The Daily Bee. OiAHA. . Pridav Mornins , Aug. 26 , \Vonthor Report. ( I'ho following observation. MO taken nt the satno moment of time ftt all the station * * "WAR DKrAr.TMKNT , U. &JlOXAt 8KB. VICE , OMAHA , Aug. 21,1882. ( f ' SrS nilE BtiTIOJlS. Denver. . . . , 29.14 E Fre h le r Cheyenne. . 29.C3 Fait W il aklo. . iKre-h Flr Tlatto . . . Kre h Octr PO , Fro h klr TMhton . . . M.14 S Light Fair . 21 M rtW ' Fnlr DcaMolnoi. 'hl . L Lt. riln D ttn ] > ort. . Sfl.Ol W.S5 Bruit l inly 2) 01 Driik ouiiy MoothraJ. . 29.62 9W Milr Vincent . . 21. KO Thro iln ni m rck. . f .7 ( Frcih Clear Ruford . . . M Kl , frc li ulc r Cutter. . . . > io h II 7f Devlwooi. 21.75 Fre h Clear AMlnlbolne , Jllrer < 0 fe * > i 3 Inches above law water mark Omaha , 4 feet 0 Inch at Yanktonj Mlwlwlrpli feet Hlnches at L Crowe , ami Meet 7 Inches H Dabuque. LOOAL BUEV1TIES. The Omaha Cricket Club In getting up nome fine unlformii. Dorr , pitcher for the U. IVs , h Cone to join the at Lout * Browno. The river In now bnt C feet 10 lnchc Above low water mark und steadily falling. The game between the Union Pacifies .and Stannarda , of St. Louis , Saturday , will he an intcrcntlug one. The Omaha Mnonnerchor baa engage Irvine's orchestra to accompany them I'latUmouth next Sunday , All lovora nf the national game 1ionl turn oat to-day and witness the conic between the Loadvlllo luc and the U. M. ' . The tlekctn for the firomon's parad und bull , September 13th , will bo out nm tn the hands ot the cotumltteo to-day to-morrow. The Union Pacific liana ball club hnv \ made Hrr ngotncntu to play the Urow Stocklnga of St. IiiuU on the 13th , 14tl ' ftnd ICth of Boiitcmber. Day and evening tcmlons bein ( tcmbor lib. Send ( or circulars. Ailclre Wyman Commercial College , Omalm. Mrn. J. W. Potty , wo are sorry loam , U Bcrioua'y 111. ffino trouble U the nature of congoatlvo chllln. It iJ hopi that she will Boon improve. Prof. Thiolo's Bavarian hand hw bf cspcciallyl engaged to play lo Council P,0. and other cities In Iowa. Tlieir o' inentwill Iftflt two or thrco days. , jncgt Don't f01 net that one ofna will games of ball ever played In , . on tic take plaoo to-day nt 3'JOJO : Assocla- ground * of the 41. & M. At' tton. jIncBlny in the A lamp oxploJc < Jer , 1208 Pncilic house of Chrli. Sg'wortn of damage utroet , and did uboed In attemptim ; teA A boy woo badly , , ' cxtlnRuish thoi . Uurchard , of Wash- Hon. Hoftho'U. ' S. Mints , | g In ington , dirirjg homo from Denver and stands no ahow for a branch I a man early yea- f pday W w ° 8 suptwsod to be suffering /torn may * potu. It turned out that the fellow vrft little off of hia base and ho was senl0108 to bo cared for. Thrall Keating Committee appoint ed by tldlfToront Councils A. L. of II , , re reqsted to meet at M. Toft's store , cor. Fjam and Twelfth street , Friday ovcnlnat 8 o'clock sharp. Tcommlttco / appointed to raise fundsIr the proponed German Bchool to bo estpHsbed in this city , report very good flncceJ. MOISM. Julius Meyer and A. Dorann , compon.ntho committco. Robert Mo Wade , the celebrate J actor , will pp ar at the opera homo Friday nfghi In hia great character of Hip Van Wirjclo. Ifo ia Hupportod by n mipcrb conpaoy of artltbi , anil the public may f col assured of a delightful evening's cuter- tiinment. A telegram reoolvod from General Howard , now at West 1'olut , states that t-.e will arrive in Omaha , September Tith , to take command of the department of the 1'latto. Lieut. Bubuyler , ono of General Crook's aids arrived frutn Ft. Sidney yea- terday.A . A tame colt created a goad deal of Amusement on upper Farnam street yes terday by sticking Ida nose against every body that passed alouj ; the sidewalk. Ho wan a gentla aa a dog. Ilia particular fancy noemed to be for Mr. I'M. Stout , whom ho game near eating up. A messenger was out to the city mar- tlal's ofUco Wedncaday asking that a po- licem&n be sent to Chicago atreet , between ICth and 17th to arrest a man who was trying to set fire to the place , throwing latnpa about , etc. The ro-muit was compiled - piled with but the man was yotterday d Bcharged. The exact date of the departure o f Gen. Urook and the otherolEcew who hav be n ordereJ 11 Arizona U n * > t yet known , And It la likely that they will not leave un ill the lat of September , ax General How Ard , the new C'linraundor of the depart ment of the l'l tteia , , notrcquirod to reuori hero until that dato. Chris. Hart in an u went out to Gram I Itland yeatorday to try and make arrntiKO inents with tlio iiarty who Is to furninl ineala for Uio reunion to do the amo for Btato fair yUltors. Mr , Hartmacn IH op. pointed one of Gen. Thayec'n aids during the forth-coming reunion , Forty-seven cars of stock and a train of tea came In on the U , P. from the \v yesterday. Members of "Comjiany A , " Urooin Brigade , will rejxirt for tluty iotUy ( Fifda > ) at 4 p. in. , on the IAWU of Dlshop Clarkiiou'ii to drill for the Ifarvest Faith ai of Trinity Guild to come off ou tie everw ing of the 29th lust. , on tb UUliop'd grounds. J. K , H. , Captain oomuiandlng. In referring t # the game played but Saturday betwten the St. LouU Ueda and the B , & M , nine , the St. Lou ! Globe- Democrat of August 23rd , nays : "The St , Ix > ul Jled Legs , under the management of filirlst Ovetbecluc , play d the crack nine /or private i'Ood. of Omaha on Saturday last nnd were laid out by a wore oM5 to 4. " Tha residents of Shi .n's addition hare Mxrat decided to get out a search warrant , to find , if iKWuib'.e ' , the whereabout * of the man who has the contract of rebuilding the bridge < ver the creek on Saumlent tr t. Would it not be a * will If the commissioners were to ntlr "his nibs" up a HUM It In high time that yawning gulf closed up nnd the cars run out to the end of the track , The plvilercrs's 1' . U. of Omaha will hold a picnic at Horn's park , Council Hlufr , on Sunday , August 27th. Hxcur * lontlckot * admitting to the ground * , in- cludriR dancing , for the round trip , 50 cenU. Tickets can bo procured from any menver or t the depot. Train will leave nt UIO sharp. Music will bo furnished by the f. P. band. The association will start fromUity Hall at half-past 8 o'clock. ( n Saturday last , tome slick thief stole a mull package from the wagnn of the 1'acib JJtproM Company. It contained o new rombono for ono of the members ol Havely's Mastodons Xothfng WM imiil abnultho loss until Monday evening , when nfclliw nppcHii'd at the Haverty perform ancs/lcllvcrcd the horn asl \ from the PX prcwincsftcnfftr and demanded admlsslor - thcrcm , As ho was wanting In proofs n his Minority to represent the Kxprcs Coroany ho was llrcd. DlHJD. KKLS13N In this city , Aticust 2M. o t } > hold fever , Matilda Ncilnen , aRcd 2 yirs , 8 Fneral to-day ( Attgmt ? fi ) at tw o'cbk p. m , , from Jacobn' undertaking rooli. Krlcnds of tha deceased are In . vile to bo preHCiit , ATTEB. THE QALE. to Dente < tc 4BiE reporter lant evening had th picture ot ficotny , nt the rcai/lonco o < ! airJ. II. MoAlvin , on Hamilton ui cst romiMktibly fin Piu30 atrouts , some i pixitingB from the hnnd ot Prof. H. Larioryou , for n longtime nroeidont .do of his city. Prof. L ndory > u hna nd bee ; in England for Bomo pao nnd o hftsomnloyod his time diligcnti/ the finest bits ofner \ own the Hritish Wes. A & ? < 'n "y wn hia paintinKS h"VP . buon ford " ' wanaa to Mr . MJA 1" . , froln To o and "OR ° " " " . . ? St . , onf Iho " * "BMonocsfii this well : fS Now York Wld 1oal0" .ujB PKa Mr. McMvin re- > ctior lot , unions wliiU ) wna , . iirdcd the arliat'a . .a tr ua lincst . of work. ia " In . It called "Afto pod Oalu" ftiut is , as would bo inforrud torn the nnino , a marine view , which Prof. Landoryou excels. ; would bo an unpardonable presump . tion to ooBiiy to duncribn the painting but it ia complete and beautiful in every { detail und ia valued nt $1,200 Mr. MoAlyin , who has charge of the U , P. exhibit nt the Denver exposi tion , leavot to-night for that ' 'Majjia - Oily of the rininu , " nnd will take thu picture with him and hang it up in their department of the exposition building to compete with some pro , ductions of Colorado artiata , of wh ch the Denver people nro exceedingly proud. Ho expects to find a ready aale for the picture among the wealthy - art contioiBsoura of the Centennial State. Skinny Man. "Wolla1 Health Ilonowor" roatorca - health and vigor , ourea Dyapopaia Impotence , Sexual Debility. $1. Motion. Tlfo "Hawthorn Centennial Ex celsior Roof Paint , " waa patented May 24th , 1881 , and letters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or known to tamper with the manu- facluro of aaid paint will bo punish ed to the full extent of law. No per son haa any authority whatever to soil receipts. HAWTUOUN & Bno. , Lancaster , Pa. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMA. HA , NEB. Tabloa auppliod with the best the market nllorda. The traveling public claim they get bettor accommodations and more general natiafuction here than at any ether house In Omaha. Rate , S3 per day. au".21tfino DEATH KEOORD- GliarlOB A. Frttaly , n Prominent Yountf Member of tuo Omutia Bar , Deceased. Mr. OharloB A. Fritzly , died nt 11:45 : p. in. Wednesday , nt rosidono0 1215 Dodge atroot , of typhoid fever at the ago of 20 yeara. The deceased waa a prominent young lawyer of this city , n partner aa well ua claasmato of , T. M. Hitch cock , and had every promise of a brilliant career before him. Ho was n member of Fredorickaburg Lodge No. 891,1. , 0. 0. P. , of Fredor'ickB- burg , Ohio , and during his aickncua was kindly cared for by the Odd Fel lows of thia city , Ho lately took out n policy of insurance of 82,500 in the I. O. 0. F. which was in favor of his neico. neico.Mr. Mr. Fritzly was taken nick about n month ago and hia relativea were no tified by telegraph. A aiaier arrived in time to bo present during hia last moments and a brother arrived tliia morning , just too late to BOO him again alive. The deceased haa a father and mother still living , the former 75 years of ago , the latter (53 ( , whoso homo ia in Middlotown , O. , to which place the remains were forwarded by express yesterday. Mr. \ \ \ F Uechul , auditor of the U. P. express company , waa a cousin of the do- ceased. SLA YEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE Mwdo from thu wild ( lowers of th KAW FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY , it ia the most fraprnnt ot perfumes. Manufactured by H. U. Slavon , San I'raiicisoo. For Halo in Omaha by W. J. WJutohousu and Kennaio Bros. , & Co. ' HORSE TAKEN UP. Taken up by mo , August 22d , a * b y horse , front foot white and both hind legs , black matio and tail , about nine years old , collar marks on suouldor , and halter on. Owner can ot hint at Stephonson's stable by pay ing charge * . OmcKit PINE RIDGE. An Interesting Interview with Dr. MoBilliouddy , Rod Cloud is Downed for the Present and "Politically Dead. " The ClnM oC Pcoplo Who Mnvo Brought on nil this Tronblo. The Time Past for Torapotlzlnff with thu Indians. Dr..V. T. McGillicuddy , 110 Indiat vgent at Pine Ilidgo agency , arrived n the city laat evening nnd registered at the Millard hotel. The doctor came down on business of his own and nleo to consult General Crook in relation to the present situation at Pine llidgo' ' agency , the recent disturbances at which have boon pretty fully stated already through the columns of 'Jan BKK. PINK nibon B 12a miles from Fort Niobrara ; the nearest post is Fort llobinoon , 03 miles nest , and the nearest railroad station is Thatcher , the present terminus - minus of the Sioux Oily A ; Pacific road , seven milea thia aide of Fort Niobrara , though just before Dr. Mc Gillicuddy loft lor Omaha ho learned that the H. 0. & P. surveyors were nt work running the line about 30 miles south uf tlio agency , on the llunning Water. THK POPULATION1. There are 8,1)00 ) Indians in thia agency at present , it boini ? the largest in tlio service. Of those 400 are Ghcyonnoa removed from the Indian . 'orntory , nnd 000 nro Sitting Bull's Si ux. The rest are all Sioux Indians. Thk uiily force nt the agents command for n sorviiifj order IB the Indian police , % > ut fiO in number , who are all uniformed anil do regular guard duty at night , Tho" more fact of the Doctor's - Wng hero now ia an acsuranco suf- - fhiont that ' THKUK 18 NO wlntovor at present of any out-break , ' although some people migH bo im- - protDjd with the idea that ho was scared nnd had skipped nut. Ho is st not that , kind of u man. lie received "j n.t 'ijnim while attho _ Millard ln.s ight iWt all was quiet und that the nt Indians WOu fonOH-ing tholr ordimry , It avocation , nwd h buildillj P- houdcs , etc. " " & ' K reP ° lo' Ar'I , ; nailed upon Dr. in and McGilhcuddy Ienr { . > d „ „ „ „ iltor. . facts in addi ion 0 wlmt has 10 already been published. K iio there is no danger whatever of io at the agency nt present , although i ID thinks the matter id tl NOT YKT .SKTTI.KI ) . Ill There is a ring of white men on and off the reservation * , whoso enmity ho has gainedin endeavoring to manace Pine Rid go agency. These men's ' efforts in stirring up the Indiiinn , will result , ho thinks , sooner or later , in trouble. Ho expects in a few days , also , to hear calls in the papers for his dismissal , from the theoretical philanthropists whoio flho'o idea and knowledge of the noble Rod man ia , originally obtained from reading. Coopcr'a novels and interviewing In dian tobacco signs. "This thing is OKTTINO TO HE MONOTONOUS , trying to deal with Indians and whites at the same time , and it don't mix well , but I hope that the rather rapid manner in which Rod Cloud's - war on the Great Father collapsed will prove to people nt largo that Red Cloud is not a greater man than the Great Father. " "This idea of the people in the cast that Red Cloud is a holy terror is a . mistake , but ho is a regular old dead brat. The whole trouble of late has been the result of nothing but n bull dozing operation , in which the bull dozers wanted to BOO if the present in terior department would bo easily " Beared. The docto.1 says that whenever ho loaves the agency ho takes an opurato with him , and when in camp at nigl HE TAPS THE WIllKS , and keeps posted on affairs at th atronoy. In this way ho learned 01 Monday nliiht , when in camp ( miles from thu agency , tha several white men living nt th agency with their families had boo feasting Red Cloud that morning an , bogging him not to hurt them in cas ho turned loose. "Tho white poop ] , at Indian agencies , " said the doctor , "actually Boom to think that an India agent is a regular life insurance agent being under the impresnion that hi must protect their lives and let disclp line and everything else oo TO TUB nons for the sake of not running them InU danger. Now , considering the fac that there is no law to force whit men and their families to live in tin Indian country , 1 would suggest tha people of the ohm described ought note to trust themselves beyond thu souni of the church bolls in our largo cities.1 Dr. McGillicuddy says thnt tlu alarm around the country is mucl worse than nt the agency , and extends as far as the Black Hills. While ho apprehends no present danger , ho thinks that the time for temporizing with the Indiana is past , and that the sooner HKl ) CLOUD is taught that the time of head chiofi is past , the bolter it will bo for every body. They have OOT TO COMB TO IT some timo. The trouble has been brought about largely by the Inlluenco of two or thrco outfits , ono of these is a frontier mob I have headed off at various times on stealing schemes , nnd several of whom I have boon obliged to put in the guard house at ono time or another. There is also the general theoretical eastern philanthropistwho thinks the Indian agents all thieves , and the Indians all anizols. " "Red Cloud by having been forced to como to the council room , by his own people ple , is what the Indiana term 'killed , ' as ho has been forced ro do a thing against his own will and ho will re main I'OUTIOAUY NEAD , if the philanthropists don't got a hold on the old man and indite him with the idea that ho ia bung abused. " , Dr. McGillicuddy will be in the city for two or three days and then return to the Bffcncr. Ho Is accompanied by Mr * . McGillicnddy , who will also return - turn with him. THE BI/UE AND THE GRAY. A Contest of Sclonco < wi < l Mueolo on the Diamond-Base Uall Drlefe. A. Montinercncj , Manager n. k .M. U o Ba'l Mtjc , Omun.-i , .S'tli : DKAR Sin : I learn with regret that certain parties in your city are work ing hard to detract from the merits of the "Blue * " aa base ball playcra , saj- inp "they are no good , " and so forth. Wo shall commence n series of games in Omaha , Friday , August 25 , and trust wo will find bettor playora than wo have BO fir in Nebraska. It ia my opinion Colorado has sorao'nf the best players to-dny outside of the OSRUO. Wo have played twenty-eight Barnes in Colorado and Utah thin sea- eon and only lost ono by n scratch , wo having worsted the simo club nix tirnca before. Wo have downed the Denver Browns six timca , and the Colorado Sptincs Rods three times. Traflluy and Newman wmo members of the Horla , and ooliovo the guntlo- men will tnnlify to nur ability M ball player ? . I am sorry to sue such a fooling of enmity as exists in and around your city nnd sincerely hope that wo will bo hold aloof from all such feelings while visitors in your midst. We are making our trip east ono of businocs and plo'asuro. We como from the youiiRont state in the union ; wo represent the most cosmo politan and hospitable city on the lace of the globe , und wo will take plpaa- lire in playing any club in the United States with tliui warm , pure brotherly fooling that should exist in tha bravcat of all gentlemanly b.ill player * . Wo expeoh to have a line game with you. Yours truly , IIAIUIY P. TIIK BLUES. The Loadvillo Blues came in from Hastings last evening and put up at the Cnnfield. They uro under the supervision of Ilarry P. Keily , nn old dramatic manager and late of the Glebe theater in Loidvillo. The "Bluon" rocnivcd quite nn ovation from the hands of the B. & M.'s , many of the players being known by the railroad boyo. The game to-day will bo an exciting one , as the Lead- villes deem it necessary to make a good showing nt thii point , they being booked for Council Bl tills , St. Joe , Loavcnworth , Kan sas City nnd St. Louin. Moat of their players are eastern men. Knodell , their catcher , formerly played with the ' "Atlantics , " of Now York City ; Kusslor , third base , was with the same club for a while ; Livin plays loft Hold , and was a long time with the "Live Oaks"of , Linn , IVIasa. ; Price , right field , ban plnyed in the Bu > o toitin. Dick Phelan , who has covoio jimSf ] with glory on second base our. , , , jlo Beagolli ja n western boy , and fl. y of the "Topekas ; " Dave I'outz is spa-0n of by the Denver - , vor papers as "tho t wildering pitcher - or , ' who hails from Baltimore ; Joe Tumalty , short stop , ia on old St. Louis player ; Butch JJlake , first base , i < ono of the best players in Denver ; Newell is an old college ball tosser. FODL TIP.H. Street cars every five minutes. The U. P.oexpect their naw men next week. Wo would like to see fUe Council Bluff raotal put to the teat. The U. P.s say they will moio than pound Dorr when they play the "Browns. " The Academy of Music band will blossom like the rose oz. to-day's game. Trallluy's base ball headquarters were crowded laat night. The B. & M.s have ono or two now players , who will probably make their appearance to-day. Harry P. Kelly , the man ager of the eastward bound Blues , is a member of the James A. G.vrfiold post No. 18 , G. A. U. Puul Vander- vort , the commander , and tha rest of the boys , are going to give him a big turn nut in to-days game. Wo are pleased to sea the B. it M. and U. P. nines playing on diilerent days. Everybody should see either the Loadvillo gmno or thu Stannard match. The U , P's are expecting the change catcher and pitcher of the Bostons. Donvor'u BU Barbecue. The big barbecue gotten up by the board of trade of Denver , und to which the business men of Nebraska and Kansas are invited , promises to bo a grand affair. In the proceedings of the board of trade , hold in that city last Monday evening , we find thu following : Pool Commissioner Piorson was called upun fur a statement regarding " railway transportation. Tno gontlu"- man stated tliut ho had not yet heard from tlio eastern roads , but that the trunk lines west of thu Missouri river the Burlington and Missouri , thu Atchison , Tppckti & Santa Fo and the Union Pacific roads had guaranteed free transportation to all mercoanU wishing to bu present ut Denver's bar- jucuy. Votes of thanks were then accorded o Commissioner Pioraou und the rail vajs for the interest manifested in Denver's welfare , and especially thu success of thu barbecue. For Bronchial , Asthmatic , and Pul- nonary Complaints "Brown's Bron- liial Troches" manifest remarkable urativo properties. Like all other meritorious articles , they are fre quently imitated , and those purchasi ng should bo sure to obtain the ; enuino. d&wlt IXFor Rent or Sale. A good house of IX rooma , in good repair , and lot , HO 220 , ou Fifteenth utioot , north of ridge , Rent , $15.00 per month , Will seller or $800.00 , small cosh payment , and alanco on monthly installments. Inquire at .Newspaper Union , 12th nd Howard. aug-4t-mo WANTED. A good second-hand t bicycle. Address box X. Central City , Neb 10-3t A BIG BUILDING. The Granaries of Egypt Outdone by those at the Trans fer , And Joseph Muat Take a Back Seat for the Omaha Hit vator Company. A Flying Visit to the Now Eleva tors Over the Rlvor. At tlio tpecinl irivitation of the Oninha Elevator company , a party of ontlcmoti visited the Council IHulTa rnmfur yesterday afternoon for the lurpcso of inspecting the now clova or , rhicli is now in a complete state find will be turned over to the lessees d ready for business Sept 1st. The gueata who went across Iho Big Muddy on the npccial train wore ! General Crook , Assistant Adjutant joneral Murtin , Colonel Clarke , Cap- tnin Umirke , Colonel Tower , Mr. Uhace , of the pay depattmont , Sena- wtor Saundera , M. yorJ3oyd , ex-Mayor Chaau , Ilarry Djuul , Samuoi Burns , John McCormick , M. 11. Goblo , C. Wnkoloy , George Towlc , A. L. Strong , \V. 11. Ualdwitij A.V. . Carter , Gcu. DickoiiRor , tS. D. Barkalow , R. C. Jordan , 0. 13. Havens , Jim Stephenson - son , H. T. Ciarko , Dr. Mercer , Sam 13. Jones , G. L. Miller , Charles Shivc-rick , George Slovens , J. U. Ilunsell , E. F. Test , George Sqniros , N , Merriam , 0. F. Good- inun , Gco. F. Labau h , Gen. W. W. Lowe , Howard ( Kennedy , E , C. Bon- Bell , William Wallace , W. C. W. Allen , White , Capt. Marsh , P. E. Her , Luther Drake , Geo. Wilson 0. B. Maxwell , J. A. Condon , Wil McMillan , T. B. Trail ! , L. Davis , and from Council Bluils , Ex-Mayor James J. D. Hart , Col. HofFmoyor and Goo F. Wright. On alighting from the train thi visitors were taken inchargo by Majo D. S. Barriger , by whom the oxcur siou was gotten up and who , nssistui by Mr. J. A. Murphy , the Ohicng < eleyator builder , showed them ovc the building and explained it in all iti details , The mammoth concern is the property orty of the Iowa pool lines , the Wa bash , 0 , K. I & P. , 0. & N. W. and C. . B. & Q , and was begun ii Juno , 1881. It has been leased bj the Omalm elevator company , consist ing of Major D. S. Barriger , Joht McCormick and Fred H. D.wis , eatab liahod in 1875 , and the oldest grain hoimo in Omaha. The now elevators nro built upon a foundation of 3,000 piles , above whiol ixro placed maaawo stonu piers , six am a hulf foot square at the base. The building ia ! )0i345 ) feet , and riaei 1I feet , with a four strong cupola , fron the roof of which there is a fine view There 0,000,000 feet of lumber in thi inunenso structure. The aides an covered with corrugated iron and thi sides and and top of the cupola witl tin. The capacity of the elpvato is one million bushels with a , cleaning and Grading capacity of 30i cars per day. It ia termed an oigh car oiovator , and there are 175 regulu bins , twelve feet square , with a c * pacity of 5,000 bushels each , one sixty five pocket bins , each dividec into four compartments , all being about 52 foot deep. The buckets cart ; up two or threp thousand bushels an hour , there being sixteen bolts am 24G buckets to each belt. The grea rubber bolt that rune the main ehnf is 245 feet long. A car of gram , 360 to 400 bushels can bo emptied in eight minutes T assist in this there arc wooden shovel worked by steam , which scoop graii out of the car into the elevator pil From there the grnin ia carried to th "bonnets" at the top , and thonc spouted into a cleaver , from which i goes into either storage or shippin bins. There are forty-eight acts v scales with a capacity of 700 bushel or 42,500 pounds each , and eighteen sots of cleavers with double taps. An original idea , which no othc oiovator has is found in the now machinery introduced hero by whic while one hopper is filling the cleave the other is being filled , so that th cleaver is working all the time. In the chaff that is blown from the fan out of the aide of the building it said not a handful of grain can b found to the carload. The ontir building is heated by steam and furnished nishod with water for iiro purpose from four wells. Speaking tubes ala connect all the floors. ' The engine manufactured by Jerom Wheolock , of Worcester , Massacliu setts , ia u beauty , and wits much ac mired by the Omaha party , for th smoothncsa of its motion. It is bull on the automatic principle and it unginuer , Carl Benson , cun run it a low aa ton horse power. The unanimous opinion of the via : toru WUK tliut the fine building won ! bu hard to bo exculled nnywhuro , an it will no doubt prosper in the hand of its managers. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds wuro filed fo record in the county clerk's oflico to day. Reported for TJIE BKE by Bel & Amua , real estate dealers : Aug. Koumzo and wife to Henr. [ loiTmoUtor , w. 'd , , parts of lota 21 and 29 , Kountiw'fl second addition § 250. Clias. and M. J. Morley to Gather ino F. Wodell , w. d. , o. \ lot 3. block 10 , Omaha ; 82,200. Mosea K. Clark to William Edwards , d. , south ( ! 0 feet of lot 8. block 201 $ . Omalm ; $10. NOTICL' Advertisement To Loan , for , Sale dt , KouuJ , Wants Iloardlnic , tc. , | ll be In wrted In thoto columoi oiire for TEN CEMS ftt Iloo ; each 9ubse < | Uent Insertion , K1YEOENT3 we lino. dnt Indortlou otrer lota ( baa WFNTV.KIVK to L.OAII MCintY. TO 1O4N-OD chattel uiortcaite le- MONEY . A. U Tuttun oltko of Orel ! & n Montgomery , otef Oonht National bink. 23-tf OMvK TU LOAM CUI at LAW Umco ol U. M L.ThooiM KoJraa Crtlebton Uloek. OK/k finn WAA At B tier coi 340v.UUU toroit ID um 4of , Mfl and upvarUi , for S to 6 re&n , on Dnt-cUM clly anJ firm property. Bima Itut , KiriTi arid LOA \ Aautor , letb and DourUi BU. HELP WANTED. 1ANT1'D-A frrt-chM elrl to Iron fh rH nt W JacktonStrettSt cct Laundry. 147-25' \TANTfD-Oo-d rutmimnt cook. App'y n VY I'D north llth strict , between Dolgo nd Capitol avenue. If251 rANTBP Steady worn ( or a enod , hravjr . , toini. Aadrcri II , Aithur Ue lt"muria Neb. 149U WANTED A plrl lot penrrjl h'ns4 < ork In final faily , 104 wnth S5thstice c r. D < ( lpc. . . 161-24 * WATTHl A era I cook hcr Rid Iron r , fo Jo wih ! cfflcotV faintly to For' ' v 1 I'M- a Nib. Call t Mr , lltirns'crrcl ry store FV- haul Hth ftrco s. US 2M WANTED A fMt-cla ) < u R'rl. G'tmin I nfcr red. 231 itr. ct , 2d I.OXHJ north ol F > .r- 1M-25 WANTKD * flr t-c n n pirl lor central house wojk , at No 1718 Ca a it eet. MM r. > . Crclghton. 153 70 WANTXD-A IO.M ! blacksmith. Apply nt cor , TthandMiicynrm. 137-251 PLTEIt OHHISTIASSCN" WANTKti Two N'o 1 nrcom makers at No l > rs.-.iirom ; IVtoiy. DjJgn s net. ISO Bit A O. KANWAV. AlfA'TEUMnlni ; mom Kir ) . Appyat Kcln \ > ci ko'd ( C3 ainnl , 13tn anil J.neon St. IZ9-4 J-At tlic National urtcl at 11 con , Ono flr t-tlixM | x > rter , tiiu t npuik tn il h ntnl atrniin ; n No. l Icmalu cj lalo ; two No. " iritis Will fay them JlOanJSiO per month , liffltf ANT rTTfcAfooii ttii5 i TJ fofovi W and t ko t'ukfr Snkfr lnl > lt ; ( .ood Apiily toB. 1 < Willaco , City lacry. ! . Kcnrniy , Nib , For refer ncojjo to It. Bitigham J So , Orr.ih > . lOS 278 aahi A K oU umnatic k inlilalu W N notiKta Rtcil , lomw man nee * pji j Hoo.l vntfin. S. McCoj , OAU t Housa , Jiuir nuv KO > erntLcnt corinll. 116-tf D I y run ) nrd Ife t AO unlurnltliii WANTI . uiili > .r wi limit b nrd. I'rii.itt fatlly pro'crro . Adilro 8 X Bee oiic. n'20 t \X7AXTED-A 9rnin to cook at 110 oiiti VThlrtcith stroit UAVla' 77-tf A boy notluB ! ) nn ] fijoar o'd. ' WANTKB lo Io rn photoitriphy i > t Oinrltr'n. lea i- b ( , ' photonr.phor. 1212 l-arinm kt 22-t ( ) 100 moil for ra Iroail oik. I WANTfcl Mannurlltr , o nplaymoi.t igcnr , 111 ] strict , ntar Farnim. 903tf i Tin tiJiiiis.fnrn S-.BO l > cr ilny W Inquire U. Vlnu..Lt. at 1'h let co Cut-oil. 000-tf "T'lrANT D OnuhnnclJoitmnn. VJn. < ei l 7fi VV per iliy. Arpljo Mitclio'l Vincrnt , n rioroncd Cut LIT , l.ino lull 9 north ol Onmhi. COott AVTKti AtFt. Ihnrics hotel , t o lint W classUinltigroom ulrli Df 3-tf WAKT D Boarder * a 110 P.outh 13th 8 Board S4.CO ; klsofun is ulnoiii. Fran Dav'fl. 0 4-tf VirANTKD A nnt-tl'Ni ( , 'lrl mu t bo iooil > V took , asher nriil Iiuncr. Wngct Ji 00 HIT week , Inquuo at Leo , Filed & CoX Doe offlcc. 934-tt WANTED CW privy vau.wi , clrHfl .mil ou poolto clean with : wnltar } Vauli ai.c Sink Oleincr , Iho Ix-fit In use. A. E'atu i ( X roMclpnra l0fl Tloilae FtrrK't. OnMh * . Aft i hi ) Ivvou iLrn luiliw . u ti i If I W iihjfclciars cll < t > . /dilribt-li I' < rn Iloo offlru. MICELLA- > -R WANTR WANTRi A mttniT. In n , ( living liu ln s with a < aplttl ( f 500 , or u 1' ' Mil loy a cm pc'int n un , wh' < will lian lie UriniJ.0. In at 117 eou'.h Iri'.lin.rceifor pa tl.u.ais. TKD To rent , a little st re inneoo WA localitv Irr 0ar btort. Inquire .it lr X Jac li'dUock. 12424)e ) ANTf.l ) los'll , a llglitet ck ana furni w ture cf rcstauntnt In lllalr , Neb. 'n ' ii ro t I. P. . , ai Wair , or A. Perkii a , Omaha 81-23 tillUATIONS WANTtD WANTKD Situation by n .joiiiiir man whd ( peaks Danish ill dry I ov 8 house. In quire ac tcindlniuIan hotel , 10 hit. 1 K-i\ WANTFD-SituatI'mbya nr t-cla-s cook , o : would di > pvstiy work ia hotel , \\ith ci" ro ere oi . tall 16lh aud Cumlugs btitet , ItOU 140 2S W J ANTED- Situation map ; ocery store o vrholcs\Ie house by a j U"t' Oai.e whc Ocrruai and rn iisb. Go d 'reference IMIIII h > > prevent einp'oyris Aod 09. C. N I/ . Fe ctllic. 144-2BJ ANTfcD PltuUl naaconc'nianQt ddo.-n W tral work aroi.nd the bouse. Reference n. icuuiro uorthi < tnar. IGiti ami l .rd. . - 13l-25t WANTtD Hy j younir ma > lust Tom awe d n , \ > lace In trliaio family Wil uor cheap. Adp'yatY. ' M. C. A. 135 20\ \ iilTUVM 'N ' WANT U A yoinp ! O u titunlon in a IIist'ClntH dres < making is MbU-limcnt. cr In a pmato family. Ad res. "M. Y " Bee olflcc. 13S-24f VV A TfcU A psltlon by a y < > unr n an , h ti a i , " od ealcsmitn and b -Keorir. . ci icirt' cxpciiouco. Addiedi "A. II , C. " lit olllce. 130-241 Ik ANTE Byaumperum'td prscnafitn' VV ti n an uioit r ho ' ( " 'keeper In a family , by ono \vho tlnir.iii ) > lil ii'idcrstaims ' lie husino-8. Addre-s "B JI. ' 707 18th B net li t Webfliei and - > ur' ' . 12524) ) W/NinD By man and w fa t o unfiirnlsh oil menu , with or withiut board I'r'viu ' fimlly preferred address " .X" lleoollito. 107-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND HENT-Pcsidence N. W. cor. IPth and California etrccls. App'y ti. W. corn > r 19th and Webster. ' 48-eodtf P10H UttMT Kin tenro m ro.i cnco Appll L1 O. A Utcelc , 1017 Cats ttreet 14u t [ SAr.E OR IlKNr Two nlnw On FOIt nearly new upright , at 318 u utli lOihttrco : 143 tf TJ O1 * H Nf Tttostoryclttollnj:2nthan < ICifis I1 7 voom * . "o < v tUnff n-pil id mil palnto.1 Inquire of 0. T.Ttj lor Htliaml Dougiai 127-1 Ult ( JUD room t r rent at 1017 Chicnv < F ttrict. 110-tf T710R HKNT Sial' ' fiirnl Ked room ; nlsj enL L largu front MHini xiiita lo forfwogentl ratn S. G. cjrunr llth and Chicago. 112-11 FOR M'NT One or two 'ar ' o , plea nt fron thambor rooms ) lu nlsVi ! . r unf ' nUhed nr in Biilt. without lirar' , to contloma nm < vK | SlltCailforiiUktreei , het. 21stund22J 101 tl 1.1OU UKST KurnU'iod minis f rllBhth use- I1 It0i.plnr. 916 a niunth 2219 Callforc'- street. c3-if FOll KENT Nicely furnished ro in , 812 N 17t > inrOtr , bkt Uurti.nd C'utrlnf. : B6-2i 1011 1IEKT Lnrt'e nrm lih lie rd ; U board ghat * ISiHCalKor' la fctni't 1R t HEfJl Nia collage of five rooms Enquire K. K usi. ICth nd ( hlcarn Sta. t OU KENT rurulnheil room. ( iulroat ) tbo Driigattre , car. 10'h ' anil I ) ii 'an. t'-t 11011 HF..NT. Cottage 01 1'ltatani btreirt,2 c ; door fioiu Silap'B i cnue. 28 It 1 OR KENT TAO rooaa suitable for two or X four KfiitUmoo , at B W. corner If-th and California street 1)73 ) tf MAO 11KJ.T Uooms furnished and unfurnlth d , i d. W. corner of t'j mid HowarJ 8t Jtoons are new and cnn mairl tine \iew of the rl\er rldKo i illtrtnt railroad * and K'J It 1 A A1'0115 'or lcasa Ht * ° ° IK'r a'IUUI" . etch 1ll \ for a term ot jcits. at "Oraniro Oro\t > 'III , " aJJMnlni : Ilansconi I' rk on the o t , l\a minutes walk from a net can Ho cy ran 10fclitalno'l to build with , by persona leasing liejo lots at regular rttes JAMES F. HOIirON , UStf On premlaea , olllcj 1515 Farnam Street. N 10KL.Y furnljhed trout loom. Cl ) t,07J _ 17thstreet. _ I/OU UliN 1'our room cottage , lartre Ini L' eoutumh , J L. WelsUiK , 1W3 fat * m Etroet. 905-tf 1 POU KENT & pieplant furulthed rojm one or twj geutlomeo. luqn re at Callfornt * i-treet. 950-t F10K KKNT Uou c of 0 rocmi , newy plu ' tend and pointed. 91500 ptr month : North ot 16th Ktrtet bridge on IB h > trcet. Con \enlent toihopo. Apply corner 12lb and How ardntreet , Kevtepapcr Union , 887-tl \T1NE I10USE3 rOUKENT Smill nd larjr * > | two tot elve roou a twhj on or two nt * ne lth n'l modern conienlcnco * . Una of 12 pometlntile for hoardlnt and room rentluK , 7lh and DoUKlM sts. BEMIS , Acctit , Je23-tf IBthand Doughi St < i. NIOK HKNT A plei ant farnl-httlre cxnn on f th first flft r , on blxk from slret fir , at 4t3 llarncy street. Olfl-tf KENT Brick ( tors. It quire at PeR , co-ncr 10th and Dnuglaa ttt. II NT Two new dwellings and t o FOR & In desirable idcJUy , by ilc eon Nn. 1B14 IouL'K lroet _ BI7-tt FOR DALE SALE A viel cs obWhcd clptrnnd fruit HWK lnf ( d I'cati n , SitlsNctor re n < nrs lllnif. fcr part.cuhra > llro s "L , 31 , ' lice office. ( 123-28 _ 1TIOR SALE A 2nd &HT Dfntal O'nalf. ch np. I' AdaiiNdforabtrbir'schalr. Call 31U Far- Hi ti 6tri 132-ai rTx BEAUTIFUL IOTS-MitM feet cnchln 3 Hanwom rlace on street line. Best lots n whole addition on \ y calf terms nd ftt eroat bargain. B tis' ah ent , 16th r.nJ DouiUs streets 16-tf M-OPERTV KOR SALE At a- SPLENDID , cne larwe brick hcutt , mid ono largo frame hou c , with full lot on Caw nc-TlItli itro't. Fitie ch men for in\e tment. rent fjr$7C' month. Cill fur full particulars , on I1KMI3 , OOMf Arcnt. Uth nnd Dotit'l-.s > t . inOK Stl.K CIlKAC-lJatk hrovin bnrsf , Mf I1 and ' In < 1 and < oed U Ixifgy and un ! cr vl- die. Willrfll cheap eg I ha\u no u for h in. Call at 2 ' 15 Ca'ifjr Ja street , bet 21st an i icCd. U5-tt _ HALE 2'0 ecro dairy farm ; fO a' re Im- ; p-ooj with b . rlr > ( ; oichar ard all IICCP- sat } btilldlnRi and p.eturo. I'riccdMOO Apply to V U. La j try or at Joo'8 , Uhlr , Neb. p.24' l OIl SO.ECltnA1' House 14x28. t nllrond JL' < ro-HnK , 13th , rott. M. DOUUKE. SH324' T710U SAti : Ahorssand In1 ! rj. iiantly loca- JL1 ted Inquire 1307 youth 12th itreet , DI-4 * SALE llou-o and corner lot , at (1.CCO. btryaln MrCA'iUE.oppo Ito P.O. fSltt . , at cornof ' th and Clnrleit.truU , ( noir Oi'din n > ) for800. $10mh aud $10 each month In'orost Spot cent HEX tint U THOMAlfc DUO. 5MOt _ { 7 < OH ' 'ALE Orcccry and crockery lUslno-8H with or without building. AadriBJ ' Ofco- ola"Nfb , box 43. -15-tf JT\OU SAI.K OUIIAl' A new either top phae- JP toflnudamw oell\cij- csp ens uagon. Uill at Oh-ia uarbacn'a shop on FlfUouth. near Furnuni S3 tf SALi : l iS'i G roon s and corner lot 132 F olllce.feet square 8UOO. ilcUanuo , opposite Post olllce. 77-lf HALE A flvo Afro 'o ; and good houro- FJK mlio ncrtn of Datrick- Inquire on primfoeu or Geo. 11 Peicieon , No Su > , 10th ftrtet. W7-lm * C. and lot for sale , No 926 Montana HOUSE , near Cuml ( , ' . Inquire Cipir xtorOj corner lothttnd Jackson i-trcct' bHS-a26 TI\VO storv bulldlnc for sale at a bargain. Lo cated at noith-noH corner of I7tli etrcet , anil Capitol a e. Must bo u.ovod on or before August 7th proximo. UtUIV 770-tf Agent , 16th and Donglag. FOH SALE. The Arlington House HOTEL C'JISB ; all furnishnl. Thn only hotel In to n. Tliu cheapest property In tlio utate. Hat all the traiclint : men. Will bo nolil chi np on tcnstof-utt. Knqiilre f E. I'uilo , prop.ictor , Arlington , Wnstiinctr-n Lounty , Neb Dfi.J tt JT OK SALE Or will oicba yo for Oraalia pr U perty , an linpravtd cer ca of Knd mHotn- m * a stitlOQ on U. 1 > . U. B. M. DUNUALt , ml FtruhaiuSt. , Omatr. ? ! ! ) r.mj TOR KALK KALKE3TAPROOK E3TAPROOK A COK. BALE The POPULAIl HOTEL , known FOU the HOYS' HOME. Thin homo Is COM- trally located , haa 40 u h and east front , mulls surrounded w th floe thada tread ; cent ilus thirty Sleeping rooms , haj Ice house , launlrj , uamplo room , &c. HIM world wdc reputation and a better patroncce lhan man } houses ot twin Its capacity. Price fB.OOO for particulars ad- IrasK , A. A. SAWJIKY. Ued Cioudsob. . RM-tf < T A liunch of ki-js , bttuccn Tootlo * LO Mail & C i 'a eti re and po t 111 c. Kinder 11 confer a great f.t\or by rcluruli ( j eamo to rtlice of eM fl m. 160-24 Second"/n ual P.'cnlc of ihoOirahi PICNIC 1'ioKctho Union at Unrolls 1'ar , on Soturdsy , Audits'21 A go d time for rvirtbody. The grounds will be liumlnatdat i ight and can Inw until 12 f'cli ck. ginns and other amustinenis. Irn'n'd band wf 1 furnish the music Look cut for the proceaslon anil do not forgt t the da'r Con > e one. come all , to the p'c ' le of the ticaion ,'on coc fur gcLtle- man and lady. 161-20 * wl'l ' buy the furniture cf the beet eS > tOlLpayhuh / til In K a Kent rcM- onalile. Aadros Doiph Macgrcgor , Bto oilier , v Onmtia , Neb. 10C-tf AGENTS for Nobrafka. Kaunas and O MJssrutl to rcpreicnt the INllUiTJUAL L FE ASSOCIATION cf 'ririlauaHH Indiana un'cli ' haj stood thu te-t of tlm , pavs all 10bS93 In full ; strongj ! Iwlcrbed bv the best Insurn co anthnrl Ics ; thorougtlv establl-htd easily worked , and 1- not on the c. ) opcrnth c or old line plan. Liberal contracts made with tncr Citlc njcnt" at a compuisation of from two thousand to thrco thousand dollars per \car AddritH 1NJJU-T11 Ai. LIKE ASSOCIATION , Ao. 70 East .Market strait , ludlan&polls , Ind. SDWAED KUBHL1 UAQ1GTEB OF PALMYSTEKY AND CONDI TiONAUBT , IVS Tenth Street , between Ftrum mJHaincy. Will , with the td nf k'Uird'ia ijilrlts , obtain tor any onn > glance at thu i > ul r.d precent , and on certain ooudltloug In Ibc fa > lure. BOOM ad Bhoos int'e to > rder. Psiffj ' ' 'Ct OD f n rnuteiMl aaCS-lrn - n ii * -J AbsoEuteBy Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity , strength and whole-onnmesa. Alore economical than theonliunry kinds , and cannot be told in competition with the multitude of low test , short weight , alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cam. KOIAL BAKING POWDKH Co , 100 Wall St. , New York. THE CITY STEAM makes a specialty of Collars & Guffs , AT TUB HATE OB1 Three Cents Each. Woik solicited from all ever the country , 'he charges and return poetaee must ac ouip ay the package. Special rates to arge clubs or agencies , a24-tfwe WILKINS k LVANS ,