Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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CongrcMnrmn .Tone * , of T ft . decided
to enter the field M an independent cnnJI-
dole for ROTcrnor of the fttflte , nd began
h ! canviwg last Snturdny. He will coin-
pel the democrats to make n more ener
getic campaign than they have done In ten
ycnrs past.
Emory Spcer , rcpro'cnlnUvo from the
Klnth Georgia congressional district , will
ba opposed by ft reguhr dcmocrftUo candl-
dote in the present canvass. Mr. Speer
feels confident of re-election , however , ntui
ns ho received two years ngo over 4,000
majority after n rimilar campaign , his
hope seems to be well founded ,
The republicans ami independents in the
riret congressional district of Florida will
probably unite on Mr. D. L , MoKlnnan ns
their candidate for congressman. It i be
lieved that he can bo elected over Con-
pressman l ) vid on , who has been rcnom-
i noted by the democrats.
The independent spirit 5.1 Raid to bo
spreading among the colored republican
voters of Pennsylvania. Several clubs in
favor of the Stewart ticket have been
formed , one of them in I'itUburjj having
already 200 members. Other clutm are
forming in different parts of the state.
Congresiman Singleton's canvass In the
Twelfth Illinois district has thrown nil llio
plans of the democrats into confusion. Ho
Is supported by the republican" , green-
backers and independent democrats. It is
thought that ho will bo rrvclcctod If the
present enthusiasm cnn bo maintained.
Ex-Governor Thomas L. Young , of the
Second Ohio district , Is inclined to take a
despondent view of the republican pros
pects In his rMf. In Hamilton county
especially , of which his district is a part ,
he thinks the result will bo disastrous Ho
nppear , however , not only willing but
eager to get the party's rcnomlnation to
1'roctor Knott will not have n walk over
for the democratic nomination for gov
ernor of Kentucky , Colonel Jones has re
ceived itPsuinncea of aid from many lending
men in the party , and will make n contest B
for the honor. Ho was on the democratic
clectotnl ticket In the last presidential
campaign and made n canvass of the state ,
gaining much popularity thereby , 4
Senator Harris , of Tennessee , thinks
that the tariff will be the most Important
issue the next presidential campaign. The p
democratic plank on the subject in 1880
was too vague , ho nays , Had ho written
the : lauso he' would have mode It read :
"A tariff for revenue only , and protection
within the stard of revenue. " lie believes
that the democrats will make n square ji
fight on the question in 1881. Ie
The republicans of Tennessee having , by tc
bard work , secured thno members nf con cc
gress , propose to throw away two of them ia
by factional fights. In the Second district
there is nn diminution in the bitterness of
tha contest between Congressman Honk so
and Mr. Ilule , and the indications all
poiut to two candidates. In the First dis fir
trict the situation Is , not much better , as he
republican opposition ia likely to defeat
Mr. rettibone. nq
The independents will liavo congres
sional candidates in at least tfx of the di * '
tricts in Georgia. Of these they liopo to W
elect Hiieer in the Ninth and Feltpti in the wl
Seventh districts , and probab ] " ono other th
candidate. With a more" hearty union '
among the nnll-bomly' elements tlioro
would be a reasow'lio hope of electing
General GnrtreU 'governor , HO indifferent
are many derarmtu to the success of Mr , fr
Stephens. , BUwi
The democrats have nominated General wiB
John A. YuitnK to run against Speaker B
Keifor. Mr. 13ookwnlter received some
t'otes in tbo convention , but a tulcgrnm W
was read from him , dated at London , for
bidding the using nf his namo. i.
Soiuo of the delegates , who were no doubt
anxiou * to have n rich candidate , tried to ' .
throw doubt on the genuineness of tlio
telegram by Insisting that Mr , ISookwaltcr
WOB in Spain nt the data given in the dis ar
patch. fo
SenaUr Hour's friends in Maisachusotts cu
will probably nid Mr. Crape in his candi cuWl
dacy for ths governorship , as his defeat on 81
the ground of liln actiun on the rivuir aud
harbor bill would bo n virtual condemna
tion of Mr. Hoar also. Another consid th
eration may assist Mr. Orapci. It is believed thin
lieved that if ho la nominated General
Butler will not nmko a campaign , while if in
Mr. bishop is th j ropubllcin candldato n inwl
red-hot Butler contest Is thought to bo cer
tain. Tne republican lo.doin or * known Jy
ta be willing to avoid , if possible , the ro
wear and tear and expense of a Butler U3 ,
fight this year , anSI
UK-Senator McDonald sounded the key '
note nf the Indiana canvass in Indi.m-
apolis last Monday. Ho emphatically SI
condemned the prohibitory amendment
and declared that thu democratic iwity nil ,
would oppouo it in all its bUgcx. The th
ground held by hla party on the subject , as of
ho stated it , ia that "each individual com Cli
posing a republic isiKHuoiied of certain in
alienable rights , among which is the right cam
to acquire and urq private property , and cawl
that the nominal rights of the citizens are wlTl
never to bo interfered with units * under Tl
the clearest demonstration that ouch Inter th
ference ia essential to the maintenance ; ol
good order , and for the purposeof occur- Sllw
Fug civil liberty. " w
The prospect of the republicans carrying
Maine next month has boon carefully con bi >
sidered by a correspondent of the llotton at
Advertiser now traveling in the btate. 1 ie vc
has not been Inclined to take au over san th .
guine vlow of the situation , and lion said thSI
repeatedly that the fight would bo a hard
ouc , and the result doubtful. In his latest SITi
letter , however , bo takes u moro hopeful Ti
view , and nays ; "Tho belief that the re 1C
publicans ore ( raining ground Is no mere 1Cpc
guesswork. All the assertions of the oppot
sition to the contrary , it Is evident that the pc >
present drift Is against them. There is no of
tidal wave , but thorn is a uttaily attrac 811
tion for the uncertain and the doubtful in Is
the increaiinc confidence and self-reliauio Ism
of the lepubllcaus. Men who wcro u
fortnight ago hesitating are now nettled , cum
A young business mun In Bangormid to m
me Saturday , 'We voted for I'lalsted two loSi
years ago just to have an overturn , but Si
we young men have had enough , ' " dc
Trouble Saved. bidi
It Is n remarkable fact that THOMAS' in
KCI.KCTUIO OIL is au good for internal as n
external use , J'or dUc.iso of the lungs and nt
throat , aud for rheumatism , neuralgia , iti
crick in the luck , wounilt and norci , It U cu
the best known remedy , and much trou cuw
ble is saved by having It always on hand , tl
Correspondence of the Bee. ia
4 I
DUMONT , Col , , August 25. Dumont 4nl
ia situated on the bunk of Uloir crook , ta
44 , miles woat of Denver and eight isbi
miles-below Georgetown. It has two bi
atamp mills in operation aud ia the fodc
center of bneinesa for several mining fr
companies. Chief among them ia the at
"Albro , " owned by W. H. Price , or
ticket ont at the 01 >
a Union depot , Denver th
ver , The milling ore ia stamped hero , at
while the smelting joro la ahippod to Tl
the "Minors' Smelting Works" at
Golden City , A lot lately shipped itth
netted § 288 per ton. Mr. Drake , the
superintendent , is a wide awake gen
tleman , and knows how to manager u 3E
mine. The Unadilla company are
mining quite extensively ; they own cuot
the Unadilla house , a lur o hotel at m
Una place. Mr , J , Duboiso , their oc
superintendent , ia pushing work on tl !
the "KiRlo" miuoj also the "Eliza- IK
both" and "Buprise" minea. Work ia sii
also being pushed ahead on the siibe
"Syndicate" mine by Mr. Knowlcs , fo
ana a largo amount of ere ia daily th
taken from the shaft and lower level. is
There is a largo amount of work being CO >
done in thia camp , but your correspondent on
pendent has been too busy to gather 3G
definite information , but hopes to
mnko amends in the future.
The weather has been delightful
and air bracing , and the mountaino
filled with pleasure seekers , and these
who dcstro to escape the sultry weather
of a moro eastern climo.
No Moro Blcnting.
POND DO LAO , Wis . , , }
Aug. 4 , 1881 . J
11.11 , WARNER it Co. : Snus I
have been using your Safe Kidney nnd
Liver Cure for dropsy , nnd has helped
mo very much. DANIEL VAUNBY.
Mills and Elovntora Under Way-
Torvchora' Institute , Etc.
Correspondence of Omtha ik-e.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , August 25.
The shinotown of Butler county is
just now rejoicing over the prospect
of n first class mill , for it is expected
the : frnnio will bo up this week ,
Jam ca Boll , the veteran lumber
man and banker , ia building ono of
the finest olovatora along this line
nnd the workmen report it will hnvo
n capacity -10,000 bushels ,
Mr. Ad roan D nnd wife , who were so
horribly mangled , nnd lost two chil
dren during the terrible storm of two
months : ngo , nro still hoping to recover
Although it is hnrdly possible they
may over become strong.
rrie 1'ho Normal Institute of the county
ie now in the second Inst week of its
session ( , with Prof , James B. Brunor ,
na conductor Prof. D. M. lloecc ,
aiol Ulysses , and Prof. John
McCarthy , another of Butler
counties competent nnd successful
teachers , na instructors , and from ap-
poarnncoa and the general earnestness
and enthusiasm and the full attend
aiai co it may bo judged that the school
isei a grand uucccas , and Superintend
ent M. U , Dulanoy haa shown good
Judgment in securing a competent
leader and working the best county
teachers ns instructors , for ono of the
jommon fnulta of our euporintondonU
a in failing to organize nnd use the
.caching force of the county , both in
ichool work nnd instltutiono.
The school , board have concluded to
iniah the . , appor story of the school
lousonind having chanced the origi-
in' ' ' plnns , nro puahing the work
tirough for the tall school.
The anti-monopoly linca nro being
roll ( defined by the work thnt ia done ,
trhilo party lines are hardly seen , nl-
hough the machines nro trying to
'ound up for a count. BUOKKYK.
Debilitated persons , nnd oufforors
rom wanting diseases such na con-
lumption , scrofula , kldnoy nflcctions ,
vill bo greatly bonefittod by using
Jrou'ii'a iron Bitters.
. DrcclRlnn-Machlno Which la Ex
pected to Accomplish Wonders , I
'an Francisco Bulletin.
Work upon the Panama Ship Canal
ippoars from all reports to bo pushed [
nrward with all the energy that cir-
lumstancca will permit. Much of the
rork already done , and much of the
SIO.000,000 nlrondy expended , has ;
teen preliminary to actual work upon
ho canal proper. The iirnt work upon
ho canal proper will bo begun in
tavombor , and this inauguration , if it
nny ho DO termed , of nn ( jnterprimj in ;
vhich tho.wholo world has a most live-
interest , will bo u special cause of
ojoicinc : to Sun Francisco , inasmuch
San Franciscans will do the work , ,
nd with machinery made by San i
U. B. Slaven , the druggist ; M. A.
Haven , his brother , nnd 1' . liuerno ,
,11 of this city , soiuo time ago secured itt
ho contract for dredging seven milo.s '
the canal between Colon nnd nr
Jatun. This contract calls for the ox- nrn
avatipn of 0,000,000 cubic motrca'of IJ.
iintcrinl , the amount received from th
vhich work will bo about § 3,000,000. thB
L'ho contractors were enabled to aocuro fe" ;
ho work by reason of their ability to fe"m
upply n drodging-miiohino that will ar
rork < moro oflloiently and moro tii
hoaply than any other that could bo
rought to the notice of the canal
lutlioritii'o. The maohino was in-
rontod'in this city , nnd upon oocuring
.ho contract Messrs. Slavon nnd
luorno gnvo nn order to the Golden
itato iron works for building ono.
Flint order has now boon filled nnd the
cuehiuo is now being delivered ,
The drodging-maohino is not nn ox-
oriuiont , there being at present ono
the sumo kind , but considerably
mailer , in nctivo operation nt Union
island , in the Sacramento river. Thia
nnchino ia capable of handling OCO
lubio yards per hour , nnd in four
uonths haa dredged a cnnul 5 } miles
oil } ? , 80 foot wide , nnd II feet doop.
Such u machine , but with almost
loublo the capacity , has just bcon
juilt hero for use at Colon. The "
Irodging machinery will bo contained
u boat 100 feet long , 50 foot wide
ind 12 foot doop. The machinery
tsolf is strong and raassivo , iw well aa
soinplicatcd. The principle upon
which the dredger is constructed is
.hut : of n series of largo buckets at-
aohod to nn endless chain. The chain
composed of links of solid iron about Fo
foot long nnd 8 foot wide , to every FoAn
iltonmto ono of which a bucket con- An
ainitig ono and ono-half cubic yards
bolted. This line contains 38
juckots , and extends from n tower 50
oot high near the center of the boat
lown through u largo slot running
rom the bow many feet toward the
item. The line of buckets , with ita
indloaa chain , pastes over a tumbler ,
revolving cylinder , nt the top of
ho tower , and over another beneath
ind : in front of the bow of the boat.
Hits latter tumbler is ao supplied with
joaring , working from a derrick , that
can bo raised or lowered at will !
hua making the depth of the cut Nc
jroator or leas ,
It ia capable of making a out about
foot below the water. In order to
mt from ono aide of the caiml to the
ither the boat itaolf ia made to awing
a pivot at the atom. The pivot
onaiata of a larijo peat passing through
ho- boat and driven into the mud bo- '
loath. On thia the boat ia avvung from
udo to aide , and when a new cut in to
o made it w raised , the boat ia moved .
brward , and it ia again driven into
he mud. The earth that ia excavated
carried by the buckota to the tower
fept aboyp the dock , wliero it ia >
implied into a chopper leading to a
lO-mchpipo , Thia pipe oxtenda from
the tower across the bank of the cnanl.
and is over 150 feet in length. All
the excavated material is thus dumped
along the sides of the canal , serving to
make them higher when naturally low.
The material can also bo carried over
banks 40 foot high and dumped far
away from the canal. To run all the
heavy nnd complicated machinery that
will be contained on the boat four or
llvo different engines are required.
The cost of excavating ia less than
1 cent per cubic yard , nnd the capac
ity of the dredger is about 15,000 ,
cubic i yards per day. As haa boon
stated i before , the machinery for ono
dredger has already bcon built , and
last 1 week n contract was signed for
two 1 moro , making three in all. Tills
part of the work will cost $150,000
fho boata nro bcinc built at Port
Richmond , on the Dolawarp river ,
and the machinery , which is made
hero 1 , has to be sent overland to thfit
point 1I and there set up. This ia ncc-
ossary , for Colon is on the Atlantic
fliilo of the Isthmus , nnd the boats ,
which must bo towed down , have
therefore to bo built on tlio Atlantic
coast. Machinery is now being for
ward for ono boat , which will bo ready
to begin operations in November ,
When the machinery is on board , the
boat will bo fowed by steamer to
Colon. If , in the course of the voyage -
ago , a storm should artso , she will bo
cut adrift to bo picked up when the
blow is over. Tlio boat in her out
ward voyage will bo aupplicd with
sails , nnd being n very ocaworthy
craft several captains have oflorcd to
tnko her down to Colon under nail
Once nt Colon , work will begun on
the canal. The route to Gatun runs
through a swamp , which has nhcady
been cleared of trees , nnd ouch stumps
as remain will bo pulled up by the
stump-rollor on the boat. A canal
100 feet wide and 8 foot deep Till first
bo dug from Colon to Gutun , in order
Lo niyo the canal company water com
munication to that point , nnd when
that is completed the dredgers will
proceed to oxcavnto the remaining G5
foot in width , nnd will then dredge
the citnnl to the roquiaito depth of 'JQ
foot. This work , it ia estimated , will
bo porforrred in ono year and one-
half. At Gatun tlioro ia considerable
alovntion of the loud , nnd ns the
dredgers cannot handle material much
over 12 foot above the surface of the
water , workmen nro now engaged in
leveling the ground on the line of the
canal so that drodgihg can bo pushed
Blight's Dlhaaio , IJlabolg , Ktdnoy ,
Ltvor or UriiinryDlsonnoB.
Ilavo no fear of any of the diseases if
you use IIop Bittcra , aa they will prevent -
vent nnd euro the worat cnsoa , oven
when you have bcon made worsu by
sorno great puflbd up pretended euro.
Are never imitated or counterfeited.
This is especially true of a family
medicine , and it is positive proof that
tlio remedy imitated ia of the highest
pal no. As soon as it had been tested
md proved by the whole world thitt In
lop Bitters was the purest , best nnd
inoar valuable family medicine on
jarth , many imitations sprung up nnd
began to steal the notices in which J.
ho prcaa nnd people of the country 0.
lad oxpresaoi' ' , the merits of II , B. ,
ind in every way trying to induce suf-
rering invalids to use their stuff in
itead , expecting to mnko money on
ho credit and good name of II. B.
Many others started nostrums put up
in similar style to II. B. , with vari- 3.
nisly devised names' in which the
vord "Hop" or "Hops" were used in
way to induce people to believe they
voro the sumo na Hop Bitters. All th
luch pretended remudira or cures , no
natter what their style or name is ,
ind csuicinlly UIORO with the word
'Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in
my way connected with them or their
mine ; , are imitations or counterfeits.
Uowaro of them. Touch none of
horn. ( Jao nothing but genuine Hop
Jitters , with n bunch or cluster of
rceu Hops on the white label. Trust
lothing elso. Druguista nnd dealers
ire warned against dealing in imita-
ions or counterfeits.
r .ra
azuLixziy t-wccanc
Murray & Lanman's
Best far TOILET , BATH
In coins ; Ea3' Uko ths
BMcap Mortliwost-
Trains kayo Omaha 3:40 : p. ro. and 7:40 : n. m.
'or full lnorm ( tlDii call on 11.11. DEUKL , Ticket
Igent , 14th and Fanmm itf. . J. UBL.L , U , 1' .
tallway Depot , oral JAMBaT.CLAKK , Ucncral
1880. SHORYJLiHE ,
StJoB&Dimnoilffliifis dc
14 Ilia OflLl
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ag
From Omaha and the West.
A trains IcaVe BUM. Depot , Omaha ! Neb.
can between Omaha and bi. Mali
and bat one between OUA1IA aiid
Daily PassengerTraina J
entire line Li ( xjcUnKcl wlib oilman a
'attoo Olocpln t Cm. Palace Day Cciclica , till er'i
afctv I'Utforin and Coupler , tuJ the colthrstii
ni'hcuso Atl-bnke.
tu&t you ticket ravli VIA
HIT , ai. J03KPH ti COUNCIL m
aJ , via Et , Jodeph and Et. Loulo , > t
Tlcketa lor uJ nt all coupon , or
foit. ) . r , BAUNAKU , : U
0. DAWia , Oeu. Hupt. , S . Jowph/M / * ' Fl :
laun , PIJU. andTicket _ AsSI. . Jpveph , Uo. Cl
V.ii'H Itw * " . ! * Boiajan , TlokH Ajeol ,
J02Q ITarnhaia gtieu ) . .li
rural Aeciit , ia :
HAVIN" changed our mill to Hungarian rol
ler procn * , we oITcr part of our old ma
chinery for i a t low prices It C'nsl l of a
ptlrftf finely flnl htJ and spaced tnVn < lrhin
beicl wheels , jlro i And tnor l . ) ilne I etufac ,
thrco Inches pitch , tlrlrlnr amain upright tlitlt
rjoutSSfect | < v jr and tlcp , one main mortljo
spur who-i 7 Inch face and 1 ] lech | > tnoralr
4 feet and 1 pilr 32 Inch tiirm , tplndleii , [ Inlons
(7 ( Inch fata I | pitch ) , b ckl l ) spring , curls ,
etc. , couip ite , one four reel chest , 17 feet "loth ,
7 con voters , one two reel C3e t , 14 feet clolli , 4
camtyort two Oritlot wheat beatcri , ! No.JKu |
rckastmitter , 1 liarnird ft l.coi r c Uln.'icpt-
ralor and cleva era , shaft' , wi cell , pull-y , cm-
vcyors , etc. t-omo of the rnaihlnory hat been
Hied but ailitlo nur tw > } rar , And all It In good
comUUon , For futthtr Information itJdirni
J. O. HOFKllAVU.t < : O. .
Council Dluffs , Iowa ,
Youngstown , Ohio , Shy 10 , 18SO.
DR. B. J , KK.NIIAM , * Co. I htd a vcry u > lii .
hlo Itamhlctonlin colt tint Ivlz | < iii very Uglily ,
hoha < l a large b.inoppavln . tn ono Jiint and a
imallono on the other uHch made him very
lame ; 1 had him under t ) e charge 01 two veter
inary surgconn which filled to euro him. I was
ono d y reading the ilverllicmont ol KeiuUtl'K
Spavin Curi in the Chicago I'.xprcM.I determined
atoncototry It a'.d got ourtnug'sts ticro to
Sf nd for It , and they ordered tbrce bottle * ! I tok >
ill and I thought I would BVO ! It A thotough
ttUI , I used It a.cordlng lo direction ) and the
fourth day the colt raised to bo lame and the
lumps hava ilftappcar ! < . < l. 1 used bu < one bottle
and the colt's llmua are as Iico of lump * and as
smooth as any horse In the ttato Iln Is rntlre-
ly cured. The cure Wi 90 rcmarknblo that I
havolcttwoof my neighbors Imve the remain
ing two bottles nho are no * uelnglt.
Very respectfully ,
Send for lllantrated clrcuUr giving positive
proof. Prlcol. All Driivtlsti have It or can
get It for you. Dr. B , J , Kendall ft Co. , Pro.
prletora , Enosburgh Kails , Vt.
' ' ' '
OKAY'S Sl'KU'Ii'lt !
TRADE MAnit. . ' " } " ' Orcatrn < DB MArJK
oily. Anun-
' " ' "If euro
lot Seminal
Weakness ,
rhra , Impot-
cncy , and all
Self-Abu TC ; 09 las ) of Memory , Unlvenat Losul
tilde , Pain In the Hack , Dimness of Vision , Premature
mature Old Ago , tnd many other Dlmiisoa that
lead to Insanity or Consumption aud Prema
ture Grave.
) TFulI particulars In onr pamohlet , which
wo deslro to send f roe 1 v mall to every ono.
fc'iTTlio Spcclfl c Medicine is sold by all druggUts
at ? 1 per package , or Opaciiirca fcr ? 5 , or will
be sent frto by mall on rocipt of the raonoy , by
Buffalo , N. Y.
MVJJ- shrink from pu llclty In connection with
B. S. H. . but won-o permitted tn refer to tbo tol-
lowing ricreons who hue known and wl'.nedicJ
Its woiuctful effects :
I KRIIT , Houston Co. , On. >
\Vo have known "S lt's ( fptclflc" tested In
hunilrcdt of most obttlimtu cas > sot blood 1'olson-
InjJlcrcurial liliiumatlsin , Scrofula , Sere ? ,
hczoma , Cat < rrli. etc , and do conscientiously
toetlfy that It met nlOi tlie most perfect and sig [
nalucccas , cffcc'od radical and pcrmincnt cures
o ory without a slnslo cxoectlon.
Hugh L Ocnnard , Gco. ( V Kill n ,
John O , llrown , Oco. W. Singleton , 1
Wm. lirun on , Jolm H. Hose ,
James D. 7 harp , KI Warren , /
ilooro ATutto , JV. . Bclvln , [
. W. Wlratcrly , J. Vf. Woolfock , F
W. D. Vlorce , Sheriff , J , W. Mann , Co , Trcas.
. 0. Duncan , T. SI , Klllcn ,
Vty & ( Jordon , T. M. Bulner , fho iff.
\Vo are personally acquainted with the go IU-
men whoso s natures appear to the nbovo cor-
Illlcate. Thsy nro cltlzo'nof eald county , ot the
highest nspoctabllltv and character.
A. f1. OIl.KS , Ord'nsrv ' , Hcutton Co.fla.
D. H. CULLER , U'k Sup. Ct. Houtton Co. Ok
"Nothlnfrbut favorable reports. Rcllovo
. Is nspocitlc for nil Hlood DIci3ca.
universal satUfactlou "
0.V. . JONK3 i ; CO. , Memphis , Term.
"S.S ! , S. 'elves better natUtnctlon thin any
Ihlnp wo have ccr handle' ) . "
JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark.
"Have never heard n evjroplaliit of 8. l : 3. "
AimiUU 1'ETEU & 00. , Louisville , Ky.
"P. S. S. has given cntlro pitlefactlon to every
one. " A. U. lllCIIAKLIa , ShermanTux.
"I have had excellent ealo fcr P. S. S. , and the
results lia\abeiii uio > t nailsfuctory.1
J. O. UUUOE , llottlltijf Oncn , K ) .
3"0ur sales nf S. S. B. have bcon good , and Its
nuccesj perfect. "
JOKKS & CAUEY , Montgomery , Ala.
"S. S , S. liai given entire tatlsfnctlon to every
3nr. " E 11EUS3,1'aril , T x i.
"S. S. S. his clven universal eatlafacUon. '
K. W. 1'OWKRS & CO. , lUchmond , Va.
8)1.000 ) Kovrnvtl will bo r * ' . < JLto :
chuuilet who will llnd , on analycln of 100 to n
. U. II. , ono particle of Mercury , Iodide of Po
ilum or tny Mineral sutrt&nco.
amraapKciFio co. P/OIS P'
Atluta , Da.
Price of Small sio , 81.00.
o clco 51.7o. if
> > v all Druezlnls.
For quartiro ! a century or moro Hosteller' *
3tom cn 11 itcr < I'll been the ruiguln fpocllo i
torlDdUenlondy < pepal , fever a d g\\e , lo.
fphyiilcal > timn , liver compl lot "il other
llwrilert , tnu hti b'cu mn-t einpluk Ically In-
lor.ocl by midlolne men an * health at il tr i gth
roilorulte Itcouu ertrtu k tonde ov ti pro-
uatura deoy , and nuttalni and comforts tbo
igfdaud inflrui
For vala by all DrugyUts and Dcalen
St. Louis , U still treat
ing all 1'HIVATK , NKK-
f pcclal Dijoascs , Spcrma- .
torihutt , Iiupotcncy ( Sex NoMe
ual liicupaLlty ) , Female Me [
DneaiKW , Irrcjrularltlcii , KD
Dltlliultlrs , etc. CXI
tO" Ladles , Bi'iU 25 ccntt lea
( In ttampn ) ti p yexiire j cui
charged on a "taluablg tre
work" cntitlod "Uleciecj DT
ot Women , etc. " WcrU DTti
UIIKOMO DiSBms , one stamp , tf TYlctlnu
Bell-abuse or I'rhnto lltcac , send S stamps coi
CKLKBUAIEU WORKS on Ninoui and texual chi
< ease4. Comultatlon personally or by letter , U10
'HUE. Con uU the old lector. THOUSANDS U10c
JUUKiX Olllce In quiet , rrlrato , respectable ret
ilace. You see no one but the doctor , lit.
.larke It the only plijblcUn In the city who war-
aut : curen or no pay lledlclnitt bcut every
rhcrc. Ilouri , S A , tl. to b r. M. Uiwly
Mrs J. 0. Robertson , ritWourjr , Pa. , writes : "I
was sufferinff from general debility , want of ap.
petite , constipation , etc. , m that fife was n bur
den ; after ulng Burdock IJIood Hitters I fell bet-
tcr than for yean. 1 cannot praise your Bitters
too much. " .
Jl.OIbb * . of Buffalo , N. T. , writes : "four
Burdock Ilfoc Cittern , in chronic dltooscs of the
blood , liter aJ kidneys , hare been signally
marked with BUC-CCM. 1 have used them myself
with best result * , for torpidity of the liver , nnd In
CMC Of n frlclld 1 of mlno suffering from drorar ,
the cflcct was man clout. " * * '
Unico Turner , Hochcntcr , N. 7lwrltc3 : ' ! have
been subject to serious disorder of tie ! kldncyo ,
and tmablo to ftttcn.l to business : Burdock Blood
Bitters rcllcrcc ] mo before half n bottle wnsuncd
feel confldcnt that they will entirely cure mo , "
Ascnlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. , writes :
"Isiiricreil M 1th R dull jialn thrmtifh my eft
luni ; and shoulder. Lost my eiilrlu , aniictlto
and color , and coulil with dllllculty keep up Rll
Jay. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters us ill-
rectcil , and have felt BO pain sluco first weak af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , nimlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
lour years ago I had an attack of bilious fever , and
never fully recovered. Hy digestive organs
v , ere weakened , and I would l > e completely pros
trated for days. After using two bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitters the ! mprovcment was so
u Iblo that I was astonished , 1 can now , though
01 years of ago , do a fair and uasonablo day's
C. Blacket Koblnson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forvcars
I suffered prcatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used your llurdock Blood Bitters with happiest
result * , and I now flnd ru'eclf In better health
than for years l > ast. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncrvcun nnd bil
ious headaches , and 0.11 lecommcnd It to anyone
requiring a euro for bllHousncsa. '
Mrs. Ira Uullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
For \ml y * 1 hav8 tu3 ietl frcm
f ? \ ? ? eft-iecur-
ring billlous headaches , d > spepsla , anJ torn-
plaints peculiar to my sex. Since using your
Burdock Blood Bittern I omcntlrety relieved. "
Price , 81.00 cei Oottlo ; Trla Dottles 10 Cti
, , , , Props ,
BD5TAI.O , W. Y.
Sold at wholesale by Ish i , llelfahon and 0. P.
Goodman. Jo 7 cod-mo
The Great Lngiish Jiemedy
Nc\cr falls ta cuio
[ Nervous Debility. VItal -
tal Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Weak
ness. LOST MAN
HOOD , and all the
evil effects of
; youth-
iful follies and oxcoa-
'lies. ' It stops pcrma-
Jncntly nil weakening. )
1 Involuntary loasf s and
drains upon the eya-
item , the Inevitable re-
„ , " "suit ot these ovilprac-
Icc9 , which are so dcstruotlvo to mind and body >
tnd ruako life miserable , often lending to Insanl- '
y and death. It strengthens the NervcflUraln ,
momoryf Blood , Muaclcs , l > li-ontlvo and Rcpro-
luctlvo urirms , It restores to all the organic
unstlrns their former vigor and vitality , ma-
ilng 1" ° cheerful and enjoyable. Price , S3 a
ottle , or four times the quantity 310. Sent by
ixpress. secure from observation , to any address ,
in receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , except
in receipt of ? 1 as a guarantco. Letters rj-
uctitlng answers must uicioao stamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pi'lls
us tbi best and cheapest djspcpsia and blllious
lira fu the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
0 cents.
Da MINTIR'S Kmsir UEXEDT , Xxrnxncuif ,
/urcsill kind of Kidney aud bladder complalnte.
onorrhca , gloot and leucorrhca. For sale hy all
lauggists : ? 1 a bottle.
VlSOllvoSt. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
Disease Is on effect , not a cause. Its origin li
rlthlu ; Its manifestations without , llcnco , to
uro the disease the CAUSKmust bo removed , and
no other way can n cure cicr lo eUcctcd.
LiIVJ R CURE Is established on Just this
irlnclplo. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys an
Aver , and It strikes at once at the root of the
Itllculty , The elements of which It Is composed
ct directly upon these great organs , both as a
loon and HKSTORKR , and , by placing them In a
icalthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
ho system.
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un- 81
icalthy Kldnojs , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for 81fi
ho distressing Dltordcrsof Women ; for Ilalana. fi
nil physical dcrnngiincnts generally , this great fiC
omtdy haj no equal. Ittnaio of Impostors , Ira- fiL
Uvtlons and concoctions said tn bo Just as good.
KorDiabete . as for WARNER'S SAFE L
For ealo by all dealers.
HH. . WARNER & CO. .
. mo KoohtHitor N' Y
V It sfouurm nan ftTOUTB. .
ifbil-lllc > , m-ul. man of
t-ueill'y'l'f ptrnlupr
tour ilutlo avolf .il lit w ort to rr
illinufatitiu ) J Uf tore hrnln nen o r
Hop Bitttro rt.vto ui Mop Qi
It3t.u rBiUii ( . ' inrt '
ducivtlnn Jtillala | 31 Inn i if Jouan'tua
rleis or lBtn ! , ola o ij ounff , sutrrrlnf ; fro' El
ciliiir ou fc fcctf * " . uc *
Menu , rely o Hop i EJIUerfl.
Whoeter yon i . * ' 1 lirjvanci Cle < !
whencrer jou tct\ \ ! a l/ ! from sor-r
necdn thai your cleaiiflnB. sjMem tou- „ wi at ( Klone bat nilKlH >
ur tlinulj 'Hoc ?
te Hop Hcp&ttteu
frpi < a. Udneu Dot. O
rrui-na > Tfom- ; It an b olt , t nd IrresUf *
> tU > " roumc'i , HOP hie cure iei
tlMCtlt. lllU |
ilicrvrnrntif use of u | > li/m , J
Vuu will nv
cured U jou use oarcotlci.
Hop Dltter *
Bold br druc
Ujrou re mv iliti. SonJfur
tily weak ami Ircultr.
Iti It may nor nmii *
. /our FAIL
life . It lint
euvecj hun , t
arecls. i Toronto , Oi.I.
A Ctira Guaruntflod.
Dr. E. oTWeaFs Nerve and UraTn Treatment
ipoclfio for Hysteria , Dizilness , Convulsions ,
'orvous Headaohe , Mental Depression , Loss ol
omory.Spermatorrhaja.Juipotency , Involuntary
mlnelons , Premature Old Age , caused by over-
tertlon , golf-abuse , or over-indulgence , which
ads to misery , decay and death. One uox will
ire recent caies , Eai U box contains ono month's
oatraont. Quo dollar a box , Or elx boxes for
dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of
riceV guarantee six bona to cure any case.
nth each order received by us for ulx boxes , ao- 1
impxuiod with lUodollam , will tend the pur.
laacr our written guarantee to return thu
loney II tbo treatment dor not eSfCt a cure.
0. F. Ooodman , Diwr lHt , Sole , Wholesale and
iirul ct , Oman * , Nob. Ojd t by mall at
kii and clear complexions.
/ A eraniA nation oft i
I tnririr o/Jrnn , J'rruffi
\ liarhandl'luaphorttf
la pnl-atalile form. 1
\onlu prrnaratlonnfirt
I that iri not blntken I
I tcrtho tltaractcriftlc
\ftltfr \ iranrrrparatiai
" ' ing To fri TBo rwrafta th i 1
i , K nii "i'"fi .
. tncdr h . Jaw * that hi !
Uhfd condition of the Wood.
m < sl iwno ot our mo t emim-nt . .
in fftct cnch ft conipoona ftft ! " * n.\i > * * . * , * " * " " "
; iiiiircr
r ijrlnniTpraHiM. ' ' On. KOI1HUT SAMUlilASlMSv h At > . . St. l ilj. . . Mn. Urn. SBlh , 1W1
Jrffrc coJorfo77fr
naftirnt tiraltlifiil tone ta
the tltgrtHee aryan * .i < l
tterroiK * y tfm , makl ny
it apnUtalitn to nrnrrat
JtliltltyTa of ApTH \
tttf . , . Vroftratinn . . . . . of Vital . . . I
i > > .i r .p / _
. . . ,
ia only attained by using
Stoves and Banges ,
For sale by
. . , , . ,
The following advantages are laimed for this Pulley : IT is riTltososn nnd more
iurable , owing : 1. To the absence of shrinkaffe strains. 2. To the increased num-
er of orrcs , 3. To the fact that t he rim IB much stronger than the cast rim. IT 13
3 no danger of breakage In handling when shipped loose. When shipped loose the r
ire generally accepted as third-clns-i freight instead of first-class , and an the weight 13
nly one-halt that of cast Pulleys the freight is still further reduced. WE GUARANTK a.
'HEM to perform satisfactorily any work from the lightest to the heaviest ,
SPLIT PULLEYS from 12 to18 inches diameter only.
Pulleys of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two sots arm * "without extra
iharce.we supply each Pulley with two set-screws without extra charge.
What wo claim for our PATENT HOT POLISHED SHAFTING is :
1st. That it is round and straight.
2d. It can be accurately rolled to any desired gauge.
3d. That its surface being composed of magnetic oxid * of iron obviate ! any uu-
lue tendency to rust or tarnish , wbilo it at the same time fives one of the boat journal
r bearing surfaces ever discovered ,
4th. That it will not warp or spring in key seating.
5th. That it ia made of the very best of refined stock.
CSTFor further particulars , price list and discounts , send to
„ f . B- JHBIAXWET.T. . S
Foundry and Machine Shop , Fremont N
. x
Single Breech Loading Shot Guns , from 85 to 318 ,
Double Bres oh Loading Shot Guns , 818 from to S75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from SO to 825 ,
Fishing Taokle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fancy Goods ,
Full Stock of Show Oases Always nn TTanr ] ,
Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer-
ichaum and Wood Pipes and everything required in a
irst-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store.
iigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price
Jlst and Samples. _
- -
tenairing Done in all Branches. OMAHA , KB" .
. .
1213 Farnham St. Omaha.
EID & GO , ,
The Only Exclusive
Wholesale Hardware -House
- " HEB.
OMAHA- - .
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,