CflUHCII. BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , AUET. 30. SUBSCIUPT10N RATKS ! By Carrier , to cento per week , Bjr Mall - tlO 00 per Yew , omco : No. 7 Posrl Street , Near Broadway. U. Q. OUIFFIN , Manner. H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. J. Mueller's Palace Mnsio Hall. Sherraden makes photographs. N , I'oTlerfield was yesterday fined for "being a little out of plumb. In the circuit court yesterday the caeo of Tester vs. Lake was on trial. Joseph Heller makes snlts in the latest styles at No. 310 Broaclway- To-night is the Fnlk organ concert at the Congregational church , Tlio oil inspector has filed hli bond of 91,000 and it has been duly approved. Carpet SwicpersTho Aurora Blssell nr.d Standard Carpet Sweepers at Hark- ness , Orcutt & Go's. a g28-2t To-morrow the Consolidated Tank Jilne company la to ha\a a hearing < m the matter of oil , The democrats meet to-morrow , at 11 o'clock , at the court house , to put up a congressional candidate for this district. At Shull's butcher shop , south Main street , you can always tct ; the bcit moats at reasonable prices , In the case of Wm. H. Uutton vs. Maggie P. Uutton , Judge Loofbourow yes terday granted the desired divorce. An other Button oft" . Still Bates was yesterday fined for being drunk , and turned about and filed complaint against the bartender , "Shorty , " who sold him a half pint of whisky. The council committee on Indian creek has been authorized to receiv o bids for taking down and storing away Mad ! eon street bridge , which is to give way to A new stone structure. The receipt * at the slock yards yester day wore : J. 3. Manvllle , 17 cars ; < C. Haas & lire , , Q can ; J. Coffee , 13 cars. The shipments were : J. S. Maniille , via C. , M. & St. P. , 19 cars. John Hammer complains that the aowcr leading down from the Ogden houeo is in such condition at its mouth rn to nlop over some of his property. ITho city nuthori IB * propo-e to investigate through their smelling committee. rt B. B. Smith was brought into coutt yesterday on a charge of vagrancy , ho being particularly described as capper for gambling homes. Ho pleaded not guilty , nud his hearing is sot for to-day. In the case of Howcll Smith vs. the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs railway company , the jury in the circuit court has returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $60 damagec for thu killing of a mule by the cars. Officer Sterling had a long hunt Mon day evening after a lost child of Mr. Brown's living on Center street. The child was found at last near the transfer , ' where it wa-i wandering about in a be wildered condition. It is expected that Walter H. Broom , of .Philadelphia , n speaker who has gained van enviable leputation in the east , will , some time within the next two months , deliver his two lectures here , one on "Tho Life and Character of W. S. Stephens , " * * the other on "Knotty Questions. ' ' Marriage licenses were in demand yes t terday , the following being the expectant couples : Otto Strasse and Carrie Monroe , both of Council BlulIV J. R. Cox , of Mis- nouri Valley , nnd Ida Pike , of Hock ford ; Adolph B lebm and Mena Fleer , both of Mineola , Mills county. There was a pleasant and profitable church social last evening at the Baptist church. It had a novel feature also , it being terniei n basket social. Lunch baskets , well tilled , Were sold for the good of the cause , and the gentlernm pur chasing was given the privilege of eating .the contents in company with the lady whoso name was found concealed inside the basket. There was much merriment , .and a good time all around. Tho'te rwbo have awnings in front ol their places of business should keep shady .about it , as lung as they can. The city at torn y has been instructed by the councl to .frame an or ioance regulating the height of awnings. This move Is causei by the numerous complaints madeby.tal citizens and by short one * with tall hats who have at sundry times got their head gear entargled fa the festive flappings o the awnings. Yeiterday afternoon one of Councl Bluff'sihigh-toned young men , in his bast -ball enthusiasm mounted the seat of an ex press wagon , and served' in the role o driver and runner for the ball grounds He bad lots of tport , but bo need not hi surprised If he is called upou to answer tea a charge of violating the ordinance ro ijuiring common carriers to take out a 11 .cense and give bauds. The only show fo hltn to esoape l that be was an uncommon earner , Jf be has to take out a license , o pay A Hue , his only consolation would b that lie had bis laugh first. The oil inspector's regkterfor Monday abows that there is plenty of oil whic ! fails tocome up to the test of 1GO * requirec by law , , The fo lowing were the results fichofleld & Coviu , 6 packages. 138' ; J. F Filbert , 1 p clcage , 141 ° ; J. B. Atkins , package , 132'j J. Sullivan , 1 package , 121 * J. 0. DeIIav D , 1 package , 1J0' . It 1 stated that two or three de ilers who Cm that ( heir oil does not stand the ( ,351 , ar eending it back to those from whorj the ; purchased , and demand pond oil In II ' place , or else they will'purchase cleo where , The first annual report of ( he beau of trade of Council Bluff * , as compiled br ibe learetary , 13. II. Ocltll , is _ being Quit xtenively { circulated. 'Jho report ill iu pamphlet form of about eeienty-fiy pages , nod bears the imprint of ti. T Walker & Co. , the well known printing and binding home , At Is to be expected coming from their hands , the pamphlet Is typographically neat. It is finely llluntra _ ted , and the Important matter containet therein Is prenented In a very attractive 'readable form. The report i on j . . | .i > , MIIU present * may facts and % nrcs of inloicftts to the resident AS well M to the fttrangtr. In nil respects the report Is one which Is n credit to the city , both In lt < subject matter and n the lyjttgrapliical appearance. II. F. XII'fl his made an offer to properly number the biases In this city , at .hlrty-fiva cents ench. The mayor nnd city engineer hn\o the mutter in hand with power to net , Of course the number * og would cnly be of houses .not properly numbered , nnd where the occupants ren 'we ' to pay the runonnt It would be as e ed ngnlnst the property. Ono thing Is cer tain , the houses should Lo numbered at once for the convenience of residents as well as strangers , and especially in Uew of bo fact that sometime at no distant date t is hoped , there will be ftce delivery of nails , EIGHT TO FOUR. The Council Bluffd Hoys Drive Off the Blues of Leadville. Another Jjanrcl For the Hem Nine Worthily Won. Yesterday afternoon the Loadvillo BluL's and the Council lilutfa nine mot again on the diamond fiqld , and victory perched upon the banner of fho homo nino. The Loadvilica scorned determined to have everything their own way , and insisted on having no the umpire TrafHoy , of the U. I''s , who umpired the game tlio day before in Omaha. To this there were very jusi > objections on the port of the homo nine , who thought that they ought nt least to have ono choice out of three games , in the matter of urn- pifo. The Loadvillos Hckod , nnd there was quito n little flurry of excitement citemont , but the Bluff * were stead fast in claiming their rights , and refused to play unless granted them , which was finally done , and George Brown , of this city , wan agreed upon as umpiro. The Lead villcs made several - oral kicks alter this , nnd nerved to mar somewhat the onjoyability of the game. The result wan duo however to fair , otrong play on the part of the Ulufls , and when victory was assured , there was the wildest enthusiasm. The afternoon wna very chilly , but the spectators despite their ahivoring eat throuah the game , and warmed themselves by ardent appluuao. The following is the score : COUNCIL Blunt H. A. K Itnach , H H. . . , 033240 Kufihne , 2db. . Mackp 1 2 8 2 T. 0 Merrill , lb 1 1125 d J'Uny.l. f 111021 Brown , c. f 1 11001 Hngan , Istb a 1 1 0 0 1 Strock , o 1 1 1 0 0 0 Smltli , r. f 011100 Totals 8 11 1C 27 181 LKADVIIXK BUIES. u In rn. ro. A E Laviii , 1. f 0 0 0 0 1 ( I Knodell.r.f 000110 HUlio , Istb 0 00000 Foutz , c.f 1 1 1 3 a I Bmdle , , o 1 2 3 111 2 1 Pholan,2b 000221 KeBsler , 3d b 111142 Price , p Orth , H H 001011 Totals 4 0 7 27 13 Innings 1 234507HO luff * 0 02000000 8 Blue 0 00200200-4 AT THE JAIL * The Prisoners Are Now Dieting on Bread and Water. The attempt to tnako a general jail delivery has stirred up matters con aidorablo at the hotel do Gutttar. The only ono who escapud , Ed. Points , is still at largo. Ha was not ono of the most valuable prisoners , ho being an amateur , and there being about oven chances for his having boon cleared by a trial , BO that it was rather foolish for liim to make such a break. The sheriff has ollorod $30 reward for his capture , and oilicora are in pursuit ol him , it being desirable to recapture him for the sake of the effect on other prisoners , rather than for the sake of having him to answer to the charge of larceny , which-hangs over his head. An investigation of the attempted jail break shows that thcro were seven at least who joined in the conspiracy , The prisoners concerned planned that whontho , jailor carao to tuko out the water bucket that they should rush out if possible. Points was selected as the ono to lead the charge , as ha was the ono who generally passed the bucket to the jailor. It was expected that the jailor would turn to catch Point , which would give the others a chance , bul Mr. Bhoutz , instead of trying to catch him , pushed to the big iron door at once an far as possible , catching two of them between the door and the wall , and squeezing ono so tightly that this prisoner is now on the sick list. Jailer Shoutz did well not to allow any inoro to escape , as ho was only ono against many , but by bracing him self against the door , with hio foot against the wall , ho succbeded in holding - ing his own , An cfl'ort was made to get from the prisoners the details ol by whom and how the etoipo was planned , but they refused "to squeal1' on each other. The sheriff ordered al the prisoners to bo placed on breaii and water diet , as all soointd concerned corned , at least to the extent o : screening the chief oflendors. They were almost in a state of mutiny yes terday , but quieted down during the day and contented thonltolvcs aa besl tliry might on thia simple bill of faro , which is to bo kept up tor five days. There will now bo , probably , phango in the doors. .At present there is hardly room enough between the doors to allow the jailor to look the first door and swing open the second , I'ho attention of the county ooinmis u'onera was culled to this defect , bui they did nothing about it. Now the delect will probably bo remedied. The liuropoan restaurant opens Friday , Sept , 1st. Meals served up ln iirat class style and at reasonable 'prices. SMITH & McGrjEN Proprietors , No. 401 Broadway. The City Fattioro Conclude it B Time to Hnve a New Pen For the Unruly , ArchitectInvitfld to fiend In their Best Finn * nnd BuRgeatiou * There has boon a long nnd pressing need hero for a suitable city lock-up , The old pen In the rear of the city building is , like the city building it- aolf ( , a good deal of a farco. Prison ers have escaped frequently , and these who did not escape would have been an justified in doing BO , for the slaco into which they nro tumbled jromiscuously has boon na filthy aa it IRS been insecure. It has been al most impossible to ktep it clenn , for no sooner was it white washed and flcrubbod out than simo beastly drunks would bcsnunr and bedaub it again , The ncconunodationB have jocn BO scant that no discrimination could bo made between tlioao who wcro sober and orderly and those who wcro drunk and disorderly. The city fathers give promise of a change for the bottvr , and it cannot corno too quickly. It is proposed to erect at once a juil on the property recently purchased of Pott-r [ iuchto.o , and to expend for thiitnurpofloabput $5,000. The chairmen - men of the finance committee , lire : oninuttco , and police committee , havu seen instructed by the city council to solicit plans , without cosr , it being understood that if a plan is adopted , it will bo paid for at a reasonable irico. It seems to bo the intention to build this now jail on such a aito and in such a manner aa to keep it entirely separate from the now city building , which it is to bo hoped will bo built at flomu early date , and the jail will 30 so located that when it is thought jest to put up a city building thcro will bo ground enough loft and to spare. It is to bo hoped that the move for a hotter city building and a low city lock * up will bo pushed along , o some practical results , and i.ot _ bo illowtd to drop into the oamo oblivion nto which BO many such promises nado by aspiring local statesmen just > oforo election , have evidently drop- > ed. The present city building and jalubooso are a disgiaco to thia city , which ought to bo wiped out. In thu planning , the market house echeinn ihould not bo overlooked either. A ) ig market place is wanted , especially > y thu working people , and their wishes should bo recognized. Boat Chance to Make Money In South west Iowa. I will lease my elevator , corn crib , scales , oflico , .etc. , for one joar. [ /upKcity 00,000 bushels. Enquire of William Huppor , Walnut Iowa. ELI CLAYTON. In addition to our ice cream and oysters parlors , wo will open a first- class restaurant , Sept. lit , when wo will bo able to cater to thu wants of the most fastidious. SMITH & McOuEN , No. 404 Uroadway. i Honiara's /xcid Phosphate * A UKFKFBIIING UllINK. Dn. 0. O. FILES , Poitland , M says : "After perspiring freely , when cold water has utterly failed to satisfy my thirst , it has accomplished the purpose with the roost perfect sue cess. " PERSONAL B , F. Clayton was in the city yester day. day.J. J. T. Uryton and family , of Carson also Mrs. Anna Downlncr , of the name place , were at the O den yesterday. J. C. Burch and wife , of Wymoro , Neb. , are at the Ogden. A , II. Maync , the coal man , yesterday looked like a streak of sunshine , and all caused by the receipt ot a telegram froi Cromwell , whore hla wlfo is visiting her rclati\c ? , saying : "It'tf a fcirl. usual weight , nnd nil well. " Never Give Up- If ynu nro suffering with low nnd do rested spirits , IOHJ of appetite , gouoru eblllty , disordered blood , wonk constitu tion , lio-ulucho , or nny dUenso of u billon * nature , by all moans procure a bottle ol Electric Bittern. You will bo surprised to tee the rapid Improvement that will follow ; you will bo Inspired with new life strength nnd activity will re turn ; pain am misery will cense , nnd henceforth you wll ! rejoice In the pralso of Klcctric hitters. Musical Treat. This evening chore is to bo a granc organ concert at the Congregational church , at which 1'rof. Fak ! , of Chicago cage , will appear. Ho is a great fa vorite in the city of his home , where ho has gained a high rank among the many musical colobritieR who centre thoro. As organist of Unity church , at the oloso of almost every servicu there would be many who would re tain their scats instead of passing out , and thuro listen entranced until tin last note from the organ lud diec away and wherever it is announced there that ho is to give an or > an recital cital , the announcement alone is enough to inauro the prcspnco of a largo audience. Ho is certainly ono of the best in the Innd. Mr. Pennoll and hisuistor , Mies Ponnoll , of Omaha , are to add still further to thu attrnc tivenoss of this musical imtcrtuinnumt by rendering vocal selection ? . They have have already won pniiso hero , and many will bo glad to hear their voices again , The tickets _ are only fifty cents , and reserved seats are for aalo at Bushnoll & Brackott's. ' No Moro Blunting. . 02 EAHT SKCONU STHEET , ) FOND DO LAO , Wis . , V AUK 4 , 881. . J II. II. WAIINKH it Co : Saw have boon using your Safe Kidney ant Liver Ouro for dropay , and 1ms helped mo very much. DANIKL VAHNEV , Trunslora of Titles. The following transfers of titles are reported aa taken from the county records by J , W. Squire & Oo. , ub- otraotors of title , real estate and loni agents , Council Blutls : William Gates , guardian , to Carrlo M. Lymai ) , part of a. o. j of a. w. of aeo. 2 , twp. 75 , r. 40 , $1DO , F. H. Hancock to 8. J. Lake , part I * iu * 10 , ill uiock ilanccck'B add. , ? 55. 55.F F , II. Hancock to S. J. Lake , pirt of lot 10 , in block 2 , and nil of lot 15 , 'n block 2 , Hancock's add. $85 J. M. Palmer Jo L. M. F.irh o , lofa and 2 , in block 1 , Baylies & Pal- nior'n ndd. , nnd lot 10 , in block 12 , llnll'oadd , $500. L. M. Farlre to J. M. Palmar , lota 31 nnd 14 , in block 0 , Wii lauid First add. , 81,300. J. Jacob * on to .lames Johnson , lot 8 , in block 30 , Everett's add. , $300. FOR SALE. My residence , No , 715 Fourth street Bancroft' ; L. F. MUHJW. Millions Q ven Away. Million * of Dottles of Dr. Kind's'New DI cu\nry fur Consumption , Coughs nnd Jold , hnvo l > een giicn nway n * Triol [ tattles of the 'urge size. This ennnnous outlay would be disastrous to the pro rietors , were it tint for the rnro merits Kii-escd by this wondviful medicine. Cull it 0. ! . Coalman's Drug Store , and get ft Triul Bottle free , and try for yourself novpr falld to riirn COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICrJ. bpcclil tulvertlicmenta , tuc M xwt , Found , To Lo&n , For Halo , To Kent , Wants , Itoardliif ; , etc. , will bo Inserted In this lumn at the la * ritoot TEN CKHT3 Pllil I.1UE ( or the first Insertion nnd FIVE CF.NT8 FKlt LINE tor each subsequent Insertion , ve odv crtlicmcnta at our office , No. 7 foul Street , near llrondwny. Wants. . . . I . . . . - A iltuatlon a pal > man In wino W.K. thlt f hauio ti a Jon y man thoroiiilily experience I. Nptak Scandium an as wo.l B KtiK'I'li. ' -.ttcronccs futnMicd. Address X , 11 HI i nice. It l.D-P , ills and ust makers. Only WAN L-.lftsa bnnrls need niinly aiiZ-tf 0Hir-LlHt [ ! fi NEWMAIf. W AKThU-dlrls nt the K. C. IIouio , on South Main > 'ctl WANTii-.M.ioul : itinlicrH , mlnlntir < , s'u- deut and others o in a il to thorincitno liyilc\o In a poitlon of tlicir tlmuto cimasilig or our rtai.Uird lieoM end j-ono'lnl , or can make largn \ > < KO < liydoilnjr their \sholu tlmo to ItVo natitan uctUo nmla i r fo ale rg nt n ocry town-hip In Iowa nud cbriukaand mil tflrr ixtrs Induccti o'Is. Knr clr ula s &d- dro Wcst.rn Book Con.nanr , Box 654 Council 131 B > .Ia. Everybody In Council Bluffs Ic WANTED to Uko Tim Uci , tO centa per weuk , do llverod by carrion , Oflico , No 7 Pearl Street near Broadway. TTITANTKD To buy 100 tons broom com VV * 'or particulars address Council BlutI Broom Factory , Council Binds , Iowa 653 ! 9tf For Sale and Kent T1UUNI8HKD1100JIS Enquire at " 00llxnstcr ttrcct. POtl 8\LU A 10x12 sUjllifhr. Fu'table ( or hot bed. Apply to lixcol lorflalltrj. n I > KN'I Ono Inif , " dent lo room and ono JL sltivlo room. Uclv fiirnibh i > . Ono block fioni uildalollroadwij , S , BEN oIDco. au22d3t "T710U S IV Ono jrung bay lo c , sultablofor JL" rtrrla c ; aho ono HUB drhl > it nine. In quire of J. M. b t Ith , Council Blurts. uugH It FOR 8A' Er-Ono set tinners' tool , ncatl\ now choipfor c lk H. U. Jonoi , Jfo. 131 ' \va ) , Council I luffs , la. FOll 8ALE The two years and three motths lease , Ue fixtures mid liirniturn of t'o Ca'lf ' rnia house. Coiitnlni n n < > rn nis willi IIOIH to aicoinn odata thin V in .n. Hou o now full , feeding lor'y ' to flft.i ncn dal } A grand chaiic to liuy into u line rnjinjf buslncts III hia h ot pro ) rioter the cnlj ro ou frr nlllii ( , ' Address onn < r , Henry bwtigert , Calilornia house , C. . IVOH HALE liea-itiful nslduico lots , $ CO JL ? each ; nothing doun , and $ apcr > ronth only , by EX-MAYOK VAUQ11AN apI8-tf Miscellaneous. A PPARAIUS NOW BE DY to lakn Interior J\ views Call and tea rpoclmens at Excelsior Uolcn.fto 100 South M ln street. LOST A la i go uardrob key. I Iberol ro ard (0 ( Oril r Enquire at Be o offlce. HAI1COURT & SMOTHERS , Council Bluffs and Omaha express Orders left at Boston lo. store , Main str t , Ooun < * 1 ' lulls , or J. C. Klllot.j 12C6 Farnum ttrcct , Ojuha , will rrcclvo prompt aticnton ' jyl5"t' QJTlLt. AHEAD Great mccc s. Cell and see O new tcccssoncB and sprclmcns of pictures to > cnb the re > l&ble ( rclatlno Lromldo procees , at the Kxcelslor Gallery 10 Malnetnet D K. W. L. PAlTON-PhjBiclan and Oculist. Can euro any casn of pore cyo . It Is only a matter of time , and can cure generally in from three tc the weeksIt tnakca no differ- oaco bow loner diseased. Will utralfhten cru 8 eyce , opcmto and rcmo\o 1'ijricinniH , etc. , am insert artificial o > en Special attention to re moveintr tadeuonns ap5 tf MAIJHT STREET AND- SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find good accommodation and roasunablo charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - r Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Propriotors. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DKALKU3 IS GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also egcnts lor the lollovilcg lines of Steamship Companies : Cunird , Anchor , Oulon , American , and Btata Htoauiehlp Coiaianlou T 3EC. k. 3EXf S For lo on the Itojil Dank ol Ireland and Bank ol Ireland , Dublin , 1ho o w o Intend to wind for Irtenda to any part of Kuropo will llua It to their utcrcat to call 011 Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTH , 343 Broadway ( Counoil Blu % la. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBDE , MAIN ST , Employ the bent Ilreid Ilakcr In the West ; also a choice hind ( or Cakca and Via. liread dvllt ( .red to all juirta ol the city , /-1IVIU WEOH NIOAL AND MINING EN- \ ) the neni cla r Polytech. nlc Institute. Troy , N. Y. Tlio oldest IUK school In America , hext term kegio * Sep- Uuibtr Itth. The rojUter lor 1832 caotalna u llttof the jrradiuie * f or the luitCSyeatt , with their ( xwiltloiii ; also , our * ol tudjr , require meuti exuenacj ntc. Addrcta P&VID M kQBEKNE , uswiui Director * THE GRAND INAUGUllAL ITION AND Speed Contest AT THE DRIVING PARK , Fair Association Ground ; , Ooeoil Bluffs , Iowa , Sept 18 , 10 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 1882. PEEMIUIS , 120,000. , Grand Inaugural Imposition and SjiccJ Contest open to the world. $9,300 FOR SPEED. The best Mi'aTnHdn the Pnltcil S'ntcs. So iiy such noted liommcn as JJudil Deb c , Din. > laca nnd others. THE GREAT HURDLE RACES Ol'JCN TO ALL. TIE CLOSE BROS. , of Knglaril , with imported hotpc , ba\o niterod far thin r co. 1'insT DAT September 18. Ono-hal' mlle il sh , Iowa n d f-cbiruki collB 1'ficlor-all pace , Inuhlch simnof the but hcrstslutho coun- SKOSD IAX Stptcmbcr 19. rormalooonlngot Ilia Exposition Nctul speakers Jms G. Iil-ilr c. It. O. Inxcrso'l ' , James F , AVI son and othcis w th spUndla THIRD liAl Scptcm'j r23. 2.40 c'a B , 2:13 : clnm andatervllio runnintr > nce Ily this tlmo t rro will do an ixhl Iilon of cattlnonibu ground to surpasianyihln , ; oier before thorn in Joa. Fodiru DAScptcmlirr 21. Moro fine tacoi moru fine rattle , i.inro tare bortia , with an ar- rai of ixhililtiin iho Qr n Kx | > oslilon Uiilld * In n orbeicroattoaptcdlnthd Vo'lov of the Missouri Fin i T > tt Sorttmbcr 22. The finest speed programme , embracing such ra en an 2.27 cias- , frcafornll , 3 In A tunning raila hcat , with $2,000 for eoiisatlciiM trotters an i | acer . Thcro will bo o\er ICO head of cUt'p ' frqm fho Hi o t limit In the com try tjr salu durtnt ; the [ orcnoin of each day of the Exposition. Coxno One ! Como Jill ! Htvro a \Vooli of Qonulno Pleasure. On the Fourth Cay , September 21 , lll occur the great. HURDLE RACE ! DONT MISS IT. For Sensational Trotters or Pacers , $2,000. .For auydcslrcd Inforrcatlun xddrus Coimcii Plufls , In. . J. P , BILLUPS , OF UE8TAUBANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council n tiffs. Now house and nt/nly fitted up In first clsst tyle Miala at nil hours Ice cream and lemo- iiio every evci.lni ? . KrulU ai d confectloncrle JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Orricv Brood n ay , between Main and Faro Streets. Vtlll practice In btatu and Fcdoia Courts INFIRMARY I T.J.CADYIIU ) . . , , . , , ( Ute Vttcrlnary Surgi-ou I , 8. A. ) The Only Veteiinary Surgeon in the Oity. OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All of the btst fhj'B cl&na In Council Bluffs and Burroui din < i MA.UBBR & ORAIQ. ARTIStlO POTTERY , Rich Out QlaBt- , line Froncb China , Silver Ware &o. , 810 1UOADWAT COIINrtl. I1IUPFH. IOWA. Bubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , TUB PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) IIIOS. OWCKR. W. II. " . OFFICER & PUSH , 33.A WTBCja JECS3 , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - 1856 Peal" ! lu KoreUb and Domestic Exchange and home gecuiltlcs. J. M. PALMER , DEALEIl IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , This laundry hu Just been opened ( or bust , new , anil wo are no * pripared to do laindrv vrork oJ all kinds and guarantee Mtlifictlon A ipeclalty made ot flue work , such as colUra , cuflj , flno ihlrts , etc. We want ever ) body tp gheusa trUl. LAKSON & ANDERSON , HARKHESS , ORCUTT & AMD fSABPIET HOTTSE O.J.1 AJJ tkJEliJT , * a J1. JLL w V M * J Broadway , and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa IP.A. .A. J. MUELLER , TJ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I O O Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 ' ' IH JS. o t32133 Bluff and ffflow greets , Coecil Bluffs , aiANUFAOTuiins : OP ALL KINDS OF CUPJB' ' AliJDS AKD SAFE A We make the following a specialty : WALNUT EXTENSION TABLES , POPLAR OPRN WAPHSTAXDS , WALNUT BREAKFAST TABLES. POi LA h W RDROBES. POPLAR BREAKFAST TABLES , POPLAR CUi BOARDS , AVALUUT WARDROBES , POP I AR SAFES. WALNUT OPEN WASHSTAMJS. ordeis nnd correspondence promptly attended to. Office nnd Manufactory S. E. Cor. 7th Avo. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA HOES. f f e are Offering Special Bargains in ill A Kinds of Summer WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF I JSST 3ES IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs. MORGAN , KELLER & CO , IT 3Sff ID Tlio finest ( { uallty and largest stock we&t of Chicago of wooden nnd metal io cases. r * utl ended to nt all hnnn * . Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan run PHI vfd H undprtnker for forty vcars nnd thorouphlv understands III * business. WAHEKOOMS , &IO AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholsteiinir in all ila lirnnched piomptlv attended to ; nlso carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele graphic and mall ordrrx filled without delay. HAGG & GO'S ' BOTTLING WORKS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IOWA , BOTTLERS & DEALERS IN CEISE'S BEER Made from the Finest Malt and Hops , with water obtained from the CELEBRATED ARTESIAN WELL , AT A DEPTH OF 800 FEET , This Water is known everywhere for its Purity and Wholesome Qualities. Also Dealers in 0. Conrad & Co.'u Origin il ttutlweteer Beer , iijanufactured in St. Louis , Alo. fS Orders in the City or From Abroad Promptly Killed. HAGG & CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. A. BKKDB , W. RUNVAN , W. DEEBE C. . A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and lletall Dealers la FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.