Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
THE DAILY PjEE-TtlUKSDAY , AUGUST 24 1882 O. O. GO S.-2TI ; 3s OO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Uluffa , Iowa , WHOLESALE r I , O U R HOOBD , MI ml A cnra for the Ctlcbrntcd Mills oi II. P. Hush * Co. . ( loldeii Kaglo Flour Ltavonwoith Kansvi , and Queen HOB Mil , > .Ioux Vails , Dakota. FtJorcncc , Smith & CrlitndenCouncil IlluTs la. "HZ. iBl ; WIOLKSAI.R AND RCTAIL STATIONERY AMB PRINTER'S GOODS , ? P8 , IOWA. . TITLE 0 F F IDE. jr < TCP ac OR. 33 3c o o. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. HONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATKS. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS COUNCIL BLUFFS - . . - - - IOWA IEEL 15 Worth Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. uppers , In call eUln nnd Up. O&k and > Kcralock SOLE LKX.TUBK , tied si ooili appertaining to the shoo traclo. Co datold m cheap n ; In the llm t. _ IOERI81 HEW MERY STORE Sri'LISIl SPUING JOLLINERY PATTERN BONNETS ANDy y- OnrLDKEN'S ' HATS A 'SPECftALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la That never require crimiilnf. at Mrs. J , J. Oood'r ' llnlr Store , at prlct * never bolero touched by ny othr ? hnlr dculcr. Also a lull Una ol tvltchcr , etc. at greatly reduced if rices. Also gold , ellrtr and colored nets. Waver umdo from lidk-a' mm hair. Do not ( all to mil before purchnalng olwnhtre. All goodn T.u.rrantta oa represented. tiltS. J. J GOOD , 29 Main streci , Council DIuOs , Iowa. BATHIIftHOUSll At Bryant's Spring , iflcr , Broadway land Uniou Stc , COUKGIL BLUFFS. Plain , MeHlcatod , Vapor , Electric , I'lunfo , 'SJouch , Shuver , Hot and Cold Baths. Com- jntcnt lualo aui Icuulo tiurrca aud ntlenii rt8 noways on band , and tl o bent , ol raie and nttun- > V.on given iiitrona. Special attsntlnn Klvvr to Writhing chlldroii. Investigation aud putronagu : ollcitcd ollcitcdDR. . A. H STODLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studlcv ; Treatment ol chroulu dlacasca oiado a specialty. RKUOVED without the Din drawing ol blood or use of .kullc. Curca lun ? dUoascs , AND OTHEU Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- TRi I U III n RR i " 9m. relcr a d Uorcur- U1 80re8i KrysliiclaB , Salt Rheum , Scald HeadCutairh , w oak , InDknicd i ind granulated Byes , > crofulou3 Ulcern and Fo- m&lc Disease * of all Ulnd ? . AUo Kidney and Vcncrlal dlstaecs. Ujmorrholdd or Piles 'cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon thopilnciplncf.v.-gct- , * ble reform , without ; ( ho use of mercurial pois ons or the knllv. FJoctro Vapor or i'-dlcatod Baths , { urclshcd . who desire tlic i. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by .tbo lisa tht Elastlc bait Tr.iBH and Plaster , -whi h baa kilot In the world. CONSULTATION FREE. CALL Cf Oil ADDUES3 Drs , E , Mos-anfl F , 0 , Mar , COUNCIL BLUFFS , .la. LJVERY , eejl aiidiSale Stales , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old Blond Council Illnff , lov.-.i. ViTLLAUD SMITH. 1'rc ? . W.D.8TILLMAN . . , Fractltloner < of II zicopathy , coneultlng fhysicianandSurgfion , .Office nndrcBldcncoOlG Willow avenue , Coua- cl Bluffi ) , Iowa. SINTON' ' & WEST. .DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Oounoil Eluffe , c. epecblty. Firet-claK ; worls guaranteed , DR. A. JP. HAWCHETT , SURGEOM. cf , No. 14 Peari Street Iloim , 9 a. m. to Xru" 2 p. ui. , to pu. . Kcsidenoe , 120 j Bticot. lW < jphonlj connection with F. 1 SEYBERT , M. N & SURGEON. COUHClL BLUFFS , IA. Offioo No. L Everett Clock , Broad- , over A. Louie's Kostaurant. MercliantsSestaurant J , A. BOSS , Proprietor. r Corner Broadway .nd Fourth Strcota. Good accommcdatlons , good fare and cour- turn treatment. Office over ctvlnga bank. OOUIOlLi BLUFFS , - - REAL ESTATf W. 0 , Jacca , In connection nltb tils Action liudnces buya and la ! real ciUts. r /Vsona wljhbg-to buy rr ecllrlty riroportf call ' tbU office , ovtt Cushncira basic etorc , Paul ftroet. EDWIK J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 416 Broad way , Council Bluffs Oeedi ] .endvoitgigesldravu | tnd WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made JYoaa Your Own Heir. TOILET RTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. ( Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MRS , E , J , < HAPIN& , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. Graduate ot Eloctropathla Institution , Phlla dulhia , I'cnni. Office Gur , Broadway & Blonnlve. COUNOIIi BLUFFS , IOWA. ' The treatment o'.sU diseases and pulnful .dll- flcultlea puculUr totfcroalqi a epcclally. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Oflico over First National Bank , Council BlufTi. Iowa. Will practice In the btato and fodoa ! courts i ! and Poultry , Can always bo founds D. DANCHY'O , 130 Upper Broadway JNO. JAY.JFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Ooupoil Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andMEstate. Froprlctor of ahstricte of Pottawattamlo county. Olllco corner -Broadway and Main eircott , Council Ululfu , IOHR. mm siEiNErt M. D , , ( Deutichcr Ani. ) COP. . BROADWAY A1JD 7T1I ST. Council Blufik of women end childrcc A < p9clalty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , FKEK.Dii . I'ENHAUY KVKUY SUKPAY. . OSZcoln Kvfrott'a block , Pearl txict. ROD ) ] denca G23-i'ourth utrcut. Olllco hourc from 0 to 2 a. m.,2 to.iaad 7 08 p.m. Coun-11 iiluffa fiLARKp PEACWCAL DENTIST. Pearl oppoa'.io tlio poitofflco. One of the oldeatriutltloneri In Council Dluffa. Bat'a isfictlon guaranteed In asa DE. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH Dlt. CHARLES DtETKKN. Office over drusr ttore , 4H Rroadnay , Council Uluffd , Iowa. At dUeascs of ( he cyo acd car Ucitul under the mo > it approved method ud all euro ] t'unranteeU. ' ' ATTORNEY'-'AT-.LAW , Will rictlvi | ln all SUt and Unltot Bblo Courti. MALVERN MOVING , Kemarknblo Progress of the Past Three Mor.the. Important AdiUtlorJg totho Indnd- trlo of t-.0 Town- CorrMpondcnce of * .nRm . MU.VEKX , Tia , August 22. Thrco months Ins brought sonio importftti chnngoa at ( his little metropolis. Thi Western Normnl him TroJ. L. D Di\vi ron , RB principal insleiul of "dtil'i lioad. " Now boarding , houaca arc being finished for the nccaimnoda t'jon of non-resident ctudouts , and wil "bo opened Thuiaday evening by i grand "annual" mooting of the frioiul of the Normal , and n "reunion of tin Alumni. " The main school building has been finished , so the school hn the use of the magnificent public 1ml In the second story. The touching force has been increased , nnd the pros pcct for the fell term , which begins oio week from to-day , is very flatter ing. wo found I'rof. Davidson will his coat utl'ttyintr to bring order out of confusion in the arrangement of the school building , whiio Prof. Siiylor who may not bo the _ kind of help to scrub a boarding houai floor , or shovel sand , was attending the county Institute at Glen wood 03 an instructor , nnd the avorngo citixoi of Mnlvern is ready to "stako hi pile" that Davidson is just the man tor his-placo , that Prof. Low is ono ol the best penmen in the west , and thaj Prof. Saylor is the finest chemist mil anatomist in the stale of Iowa. Dr Luiefman , the chief of the schoo board , moans to bo busy looking over thuplatis of the now public building , and consulting with the contractors and builders. The board have ndvcr tiscd for bids , and intend to build good house at once. THE VAUKlXa 110USK is located just east of toyrn , betwcoi the C. , B. & Q. nnd the Wabasl tracks , and has convenient nccoas to the roads. The largo brick buildings nro now up to tha third atory , aud are tilled up with confusion , thoroughly mixed with busy vrorkraun , great timbers bors , heavy plank , brick , mortar mules nnd elevators , wlulo Mr. Ilenrj Lamb , the superintendent nf the work , seems to understand ovcry movement of the babel , nnd knows how to produce harmony where "yo newspaper iiuin" would bo a fool. OhiiB. Bolt , the brick man of Hoc Oak , baa the contract of the brick work ; and Will Carlton , from the Crcun Mountain state , is the chic' carpenter , who handles the designs placed on the trestle board or muslin by Win. 1. Burger , an nrcnitect o : the "city of wild onions. " This is to bo a largo institution , and Is already keeping the town on "tho boom.1 li will have all the modern inventions and machinery , and it is expected thai the public will delight to see the com plotcncss of all its arrangements ! und thousands of hogs will quiotlj walk up the elevated road or high way to the fourth story , pass in their chcckn in n systematic way cross over the "bridge of aighs" am visit the coolers , refrigerators and larc tanks , and bo bowled out in barrels and lard cans ; for it is claimed the packing department , the lard tanks , and the fertilizing roams will work u | blood , hair , ofl'alls , in fact every part of the hog but the "equeal. " NEW BUILDINGS are being put up , but it is s.iid that n hundred houses could , no doubt , bo rented in a very few days if they were to bo found hero. There ia a largo amount of building going on out in the country nnd carpenters are needed. Capital Hill is fast filling up with good houses , and the better class of resi dences , where already the trees an loaded with apples , and the varieties of grapes remind the stranger of Vine land , and the rich clusters from Catawba Island. Island.THE THE FAIR , to bo hold September 19 , 20 and 21 , ia an ovcnt ot no small importance , for everybody knows the Malvon ; fairs are first class and are always well attended , and backed up by money aud brains. The society has ono of the finest grounds on the slope , with good buildings and gooc tracks , and they don'h do things hall way. F. C. THOMl'HON , practical and skilled workman , is uiat opening a good carriage factory hare , and will soon hnvo quite a force at work. Mr. Mollan has bought five acres oint of town and expects to put up a liiilf or n whole dozen ot houses to rent , and it ia said nearly or quite all of them are engaged , before oven a bloc has been struck by the carpenter - ter . The Republican-Loader has moved its .sign two doors nearer the railroads , nnd does the mechanical work for two other amateur paper , very much to the credit of its editors , who are live men. 0. O. Board , the veteran grocery- man hue enlarged his ctore anil spread out his room und good * ; , while ho has greatly enlarged his .business , and ; his tclU.of the general prosperity of .ho city , .although it nmy possibly contain BOCIO men who orpect to cliu # , o thu republican party fur "time and otornity. Me sra. trahn , Curtis , -nnd Swain , o rusticating and speculating under ; ho cooling influence ] of the "ilockics" . The crops hero nro all good , the iccplo hopctal and tlio nverchantrt wty , IVio Wilkinr house ia full almost evorp night , and the Weatnrn Normal las a now label that is ns uxprcuivo , Hatiafr.otory nnd .complete us the full itleo of the Lord .Earl of Shrewsbury , or a Qannan count , nnd when wo hear of the "Wentern Normal Scientific and I3usineflg College , " wo will know by ho name that that is the school wo uant to patronize. UVUKKYK. Don't Die In the House. "Rough on JUte. " Clears out rain , nice , roaches , bud buga , flies , ants , nolcs chipmunks , gophers. IGc. Humora of the Northwest. E , V. hinalJey on "Jl New Uoithwtit. " At Bozcman I encountered an inter- citing specimen of Iho independent western waiter. Nobody aorvoi will- injly { in the western torrHorioa. The man who brings you a pitcher o water , or harnesses your horse , puts on ft familiar swagger , ns if to how thnt ho is only doing auch menial worl temporarily , nud considers himsol just ns good ns you. The Bozomat waiter on mo up to the new guest will a patronizing air nnd naked if ho were hungry. The guest replied Hut hi was. "I'm glndof it , " remarked the waiter ; "I Hko n hungry man. " The next meal the puest presumed upoi liis enjoyment of n waiter's acquaint niico to nsk , "llow nro the cakea thii morning ? " but the waiter was on of humor , nnd replied in n surlj tone , "D.irned it I know ; I haint tried 'cm. " Our party stopped nl n wayaido ini ono day. There was a hamlet o1 thrco or four houses on a creek. Tin place acomed deserted , but the linltjti } , of a tcnm bi-foro the log building where rufrcalimontB were diapcnsot rallied the whole population. Ono mnn nppearcd from behind n barn another from n field , a third from i gulch , in fact , they seemed to rise uj out of the ground ; the prospect of n treat , however remote , where liquor ir twenty-livo cents a drink , never faili to gather a crowd in this thirsty ro glon. Ono of the parly fell into con vernation with a man who proved to bo a doctor. A rough follow , wear ing leather riding-breeches and nn inv inonso dirt-colored felt lint , took j sent on the bar near by and liatonoi intently to the talk. "I suppose your practice here must bo largely eleemosynary , " snid the traveler to the physician. "Hell ! stranger , " interrupted torrupted the cowboy , "Hint's a goot word. Whar did you git it ? " Apropos of frontier manners is at incident which can bo located , as wol na nnywhoro , at Kurtzvillo. a log town of Bovontcon naloons , ono store , nnd ono hotel. A Now York gentle man got out of the otngo conch , nni entering ono of the saloons , nakot politely for n little sherry in a wino gloss. The bnrkooper glaied at him for a moment , then reached for a six shooter nnd pointing it a the terrified fiod traveler shouted , "Now , I < ol you , tenderfoot , you take whiaky , You take it in a tin cup , and you like it. " The stranger took the whisky it the tin cup , asserted that it wns the best ho over drank , nnd made hnnto to got back to the coach. Debilitated persons , nnd sufl'ercrn wasting diseases such ns consumption scrofula , kidney Directions , will bi greatly bonelitted by using Brown'i Iron Bitters. Barbed. Wlro Fonco. I'rof. Knapp n the KcoUuk Oats City. A subscriber desires to know how to build this fence in the best way , The farmers of Iowa have about not tied on the best method of construct ing it , so thnt most of the fences are now uniform. When first introduced , two wires were used with post a two rods apart. This mndo a very unsafe fence. The next Improvement was to set the posts ono rod apart and use three wiroa. This was satisfactory for the posts , but the wires wora HO far apart that it was a conatinl temptation to calves and colts to crawl through. It answered very well for cattle. Another wire was then added and the fcnco has given general satisfaction. To build a four wire fence , sot n solid starting post two and a hnlf feet in the grount ; twelve feet from this set another in line ; in the second post cut n footing four inches from the ground and from this run a strong brace to a notch in the first post three nnd a half feet from the ground ; sot posts in line ono rod apart for forty rods from the start , then brace another post as at first , nnd BO on to the end of the line ; four feet two inches from the ground wind the first wire around the starting post , put a stick through the reel and uncoil along the line ol the fence ; fit the end of the forty rods draw the wire tight by moans of a lover , wagon wheel or strainer nnd staple on the several posts ; ono fool below place another wire , and ao on till the four wires are in place. This makes a secure nnd reliable fence against horses and cattle. For hogs raise the lower wire two inches and place two additional wires below , mak ing a six wire fonco. When barbed wire fences nro properly conotructod us little injury occurs to stock as from any other fence wo over used. UHi : LESS ) IIAKIIIII ) WIllK. It is gratuitoua ndvico wo oll'or on the subject of fencing , but among the items worthy of consideration is that of using less barbed wire. It is our observation and experience in building four wire fcnco that the fence is in every way as serviceable and durable to use two barbed nnd two smooth wires ; the top and third wire barbed ; the second and bottom wire smooth , The smooth wire should bo two strand , stool , twisted wire the B-inoaa barbed od wire and can bo purchased or or dered of a factory nt Gl , cents per rod. Wo are building uucli a fence upon the college farm nt u cost of 35 cents per rod , which includes wire , staples , labor and dipping In coal tor , The postfl nro furnished by the farm. | Dou't Throw np the Sponge When Hiiiroiini ; Immunity nro enduring the licrr TH of ( tyBpcpnIa , Indigestion , or nervous and general debility , they are ton often inclined to throw up tna uponge nnd re-ilui ! tlienihtlveo to fate. Wo nay , don't doit. 'J'alio liuiinocK BLOOII UITTJUUI , thu unfailing remedy , i rice $1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ftug22-lw "The ' " Furraer'a Fish , This la what Prof. Buird , the United States lish commissioner , do- clnrcs the carp to bo. lie applies this term to it because it I'H singularly adapted to the wants of farmers , and capable of being raised in natural or ttrtificiul bodies of water where most icindo of fmh would not livo. The : mut and baba require not only very pure but cool water , and they must mvo nn abundance of it. Most of the inferior varieties of fish require water that is nt least moderately clour , cool and abundant. The carp , how ever , delights In water that ia warm und ia catiaficd with u small nmuunt of it. It prefers a pond where bottom and bantu are constituted of mud , bo- ciiuuo that Bubetunco allbrda u place of irotection-during very cold weather , und for the additional reason that it jroduces a large amount of plants hat it relinues for food. The carp will eat anything that pi a and fowl * will It will readily devour insects , mall reptiles ixtul moat of nil kinds , ind will also cat nearly all cinds of green vegetables , fruitu ind garbage. It is fond of > oiled roots , { poUtoes nnd cabbage , / and all kinds of grain thnt has boon cooked , The growth of the c.trp may bo forced by affording an nbundnnco of fioah-forming food. It can bo fat tened Hko the pig or turkey , The growth of the specimens imported by the government lith commissioners from Germany only three jo.\rs ngo , has been almost nurrollout , Some oi them that wore brought over when they were no larger than minnows , now weigh eight or nine pounds , lu Iho opinion of severnl that hnro expo- rimontcd with them , it ns profitable to fofd grain to carp ns topigsandfttcors. Thcro nro , however , many articles ol \\hich the carp is very fond , nnd which add greatly to its growth , that can bo produced much cheaper than ginin. Cress , Icttuco , parsley , celery , tender clover and grass , bro nrory gr.uns , and the refuse of glucoan fac tories , nro nil we'l ' adapted to feeding to iho carp. The yoang fish nro espe cially fond of sweet cunt nnd chopped liver. uonr. AIIOVT TIIK CAiir. No inhabitant of the water with the exception of the gold-fish is ns thor oughly domesticated na the carp. The variety introduced into this country is known na the Gorman carp , but it ia probably of Asiatic origin and hna boon domcatic.itod in China lor tluni- finnda of years. It was raised in arti ficial ponds in Italy in the dnyn of Uicoro and wua probably carried by the lUmiana to the various pnrts of Europe - rope they colonized. It can bo trans ported easier and will livu longer out of water than any other eort of fish that ia covered with scales. On this account it is very valuable for stocking ponds nt con&idornbln dm- tnnco from railroads nnd other moans of public communications. Cnrp or dinarily spawn in May or June ; they nro very prolific , a largo fish often yielding -100,000 eggs. The ogga nd- here in mnooes to sticks and the stalko \\alor-phuito , They hatch in a few days i\nd the young fish grow very rapidly if they nro not disturbed. The circumstance that no halching-houBO is required for propagating them i strongly in their favor. The lloah ol the carp ia hardly lit to oat during the biimmor partly because they live in water that is quite warm nnd partly because it ia the season for pp.iwnhlg . They nro not favorites with nnglera , as they do not take n bate after the manner of the pike , black bacn , nnd other game fish. They nro easily taken from the water by moans of n dip-not , or they may bo driven into a portion of the pond from which the water can bo drained oil' . The llenh of the carp does not rank nmong delicAcies - cAcies like that of the salmon , trout , aliud , nnd mackerel. It dikes its plnco among the substantial articles of diet thnt are within roach of per sona of small moans It ia likely thai the carp will bo raised in this country with n view to jirolit rather than for affording pleasure. Farmers will keep carp na they raise beef nnd pork , for the purpose of supplying their tables and the market. In many places in southern Germany there nro carp ponds which are the common property of a village , nnd the taking of fish is regulated by custom or ruloa adopted by the citicans. Horsforil'a Aolil Phospliato iu.Dys- Dn. A. . JKNKINS , Great \\lls , N. II. , Bays : "I have prescribed it and can testify to its seemingly almost specific virtues in cases of dyspepsia , norvousnosa and morbid vigilance oi irakcfaluoss. Tomatoes. Donnhuo Magazine. Many people who nre quite ouccess sul in canning fruits generally , are apt to fail with the tomato. A lady says : "Wo have ton acres of fruit o ! nil kinds and I take n great deal o : pride in canning fruit. I get nearly nil the prizes nt the fairs. I wish you could peep into my collar to BOO my tomatocB and ponchos , some cannec last fall and some a year ngo , not mentioning my otho'r fruit. I tell yoi how I can my tomatoes both rod ant yellow. I pick the tomatoco iho smoothest and best shaped nnd scald them and skin them very carefully , take the stem out with a pon-kniio , taking care not to cut the tomato sc us to let the juice or seed run out ; then I place them in the cano , some of them with the atom end next to the can , and eomo with the blossom ends ; then I take the juioo that hats run out of Homo that I have pooled to cook , having no seed nor pulp , and add n little salt und pour on my whole tomatoes until nearly full , then place them in a kettle of cold water , and lot thorn cook till I think they are heated through , then I seal them. I uao nothing but glass jars two quart jars and ufler the cover has been on about live minutcx , I tnko it oil' , so they will aettle , letting thu gas out ; and then I fill up with juice , and noul iiin , and my cans are always full to the cover. A great many have not learned this. You have no idea how nice they look through the glass ; they show every vein and rib , und look an if they were put up raw , and when used they ore just ns If they hud boon taken from the vines and if you don't believu , try it this summer. 1 ihvuye keep my fruit in the dark , and it don't fade through the glass. " Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable Engines , OHKAJJKUIKS FARM n am , Printing OfflcoB1 , A Specialty. The Largest Iron Working Katabliah * mont in the State , Stearn Engines , AIUl ) GENERAL MACHINERY. Tlio Howard Automatic iJut-Olf Steam Engine , Hcnu torclrcuUr. 23-1 in "WINE OF OARDUI" ninia-H rtn.v ka und clear complexions. To tlie Gonsmei's of Carriages & Buggies I have a co.uplot3 stock of all the Lat)3t Styles of Cirri ages , Phaetons and Ope a and Top Buggies , Consisting of The Celebrated Brewster Side Bar , The Hatalin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Ah-i Itho Old Reliable Eliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are oil made o' thabest materials , and un der my own supervision. I should bo pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to call and examine my stock , I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ( Successors to J , "W , Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AM ) RETAIL DEALERS IN LACIAIMA , BLOSSBURG AND ALL CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. OfHca No. 34 Pearl Street , Yurda Oor. Eishth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Oounoil Bluflk P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNE SQUNGil BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND . The Very Boat of Brooina Oonatautly on Hand. The Hlgheflt Market Prloe Poid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley GOE-3ST Parties Wishing to Soil Broom CornlWill Please Send Sample , & ; I JAMES FRANEY , 372 BROADWAY , COUNCII , BLUFFS , IA. Ahvnj a keeps on hand the flncet ousortinont of nmtrrlal for ( 'Ciitlcinen'H wear. Batlnfactlon Rtinrantced S3C3 1'or all kinds of KANUY QOUUS , micli as ; , of all descriptions. Also llandkcrclilofa , both In silk and linen , liosa of all Klnda , threat ) , pins , neoillou , sowhero. etc. Wo hope thu laulea will call and too our stock of goods at MU Broadway before UNION BAKERY , * 517 SOUT IV/AIH / STOEEL THE BEST BREAD IN THE Oli'Y. None but firot-claBa Bakora employed. Brcud , Ouko , J'ioa , Ac. , doHvored ( o any part of the city. Oar IB run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. 723 W. Broadway , LARSON & ANDMRSON , Proprietors. llils Inuiidiy lion Jmt boon opened for bi l > nexs , and wo are now prepared to do In iridry vork of ull klnJu anil KUtranUo naMufactlon A specialty ma < lo ot line work , uucli aa colUrii , inffa , flnokhlrU , otq. Wo want everybody to 'ho ui a trial , LA11SON & ANDEHSON. I. D KDMUNMOH , K. L. HIIUHAUT , A. W. HTHKKT , Proalilunt. Vlco-1'rcb't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council UluiTi. Organlzod under the 'tws ' ol thu Htatu of Iowa , Paid up capital . $ 7fiu:0 Authorized capllal . "JOU.UOO Inlcrmtjiald on time dopMlti. Dradu leaned nti thu prlnuipil tltloa of thu United iltatcx ana ICuropa. HlHitial nttmtlon k'lvun to cclluUlons and vorru iiiiduni.a with prompt ruturuu. J. I ) . Krlmun.lton . , K I , . Blnuart , , J. T Hart , W. W. W IUc , J. W llodfor , I. A Ml l-sr , A.V. . Htrett , JyTdlf KUDO'S LAUNDRY. On Avenue B , No , 1902. ( t.KAU . IIUUAUUAT. ) Clothca gathered up aud dullvcrod promptly , Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lost Clothca made goad , NO BETTER LAUNDRY WEST OF CHICAGO. OT. JT. XC.TTX > 3D. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININff AND GBAININff , Shop OornorI3road\vayand \ SoottSt HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars aud Tobacco , ij'resh oyaters and Ice Cream in Ssason. 12 MAIN ST , , Council Bluf& . Ono ot the beat actond-claa * Hotels In the West U the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K IWVN , Proprietor. 631 and 39 Droidway , Council Dluffa , low * , vuppllcc ! with the beat the market af ford * , ( iuoil rooms aud llnt-claa * bodi. Torma \ try riuijOiiablo , UNIOH AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son. K1IUJT CLASS 1IOTKL AT UKA80NAULK I'KICKS. THAHSIi.NT3 AC'COMMOIJATKD IIUl'KL FOit HALK. GOOD HKASONS VO& BKLL1KO.