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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE THUBSDAY , ATVUST 24 ! Se2 WESTERN WEALTH , Spooimens of the Mineral Mil lions Embowollefl in the Rookioa. Tons of Virgin Gold and Sil ver Displayed to Advan tage in Denver. The Prairie Products of Fro- liflo Nebraska Takes the Lead. Tlio .FnmotiH Doncon IiinngurntGB n Bitter Rnllranil Wnr. Symptoms of the Mercantile Volcano Underlying Denver. Special CorroJTXmdcnct of The Don. DENVEII , Augast , 22 , I bought : v ticket from Pueblo to Denver nnd re turn for 81.50 , uver the D. & N. 0. It. II. Tlio distance is 120 miles , 2-10 tnijos in nil , for $1.50. Thisia rill thnt the worst anti-monopolist could do- siro. Lot us inquire into this cheap rate. List spring Gov. Evans opened the Denver & Now Orleans route to this place , hue the D. & 11. G. , nnd Atchison it Topeka dotormincd to crush it out. Ono road would not turn over to the now line the goods consigned to it. It was not in the ring , it did not belong to the pool , nnd PO ib must bo crushed The oflicorn decided on n bold move. They put the fnro down from 87 50 from Omaha to Denver to SI , ; uul have kept it up nil oummor. Of course the D. < t H. G. imd to drop also , hut. tlio sympathy wan with thu D. & N O. nnd their minn were crowded to suffocation. Their depot ia out of town which in tilt en it incon venient , but they will coon open in town nnd hnvo n fnir chunce. Being broad g.iugo it is much moro pleasant traveling than on the narrow anutjo. Since the exposition opened thu D. & N. O. hnvo rnndp Denver nnd loturn § 1.50. It in estimated thnt tlio cut in six months will cent the D. it 11 vi nt least u half n million of dollars- , But ho'.o we are in Denver. 'J'lio exposition - position In three uiilas from the depot. Why it nhould hayo boon BO far clF it is hnrd to tell , unkan it wan to boom up some lots in thnt direction. Den ver is a wonderful city about 00,000 M present , and ho is laying out lots tsnough for two or three millions. Whether nil her golden drenms will bo realized is uncertain. Trobablv there in not n city on earth which em bodies the local pride nhe does. It ia not safe to mnko a suggestion to nn old resident that there in anything out of joint. It won't do to criticise too much , nnd when n innn like Tnbor hits a bonanza nnd gooa up jon ft boom if ho will jitit up u Bi Kiin'I. ' * cuiu .CC < T , n'lU i/wi.v. u graiid opera house , ho Is forgiven many irregulari ties of conduct , which would put vir. tuototho blush. This toadying to wealth is n ba,4 , foaluto ot t , , iB now alnto ; nityot It Is pon&iblo thnt a cor- 4aln'min vrlioBo vioos would land him like a catapult out of oocioty olao- where , may find his wny into the U. S. senate , which may heaven for- bid. However , Denver is a modern miracle , andvo ncoprd nil prniso to her wonderful prosperity. But I nm credibly informed tUero is nn undercurrent of uneasiness , busi ness overdone , Many n merchant trying to pot over 11 tight'plnco on chattel mortgages nnd two per cunt , n month. But then nil young cities und many old ono hnvo the suno experi ence. ence.Throo railroads go to the exposition grounds. The line nnd im posing. , much like that in Ohicngo. The'U. P. have made n splendid ex hibit of the treasurers of the prnirio , nnd of the mini's. Nebraska ia well roprosontcd by them , The Atchison & Topeka are also hero , and hero I grasp the hand of the inevitable und unbiquitoua Ilnndnllof the B. & M. IE over n man was fitted to his place it is lUudnll. Through hia criminal ho has done great things for Nobraskn. Ho has added thousands to her popu lation , und uproad her fmno far nnd Trido , and whenever there is a nioho wlicro ho can put in n Nebraska ex hibit ho is there , nnd at it. How ho known just it hurt ) to put everything ' _ & wonder , but ho does it. Hotel the climax. The U. V. Mf , in j- ' - ° " & lV v % * ito Aivinauu . .c' ' 4 coificH next , and the 13. & M. cromw them nil , nml Randall knows how to arrange every thing for effect. Well , it looks good to sco Nobiv 8 a ai'nin , AH honor to the man wj,0 Jcnows how to do her justice. Col. orado does not exhibit nmc'a ' 'j , , tj,0 , agricultural line , but her ' y ng Of ores nnd minerals is s < v ou , ; , , , , jn. menso. In this field jho ia in hoi glory , The real won jth of Colorado ias not yet been Bcrat0hed. We were shown samp1C8 from ono , ; , , which claims , an'jt j , Baia to have two inilliona ir Bgilt ; > Loadvillo will doubtless bo 'ju ono by other camps now rapid'.y ' developing. Gunnison county I'jtkoa n magnificent showing , She. har < some samplca weighing ovoi z& ton. The products of thu various mines are on exhibition. Trominont in this county is the nov city of Pitlun , oecu | > ying ono of tin most romantio of Colorado parks The .town is surrounded with mines p great promise and is itself n gem ii , mountain setting , You reach thi young city via South Park road pus sing through HOIIIO of the grandes scenery on the continent , and pioroin the great continental divid through the famous Alpine tunnel GhaO'eo county makes an oxcellen nhowing. Here nro fine specimen from the classic Mount 1'rincotoi Boulder county has u noble exhibi and Is doing un immense amount c work. But time would fail to enun er&te all the attractions. Thera 01 some wonderfully clear , blue crystal BOIUO white , Bomo dark. Hero ui fine epeciniens of marble , und by tli way , Pueblo parties go to locate mine in Cimd'oo county to-day , Th inarblo takes a very fine polUh , it : very while , and seems filled withauo flakes. If it is all that it seems to I it will be a bonanza. Various kltu of building stone are hero. Puobli nut of foolish grudge against Den ver , did not make nny exhibit , but she cauld hnvo placed before - fore the public some of the finest building atone in the world. Hero nro samples of granite , nnd probably Colorado owns moro of thia innterinl than nny state in the Union , Hero nro solid blocks of soda , four feei thick , piled up like n monument ; nlso immoneo blocks of coal. Wo saw Bomo nnthrncito which seemed of nn excellent quality The mer chants of Denver are using considerable iqtaco , nnd are showing much taste in exhibiting their wnrcs , but after oil , to the dweller of the prnirio the rotl attractions nro the re- nources of this mountain etnto. But Colorado has sonio things she cannot exhibit , nnd thnt is her mountain scenery , Why painters have not put moro of thn grnndcur nnd sublimity of our grcnt land on canvns is n won der. There is nn art i/nllery hero but it IIQH littln of mountain scenery , Sumo pictures of pioneer times nro very fino. But the crowning glory of the wholu is n most pathetic illustra tion of the " .Song of the Shirt , " n young sowing woman , The morning ia breaking nnd in its dim light you sen her wnn , anxious , imploring look a look of weariness , nf pitionc ; ) nnd sorrow you cannoi describe. Jlor countenance is nlmosl transparent , her oyca nro woarj nnd hollow. You sit there nnd gaze at her I ill the tears como , nnd you can't help it. Her Buffering in no great nnd you can't nvort it. You wun't to tnko her down to the restau rant nnd buy her n food , wnrm meal , but she can't go. You want to put n $5 bill in her thin fingers nnd toll her to rest n week , but she can't take it , and there you nro before - fore thnt pnthoMc picture a mase of helpless sympathy , nnd you can't help youraelr , you , sir , therewith youi hnridki-rchipt to your eyes , though you know she nin't iilivo , but it iu hard tu believe it. Near this is another pic- turn , "Wolves Waiting for n Wounded Buffalo. " The poor fellow haa nn nr- roir in his sido. The blood is running from hia mouth. Ho has n holplcsa defeated look , and thoao wolves seem to understand the prospect. They irathor around him they nro coming in the dintnnce ; and there ia ono with hia nose in the air nutting up Inn howl. You can almost hour him. Tlio picture is so vivid thnt if you wenv back next day you would naturally expect to sue nothing but a lot of clean picked bones. There in ait effurt now being made to get the ruilrorul fares down no that ti > o people can como en mnnso to the L'xp'n.ition. At present it is poorly Uli'iiAsd. While there , the weather \ < > M Jlno , hut there wrro not over 200 loopfd , whan there nhould have been J,000. Ifi i fa k hiopod that all the > fol lines wilf l"'ito ' on suoh n rate ihat people can ii'Fwd to visit. The Denver papers nro 'irging the man- tfjers to reduce the OIK wcoco from iOsto 253. But this s < ? cm hardly air nfter the immense exp iwo jn- urred , and the fee ia but a Cll\fl\ \ \ lortion of the oxpondituros. 0 , S. - JrlshV , malnla0t Llvor or Urinal Disoason. Ilayo no fear of any of these dis- anna if you uao Hop Bitters , na they vill prevent nnd cure the worst cases , iven when you have bcon made woreo > y Homo great puffed up prctoudccl : uro. JOLD BULOLAHY AT LOUIS VIUL.E. LODIHVILI.U , Neb. , August 22 'a tlio Keillor of Tun Unit. A daring burglary was committed > t thin plnco last night. The lumbar tllico of J. Waterman wr.a entered by Hirglura and a hole cut throuuh the jack of the safe. Mr. J. W. King , vho has the management of the lum- jor business , Bays that there was over ? 100 in the oafo , whioli was takon. by ho burgkra. The burglars first joined entrance to the car house of ho Missouri Pacific railroad , and took i pick , an nx nnd n lantern , which .hoy . carried to the lumber ollico. The lick nnd nx wore used in cutririL trough the safo. Suspicion po ! nk' tj | i tramp who haa boon hanglp . . " " , , , or several days and slor . - 3ox cars in the vicinity $ * ot th ° ll.'I ! . rard. Ycatorday ho wn" ecl1 Wlth The safe . i n nanncr D- < nB opened In the same ftr - thu ono at Auburn n week IKO a , , , ' , d nmy have boon done by the * p rtico. This ia the second " " "felory committed in Louisville with'.u trltt weeks , nnd the people nro uo ° oming ; nrousud nnd will probably ra'dlto n til'ort to find the qullty parties. It ia high time Bomothinp you done or the puoplo will wnko \ \ \ otuo morning nnd find that the whoU own has 'b0cn etolon during the night. , . A BUC01S38FuI7vVUALiK HUNP. Tlio Uhatia and Oixpturo of it J-ovlu tliivn In ttioPuclIlo OlfMontoruy. iaii r'rftfulscoClitC'iiclo , When within two hundred yards ole , l/o / whulo wo aaw that the little bluol Jiing by the monstor'a aide won ho : calf. Capt. Mariano seeing n far nark quickly fired the swivel gun. 1 iliarp report followed and the boa quivered under the shook for a ftl lalf minute , Following thu Bound th : iatj.oon could l-o soon cleaving th .wunty fathoms of spuco between th joat and the whale , in which it wa juried out of sight just below the righ Tore fin , Following and attached t the steel missile waa oonio two hundred drod feet of the stout line coiled in th bow , which bore the apponranco of flash of dark-brown lightning aa itzig ragged through the nir after itspowoi ful motor. The wounded loviatha lay almoat motionloea for a period c twenty-two HeconJa , as if unnblo t comprehend the nuturo of thu attacli nnd then , with a snort , like the puift a lecamotivo , bho dtscondod bencat the surface at a rate that made th manilla line amoku and omit sparks ( fire as it rnn out over the bowi Suddenly the movement stoppot thu men bent to their oaru , ready t pull in either direction ut thu fin sight of nn uprising on the part of tli invisible iroiiBtor. Onpt. Marian poarod uneasily into the blue deptl forward , the bimt-ateoror porformit : a similar ollico nstorn , "Pasl pratisl" ( Uickalll ) suddenly shoutc the captain , and five oarsmen soi the boat astern just in time toclear I a couple of fathoms the black , ug ! bulk of the infuriated whale , aa it rose to the surface and spouted twin col umns of water forty feet in the air , a bucki.t or two of the briny fluid seek ing out the back of the reporter's ' neck for n resting place as it descended Before the animated waterspout could repeat the dose the boat was out ol range ; both of his firn extinguishing apparatus and his terrible llulrcs were now beginning to thrath the water with a violence that created a cloud of foam , This performance laitcd for two or thrco minutes , during which the cap tain was unable to obtain a r\fo shot at the whnlo with the bomb-eun , which in raised to hia shoulder moro tlnin once only to lower it again in do- spitir. Suddenly the tail ceased its oxotcUc , nnd the next instrvat n jerk was felt that buried the bow of the boat in n white-cap caused by the lightning-liko descent of the whale. Barely had the staunch craft righted itself after the shock than a second tug was felt , und before the despairing reporter could offer up a fear-inspired prayer the boat was clashing through the water at a terrible rato. The speed waa frightful , nnd for ten min utes the water stood in a wall fully eighteen inches nbovo the forward gun wnlo on each side of the boat , the velocity preventing even n single drop from entering the interior. At the end of the time mentioned fully four miles of the diatiinco bo- twcon where the animal was struck and the head of the bay had been covered , and the spend of the livint tug bccnn to slnken through nxhaiu- ton , Finally it censed altogether , nnd after spouting n ntroni ' ? jot of a blood-red tinge the ntrick'cn mother once more sounded. Her stay mulct- noath the waves was uf nhort dura tion , and on reappearing on the our- face her movements were only sufli- cient to keep the gigantic carcass afloat. Pulling up to within five fathoma of the whale the mot * rested on their oara. Ton coconda later Cnpt. Mariano had hia ohanccj a second ex plosion \VTJ heard nnu the rubber- winged bomb buried itself in the mass of blubber. Scarcely hud the atnoko clonrc- ' away from the bow when the mofllod bomb , tx loding in the his torical residence of Jonah , Bounded the death knell of the old humpback. The victim's huge bulk once moro be came animated und the deadly flukes lactiod the water as the whale strug gled in the throes of death. The watorspouta changed into blood spouts and grow smaller and smaller aa tlio struggles became moro contracted until tinaUy with one last effort the leviailutn/Bollcd its back und / on ex pired , IPha reporter heaved a aigh of relief wd heartily joined in the cro-v'fl ' shout oi victory , which wan answered from the other bonta , by thin time only a few ftiliyina distant , If Tl'on. fo Ruiitod in health from awy cauuu , especially from the uao of any the thouuiml non- rums that promise no largely , with eng fictitious testimonials , liuvo no ' . llesort to Hop Uittcrj at once , in a short time you will hava the jfc robust nntd. blonining health. Poultry Yard Fenco. Now York Independent , Wlint is the best fcnco for a poultry yard ? Very muoh will depend upon the extent of the establishment , the prc- precise object aimed nt , nnd the means nt command for its construction Wire netting mnkcs the neatest , and when the ynrda nro upon n small ocalo , perhaps the most satisfactory inclos- uro. For a small yard the fence need bo only the height of the width of the nottim ; , and this may bo scratched over the ynrd so ns to incloso it coi1 . plololy. The expense , in mo Ju. stances , would , however , bo ftn objec tion to this mode of J"'jlicjng. Where the ynrds arc of rt considurftblo extent n picket flilCovould bo preferable. ury much will depend , also , on the foffla that nro to bo kept. The Plymouth Hock and Asiatic fowla nro easily kept In with n fon'jo of a moderate height ; while t'jo games , nninburgn nnd moronctivo breeds would renuiro higher fences to keep them within bounds , Wooden pickets thrco Inches wide nnd from live to eight feet high , plncod two nnd one-half inches npart , will make a sat- sfnctory inclosuro , nnd on the ground f economy would bo preferred to oiling. When Iho fence is mode bout lira foot high , the top rail to hioli the pickets uro attached should o three fcol from the ground. If nn ight-fool fence is made the top rail iny bo four feet nnd ono-hnlf from lie ground. A light board fence , with pickets of lath nailed nt the toy , s often used for n poultry ynrd. A. enco made with the pickets running within ono foot of the ground is , lowovor , bolter , as it ndmitn the nir ind light moro readily. Pickets may > o planed and painted if expense inlet lot considered , but for'a 'cheap ynrd ho pickets may bo put -on'rough. Pretty Gdod. .Inn. Uncoil , Ijapnrto , Ind. , writes 'Your'SrilINO ' BlXJSHOM1 Unll you crackci t up to he. My dyi-popfia liusuU vniili-hod why don't you ndvertlno it ; what allow nnco will you maUo if I take n dozen bet ties , so that I could oblige my f < lends occa eionallyV" 1'rlce CO ccutR , trial bottles II cents. niiB'JlMw IWPERI3HABLE vKaxviuii Lftt * sajaaQTurnrrnM PER.FUME. Mun-ay & Lanman's Best Pr ? TOILET. BATH and LMSEEBEHI1R TH KENDALL PLilTIIG IA DBBS8-1WKBR8' OOMPAHIOH , It plaltn roui l..Jol a n Inch to Uth Iu the ro r Mt tilts or finest kl kn It doci all kind * and vtylci of t laltluf Iu me. No My that docs her drotu-in&klui ; ca ifljlJ to do without one ai ulco iiUUloy ; nvirroatof fachlan , If men It telli limit , fl'miUtu ' nr Aif 'i * ' > r OUNGAK & OU. , Adami St. WESTERN CORNICE WOilKS ! 0 SPEOHT , - - Proprietor. 1212 Harnoy St. - Omrlia , Neb , MANUFACTlRKItSOF CORNICES , DOUMKtt WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Koofing , Sppcht'a 1'atpnt Motnlio Skylight , Patent Adjtistocl Hatchet nnd 1'rnckel Shelving. I am thi ) general agent Tor the nbovo line of goods. IKON FKNOINO. Oroitlnat , Baluttrade * . Vornndni.lOfnM n Bank Hailing ! ) , Window end Collar OuKrdt ; KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE FllOM COL. L. T. FOSTER. Young'town , Ohio , SI y 10 , JSSO. DR. It. .1 , Hr.Nnu/b.V Co. I h l A very valui- Mo Ilainti rtoul ill colt tli it I p Izilcry I Ighly , lioliiJ n Imne l > mo pa > ! n in ono joint anil a nnMI onu on tl/o other MMch made him \ory lame ; 1 hti'l Mm under the charge o two Tetrr- Innry nurcconnvl l 'i ( illcil to Hire him I iu cno ui y nailing tlio Jvai t foment ol Kcndiil'd Spnvln Curi In thuCXalcino Exprtsi 1 dctcrnjincd ator.oi tu try tt A il ( ft nnrtru frets tore tea a < ml f rlt , ard tlicj-fnltrrJtr rce Irattlvo ; 1 to"k oil aid I Uionclit I would cl\o t a thuiough t hi , I tncil It a cording t > dlreitl ni nnd tlio oiittli day t fi rolt vo scd to ho Inmo anil the him limo il'Hiiicarid. ' ] J i.'scd Im nno bottle and f > o colt's llmha oroas Iicoot lumjiiandas smooth ati a > y Imrco in the ( Into Iln imnt'ro- ly curoil. 'Hio uira wi 85 rcinarkablo that I halo Icttwo of my neighbors hara thu rciniln- ing two butilis uhi oroiK ) * U"ln lt. Very rcHiicctfiilly. 1 , . T. FOSTER. Send for Illnntratod circular chlng posltlvo proof. I'rlcoSl. All Drujfclnts have It or can get U for you , Dr. ) ! . J. Kcndtll & Co' , Pro- lirlctorn , Kriosbur h Fell , Vt. SOLt ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS ( l-wlv DR. CLARKE Nn Rnrr UE8TABU8lmD jgsi.I 811 NoPrey ! I ) I.oouNt St St. I-ouls , In ttlll treat- In jf all 1'IltVATK , NKIt- VnIJH , CIIHON10 tnd ] ) ; cbl Diseases , Sporma- tonhnca Iin | > ottncvSox- nal Incapacity ) , Kon'alo IJi.rnH'H , Irregularities , Olircultlcn , etc. * 2/'Ladlesccn 125 ccntt ( In ( tr.mjis ) t p ycxprcsj tharirc * on aahiibli ; work" entitled "iihoteoi ofVorrcn , etc. " Work on CHRONIC UiflKAsrs , ono Blimp STVM\ \ ' of Scll-abiKO or I'rlr&to Dlscaso , eond 2 Blainp9 tor OKLKIIIIATXD WOKKH on ' irvnui and exuil DlaiiHcs. Consultation iiemonally or liy letter , VHKE Cnmut the old footer. THOUSANDS CUHIID. Oilloj In quiet , [ tlvatr , rcBpcctablc Vnu hie no ono but tliu doctor. Dr. hrkol ) the only phyalclan In Ihoclly whew r- taut * ttircn o' 110 pay 1 nlltltics tent every whcro. lloura , 8 A. M. to 8 r. u. ist.1 ) ; > r imilo.sno- . . , . rheumatism , heart , kidney nnd blad . , ro Hired by the A ahcl Mineral Spilnc WiMr , jrthopctfcctol treatment of the Kuropoan and \u erlcan Mcdloxl Hureait sptciilty hvcicUi a In Lriidon , I'uil" , Vicuni. Benin , > vnil No * Yolk 1'imiililct , with c'ir ctlo a nnd c.r lilcato < of cnri-B. Irco Medic 1 trtntlio on Impotcncj , ntcrilfly. dltca-e-l roatr to Rlanil , n ila Kic. < Iflo B , 131 Lox-.ngton avo. New Yo n7-dttWin ) of AFTER TARI1IQ. Sclf-Alni n : 03 LOM of Memory , Universal Loaal tinlu , I'ftln In thu Hack , lllnincsu of Vision , PreMature Mature Old Ago , and many other Plecaso-J thnt bid to Itiunlty or Consumption nnd a Prcuu- tun Grave. ir.Vull partlculsra In est pamrhlat , viblch wo dwlru to fcfntl frco I v mill to everyone , tWTtw UpoclfitMedlcino IB cold by all drti glets nt31i > ar l cltae ( , or Op.acl ec3 tor 3S , or will be cent frco by mall nn re" ipt nf the money , by arewloe TUBUHAY iKIJIClNH CO. , BuDalo , N. Y. ocjmo-toil _ NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. U. C. Wcavd licrto and Drain Treatment A OpoclOo for ninfcrln , Dlulncee , Conrulilons. orvoua Ilc&dactio , tlcuUl Deprce&IoD , Looi ol ! ca TySiionn torrhoca , Impotency , Involustu J' SmlBttcmi , rreuintuio Old Ace , caused by ovur- xcrtloa , colf-abuso , or o\er-lnduljcuco. which oJs to mltcry , decay and death. Cnr hoz will cuh ) rocrnt cacos. Ku.h box conUInacnttnouth'a ruatnront. One dollar a box , oi elx boxen ferro ro dollars ; Bent by mall preppy on receipt o ! irloo. Wo guarantee nix boxca 'to euro any cage , Ylth each order received by as for elx boxes , ac- ompanlod with llvo dollars , will send the pur- chucr our written ( nKribtco to return the money If the trcitmni Jo < oat oitoct a euro. 0. r. Qoodmnrj , Dni/ijI'it , Kolofholessilo and uR\U Agent , OuiDha , Neb , OrdMi by mr.ll at dtwlv HEAR THEJ/6THESSES. / Mtcy Bhrlnk from pu llclty Ineonnrvtlonvltr I , H. 5. , but wun'o permlttuj to rcfor to tbu fol o\ilii ( , ' perBOtmwho lia\o Known and wl'.ncjicc tu Kuti.frful iffecU ; I'riinr , Houston Co. , Oa , \Vo have In wn "Swllt'a icclflc" lejtcd Ii jiundrcdn of inoit ntwtlnatucaa not rlooj 1'oUoic iii ) , ' , iltrcmla Uln iiirtttitni , BcrufuU , Kore * hctenn , Cnt rrh etc , ntd do cor sclcntiouslj U'dtlfy Ihatlt mot \\l h tin moat perfect amig \ til ucccsii , cffru eil radical and perinincnt curt. inctoryc no without a nhielo.e\ooi.tloii , Hugh L DcmurJ , Coo. W Kill n , JohuU. llroun , ( leo. W. Hln leton , Win. iruu ) > on , John II , lloae , Jamoi D. Iharp , K 1 Warren. MoorottTutto , .1 , W. licit ( u , J. W. Whubeily , J. \VoolfoeU. . t vt. I ) , I Icri'O , Micrld , JV , 11 aim , Co. Trea ; 0. C. Duncan , T. M. Klllcn , v & Gordon , T. M , Initncr , ihc lff , Wa are pononally acqualntud ulth tie co tie inrn hoao ( ! iialure8appe r to the bo > o on tlllcate. 'Ihsy nro dtlzoi 8 of said cjunty , of th hluhuit rrtpoetablllty and character. A , H. C1I.KH , Ord naiv , Hcustoti Uo.Ga. U , II. CULLKIt.U'k Sup. Ct. llouiton Co. Qi "Nothing but favoritblo icporti , Pcllove 8 , Ii nnpei-IHo for all Ulood Uliouca. uiilrirtal sitUfaitlon " 0. W. JOMIS i CO. , Memphis , Tcrni , S. P , 8. ehun better utliUctlon thin an ) thiiiir t\el.a\ccti'r handled , " JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark. "lUvo nctrr heard a coirplalnt of S. & . S.1 AltTliUU 1'hTEIl S. 00 , , Loulstille.Ky. " 8. 8. S , liaielten entire eatlefactlon to out one , " A. II. HIL'llAKDS , Shiruaa/rvx. "I have had excellent tale frr P. 8. 8. aud tli risultu hiM'lie > 'ii n\n-i .i'lsl : tor.v. ' J. O. llUilUr , liowliii Green , Ky. "Our falei rf f ) . H g. lave hern good , and I p rfcot. " .SW .t CARKY , JJoutgomiry , Ala. "S 8 , 6. hasglu'n entire tatli fiction toctci cm" K KiUSSll : > AiUT.xai. "S S S his then umursal latWactlon/ ' It.V. . fOWKRS & CO. , Richmond , \'a. l.nOU Howard will be paid to t cheuiiut HCO will flnd , on analyeli of 100 to 8. S , a. , ono particle ot Mercury , Iodide Of Po Hum or toy Ulnertl mlxtinco. flwirropKciwa co. rropi AUuita , Oa. Price of Sinlll ilio , 11.00. Largo lUa f l.To. ( Sold PT all DruUH. . I j en Buffer from Djtptpmn , umi nunuocn < LOODBITTEUS tf you are amlcU.1 with IllllomncM , use HUllDOCK 1ILOOD DITTEHS If jou are prostrated with dick Itc\d chotal(0 BUIIUOCK I1LOOD niTTGRS f your Dowels are dlnorderrd , regulate them lth IIUIIUOCK BLOOD E1ITKI13 If vur Blood 19 mpure , purlly It wllh BUIIDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Ifyouha o Indigestion , you will hndan antldoto In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If yon Me troubled with Sprlnp Complaints , or- tullcato them with BURDOCK BLOOD B1TTKRS. If your Llverla torpH , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver la affected , you will nnd a sure to- storatlvoln BURDOCK I1LOOD BITTERS. If you hat o any ipcclct of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy lll bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing ! BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For NcrvoitianJ General Debility , tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 01.00 DOI Hottle ; Trla Dottlo 10 OU POSTEil MILBURN & Do , , , , Props , BU3TAI.O , W. Y. Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F. Onodruan. jo 2r The Great tngiish Komody TIUBt Never falls to cuio Norvoiw Debility , VI. tal Kxliaustlon , Emis sions , Seminal Wcak- neasc LOST MAN HOOD , and all the tvll cllccts of youthful - ful follies and execs- ics. It stops perma nently all weakening , huoluntnry loaaisand dralua upon the sys tem , the Inevitable re sult of these otilnrac * .Ices , which are BO dcstruo'lvo to mind and body and make life miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death It strengthens the Ni.rvc8Brain , mcmoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Rcpro- luctlvo Orifins , It restores to all the onranlc unctlrns their former tlgor and vitality , ma- ilng llfo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , S3 a bottle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by express , flecuro from obsert atlon. to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except on receipt of $1 aa a guarantee. Lcttcrr r > quctitlng answers must inclose stamp. ' Dr. Mintio's Dandelion Pills are tb j host and cheapest dyspepsia and blltlous euro Iu the market. Sold by all druggists. Prtco 60 cents. DB HINTIK'S KII > ; ; BV RKMBDT , NBPKBTICIIM , Cures ( II hind of Kidney and bladder complalnto , gonorrbui , gleet nnd leitcorrhca. Kor falo Dy all dauggletH : ji n bottlo. KNQLltiH MEDICAL IKSTITUTK , 718OllteSt. , St. Louis , Ho. For Sale in Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. DICMO In an effect , not a came. Its origin Is within ; Its manifestations without , licnco , to euro the ilisoiso the CAUBxmuat ha removed , and In no other way can a euro over * o effected. WARNER'S SAFBK1DNBV AND LIVEK CURE ia established on Juti thia principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all ilUcitca arlzo ( nm d a ccd kldnoya ac alvcr , audit strikes once at the root of the IrTiculty. The OlciHrsnts of wtftchH , Is composed ct directly upon ihoso great drwras , both au deeD ard KESWR t1 and , liypU-tajr them Jp n healthy , condltfcn , drive disease pain firm the system. For the Innumcrahls trouV 3 caused by un healthy KlAncjs , Liver ami Urinary Orpanr ; for the di trosaliig D eorderaof Women ; for'JJ'ilaria , ami physical derangements generally , tr , * jjroat rvmtdy has no equal. Biwaro of , Im itations and concoctions salrt to bo Jusfos good. For Diabetes , at for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CUKE- For sale by all dealers. H- WARNER'S ; CO. , mo MoohoBtor N. Y ' - . . If Jouiunia voii-rv. .if . . fju"- . . ! : ! . _ ? .in. ! , . u i ' ttniul Mt , S. ,18 luu Hop Hop OX | liui > , ' < f ynunn' * . . 'ounif.suirirln ? 'noi 11 litou a h.d . tick tea , my cu HOP \\l * c-r jroaari" naut ! > f r t > r > S' * /nrtii 1 .it f loriev system J ' \ntt \ your illFeRso that mltch1 ( MR o itUnuwtlnjr , ' * t'iltu Hop , O.I. O r , u urv o" ' an bsoli > < jrfafiii , iliK ; " 0 am ) Irrebl'U , 'if tS" womnrt , HOP lilu t. urn A Imictl * . Mood , tlrunktiiinutf , | if < ri'rn itl us o' i.ii1i > a\ , You will ho tAtjacou , t cured If you ust vc3tlfc Hop Dlttors RoW hT drag lfyou rr lm zl > ti. f cuJ t .1 jly wealcaiul UUx-ulur NEVER ( uvrnilrludti7 may t your FAIL * "ro to , ITe , . It tint - TAT BcikMlt-.K r.nved hun- AT To Nervous Sufferers THE CHEAT EIJROPEAN nEMEDY. Dr , J. B , Simpson's Specifli It 1 poiitlvecnre for Upermatotrhes , Semtni Wcoliocta. ImpoUncy , nd til dloeiws iMuIllo ; from aeU-Abu-w , ai llontal Anxlsty , Ixissi Uemory , Ialn * ID the Uick or Side , and dlaouw ' . - -T that lead t < mil ) Jotinunjptloi lnB nlty an itrlygrav The Spsclfl MoJldue I being tuc with rrondci ful CUCOfkl ) . . . > - - - _ Pamphlet rent free"icTtTl. Wilk > for I'ocm tcij | pt full l l " ' Vrlc" , BpeclBe , 91.00 p ' l > ct gi > , or BX ptci KM lor 8S.CD. AJJrciU all ordert to D. UIMCON MEDICINE CO. Noi. 104 Dd 108 Main fit. UuSalo , N , 7. Sold In Omaha by 0. Tt. Ooodmaa , J. W. Bui J. K. Ish , and all druggUttoverywhere. > w 'BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dj ij > oj and hcurtburu. THUS PiTEIT ? Ml PULLEYS , i E , M. MAXWELL , FREMONT , NEB. , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE. The following aclvantngea are laimed for thli Pulley : IT is stnoNOKn and more , durable , owing ! 1. To the absence of shrinkage strains. 2. To the increased num ber of ortm 3. To the fuel that the rim Is much stronger than the cnet rim. IT is IlCTTEIl IIALANCKI ) . IT 18 MUCH tlOHTKK. IT 8AVFS ntLTlKO. IT IS CHKAl'EIl , There ID no danger of breaknge in handling when shipped IOOBO , When shipped looio they a o genernllv accepted ns thlrtl-clas < freight Instond of firat-cla s , and M the weight is only one-half that of cast Pulleys the frnlght hatlll further reduced. WK oUAn. NTE TllKM to perform safisfnctorlly nny work from the lightest to the heaviest. Snir PULLETS from 12 to 48 Inches diameter only. Pulleys of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two sets arms without extra charge. Wo supply each Pulley with two sot-screws without extra charge. ALSO- OUB CLAIMS. What we claim for our PATENT HOT POLISHED SHAFTING Is : 1 Int. That it is round and strait-lit. 2d , It can bo accurately rolled to uny desired gauge. 3d , That its sin fftca beini ; composed of mngaotic nxide of iron obviates nny un due tendency to rust or tarnish , wnllo it at the same time gives ono of the boat journal or bearing surfaces ever discovered. 1th. That it will not warp or spring in key seating , fith. Thnt it is made of the very best of rcfiuod Btock. tJTVor further particulars , price Hat nnd discounts , send to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry and Machine jShop , Fremont Neb. W.B. MILLAKU. if U. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 PAEWHAM STEEET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peek & Bauuhers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. STEELE. JOilNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. cr. j.nmo'w : : ] sr& co OMAHA , a a NEB. O. IE1. 6T3BCC DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. \ tSTAnyono bullulng store , bank , or nny other flno will flnd It to their ad van t ago to correu OB-I tvtth us before purchaulns their 1'lato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMftHA BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF 1AGES , BUGGIES , -X > 3ES2fiC3E"IC33 " 9 s- Eepairing Done in all Branches. - WHOLESALE On Eiver Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S ' SAFE AND LOCK Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , sr Ia JOBBER OF AND W IMBOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1 1 18 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA.