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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA THURSDAY , AUGUST 2-1 , FINANCE AMD tO TlH ItP.R. STOCKS. NKW Vonit , August 20. II OMIT. Money "l@5 per cent. , closing at * 2j Jier cent. Prime Mercantile Pnpcr 0 per cent. Sterling Kxohauce- Steady ; b.VjkeiV bill , 54 SSJ ; demand , > . t o\ernucnts wcra unchangcil. linilrond b , iul < irtendy. The ( took nit i' < et opened f/euk , with prices on the main lower , A down nv < niovtaiciiit net in , ranging from id" ? cent , compared with. yo twday's oo the latter Dekware , Lick.xiranna & West orti. Kend'Uf ' , Oregon 8t Paul b Oi.iaha and Now York Gcrtra weio nlso conepi 4110111 in tHm dccliur , ter a recovery , 'prices fell-oil again , d weak. GOVKllNirXTS. Vcslrrdiy. . Toil * } 0' 101 } ' - D'R lOli 10' JJ'a IHf 111 no , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Pacific < r ! , oV isas ! . . . . . . . . . . . iso 130 IKJ.'IDS , Centra ! Pacific Hf > 115 Krle srcouds 97i 9 i Lehlgh Jx Wllkeslxirro 107 * io ; l.o iisUna , consols G9J G'J li'a 108J 110 Ill 111 & Sioux-City firsts..110 , 110 } f6f 65. do new 55 | 55. Uul'.n Pacific 1st mortgage..lltij 110 , do land Brunts..115 115 do sinking fund. . 12lt 122 Virjjinia G'a 3 : > 35 do consols G'j f8 82 do deferred li 13 Totas & Pacific land grants. . CUl do K. G. div. , . . 8. | UTUOKH. Adams Kxpresa 139 110 A Itou & lYrro Haute 13'J 1S8 do pfd. . . . 83 83 American Express 95.1 93 13url. . Cedar Kapida & North 8(1 ( to anad Southern. . . Col. , Oio & Ind. Coutrill. . . . Central Pn ifio ! ) Chcsapeako & Ohio do 1st pfd. . dn 2d pfd . 25 Chicago & Alton 13(1 ( do pfd HO 340 Chi , , Hur. . & Quiucy )30i ) 335 , Chi. , St It. licw Orleans. 7o Clu. . S .nd 6 : Cleveland. . . . 53 W Cleve , , Cul. & Cincinnati. . . 79J 711 Delaware & lludxon canal. . . 117 UCi Del , Lick , cc V\ Astern 41J 145T' ' ' Denver & llio Graude 013 Ol' 33rio WJ do pfd 73 .78' Fort Wuynu & Chicafjo 1 fcli lac. Hannibal ci jjt. Joeeph SS 85 do pfd. . . 'Jlii 93 Harlem 205 Houston & Texas Central 85 85 Iliiujis Central ISiig l.'iG ; Ind. , Uloom.Vestern -11 _ 4. ) i ICansas et Texas ; - > ' . ) i- ' 33 ; l ake Erie & \Vestor 40 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .114 113 Louisvillu & N'l livillo 77J 73 Loui > v. , New Alb. & ( Jhicago 70 70 Maristta & Cincinnati 1st pfd10 " 10 do 2cl pfd U 9 Memphis & Charleston CO fiS Micbig n feniral 'Jilj : 98 Mhaourl Pacific 117 1(1 ( ; Mobije & Ohio 2'4 224 Morria & Kasex I'-oi 125 iNUotivillo Cnattauooga OU 03 New J ersay Central 16J 78 Norfolk & \Vestsrn 54 J 51. Northeru Pkcific ' 1'Jg 49. rlc . " pfd 92J Nort' tern 145 145 Jr4pfd 107- 1 7 York Ce-itral 130g 133 : , -.110 Central 174 17 fbhi & Mississippi 37fc 37 do pfd 105 105 Ontario & Western 2 j 251 Pacific Mail -jji 41 Panama ll0 ! , 105 P < ori.i , Dccatur& Evansv. . . 3 > 341 1'ittsburg & Cleveland 13S 138 ' .teufliDR 78 GO. ' \k Inland ISO ' $ \\jpum & San Fran 40 40 M V o Pfd. . . . f91 nsi Xfe l t pfd 97 97 ; . Pau\t Milwaukee 123 12J Jo pfd..l37 130 , St. Paul. M inn. & Manitoba. 14fi ? 115 t. Paul & Omaha Til } do pfd 113J 'exas t'acific f > l | Pacific HDl iCTnitod S ates Express 7Ji , 74 tWat ah , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 303 3 i do pfd. 05 \Vel9 , I'argo & Co. KxpretH.130 130 vV etern Union Telegraph. . . 89J 89 $ Tennessee 11 3 O F4dt do pfd. ' . 17tf 18 \ | > rl1xm . W , cntml Arizona K ; > ixcelior 1 iiouurtako li ! ) ittldPittBburg 1 1 3'Ji luickilver 10 10 , dl pfd -5 ! iilverCllff il 9i Isutro i } Robinson 1 tSouth Pacific 12 10 iliuncapolis & St. IJJIUB 33 } 32J do pfd. 08/ / G8.1 Q2cred. Office ov TUB OMAHA HIKE , I Wodaesdrvy Evening , August 23 , { The only changes reported in the et to-day are aa follawa : Wheat , No. 2 , advanced IJc ; No. ; V cedllc. x-- ' . Mo. 2 , advanced Ic. 1 Twnatoea , 3 Iba. , cacs'decllnod lOc , i c r e. 1 , declined -t5c , par cane. IJlaekberiios , declined 20 ? , i > er c e. , declined 0c , per 1)1)1.3 Jioiuo ayrup , advanced W : , par Local Grain DeallnRt. , Casli No. Z , 87e ; caah 73io ; rejected , C.'Je. Y. C'ash No. 2 , SOcNo. ; . [ IYE. Cash , 63r. JORN. No. 2 , C3s. ) ATB. Cash. SOc. TJU5BT 'PJlIOKS-Corn , ; ' oati % Produce and Provisions. OTATOiS 50@25o ptr iMbhel. UNIONS B0@75o per bushel. 'J3\V TOSIATOES-Drug ; 50@75o pe country , 12@15o. K < UOS-Bcarce , 17 o. 'i'JKBY-Califoraia. J > r | h , 24c. VPPf.-KS Pcr burrrl , 3 5075. . 1 \ KTUOVKS Per dua-n , C0c@l 00. JYSX , . 'iS S lect , G5c per can. VA'tfItMKLONB-Per ! : 100 , $15 CO ® iu\ 25. , SU 35S 50. KAI'KS-Oalifornla , S225r-J ; DO. do KMONH-8700perhox. 42 > UANOK8 S8 OU per box. Qrocora' Llat. JHEE33 ITull Oreani , 12s ) Part - m. IPjj. do IEANE Imiwrted German 3 40 per d L -OKFE'E. K'o. ialr , Ho ; Bio , good llio. iiiline to choice , lajc ; Old gov't 2CjaiJlc ? ; Mocha , 2 % ; ArbuckJoX $ TEAS .GunpoTrder , good , 5@W > ( i > Ucc , W7i ) > cj JiUperhl , goo- ' . , b-ic * ( XXdTBct I'ouujr Hyaoi , , ttpod , r. ( § 50cj choice , 6.V&$1 00 ; Jnpi.n Nat Leaf , We ; Jnpsibj ( .Cioice , G0@7oc ) Ooloug , go.-d , J640 ; OO'JUR , , 40 < &B5 ; Souchong , r od. 8j ( & AToi choice. Wv ? iNc. NEV , S ICKJiKS Medium , In bawls , ? ! H > 0 ; < ki In half bbls , K OijwnMU , in Mils , llJrnn1lti ! lio'J bills , 700 ; gherkin * , iu hl'X M Wj do , in hilf bhls , r 03. VVl'OI'r'JsWAKK T o Hu < V p.ill' , 1 Wi t ) T < hoop vwIN a a ) . Tub , No. 1 , 9 U ; Piweer rowhboardr. 1 fW Double U-e-vt aVell ) bucket ! . , 310. T.T-.AO 13ixr , $1 M. VlNKGAU PUHJ apple extra , lOj fare apple , 13c ; Prustiinc euro atmlf , We SUUAKS-Unt loif. 10 ? ; CrushtV tO j ; ( Grnuulatcd , ! Cc ; Powdered , 10i me powdered , lie ; Standard , tlollco A 'JJcs Ne\v Vork CotifecU' ' > "pr' Mfnurlnr. V. Ojc : I'MSrle Extra , . , . . KUPK Sisal , L inch anil larger , lOlo 11 Inch. llc. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 1 ( Field's ) , per CMP , SI W ) ; do 1 lb ( Field's ' ) per cu ! > o , 1 ! 7f > ; no 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ; < 7fi. Lobstcro , 1 lb per dozen 180. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do B lb pe caso. 1 IM | Com , 2 lb ( Mountain per cnse. H10 ; Beaked com , 210 ; d 2 tt > tYnrmontli ) , per ca"o , 315 string bac.ns , p .r case , 2 10 ; Lima hoaii par cane , 1 R5. S'iccotiish per case , " OC I'onri , co'.nmon , j > cr wise , 2 00 ; peas , choice percaso , " 70. Clacklwrtioj , 2 lb , per case - ' . .M ; str.-\wlrrie5 , 2 lo , per case , 2 ( JO raspbtirrleH , 2 lb , ) > cr case , 3 20. D.uu eons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. liartlet peara per casa , 3 004 CO. Whortlcberrie per case , 210. Kg , } plums2 lb tKircixo , " 7J Gtflcn gagep,2 Ih \ > cr case , 2 75 ; do choice , ' It ) per CAM ) 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , ) > erca c 1 00@6 75. Peaches , 2 ID per case , 8 10 do 3 lb , ca c , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , po 'aMX.250 ; do pie , li lb , per doznn. 3 50. SALT. Dray loatln. per bbl. 1 05 ; Ath ; on. In gnc kix , li 50 ; bhls dairy CO , 5s , .16' HOMINY "New , ? 4 60 per bbl. yOUA Dwlcht's lb papers , MJ 85 ; D ( end do , 82 85 ; Church's , 32 85 ; Keg soda " CANDLES UOXCB , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8 lucloxcs.40 ; Urn , , IGoz. , On , 15ri. HICl'Carolina , 74Sc ; Loulalftna , 7 © 3o : fair , C@G . SYUUl'H. toiiBar house. lh n. 55c ! ha ! bis , 57o ; kegs , 4j gallons , $2 G ) ; choic abla oyrup8 i \ : ; half bbla , o'5c ; kt'Kn , C"10 STA11U11 , 1'oarl , 4ic : tWver Ulotw , b. f)8Jc ) ; Corn Starch , Ui@9o ; Ercelaio iloai. 7c : Corn. 7ic. SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; AUspicfl , 20c loves , 40c ; Nntmoifs , Of 00 * 2.c0asai ; Mace SI 00. MATOHKS Per caddie , P3s ; round uxses , 58 10 ; aquarc , caaoa , $5 40. SOAl'S-Kirlc's Savou Imperial , 8ir. . Kirk'o satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a Btaadurd , 3 75 Rirk'o white Russian , 5 23 : Kills' Kutoca , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen (100 ( cakes ) , tO ; Kirk's tntun" > H i ' 5 LYE American , 3 40 ; Gi-ocuwicn , 340 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewin lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case I 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case. 1 r/0. FIELD SEED Ited clover , choic now , § G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clove now , 87 00 ; while clover , new , § 14 00 * 1 alfn clover , new , 012 50 ; alsike , uuw $1300. Timothy , good , new , S3 00 blue grana , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue ( rruss clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass 82 f > 0 ; rod tcp choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri SOc ; millet , German , SI 00 to SI 25 Hungarian , SOc , HEDOESKED Oaage oranpo , 1 to bushels , 55 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels o over , § 4 50 ; honey locust , par Ib , , S5c : pe 100 Ibs. , 825 00. FI3 jt Family white fish , SO Ib hf bbls 35 25 ; No. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 7 00 No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; famil 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , pc keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75c : Colui" bia river Bahnon.per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorcV Bank codfish , lie ; Gen. boneless o. 9lc ; boneless fish , 5c. MAC1CEUEL Half bbla mesa mackero 100 Iba , ? 12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 or shore do 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 101 Iba , G 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kltn , 2 2T No. 1 ex Bhsrc , 12 Ib do. 1 50 ; No. 1 shore 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Tec nossoo , lOcprr Ib ; fanoy white , lOJo peril ra'v white Viruiniav raw , lOo ; roaatei ' Dry Oood . BltOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc Appleton X2I , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; Boot FF , Sic ; Bnekoyo LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W 74c ; Chittenango A , G\c ; Ureat Falls E 8c ; Ifoosior , Gjc ; Honest Width , 84c. In dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrontx LL , 7c ; Mystio Kiver , 7Jc ; Pequot A , BJc Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , SAc ; Wachuu ett B , 7jc ; da A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 121o ; Wai cott BB. 8 0. FINE BI40WN COTTONS Alicndali 4-4 ; 7Jc ; AJIiflator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc Atlantic LL. CJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c Bennington C 4-4 , Gc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJct Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconia ( 39 , 8Jc ; Leiiish E 4-4 , 9jc ; Lonndale 4-4 lOc ; Pepnerell N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do I 30 , 7Sc ; do ES3 , 8Jc ; Pocaaset 0 4-4 , 7" Wamautta4-4 lEc BLEACHKD COTTONS Androscog pin L 4-4,9ic ; < DlackBtoneAA imperial 8Jc do do half Txl&achcd 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8. " Fidelity4-4 , SJc ; Vruit of the Loom , 10 ; du carr.brio4-l,185doWaterTm8t,10JoGrcat ; FallsQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c Lonsdalo , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12 o ; New York Mills , ISJo ; I'enuot A,10c ; Peiperel N G Twills , 32ic : Pocahontaa 4-4 , Die Pocasaet 4-4 , * ; Utica , tic ; Wauiantte o x x , ia.\c. \ lluOKS ( Colored ) Albany IS brown 3 ; do C , , irab. tlK do XA stripon aix plaids , I'ijc ; do i XX brown and drah , stripes and plaid.12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick In-own , 8Jc ; Chariot faucy , 12Jc ; do eatra , heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , ll c ; Indiana brown \ooonB2t-A : brown. 15c. ( L'lUKli\U vmoeUeag ADA 19c ; do XX blue 3218c ; Arrowanra , 9&c ; Claremant IS B , 15Jc ; Conestoga ex tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , llio Lowiaton .t. 3015c ; Mlnneliaha 4-4 , "Os ; Omega super extn-1.1 , 28c ; Pearl Itlvcr 32 , IGjo ; Put nam XX hloo htrjpe , 13flj Hhetuclcet S W\c ; do S3 12c ; ycomau'a blue 29 , 9o D1NIMS , Amoskeak , Muoand bronn _ Jc ; Ando crDDblue , 15\c \ ; ArlinifX bluoEcotch , ISJc ; Concoid 10O , blue aw hrowi ; , I''io ; do AA \ , do do.3i ; doXXto do do He ; llajinaket'a blue and brown , 9Jc ; Myntlc Kiver DD striixs , IGJc ; Pearl Kiver , " oluo and brow j , IGc ; Uncasvillo , blue and brown , 1 < 4c. OAJ BUICS Barnard , 5 c ; Bddystone liniug. 24 inch double lice , E o ; Garner A ; lazed , } c ; Manhattan clove liiiah , CJoj Newport do Go ; do iflazeo , CJc ; I'oquot do 5c : I odcTood kid uuiuh lie. COlianT JEANO Amory , CssAndroa coggin Batteen , SJcjClarendcn , tjc ; Cones o'ga BatU.ns , 7 c ; Hallowol , &j ; Indl J Orchard 7io ; Na.TJ6an8ottlmpr.ivwio LViieriJl catt en 9 c ; Kackport , PJtINTB Aliens , 6ic ; Xjncnccn , GJc ; yirnold , 7 ; Berwick , 4So ; Coctfco , fc ; jonestoqa. d\c \ ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell , 37c ; KiVystone , 7c ; Glouceatcr , Go , Ilarmony , 5jo ; Knickerbocker , 6Jc ; Mcr- inrao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5 o ; Bprat-iiCK' , Uc ; outhbridgc , Cc ; do. Giaghr-ine , fo ; Marl. bori > , 5VC ; Orimtal Die. lb UlKGlIAMd-Ani'mkeag. JL2Jc ; Anos. l > ccat ; dresa OJj Argyle , lOit : Atlantic , 9c ; Cuinberln&v' , 7Jc ; Highlanci , Tjc ; Kenllvorth , 8J ; Plun kott , lOJcj Bun tei , 80. C01TONADE8 Abbervlllo o Agate , We ; American , lie ; Artiflian , 2 0i ; Cairo D and T , UJc ; Clarion V and T , 17io ; Deocan Co.Etripea DandT , IGe ; Key- etona , ISJc ; Nanturket , 19e ; Notparefl , Gl ( ; Ocean D and 1' , 13Jc ; Royal , IGi i Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. ISAc ; Wachusett * hlrt- iujuu ttD. 12Jc ; do , Kankin , 12 c ; York. plain Nankin. V2\o \ ; checka , etripos &nd lancy , 12Ac ; do , 8 oz , 20c. @ SHEETINGS Androacogdn lM,27ic ( ! 8-4 , 21c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Ooiitlnental 0 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York mills 98 , S5o ; do 78 , 3Do ; do C8 , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-1 , 2840 ; do 7-4,19c ; < ] o 49 , IGc ; Pcppertdl SO , 29c ; G7 , 21e ; do 67 , lSo > Utio 00 , Hoc ; do 8 , 22jc ; do 48 , 17o Olgor * end Tobaccoi , CIGAUS. Seeds , 816.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , 35,00 ; Seed lUtunn , $50.00t Clearllavoua. 676.00. 1 TOUAGCO - PLUG , - Goldeo IMe , 24 Ib , GOc ; Our liopo , first quality , 62 Star , poundu , 24 Ib. but Us GOc ; llorso Shoo ponnda , 24 Ib , bntU , UOc ; Gilt Edge pounds , 24 Ib , bntta , GO ; Army nnd Novy pound B5c ; Bnlllon.Ipoundg , 69c ; Loril lard's CHIm x , pounds , GOc. FINE OUT In paili. Hard to Beat 75c ; GoHen Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c , Favorite , GT c ; Rocky Mountain , COc Fancy , D5c ; Daisy , 6'o. ( ' In tin foil CMltns O. S. , fi Ib boxoi , | > er Ib 63c ; lllard\i Tiger , G5 : ; Diamond Cro\vn , GGo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25tc 33c , Granulated lllnckwolls Durham , 1 oz file ; Dukes Durhjim , 10 oz , 4Gc ; Seal o Noth Carolina , Ifi or , 40 ; Seal of Nebras k , 1G or , 3Sc ; Ijouo.lack , 4 cz , linen baga per lb , 61.85 ; Marburpn' Pnck 2 or , tl oil , = 5 < > ! . Or T all GhV Pnlnt Oll nd Varnleho. PAINTS IN OIL \Vhito Ic.vl , Oman P. P. . 6Jc ; white load , St. Louie , pure , fij < Marseilles green , 1 to 5 lt > cans , VOc French zinc , gisin ncal. 12c ; French rino , rod , lie ; French tine , in varttiMi nssl COc : French ilncc , in oil a * t , It'c ; Ra\ anil burnt umber , 1 lb cans llc ! : raw am burnt Sienna , 13o ; van'lyko brown , S refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGo ; Pnn ini blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrom green , L. M , < t D. , He ; blind and shuttc KTcen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18o I in linn red , 15c : Venetian red. Uo ; Tuscnri tliv , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. A P. , 18c chrome yellow , L , , M.f O. & D O. , 18c yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre. ! < ! ; paten dryer , Sc ; graining color * ! light oak , darl on t , walnut. chestnut and ash 15o. Qrv ° alnU White lead , Cic ; French fine. 10c ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders. IJc \thiting coin'l , lie ; lampblack Gorman town. Mo ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOo ; Pni - slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18a ; Vandyke brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4o ; umber , raw lcsienua ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com1 20o ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chroin green K. , 12c ; vermillton , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion million , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOc rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookgon' 'Wo : Venetian rod Am , ISc ; rei lead , 7Jc chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ycl low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3o ; ochre French , 2-jc ; oohro , American , 2c Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lohigh brown. 2Jc Spanish brown , 24c ; Princo'a mineral 8c OILS 110' carbon , per gallon lljo ; 160 headlight , per gallon 12jc ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , IGc linseed , raw , per pallon , 7 ; linseed , bollo'l per gallon , Cite ; lard , winter st'M , pcrial Ion , 1 00 ; No. I , 85c ; No. 2 , 7fic ; castor XXX. per gallon , 110 ; No. 8 , 1 00 ; swcot per Gallon , 85c ( sperm , W. B. , per gallon 1 55 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot , extra , par gallon , 7oc ; No. 1 , G5c ; luhri eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No 2 , .SO ; Rporm , , per gallon , SOc ; tor pcntine , per gallon , Me ; uaptha , 74 * , po gallon , 18c ; 01 * . 17c VAUNISHES Barrels per gallon Furniture , ertra , Cl 10 ; furniture , No. 1 91 ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; each , No. 1 81 20 ; Dumar , extra , 81 75 ; npan , 70ca ; < phaltum , extca. S5c ; ahelLio if 3 50 ; ban oil finish. SI 30 PAPER Straw paper , 2 'c ' ; rag paper Ic ; dry goods paper , Uo ; iimmla paper , lOc news paper. Sc. MoAvy Hardware Ll t , Iron , rates , # 3 10 ; plow steel , opecia cast , 7c ; crnciblo,8c ; npecial or GermanGc cast tool do , 15@20 wagon npokes , set 2 25@3 00 ; hcba , per sot , 125 ; felloes , sawo dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; nxles each , 75c ; snuare nuts , per lb , 7llc ivashers , per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie coil chain , per lb , G@12c ; malleable , 8c iron \vedKes , Go ; crowbars , Go ; harro\ teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; sprin steel , 7@8c ; Burden's horaeshocs , 5 C ( Uurdon'n inuleahoes , G 50. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck ahot , ? 2.1C Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 : do. , hal kegs , 83.40 ; do. , puarterkogs , $1.88 ; Blant uiif. keijB. 83 35 : Fuse , uar 100 feet 50o. BAt.BED WIRE In car lots,8 SO po 100 : in losa than car lots. 8 55 nor 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to GOJ ? , 4 00 , Leather. Oak solo , 880 to 42c ; hemlock sole , 2Sc t 35c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner G5o to 80s ; houiloctcalf , 85o to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23c to SGo ; oak upper , 24c alligator , 4 00 to fi 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8lc ) t I 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip 110 to 1 55 ; Ftonch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rim setts , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30 to 85c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; eimon 2rO tofi'OO. HARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; Node do , 3'Jc ; No. 1 Ohio or.k , 38c ; No. 2 do S5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2do.3Jc Horioa and Mules. The market is brisk.and all grades ar uollin-'v/oll at n alieht ndvanco in p-lcos Tl'.e demand for good horses exccoda th supply consideraoly. Prices ran go U3 fol lows : Fine single drivers. $150. to 300. ; TCxtr : , draft heroes , $176. to 225. ; Common drai hcreoa , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horsce $110. toJ25. ; Common Cogoodfann horsea § 30. to rJlOO. ; Extra plugc , 860. to 7fi. Cwninon plugs , ? 20. to " ' " MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 3125 to 150. ; 14 j to 15 hande , 8100. to 140. II to 14i hands , $75. to 100. ; 134 to ! hands , 800. to 75.LI LI uora. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 26 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits. 187 proof 1 2G per proof gallon ; trlplo refined spirits 187 proof , 124 per proof tjajlon ; re-diotillet wtiskics , 1 00@1 60 ; fine 'blended , 150@ 2 0 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken tuckv and Pennsylvania ryn , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , 80 00@1G 00 domestic 1 104 00. GINS Incported , 4 COS 00 ; domestic 1 403 00. RUMS Imported , 4 60G 00 ; New En laod. 2 00 ® 1 00 ; domoaUs , 1 60@3 50 PEACH AND APPLE KUANDY 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Irarortcd per caao 2ROO@S1 OjAmsrlwa , CMC , 1200 ® 10 00 , OLAIIETS Per case , 4 50010 00 WINES Rhlro wino , per rase , G 00 ® 20 00 ; Oatawba , per case , 4 OOO7 00 , l.uninor. WliOLUSALE , We quote lumber , atn and Khinglos on : r.ra at Omaha nt tl e followim ; j > rice : JOIKT AND SOANTLING-lGft. and under , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMBKUS 10 li. and under , -622 00. TIMUKU AND ff01ST-18 fi. , $28 C . , 1C ft. 824 m , 22 ft. , 527 60 ; 24 ft. , 827 50. * PNOING No. S , 4 acd G in. , J22 00 ; No. 2 , 820 (10. ( SHEETING Nc. 1 (2nd ( csmmon board * ) . 818 60 ; No. ' , 817 00 , STOCK BOAUDS-12-ln. D , 23 00 ; 12 m O , 8CS 00 ; 12-ic. U , $10 00. LIMK Per barrel , Cl 15 ; bulk pe. Ous 35o Cement , bbl , 81'i'5. lown pJiater , bbl , 82 00. Hair per bu. 35o. Tcrreil felt 100 Ibs. 3 00. Strww hoard , 82 'CO. ' COAL Cumberland blacksmith , | 1 _ , Morria Ilun Wossburg , S12 ; Whitebrsaat lump , CS CO ; Whitcbreaif' ; nut. ? G 60 ; Iowa lump , 8 CO ; Iowa nut W 60 ; Jlock Sprfag , C8 ; Anthracite , ill sizes Cll 00. DRU B AND OHEMlOAl Anid . Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tart ao , GOc ; JiaU-aai Copahia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Bmsafraa , per , 14a ; Cnlomol , per Hi , 76.JJ Clnchouluta , er oz , 8115 ; OWorofonn , per lb. 100 ; Dover's jiowdera , per lb , 81 40 ; JSpsoir salts , par lb. Sic ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , S8c ; Lead , Acetate , pw : lb , 2Je Oil , Cofttor , No. i , per fal , \ 15 ; Oil , Cantor , No. ! ! , rer gal , $100 ; Oil ; Olive , pergaLSl 60 ; CUL Ori-anuui. 60 , Opium , 85 00 ; Quinine i > , k W. fc Jt , & S. per oz , 82 30 ; Potassium , lodlda , per Ik 90 ; Salaciii , per ox. 40c ; SuJphato o Morphine , per oz , 83 85 ; Sulponr Hour per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine , me oz. gli5 ! , Wool. Merino unw&a eel , light. ll@16c ; hwvy.c , " " " " ' - - - - ' " - 1315c ; medium aBhedJWit---- washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding , , nd w. , 28c ; burry , hUskand cottod wool ' © Go lena Hldoi f-Ufi , Etc. HIDES Oreen butcher'fl hide , G@Glc cured 7Jc ; hides , green ttalt. part cured 7c Idee , Ufa ; dry flint , sound. 13@l4c ; dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hides , aounu , 0@llc ; grwu calf , wt. 8 to 16 Ibs. . lOfgllc ; green calf , wt , under 8 Its , per kn ! , 60 j creen pelts , CC@1 25 ; green lamb ikltu , 25@160 : damaged bides , two-third rate , ut ecureu ftnd pne grub , cloased two- tlCfiU rate. ) branded hide * 10 per cent , ofi Coon kln , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 30. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1. SOc ; No. 2 SOc ; No. 3 15c ; No. H , 60. Fox , No. 1 COc ; No. 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black G5o ; short stripe , 40oj narrow stripe 25o broad stripe , lOo , Tallow 7c. Glitcatto I'roanon. CmcAno Auguit 23 , Flour Quid ; common t < ichoice sprlui ; 4 00(5,11 ( 59 ; common to fnner Minn sola 600 1 ! 76 ; patent * , G7 fa7 < X > i fair I HIOICO old winter who it. 000 1) ) 60 j now firm at 6 , " > 0 : low grades , 8 00 ( < i4 60. Wheat Str tip and hl.s'horjregular , 1 00 forAugint9tJ ; ! < tf.9'ila ! ' for September ; US ? fnr Octo'ar ' : 9SJJO lor November ; 9Ss ( ) 9 Sls f > r the year ; No. 2 red wlnte 1 U. > 1 for cash ; 1 WI1 0 o for Ausust 1 ( IIJ f ir September : No. J.Ohtcngo spring I 07j f r oj&h ; 1 07 1 OJc for August No. , i Cnleaito sprln. ' . , 92o Corn Strong amllliighcr : 7777ijo } for ca h ; rijo fr August ; 7Ggftfl7GJ < ' lor Scp tftuber ; "ojo for Octol-ci ; 7'2 ( < ii72fc ! fo Noi ember ; G7o for the ytnr ; rcjoctuil , 76Jc O.itB Iriegular and o y : lljo for r * i nd Aug t ; 3'1Jj for Septe'iiber ; 3."i3li ( for October ; UOc for November ; 35ftJ fo the year ; rejecto I , 3G4@37e. Rye Steady nnd unulmtig l ; G"c. lUrlpyMarket easier ; illfjgllj- . Vlax Seed Active , lirai und higher l ? > ) @t ill. Pork Dull , weak nnd lower ; 2155@ 21 CM 'or canh ; 21 fi5@21 G"l for Septom bcr ; 21 7742l SO for Oot her ; 19 90 ® 19 95 for January ; 197"i@10fcO for th year. year.Larl Quiet nnd weak ; 12 30 for cnM' 12 3012 : 2J for SBtembcr | ; 12 401'J 42 for October ; 12 17J@12 20 for Junuary 12 25 for the year. Butter-Stendv. with fair demand creameries , 18(3 ( 2G ; dallies , good .to cholco 17C522. Eggs-Quiet ; 18i@l9o. Bulk Meats Steady ; shoulders , short rib , 13 2o ; thnrt clear , 13 43. Whisky tjulot ; 119. FreightslUtea ou corn to Buffalo CAM. llO.Mtl ) . Wlinnt Irregular : reiutlarl OCjfnr ) Aug u t ; 99 0 for rfoptcmber ; 9SJc for October ll)5o ! ) fur November ; 9SJo for the year No. 2 red winter , lCGJn ( > 100Jo fir Aug ut ; 1012l 02 for September ; No. : Chicago spring , 1 09 for cash ; 1 07 fo August. Corn Market easier ; declined i@jo fo some options. " ' Un ettloii , but generally higher -.Bw iQ for August ; tCJj ! for September 3lij for October nnd iVuvcinber ; 35 0 fo the year. Pork Irregular ; 21 G7l for Ssptembc 2177J lor October ; 1975 for tlio yen 19 95 for .Tiinuiry. Lard Quiet , but firm ; 12 32J for Sep toinber ; 12 42J for October ; 11 ! 32i l2 for November ; 12 15@12 25 for the year 12 SO.for January. Roo'tB. Shlptn'tc Flnur 7,000 7,60 \Vhoat 130.HOO 511.00 Coni 20),500 ! 93 OC Oats 25MXH ) 14H.OO Rye 17.00J tOC ! , Bjiley. . . . 2.500 tO Connell JSluffn Murkot. COUJJOIL BLUI'KH , August 23. Flour Cryatnl Mills golden sheaf , ! 1 30 bcit Kansas br.indx , 3 00@3 CO ; Graham 3 00 ; rye 11 mr , 3 00. Coin Meal 1 70 for \vlillo ; yellow , 1 GO cornch p , 2o'00 per ton ; earn nnd oat chop , 2J 00 pur ton. Wheat No. 2 , 75o. Corn No. 2 , 57J. Rye New , 47 ( 503. Barley None. OatH New , 30c. FRUITS-Blackberries , 15o per box apples , 2 60@3 00 per barrel. Broom Uorn--3i9c. Hay Loose , 7 00639 00 ; baled , i > e dale. dale.Wood Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 15@25. Butter Creamery , 20c ; in rolls , wrap nod , IGc ; rolls not wrapped , 12JC | ; mixe colors , 10@12io. Eggs If'u. ' Onions 7oc per bushel. Live Chickens 1 75@2 25 per dozen. Potatoes SOo per l > u bel. G.ibbagoi 23)0c ) per doz. Turnips 40o tier bushel. Siveet Corn 7o per dozen. LIVE STO K. Cattlo-Extra , 3000 3 60 Void Culves5 60@(1 ( 00. Uoga 7 00@7 25. Sheep 360. _ Now Tforli Prodnoe. NK\v YoitK. Augubt 23. Cntton Steady ; 13@13 5-lGo ; futurci ptuady ; August , 12 81c ; September , 13,6k ( , Uctobtr , 1190 ; November , 11 GSJo : Do Lember , 11.70c ; January , 11.79a ; 1'obru ary , 11.90 : March , 12.03c ; April , 1'J.lGc May , 12.280. Flour Quiet ; superfine state western 3 G04 50 ; cuinmoii to good xxtrn , 4 50@ 5 20 ; good m choice , 5 25@8 20 ; whit wheat extra , 7 00(5) ( ) * 25 ; extra Ohio , 4 050 7 50 ; dt. Louis , 4 G3@800 ; Minnesota pat cnt proco < ) , 7 0 < > ( i$8 50. WheatS < 2)UJ ) higlif r and firm ; No. spring nominal ; ungraded red , 102 < 5a 114 ; bteamer No 3 red , 1 08 ; No 3 red 11'21124 ; steamer No. 2 red , 114 No.i red , 113tf@lll for certiti c.itcs , 111J@1 15 delivered ; mixed wiu tor , 1 12J ; otonner mixed , 1 00 ; nngradei white , 1 uK | ; No. 1 white , 2,600 bu. Hold a 1 17 ; No. 2 red for August , 280. 000 uuHold at 1 13g@l 1-H , closing at 1 14g do for September , GUO.Ood bu sold u 1 14 ® 1 14V. cloaing at 1 14g ; do for Octo bor. 77t'OOU ' bu Hold at 1 15 ( U IGV , clo Iii ( , at 1 15g ; do for November , iiOi : 00 1m soli ut llG tlGJ , clodlug as 1 1GJ ; do fo December , 23,000 bu sold at 1 17j@l 18 closing at 1 18. C'rn-i@lic higher on futures ; l2Jo better on uput ; ungraded , t > . © ! ) ; No. 2 iJOi@90yo in store , 91o in eluvutor , 92Jo de livuird ; No. 2 white , 92@93c ; huv mixed UOc ; NIL 2 for August , .iOi@Ulo , closing n Die ; do for September , 8iJi'/87Ju , clod lug , at 87cdo ] ; lor October , 8) ) ( .8Ac , clot ing at 80 0 ; do for November , 80fs81Jc ( cloning | at. 81Jc , ( hits Quiet , hut firm ; mixed wotern COC"8c ) ; wliita wo tern. ( J.a370o. Hay Quiut but steady ; G0a,70c : HODI- Firmly hold ; eastern , 4l@4So ; Now York nutu , 4l@Dlc. CoiruuSteady , witii u fair demand ; Itio ciruouH , 8jajllo. Sugur Steady , with a good demanrl 'air to gooil luliulug , rjuotcd at 7 7 5.10c , MolasBi'H Quiet but steady. KIuti-Qulol but li in. Tallow Firmer ; prime city , 86c. Rosin-Steady ; 1 0l 95. Turpcntluu Quiet hut firmer ; 45o , Eggs Fresh WKbtern , dull and changed ; 'ic. Leather Demand fair and market firm ; leinlock sole , Buenos Ayron und Klo irnnde light , middle und heavy , 21@25io. [ ; Pork I Uglier ; now mosi ) , 2200 , Beef Quiet , und steadily held , Cut Meats Scarce nnd nominal ; long clcir ! middles , 13 76. Lard .Steady ; prime steam , 12 70@ .2 72j. Cheeeo Dull ; western fiat , ( ! @ 10c , MautifaclureJ Copper-Quiet and nil- chungud ; now bheuthlng , 28c ; Ingot Juke , tig IrouCiuIet but firm ; Scntch , 23@ 20Jc ; American , 22W2GO , iron KosUan Sheeting , HJyi2o. ( NalN-Ciit , J 55 ; clinch , It 15 ( G 15. Rec'U. Shipm'U. 'lour . 23,003 0,000 Wheat . 4 11 ,000 , 122,000 Com . O.uOO 31,000 OcU . , . 8S.OOO uuno Tbo Wool M Lo.vno.v , August 23. At the wool sales 11 , COO ha'es ' were o'd ' , chielly Auitralian nnd Victorian , 'lieie wa < * In Ink couiputitioa and prkui vere finu. NKVV YOHK , Augiwt 23. Wool Dull and drooping ; domestic eoce , 32fclUo ; pulleil , 17fe&12u ; uuwaahed , 2S ) iik ; Texan , 14@a3c. _ Liverpool Produce. LIVKIII-OOL , Auguot 23. atn Finn ; wheat , winter 84 9d it Oorn 7 4d. lit St. Juonlft Jrrodno . ST. Louis , Auh- , . . Flour Was iulet | ami , Im grain wai higher thr ughuut lut very dull. dull.W W eat-Nn. 2 red Ml , 974@nsjc for owh ; U@l > ; ito fnr Ausu-l ; l'8 ' ( 98io fnr Benlohii cr ; Ji9 ( < ? 9jo ! ) fnr O.-toher ; 1 00f < 3 1OOJ for Novpinbc073 9c for tho\o r N J red fall , J2&l)1.c5 ) | No. 1 nil fall , SO t' rn77c forcaUi ; 77fo for AupuM * ! ' f r Soptemlx r ; "djo for Oclolx-r ; CMC for November ; GOJs for the 3car ; 66 0 for Mitv. Oali 3S@3Sn for c.nb ; 88 V * for An gut ; 3Ue for Scptomlicr ; 314 for Octo Th' ; 35o tor November ; 31 31 Jo for the jei\r. liyo Slows G'c bid. Unrlcy Nrmitinl. Butter-Sto ly ; dairy , 15td22j ; ; cry. 22io2."c. KiKn Stcn < ! y ; lf..l@lGc. Whi kj Stcadv ; 1 18. ] ' , rk Active , linn ami higher ; jobbing 23 0 . Bulk Meats Firmjuhoul'crs , 976f ; her ! rib. 13 CMS fhort rlotr. 13 8T > . Hncon Slronpcr ; phouldcrs , 10G2J hoit ilb , l J 5(1 ( ; nh.irt clear , 11 90. Ltrd-Fi in ; 12 M bM. AVTVMNOOX llOAttll , Wheat Better ; 9So for August : 9Sjo for September ; 9lio ! n.r Oit bcr ; 1 00 } lor No vembcr ; 9Sc lor the year. Corn Better , except for the year ; 77Jo for August ; Mjjo for Septom o ; 7o ( lor October ; G5c for Novemlier ; GOjj for the jcnr. jcnr.O.its Higher ami Mow ; S.S o bid for AM gust ; 3.'g@i51o ; for September ; 3IJo for the yvnr. . ' . Ship't * Flour 7,0'0 13,0X ( ) Wheat 10'.000 53.COO Corn : ' .3,000 Oats 70,000 17,000 Rye 1,000 Batley. . . lJ1vo Stnolr. CIIIOAUU , Auguit 23 Th Drovers' Journal reports IM fol lows : Hoin-Receiiits , 12,003 ; shipments " , > 00 ; strong ami 60 higher ; mixed , 7 75H ( S 45 ; heavy , 8 fiO@9 00 ; light , 7 75@8 60 nki | ) . , 5 00 ( < i7 40 ; supplv neil c'oarcd , G.ittle Receipt ? , 4,200 ; i-liil'iiiciito , 2 , , 200 ; good fat IIORS very source , low graden weak _ ; xpnrt , 7 20@7 7 ; ioud to choice shipping , 0 60@7 90 : coimuon to fair , dull , 4 ! > @J 75 ; Initcheih' nctlvo Mid xtrougcr common to fair , 2 r > 0@3 60 ; medium , t < uood , 3 75@l 40 ; ttuckein u nl feeders. 3 ( X 4 3(1 ( ; d.itry calve9 0017 Oj per heiid r.itikri ro Hteadv ; Atnertcaiis and half-breeds 4 90@5 60 ; Texas cowf , -I0@3 SO ; steer * 4 2. ' ( 5 00. Sheep -Receipts , l,500i ; < lilpiiieiits , none slow nii'l lower ; poor , 3 I0371 ! nifdiu to K nd , 30@1 ; 2 ; ch. ice to extr.i , 43 @ 1 ( il ) . _ _ _ St. Xionln Llvo Stoolc- Sr. Louis , August 23. Catttlo RoceiptH , 3hUU ; nlilpmentu 900 ; Mipply liberal nnd larg lv < > ( couth west butchpm' htock , which was wo.ik cnwnnmlhcifoi8 ranging from 260@10C butchers' i-teers nf Sn ( to 1COO pound brought 3 V5@4 37i : grass Toxmm , etondy ounuiiig iraden , 3 25@l ) 00 ; good to beat 4 2.frt , 17 : gr.i s native steem , r.inge. I 2 @ 6 60. N-J good thipplng steers were ol ferrd. Sheep Kecclpts , 2,700 ; f hlpmcnts , 1,200 oH dfinaud ; common to ulr muttnii > < 3 uOCsS 76 ; good to choice 4 10 © J 50 ; Tux an , num. ' , 2 7 ' @ 4 00. _ Pooriti Produoo , Pun III A , August 23. Corn Firm and h'uher ; high mixed , 75 @ 75l3 ; mixed , 75@7 l3. Oats Active , but lower ; white , 4340 43Jc. live -Firm ; No , 2 , G7i@G3o. llijhu ; iucs Steady ; 1 1G.Jtcctc. Jtcctc. Shlpts Wheat . 900 non Corn . 18.0UO 17,00 Oats . 81,000 65,00 Rye . 1,000 60 Barley . 3,800 CO Wow Vork lilvo Stoolr- NEW YOHK , August 23. The Drovrs Journal bureau reports : Beeves Receipts for two dayc , 4GK ! market utroiiMer and belter for nil iJe ucriptions , with an advance of jo im pound ; all Fold except voiy Into nnivaln extreme * , 9 < 514 25 for i > ntivo Ntcers 9501025 for Texans ; 97fii'115) ( ! fo iialflireeil ( 'ol' rado stock ; no Hliipineiitf" . Sheep -Receipts fet two d ya , 17,5M sheep , steady at 4 W@fi ) 50 per 100 His lambs , dull at 6 00@7 25 i jr 100 Hw fo poor to best. Swine Receipts for two days , 6,8SC demand for live hogs stronger and price advanced to 8 G0@8 85 for lair to good , KnnsnB City Produce. KANSAS CJTV , August 23 , Wheat Strong and higher ; No. 3 red SOo bid for cash ; No. 2 red , 8IV@8."o fo cash ; 85c for August ; 83 } c for September No. 1 red. 89a for caHU. Corn Higher nod firm ; No. 2 mlxnd G9a hid for o , sh ; GSgo bid for August ; OS for Soptemlicr , Oats -Slow ; 3Jo bid for cash ; Slofo AugtlHt. Butter Unchangod. Eggs Unchanged. lloc'ts. Shlprn'U Whenl . 51.000 I9.00T Corn . . . . 1,000 2tOt Kautmn City Zjivo S to oil KANHAH CITV , August 23. The Live Stuck Indicator reports as iol lows * Cattle Receipt * , 4,300 ; nctivo for fai cattle but low grades slow ; native fitcers o 1 60 pounds sold nt 4 75 ; Tcxa < < Htcern , 900 to 1100 pimndx , 3 9 > tfI ! 45 ; native tcoiien 3 41)033 ) 85 fut cow , 3 00@3 f 0. Hugh Receipts. 1.10 < liutlvennd Htrnng cholco packing , 8 15@8 40 ; medium 7 60 ® 8 10 , Sheep Receipt * , 2,000 ; dull ; nosalea , Potrolouin Qlurltot- I'lTTHUUito. I'a. , AiiRunt 23. Polroloum Autlvu ; unltuil ccrtifioutcH , wnnk nnd lower ; closed at 5ffjo ! ; lofined , JGjfu for I'hiladelphla dollvery. Nuw YOHK , August 23. PetroleumMuiket dull and enslor , United , 6G4o ; crude , 60J@5G2o ; refined , Buoiauu i > The BEHT SALVB in the world for Cuts iSriilxos , Horen , Ulcers , .Salt Hlieum , Fo rer Huron , Tetter , Chupped Handri , C'hll ilnlni ) , Corns , nnd all xlciu eriiptloiin , nn" losltivoly cnioinllca. It is guurautued U , lvo satliifaotfon or money refunded , 'rice , 25 couU per box. For halo by 0. P. Goodman 3AI T fca\o iiionuy anil order tult direct from JML. I iH.wcBlilp | iromj > tly liy rail at thu owwt powilhlu uatli price to all uvitem polii'H nU-lm TVIlltHAirCO , , Sa Iiiaw Ulty.Micli INCREASE YOUR CAPITAL. Thoeo ill-Hiring to inako money on small and mnilum InMttmenti In 20 I Kruln , I'rovIsIo.Ti ' anil HtocU npuuula , iloui , cin ilu to l > y oih'ratlr g on our pUn. FromM > 1 , Udlio il.n rim WHEAT "out natii , on Iniustuim HC ! yiOOQ t 91 OOj , ro8b f.rollU J.aui born roIU J anJ palj to I'uoatore an oun Jn tO'Uior I Ilium t luirl . Irul Inruitnuni , ullll liavliu thu oritl'i'l luvurtiuunt nakliu inoni'j- nrpjuln on demand riplanato , - ' olriulartaiiil ttiluino , ti cl lunil ' , 11 fru Wu want ru pongiblo a cnt who wllrtiiort onirop , BIK ! Int oduc lit pUn lt boral com- inlaloiK paid , Addroux I'LKMM'.Nd & UrJKIUAU , ( Join- inl-sloii Mari'hauU , ilaier lllock , o , III. _ _ _ _ . I , BROWN Varni all hit ( rlcnd Diul th ) tliat do buy Fur- Ituro , CarpetH , Btavra > nd Crockery , ( hit bj bo ( uund only at No , VUV > Douglas itrcet and oUier | > IOCD. Voutro dilly irupcsui upun by litir dealera whe rrpruicnl tint 1 own their ores 1 nave the Ur ut stock and at the low , Jirlctslo the city J > /T9 / / * T > & ( us1 AI Ji IPO" .erases. 3E5-3ET Atlll IJUUOUS m. bullillni ; dltcs on Hhcrnmn avenue Ifltli street ) nuuth ot l'oi''K'ton' | and J , J Itrown'n r , ultlcnccp tlin tract liolongl R toHcnn tor 1'aildock ( or BO many jcnr * lieliiR SM ( eel nriit IronUjn on the KVCIIUO liV Ir in 3(10 ( to 650 ( cot In depth runnlnu aulnard to thu Umulm & Rt. ritil It , It. Will nell In utrlps ot M ) foot or more ( ontigo on tinuonua nUli full depth lo Dm r.illroivl , nil icll tlio nbo > ounnlioui nny tornmlhnt iM iimy ileelro , To p.irtli > nuho will mrrroto bulli liouscn I'Orttlii ) ; Cl'JiH ) null upinriln will nail with , out r.nv painent ilann lor onujrar , and 5 to 10 iqunl aunitnl pijiiiciitn tin render t7 per cun liiltr , Ht. To part len n he do not Intuiid Improv \ng \ lumiodlaifty will Btll for < no sixth ilowu am n w\ial | annual pt } meuta thcrcalt > .r at 7 per ecu Intirinr. Choli u 4 acre Muck In BmUh's addition nt wcni t'lidol K.irimin Htrnot will u\\a \ any length o tlmn niulrvdat | 7 per com Interait. AUo a Hplctull I 10 ncra block In Smltli'muMl tton on vaiuo Illioral tcr no toti'Kag. \ . Ko. 305 , Hall lot on near iOth * 700 700Ko Ko 301 , Lot on ISth ntroct near Paul , S12CO. Ko S02 , Lot 30x230 ( cet on 15th elroet , uoa Icholua. , No 2W , One quarter ncro Hurt Btrcet , ncn Dutton * MI. ( No i'J7 , Two lota on Bloiulo near Ircna utrcct KM nnd$300i-nch. No SOU , Two lotn on Ocoruta near Sjrcut , 91200. Not20A , Twelve choice roMdcrico lota on Hamll gjn ttrcct In Shlnn'a aildltlon , line and t > 0 to flJUO each. No2Ul llcatitllul ImU lot on St.llnrj'a nv oniio , 30x180 lect , iicar Uluhop Clarkaon'a am tOth atruct , * 1WKJ No 02 , Klvo cholco lota on Park avenue , OOi ICO each , on street railway , { SOU aicli. NoMI.SU lotfl In Mlllard & Cn'il cll' addition On bhiTiuan A\cnuo near I'opnlctou'g , ? 3iOto jinOeftch. N-i 2s9 , Choice Ion on Park avenue and streo ar Una on r iad to Park , f IHI to JlOvO oach. No2S5 , Eleven lota on Ueca ur and Iron Ktreuta , near Saunders street , WJ6 to 8150 each No % & ! , Ixit on ItHli nuitr 1'aul street , $760. No 281 , Lot 66x140 ( cot near St. Jlury'a avontio and Zutli street , f 1600. No 270 , Ixt on Dcaittir near Irene street , J325 Nol7H ! , K.itir lots on , near Sauudera etroit , ? tiOi ) each. r.o 27U , Loton Clinton street , near shot tower J12& . NoIfi , Four lota on McLollan street , nea Hlondo , Hnpin'a udilltlon , fii5o.ich. No 271 , Tlireo lota near race counc : make oUrra. No 208 , DrautKul corrar aero lot on CalKornla HI reel , opiiurllo and adjoining Sacred Heart Con \cn cnNoillo , LotonSUjon , near 16th street , $1,360 100 DID In "Credit Ponclnr"anU "Oraml View' aildltloim , Junt Bouth-CMt of U. P and II. A II all road cpota , roiirlngfrom | tlDU tOijllXXli and on cany turum. llcautldil Uesliloneo Lots at a bargain very handy to shopa 100 to < 260 CJveh , finer cent clowi ml U per cun t per month. Call and Kotplatan ull particulars. No 260 , 1'u 1 1 corner lot on Jones , Near ICt ! btrcot. iiou. , KoMJ , TwolotH on Center ttroct , near Cum ItiL' street , (1)00 ) ( or both or < 600 each. No 261 J , Lot on Howard , near King street No24 , Hall lot on DodL-e , near 11 th Btr'jo . No 217 , > r.our bcautlu ) rcaklcnco lota noa Crelnhton CcilleKO ( or will separate ) ff.OOO. No " 10 , Two lota on Center , near C'Umlii | { stieet , 8100 each. No 'JIUJ , L3t on Idaho , ntar Cumlin ; itroot $125 $125A02IB A02IB , llunuttlul carrier ncro lot on Cumlnir near Uutton street , mar uuw Convent o ( bacret lliart,4lnOU No. 214 , Lot on rarnam , near 18th ttrcet $4.760. No 243 , Ix > t 00 by 1 on College street near St. Mao's avunno , $700. Nil 241 , Lot on I'limum. near 20th street Sl.OOU. ! \o ? 40 , lat CO by 00 ( ett on South avenue near Mason street , ( KM. No. UiU , cornar lot on Hurt , near 22d' street . OU. No. 230 , 120x132 feet 1. 1 Hartley , near 24tli Htrent , ( will cut It un ) 2,4UO. Ko.'iJI , I < ot on louglaa street , near 26tti , ( 'U3. ' Mi. 232 , Lot on Tier trect , uuar Ecisard No. 227 , Two lotsonDucatur , near Irenu il eel S200 oich. MI t'U. Lot 143 by 441 ( oet on Hhor ran av < nuelIth ( stieet ) , nea Uracu , ( "J40U , will divide No 2 0 , Lot 2J Urtt on Dodfo , near 13tl street ; inako au oiler. No 2t7 , LotoniiSird rioarClarK.tCUO. No'JIU , Loton Hamllion near KliiK , 7800 , No 200 , Lot on lUth utreet , near Nlcliolu MOO.No No 207 , Two lots on 10th , near PactDa strost , 81,500 , No204 , Deantlliil rcsllciuo lot on Division stri et , near C'umliig , DJUU. No 10J ) Lota oil 16th struct , near Pierce , SGOO.No No 10 Sj , Lota on Sauudera street , near Bow aril { 600. NolUlJ , Two lota on 22d , near Grace street 300. 300.No No 102) ) , Two lotd on 17th street , near white wlorKa , $1,050. N 188 j ; Ouo ( ull block tcu lota , near the jarracks , 9100. No 1U1 , Lota on Parker , ttroot. ' near Irene JOD. No 183 * Two lota on CUBS , near 21st strecl Kilt vdgv ) , flOOU. No lb1) , Lot on Pier near Howard , tC60. No 170 , Jxit ou Pfttlflc street , ucar 14tb ; inakv er. , Hlx lota on Karnam , nu&r 21th street ' No IC3 , Full block on i3th ! tltrcet , ncai rate urso , ni , d throe lota In < Jltu addition , near undue and t'aaauia ttruet , $2,000 , ho 127 , i ot on Utn stiect , near wiilo lead o/ks , eCM. NolL'- , 12.xl32feit ( 'J lots on 18th street , lear Popptctun's , (1,000. ' J Noll' ) , Tlilrlyhitl/airolota / In M lard & ( Jul- dwell a ( xd'lltlouj en tlhirman avenue , K | > rluc and saratiK structd , tiear thu end of guen street : ar track , &S to tl.'JOu caili HobO , Lot oo Chicago , near 22d licet , 11,800 No 89 , Lot on Culdwoll street , near Blunders. i > 00. 00.No No HO , Oirner lot ou Chailca , near Kauud > 'o/sbtrga , V , 00. No7Slioxiiei.toii Piclllc , uuar Btu street 3.0UO. No 1.0 , iKhtecn loU nu 2Ist , 22(1 ( , 23d and uuikri stnuta , near Oraca and UMiuUcri street ldicK. i&WJ eaili No 0 , One-fourth block (180x135 ( ( oet ) , noa , lie Convent of Poor Claire , on Hamilton street ( a be end c ( the rod street tar track , $ lo&0 SEAL ESTATE AGENCY 15th uongms Str et , Abttrnct nd He * tilate. JOHN t. UoOAODR , oppoilto Post Ode * . W. R. BAntLETT JIT Booth 18th Btteel Arr.hltoctf. oornnNK A UKNDKI.'TCOHN , AROHITKOTI Rocm U Crclehtcn Block. A. T. I , A It OK Jr. . Unom S. Cielithton Dlook. Uoott nnd dhoti. JAMES DJVINK & co , , ! n nsotj nl Bhoo > . A good tuvirtmtnl n-n wsilt on hand , corner 12th nd Huncy. KH10KOON , P. K , oor , 1 h tn > l TS , jil > Uih f teet , nixnnlvtHiva to ordtr p > oJ wmli < > ttlf rrlocr. llen.Mr'nr ilono. I'ocl print" . LARKWrH M iHAcl rer. Uookf , Nawt nd Ototlonory. r. rULKlIAUF 101,1 Pirnli m BtiMt Outterand ERRI. 4cnnANR A SCHKOKUKli , the oKU t a oO K. nasJ In Kobratka otJbll < ho l lR7lt Omubv. Uitrrlr.cei nnd llon W on . ! l SitVnFK.HthunitTUinevKnot * . Ulotfilng Uougnt. I , HAKIUH will r y hlahrwtCw > ht > ttc (01 ( IKOod nJ clotlilnr. CorncrjlDtli tnd i' rnh > m. rut * , r" mu mia Ulli. KUIIN A CO. 'jtrakdrU , Flni VMIO lioo < l , Oor. llifl iod Dan < ila ttrocU. f. J. WIIITKIIOUSI Wttole.n1e\llcUM , 1 U ML 0. FIK.LD , VO'JS Korlh Bide Cumin ; Strort. PAIIU , Druri'lct ICth ami Ilnntnl Rtroctn. Uantmim. PAUL. n'tllUmt Ulnck Cor. Hlh i DoiUr * . Ol ll Cnglneari and Burveyon. AKDRRW UO.K\VATKn ) , Crclghlnn Clock. Town Surrey } , Qr do in j Sowtirne Syitam * Ury Qocdi Notion * , ttc. JOHN II. F. LKltUANN & CO. . f o'.f Inik Dry dootli Store , 1810 tnd 1119 Fura- him itruoi , L. 0. Knnwold > li3 boot * nd hoea rounary. WIARNKftROrtB cnr llthA Jupkionrta uewa era. JOHN CAUHKH 1314 K rnh m Slroek Undortakera. llir.wr. . 111V Furnn.m hot. 10th * IIUL Hololo. 'OHAN 1IOUSK , l II. CMJB13 FamhunBt BLAVKN'8 HOTKL. F. Sloven , 10th B . oalUciD Hotel Que. Ilamul Oth & Lc vonwcrUn .j UKSTAUlwvKT , M11.H. A. I'.TAN , nnr IBtbatul UjJiro. llcjt liOArJ ( ar ttio } l kit Douro. by the .Okv , Week or Uanth. nuoJ Tcrius tar C sk. cil Knnnn HuoplloO. ruruitur * . S. QU083 , Kuw Dad Cfrjond IHnd id Uarra , 1111 Dcn.Tlia. lll ; h cl nib price vlil far sjcor.J hen ! toooi. IBM Dourl * > l. Fine eOtuU lie. rcrca Works. 011AHA FXNOB 00. on , iriur.s a cc uie iiMnoy HI. , inrroTi 1 fc F.otcn , Ircc nJ Wood Fences , Ofttct III f 'Vinnn Vlnn uni ) W lrn HcwnbroNorn. noiivrKrn ; loth cc. . hei r r. * n t Rotrlserntors , O ntlold' Patent. Uh St. \ t Ktrn , ft lohncco. WKSI It FHITUOHEU , m nufnctaroriol Clgut , tul Wbolculo IorJonil Tobaccos , 1305 Dee Ui. V F. r.OUKNmr minnlaiturnr 141(1 ( Fikmham O rockery , . nONNKU lMt ) > v > nv' ry . flood lln . Juno. n. DKBTllOliP. R c and H t l. Lumbar Lime and Oement. /OSTKU & ORY corner Bth ami DouglM Bit. L. mp na uit > w r . , 1800 DoagUa Ht. Oood Vtrtnty Merchant r llon. O. A. LINDQUr.QT , no cl oar most papular Merchant Tdlois lo re- j'vluif the lutont doKlKiia ( or Spring and Suinm/T < ooJ ( or Konllomoa'd wear. Stylish , dorabn\ nd < irlccu tow a ever 1200 Fanmni strot. Millinery. a0. \ . A. RUiaKK , WUoIcunla find Retail , an / Qaiia In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Itoarde ( nolcry , Olnvos , Corsets , &c. C'liuaptwt lloiue In li 3 We6t. rurclasors save S3 poi ceni. Onlor V KM. IU nitoanUi Strni-t riour anil Feed. DIAIIA CITY HILLS , Bth and Fcrnham CM. cl'litua Bron. , poprloton. rocort. : . UTKTKNS , Hot between Comlnf anJ tcu " . A. WoflHANE , Covn S8d and Cumlnst Stroots. HarUnaio , Iron nnd C'.oel. I7LAS A LANQWOUTUT , Wtclwile , 118 as < 13 lith etrodt A. 1IOLM1U coiao ICth and Calltornla. Hnrnet * . Uaddlua , &c. WKIKT SOlSthEt. bet tun. b Darner. Florltt A. Dnnnghno , nluifo , cut flowori , stedo , eta. N , W. cor. Iflth and Uourlia ttrectt. 00 To C'HAIO'H Orcon House 17th and Wcliater street , ( or I'lanti , llouquota , Flowcn , Floral UealKna Sc. Ocrnlce Work * . VrYftte'.a Carulca Works , Minultcturerj lioa ( Jcralce , Tin , Iran Mid I .to Hooninj ? . Ord ( rein any locality pioinntlv executed In the ta auknnor. factory anil Oltlca 12)8 ) Ilnrnoy St. C. 81'KUm1 , "roprlotor. Iran Cornlc.os , Wlnduvr CMM , ttc. tuf.nulivturod anil put up In ny ) > ar { of Iba oauutrv. T. niHUOLU 118 Thirteenth ( tract ( Jommliiloi ) Merchant * . JOUH O. WK , L1U,14U , DoJo | ; Btr L 0 1) . ni'UilKn. For dclalli ivo lar B adrertlM. Oslli'ind Wn.'VI . Ulothln nd f-urniKiin UOCK flF.O. II. I'UTKRBON. Alna HaU , tape , Wntlnrpind Outlnrv W > 8 lh " ' " Uhcw OHIO M nur ctory. | 0. J. WJLDK. Manafictnreraad Uualcr Hi nil kinds Cuia9 , UprlKbi Cue ? , & 1Q17 Cuw Ht. FHANK I , . aKUIIAItl ) , proprietor Onuh * dhow L'ano manufactory , 818 Uauth 10thitr * < between Loavvuwortb knd ll&rcy. All warranted II rat-clam. ovei and inwaro. A. 1JUIIMEBTKII , Dealei In ( Itoveg and Tinware , and Uanoiacto i ol Tin Koofo and all kinds ol Uulldluz Won. Odd Follow ' Dlock. J. UONNEK. 1309 Louiflai 01 oed and OK J > Iteioo n HRNIIY KAUKMANN , In tne Dew brick block on loujU ) Oti i , tt Jatl ojianod K most clo ant lleoj U ll. IIol Lunch ( rain 10 to II every day , 1 nit " I 'VY1MSI fill ) ( jeedi , ) , KVAKBVholulo and Itctall Sued D Ciiflv.'flri Odd Killo 8 Hall U20. 11KYK. I'JIOP , Cnnd Central d&llory , S18 Hliteenth Btieel. our UAW&IQ 1111. ? lr t-ciba Work toil I'rctupl- Plumblnjc , U i and Qtotm Fitting ' . W. TARPV & CO. , 218 12 tit , bet , ra nd Uoujflia. Work promp yattoudcd to j > . mgPATKUJK. l ouglaa iUeel. Choc Gtorcii. hllllp Lan 1S80 Karnham dr. Ivf IBlh fc Htd F'hyililani V. a. QIDBfl , M. D. , Iloom Ho t , Crtletlon ' .bck , UthBUeet. P. B. LKlfJKNlUNd , U , D. lUsonlo Block. 0. L. IIAUT , U. D. , Eye ind Ear opp. pootcCu DH. L. B. OUADIjy , Ocullot and Aurltt , B. W 15th and Ftrnhim nlntlnK an per TIKNUV A. KOSTKKS III Hlr 4. Second Hand Store. EREINS it LEAK. Hit Dougta Bt , N > u > 4 eoqnd Hand Furniture , lloiug furulthlnir Qtodt , " , , boutht and Kid on narrow marplot.