Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , Aut ? . 25.
BfCner ) , - - - - -
Ity Uall - - - - - f 10.00 per Yft ,
Office : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Near
V , a. GHIFFIN , ) t n ( rcr.
H. W. TILTON , City Editor. '
County Convention.
The republicans of PotUwnttnmio
county will meet in delegate conven
tlon at the court house in Council
Bluffa , Wodneadny , September 13th ,
nt 1 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of
nominating n candidate for the ollicn
of clerk of the courts , a recorder nnd
two supervisors. E oh township will
bo ontitlrd to the following delegates :
Kane , lit vccinct.l Lsylon 5
Knne , 2nd precinct" Lincoln 2
Knne , 3d ptcclnct.7 Lewi * 2
Kane , -1thprecinct. ! ) ? .Inccdunln 3
Boomer 2 Mlnclen 4
ltdknap 3 Neola -I
Crescent 2 Norwnllt 2
Cftrnon 3 I'lcnonnt o
Center 3 llockford 3
Grove 3 Silver Creek 2
Garner 2 Valley -I
Hnnlln 8 WntbliiRton 3
Hazel Ddl 3 Wnvelnnd 3
Jnmcs 8 Wrlnht 3
Knox 3 York 2
Keg Creek 2
The primaries in each township , un
less otherwise ordered by township
committeemen , will bo hold Saturday ,
Sopt. Oth , at 7 p. m. By order of
JOHN W. iUiun ,
Chairman Oo. Hop. Con. Com.
J. Mueller's Palace Music Hall.
Shcrraden makes photographs.
Joseph Hotter makes units in the
latest styles at No. 310 liruadway-
No nno broke into tlie city calaboose
yesterday , and hence thcio was no otio to
tumble ) out.
The outgoing train eastward this af
ternoon Is over the Chicago fe Northwest
ern railway.
At Shull's butcher ohop , nouth Main
street , yon can always Ret the best meats
at reasonable prices.
Rev. Newton Donaldton will preach
In the I'resbyteiian church to-morrow
morning and evening.
. An accident insurance policy In favor
/ of II. A , liorrttt has been found and left
' nt THE BEE ollice for the owner.
Where U ' 'Texan , " the runaway
darkey ! That's the query the police are
asking. Ho may bo still in the cellar.
One of the most ingenious inventories
"Wilson's rotary j > ewer wind engine on ex.
hibitlon at the Ogdcn. Every ono who
aeea it is more than pleased ,
The two boy B , Cieightou and Schlckc-
tang , clmrged with annoying a neighbor ,
Henry Smith , appeared in court yester
day , und their catcs were continued until
Monday next.
The case of Phillips vs. Merchants
Dispatch Transpoitallon company was on
trial in the circuit court yesterday , A , T.
riickinger being attorney for the plain ti If ,
and H , M , Punoy attorney for the defend
Jt On Tuesday evening there will be n
basket sociable at the Baptist church , an
entertainment of tome novel features , to
which the public is cordially Invited. Ice
cream and other needfuls for a good time
will be supplied.
In tbe circuit court yesterday a dlvor
co was granted in the case of Francis A.
Connors vs. Marietta Connors , the com
plaint being infidelity on the part of
ife , A divorce wa > also granted in the
cate ol John A. Patton vs. 11. N. t'atton.
Two car loads morn of Uudwelsor Beer
were received by B , Hogg & Co. Persons
desiring the same can be supplied an'lhuvo
their orders oromptly filled by sending In
their orders to the above mentioned firm
A gay and mutlcul tlmo i * that whlcl
tbe managers of Younkcrman's 1'Icnl
Gardens promieo thelrpatronson next Sun
day , the 27th ( net. The Miennorcho
Singing society , together with the "Tha
Jjeetlg German Band , " will bo among til
pleasant attractions.
The ladles of the Congregatlona
church are arranging for an organ cancer
next Thuriday evening by Louts Talk , th
well-known Chicago musicians , and ono o
tbe best organists in the land ,
Prank Adams , the colorel Omah
bartender , WAS yesterday in court undo
the charge of the larceny of Jennie Leitch
man's furniture. No prosecuting wit
ness appeared , and it being appuren
that Jennie hid been satisfied , ho was dls
A moit complete stock of piece good
is being received by Joseph lUeter , th
veteran merchant tailor , located at 31
middle Broadway , Hit business is con
tinually on the increate , because of hi
known , good material , and .reasonabl
prlc a.
The police authorities have here re
celved notice to keep their eyes open for Ito v
W. Bedull , a Methodist minister , who lef
Ohio on the 1-ilh init , in company with a
girl fifteen years old. Bedall Is descrlbe <
M a man abjut 33 years.
This afternoon there Is to be a gam
on the bait grounds here , between tb
Leodvllles and Council UluuY The gam
Is to commence at 4 o'clock , instead of I
c'click , as announced by some of th
papers. It will be worthy of a crowd.
J. Mueller is HOW getting in ills holt
day toys and ) fancy goods ; soventy-on
cues , which is only a part of It , alroad
in and on the way. The finest outlay o
samples sometime next mouth , prices wl
be as low as any. Will alto have fort
coses of assorted toys for dealers from
fifteen to fifty dollaro per case.
Levy , the Omaha man , charged wit
peddling here without a licenie , yeutoida
pleaded guilty , paid $10 and cobts , am
took out a license besldei , lie cUlmet
that hU brother bad a li'ienie ' , and h
thought he could u e it when his brothc
vrt4 not uciog it , but the law was inter
preted otherwise. He psid dearly for th
information , but other * may profit by it.
It is all well enough to Uu h abou
Officer TyionV experiment with the fir
.alarn ) , by which he celled put tbe fire de
jurtment aeedleuly , but the joke seem * to
iftvo been of rome practical benefit , The
Jcscue team didn't watt for the engine ,
nit got away , and were not recaptured for
some little time , and thsro were other in
cidents ohowing that the department was
not In good trim for a fire. It wai fortn-
iato that the Urm was a false one , and It
\M \ taught the l j to be ever ready.
I'rank I/ovine's clfinr factory now
> oastg of bavin ; the fattest AS well a * the
eancit cigar maker in the state. It takes
loth the hcnTyniv.1 light weight champion-
The letter box for the deposit of mall
n the postoliice Is now IncMed close to the
tamp window. THE BKK having made
his discovery hastens to let the public
enow the fact , for dally there are pilgrims
mntlng for that spot , but in vain , It being
placed In ono corner , and generally stir-
minded by person * cither after mall or
tamps ,
'iOnr Moit Market" Is the title of anew
now ono opened on the north nld of
Jroadway between Sixth and Seventh
trccts. ] ' . . W. Ticknor , In the propric-
ar , which II an assurance that the motto ,
H announced in another column will surely
m followed : "Strict clrnnllncsfl , the best
uality of meat and the lowest possible
irlces. ' ( Jeorgo Drake , who is BO well
mown throughout the city M to need no
ntrodttctlnn , will bo found beside the
ilock , eager to pleaiio customers and to
rrcot old friends , Tlio new market is ccr-
atnly an attractive one , nnd the enter-
rite will , without doubt , bo asuccoEP.
' A tcllow named Kelly wa1 * arrested by
Olficor Ktlc r , Thtircday night , and lock-
d up for belni { fearfully drunk. Ho was
n rather a deplorable condition , and so
ilthy where he had besmeared himself that
ho olliccr shrank from searching his pock
ets , but went through him nevertheless as
test lie could , and found no effects , Yen-
cnlny afleanoon ho was brought into
ourt , and pleading guilty was fined.
'Didn't find last
you any money on mo
Ight ? " ho asked the olllcer. "No , not a
ent. " "Well , it seems as If I had a Hill *
hango about mo. " "No , tlr , not a cent. "
'I ought to have a little somewhere , " ha
epltcd , and fuubllng about in his pocket ,
oolly brought cut a nice little roll which
n counting proved to bo over $200. The
Hi cor took a back seat , and the man
hceriiilly paying his Sr.GO strolled olf.
K very day 13 , J. Abbott Is receiving
ppllcattons for muster rolls from different
ilnceH where preparation ! ! are being madu
n attend the coming veterans' reunion
icro. The rcl'a ' are now in the printer's
mndfi and will coon bo ready to ecnd out ,
'hero Is every reason to believe that there
will bo at least 2COOveterans Incatnpherc ,
o fay nothing of vliitors who will throng
lie city. It will bo n big time for Council
ilurfs bnd an cnjoyablo ono for all who
oino hero.
-B.'Uagg , of B. Hagg & Co. , was most
agreeably mrpihed lant bvcning on the oe-
lanslon of his twenty-third birthday. A
cry large number of his many friends en-
fugod "Dot Lcetle" German band , and
, 'ave him a most cnjoyablo party at Ynun-
certnanu's garden. The affair was a moat
enjoyable one.
Harry Ionian , arrested for assault ,
was discharged by Justice Abbott , the
vldenco showing that ho was mare sinned
against tban sinning , and that ho had to
iso muscle to eject a quarrelsome customer.
A poor tubject to epileptic attacks
'ell in n fit on Main street yesterday.
L. J. Murphy , of , Now York , Is In tbe
L. Drlukorholf , of Des Molnes , is at the
A. E , Sawyer , of Atchlson , Kan. , is
among the ai rivals at the Ogden.
Host Wheeler , of the llevore house , is
beard from in Denver , mid is reported as
enjoying hU trip hugely.
O. 0. Williams , proprietor of the Mis
souri Valley moat market , and the cham
pion shot cf the state , was in the city yes-
Thomas Carlisle , the wide awake hard
ware merchant of Missouri A'alley , was In
the city yesterday , and In company with
his fathor-In-tnw , of Ohio , favored TllK
BKK with u call.
Charles Htroh , the lied Oak brewer , was
In the city yesterday in company with J.
W. BlanforJ , also of Ited Oak , and who
is known among railroad men as "Hock
Island Bill. "
Adam Stnrck , representing M. Poechel ,
Soberer ft Co. , proprietors of the Stone
Hill vineyards , at Herman , Mo , , favored
Tin : linn with a call yesterday in company
with Mr. Linder , our well-known towns *
My residence , No. 71f > Fourth street
Bancroft- ; L. F. Mimt''ir.
Fixing for tuo Fair.
AH will bo euun by another column
there are many attractions promised
for the grand inaugural exposition and
spaed contest nt the driving park , to
open on tlio 18th of Soplombor. The
premiums amount to $20,000 nnd are
DO windy distributed na to aflbrd in
ducements for exhibitors in nil linos.
The buildings now being erected and
other improvements being inado on
the grounds are such na will give
every noodud convenience , and iii
fact neither money or labor is being
spared to rundor the fair in all ro-
BiiooU a complete success and enjoy
able occasion. Tlio races will form no
small feature of the week , Tlio
purses amount to $9,300 , and there is
un assurance that some ot' thospoodicat
horses in the country will bo hero.
Besides nil other attractive features
will be the cattle sale. There will bo
hero over 100 houtl of thoroughbred
cuttle of th j best herds in the country ,
which will bo sold ut auction , The
enterprising managers uro preparing
for other foaturoa no leas attractive ,
and it is the determination to make
this a fair-which will ba worthy pf
being visited by crowds from all parts
of the west. Many are already mak
ing inquiries with n view of exhibit
ing hero , and those who do not find
in the proBssuch details au they may do-
airo to know should address Dr. A. B.
JIoKuno , secretary , Oouticil Blulfj ,
Revitalizing the blood is absolutely
necessary for the cure of general de
bility , weakness , laseatitude , eto. The
host onricbor of the blood is Brown's
Iron Bitten ]
The OH Inspector Fllos Information
Against the Consolidated Tank
Jlno Company.
lojlordfiy Inspector llaoholor filed
information n ninst John Wagner ,
roprcBonting the Consolidated Tank
Line company , charging him with the
violation of tha oil law , in Belling
thrao barrels to M. O. Edwards , of
Glcnwood , which stood only 130 de
grees test , whereas the law requires it
to ntnnd 1 < )4 degrees test. Mr. Wag
ner appeared , gave bonds in the sum
of $200 , and had the caao adjourned
until to-day , with the understanding
that if the prosecution agreed it should
bo put oF ( until Monday.
The Consolidated Txnk Line must
bo doing all the businees , or nlno the
inspector must have some particular
liking for inepcctini : itn oil. Judging
by the aniinm ho lias shown throughout -
out thin , the fitat week of his ofllciul
lifo , it in evident that ho is not cntliu-
Hiastically loving toward the compiny.
The following is the record ot the
first four day's inspection , showing
the amount of the Consolidated com
pany's oil inspected , ua compared with
other oils :
° f Teit. Bhl
' * " '
Consolidated Oil Co A'.I ISO 3'l ! )
" ' .1 1.10 M
.1 1.12 1)0 )
.1 1.10 ! )0 )
.1 1.12 10
.1 130 50
Ko tcr IJros 1 135
M. O. KJwnrciH , Ulen-
wooil .1 130
llay ft OlcuBon 1 12. >
I , . Kireclit 1 151
John Morgan 1 1 'J
UcokUros 1 151
Gronovvc ) ; & Scliucntjen.l lul
The trial of the against the
Tank comnany will bo watched with
interest , as it will naturally throw
nome light not only upon the question
\yhother the company is violating the
law , but alao whether it is doing BO
persistently and wilfully. It will also
ihovr something about the animus of
the inspector. It will also give an op
portunity to find the weak points in
the law , nnd whether parties are
willing to crawl out of any little Iiolo
that may bo discovered.
It Is Shown n Oathoring of Friends
by tlio Mlssoa Walker.
On Thursday evening last there wni
a largo nnd joyous company of friends ,
for the moat part of young ladies and
gentlemen , who gnthercd nt the resi
dence of A. B. Walker , on Sixth
avenue , in responseto the invitation
extended by his daughters , Miss Km-
nio nnd Miss Jeasio Walker. The
gathering was in honor of their fiiond
Misa Edith Boss , of Iowa Oity , who
is paying a visit to Jier old homo.
Among those present from elsewhere
wore also Miss Minnie Woods , of
Omnhn , nnd Miss Rusaoll , of Glen-
wood. The occasion was a delightful
ono in every respect , nnd every detail
of hoopitnlily was so generously planned -
nod nnd happily carried out that the
enjoyment of each nnd all the guests
was made complete. Tlio parlors were
beautified by floral decorations in
abundance. The Bavarian band wns
secured for the occasion and gave ex
cellent music , and those who delighted
in the dance were given full choice to
enjoy themselves to their heart's con
tent. The refreshments [ served were
in full keeping with the elaborate
preparations for the entertainment of
tlio guesto , nnd thus in nil respects
there were the features ot a real mer
That IB What It Cost MOBOB O'Nolll
to Capture a Small Pox Fluff.
Yesterday afternoon MOSOB O'Neill '
appeared before Judge Ayleaworth to
answer the unique charge of stealing
n smallpox I lag liung out as a warning
in front of u honno near the Ilock la
lund depot. O'Neill pleaded guilty ,
and explained that ho had been on n
spree for several days past , nnd did
not remember much about the affair.
Ho could not believe thnt ho had entered
tored the house nnd pulled the small
pox patiimt nbout the room , for ho did
not think ho would make such a fool
of himself even when diunk , but such
sooins to hnvo been the case. lie
was fined ? 5G , thut being the Irnal
penalty that could bo imposed. IIi
paid up nnd went on his way , with n
good proapoct of having nothing mort
than the yarioloitl , as ho has boon
well vaccinated , and perhaps tlio
whisky ho had aboard may save hiri
from that.
lJaby'8 Waruini ;
When liaby 1ms jalna at itcmlcf
Dotlicrln a Irljbt , lather In a plight ;
When uorma do kite , lialiy mutt cry ,
II ( oromsts In , lubyinuit die.
K croupy pains LIU Loouora ,
ID that house tlierela no Coitorla ,
For motliors Itarn ul'hout ' delay ,
CastoiU cures liy right ami day.
A MllwnuKoo Terror.
I'ock' * Sun.
"When is your ma coming back ? '
asked the grouuryman of the bad boy
ns lie found him standing on the side
walk when the grocery waa opened in
the morning , taking eomu pieces of
briok out of his coat tail pockets.
"Oh , aho got back at midnight last
night , " said the boy , ns ho ate n few
blueberries out of n caso. "That's
what makes mo up so early , Pa has
boon kicking nt those pieces of brick
with his bare feet , nnd when I came
nway ho lind his toes in his hand , und
was trying to go back up the stairs on
ono foor , Pa hain't got no sense. "
"I am afraid you nro n terror , " said
the grocoryman , ns lie looked nt the
innocent face of the boy , "You nro
always making your parents some
trouble , and it is n wonder to me that
they don't send you to the reform
Hchool , What deviltry was you up to
last night to get kicked this morning J"
No deviltry , just n little fun.
You BOO , ma wont to Chicago to stay a
week , and she got tired nnd telegraphed -
graphed she would bo home last night ;
and pa was down town and I forgot to
give htm mv dispatch. And after wo
went to bed mo and my chum thought
wo would hnro a Fourth oftJuly. .
You see , my chum hns got u big is-
tor , nnd wo hooked aomo of her
clothes , fttid nftor pa got to snoring
wo put them in his room. Oh , ynu'rt
n-laughcd. We put n pair of No. 1
slippers with blue stocking * , down in
front of the rocking chair in frnnt of
[ ja'n boots , nnd n red corset on n chair ,
ind a hat with n white feather on the
Imrorui and some frizzes on the irai
bracket , nnd everything wo could
find that bclongodtoa girhn my churn's
eister'0 room. Oh , wo got n red
parasol , too , and left it right in the
middle of the floor. Welt , when I
looked at the lay-out , nnd heard pa
snoring , I thought I should die. You
fieo , ma in easily cxcitod. My chum
slept with mo that night , nnd when
wo hoard the door bell ring I stuffed a
Mllow in my mouth. There was needy -
) ody to meet ma ot ths depot , nnd
ftho hired n hack and came right up.
Nobody heard the boll but mo , nnd I
lad to go down nnd lot ma in. She
wns pretty nngry , you bet , nt not
beiiiRinot nt tlio depot. "Whuro'a
your fiithci"stiid ? she , as nho be an to
; o up tiira. I told her I guusaed pa
ind gene to rleep by this time ; thnt
lu'd gonu to bnd an hour ngo. Th n
' - clipped np Ntairnnnd looked over the
lannititcra. Ma said something about
leavens nnd earth , mid where IB the
iur.ijnnd ? u lot of. things I couldn't
lieut ; nnd pa nxvoro , nnd naid
t'o no such i\ thing , nnd the duor
Jammed , nnd they talked for two
lours. I B'PCBO they finally laid it to
rnu us they nlwnys do , 'cntiao pa called
na very early this morning , and when
[ come down stairs ho hurt my feel-
ngs. I BOO they hnd my chum's
Bister's clothes all pinned up itt n
lo'.vspnpcr , nnd I s'poso when I co
back I uhall liavo to carry them home ,
and then she'll bo down on me too.
L'll tell you what , I have a good
notion to tnko nome shoemaker's wax
and stick my chum on my back , nnd
; ravel with ( t UIIUUB ua n double-bond-
> d boy from Borneo. A fellow could
iavo moro fun , nnd neb get kicked all
; ho time. " And the boy sampled
some strawberries in n case in front of
.ho store , and wont down the street
whistling for his chum , who was look-
ng out of an alloy to BCO if the const
was clear. '
Parasol Ants nt Trinidad ,
London Pit Id ,
In the afternoon , after arriving at
the island in search of the cashew
nits mid fruito , I found the path lead-
jig through the thick forest in many
placet ) actually covered with the
mallows which had fallen from the
: roea on cither side. It is n delicious
'ruit , Bomotimco of n red and some-
timco of n yellow color , < vith the kid
ney shaped ncud on the outnido Instead
of inside , like other fruits. This
latter in roasted and is esteemed a
delicacy by many popple , but if not
carefully prepared it is apt to cause
bliatcra on the lips. Wo had no dif
ficulty in tilling our batkotti with as
many caahuwa AS wo required , nnd
were about returning to the boat
when ono of Mr. B.'a sons , who had
been some little distanced nwny from
us ouuntering about in the brush ,
called to mo to como back , nnd , on
: { oing to where bo was , ho pointed
to what soomcd a broad band
of moving leaves right across
the path , and , on looking
moro closely , I anw wo bnd
mot with ono of those enormous
swarm a of the "parasol" ants which
nro so destructive to plnntations in
the tropics. They woro'crossing from
ono side of the wood to the other , and
were traveling in a column of more
than a foot and a half in width , nnd
ns each insect carried in its mouth a
picco ot leaf they presented a singular
npponrnnco , like a Lilliputian grove in
motion ; and , although we watched
them for some time , still they came ,
their numbers Booming to bo inox
bnuatiblo. Nothing can turn them
from their course , nnd , although they
may bo destroyed by the thousands ,
enough will swarm upon the intruder
to make him repent interfering with
them. On the mainland of South
America I have known n fruic tree
stripped in a single niqht by a swarm
of thcso ante.
Proof Podtlvo.
Wo linve the most positive and convinc
ing proof that THOMAS' KLEOTJIIO OIL i < a
inoKt clfectuiU specific for bodily ualn. In
CASOH of rheumatism und neuralgia it ( lives
itiktant relief.
All Shippore and Travelers will fini
peed accommodation and ruasonablo
Council Bluffs , - - r Iowa.
Ottlco and Works , Main Street ,
We five ipscl&l Attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will leceha prompt ittontlou. A general
BOitmeat ol
Brass Goods , Bolting , Piping ,
Foundry , Fig Iron , Ooko , OoaL
"WINE OF OAnPUl" uinked rtriy
nud clear complexion * .
XOTICi : , Special aavertlscictnte , euc us
Lo't , Found , To l < oan , For Sale , To Kent ,
Want * , Boarding , cle. , will bo Inserted In thlt
column at the low raioof TEN CENTO PEI ,
LINE for the first Insertion anil FIVE CENTS
PBIl LINK ( or each mbccqucnt ineertlna
Lcavo ft-lv irtlicmfnts at our office , No. 7
1'firl Strpft , nc r U
V\'ANTKU A tlttmtlona'nl'MiJttn In Tno
V * d thine home n ajoii Kn * thoroughly
experience' ' . privkH ScindlnxvUn M w .l M
Y'.iif lib. l.ifcrciico [ utnl-hcd. AddrcFB X ,
HXKuflllP. It
' Pintu i nd Vfst makers. Only
fir l-c.lasj lnn-H nerd apply .it
nu23-tf OtljilKMl : > r.H 4 NEWMAN.
w ANTH-llrln at the K. C. Home , on
South Vain f-trcot.
IXTAriTKD School tckdictn , mlnlMeM , tu-
VV iletiM and others c n n il to their income
ij' t'trto'lnt , ' n | > ottlui nl their time to c mmilrg
orotir | iniiircl ! ; Iwo'n and poriorlcal * , or can
nako UrM ( tt'irc * l > yd otlnr | tholr whole tlmo
o It Via wntit Ml active Innlour t > < lo " ( , ' "I
n cmy towii'hlp In lown and ' ebtiwKn , and
till cITtriAtralnilucenc'.te. For 'lr uln s ad-
Ire-\Visl , ni loo' ! < Company , Box 664 Council
il Os. la.
VfTANIKD Everybody In Council Clufli Ic
YY to take Tim linn , 20 cents per week , Ue
Ivered by carrier ! . Office , No 7 I'carl Street
soar IJrmdway.
To buy 100 tona broom corn
For fmrllculau address Council lihidt
Broom Factory , Council BlNfh , Iowa. 658-2 tf
For Sale and Rent
'MO KrNT OndatR doulilo room nrd ono
> _ L Rlnelc room , Mtcly futnljh d , Ono block
ion ! mlilolollrcftdw.v , SllrK olllcc.
SALK Ono jcung bay 1 one , suitable for
Foil ; alto one line ilrhlni. unite. In-
lulrc ol J. il. M 1th , Council ( Hulls. tuiglMl
SAT E Ono set tinners' tool" , nouli'noir
cheap for cvh. H. 11. Jono * , No. 131 broad-
\ay , Council blufTa , la.
FOR BALK The two years and tlitco mm ths
leasttt o flxtiiKH nnd furniture of the
. \itlf.jrnla houtr. Contilm n n rooms with
JOIIK tontcsmn odnto thirty men. llou o o\v
nil , feeding forty to flit ; n en dally. A gtnnel
chttiicu to buy Into n nno pajlnR buslnc's III-
ica''h ot prnprlctor the only rc" > on Icr felling.
Address owner , Henry swtlgcrt , California
e , C. .
SALE Bcn'itltul rcsldi-nco loin , COO
FOR ; nothlujf down , nndSSpcrmDnth only ,
ap3-t ! (
T OST A laigeardrob koy. 1 Iberal re * aril
I 1 to fir d r Enqulru lit lifu office.
. & SMOTHERS , Council BlufJs
nnd Omaha express. Orders left at Costi n
lu- > store , Miln str ft , Connol iiluili. or J. C.
Klllof , 121S Farnum rcct , Omaha , will rfcche
irompt afcnton. jy6f
Great aticcc * . Cell and see
new ncccssorUs and bpiclmcns o ( pictures
ta'jcn b the reliable gelatine bruir.Uo prcccsi ,
at the Excels or Callrrv )0 ) Malnetrcut.
. VV. L. 1'ATTON Physician and Oculist.
Can euro any care of pore cje * . It l only
n matter of time , end can euro generally in
rom three tc fUo weeks- i : aketi nodlDer-
cnco how long diseased. V.'lll straighten croya
eyes , operate and rcmovu Ptyrr iniiin , ttc. , and
nsiTt nrttllclal eyes Special attention to ro-
movuini ; tadcvNorma apG-tf
Speed Contest
Fair Association Grounds ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Sept 18 , 19. 20. 21 , 22,1882.
, ,
Grand Inaugural Imposition nd SpccJ Contest
open to the wotld
iDlOB I" US !
The host JIl'o Track In the United S'ntcfl. So
say such noted liorsimcu as liuJd lob ) < c , O n ,
Macn and others.
of England \\Hhlinpoitcd ho EC I , have intcici
for this rjcc.
rilOGHASIM'- ; .
I'lRsT DAY Septrmlier IB. One-hoi' rulle < l > sh
Iowa a d Nchiaika eolte. 1'rie-tor-all jmco
In hlch somn of the bett horsCBlutbo coun
try are expected ,
SFCO.SD DAV September 19. Form.ilosonlng ol
the Expotttlou Noted peak r .lamea O ,
Ulilnc , It. O. Ingcrao'l ' , Jainca V.Vlson am
othcis with spltndtU rice ; .
THIRD PAT Scptem's r 20. 2:10 : cVs , 2:33 : clues
anJ \irvUuo running race. Ily this time
t t'ru will ho an ixhl'HIon ot catltnonau
yroiiiul. to surpass anything ever before than
in loou.
ToriiTU Piv h'oplcinhrr 21. Jlore flio taroi
nioru fiuui.i'tlc ' , luiru tile htiru'8vltn an ar-
r.n ct lihlliitHln'lie tr ) n Kxionl Inn Riillil.
In Mei lieurcu'ton ptctl In ttu Vuilcy ot the
KllT i IUV-Soitrin'lcr 2 ; , The flnrst spct'i !
programme , t'lnbrA h hUcli ra ea 'AA 2:2T : UiAh < k
free tomll , : t M f > lunnli ) ; in le hcaf , wilt
$ J"Oufor rciiBitlunl UJitrm an i ( aim.
'Iheri wl I ho over ICO I c d ot cttt'n ' > rm the
II'e t htril < in tliu can'try tr Balu ilurini ; It'o
( oreno.n ctuvh il.iy ot the Kxpesltion.
Como Ono ! Como All ! Have a
Week of Gonuiuo Ploainro.
On the Fourth Tuy , leptcmbtr Cl , will occur
For Sensational Trotters
or Pacers , $2,000.
For any desired Information uddrvta
Council Uluils , In.
813 Scutb Mala Street , Couucil U uUd.
Now house nd nculy fitted up Icflratcliit
it ) le , Urala at all honru. Ice cream and Icuio-
nle e\cry > nlui ( , Frult nud coiifectlonrrle
Attorney : and Oounsollor at Law ,
Omc Ilroaduay. between Main and Pare
Itreeti , Will practice In Bute and i'eJcra
C utti
Broadway , and Fonrtk Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and'$2,00
Bluff and lillcw greets , Council Bluffs.
; U in ? ) { gtf E8 JB
2tW jtjassragtfsiJ31lSi
* & m msi *
AVe make the following a specialty :
aSTJMnil orders and corretpondecco promptly attended to. Office and Manufnctory
S. E. Oor. 7th Ave. nnd 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.
Ie are Offering Special Bargains in All
Ends of Summer
412 Broadway , Goimcil Bluffs ,
Tbo finest quality and largest stock weet of Chicago of wooden and metalio cases.
Calls nticndetl to nt all hours. W defy competition in quality of gnoda or prices ,
Our Mr. Morgan h ccrved n undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
hUbiisinws. WABinOOM8 : , aiO AND 357 BllOADWAY. UphoUterintr in
nil itx hriinclied prnmutly attended to ; also carpet-laying nnd lambrequins. Tele >
graphic and mall ( ink-is lillcd without delay. _ _
O. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Itet&ll Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
T.J.OiDT.IJ.J.S . , ,
( Late Vtterlnary Surgeon C , 8. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
All of the bmt I'hyaicUos la Council DluQi nd
eurroundlii e
r.tcta Out Qlasa , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware < Sa ,
Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. )
. . . .
IMOS. OmCER. w. ii. ii. rrair.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , 1856
DcUeri In Foreign and Domcitlo Exchange
and home securities