Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Be
Fob'.tehed f vrry inomlnj , except 8ui
Ktic on.7 AlonJoy morning ( tally ,
One ? &r $10.00 I ThroeMonlhj ,
Blx Months , o.OO | One . .
\Veduasday. .
Ono Year. 52,00 I Three Monlha.
UMcath . , . . 1.001 One y .
or Newsdealers In the frilled States
Ktlon * idntn ! ! ( to Now * nnd Editorial
era tlmuH be ftddrewod to the EDITC
CHE lixc.
Jjcrtors and Remittances fthonld IMS
dre "cd lo TUB UEK rcnLtsniNO (
KANT , OWAHA. Drafts , Checkn and 1
ffioo Ordam to bo msda payable t <
tdcr o ! the Company ]
flio BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , En
Ei ItOSEWATEU. Editor.
To the 1'dltor of Tim BIK.
The State Anti-Monopoly loa
trill moot at llostings , September
1882 , in connection with the SI
Farmers' alliance , for the purpose
putting before the voters of the el
of Nebraska an independent at
anti-monopoly ticket. All anti-i
nopoly leagues are requested to i
special meetings to elect delegate !
attend the convention.
By order of tno executive co
mlttoe. II. 0. OSTKKIIOUT
Fes , State Anti-Monopoly League ,
IN the game of brag Vul's atriki
will have no opposition. Facts toll
conventions more than unsupport
A FTEII all the crowing and han
shaking of the railroad ringstora
over , the farinoas quiet bill to vet
will bo hoard from.
THE number of railroad employ
on detached political service iu N
braslca is assuming the proportions <
an army. Thn country precincts a :
full of them.
BOLLDO/INO at the caucus and ona
primaries are two of the ninthot
pursued by Valentino to carry tl
Third district. Both are old Unit
Pacific mothodi" which the people wi
ait down upon with n loud thud.
MAYOU Boyd will no doubt road tl
testimony in the Angoll invostigatic
with interest and surpiso. His n
tonlion for six months has been calk
to the ineflicionuy of the city marsh
but none are BO blind as thooo wli
will not BOO.
Dn. MILLKH ought to como home i
unco. Ilia philanthropic scul , whiol
over ninco ho retired from an arm
autlcrahip , has bled for the poor Ii
dinn , will bo grieved to know thut h
ad interim editor is Otilling for iroi
to ba placed on lied Oloud , that neb
> * aoh of the tr.ickloaavoah
Ani/.oNA atill continues to niuinta :
her reputation an a heat promote
The tliurmomotcr went up to ISO d
grc-03 m the ahado the other day >
Gila Bend , and it wmm't euoh a
day oirlior. Gun. Bhoriilun will , r
doubt , stick to his utaUmumt thut
ho owned hadca and Arizona ho won'
sell Arizona and live in hadoa.
is loudly boasting over hi
fertile neil which has given her a woi
dcrful harvoat this season and old BO
tiers nro repeating the story told tl
traveller appropoa of the her rh
prairie lands. "How Is the soil
Kansas ? " asked ono of the gang i
the traveler paused. "Richest in tl
world , sir , " was the reply. " 1 kno
a New York statesman who wont 1
Kunsaa seven ycars'ugo with only 81
in cash ; and ho ia now worth $20,000
"Whew ! What did he raUoprlnoipn
ly ? " "I believe it was n check , oi
but they couldn't exactly prove it c
him. Think of a neil that will raise
bank ohook for Sl ! > 0 to 810,000 nu
in a backward season at that. "
TJIK improvement of the Miseissipj
under the liberal appropriation of tl
lost congress , will bo pushed with a
rapidity by the river commission ut
dor the plan adopted some yearn ng
by that body , That plan conton
plates the narrowing of the widt
parts of the river to about 3,000 fool
the strengthening of the banks b
wire and brush nmttrasses , the pla <
ing of thcao where they will compi
the river to build banks of its ow
action by precipitation , and the oooae
nlonal construction of levees , whor
they will aid the work , This oyster
it is intended ultimately to apply t
the entire source of the river fron
Now Orleans to St. Paul , leavh > |
Captain Bad's joltings to completi
their work of scouring the outlet ti
the aulf , Some such plan ought ti
bo placed in operation tlong the bank
of the Missouri from Sioux Oily t <
its mouth. The Missouri will neve :
become available for purpoecs of fjou
oral navigation until liberal appropria
tlons mnko a eatisfaotory improve
ment of its banks and channtls poesi
bio , 1'atching up a half a inilo \ OIK
atato and atraightoning a portion o
the channel in another , is a waste o
time , except ao far ai protection t <
the levees of growing cities ia aflbrdoc
by such action ,
The Itcpnblican calls for news f
the Third district , and aska why '
HER doca not publish moro infer
lion from the scat of war , In
name number it gives its readers
following reliable news from Holt
Madison counties :
0'NEii.t , Nob. , August 22. '
county convention to-day unanimoi
instructed for Valnntino. It wa
grand victory for Valentino's frie
in Holt county. Every precinct
represented in the convention , B
Gillispia was nominated for the lo ,
laturo and S , E , Smith for comi
BATTIX CHEEK , Nob. , August 2
Valentino delegates olcctod from 1
precinct to-day. This insures
county for Valentine.
Wo don't intend to mnnnfncl
dinpatchoa to boost any candldi
That requires a talented man who <
draw $0 a day from Undo Sam for (
ting up a boom lor Valentino ,
have published nothing where th
waa nothing to publinh.
But lot us see what all this nc
from the Third district amounts
Holt county is reported for Valontii
AU waa harmonious as a rmrriago b <
Every precinct walked right into t
convention to vote for Valontii
But it took three hours according
Vat's otllcial postofllco organ at O'N
to fight the claims of contestants a :
when the fight was over the harmo
! ous convention split in the midd
ind Val'a postmaster issued unni
nous instructions to the dolcgatii
from Holt to vote for Valentine.
The official paper of Holt count
, ho O'Noil Manner , makoa the folloi
ng comment on the outcome of tl
lolt county victory :
The anti-Valentino delegation fro
lolt county will appear before tl
Dromon t convention , basing the
laim upon the frauds which woi
radioed by the Valentino faction i
ho primaries The county convoi
ion refused to allow the Croutu
olcgation u hearing before the coi
ontion which was but characterise
f the conrao pursued by the Vnlm
no leaders throughout the ontii
mipaign. The O'Neill leaders of tin
iction have boon , from first to lasl
nfair and dishonest.
* * * # * #
The precinct caucus which was hoi
t O'Neill City by virtue of the ca
hioh waa published in the franlu
gnod by Wilson HOXBIO , chairma
rocinct committco wnn hold and coi
uctcd as follows : At half past
'clock ' in the forenoon a company <
ion including Sinford Parker , D. I
> irr , B. Wo.ton , Wilson IloxaioV
. Alatthowa nnd a few ottiora in a'
bout ten or fifteen men runhid u
10 stairu to the hall at which th
looting was called , nnd before an ,
ua of the opposition had time to go
i held a caucus which lasted abou
YO minutes and rushed out anyin
10 caucus is over , you arc all to
At prccisoly 10 o'clock , n. m. , b ;
lilroad time , other citizonu of Contu
roctnct , numbering thirty-suvon , ru
imblod , and on motion of Ed , E
vans , Dr. S. M. Bennor was mad
lairmnn of the mcotinj ! , nnd G. M
lavclnnd olcctod oocrotary. Chaii
tan road thu call for Oontor precinc
lucu-j from The Frontier , The moot
ig then } ) rooeudtd to uloct delegate
the county convention DB follows
atriok Hdgorty and S , M. Banner
auto r precinct , bcinn allowed tw
ulc atoe. The mooting then oloctoi
vu mcmbcra to act nn precinct con
nl committco ai follonn : Chuirmun
J. llorahiser ; Ed. Evano , Neil Broil
in , Barney Koania nnd P.itric' '
uiighn. The mooting adjourned a
3:28 : n. in. There were num partlci
.itinjj in the first caucus wh
iroly wora deceived by th
adora , who undoubtedly turno
loir watchus ahead for tha
urposo. Surely D.ivid L. Dan
iloon Hoxip , 0. Blitohelo and ou
lorifr , B. Wclton , would acorn to b
ill ing purlieu lo uuoh nn outrago. I
luau mon vill now attempt to justif
10 leaders , who , in auoh an unfai
nd underhanded mannur , sought t
iin an advantage , they will lowc
mmsolvcB in thu oynn of u good inixny
hich they cinnot nlford to do , Thcr
cro aomc mon taking part in thn
Jiitomptiblo Bohoino from whom notli
ig hotter can bo oxpoctcd , but enrol
iu nbovo named gcntlomun were Ut
ijvod , or they would never hav
lined with or countenanced sue !
rooocdings. * * * * Thor
ere fourteen outspoken Orouna
elt'gatcB , representing eight diffcron
rocinota , six of wliioh propincta wcr
ilid for Orounsu , If things couli
wo boon explained , thcro uro man ;
ulentino mon who would , as wo b < i
ova , have become disgusted with th
induct of the lenders , nnd wouli
wo rofuaod ta stand by them in thoi
lifurioua conduct ,
Now na lo Battle Oruok. The totn
umber of delegates in the Madisoi
muty convention ia forty-three , o
hich Battle Crook is entitled to live
Buttlo Crock did go for VtilunHni
iwdidihut c.irry Madison county
a a matter of fuot Battle Crook di <
) t go for Valentino because there i
ily ono man iu that precinct and hi
.mo b Mnwoll who ii willing ; to lot
bo known that ho favored Vulontim
r congress. At u public mooting
Id lust Saturday at Battle Crook ,
ere were present nearly all the ro
blican voters and it was public ! ;
itod that Maxwell waa-ttho'pnlj
own Valentino nun in tha proclnct ,
obably ho may have roped iiTfoiii
mocrata to make up a delegation ,
t if the republicans have voted , 01
an one-tenth of thorn , the precinct
I not go for Val. By the way oi
wa from the Third district , hero h
item from the only republican par -
r in Oolfax county ;
Iho { Omaha Itepublican published
t Thursday n list of the countloa
id for Valentino. Among the num-
r waa Col fax. Now the question
sea , who promised Oolfax ?
Preaumably the man that promised
Ifax is Val'a 80 clerk , Up to ( ho
present the Third district baa
nouncod through less than ono-t
of its counties and among thcso
already five double headers. The
clamation boom lor a third t
promises to be n death rattle.
The banquet given to Gen. Go <
Crook last uvcning by the citizens
Omaha wns an ovation of which
officer might bo proud. It was a
limonial to both the man and the {
oral which evidenced the esteem
regard in which ho is hold by the j
pie of this city and the depart in
over which ho has bcon ao long
head , Since hin first arrival in Om
the relations which have existed
twoon Gen , Crook and our citiz
have bcon of the most cordial natu
Tha interest which ho haa felt in
growth and prosperity of our city !
bcon shown in many substantial me
nrcafortho benefit of Omaha wh
have bcon secured largely through
influence. In addition , Gen. Cn
lias gathered around him a start1wh
tiarmonioua co-operation have c
; ributod greatly to the efficiency
.ho department and the quiet o
) caco which for nix years have p
niloJ on our frontier.
In leaving Omaha , General Ore
akea with him the beat wishes of lu
Irods of personal friends who w :
lim in hia now field of labor a cent
lance of the success which haa mai
d his military career. No general
ur army haa had a wider oxporior
i Indian warfare. None have be
y successful in quelling turbuloncy
ho frontier and punishing olTendo
'rom Oregon to Arizona and from t
lissouri river to the Yellowstot
oncral Crook's name is known ai
tared among the tribes who at vario
inca have been at war with the gc
nmont. Hia transfer at the prose
lomunt to the department of Arizon
hero actual hoatilitica nro now
rogresB , ia in the highest degr
implimontary to his abilities ai
voa the general nn opportunity
ipcat hia victories pained nearly ti
jara ago over the Apaches , who a
jw causing trouble.
Tliero is a general wish oxprcssi
lat the general's absence may bo
tort ono nnd that before many yea
10 tour of Borneo which which mak
ir army oificera moro or loss wa :
irers on the face of the earth , mi
ing General Crook back to ua in h
d position cs commanding general >
0 department ot the Plattc.
WITH Wolsoly moving on his rea
llison holding the front , nnd Goner
ocPhorson'a troops preparing 1
arch towarda Cairo , Arabi Bey nr
a native army find themselves e :
isod to the danger of being caugl
itween two fires , with no nvailnb
10 of escape frcm the not which
circling him. General Wolaoloy
aition now virtually commands Caii
d the line of retreat which the wile
bol hud marked out for ueo in en
disaster to hia present ontroncl
imta , which ho ta reported nsatoadil
renqthonin } ' , So long aa Genon
Ikon continued hia harmless recoi
lisanocs ut Alexandria , Arabi ha
tlo to fear , Iio waa well prepare
resist any attack from Iho diroolio
llamloh and Alexandria , But Ii
, d not counted on a combined movi
ant from Sim and Port Said , an
> w thut his line of 'communicatio
th Cairo along the railway whic
nnccta that oily with the gulf :
rontoncd then ) is nothing romainin
r the Egyptian general but to mak
itubbon fight in the trenches or t
treat to the desert , A now positlo
the delta could hardly bu fortifie
iforo the Biitish ndvunco would b
ion him. Approach to the eca coac
out off by tha complete command c
at region by the English transports
tire itaolf ia threatened , and in
jek at the utmost will bo in th
.nda of the enemy. The lines ar
jsins rapidly around Arabi , nnd i
11 require something moro thai
, tivo ingenuity to extricate hin
mi the exceedingly uncornfortabl
uition in which Gon. Wolaoly'
nk movement Una placed him.
DiarATOHua from the west nnnounc <
at early in Ootobor thu Southon
LOiOo will make connection with tin
ilvoad whio'i for two yoara past ha
on slowly creeping northward fron
lyamas , Mexico , to the Arizona line
10 road which wna atartod by tin
chison , Topeka & Santa Fo ayaton
11 make n through line from Uu
lasouri river to the Gulf of Calif or
i , and will bo four daya ahortoi
in any oxiating route to Australia
iw Zealand uud the western co < ial
South America. Guyam s has ai
lollcnt harbor for ships of tlu
Rest dimensions , and plans are al
dy projected for a atoauiship lim
m that point to\Sydnoy. This routt
1 open a now waV for the trade eli
i world and canrot but soriouslj
> ct the transcontinental freight
tlio of the Ocntrail'acifio system.
ia a good diw of commotion
oujjhou the state tljput the court
ue nnga. Nearly A the counties
ru such rings and UP > ir ellorta arc
tally Kocundod by [ flbaidizod county
Kirn. Thuio pap < dFa Book to forestall
mialaad public ffilnic .
LiVwho favcn'Church Howe for
grcwi from thu district will report
inptljr to Ijohn M. Thuraton or hia
Up Douglas county It in raid Uen ,
derson Is imttlng on his nrmor and get
in battle array. Of Manderson no one
an 111 word lo w nn < ! every one h te
to declare that tbc First district woulc
honored by hii Kervicea. If ho conies
he will probably secure D uglnn , and '
would ho another blow at Howe. 7'ai
Jintrrpritt ,
Well , yes ! "Gon. Mnndorson
putting on his nrmor and gottinj
battle array" for Church Howe , .
Mandorson , it ia said , ia ono of Ohu
Uowe'a warmest supporters in Da
Ins county , and ho ia n valuable net
aion aa auch. JJioicnville Jtepullir
Thia will bo ncws up here in Bo
las county. If Gon. Mandorson
over been Ihe bosom friend of Chu
Howe ho has taken great pains to c
ccal that fact. If ho should ave
desire to see that boss fraud no
natod > o congress or any other posit
ho never would bo heard of hi tin
for anything.
MK. MOESI : , of Mcrrick , who i
agines that the people of Nobrai
desire him to fill the political shoes
the defunct Carrie , aa president of i
state senate , ia tiying to explain
legislative record to his homo cons
uonto. Mr. Morse is on record ngai :
the bill to reduce railroad fares
throe cents per mile , and ho triea
make believe that ho would have vol
for the bill , if it had not , in his op
ion , worked Injustice to the bran
railroads. Wonder if it worked ;
instlco to the branch road a
transport Mr. Morao , free
: hargo , to and from the cap !
yhilo ho drew mileage from t
itato. Doea it work hardship on t !
.runk lines to carry Mr. Morse on ;
innual pass between the Miesoi
ivor and Salt Inkowhilo the patro
if the Union Pacific who are not la'
nakera nro paying from four to sovi
onts per mile. Perhaps Mr. Mor
an explain why ho opposed nil logi
tion that Bought to limit the exa
ions of public carriers. But tl
afeat way for the people ia to loai
talesmen who have n record th
explaining on the shelf.
IN the atato of Illinoia , and for th
latter in every other state , exceptii
lone Nebraska , railroad otlicera ai
cquirod to liat for taxation every f y
f aide track and switch on the lit
f the reapectivo roada. Theao sic
racka are assessed for general an
) cal taxation and the tax
Hotted to the townp , citii
nd counties where they are locatci
Tow there nro thousands of milea i
ido tracks and awitchea in Nobraaki
ut. not a mile haa over bcon listed <
ixod. Douglaa county for inatam
i credited year after year withthirt ;
no miles of Union Pacific railroa (
ut not a milo has she over boo
edited for aide tracka. At leai
lirty miloa of aide tracka bavo bee
id down iu thia county by the Unio
ncifio during the paat three yean
id a very low oatimato for the aid
acka of nil the roada in Dough
> unty would bo aixt
liloa. These tracka proper !
messed would yield at Ion ;
300,000 of taxable property , ani
iat , added to our general list , woul
sry materially reduce iho tax rate fc
10 property owners who now bear th
itiro butdon of taxation. Wh
won't our county commissioners eve
, llod upon the state board to asaea
lese aide tracka ? Why haven't ou
ty authorities done ao ? Echo an
ra whj ?
Tuu city council is compelled to cu
ort all projects for grading am
her needed improvements becausi
o tax levy ia nearly oxhouated
lis atato of things will continue fron
ar to year RS long aa the property o
illionaires and wealthy corporation !
not assessed in ratio with the prop1
ly of mon of moderate moana. I
) had an honest und equitable assess
cut thcro would bo money onougl
hand in the city treasury for ale
o improvements that are needed 01
L'od for.
THE government judical telescope !
twithatanding'a cheeky lot
a Btill continue to command tlu
Iky way of the Star routca.
The Political Bosom ,
ten IMot.
n little navy olorV * . rasy , fat , and fme-
e fulled to Ilubbell up , then thoio wen
nine ,
no blackmail payers laughing at fato-
0 was a democrat , then there wen
jhttrue republicans stillleft alive
ree were proven half-breode , then thert
were live.
. o trusty ttahvats fenrint'nothlug more
e lost his cougieseuiau , then there were
four ,
iir Bollil-backed men , bolicl as oould he
nig came n Ohaudier cousin , then there
were thro 4 ,
reo Chandler relatives , stalwarts everyone
1 stepped a constable , then there were
little navy clerks left on tha hooka-
roe big deticiU In their little booka.
Uaoa of a Woman's Buoe.
k. young lady of Mansfield , Ohio ,
a boating with an acquaintance at a
nadian summer resort. A squall
uck the frail craft and the waves
shed into it. The acquaintance , a
> fcasor of languages and n poor
sman , would have upset the boat
1 not the aforesaid youm ; woman
libited the rarest presence of mind
1 bailed out the water with ono of
r shoes , of which she diveatod her-
F for that purpose. The event haa
de the young lady the talk of thorn
rn whether on account of her to-
rity or because of the inference aa
the size of her foot wo are not in-
The nalari 8 of the San Frani
teachers have been loft undisturbed 9
Ish is taught in the evening schools In
In thirty of the London board set
there nro penny banks connected with
txMcfllce , and about $7,000 WM depot
last year by more than 4WO , thi
The Oregon state university is dotni
ex client work with very little moi
Mr Henry Vtllnrd is the chief benefit
of the institution , having made large \
for literary , pchnlarship , etc.
Secretary of the Interior Teller , wr
now in Colorado , will shortly oaUtillsl
Indian Industrial school on the Cm-
plan , in the the Indian territory near
Kama * Hoe. SetPMl Mrnilnr school
other not lions of the we t will bo erei
thin foil.
ThoDtio d'Orlean" , oldest eon of
Cnmto de Putli , anil grent > graudioi
Lonh 1'hlllippe , took the prire on Anj
3 for Latin composition at ihe annual c
petition of the 'am colleges It ia 8
however , that ho does not know the n
mentsot baseball , atid n wholly ignoran
how to tearupn sidewalk. Tlioeffcterc
archies of the oa t have still ft qreit <
to learn regarding n college education.
Now educational methods are pair
foothold all over the country. JnKat
CIry ( for ex unple , the farce nf continu
examinations is no longer played ; anc
tfvernl of the schools the subject * of
lory nnd geography are now treated rr
In the nature of lea-ing exercisea ilmi
text-book matter to bo learned by rot
Mid forgotten chort'y ' after , Instroct
jrowa more practical ex cry day.
A startling but not unreasonable s
? estlon was made the other day in an
Iresa by the principal ot the Ottawa N
nal school. In the management ol
ichool , he declared ) ho would have tea
srs promoted downward , if he ml < ht
lerniittoil to we n paradoxical term.
; hought the E.ilarle * ought to increase
nyerso ratio with the c aisoc , nnd for
ewer clasies they ought to have teach
> ( the highest mental attainments e
illed with the milk of human kindm
f the teacher had cieatcd a hunger
nil a thirst for knowledge , he had d (
11 that a teacher could I e expected to i
The Doom of tlae Bosses.
[ rper'aVcck > y.
The days ol the Bogies
Are numbered !
Too long , with tlieirfolliea
Encumbered ,
'he patient republican hosts
lave nuttered their impudent boasts
And arrogant sway !
Ming wlda to the clay
ho banner of freedom again ,
'ho Hug of free speech and free men !
The rule of the Boise.s
Is breaking !
The hearts of "Machine men"
Are quaking
-a through the republican lines
hey see with dismay the dread signs
Of wakening power !
Sp'ed , si ced the glad hour
/hen wide to tlie air flics apftin
ho flag of free speech and free men !
The hopes of the Bosses
Aio thwarted !
The cower of the party
o partisan o > , with a deep
.ml fierce-flaming wiath , will soon awe
Tne spoilsmen away !
God speed the bravo day
fhen wide on tha breeze floats ugaln
he Hag of free speech and free men
The doom of the Bosses
Is nearing !
See , see the bright banners
f hosts that no Boss can control !
ndhark ! through the air the long roll
Of liberty's drum ,
As onward they come !
nd wid < to the winds fling again
he flag of free speech nnd free men !
A Diva Who Can'c Sing.
! \v York San ,
Louise Tlioo , who is to poform i
iio country next eeason inl'ronc
> mic opera , haa for a dozen yea
son a public favorite in Paris. St
a poor singer , but extremely funn
id pretty. She was the wife of
ilor when ahe made her debut , whic
as m the Eldorado , a variety theatoi
hero aho Banp , danced and grimance
irself into great f.ivor with the rathe
ido andienccs. Her mother at tht
mo kept a concert garden in th
tampa Elysooa. When Oflonbac
icame manager of the Itenaieganc
eatro , in 1873 , ho engaged Theo i
o well-founded hope that aho woul <
cceod In such roles as Hortona
ihnoidor , Anna Sudio and Mari
Imico had audaciously popularized
10 was the original la Jolio Parfu
3uso , and for a whole year delighte *
0 city in that character. Shois noi
out 35 , but is BO small am ! smootl
at on the stage she does not lool
) ra than half that age.
Wugroa in Germany.
Workmen in Germany have a han
iv to hoe , according to the report o
msul General Vogolor. Ho find
t the average cost of food alone fo
ir persons amounts to $9.50 a week
10 higost wagoa are paid at frank
tontheMainPrussia. . Th
gos of a builder's foreman at Frank
are S7-40 a week ; a journey man
,01 ; a hod carrier , § 3 76ja , cabinc
iker , S4.50 , a locksmith , gt.85 ; :
lor , S4.BO ; n shoemaker , J3 8t ; i
itory hand , $3 50 , and the arden
1 and field hands the same , while ii
.rmutftdt , the field laborer only goti
,44 per week. It la at Nuromburj
t the goncrjl eca'o waijea i
3 smallest. A foreman gets $1 801
ok , a journeyman $2 40 ; a hod car
r 81.44 ; a cabinet maker , § 2 10 ; i
ikamlth , ' the aame ; a tailor $1.80
leuukor the uanui ; a gardener
,10 , , and a field hand , ? 1.08. Emi
ition of workmen aooma to ba tin
ly solution of the labor problem ir
rmany ua well as in several othoi
ropoan countries ,
Wu had supposed that the coat ol
id was much loss in Germany that
ippoars to bo by the above. If
m hiuitl only obtains from § 1,08 tc
50 per week wo do not see how it
wssiblo for them to lay anything
for a ruiny dny. There is plenty
room in the northwest for the pee <
of Germany , where they can , ii
i above is true , certainly better
ir condition.
People in Constantinople ,
irlo U r.
? ho lower orders proper live very
ch like their brethren In Christian
ntries. Both men and women
k. The wife helps her lord and
stor in the daily toil , washes , cleans
1 keeps the house in order ; she has
ther time nor opportunity for friv.
is amusements , consequently she
tnoro respected by both husband
. children , and knows not the
rt-sickneaa nnd weariness of the
em' But even hero women do not
with the mon , and never siir out-
i their domicile unveiled. There U
middle class among the Turks ,
ire are the rich ( or easy ) and the
r , These two oidora are constant-
hanging places. The rich man of
to-day may bo the poor one o
morrow You will know him by
shabby , tjroasy coat and unbru
shoes. Ho will make no effort to
up an appearance. You may son
buy some simple faro and oat it it :
street on his way to bminoss or hi
lie has lost his place. Ho is poor.
is neglected. Meeting him thus
might suppose him a shoo-mondc :
n low claaa coffin house keeper , ye
has only just missed being
pasha , and a few mo
more will probably reim
him in the position ho has lost ,
men and women of the country
naturally all on a par. There is
genius , no talent , no eminence of
tuc among them ( or if there bo ,
banished as soon as it dares lit I
head ) . Ono man ia as good ns
other. A fair nddrcps , a pniatte
of French , and "good luck , " an
that are w.inttd to mnko a not
first minister ; but the tiamo fort
grown liiiklu may liutl him from
post , nnd ho sinks lower than whal
understand by the "poorest gor
man , ' Ono fact bafflca Euro [
would-be reformers. Wo are alv
mooting uith surprises Ther
nothing solid any where. Tl
is no public spirit ,
landed interest no trade inter
no personal authority nothing
grapple with. Everything s
through your fingers. The laws
1st , but are not unforced. It is
body's business to enforce them ; pi
arty is yours to-day , uiiuo to-mort
uid a week hence it may bn M
uoun'a , or Safnot'a , or Ahmed's. ' '
jno thing permanent among ua ia
nratchful jealousy of the various
ioimlitieu. It is the different con
; hat keep order here , not the Tui
ind wore it not for this protection
opoans would not live in Turl
Cho Turks are different tradoatr
Nearly all the shops in Galata , ;
, ho whole of those in Pora ,
copt by Europeans. The Grc
ire the chief traders , thcuch
imart business is done by the L'uv
itioa. The most fashiouublo ah
ire French , but thnro are a few f
'ato ' English and American ones ,
argo class of Turks hawk their wa
u the street. They are for the rr
tart fine , stalwart , civil-spoken m
'hoy shoulder enormous baskets c
dining cheeses , creams , fruits , vo
bios , and many other cosmotib :
ud furnish more than half the
lontation ot the city. The habitt
heso men ara very simple ; they 1
hifcfly upon bread and fruit ; 1
hey also know the aocret of
ot au feu , and often I h
uen a knot of them after tl :
ay's work , grouped under
hod , or on a green spot of ear
lixing the "savory moas" you \
orlia.s bo shocked to hear the
3ntainsvegetibles ( of onions a la
liare ) stewed in oil ! A somew !
irong tasting mutton called Ka
lani is the favorite food of the T
iah upper classes. Pilaff ia also
very-day dish , wherein Europot
Iso delight. The chief fault of
'urLiah ' cooking is the enormi
uantity of grease and fat consum
nd the excessive sweetness of me
E the dishes.
Flies , roaches , ante , bed-bugs , ro
lice , gophers , chipmunks , cleared i
y "EouthouRats. " 15c.
ro never imitated or 'counterfeit
his u copecially true of a fam
cdicine , nnd it is positive proof tl
to remedy imitated is of the high
ilue. As soon as it had boon test
id proved by the whole -world tl
op Bittera was the purest , boat a
oat valuable family medicine
.rth . , many imitations sprung up a
gan to eteal the notices in win
o and people of the count
id expressed the merits of II. I
id in every way trying to induce BI
ring invalids to uao their stuff i
jad , expecting to maku monny
o credit and good name of II.
any others started nostrums put i
ihuilar style to H. B. , with va
sly devised names in which t
> ul "IIop" or "Hops" were used
ivay to induce people to believe th
ire the name as Hop Bitters. 1
eh pretended remedies or cures , i
ittor what their style or name :
d espicially these with the wo
lop" or "Hops" in their name or
y way connected with thorn or the
me , are imitations or counterfoil
iwaro of them. Touch none
urn. Use nothing but genuine Hitters
ttors , with a bunch or cluster
son Hops on the white label. Tru
thing eho. Drugaists and dealc
) warned uguinst dealing in hint
ns or counterfeits.
Pn-slilcnt. Vtco Prt . 'l
W H. UIMIIBC. , cc.inclTrJui ,
Lincoln , Neb
irn Plftntere , Hrrrows.Parm Kollo
lulky Hay KoUou , CUCKOC tllovatit
Vlndnnllla , &o
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Ing tor other pattlm.
irjas all or.lera
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ally Passenger Trai ni
liUa lacl 1M VlAUCKofH
OTaua tt ir.i
es'lrs ll3o ia s > qtlpud ifltb bilmaa
ci Slooplcjr CU7 , PaUoa Day COM'USJ , Mil n
Ivrial'onn &od
cztoa-o Atr-breLo.
r. a tiu. yea UcioJ ra Jlj VIA
ftT. JOimi 4s OOUNuII.
, vln 01. Jowpb ni bt. Lotdj.
nketd ( ei 6tl * t ell coupon
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.yAVTia , Ocn.Baiii.fal.Joiopli/lJc / |
jo r N. tuil Ticicl Axl t tt Jojaii , Uu ,
rAHST UOEDIH , Ticket Ajutl ,
, Oone ,
Are acknowledged to ba tlio
best by all who liavo put them
to a practical test ,
Piercy & Bradford ,
( Sticoossor to D. T. Mount. )
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Saddlesi Harness , Whipsi
Robes , Dusters aufl Turf Goods
rv $
Asfcnt toJas. . K. Hill & Co.'a
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Ordcri solicited. OBEAHA. NEB
Every Corset ia warranted satis
factory to Its wearer luovery way ,
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The only Corset pronounced by our leadlne | > hystelnai
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For ule by leading ftctull I > L-ulcr > everywhere.
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"By a thoriu.h knowledge of thenatiirtl Iaw
hlcli xa\ctn the oi rntbns of cl 'o tlcn and
u rlllon , nnd liyauiiclnl oppllcaim of the
no iroprtcs \\olulccid Cocoa , 11 r
i pi hii ] > ov dcd cur trukfjst tabl u with
sbcat-ly lUvntid bc\erago Jiich nay imo
uny hea > y doctork' | > 1 U It l by tlio Judlci'm
so if iiucli nrtldra ol diet that a cir titntlon
my bo Kraduilly b'tllt up mull stranj enough
> resUt iv r , tendejcv tdliiaso. . HunJri-da
I eubtlo imKd'uiara flaatlnu ar-und u > ready
lattotk where\tr there Is ou.ak polut. We
iay cseapo uia ynfitul ihatt by laeiiinir our-
: Uea wd fortlfliil H | h puru blood ami a iiron-
Iv nourl'hcd frame. ' Unll Scnloa ( Joz-tto.
rhnply with hnlllnt ! wtcr or milk Bold
tlmouly ( i-lbandlb ) JaN.lul
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I'vir 75.0W .
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ttr Mummer uo these Stovi
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leroy & Bradford Omaha , Neb.
9 1m
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