Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Be <
Fnb'Jelicd every morning , except Bond'
Cfco oclj Monilay laomlng ( tally.
One V ftr 610.00 I Three Months. $3 ,
JliU Months. o.OO I One . . 1.
ry Wednesday.
Ono Year. . k..32.00 I ThreoMonths , .
IxMoitlm.- . 1.001 On 3 h
or Newsdealers In tlio United States.
OOftnUSrONDENOE All Commnr
fatlorn relatini < to NewfiMidKclItorialinii
en phouM bo addressed to the Ennon (
tetters and Ucinittimcca dioulil bo n
drwocd to TUB BEB PnnuBiiwa Co :
TAMT , OMAHA. Xlrnfts , Checlui nnd Pew
flice Ordctfl to bo made payable to tl
tder of the Company !
Jho BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop !
Bi UOSEWATER. Editor ,
CKNTUAL Onv , August 14.
To the Fdltor of Tun HID.
The State Anti-Monopoly leagu
will meet nt Hustings , September 25
1882 , in connection with the Stat
Farmera' alliance , for the purpoao i
putting before the voters of the stat
of Nebraska an independent stat
anti-monopoly ticket. All nnti-mc
nopoly leagues are requested to c&
,1 epocial mootingo to elect delegates t
attend the convention.
By order of tno executive coir
mlttoo. H. 0. OHTKniiour ,
Pea. Stnto Anti-Monopoly Luaguo.
BOHB HESSINO , of Chicago , has boo
murdered by desperadoes in Noi
Mexico. The safest plnce for tli
-bosses just nt present poems to bo i :
the largo cities.
TtlR tariff question haunts the edito
rial rooms of the Jttpublknn , but th
monopoly iosuo never will disturb th
dro-tms of its editor aa long DO th
Union Pacific keeps hire on UH pa-
Tin ; counsel for the defense , Col
.Smytho , waived all argument to Has
tain Marshall Angoll. The aovontl
man had boon fixed and Col. Smytln
very properly thought if was a w.isti
of wind.
THAT political bnrnaclo , J. W. Pear
man , in out witli a card in reference t <
his committee clerkship steal al thi
last legislature , in which ho claim :
that others did < ho same thing. Wlioi
thieving is on apology for thiovin ;
Poarman'a oxulanation will hold good
MARSHAL ANOEI.L was exoncratei
becanni only nix out of the olovoi
councilmen voted htm guilty of gravi
misdemeanors. The jury of publii
opinion can't bo satisGod an oisy a ,
the India rubber conscience of aom <
of our extra moral councilmou.
SPENCKH is atill in hiding and Attorney
tornoy General Browator in oaid to b
difgustod that such a barefaced rosca
nhould bo honored with an oflioia
position under the government. 1
Union Pacific ) government directors ! ] ! ]
doesn't calj for any remarkable cxhi
bition of ofQcial honesty.
ICELAND , which ia threatened will
the horrors of famine and pestilence
lias appealed to the civilized work
for aid , and funds are now boinj
raised in England and Europe for thi
assistance of the suffer era. Professoi
Willard Fiako , of the Cornell Univor
city , at Ithiea , Now York , Tcquosti
contributions from Americans , am
will forward all relief entrusted to hit
COL. TAitLon who has been convicted
od of the unusual crjmo of Booking po
litioal Influence to prevent a change ol
military station haa boon sentenced tc
rcooivo n ropdpand from General
Hhorman. If ovdry member of the
soft Borvico brigade in Washington
who exist by the aid of a powerful
army lobby got tholr deserts General
Sherman's time would bo well taken
up from no IT until winter in repri
manding the culprits.
Tnu first specification among
ohargoj against Angoll wan that the
olty marshal had allonrod the
ealoons to bo run after midnight con
trary to law. On this point the ovi-
Uonco was overwhelming , the marshal
himself and every policeman admit
ting this notorious fact , but when the
vote was taken the representatives ol
aobrloty and morality and law and
order Baker and Dunham voted
"not guilty , " while the representa
tives of the so-called hoodlums voted
to sustain the charge.
LAST uprhiij , when councilman
Baker was a candl4ate for ro-elootion ,
ho declared ho would rather RO down
to defeat , backed by the law and
order element of the community , than
bo elected by law-defying hoodlums.
And now Mr , Baker has gene on the
rooord as an endorser and whitewasher -
washer of a city marshal who
winka at crime , en
courages prostitution , and gives
countenance to law breakers of
every description. In contrast with
this law and order hypocrite the couu-
oilmen elected by the strikers and
hoodlums have sought to enforce
obedience to the law and recorded
lheir votes in every instance to depone
the officer whp has wil/ully neglected
lib sworn duly'and allows outlawry to
un riot in the city ,
It is highly important that Oinal
merchants nriould take immcdin
stops for a proper representation
our business industries nt the comii
etato fair. The preparations Mrcai
made by the managers , and the r
ports of prospective exhibits go
show that the fair will bo the most o
tcnsivo nnd best attended of any ov
held in Nobraeka ,
Last year a poor showing was mat
byourbnsincasmon. Thodisadvantnj
of nufliciont water nnd motive powi
WAS doubtless largely rceponaib
for the few exhibits of our merchant
This year there are water works c
the around sufficient to lay all dus
and steam power enough to move n
the machinery which may bo not U |
while the floor space has boon great !
increased by the erection of now buili
ings. Under thcso circumstance thoi
is no OXCUDO for a failure on the pa ;
of our merchants to plnco their wan
on exhibition in the most attracth
form. It is a duty which they ewe t
tla-ir business nnd to the fair itsol
The crowds of visitors which will fi
the ground ? ) will contain many moi
chants from this state an
Iowa ready to form now busincs
connections. In exhibiting on th
fair grounds our business men v , ill I
generously advertising their wares an
inducing purchases if not at the time
in the near future. Hundreds wh
will porhnpa never enter a store in th
city will bo brought face to face wit
a ropreoentativa stock of our leadin
establishments at the fair itself. Asid
from this a local exhibit will grcatl
assist in giving variety to the fair an
in aiding in ita BUCCCDO. Omaha i
pledged to make the state fair a com
prchcnsivo nnd interesting exhibition
ixnd oho can only do this by contribu
ting liberally in n manner which _ wii
make it attractive to visitors.
One-third of Nebraska's voting poj
ilation are classed by the census re
; uriis as foreign born. This is slightl ,
nero than Iowa's proportion of foi
) ii-n to native born citizens , and fall
nuch below that of Now York. In
, otal population of 452,402 , Nobrask ;
ma 128,082 voters , or malca of votinj
igo. Of these 83,331 are classed a
tativos , 44,801 foreign , und the re
naining 814 colored. AD the highcs
rote over cast in the otato was some
hing over 87,000 , it follows tha
ully one-third of the voting popula
ipn tnko no aclivo interest in politics
An examination of the distributioi
if our foreign and native born per
fttiett aa made from a comparison o
.ho . census statistics is interesting ai
ihowing that by far the greatest poai
ion of our foreifin voters are locatoi
lorth of the Plutto river. Douglai
sounty loada the list with 5,758 for
) ign born voters to GC02 , nativeo o
rating ago. Lancaster followa will
! ,838 , while the number of males o
! 1 years and upivardu ia 5,673 , bu
Saundora county with leas than hal
ho voting population of Lancastei
ma 2,007 foreign born voter * . Fivi
lountioa all in the North Platte coun
ry nhow a greater number of foroigr
ban of native voters. Those an
) cdar with 419 foreign and 25i
latlves ; Dodpro 1G1G tol,445 ; Kowarc
145 to 532 ; Pierce , 220 to 193 , one
Jtauton , 272 to 1G7. Saundera county ,
nth 2,022 native voters , rcporta 2,007
oroign males of 21 years , only fiftoor
ess than these born in the United
Hates ,
In the South Platte country , Olaj
hews the largest proportion of foreign
lativitics , being credited with 1.15C
o 1,917 natives. Nomaha , witli
1,099 voters , haa only G27 foreigners ,
rhilo Chase county foots the Hat with
nly two out of a total voting
ion of forty.
Poruiaii diatruat in railway man-
gcmenta increases as the gross dig-
lonesty practiced by the corporations
11 the construction and operation ol
ho railroad system of 'tho country bo-
omes moro manifest. From the
lament when the contracts are lot
3r building the road bed and laying
ho iron , the stock und bondholders ,
nd eventually the public , are placed
t the moroy of a rang of sharks com-
osing the construction companies ,
rho share their plunder with an inside
Ing of railroad officials. A particular
astanco which has just boon exposed
i the Now York World ia that of the
> onver & Rio Grande narrow gauge
no , which oporatea 1CG5 miloa
f road in Colorado and
lonver , Aa atatod in "Poor's
Tanual" the cost of the road woa
50,040,437. The Hue is bonded for
21,600 pormUo , and on the rolling
: ook there are equipment bonds of
2,865 per mile , bosidoa a car trust ,
hould the bonda bo defaulted , the
andholdors could seouro nothing but
10 bare track. It is plain that there
u boon an imraoneo amount of
rindliug in the construction of the
tad , and that ita cost is stated onerously -
ously in excess of a fair figure ,
arrow fjaugo roada east have been
ailt at $8,000 a mile , and the in-
eased cost of building a road in
alorado could not possibly bring the
: ponditures on the Ilio Grande
> to a figure in oxcesa
Jill.OOO a mile. Railroad oxperti
) not hesitate to aasert that the dif-
fence in the total cost on this baeia
id that reported by the ofiicora of the
road , amounting to $30,039,407 , t
been deliberately stolen from the i
vestors in the bonds of the compati
while the public are forced to p
dividends on the watered stock a :
bonds Thcro are now a number
extensions of branch lines builditi
nnd the railway construction coinf
nics nro said to bo charged local rat
on all material which the compai
drawn to now portions of the tin
This keeps up a show of receir.
on the books , and while bon
can be sold it is easy
dcclaro dividends. The railroad co
struction company is e , thin disgu !
to hide the stealings of officers of tl
corporation , who thus nro enabled
make and approve contracts wi1
themselves on the moat advaulogeo
terms. An honestly constructed rai
road now-.vdaya would bo a curiosit ,
t which Wall street would ( stare , (
courao in the end the producers wou
pay the piper interest on the eno
inous debts rattled up to fill the pi
vato purses ot the coiporation , ofiicia
must bo paid out of the earnings i
the road nnd tariffe must I
raised sufficiently to inc >
the demands of bond and stockholi
ors. If the people complain of tl
oppression of the exorbitant rate
they are indignantly informed thi
the company are only earning ton pi
cent on their capital investment. Tt
Credit Mobilior ring increased I
millions the cost of the constructlo
of the Union Pacific. The Northet
and Texas Pacific lines were built I
the earno process nnd every extonsic
of the Gould system is to-day weigh
cd down by the construction ring ii
cubus , which assists in liberally wi
taring the stock of iho line arid i
increasing the tariff rates over i
A recent English visitor to th
country expressed himself n&touisho
at the lack of responsibility nmon
office holders in the country to th
people whom they represent. Th
evil pervades all our public offices. ]
will never bo eradicated until it i
understood by all classes that office i
not a personal and private cmolumcnl
but a position of trust on behalf c
; ho people themselves. The prime
.dca underlying iv democratic form c
government is that it voices mor
lirectly than any other the will of th
> coplo composing it. Just a& fur s
.ho representative ! ! ! of the people fa
.o obey their wishes and are uot hoi
itrlctly responsible for that failure
ho eovernmout bacomos an autocrac ,
> f officeholders nnd the psople r
relegated to ft position little superio
o these living under ft monarchy.
The evil of irresponsibility in offic
ma boon a growing otio ainco the clos
) f Jackson's administration. It ha
ncrcoscd with the increase of offic
md the rancor of party. It has beci
'entered by the entrance c
iccumulated capital into ou
> arties. Every grout manufaotut
nq industry and corporation intorec
low own its senator and congressman
> r boasts of its control of govorno
ind legislature. The responsibility c
longrcssmon and members of th
egislaturo for the non-porformanco a
luties towards the people iacovoroi ,
> y the praise of the masters whoso in
crests have boon cared for at the ox
icnso of their constituents
iVhat difference does it make to rnoi
if the stamp of Fryo and Townsom
rhothor popular approval Is grantoi
hem so long as the Union Pacific ant
Itandard Oil company continue thoi
avers and guarantee a return ti
ongresn by the aid o
heir political corruption funds
? ho Bamo tendency is observable ii
municipal political positions when
ho emoluments of the office an
ioavy nnd where a re-election is nol
bsolutoly necessary for the accumu
ition of a fortune. The people use
ul in securing nu election are ignored
rhon once the election is gained , and
ho only responsibility acknowledged
> that to the disbursing officer wlic
> ays the salaries or to the official whc
udits the accounts. Tlio remedy foi
his condition of affairs lies in the
ands of the people themselves. The
haractcr nnd records of men olo-jtod
3 positions of representative trust
re the best guarantees of the
lannor in which they will fill the
ositious and the relations which they
rill bear to their constituents. Every
reach of faith , every delinquency in
uty can bo punished , and should for.
ver disqualify thom from future office
olding. No man who fails to appro-
iotojtho fact that hojroprcsonts aomo-
iiing moro than | a salary with per-
ulsites is fit for positions of trust
nder the govornmen
VALBNTINB'S conduct us an officer
ud n man ia exhibited in a glaring
Ijht in the case of Button vs. Volen'
ne , of which we publish a transcript
sowhcro. The exhibit on its face
IOWB the man to bo a common awin-
lor , nud ns such ho ia reputed among
lese who have had dealings with him
i a lawyer and an officer. Valentino's
lampions have challenged proofs
his dishonesty and wo have pro-
iced them. There will bo many
ere forthcoming in duo time if the
publ.icans of the Third district dare
i into a campaign with Valentino at
olr head. There are thousands of
rifty farmers and hardy working-
on in Northern Nebraska who were
not hero when Valentino was regisl
of the West Point land office. Th
naturally regard him ns a man
honor and have boon led to believe
Berne of hi ] strikers that he is a mu
abused and badly slandered man. '
all thcso wo say road and reflect. ]
not judge thii man by the position
holds , but by the company he kee
and the record ho haa made .
COUNCILMAN BAKER will now rite
to explain to the moral nud Ohristn
element omong his constituents w !
ho voted to exonerate nnd continue
office a city marshal who allows naloi
keepers to keep their places open t
night in aofianeo of law , who robs tl
school fund and encourage * liccntiou
nesa by failing repo
prostitutes to the police cou
and has in every way nuglcctcd to <
his duty for the protection uf tl
community , and the enforcement
law and good order.
Mr. Kaufmanu's explanation w
that Angoll'a deputy WAS rcsponsib
for nil this deviltry. That may satis
the people of the First ward. M
Baker will have to invent n bettor c :
plauntlon to satisfy the people of tl
Sixth watd.
IT WAI Doan Richmond of the No
York Central railroad company wl
advanced the proposition that it wi
cheaper to buy officials after olcctic
than to apond money in electing hewn
own men , Jay Gould has tried bol
plans and is about to put hia machit
in operation again in Now York wil
Congressman Flower aa his prof em
democratic candidate for governor.
Till ! denial is again formally mac
that the coronation of the czar wi
take place in September.VhooVi
thought it would is neb stated.
The Power of Mind Over Matter.
Lynn B e.
The war in Egypt will noon t
ended , Iii addition to ita now unifori
the British troops are to wear bit
joggles. The followers of Arabi wi
uilsiako thorn for Boston schoi
un'tuna , nnd fold their touts like Aral
aud silently steal away.
Should bo Judged Dy Contraries.
Cow York Commercial Ad\cntcr :
When Vcnnor , the prophet , predicts a hi
Look out for keen frost the next mart
when ho I'orelulL ) tha cold weather v ,
crave ,
We will melt just UH Euro na we're bon
Usurping Joff'd/KiRhta.
Oh'cijo Titbune. ]
The news comes from Omaha tha
'Woman's Dreas , " an Indian chief , i
to bo arrested. The noble red ma :
ihould remember that Mr. JefTerso :
Davis still has rights which Indian
ire bound to respect.
The leading Flour Mill builders c
the Cjuntry , namely E , P. Allis !
Co. , of Milwaukee , Wis. , Nordyko < i' '
Marmoii Co. , of Indianapolis , Ind.
and four or five others , have just end
sd a very spirited competition for th
sontract of building the 350 Bbl Roller
lor Mill , at St. Joseph ; Mo. , forDnvi
& FdwceU.
The competing houses , had aomo
( reeks time for the preparation of th
Plans and Programme , etc. And nl
ivoro given to understand , that th
bust Plans , SpeciGcationo und Prc
jralnmo , would receive preference
rather than the lowest bid. After
thorough examination by practice
millarp , of all the Plans , these gottei
jp by Mr. C , A. Winn , repressntin ,
Norkyko & Marinon Co. , of Indianop
ills , Ind , , was given the contract
ihough they were several Thousam
Dollars higher than the lowest bidder
Sordyko & Mar mo u CO.B' Rollers an
: o bo used throughout exclusive o
itonos. This Firm may bo justl ;
iroud of this flattering testimonial o
; ho superiority of their Roller Mill
ind systems over these of other -man
Something1 About tbo Oldest "Ma
bhoon" in the United Htatoa.
! enclnnatl Commercial.
Some of the visitors to the Ohomi
al engine house on. Vine street ;
rhoro the ancient fire engine is foi
ho present stored , have questioned
rhethor or not it was made in Eng <
ind , Mr. Hills received a letter nol
eng since concerning that mattoi
rom Mr. J. U. Carrier , the tire chiol
1 'Norwich , from which place the
lachlno was brought , which aottlce
ho matter satisfactorily. Following
i a copy of the communication , whi Ji
i not uninteresting :
FniEM ) HILU Tour favor of the
th came duly to Hand , asking tor the
odigreo of my old engine. She was
uilc in Shpflittld , England , and still
as the atamp of the maker of the
on used in making the tires ou
! io wheels. Wo are unable to give
ou the exact ago of the engine , but
0 have two old gentlemen living in
lis city who remember the engine
hen they were small boys. Ono of
10 gentlemen's name is George L.
'erklns ' , who has just celebrated his
icoty-eixth birthday , Mr. Perkins
1 still tha treasurer of the Norwich
Worcester railroad , under the charter
t the Now York and Now England
iihoad. I believe the engine to bo
yer ouo hundred years old. The
ouso that she occupied when I founder
or was located but a few stops to the
> uth of the store in which the traitor ,
enedict Arnold , learned the business
f a druggist , and also within a few
> ds of Ins birth-place of course you
now that ho was born in this town )
am nimble to traca her back any fur-
ler , but , from all 1 can learn of her ,
10 is the oldest engine in the United
Millions Given Away.
Dlflllonnof Bottles of Dr. King's'New
iscovcry for Consumption , Coughs nnd
Mi , have been given away M Trial
ottlei of tbe large ulte. ThU enormous
itay ) would be disastrous to the pro-
letors. were it not for the rare merits
> ue&ed by this wonderful medicine. Call
0. K. tioodman'i Drug Store , and get
rrlal Bottle / * , and try for yoursslf.
i ver falls to cure ,
But inKeopiDgWitli thoMenl
and Moral Froportion of Don
grossman Valoatine.
A Dodge Oounty Farmer Be
Out of a Farm and Team
by Barefaced Lying.
A Confidence Gnmo Taken "From t
Court Rooordi.
In the ni diet Court , Fourth JiUhUl Dlstr.
In nnd for Dode Ueualy , Neb. :
GiorKO Vf. Sulton , fhlntlff , VB. E. K. Val
tlnollcnd nt.
The said plAintllF , George W. St
ton , complains of the said defondnti
E K Vrtluntino , for that on the 31
dny of January , A. D. 1872 , in coi
nidtiration of ouo span of home
wagon nnd harness that day sold at
by plaintiff to defendant , dofcndai
made and delivered + o plaintiff h
written puaranty or undertaking ,
copy of which ia hereto attached at
made part of this petition aa eslut
"A" } that by the terms of oaid wri
ing defendant guaranteed to plaint !
that the titln to the southeast quart
of section 23 , township 17 , north t
range 9 east , in Djdgo county , Neb
was in the government of the Unite
States and guaranteed that plaintil
who had then lately entered said lau
as a homestead , could on compliant
vrith the requirements of the horn
stead law oE the United Status obtai
a patent from the United States go1
enimout for said land , and in case of
failure to procure ouch patent on con
plinnco with the conditions of tl :
homestead law as aforesaid , then di
fondant obligated himself to pay plait
tiff the sum of $250 as liquidate
And plaintiff avers that at the tire
of thu execution and dnlivery of sai
writing aa aforesaid the title to tl :
said land was and has boon over sine
iu'tho Union Pacific railroad compan
and not in the government of tl :
United States.
And plaintiff further avera that I ,
hold , lived upon and occupied sai
land until ho was required and con
polled to deliver the possession of tli
same to the Union Pacific railroa
company , that ho complied with a
and singular the requirements of th
homestead law and on the 9th day c
April , 1874 , obtained from the Unite
States land office at West Point , Neb
his final receiver's receipt , and ha
endeavored to obtain a patent for th
land , but the United States govern
ment has not and will not issue o
grant such patent by reason of th
land being the property of the Unioi
Pacific railroad company as aforesaid
of all of which defendant has had du
notice , but though ofcon requested ei
to do has refustd and neglected am
still refuses and neglects to pay plain
tin said Bum of $250 , now due am
owii R to plaintiff from defendant o
TOy part thereof.
Wherefore pi int ; it demands judg
no lit against eaid defendant for th
mm of § 260 , with intereat from th
19 h day of december , 1877. and cost
jf suit. N. H. BKIX ,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
N. H. Bell , being by the undei
signed first duly sworn , deposes am
jays that ho ia attorney for plaintiff i :
the above entitled case , and that th
Facts stated in the foregoing potitioi
uru within his own personal knowlcdg
ind are true , as ho verily believes.
N. H. BELL ,
Subscribed in my presence , an <
sworn to before mo this 19th da ;
sf December , 1877.
.Notary Public , Djdgo Co. , Neb.
To the Clerk of said Court :
You will isauo a summons in thi
ibovo entitled case , directed to tin
ihoriff of Dodge county , Nebraska
md returnable according to law. Thi
lame of the plaintiff is George W
button , and of the defendant E. K
N. H. BELL , attorney for plaintiff
WEST POINT , Nob. , Jan. 31st , ' 72 ,
In consideration of ono span o !
lorsos , wagon and harness. I horobj
tuarantoo the title to the a. o. ) ol
3ec. (23) ( ) twenty-threo , town (17 ( ]
loventoen , north of range (9) ( ) ninoi
mat to bo in the government of the
J. S. _ And whereas George W. Seton -
on did on the 22nd day ol
fonuary , A D. 1872. "Homestead,11
ho land as above described ,
flow if the eaid George Vf , Sutton
hall duly fulfill all the requirements
if the homestead law and then faile
o secure a patent , then this guaranty
o bo good , but if the said George 'W ,
lutton should diaposo of his title ( aa
lomestead ) to the above described
ind , or abandon same , before f ulhll-
ug the requirements of the homo-
toad , together with the necessary
vo years' residence , or should receive
atent for same , then this guaranty to
0 void and of no force. The amount
a bo collected in case this guaranty
hould bo hold to stand is two hundred
nd fifty dollars.
Witness : E. K. VALENTINE.
1 tha district wltbln and ( or Dodge county ,
George W. Sutton , FUlntllT , m. E. K. Valen
ce , Defendant Demurrer :
And now comoa the defendant and
omurrers to the petition of said
laintiff , and for reasons sot down the
blowing :
let , That the petition does not state
icts sufficient to constitute a cause of
: tion against said defendant and in
ivor of said plaintiff.
B , H , HAULOW ,
Attorney for defendant ,
FIIEMONT , August 30,1882.
Dodga County , "I
tate of Nebraska , /
I hereby certify that the above and
irogolng is a true copy of the petition
id demurrer ou file in this oftico in
10 above entitled CUEO.
Clerk of the District.
By Frank II. Fowler , Deputy ,
Valentino succeeded in having the
tso postponed from term to term , un-
l the man , wearied by the delay and
ipovcrishod by the disappointment
id loss ho had sustained , could no
ngor continue the proceedings , and
10 case was dismissed without proju-
co to the plaintiff ,
Beautiful building sites on Sherman avom
> 16th etroot ) south of Poppleton'o and J , ,
Brown's residences the tract bolongli g to Son
tor Paddock for BO ninny ycara bclr
853. Jcct nest IronUen on the o\enu
by fr > m 300 to C50 feet In dopll
running eastward to the Omaha ft St. Paul B. 1
Will sell In strips of BO fcot or more frontage o
the avenue with lull dqitn to the rallroal , l
soil the above on about any terms that purchnei
maydcslro. To parties w ho willaitreuto bull
houses costing 01200 and upward * will eoll will
out any payment down for one year , nnd 0 to 1
equal annual piymcnta thereafter at 7 per ccr
iutcnst. To patties whc do not Intend Iranrm
Ing Immediately will sell for < no sixth do'Mi aa
B equal annual payments thereafter at 7 per ccr.
Choice 4 ccro block In Smith's addition at wt <
end of Firnara Btreot will pho auy length <
time required at 7 per cent Intcrast.
Also a splendid 10 aero Mock In Smith's add
thn on name liberal tcr no forcc lne.
No. 805 , Half lot on near 40th
No 804 , Lot on 19th street near Paul , $1200.
No B02 , Lot 30x280 feet on IDth itrcct , nn
No 299 , One quarter aero Burl street , ne
Dutton SSOO.
W * lot8 on BIonl0 Irene
? , ' 2 ( near strecl
[ 210 and $300 each.
No 23(1. ( Tno lots on Georgia near Mlchlgai
IJrect , 81200.
No2D5 , Twelve choice residence lota on Harat ]
SJn street In Shlnn's addition , flno and slehth
to to 5UO each.
No 291 Beautiful half lot on St. Mary's ai
; nue , 80x180 fctt , near Bishop Clarkson'a an
! 0th street , $1600
No 292 , five choice lots on Park nvenuo. 60J
ItX ) each , on street railway , $800 each.
No 291Six lots In Mlllard & Caldwell'a addltlc ;
3D Shormin Avenue near Poppletou'a , ? 3i/o li
1 160 each.
No 2a9. Choice lota on Park avenue and etrec
ar line on mad to Park , $460 to $1000 each.
So 285 , Elovm lots on Dcca ur and Iron
> trccU , near Saundcra street , 8376 to $ t&C each
No 282 , Lot on 10th near Paul street , $760.
No 281 , Lot 65x140 feet Dear St. Mary's avenue
ind 2oth street , $1600.
No 270 , Lot on Oecatur near Irene street , $32C
No 278 , Four lots on Calawoll , near Blunder
itroot , $603 each.
> o 270 , Loton Clinton street , near shot tower
No 27S , Four lota on McLellan street , nea
Blonde , Kazan's addition , $ ; 26 oich.
No 74 , Three lots near race course : makt
No 263 , Beautiful corner aero lot on Callfornli
itrcct , opposite and adjoining Sacred Heart Con
i cut grounds , S1CM ) .
NoiCo , Lot on Mason , near 16th street , $1,850 ,
100 ots In "Credit Foncler"and "Grand View1
idditloijs , Just south-cast of U. P. and B. & U
allroad cpots , ranglns from 8160 to $1000 cad
ind on easy terms.
Beautiful RcsIJcnco Lota at a bargain vcri
undy to shops 100 to s2 0 each , 5 per cent dowi
id it per cen t per month. Cat ! ana get plat anc
ill particulars.
No 250 , Full corner lot on Jones , 'Near UU
itrcct , $3,000.
No 253 , Two liJta on Center street , near Cum.
nff street , $900 for both or600 each.
p 251i , Lot on Seward , near King street ,
No249 , Half lot on Dodge , near llth etr's
No 217 , i-.our beautiful resldenco lota noai
IretRhton College ( or will separate ) W.OOO.
0216,1 0 lots on Center , near Oumlnz
trcet , $100 each.
No 246 } , Lot on Idaho , near Gamin ? street ,
Ao216 , Beautiful corner acre lot on Cumin ? ,
ear Kutton street , near new Convent of Sacred
Ifvkrt , $1,600 *
No. 244 , Lot on Faruam , near IBth street ,
.7t > 0
No 213 , Lot 68 by 1 on College street ,
ear St. Mary's avenue , $700 ,
No211 , Lot on Farnam , near 26th etreet ,
No S40 , Lot 00 by 09 feet on South avenue ,
ear Maaon street , $360.
No.2iO , cornsrloton Burl , near 22d street ,
K o. 23S. 120x182 feet 04 Uamey , near 24th ,
troct , ( will cut It up ) $2,400.
N0.2JJ , Lot on bouglis street , near 26tb ,
1 ,003.
No. 232 , Lot on Pier treat , near Beward ,
100 ,
No. 227 , Two lota on Dec tur , near Irene e Jrect ,
.00 each.
t > o 22J , Lot 113 by 441 feat on Sherman ax
uolJth ( Btioot ) , uea Qrace , $2,400 , wllldlvldo.
NoiJO , tot 23xOret on Dodge , near 13th
rcct ; make an oflcr.
No 2 17 , Lot on 23rd near Clartt , $600.
No 210 , Lot on Hamilton near King , $ -00.
No 2U9 , Lot on 18th street , near Nicholas
No 207 , Two lots on 16th , near Pacific etrost ,
1,600 ,
No 01 , Beautiful roeldcnee lot on Division
: roet , near Cumlng , gl.00.
No IDJj Lots on 15th street , near VUrce ,
No 103J , Lots on Sauuderi street , near Bow.
rd $600.
No 1'Jll , Two Iota on 2M , near Grace street ,
No 102J , Two lots on 17th street , near white
iad orks , $1,050.
N > 1U8J ; One full block ten lots , near the
macks , $100.
No 191 , LoU on Parker , street , near Irene
No 183' Two lota on Cans , new 21st street
; llt edge ) , W.OOO.
No IbO , Lot on 1'ler near Seward , $360.
No 170 , Lot on Pacific street , near 14th ; mike
No 163 , full block on 25th ttrroet , new raca
arse , and throe Iota In Gleon aidltlon , near
uudore and Cassms streets , $2,000.
No 127 , Lot on Hth ttrott , near while lead
3rku , $525.
No 122 , l ixlS2feet (2 ( toil , on 18th street ,
r I'onr.leton'd. $1 600.
Nell ) , Thirty h H acre lots In M lard & Cal.
rll a ikddltlous on Sherman avenue , Rprlng and
irat ua street * , uaar the oud of grien street
.r track , $ ii to $1800 each.
NoE9 , ot en Chicago , near 22d tiect ,
ciX )
No 83 , Lot on Caldwell etreet , near Sauuders ,
00.No EG , Corner lot on Charles , near Saund.
its street , $700.
No 75,60x82 feet on Pacific , near 8tn street
; ,000.
No CO , Igbteen lota on Slit , 2d , 231 and
lucdera streets , near Grace and Blunders street
ldKo , $500tiach.
No 0 , One fourth block ( ISOxlSS feet ) , net
e Convent of Poor Claire , on Hamilton stieet
a he end ot the red stieet car track , $1OO (
15th ana uongms Str otj
Are acknowledged to ba tke
best by all who have pub thorn
to a traotc\l test.
Piercy & Bradford.
. M. ,
( EnconsGor to li. T. Mount. ) y
MunuIaUiucr add Dcalsr ID
Saddles , Harness , Whips ,
Robes , Dusters aud Turf Goods
Agent for 1' . 11 III & Co.'a
"The Best in The World. "
31-2 = 3.2 ! E" aL3E 3Kr L.iwn : S H ?
OrdeH Solicited. OHAH.A. NEB
Every Corset Is warranted. BaUa- '
factory to ita wearer in every way ,
or the money will bo refunded by / \
thoporsonfrom-whomit-waBbought. 1 '
'met ' erer
PRICES , br Mill , Postage Paid I
, 1.GO. Btir-AdJaiUne , 1.BO
.bdomlnal ( extra lieavj ) $3.00. Jiunlat , 41.CO
lealth PrctCFTlni ; ( One coutll ) 92.00. 1'Brucoi
Bklrl.SupporUntt , # 1.00.
For ule by loading Itctull Dealer * OTCrjwhero.
makes a specialty of
Dollars & Guffs , !
Chree Cents Each. .
Work solicited from nil over the country ,
he charges and return pnstac-e must'no -
jinpany the package. Special rates to
Tgu clubs or agencies , f
j antfld"Agonts for lho LUe Tlmes * ni1
rnttcn by h feFdo'sBB JaiBOi
if only lllo authorized by ber , and which will
> t be a "Blood aud Thunder" story , such aa has
> cn and will ue dubllshed , but a true Mle by
10 only p raoa who It la pofeestloa ol the facta
a fal hlul and dorotud villa. Tiuth li moro
tcrcatmb' than fiction. Agents should apply. .
r territory at one. Sand 76 cti. for Has * * *
le Book. J. H. homT > cr & Co. ,
! * St Xionli. Mo.
The most coat rail f locattd hotel In the dtr.
iomi 750. SI1.00 , $1 , BO and W.OO pur day. '
First Chin KoaUurint conuected wllh the
.HTIR8T. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locust Streets.
UCO and UU Dodge street ,
aug 7-me Cm OMAIIA , NKB.