THE DAILY HElfi : COUJsCJL BLUFFS , IOWA THURSDAY , Al UUSJ.1 W 108" The Daily Bee. COUKCil BLUFFS. Thursday Morning1 , Aug. 24. RATKS : By C riler , - - - - - 20 cent ? per wwsk. By Mull . . . . . . Jio 00 per Yo . Offlco : Mo. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. M.O. GiUFFIN' , Manner , H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. -J. Mueller's Palace Music Hnll. Shcrradcn mnl.cs photographs , Bliss will line now goods Wednes day. ntigiLSt Harrison direct is being graded up in good ( ImjK ! . Bliss will open a new line of notions Wednesday. nug2t'3t To-night llobort McWado npfcitn nt DobannyV In Kip Van Winkle. Yesterday pennit to wed was given to Lewis Mauk and Kosa Lurber , of Silver Creek. One drunk wan disposed of yesterday. . It being Jerry Cochran , who was given the usual fine. At Slmll's butcher ehop , noulh Matr direct , you can tihvayn net the beat moati at reasonable prices. An accident insurance policy in favoi of R. A. Barrett has been found and left at TllK BEE office for the owner. Invitation * have been extended by the Misscn Wnllrcr to n I&TKO number of friend ) for n Bocial gathering this evening. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Tolimy , mother of Mr * . 1'eter Wcie , was held ye * tcrday monilnp , and was largely attended. A committee- thrco lie been ap pointed to examine the qualifications < f I ) , J5. Gulher , of Sioux City , who LM applied for ndmlaslon , The Methodists are to have a lawr goclal at the raldcno of Mr. 1 < . W. Tul. leys this otcning , to which the public arc invited. The case of Sarah Allen vs. the Slug , er sewing m.icnlnc company , broke ou ( again yesterday , this time before Justice I'ramoy. Complaint wai yestciday made that parties were having dirt hauled elf from n street near the driving park to fill up n private lot. Divorces were fyestcrdav rgrantcd in cases of Carrie McCullom vs. John McCullom ; and JHln Lyons vs. Jolm W. Lyons , "Texas , " the rollicking dnrkey , was yesterday afternoon picked up on llrynnl street in a beastly stateof intoxication , nni plated behind the bars by OHicei Tyson. Tyson.A A bunch of keys picked up on Madl on street is In Chief Fiold'H hands , and ho is now pondering as to whether he had better offer n reward for the return of the owner. Two car loads more of iitidivcisor Beer were received by U. Hagg i Co. Persona desiring the aamo can bo supplied and Imve tholr orders promptly filled by sending In their orders to the nbove mentioned firm , Justice Fralney yesterday Issued a warrant for the nrrost of Harry Burton , who is charged with having threatened to kill some of the Kelley family , nil parties living in the country. The recent furore over the establish ing of an electric light system hero iieems to have died out as middenly us it came Into birth. The whole matter Ecoins to have dropped at ouce into oblivion. Information wanted of Ory Garnett , who resided In Council Bluffs last Juy ! , by his brother , William Uarnott.late from Wisconsin. Any Information leading to his whereabouts will bo gratefully re ceived. Address EKE office , CouncilBluffn , Lost Saturday night there was a shoot ing affair In n Raloou on Broadway neat the Ilevero house , There have been DC arrests since , and the chief participant li reported us having skipi od. Ho certnlul ) bad plenty of opportunity of doing BO. The Leadvlllo Browns and the Couu ell Bluffs nine are to havd a game hen Saturday afrernoon. Games are gottiu ( rather frequent , but judging from tin crowdi that attend the public is no weary yet. In the circuit court yesterday the firs Jury case of the term was tried It boln ) Kverett v . Blgelow. The plaintiff claim ed two months'rout fora bulUingoccu pied by the defendant , who nut up os'i counter-claim damages caused by delay li moving the building , and negligence ii leaving It up above the sidewalk , with n means of Itigreas or cyrcss. There are no * igns yet indicating tha Chapman t Co.'a now street cir llna wi ! ever bo beyond a thlug of paper , The ol line Is running cara every half hour th name n the new line proposed doing , In : still the organ thought It would 1 : such a graud thing for the now compan to do , has not n word to gay In connectlo when the od ! company muUes the chanei How BO ? The city culabootii is being scruhbe aid whitened , to as to keep piixoncrs lub the attractiveness of the place , seeing thn they can't be kept there any other waj In order to give n chance for the ronovatlu to be done without Interiuptlons the p < lice were careful not to arrest anybod nntil the work could be completed , The contract for building a uew sldi walkabout the Bloomer school bulldln bag been let to John Hammer , but a dela b being caused by there not being an lumber in the citycuitable for curblutr. pui poses. It ii to be hoped that the dela will not t e much loug ° r , as the pretec condition of the walk la such as to greitl Inconvenience the foot-traveling public. The locks on the new fire alarm boxi are too cheap and do not work eatisfai tordy , hence they are to bo replaced b better one * , The system tit electric alum will Boon be perfected to ai to bo in worl ing order , Arrangements ore being mad to utilize the telephone wires uleo , An one Laving a telephone can rend in a alarm to the central telephone office , n the operator there will ttrlko the miuibi of the nearest box by wire. TH * great dUUinguhliin * ' feature i Xeddlno Itus-ib Balreii its power I educe intl&tnatlon , THE INSPECTOR'S INDUSTRY. ho Second Day's Work Amounts tea a Slight Improvement Over too 1'lrst. Iho newly elected oil inspector put n his first day's work in inspecting no barrel of oil for Oronowcg & choontgcn , and a tank of the Con- olidatcd Tank line , and then pub- shing n card , ndvortioing the nuperi- rity of the former , andthu inferiority f the latter , Ilia fees for thai day mounted to 10 cento , The second doy'o work ras a little moro satisfactory to the public , though ho foes amounted to only 20 coutfl , our packages having been inspected , 'ho following is the record. No. of KlroToit , , . , . „ „ " „ c" " ' . - P'kR. llelng. ImiiGle.vion . 1 16 Condemned „ 'K mht . 1 364 Apprav d ohn Morgan . 1 123 lonJtmnil Jeilc Iltat . . .I JM It is to bo hoped that the young man will not fall into the foolish mis- ado already made by him , and rush nto print with an official advertise- nont urging Iho public to buy of tirscht and of Heck Bros. The record - cord is a public ono , and needs noaup- Momentary advertising ctrda at his lands. If ho keeps on hid way in- ipccting all oils , and attending strict- y to his bu&incss as proscribed by law , 10 may redeem himself , and make the lublio believe that it was only a mis- nko where ho took sides in a coal oil ght between two companies , and that 10 did not intend to do wrong. The public has the right to bo pro- , octcd from clangorous oil , and that Is imply what the public demands nt lis hands , and not that ho nhould bo- iomo a tool in a mercantile war bo- , woon two houses. If ho wanta to quaro hia record lot him go ahead im- iixrtinlly , and simply luavo liis record ipon to the publio as the law provides. As to the Consolidated Tank Line company , it is stated that prosecution vill soon commence against them for violating the law. The sompnny'a officials deny the charge and assort hat the oil is duly inspected olac- where and is fully up to the grade , an represented. If they are nulling oil which is pronounced dangerous b ; aw they should bo prosecuted arid luuishod severely. A trial will bring Hit the fact nnd should not bo delayed A typographical error in yesterday' * IKK gave the imprcBsion that the Con- olidated company was "whipped,1 vlioreua it ohould have read "miffed. * ' ? ho company avow their intention ol cmaining hero now inituad of goiiifj .o Omaha , and propose standing up tt ho rack. It is tn bo hoped that out of this trugglo will result bolter oil and more protection to the people. All will ap < irovo heartily anything or anybodj vlio will help to this end , butthu pub' io wants no side nhows , or shrinkiii { < or fawning on the part of the inspoo .or. FOR SALE. My residence , No. 715 Fourth strool Bancroft1 ; L. F. MUUVHY. THE CITY'H NEED. Moro Brlcli Buildings and Ifowoi Wooden Ones A Chance For a Now Ordinance. There are scattered hero and then hroughout the most valuable busi losa portion of the city numoroui wooden buildings , sheds nnd rookor oa , which are constantly liable to ire , and which under favorable clr umstancca load to oxtcnsivo and dia atrous conflagrations. That the citj ms so long escaped auch a big fire ii ho result of good fortune rather that irecaution and good judgment. I , his state of facts cannot bo changot low , there certainly can bo atopa ta con to bring about a change in tin uturo , and to prevent the incroaoo o : risko. There is an ordinance now upon ho bpoks fixing the fire limits aa fol ows : From Madison street along tin nortli side of Broadway street to Oon or street , and from Center atroo along the south aide of Broadwaj street to a point fifty foot oixit of th" 3gdon house , and from Broadwu ; atroot south both sides of Pear street to Canal direct , and fron Court street south along the east lin of Pearl street to Dodge street , an < Tom thence east along the north lin ) f Dodge street to the east line o Main street , and from thence includ ing both sidea'cf ' Broadway. The growth of the city demand that the fire limits should bo oxtondoi beyond the territory thus described Under the present ordinance any pet ion can erect wooden buildings , sta bloa or outhouaoa in tliu rear of an ; lot within said limite , if said woodei building is fifty foot d blunt from th buildings fronting on the fire limit ; This will boar oomo changes for th hotter. It teems hardly just for on to have vahublo buildings jeopard izud and his rates of iueur.xncu in creased by the nearness of lire trap erected in the rear. Buoh stops ahoul bo taken as will forbid the putting u of any moro of these within the fir limits , and have these limitn BO enlarged larged nu to take in all the valuaol business portion of the city. Another chance for the council t show ita wisdom is in the framing r a building ordinance , The city shnul do all in ita poworto encourage buildin improvements , but at the same tim the city ia of such aizo now that coi tain regulations and restrictions shoul bo made , so that while builders are or couragod , the public shall not bo 1 [ norcd. When any ono builds no there is no limit apparently to th amount of sidewalk and street rooi ho can take , or how ho can scatter hi building material , pillngit up hero an there , and arranging no way for tli publio to got around it or over it. A in other cities of its eieo , there shoul bo some provisions so that the publ ! would not bo any moro inconvon incod ; than possible , and so that tl : publio safety may bo looked after 1 BOiuo extent. There is a chance in this dircotio for the council to take action , whlcl while ita effects may make little diffe enco will in the course of years resu most favorably for the city. Wilson'a rotary power wind ongii is on exhibition at the Ogden hous It governs itself in any sort ol wii or storm. Boo it. naiL.noAD Ilow the Bonrd of Trndo Peelfi the Mnttar. The recent r.iiso of freipht ratcu to this city so aa to tnaku them equal to Omahn , has called for the many ex pressions of indignation at the unfair ness of the discrimination , and the board of trade of this city took action by which committees wire appointed to got the state conventions of each party to put necessary planks in their respective platforms. The conventions having been held , and the planks in troduced , the public may bo interested in readme ; the resolutions in full , ox- preasivo of the feeling * of the board , The resolutions were unanimously adopted ana are as follows : WJIEHEAS : Mr. Gjorgo Daniola , the railway commissioner at Chicago , who represents the lown pool lines , has made a nonr tariff rate on all frcighta to Omaha , Kansas City and St. Jos eph , and intermediate points in Iowa , which is so unjust that its tondancy ia to injure the trade and paralizo the commercial intorcsto of the state , and especially destroy the mercantile in- toreata of wcatorn Iowa by giving a through rate to Omaha , Kansas City and St. Joseph as low as that given to Council Blulfd , and in many instances below the tariff rate to intermediate points in Iowa , ninny jf these being localities whoso trallio is important because of ita immensity and volume , and located on said .pool lines at points in some instances not half so remote from Chicago aa the terminal pointa above rofored to , the rate to bo charg ed under the proposed now tariff schedule - dulo being as high , and in some in stances higher than the through Hues , thus striking a blow at the commercial interests of our proa- porous commonwealth. The uaid commieaionpr , Mr , Goo. II. Daniols , having admitted recently to a committee - too of Council Blufl'd merchants and shippers that the said pool lines in making out schedule of rates to for eign pointa had agreed to pay the ad ditional ratca for transfer , such ns bridge tolls , ferriage , otc.thun direct ly taxing the commerce nnd citizens of Iowa for the portion of legitimate freights on merchandise to thuso for eign pointa which are competitors with the rholcnalu dealers and job bers of gooda within the state , there fore bo it llcutlwl. That the Council Blufla board of trade appeal to all citizens within its commonwealth , and all political organizations within the state of Iowa to unite making in common cause ngainat auch injuatica and cruelty by the adoption of auch reso lutions , in framing their respective platforms , ns will effectually pledge all partion to themselves and to each other to unite in breaking the power thus sought to bo [ inserted in this most unjust and arbitrary manner bj the lowu pool lines. That wo will appoint a committee tc wait upon both republican and demo cratic conventions when they shall hereafter assemble respectively , and make earnest appeal for such oxproa- sion as will in befitting terms and manner condemn to infamy the injustice tico and great wrong thus sought to bi inflicted upon the state of Iowa , whose citizens have always boon noted foi their patient forbearance toward those evils , which in consequence thoreol have grown into proportiona which il tolerated longer would destroy the icaco , disturb the commoice and para- yzo the prosperity of the people ant tato. In compliance with the foregoing resolution the following committee waa appointed and instructed to laj .ho matter before the republican ant democratic state conventions ; John iV. Chapman , E. L. Shugarr , W. 0 , James , John Schoontaon , Goo. F , Wright , John T. Baldwin , Luciui \Vells , John T. Stewart , D , B. Daily , Thomas Bowman , In Una connection it will prove in cresting to road anew the planks inserted sorted by the republican nnd dome cratio partiea respectfully at their recent cent conventions. The republican plank ia aa follows Wo favor national legislation rcgu nting inter-state commerce to the OIK that the syatom of pooling by parollo nnd competing linca af railway and un just discrimination against non-com noting points may bo BO controlled ai o afford healthy competition in al sections of the country In the carryin ; ; iudo. The democratic convention ndoptot the following : /ttuociw/ , That the light of state t < regulate the railways in their chargoi for the traiiHportation of froighta am liasHuncora having been fully cstab liahed and declared , wo demand tin exorcise of this right by our atat legislators , and wo arraign the repub lican party of this at nto tor failure ti RIVO the people the relief the outab lishmunt of that principle entitle them to , The largo amount of pub Ho lundb and the tubsidioa these cor potations hiivo reoeivod from the gov ernment and people , demand that the ; should bo regulated by law ; that th constitution confora on our oongres complete power to yivo the people re dress on contracts for carrying fron ono state to another. Posaeasiiij such power , it is the duty of congros to compel these corporations to poi form their duty to the people as com man camera for a rc.iboimble compeii sation , NEW FALL STYLES IN MIL LINERY. Bliis , the loading liouso for Mil hnory , will open now fall atylo Wednesday. The "Jug out * " continue fuinlshln oiBca for the courts. The latent ia that b which Thomas Johnson and Cora Holme are accused of lewdncaa , In Hviue togethe aa husbaud and wife. The complaint I wade by the Le Flour family , and in th outgrowth of some petty nelghbrhoo quarrel rather than any keen desire to et society kept pure. The tilth of the afUl ia to be aired up lu Justice Abbott's com to-day. The HitJie.t Anticipations " MADISON , Ind. , Juno 15 , 1881. II. II , WAHNKK & Co. : SIM You Safe Kidney and Liver Ouro realize my highest anticipations , and I coi dially recommend it to all who ouIR with kidney or liver diseases. J , W , " STRONG } CHARGES , Two Brothers by that Name Accused of Breaking Up Another Alan's ilouao and Home. Two brothers , James nnd Sninucl strong , have two griovious charges aid against them , ono being that of rape , said the other the larceny of a louse and contents. J. S. Ligley. vho formerly lived hero , and now ives at Glouwootl , ia the complaining witness. It appears that Bigley wnctl a little house , located on the jottom , nnd that ho left the family nd the furniture here when ho went away. It is claimed that during lib absence ) an attempt wan made to outage - ago hia wife. The other ia that ho Strong brothers moved the liouno away and appropriated its contents , .tie value of the aamo being placed at KG. Ono of the S'ronga ' was nr- cstcd here , film the other ono being n Omaha , word waa cent him to ap- > oar hero aa a witness in the case , S'ot mistrusting anything , ho came ver to thia side of the river , and whpn once hero was arrested also , i'esterday afternoon the parties came o n mutual , understanding , by which > elli charges were dropped nnd the aacs dismissed. A Progressive institution. In to-duy'a issue of THE BKE appears lie advertisement of the oxtcnsivo and apidly crowing furniture manufactory f E. R. Stoinhilbor , aituatod on the ornor of Seventh avenue and Twelfth troet. Mr. Stoinhilbor , duly appro- iuting Council Bluffs aa the manufac- uring centre in the Missouri slope , ftcr carefully looking up the advan- agea of other points , stuck hia Brakes lore , put up hid largo building and ia ow manufacturing and ahipping to It pointa in the northwest. The sue- ess of his enterprise is assured. lie B a thoroughly competent business man , and a most courteous and gen- lemanly salesman , THE BEE on emo f its buzzing rips through the city yesterday stop- led nt thia busy enterprise , and was lurpriscd to aeo so many mechanics mployed therein. The machinery is 11 now and ia worked by a seventy- ivo hnrso power engine. It haa a ca- > acity of cuttinc up for manufacturing mrposea from 15,000 to 20,000 feet of umber per week. A great advantage n favor of this factory ia that the iropriotor has completed arrange- nenta whereby ho can lay down lum ber hero at St. Louia prices , that is as cheap aa any city in Iowa , east or west , and much cheaper than any mint west of hero. Ho employe lone but the best skilled and competent workmen Therefore it will bo aeon at n glnnco that it ie nit a question of time before thia will > o ono of the laraest , if not the lam est enterprise of ita kind in the north west. This firm haa ample capital to meet all demands on its rapidly in creasing patronage , to put in additional hachinory and other required im provements. Mr. Stoinhilber ia him- elf a thoroughly practical mechanic , ind uses a constant supervision ovei lis workmen , thereby insuring porfecsl ind solid work. Wo bespeak for thii louao a bright and prosperous future. . [ t will well repay dealers in furnituri , o call on or correspond with Mr Stoinhilbor before making their pur chases elsewhere. PERSONAL , . T , 8. Maxwell , of Des Moines 'aro'stop ping at the Pacific. A. W. Coffman , of Avoca , is in the cit ; on business in the court. Will J. Trotter , of Avoca , is amoni , hose attending court hero , Ilonry Christiansen , the jolly landlon at Walnut , was in the city yesterday. Frank Shinn , a prominant attorney c Emerson , la In the city on legal business J. W. Craft , wife and daughter , c L'ekin , III. , are among the gueits at th Jgden house. A , Alexander , the giant , litghtnine speeded clothing man from Chicago , wn Interviewing the trade hero yesterday , Mrs. Johnson , of Woodstock , III. , ia I the city > ( siting her old friends , and is th ruest of Mrs. Iloughton , on Sixth avenue George Crocker , a prominent citizen o Percival , arrived in the city yesterda ; from the northern part of the state in com pauy with cue of the Burlington Ilawkoy inou , with whom he has been on a Cabin and hunting excursion. Dick Klcketa went to Keola yesterda to hunt for tame chickens , taking his air munition In his pocket-book , lie is bouu to keep the patrons of his lunch countc well filled up. Jacob Koch , the nobby tailor of Avow was hero yesterday , and rented a resident into which ho and bis family will move n once , It being his intention to engage I the tailoring business here. lie is pri nounccd an excellent workman. Proof Positive. Wo have the most positive nnd convlm ing proof that THOMAS' KI.LOTJUO OIL ! " most effectual spccltio for bodily uain. 1 cases uf rhtmmatimn tnd neuralgia It give iiibtaut relief. nug'J2-lw COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINIMI AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office ana Works , Main Street. OOUNOILi BLUFFS , IOW We give epeclol attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnace ! HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MAOHINER1 HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORJ will receive prompt attention. A general i tortmeut ot Brass Goods , Belting , Pining AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Fig Iron , Coke , Ooa OHAS , HENDBIE , President. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , NOT1CK. Epcc.ftl adiertiPttnenU , eve a ) Ixxt , Found , To Loin , For SMo , To Kent , Want" , HoanUnR , etc. , will be Inserted In thl > column at the low tltocf TEN CENTS PEP I.TNK for the first Inf-ertlon anj FIVE CENT : PEIl MNK ( or cft.-h lubscqucmt Insertion IA-O.TO tulv erllocmontfl at our office , No. 7 I'pirl "trcct , rmr llrvufotv , Wunts. I" . nt nnd test makers. Only WANTED 3i hnnl * nr d npplj al onnnrH.DEii i NKWJIA.V. lTl7ANTFlrnrh | at the K. a House , on South Main fctrcct. AMKD School trftclictf , mlnlsttr * , Bttl- U dcnt * nml olliersi'in a d to thorinc mo liy lc\o Injr a pottlcn of their tttno to cin\a)0r | { or cur MmicHril hcols end prnorlcali , or can inako l&r o wiijci bydo'lnft their whole tlm to It. \\o nnt n aaUo male i r fo tlo tg rt In c\cry townOil ] ! In Iowa and chrasVaanil will cITtr cxtiK Iniluccn cttB. Kcr clr ulix Ml. Ore * West rn Hook Company , Hex 661 Council 111 Ha , la. - ; In Cgynell Bluffs Ic WANTED-Ercrybod SO eotlU per week , de llreroil by carriers. Office , No J Pcflrl Dtieet nearllroiCdnar. TXT'ANTEIJ To buy 1CX ) tons broom corn YV For particulars nddrcM Council Dlufft liroom Factory , Council Iliads , Iowa. C68-29tf For Sale nnd Rent riTJ lUNT-Onolarf douMe room and ono JL slDclo room , Mctlj lutnlsh rt. Ono block liom middle llrondtt > y , .SIRB ofllic , au22 J3t " 171011 SALE Ono jcunK biy lorto , suitable for J' carrl&Kc ; alto ono tine drUlne nuic. In- qulro of J. M. Ui'lth ' , Council Ululfg. augli tf SATE Ono set tinners' tool * , ncaMvncw. cheap for cull. H. II. JoncJ , No. 131 Uroid- way , Council IllulTg , Ia. SALK Thotwojcara and tlireo moi ths FOR lease , tte flxtuns nnd fumlturn of the California home. Contains runt rooms lth bc < m toaicoinnod&te thlny men. IIou o now full , feeding for'y ' to flit ) tr en dally. A grand chance to buy Into a line jajlnp biislnofa III- he * ' < h ol prrf rlctor the only re on fcr celling. Addrcsi owntr , Ilcury hwclgcrt , California house , C. . H\LK Ixtf tonsc f Ice delhcrrd in cirj FOR "co'a , Iowa. FawdiHt furnished. Ad- drc'B. llaitlri Ca-cy , Ccuncil Illuilg , or H. I. . K , Mco'n , long. _ nm10-Stt 171011 SALE Ilca'itilul residence lotn , * 60 X ? each ; nothing down , and $3t > ermonth only , by BX-MAYOKVAUatlAN tt)13-tf MlBcellnnoouB. A I ge wardrob hoy. I Iberal rcnard LOST to fliid r Enquire at Bee office. & S.MOTI1EJIP , Council Illuffs HAUCOURT cx | rtss. Order ! ) left at HosUm Tok store , Miln sir ct Count I Huffu , or J. C. Elliot , 12(6 ( Fnrnnm ttrcct , Omaha , \\lll roccho inonipt at cnt on. Jyl6t" TILL AHEAD Great 6Uccc" . Call ami see S new accessories nnd exclmcns | of pictures Ui'cnb thu ro lablc pclatlne tiroinldo process , at the KxcdH or ( inllm 10 MilnMrcct. . W. L. PATTON Ph ) sIcUu and Oculist. DU. cure any coin of fioro cjc . It la only a matter of t'mo , and can cure generally in from thrco tc uvo weeks It makes nodlOcr- cnco how Ion ) ; dlflcaoid. Will straighten crots eyes , operate and rcuiovo I't J n ( 'intnH , etc. , and insert artificial eyes Special attention to re- inoveing tadeworms apS-tf Pacts forth Knowing \ now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 75o ino Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 75o GOo Very Fine Young Hyson , equal to that offered at § 1.00 75c We Mean Just What We Say. i / 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. , Council Elnffs , Iowa , MAIN STREET LIVERY ; FEED AND SALE STABLE. All Shippers nnd Travelers will fine peed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - T Iowa HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. MRS , fl , J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 222 Broadwnv Council Bluff * . JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OrriCK Broadway , between Main and Par Btreots.M1I praulce In State and Fcdcra Courta Sullivan & Fitzgerald DEALERS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS Crockery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also agcuta lor the follow Ing Ilnci ol Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and 8tit Steamship Companies. 3D xe .a. x * a ? s For tale on the Royal Bank ol Ireland anil Ban' ot Ireland , Dublin , Thane w o intend taeend Io Iricndi to any | urt ol Europe will llnd It to the ) uterrnt to call oa Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs In HARNESS , QKGUTT & W. , Broatay , and Pourtli Street , Council Bluffs , mar-2-flm - - J. J..A. . o GHIGKERINC AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. Qorrespondencs solicited , J. MUELLER , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , r Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and labw Smote , Council Bluffs , MANUFACTUJIKRS OF ALL KINDS OF CUPBOARDS AND SAFES. We make the following n specialty : WALNUT OI'JJN WASHSTANDS. JSTMail orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office amd Manufactory S. E. Cor. 7th Ave. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SUMMER SHOES. f e are Offering Special Bargains in ill Kinds of Summer WE GARRY THE LARGEST STOOK OF 3E" x IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. Z. T. LINDSEY & 412 Broadway , Gounoil Bluffs , A. HKKCK , W. UUNYAN , W. BEGBK C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Uutall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs. „ INFIRMARY ! T.J.OADTJJ.J.SM . . . . ( Late Veterinary Surgeon V , B. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All ol the biet I'lla claim la Council Blu U and eurrounJlu e The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Dread Baker In the Wc t ; alao a choice luncl lor Cake * and Plea. Bread delivered to all parU ol the city. MAURBB & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glass , Fine French China , Silver Ware awx , sto BMIDWAT , COUNCIL mum , IOWA. IM : Rubber Hose , Iron amf Leacf Pipe , Iron aud Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) TIIOS. orriCKR. w. H. H. rrair. OFHCEE & PUSET , Council Bluffs , la , Established , 1856 Dealer ! In Foreln aod Domcstlo Exchange and home etcurltles. MES. J. P , BILLUPS , V PKOl'KIETOR OF RESTAURANT & EATING H0 813 South Main Street , Council B uOt. New house and newly fitted up In Bret clkl t > le Meala at all bouri. Ice cream and lemon - n le e > ery evening. Frulta aid conlectloncrle J. M. PALMER , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUETS , IOW Jflk