Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Wednesday Morning , Aug. 23
By Carrier , - - - -
Bf tUII f 10 00 per Year ,
Office : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Nour
M. G. OHIKFIN" , Sl nicr.
U. W. T1LTON , City Editor.1
-J. Mueller1 * Palme Music Hall ,
Sherrnden rnMccs photographs.
Blign will have now goodi Wednes
day. aug21.3t
FrAnk Lehman Ima tlio tlUtlnctlon ot
being the only drunk adjusted yesterday.
One complaint has 1 > e n entered for
rvnntni ? ft billiard tnblo without llcenao.
Others are to follow.
TJll swlll open ft new line of notions
Wednesday. ang21 > 3t
At Shull's ' butcher shop , south Main
utreet , you win always ( ? et the l > c t meats
at reasonable prices.
An accident insurance policy In favor
of R. A. Barrett has been found and left
t TIIU BEE office for the owner.
The last marriage license issued is to
Johann P. Sevcrln and Margarelta KIop.
ponburff , both of Council Bluffs.
Officer Tyson , while showing how the
fire alarm worked , succeeded In calling
out the department. Ho don't experiment
any snoro.
Complaints have been entered against
Grasshopper Sam and one of the numerous
Smith family , charging them with va
The colored boy who WAS arrested for
stealing $30 from Jennings' ntoro on Uj
per Broadway , was given a hearing by
Justice 3'rnincy and discharged ,
A bunch of keys picked up on Madi
son street Is in Chief Field's hands , and
ho is now pondering as to whether ha had
better offer a reward for the return of the
own r.
0. I ! . Jones , arrested for disturbing
the peace , was > cBtcrcUy altjrnuou did
charged by Judge Aylcsworth , no prose
cuting witncts appearing against him.
Two car loads morn of Jiudu eiser Uccr
were received by D , Hagic & Co. 1'orsons
desiring the same can bo suppilcdairl huvo
their orders promptly filled by sending In
.their orders to the above mcutioncd firm.
Information wonted of Ory Cornell ,
-who retldcd in Council Blulfa last July ,
by his brother , William ( janicttlato from
j Wisconsin , Any In format Ion leading to
his whereabouts will bo gratefully ro
I celved. Address BEE i lllco , CouncilBlttlfs.
There ban been placed on our table a
little pamphlet containing twenty army
ballads , fnvi rites of the boys who were
the blue , now tuug by the G , A , It. 8.
U. Jones , of Omaha , is thu compiler and
publisher. The boys should arm them1
selves with these for the reunion bore next
Yesterday a trio of young men en
gaged in advertising ft patent medicine
'found out that they were violating the II
CODso ordinance , and the "hogs" of the
three was arrested for not baying a bill
potter's permit. Ho claimed that they had
a general permit from the telegraph com
pany to potto bills on their poles , and thi
matter was adjusted , the case being dig
missed on payment of costs.
Mrs. OatliorineTohmyinothcrof Mrs.
Peter Well , departed thli life , Mondaj
night nt the residence of Mr. Peter Wels
on south First Direct. She was aged eixty
eight years and had lived a widow ulna
the death of her husb&nd hi this city six
teeny tars ago , She leaves two BUMS nnd tw <
daughters still living. The funeral take
place from the Cathollo church this fore
noon at 10 o'clock , and friends of the fain
ily are Invited to attend without furthe
II. O. Adls' house , on Frank street ,
was entered by thieves on Monday evening
ing dating thonbsonco of the family , am
$105 taken. The money belonged to
nephew , who is in the employ of Mr.
lcno. The roll was hidden In the pocko
of an old hunting coat , hung in the line
part of the wardrobe , The thieves ran
Backed the homo thoroughly but th
money was the only property taken.
clue to the taken or the plunder.
William Wallace , arreslcd at th
transfer by Olllccr Sterling for carrylu ,
concealed weapon * ? , wus set free again yeu
terday , It appeared that he wan former ) ,
a policeman In I5n t St , Louis , which au
counted for bis having arms and munition
of war , and handcuff * in lit * baggage und
on bis pcrwn. Wallace nays , In addition ,
Hint In killed a man them last winter.
Whlla Irving to arrest the fellow Wallace
wan shot through both leg * , and in turn
pulled Mi revolver , fucil the times and
killed ) il > man , At leant bo say * so ,
The wooden building on Broadway ,
nearly opposite the Ogdcn house , and used
as n carpenter i hop , Is being moved out
I'ierco street on the lot adjacent to that
occupied by Mr. Beebo. This with the
removal of the wooden building ueod by
Alex , Obert as a sa'oou ghoa room for the
ertctionof a brick building to he put up
by Mrs. Mynstcr , with n frontage of forty
feet on Broadway and a depth of eighty
Prank Adams , a colored bartender of
Omaha , came o\er here Monday night ' !
and muued a white gambler called
"Butch" olJ up , because the latter was get
ting too intimate with o colored woman
mamed Jennie Lrochman , who lives on
Broadway. Since Jennie separated from
her husband , Frank haibeeu her solid mau ,
and on this ground justified his jealousy of
' 'Butch " who has been
, paying her Home
overdue attentions. Hetherefpre slipped
over on a train and pummeled "Butch"
unmercifully ,
City Marshal Jackson yesterday filed
complaints against tcu gambleri , spine of
whom appeared , pleaded guilty and pilil
331,10 each , One tnlgbt suppose If not
posted , that this was the beginning cf a
war if extermination , but far from it. It
is tirnply another way of granting license ,
( juit as license * are practically granted to
j .the irlooui. The fine of 834.10 is ed
to cover two month * ' business. Thu uu.
dcreUnding U that gambling bouies may
\run la Council Bluffs by paying 8160 a
year and costs , and that this matter of
arraigning ami fining It but the w y to
collect It , them being no tight to IMUOA
regular liceneo. In tlili procedure the
council nnd tiio court act conjointly and
by n mutual understanding.
The city mnr.lml is nclInR wi cly In
attempting to stop the two ball playing
lu the streets Thoie who engage In it
mean no harm , but wi'h ' n ball on hard M
a rock , thrown with alt the ewiftnepi pos
sible , there In ever a liable to accident
where persons are traveling backward nnd
forward. A wild throw or n failure tea
a tch may , at almost any time lead to a
bad accident , nnd at the best it is decided
ly unpleasant to nervoui women nnd tim
orous men. There are enough vacant lota
still In Council Bluffs on which to exercise.
Yesterday altcrnoon ft boy tiamed
Mnckehen , who lives near Younkerman'
garden , and whose father I * employed at
the transfer , mot with n serious accident ,
lie , with another boy , were riding on a
tarmcr'ii wagon along Broadway , when , in
getting off , ho bccamo entangled In the
wheel , and was whirled around and
nrrond , before the wagon stopped and was
releanod , The flesh on one leg was badly
cut nnd mutilated , some pieces even cling
ing to the wheel , but by some strange for
tune no bonci were broken , HI * Injuries
are quite bad , but will not probably cause
any permanent crippling.
131i 3 , the loading house for Millinery -
linory , will open now fall styles
llavo you soon Wilson's wonderful
rotary power wind engine , being ex
hibited by II , E. Palmer at the Ogden
houBo ?
At tbo Stock Yards.
The receipts of cattle yesterday
consisted of 17 cars by the Converse
Cattle company. The shipments wore :
Carp Bros. , 30 ears by 0. & N. W. ;
Standard Cuttle company , 0 cars by
0. , II. I. it P. ; Converse Oattlo com
pany , 35 ears by 0. , 11. I. ft P. ; Na
tional Cattle company , 10 cars by 0. ,
R. I. & P. ; Swan & Prank , Live Stock
company , 17 cars by 0. , 11. I. & P.
Total 101.
TLo Hlghoiit Anticipations- "
MAMBON , Ind. , Juno 15 , 1881.
n. 11. WAIINKE & Co. : SIM Your
Snfo Kidney nnd Liver Cure realized
my highest anticipations , and I cor
dially recommend it to all who sufl'jt
with kidney or liver diseases.
My rcflidcnco , No. 715 Fourth at root
Bancroft- ; i. F. Muuryv.
Crumbs from Court.
In the circuit court yesterday there
was OHO divorcn granted , in the case
of Leonard B. Gorham vs. Mary A.
Gorliam. There were six or eight
judgiaontn ontorcd by default in case ? ,
and the rest of the day < vaa taken up
in hearing motions. The following
are the casoa assigned for to-day :
J. L. Soavy va. W , H , Robinson ot
al , Parkins & Gray va. Elaemnn &
Co. , guardian M. T. Palmer , H. D.
Doty va. E. Rosencranz ot al , Horace
Everett va. Bigolow , W. T. Hunter -
tor vs. Jaa. Oolcmtm ot al , Ella Ly
ons vs. John W. Lyons , Ed. 8. Jaf
fray & Oo. va. H. H. Judnon.
H. E. Palmer , of Bollofontainc ,
Ohio , ia exhibiting nt the Ogden
house a moJol of Wilson's rotary
power wind engine , a moat complete
and ingenious arrangement. It gov
erns itself perfectly in all aorta of
winda and even storms and furnishes
power direct from the wheel at its
baao to drive a pump , turn a corn
grinder , corn ahollor , grindstone ,
churn and run any light machinery
without additional attachments. See
it by all means ,
Yoatordiiy'o Oamo
There waaa largo crowd gathered at
the ball park yesterday afternoon to
witness the game between the Council
Blufli nine and the St. Louis Rods.
The sharp shower which happily laid
the dust aorvod also to atop the game
nt the cloao of the eighth inning. It
was BO far RO played ono of the boat
of the season. The homo nine showed
up strong , and the visitors were not
wuak by any moana.
The following ia the acoro by in
nings :
INNINCM..I 2 a ! n 0 7 8
0. UltuTi.0 0000040-1
llfdn U 001000 0-1
Those ot thu homo nine who made
runs were O'D.iy , Hogan , Smith and
Brown. Of the Reds Gorman tnndo
ono ,
iWJ'In the Diamond Dyux more
coloring is given for 10 eta. than in
any ID or 25-cunt dycu , and they give
faster and more brilliant colors.
lunlnp has pnaaod a prohibitory
Woodblno clwrgos 8100 license for
'ory billiard or pool tublo.
The Buvunth Day Advonlists began
their camp meeting at Smithland yea <
torday ,
The poor homo ia to have on add !
lion of 21 by 112 foot , with eight-foot
Among the candidates named for
county recorder uro : Irn Simons , A.
K. Grow , Isauo Berkley , Harvey
Thompaon , B. P. Brown , W. W.
There was a happy gathering of
friends lately at the residence of E.
Dakau In Union township , in celebra
tion of the seventieth anniversary of
Mr. D.'s birthday.
Among the recent marriages are ;
Isaac M. Brantor and Miss Edith M.
Slrathouso , both of Missouri Valley :
II. R. Bellis and II. E. F. Duke-
aliior , both of Soldier Valley ,
Miss Emma Hardy , after quito a
long visit with friends in this county ,
started for her homo in Nebraska last
Tuesday , and will atop and visit
friunds at Council Blulls for A for
-JIarriwn County
For Bronchial , Asthmatic , and Pul
monary Complaints "Brown's Bronchial -
chial Troches" manifest remarkable
curative properties. Like all other
meritorious articles , they are fro
( ] uontly imitated , and those purchas
ing should bo sure to obtain the
genuine , d&wlt
The Newly Elected .Oil inapec-
tor TakoB Sides at Once in
the Private Controversy ,
Ho Lends Himaelf and His Of-
ftco to Advertiainp ; Pri
vate Parties.
The Other Side Goto Whipped and ,
to Go to Omaha.
A short time ago n war in oil broke
out hero between the Consolidated
Tank Line company and Gronoweg A ;
Schooutgon , who handled a Cleveland
company's oil. Prices were cut , and
In the heat of the battle a cry WAS
raised that the Tank Line company
was soiling on inferior quality of oil ,
much below the 150 degrees test re
quired by state law. Following close
upon this ci'mo a request signed by
the roquislto number of citizens , ask
ing the council to appoint an Inspoo-
tor. Under the law the council was
obliged to grant the request , and as
Inspector W , R. Batcnolor waa se
lected. It was claimol that the ap
pointment of such an inspector would
tend to the protection of the public ,
and many gladly welcomed the change.
On Monday the now inspector began
work. Had ho boon wise and judi
cious ho would have avoided taking
sides with either of the parties in the
war. As an official ho was not supposed
to have boon appointed a mere arbiter
bo decide between the two chief dis
putants and dcclar * ono right , the
pthcr wrongs Ho was appointed to
inspect all oil. and not merely to do-
tormina whether the charge laid by
ono firm against a competing firm was
true or not. Ho was weak and fool
ish enough to do the vary opposite ,
and as the result of the day's work ho
it once settle the oil war by the pub
lication of the following :
CouNoir. BLUFF.S , la. , August 21 ,
1882. This is to certify that I have
this day tested and inspected a lot of
coal oil in this city with the following
result :
Coal oil contained in tanks and bar
rels marked 150 ° fire test , and sold
by the Consolidated Tank Line com
pany , of this city , showsd 130 ° fire
test. * "
Coal oil contained in barrels marked
150 ° , Schofiold , Shurmer fc Teatglo ,
Olovoland , and sold by Gronowog it
Schoontgon , cf this city , oho wed 151 °
fire test. 1 have given the oils aov-
oral fire tests with the same result.
Coal oil inspector for the city.
The above seems to have been a
gratuitous card published for the ad
vertising benefit of the victorious
party in the conflict , for the official
record of the day's work is not in that
form. An old blank book , 'tho front
leaves of which had been used for
oomothing else , and then torn out was
the now inspector's buok. Along in
the middle of this book may be found
what purports to bo the official record.
It is as follows :
31LUJTB , IOWA , Au UBt 21 , 1882.
> o. ol 1 Ire Test
Name. I'k'gg. licit ! ? . Remarks.
aronwo ; & fc'oontgonl 16J Approved.
Con. Tank Line Co. , 1 ISO Same con
tains 390
bb ic. con
demned lor
W , H. lUTCiULOR , Illuminating
Coal UU Inspector. purposes.
It is to bo noticed that in the advor-
ising card which ho publishes , ho
ako the pains to give the name of the
manufacturers of the superior oil and
vhero they belong as well as the dealers
ors a fucs which the official record
does not givo. In his advertising ho
would have the public believe that ho
nspectod numerous packages of the
oil which ho pronounces the superior ,
vhoroas his official records shows thai
10 inspected but ono package. Or
.ho other hand his advertising care
vould have the public believe that al
, lie oil of the Tank line was found to
30 only 130 ° fire test ; whereas his
record shows that only ono package
was inspected.
No ono can road the advertising cor
Jficato and official record without aeo
ing that the inspector has BO far for
got himself and the purpose of his
ofliuo us to become a partisan in the
war.Tho Consolidated Tank Line com
pany is but ono of the arms of the
Standard Cil company , ono of the
greatest monopolies of the land , TJIL
BEE has no smypathy to waste unoi
it , and would , above all things , bo
jlad to see it compelled to obey the
law in every respect. The firm whicl
lias the other eido of the contest is
pne ot the most reliable and ontorpiis
ing in the city , and merits success in
its undertaking * . Still the merits
or demands of either do not wnrran
a duly appointed oflipial to use his an
ttiority and his position for the sake
of helping und advertising any firm
however worthy , or to cry down an
other , however much merited. It is
simply his place to perform the duties
of his ollicu without fear or favor , to
keep such a record as the ln > r requires
and let that suffice. In this his open
ing day is a lamentable failure.
Tin ; UKK is in favor of the atricl
enforcement of the law that the puo
plo may have the protection to which
they are entitled ; but it is poor policy
to have such an underlying motivi
nnd arimus as has been shown in thii
matter from the beginning. An in
spootor should have been asked for
and should have boon chosen and seat
at work long ago. But no , there woa
no attention paid to the matter unti"
the war begun , and the cutting o
prices caused doubts as to the quality
of oil sold. Then to hayo the inspec
tor's office used at once to help ono
party in the tight , gives the impression
that his appointment was not BO mud
in the interest of public justice as it
the interest of a faction in the fight
This official representing in the city
the Consolidated Tunk Line company
cannot but bo impressed with thu ido
that the city is joining in a war on it
rather than bent on a lair , impartia
enforcement of a just law. The rep
rosontattvcfl of this company don ;
that they care anything about it , bu
the facts show dlliorontly.
Major Newell , who has had hi
office hero , yesterday ipovod his safe
desks , etc. , across the river to Omaha
Ho still retains office room hero , am
has a small desk in ono corner , bu
it is apparent that it ia the intention
have Omahfi M headquarters , and
rantfcr ni much of the business there
possible. The company owna three
cres of ground hero , has tanks and
thor appliances for doing business
ere , andi receives and ships many
arrels of oil Hi all directions from
ero. It Council Bluffs wants to
rive tliii enterprise to Omaha it has
akcn a sure wny to do so. It han
riven other enterprises away , and
un succeed in driving this. If an in-
nector had been nppoinW in times
f peace , and acted fairly , there could
U'o been no cr.uso for the tank com-
my to feel that the city had a special
rudgo against it , but under the ex-
sting circumstances it looks differ-
ntly. If the company proposoa to
bango its business from hero to Otna-
a , because it does not to com-
ly with the law , it is well for the
ban go to bo made , as Council Bluffr
wants no such enterprises , but if the
linngo is because fair treatment can-
ot bo obtained hero , it is a Bad com
ment on this city.
Judging from the way the inspector
as begun work it is not probable that
lie people will got much of the pro-
ection which the layr ID intended to
ivo them. If , as it scorns , Bachelor
'as appointed as a mere means of
olping nlong ono side in the fight ,
hon when the fight ends , ho nnd the
fllco will practically end. lip has
tartcdiu as if there was no oil in the
ity but that of those two concerns ,
nd ho has declared in favor of ono
nstoad of in favor of the people , with-
ut regard to either.
Mrs. Wm. Spetman has returned from
) avenport , where she has been visiting
rlcndi for two months or BO.
If. Al. Sexton , of Chicago , Is again In
je city , looking after the interests of the
efrigcrator line , of which ho is ogent.
Samuel S. Walker aud wife and Misses
hmnn and Mercy Walker nnd Miss Annie
'a'mcr ' ' , all of Sslt Lake City , are at the
Ogdeu ,
Mr. Everett has learned by telegram of
bo safe arrival of Kir. and Mrs , Waddcll
n Japan last Sunday , which will provo
ratifying news to their many friends here ,
0. V. Adams has returned from an ex-
ended trip through the east and a visit to
Is native Btate , Maine. Ills wife , who
ccompanicd him , baa remained In Chi-
atjo for a few days , visiting with friends
Yesterday was Judge N. J. Bond's
irthday und he was happily reminded of
y receiving from his wife a bea'itiful
bony cane , gold headed , and very nicely
ngravcd , giving name , data and giver. It
u a Buuvenlr of which anyone might justly
eel proud.
CARIIOLL , Ia. , August 21.
To the Kilitor of THE EKE :
Two traveling horse traders en-
amped in the vicinity near the brow-
ry on the Coon river banks near Car
oil , were arraigned before the mayor's
ourt on Saturday to answer the
hargo of assault with intent to com. '
mit murdor. They gained peaceable
accession to the brewery during the
ight , and in company with the wo
man who is traveling with them , and
whcao reputation for chastity is not
enviable , bad a loud row with the
irowor , who called out his shot gun.
[ ho brewer was knocked down , a terrible -
riblo wound being inflicted o7cr the
right.oyo , and the occipital nearly
irokon. The trial lasted the entire
day and resulted In conviction for as
sault and battery , and a fine of ono
lundrcd dollars was imposed , which
was promptly paid , ana the parties
iaro gene west.
As the noon freight was pulling out
Tom Maple river junction Friday , a
raveling man from Boone by the
lame of M. Earnsdoof attempted to
joard the train while in motion and
jy some misstep , was caught by the
wheels and ono foot crushed oft. Drs
Lane and Ennis , of Carroll , ' } were
sailed , and amputated the foot , leaving
ing nothing but the heel for a stump
The patient is doing well , being well
cared for at the Commercial House in
On Saturday , August 10 , a Gorman
by the name of Fred Myers , residing
eight miles north of hero , hanged
liimsolf in a barn , and when found
was hanging suspended from a beam
with his feet touching the floor. Ho
loft no trace as to relatives , or the
cause of his rash act.
* * * "Facts apeak plainer than
words. " Proof : "Tho Doctor told
mo to take n blue pill , but I didn't
for I had already been poisoned twici
by mercury. The druggist told mite
to try Kidney-Wort , and I did. I
was just the thing for my biltousnoBi
and constipation and now I am as wol
as ever. " A. P. Sanford. Sold in
both dry and liquid form.
Offlco and Works , Mara Street ,
We give special attention to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces
( till receive prompt attention. A general
oortmcnt of
Brass Goods , Belting , Pining
Iron Ooko Ooal
Foundry , Pig , ,
Attorney and Oounsollor at Law ,
Omci-Broadw y. between Main and'Pan
Street * . Will practlco lu State D < 1
NOTIC'K , fcp'.tiM adxertlticinenU , uc %
Lost , Found , To loan , Foi Rale , To Kent ,
Want" , Hoardln ; , etc , vrlll bo Inmtml In tht !
column it the lo * rite ol TEN CENTS PER
I.I.VB lor the first Irncrtlcn unit P1VK CENTY
PER LINE lor each euhicquent Insertion
Leave ftdv crtlacmcntfl at our oilier , Mo. 7
1'ful Ptrett. n < "
WAN'TKD Pints anil tut imturj. Only
tint-dahunds 'Hod ' apph &
aii23-tt onEiiKtimu : n NEWMAN.
WANTED- RCOil DunUh or S nle plrl ti
dorercral ho'vbo workn all finllnplioiin" .
? minlrc ol .Mrs. 14. A. llotg , bo , 14 1 South
Main stirctrcsr C. < t U. t. K. II.
JTANTRD-nlrls at the K. C. Hou o , on
( T South .Mam Street.
7 ANTED School ttttclicrp , mlnlMern , etu-
VV dents nnd others ctn a < l to therincrmo
ij'OtAOlltif , ' n | > oitlui ol their time to nnvMilt a
or our tl&iKlord licoU md perm liftts , or can
nalio Urge IMRC ) 1)J ) dMOtlnp their whole time
0 ItVe uant n nctho tnnlo or fo lo g rt
1 01 cry townOilp In Iowa anil rebriu1 < a , nnd
111 tUcr extra Inducon or ts. For clr til * B < !
rc ttcstrn llcok Comriiny , Box B54 Council
II fls.Ia.
[ TTANTED Everybody In Council BluBs lo
VY t ° tnho Tun linn , SO ccnta per week , do
irercd by carrion. Office , No 7 Pearl Street
.ear . Brow gay.
ITTANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn
YV For particulars address Council Bind *
Iroom Factory , Council Hinds , Iowa. 653-2311
For Sale and Bout
RJNT Onolargfl douhlo room and one
X ulnitlo room. Mcclj furnish d. Ono block
oin middle Uroadw < y , S , UER office.nu2
nu2 U3t
I710n BALK Ono jounft bay J-oree , suitable lor
J. ' cmlagc ; nlio ono line drl\hg mate. In-
lulroof J. M , b-Ui | , Council niuds. niigU tl
EOn SAf E One set tinners' tool' , neatly now
cheap lor cvh. H , R. Jouo I , No. 131 llroid'
ay , Council lilulls , In.
"T7IOR SALE The two years and three moiths
V lease , tro fltturcs mid lurnlturn of tbo
'alltornta ' houec. ConUtns nina roums with
Jens to accoran odnto thlny men. lieu o now
'ull , Iccding tor' ' } ' to flit ) acn dally. A gtand
hancc to buj Into a line l jlnR bustne < s III-
ca''h ol proprietor the only ro > m ff r celling
iddresi ownrr , Henry b clgert , Calllornia
louse , C. . ,
pen SiLE hty tons rf lee dcllvcrrd on c r <
at > eo'a , Iowa. Bawdu lurnlshtid. Ad.
lre > 8. Jlartln Cofcy , Ccuncll Bluffs , or II. L.
eWllilams , Ncola , lona. auglOStt
SALE Two claims la Ncbra'kn , cheap ,
by Odtll & Day. jj244w
Ti OIl SALE Beautiful rouldenco lots , $00
1 ; each ; nothing down , and 83i > crmonth only ,
LOST A largo uardrob key. liberal rcnaril
In flrd r Ei ] ulro at Btc olllce.
& 8J10TUEU" , Council Bluffs
and Omaha ex ) rtm. Orders Icttnt Lostin
lo * store , Miln Btr ct , Coun > 1 lufla , or J. C.
: illot , 1205 Farunmitrcct , Omiha , will roccho
irompt ntient on. J > 1Bt'
AHKAD Orcat succe s. Cull and see
new accessories nnd Bfxctmcns ol pictures
taken ! ) the ro lablo gclatlno brou Ido process ,
, t thoKxcelsor Onlltrr 10 Main street
DH. W. L. PATTON Phj elctan and Oculist.
Can euro any case of sore cje . U Is only
\ matter ol time , and can cure gent rally in
rotn tbreo tc the weeks It makes no differ-
nice how long dlueascd. Will straighten cros-3
ijc3 , opcrato and rinioto I'tjrozuin a , etc. , and
ijnert artificial eyes Special attention to re-
novflinvr tadeuorms ap5-tl
Facts forth Enqwing
A new crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 75o
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of
fered at 75o GOo
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that offered at $1.00 75o
We Mean Just What We Say.
16 Main St , and 16 Pearl St. ,
Council Blnffs , Iowa ,
All Shippers nnd Travelers will find
peed accommodation and roaaonabli
Council Bluffs , - - r Iowa
MRS. fl , J. HILTON , M , D. ,
222 Broodwav , Council Blnlfs-
Sullivan filitzgerald
Orookery , Glassware ,
Also agent * tor the following llnei o (
Steamship Companies :
CunarJ. Anchor , Ouloo , American , and Btit
For ( Me on the Uo > al Dank of Ireland and Ban !
of Ireland , Dublin , Those > o Intend to wnd fo
frlcndd to anv | > art of Europe will find It to thcl
nternt to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , Council Bluffs Ia
Broadway , and Fourth Street , , .
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer m
of all kinds. Sheet Music one
third off. Agents wanted.
Correspondence solicited.
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00
Bluff and TOlow greets , Council Bluffs.
THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but firat-clasa Bakora
employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of 'the city. Onr
Wagons run all day.
P. AYRES , Proprietor ,
o o
3aa For Sale , Tonrn Lots. Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MATOE , over Savings Bank , - OOUVOIlj BLUPS
f e are Offering Special Bargains in ill
Kinds of Summer
412 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
O. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
. . . ,
( Late Veterinary Surgeon U , 8. A. )
The Only eterinnry Surgeon
in the Oity ,
All ot the but i'hya'cUuB lu Council Bluffa nd
eurroundln e
The Star Bakery ,
227 MAINST ,
Employ the tx t Ereid Baker In the Wett ; lw
a choice bind lorCakciand Plw.
Urexi dellvcrcU to all parU ot the city.
Bleb Out Qiaos , Fine French China.
Silver Ware &o. ,
Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead'
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby a Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- )
Tiioa. w , H. ii. n-sir.
Council Bluffs , Ia ,
Established , 1856
Dealer ! lu Foreign and Domestic Exchange
and home securities.
813 South Main Street , Council Bluffs.
New house and newly fitted up In first dug
tylo. Meals at all hours. Ice cream and leino-
ni1e e\ cry erealn ; . Fruits and confcctlonerle