Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1882, Page 4, Image 6

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    The Omaha Bee.
rnb'jhed every morning , except Sunday
Kh on.y MonilAj" morning dully.
Ono Y r $10.00 I Three Months. 5S.OO
8U Months o.OO | Ono . . 1.00
CHK WEEKLY BEE. published ev-
OneYear $2.00 I ThreoMonths. . 60
IrMcMlis. . * 1.00 I Ono . . 20
AMEHICAM NKWB Co irANT , Sole Agents
or Newsdealers In the ? TnlU > d Statca.
tiou relatim ? to New ftnd Edltorlnl mat-
era riiould bo iwldroMod to the Kniron or
BUS1VIK3 LETTE118 All u .u
tetters mid RcrnlUnncefl should be od-
JresKoil to THE Bin POTUBHINO Con-
TAUT , OMAHA. Draft * , Checks und Post-
Oico Ortlon to be mndo pnyaule lo tlio
rdor of the Company ]
iho BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props
81 nOSEWATER. Editor.
SEATS on the New York stock ex-
.D _ nro selling for $33,000. Noth-
pays so well as legalized robbery.
TUB Clovolnnd LtaJtr risea to re
mark that there in great comfort in
tlio fact that not hnlf of tlio congress
men nominated can bo elected.
boliovcs that the early
, Jaird catchia the firat worm. Success
ful applicants for pension oflico clerk
ships nro already receiving hin 2 per
cent circulars.
AN enormous npplo and pcaih crop
of Texas ia stimulating the establish p
ment of stills for the manufacture of b
poach nnd apple brandy. Texan pro u
ducers nro predicting as n result that d
brandy will bcoomo no cheap and com tlh
mon place as wino in Franco. Some h
measures ought At once to bo adopted O'H
to docrcaso Texan crops of apples nnd H
ponchos in the interests of prohibition , nlV .
as Governor St. John's ' gospel has not nltl
yet become popular among the cow tlfc
boys. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tl
Co i. . BLISS * opening argument in tlP'
the star route trial disclocod a number P'bi
of striking oxmnplca of the methods ni
by which reckless nnd unscrupulous nibt
contractors swindled the government co
by lulUting mail carrying contracts ! coN
beyond their legitimate proportions. oo
Per oxamplp , one route which pro fn
duced a rovonua r > f fjbotlt $700 n year Si
was "expedited" by Brady BO that ch
from costing $8,288 a year , jt cost be
$72 , D20. Another route , over which ca
jiino postal cards nnd. twenty-nino let in i
ters wci'o ' carried in eighteen day" ? ; vrlmi
was "expedited1 , so that the sum of mi
$40,000 was added to its annual cosh lii
Such barefaced robbery of coursu can th
not bo defended and the indicted thTl
jicamps rely only on a failure of the
government to show that the corrupt
management of the mails was a part or Gins
of a conspiracy , to defraud the nation.
f ns
The damaging accusations brought ii
against Iloscoo Conkling by the Albany op
/ownaf and the M6worlc 'wc * nb
1)Biir oh their face the evidence of nil
their truth. In effect they charge
that the ox Bonator , acting as the paid mi
attorney for Jay Gould , tried to brlbo ,0
Governor Cornell to sign a bill reliev io
ing the Pacific Mail company of $900- ar
000 in taxation and to give his assent m
to a bill of the same character on behalf - pc
half of Jay Gould's'olovatcd railroads. sk
The 'lima says that in representing the &r
elevated roads Mr. Conkling was in &rPi
Ilia suavcst mood , ready to lot bygones is i
genes , political or otherwise , bo bygones y <
genes , but most persistently pleading r
that horc , in sooth , was the turning vile
point of his life , and that between the w
liberal fee which ho would earn and le
the railroad speculation ! of which ho Ii
would have the benefit , by securing C
the governor's signature to the bill , 0 !
" ho might in a vary brief time gain a II
\ - IIOl
respectable competency. The ox Ol
\ 1 senator cajoled , and the ox-senator OlP
- threatened , but the governor was I ]
firm , and lloscoo Conkling loft
the executive chamber no longer the
concealed , but the avowed and open
foe , politically and personally , of
Alonzo 1) . Cornell. "
The charge is of the gravest nature ,
It appears to come directly from Gov.
Cornell himself. It is liboloua il
untrue , and for social , political and
' legal reasons it must have boon well
weighed before being made public.
Gov. Cornell's political future would
undoubtedly bo forever ruined '
by making a false charge :
and the presumption h thai
lie must have had the means
of justifying him before hoepoko out
As might have boon expected Mr ,
Clonkling makes an emphatic denial
of Governor Cornell's charges. Ho
fortifies himoolf with a statement
from Jay Gould to disprove the char
. gts made by Governor Cornell. Where
- ; uuchaflit contradiction is made the
" . publicmust reaoh conclusions by comparing -
' paring motives. The only possible
motive Governor Cornell could have
in prefwring such grave charges
against Mr. Conkling would bo
a bid for the support of anti-monopoly
republicans. Mr. Cornell already
enjoys thok confidence of the anti
nonopoly people , flis vetoes of the
elevated railroad swindle and hia ap
proval of the railroad coninmsioncr
bill have assured him the support oi
On the other band , Mr. Cpukluig's
motive * for denying ( ho charges are '
patent to every body , llo ii' accused ,
1 *
of an attempt lo corruptly influence
the conduct of the chief executive of
Now Ynrk , and ho must deny tno
charge just s any other man accused
of cnino before n tribunal would plead
not guilty. Mr. Gould being in the
ditno boat with Conkling as nn alleged
accessory also promptly comes to the
front with his denial. Pubho opin
ion will incline to the belief that
Governor Cornell hnd no motive for
concocting such grave charges , and
Mr. Conkling will have to produce
bettor proof than Jay Gould's denial
to discredit Governor Cornell.
Mr'Conkling's capture by Jay Gould
la another instance of the policy of
the monopolies to secure for their per-
aonal ends the ablest and most influ-
oncial men of the country. Five years
ago Mr. Conkling pronounced in favor
of the principles of anti-monopoly.
Ho declared to the certain knowledge
of the editor of this pnpor that
the rights of the people as
against the corporations was the
rising issue of the day , end declared
limsolf ready to lead in n campaign ,
In which anti-monopoly would bo the
battle cry. So well defined was his
position on the question that , the Na
tional strenuously
anti-monopoly league
ously supported Mr. Conkling'o candi-
iicy aguinst Chancoy M. Dopow in
the contest for the United States sen-
itorahip , at Albany. THE UEB was
.lion opposed to Mr. Conkling because
t believed that the issue was simply
ivhotlicr lloscoo Conkling or
lames A. Garfield should bo
ircsidont of the United Stated ,
Hit it gave him credit for Bound views
ipon those tjucstiona which are in
liapulo between the corporations and
ho people of this country. Since
lis retirement from political life , how-
ivcr , Mr. Conklmg'a ' actions have bo
icd his former words. Ho wan the
.ttornoy of the Northern Pacific nt
rVashington when the land grants of
hat corporation were in danger of '
ovfoituro by Oongreon. lie advocated
ho interests of the steamship com-
nnioa ' when the iirst Douster steerage
ill was killed by the presidential veto
nd during the past fuw montlta ho him
eon the retained attorney of ,
jvcral railroads in the recent suite in
Cow York praying for n mandamus la
impel them to rcceivo and transport' '
eight blockaded by the late strike ,
uch a record is corroborative of the ;
largos of Gov. Cornell that ho lias . ,
L'cotno a venal tool of Jay Gould and
mnot but injure Mr. Gonklinp greatly
the estimation of many of these '
h.9 were formerly hia oteadfast ad-
irers , while it will certainly preclude hi
ii election to any oflico of roprcaonta-
vo trust in the future.
Pluck nnd luck , so say Unglish
ritics , have combined to give Sir
larnot Wolsoloy his proront eminence
commandor-in-ohlef of the British tl
rmy in Egypt. For the first time in
is career fBir G-irnot is afforded an
pportunity of testing whether his la
rilitios , heretofore exorcised in minor
Tdira , will bo equal to the coi ; < Juct of bi
great ( campaign. His fcm0 haa boon
iado , up to the present time , as a
ador ! of expeditions against untamed
trees. Ho is now at the head of an „ )
rmy of 40,000 man , in command of a
lost important mission against BU-
orior forcoj , and on a field where his
fill , experience and judgment
ro likely to bo put to a aevero and
retracted test. Sir Garnet Wolsoloy
now at the beginning of his fiftieth
oar , thirty years cf which have boon
pent in active service. His first nor- :
ice was in the Burmese war of 1852 ,
rhoro ho received eovoro wounds as t
uador of the storming party.a .
n 1851 ho landed in the
/'rimea whore he served in the trench-
a before Sebastopol , and while charg-
tig an advanced position was danger-
wounded about the head , com
pelling hia retirement on sick leave | ,
Jo gained distinction in the Indian d
imtiiiy , served in the Chinese war in I1 [
800 and was present at thu taking of
ho Taku forts. Colonel Wolsoloy'a :
irat independent mcvement was dur-
ng the Hod river diilloulty in Canada ,
vhen ho conducted a mixed force
vith considerable skill through
in unknown country. In 1872
10 commanded the expedition
igainst the Ashanteos with romark- )
iblo vigor of decision and an excel-
oncy of generalship which won him a
'nluablo sword , the freedom of the
ity of London , the thanks of both i
louses of parliament , a grant of § 125 ,
100 and the oiler of a barcnotoy ,
vhich ho declined. One of Sir Gar
lot's most prominent excellencies as a
nilitary man up to the present time iv
ms boon his great knowledge of the
juartermaater and commissary de
partments. His troops in their
nrious campaigns have invaria-
jly boon perfectly equipped Mid
imply supplied , and it is reasonable
o auppose that the present English
irmy of invasion in Egypt will sulfur
'rum no such blundering and iuit > man
igcuiont as that which so seriously
mpaired the success of the operations
n the Crimea. Besides his military [
imployment Sir Garnet has hold im <
lortunt civil posts under the colonial
illlco. In 1874 ho was sent on a
pooiol mission to Natal , and for BOV- I
iral montha was ad interim governor o
if the colony. In 1870 ho was a
Appointed a member of thu Council of n t
'udia , and in 1878 high commissioner t
nd Commander-in-chief of the Island v
of Cyprus. In 1879 , after the Is
landlwhana catastrophe , ho went oil
as high commissioner of the Transvaa
and Natal , and reorganized the affair
of ulu1atid.
Sir Garnet was made captain
1855 , major in 18C8 , lieutenant co !
onol in 1859 , and colonel in 18G5
From 1874 to87C ho wai commandt
of the auxiliary forces , with the ran !
of inspector general. On his return
from tfululand , in 1880 , ho wan ap
pointed quartermaster general at th
Ilorao Guards , and lately aucctedci
Sir Charles Ellis us adjutant genera
of the army.
His first move in successfully throw
ing the dust into Arab ! s eyes , whili
ho took possession of the entire courai
of the Siur. canal , on behalf of tin
British government , is an cxploi
which argues well for hia career in
the now lield , where ho will win either
diegraco or n dukedom
They Do.
Uifld City IiepublUn.
Vuloiitino voted to pats the $19 ,
000,000 steal over thu president's veto.
Let the people rcmcmbor it.
Sweet Soutuorn Revenge.
Atlanta Institution.
Shells of dynamite in the shape ol
Florida watermelons are still patsing
northward. The south is reaping uteri
tori i bio revcngo.
Where tno Talk Will End.
Buffalo Truth.
Sman 13. Anthony will talk wo-
mon'a ' rights to the Toxins until some
horned iinimal steers for her , and then
she will shout for u man to protect
"BllBB and Knox I Whut Nonsonsol'
Springfield IIO ( tibll : n.
Wonder if Dorsoy wrote that letter
to Garfiuld about the time ho is said
to have called Spencer into his room
to witness a silent transfer of nn on-
vclopo of $1,000 bills to Brady !
The Hume ( Man.
Denver Tribune ,
Gen. George B. McClollan has writ
< m n paper suvorcly criticising HIP
English methods in Egypt. George
is the man , you know , who horoicalJy
lug celery trenches around Richmond
in the very face of two dozen wooden
: annons.
Proparlnjt for the Next Clrcua.
'inclniml Knqulrcr.
There will bo thirty-four moro rep-
csontativos mid dologntos in tlio next
iongrcEs than in I ho present. Undo
uatn will have to follow the example
si by other enterprising manager ; ,
ind erect a tent with two center-
oca. ]
Jonontli the Rule of won Entirely
'tv York Bt f <
When Mr. Tilden has passed away
iis memory will etiti ben fivg'MntjreJii-
nisconco in the hearts of the people ,
fho will worship nnd love him as tht
uthor and originator of thu famous i
irovorb : "Tho bar'l is creator than
ho ballot. " ;
Would Hitvo Disturbed GoorRo.
lil ! iklphl-limes.
Washington said in 1770 : "I lament
ho fatal policy of the p.tatoa of em-
iloying their ablest men at home. "
f he hnd lived in the e d ye ho would
amont the moro fatal policy of send *
ug so many hard drinker * , salaryT
rabbors and harbor billera , more IS
leers and blusterers , to attend to nat
ional affairs.
An Egyptian Idyl , ti
lublln llallni. tib
n ISgvp'/a banks , contagioun to the Nile , ii
treat Pharaoh'a duuphtur went to batbo
in style ; 8ti
Vnd ax Hlie ran about tn dry her rovnl nlcin tit
ihu kic'-cd I ho bulrush that had llttlo t
Mou'ea in. n :
Vt that ovtnt mirpriflcd , awhiln * lie etud nc no
n alienee gazing nt thu wicred find ;
I'lien tnrnlii ) , ' to her maiilH she said in ac c
cent'mild :
'Blood an * OK'IH. sirls , which of ycz otvna aChe
the child ? " ab
Cho Solid South Not Hopelessly Split , j1
iov.l nil Herald ( lup. ! )
There are yet two years in which ,
.0 putty the cracks and put iron bands h
iround the cold south , and whenever
.vork cim bo put in to advantage it is g )
urtain the bourbons will bo busy ,
rtio shot-gun may have lost its effect , '
lUt the fraudulent register , the tissue ,
ballot and the false count can still bo
lopended on as valuable instrument-
ilitioei , and legislative enactments
Imvo been found to work admirably in
lisfranclnaing republican or indo-
icndont vott r .
A Word In the Tolophono'a Eur.
lil v'o HcralJ.
The telephone is ono of the won-
lors , ns it is also ono of the nuisances
if the ago. Up to a hundred miles or
10 it annihilates space , nnd in the
iliort period of a twelvemonth it is
warranted to reduce the best Chris
Jan ia the land to thu most abject
profanity. A man swearing nt a yoke
f oxyn en n cxorcieo his lungs and
ilso bit boots upon the obstinate cat
tle. Ho can makn the woods ring
uul the landtjcupo shudder with im
precations , lint thu outraged mnn at
telephone has to swear internally ,
which is as dangerous no an internal
luunorrhago. lie often forgoU himself -
self , and appeals in beseeching tones
to the central ollica for help , but is
only rewarded by a callous reply from
tliin voice that tha wires are out of
nrdpr or somebody's line is across his.
As if ho did not know that before.
Railroad Tns Shurperfl.
I'hlladutplili ficn. [
Thu republicans of Kansaa call upon
the National government to rcliovo
their state from un outrageous imposi
tion practiced by thu land grant rail
roads there and elsewhere , Tlio rail
road companies have their lands listed ,
by which they are withdrawn from
settlement ami scoured to the roade ,
but the latter refrain from taking nut
latents and perfecting their titles
until they are about ready to sell the [
lands , whioh remain in the meantime
exempt from taxation , In this way
millions of acres or railroad land in
Kaunas and in other western states
jnjoy un hunuinity from all taxation ,
although owned not by the govern
ment but by these private corpora
tions. The latter are enabled there if
by to hold the lands indefinitely ,
while they yearly appreciate in value
without costing thnr owners a cent i
vtytf nx-itoi. The late republica
htnto convention in Kaunas asks con
gress to correct this by compelling th
railroads to take the patents to thci
Und at once , and the legal title thu
pissing from the government , tht
thereby become taxable. It is
marvel that ruch a palpable o.vasio
on the part of the railroads of thci
liability no land owners has been BUI
fered so long.
The ThUd District.
Kcsrnoy I'reM.
In the Third congressional diattic
the Press presents a gentleman we !
known in Buffalo county , and Nobras
kn , In no doing , we desire to stat
at the outset that our candidate ha
untorcd thu race to stay , and win th
nomination , and his name is HJII. E
0. Calkins. Mr. Calkins served .on
term in the legislature as senator , am
mndo an excellent record. He is
n.or o r , nn old soldier , having servcc
with honor and credit during the wa
of the rebellion , Upon the grca
questions which must become tin
prominent and pre-eminent question
of political economy in the near future
viz : that of transportation , the taril
nnd taxation of corporate property ,
ho is with and for the people , am
should the republicans of this
district nominate and elect him to
cotigrufis , he will bo found in thu fron
rank of those who will bo over vigilani
to defend the weak against the strong ,
lie is ono among thu ablest lawjors it :
the State , n ready and forcible do
bntor , and n contloman of as souuc
judgment na our State can boast , am
wo bolitivo that every citizen of Buf
falo county should take an honest
pride in giving him n unanimous en
dorsement , and in sending u delega
tion to Fremont who will vote for him
first and last , and who will have no
nccond choice. It ia only by Bonding
such men to nominating conventions
that success is ever achieved. Now
that Mr. Calkins is fairly in the field ,
lot it bo thu business of every friend
who buliuvea that wo should nend a
delegation ia his interest , to work with
that end in view , and not bo deceived
by parties who are laboring to give the
delegation to un outsider.
Whether are wo Drifting.
People who were at the train on
Tuesday ovcning noticed a young man
who were a look of chastened joy and
his hair long. Ilia hair was hia chief
attraction , hanging down his back in
wuvy ringlotu and tied with a piece of
pale blue ribbon. At first the city
marshal was going to arrest him for
wearing men's clnthec , but pretty
soon ho discovered that it wore a
iliuht mouBt.icho that looked like the
Hull on a Z 0. M. I. poach. This
young man was bound for Idaho ,
where ho is a mining expert and ter
ritorial masher.
When a mining expert gets to do
ing hin hair up with a blue ribbon ,
he wild romance of our mighty wear
i [ jlnj-nd out. If the time has arrived
ivhoii Indian fighters , trappersguides
md miners wear coraets and drink
ihocolato , the jpy of the free and
V\rltfjfj ! \ frontier ia a thing o ! the pift
4 iliioilOW wo hop" & tuttt tiild maii was
fraud , and that the characteristic
nstler of the Rocky mountains is not ,
oing to travel over the p'ains with an :
smbioiderud night nhirt and a fresh
awn tie for every day in the week.
3nco the plain&man rode nil dny on
ho lookout for Indiui.e and at night >
nckotod liis broncho and ate a chuuck
if ault pork or nothing ut all and slept
f the Indiana would let him ,
Now tlmOB have changed it scorns ,
Cho cnft-eyed eorapli , fiesli from the
tfow England store , p.tclcajiup his
ooth < brush and camplur ice and goo
vhero ulory waits him. It ii death
o < the dime novul trade and annihiU-
ion to the funny busineEa of the
jlood-curclling west. All a man needs
n these days in order to become a
juido and win glory is a wealth of (
uiir and n gold mounted revolver. If
his : thing continues the old "squaw
imn" will eventually enter the camp )
f the hostile in a plug hat and a )
adot blue coat cut so high in the tail
.hat : it won't be safe for him to wear
m open back shirt. Buckskin with
jacon rind placquos on it , has gone
jut of date , ucd the man whoso regu
lar beverage was atrychnino and alkali ;
water , has disappeared almost from '
ho green plains of this lofty altilood-
euui. Good bye , bravo men of the
gladsome west. There are only two (
r three of us loft , and wo have to ;
iVi'iir glasses and dress in the modern
'arb of this artificial generation. One
jf these daya there won't bo valiant
JUBSOS enough loft to protect our wo
men and children from the hostile col
lege student.
Railroads nnd the State ,
inn Francisco Chronicle.
It is the fashion in railroad circles [
to appeal to the cupidity of mankind
by the pluuaiblo argument that rail .
ivuys enrich the State in the enhance
ment of the value of land und the ad-
iitions made by the roads themselves
to the taxable find productive proper )
ty of the country. Thus n railroad ,
journal treats iin readers to some ex .
tracts from a speech made 1 J an ox-
Governor of a western State , to the ;
affect that the 8 GOO miles of railway
in the State of Illinois , being estimated )
it about $40,000 per inilo , have added ;
over 8320,000,000 to the property of
that State ; that they earn 850,000 ,
DOO a year ; employ 00,000 men , to
whom they pay yearly wages amount
ing to 825,000,000 , and that their un- )
tire operating expenses ore $30,000-
300 , It is further assumed that these
3,000 miles of road have increased the
I'uluo of land to the extent of $10 an
icro , and this makes an aggregate in )
crease of the wealth of the State in '
limdod property , duo to railroads , of ;
5350,000,000. "This , " says the ox-
juvcrnor , with much ostentation , "ia
more added to the wealth of the State
by the railroads than the railroads all
33St. " )
There ia some truth but moro dolu-
ion in all thu. It in true , fur instance x
tlmtnuUaya honestly managed , and
with duo regard to the rights of those
tvho use Miem , do add very much to
the value of the property of the poo-
ilo. Lriml situated one hundred miles ;
From market , if its produce had to bo
liauled with mules , horaea , or oxen
that distance , would not bo worth
nearly as much as land but five or ton
miles from market. And railway ,
liowevor , that would deal fairly with
the producer might make it worth
within a small pur cent as much. But
thu railway service were conducted
an the average principal ruling these
iorporations , namely , to tat the pro-
ducer the full difference between th
valup of his produce ns his own dee
and its value nt the market , it is na
clear ns demonstration that tbo valu
of his land would not bo Rreatly , if n
nil , enhanced by reason of the railway
The other sophistry in the nruumen
worthy of exposure is that railways d
not , ns is assumed , increase the taxa
bks of n state to anything like the !
estimated value Take Illinois as nn
illustration. Her whole Uxablo val
utsinl880 were but $830,000000
Of this amount but $100,000,000 wa
personal property. II ill ways nr
taxed as personal property. If the ;
were taxed at full value their apgrc
gate assessment would bo $320 000 ,
000. It is in fact less than $50,000 ,
000 ; less th n ono-sixth the ossunie <
yaluo of a property that yields a ne
income of moro than $20,000,000 a
year , nfter paying nil expenses o
ovcry kind. This is moro than 0 po
c > nt on a capital of $320,000,000
Private property does not yield more
tlnn this in nny state ; yet it is the
rule in Illinois to nssess ordinary priVAte
VAto property nt from 50 to 70 pe
cent of its full cash value , while it i :
the rule of the railroads to have thoii
properly nsseesed at but 10 to 18 poi
cunt of its cash valuo. The sanio ruli
obtains in nearly every state that i
ridden down by these corporations
but most of all in the Pacific states
where four men own nnd control nl
Lho railroads south of Oregon.
No man over yet objected to rail
roads because they nesist development. .
No man is S0 big a fool ns that ,
Everyone admits that they do nssinL
development and do contribute largely
to the general wealth of a state where
; hcy nro mnnnged with duo regard to
the general welfare. The objections
are only urged against that by far
too largo number of railway
jorporations , which , like locuats ,
ice , and other parasites , demand nut
eat up all that accrues from them ,
und nt the same time , by corrupting
or intimidating the body politic , evade
their just sharp of the taxes and their
other duties in the state. Every
sensible man who has lived in this
state for twenty years knows that the
railway have not added substantially
to the value of property They have
lot , simply because they have taken
: o thomsulves , with the hard hand of
n Pharaoh or n Csuiar , all the benefits
derivable from them. The value of
real estate has not increased , nt all in
miportion with their extension.
Wherever it has increased , it has done
o in apito of their opprcxsions. They
hould hnvo added over $100,000,000
; o the taxables of the etato. They
lave not , directly or indirectly , added
$10,000.000. They should pay taxes
m $70,000000 They do not , in
act , pay on $7,000,000. As all they
lave was given to them by the public ,
hey should bo grateful and afford us
ho cheapest rates of any road in the
Jnion. They are in all respects un-
ratclul , insolent , arrogant , corrupt-
ig nnd cluuivo of their duties to the
tate and the pooplo.
Mr. Poor'6 Hallway Report.
rn Utro t't > .
Jn our iasug f Ji y 22 gome C-OM-
aiiion * were given from Mr , Henry ;
V. Poor's Manual of the frilll'onds of
ho United States for 1882 , allowing
ho ducreaeo in railway freight rates
Tom year to year. Concerning this .
Jeoreaeo nnd Mr. Poor's conclusions
iheratrom , reference is re ado further >
n. The R.iilwny Manuel may be
did to stand hlouo as a compend of
nformation upon rail way matters , and
vo avail ourselves of the statistics
therein to prcacnt some nd
litii hil facts of interest beating upon
ho developments of the past year
The activity iirrailcoad alf ns dur-
ng the year 1881 was extraordinary ,
tfino thousand three hundred and
ifty-eight milca of railroad were built - '
-tho greatest number for any ono
rear. The coat of the lines construct-
d durinc the year was § 233 750 000. *
Vbout § 75,000,000 were expended on f
inca in progress , and $100,000,000 *
ii old roads , improving their tracks ,
uilding now atutipno , otc. The total
imoimt expended in construction dur-
ng the year would approximate in
ound numbers $400,000,000. It is
ixppoted that the mileage to bo opened
u 1882 will equal that for 1881. Up o
o the 1st of Juno , 1882 , 3 077 miles
ivero opened , as agains 1,731 miles
'or the same period in 1881. The '
railroad miltmco nearly doubled in the
roars from 1870 to 1881. The gross
arninpa of all the roads in operation
in the United States in 1881 amounted
to § 725,325,119 , an increase over the :
previous year of $109,923,188. ;
fheir net. earninga were § 270 ,
354,119 , as against $255,193 ,
in 1880 , an _ increase of ( P t
over $21,000,000. The aKi-regato
jurront expenses were 8449,005.071.
Fho amount of interest paid on ;
undod debts during the year wua
5128,887,002. Ninety-three millions ,
.hrcu hundred and torty-four thou-
mnd two hundred dollars were paid in
lividenda in 1881 , as compared with :
577,115,411 in 1880. The cost of
puratint the railroads for the year
vas $449,505,071 , or 02 per cent of
.hoir yros3 earnings. The number of
persons employed in operating them
ho past year averaged about twelve
to tbo mile of operated line , or 1,200-
)00 in all. The number employed in
onstruction was about 400,000 , mak-
ng the total number of employes
ibout 1,000,000. The number of
uiles in operation in 1881 was 104,813 ,
is against 93,071 in 1880 , an increase
f 11,142 miles. ;
In the introduction to his manual ,
Poor endeavors to prove that on the
isrt of the railroads no monopoly has
existed in fact , nnd that "in no kinds
f business baa reduction of charges .
'or aorvico pei formed been so great ns
hat made by railroads , and that to
moh reduction is the vast prosperity
md enormous wealth of our country
ilmost wholly duo. " The tone of this
s that of the advocate. The necessity
f a dufonso of the existing railroad
lystent does not seam to have been
rcud upon Mr. Poor by any circum-
itancea of the work in which ho was
uigagod. But perhaps ho himself
felt that eoirething in the way of
npology was needed , Lot us examine
ho grounds of the defense. The ovi-
ionco presented is that from year to [
fear the ratea of transportation have
jeen reduced. When ono con-
lidors the number , complexity and
interdependence- farces and inter-
uts in the modern community , that
nust ba regarded as a somewhat
itraugo statement which attributes
'ainoat wholly" to the action in one
lirootion of a single , though powerful ,
ntorett "tho vast prosperity and enor-
mous wealth of our pooplo. " Perhaps
if Mr. Poor's zisal were somewhat
wider and moro many-sided it mig'i
bo equally apparent to him that th
carrying intorcst could scarcely havi
grown unless there was eomothing ti
bo carried. While the railroadman
agora have been laboring to build u
the vast prosperity of the country
nituro and huma i labor , co operating
hnvo been also doing sormuhiii ;
throughout the country , nnd especial
ly along the wustorn Hun of th
"march of empire. " Indeed , from
some incautious rouiarka of Mr
Poor , it is plain that com
notion of this had at time
boon present to hia own mind. H
says that the solo condition of incrcas
of tonnage was reduction of ratcp , nnd
by acknowledging that the railroad
have always charged the freight trail !
over them all it would , virtually
ndmits that the internal commerce o
the country has grown , from other am
previous influences , in spite of , quite
na much as by , the favor of thb rail
rorut people. What other conclusiot
could ho himself have drawn from hi
statement that "it is a law in business
that rates or profits depend upon ac
tivity of , or extent of , demand , " anc
from his other statement concerning
ono of the great railroads , that "it ha
always charged nil its business woulc
bear , and in obedience to this rule i
must , in the face of constantly in
creasing competition nnd to moot thi
wants of its settlers 2,000 miles in
land , continue indefinitely the reduc
tion of its rates. " Mr. Poor contends
that "thoro can bp no monopoly ii
law tht ! construction of railroads is
jpoti to all. " That may bo true ; bu
the community has of late boot
somewhat moro concerned nbou
: ho existence of monopolies in
act. A now railroad cannot bo buil
every day and by t nny body who
chooses. The expense is too vnst
and the probability of obtaining thu
necessary concessions from leglsla
urcs , too often interested in main
nining the status quo , ia goncralh
rather romoto. The existing roadi
would scarcely have buon grantee
them by the pooplo. Competition na
m active practical force is seen to bo
imited by such considerations as
heso. Now n monopoly may bo
erected by the concurring cfTirta ol
nany persons , as well as by the act oj
m individual. The railways practi
cally own the roads on which they
travel , and control the t radio on thoau
oads. A pooling combination rest-
ng on an agreement of thcao carries
o maintain certain rates on the roada
hey control eiTiicta a monopoly in
act , however the same mny bo re
garded in law.
Bucklm'H .armcH. Salve.
The BEST SALVE in the world for Cute
Jruifjos , Sores , Ulcers , bait Ilboum , Fe
er Sore ? , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil
ilams , Corns , nnd all skin ernptionn , an'
maitively cures lilos. It ia guaranteed tc
ivo satiifactfou or inonoy refunded
'rice , 25 coutd per box. For t&\oaby \ C.
i" . Go < ntuiaD
rohlbltory Coastltnctonal Amend
ment Convention.
In puraurquQO of the instructions
ivnn by the conference ) workers , hold
n the city of Lincoln on July 27th , a
itato convention of nil who favor sub-
nitting to the voters of Nebraska an
.raendmont to the state constitution
rohibiting the manufacture and sale
if alcholic liquors na a beverngo with-
n the state , will bo hold in the city of
lilucoln on Wednesday , September
3ih , at 4 o'clock p. m. The object
if the convention will ba to ,
First. Perfect the organization of
he Nebraska Prohibitory Amend-
nont association und elect the olBcers
if tl o same.
Second. To arrange for a thorough
ystemulic canvass of every precinct
u the state.
Third. To mnko arrangements for
uoh political work as the delegates
ireaent may deem necessary to uocuro
ho submission to the voters of the
tate of n prohibitory constitutional
The people of each county who bo-
ieve that all government rests upon
ho consent of the governed , and that
n obedience to this principle of gov-
irnment the question of the oxiatonco
if the alcoholic liquor trade should bo
lubmittod to the people , are requested
rrespoctivo of the personal habits , so
'ar as the uao of liquor is concerned ,
o call a convention and elect dole-
jatea to the stuto convention.
Each county will bo entitled to ono
lolegato-ut-liirgo nnd ono delegate for
uoh 500 votca cast in the county nt
ho fall election in 1881.
The question involved in this cam
paign is not the question of prohibi
tion | or license or total abstinence , but
limply , "Havo the people a right to
overn themselves ? "
The people nsk the Submission to
ilieiu of nn amendment , and to em-
ihasizo this report it ia hoped that the
friends of a government of the people ,
ay the people and for the people , will
uko otops at once to organize the
True to her Xrust
Ton inucn cannot bo said of the over
nlthful wife and mother , constantly
watching and caring for her dear IIIICH ,
lover neglecting a viugle duty in their bo-
jalf. When they are assailed by disease ,
uul the Bydtoin ahou d have a thorough
sleanslnfj , the stomach anil bowels regu-
ated , blocd imiifiid , and malarial poison
ixtermiuatad , nho inukt know the that
Ivlectrlo liittor.s ara the only sura remedy ,
riioy nrethe best and .purest ineildue in
ho world anil only coat fifty cents. Bold
by O. 1 > \ Goodman.
IV1U "EOH'NIOAL AND MINING EN- the Reimelaer Polytech-
Institute , Troy , N. Y. Theoldnt oneinvcr-
agechool In America Next term eglnt Hep-
iiibor Hth Thu ro-1st r .or 18 2 contilmi a
Utul the Kradtu'ca for the past 65 jtftra , with
hotr pojlih > * ; also c tin cf tuJy , rcijulro
ucnta exi > e 8c . rtc. Ail < lro > s
&e , all kinds ol Job work done.
New buildlnea creitod , I'Uri uJ epcclQca-
loni furuMicd
416 Harniy ) at , liet. 14tli&15fcl ] ,
The boat in the country ; for the money.
M. A. McNamara ,
lo. 314 S , Fourteenth Street Omaba
Are aoknowlodged to ba the
best by all who have put thorn
to a practical test ,
Piercy fa Bradford ,
Every Corset la warranted satis
factory to Ita wearer In every way ,
or the money will lie retunilod by
tlio person from -whom it was bought.
The only Corset pronounced by our Icmllne phvi
not Injurious tn tliowearor , andcnuorwilUy Ii
the. " mostcomfortablo and rKr'cct Jilting Corset crer
PRICES , by Mull , Pontneo Paid !
Health Prcucrvlnc. * 1.00. Self-AuJu.tlnir. 1.B
Abdomlnnl ( eztru lionij ) * 2.0U. Nurnlnc , H.SO
Health I'rcurvlnit ( Ono roulll ) 48.00. ParaaoB
For nale by Icodlnc Jtctnll Dealer * ereryvIicrOt
C11ICAGO COKS1JT CO. , Chlcoco , HI.
( Sincootsnr to D. T. Mount. )
Manafacturcr and Dealer In
Saddles , Harness , Whips ,
Mm , Dusters cintl Turf Goods
Agent fo : Jas. R. Hill ft CO.'B
" The Best in The World , "
Orders Solicited. OMAHA , NEE
ice ly
Tlio most contrail locitij hotnt In the cltj.
I omi"6j fl.OO , Jl.60antl sJiOlp rday.
Firtt Clsed Itcataur nt connected wltti the
.HURST. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locust Streets.
Ai-unW tor thu UJoTlinca uad
h only tlfo authorized ! > y her , nnd vvli ch will
at bo a "lilr.oJ anil Thunder" ulory. such as hu
iccDRnlwill 10 ilutillalied , but & true Lite by
tic only p man nho la In pi-fo i-lon ol the factg
& III hliil and Jevoted wife , Tiuth ti raoro
nturostniK than fiction , Airnits should apply
or territory at on : o Send 75 cti. for Sam
ple Dook. J. H. nhan > lir.r & Co. ,
Samuel C , Davis &Cor
WashiagtoQ Ave. and Fifth St. , .
X '
COLLEGE Tlirco course ! ; open to bo'.h
AUADB CU'Blo 1 And Kall3 Glres
10 t o t of train.nci lor ca legs or bu J n
FHiKKY HAl.L-seminary for JTounsf
! ! . Unanrpaucil la bonny neil heal hful-
CH < of eltu.tio , ami In txioit cf ndfautvo * .
ffortJ and thoronshnojj of trainluif lveu. On
Ake Mlchigju.
Yftir \ > et\ti \ Septembtr 13. 1882. Apply to
PREST. QRKaoRY , JjUlceForcBt , 111.