Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
STEELE , JJHN80N AND JOBBERS IN .Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of mm m IAMACTURED TOBACCO , J8onts for BEHWOOD NAILS AND LAFL1H ft HAND POWDER CO. tvjuuyuAJi A KAMI n fli Tl * w * * wffl f * fts ± . JA . WAKEFIELD , WaOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , GEIV3EN TSTATS AGEN1 FOB MILWAUKEE CEMENT OOUFAHT ) Near Union Pacific Dapot , - - OMAHAS3 POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , ttlNIUQ UACnilJKUY , BELTING , HOSE. MUSS AND IRON TITTINOS PIPE , STEA PACKING. AT WHOLESALE AND RKTAUi. HALLADAYOTD-1ILLS CHUOGHWIB SCHOOL BELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that is supplied with complete machinery for Laundry work. Send your orders by nmil or express. GOTTIIEEMEIt , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 F.irnbnm Street. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N Wal ! Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha ITeb. Manufactured by They make aepeclaltyof COOKING STOVES , and have thin -ear placed In the maikol n lof the MOST ECONOMiO AND MOST SAlISKAOTOnY STOVESevcr made. They make both Plain and extension top , and guarantee all their gooda. The aj > ents for the company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , - DEALEUS IN Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters jff a ? 33 L ra , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING. GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB AND Mining and Milling Company. . . . . . . . Capital Working Block Capltall , . . . . . . . . . fl.OOO.OCI Fai Value of Shaieg , - - - - . . . . STOCK FULLY PAID UP AKD NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. OR , J , I. THOMAS , Pmldent , Cummlnt Wyoming. WM. E. TILTON , Tlco-Preeldeni , Cummlna , Wyomloj E. N. UAUWOOD , Secretary , Camming , Wyoming. A. Q. LUNN , Tieuurer , Cummlru , HVyomln Dr. J. I. Tbomai. Louli illllcr W , 8. Bramel. A. 0. Dunn. N. Qarwood , Francli Leaveni. Goo , II , Falo * . L wl Zolman , Dr. / . C. Watklni. meSl Cm OEO .W. KENDALL , Autborlitd AK nt for SUe ol Stock ) Bpx f NATURAL INK. Is Whnt la Now BPIIIR Mined Men Mnrlottn , Ooorgln , A correspondent of the Atlnnt Constitution nt Mnriuttn , Gcor in writes : The country nrouud tlio fee of Konncsnw mountnina has nlwny been noted for the richno.M of it mineral deposits , but it seems thu has never boon turned to any ndv.tu Ingo until of Into. About A yonr ng Judge Ilnnnnott , the ordinary of Cob county , hoi up attracted by the wonderful dorful deposits on the land of 0. W Kirk , a well-to-do farmer , with tha gentleman started the working of t mine for copper nnd sulphur , nnd hn found it to pay well , A short wlulo since , nt the depth o about thirty foot , Mr. Kirk , while imi ployed in tlio work of blasting awny the rocks , noticed collected ntthobot torn of the well n wntcr of a very po culinr color , roscmbHng very much n rich wino nnd having a puckering tongue-tying taste to the mouth , evidently dontly being very strongly imprcg tinted with alum and copperas. Ho observed the flow to bo about five gnl ons per day , and noticed that the further down the well was dug the moro abundant became the supply. Being struck with the peculiarity ol the water ho brought a specimen to Marietta , where it created a sensation among the citizens. It was found that with the addition of n few drops of what is known aa "nutgall" it bo- caino of a very black color and made a capital writing ink. WHAT JUDGE HAMMKTT SAYS. A reporter of The Constitution called on Judge Ilnnnnott at his olllco yesterday afternoon , and found him busily engaged with the record book of the county. Tolling him that the reporter hail coino to tulle with him about his ink well , he replied that it was a wonder ful thing , and one whicn could bo turned to a grout advantage "Why , " said the judge , "wo nro keeping the records of the county with it and find it to bo equal if not superior to any sold. You may sco for yourself. " The writing was nf n very bluck , glossy appearance , and It seemed to make n cnpital ink. "Wo find , " continued the judge , "that it will not corrode at all nnd that in the severe t weather it never freezes. Wo found a little of it last year , but nothing was said about , it , und during the coldest ; weather , when the rhermomcter waa nt zero , 1 left it out in thu nir , and it never froze. Wo luivon't had it analyzed yet , but in tonct to uoon. " It is fstimnted that the cost of its manufacture from the water is about a aunt n gallon and a revelation in the cost of ink. srems imminent , if this inino turns out what it. promises , There's n Will Tlioro'n n Wny. Anyone who has the will to try THOMAS KL I'Tiiio OIL will surely iind tlio way to robuat health , in cases of hrouchinl nlFcc- Ll nx , Bore thro.v , iiainx , etc ; nnd iia au internal remedy , it ia invaluable. aug'22-lw A Bandlt'B Neglected Grave. [ \carnoy ( Mo. ) Cor. Kansas City Journal John Samuels , the wounded half- brother of the James boys , is still in n feeble condition , but will probably re cover. Ho says that if ho doea got well ho will forsake his evil ways and reform , and will never attend another dance. It will bo roinombjrod that he received the wound which ao nearly proved fatal to him while at a dancing frolic. Mrs. Jesse James , who has made her homo hero lor some time past , intends returning to Kansas City to reside during the coming week. Her reasons for thi" change are that she doesn't appreciate the solid com fort and quiet enjoyment of the hum drum of country life. She always re sided in cities when Jesse was ulivo , and consequently finds Kearney dull and irksrtmo , and therefoip returns to Kansas City , where she thinks she will Fool moro satisfied amid the lifo nnd bustle of the future metropolis of the West. One thing that strikes the c'Bual visitor to the old homestead as being very singular is the ncnlectjif Jesse's grave. After the terrible'exhibition sorrow upon the part of the late amonted's relative" , it was supposed /hat they certainly would BOO that the Bandit's "grave was k pt green , " but "it has not. Nothing but the rod clay marks the spot where the noted out law lies , The grave has nnt oven been sodded ever , no headstone lias boon erected to toll the hero's deeds , and 10 flowers nestle there to toll of the care of loved ones left behind. All around the grass grows green in the dooryard , nna the grave alone is n Barren spot. Truly , one would have thought different after witnessing the scenes upon the bandit's burial day. A General Sr/ampede. Naver WUB such a rush inailo for any Driiff ntoro an ia now nt 0. V. Unoilmnn'H , for n Trial HoUlo of Dr. King's Now Hla- covery for Consumption , Coughs and Jnlcld. All persons alllicted xvith ABthmn , ironchltin , Jfoureeness. Severe Cough" , or any affection of the Tliront and LUIUIH can get a Trial Buttle of this great remedy frit , by calling nt above named Drug itoro A Man on tbo Cow-CatcJior. \cw * York Sun , ii > "Tlio time is not far off when every ocomotivo drawing a passenger train ; , on every busy railroad will have a pilot. This pilot will have no moro to : do with the engine itself than the pilot In of a lorryboat. His duty will be sim- a > ly to look ahead und communicate f vith the engineer in the cab. " The nan who uttered this prophecy wna lot a sentimentalist , but a very busy , > jractical railroad man , in charge of , wico as many , if not three times as many trains as any other man on the Atlantic coast , "Tho pace has bean rapidly getting totter and hotter in railroading , " ho continued , ' 'until every improvement ho human mind can suggest is adop ted as fast as it is thought of , and the jig roads are like so many sets of the nest perfectly adjusted clockwork. Kvory device for switching , uignalling , jallaating , taking water and coaland , aboro all , making speed , is the sub [ cct of constant study and improve- nent , two things being kept in view always and in all things saving time and preventing accident. Between tfow Tork and the big cities within a : ow hours' ride of it the tracks are dotted with trains running Uko mad. [ f there is the least flaw in anything or engines , cars , tracks , switches , signals a ; lmo tables , or what not-thoro is likely to bo a emaeh up , 80 much time nnd money nro spent in guard ini ; against the possibility of nccidoul that sorioiu ones nro rare. But in the midst of nil this race for pc > fcctioi the engineer is us ho was at first , lie is only a man , nnd the best man cat only do so much. An engineer was nil that wna wnntod n few years Ago , but now it h different. The engineer of to-dny has got moro than ho CM : do. Somebody must case him of 301110 Otld. "So" continued the railroadman , "I predict thai every pnasoujjcr loco motive will soon carry n pilot. I don't know where he'll bo whether on the cab or in front of tlio cab over the boiler , or in front of the boiler , over what wo now call the pilot and yet call the cow-catehcr , but ho will bo carried on every locomotive that car ries trains nt n hii h rate of speed , nud ho will watch the signals , switches , bridges , highways and junc tions , nnd do nothinu else , while the engineer runs his engine. "As it is , the engineer may bo try ing his water gauge just when ho should bo looking for a signal , There are half n hundred necessary things ho may bo doinrc thot will tnko his eyes oil'tho road for an Instant. Ho will niiai o sicnnl , and a wreck will bo the result. Mind , I don't ' Hay what has happened , I am not going to toll any tales out of school. I only say it will happen. " "Don't ' the firemen on fast trains got into the way of helping their engineer moro and moro aa time gees on ? " "No. They , too , hnvp nil they can do. The fnstor the train , the moro they have to work. Nothing can bo looked for from them. The only thing is , as I told you , a third man in n little house of his oivn ahead or over the engineer , with a boll rope com municating with a gong in the cab. You'll ' BOO him thorn in n. few yours. " Trno to lior Too much cannot ho snld of the or aitliful wife mul mother , constantly vntchini ; and curing for her ilenr mica , lover neglecting a Mnglo diitv in their bo- inlf. When they nro availed by disease , and the system tilmuld hnvo a thorough jle'inimig , the dloinnch and buwi'ls regu- nted , blond nuiiftvd , niul malaiinl noUou ixteuninntou , she iiimt know the tlmt { loctiioUitteM nro tlio only Biiro remedy. L'heyarotho best and puro-t inoliciiio in .ho world ami only cost tifty cents. Bold iv ( ' . K. Cinodmnii. of the universal success of Brown's Iron letters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made ; is compounded on thoroughly scientific , chemical and medicinal principles , and does justwhut is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood , \t reaches every part of the system , healing , purifying1 and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. . 79 Dearborn Ave. , Chicago , Nov. 7. I have been a great sufferer from avcryweakstomachheartburnmid dyspepsia In Its worst form. Nearly everything I ate pave me distress , and I could eat but little. I hav tried every thinn recommended , have. Taken the prescriptions of a dozen jihyslclam , ImtRot no relief until I took Urown'i Iron llllters. 1 feel none of the old troubles , and am a. new man , I am Retting much stronger , and feel firM-rate. I am n railroad engineer , nnd no r male my trips regularly , I can not say too much In praise of your wonder ful medicine , U , C , MALI : , BROWN'S IRON BITTERS docs not contain whiskey or alcohol , and will not blacken the teeth , or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia , indi gestion , heartburn , sleep lessness , dizziness , nervous debility , weakness , c. Uau only Brown's Iron Hitters made by Tlrown Chemical Co. , Ilaltlmore. Crossed red lines und trade-mark on wrapper. DOCTOR 71 317 St. Chnrlon St. , ST. LOUIS , Mo. A lliOiAK : OKADUATi : of two midlcal ll "Hts. hwlii'on lo liter o L'U/U I In tli9 feat le limit of UIIKOMO , NKKVill < , HK1 4 AND II.OOU lJl ea80 tlian a-if other | in nlolnii I'l Bt. iiita an city | i p ri Hhow auilult oM icdlilcnt * now. Con ultation a olllco < r liy null free mil Invited , A frlcnil y till : or liU opinion ell oitn nothing. When It U liicQiivuilont to t ( ho tlty for treitmuil , bird iliicu can ho cut liy null or cxprim everywhere , Curable cHuirantccJ | wiicra doubt vx at It I * frank- lUUU , U.I or Nervous prnHtratlnr Ponilltv , Mental mil I'liyHJculVeuUiieH" , Mrrcuriiil anil thpraifecUim of Thrunt , Hkin anil liimeH , iHuotr IinpiTritjeH limT liluud I'olaonliiK. jkiu Affectiona , OM Sorea end Ulcera , JTnpeillinenta tn fllitrriiwe , Kliuiiinatli'iii , files BpecUlultentI _ ii to CUHBH from iver.woFkelbrnTii ( [ UllOIOAL OABIJ8 eceive special uttentloti. JJlueaum arl'lrig rum Iinpiu lenco , KTceni-en , inuulueiiced EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most contrail' located lintel In the city. cms 75c. 41.00 , SI 60 and $2.00 p-r day. ' FIrht ClasH JttBlaurjiit connucU'J with the Ott' ' ' .HURST. - - Prop. ' Corner Fourth and Locust Strcetn. f. _ X.Q-crX < S J MORGAN PARK to or MILITARY ACADEMY Christian Family School for Iloya Prepares College. Bctentlflo Bclriol or Uualnrw. Kond Oapt , ED , N. KIBKTALCOri' . Principal , aorrwn Park , CoolcOc , , 111 , , ( or taloxu . 100,000 , TIWIKEH-SPRiflG VEHICLES NOW IN USE. They iiirpt * all other a for cny rlillne. ntylo ami durability. They are for sale by all Leading Carriage riago JUiildors nnd Dealers throughout the country , SPKENGS , GEAK } & BODIES Tor Mo by Henry Timken , ll'fttentcoiindlliilMrr of Kino CnrrUc I , iOTTXS , - - 3VEO. jl.Qm KSTADMSIIKl ) ISM. Stli : Hl'HINO A1TAOI1MKNT NOT 1'ATKNT KI ) . A. J. SIMPSON , LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 14TO nnil 1411 DotlRO Strcot , nug 7-mo Cm OMAHA , Nr.n. For a ri | rt r of n cnntury or inorh lIostettrr'B StimiiH'li II itcrj Kia liocii tlii ; roigulii epoclflc lorlmllm'"lonihiiH ! | > pslft , to > r ami n ne , n , | 0' > I ( illogical ht'inna. ll\cr ci inpl Int uml other iljvrjii' , Dinl hi lien ni'i t cmpha Icftlly In- ilor ml liy iiu'iliivno mt'iiai * health ai il striTK" ' ti'ntor.tho It conn cru-tH a tciulti of t ) | > ro- inntiirn ilcc y anil sustains nnd comforts the n ' -tlrui'l Inllrin For KiUn liy all DiiwUtu anil Pe.ilcrs HEAT YOUR HOUSES I \ jL j ( FURNACES I IN THE WORLD. MAIJI : nv BIOHAEDSON.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS. Kmbody now 1882 lnipr > inont . lior , prnotlonl fut nr < ; Cost loss to kop In urdcr ; Uee loan funl ) will icitu moro lie t and n larger vuluiuo of pure air "ian any furnace made Soldh } I'IKltCKV&lHAIrOUDOiimnoNub' ! Jyil-il3m FAST TIME I In going Kasl Uko the b'Mcago&Iortliwest ' lcn\u Omatm 3:10 : n , in , anil 7:10 : a , in. For lull Inrornntl" ! ! call on II. I' . DKUKL , 'Ilckct t. Mill und Fun am Ht . , .1. IIBI IU I * . Hallway Depot , orat JAMI'.ST , CLAUK , Ucncral Sioni ( Jlty fi f aoittc THID sioux orrz ROUTE HUDB Hnllil Train Ihroavh froir Council Uluils to Bt , Paul Without Clmnzo Tlma , Only 17 Houre fi. < C C3 > MILKS IflJK 7llOUTKa KOUTD COUNCIL BLUFFS 70 Si' . I-AUf. , W1NNKAPOUH uuLiri'iJ oi' niauAnoa toilull polnta In Norlliern Iowa. Ulnuotkliand DakoU. Ililfl line la mulpped with tbo Imrirnvtd V/outlnKlmu u Automalle Air-brake tnd Ullli flatform Courier arid Tlulfer : anil fn > SfKKD , SAI'irfY AN COHFOKT unnurimwJ. Pullman 1'nlauo Bleeilng C i run through WITHOUT OIIAKOK hotwocn Kan iilCltyand lit. i'aul , vU Council Hindi ttd Qloiix City , TralnataveLnlcn I's.cP.o ! Trunefer tt Coat , IJIutln , at 7:35 | i in. ilally on arrival of Kxnoal City , Ot Jmcnharil Council Itlulta train frou the South. ArrltlnK r.t Illoux City 11E5 : p. ru. , iml at IbcNew Uulon Depot at HI. Paul at 1SE : ( noon , CKN IIOUIIS IN ADVANCE Of ANY OTHER I'.OUTK. ,7Remember lu taking the fllonx City Itont you got a Through Truln. The Hhorteel Lint the Quickest Tlrun and a Comlortable HMt la tb Tbrouirh Can between COUNCIL ULUKfH AN1) HT. PAUL. tSTBoo that your Tlcketa read via the "flloui Olty tnd I'aclOc lUIIroal ' / 0 , WATTLES , . H. DUOHANA H Buperlntendent. Oen' Pauu. Agent P , K. P.OI1INUON , Ali't Oen'l I'ass. Af'l Mltuourl Valley a. W , K. DAVIB , BoathwMttrn Oonncl Genins fiewarded , OK , Tlio Story of tbo Sowing Machine , L A handsome little pamphlet , blue and gold cove with numerous engraving * , will be GIVEN AWAY ny aunlt penon calling for It , at any branch lub-oiltco of The UluKor Uanufacturlng Com ; pany , or will bo ( tent by mall , post paid , to any penon living at a dlitance from our ottloei The Singer Manufaotnring Do , , Principal OfHoe , 34 Union Hqaaie , NEW YORK , ' tr mM < ifonB jrri tnritlaaf lronfJ'frurrt Jlnrltnttdl'tiotpfioruf a jtnlataMe form. X. " ' } / preparation of In ttutt tent not Marttrn t tcrlho eliaracterlfltrt \pUU-r- \ . ' . . - Inmyrmwliw ' , . , AM tn nifxticinn , I tuitn Icmnit nothing To gi n tfift TrflnTla thftti Ty OUNri.l'.Ml.N- ICISKI ilr/m. In e.w.1 of Nrrroin lro trMlon , 1 omulo Dl nfcM * . DyplioiwU , nd Impor Ubnil conilit-icmnf thobUNHl.lhHp ix-rtcsa n mi\\f \ lui. In my liund * , mmlc nmo wnDrfrrful rnrra. Cwj th t h billlnl snmn of onr mi't cmli i.hri.lf AM luiTn rlnMnl U > thl rrcnt vtm lncmTitrAi > Io roni'ny. I prwr It In pirfi'Ti-nc * t ny Iron I'repur" ilfoninniln lnf ct-mrh ( \ ( 'mipoiinil ( LI Dlt. HAnTFli'n Hum TONIC li I lln llQIII'Tt r SAMi'M.S , MCHViu < h Ao , Rl Imtil. , t , NOT. auh , 1"S1 T fT > r ll ri > 7i > r/n f/jfTT FirtiflA/'iiffo nrrrou ; Mf < " " ' It appHfalilf to llrnrrnl , l > rbllttvxm of A > il - \ tltr , Vrnstrnlinn of I'ltrtl I J'oircm nnt Iniftittcnrr.f fiWNUFACTURED BY THE DUf UAIITER M1TDICINE CO. . 213 N , MAIN ST. , ST , IOUI. Jj 19-eod- < PERFEOTION ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using Stoves and Banges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For Bttlo by MILTON ROGERS & SONS. Jull-m&oljr . o. 3ynoE.Gi--A.3sr , WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. N h mZDjteOp , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware "House 1108 AND 1 1 10 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA - - - - - NEB. IROTX- ! & o I e s a 1 e Lumber , So , 14D8 Farnliam Street , inak DIRECTORY OF LEADUM WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. ARLINGTON. WEATHEflLY HOUSE. REYNOLDS HOUSE. OARATOQA HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOU8E GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , ENO'8 HOTEL , EXOHANOE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , MORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , OITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOTEL OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , PARKO HOTEL , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , DAQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , JUDKINSHOUSE , DALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE WOODS HOUSE , DOUQLAS HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE i WIN8LOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE OROZIER HOUSE AVOCA EATING HOUSE CENTRAL HOUSE FOSTER HOUSE WHITNEY HOUSE DEPOT HOTEL , LUSK HOUSE. DOW CI Y HOUSE , JAGQER HOUSE. PKOPHTKTOnS d. O. MclNTIRF , FA. O. WEATHERLY , C. 0. REYNOLDS , J. 8. QTELLINIUS E. MANS JOHN HANNAN , A. W. HALL OHENEY & CLARK , J. Q. MEAD , E. SEYMOUR , P. U THORP , A. O. OAARPER , W.MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. E. L. END , O. 0. HAOKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. U QRUUD , SWAN & DECKER , GEO. OALPH , O. M. REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKER , 0. DURGESB , Dl A. W LLIAMS , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , J , L. AVERY , J , W. DOULWARE , F. M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , OHA8. OAGNELL , WM. LUTTON , ' FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , D , F.STEARNS , JOHN EOKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM , J. T. GDEEN , J. M. BLACK & SON , A. T. POTTER , FOB CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluti East ndWouth-Ea t. TUB LlNKCOlH'niBKS Nearly 4,000 uillm SollU Hinooth Steel Tracki Ml connections are raaJo In UNION DhPOTO. him a National Itepiitatloti beinif the creat Through Oar Line , and U universally oncudod to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED 1UI1- oad In tha world ( or all clasara ol travel. Try Hand you will fliid travelluy a liuujj natead of a ilUcoinfort. Through Tlckuti via rhU Celebrated Una (01 uUe at all oIUccu lu the West , All Information about Itntcs o Faro , Bloenlng Car Acocmiuodatlong , Time Tables , &c. , will be heerfally k'lven by aiIyinln ] ] to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vico-l'roa't & Qou. Uaink'orChlc gO. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oen. Paoariuer Agl. OhlcaKO , W , J. DAVENi'OHT , Uen. Agent. Oonncll BluOi. II. P. UUKtL , Ticket | Agt.omiLh : morn-cJ'Jy Lincoln , Neb , Manning ; Iowa. Coon Rapids , Iowa. Mllford , Nob. BROWNSVILLE Neb Loul.vlllo Blnlr , Neb. Nollah , Neb , Nabraika Olty/Neb Weeping WaterN H rdy , Neb. Greenwood , Neb ) Clarlnda , low Eremont , fob' Athland , Neb Atklnion , Neb. Quldo Recd , No Oretton , la. Ex Ira , la , Atlantic , la , ' Audubon , la. Noola , la. Harlan , la , Corn Ins , la. tanton , Durllngton Jurntlon , M O'snchard ' , la. Uhenandooh , la , Dayld City , Neb Oollcco Springs , la. . Vllllica , la. Malvern , la , Ida Grove , la Odobolt , la Oaceola , Neb. Clarkt , Neb. ft Bedford la. Marysvllla Mo Norfolk Junction Neb Q. McOARTY , Seward , Neb. M. O. JONES. Auroar Neb. O. R. OROZ'ER , Sldnoy , Neb , D. W. ROCKHOLD. Avoca la. LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak Capt JOHN FOSTER , Lewis a E. HAYMAKER , Grliwol O L , OHAPMAN , Dunlnp , la , J A. LUSK Logan , la W. H. MORTOV. Dow City , la. JAOQRR& SON , Denlion. la. VflPOS Gwfitf SifflVE , ' Coo'HI at f tlmvr.nimt tl.y lost , at Orlllu < * i I'l'iul it lilt ! New Om > V l Win , . fiiitt * NnlVty KOI - < ilr. Vf SuinniT uiu tbcua Stovi- Tlioea celebrated stoves for sale by Plorcy & Bradford Omuka , Neb , 9 1m B8SO. SHOBTJ.f.1E. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , 3t , JOB & Council Blnfis U Till OKIiT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TDK EAST From Omaha nnd the West , A tralnt leave B 4 M. Depot , Omaha : Neb , Ho change of cm between Omiha tnd bi. Mali , and bat one betwern OMAHA and NEW YOUK. - - . Daily PassengerTraina KABTKIIN AND WEOTKHN CITIES with LBfil OIIAKQES and IN ADVANCE Of ULt OTUCK LINKH. entire line II equipped with oilman1' P alaee Sleeping Car ) , Palace Day Coichet , Mil er'i Bafety Platform and Coupler , and tha caiebrated Wbatlngnoite Alr-buko. THee that you ticket readi VIA &AN3AS Olty , UT. JOSKPU k COUNCIL BLUWtl Ua ' toad , via Bt. Jc eph and Bt. LouU. Tlckctl lot tale at all coupon etatloni In tk Weal. J. SYBAItNARD , 0. DAWEB , Qen. Bunt. , 8k. Joeeph , Mc | A Oea tut , and Ticket Agi. , BL Joseph , MO. IAKDT DeaD , Ticket Agent , * 1020 raroham itreU. W , J.PaTUirOM , Qon'.ral Aire t. >