Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1882, Image 8
THE JDAITy BEE OMAHA , lliuRSDAY , AUGUST U , 188. The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Thursday Mornincr , Atir * . LOCAL BREVITIES , The wi lhcr Is more sultry than o\er. There WM n big train In from Denver this morning. Twenty cars of sheen arrived at ! p. m. yesterday from tbc west. The OmMia GymnMlurn club held ft practice- meeting Tuesday. Fceney ft Connolly's new utoro will bo completed in a clay or two. The Mendclasolm Quintette Club at lioyilV opera hauso this evening. Hobble Broi , , will build o Immlsomo two story brick store on Kith and Cans. MeftJImbcr & Daily have InlJ a , ntto idcwalk in front of their carriage factory. The 10th street people would llko to know if Mr. Italcombo Intends to lower lila Mock } John A. Crcijiiton 1 * about to build two fine dwelling house * on California Htrcot , near 10th. Them wore two ca'-os of plain dnink in police court yesterday. One was commit ted and the other case continued. The county commissioners bare post poned the letting of the other two bridge contracts until Thursday noxt. There will bo a rccotlng of the Douglas county republican central committee Fri day , August 25th , at 2 p. in. Mother Dillon was ro'cnucd from jail at a late hour last night. The police judge thinks uho waa more crinh > than intoxi cated. cated.Goo. Goo. ( Jans , a fanner rcslJIng Bovcn mllcH west of tlilx city , had four ntncka of oatn , the product of twelve acres , set flro to and burned Sunday morning about 4 o'clock. The C. IJ. and Q. train wa3 tovcral hours late yesterday The Denver train on the U. 1 > . wailed until ! l:15 : and then pulled out. The "Q" won thirty minutes Into yesterday. Sixteenth street is terribly lorn up by the work now in progress tlicro and the business men are Mattering from the tmpns- nubility uf tins important thorougfnro , It ought In bo cleared ulf , n thno tor the fair. It Is reported that a band of Gypsies hr.vo been encamped for days in the brtub near the head of St. Mary' avenue , and that tlicro is also a band west of Hai- call'd place , nnd also ono in the nortlmest outskirts of the city , Trinity CJuIld contcmplnto giving a "Harvest Home festival" grftad at there ro ! dcnco of Ulehop ClarliHon on the 29th innt. The celebrated "llroom Driijnilo" will appear on the occasion in full drc H. The wife of Chan. Dy or , the tailor who was sent up to the county jail Tucn- day for beatlug ht/i / better half , wont to the [ > olco ! judge , ivtld hia flue nnd liad him released. Dyer signed a plodqo to nb- tain from drink for three years. Walter Bogcrt's Daso Ball Combina. tion Board is now open at Joe Blnko' , and at the Canfiold House for next Saturday's league and local games , Walter' * board is a very ingenious arrangement and calls forth numerous complimentary rcn arks besides being well patronized. A number of our citizens were ac quainted personally with John Froeth , the plendld basa singer who has appeared in Omaha with llavcrly's and I'morson'g Minstrels. Ho sang at ono time in tbo San Francisco Quartette and again with Welling Bros. , Dixon and Frcoth. The poor follow died recently in San Franoltco , of quick consumption and waa buried by Ilaverly'i Minstrels. When last hero ho aung with the San Francisco Quartette at Currier's art gallery , over Williams1 store , the Arion Quartette , of this city , being present nnd singing with thorn. The gamu of Friday , August 25tb , on II , & 1. grounds promises to bo the best of the season , The Lcadvlllo Bluer , the champions of the llockies , have lost only one game in twcnty-uino played this year. The game lost was with the Longmont Utas whom the Blues bavo beaten six tlrma out ot eoven , The game on Tuesday with the Hastings llcdastooi 11 to 2 In aver of the Blues , Kvery game won was won ou the iicoro of a slnglo inning. The thruoBoldlert ) , I'llutwoll , McDon ald and DawBon , implicated in the highway - _ way robbery of Saturday evening , which resulted In the shooting of Shrader , had their examination before Judge Anderson yettorday nnd the first named was Ixnind over in the sum of 81,000 and the latter two $500 each , to appear before the October grand jury , failing to give which , tlu-y were committed to jail. Tha proof against Flintwoll Is very strong and shown that ho had moro to do with tlio holding up of Simlrea nnd Woluoy than wns at llrst supposed , Mr , F , ] ' . Brown , assistant adjutant general of the Orand Army of tbo llojmb- lie , has recoiled a beautiful baunor to bo presented to the Illinois veterans , In No- braslia. nnd it in now on exhibition at hia dllice , In room No , ( i , Union block. It was manufactured to order by J , 11. SVIIsmi & Co * , an eastern firm , nnd thchprpHontatioii will tuliu plnco at tbo Grand Inland re union. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMAHA - HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the boat the niarkot aiiords. The traveling public claim thuy got bottur accommodations and moru general aatiafnctiou huro than at any other houao in Omahu. lUta , $2 per day , augSltfmo j For Rent or Sale. A good housoof six rooms , in yood repair , and lot , ! ! 0 i220. on Fifteentli atroot , north of bridge. Rent , $10.00 per month , Will Bull for § 800.00 , Binall cash payment , and balance on monthly iiiBtullmenU. Inquire at Newspaper Union , 12th and Howard , aug-H-inu HORSE TAKEN UP. Taken up by 1110 , Auguat 22d , a dark bay horse , front foot white and both hind legs , black mane and tail , about nine years old , collar marks on shoulder , and halter ou. Owner can gut him at Btephensou'a stable by pay- tug charges. OFFJGEU UUUKE. Go to Boindort'a Parlors , 1322 Doughu street. Pure Ice Orram in all flavors. Cakes und Oonfectiora. 234t LET US HAVE PEACE. Wliifca Thunflor Sot < Down on Rod Cloud's Schemes , And Wariia Him to Expect No Aid From Other Indians , ThclPlnoRlilgo AROncy Tronblo nt Col , Mnrtin , adjutant general of the department of the Platlo , Ims received n letter from C\pt. M. 0. Footc , dated Fort Niobrara , August 20tb , enclosing a letter written by "Whito Thunder" to "Red Oloud. " White Thunder is considered the best man now in the Sioux nation , and Gapt. l''ooto thinks ho would bo n valuable ally in cneo any of Rod Oloud's band nhould at tempt to make trouble. The letter lit as follow * : Four NioniiAiu , Nob. , Aui ; . 20. To Iloi Cloud , OgilUla Sioux , 1'Il.c HIJfo ; Agency , Nch. ! OHIJSK RKD Ctouu " : "Malik-pea- luta" I speak to you as n friend , Lis'on ' to what I have to say to you. Wo want to look for the hereafter , not only for the present. Wo nro grow , ing old and wo want to look out for the good of our children. I hear you want to go on tlio war path ogain , but I do not want you to do anything of the kind , or oven lalk that. Who ever is a chief should always do aa the Great Father at Washington wishes him to do. I wna a chief and they tried to put mo out , but I paid no attention to the foolish re marks of Bomo. So I huvo remained a chief as I always wai. My friend 1 hoar Botno bad news about you that makes all your friends hero ashamed of you. Wo receive bonelito from the Great Father nt Washington , and we want to light him attorward. Who would not bo ashamed of such con duct ? Wo have always hoard that yon had a very good agent , better , wo have heard thun oura. If you will try and help your agent stand by him and keep him , you will got along a great deal better than if jou change , as you may got a bud one. Since the first day I have known you , you have always boon talking about war und lighting. Friend that is a very poor idea you have in your head , and if you claim to be a friend of mine you must stop such foolinhness , you will always find mo helping tlio whites. Wo got our food and clothing for ourselves and our children , and all our aasint anco from the Great Father , and if you should turn and attempt to light , you will never got any aid or iisiistunci ) from mo. Rod Cloud , you know you have been several times n prisoner , nnd I hnvn bocn to see yon when you have boon in prison. 1 don't want to see you there any moro. Now nmku pence with your agent , and let us all bo friends together , and stop this foolish quarreling. Whatever is wrong the Great Father will make right Red Oloud , you know there is no use in resisting the soldiers , for they "ill destroy you the same as wo would cat tle , as I have told you before , and this is the last time I will toll this to you. I will always watch my own people and Sitting Bull's people , who are with mo , and I will sco that none of them go with you , us you will only got them in trouble , and if you think they will help you , or join you , you are mistaken. I write this to you from Fort Nio- brara. I am hero to attend a ealo of government horses. Your friend , "WJIITB THUNDEU , ( WAH-KEAUU-SKA. ) " COMPANY K. Departure of Troops for Fort Mc- Kinnoy. A special car attached to the noon train wostyestorday convoyed company K , of the Ninth infantry , on route to their now station at Fort MoKinnoy. Capt. Hay and Liouts. Stombol und Palmer wore the ollicers , and they took out forty-throo men in nil. The company goes to Rock Creek on the U. P. , and there takes u day'a rest to await transportion. Fort MoKinnoy is at the foot of the Bfg Horn mountains , on Clear crook , a branch of the Powder river. It is over 200 miles north of Rock Creek. Company 1C taken away no man whoso loss will bo morg universally regretted than the genial first ser geant , Mr. W. I , . Alluon , whelms a host of friends in this city and \i- oinity. Sergeant Allison has been in the service lor nineteen yearn , and for seventeen , years of timu has boon in the department of the PJatto. Ilia last enlistment VCM n little ovur a year ago. lie is a magmlicenilookiiig man physically , a natural born gentleman , o'\d ono w ho would grace a much high er rank in the cervice , Ho is a mem- borof St. John's lodge , A. P. and A. M. , of this city , and hit c.uriee the good w ill not only of his follows in the lodge but of nil who have known him , ST. PHILIP'S GUILD A SplondlU Tirno ut Standard Hull Tuesday Night. Tlio St , Philip's guild entertainment - mont , which cumo oil'at Standard hall Tuesday , was perhaps the moat enjoyable ono that over occurred in this city among the colored people , The only thiiu ; that can bo said in the way of criticism is that the concert ox- orciiOB wore began too late , and this seems to bo a very common diilloulty in connection with all entertainments of this character given by colored so cieties. The programme , as published in TJIK BKK a few days ago , was carried out with one or two exceptions. The recitations and songs were all ren dered with auch liveliness and nicety as made them very enjoyable to these who listened The choruses wore the best rendered that wo have had the ( , K asuro of hearing for many a day , considering the number of these wh < i Mis'ed in the hiiigirg , 'Iho nlto solo by Miss Mamio Williams wan wol ! < mrg. The natno ia true of MIP * Dupet's foprnno cole Mr. A. K Jnttn' "O'd SoxW wai cung with good effect , but ho came near being fUt"iin Jholowrr "K " MIM Dor- ecy's recitation , "My Mother , " was NttuHfni Hut h't'o ' ' JcfMia Mcr- riam's "Whippoorwill" won the palm for excellence. IJishop Oiarkson and Dean Milfopau h with their ladiee graced the occasion with ( heir pren- i-ticn. The Rf > v. Mr. Rickott , of the A. M. E. church did the Guild the honor of his presence , and added much to the enjoyment of the evening ing by a short address. The bishop and dean olao responded o ctlla very gracefully Mr. Overall delivered n short practical addrum , which was listened to with great at tention. Mr. M. A. Rickctt'a address VHS "tip top " This feature of Iho entertainment being closed , dancing by tlio young people began ana wns krpt up until ncarlj 2 o'clock. ' Mr. Bell wishes ute to express his sincere gratitude to tin public for their liberal patronage o tbii > , the Guild's Grst cntortainmnnt To Mrs. Merriam , Mrs. Watson , Mrs Newman , Mrs. Uondricku and other ? the Guild expresses many thanks fo kindly encouragement and aid , NEBRASKA SUPREME COURT 7 uosday , August 22.1382. Court mot pursuant to odjourn incut. Hamilton vs. Williams. Continued King vs. Bell. Submitted. Ex-parto Oottroll. Writ denied Opinion by Maxwell , J. A procccdina under the baatarday act , while in the nature of a civil ac tion , is properly n polios regulation requiring the putative father to fur msh support for his child and to indemnify domnify the public against liability for its support. The sum which the putative father is n quired to pay for Buch support is not a debt in the ponsa in which thai word is uaod in the constitution , nnc in caoo of hia fail uro to ct mply with the judgment of the court , ho may bo committed to prison. Cruns & LJozlctt vs. Stpole. Error from Clay county. Aflirmed. Opin ion pi-r curium. An afliduvit in replevin may be amended by leave of court ut any into b fnru tbu it ml , ur on thu truil , vhon such an nnifiidmeiit will bu in furihorui cj of justice , but thu coiut nay impose the payment , of reason- hln rosin im a condition of mukinir the iimondmoiH. Property exempt from attachment execution may bo claimed at any time ioforo the sale. Orosolcy va. Stoelo. Error from 3ago county. Reversed and ro- nuntlod. Opinion by tlio court. A bill of particulars in ; v justicis' court , in the form of an account , ilaiming damages togmin in the field , told Bulllcient after trial and judg mont. Section 29 ? of the code applies to ustices of the peace , and where a ury is waived in a justices' court , and ho cause tried before the justice , mast bo a finding of facts. A udgmont without a finding ia not void , but voidable , Wo dcsiro to call attention to our aiga and attractive assortment of Chamber sots. ClIAULKS SlIIVEHIOK. m&o-sat-mon-tlis - - - Kotloo- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex celsior Roof Paint , " was patented May 24th , 1881 , and letters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or blown to tamper with the manu facture of aaid paint will bo punish ed to the full extent of law. No per son has any authority whatever to sell receipts. HAWTIIOUN & BKO. , Lancaster , Pa. UTAH 8 MINES. Qood Outlook for Crops Wby the Territory la Unrepresented Other Matters. Correspondence of TUE HHH. SALT LAKE , Utah , August 21. This season has boon rather a remarkable ono for Utah. First the spring was about ono month later than common , and yet the season has boon such that all kinds of cereals produce largely. Corn never looked better than at present ; the wheat and oat crops are very largo , and the product of pota toes nnd all kinds of vegetable will bo unusually largo. Ilorotoforo it has joen truthfully said that it never rained in this valley during the sumner - nor , but this has been tliorovorso thiu Bummer. Through Juno and July wo md several good showers of rain , at ; imc so hcijvy no to give the ground a good Bonking , und during this month wo have hud shower nftor shower. These rains havobeen ( accompanied by lightning and heavy pealu of thunder. DIoud bursts huvo occurred in various localities , doing much damage nt some places to property. The mining outlook of Utah is brighter than over before. At the Denver exposition , tlio display of Utah ores appears to attiaotns much if not greater attention ns any exhibits there. This whole Utah exhibit was collected in a very few days , nnd only n few ininiiii : men contributed funds to pay tb o expense of sending commissioners to Denver to watch after the display of Utah products. It was at first in tended to make a display at Denver of all the various kinds of Utah products including nuricultural and manufao- ; ures , Governor Murray was asked ; o appoint n commissioner to ropros'ent .ho territory and to secure articles for exhibition. A mooting was called to .uko action in the matter , and thoio was no representation whatever at this mooting of the agricultural and uanufacturing interests. The mining nterest was well represented at that neotlng , and for the purpose of secur- tig harmonious action , a committee was appointed to confer with the lead ers of the other interests and secure heir co-operation. Now it happens hat the agricultural and most of the nanufacturing industries of Utah nro conducted by the Mormons. When the leaders of these interests were approached by the committee they wtrn promptly informed that thu Mormons would not take any part whatever towards exhi biting at Dtnvor , because they did not llko our governor. This is the reason that at the Denver exposition there is no show of Utah wheat , oat * , and other grains , cotton and ailk * hich are ( m > wn in Southern Utah , the products of the eilk , cotton and woolen looms , bud various minii- fhctures. Utah could hnvo made n very creditable showing in thcao , which would have added much to the laurels uho is winning through the dis play of motnls and mining products The output of metal from the mines of Utah this year will make u very creditable showing. The great Horn silver mine baa already sent to mar ket bullion of the value o $2,000,000 since January 1st , This mine ii located at Bruce , 213 'Jiiles south o ! this city , and the ore is reduced nt smcltcrn nix miles Bouth of hero , the base bullion being sent to Chicago for refining nt the works of the company. This bullion is laid down at Chicago at a cent of only 40 per cent , of Its nature , thus giving the company a surplus of CO per cont. of the grors product. This is the best results wo have over known In mining and reducing ores ou i largo ecalo. The company has jusi paid a dividend aggregating $330,000 The Ontario has sent $1,5110,000 worth bullion to market this year , und pays regularly each month its dividend of GO cents n share , aggregat ing $70,000 per month. It costs the company 05,000 per month for ex penses in running the mine and mill , while the extensive improvements or thu mine , in the way of tunnels , pumping and hoistinu machinery in volves hirgo outlays of capital. There are numeious mines in Utah which will Bonn become lurgo ere producers. The celebrated hiuraa hua been lying idle for some time , but is now being put in condition for mining on n large scale. This mine ban turned out be tween $4,000,000 and $0,000,000 , and under the new management prom ises to yield many millions more Two weeks ago J. D. F.irmor , a prominent merchant of this city , was at Black Rock , bathing in Great Salt Like , where ho was surrounded by probably 100 parsons. When the train wau about to leave on the return to this city , ho wua missed and supposed to huvo been drowned. Search waa con turned every day einco und no trace of him can bo found. His clothing was found m thu dressing room he oc cupied There have been many the ories advanced about bodies Hunting or sinking in the lake , the water of which contains about twenty per cent of salt , nnd is so bouynnt that a per son il Jiito easily on the water. Like bathing this season has at tracted ninny thousand people to Gar- Held und Bluck Bench. The Ute act of congress empower ing the governor of Utah to till the thu territorial and county offices of U'nh ' by appointment will be put in operation within the next few dnyp. Tno commisBionora appointed un der the Edmunds' bill arrived last Friday evening , and on Saturday uvonhig were given a grand reception in the parlors of the Walker oporu iiouse. The Denver & Rio Grande Western is pushing their line eastward with all the dispatch in the power of the com pany , nnd in n few months wo will tinvo a through line to Denver over that road. Business is good in this city , and many buildings are being erected. All the' hotels nnd tene ments nro crowded , and there is a Inrgo demand for residences and busi ness houses , O. M. SLAVEN'S YOSEMI1E COLOGNE Made from the wild flowers of th PAit FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY , it is the most fragrant ot perfumes. Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W. J. Whitohouso and Konnaio Bros. , &Co. PERSONAL. Dr , S , D. Mercer has returned from the west. west.W. W. M. Plevins , of Alton. Ia. , is in the oily. oily.J. J. V. S. Paddock , U. S. A. , is in the city. Liout. Miner , of Fort Robinson , is in town , Hon. N. W. Wells , of Sclmyler , is in town , E. W. Sutphpn , U. S. N. , Is at the MiUard , W , II. Michael , of Grand Island , is in the city. lion. K. F. Warren , of Nebraska City , Is iu town. A. L. Flint , Salt Lake City , is at the Metropolitan. Win. O. Douohue , of St. Joe , is at tha Gun field house. Lou II. Ukndeu , of Fort Dodge , ia nt the Metropolitan , Jninei Mollugh , of llangor , Mo. , ia a ; uest of the Cauflold. Mrs. Gee , CanGcldhas returnoJ from n visit to Camp Canfiold. 1) . 0. Adams and James Fitzgerald , of Salt Lake , are at the Millard. Airont MrGilllcuddy Is expected to ar- rho from I'mellidge to-day , Hon. Geo. II Roberts , ex-attorney gen- ril of Nebraska , Is in the city. Ms3 ! Mamid Shears nnd her slater Miaa ' < els , left early Tuuday morning for North Lake , Wia. Dennett Cole , book-keeper for 0 , S. iuodrlch , baa returned from a visit to the ) euver exposition. Mr. A. B. Davenport , clerk of the Pa cific house , St. Joseph , U in the city , the guest of the Creigbton , J. II. McAlviu , Kaq. , leaves thlso\en- ug for Denver to take charge of the U , I1. xhiblt at the exposition , ( ien.Geo , Crook returned from Oakland , ifnryland , where he has been epending his vacation , jestertiay. W. M , Sage , Kiq. , general freight agent f the Chicago , Hock Inland & Pacific rail- vay , is in the city on business. Geo. II , Daniels , commissioner of the own trunk Hues at Chicago , accompanied > y his secretary , arrived in the city Tues- y. General Nelson II , Davis , inspector gen- ral of the military division of the Mis- ouri , and Col. A. J , Perry , of the quar- Urniastcr geccralV detriment t Wash ington , pA < ted through Omaha Tuesday en route west on military business. C. A. Whtttler , traveling asent of the Hannibal & St. Joe. and 0. II. & Q. roadt , Is in the city on business. J. A. Qtiailo * , D. D. , president ot tbo K , Hull Seminary , Lsxington , Mo. , Ij in the city , the gncsi of Mr. Milton Hen- drix. Julius IVstncr , one of Omaha' * rm > $ t en'orprisicfj young men , left ygsterdij for ChUaco and MilwAiitcec. to purchase a compkto Klettrotypo Foundry and Wood Kngraring Machinery. The immense de mand for F. C. 1'cstner & Son'a work , which Is always a No. 1 , necessitates tnli great enterprise,8 Hon. Ed. MclnljTO , of Howard , prcsl dciituftho State U mrd of Agriculture , and Muj. D. II. Wheeler , of Plattsmouth , eecrctnry , nro in the city , both rpgfotem at the Millard. Kev. Robert Lain ; ; nnd family have re turned to the gate city , after a short stay at Minneapolis. Mr. Lain ? has come to the conclusion that there is no city like Omaha , L. D. Tuthill , superintendent of the St Joeeph & Western railroad ; L. S. Wood ton , the U , 1'i'fl general agent nt Chicago , and J. T. Clark wtro prominent rnlltoat men in town Tuesday. M. Elgutter , the genial clothier , whose palatial hcndqimtcrs in l'oppleion' block nro so well known to the public , baa Jus returned from tbo east , where ho pnrclm * cii a mammoth stock of goods for the fal trade. Jcsso Lowe , who has been employed In the city engineer's ollico during the mini mer , left Tuesday for Troy , N. Y. , where ho will resume hia studies Scptem her 1 , at the Kcnnsacr Polytechnic Insti tutc. For Bronchial , Asthm.itiu , and Pul monary Oomplninta "Brown's Bron chial Troches" manifest remarkable curative properties. Like nil other meritorious articles , they are fro qiiontly imitated , and these purchas ing should bo euro to obtain the genuine. rl tivlt "Preserve and. Roftulato , Net De stroy , " i a sound motto In iiiojIc-Uioiis ai well na tati sunntli p. I'rcsrri o tlio upor of tliodi- KCstl o organs nnd relate the secretions wit larra t'8 dtltzcr Aperient , and ) ou 'villturo d8)i ) p U tun ! liicj tn.nililnt by a i r ccsiln hanno y with the la 9of Natura. Violent me i iclnha > oliaJ their day. They ( \italzi the sjstcm. Reason a * v. ch aa the Btomith rejects them , Rely on th's e\hlcr\tlnj ! ; epetl * c. nuif SOLD BY ALI , DRUGCIS'IS. IO LOAN-MONtY. IO IO N On chattel MONKV . A. JI Tuttnn otHfo of Urolf & JIoutgomB'y , over Omih National bank. S3-tf ONET TO LOAN Call tt L w Oraco of D. L. Thomm ItoamS Crolghton Block. 70 ' 'UAK At 8 per conlln- V'wwU' ' UUU tercet In ouma.of S2.EOO nd up srds.ior8to6year8on flrst-class city and farm property. BKUIB KBAI Eai B and LOAS Aomor , leth nnd Dowlas Sta _ HELP WANTED. f mil WANTED for general housework. Small \JT family. Apply N. W. corner 19th and Web- Her street , 142-23f B WANTED-A girl In firally of two , ISIli and Ua\cnport , tocondhou o fiom corner west side. 141-23 WANTED A teed blacksmith. Apply at cor. 7th and ilitcy street 137-25t PETEK CIIRISTIAN8CN' WANTED-Man Immediately nt ths Occidf n- tal hotel. J3924 WANTKD-Two No l brcom makers at No- br s a Broom Factor } , Dodge s reel. 120 2 t A U. BAND W. WA- TED DliilnR room girl. App'y at Itoln- o.ko'j rea aaunt , 13tu and Jicrfson St. 12824 f WANTED At the National Hntclat I eon , Ono flra-clvis porter , must speik fciiK'l ' h and Qermnn ; a No. 1 f inalo co kalso ; two No. 1 glrla Will pay them Sic and S20 per month lAJ.T J ) A barber at C09 ortn lOthstreo 'S123 s. CORIIELD IMMKDUTKI.Y A flrit-clasjcook WANTED a goo i laundress 'nd undcrstai d nakl ( fUutttr. App'y at i oj. JI. T. I' tilck'g , Saundera street , noarCracc. 1032stS WA"TEI A ( rood and rxp rloniul bread andiakohakir Sober habits ; oed wages. Apply toD. L Wallace , City IJa cry , Kearaiy , Nib For refer race go to U. Bingharn A. Bo , ' 103 ? 7 WANTliD A joung man to lake inc uio for custom shine on the read. Omaha hhlit I'actory , No. 1207 Farnliatr bt. 117.23 ANHIUJ A good woman cook , middlo-aired. N no : > ut a gocd , clean wi man oce-l pp'y Good nag.s. S. McCoy , Cau.t House , near new go\eruiijeiit corrall. 116-tf WANTr D I y trail ntd wife to unfuriilehcd rooms. fth nr ut bout bjard. 1'rhato fau.lly prclt-rrod. Address X Bee omco. n20-tt \TC7ANTED-A woinin to cool ; at llOEouth VV Thlrtcctli etiett. WANTKD-A boy not lees than 16years old , lo learn phototrnnhy. at Currier's , lead- li g photo rtphur , 1212 Farnani ft 22-tf WAJJTLD 100 men for railroad woik. II MannwciKr , ooiploimoLt njuat , 11th strict , near Farnam , 9U3tt \\f ANT1 D Ten teams. Waic 83.60 per day. > V Inquire U. Vincent , at Horcnco Cut-off. OCC-tf WANT n Ono hnndjod men. Wages J1.76 per day. Apply to llltcbo'l Vincent , at Florence Cut off , linu uiilo uorth of Ouiuha. eostt AN1KD At Ft. Charles hotel , two flrU W claw dining room u'itli Oi'.l-tf A'tT'ANTrn Hoarders at 110 Houtb 13th U > V Board 4,00 ; aUofuiniaticd rcouit. Fran Davla. OBl-tf WANTK1) A nr.t-cl b * girl mutt bo good cook , washer imd Ironcr. Wage * ? J 00 ur week , luqulie at Leo , Filed 4 Co' * , or at iloo otllca. 931-tf \TTANTED 600 privy > au.t3. eluks nd cess VV pooln to clean with Sanitary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the bust In use. A. Evans fc Co. , residence 1206 Undge street , Omaha. " \TTAN'IK1 > 1 o cr three rooms tunable to Y > phelciar.a ; dUce. Addru lit. I'rrlt lee ofllce. too-tf MICCLLANCOU8 WANT8. WANTEH A partner , In a paying buslnrs. ' with a raplta ! of & 00 , or w 11 cnuloy ace co potent u an , whu will Iran he flrmlMCO. In- d at 117 south 15th sirett for paitUulara. _ _ \TTASTED-To rent , a little store Iu a good VV locality for cigar store. Inquire at lr , llorgluui't , Jacob's block , 124-Sit \ ANTKP-To Bfll , a light stock and furnt- VY euro of restaurant in lllalr , Neb. Inquire of L. F. Hilton , at Ulalr , or A. I'erkliis , Ouialia. 8- _ _ - suite ot tire or three unfurnish ed rooms Addrcea "A. D , " lOiO Farnam Lreit , OinahA , Neb. ( ( tf . SITUATIONS WANTED. Sltuitian ni coic iron a"d do . .en- WANTED cral woik arouiil the home. Iltferomti ffwn , Icqnlro north e tcor. IfJlh and It\id. No. 1X ( . 1325t \\7 ANTKU Iy& ) Danlih ( till aptcsl ap I- Vutnfainlly. . Call at ilia Scandinavian ho tel , llth tlritt , ISe-Zet ( ly younir roaTi Just rom Swe- WANTbD In t rlvato fimllyM 1 work cheap. Adply at Y. M. C. A. 135 2ut ' WASTBD A yo-'njr Ind y w Uhcs SlTt'ATMS In a flistclasa drrs * making t UblWimpot. cr In A pinnlo family. Ad re M Y."Btconicc. 13S-2K WANTrlt ) A position b > ft joiing man , who Is a ( .1 oil FAlesmtn and lnoi-ktTf'f e > cm' cxpcrlento , Addre-'ti "A. 11 , C . " Tlco oHlce. _ _ _ _ _ 1SO-S4J V / ANTEI > Ilj anrxpert'nccil | yr > * n.itrl'tia- VV tlcn M cso * or hoi fckccpcr In n prUate fatnlly , bj ono who thornu hl , uidcntands her business. Addre s "II M.1 707 ISth 8 rect hct U ebsjet ami Hurt. 12. , 2H WANTED Uy man nnd w to two untitrnMi wl rcxjtni , with or without board. I'r\ate ! fimlly preferred address " \ " Uce olllcc. 107-tf TOR RENT HOUQC8 AND LAND. UU4T Fln tcnioMn ro Lcncc. Apply FOR A Stecle , 1017 Cats street 1W tl SALK OR RHNT Two pianos. Out FOR new- upright , at 3188fuil { ! < ) | h street 143 tf FOrt IlEST T o nlco brick hoinei , 200 ! ) i 2011 CassSt , MOUUIS& UFUCKKNlUtHJV 122-531 O\or bttto Hank II II * Nl' Two story dwo lln 20th and C s ? FO 7 room * , nov being rciialtcd anil jalnlo Inquire of 0. T. Taylor 1-lth nnd flni-glni. 127-1 T7URNUHED room f r rcU at 1C17 ic JL1 street , llfl-f ! " 171011 lltNT G'ord tccond-hnnd p'ano at $1,0 .L1 ptr month. Inquire at 210 south ICthht. 11B-M' RENT Snail liitnl-hcrl riora ; alfioon FOR large front loom nnlta le fortwogcntl met S. K. coniT 14th and Chicago. 112-tf FOR KHNT One or twn Inrifffplea-ant fron chamber rooms fit nUhrd ir unfit nlshcd ilrglvor In suit , without b'arl , to Eontlcrna nMlwtfo , 2115Callforr.slrcot ! , let. 21 tand22J 101-t ! FOR RENT Furnli'ied rooms fnr light h use keeping. SID a month. 2210 Californ ! street. bS-lf FOR KENT Nicely fitrnla d room , S12 N 1'tlistro , bet llurtand Curtlnt , ' . 8B-25 * FOR RKNT La igo rorm wilh bo < rd : d board gl\a 1SOH Ca'lfor-la ntr ct. IR-t T710R RKN Nci cottage of flvo rooms U Knqulro N. K coi. ISth < nd Chlcaro Sts. t FOR RENT Furn'shcd room , li quire nt tbo Drug store , car. 101 h anil Lv ug a n-t FOR REN1\ Cottage on I'hnjvit street,2-u dcor f'Om Sc-SIarj'n a\cnuc. 33 tf FOR KENT Two new houFo < , SBth Chicago iix rooms cadi. Inquire of j J. Jlocldla n 6th and Che tnut streets. 093 tf I710R RENT T.vorooiis tfsuitnblo fortno o JL ? four if-ntlemon , at S. AV. corner 1Mb. nnd htrrct. or.3 tf fnO UKNT Rooms furnhhcd and unfurnlsh d , rf 'V. corner of fct'i and lo.vard ) St Roncu are no1 and cotumanl line \iow of the rhcr brulco , i Iffcrcntrallroadd and Couiail Illuffj. c' ) tf 1 H ALOTS 'or lollso nt ? 25-00 P = r annum , rach 1JI for a term ol jorH. at "Oranso Qro > o 1'lnin" oilj Inlnc Hnnsoom P irk on the wo-t U\nrainutca walk fronts reel car * Money rni bo obtained to build with , by pusons leasing thoao lots at regular rates. JAMES T. MORTON , 343tt On promises , ollico ISlSFarnam Strcft furnished front loom. Gill 007 * J FICKLY ITthBtrcct. _ i -n tt lAOK KEN Four room cottage , larjro lo i JL ? south 17th , J L. Welshans , 16C3 Far mm street. SD.Vtf KKNTploiynnt furuirhiil ro mono FOR ono cr two gojtleinon. Inijniro at OIlfumHit'iot niOR REST Hou o of U rooniB , ncwy plas D lertd nnd p Infed. 315 00 per month North of 16th street bridge on 15 h street. Con venient to shops Applv corner 12th ard How nrdstreet , Newspaper Union. 87 tf VTINE HOUSES FOR RENT Small and largo JLN two to twelve rooms each ; ono or two new ones with nil modern convenience ? . One of 12 looms , Bill table for boarding nnd room renting 17th nnd Douglas ats. BEMIS. Agent , JoS-tf 15th nnd Dnuirlat Sts. FOR RENT A ploaeant furnhhedre oem on th > first floor , ono block train stret car , at 24C3 Hnrney street. Olfl-tf FOR RENT Brick store. Irqulro at Drue Btoro , comet 10th and Douglaa sts. E.SIM . FOR It1NT Two new dwellings and two other dwellings In desirable loc.llty , by McKoou No. 1614 Douelaa street 817-tf "OR 8ALU. FOR SALE A well cs abls'hcd ' clgnrnnd fruit stand Ing sod locatl n. SitUfactory rcasins for soiling. J > or particulars ad dress "L , II,1 Ileo office. 123-25 SALE A 2nd KST Dfrital Chair ch np FOR Adapted for a barbcr'd chair. Call 3114 1'ar nam street. 132-21 QIX BEAUTIFUIj LOTS 50x160 feet each In jj Hanscom I'laco on street car lino. Best lota In whole addition on very eaiy terms and at a great bargain. Bums' agent , 16th and Douglas streets je-tf SPLENDID PBOPERTY .FOR SALE At a BAUQAIN , ono lar < o brick house , and one largo frame houao , with full lot on Caeu tieur 15th utrc < t. Fine clnnco for investment , rent for $71 per month. Call for full particulars , on BEMIS. 609 tt A cent , | 6tb n d Uouilne Bt . I.10R S/LE CHEAP-Dark brown horse , sofa I' and kind nnd cod Ir buggy and linger sad die. W11 cll cheap us I 1m o no us for h in Call at 2115 Ca iforala street , bet 21tt and S2d. ICDtf FOR SALE 2fO acre dairy farm ; fiOiKrealm P'0\cd with bearing orcnari and all neccc satv bulldingnnndpibturo. l'rlcoS2,600 Apply to V U. Lautry or at Joo's hotel , Ulalr , Neb. 0--24 * SALECIIKAf House 14x28. l railroad FOR cro sing , 13th utrett. U. UOURKK. 9024" SALE A housinnd lot pleasantly located FOR ted Inquire 1307 couth 12th street , U4-24 * riOIl BALK Houco and corner lot , at $1,050. 1 lurgaln McCAUUE , oppoilta 1 * . O. FO * SAIE Vo-y chca | ) a wtl'-pijlng res- tanrant on Farnham a rect , Onaht. * ' . boeoid bySejit.nibo Ut. Inquire at thla oUIcc. 70-22' will sell Ml > yl < 5f-ct. at csrnur fh and WK Clurlcittrett , ( near Qoodm n'a ) lor S ; 00 ? 10 ca h and 10 each month in orest 8 ptr cent uKXTKit L. THOMAd & I1HO. 60-lOt f POU "ALK flrreery and crockery buHlnc's , with or without bullJinz , AUdrmbi' Oicc- ola\ib.box4'J. -10-tf FOIl SALE CHEAl' A now cither top phac- touiaudamw aell > ery or oxn aa wagon , L'all at Chaa. liorbacb'a sliup on Kilteottli. mar Farnam SJ-tf SAI.i : House 6 rooms and corner lot 132 F1K feet Bnuaro SltOO. iJeCo 'Ue , opposite To t ollko. 077-1 f 'TTUK HALU A tlvo rcro lot and good house JL era milo nurth of liarrickx Inipilro on ircmUea or Gio. II Peteraoti , No 801 , 10th ttreet. P17-lm * 0. BOKK.MJOV. HOUtiE and lot for ulu , No. 0 > 5 Montana street , near Ciruil g. Inquire Cigar store , c irucr 10th and Jackson utrect * . t > uva2fi TIWO story building for sale at bargain. Lo cated at norUi-e&a corner of 17th street , and Capitol ae. . Wun bo moved on or before Augutt 7th proximo. B 770-tf Agent , 16tb nd FOR BALK. The Arlington House HOTEL class ; all furnished. The only hotel utown. The chcapout property In the tstato laaall the traveling men. Will bo bold chrap ou eras to eult. Enquire of E. Fulle , proprietor , irllngton , Wasnlnittiin county. Neb. 603 tl FTIOR SALE Or will eicha ge for Ocab pr D pony , mi Iinpro > c4 ooo oa of land adjoin ng * etatlou on U. P. R , R. U. DUNHAM , UK FarnhamBt. , Omaha. > 20 Em- RICE FOR BALK. B 03-tf ESTABROOK * COK. T70R SALE The POI'ULAR HOTEL , known L1 M the BOYS' HOME. This houto la con. rally located , baa ocu'h and east front , and U urrouuded w th flue shade treoa : conUlmthlrty ceplng rooms , has ice bouse , laundry , sample oem , ac. Hast world reputation and a > etter patrorugv than many houses of twice IU capacity. Price $6,000. For particulars ad > drew , L A. 8AWDEY , Bed Cloud , Nib. the furnl uro if th bt'l pajl h t ' In I fcent rcM oi.abl . , . . A'.dras Do ph Mucgttifor , He * oHie , Oman * , Neb. Itfl tf s AGENTS for J > * bra-li Kan * nj O Ml i | to rrrro-ent the INDUSTRIAL L. FE ASSOC'ATION tJ ndlaij poll , Indlai , wn ch tut cx > < ] the to-t of tl-n , nI nil la s in lull ; strorRly lnd-rtd bi the ho-t lusurt c ntithorl l ; tfcorowcMr tstabll bed evil norkcil , nd l not Oil the -operative or oV line plan. Liberal contracts ntth rr tfrtlj a.crt * at ft compm tion ol from ! . . thousand tothrco thouunJ Uoibrs tier 5rnr Address 1NDU TR At , UFK ASJOblATl no. TO East Market sir ct , Jna.anatol ! * , Ind. _ 1 EDWARD KUEHL MA01ETEB OF I'AIUY&TKKV AND GUNbf TIONAU8T , 4BS Toiith Str t bttocnFnuir aLdEfttcsr. Will , with ! 'n'd t ! [ Uiu M urlrlti. on'-Jn Inrtny' " f Sftii * & tn ; > ( ! fcid pircent , anO on r r-u' " 'or.ittiM : in Iho ( n. taiv , Coo'-o mid ' 31 ' * t ' " i ' p\t < < H' ft l Ti rn'i v ? 1 Pure. Thjs powder no\er varies. A marvel of purity , strength nnd whole'omeneis. .More economical than the ordin > ry kind * , nnd cannot be fold in competition with the multitude of low test , short u eight , alum or phosphate powders. Si > M nnlv in PIMH. ] lOVAI , llAKINO I'OWDKIl Co. IOCVull St. . N < w York. THE CITY STEAM makes a specialty of Collars St. Cuffs , AT Till ! RATE OF Three Cents Each. Work solicited from nil oxer the country. The charges and return postage must ac company the package rates to largo clubs or agencies. n'JUfnio WILKINS k KVAXS. Prueliicnt. W. R. DSL-HHC , f-ec. and Troai. THE NEBRASKA IT & MITT ? ' A PWQ nrn n n iMJjlui'lulUjfclim uU Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OP Corn Planters , Hrrrows.Parm Rollers tmiky Hay Bates , Bucnoi Kiavatiug Windmills , Sic We prcp.rcd to do Job work and inauiifao ne the parties. ucs9 a orders NRASKA JIANUFACTORINO Lincoln. No Matter of Application of Kitchen Bros. , for Liquor License. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby g.\cn that Klt'hon Are ? . , did upon thc22dday of August A D. 1(82 fllo tliclr application to Iho Major nnd City Council of. Omaha , f rliio BJ to veil U It , Spirituous slid Tlnotts Liquors at I'axt n Hotel Farnam strict. Third waid , Ouiaba , Neb , frjtn the 4th day of September lth'2 , to the th daj of March , lbS2 , If tliclr be no objection , remoustra' ce or pro test Uleil wi hi i tv , i ucekifrom Aug 22nd A , D lbS2 , tbceald license will bcgr.intcii. KHCllhN DROS , _ f Tint OHAIIA BKK newspip r will pub abenoti.M once aoh week cr two tlio cxpetiHO r f the applicant Tlic city of Oma ha Is nut to bo dm , god I li > lev , i th. J. J. L 0.K ? TT 2t Citv 'Jlf-rk. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Sealfd propinals will bo rcccltcd by the un dersign duntilVcilncs a\Si'ptcmbcr Bth,1832 , at 3 o'clock p. m , , fir he lonu ruction of one Iron uridgo ono undrcd and forty foot ppins , over lower ElKhorn , near Waterloo S Btlon. I'lannand epccllleitlous can bctccn ou Qloattbo coubty c'crK ollico. The light to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved. By order of the Board of County rnmmUslon- ors. JOItJv PAUMfK , 2J-2 _ County Clerk. DR. P1. BUhLhlRER , Physician and Surgeon. CHRONIC DISEASES , A SPECIALTY. Medlclnoa furnished at ofBco. Omco.'N. W. coroor ISth and Farnam slrcota over Stito Bank , Omaha Neb. PIPER HEmSlECH CIGARS DHAHPABNE FLAVOR , Tlio bust In tbo country ; for tbo mone/ M. A. BOLE AOENT No. 214 E. Fourteenth StrnBtOinol3a SEGER & T4NER Manufacturers and Deal" In HARNESS AND WHIPS , CURIO-COMBS , , 'r < " Brushes Olg Saddles , ot ! , Hint tnd hcay Harriet * on land , or made to order. L ght Har nsa made a fp 3KTO. etHeennrd'eBrdCatol > . Omaha Neb. ? , Tent and Wagon Dover JIANOFAOTORY. COR. MTH AND HOWARD STS. A GJBBUNWALD.Prop. McGAETHY&'BIJRKE , Uenoral 'i/npertakers , 218 14TH ST. , BETWEEN FARN- AM AND DOUGLAS. Motalic , Wood and Cloth Covered GASKETS , COFFINS , ROBES , SUROUDS , CRAPE. ETC. , constantly on liand , Orders fr m the conn/ / try solicited , sndpremptly ttecded to. % I. DOUGLAS , 1 ARCHITECT , OAEPENTEK , SDPERINTENDENT , 4o , all kludi of Job work done , OLD BUJLDINOS RDCONSTIIDOTKD New buildings erected. Flics and spcc'.flca- tlons furnUhcd. 1410 Barney 8tuot , 14th & 15th , jyll-em