TEE DAILY BEE-TUEP/DAY , AUGUST 22 1882 o. a , AC oo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City SIfTkoi , Council Dlaflj , lo , Si O I , E S A I. E F L O 0 R H O U B E , Cchlirotod Hills o' ' 11. t > . hush M Co. . OoUlcn rwjlo Flout Le v < mwMth KWKIS , and Juccn lleo Jill s. Moux F Il > , Dakota i. Ocl't"mlen.fouiicll IlnflV , U. EL ZE WHOLESALE AND KKTA1L STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COPHOIL BLITFF3 , IOWA. TITLE AlSTBA 0 I OFFICE. XT X JR. XI JSr. C9 O > . and Lots bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. VOTARESS PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BIUFFS . IOWA. ZEL 15 .North Main Strsot. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. upiwri , In call skin and kin. OftV and Hemlock bOLK LKATHKK , unJ al oofl.1 appertaining to the ho trade. Oo chaoUl mclicapcaln theKftst. IBS , NOBRIS' ' HEW IBLLINERY STORE * FOR StYLISIl SPRING MILLINERY PATTERN BONNKTS AND CHILDREN'S HATS -A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street , Couacil Biuffa la Thrtnotcr require crimping , at Mrs. J , J Good's Hair zitoro at pnci-s notor bclcro touched by any otter hair Jailor. Alee aVull line of switfhca , rtc. , at greatly reduced prlcus. Also om , , -j alhcrtnd colored nchi Wares made trom litdlei' own hair. Do nut tall to u ll before purchasing \ < - , elsowhsro. All Roodn warranted as roprcacutoil. tiU3. J. J GOOD , 29 MMnstruoi , Council DluOs , Iowa. IBATEIM HOUSE ! At Bryantrs Spring , Broadway * and. Union & 8. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Plain , ModloMuil , Vnpor , Elee'rlc , < > onch , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths Com- J ) potent u ale ocrl female i.un-ua and atmn'nuta JVclwaya on band , and't'.o host otraioand ottcn- fr.tlon elven patrons. Special att ntton KV.-I to jlbatning children. Investigation aud patronage loollcitcdDR. DR. A. H STODLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. StuJIcj" : TrtaUrcnt ol chronic diseases [ made a specialty. ; REMOVED without the CANCERS dran lug of blood or use of .knife. Cures lunfr t'Jecasts , ANTl rTTHI.'l ? Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- f'alut. ' Dropsy , Hheuina- T II M fi R S ' 8 . r ° -nd-llorcur- - I U 111 W nO ivl ! Bire9 > Erj lxJas , Salt Rheum , Scald Houl , Catiirh , weak , Jiifl .nicd and granulated Byoe , rcrofulous UlcurB end I'o- nulo Ulauaso ot all kinds. AHo KUrey and Tencrlal diseases. Hamorrholdsor Plica cured money refunded. All diseases treaUd upon thoprlncij > lerf veget able reform , without the uee ol mercurial pols- ona or the knllo. Vapor or J'dlcatod Baths , . ( urnlshcd \Elcctro \ deulro tUom. Jlornia or Rupture radically cured by the UBO the Elastic bolt Truss and 1'laatcr , which has superior In thoworla. CONSTTX/TATION FREES- CALIfCII OK ADDRESS 1 . Drg , E , Eioe anfl F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFE , la. LIVERY , Feed aniSale Stales , 18 North First Street , Bouquet' * old staci. Council Bluffd , Icna. VlLLAUD SMITH. . Prop. IW.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , cammltlnj it OHlco and rceldenco CIS Willow avenue , Coun- SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 1 14 Pearl Street ; Council Bluffs. Extractlncaru ! filling , specUHy. I'lrot-class ' r-jrork piarantosd. DR. A. P. KANCHETT , i AND SURGED ? ! . Office , No. 11 Pearl Street. Houit , 9 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to fj p , m. Rcaldoioo , UO .Duicrolt etrtot. Telephonic conrieitlon w'.tli Central office. .F. T. SEVSEBT , M. D , ? PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. tGOUNGIL BLUFFS , - - IA. "v OIEcD No. C , Erorott.BIook , Broad way , over A. Louio's llostaurnnt. leprtatsEestaurant J. A. BOSS , Proprietor. Corner iRroadway und Fourth Strcole. tnd Good tcoomiHOdatlong , good faro and cour * teens treatment. 3C 23 OrOcooVer savings bank. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - lorra. REAL ESTATE. fVfC. James , lu comuctlon with bla law and /Jolljctlonbustneaabuya tnd Bells real estate. Persona wishing to buy M sell city property call athiaofflco , over Buehncll'i book store , Pearl tlreet. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. JuBtico of the Peace and Notary Public , tdaat temo- 1 / ( 41 6 Broad way , Council Bluffs rawD jtnd tihcowl t'gti WATER WAVES , * In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order , "Waveo Alado From Your Own Hair. TOILET BTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Trice. Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AKD GYGNEGOLOGIST. Oraduato of ElcctropatMo Institution , Ptsta- , Penna. Offlco Cor , Broadway & Glenn Aro. COUNCIL M.UFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and pMnfu ! < ! ' ' - flcultlea peculiar to fen'olea a spoclilty. J. G. TPTON ! , Attorney & .flounsellof , Ollloo over First National Rank , Council DIuOc. Iowa. Will practice inS.no etata and fedcrcl courts. I Game and Poultry , Can alwsja be found a O. DANEHY' ? , 1ft Upper llroad ' .ir JNO.JAYFEAINEY , Justice of tke Peace , 814 OROAOWAY , Oonnoil Bluffs , - - Iowa. W , B. MATES , Loans and EealEstate , Proprietor cf abstract ) of Pottawattamlo county , Ollloo corner of Erua-way and ilaln Blrcett , Council lilulta , lona. JOHN STESNER .M. D. , . . . , ( Deutscher Ant. ) COR. BROADWAY AND ,7TH ST. Council Bluffs , jjlscaacs of women and children a < poclalty. if. J , IONTQOMERY , .M , D , J7llEK DlHPKNSAIUT KVK11V SATC UAY. C3celn Everett' ) bloc ! , Pearl ( root , lluil ] daae C'JS Fourth street. Olllco houri froo. 9 to S . . , 2 to i and 7 o8p.ni , Council lilullu PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the pcjtofflco. Ono of the oldest pr : tltloner In Council Uluffa. Satis lefactlon irusranteed In asa DE , F. P. BELLINGER , .EYE AHB EAR SURGEON , WITH DR. CHARLES DELTKEN. Office over ilriu otsre , 4H Rroadu-ay , Council DlulIJ , Iowa , Al dlttiics of the ejo tnd car treated under tlieruwttpprovcd tuctliod And all cun-J guarantewl. JOHN KNOT , A T T 0 R H E V-'AT-.l ' A W. Will ractfc * In all SUt and UnlUt Sltte Couiti , Speakl A Sketch of the Qront Summer Hosort ofNowVork. ptclat D spitchei to TIIK ERR. SAIUT.IOA , N. Y , August 17.This peerHss watering plftco h s many wnj-8 of dolightitig her guests. Itis line a Jti ftco from nmlims , vnlunblo iui JCral eprinps , mngnificont hotels , rjcaaant drives nnd parks , Eocinl n'avnntatcs ; , < tll combine to nttract nnd make Sira- tojjn the fnrorito Veaott of America "What placea of Intorcat thall wo visit ) " ia A question often repeated Take a walk down Hromlwny n > id got your first glimpse of the Ray lifo hero , and I rill tell you of othur matters later. later.You You will sco n line of euporL hotels. The piazzas nro cron-ded with hand sonioly dressed ladles , nnd a smaller imtnbor of gentlemen It is said this season 1ms been remarkable in having so many people of unusually strik ingly-fino appearance. Perhaps the becoming coming coatutucn have the clTuct of litightoniiig nature's charms ; certainly no liavo aeeti faces which would give superb subjects to artists. Another fete chanipertro Trill bo ( liven soon on the crounda of the Grand Union hotel , These are brill iant occasions nnd long to bo remem bered. You will doe on Broadway superb horses and earriagOB. Simio of the horses cost $1,000 or inoru ; some of the carriages 81,500. William H. VanUorliik line a horao named JTnud S , the fattest in the world , lie has been oflered $100,000 and refused it ; indeed money cuiinut buy this favorite animal. You have hoard of the renowned swiiinutr Capt. Paul 'Boyton. ' Ho has gone over 2,000 miles of liver travel. liia longest voynyo was down the Yollowstpne , down tfio Missouri and Mississippi to St. Louis. His most puriloub swim WHS down the Tuuus , tlirough Spain and Portugal. At Lisbon ho was met by the king and quuon , and Knighted Marshal MacMahon , of Franco , gave him the sumo honor. Saratoga has now the honor of entertaining C.ipt. lioyton. Ills nautical fonts will draw a largo conccnirsu of pcoplo and give him fresh laurels. Chua Liuise 'Kollogor , aided by Sigor Toranto , Mr. Toitsch , Jludclaino Scliuilur , has lately given a superb concert in the ball room of the United States hotel. Kings and quuens of song had a line chance to exorcise their vocal powera and their favorite musicians wore heartily applauded. Blind Tom ie considered a prodigy. Ho is not only blind but of weak mind , yet ho plays difficult composi tions with ease , and otten after one hearing : His concert is apoken of as remarkable. Hon. Ceo. Batchcllor has lately given lecturou upon Egypt. Being our minister there , ho has had a good opportunity of understanding the customs and stateof affairs of the Egyptians. liia portrayal of people and events was excellent , and much Valuable information was convoyed. At Dr. Hamilton's institute excel lent medical lectures has been given. Thin well known health establishment is full to overflowing. The bar association has lately met hero. hero.Dentists Dentists are helping a convention , and other conventions are to follow. No letter would bo complete with out mention of the valuable mineral aprings. Hathorn spring is the moat famous. It is tho'most powerful water in Saratoga in stomach and liver diflliiultics , twenty-five hundred drink from it daily. It is a pure safe spring , but uo water should bo taken without first consulting a physician. From far and near the procession of water drinkera coma and go. Some are annual drinkers and corno to the Hathorn spring as to a wise physician. It supplies ita thousands of patients abundantly , but has no eyes to see their improvement , no oars to hour their blessings. It is excellent for malaria. You can got hero a full view of the changing crowd hero. If a dis tinguished visitor is in town you will find him at thb spring. It is a grand place to study fashions and human faces. Ladies this summer do not ooeni to bo as ( much over dressed as sometimes. The hotels turn them out in largo numbers and diamonds sparkle everywhere. "How much water do you drink ? " is a question which goes from lip to lip , Two glasses is enough. At Uni.ed States hotel a benefit hall was last evening uiven to Prof , fituts , the leader of the band. Wo caw beautiful dreones , it would neum as if the fashion plates had been ex hausted to find coatuiuea odd and striking. This hall was a brilliant nilair. "Full di'csa indispensable" was its inexorable Jaw. Saratoga has ita lights and shadows , ita churches and places of ruin. Good men and women are .utrivteg to lift humanity and servo God. Roy. Wil liam llumpstono hta been holding u nori a of gonpol mcotinga which huvo been .well attended. A'dsily prayer mooting ia held and the clergymen disousa .various religi on * topics and advance-different viowa tvhioh.mako them of much interest. The ruvo of the youthful poetess , Margaret Davidson , is in the corner of the cemetery. Many visit it with mournful.inturost. The drives which are most frequent ed are to , Lake JMitcholl , Saratoga lake , to Mt. McCiret'or , and to Geyser Spring. CTbLi Jaet is a drive which ul- ino.it every one who visit * the place takes , The park behind the spring is beautiful. Tlva distance out of Sara toga is a uilo aud a quarter. Thou sands go to the "GoyHor" and tLo aprhip ia rapidly .rising in fume. It ia a pity distinguished pcoplo do uot go labelled. Wo meet them everywhere but to know who is on author , artist , congressman , or for eign ambassador is left to bo guessed untass come ono happens to inform you. you.Tlvsro ia much moru I would like to write. More next year Adieu. S. P , B. Htrttw Lumber , American Aitbltatt. Th ro can bo no question tluit straw lumber is admirably adapted to many kinds of finishing work-barrola , table iiud counter top * , line doors , and mental work ; nnd. nro ftMUrod that it can bo prodded ftnd8old in compo- htlon with t JMS jncr ; grftdos Of pine erin in compot , tton witn Wjrj0 walnut , n ( about o lie.hnlf the price of the latter. " n ° ' .jtandard manufacture is in widths ° * ' -hirty-two inches , a length of twelve .oat , and A thickness corresponding to that of surfaced boards , The dimon- biotis may bo varied to suit such orders as tuny bo givnn , and cmbraco any width , length or thickness , I'nltko lumber , however , narrower widths are the most costly. The straw lumber may bo ripped with the hand-saw or the btizK saw ; may bo run throng ! the sticker for the imttuifacturo o ; mouldings , and takes a nail or scruw about as well as oak. It may be ( hashed with varnish or with paint and is susceptible to a high polish. 1 is practically water nnd lire-proof being manufactured under 500 degree : of heat , and wo are assured has beet boiled for some hours without any nj.pmr.'iil change of structure , hi tensile strength is greater than tha of walnut oronk , and its vroight aboui onu-lifth greater than the former when dry. It is made from any kind of straw , including honip aud ilux fibre in fact from mry material that will make pulp and a ton of a ( raw- will produce 1,000 foot of boards , The pulp is rolled into thin shoots , r number of which , corresponding with the thickness of the lumber desired , are placed together with a peculiar comotit , which is claimed to bo water proof , and are then rolled under r pressure sulliciont to amalgamate thorn into n solid mass , which may bo worked with n piano if desired. When it is remembered that it takes ono hundred years to grow a tree to maturity , suiting it to com- niercial purposes and a tree produc ing li'J-inch lumber will require fully twice that time while 20,1)00 ) ioetpor aero is a largo yield under _ the moat favorable circumstances , it will at once bo realized that where J5,000 feel can bo taken trom an aero of ground for an indefinite number of years , the process which enables such a result to bo accomplished , and which will yield a really valuable lumber , ia uno of vast importance. Wo look for valua bio reaulto in the future in the niiinu facturo of lumber fr m what is practi cally a waste material , but which will bo produced in endless -quantities so long as the United States mointaino its character ns a grain producing country. It * You Are Rained in health from any cause , especially from thu uao of any bho thousand DOS trums that promise so luryuly , will long fictitious testimonial ! ) , have no fear , llcsort to Hop Bitters at once , and in n short time you will have the most robust and blooming health. The Rlchoat Man In England , fc'nn 1'rnncieco Chronicle. The Duke of Westminster , who was rpcontly married to Lady Cathoriiu Cavendish , ia ono of the woalthicsl men in the world. Ho comes of at ancient family which crossed the channel with the Conqueror , but it is a family which acquired no distinc tion , aavo as great landlords with f.it rent rolls , until the present century , when the first earl'Groavonor , gained a reputation as u supporter of the British turf , nnd the second earl , by siding with the reformers in 1831 gave the family the liberal bias whiol it still preserves , The third earl and present duke succeeded in 1809 his father , who was BO avaricious that when the Great Eastern was launched Doino London wit Buggostod that it bo named the Marquis of Westminster because it was Lho "greatest screw it : oxistonco" The present diiko is credited with owning 10,437 acres , which brings in a nominal rent of 37,000 , while ho has expectations of succeed ing to his mother's estate , whicli yields nearly as much nt > nin. But his mam claim to great wealth rests in his London property. Ho owns entire blocks In the fashionable west end of London , the rentals from which now amount to an enormous sum , and will bo greatly increased at the end of this century , when the present leases ex piro. The Duke has numerous town and country houses , a magnificent library , t > < o finest private collection cf manuscripts in the world , and n stable of thoroughbreds , among which are Bend Or , Shotovor , Peregrine and other famous flyers. Ho is very liberal oral in his charitable Rifts , rivaling in this respect the Baroness Burdutt Couttb. Ilia bride is thirty years his junior , but this is no uncommon cir cumstance in thn family , as an ances tor of his married at 70 , had live chil dren and lived to the ripu old ago of 90Vundorbilt Vundorbilt nnd Gould are counted as wealthy men , but their speculations will have to yiuld many fold before they hoop puce with the increase of the Duke of Wentminstor'a London property. The latter provoH the oft repeated assertion that nothing ia so euro to increase in value as well- iielocted real estate. The growth of London has been extraordinary , and its present advance in size and wealth is marvelous , but this increase ia no moro astonishing rhan that of Now York , Chicago or San Francisco. The solid millionaires of the twentieth cen tury in this country will not bo the speculators , but the owners of valua ble real estate in the great cities. Pretty Good. Jno. Ji.icon , Lnmrte | , Jiut. , writes : "Yuur'.SrniMra HLOHHOU' ianll you cracked It up to lie , My dyxpoprla Imnall vanUliod ; wliy don't you advortlao It ; wlutt allow ance will you maku If I titko u dozen bot- tleH , BO that I could oblige my fritnclB occa. vioiinlly ; " J 'rice 50 cents , trlul buttlett 10 cents. QrabLrtw In Now York I'hlltlc phla I'rcu. Now York liaa fastened a remark- nblo corporation on its back , The Manh/tttan Elevated Company ia in virtual possession of all of Manhattan Island ( hut is worth possessing. Sitico ita incorporation it hua Hoi/.od the principal avenues of the city , invaded the down town breathing spaces at liio battery , and , though enjoying franchiues that in any other communi ty would coat millions of revenue , has refused to p&y uvon the common taxes to which all corporations are nubject , iomo time ago the company wa per mitted to build a hideous and unsight ly structure- the pretty award of the wttery , under promise that t should bo removed on linety days' warning by the city nu- horitiea , The whole city rebelled igainst the structure and the ninety layo's notioo wan given , But inttead of fulfilling their contract , the com pany sued out nn injunction to prevent - vent the city from making use of ita rights. Still later permission was asked by the same arbitrary group to add to the buildings on the H.Utery , making ita substantially H yard for thu cars. This was refuted by the Park Commission , when the olh'cinls of the company withdrew from the mooting , vowing vongpanco upon the Commis sioners who had been faithful to their duties to the pcoplo. The meditated vongotnco scorns to hnvo been the purpose to go right ahead and monopolize just nn much of thu park r.a the company thought ex pedient. Without attempting any difguiso preparations hnvo been oaten tntioualy made to lay foundations for the structure , and sure onongh on Tuesday , nn hour or moro nftcr mid night , gangs of workmen broke into the asphalt walks on the battery nnd soon transformed the smooth surface into unsightly dubric. A single po liceman happening by chnnco to hoar the picks , domnndi'd thu authority of the leader of the gang , nho showed him n written order from ono of the commissioners to inako excavations in thu streets , The policeman was sharp enough to distinguish park from street , nnd CAUSOU n cessation of the insolent scheme under threat of arrest. Hut the event in itself is common enough. A great city is nbsolu.ely helpless iainst thu enterprise of any body of knaves who , under cover of corpnrnlo rights , ohooao to seize public parks , highways or what not. For tlm extra ordinary point of the business is , that should the company got the proposed struo.uro above ground , thu city would bo virtually powerless to force its re moval , Now York ovidejftlyj needs some of the law the early chitons of San Francisco applied to just ouch rapacious nnd lawless adventurers. .Oright's Ul'cmnc , UiiiliotlN , Kidney , Liver or TJrluul JOinunnon. llayo no fenr of nny of those dis eases if you use Hop Bitters , nn they will prevent nnd euro the worst cases , oven when you have been made wor o by some great pulled up pretandcct cure. The Enormoub Cost of Farm Fences Ntwork World. Although the fences in an niriaul- ; tural community nro the most enor mous tnx which thu farmer Into to bonr and the subject has attracted the at tention of agricultural societies and journals nnd the public proim general ly , no systematic effort hat been made until the uonsua non in procoa.1 of compilation to reach actual data note to the cost of the same. In the schedule of the recent census nn in quiry was inserted to aecutain the out lay for building nnd repairing farm fences during the year 187H. A portion tion of this work has been tabulated , covering eleven states in different suc tions of the country. The following ia the result : Alabama S 1,402,009 ArknmnB 1 f > 7U , MJ California i',117,11 Colorado 310,003 Connecticut 1513.375 JJeUwaro 21fi'J2 ! Florida 3liilBO ( U orgia l,82riG.Ti Kansas 2i80.0")0 ( Louisiana 1,182,121 South Carolina ' .117,000 Total. , § 13,505,740 An attempt was made by the Agri cultural Department in 1871 to esti mate the total value of the fences of the country and the annual cost of re pair , and the returns on which the estimates were based were not iiufii- ciently largo or reliable to give the figures much more value than a care ful guess. It has been estimated that the cost of the fences was greater than the entire value of the live stock , horses , mules , cattle , ohocp and awino they were built to guard ngiunst , nnd a writer of considerable experience and reputation has stated that the fence tax on the farms in the State of Now York was three-and-a-half titnoa greater per aero than the State , coun ty and township tanos upon the land. Possessing this importance , the full statistics when completed will bo like ly to challenge the attention of agri culturists , aud as they bear indirectly upon the production of the crops they will also provo of interest to the con sumer and exporter. Owing to a pressure of other work aomo time ia likely to elapse before the compilation ia finished , but thu figures given above eorvo ns an indication of the ouorniouH tnx imposed upon farmers to protect ono class of their products from an other clasa , without deriving any other benefit therofrnm. "ProHorvo nntl no ulnto , Not Do- Btroy , " I > a Hound motto in mojkutlons at w ull an Utonmuli p , I'rcufnu lliu unor n ( tliodl- Kcetl o orK'uns and rvglato thu wcrctlona vslt'i larraut's riiltzur Aperient , and you will euro ilynp pill and IhuJ tnmi'UInt \ > y air tomln harnio j ultli Ilia lawHot N'ntiiro. Violent inuj- Iclii'itliito liad their day , 'Ihuy < \ltal l > za the HVHluiu. Ituii'jonad null ad thu btotiMwIj ri'Jottn tno3 > , Holy ( , n thin uxMler.itlntf tptiltlv. aujf 80M > IIV A 1.1 , DKUOUIdlH. Hurray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa , Somt Portable Engines , FOR OKKAMKIUKS Printing Ofllcoa Ktc. , g J , A Spooialty , Die Largest Iron Working \ Kstablish- 'tnont in the State. Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. Hie Howard Automatic flut-Olf Steam Engine , Scuu tor circular , 23-lm To tlie Consumers of Carriages & Uuggies I have a cniuplnt9 stock of all the Laths' ' ; S-.ylea of Cirri iges , Phaetons and Opea and Top Bag es , Consisting of Tne Celebrated Brewter Sida Bar , The Ha nlin Side Bar , Tiie Whitney Side Ba" , and The Mullhilland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Aln the Old Uelablo miip ic Spriug Buggies and Phaetoas. They are all male o the beet ina erials , aid un der my own supervision , I should bo pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to ca'l and examine tny storw : . I willguar- anteo satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. _ . 3E5E. l&&J3 ± rrJSffJE& & 5 CO. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEALERS IN LiCKAIAliM , LEHIftH , BLOSSBUEG AND ALL A.X.SOI COHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Oflloe No , 34 Foarl Street , Yards Oor. Eichth Street and Blovonth AvonuH , Oounnil Blufl'n P. T. AIAYNE. 0. E. MAYNE iOUNGIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Boat of Brooina Constantly on Hand. The HlfjheHt Market Prioe Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley OOZB2ST Parties Wishing to Sell Broom Gorn Will Please Send Sample. OOJ JAMES FRANEY , Merchant Tailor 'HZ BROADXVAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. AlwiijiKcqn on liaml the Uncut assortment ol mat rial ( or KCiitltmuii'H wear. Katl f ctloniii.iraiit < ; eJ I'or ntl lilndj of I'ANCV OOUIi.S , uucli as Laces , EilirflMeriesLaflies'Uifl8rff8ar ' o ( all ilcscrliitlons. Also Jlnndkorclilo's , liotli In bilk anil llnun , lioau o ( all kinds , thread , plai , iinillcd. | tto. Wu liojio the ladles will call nud oca our Block ol gooda at CSO Broadviay be/oro / . . . torjf ; ( .i.tc where. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. This laundiy has Junt IHJCM opcnod ( or Imsl- ne i , ami wouro now priparud to do lauidry vork ol all klndu und ( jiura'itou satlslactloii A tpuclalty uiailo ol Him work , vucli aa colUre , ' iilTn , line f-hlrU , etc. Wo want everybody to Khu us a trial , LARSON t ANDERSON. I. I ) KDMUNUSOt , K. L.HIIUUART. A. W. HTRKET , 1'ieMfnt. Vk-e-l'rmt. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Uouiioll OrganUod under tholawj ol the State of Iowa. I'ald lip caiiltal . 9 76,00 Authorized capital . , . . 20UUOO Interest paid on time deposit * . Dmlta l ued on thu jtrlniipil cltka ol the United Hiate.H and Kurojio. hjieulal uttcntlon Klven to collections and corroupjmluiuo with prompt returns. miiraoii.s. J. I ) K.Iinunil'011 , K L. blnu-art , | J. T Hart , W. W. W llico , JV Hodlor , I. A Ml hr , A. W. Mtrnt , JyTUtl MOO'S LAUNDRY. On Avenue B , No , 1902. ( Man UROAUWAY. ) Clothts tathcroj up and dollveroj promptly. Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lost Clotlits mtiilo gooil , NO BETJ'ER LAUNDRY WEST OF CHICAGO. x jr. jr. xt-crroE : . STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , EALSOMININQ AND URAINIM , BIiop Oornor Broad way and Soott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffe. Ono ol thu bout a toud-cl&u Hotels In the Went in tha BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K BliaWN , 1'ioprUtor. 631 and 630 llro idway , ( oundl Uluth , low * . supplied with the best the market < - lord ) . Quod rooms aud Brat-clau bodj. Term * > " { , very rouuoiiabla , ' ' % ' j UNION AVENUE HOTEL ' * 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Qerspacher & Son. ? * JfJHHT OMtJS'llOTEt , AT 11KA80NA13LK 1'UIOKI. TKANHIENT8 ACCOMMODATKD HOTEL FOU BALt : . UOOl ) UKAiONS FOR 8ELLLNU.