THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , AT VUST 26 ! So2 GRAIN FOR THE MUUSS. Blda for Furnishing Unolo Ham With Corn nnd Onts. At noon yesterday bids were oponc at military headquarters for furnish inp the department with 2,000,0X ( pounds of corn nnd 1,000,000 pound of , The bidders in the first lo nroro : A. W. Clarke , of Pn pillion ; Thoron Nye , of Pro mont ; 0. W. Thomas , o Grand Island ; Clias. McCormick nn < E. P. Pock , of Omaha. The lowosi bidder was A.V. . Clark , of Papillion who wao awarded the contract a $1 34 98-100 per 100 pounds. Tin bids wrro very close , Clark winning by only 2-100 of ono cent. In the matter of furnishing 1,000 , 000 pounds of oatc , the bidders were 0. W. Thonia * , Goo. UorryV , II. Pnlmrr , A. W. Clark nnd E. P. Pock. The contract wil undoubtedly bo nwardod to Air 0. W. Thomas , the lowest bidder , a prices ranging from 95c to $1.03 per 100 pounds. These bids indicate a good crop o oats , tliat grain running no mud lower than corn. Don't Throw op the Spence When miiroilni : humanity nro enduring the horrors of ( lyiponsla. Incllucitlon , o nervous nnd general clclilllty , they are ton often inclined to throw up tin npongo am rcxlcn themselves to fate. Wo tnv , don' do it. Take IJuitbocK nix > oi ) Dirneiw the unfailing remedy , i rice 61. aug22-lw THE SIOUX WAKRIOR. Poreonnol of the Great Ohiof'fromtho Diary of Box-lCnroaha-Hnah- To-Ka , In viowof thclproaon t.itton ) tion drawn to Red Oloud , the dopoaod Sioux chief , the following description of cho \ Indian warrior , written ton years ngo when ho was in the pritno of lifo , wil bo found of spnelnl interest. The extract - . „ , , * * tract is from the dairy of Mr. Julius Meyer , who was for many yoara intimately timatoly connected -vith the Siou nnd Patrnooa as a trader and intor- prctor and who has many souvenirs of Hod Oloud , Sitting Bull and other noted warriors , with nil of whom ho was personally acquainted. This ia Rod Oloud aa ho was at the ngo of forty-five. "Rod Oloud , who , with Spotted Tail , stands pre-eminently forward .is the exponent s of the peace > polioy , is the great chief of the Ogalalla Sioux , and generally recognized by the mili tary and civil authorities as the hcnd chief of all the Sioux. Jioforo ho buried the tomahawk , Rod Oloud was undoubtedly the most celebrated war rior of all the Indians now living on the America continent , llo had over 10,000 people in lib cnmpp , and could put in the Hold 3,000 warriors. When ho marched against the settlements ho always wont in force. Ho takes his run 10 from the number of his war- -.rioro and their rod blankets and .paints. It was said that his ooldicra covered the hills like a rod cloud. " "Ho is now about 40 yearn of ago , .six foot in height , and otrnight as an -arrow ; his fnc3. which is of a dark rod , ia indlcativo of indomitable courage and urmnoBB ; and his fall , piercing eyes acorn to take in ut n glanno the character ot friend or foe. lied Oloud h B probably participated in moro conventions vontions , trputtetiand largo aaoorablica . of nfolnho * lT"ri.thlto jfrroreatn people" ° : ' , in v Vin ; i volvedthati , 'any living anman. 7-.i man of brains , n good ruler , an / eloquent quont speaker , nn able gcnural , und a fair diplomat , the friendship of Hot Oloud is of moro importance than that of all the ether uhiofd combined. " While Spotted Tail hm a lovely veil of honor in his character , und lovua lo indulge in n little joke , lied Oloud ia nil diijnity and sunpusni'ea. The following clipped from the report port of the proceedings of the boarc of Indian commissioners nt Fort Lara mie , in 1870 , is indicative of hia earnest - / nest und impressive manner : "Had Oloud thoii arose , ivnd walk ing toward the outside group , raiact his hands toward the skies and thoi touched the ( round. Then ( ill the Indiana rose to their feet , aa , with up lifted hands , lied Oloud uttered the following prayer : " Till ! rilAYEH OK HKI ) OLOUD. " 0 , Great Spirit , I pray you to look at us. Wo pray you to look down 01 us. Wo nro your children , and you placed usfirat in this land. Wo pniyynu to look down on us , no nothing but the truth will bo spoken in this council , Wo don't ask for anything but what is right nnd just When you made your rod children , O Great Spirit , you made them to have -iiH'rcy upon thorn. Now , wo nro before you to-day , pray ing you to look down on ua , and take | pity on your poor rod children.Vo pray you to have nothing but the truth spoken hero , \ \ o hope tlieto thinus will be settled up right. You aia the Eroteotor of the people who uao the ; ow and arrow , an well a1) ) of the pco- plo who wear huts und mirmonta , nnd I hope wo don't pray in vain. Wo ' nro poor and ignorant. Our fore fathers told us wo would not bo in misery if wo asked you for assistance. O Grunt Spirit , look down on your children and take pity on them. " Millions Qiven Away , Millloiuof liottloiof Dr. Klng'd New Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and Gelds , IUVB been given. Hway aa Trial Bottles of the 'argo ' Hire. Thin enormous outlay would bo iliiastroui to the pro- jirlotors. were it uot for the rare merit ! ) l > osi > esed by tlili wonderful medicine. Onll at 0. lf. ( jooJmuti'n Drug Store , und got a Trial Uottle Jrtt , and..try tor youraolf , never folia to euro. A BUR PRISE PARTY. A Pleasant Att'ulr at tUo Hosldonoo of Contractor Oouuatuivn , s A eurpriso party wJitoh was of moro ' than ordinary interest was given Thurs day at the residence of Air , J , 0. Oounainan , the well known contractor , on Sherman avenue. It wns in honor ot Mr , Grant Cuonsman ami his eohoolmato , Air , Ucorpo Bailey , who are to take their departure to-"ay for IIowo Academy , Mount Pleasant , Iowa , to roeuino their studies. Tliura- ho day was also the 21at birthday an- iiiveraary of Harry Oounsman , BO that the occasion WAS doubly appropriate for festivities. A commodious platform was erected on the lawn , which was brilliantly il luminated by scores of Chinese- lantern * , while the Conch Whip band added their finii music to the ether attractive features of the evening. There was about sixty present nnd the time was spent in congratulations , dancing and ether social enjoyments until midnight when there was a tem porary suspension _ of the proRramme to partake of a delicious lunch , Fun was then resumed nnd the party did not disperse until a late hour , nil expressing pressing themselves as highly delighted od with the impromptu but highly successful affair. Harry Oounsman received a beau tiful present from his mother ns a souvenir of his arrival nt majority , being a handsome gold watch and chain. THE Uir. : congratulates both the recipients on so pleasant a remem brance from their friends. Debilitated [ 'ppr one , and sufferers from wasting diseasoa nuch ns con sumption , scrofula , kidney affections , will bo greatly bcncfittod by using Brown's Iron Bitters. Republican Primaries. At n mooting of the republi can county central committee at 2 p. m. ycslorJny , Sop'ombor 4th was fixed as the date for holding the republican prim aries fur the election of delegates to the county convention to choose dele gates to the state , judicial district , senatorial nnd congressional conven tions. The delegates to the conven tion for legislative ofllcors and county commissioner will bo chosen at a prim ary of later date. If Von nro Rninod in health from jiny cause , especially from the use of ny of the thousand nostrums that prorttso BO largely , with long fictitious testimonials , have no fear. Resort to Hop IlHtors at once , and in ohort time you will have the most rabunt and blooming health. Notice to tbo G. A. R. I have learned that the U. P. will run special trains , starting at an early liour Monday morning , from Omaha , Lincoln and Stromabarg , arriving at Glrand Island early in Hie afternoon. Those coming by those irnins will : hus bo enabled to got comtortably Jred in camp boioro nightfall. , The opening exorcises of the lie- union commence ut 8 o'clock Monday evening. The regular U. P. train $ o. 3 , leaving Omaha nt 12:15 : , is duo icru at 7 o'clock. Some little time will then bo occupied in getting into camp , auppor , otc. The dosirablo- icss of coming by the earliest trains must bo apparent to all , and I recoin- nond that all do , whore it is practica- lie. lie.I I do not know whether the B. & M. will nin epecialn or not ; but if it hould , leaving at an early hour , run hem to Duatings , Central Oity nnd Jolumbus , it would enable parties oming by these roads to arrive ut Jrrtiid Island boto'ro night. I request all members of the G. A. I. having muskets to bring them. Joim M. THAYEK , Commander of Camp. , 'a Dlsenio , Diahet0 , Ktdnoy , l.lvov or Urinary Dl oa BB. Have no f oar of any of the diseases if you use Hop Bitters , na they will prevent - vent and euro the wo rat case ? , even when you have boon mitdo worao by como ( -rent pulled up pretended cure. Corrntpotidcnco of The Deo. BLAIU , August 21. Cur citizens are indulging in all kinds of remarks nbout thin pxtromely hot weather. The con- eolation is thut it is fast bringing the corn out of the way of the frost. Blair's building boom is progrepsinj , finally. The largo brick block beinj put up by Hungnto und Maylo wil probably bo built three stories high If BO , Blair will then have n fust-class hotel building. Politics ia beginning to boom and candidates are Hocking around thick About the only thing of intorcs around hero lately was the game o base ball hetvrt'on the Alerts of Blair and the Brickbato of Arlington , jiluy cd at the latter placeon last Tuesday , which resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 8 to 3 , the Alurts not playing the ninth inning , The following is the ecoro by innings INNINGH..I i ! ! l -1 fi 0 7 8 H Alerts 1 1 0 0 a 1 5 ! 1 0-8 Brickbats..U 0 U 1 0 0 1 2 0-1 Farr , catcher for the Alerts , dii tome excellent playing ; only ono pass ly ed ball in the whole game. Also Kit- toll , their first baseman , who did sonu , ' ino batting and catching. His play ing was perfect In every particular ; only two huso lulu miidti in the garni ' and very few errors. Onmo pluyod in ono hour ami forty minutes. The ame wa ? witnessed by n largo mini- JOT of ladies from Blair who accompa nied the plajors on the train. A uunorul good time wua had all. Hix , There's aVill In ore's a Wny. Anyone who hai the will to try THOMAS Ki , uTiuu Oil , will Kuroly lind tlio way tu obtut health , lu C.WH ( uruuchlal nlffc- uuii , enro tlirifx * , pains , via. ; ami aa an Interim ! remedy , it is Invaluable. jlilw / V nTc SELTZE : III nf ci thi G "Proaorvo and nogulate , Not Do- Tl Utroy"lta sountlinotto til inoulcatlons MUU ! ) Utceinauihlp. I'roerie the tloorof tliodl- reitliu organ * and ro.'ulnto the socretlons with 'arrant's Heltur Ai > urlent , nnd jou sull cure jlpepiU and lltoi toaiplalnt by a prjccsjln laruiouy ulth thu lausof Nature. Violent inoj. UnesliMuhad their day , 'llioj divitalize the intern. Itoaionaa ncll the ktomach rujecU lUly on tlilieiliilcratlnir ( jn'tlQc. bOLI ) liy ALL BE ISol ISolUl Ul Ulua ua EUROPEAN HOTEL , cad ure The most oonlralU located hotel In the city. 1 Ilcoiut 750. 81.00 , 81 COand Jiogperday. ' to 11r t Clisti llutauraut connected ultn the tofj liotci. it HURST. - - Prop. jc , > j.i Corner Fourth and Locuit Strocti. X.OXTX8 XUCO. SEEK hc.ilth and Avoid sickncs ? . Instead of feeling tired and worn out , instead of aches and pains , wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong ? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing , and no one but your self can find fault , but if you arc tired of that kind of life , you can change it if you choose. I low ? By getting one bottle of BROWN * IRON BIT TERS , and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield , Ohio , Nov. s6 , lESi. Gentlemen ! I have mlTered with pain in my tide and back , and preat orenes on my breast , with shootIng - Ing palm all through my body , at tended with Rreatweakneif , depres sion of spirit ! , and lots of appe tite. I have taken tercral different medicines , nnd was treated by prom inent phyilclanj for my liver , kidneys - neys , an J spleen , but I got no relief. I thought I wou'd ' try Ilrown's Iron Hitters ; I hive now liken one bottle nnd n half and nm nbout well pain in tide and back all gone soreness nil cut of my breast , and 1 have a peed appetite , and am gaining In strength and flesh. It can justly be called i' JOHN K. AttnNonn. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is composed of Iron in soluble form ; Cinchona the great tonic , together with other standard remedies , making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic , which will cure Dys pepsia , Indigestion , Malaria , Weakness , and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. Murray forks , Burlingtor > wa. Engines , FOR * CREAMERIES rARM MILLS , Printin ? Etc. , QA Specialty The Largest Iron Working Eatablial mont in thp State. UANUriCTURURS OF Steam Engine AND GENERAL MACHINERY Hnwar-fLAntnmatio nut-Otf Steam Engine , Bonn rnr circular. 2l-1m f KENDALL'S [ SPAVIN CURE COL. L. T. ' Youngitown , Ohio , .11 * , „ .qcn Dn. H. J. KXMIALI , * CO.--1 hnd n Vn'T , ah , lileHamhlttonlin colt tint Ip'lznl ' vcry > \ ( , | y hohvl n large lijno fpivIn in ono J'unt arm i mall ono on the other Mhlcl made lilui vcr < lame ; I ha < l him under t ) o tharru o' two voter Inarj surieoiiii vv Mc'i ( tiled to dire him I won oiiaday trading tlio jitlscinont nt Kcndall'M Spavin Cum In theChluiRO K\i < rc8iI deteruilnoc aioncitotry it aid trot nurcru/g'sts ' rere to and t > r It , ni d they rrdrrcd torea hottltw ; 1 took all aid I thoMuht I vtouM I'lvo It a Ihoioui ; ! tilil , 1 used It a corJIuf to direct ! in and the ourth duy trio colt co scd to ho tame nnd the . lumps have dlmppcarid , I used hu ono bottle and tia call's Minus roa > fioc of luu'pi and an smooth us any horao In the Hate Iln Isfpt'ro ' cured. Tim turo wino remarkable that I have lot two nl inv nolKhbij hnvo the rcnnln. t\g \ two bottles win nro no * inhibit. Very respectfully. U T. FOSTGIl. 8. Send for Illustrated circular living potltl1 _ proof. 1'rlcoijl. All DrUL-sM ts liavo It or can n'etltfor you. Ir. II , J. Kendall t Co. ' , 1'ro- tulotora. Cnosburuh TalH , Vt. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. d-wlv THE KENDAU t PLil'ffl&IADHIIEl ' DEKSS-PKERS' ' OOMPAHIOH , J. It plaits ro.u l-.lct a n Inch to " width tu thu ccuirMsl iolts or flneat ol ki 0. II dooa all klndi and styles of j laltin ; la uw , I No lady that docs bcr own drcM-uuklni ; c u alTord to do without one as nlco phitinr i nuvrrout of fashion , If stenlt selli Itwlf. 7fr Uacblnea , Circulars or Agent's terms t Lima , CONG.AJI & 00. , Ailam Rl Ohlnacn ( AND . H. the Rermolatr fol , tech. Initltuto. Troy , H , Y , Thool lot a < iliiMr. , school In Amnriui ext term ' -tulns Hop. eiuber 14th. Ilia rojlstf r for ISM contilin litof the itraduau * for the pait 65 jcam , with their posltloni ; aluo , cturi cf tudy , rcnulre- incuts expenses , otc. Addrons DAVID M i GREENE , _ JS * ! ' " _ Dirnntnr. GKAY'tt TRADE ody. Anun- falling cure for Seminal Weakueis , Bpurmator- rhea , Impot * encj , and all follow ki a BEFtaETAKinQ.sequcnco of AFTER TAIINQ. our. olf-Abii oR3 ; Ixiuol Memory , Unlrcrul Latsl udo , I'alri In the Hack , Dlmuesn of VIMon , Ire nature Old Ace , and many other DU-oaso that to Insanity or Consumption and a I'rema- Orate. t < 3Tull particulars lu oar pimohlet , which h ! ddlra to tad free I v wall to cury ouo. 9.8. CYTho Bpeclfl catedlclno Is told by all druWlsta lu tl | wr rackafro , or 8 p clces lor 6 , or will gent free . , by mail on ree'ipt of the money , by i.ri TilKQHAV 4KDICINKCO.V Bcffalo , N. T. ocfrne-ood , A JL ( 100,000 TiMKEN-SPRING VEHICLES NOW IN USE. They surpafs all others for eny riding , styla and durability. They nro for aalo by nil Lending Car riage Builders and Dealers throughout the country. SPKINGS , QEAR9 & BODIES For sala by Henr/ Timken , { Patentee ardBuilder of FinoCarrlii s , so ? x.otris , - - zvaro. Jl-Cm I.STABLISHED IBS. SIDE srnmo AITAOHMENT-NOT PATENT EU. A. J. . . SIMPSON , LEADING CAEEIAGE FACTORY 1409 and 1111 Dodge Strcot , aug 7-rao Om OMAHA , NEB. DR. CLARKE CLARKEBt Bt St. Louis , la Btlll treat ing nil i'KlVATE , NKR- VuUH , CIMtONia find Fpcclal Diseases , Spcrma- tonhfBa , Imiiotincy ( Sox- nal Incapacity ) , Femala Diecasofi , Irrcgularltloi , Dimcultfcs , etc. fST Ladles , tcnil 25 cents ( In etamps ) t > p > y cxpresu chargcii on a 'Haluablo work" entitled "UUoito ? of Women , etc. " Work on CIIROMC DlSKAsrs , ono stump. otSclMibU'o or 1'ihnto Dlscnso , send 2 stamps or CRlituRATRD WoiiKson Nervous and > c\ual Iilseswca. Consultation personally or by letter , FIII1K Consti t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS CL'llEi ) . Olllco In quiet. I rlMtc , respectable ilncc. You sco no ono but the doctor. Or. lithe ii the only physician In the city who war- ( lanta turrs or no pay Medicines tent o\cry where. Hours , 8 A. . to 8 P. II. DOCTOR 017 Sfc Charles St . , Mo. A HEOULAU GRADUATE Of two miai- ! cil | KC9..1iubecn lougcr onpnifoj In the t-c.t- mcnt cf OIIUONIC' , NEllVOUJ , SKIS AND 1)1,000 ) Di'easci than any other pnjfbldan In St. I.ouls as city p p n show anil all old resident knov > . ContUltat.on aioIHco or by m il , free anil in vital. A friendly talk or his opinion costs nothing. When It Is Inconvenient to \UttIo city for treatment , modicinrs can bo Bent by mall or express e\erj where. Curable lascssiurintecd ; wnero doubt exist * It Is frank- y itattd. fill or writ ? . Nervous prostration , Debility , and i'hysical Weakness , Mercurial and otlicrnllcctlimn of Throat , Skin and Bonea , Blood Impurities ami Bloud 1'olsoning , 8Un AITectioiia , OM Sorea nnd Ulcers , Impediments to Mnrrmi-e , Uheumatii-m , attention to case * from over.worited brnin SUIUJIOAL OASES receive special attention. Uiseapej nri irjjj from Jmprii lence , Exci-aseH , Xnnuluenced NERVOUS DEBILITY , Di. K. 0. Wci ? Ncrvo ond'urafn'a'rcataiont A tipoclQa for Hysteria , Dlxzlness , Couvulolonf. Norvoui Headache , Mental Depression , Loin of UemaryBpcrmaorrha.a.Impoteucy , Involuntary ICtnlulons , I'remf.tuto Old A e , caused by ortr- oxcrtlon , self-abuse , or nr-lnduljfonco , which loadu to icltcry , decay and death. 6ino toi will euro recent cane ; . KaJi box contains one month's troataiint. Ono dollar a box , or FIX boxes for In five dollar ; , eent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee nix botoa to euro any case. With each order rjccUcd by ua far Ix boxes , ac companied vltli 3iu dollars , will send tLo pur * chajer our written puarwiteo to return the money If the treatment def coJ cBict acuru. of 0. F. Ocodrain , Driwlpt , Sole. Wholcsala and ah T-il AB tn'i Om h , Nob. Ord-rs by tunll at ' DISEASES lucurablby otlitr ircitmcnt u nocturnal loffia , strictures , vail otolo , he stxuil , tiilunry , gravel , stor.c , ukers , DrlghtX th , droiw } , consumption , eoro throat , ta- " ' ' , d'Miniws ' , hllllousno.-s , uialnila , neuralgia , he rnciiuujism , heart , kldniy and bladilorol'cinrD , th nro'tireAiiy thaA < ahcI Mineral SprlnR Water , an or the jioifccUji rei tttatnifiitof the huroiioan nnd ttMh a Ito ? \bffi \ $ v/.th ct& ' ' ' * ' lamphlet , v.thllr . 'i'J'c1 ? cures free ilcdVj I ircatl. .tcrlllty. iiostr.te . Bland. On a Impotence , 25c. tjtllo B , 134 Loxuiutoa eve. New Yo.k city t7-davviiu . HEAR THEJ/iTNESSES. / Jlniy shrleik from pu HcUj In connicthnvvith . H , U . hut vtua'O permitted tn rifcrtotbu ( ol- IOH ini ; IHTDOIH w ho uav o Kuntn and ttiriojoJ Its woiuirful i fleets : Tl I yitRr , ] i iton Co , Oa. Wo liava kn n "Bwit' ( ' lAj.flc" tejied In huiidrtidsolmoit obstinate CJ9 at "looj I'osou- IIIR , iltrcurlal lUuun atinn , tfj vul , tiorcj , fczorra , Cat nh. cto , nijd do o clontlously ; tlf > that a met vvlih the moat pcra. ' tvnd nig- nil UCCU3K , tITt'u'cd rndiml un 1 pcrinjf. nt curia Inevorj c BD without a BliiLlo oxoo , tit& lluiih L Uennard , Ceo. W Kill nTV John Q , llrovn , Ooo. W. fSluglttoT , Win. Ilruunon , John II , Iluuj , , Jnniei D. I harp , " 1JI Warren , < 3 MooroaTulte , .1. W. Helvln , . W , Wlmbcrly , J. W. Woolfoik , ( . D. I lerce , thcrltf , J. W. Mann. Co. Trow. . 0. Duncan , T. II. Ktllcn , v & Cordon , V. U. Imtner , the iff , woaro ( rnionally acquainted with fiuge lie. mrn uliMaiKimiurti appoor to the above cer- tlllcatf. 'lhay are tltliei s of ealil cjuntof the hlghcit refpo u < blllt/ and uaaractor. jp. . OIL12S , Ord narv , Hcubton Oi.Ca. D. H. CJULLUll.U'K Hap. Ct. Uoutiou Cu. Qa. itt u' favorable reports. Bellevo It nupaiinu for all Hood Dlicaseu unlftrsal K tl facllon " rili 0. W. JOM S & CO. . Mtiupbla.Tuin. "S.'H. 8. VUes better uatUfactlon tlun any liluy e ha > o ever handled. " JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark. "Have Mtucr beard ft complaint of B. H. 3 'I AUTllUU I'CTKU & CO. , Loulsulle.Ky. Dr " 3. B. S , has given entire satisfaction too cry . " A. II. UICIIAKDd , ShermanTux. "I have hid excellent tale for 6 , B , S , and the torn results liMObcan tno t BaiUfactory,1 kiti r" J. O , HUlUlt ; , Howling-Oncn.K } . "Our sales of H. S , 8. liato been good , and Us UCCCDJ iierfect. " JONia &OAHEVMontgouitry , Ala.Q "S. B.S , has gl\en entire t&tlffaction toc\ery . " K HKUbS , 1'aiU , Ttxai. "S S. 8. huclien unuer al patlnfactlon. " D H. W. I'Ott'fillS ft CO , , lUthnioiiJ , Va. t'ra ' ' t'raI1 I1 ,81,000 Reward w < ll be paid to iea homUl wlofllliltid , on analysis o ; 103 to . 8. , cat rutlcb of Uercury , ledUc of Pa lumci lay Mineral subetanou. B a\YUTBFKCIJflO CO. 1'rops J.I AtUnta , G . Pile * of Small site , ll.CO. large elta ll.To. Bold bf all ' ch suffer from Dyspepsia , me BUUDOCn. < LOOD BITTERS. If you are afflict3 with Biliousness , mo BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If jou are prostrated with sick Headache , talie BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS f your Bon els are disordered , regulate them with BUUDOCK BLOOD HITTERS , If vnur Blood Is rnpure , purify It with BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If jou ha o Indigestion , you n 111 hnd an antidote In BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you Are troubled * lth Spring Complaints , or- adlcato them with BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If j our Lh cr Is torpid , restore It to healthy action with 11UHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is atlcctcd , you will find a sure re- storallvoln BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any jpcclcs of Humor or Pimple , hll not to take BUUDOCK BLOOD HITTERS. If you hav o any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curalho remedy will bo found In BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the 8) a- tern , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Norvoui and General Debility , tone up the sj stem with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 81.00 pet dottle ; Trl * BotttoslOCtt FOSTER , MILBUM , & Go , , Props , BUJETA1O , N. Y. Bold at wholesale by leh & UcMahon and C. F. Ooodnmn. Je 27 eod-me The Great Lngiish Eemedy Never falls ta cute ( Nervous Debility , VI- Ital Exhaustion , Emls- Islons , Seminal Weak- Bncsses.LOSTMAN klHOOD , and all the j evil effects of youth- llful tollies and execs- 'J4cs. It stops porma- aiientlj all weakening. Ilnv oluntary losst a and Ddratns upon the sjs- jjtum , the Inevitable re- . , „ , "suit of these evilprac- tlccs , nhlch are so destructive to mind and body and make Ufa miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nervrs.Braln , mcmor } ( Blood , Muscles , PlRoativo and Repro ductive Onrana , It restores to all the oreanlo funotlrna their former vitfor and vitality , ma- kin ) ; life cheerful nnd enjoyable. Price , $3 a bottle , or four times the quantltj 810. Sent by cxprcao. fecuro from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. So. 0.0. D. sent , except on receipt of { 1 as a guarantee. Letters rj- qucatln ? answers must inclosu stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tbj best and cheapest dvfpepsla and bllllous euro li > the market. Sold by all druggists. Price CO cents. Dn MINTIB'S KiDsir RKMRDY , NupnimcuK , Cured oil kind of Kidney r-nd bladder complalnto , gonorrhia , gleet nnd loucorrhca. For ealo by all uauirglsts : 81 a bottlo. KNGLISII 1IEDICAL INSTITUTK , VISOlUoSt. , at. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. OOODIIAN. an effect , not a cause. Its origin li within ; Its manifestations without , licnce , to euro the disease the CAUSKDiust ha removed , and no other way can a cure over 1 o effected. WAKHETl'S SArEKlpITOY AND JjIVjBR CUBE Is csubluhej on Ju t this principle. It rcanzoj that 95 Per Cent. nil diseases arize from deranged kidneys an cr , audit strikes nt cnco at the root of the Illlculty. The elements of vvhlchlt Isiomposod 'io directly upon theao great organs , both as a eon and RrsroROR , and , by plating thorn In a healthy , condition , drlvodlacado nnd pain from the svstcm. Tor the Innumerable troub'cs cnnstd by un healthy Kidncju. Liver end Urinary Organs ; for dittrowlng UleonlcMot Wonieu ; for Malaria. physical derangements generallj , this great roni'dy has no wjual. lit are of Impostors , Im itations and concoctions slid to bo Jim as good. For Bale by all dealt. rs. H. H. WARNER & CO. , ni" _ KonhoHtnr N. Y rlieniivrr jou tte\ \ ynur j tcn . LlvniuiluK.fob. in Mtinul VH 1 , M * M. . nsfKosan Ri- BiaeacsaagiCSaffiSII giaamaissiatriv To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. , J. B. Simpson's Specific Is a poiitlvocum for Hpermatoirhea , Semlo * reoknau. Impotancy , and all dlsoasoe reaulttcg Sclf-Abu e > , as Mental Anxiety , Lossi Itrucry , I'alnsjn jhe jiack or fjjde , mj dlseasej ' kLk ! > * if ' * TirVu tliat lead to Consumption Insanity an , carlygrarc -bu Spcclflc Uo.Ulne It Itlcg cued with vrondoi' : la"uecojo- A ' l _ ; free to ell , Wilty'ioi itmu ind gel fuU rf.r < 'eal\M , 1'rlee , SpelBc , f 1.00 v" r o , or ill pick , for Ca.CO. Addrcw all orJcrs to B. mitSONIJEDICIHE CO. KOI. 101 and 106 Wiln 6t Butftlo , N , Y. Soli In Omaha by 0. V. Goodman , J. VT. CclJ , K. Uh , aud all dianliUoTtry where. i f . .f&w "Bt.ACK-DnAUGHT" cures dj and heurtburo. IT SI PDLLEli. E. M MAXWELL FREMONT NEB . , , , , , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following advantages are Inltncd for this Pulley : IT is srnostiKrt and more durable , owing : 1. To the absence of shrinkage strains. 2. To the increased num. ber of orirs. 3. To the fact that t he rim Is much ( stronger than the cast rim. IT 13 BKTTEn BALANCED. It 13 MUCH LIQI1TER. IT SAVES DtLTINO. IT 18 CHF-AFKn. There is no danger of breakage In handling when fhipped loose. When shipped looeo they nro generally accepted as thlrd-clas * freight Insloid of first-class , nnd as the weight la only one-halt that of cast Pulloya the freight i * still further reduced. WK OUAKANTIU THEM to perform satisfactorily any work from the lightest to the heaviest. SPLIT FULLEIS from 12 to 48 inches diameter only. Pulleys of wider face than 18-inch arc provided with two sets arms without extra charge. charge.Wo supply each Pulley with two set-screws without extra charge. > -ALSO Agent for CUE OLA.IMB. What wo claim for our PATENT HOT POLISHED SHAFTING is : 1st. That it Is round and straight. 2d , It can be accurately rolled to any desired gauge. 3d. That its sutfaaa being composed of magnetic oxide of Iron obviates any un due tendency to rust or tarnish , while it at the same time gives one of the beat journal or bearing surfaces ever discovered. 4th. That it will not warp or spring in key seating. lith. That it is undo of the very best of refined stock , jt2TFor further particulars , price list and discounts , send to E. M. MAXWELLS "Foundry nnd Miwhino Shoo. Fremont Nob. WHOLESALE Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { l'M8 a\\s \ 0 tf me I OBSRPELDEE & CO. W.ll. f U. JUKlN&OiN MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frails , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peck & Baushers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , 8TEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. "T" T I J I i / * "V V X / USTT" QT"V tX .0 . _ tj-tTuV-x W JLN3 OO v v J WHOLESALE "NTS , OlF 'JjjJ2 > Windovvi and Plate Glass/ . \ tZTAnyoDo contemplating building , or any other fine will fltVf" to " * 0- to corn ! ) end with us before purchasing their Plate Glues. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA WHOLESALE ' f an A f E're ywikla On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Bjuglas Sts. , 3E * . DEALERS ttl 150. Fire and Burglar Proa \ KTl 1020 Farnham Street , JOBBER OP 0 AND WIN EASTERN. PRICES 1118 FARM AM ST. - OMAHA , .