir labors.
TIIH soldiers' homo is a nalional i
atilulion for the benefit of privates >
the army disabled in service. It
maintained by an enforced tax i
twelve and a half cents monthly < 1
ducted from the pay of every enlietc
man in the nnny. IU government
under control of n board of thrc
loads of alair , consisting of adjutar
[ onornl , the commissary general , an
ho surgeon general , and the immcd
ate exucativo power renla in a go\
ornor who al Iho prcsonl limo happen
o bo Gcnorol Sturgis , colonel of th
Seventh cavalry.
During the lost session of conqro : *
charges of a very grave nature wor
ircfcrred against thu board of mans
gors of the homo , consisting of Adju
tanl General Drum , Commissary Gen
eral Macfoely , and Surgeon Genera
IJarnea. It was assorted thai Ihcs
members of Iho soft Horvico brigade n
Washington , who draw each ? 5COO ,
year pay from the nation , had booi
engaged in n scries of. potty pilfering
from the homo at the expense of it
occupants. According to the reports
the board levied contributions upoi
the establishments for milk and butte
for Iheir privalo use , decorated the !
homes with flowora from the gardens
and appropriated some of its fund
for the purchase of a statue o
the surgeon general. Those delinquencies
quencies wore first discovered by Sen
ator Matt. Ouponter , of Wisconsin
who moved Ihoir investigation by th
leimto. After his death the matte
was taken up by Senators Logan am
Conger , n committee appointed ti
pronccuto the inquiry , and Gun. Stur
; is , the newly appointed governo
lummoned before it. Every oflbr
vas made lo secure Sturuis' removal
> ut pending the investigation thoprea
dent and secretary of war declined tc
iitorforo. Sturgis' testimony wai
noot damaging to the board ot com.
lisoionora and reflected upcn "their
onor and integrity : " No sooner had
? " : ' ss mijuurnul than the board sot
> work to punish Stnrgln for bis tea-
tnony by securing his removal , and
nally succeeded in obtaining an ordei
) thai effect from Iho cccro-
ry of war. Senator Conger
'ho happened to bo in Washington
t unco wenl to the war oflico and pro-
3&tod against the execution of the
rder , declaring thai Drum , Macfoely
ml Ivauo , I\rnos' successor , were
nnlshiiig Bturuis forgiving testimony
hioh ho could not have rotusod to
ivo without falling in contempt of
10 comnnUco , Ilo protested indiq-
antly that the action of the board of
Jiinnisbioiieia waa flagrant , defiant
f thu aeimto , and announced his in-
intion , if their plot tmccceds , of
ringing the matter before congress at
next ooision and of having every
Iliosr who had a hand in it cashiered.
There should bo n aonrching invesli-
ation of the mutter as coon as con-
rcaa meets. Congress ohould at once
ssort in the strongest terms
: s duty and power to pro-
jet witncasrs against punishment end
roaecutlon on account of testimony
loy may bo compelled to give before
. Thu military martinets who veg-
tate in the neighborhood of the war
epartmunt ought at once to be made
) understand that the arrogant and
leiUllusomo interference with the
rivilogoa of the senate will not bo
> ler.ttod for it momnnt. The can-
Miiplibly small buninuss of grand stair
Ulcers pilfering frcm the earnings of
iilistod soldiers is bad enough and
ufiht to bo promptly punished , but a
igh handed outrugo ia committed
hen the action of thu national con-
rest in bringing tha mutter to light
followed by the prosecution of the
: liar whoso testimony provtd the
utli of the charges. Score-
iry Lincoln owes it to himself
o less than to the army -which is
Isgraced by tlio conduct of tmch
Ulcers to retain General Sturgis in
is position until conaruss can moot
id give a fitting rebuke to the cheeky
isolouco of Generals Drum , M acfeely
nd Crane.
with the November
umber , then ) wlil appear in the ( Vu-
iry Magazine a series of pjpera by
, ov. Washington Gladdin , I ) , D , of
l > riuglold ( , Miss. , descriptivuot "The
hristian League of Connecticut. " It
an account of co-operation in
hristian work among the dilferont
lurches of largo towns in Oonnostl-
it ; showing what kinds of work they
.temptod , and what kinds they
cclined to attempt ; what methods
loy employed ; how they combined
fee lively in curing for the poor , in
narding the public morals , etc. ; and
DW this uxpoiiment led to a county for the consolidation of
loblo churches In the a mall towns ,
id finally to the adoption of the
nuo methods throughout the state ,
hcsu papers are thu outcome of jmuch
udy of the practical problems dis
used , and are likely to have impor-
, nt practical results.
Five out of eleven councilmen ha
declared under oath that Daniel
Angel ) , city marshal of Omaha , is r
guilty of neglect of duty and violatl
of the ordinances which he is requir
to enforce. Inasmuch as a major !
of the entire council ( seven mombei
did nol vole Iho marshal puilty 1
stands acquitted and will continue
Iho head of our police force. A mo
scandalous verdict was never rendon
anywhere. Il is nol only a disgra
lo Iho city council but an outrage upc
the whole community. There h hari
ly a man , woman or child in this ctl
that docs not suffer more or less fro ;
the reckless and criminal negligent
of thu chief of police. II is a notor
ous fact that our police force ia the ;
oughly demoralised and has been prni
tically no protection to thocommunil
since Angcll hui been marshal , Thugf
.hiovos , pickpockets and burglars har
) oldly carried on their vocations ur
der Angoll's nose and a number of poi
sons have lost their lives through hi
allure to onforca law and order.
On last Christmas morning Mi
Jammer was murdered in a ualoo :
within sight .ot police hcadqunrtorc
? ho saloon was running in full bias
at 3 o'clock in the morning in dofianc
of law , which requires the saloons t
lese at midnight. It was not enl ;
after midnight , but it waa Sunda ;
The evidence bcforo the coroner'
ury , ot which Councilman Dunhar
was a member , showed thai olho
aloons wcro open after midnight am
a gang of roughs wore carousing an
isturbing the peace up to the time u
ho murder. Now Mr. Dunhar.i , wh
aprcsonts the moral and lavr-abidin
lemont of the Fourth ward , as
nombor of that coroner's jury , ren
orcd a verdict witharecomraendalioi
hat Mr. Troitsnhko's saloon license b
evoked. But Mr. Dunham sittini
nder oath on the trial of Marsha
ingoll , votes not guilty on the char i
liat Angoll allowed saloons to rui
ftur midnight in violation of tin
rdinancca. Does anybody bcliovi
hat Hammer would have been inur
cred if Angoll lud enforced the law
low does Mr. Dunham reconcile hii
erdict of not guilty with his con
cionco when confronted ly his Tor-
iot on the oSi'uiior'E jury In the Ham-
Tie ? cane1/ /
Againrecently u lawabiding citizen ,
Fred Lingo came lo his death in an
ittompt to protect his property againtl
: urglars. That man would have beer
tllvo to-day if wo had a live Marshal.
L'ho accidental death of Mead , whc
'oil from the tight rope , can justly bo
aid at the door of Marshal An gull.
[ Iml ho , onfojxed the oidmxncci
Mead would not nave performed , but
.ho moral , and law and order faction
> f the council voted Angoll not guilty
n the face of tha testimony , while Iho
io-callod hoodlum councilmen voted
0 have him deposed ,
There are fully two hundred prosti-
ules in this city , who ought to pay
nontbly fines , which at an average of
ivo dollAru per month would aggregate
? 12,000 a year , but the cilicicnt Mar-
h.U only reported thirty-five prosti-
utoa to thu police court , and the
chool fund Is the loser of thousandn
if dollars par annum. It was [ shown
luring the trial that his deputy was
rcquontly drunk and had been a con-
tar.t violator of the law.
This man had been Angoll'a dopty
or iovonteun months , and Angcll was
us boon companion in carousing and
mmmini . But at the hut moment
hia deputy tenders his roaignation
ind Angoll is acquitted on the ground
hat ho \ \ as not losponaiblo for the
riminal conduct of this deputy , al-
hough the law expressly holds the
narshal responsible.
In ordinary and purely political
lonteets public men are excused for
iding with each other. But when
tion are on oath , sworn to render a
ordiot according to evidence , and the
acts are clear and overwhelming it is
imply monstrous for them to vote
'not guilty" because their faction de-
ires to eustuin ItRolf. The whole
ommnnity , excepting perhaps the
lutlaws mid burglars , will rcgaid thu
.ccquitnl of Angell as a scandalous
irocoeding that will expose our citi-
OMB to fuithor raidj from the danger-
ius classes. We liavo purposly re-
rained from discussing the moriU of
ho case during the trial iu order thut
10 charge could be made tint wo have
ought to influence the verdict by
iroseuro of public opinion. But wo
tow feel it our duty to say to Mayor
) o > d that public safety donnmids a
irompt change at the head of the
lolice. It is not a question between
ho mayor ami the council , but be-
ween the citizens of Omaha and the
nayor. As chief exooutivo the mayor
1 iu duty bound to prolect our city ,
nd when ho finds an oillcor negligent
nd Inoillcieut It is his duty to die-
ilacc him ,
MIHHOUUI republicans are moving to
roe themselves from Ohaunoy J.
'illoy'i ' dietatonhip , It appears thai
i'iUoy on his own account made a con-
raci , with thu greenback party of the
late to pro rent the nomination of a re-
ubllciu ticket , aud to turn over the
upport of his party to greenback
andidatos , The republican committee
rero bulldozed into iudorsinu this
> lau , but the moss of the party refuse
o abide by the contract and are sign-
tig a call for a atato convention
The republican party in Missouri ha
increased their numbers from 17,0 !
in I860 to 153,067 in 1880 , and the
Is certainly no reason why they shoo
hand over their strength to an crga ;
ization which could only musti
35,000 votes kat the last president !
El MOIW can appreciate the romar
of the 1'npnlar Scitnrt Monthly ths
"permanent indoor work is slow su
cido , and between the various she
trades and sedentary occupations th
difference in this respect is only on
of degree , " Faclories are pul al th
bottom of the dcale , the weaver' '
chances to reach the average ago c
hia species being expressed only by
negative quantity. Notwithstanding
this fact , wo eupposo Ihcro willalw.iy
bo cdilors and weavers for ecienc
monthlies lo draw horrible example
from ,
Cor. . J. E. TouiiTELoriK , of Gen
Sherman's staff , has boon detailed ti
accompany Iho Marquis of Lome am
euito across the continent , As Col
Tourtclotto for the last twelve year
has done nothing but dandle his leg
in the genoral'n oflico in Washington
ho can perhaps bo as well spared ti
dance attendance on the Marquis o
Lome as any other officer who draw ;
pay from the government.
Is the Jury Doraoy'd , Too ?
Chicago Inter-Ocian ,
The jury in the star route casea hai
boon eating expensive lunches ant
drinking costly wlnp al thu expense o
the defendants during the trial.
None to Mourn.
1'hilalclp Ia ItcccrJ.
Most of Iho accounts from southern
Now Jersey point the the defeat o !
Gcorgo M , R'jbcaon for ronominatior
lo congress. Who is there to mouri
forllobcson ? Not one.
Cneapnt Halt" the Money.
Chicago Tribune.
Wagner has sold the score of hit
latesl opera for $45,700. Poreont
wishing a cat-light set to music will
soon bo able to procure it at a reason
able price.
Business Improving.
Chicago Tlnus.
iink robbery aa an established in
dudtry is rccoveriri'.om a "brte
period of ' .jtiationr Between the
hr.giars and the caahiors business is
I'ory brisk , with an improving out
Gone West to Flaut Indians
Sew York Tribune , August * 0.
Eugouo Laughlin , ago thirteen , hav
ing on a light jacket and trousers , bui
no shoes , ran away from his homo al
No. 155 East Ono-hundred-and-four-
teenth-atrcet , yesterday. The boy
lind been in thu habit of reading the
liuht literature of the day , and it is
'eared ' lhat ho has "gono West" lo
Ight Indians.
Souo Quiet Smiling- .
Plilbdtlpbh l'rca.
There will ba a good deal of quiol
milling in army and political circle *
Tliun the order goes out reprimanding
Colonel 1'jylor for using political in-
luenco to keep him away from thorough
rough life of the frontier. Taylor diJ
, vhat in a common thing , however
.vroiig . , nnd that is why people will
imile. It in merely Taylor's nmfor-
; uno to bo made an uxainplo of n
iort of firatjnartyr to the cause.
isacurl Krpjbll an.
The British railway commission on
Is recent report recommended that
iliiinibora of commerce , aa well as
nndrocl nsaocialions of traders or
iRnculturiiits , have a locus Btnndi bo-
bro the commission ; that a uniform
ilaaflilication of goodu bo adopted over
ho whole railway system ; that piu lia-
uont eauction no furthur control of
anal navigation by railway com-
tallies ; that Iho railway commission
10 made a court of record and thr.t
ho high court have power to refer to
ho railway commission cases which
nvolvo qncatior.ii under the railway
nd canal trjflia act ; that the amalgu-
ion ot Irish railroads bo facilitated in
very way possible.
Rebate and
in rr-nclsco Chronicle.
The Central Pacific railroad com-
iany have two specific methods of
hewing their tyranny , both menu and
ontumplible. Ono of those roUtes to
obate , and the other to shortage.
Vhon a contract ia made with a inur-
hant ho is expected of course to ad-
ioro strictly to its terms , Various ex-
icdiunta are resorted to to compel his
bodioncu. The clipper ahipa when
jading in Now Vork , are watched lost
omo article consigned to him should
ie smuggled on board. Spies and do-
ccttves uro kept on hia track in this
ity , lost lie should traflla with somu
on-contracting dealer. The most
fliciont method of controlling
> is freii action , however , is by
otnpcllinghim to pay full tariff rates ,
nd kuopmt ; the excess above the
ontract price until they see fit to ro
und the money , using it , meanwhile ,
or their own interest and behalf ,
'hey have been known to retain it
rom four to six months , or until they
ave fully proved their customer a
onesty. It is raid that they have
omotimcs held in this way $50,000 or
00,000 belonging to .1 single linn ,
nd that the aggregate rebates now in
heir possession amount to $2,000,000.
'ho shortage matter is less important ,
ut it illustrates forcibly the meanness
f the corporation. Continual losses
ccur to shippers from thu carelessness
f railroad employes , or accidents for
rhich the railroad is responsible.
Vhon asked to pay these charges they
oinpel the claimant to show his books
nd accounts thai they may
ctermino just what / ho paid
ur the lost articles. They
iavo other ways of kno/inir , but the
iieanest suits them be&t. When they
iay they only allow 'manufacturers'
atoa , and not Iho value at Iho place
f delivery , which ia manifestly just.
is a rule a merchant when asking
hortago humbly submits his books
rithout a question. / Only one firm in
ho city ia known til have refused to
iold to the cxactio , and as a conso-
uencu they have a long shortage
laim against the railroad company ,
which will never be paid unless it
sued for. These railroad owners nor
submit their books in courts of justic
They have never produced them f
the inspection of the railroad corami
ston , though required by law. _ B
they arrogate to themselves the righ
of all branches of the governmen
and they compel their bondmen , will
out color of law , to do that whit
they themselves refuse lo do , eve
when the law commands.
Barker's Poolings.
Will Slrrct New ; .
They loll of an old Illinois farni (
who had Iho reputation for milt
around of bointj stingy , miserly an
utlerly without sympathy for any hi
nan being. Ilo had money , but non
could got a dollar without paying c >
orbitant interest , and woo to him wh
could not meet bio payment. Upo
a certain occasion a widow was burnt
out of house nnd homo , nnd after th
neighborn had made up n shako purs
ho minuter took it upon himself t
all upon the old man and state th
aso and ! > k him to chip in.
"Well , I dunne , " was the dubiou
"How did the house take fire ? "
"Struck by liRhtning. "
"Who undo the liglitning ? "
"Tho Lord , I suppose. "
"And the Lord know that her hous
vould bo struck and burned1 !
"I preaumu so. "
"Then I c.\nnot interfere. If Ihi
ord doesn't know what is .for tin
lost I shant sot myself up as an oracl
r a prophet. Tell the widow m
eolinga are with her , but il is a cas ]
n a jugher court than I have had an' '
calings with.
To Persons About to Marry.
"To pcra us about to marry , " DouiInJ
" rrold's advice was "don't ; " we suppl
mont hy sayiug , without laying in a svJ
) ly of Sl'HlNO BrosHOM , wiilch euro C )
> uininnria and other kidney aud blndl
omplaintt ! . Price 50 cents , trial bottle ! I
" '
Plttaburg's Proposed Nevr Brldgijj
IttjburK ( Pa. ) CommcicInl-Oa/ctte.
If all the bridges projected act
10 Monongahola bo completed , t' i
ivor within the limits of the city/'J
o spanned by a not-work. StilMf
Iher is being agitated , Ton or oljfr'oii
ears ago a company of which plr.
anics McGinnia of the Fourtojiith
pard was president , obtained a carter
or the one to be known aa the fifth
venue bridge , aud extend frop the
) luff at the head or Miltenbrgor
; root to South Seventeenth'
Vharton Nothing further wao'Jone. '
just week , however , the projeit was
r'V.'td by uic parties intercsto'l , and
hero sooma a fair prospect of itbcing
: arriod to coniplotioxn. Th total
ongth of the bridge , if 'fyuilt Jccord-
ngto the plan , will be ' 1.47J feet ,
livided into two spans of 0) ) feet
: acli , ono span of 250 feet and one
pan of 221 foot , arid the grade will
' 0 thrco fuel to the hundred fn n the
ou.h aide to the bluff at Miltcilierger
treot. The frame work will bo
uppurtcd by stool wire cable 21 inches
n diameter , and with an abrogate
trongth of 2,240 tons. ThorJwill bo
. double roadway 18 feet wife , and
ride sidewalks for foot pailongors.
The drawing was made by M J Roeb-
im ; , and is now on cxhibitiifi at the
ifHca c f the Excelsior Glass Jimpany ,
> n Miltonborgcr street.
Visible Improvement ]
Mr. Noah Bate * , Elmlra , [ N. Y. ,
. rites : "About four peara ago ! I had an
.ttnck of bilious fever , and nova- fully re-
o\ercd. My digestive or aua Jore weak-
ncd , a"d I would lie completely proa-
rated fur dayti. After using tl'o bottles
f your Burdock Blood liittetl the im-
irovenicnt was f o viniblo thatll waa as-
ouishcd. 1 can now , though ill years of
ue , do < i f.iir and reasonable dJy'a work. "
'nee , ? 1,00.
An Old-Tlmo Plro-Bnglao.
Ird mail Cbinmciclal.
Ono foatnro there is connbctod with
lie Fire Chief's Convention , or rather
rowing out of it , that will attract
men attention from the general pub
ic , and that ia the old hind fire-en-
inewhich wau shipped from Norwich ,
lonu. , where it is retained un n nacred
olic , and arrived .it the Bee Line
'r 'i'ht | Djpot yesterday morning at 9
'clock. It may sound like n startling
Utcmunt , but it is novortlioloas true ,
: iat four men found no difficulty in
itrrj'uii ; the antiquated piece of ma-
liincry from the box-car to the inner
recincts of the depot. The front
'heels of the engine are about 0110 foot
ad six inches in diiinotcr , the hind
heel ; , of course , being r. few inches
irgcr. The length of the axle is not
1010 than two feet between the
heels. Running from end to end of
10 wagon ia n heavy plank , possible
9 inches in width and exceeding an
lohinthicunesa. All the machinery is
istenod to this. First is the water
iest or box made of copper , 4 feet
ing by two feet Ion inches wide , and
no foot ten inches iu depth. In the
inter anil running from end to end
I the bottom of the boiler is con-
ntetod a box with board tides ,
lioio sides are bored full of holes to
: t i\t n sieve for the water as it paases
uouch ; to thu two cylinders lhat con-
iln the pump plungers , which are six
iches in diameter. The arm for
orking the pump extended parallel
ith the length of the engine. It
113 made botoro the days of suction
limps , so that the water used had
bo thrown into the water-box with
tickets. Attached to the machine ia
) feet of 11-inch leather hose , with
copper nozjlo ( J inch ) inserted and
.stoned to its place with wire. At
10 back of the machine is a tool chest ,
ho engine was madesomo time in the
ttar pare nf thu eighteenth century ,
id shipped to America fur use in Dos-
in It finally found its way to Nor-
ich , , md Is there Jopt in state The
hole thing is not more than four feet
j i from the ground ,
The Bound Unloosed.
Ch&s , Thompson , 1'rankliu street , lluf.
lo , sayi ; " 1 huu f uttered for a Ions
me with constipation , and tried ahnoat
try purgathe advertised , but only re-
iltloc ID temporary relief , and after 'con-
ipition itill more aggravated. ' I was
M bout your Si'iiiMi HLO.-.SOM and trlod
I oan now Buy I um cured , un' though
mo montha ha\e t laiaJ | , still roinaiu so.
thall , lion ever , always keep nome ou
inj ia caie of old compbint rcturuiug , "
rice 5Dc , tiial liotf a lUc.
rho moBtcctilriU' IceitcJ h"ta la the city.
voau7 . fl.OO , tl Waml iiOJp.rdi > .
rir t CUk3 HuUui ut uiaucUcJ witb the
HURST. - - Prop.
Corner t'ourtU an'J Lacuit Streets.
a other dUwnas If to provulont In Uilji
Con Ur tJon , anil no n-nw
* T iqnallpd the ccle
1BT M a cure. Whatever tto muw ,
ob Unnto tlie caon , t ! l remedy
THIS dUtroMtnjc com
with"consUjiaUori. . Kldae
rtBtronethenaUisweexcnrd parts ono
okly eoros all kin < S of rilea oven
nnd ti llrin M ( ho before teU
ttrlTyoabnvo olthcrof thp troubl
Are acknowledged to bo the
est by all who have put them
D a practical test ,
] iercy & Bradford ,
( Successor to D. T. Mount- )
Manufacturer add Dealer In
Jaddles , Harness , Whips ,
lobes , Dusters and ISM Goods
K. . .
of ALL OESCllimoNB.
Agent for Jog. R. Hill .V Co 'a
"The Best in The World , "
Orders Hollcltod. OMAHA , WEB
me ly _
" "
makes a specialty of
Dollars & Guffs ,
Chree Cents Each.
Work solicited from all over the country
ho charges and return pontage must acl
impany the package. Sjecial rat n U >
, rga clutia or agencies.
a2.tfme | W1LKIN8 k KVANS.
COLLKGE Three courses ; ojien to loth
AOADB Clu-slcil tin. . ! TnglU Cllroj
in bent o ( tral'i.n ; tor to ] ( „ or bun n
PBRUY HAbL-Seiniuary for VOUIIB
illM. UnsurpasseU In bcini > an.l . heal hful.
} of bltmtloti , nnj In vxtunt of kiltantoAi
rercil and tlioronsliiasj ot tratnlnirLlten Oi
S featas , . ! ; „ , .
'amuelO.Ilavis'Ico '
. , ,
Washington Ave. aud Fifth St. ,
U09 nJ Jill lod. Streat ,
aug 7-ino Cm , NEU.