THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY , AUGUST 2' . ' , FINANCE AND FINANCIAL. Bptc'M Dljfilchej to TIIR Hut , NEW YOKS , August 21 , IIONET ; Money21(24 ( per teat. : closing at : Jicr cnt. Pr.nis Mercantile cent Stcrflng Uxribrtige- Steady ; bankers G-mriimautfjTt'tiialii unchanged. STOCKS. Vhe htock tuwkct optuoil nt an advance flS@i t < w cent on Saturday'1 ! ! clobini pricts , IVcttfc Mail and Moinphii I < CIi rleaton'1oading therein. In early \ rad a tharp pol.'ing tnoveii.eut was inaugurated , under the influence of which a reaction ol j(3li ( ( l- cent took place. In the e. rly s part uf the afternoon jirices in the iiiuin woto iirngular ; Jcr cy Central and Dtn- \er i-ijio , however , fell til $ ler cent , wliilo IsYrti.ern i'acific preforrJll re cover ? . ! J per cent. For the rttnnindei only slight fractional changts tool ; pU 1'itr'nuirkot closed generally sttong , with prics showing a docliue cf ifej per-cent < mv5aturday's cloning prices. UOVKEKHCNTH. VcaUrday. Tody # r. 1011 llll. 6'a lllij 10 v IMA mi ID ! 183C ISO I'M IIIONDS. 'Oantral Pacific Krio second * Lchigh & U'ilUwbarro. . . Lo , ioun St , Joseph St , I'nui & Sioux City firatH Tenno-too G'j do cew Union Paciiit ! > lnt inortKiKe do land ( .ranU ) do Kinking fund , V'rgiuia C'a do cimiui'B C'a do dtferted Texan & l'.ujiio ! luud yrantH do 1 ( . U. div arouicb. Kxire i 13U1 Alton & i'erro llaute 138 ( do pfd. . . . t-3 American Express 95J Burl. . Cedur llaptda & North 8uj | Cuuudsi Southern ( t4j | Col.iin.A : Ind. Central. . . . 12.J Central P.i iliu 'Jdjf Ohio do lnt pfd do 2d ptd Chicago & Alton 13 do pfd 1(0 ( Chi. , ISuru & Quluuy 130 Chi. , St L. & ew Orleans. . 7-1 Gin. , Sind it Clevelund Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati Delaware & lludnun canal Del.Liek. & Western Denver & i'.io Grande 01 Krie 384 do pfd 78 Port Wayne & Chicago lid liaunibia. & tit. Joseph 85 do pfd. . . 05 Harlem 205 Houston & Texan Central Ihin iH Cuntral 130J Ind. , Bloom. & Weotern11 / ; Kansao & Texas 39 Lake Erie k Westeru lakp Shore & MichiKan So. . .111J Ixiuuvillo & Naahvillo Loui > v. , Now Alti. & Chicago . . . Marietta & Cincinnati lut pfd . . . do 2d pfd . . . Memphis & Charleston MichigJi Central U ! ) | MirBouri Pacific luif Jlobilo&Ohio JIorn Ic JJ-sox Nashville it Cnattauooga New Jersey Central. 7 ! ) Norfolk & Weat-jrn Norlhcru Pacific EOg do pfd ! ) . ' ! * ! Northweetern lllii do pfd 1(58 ( New York Coutral 135J Ohio Central Ohio & MUslsaippi . , . 38j do pfd 105 Ontario & Western -1'ac.fic Mail Panama Proria , Docatur& Lvansv. . . 115 Pittshurg & Cleveland 138 Hook Island 137 St. Louis & S.m Fran 401 do pfd do 1st pfd . . . St. Paul & Jlilwaukeo 123 ? do pfd..137 St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.HOJ St. Puul & Otnnha 55 do pfd 114 Texas & PadCc fil ? Union Pacilio lie ] United SiateH Kxpr.BH Wab 3h , St. Ij. & Pacific. . . . 401 do pfd. 04 ' Wells , Furgo & Co. Express. . . . 113 Western Union Telegraph 891 Hast Tenneasao 11 do pfd Caribou Central Arizona Excelsior Hoineatako Little Pittsburg Ontario , . Quicksilver do pfd " . . Silver Cliff. i > Standard Sutro Hoblnain South Pacific Minneapolis It S : , Louis , . do pfd. . , "Offered. COIKMERCI&1. OzanfiaVZioloualo UCurl ; ii- OITKIOB 09 THE OMAHA I ! KV > MondiyKveninR , August 21 , f The only chaugcu reported in the .mar ket to-day are ax follows : ' California liouey advanced Jc , Local Grain Unallnuc. WH-EAT.-Cash cash. Ko. . - No. i.fCSo ; St , 7JJc : rejected , 50c. LEY. Cash No , 2 , 79c ; o. 3 , L Cash , E3c. COKN. No. 2 , U3c. OATS. Cash , 30n. STUfiET PlUOKS-Coro , 05(370 ( ; oate. 40@45.- . Produce and Provision ] . POTATOES 20@25e per bushel. ONIONS 50@75o per hiifthtl. NEW TOilATOErf Hiu ; US > 7t > o jwr lioxBUTTER BUTTER Choice country,12@15c. yGJ8 Scarce , 17o. llONRYJaliforaia , perlh , 221c. APPI-KS Per barrel , S2 02.73. ? - \tTALOPJ5S-Per dozen , LOo'S ) ! 00. OYS1 KUb-S lect , Crxs iiercan. WATEUMILONS : Per iou , sis co@ 8 CO. PJSAnS-Californb , S3 C0@3 t'5. PLUMS California , $2 35foi2fiO. .aiUl'JJS-Oallfornlft , § 2 25 © . ' 50. LE11ONS-S7 OO ier box. O11ANHKS-S8 O'J per box. _ Orocere' List. OUEE33 FuU Cream , 12oj P = Jt Qklra. KJj , BEANc Imported German 3 40 peri bushel , UOFFl' . Ulo , fair , Jlo ; Rio. good lUo , | ii/ie to choice , U > ic ; Old cov't Jav i20ij ( JJJ5 , Mocha , 28Jt ; Arbuckle'e , > 15)c.TEAS ) TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; 'A Ohcice , C0@70c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c : . - - - , 60@75o ; Young Hyaon , frood,30 , ® ' C5c.100j Japan Nat J eaf , 2i .tTBPn > choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , goi cd , @IO ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40rX)65j ) Bonchoi , < WJ. 3.V8MOC ! choice , S.V. 46o. NE y PICKLES-Mcdimn , In barrels , WOO : do In half bbK 6 23jsniMLi , | n bbN ! llOOilo , in halfbWn , 700 ; gherkina , in bbl , 13 00 : do , In half bb ! , 7 00. WOODEN WAltfc-'i-wi. h < ) p pMlf , 1 9oj three hoop pails , 2 20. Tubs No. neer wushlKianis , 1 8S Double Urwwn 2 U0 | WcllbuchctM , 3 TO. LKAl-H r , SI 65. VINIIGAU Pure apple extra , 1G : pure apple , 13cj Prus ine uuro nunlc , IGc. oL'UAKSI'ut loaf , U froshcil tic ; Granulated , lOJc ; Pomlerod , 11 : Mno | > owderod , lie ; Standard Colfeo A. 9Jc ; New York ( \iufectioner'fl Htntidan V. S e : Good A , PJc ; Prairip Krtrn (1. 9s IIOPK Sisal , 4 Inch und larger , lOJe U inch , lljc , CANNED GOODS-Oystere , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , $4 ( Hi ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) per case , 2 7."i } no 2 Ib ( Slnndanl ) , i > r aac > 3 7-J. Lobatcr * , 1 11 per dozen , 180 , Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 8 Ib per we. 300 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain per case , 310 ; ooakod cotn , 310 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca c > , 315 , string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beam per case , 1 85. Succotash per MSC. 2 00. i'oas , common , per CURO , 2 00 ; pens , choice , per caje , 3 15. Blackberries , Bib , per case , J'10 ; Btrawberrifn , 2 to , p r case , 200 raspberries , 2 tb , per CAPO , S 20. Dam. sons , 2 lli , per case , 2 40. Bnrtlctt poara per ewe , 3 00@4 TO. Whortleberries [ > er case , 240. Egg plums2 In perdue , ' > 7i > Green gagos,2 lit per owe , 2 "fi ; do choice , ' . tb per cacti 1 50. Pine Apple * . 2 16 , per cane , 4 005 75. Patches , 2 Ib per case , S 10 : do 3 Ib , K-.SC , 4 60@ > o 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per ; do pie , 6 Ib , per doren , 3 fiO. SALT. Llray lo.wtH. per bbl , 1 03 ; Ash- .on. In nc ks , 3 50 ; bWs dairy fiO , 5o , " " IIOMIJN Y New , fi 00 per bhl. .SOUA Dwiftht's tbpnpcrH , 92 R5 ; Do end do , SJ 85 ; ChurcliX $ J 85 ; Ktg rofin CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi or , 8s 15cbiiics 40 Ibs. , IG/ir. . . Go , 15n. UIOE Carolina , 74@8o ; Louiilana , @ 8c ; fair , I@GJ. ! SVUUJ' , njjar houep , bb B , 55o Shall bis , r > 7c ; keys , 44 Ralloni , $250 ; choice s blo yrup , 48a ; hull bbls , 550 ; lcegv2 40. STAUOH. 1'oarl , 4jc ; : Silver Gronn , bj 58Jc ; Corn Starch , 8 © 9o ; Eiceluior ulo % 7c ; Corn. 74o. SPICES. Pcpi > cr , 20 ; Allaplee , 20c loved , 40c ; Nutniocre , S ? 002.icuai ; i , \Inco SI 00. MATCHES Per caddlo , C5o ; round , .naos , & 8 10 , square , cosoa , $5 4'J. ' SOAl'S Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 4"i ; ICirk'a satiuKt ; 3'GO ; Kirk's etandird , 3 7o , ICirk'a while Uussiau , 5 2ii : ICirk's Eutoca. 2 ID Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 cakes ) , JO ; Kirk's nmgijalia , 4 a. " . LYE American , 3 40 ; Gtcenwicn , 310 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lowii' lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 S5 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cnno , 1 CO. FIELD SEED Kcd clover , choice now , $ GOO per bushel ; mammoth clover now. g ? 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00 ; il alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; nlsike , new , $1300. Timtthy , good , now , $3 00 , blue grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue Brass , clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass 82 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , Gorman , 8100 to 3125 ; Hungarian , SOc. HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to bushels , $5 00 ; oaago orange , 10 bushels or aver , 5-1 BO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 3uc ; per 100 Iba. . S25 00. i'IS U Family white fish , SO Ib hf bbls , 81 25 ; So. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 00) ) No. 1 white fiah , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family 10 Ib kite , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 133 ; Russian sardines , 7Go : Colut" bia river salmon , per 100 Ibe , 8 00 ; Gcorg" ' Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. bonelosa ; 9&c ; bonnlcsa fish , 5JC. | MAOKEKEL--HalfbbIdmessmackerEl , 100 Iba , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 CO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , C OD ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 er shore , 12 Ib do , 1CO ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 Ib do 75c. PEANUTS Koastect , choice , red Ten ncssoc , 1'lcper ' Ib ; fancy white , 10c pcrlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ; roa&tod , Dry Qoodi. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic ) A , 8jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott 'F , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot Wj , Ic ; Chittcnauffo A , 61c ; Great Falls E , * c ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 8.o , In- lan Hood A , 8 c ; Indian Standard A , So ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence jL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jc ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; hawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5Jc ; Wachus- tt B , 74c ; do A , 8Jo ; do E 48 , 12io ; Wai- ottBB.SJo. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendale -4 ; 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyl ° 4-4 , 73c ; Atlantio LL , GJe ; Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7c ; ennington O 4-1 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJcc ndian Orchard AA 9-8. Laconia O < V i. wu. SJc ; at 8\c ; Lehiph E 4-4 , Sjc ; Lonsdalo 4-4 , , Oc ; tepiMrcU N SO , 7c ; do Cat 32 , 7ic ; do 11 0 , 72c ; do E S9 , 8ic ; 1'ocaaaet O 4-4 , 7c ; VatiiHUtta 4-1 IKo B LH ACHED COTTONS Androccog in L 4-4,9ic13lack9toneAA ; imperial Sc ; odohnlf bleached 4-l.Oc ; Cabot 4-1,83 ; 'ideiity4-4 , OlciVruit of theLoom.10 ; do an.bric 4-4 , 13cdo ; Water Twint , lOJc ; Great TallaQ , lOic ; Indian Head Ehruck 4-4 , 12c : jonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jo ; New Vork MJilH. 12ic ; I'equot A,10c ; Pepperel f G T\rillB , ISJc ; Pocahontao 4-4 , 9Jc ; VcoHset 4-4 , 8c ; Utica , lie ; WauuutU 1 X X , lU .c. UuCKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown. cdo ; C , drab , Clw do XA. stripes and ilaida , I2 c ; do XXX brown and drab , ; ripes and plaids , 12c ; Arlington fancy , ) c ; Brunswick brown , Sjc ; Chariot fancy , 2Jo ; do oztro heavy , 20c ; Fall Kiver irown , ertra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A irnwn 1IU" Xenonset A brown. 15c , TlUKLWUrOinioskeag A U A 32 Oc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Artowanca , lie ; Clarouwnt 13 li , ISic ; Coneutoga ex ra , 17i-c ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lowmton A 0 , Ific : Minuehr Ia4-i , "Oc ; Omep.i super 1-4 28c 1'oarl Illver 32 Put- xtra - , ; , IGfo ; - am XX blue gtritie , 12c ; Shetuckot S OJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o , jnoiikeak , blueand bronu 5ic ; Anilovcr 1)D blue , 15Jo ; Arb'ngX iluo Scotch , IS c ; Concord OOO , hlua aw rowii , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13i ; dolIXto o do 1-1 'c ; Ilimnaker'n blue and brawn , Jo ; My tie Kiver 1)D etripe , lUc ( ; 1'enrl liver , blue nnd brown , IGc ; Uncasvlllo , ihio and brown , 1 > ic. OAMUUICS Uarnnrd , Oc ; Eddyntono niug. 21 inch douhlo face , Sjc ; Uarner A lazed , & { c ; Manhattan glove ( inUh , o ; Newport do 6c ; do glazed , fijc ; Pequot dee o ; I/ockwood kid liniah Ho. CORSET JKAN8 Auiory , 8c ; Andros ogtfin Battoau , 8 0 ; Clarend-o , CJojConaa ga satteenH , 71c ; Ilallowel , 8c ; Indl 4 irchard 7Jc ; NarrAgannettfinprovedo . 'eptierill sattwn 9 ; Hockport , 7S * , 1'ilINTS Aliens , Cic : American , C4c ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4c ; Cocheco , 7c ; Dunkirk , -1J ; ; Dunnoll , | @ 7cj Eddystone. 7c ; GbusoBter , Go ; laL-moiiy , 5Jo ; ICnlckorbocker , CJc ; H erin - in o D. 7o ; Mystic , Oic ; Sprspues , Cc ; Mutbbriilge , lie ; do. Ginghamg , 7o ; Mori. oru , 53c ; Oriental 6ic. GIKGIIAaiS-Aiuoaicau. 12ic ; Amos. eg rfret,8 , OJ' Arfryjo , lOJo : Atlantic , e ; Cumberland , 74o ; Illghlan-l , 7Jc ; Coniiv/orth , Sic ; Plnu Uttt , lOfct ; Bus- ex , cc COTTONADKS Abhervillo 13io Arnte , 'Ms ; American , lie ; Artisiap , 20c ; niro D end T , ISJc ; Olwfon D and T , 7ic ; Deccin Co.atripe DandT , IGc ; Key. .one , 13ic ; Nontutiket. ISc ; Nonptreil , Ccj Ocean S and T , l3jc ; Royal , IGJt uesei , 12c ; Tioga , 12ic ; Waclmtett thlrt- of Aecks. ISjc ; do , Nankin , 12jc ; York. lain Nankin. J2c ; do , checks , stripes nud anoy , 12J\e \ ; clo , 8 oz , 2Cc. . . . . , . , j- * i * * * * * i - * * - ) - - - - i - lo 9-4 , 24c ; do IM , 22c ; Oontinectftl C 12 , lie ; Fruit of tie Loom 10-4. 27 * ; New , ork milluOS , S5c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 63 , 22io ; ' J end Tobacco. . V/Ik UI MIIU < HWWI OIGAKS. Seeds , 816XW ; Connecticut , 1 5t5.00 ; Mixed , 535.00 ; Seed Havftnu , 5J.OOi Cleifrllavana , 87D/)0. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 11 } , COc ; Our Itope , firat a lity , G2c ; Jtor , pounds , 24 Ib , butteCOc ; JU'rse Shoe , 24 Ib , butts , COc ; OJii Kdgc , U Ib , butts , COj Anoy nnd Navy , jronnd * , 65c ; BuHlonponnd { , 69c ; Lorll. lanl'i Clitnnx , tKiund * . OOc. FINK CUT In p iU. Itard to Boat ? 7 % : ) Golden Threatf , 70c ( FountAin , BOc , lvorite , G5c ; Itockr Monntnin , GOct Fancy , 55c { Daisy , 60c. In tin foit Cntllns O. S. , 5 Ib boipn , per Ib 63c | Tx > ri- Ulord'a Ticer , 65c ; Diamond Crown , GCo. SMOKING All crwioa Common , 26 to 33c. Granulfttcd iJlnckwolls Durham , 1C oz Clc ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 4Gc ; Seal ol North Caroline , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 1(1 oz , SSc ; l mo.Inck , 4 cz , linen bfira perlb , $1.8H ; Marrmrcn' Puck 2 oz , Tin oil , i 5J ! On ? T ail We , Paint. Old and Varnlahci. PAINTS IN OIL White loml , Omnhn P , P. . fijc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ < - ; Mnrnslllcs green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , V0o French rinc , pisoti seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , llo ; French zmo , in vnniiah nsst , JOc : French zincc , in oil ftsst , 15c ; Haw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cinn ICc : raw and burnt SicntiA , 13os vandyke brown , . . refined lampblack , 12c ; conch black , l c ; l ory black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blur , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M , fi I ) , , He ; blind nnd shutter K'reen , L. M , & D. , IGc ; 1'nris KTccn. Ua Indian ittl , Uici Venetian rod. Ite ; Ttwcati tin. , 23c ; Atnerfcan Vonnillod , I. & P. , 18o ; chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. It D O. , 18cj yellow ochre , ! > c ; golden ochra , 15 ; patpnl Jrvor , 8c ; Draining colors ! llRht onk , dark one , walnut , chestnut nnd nan 15n Dry ° alnt. AVhito lead , GJo ; French fine. 10 : Paris wbitoing 2ic ; whiting Kil or , l cj to biting cotnl , Itc ; lampblack Gorman- tawti , 14c ; Irtupblack , oniinarj- , lOc ; Pnin- itin blue , 550 ! ultrauiniino , 18c ; vaudykc , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4o ; tnubor , raw , lojsicnnn , burn t , Ic ! rtionun , raw , 4c Paris green gcuuiuo , STic ) Pnria green com1' 20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green 1C. , 12o ; vonniHion , Kng. , 70c ; vcr- million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc , ru o pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cookson'a 2sjo : Venetian red Am. , Ijc ; rei load , 7ic ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , So ; ochre , French , 2 c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's rainen-J. 2Jc ; lohiRb brown , spaniah brown , 2ic ; Prince's mineral OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , HJc ; 1'50 headlight , per gallon. 12c ; 17C' headlight , per gallon , IGc ; 1 mooed , raw , pcrpullon , > 7 ; linseed , ljollo'1 , per pillion , Gilo ; lard , winter st''cl , percal- Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7Cc ; caotor , XXX , ppr ijaHuu , 1 10 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; sweet , per gallon. 8."ie ; npoimV. . 13. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , \V. 13. , per gallon , GOc ; noatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 7nc ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubrl- eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; golden inachlno , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No , 2 , SO : spenn , signal , per gallon , 80o ; ter- poutiae , per gallon , 65c ; naptha , 74 , per gallon , 18c ; G17c VARNISHES Barrels per pr.dlon. Furnlttiro , extra , 81 10 ; furniturv , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; ouch , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 31 7C ; npan , 70can- phaltum , exiri , 85c ; ahollao 8350 ; hard oil finish. 81 RO PAPER Straw paper , 2jfc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 05 ; maniln paper , lOc ; news paper. 8c. heavy Hardware List. Iron , rate : > , 310 ; plow utrol , special cast , 7c ; crucible , tic ; ur German , Gc ; cast tool do. 15@20 wngon spokes , pet , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per aet , 1 25 ; follocB , sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; nxlcs , each , 75c ; uquaro nuts , i > er Ib , 7@llc ; wasliers. per Ib. 8@18c ; nveta , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@12o ; tnalleable , 8c ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbnro , Go ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8e ; Burden's honiwhoos , 6 50 ; Burden's inuloshocs , G 50. SUOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 52.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 : do. , half kegs , 33.48 : do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blant- intr , kocs. S3 35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet 50o. BAdBED WIKE In car Iots,8 3'J per 100 ; in less than car lots. 8 S5 twr 100. NAILS Rated , 10 to GOtf , 4 00 , Leather. Oak sole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock BUO , 23c to 35c ; hemlock kip. 80c to 100 ; runner , G5c to SOc ; hemlock culf , 85o to'l ' 20 ; hem lock npiier , 23c to 2Gc ; oak unper , 21c ; alligator , 4 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ; Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80c to 1 00 ; oac ! cnlf , 1 20 to 1 Ell ; French kip 1 10 to 1 55 ; Fiench calf , 1 2n to 2 00 ; ms , setts , 5 50 .o 7 50 ; HniuRB , G 00 to 10 50- toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B , L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 85c ; sinion ; 2 ro to : i oo. lIARNESS-No 1 ntar oak , 42c ; No 2 do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37e ; No. 2 do. 31c. Horaa and Muloi. The market ia brink and all grades are selling well at n nlieht advance in P ices , The doinand for good hoMca oxcecdu the rapply cousidoraoly. Piicoa range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , S1HO. to 300. ; Extra Jr.vft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common draft hones , $100. to 150. ; Cxtra fann horatw , $110 , to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to $100. ; Extra plnoii , 860. to 75. ; Common plugs , $20. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15J Imuds ( extra ) , 8125. to 160. ; 14 J to 15 hnndo , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 144 nnnds , $75. to 100. ; 13J to 14 bands , 800. to 75.LI LI uor . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 220 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , L 20 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 12ipcr proof gallon ; ro-distillod wtiskies , 1 00@1 50 ; Cue blended , 1 50 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , 2 C0@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , 8G'00@1GOO ; domestic 1 40 © 1 00. GINS Iir ported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 1400300. RUMS Imported , 4 G0r6 00 ; New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 603 60 PEACH AND APZTjE BRANDY 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per cose , 2SOO@31 OjAffisrljiU , case , 1200 © 1GOO. OLARETB Per caw , 4 50@16 00 WINES Rhino wine , i > * r case , 0 00@ 20 00 ; Catnwba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , Lumbar , VfJIOLUaALE. Wo quote lumber , ntn and shingles on : trs at Omah.i at the fell nvinL' prices : JOIST AND SUANTLINO-IO ft. and under , 321 ( H ) ; 18 ft. , $22 00. , , TIMBKRH 1G ft. and under , $22 00. TIM15KRAND JOIST 18 ft. , 82300 ; 1C ft § 24 CO , 2S ft. , $77 50 ; 21 ft. , 827 CO. 1'IiNCING No. 1 , i ncd 6 in. , 822 00 ; No. 2 , $20 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common board * ) . 818 50 ; No. 2 , f7 00. STOCK BOARD.S.-llMn. D , 52300 ; 12-in. O , $35 00 ; 12-in. B , fJ40W , LIME Per barrel , 81 15 ; bulk po ua. ! 5o Cement , bbl , $ $1 $ 75. \ wa plaster , hbl , S3 00. Hair per bn. &c. Tarred felt 100 Ibs. $3 00. Straw boaid , 83 CO. COAL Cumberland blttcksmt , (12 ; Morris Run Blosaburg , ? 12 ; Wbithreast ump , 80 f 0 ; Whitobreast nut , $ T f 0Vowa ; ttrnp , li CO ; Iowa nut G f/0 ; Rock SprViir , 43 ; Anthracite , nil sizfai 811 01) . V Druci DRU SAND CHEMICALS / , Oarbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tortaric , < 50c ; Jopabia , per Ib , 70o ; Hark , a b , jlc ; Calomel , per Ib , 7fic ; ler oz , Ql 1C ; Chlorofonn , per llerrer's powders , per Ib , $1 aU ! , par Ib. 3Jo ; Glycerine , p ! 8c ; Lead , Acetate , pnr. 311 , Castor , No. 1 , per Oil , Castor , No , 8 , per [ Olive , per ffal. 81 CO ; Oil , Opium , STi 00 ; Quinine P. & per oz , 82 30 ; Potaauium. I U 90 ; H&IACIU , per oz , 40c Morphine , fier oz , $3 85 ; ' per Ib , 4c ; atrychniue , ue < Wool. Merino unwan ed , light , 1 gliilSc ; medium unwaihcl washed , choice , 32c ; fall I and w. , 2oc ; burry , bUckJ * ( )6o ) les ? Hide * fun , . IiJDES ' recn hutchJ sured 74c ; hides , Ktm tides , ula ; dry flint , soi calf and kip , 12@14c ; dr 10@Ilo ; ereon calf. wt. t green calf , wt , under S 1 Kreeu u lt , & 0@1 25 ; cut acoifu and ono Urdu rate , ) branded bi > eon akine , No. 1 , * . ; No , i , lOc. SOc ) No. S , 15o ; No , 4 , Co. For , No. 1 , GOct No. 2,250. Sknnk , No. 1 , bUck , G5c ; short triM ] > , 40oi narrow itrlpo SRcj troiul Btripo , lOo , Tallow 7c , Ctttoiico Prodnoe , CiucAoo Aiign t21 , Flour Quiet ; common t ich"ico prliiBs , 400G50 ; coininon to fnnm Mum Mitn , 500 ,1 ! " " ; tmunts G756 7f.O . ! fair to clio co old n inter whcit. COOolt M ; tew , firm nt 0 M > ! low gr kdrs , 3 C0 ( 4 M ) Wheat Irrcjtul > r nnd lower ; Corn Un ctlled , but generally lower ; 7-iJ for ca"ilt mid August ; 7fiJii ( 7 lo ior St'i'Umber ; 73jifl74c ( for Uctoio , ; "djifor November ; 6lij > QrUi ; > ji3 fortlte jeurjicjtvtoi' ' , Imo'lvo nnd lower ; I2 < s for caoh ; UJo for Augiot ; 3'ijjo for Scpto vbcr ; IVi for October and November 1 ; 34gj lor the year ; rejecteJ , 38 for September ; 21 GO for Oct her , ft ) 8 18 8".J for the year. Livr i Sti'ttity , * ith n f ir demand ; 12 30 for cash tmd Auciwl ; 12 30lg)12 ) Hi.4 lor September ; 12 4 ( > @ 12 12 J OcUbor ; 12 32J fri)12 ) 33 fur November ; li 23 for .lutuntrj ; 12 20@12 25 foi the your. Hulk MeaU Quiet ; shouldnrs , 9 7f'J short ril ) , 1323 ; elurl clear , 13 43. Steady ; 1 10. Freights 15 t < M on corn to HulTalo , 1 .20. Huttcr-tjuiet and unchanged. Ee'gs Quiet aud ituchan ed ) 181@PJc. CALtIIOAllD. . Wheat Higher ; reimlnrl02J fur Atigu t ; 33 > 'c for September ; l > 3o for Ootober ; 'JSjo f. > r Nnvember ; U7Jo for the your ; No. 2 ml winter , 1 02i@ 1 O.'J t < r Au uit ; 1 OIJ I OKJ for H.'ptumuor ; 10U@1014 for Octo boiNi > . 2 spring , 1 OGiJfl OGJ for ca h ; 1 OOJ f-ir August ; OSJiS for September ; 973 @U7io for the year. 'orn F.drly active nnd n shade liitjlior ; 70 o for August ; 7 ' 4 ° 'or Soptumbor ; 74u for October ; 70fe | for November ; 0 Jo for the year ; G3o for May. Oats Hiirher ; ll io for caih ; 41J(3JMje ( ! lor Aiiuust ; SOJc lor September ; 3 go fo , Ootober ; M5Jc for the year. Pork Irregular ; 21 47J for September ; 21 G2J lor Octodtr ; 19 C''lfelO 05 for the year ; 19 85@1 ! ) 87J for .1 mury. Lird Irregular ; 1232J for September ; 12 42i for October ; 12 32J u 12 STi for November - vember ; 12 0@12 25 for thu year ; 12 221 ® 12 25 for January. t Roo'ts. Shipm'U Flour . 7,000 11,00 Wheat . (14,1.00 ( 110.00(1 ( Uorn . 139000 112 OuO Oats . 1(18.000 G8.00 Rye . 0,00) ) 3,400 Barley . 1,000 8UO Connoil Blnila Mnrket. CODKCIL liLurru , Augtut 19. Flour Crystal Jlills golden Bheaf , 3 30 ; I'ent Kaunas hrandu , 3 00 3 0 ; Graham , 3 00 ; rye H mr , 3 00. Corn M l 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 GO ; corn ch p , 2J 01) per ton ; corn anil oatu ciiop , 2l > 00 per ton. Wheat Mo. 2 , 75o. Corn No. 2 , 57 J. Ryt Now. 47s50a ( Barley Nono. Oats New , SOo. FRU1 1'S - liUckberries , 15o per box ; apples , 2 C0@3 00 per bairel , Broom Corn 31@9 < 2. Hay Loose , 7 U0@9 00 ; baled , per bale. bale.Wood Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool 16@2 ! > . Butter Creamery , 20o ; In rolls , wrap. nod , IGc ; rolls not wrapped , 12&c ; mixed COlOH , 10@12io. OniouH 75o per btiBliel. Live Chickens 1 75@2 25 per dozen. Potatoes SOc per i.Uchcl. Cabbagoi 2.3 © lOo per doz. Turnips 40s tier bushel. Sweet Corn 7o per dozen. LIVE STO 'K. Cattle -Extra , 300 ® 3 50 Veal Crtlvcs-5 fiO ® ' ' 00. Hogs 7 00@7 25. Sheep 3 50. New Vork ProUnoc. NEW Yontc. August 21. Cotton Steady ; 131.1 5-lOc ; futures Bteudy ; August , 12 Sic ; September , 12,5llc ; October , 11 9) ; November , 11 G8ir : Da- teiubcr. HJOo ; Junuary , 11.79c ; Fubru- ary , 11.00 ; Alatcli , 12.03o , ' April , 12.1Gu ; May , 12.28j. Flour -Dull ; superfine ntate western , 3 55@4 00 ; couinuii to good extra , 4 50@ 520 ; good u > choice , 5 25@8 50 ; whltr wheat extra , 7 00 ( ) 50 ; cxtr.i Ohio , 4 G3@ 7 50 ; bt. LoiiiN , 4 Gi@825 ; Minueoota pat ent proceac. 7 0 @ 8 60. g u i c lower and Iocs active ; No. 2 spriug nominal ; ungraded rod , 100 ® 1 14 ; Nn. 4 red , 1 Ori ; No. 3 red , 1 11J © 1 II Y ; iteamer No 2 ruil , 1 12J@1 131 ; INo 2 i ml , 1 13il 131 for certilioateH ; 1 13J@ 1 11 } delivered ; No. 1 red , 1 1GJ ; iiiixod winter , 1 12S(1 ( 12)1 ) ; ungraded white , 1 tO ( St12 ; Nn. 2 white , 1 13 ; Btoarair No. 2 white , 1 03 ; steamer No. 1 white. 1 \i\\ \ \ NCI. 1 white , 4,500 Im. sold at 1 lfli@l iG j No. 2 red for August , i36KX ( ) tin Bold at 1 1UJ@1 UJ , closing ut 1 l.-i ; do for Sep- tembur , 3aiOD ( ) bu sold at 1 13J@1 13 . cloning at 1 13j ; do for October , 330,000 bu sold ut IMJXffll llg , closing at 1 141 ; defer for November , 9Iii 00 bu nolil at 1 ifij , ® L 15 ! ) , closing at 1 1CS ; do fur Decumbur , 10,0 0 bu sold at 1 J7@l 17J , closing ut L 17J , O in Ca < h nnd August lSJo ( higher ; ungraded , 838Uic ; No. 2 , 87.Jo In btore , Wi iu clov.itor , dellvprrd ; Mo. 2 wliito , ) Go ; do for August , 852@8lilo , closing ut 80ic ; do for Heptcmher , 8ilu-8.1J ; , clos- tig at rf.ljc ; do for October , h)4@b5o ) , elm- iigat 8J ! ; do for November , 8ti&80Jc , clorlng at 80ic. Oatu I(3j5o lower ; mixed western , 50 ® 58c ; wliitu wo tern , 71C")7i ) > c. Hav Quiet but hteady ; GOJ/,70o. CtlfoaDull ; Itio cirgoeu , quoted nt 8J @lic. Sugar Demand active ; f-ir to good ro- fininif , quoted at 7 307 5-lfio MiiliiBHfH-Qiiiut und unchanged , Rice - ( Jut' t , but hteady. ri\tl ow Firm und fuirly acthe ; 8 @ 84o 3t.sln-Stoadv . ; I fcO@l S3. Turpeutinu Du 1 und lower ; 44J@15o. Eggs Freuh wtatcrn , quiet and un- Pork Strotii ! ; new menu , 22 00@22 50. Beef-Quiiit , but steady. Cut Meats -Scarce aud nominal ; long cleir inidillcs , IU 25. Lard-Wnikj pilmo-stenm , 12 0 12 70. lintttr Oulut , but tinn ; 1527c. i lit C8 Dull and unsettled ; western flat , OfelOo. Reo'tH. 8hlpm't ' . Wheat . 25,000 11,035 Corn . 803,300 531,000 Oata . 47,003 701 ye . 07000 200 2 uuinn City Produce. KANSAS Oirv , August 21 , Ihcat Weak ; N.I . , 3 ml , 81c for cash ugust ; No. 2 red , 85a for ca.h ; 8IJ@ r AiiKunt ; 83lc for September : No , } Dull and weak ; No , 2 mlxod , I for Ovtuh ; ( J7o bid for Au/uut ( tuu flew ; No , 2 miied , Vie bid for 1' 1 for AugtutHo ; bid fur Sep * nchangod ; ' ICo. ICo.llec'tD llec'tD , BLlpm'te. .51,000 31,000 LClTr , August 21. i tor reports iu fol. k d ; nlow nd r ( leg Rotiye Toxusktcerii @a w. quiet. Trolicht & Bunker , OX * URTAIN ST. LOTJIS , . Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In spection to their Unsurpassable Selection. St. Juonli Sr , Louin , Augunt21 , FI.OIMI Slealy and unchnnged ; upur g n'le fiMli c lower. WHF.AT Higher ntul very nlowjNi. ' 3 red.fnll , U7@WJ" Dfis ( or AH II t : J/J for Spitointor | : VSJo for October ; 9 ! > 3J t Novumbnr : 1I7 < J4 7i'i ' for the > OT ; .S\i \ r.vlfall.OlfeUSlc ; No. J red ( all , 87eS5 ; bid. bid.I'onN Dull and lower7ti&77afnrcn & h ; 7djo for Aukiist ; 74Jo f r S i > tomb"r ; 70 0 for OctoberGlo ; lor November ; C0i < 3 ( or the year nnd Mny , OAT8-I iwor ; 38@i01o for cvilr.JtHi for Augu t ; 848o for September ; 3Jji4 3 R-i for the } tiur. Rv Mnrkot dull' O'-ic bid. BAHtKV No mnrl.-pt. BtTTTitii-Ste dy ; lfiW22e. En a-St ndy ; I6i'10o. WHIBKY Steady ; 1 17. POUK Active , linn ntul higher ; 21 T5@ 2180 BULK MKATH Firm ; nhoul'orn , U BO ; abort rib , 1 23 , tliort i-lcsr , 13 75. HAI-ON Stnmif ; Mionldorn , 10 53 ® 10 G2Ahott ; , illi,143514 | 37J ; short clear , 14 87il LAttii-Flim1283bW. ; Rcccirt' . Shiptc. F'our l : , ' H.OOO Wheat 195 000 120,000 Corn tlO.OOO 2,000 Oats 12:1.000 : 20,000 Rye 'J.OOO Barley Gblongo Ijlvo Mtoolr. CIIICAOO , Augu't 21 Th" Drovem' Journal rcp.nis m fol lows : Receipts , 8DOC ; nhlpmenta , 1- 7 40 ; c oie > < Btrung unit nil suld. C.ittle Receipts , 7,000 ; nliipiin'iit" , 1- SOO ; Htrong ; good Mcnice ; ealei of export * , 7 CO © 7 ; good tochulcn hliippini ; , li 40 @ 7 00 ; coininon to fnlr , 4 405 J)0 ) ; mix- t-d Imtcluih' in heavy Hiipiily ; coininon to fair dull nnd IfifcVJOo lower ; medium to good , 3 3."i@3 10 ; choice , 4 00@5 50 ; stouk- era nnd feeder2UIX&4 25 ; r.ingo tmiir | , ' .rcxan * , 3 30 5 25 ; luillbixcila nnd Atueri- cans , 5 00ai ! > 45. Sheep-Receipts , 1,000BhipmenU , 200 ; slow and weak but ate uly for clioico ntouk ; pales , i oor to fnirl , 3 0000 ' 75 ; medium to cb-'ioc , 4 OOyi GO ; local demand weak. The Briti h catilo ndvicoi to the Dro. vets' Journal concerning the live stock market uro loan favonibl < than ono week ugo. lieceiptfl of American and Canadian stock are reported large , wbila the ntipgly of homo-led nnlmalri in fair , rrevniling piicof , ONtinmted dead xveight. are bei-l. Hteers , 12@llid per pound ; bout thocp , II ! @ 18d pur pound. Now Vork Hvo Stock. ' NEW YOIIK , Aufu t 21. The Drovera Journal lltnoju reports us follows : Beeves Receipts , 4,400 , making 11,570 for the week : murlat lair at former ligureH for fair to prime native Hieoic ; Ttxa nnd Colorad i ftock aivanced 2.0o ) ; poor to lirime native sli'cra noid nt 10 00 ® 14 00 ; two cuiloadi ) of pjorto prime niitivo fit eis hold at 15 00 ; Colorado Imlf-hroed , 10 0 i ® 1125 ; Texas fleer * , 10 2o@10 50 ; export- etn need 2 0 steer ? , un i paid 12 Oil ® 13 00 for fair to goud ; shipmenti for the week , 1,4 i2 iunrtHi beef , 401) ) live sheep , uud 31 ! ! ) carouses tint ton. Americnu refrigerator beef is quoted dull in Liverpool to-day , at / jjd , Sheep Receipts , 15,000 ; nmking 4G.5CO fur the week ; maiket dull ; 3 l0@5 ! 50 osr cwt , for common to prime sheep ; 5 50 ® I ! 75fr - Muthern lambx. Swine Receipts , 5,000 ; making 1G,8'0 for the week ; very qulut ; 7 50@8 55 jcr cwt. Coiidttion of Murk LONDON , AugiiNt 21. Tlio Mark Lane ICxproinin ItH review of thn grdn trade of the pa t week , Bav > : "There have baen few nixtlvu H mplus of who it on offer , Tha mnrliot has been ir regularly cheaper and wheat is increas ingly illllicult to sell. Foreign wheat has been dull and HfulcFH and n deduction of ' @ 2rt was necensary to tlf-'ct Hales. Olf coast busitiess ii iifmost nil. Twenty-nine ) cargnca of wheat nrrlvcd ; two wore Hold and eighteen witlul i\wn. Flouting flock shows un iucroanu of 07,501) ) quarters. Mul/.o wan chuitpor. The silcs of Knglixh who it during the week were 8,00'J quartern ntOOtoM , against lt'il ! : qnarterit nt 484 Id , during the corresponding period uf lust year , " St. JJouiH Iilvo Stoolf. ST. I.OITIH , A.ignnt21. Catttlo Receipts , 3,100 ; hhlpments , 200 ; weak nnd temliii.j dmvnward ; supply lib- srul but mostly native cnwu and Houtbwost bntcbcrn' studi CUWH Hold nt 3 U0@l ! 5u ; soiiihwofit BtoorH of 1,1't ) iiounds , Ho'd nt 1 2"i ; cann'tig ' TOXIUIH , li 50 ® t 25 ; best shipping Pteurn i-ciirco nnd light do- nmnil ; good to bcxt heavy would bring 0 51) ® 7 f-0 ; graKB BteerH , ramie , I 505 5'J. Sliiop Itccolptf , 1,700 ; tlitpinmlH , 000 ; rnlr denund for good urancn ; medium to fancy mutton , 3 00 ® I 7" > : Toxatm , 3 tiO ® 4 50 ; btoik ahetp , 2 23 00 per lic/ul. Peoriu Prodjioo. PKOJIIA , August 21. Corn Steidy ; high mixed , 7474io ; mixed , 74@74ij. OutAcllyu anil firm ; new No. 2 white , 48 < 2H'Jo. JtyaQuiet ; No. 2 liighuines-Sleady ; ! 11) ) . Reels. Shlpts. Wheat 1,0.0 3,500 Corn 28,0"0 25,001 O it 'J"i , 00 87,000 Rye 4.40D 1,000 Barley 1,000 0,000 Fotrolonin Mntifot. PlTTHUIino , Pa. . AiiRUBt 21 , Petroleum Dull ; l/nlted rertiticaten , sto'idy ; cloced at 57ic ; iciinod , fiGjJj for 1'hiladelphla doi ! ery. New YOIIK , Auguiit 21. Petroleum Nomi"allvunchangedUnit ; ed , 67Zc ; crude , C 3fi1 io [ ; refined , 03 0 , OAI T Have money anil onlcr salt illruct from CrlL I tw , othli | | ) roni ( > tly liy rull lit tlio lowest poit'ljlo ' uwli prlco to ull wuxttrn points Olty.Mitli JACOB KAUFMAN , REMOVED TO NO. Oil 10TII ST. DKAMU : IM ALL ( KINDS OF WINES. Awning , Tontand Wagon Oovor MANUFACTORY. COH , 1-1TII AND 11OWAUD STS. A. GBBUNWALD.Prop , PERFECTION ROASTING AND BAKING , is only nttnincd by using CHARTER OAK Stoves aud Ranges. WITH WIRE BAUZS OVER DOORS. For sixlo by MILTOH ROGERS & SONS. W Oirectorv , Abilrict and Ho * tiUte. L. JUcOAQUE , opixxlto Port Offlc. . W. n. UAttTMHT BIT South t th Bttetl. Architect * . HJFKSNE * UKNUUUISOIIN. AW Hpom H Crolijuton Clock. A. T. tiAltOK Jr. . Room . Ol eight on Block. uoot * JA1IKH DiVIKE ft CO. , tine IJoaM inl Khneit. A enod * * ! ortmenl , mie wcik on linnJ , t-nrcor Itth anJ ITarnar. "KOO. KIUCK80N. K. K. cor. lEth na DoujlM JQllf KOHTUNATOB. 1C110th ctrcat , m nii.utun-8 to order ( tied work ril lrprlrfw. Unrotrltu-ibno. Aiinrnclurrr. 161T hook i , ttawn nnu UUtlnnary. 3.1. rnUKirAUH1 101S F rnhr.m Wrw Uutlar nd Cfliii. iCSHANK ft 8CIIUORI > r.K , ho oUoat H. nd E. iOUlo la NolnuHlc * ntahlldi l vns Onikks. Unrrlxaet and Road Wagon * . VII SHYPKU. 14th Mill llfttnovHtreoli. utotnniK uouicnt. I. DAKHtH will my hlghentUmhtntco far loconJ nd cloHiln ? . Oornnr 10(1' ( uml F rnhmn rums H IIIU nn utls. KUIIN A CO. fiiiirmtcletl , Tint "unc UooJs , Car. Uia nud Dotuli * truota. f.J. WUITKIIOUKK , Wholrnilo&ncUll.lCthBl. 0. FIKLD , OiJ Norlh Sldu Oumlni ; Rtrcol. I'ARU. nrnirirtrt 1"IH nit Itowftnl Btrcf r. Uoninu. .Jit , PAUL. WlllUm. I'lucr. ' Oor. JMh A UoJue. Olvll Enelnottr. and Ourveyori. AllDUKW KOBKWAlElt , Crolnhton Clock , Town .Surveys , Grade and Hewenge 2pocl lty. ury Oooo * NGllon , fcto. JOHN II. P. LKUMANN & CO. , ,3W Tcik Dry Goods Scorn , 1310 ind 1311 r ru- lum ptrcot. i 0. Ilnewold l o boota nd nhoc ft Piclfiu raunary. > MN WKARVK A PONH ( Kir Hth ft J r > BOn tt uowe am. IflDN IIAUMKH 1814 Furnhum KtrfO UndortdKori. n A3 UTKWK 1M Farnhtni lift. 10th ft 11IJ. Hotslr. 'iHl'iF.LU HOUBCjOoo. Cr.BUold.Oth * r rnh ro OOHAN UOU3E , P U. 0 ry , BIB FainlumSt SLAVKN'f ] nOTIIU F. Hltvon , 10th St. muthora Jlctol 0 us. H.vnol th & Lo vonwortb CKKTKAL UKSTAUhiiNT , Mil ! ) . A. P.TAH , ' ctbwcci corner lOthand DoOifo. ISoet Boird for the Money. lUtlbfictton Uu r nlttd tt til ! Intii3. floard liy the l ) y , Wee ) : 01 Month. flood Tcrum for Ciah Fnrnlnlind Unn rurulture , A / . OH033 , Now and 3ooonJ Hand Furaltaro td Htfn'M , 1114 BoajUs. UlKboel ciah pitco tt.1. for uecond band KOOOI. UONNKU 1109 Donrlit It. Fine coodj &o force Worko. OUAHA FENCB CO. J0.1T , FRIF-BACO UlBIIarnnyBI. , ImproTO ii Icu Hoxo ) , lice aci Vrtod Fcncnt , Oflc ! 'tlnro. ( Hnnift * Inn nit Vnrit ] Pawnbroker * . R01KNFKLP 10th fit. , lift far , ft Hit llcfrla rtor , Canlleld'o Patent. OOODIUN 1th Kt tC ) Fain & * tnd Tobacco. WI5ST & FRIinCDKIt , manuf cturon of tad WliOloiul'i Uonlurnl n Tobacco , N. V. f/nKN/.KM niMii'factnier OrocUery , HHUTIlOf.D. lUM ard Metal Ltirnonr l.lrno nnu Uoment I'OHTKIl * niUY corner 6th and Lamp * "U UlKiuwkre , 11103 Douirlm Kl. aooil Variety Morcliant r llor . O. A LINUQUU8T , ] ae of cut most popular Merchant Tailor , li re > nlytntr th ht ft ( Joslitnu for Hprlng and Uiunmoi laoJs for ( 'entlcmvn'a woir. Ntyllnh , durable , nil nrbei low an ever 1200 Kiitnani atrit. Millinery. .UU1. 0. A. U1NOEK , U'holcflAln and Ketall , fan y Gooili In great vailoty , Zcpliyro , Card lioari'.n ' Hnrlrry , Glovva , CormtU , ic. Chcapott IIoiuo ID thoWnat. I'urcluwera eave SO per cent. Order v Mill , lilt Flftwntli ntront Hour and Feed. H1AUACITY UILLB , Rth and FarDbtra proprietors. roctra. C. IIIEVKHU , Ilet between Ourulag and Iiai V , A. KcSHAIU : , Corn 23d and Cumins Btrocti. Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. OI.A1J ft LANQWOKTUY , Wholwale , 118 aai1 > U ICtb etrut A. JIOWJFJ come IQUi and Calliorota. 8addle > , &c. WK18V SO 18th Ht. bet FarnQarney florist. A , Dantghu * , rlanb ) , cut flower ) , Gtodi , ooqneli i ; . N , W. cor , ieth and Uouvlia jtrcetR. 00 To CItAIO'fl Oroon Homo 17th nnd Wubater ttruut , for 1'lantn , llomiueUi , Flowo , Houl Icu/ni | ic. Oornlcu Vi'orki. V/fBtrn 0'irnlco Workn , lltinift.ctarctc lion Oomlco , Tin , Iron n-J I .te Kooning. Orders from any liicallly prbmntly executed la the best minuet. Factory and Oitco ISIS Haccey b . 0. BI'UOIIT , 'roprletor OalvaulteJ Iron Corulcva , Window Cap. , etc. , manufactured and put up In any part of tb. country. T. SINIIOUJ i\6 \ Tblrteenth strecl Uommltilon Merchant * . JOHN O. WIL UU.IJU Pod eHlieel. 0 I ) . IlKKUKit. For doulh too largo adreitlje- ruont In l ) llv and Weekly. Olothlnu and FurnUhln QoiX I. DEO. II. 1'KTKUBON. Also Ifatt , Carl , Shoos NotlOUD BQd Cutlery 801 8.10th Dtreot. Show Oaia Manuractory.l 0. J. WILDE. kUnnticturcr and Dealer In all kind * Caiot , Uprlxhi Caeca , Si' ' . , 1817 CaM Bl. FHANK L. onUHAUD , proprietor Omahat dhow Case mumilactory , HIS South ULhstio * * , between ta&vcnwnrth and Marcy. All ivacrantcd first-clam. ovei ana inware. A. nUtlMKaTKH , Dot'.er In tltoTo. and Tinware , and Itanotacta ' of Tin Roof , and all kind , of Building Won. 0d ! Follow a' Block. J. 110MNKR. 1808 toutlm Bt oed and Chtay HKNKT ITAUFMA1W , In tne mm brick block on Douclw Btrffel , In * ] Qil cpoucd a moat elc aut Boei IlaU. Hot Lunch from 10 to IS evciv day. i. ' nU" J FAtnr > NKU 870 18th SUeet beod. . J. KVAKS.Wioliuloand Ilotill Deed D and Cnltlntnrn Odd Kt.llo , Hall Photograpnora. OKO. IIKVN , 1'HOP. Urrvml Oontrnl ( lillorv. 212 SUtoonth Strpcl. nr-ir H * > nlc Ttall. STtmt-clKBa Work and rrompt- Plumblnc , Uai nnd Qtoam Flttlncf. P. W. TAUl'Y fc CO. , 210 H Ht , bet. Farnban acil ] ) ougli . Woik promp yattendrd to. D. XITZI'ATIUCK. L nuglaa 8t.--c . fjhoo atoroi. I'bllllp Lan 1120 Farnham et. bet ISth & Ulb , Physlclcn" and Burgeon. . W. B. nines , U. D. , Room No a , Crelghtao nioch , IBtli Street. P. B. LKISKNRINO , H. D. MaMDla Block. 0. l > . HAHT. M. 1) . , Kyo and Rtr opp. portoflte * Dll. L. II. UltAll)7. Oculist and , R. W 15th and Farnhan Intlnn an aper nglng. HKNUY A. KOSTK11H Itl OoJzo Btrett. Second Hand Store' PERKINB A LEAH , 1410 DoQRlag Bl. . New and Rocorid IJnnd Furniture , House Furnishing Qood , . % < ! . . txtni'M and unlit nn narrow roarclna. 5.OOO AND I Of Omaha. . lion purcliAsoJol tlio Oorllis Safe llnniifdcturiuc Co. , ol Provlilcnco , It. I. , n flftfo whl-h Is tunr- antcoil In writing to b "abiolutety burylar jironf tor n perloil ol thirty-six hours continuous mil u illnturbod a'tack with the USD of such tool * and nppllcuncei as n burglar can oinplaf , ' anil In o | > Mctlu ly uiicoiidllloml way. 'Iliij Imnlt ihtlna ft thorough toil mada upo Dili rafo. ami In cuw ol falluru to tanil It , the Innlc will bo at liberty to purchase any ether euf anil limy return this to thu manufacturers. Am | > .irtyHat Iborty to nnJortako thoattuic who will furnish sitlifactnry bond to p > y nl ilami u to tliu salu , In case It N not eutcroJ la the otlpulatuil tlmo. TnoCorlluiUompiny a rea In wrltlni ; to doiiuult with thin bank tlio sum ot ? \OMJ.OO. iij > oii thn slgiilug ol an a rce ncnt ahova tn ' salil mini to bo pacaJ within Jtho falo and tg bu lorfultfd to thu pirty operating In caw ltl forcLly opoiiwl and h coutuuU rab utrectud I1KNKV W. YATKd Cashlo. INCREASE YOUR OAPITAJj. Thoto do lrlnff t'l nmVo moniir on sn.a'1 and iiii-iuni Inv.-itmontiln 20 train , provUlo.ij an 1 stock spocubv- tl < w > , o ! ! d i e o hy 011 Tatlnu on our pi tn KMIII M y 1 , IsSl , to iliu pro. WHEAT tunt rlatu , on liivoitm n a of $10,00 to 8 1. OOJ , 1013 [ irolltj ha\o boeii ro.lwl and pill to 1'ivostor * uii'onn InK'oiocr 1 Ilinoi t leorlg- $50 Inil liivuu'iuoii , still leaving tbo ln l Invu'tinant n.akln or < ' { money or p jabm on demand Kiplinato- STOCKS ry c.ruu'arjaml .titomoiti of fund WH i.ifru < j Wo wmit re ponilbla a onU uhn wtlr'i > orc 01 erupt and Int o-Iuuj till phii L boral cora- $100 nilbuloiH pild , Ai'drtwa I'UKHH iMU fi : UKrtUIAM.Coin- mloa'.on ' Mcrcliaats , ilajor 1)1 ) xk , CHOICE CIGARS. Imported aud Domcitlo- Fluent Seleotiuu iu Town. . Prloev to Suit Everybody. From Half n Dollar Dowu to &o > Sch roter & . Becht's BexterL.Tlioinas&Bro , WILL BUY ANP BKLL ttie XLi IBiKBlCIIOS IOMUCTIU lutttwrrn. Pv Tnz8B , R nt HoUBfla , Etc. Call at olllcc , rom 8 , Crclhton ; lllock , Onuto. . NORTH WESTERN Marble A. BAUMEISTER , 1243 NORTH IGBTBEHTD 8t.