I- THE DAILY BEE---OMAHA , WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 3 , JS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - _ The Daily Bee. r OMAHA. Wethieedav MornLzi Aug. 23. Weftthor Boport. The following obicrTstlon nro t.r1cen at the pame mrnnent nf time at aU the station. named. ) WAR IzrAnnnir , tT. S. SrnNAL Sen. VICE , OnAIIA , Aug.22 , 1882. (1:45p.m. ( I. STATIOXI. a * _ _ . . . . . . . . 70 N Irc.h Clear C1Cyrnh . , . 2).93 ) 76 JI Fch 0 ear WSqhSIclo. . . . .9S $ S SF Froeh Clear ' . . . . . . . . 8S Fresh Fair . . . . . . . 87 3 Frch CI'i1y Yaekthn. . . . 29.96 7 Cim Cairn ClowIy De Moines , . . 30.01 87 SW Frech Cioui/ Divenport. . 30.01 87 W Freah C1ozcly St. . . , . 20.07 7t. 4W I.Ight Clouy St.Loui. , . SOS3 7 S lirisic Thrctflg MOorhc4L , , . 29.O 77 E t.ighr Coudy Vincent . . . . . , 83 SW flght Clear 1flrnnrck. . . V.96 S IW f.igh Cler , . . . . . . 90 ' 4 Freh Clear Cuatet. . . . . . . . 29.91 flO MW Yre.h Clear flaa4wooc1. . p.95 76 $ Light deer AMinlhoine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . River 7 feel 0 inches above low witer mark I Omaha , 4 feet I inch as Yankon : MlssluIppl , 3 . toot 0 Imtho. at 1. . Oroase , and 3 feet 4 Inches .t Dibuque. LOOAL BfJ1VFr1ES. ' ; -The Union Paciflo is within ten mIIe t of Gunnison. -Cliarlea & VhInncry , Dentist , , 1314 I Farnam etreet. -Urlau & Bros. had a sot of buggy her. I . .t noaa stolen Saturday night. -Sam B. Jones' song book I. In great . : demand. Over 300 were mailed to appli. U ants Monday. -The Victoria 2ocioty will moot to day at 2 p. m. , at henry Livesoy's , . 1216 CapItal avenue. J p -.Tho Crook barquot and the .Angcli In. I ' veatigation are two interesting oventa , both 1 r r which will occur on Jfrlday nhilit. . - . -EIghtysI cars of stock came In on thoU , P. Mondaynnd seventeen yetorday. . Twenty cars of tea came In yesterday. a -1)ay and evening sessions begin Sop. , tembor 4lh. Send for circular. . Address i . Wyman Commercial ColIoo , Omaha. -The thanks of the city editor era duo Mrs. John Stool for the loyollest boquot ' that has been seen In Tiii 1Eu office this : ' ' . soacon. -The olegantartIclo of si1vcrwar , etc. , Presented Mr. .Tames ] 3uchan recently were fr.rn the jewelry store of Mr. .Tohin P Batunor. , , . . t ; : -Tim Omaha teamsters hold their regu. mr meeting at Tivob hell , Wednesday , l August the 23d. By order of P. J. Quick , Secretary. ; -Thoso who lay the dust in front oh . . stores with hose shout : ! be iriadu to let well , enough alone and nut fill the stroeta with mud holes. , , -On Thursday evening thioBostonMen. . : de1sohn Quintotte club will give a concert at the opera house , 110(1 a rare treat may lie expected. I -A boy callrd at the Marshal's office to. ( I day for an officer to go and kill a dog that - It was feared was going mad up on 18th and Nicholas streets. . -Eugene O'Neill Isa. presented ' i.r. C. P ' , Ia llawkinson with en eegs4 .iiu headed . ' 3' cane for .aving his iffU heico , Matnie Flood. by stopping [ his .dnaway horse on - Wth street. : -The contrActs br building the sixty. ; ii four footbrldgt , , , near James MoArdles , in . - kerJ % 1 : MoAralo 7eclnct. I- has been let by Usc county commissioners to Win. Vun Dots . Yen , for $1124. . ; ) -Nexs Thursday evening a meeting oh - _ _ _ V\ , Dohemi citizens will bo isold at Kessler's \ . . . hail branch of the Omahe r - - - , . . . , tcrganizo a : L _ _ - Labor Protective uuion. All citizens o t i tlrt nationality are cordially Invited. , ; - A little seven year.oht daughter oF Isle . : i Geo. Mtdlock , who keeps the rostauraul on lGds and Webster , was Pushed oil tis , - sidewalk by a hitdo lIaysn4o Monda3 and lsat her nrns vut out of Joint at tisi a elbow anti the loaders and muscles soverol _ i utralnod. , -Tho three soldiers who were with lmanudl Sbrader , Saturday isight , on th te buccaneerlng expeditIon In which he we : fatally eliot , have been brought to Omali . , and lolge(1 in Lisa county jail. They ar FhIntwolJ , McDonald and Dawson , ani , tholr chances of a term with SVarde Nobes are good. -In the Police court yesterday yousi . , lUedor paid $3 and costs for dischsrgin j tire arms in the city limits and Cues. lyer l the drunken tailor who abused Isle wit 4 , e4crday , was eent to the county jell Ii t default of $10 arid costs. 1 -renk ilughiess , who cut Jon. Jesieoi wills a hatchet some weeks ago , so tlsst i . ' was SU1)lWsCd at the those ho would die J . eil1 have his isrelirniunry hearing ci t Tliursdssy at 2 o'cloclc. Jensen is raisidi : recovering from his terrible cutting. . . , . -A Union l'achfio switchman zinine , , Kendall lied a nerruv esCape from doati , . recently. In attenssting to jump on Lb - . running b9ard of the engine to niake coupling ho slipped and foil under but Wa PUshed along and bahlood until the eriglu tOjspoii anti ho got out comparatively no Injured. Death fairly bad hilts : in h c'utches ' when hoteL hun go. . -The Withoell lirotliers are neav burn log akhln of brlckcontalnIssgabout5OOO brick , of which about & 0C00 are vresse brick. They have about 1,200,000 bricl . on hand , and say there wilt be about $0 , I 000,000 manufactured In Oniahia this sea son. The total number manufactured I : . . Omaha iser day La about 400,000. : -The "Lighitfoot Club , " a new socks . organization , ComPosed of several limnil I neat young men of Omaha will give thol initial Party at Ilanicom Park on Thurs : , day evening. Irvine's orchestra will fin niab the music , whicis Is a suiliclont guns antee that it will be good. Tickets cats b purchased of the members end at Kuhn's . Saxe's and the Millard house cigar staut or of the members and at the l'ssrk Thur day ovenig. -The anan nrrtwted by Officer Buckle Monday for attempting to steal a bugg tunis out to have only wanted the top , II C Is the proprietor of "Uelen' babies , " gambling scheme known to everybody wL frequents I'ICZlk8 and other public gathe . hips. 'rho owner of the pwperty ho we after 1. Mr. Adolph SIefkhi. The Judg . I ave Itogor. twentyflve daysla the count - . - . j . . ' ata. : . jail which will hiee't , him there until Lbs State fair Is over and save a good many suckers irons being fleeced , Itogers Isa1c1 to have , 'erved two terms In the peniten. tier ) ' and he ought to have been fIred out of town long ago. -3. Kretchrner , who I , employed at .luhn Baumer's Jewelry store , went out hunting on Sunday , 14 mIles north of this city. Ills dog roused up a big rattlesnake which Mr. X. struck with a stick. The snake turned anti bit the dog on the nose before IL could ho killed , Strange to say no harm has come to the dog from the bite though nothing was done for him snore than to rub lii nose In whiskey. -Improvements made nowshoubl , in Mr. Barney Shannon's opinion , be made to be permanent , whetbsr the city requires ittor not , lb baa ju.t completed a neat brick house on the west aIde of 0th street , between tween Capital avenue and 1)avenport which is outside the fire limIts and conse. qucntly 5U5C01)tLblO to frame improve. monts , The house will be occupie I by his pon.ln'law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Moyer. Moyer.The -The residence of Mr. Gureke , near the Sacred heart Academy , on Cuming street , was attacked by burgins. about midnight Sunday night , Mrs. U. heard them first and woke her husband , who wont quietly lots ) the kitchen and ew them at work at the back window , Ito blazed away at thorn with a big horse liist.Ol and as the rascals ran around the house ho Look a short cut through to the front door and fired two more bullets at them. There was considerable excitement in thin neigh. borhood until the shooting was explrsincd next morning , -The work of excavating for the new buildings ent of tim Islillard lintel urn- gressea rapidly and will soon be ready for the inisons. Tue first division wilt bean additton to the Millard , which will be 29x 60 feet , run up with vorcbos in front two storIes to Idvo snore verandah room to the guests. There vlh1 ho a large store on the ground Floor and rooms above connecting with the hotel floors. Next to this Cues. ( iruonig hiss a single three story buliding One hundred feet deep to cost $111,000. East of this McCrary will build a 'I I feet $20,000 store , four stories hghi with an Iron front copied from the Strang build. log. HtVERLY'S M11STODONS. Au Iinmouao Audience Oroota Thom at l3oyd'is. Tim Maatodone arrived yesterday as per announcement , but the game of base ball butwuosi the ilavorly nina and the U. P.'a was indefinitely post' poised. 'l'hio band made a creditable pnrado at noon , and played several ( lisa pieces in front of thu ; lera hionso just be. fore Lisa evoniug porforziianco. T. ! ' . ' L opera house was crowded , and Jd it I riot ; boon remarkably well 'r , iiiilated the atniosphiaro on no ot a night would hnvu beosi unenirablo. As it , wea the heat wies h'.tlo ' greeter thasi would be oxpurieed in any drawing room on nuo1 . night. TIieje'.srLainmeiit ' was good and thin ! 'tsotoc1ons ' received unstinted ap- ! , . % u8o. The onto "Rocked in the Crsdlo of the Deep , " byll. M. Morse , with chorus by the whole company , was the moat beautiful thing of thu evening , while Frank Cushman's Cuckoo song was also well received. "The only Loon" was rapturously ro colved and ninny ether features called . forth the loudest applause. For Rout or Salo.-A good house of I rooms , in good repair , and lot , 30 . x220 , on Fiftoozith street , north of bridge. Itent , $15.00 per month , Will sell I for $800.00 , email cash payment , and balance on monthly installments. Inquire at Newspaper Union , 12th and lioward , aug.4L.zno A WELCOME HOME. L Mosura , l3onzon , Ltndquoat and Bowman - man Banquottea by Their , Countrymen. Last May Mesaro. August Bunion , a. A. Lindqueat and. A. Bowman loft Omaha for general trip through 0 Europe. Thdy returned last Satur- is day , and iii the evening their Swedish ci friends gave thesis a banquet in the 0 Swcdiah Library association rooms , in Li Lytlo's block. About eovcuty.live ii ladica and gentlemen wore present , and a right royal time was had. Among the guests of the evening was Mr , Christianson , consul general to China from Ssvtden , who was on ' his way home after six ycava' eli. 0a a Among the toasts of tim evening was thu toast of welcome , by Mr. G. a Andronu , ofrored in it few happy , voll chosen Wordy , t Mr. Johus Nordvalt cave a toast to ' Sweden , and Mr. Julsii Stool ro- is aponded in Euiglish with is hearty toast u' for tim United Scatcs Other toasts wore olflsiec ] , mid ofter thee banquet 1 dancing ooiiiniuiiccd , hsting until ti Ii o'clock , when nIl went homes happy , a 11Y thu way , Mr , Bunion should be a iOflt to Europe no an cniirntiou agotit , 8 lie brought eight healthy able. bodied relatives to increase the popu. lation of Oniaba , H Notion. The " 1Isvthurn Goutonnial Ex. . celsior itoof PAint , " was 1atoiitud Nay 0 24th , 1881 , ccitt letters tiatosit nuns- I bee 241 , 803. Any person found or known to tamper wiLls the iiianu. ' feoture of said paint viiI ho punish. - . ed to the full extent of law. No ver. son lies any authority whatever to sell a receipts. IL&WTiIOltN Bun. , Lancaster , l'a , - S A Card. After returning 1 found iuyproport r destroyed by fire. Thinking it us : duty to thank all those who tried tc - jrbteot myproperty from further do. atruetion , 1 ens also duly indebted e to the fire deprtnsent and ofiloor ; s O'Grady , j , unMAN. , : METROPOLITAN hOTEL , OMA. hA , NEIl. y Tables supplIed with tim beat the f , market alfords. Thu traveling public 5 claim they got butter seccoinusodations a and snore general satisfaction bore 'U ' than at any other house in Omaha. ritato , 2per day. aug2ltfmu l \Viiriw-A od second-hand e bicycle. Address box X , Contra ] 7 City , Neb , _ ' _ 4' _ _ _ _ _ , _ ' : 4j' _ : _ _ _ - _ _ - - - - _ J. A DOUBLE hEADER. Two Ulty Ooiinoll tJeet1ng in One Night. Tenth Strot to be PAved at Orico With Granite , Several Grading Ordinances Re- poaleil. A special meeting of the city coun. cii was hold last evenIng , in accord. anco wills the following call : OrA3rA , August 21.-A special meuting of the city council in hereby called for Tuesday evening , August 21st , to order Douglas street , within paving No , 11 , to be paved , and to order the kind of material to be used thorofor , anti repealing ordinance ordering said part of Douglas street paved. To pass ordinance requiring street railroad companies to lay the flat or strap rail on that part of Tenth street , within paving district No. 2. To provide for the changing of Sixteenth - teenth street and confirming appraisera to appraise damages by reason of said chango. To ratify sewer contracts and provide by ordinance for right of way on the hino of the main newer oxtois- sion of the Waring system. To create sewer district Nos. 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 and 0. To provide for construction of laterals in ho above districts by ordinance , To pans ordinance ordering Sixteenth street brought to grade. To pass ordinance - dinanco requiring part of St. Mary's nvanuo to Twentieth street to be brought to thu established grade. T1i do and perform any and all legislation necessary in regard to the above named matters. matters.JAR. JAR. B. Boyr , , Mayor , SAMUEL A IImtMAN , 3. 0. Conuv , EnwAitn Lunnuit , 0. 0. ' JOHN F. Buriar , It O'Knupn , OIIAILLuS KAUFMANN , W , I. BAxuIt. The meeting was called to order , and the above call was road. On motion of Mr. Kaufrnann , the chairman of the judiciary committee was requested to turn over all papers in his liossesaioIi , referred to in the call. call.Mr. Mr. Kaufinanu handed in the draft of an ordinance in regard to thin street railway company to Iayflut or strap rail , istid recomniaiiding its p'go also nil ordinance in re.ru to tim paving of 'I'oiithi street. The ordinance ruiring ( tim atreet railway to 1153' 1' ' t rail on Tenth street , was passedA. ' Nti ao.on was taken on the Tenth atrL , paving ordinance , an objection ocing raised. The mayor sent in his approval of the ordinance ordering that part of Tenth street .vithiin paved district No. 2 to be paving with granite block , and requirisig thin street railway compa. rues to pave between the rails of their tracks situated thereon. Filed , The mayor appointed it. N. With. jiell , Clark Woodinan and William Connor appraisers to appraise damages - ages of the proposed change of grade on Sixteoeiith street , between Cali. fornia asid Izard streets , Confirmed. Committee on etroots and grades reported , recommending the passage of an ordinance changing the grade of Sixteenth street from \Vobator north to hard. Adopted. The ordinance changing the grade ot Sixteenth street between Webster and hard , was passed James Croighton , chairman of the hoard of public works , transmitted an abstract of bids for the extension of the Waring sewer system , wih contract - tract and bonds aignod by Joseph 0. Elliott , thu lowest bidder , The contract - tract was approved. An ordinance directing the con- struct'ion of sewers In sewerage die. tricts Nos. 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 and 0 was passed. The board of public works was di. rectod to take the necessary stops to secure the material and proceed with construction. Ass ordinance establishing and do. fining the boundaries of tlioso newer districts was then passed. Au ordinauco ordering Sixteenth street , between Fsirnam and Howard , to be brought to the ostabhiahed grade was road , but lost by the following vote : Yeas-Baker , Behas , Coaby , Loodor , O'Keefo , Thrano , Nays- Doliono , furman , Ass ordinance ordering part of St. Mary's avenue brought to the estab. liahed grade was rend twice , and a long and rambling diocuasion ensued. Mr. Curby movct to lay the ordinance under consideration temporarily Oil tim table. Carried. Mr. Corby then renewed the iiiotion to reconsider the Sixteenth street ordinance , Lost. Au ordinance condeniuiiig property iii blocks B usid D for sewer purposes , siid authorizing the niayor to appoint aprarsurs thsercitir , was passed. On , iiiotioii thu council adjourned. luErIN(1 o. rwii , A call was thitsit read , isignod by the mayor fthil Isteosre. Bakr , , ( Jorby , O'Koeto , Dohiossu , Trauui' , Bhiiii and Louder , sUlIinouiiisg ! a special ineotilig for thu jtirpoau of Missing an ordiui. alice ordering the board of public works to roeeod and cause that part of 'i'uiitli street lying within pavisig district No. 2 , to be perot ! , etc. The rneotiisg was called for 9:50 : p. iii. , and , the inonibers therefore did not leave . their seats. 'l'lio council was called to order and tiso roll mlled , Thu ordinance ordering the paving . o the above described district with L granite blocks was then passed. A communIcation from the mayor was received , vetoing certain ordinances and another wrangle arose as to the right of the council to receive and act S UpOn the conununication. The vetoes ' were on thin ordinance fcc grading , I cubing and guttering Tenth street . isear Pierce the ordinance providing I for the grading of Saunders streetl , tue ordinanoo to bring Thirteenth street between Maaoii and Williams te grade. Tim vetoes were all sustained , , Mr. Baker requested that his Protest to thu consideration of this counnuni. cation ho put on record , On motion thin council adjourned , Army Ord era , A general court martial is appointed to snout at Fort D. A , Russell , Wyo , , on the 26th day of August , 1882 , or I as sooii thereafter as practicable , for I the trial of Private Jsirtjiutahi Mc. Quald , troop A , Fifth cavalry , and 4 r such o.hor prisoners as may bo brought boforis it. Detail for the court-Major Joseph Wham , paymaster , U. S. A. ; Captains Edwin Pohlock , Ninth infantry ; Char. ,1. Von Ilerrmntin , Fourth infantry ; .1. Scott Pteyuo. } 'ilthi cavalry , and .Tosvph ] Cenfe , Fourth infantry ; First Lior.tonant .John J , O'ilrter' . Fourth isfautry : Second Lieutenant Frank L. flodde , NiiiIhs infantry ; First Lieu. tenant Frank Michier , Fifth cavalry , judge advocate , Tue auspeussion ordered by pam' graht 1 , special orders No. 83 , current series from them hiadquartems , is ro mcivad , Leave of abaonco for twenty days , to take effect about Scptornbor 1st , 1882 , is , irantcd First Lieutenant Thnddeur 11. Capron , Njnth infaiitry. Leave of absence for twenty days , to take effect September 7th , lB granted Captain Alfred Morton , Ninth infantry. - - TIlE G1tIiND ARMY. The Picnic at the Paric-Tho fleunon Programme. Tim picnic given by the members of Ouster post No. 7 , 0. A. It , , at Has. call's park , on Sunday , was a very successful affair. The proceeds were to go for the benefit of tim widows and orpheus and the nick noldiers of the order , and every efrort was made by the committee of arrangements to ensure a financial an well as social sue case , and tim result wan highly satia- factory to all concerned. About 000 persons were in attend- alice , and the music was furnished by the Ancient Order of ilibornians band and Irvine s fine orchestra , A ecorc of vehiclea furnished constant means of transportation to and from the grounds all day long , while a great many wont out in their own carriages. A good sized delegation came over from Abe Lincoln post , of Council Blufis , and participated in thu day'a enjoyments. JtUNION rltoflilAM3tE. The preparations for tIm reunion of aoldiora and sailors at Grand Island , which begins August 28th , next Mon. day , are still going on with increasing vigor , and the attendance promises to be oven larger than wits at first antici- paLed. The programme for the week is announced as fohlowa : rxusr DtY. iteception of guests ; arraugng and settling camp. At 8 p. in. , in the pavi.lioii , will be delivered the wei- coming address by Con. .Tohn M. Thayer ; response by Cot. James W. Savage , and the formal assignment of the command of the camp to Con. Thayer by Hon. Ohauncdy Wiltac , chairman of ttio reunion committee. I3ECOND DAY. Bonibsrdnnont of F.ort Sunipter ; reading of President Lincoln's procla- metlon calling for 75,000 mon to sup- prose the rebellion ; recruiting of vol. unteere and aiiual drills. 0 p. m.- Dtess parade. 8 p. m.-Camp.firo in pavilion. THIRD DAY. Reunion of atute organizations ; or- ganhzation and mustering in of regi- monta and regimental drills. 2 p. m. -Addresses by prominent speakers , representing eke middle division ol states. 0 p. m.-Dress parade. 8 p. m.-Camp fire in pavilhion. FoUItTII DAY. Grand reception of soldiers , eo ciottes , fire and hose companies oh Grand Island. It is expected Presi dent Arthur will be present to rovio the marohingcolumn. 2 p. zn.-Ad dresses by prominent speakers repre. senting the northwestern states and territories. 0 p. m.-Dress parade. 8 p. m.-Oamp fire in pavilion unti 0 p. m. , at which time the night at tnk by the gunboat Monitor will take place. FounTIl DAY. Inspection of the 6. A. R. posts b3 commander.in-chief and dopartmeni commander , followed by the grand me view on the ground by the genera commaiiding Sham battle. Eigh : . au. , farewell camp.fire. nIxru DAY. Breaking camp and farewells During cach day of the reunion Maj. Robinsoii , the chiampiosi lifer of th , world , together with Maj. John Cat liii , the renowned druinmor , will giv . exhibitions of their skill. Commiaslonera Court. SATUIIDAY , August 10th , 1882. Board met pursuant to adjourn meat. Present ; commiasionore Drox I oh , Corliss and Knight , Minutes of the last meeting road and approved , The claim of Reuben Allen for taxet paid , was referred to the county at tomnoy , The following resolutions won adopted. flea lrcd , That the county treasures be directed to receive the tax withoul isiterent oh ziiio acres , delinquent fos yosra 1801-2.3.4-fi.fiand B , in acotior 26 15.13 , on account of imperfect do acr'lptioii on same in tax list. Jcaulvcd ( , That the county treasures be and. hereby is diaectod to drabs , from thu general fund $8h,50 , and ap ply the same to tim payIilOllt of tin delinquent personal tax of olsor Brown , for the years 1872.80 73.81 and 79 , for services as juror Oct.ibor1 1880 , on account of grading. The following accounts ivcro allow ed for the OENEIL'eL FUND. John Ilaumer , on acrount of 1832 I tax list. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° 0 ( I , Ilarber , appraiser react . 2Is4..a DC Peter Caselii , work on road. . . . . . 10 SC I F , II. Pugh , taleajuror. . . . . . . . . . . 4 CC p. O'ltourlce , rent for poor. . , , . . . . II DC Charles Ileiwe , cutlins for poor. , . , 5 DC F. 'sV ' , Corlia , , county commission. Or forjuly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' icc st u.Ietjeworkon road. . . . . . . . . . . 28CC L Vzn. Van Dohreii , buIlding bridge 10 5 Ut J , Aye , apirat.er road No. 254 , . . 8 CC S , Noveg " 5 , . . . 3 01 J. Wahsh.omn for couuty. . , , . . . , 1871 . I. S. Hsacall , grading. . . . . . . . .1110 ( it S. ltobfssongradtug. . , . . . . , . . . . . 44741 ; . 1tot.nsou , , grsdsni . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ut H. 0 , Thiosnes , grading , , . , . , , . . . . 104 21 J.SMIhlorwltneas fee. . . . . . . . . . 4CC .5t 3 o'clock v and in a cord ano with advortusemont bids for ths ccnstruotion of three tbrklgea wer oenod , and on motiou action on tius came was postponed until 21st inst. Joiiu BAuMnR , County Clerk , - DIAMOND IIUST. Base BO.11 and Fireworks During Santo Fair Week. IL B. IThillips , general agent at the St. Louis base bail chub and fireworks exhibition company , Is at the Millard hotel. tic is making arrangements for the Brown Stockings , of tim .Aniori- can association , to play wills the Union Pacifies on Wednesday and Thursday , September 13th and 14th , in the atatu fair week. If satiafactory arrange- unents are made a grand die. play of fireworks will be ofiveii in the evening at the Union Pacific grounds , The first grand display of tlio company was givcii at Schneider's Garden , St. Louis , last Saturday evening and will be rclntod Thursday wills additional novelties. Thu afrisir was a urand success , over eight thousand persons attending the opening night. If given hero It. is confidently exptcted it. would bo another success , as thousands of strangers will be in the city during fair week. Duo notice will appear in the local and advertising columns of t iis paper , NOTES , The B. & N. club will play the Leadvillo Blues , the champions of the Itockies , on next Friday. On next. Saturday the Union l'a- cifics will play the Standnrda of St. Louis. Dorm , the Union I'acifio pitcher , goes to St. Louis to join the Brown Stockings. Thu Union Pacifies , bow' over , have engaged a now regular pitcher and a change pitcher , both of whom are said to bo "way up , " and they will also have another new first class general player. It inlikoly these new mon will appear in iiext Satur- day's game. SLAVEN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE Made from the wild flowers , of th FAR PA1IIED YOSEMITE VALLEY , it is the most fragrant ot perfumes. Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W. J. Whitohouso and Konnaro .Llros. , & Co. PERSONAb. lion. T r4 , ICimbahl returned frosis Denver - ver yesterday. J. U. Gnidley , Jr. , him. gone to Denyer on a shout vacation. : l5r. Tikien and si Ito have returned from their summer vacation. Winu Megath , of Superintendent Nich- ols' office , lies gone to the Denver exposition - tion , Miss Lizzks Nichols , who has been visit. in 1 at the residence of Mrs. P. J. Nichols , hasgone on a trip to her old home in Se- delia , Mo. MlisoaM. Fitzgerald aud Ella J. Cooper , of Chicago , Illinois , who have been spend. lug a few weeks with friends in this city , returned home yesterday. Prof. J , A Gillespie , nrhicipal of the Nebraskz dea-mutc asylum , accompanied by his wife , left Monday to attend the national aear.mute convention. . 3. . T. Fitchile , a son of Mr. James - Fitebie , one of the oldest settlers in the state , passed through the city Monday with his mother. They were returning tc : Nebraska City from Newcastle , California HORSE TAKEN UP. Taken up by me , August 22d , ii ; dark bay horse , front. foot white and L . both hind legs , black mane and tail , about nine years old , collar marks on P . shoulder , aiid halter on. Owner car get him at Stephonnon'B stable by pay ing charges. OFFICER Buiew. CAPiTAL NOTES. I Special Dispatch to Tiss liar. MEXICAN RAILWAYS. WaSunioroN , Aug. 22.-Represent atives of the Mexican governmenl hero are informed that work on th 7 now Mexican railroad system , con I ; nocting this city with Mexico and thl - entire republic with the United Stales I will now be pushed forward rapidly t Thu bonds of the company are guar anteed by the republic of Mexico and $10,000,000 worth of thorn won . recently negotiated in England. Th commiaaioiiera sent to make this ahi I Came back wills half the money ir . , their pockets and the remainder the1 ) expect to obtain in a few months The road is now ready for the rails foi a distance of 200 miles north from th City of Mexico , and at this end rails will soon be laid as far as Monterey It Is expected that the road wilt b . completed and trains running fran the city of New York to the City 01 I Mexico by the end of thio year 1883 EXiOitTS OW IIItEAISTUFVS from this country still continues to fall far below those of last year. TIlE STAR ROUTEIiS Totton , counsel for Brady , cloaoc I his argument iii the star route trial with an elegant peroration , in which lie iiislstcd that upon the evideucs I thio jury must find a verdict whici r would bring joy to the homes of tlu I defendants instead of filling then . wills wcping. IsicSwoensy , of counsel for the do. fence , thipi addressed the jury , ; PEAL OTIOE. IOLOAN-MONtY. I 1rIIONEY TO LOAN-On chattel mortgage se .111 curlty. a. ii Futttn diSco ci Cr011 . aioutomu'y , over Ouitti i Natlosial bank. 23-t _ 1 IIONEY TO LOAN-Call &L Law Otnc. of D , L3I L. Tboini.a Roim S Crelmbton illack. ) cnI1u 1AttTt ) LUAtI-Ai 8. per cenlin , .tUUUU torc.t In euussof ; snoo an ) upwardi , ( or S to 5 years , on Sret.claae city ms ) lana property. flisos 11.1.1. Reran and Len ) Aesscr.istiiandpoumias Ste. _ _ _ _ _ ) HELP WANTED. ) 7ANTED-Two No I broom makers at Nc YY bra.eaflroorn Factory , Dodge street. 120.2Sf ALO.1IAND W , ) A' TEDIlulng room girl. Apply at ReIn ) ecko'i restaurant , IBIn sod Jackson St. 5 3.5ft ) , the National Hotelat i I ) v , One flrst'class porter , must speak Engil ) aol Oermmu ; a No. I tuiaaio Co kaiso ; tao No ) i vuil pay thu 410 and $20 per menUs. . tu Ar'l'D-A : barberat 009rortb iSthetres I _ i ! _ _ lBt.23 S. COREl ELD ) TANTD IMMEDIATELY-A flrt.cias , cool V V Mui be a good laundress and under.taac i noski' g tulter. . 'tppiy at Lot. 2.1. T , PtIck's Saunders .tree , ussr Grace. 1Oo 23t UTATSI'-Two good ealessnen : also lad V V canvawer , deli 421 south 10th El , 111.2 * 'TATED-A good mn4 txp.r'enctd brccI Vv and cskeInr. 8oberlietltsl gooJnges. Apply toll. L WaIIe , CIty issicry , Kearney , Ntb. For refer ace go to Ii. Dlngham & So , , 0mhs. 10527 % ' ) young roan b take messute V' for custom shlt. on the real. Omaha Shirt } 'aetory , No. i'207 i'arnhatz lit. 117.23 % TAMTE1)-An oflieetoy. nell& Amee , 1O iv FatnsmstreeL 110.22 a F N5 Eli-A good wolsian eok , nilddleacd. , v N no nta , good , c1en w nian fleeS ppy 000.1 r agis. S. McCoy , Oau.t Ilcuso , rirser new gernsaent cortall. libtt ; rANTE1)-A tlrt'class atry coOx 5,1 Ood' V dental hotel. 4'tf 1TMTr Iiy fists ntd a hut o unurihed vy rooms , Ith or wllout , board. Frivate faailyprcfcrrel. Addrc , N flee olTice. nO-tI 1TANTED-25 teamiter. to work on grade & .i'v ' lils.ufl I'ncltlc railroad at P niPlion 825 a nionth titid board. Apply to Wos. Bagnell on the work at lapililon Neb. For tratirportation t3 ii. Manriwelici , Omnh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 92.221 "flTANTF.tA &avelln salesman for Nebtss. VY 1a to Introduce our new sty e turners on cnmmlsioa , Can he carried ' .Itr. ot ) er gosI. . Saleetten can easily earn travallng expenau sell lag theeo goods wit he weltIng br trains. Sanipie onUks will he eist for 42OO. EcOd for tarticu. lee , : Addres TilE I1OSTON LAMP CO. 99.22 507 Wahlngton St. , Ikaton , Ma's. \iTANTED-A woman to cook at 150 south " Ybirteeth troet. DAVIn' " 'ti \TMTED-A boy notiesa than i5ycarso'd , vy to loarnphoto.zrspby , st Cuurieu's. ltai- hg photorsplier , 1212 Farnam et 2' I ATANTID-1OO men for ralroa4 woik , JI vy lllannweller , outploymet.t agent , 11th ¶ tOt , neat Farnain. 903tf iATANTEDz-Teti nataL Wages S3.3O ncr day. ' Inquire i. Vinceut , at 1hocnco Cut-oil , 9 ° c-ti TANTWDOno bandied men. wages ain vy per day , AtPlY tO Mltcho'l Vincent. at Florence Cut-off , rino mile. north of Omaha. 005-ti 1TANTEn-Ae St. Charles hotel , two first vy c1a dialog room 01r14. 9s3-tf TITANTrD-Iioardtr. , ae'llO SeOUtSI 31h iS VV Board iOo ; ilsofunnissed rome. Fran Davis. 94-ti IXTAN'rEI-A flrst.cl , , girl nfli't be good vy cook , washer , , td , boner , Wag-s 8-I 00 per week , lequlto at Leo , Fried & en's , or a ? . flee office. 93-tt TANTED-600 privy va'.Lts , sinks and cess vy pools to clean with Sanitary Vault and Sink CleAner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co. , residence 1206 Dodge street. Omaha. ATANrED-1no tic ti.rie roan , . suisbie Cc' vy physician. cnce. Addnsr Dr. Perle floe office. 509-ti MICELLANEO.-8 WANTS. 'XTA'TED-To rent , a little store It , a good vy locality for &gar storu. inquire at Pr , Ilcrglusn's , Jacob's hlock. 124-211 - sell , a lIght tcck and furniture - \yAhTgD-To \ turo of restaurant in Illair , Ncb. inqura of L. P. 1111(0. . , at flair , or A. I'crklns , Omaha. 91.23 \\TMTED-A suits of twOor three unfurnish. a w ed rorns .sddrcss "A. ii , ' 1020 Farnani Stre't , Omaha , Net , . 5311 (3ITUATIONB WANTED. StTATEA Position l'y a yt.tirg , nnhi , uhu v 1 Is a ( oed saleacuan and Lo-hcerer. , 5 ei years' experience , Addie "A. IS , C . " lieu ollice. . 11O-21t I 't 1 ANTE li-Ilyass expcrl'nced perscn , a elton. " tlcn as coon or horsekeeper in a private family , by one who thornugisi't understands bei bulncs. Addreis ' 8 M. 707 11th a reet bet. % Vetisieranti hurl. _ _ _ _ 125-241 IXTANTED-ny mao and wife , furssl.hc , loGin V V or furnished suite for light housckecpin. Address "H , " lieu ottlec. 114.21' 'XTANTED-nY inn ! ) nflt ! w fo two nnlurnleli V cii rocriss lilt or without board. l'rivatc fimily preferred address "X's lJeaotiicc. 107.tf - \ TANTFDA poetlon ! a chcmit iii eomt western iiianu.ietory or a stuallon In graded school iii teacher ot tIe science. Coo ole CLOCS furmehed. Addres "S. A. II. " 53cc L 051cc , Omaha , Neb. 89.22 FOR RENT-IIOU8EBAND LAND. 011 RENT-Twonlco i'ric houeea , 200 an IF 2011 Case St. MORRiS & Uh1tCKEiRIli0E , 122-23t Over Stito Uanc I 1Oit lt'NT-Two story dwo'ling 20th and Case L 7 room , . now being repaired anti painted Inquire of C. T. Taylor , l4thand IJouglas. 127-ti 11URNiSiIKD room fur rent at 1017 Chicag _ L street. 119-ti Foil RENT-Gord eecond'band p'ano at 31,05 per molith. Inquire at 210 south 16th St. -rout RENT-Small furnhhoct room ; nloon , I. large front roomsultas'ie fortwo genti men E. corner 14th and Chicago. 112-tt I I 17OR ! RENT-One or two large , plenant iron . .1 chamber reGale , Lu nished ir unto nislsed , ilnglwor hi suit without bcard , to gontloinat anti wIfe , 2115 CalIfornia street , bet. 21st and 22.1 101-ti -non IIENT-Furnhslsed roams f r light h use iI aceping. $15 a muoth. 2219 Cailiornit street. ta-If oil RENT-Nicely lurnis ed ri in , 812 N 17th etroCt , bet flirt gnu Cutting. 85.250 3 f-OR JtI'.NT In geol loat on , a ho"se of si : p ream , on stre t car Ino Inquires II1 norti 18th street , bctwc a 2'.lclul , ati 1sul srcct. ( 74-Ct' , 1ioii RENT Large roni aith bo..rd ; da . _ 1 boorS gj 18(15 ( CaIltor In strcet. 15 . . -1.lOit ; IiENl-Ne. co'tage of five rooms , I Enquire N. S ccc. 16th ad Chicaro Ste. SIENT-Furtilehed room. Icquiro at tb Drug store , cor lUlls and Drug as. O't 'ron RENr.-Cottago on I'Ieatant strcot,2nc 1 .4. . door f.ons Ss.Mary's avosuo ' 33 tf p on IIENT-Two new house. , 25th Chlcagi six rooms each. Inquire of iS J. 1toddi a - 0db ant ! Chotnut streets , 903(8 : ' ItENT-Offica for rout , 317 south Tislr 3 .L1 tecnth et. 13-ti W , I ) , V1tsO lIT. RENr-nrick store , tNizSO am ! 8 mcmi L' above , am , Pacific street , between fth am 3 7th. The location very deslrabie Icr Duir Jiutcher hotel , cm Crccsr. Enquire at 11. 'Soft' 12th atnFarnhitn , treats. 937.22 TIOR RENT-Two macros esuitable for two o . .U four gentlemen , at S. 'N. coruer 18th gin California street , 073 (1 ) 0 IIENT-Rooms fitrimishud and unfurplslstd it. W. corner otEtti and howard St. Iloome are now mid ciimand fine view of the river brIdge. olilerent railroad. , and Council liluils. I 11011 ltEFour room cottage , large Inc , .12 south 17th , J. L. % Voisbans , 1503 Far S ciam itruet. 905-11 15 IOELY furnished front loom , Call COil 7 17th street. 59O-tf I : i- ----LoL.d fr Cease at 825 00 Per aunum. mel fmr a term of years. at "Orariu Grow. . 1 I'm . . " adjelning ilanscoui P.ark on the we.t live minutes walk train a meet cars Money rac . be obtained to build wills , by persons ieasinj ttioao lots at regular matse. JAMES F. MORtON S Sl3tf On premises , ohio , 1515 Farrmam litroct 11OR IIEhT-A pleasant iumnhshe.l room _ U one or tw3 goitluinen. Inquire at : California , treet 950-If flOIt JIENT-iJou e of Si room. , newy nl - L tercd and p.Inted. 8150. ) per muontlm , North of i0th street bridge on 15 Ii street. Con C venleut to thops , Apply corner 12th aLd 110w I nr1etcet , Newspaper Unioim 887-ti : INF hOUSES FOIl itE-8ma1 and large two to twelve rocu e each ; one or two nec ones with all modern conveniences , One of 15 - room , , enitablc for boarding and room renting . 17th and Douglas ate. IJEMIS , Agent , julS.tf 15th and iouvlas Ste. I gjoli itSiT-A plo.aant furnIht4re oem ox I -1 tii first door , ooe block from steal tar , al 2403 Ilarney Street. 916-If ? OR IIENT-Drick store. lrqulre at Dru .L Score , corner 10th and Douglas ate. 520-t ' , ioit : ; ItKNF.-'lwo new elegant bousci. In. I qulre at Petersooe Clothing Eore , near fl P. Depot. 592-ti ' -noR It 19T-Tso new dwellings ann lao uthil . L' dwellings In desirable Ioc.llty , by Sic Itoon 14g. 1514 Doulss street. sl7.tf p'ou SAL ! . -non SALE-A well ca abIs'hed elgarand hull . j etanu logod locati us , Satisfactory reason , for selling. particulars address " 1. . , Si , ' lies 015cc. 123-25 . : : SALE-A 2d Lu' Dental Chair , oh p ih Adapted for a baber'e thair , Call 3114 Far earn street. 152-24 ; I OIXDEAUTIFUL LOTS-SOxlSO feet cachic llancono Place on .troet cat line , Beat lots whole addISon on very easy terres and is great bariate. , hulls' aeat , 150s east Douglas . streets , 16-It -s-A- . - - - PLENDID PPOPERTY FOrt SALE-At - S fliaoacs , one 1sre brick honse , atid one large frame house , with full lot os case ne-sr 05th street. Floe chnce for lsv-stment , tent for 870 per month. Call tot full particulars , on IIEMIS , 600-ti Ac'ent , 15th and Dotinlge ste. IJIOR SALE ChEAP-Dark brown hone , set. 1. and Ilnd and soodlrs burgy aol on ersa.l. die. IV II sell cheap a. I have no us for h m. Call at 2115 CatifQrJa street , bet 21st ao&s 25th. _ _ 105.tf 4 iwnt SALE-SI-O ecre thtry lana ; 50 acres In , ' _ 1. VtOY ltli hearing uicliar ad ill necec. aay bisileisnys and lstiire , Price82,800 Apply to V. ( I. Lautey or at Joe's lintel , Plate , Nd. , 94-25' . SALECIIEAt'-7Iue 14'eIS. at r crowIng , 13th street. as. tiOURlE , 00-24' flOltSAl.E-A house and 1o. iirneanty 1cm- Jj ted Inquire 1307 south 12th street , 84.s4' 171015 SALE-two root ok huresu Irqtmire .1. at Harrl .1 ; FIsher's. 7b.fl volt HALE-llou'o nail e etto' lot , at 81.110 , L1 bargain SirolAnun , cppo It-i P.O. 131(1 iiot ; SAI.fl-'ey clcati a , . . ) eve- I , tanrant on Farnhar , , a rett. Os an , to elI by Sej.Li.bo. , 1.1. lIsqituts at tlia 0111Cc. 79-22' VTR willecil 25byleSfeet , at cornel V-th ant I ' Charles itreci , ( near Uaodxn.n' ) for 8lcjo , $10 ra It nd 8111 each month. Inoret S per cent IJEXTEII b , THOMAS & 13110. 7-4tOR CALE.(1rccry and crockery buelnecs , I with or without bulijing. Addrcs4 'Osce- oh , " htex49 , 45-ti -iOR SALE dlnM'-A ; new 'either top phac. 1. tool mud a new nelloery or expess wagon. Call at Chat , , Karbach's shop on F1fIeeth , usear Farnam , , ; 83-ti I-i1ut ( SALE-liOu.so brooms anticorner lot 182 I feet square , 81(00. SicCague , opposite Poet otfice. 977-ti r1o1t SALI-A five acre lob and good house .L' one mile north of liarracks Inquire on l1rcml or Geo. II. Potcr.on , No 604 , 10th , teeet. 917-im' C. Somuissox , . - rend lot for alu , NO. 925 Montana .1 - street , near Cumi' g. Inquire Cigar store , corner lOthand Jackson streets. 886-aSS rlwYu story buIlding for ealo at a bargain. i.e. .l _ catted at north-uses corner of iTch street , and Capitol aye. Must be moved on or Uciomo August 7th proximo. litMus' 779-ti Agent , 15th and Douglas. 1 1 OTEL. Foil HALE.-Ttio Arilmigton Mouse First class ; all furnished. The only hotel U tOWn. The cheapeat ProPerty in the staLe , Has all the traveling men , YIll be sold cheap on terms to uIL Enquire of E. Feille , proprietor , Arlington , Wsenlngtoncounty , Nob. 563-It -roa ; BALd-Or will excha go for Omaha pro. I percy , an Improved soc on of land adjoin- tag a station cii U. P. L It. 11. DUNRAM 1L12 Famnham St. , Omaha. 721J Smt 'DiIICK ! Olt EALIL. , D 203-ti ESTABIIOOn a cost. T1o1t SAt.E-tho i'Ot'ULAIt HOTEL , known , .12 as thc DOTS' hOME , Thi. house I. can- traliy locntodhas scuili and east frout , and is surrounded w lb fine shade troca' cont.ins thirty sl eplng rooms , hiss Ice house. laundry , sample I room , .2c lines world wdo reputation and a better patronigo than many houses of twtco Its capacity. Price 05,000. For particulars ad. Scene , A. A. SAWDET , Rod Cloud , Deb. 855-ti _ _ _ I M 1S ' ELLA9US , _ _ cI , ) 'iil buythc furniture ci the best 4 p131cC lit .1 Iii len-a. bent yeas- . onab1. Addre-ui Do'ph Macgregor , Bee 0111cc , I Omaba , Neb , 1CC-If ' - ST-Frlay , Assuit tRim , Sorrel pnnv.uliltu L spot oh hip , care slignily cut , iront feet s.od. Ad a brdio ard soddie on. Last seen I back of Creighton C .i1ec , Finder will be Ilber. . ally . rowad'd by returning to C. W , WIsI c , 755 .e' ' tocath 'treat. 121.221 51'FCIAL AGENTS for Nebraska. ICansas and Missouri to represent the 1NIJUaTIUAL LiFE ASSOCIATION of IndianapolIs , Indians , wntch has stood the tett of tim , pa a alt losses in ( till ; strongly Imidoreed by the host hisura co autliori irs ; thorougely catablislic-d , easily worked , and 19 not on the ca-operative or old line plan Liberal contract. , made with ener getia ajents , itt a compensation of from two thousand to three thousand dollars per year Addresi INDU'Tit AL LIFE ASdOCIATION , I :40. 70 East Market street , indianapolIs , md. 1ulv28-1mo. - EDWARD KUEHL I MAGISTER OF PAL1ZYSTEItY AND WONDI TIONALIST , 493 Tenth Street , between Farnam andilaunoy. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits. obtain br any coo a glance at the paa ' aud prevent , and on certain conditions in the tare. Boots mnd2booe manSe to ) rder. I'erf . . . . . .4I. , , . , cn.dpi iv2A.1n' ' aOTAi' i 'I rj ! POWDER : AbsouteIy Pure. ' 5 This powder never varies. A marvel of purity , strength and wholesomeness. , More economical thmmo the ordinary kinds , S and cannot be sold incompetition wIth the . multitude of low test , short weight , alum r or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. 3 ROYAL BAKINO l'owiigit Co. lou \Vahl St. , Now York , . NORTH WESTERN arb1e Works , : A 3AUMETER , , 1242 NORTH EfflHTENTH T mO-3m I JAOOB KAUFMAN , REMOVED TO NO , 011 16TH ST. ; flEAlElt IN I - ALL KINDS OF WINES. fz I Awning , Tent auU Wagon Oovor MANUFAOTORY. . COlt. 14TH AND HOWARD STS. .A. GREUNWALDProp. PIPER HEIDSIEUK tIICARSI OllAMPA0N FLAVOR , . _ & . : 'xxu : The best in the country ; for the money , M. A. MeNamara4 SOLEAGENT No. 214 8. Fourteenth Street Omaha 'is I SEGER & TONER Manufacturers and Dealers In : HARNESS AND SADDLERY , WHIPS , OURILY-COMBS , linishes , Gig Saddles , etc. , Ilaht and besy I Harness on hand or made to order , LIght liar. I usn made a specialty. I 1. ± , SetweenDod'e moniCa Itoh as , Oms1Neb. . . - - - P2 ! peu I I , , 1 , ; , , , F I '