Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    H 1 1882
A New Joint Tariff from Chicago
cage to Nebraska Points.
Attempt to Get the Missouri
Paciflo Into the Iowa
The Town TrunV-Lino association
has just issued n now joint emigrant-
movables tariff in connection with the
Union Pacific lailway , Burlington it
Missouri llivor railroad , and Sioux
City & Pacific railroad which takes ef
fect September 1.
The now ratcn from Chicago to the
principal points in Nebraska will bo its
follows : Clear Creek , Wahoo , Lin
coln , David City , Osceoln , Oilmoro ,
Papillion , Millard , Elkhorn , Fremont ,
North Bond , Bcliuylor , and Bon ton ,
$55 per car. Norfolk , Columbus ,
Silver Creek , Central City , Chapman ,
Grand Island , Hastings , Aldn , Wood
JUvor , Gibbon , liuda , and ICe.irnoy
Junction , $05 par car. Kim Crock ,
Overtoil , and Plum Creek , 875 per
car.Tho term "emigrant movables" ap
plies on straight carloads of household
goods or mixed car loads of household
goods , second hand farm implements ,
wagonn and carriages , trees , shrub
bery , livu towls , hogs , sheep , and not
to exceed BIX head of horses or cattle ,
and ono man may bo passed free onu
way with a car of emigrant movables
containing horses or cattle to feed ,
water and take cnro of thn saniQ. No
pass will bo granted unless the car
contains cither horses or cattlo.
Commissioner Daniels , of the Iowa
pool , has ( ; onu to St. Louis for the
purpose , it is said , of conferring with
the ofllcials of the Misiourl Pacific ,
with regard to that company's relations
to the pool. The nuw Nebraska line
of the Missouri Pacific Is reported as
ahoady carrying a largo tratllc. The
general managurs who , ns a committee -
too , were directed to confer with the
officials of the Missouri Pacific , and
to diicuss with them the terms upon
which the now line should bo admitted
to the po" ' , -ho\to not on yet mot with
very much oncoura nmunt. The Iowa
rl cannot bo a perfectly happy fain-
until the Missouri Pacific and the
St. Paul roads have been taken into
the pool. '
The Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy
has just completed itu new extension
from Culvert , Neb. , to Tccumsoh , a
distance of thirty inilca. This con
nects the Nebraska Gitv nystrm of
road with Ihu .Republican Valley load ,
JJonvor line , and will rontly hulp the
into rents ut Nobrayka City. Thn con
tracts have been awarded for anothut
line from Tc.cninsoh tolirntrico , Neb. ,
which will connect the Nobrnskn , City
system with tin ; Atchiaon & Nubriiaku
division of the
For ooino iimo past there has boon
fjuito a controvuiHy botwoun the B &
M. cngineort ) an to which pulled the
throttle on the best online. Lint
Sunday , while the unsiotiuit iimutor
muchanic was sick and the other brnsa
collnrod gcntlomon were away , the
boys trotted out tliuir cngirioi ) , got up
steam ntul hook' ' d on * o a train ot
thirty-nix heavily loaded cars on i >
sharp curve switch. After pulling
nnd tUKRiiiL' , engine 3C , carried oJ ( this
Jitrttt , proviiig that the Iiacl iHiuo'puTl
and endurance thun any other onginu
in the yard. Lincoln .lournul. _ _
. - * * * Jfj
r ; vTr575-
Jfovor Uivo'TTji. *
If you are tnlfcrlnK with luw and ila
rcHttxl Hjilrlta. liwi of iiipotlti | * , iouuni ;
eliillty , dlriurdcrcil blnntl , wank ooiittitn-
tlon , liti uluchv , or miy illsaaso n { n billou *
nntiirc , liy all means procure ibuttle n (
Electric Hitters. You will liu mil priced to
fca thor.iplil Improvement Mint , will fullinr ;
you ulll bo Inspired with now life ;
strength nnd activity will roturiiatnnnil ; ]
mlnory will ucnito , nnil lioru'efiirtti you will
rojulce In the pralso of Klcctiic Illttcrn.
Sokl at fifty ceula a Lottie , byU. F. Goodman -
A Wlilto l.ako well coutahiH forty foetof
A now $50,000 liotol for Jiunoritown In
telnet altutetl | ,
Tlio Union land ofllco will bo opened for
huMnoiia about October Int.
A fine clone quarry lias hern uncirtlicil
near Uee Ho'KhU ' , In Haud county ,
A big fnnn near llUtrmrclc wan recently
Hold to An Ohio ninn for 810HO. (
Work It to KO iiliond ou the Dakota ,
Wyoming & Western Hue , Ono ol tlio ill-
rectpm rny * contract * are lot for tie * , etc.
T , n Klmball Index nays tlio new town
of 1UJDU JllllH U ono of tlio prettiest poU
lu'JIrulr ) county , uud tlio furiui nrar by are
lulling the best.
Thu Chicago , Milwaukee nnd St. 1'nul
lompauy Intend tnllii | > a ct.r load of i tl-
ilturjl products from nutitliorii Dilcota to
e Ohio hluto fnlr.
rl'ho Uriili county nurlcnltur. ) ! mnoclu
1m Imvu ImtiKlit uriMiiMbi wljoluliii ; Klin
111 and urn rating tliciu up tor a fair the
rd week In .September ,
olunibla ! to ho a blp hotel , Thu
tunlto company have nokl one huuilrvil
\ In the past two week * uud tha rallnud
i Onltvny I * being pushed rliflit nloug.
nt ialr and rontral Dakotu expnu ) .
Iwlll bo held In Clmiuberlalu In Hop-
cr. A. ntojk a mpany liuvc tliu mat-
rKtf , Over SI ( XX ) btuckhaabecu
| ubscrltd. .
Two yo'jnj ; Indict were lo t In the Ktutn.
Inau comity wheat fields tlio other duy , nud
r * inler d uluuewfly among the Koldmi
grain till inliltil httbm they wi-io dticov-
erai ud rootled. I'rfH and Djkotlun ,
1'iIUen barrel * au hour la the amount of
water that llowf from the Hlllaboru arto-
iilauvrll. . Tito water In ad ! to bo BO
utrouifly Ininrrgnatcd with alt an to bo un
fit for u o. The well U to bo tuuk beyond
the salt depoilt.
Tha Chicago & Northwestern couinany
ba > e gltou out word that their Hue will be
extended from Atliul went uji Snake creek
valley Into Paulk couuty , It U ex | > ecte.l
that a ojrpn of turveyon will commence
ourveying the proiMiei1. line next week.
Hphik Uouoty Herald.
KUeudnlv comeu to the front and claims
to have I lie only lady law ) er In Dikota ,
Mian F , ] ' " . Arnold , u lady of tiue appear-
jice and ndteral year practice In the
oourti of WiBconilu , hu nettled In JMIcn-
dale and erected a good lulldlun' for u resi
dence and law uillce , aud will practice law
In jiartnorehlp with her uucU' , Mr. K. I1.
Perry , a fine old t utleman and a good
lawyer , Dickey Couuty Leader.
Lincoln couuty take * the cake for \ > lg
ioen. Ivuuttuuce Xuwbury , a recent eel-
tlirluthe northern part of the county ,
measures tit feet beveuluche * In hU tUiclc-
as feet , lie him two ou , the youuieat ; of
whom li yet In his teens , * ho mpiwnres tlx
f ct three Inchpn. Supplementary io the
li t mav be ndclcil the woclate editor < f
The Ne r who trifannrei iz feet and fix
Inches-Sioux Valley New .
The Lsramie Dilly Timei has died.
Gov , Hale WM Inaugurated on the 2
Michael If. Ueadv. R braVemftD , wax nm
over and killed at Cheyenne on the 23tb.
He foil from the engine ,
At Hock Creek on the 2f t , n bad man
named Gibbon wantonly killed ft b rkeepcr
named IloVert Alken. The 3 7-77n took
him away an I hanged him to n box car.
Doc. Hayfnrd , of the Luromle Sentinel ,
still retains hU mcfnlnesi notwithstanding
the fact th t ho li now an ei'pfsttnastr.
I't.illzltiK the rcnKinlbIIity | toting nn him
he hai , by dint of go < d management in
creased the population of thn gem tily by
line , and he jtHly feels | -roud of the little
baby Otcen Klver Gnzetlo.
15olv een Hock Springs nnd Green Klver
City , arinnt two inilos from the Union 1'n-
cific , n man camrd Garriton has
built n cabin , taken up IGOncre-i of land ,
and devotrs 11 * tltiio to gathering fos < lls ,
which abound In that rctlnn. ll recently
dlrcn/ered a wonderfnl cnve , containing
stalactite * and stalogmlter , nnd ho expects
In find therein Homo Important fomils ,
There Is n rushing , tearing noire in the
cave that Is prduccl by ft strong cnrrcnl
of air hldvihig thr ugh Us mouth , Sun ,
Leodvlllogave Sec. Teller a royal ecep-
tlon on the 22d ult.
Capt. dins. II. Hutchlns. n well known
auctioneer of Denver , mlcidcd by Inking
laudnum on the 22d nit. Jei < rcsneduprti. ! !
At Mt. Ixis Antmos , on the "Oth ult. , a
moh tonk llyncr , munlcrcr ol a cnmrndo ,
from Jail and Imugcd him , The ijathe'liit
U mipposod In bo soldlcrn trnm } ' t. hyon
Under Shorlll M. 11. McOraw , who was
hot at Trinidad by policemin Uco. ( Irio 1.
oil , died on the21 < it ult. The conmor's ] u
ry returned n verdict of justifiable hond
cide , whereupon Goodcll wan rcloisct
Mcuraw IOAVCS a wife to mourn hU luss
Ki-Chlef of police Hlckloy. of Denver
died on Iho 2Jth ult. His mind failed him
nearly a year ago , since which tlmi ho hen
been a charge on his relatives. At first his
insanity took a mild form , but latterly II
has been neccsrary to carefully watch bin
to keep him from harming oil who catno
within tils reach.
A Denver boltlo buyer recently sccurei
Ifi.OOO beer bottles in Grccly. Couaider
ing thatGrnoljr IH a thoroughly tumper nco
' -own , nnd it being ugalntt an ordinance t <
buy , ell or give 8W y the beverage , the
statement teems ominlous nnd smacks ol
sin. llooinerang.
Uutto Imn fourtren "Alellcftn"
housoH nud four CliluoBO ,
A " 3.7-7/"orgnnlzationin ItllUngs drove
out In a body the entire lot ot rough ?
vagabonds ami female nuisances the othei
The dividends declared thin year by the
Snyren C.ittlo company amount to more
than 38 per cent of the original iiue-tt-
"Wheelbarrow picnics" nro the nawesl
thing In summer cxcurniun partiex fron
VlrKlnln City. They are said to bo highly
couducho ta muscular development , an
well an creative of lota of fun ,
The track of the Oregon Hhoit Line H
now tovotiUcn mllei wont of Montpnllor ,
llonr Lnko enmity , nnd v , ill bo at Sodn
Hprlngs In nbout fifteen da > i > , at the truck *
levers iiutka undue ono ami a fourth miles
wlvitito each day.
Oclo ate Maginntu Kecurcd for the Ter
ritory nf Mnntana tl.o rnug Mini of 81117-
000 fur vnriouH imiojo ) ) < , Indiiilii g 515,001
for the Nntloiul ) inri > , which will bo ol
greater lunilit , to Montana thun any other
konluiioim terrltoiy.
\ A Swede named Thwdtr recently left
liloi City to go out ami look ut. n nuichho
tlioughtof purchising , and has not bum
BCUU or hoard of ninou. I To hod u largo
mlin of money v. lib him , nnd it IH feared
thut ho bai been murdered.
it is undcriitooil that a gentleman vho
rtfcently passed thnitigh liilllngs wax in-
fiiitieil while there that i > prominent Croiv
c'lily ( jad given expreunlun 10 the detenu-
inuiLoii of his trlbo to burn every railroad
brl\o on the Crow reservation. Not
muctt Importance la nttaUiuii to the threat.
* \ 'oUSSSir. " W--
urcnVinany Incendiary flrca h.ivo oc-
iij aluui.
two ponnj oyster i < on exhibition at
: } liii6lillclil , CoOi a.iunly.
Govi-rnoi Thajcr , of Oregon olFers a re <
word of 11,000 tor the arrest of the inur
doier of MiB./Miiry Kofcli , who wan ahot
near North /niiibill on 'I'liun-dny. It up.
po.irn that the murderer Inid formed nn
ambuscade behind a log , 2.i3 yard-i from
tliu road , aud taken Daunt to break down
ImtarviminUvigH and broncho * to get a
clear idiot , Two tr.UU were Uuiblo ono
c ri-'t one , along which ho had come , nnd
rmo better defined , where ho had hurried
away. The hot took tiToU In the Hide of
tha head , breaking her neck nnd noveriiig
n jugular vein. Mra , J'uich foil out , and
the barren ran aomo dlitance before they
O'mld bo stopped , Doforo her mm could
cot Inck to thu body two moro Hhotn were
Ilrod. 'I'll la { 3 thu fourth attempt on her
\VImicmncc3 , the old I'luto chief , has
taken t nuw wlfo. This li IIH ! mivcnth
wife , and ho Is nearly 100 yearn old ,
It Is mild that n ipuour nulinal wan scon
nuar TomlHtono , i ccutlyhitvlng Ihu head
and forelegs of a bidgcr nnd the hind per
tlon of a crawlUli.
An ultempt ot tlio prisoners of the Tima
couuty jail to nmka tlitilr ed-iipo called at'
tentlnn in tliofiHliyiKindltloii of thut Initi
tiulun , The mmi worn crowded together
in ono llttlo riHiin , Buyn the Arizona Star ,
and the stench U hoiriblo ,
A lilol o tpeulal of the ' 'id Nityi ; "Andy
Hull , i no nfVolIu , Kargo > < < C'.i 'a mc en-
guru , win killed Hiinduy morning dy etigit
roUliorn , who not away with ? rOK ) . funds
of KUkrVuldridto ; to Co. Only two
robbers were Been , Thuy had lircnttworka
along tide ol the road , and ciuiinioucid fir-
Insf as mum ua llioixprers ujiuo in range.
Hall had tight bullet holet In hid body ,
all In frout , and when found ho wai a mile
from the trail , bin pistol empty. Ho had
followed the rolnurd ten miles ulone , lightIng -
Ing them , I'artleaareon the trail of the
murdererd , "
Albunuoume has two incorporated water
couipunton , mil no w.kter works ,
ThH negro KrauUin coniloumed tn be
hiMigod In Slhcr City for murder. ha had
bit ft-ntminn uommutoj to lmnUounient |
for life by ( j o > ernor Sheldon ,
Lout week Tom O , Stevens , the Trlnl-
dad wool Ling , purchased of Jalfa llros.
( locks of aheop , range nd ranchen and
year' * wool clip for 8IS.OOO.
The political campaign for delegate to
congress in waxing wnrm. The contest it
confined to the republican paity , and is
between Mr , Luna , the tucmnbeut , aud
the Hon. llrodford 1'rluce , Into chief
justice of the territory.
1'rank JauiiM 1 > naiii to liivo moved to
I\ow Mexico and entered Into the lightning
rod bukliu ! * ) ; and thui cuds ull the talk ,
tie hai docidoJ to reform aud | hcuccforth
live an bunoU life ,
Deputy M&nhal iTatnen Hum i , nf Par-
catio , in ( irant county , wa shot on. the 2Ath
ult. , by Marshal .Mnoro and Deputy
Sberia .McClellftii , of Central City. Ila
iiad lirod otf his revolver during the even
ing , und Marshal Moore went to arrest
-ilm , but he resisted mid pulled Ida gun ,
Then th i Hirer * nf the law fired at him ,
nud he Ml , pierced wltb nix bullet * .
A nmlo team with a wagon with locked
nhceU was carrying -1,700 jioiinda of pow
der tlnng the line of the Southern 1'aclfio
ronJ , iu New Mexico , the other day , and
the driver finding it necessary _ to unlock
the wh > o' ' , pounded the cliai.i with a st n .
Ho and a comrade who wns assisting him
mddenly di nppe' re < I , tha mule team wai
strung in utripi along the roa I , and n hole
fifteen fert de-p mtrked the spjt where
the wagon had heen.
Briubi'n Dlrno , Dlntint * , Kidney ,
Iilver or Urinary Di * a ei.
Have no fear of any of the diseases 51
you u o Hop Hitters , as they will pre
vent and euro the worst cases , even
when you have been made worse by
some great pulled up pretended euro.
Xewbern , N , 0. , has a wooden-pint * fsc-
tnry with a capacity of turning out 600,000
plates per week.
The Frary Cutlery compiny , of MrMite-
poit , Conn , claim to produce 3,000,000
pieces per nnoum.
Tour manufactories of Montgomery ,
Vt. , will turn out this joar 100000 but
ter tuba cf nil sizes ,
The Chattanooga ( Tenn. ) saw works arc
busy nt wink for the fall trade , with plen
ty of orders ahead.
The | Mnnadnnck Mill company , of
Clsrcmont N H , are a H ulto build anew
cation mill of 20,000 spindles.
The new pottery Mtuatori at Macomb ,
III , , ! now fully equipped forbusine-K , nnd
will s-ion be turning out a large product
Is Is said that n syndicate of capitali'U
has I cen formed In Turlington la. , to go
Into the mbiiufncturo of agricultural iin-
plements on a 'argo rcalc.
The Howard N'cedlo company , nf Brock-
Inn , ta H , hnvo nmnufnctuied neatly
5,000,001 needles nines tlm 1st i > ( January
last. They are now putting in now ma
The ono or two mills , which two or three
yearn since , Inaugurated , In Florida , the
industry of making paper from palmetto
pulp , hn\o been supplemented by some
eighteen to twenty more mllli at this time.
The Norwegian plow works , of Du1 uque ,
la , will turn out this season 30,000 of their
special Hoil-pulve izerr. Their works cover
an area 200x114 feet , and their buildings
arb four storlcn in height.
A company lion been organized nt BloomIngton -
Ington , III , , for the election of nn exten
sive watch factory nt thut ilty , The com
pany will nUrt with a capital of $100,000 ,
to bo increased to jr.O.COO.
The Wlllltnautlo Linen company use
nearly 3,001) ) cords of birch wood n your
for Htiools. They havn been compelled re
cently to enlarge the capacity of their
mills for preparing the tltnW , which are
located In eastern Maine , where they own
a large tract of timber land.
Ttio now mill of the Fort Madison
( Iowa ) Paper company nltrtod upon straw
wrapping-paper about the firet nf thin
month ( August. ) The mill contains ono
78-Inch machine , throe largo iron beating
engines , and ono Jordan , and has a capac
ity of eight tons per day.
ftlnco 1870 the Hardlnn factories nn the
coait of Maine have increased from one to
twenty-five ut the present time , most of
which ure nt ICustpott , Me. This growing
industry , 8iiyn an exchange , ban not only
made good uardlncs cheap , but has brought
good witpeH t'i this remote 1 cality , where
oven the buyx nnd girls earn from $5 to $8
n week.
Thoonterpriaing businoEHmcnnf Aurora ,
III , , nro fully ulivo to the importance of
Increasing their manufncturiiig itiduttriea ,
to insiiro a contltilled healthy growth of
tholrbeimtlful city , and they now have the
prospect of it very impoitnnt addition to
thofio IndiiHtrics. Th I'ittuburg smelling
works , of * ittsburg. I'.i. , have decided to
locate now nnd extcnxiva works at Aurora ,
iu viiiw of [ liberal inilucotnentH held nut by
the merchant ) ! nnd other busmen men of
tlio city , in the way of a most dc < ! rnblo
( Itefrtoiiiprihlng 125 acicsinsido the limits.
The now ci ntcrn will bear thotitlo of the
Aurora tmolting works , which will involyo
a plnnt roiiulrlug an outlay of $250,000
capital. 1'ewcltieH in the stata afford
greater facilities for largo manufacturing
establlxhiucntK , natho BUCCOSH of those al
ready in operation there ubuudantly tes
The manufacturing Industries of H. Diss-
ton & Sonsat Tiicony , xayx n Philadelphia
exchange , lire imMimlng almost irammoth
priportlnnn The linlldingi for mnmifac-
turlng purpoKcs already erected cover six
ncros of ground , nud stilt there nro others
to follow. A'oUvHh-tar.dini : this grrat in-
cic'.tro in tlo ; manufacturing capaciti > H of
thu tirm atrTi > conyf not n building or n font
of thu ground nf the workH n Laurel street
havoyctheen relimiuished , the improve-
meutb at Tacony indicating tha natural In
crease of th huHluc'w of the firm. The
Lotul number of nniidn now in their employ
i nbout lr > < X ) . Tliea.idiUonK made to the
Tacony woikitdmliig the nreaint your com
prise an rnlargiMiionl of the rolling mill bv
nn extension 180x200 feet , making the mill
1100x20 ! ) feet in size ; a khop for the circular
Hair depurtmoit , o.rix28. > feet , two ntorics
hluh , with n wing COxtO feet , of the name
height ; und a xhnp for manufacturing naw
handle * , KOxlOfiot. In addition to these ,
upward of 100 dwelling , GO of them by the
( inn , hnvo been elected in the village this
year The hie handle nnd long-snw mak
ing departments are all now nt Tacony ,
The inpacity of the ide department U HO
Increased that 1,000 , dozen tilen can hu
turnnd out dally. An nddlllonnl engine ,
20x00 , and of 2MO horte-power , han been
ilnced in tha rolling mill. Tne works
{ lave In IIHO H.X | englnep , with n nominal
power of 10.IKX ) horto comblnetl.
Hub It In.
Jacob IiOPclaimn , 271 Clinton Direct ,
llulfnlo , N. V , , faj'H ho has been UKing
TllOMAH1 JCci.KllllHi OIL for rheumatism.
Ho had such . lama back that ho rotdd
do nothing ; but ono bottle entirely cured
They furiut ) all ether o for oisy rldlnv , style
and durability ,
Thuy uro for Halo by nil Luiuling Cur-
riago Utiildcra nud Dealora throughout
thu country.
Korea ! h
Henry Timken ,
( Patentee midltullJrr of line Carilie t ,
- - iwco.
0. Sl'EOHT , - - Tropriotor.
1212 Harnoy St. - Omrlia , Nob.
Tin , Irou and Slata Konfiug ,
Specbt'a P.xtont Motalio Skylight.
Patent Adjuitod Rutchot liar
uud llrackct Hhclving. I ant
thu Konurul agent for the
above Him of gooda. (
otli.ui , Dalmtrtdcm , Ver nda .X3f1c and
fli\k itallluxt , WUidaw and Ool'urJ
tluardi ; * Uo
Remus fiewarded ,
OR ,
Tlio Story of tiio Sowing Maohino ,
A handsome little pamphlet , hint and roll1
oots with nnmeroni engravings , will b
to or pennn calling for It , at any hnncr.
ir of The Ringer UanafactnrlDgCom
pany , or will be sent by mall , post paid , t (
IDT penor living at a distance from our office !
The Singer Mannfaoturlng Oo , ,
Principal 'Iflice , 34 Onion Hqn re
, " : tiCLiUJ 'CT. " t < M ft
j. , ju
" " " "
I'urray &'s
In going Kail UVe the
IJMcago & Northwest
Tialnn leave Omaha 3:10 : p. m. and 7:10 : a. m.
Tor full lnform tlon call on II. V. DKUKL , Ticket
Agent , 14th and Farnam st . . J. I1BLL , U P.
Hallway Depot , oral JAME3T. CLARK , General
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Speciflo
II li a poeitlvocuio for UpcrmUoirhca , Bcrrtna
WookneK , ItcpoUncy , nnd all disease * recultlnj
( rom Sell-Abuto , le UenUt Anxiety , I/cttt
V.imoiy , Ptliu 'a the r ck or BMo , and tllwaacs
- " - ' - th t lead tu
Insanity an ,
The Specific
UcdltlBO Is
being n tid
vrtth wonder
ful euccess.
wnt fro * to nil. Wilts for them tnd got fell p r-
1'rlce , Drccinc , fl.OO prr packagr , or clpack. .
agra for } 1. < X. Addrocs all orders to
Noi. 101 and 104 Main 61. BuSalo , N. Y.
cl In Omaha br O. F. Gooiimin , J. Y ! , Bo ! ' ,
lib. and all drugglettieverywhero.
. i .Jtin
Jlatjy shrink from pti llclty In conn'ctlon llh
S H. b. . but woaro permitted to refer to the fol
lowing pcnons vv ho have known and wltnctfecj
IU woiucrful ( .fleets :
HURRY , Houston Co. , Oa.
\Vo have kniwn "Svvllt's Spccillc" tested In
hundreds of most obstinate ens sot rlood Poison
ing , Mercurial Hluumatiein , Scrofula , Borew ,
hczuira. Cat rrh etc , atd do corsclcntlouily
testify thatlt met \vlih the most perfect and sig
nal ucccss , cflccod radical and permanent cures
In eiory without a single execution.
Hugh L Ucnnurd , ( loo. W Kill n ,
Jnlin O , Drown , Coo. W. Slngleton , | ,
\Vm. Uruneon , Jnbn II. Huatf ,
Jnmca D. I harp , n I Warren ,
Moore ti Tutt o , .1. W. ilcWn ,
J. W. Wlmbcrly , J. W. Woolfock , J
w. D. HcrceherlH , J , W. Mann , Co. Trcas.
0. C. Duncan , T. M. Klllcn ,
I ) yA ti onion , T. M. Ilutner , Fho'lfl.
wo are personally acquainted wltli the KO tie
men ulioso signatures appear to the abo\o ccr
tlllcate. Ihjy are i Itlzuns of * ald county , ol the
tpu. Utility and character.
A , n. OILER , Ordinary , Houston Co.Oa.
U. U CULLER , ul'l : Hup. Ct. Houjton Co. Oa.
"Nothing bu * favorablu reports. Hollovo
fi. la a specific for all Illood Dl-c sea.
universal Bittltfactlon "
O. W. 4jK'f-S ' & CO. . Memphis , Tenn.
"S ; sa. elves 'ootfer eatlifactlon than any
ililne iiolmooor hanJli"1. "
JCKS & CO. , Helena , Ark.
"H&vo noi pi1 ucard a coroplalnt of H. t ) , S.'v
AU7J1UU I'KTEIl A 00. , LcuUville , Ky.
"R. S. 8 bUKlvcn entire satlffactlon to every
ono. " A. U. 1UCIUKDB , bhcrman , Tux.
"I have had excellent talc for P. S. S. . and th"
results ha\obcH < n nioxt satisfactory. '
J. 0. UUItoa , llowllng Grtcn , Ky.
"Oursalosrf S. S. U.ho been good , and Its
BUCCCBJ iierfcct. "
JONKS A CAHKY , Montgomery , Ala.
"S 8.8. Ins fc-U on entire tathfictlon to every
on i. " K UEUS3 , Path. Tsxaj.
"S. S. 8. h ghen univimil
11. W. I'OWIIUS & CO. , Ulchuiond , Va.
S1. < WO Uoward wl bo p M to
: hL'iuist who will nnd , on analyst ot 100 ro
3. 9. S. , ceo turtldoof Mercury , loilldi of Fo
slum or suy Miner * ! Bubitibco.
8Wm BPEOll'IO CO. Wois.
Atlaota , Ga.
Prln f Bniall slzs , dt.OO.
Ijutcv Nile < 1.7o.
SnM hv all Iru2l ts.
That crilblo ro urt fcv r tfd gnr , aud its
ou cnor , lilllloui remittent ; twineskfftttlorsof
hoot nmh , llvirtth'l the I'Owdi , boili orndlii
udaudi > ru\rnud by Iliouje rf II ti3lt'r'8t >
uirh UltC'ir , a pumly v ig , title elixir , lnd > r ed
by fph } ld i uuj .luoro cxt nlv l > UM.H ! ft a
rcuied ) forthualioo ilj of ili onur , a < u U
ai for miny blheis , thtn any medlclno of the
! { .
For ulo by all DrutriUta and Dealer *
generally ,
. ul , li
„ all 1'lllVATK. NEU.
Bpcclil Diseases , tiperiua.
torihaa , linixtincv ( Soi.
ual lucapaclt ) ) ,
Dlteur * . Irri'tuUrltloj ,
, ttc ,
. . . . .
- * * -J MM..V . W..U * U VVIIh *
1 n ( 'u ' nUiupt ) to | i > y sprfss
f 1 charges ou a "valuablg
work1' entitled "Okunoi
ofVOUH n , etc. " Work
on CUKO.MC UimiiBis , one itunn ,
ol tclf-aliuo or 1'ilvnto LMiumo , send S taui |
or C Ln.uir u WORKS on fiervoui tnj fexu-J
> hei u . Itcmiultatlou iienanally or by letter.
I'ltKK. Contult the old Doctor , T110U8ANM
CL'UEO. Olhct In quiet , iilvato , nepevublo
> ! * , You KO no ono Lut the doctor. Dr.
Urko li the only phyalcbvi In tha city who w rut -
ut cur or no ) ui ) Wixlkliuj tent every
hero , lloun , 8 i. u. to a r. x. diwly
Mrs J , O , Robertson , Pltttourg. Pa. , writes : " !
as suffering from general debility , want of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , so th-vt life BM a bur
den ; after u lng Burdock Blood Bitters I felt hot
ter than for years. I cannot praise your Bitters
too much. "
It.Olbbd. of Bnfftla , N. Y. , writes : "Your
Burdock nice. Bitters , In chronic diseases ot the
blood , liver a.iJ kidneys , have been signally
marked with success. Ilnve uwd them mjsoff
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , and In
casrof a friend of mine suffering from dropsy ,
the effect was marvelous. "
BrucoTurner , Rochester , N. Y.wrlcs ! : 'I have
bccncubjert to serious disorder of tlio Udnejs ,
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood
Bitters rcllcv cd mo beforu half n liottlo was used
feel confident that they will entirely cure me. "
Asenlth Hall , BInghatnpton , N. Y. , wrltoc :
"I suflcrcd with a dull pain thrsugh my eft
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite
and color , and could with dllllailty keep up all
day. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters as di
rected , and nav o felt no lain ( lira first week af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Klmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
four years ago I hid an attack of bilious fevcr.and
never fully recovered. My digestive orgies
wer weakened , and I would be completely pros
trated for dajs. After using two bottles of jour
Burdock Blood Bittern thei improvement was so
vl ihlo that I was astonished. I can now. though
01 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day's
C. BUckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Prcsbj tcrlan , Toronto , ( int. , w rites : "For Tears
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used j our Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
result" , and I now find mvpclf In bettor health
than for yean past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , write * : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncrvcus and bil
ious headaches , and can tccommtnJ It to anyone
requiring n cure for bllllousnesa. '
Mrs. Ira Uulinolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For several years I have tufleicd frcm eft iitur-
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com-
6'alnts peculiar to my ssx. Since using jour
urdoclc Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , 01.00 pei Dottle ; Trta Bottle * 10 Oti
FOSTER , MJLBURN , & Do , , Props ,
nuiTAJejO. N. y.
Sold ai wholesale by Ish & Mcllahon and 0. F.
Je 27 cod-ice
The Great Jingiish Remedy
-.N'cvcr falls ta cute
; < | N'cr\ou8 Debility , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Kmla-
ilons , Seminal Woak-
nrese , LOST MAN
HOOD , and all the
evil cdLcts of youth
fill follies and excel
< ej. It stops perma
nently nil weakening ,
involuntary lossisand
drains upon the eys-
ten. , the Inevitable re-
. , „ ultof thrsoevilnrac-
, which are KO destructive to mind and body
and make life miserable , often leading to Inaanl-
ly and death H strengthens the Ncrvcj.Braln ,
memorjf Blood , Muscles , Dlecath o and Itcpro-
ductlvoUririiifl , Itrcstoroato oil the organic
unstlriu their former \lgor and vitality , raa-
Ing llfo cheerful and cnjojablo. Trice , S3 a
jottlc , or four time1) trio quantity 310. Sent by
cxpriiiui. Bocuro from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. aunt , except
ou receipt of 81 on a guarantee. Lottcru rj-
uohtlnj anavrers must Inclojo Dtamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
am tht beat and choapci-t dvepepsla and bllllous
euro In the market. Sold by all druggists. 1'rlco
> 0 ctnta.
Da MINIIK'B KiuKitr ntyxDT , NnpRrriccM ,
CureHBll lilndof Kidney and bladder complalute ,
onoirhta , gleet and luucorrhcx For sale ny all
lauKgiatH : 31 a bottlo.
TIBOllvoSt , St. Louis , Mo.
For Dale In Omaha by
Dleoaso Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin Is
within ; Its manifestations without Utnco , to
uro the dicuaso the CAUaamutt Iu removed , and
n no other way can a euro ever Io ctfcctcd.
jIVER. CURK i cstablishod on Just this
irmclplo. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
01 all diseases arlco from deranged kldnvjs an
Ivcr , ttndlt etilkcsat once > t the root of the
llllculty. The elcnioots of which It Is uomposod
ct directly upon Ihtso L-rcat organa , both no a
oou nnd KKsroara , ivnil , hy placlbf ; "ltni ' " a
loalthy , condition , drU o dlicano and piin frnm
for the Innumcrabla Iroub'cs caused by nn-
lealthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Orpins ; for
ho dintrcinlnir Ulsordcnof Women ; for Malaria ,
ir ) physical dvrangemcnta Renerallr , this great
omidy has no eijuil. Devvuru of Imiioiton , liu-
tntlons and concoctlonssild to bo Just as good.
* or Diabetes , ai forWAKNEK'S SAFE
tCil Dili ) ball dealera.
H. 1 . WARNER & CO. .
run rtoohrmtor M. Y
jf vm r.44 man
. .ill'X'J" ' lnoi
* jur diiue uvolt *
s titiiilmit.uiA u-1
Hap riittero. Hm ) n.
Iron < k ( f ii.
rtiti'tullun ol \tl - . - f > ' > i < w * * * '
1(1 ( c uk ilni.w , tlii r i BllJi f 1V f U
' n n l > i J A
uf'S , n Ir ' H o i > Cltturfl. " '
" ' ' ' " ' '
{ 'u' n'2 !
T ( * vj n e jr
lliut rutittj )
I * rut r"9i M.tif.
tUuv'r Mtrtcf
edy. Anun-
IMing cure
for Bcmlnil
Woiknoii ,
rhea , Imtirt *
ency , and M
ielf'Abuwi ; Loa of Memory , Ui'licrul Liwsl
uJo , 1'nln la the Dack , Dlraneaa ot Vision , Pro
lutum OM Age , r J nuny other Plsoaeej thit
cad ta lufioity or Comuuijitlon tud t l'mm -
uroGr o.
tS uH r&ltlcuUri ta our f rurhl < t , vthlcb
e de < lre to loud free Irm l to ettryone ,
MTThc Spodd ( Uedldnt la told \y a" dnii--lstn
t II IH.T lucktge , orOjuc.ici. itr J6 , or UI
b scut fruo by intll on r r iv.t'of . t'jo money , by
Jdrctuliiif' TllEUKAV MEDICINE CO. ,
f Bnflolo , N. Y.
. . , , , ,
The followinc advantages are laimed for this Pulley : IT is smoNOKR nnd moro
durable , owing ! 1. To the alnence of shrinkage stialns. 2. To the increased num
ber of nru-8 : ! , To the fact that the rim is much stronger than the ca > t rim , IT 13
is no danger of hioakitgo in handling when shipped lee o. When ohlpped loose they
are generally accepted as third-clan fieight Instetd of first-clans , and at the weight li
only one-half thnt of cast 1'nllcys the frnlght Uetllt further radncoil. WR OUAILVSTKS
THKM to perform satlifartorily any work from tho'lightest to the heaviest.
SFLIT TOLIETS from 12 to 18 inches diameter only.
Pulleys of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two sets arms without extra
charge.We supply each Pulley with two set-screws without extra charge.
1st. That it is round nnd straight.
2d. It can bo accurately rolled to any desired gauge.
3d , That its surface being comnoeod of magnetic oxide of Iron obrlatoj any un
due tendency to rust or tarnish , wnlle it at the mme tirno gives ouo of the best journal
or bearing surfaces ever discovered.
4th. Thnt it will not warp or upring in key seating.
fith. That It Is made of the very bent of refined stock.
tZTFor further particulars , price list and discounts , eond to
Foundry nnd Machine Shop , Fremont N
ia only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.
For sale by
OIME / \ TV / % .
The Oldest Wholesale and
n Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents
Finest and Best Pian'c
Orgaas - -
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at.
Bottom Prices.
Steinway Pianos , Knfa"
Pianos , Voso & Son's
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Wan
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. '
not fail to see us before p
; ss ? OF
Stock always
-hoes -
Wholesale Hardware Hous
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
vt iim. / IOBERFELDER & CO