Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1882, Image 5

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Srtt'sl Di r | ( hej to Tim Ur * .
Nr.w YORK. August 21.
Jlcncy2g4 | jCr ) at A. , ' closing at 2 }
pernt. .
I'r.nie Mctcatjtil ,
* Vrpcr-r ifol6J per
KxctwJige- Steady ; bankers'
bilU , $1 8."J ; ilund , $1 ( ! ) .
Irjuninmute'rumain unchanged ,
/he block rwrktt opened at an advance
o. ' S@-'J | w cent on Suturdaj closing
prices , Pict > jc Mail and MemphU A
'Charleston ' "catling therein. In early i rada
4 thur , ! sel.'mg liioveit.eut was inaugurated ,
under tbc influence cf winch a reaction of
1(2,1 ( i pp.- cent took place. In the e.irly
v part of the nfteruoou prices in the muin
ftoio it'ngular ; nnd D u-
\et A < > io Grat.dt1 , however , fell elf J i r
cent , vliilo Nirti etn Pacific preferretl re-
eovcr.l 1 per cent. For tha rtmamdei
only t-liglit fractional changes took pl o < .
Tiifntarkot closed generally stiunj ; , with
prhss showing a decline if ia ( , J per cent
otfSaturday's closing prices.
* : . 1011
6's. 101A
U ? cific b"a of 1830 ISO
'Oantral Pacific
Erie Hecondn
Lehigh & U'ilkttfbarru
Lo .inuna umsols
MUsouti ( J'H
St. Joseph
St , PnU ) A Sioux City lirstH. . !
do cew
Union . Itft mortgage
do land fcTantd
do Kinking fuinl
Yirrfiuia G's.
do couto H G'j ' , . .
do ricferted
Texaa & Paoitio laud grantH
do K. U. div
AilaniA Kiprem l.'i'JJ
Alton it 1'eire Uaute 138
do pfd. . . . t-3
Anicriciu ExprcRa 9JJ
Burl. , Ceiinr iv , pids & North 8uj ,
Canada Southern ( I-lJ
Col. , Oiii. & Ind. Central. . . . lii.J
Central P.i iHu "Jbi L
Choaapeuifa & Ohio
do Ixt pfd
do 2d pld
Chicago & Alton 13'Jjf
do pfd liu >
Chi. , Bun. & Quiuuy 130 }
Chi , , St L.eworleans. . . 74
Clu. , S > nd A : Clevehmd
Cleve'Jol. & Cincinnati
Delatviiru & lludnou canal
Del , Lick. & WcHtrrn
Denver & IUo Graude Gl j bv
Erie 38
do pfd 78 ;
Fort Wayne & Chicago lhJ (
liannibul. & tit. Joseph 85
do pfd. . . 'Jo
Harlem 205
Houston & Tex H Central
IhinuiH Central 13nj
lud. , Uloom. & Weutern1U
Kansas & Texas 39
Lu' o Uria "c Wester
Lalip Shore & Michigan t > o..l ] ij
Louisville & Nashville
Loui v. , New Alu. & Chicago . . .
. Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd . . .
\ . -do 2d pfd . . .
.Memphis & Charleston
Michig Central 09j nc
Mi-souri P.icifiu ItCZ :
.v. , . Mobile & Ohio
Nm-hvillo ti. Cnattauoogo
New Jersey C'entral 7'j \
Norfolk it Western
Northern Pacific flOg
do pfd 038
Northwestern 14l > i
do pfd IliS
.v . .
New York Coutral 130J
Ohio Central
Ohio & . Alu,3Hsippi ' 38J-
do pfd .105 :
Ontario & Western
\ I'uc.fic Mull ; -
Peoria , Decatur & Evansv. . . 35
Pittsb.irgS . Cleveland 138
Rcaiting 9
Rock Islaud 137
tit. Louiw & San Fran 40 ? G
do pfd
do 1st pfd . . .
St. Paul & Milwaukee 123J ;
do pfd..137 '
St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 14 ( > '
St. Paul & Omaha 55
do pfd 114
Texaa & J'adfic fili'
Union Pacific 11GJ
United States Express '
Wabajh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 401 )
do pfd. (54V (
Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. . . . 8c
Western Union Telegraph
JCunt Teniicss/jo
do pfd
Caribou , , .
Central Arizona
! Exceli > ior
Little Pittsburg
do pfd ' . . . ra 0
SilverCliir. .
South Pacific
Minneapolis & St. Jjouia
do pfd. . . .
Offered. o
x OunUa 'VTZtoloualo MurJ ; iC-
OPKIOE ov 'Ens OMAHA I tei ;
Mond&v Evening , August 21. c
The only chaugcti reported lu tlin r
ket to-day are as fcllova :
California honey advanced ic. (
Local Urjln Unalintir. '
WH-EAT. CaHhNo.i. o ; casli. .
y , 7JJc ; rejected , 50c.
B UILEY. Cash No , 2 , 79c ; * \ < o , 3 , '
RYE. Cash , E3c.
CORN. No. 2 , ( UIc.
. , .
STJIKBT PJlIOKS-Corar05s75 ( ; oat ,
40@45 : .
Produce and Provlio.ij. ! c
i > OTATOKS-20'S25o per bushel. ue ,
ONlONS-5075o per K [
1)OX )
BUTTER-Choice country , ,12015c.
KUJ8 Scarce. 17c. cl
HONEY Oaliforjta. pcrlb , 22c. 17/ /
APPLES Per barrel , & ! 502,7D. tto
f .0 \ ISTAXPES ] Per dozen , OOa'gl 00. Vk
, OYS1 KUS-S lect. Crx : per can. Bu
NVATEUMELONS Per 10u , § 15 C0@ u i ?
8 CO. ili
PJEIATlS-Calilorni. ! , S3 C0@3 23. au
PLUMS Cdiifuniia , 2 35fd2.r)0 , aufc
( UUPES-Callfornia. 82 25@J 50. do
LEMONS - 87 00 .per box. 42 J ,
OUANCi'ES-$8 OJ per box. Y < )
Grocere' Liat. Pei
OHEESJ FuU Oreum , 12s ; Tut 4
Skim , Kij. V4' > '
BEANc Imported German 3 40 per 8 t ,
UOFFB'B. Rlo , fair , 31o ; Rio. good
IUo , | uii IB to choice , JPic ; Old gov't
Java ; 201j ( Jijc , Mocha , 28i ; Aibuokle'g ,
15c. i
15c.TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ; 241 I
Ohcice , G0@70c ; Imperial , good , 40fe45- Stu :
Chsite C0@75c ; Young Hyuon , good , 3& pot
" - - ' ' , C5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Xt
J5c ; Japan , choice , G0@7ftc ; Oolong , goiil ,
35@IO ; Oolong , cho.c * , 40 55 ; Souchong ,
< * od. 3.VSHOC ! choice , 8.V3450.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
? ! > CO ; do in half bbln. 6 23 ; smalls , In bbl * ,
U W ) do , in half bWn , 7 00 ; gherkins , in
bbls , 13 00 ; do , in half bbl * , 7 00.
WOODEN W ARK Two hoop pullf ,
1 93 ; three hoop palls , 2 20. Tubs , No.
iieer wtshlH > ard. % 1 as Double Cruwn
2 U0 | Wellbuchctw , 3 PO.
LEAD Bar , $1 G5.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , IG.i :
pure apple , 13c ; Prussine nuro nm > le , IGo.
&l UAKSCut loaf. U l/rushiM
lie ; Granulated , 10c ; Powdered , 11 ;
-'ino iwwdered , lie ; Standard Colfeo A.
9fc ; New York Confectioner's Standard
> i. ! * "e : Rood A , P"c : Prnirlc Kxfrn (1. 9s.
HOPE Sisal , i inch and larger , lOlc ;
11 inch , Hit ,
CANNKD GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per caee , 54 0(1 ( ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
wr case , 2 73 ; no 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 73. lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
1W ) . Tomatoes , 230 ; do 8 Ib per
rase. 300 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 310 ; soaked coin , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 315 ;
string boanx , per case , 2 10 ; Limn beans
tier case , 1 83. S'lccotasb i > cr cse. 2 00 ,
I'oas , common , per cane , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
tons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett
pears per case , 3 00@4 CO. Whortleberries
per caae,240. Egg plum2 Hi porcine , * > 75 :
Green gagcs,2 Ib per case , 2 75 ; do choice , .
tbper cast ) 1 50. Pine Applet ) , 2 lt > , per case ,
4 00a'5 ( 75. Patches , 2 Ib per case. S 10 :
do 3 Ib , , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pic ) , 3 Ib , per
J0e.250 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
SALT. Dray loads , pur bbl. 1 Gj ; Ash-
.on , in sac ks , 3 50 ; bbJs dairy ( V ) , 5s , 3 fXJ
LIOMIMY New , 56 00 per bbl ,
SODA Dwlght's tbpapers , 2 85 ; Do
nnd do , 3J 83 ; Church" , § „ ' 85 ; Keg so <
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi or , 8s
15ch ; xca 40 Ibs , , 1G/ > ! _ , Go , 15a
UIOE CarolinaVJ@8c ; Louisiana , 7
@ 8e : fair , ti@Gi.dugar
" -dugar benne , bb s , 55c Shall
bis , 57c ; kci-a , 44 { gallons , $250 ; choice
ble Myrup , 4So ; hull bbls , 55c ; kega,82 40.
STAKOH. i'oarl , 4is : Silver UKws , bi
58-c | ; Corn Starch , 8S@9o ; Ktceaior )
Jlos % 7c : Corn , 7io ,
SPICES. Poupcr , 20 ; Albjike , 20c ;
lovcj , 40c ; Nutmes , 8J 002.VC3BiM ,
Mnce SI 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , S5a ; round ,
v-8 10 , square , cases , 85 49.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 4f5 ;
ICirk'n natiuiit ; 3' ' CO ; Kirk's ' standard , 3 75 ;
Kirk's white Russian , 525 : Kirk's
Entoea , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
100 calrea ) , 40 ; lurk'a ma nalia , 4 . " ) ,
LYE American , 3 40 ; Giecnwich , 340 :
kVesteru , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lawk1
yo , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
n case , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , "
90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cone , 1 60.
FIELD SHED Hod clover , choice
lew , ? G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
low. S7 00 ; white clover , new , 814 00 ;
U alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , new ,
1300. Timtthy , good , now , 53 00 ,
iluo ( .TOW , joxtra clean , ? 1 50 : blue grass ,
Hungarian. 80c.
HEDi IESHED Osage orange , 1 to 5
mshcK 55 00 ; oaago orange , 10 bushel * or
iver , 8-1 GO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 3Sc ; per
00 Ibe. , 825 00.
, river M.iimon , per 100 Ibp , 8 66 ; Gcort' " ' '
nk codfish , Gc ; Gen. bonalcs cod.vL.
IJc ; boc/ilcBB fish , 5'jo.
MACKEREL UaUbbLimeaBmackerBl ,
100 Ibs , 81250 ; hfbbl No. lox shore do ,
LOO Iba , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
b * , G 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
So. 1 er shore , 12 Ib do , 1 CO ; No. 1 shore ,
L2 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family. 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANUTS Roastert , choice , red Tena
lessee , lOcpor Ib ; fancy white , lOic prrlb ;
a < v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Qoodi.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantlo A , 8Jc ;
r\ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A. 8c ; Boott
b'F , 8 0 ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7a ; Cabot W , ,
Ijc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 84c , ; Lawrence
.L , 7c ; Mystic River , 7ic ; Pequot A , SJc ;
ihawiaut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5 > c ; Wachus-
itt B , 74c ; do A , 8Jo ; do E 48,12Jo ; Wai-
ott BB. 8Jc.
-4 ; 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ;
Vtlautio LL. GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Jennington C 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJcc
ndian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc : Laconia O
, SJc ; Lohigh E 4-1 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-4 , ?
Oc ; Pepiwrcll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do R
, 72c ; do E 89 , 8Jc ; Pocassat 0 4-4 , 7Jc ;
VaniHutta4-4 iSo
in L 4-4HicBlackstoneAA ; irr.perial SVc ; h
do half bloachod4-l,9c ; Cabot 4-,83 ;
'ldelity4-4 , nicrnit ; of theLoom.10 ; do
air.bric4-4,13cdp ; WaterTwist,10Jc ; Great
foils Q , lOJc ; Indian Ue.-ulBlirur.k 4-4 , 12c : L
jonsdale , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; Now
fork Mills , 12Jc ; Pemiot V,10c ; Pepperel
G Twills , < 12ic ; Pocahontao 4-1 , 9ic ; 2
'ocasset 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta
X X. 120. ;
DuOKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown ,
cj'do C , .Irab. tlw , do XA. stripes and
ilaids , I2 c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
tripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , L
9c ; Brunawick brown , 8c ; Chariot fancy ,
2Jc ; do ostra heavy , 20c ; Ftll River
irown , ecCra heavy , llicj Indiana A
irown itnToionsetA : brown , 5Co. L
TlUKljMjrOvmoskeag A C A 82
9c ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic ; Armwocra , !
Jc ; Claroinont B B , l&ic : Coneutoga ex 1C
, l"ic ; Hamilton D , ll o Lowiatou .1
, 15c ; MituiRliaha4-i , "Oc ; Oinctrn super
xtra l-4t 28c ; Puarl River 32 , IGfo ; Put- 20 !
lam XX blue tripe , 12c ; Shotucket S
Ojo ; do S3 12c ; Yooman'a blue 29 , 9o
"IS , Ajmwkeak , blue and bronn
't\mnt MJVJ uu L HC f vtf " - iiIJJ | * - * ' 'L kb < f
do 14 c ; llnymakfr's blue and brown ,
Jc ; Mystic River DD Btripe , IGjc ; 1'earl
fiver , flue and brov.-n , It'c ; Unca&vlllc , 1C
hw und brown , 1 Ijc , 1CN
OABIBUICS Barnnrd , 5&c ; Kddyotono N
nitiir , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Oaruer A
lazed , f > c ; Islcnhuttau glove iiniib , Ego ; bo
Newport do Co ; do ( 'la3 , fijc ; i'cquot do
; Loukwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Aaiory , 8cAndro3 ;
oggin aattoeu , 8 0 ; Clarend : n , GJcCouc3 ; 35
fa B.itteens , 7ic ; Hallowcl , 8c ; InJI tj bl
rchard 7Jc ; Narr ansettfmprove4o
'eiiperill sattmn S-jti ; Rockjurt , 7io , ;
PRINTS Aliens , Cic : Ajusrlcan , GJo ; , M
Arnold , 7c ; Benviok , 4jc ; Cocheco , 7ci ; ju
uentnia , G c ; Dunkirk , 4J : ; Dnnnoll , ] u
i$7c ( ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gbuioster , Go ; 13
fai-mony , SJo ; Knlctorbocker , GJc ; Mer-
iuito D. 7o ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Sprsrues , Gc ;
oj-.Lhbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marl. CV
ere , 6Jc : Oriental 6io. Oc
GINGIIAMS-Aiuoaicag. 12ic ; Amos.
g tiresa OJ- Argyle , lOic : Atlantic ,
Cumberland , 7io ; Illgnlani , 7Jc ; )
anllv/ortb , 8Jc ; Finn kttt , 10it ; Bus-
, oc 8c
COTTONADES Abberville 13Jo OI
4-nte , VO ; ; American , He ; Artiiian , 20c ; OIOi
Wi-o D nnd T , 13Jc ; Olwion D and T , 01
; Deccjn Co.atripe * DandT , IGc ; Key. )
e , 13Jc ; Nautucket , 19c ; Nonpcreil , jer
Ocean D and T , 13c ; Utjyal , IGJi 81
uestflt ; , 12c ; Tioga , liiio ; WacliUfcett Kirt- 81M
Aeoks. do Nankin 12Jc York .
TJWJttO. 12jc ; Ul'f 4.1V , ; ! pe
lain Nunkin. 12jc ; do , check i * , ukjpes nud
.ncy , 12J\c \ ; do , 8 or , 2C'c.
V-4 , 24c ; do l'-4 ' , 22c ; Contincctia "Clwt
lie ; Frnit of tie Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Naw
ork milla 98 , 5c ; lo 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22Jc ; @
einbroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pc < iuot 10-4 , USjc ; do
, 19c ; do 4 ! ) , IGc ; Peppcrell 36 , 29c ;
G7 , 21c ; do 57 , Ito' Utica DO , 35o ; do cui
22ic ; do 48 , 17o hlc
Olgar * and Tobiccoi. ilf !
OIGAIIS. Seeds , 8WXK ) ; Connecticut ,
L5.00 ; Mixed , S35.CO ; Seed Havana ,
17.00s Cleifrllavana , 37G/JO. Kre
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
Ib , COc ; Our Rope , firntjui > lity , G2c ; cul
ar , rounds , 24 Ib , buttsGOc ; H rue Hho , tLI
24 Ib , butts , GOc ; ( Hit Edge , Co '
Ib , tutts , fJO'j Artny and Navyj 20.
pounds , 65c ; Bulllonjponndg , 69c ) Lorll-
lard's Climax , pounds , GOc.
FINK OUT In paiK Hard to Boat !
7 p ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ,
iMvorito , G5c ; Itocky Mountain , GOo :
Fancy , Me ; Daisy , oOc. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori-
Ward's Tiger , G5c ; Dhmoml Crown , GGo.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25to
33c , Granulated Blackwolla Durham , 1C
or. file ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 4Gc ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 1G oz , S8c ; Jjono Jack , t cz , linen bags
per Ib , $1.85 ; Marburg * ' Puck 2 oz , tin
oil , 5s ; On ? T ail We.
Paints Oil * * nd Vnrnbhoi.
PAINTS IN OIL Whtto leatl , Omaha
P. P. . 6.c ; white lead , St. Louis pure , GJ < - ;
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , Lite
French rinc , gtism seal , I2c ; French zinc ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , in varnish aist ,
We : French zlncc , in oil assl , ICc ; Uaw
and burnt umber , I Ib cans ICc ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 13oi Vandyke brown , Hw
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black ,
I ory black , 16c ; drop black , IGc ; Pni
blue , 0c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. fi D , , Me ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. k D. , IGc ; Paris green. ISo
Indian mi , 15c ; Venetian rod. Uc ; Tuscan
ttrv , 22c ; American Vonnlllod , I.&P. , I8o ;
chrome- yellow , L. , M , , O. & D O , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochro. 16 ; patent
dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
one , walnut , chestnut and a.h lee
Dry "alnti
White lead , CJo ; French rlne. lOo : Paris
wJrjtcing 2Jc ; whiting gilder * , IJc ;
whiting coinl , lie ; lampblack Herman *
town , l4c ; Itnipblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pnis-
itun blue , 55c ; ultramatino , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4o ; tmibor , raw ,
tcsienna ; , burn t , Ic ; Btcnun , raw , 4a
Paris green genuine , We ; Paris green com'l
20c ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
groeu 1C. , 12o ; vonnlllion , Eng. , 70c ; vcr-
million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc , pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
'ila : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rod lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , Sc ; ochre ,
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Winter's raincrrJ. 2Jc ; lehlgb brown. 2Jc :
Spanish brown , 2&c & ; rrinco'a mineral So'
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
Hie ; 150 headlight , per gtllou.
12c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , IGc ;
linseed ' ' , raw , per gallon , > 7 ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , GOc ; lard , winter st-M , per gal
lon , 1 00 : No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; cantor ,
XXX. p < r gallon , 1 10 ; No. 3,1 00 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85c ; Rpoitu , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 55 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatufoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 15c ;
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
2 , SO : spenn , sicnal , per gallon , 80s : ter-
peiitinc , per gallon , & 5c ; naptho , 74 , per
gallon , ISc ; Gl. 17c
VARNISHES Barrels per g-.vllon.
Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
? 1 ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Dam.'ir , extra , SI 75 ; Bi > an , 70co8- ;
phaltum , extra. Sue ; shellac § 3 50 ; bard
oil finish. 3130
PAPER Straw paper , 2jfe ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , GJ ; manila paper , lOc ;
news paper. Sc ,
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , rateu , 3 40 ; plow uteol , special
cast , 7c ; crucibletic ; HpecialurGtrmaiiGc ;
cast tool do. 15@'JO wngon spokes , sot ,
225@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 IS ; felloes , eawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , l
each , 75c ; iwiuaro nuts , i > er Ib , 7llc ;
washers , per lo , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , Ho ;
coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , Sc ;
iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; barrow
teeth , 4c ; Horseshoes , nor keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel , 7@8c ; Burden s hoisid'hoos , 5 CO ;
Burden's muleshocs , G 50.
13C SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 02.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , 543.40 ; do. , half
kegs , 33.48 ; do. , quarter kfgs , 51.88 ; Blast-
tnsr , koes. S3 35 : Fuse , oer 100 feet 50o.
BAnBED WIICK In car lotH,8 3'J ' per
100 : In loss than car lots. 8 55 imr 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GOtf , 4 00 ,
Oak sole , 3Sc to 42c ; hemlock Hoe , 28c to
35c ; hemlock kip , 80c to 100 ; runner ,
G5c to 80o ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oak unper. 21c ;
alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ;
Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80c to
100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 EH ; Trench kip
110 to 1 55 ; Fionch calf , 12.5 to 2 00 ; ru ? ,
setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50-
toppmga , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOc
to 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 35c ; siuion ;
HARNESS-No 1 r.tar oak , 42c ; No 2 3
do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S8c ; No. 2 do , 7
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 34c.
Hortei and Muloi.
The market is brisk and all grades are
selling well at ulicht advance in p Ices.
The demand for good IIOMCB oxcocdu the
supply cousidoraoly. Pricoa range as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , 81CO. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common drait
homos , 8100. to 150. ; Cxtra farm horsoa ,
5110. to 123. ; Common lo good farm horboa
90. to 8100. ; Extra plngn , 8tiO. to 75. ; [ <
Common plugs , $20. to $40. 5
MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , 8125.
io50. ; 14 J to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ; 7
to 14 i hands , 875. to 100. ; 13J to 14
bands ! , gGO. to 75.LI
LI uors , i
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 20 per wine
gallon ; extra California opirits , 187 proof , L
2G per pioof gallon ; triple refined spirits , i
187 proof , 12Jjor proof gallon ; re-distilled
Jtiakica , 1 00sil ( 5U ; fine blended , 1 50@ '
50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken-
ucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 L0@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , 80-00@16 00 ;
iomestic 1 40@4 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 DO@G 00 ; domostlo , L
403 00. .
RUMS Imnortod 50G ( 00 ; New :
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 603 50 '
75@4 00. :
CHAMPAGNES laFortort per case ,
SOO@91 OjAtcsrlMi , case , 1200 © -
00 ,
CLARETS Per ca n , 4 50@1G 00
WINES Rhine wlrw , 'P r cose , G 00@ 8 !
0 00 ; Catawbo , per caae , 4 00@7 00. I0
Wo quote lumber , ntn and Bhingles on : Ill
irs at Omaha at the fnll'iwini ; prices ; cb
mder , 321 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00. . ,
TIMBKHS 10 ft. ami under , $22 00.
TfMBKR AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 Oil ;
ft. 824 CO. 22 fC , fc-27 50 ; 21 ft , 327 CO.
I'flNCING ' No. 1 , 1 ncd ( J in. , 022 00 ;
tfo. 2 , 820 00. fie
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
oardH ) . 618 50 ; No. 2 , $17 00.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-ln. D , 82300 ;
L2-ln. O , 835 00 ; 12-in. B , 94030.
LIME Per barrel , 81 15 ; bulk po OUH-
fie Cement , bbl , 31 75. 'Jt wa plaster , ch
ibl , 82 00 , Hair per bn , Wo. T.irred
elt 100 Ibs , 83 00. Straw boaH , 83 CD.
COAL Cumberland blucksmi * ,
ttorris Run Blosaburg , $12 ; Whitfcbreast clt
ump , fO PO ; Wbitflbreatit nut , $ G f > 0\fpwa ;
itmj ) , $ U 50 ; Iowa nut G BO ; Rook SprW ,
; Anthraulte , all siztn 811 01) ) . \
Orutrt JL flu
DRU S AND OHKM10ALS 'ro t fluW
'orbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , OOc ; Hyserl W
'opabia , per Ib , 70oj Hark , H Wi al- '
ljJlcj Calomel , per Ib , 7fic ; Cine niaH' < )
w or , ( Jl 15 ; Chlorofonn , per .Plac. °
oTBr > B powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; ! rl' ' ' 1B
alt * , per Ib. 3c ; Olyi'orine , pur 'I bara-
; Lead , Acetate , per , . Thou- abl .
ML Castor , No. 1 , per * aa tlo Mf .
' ' ' ' " * " " " "
HI' Castor' , No. 3 , per gar . . . ! , vir
Hive , per { Al. 81.60 ; 'oil , . O , . . , U
pium , 8r , oo- Quinine J' , & Pe ° P' ' ? < 1 < J its
or , 82 30 ; Potaaaluin , Iflieot tlioin S
00 ; HaLftciu , per oz , 40cjvlio ia nn pri [
ilornbJne , per oz , $8 85mn or for. tin
Ib , 4c ; atrvchniue. Dor c , b' tin
ferinooawai eel , jSSSl'w * l ° f
jllllSc ; medium unwa ho tyr
iof f
a hed , choice , 32e ; fait would llko lo }
tid w. , 28c ; burry , bUok > Adieu , toBo
@flo leas p i Bo ,
Hldci fura , E ' ' ' uii
IiJDKS 'jirecn hutch
ured 7Jc ; hldea , grwn BC iy
flint > el- bal
, 64o ; dry , o -
and kip , 12@14o ; < Zr > itnil
; green calf , wt. U stion Ittnt etraw nil
roen calf , wt , under 8 tyaptod to many the
reeu oeltn , Wl ) 25 ; , : nrl.-ia
barrel8' ngs
5 ai '
oiti and ono B4oor , and ornadu ;
-Irdu r&te , ) branded bu
'oon ekiuB , No. 1 , 4f > c ;
. ; No , 4 , jpc. Mini
SOc ; No. S , IPc ; No. 4 , Co. For , No. ,
GOc ; No. 2,250 , Sknnk , No. 1 , black
65o ; short utripe , 40 < y narrow stripe 2fio
broiwl trlpo. lOo. Tallow 7c.
CmcAfio August 21.
Flour Quiet ) common t choicei-printi-
400@G50 ; common to fnnin Mn.n . M > ta *
SOOvgt ) "o ; paunK , C75jr7f ( > 0) ) fair t
clio co oh ! w inter whot. G 00 a f , .M ; tew
firm nt 5 60 : low gr wlcs , 3 OOlg 4 .10
Wheat Irrcgnlir and lower ; regular
1 C2W102J for Auguit ) ' . ' ' flj for Septcn
berj l rjo lor Oclo' .r ; D o for Nnvemlwr
! i74c fur the year ; No. 2 red winter , 1 01
d'H 0t for cash ; 1 02J lor Augiitt ; 1 ( H
lor Septcin' ' or ; J o. 2 Chicago s nug , 1 0. '
i 0" ) f.r . c. sh ; No. 3 Citieav.o spring
90J@l tc.
Corn Uitettlcil , but generally lower
71 Jo for cash nnd August ; 75iii7-'l ] ( < ' lo
September ; 73ji)74c ( ) for Octoioi ; 7t'gifn '
November ; GliiKGiild fortliejearjirje toi
71 " ? 74ic.
Oats Imc'lvc nml lower ; I2c for casl
41 Jo for Augtst ; 3-ljjo for Septo ibcr ; JlTtJ
for October and November ; 3-IjJj for tL
year ; rejecte.l , 33 .
Uye Mark t i till ; G7c.
B . .rlcyF nn ; Ole for Santembcr ,
Pork Active , linn nnd higher ! 21 4.piii (
21 50 'or cash nnd August ; 21 47J ( y.'l ti
for September ; 21 CO for Oct ber , 111 8 '
10 87J for the year.
Lnr i Stimty , ith n fair demand ; 12 3C
for cash and Auensl ; 12 30 ( )12 ) 32J fo
September ; 124 ( @ 12-12J OcUbor ; 1232
W1233 for November ; Ii 23 for Jauuan
12 20@12 25 foi the year.
llulk Meats O.ulct ; shoulders , 9 7f. .
short rili , 1323 ; Miorl elcar , 13 4j.
Whl.lsy Steady ; 110.
Freights Kttcs on corn to llulfalo
Btittcr-uiet } and unchanged.
E gB Quiet anil unchanged ; 18J@IUc.
Wheat Higher ; reuilarl 02J forA\ign t
tlS 'c for September ; l)3o ) for Octobers UJ-Jc
f ir November ; urio for the year ; No. 2 ret
winter , 1 02J@ 1 O.'J f" r Augtijt ; 1 01J(1 ( $
I 01. } for September ; I0li@10l4 lor Oclo
be ; No. 2 miring , 1 0iml ( UGJ for cah ;
1 ( IGJ f > r August ; USi'o for September ; 97 }
@i)7io ) for the year.
orn Fairly active nnd n shade higher ;
75 o for August ; 7'Jo for September ; 74u
for October ; 70jc for November ; G ic for
the ; G3c for Mny.
Oata Hifhcr ; 42Jo for caih ; 414(5ipga (
lor Aiuust ; 'M\c lor September ; 3 go fo
October ; MJc for the year.
Pork Irregular ; 21 47i for S-ptember ;
21 G2J tor October ; 19 W\a \ > W G5 for the
year ; ID 851 ! ) 87J for .1 nmry.
Lird Irregular ; 1232 } for September ;
1242J for October ; 1232J 12 S5 for No
vember ; 12 0@12 25 for thu year ; 12 y2J ©
12 23 for January. f
Rro'ts. Shipm'U
Flour 7,000 G.OO
\Vhoat ( ! 4t.OO 110.00 (
Uora 13 ! ) 000 112 ( XiO
Oats IGS.OOO G8.00
Rye G.001 H.40C
Barley 1,000 8UO
Connoil Bluili Mnrliet.
Flour Crystal Milla golden sheaf , Ii 30 ,
< cnt Kansas braiulH , 3 00i j3 0 ; Gralnun ,
3 00 ; rye II mr , 3 00
Com 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 CO ,
corn ch p , 2 J 01) ) per ton ; corn and oatu
chop , 2t ! 00 per ton.
Wheat No. 2. 75o.
Corn No. 2 , r > 7J.
Kyc Now. 47s50a.
Uarloy None.
Oats New , JiOc.
I-'IIUI 1'S - HLickbcrrics , ICe per box
apples , 2 fiO@3 00 per baud.
IJrootu Corn 3iC ; 9d.
llay Loose , 7 00@9 00 ; baled , per
Wood 5 00@C 00.
Wool 15@2fi.
Butter Creamery , 20o ; In rolls , wrap
nod , ICc ; rolln not wrapped , 12&c ; mixed
COOH ! , 10@12Jo.
Eggs Ifto.
Onion 7i > c per hnbhcl.
Live Cbickona 1 75@2 25 per dozen ,
Potatoes 30o per t.uehcl.
Cnbbajfei 25ffj ( lOo per doz.
TurnipH10c uer btmlicl.
Sweet Corn 7o per dozen.
LIVE STOK. . Cattle -Extra , 300 ®
50 Venl Culvos-5 fiO ® * * 00. Ilogs
00@7 25. Sheet ) 3 GO.
Now York Protlnoe.
NEW YOBK. Auguat 21.
Cotton Steady ; 13@M -10e ; futures
steady ; Augnnt , 12 8lc ; September , l .fil
Ujtober , 119) ; November , 11 ( i8i < - ;
Lembi'r , 11.70. ; ; January , 11.79a ; 1'ubru.
nry , 11.00 ; Alurcli , 12.03cf April , 12.lCc ;
Mny , 12.28 j.
Flour --Dull ; iraporfme fitate western ,
55 ® 1 10 ! ; coinin in t good oxtrn , < i f)0@
20 ; good 10 ch < > iue , 0 2"8 50 ; whitt
wheat extra , 7 00(5) ( ) t HO ; extr.i Ohio , ! G5@
.00 ; bt. LOIIN ! , 4 ( J8-0 ; Minnueota pat-
unt iprocesi70 @ 8 DO.
Wheat 2 a c lowbr and IOFS active ; No.
Hpriiij ( nuimnil ; ungriulcil rod , 100 ©
III ; No.1 red , 1 05 ; No. 3 red , 1 Hi ©
11V ; iteamer No 2 red , I l''J@l 13J ; t\o
ten , 1 l il Wi for certilicaten ; 1 182
Lll | dtlivtiroil ; No. 1 red , 1 1C& & ; mixed
tvinter , 1 12fel 12A ; ungraded white , 1 tC
'ml 12 ; No. 2 white , 1 13 ; Kteanur No. 2
wliitn , 1 08 ; Bteamor No. 1 white. llv
tfo. 1 while , 4fiOO bu. sold nt 1 ICJ ® ! i
N'n. 2 red for Auguxt , i30OU ) bu Bold ut
13i@l 1JJ , cloHiug nt 1 l.-i ; do for Sop.
.uniljor , liyi.ODO bu Hold at 1 134@1 13J ,
lo lnn' at 1 131 ; do for October , 330,000 bu
lold ut 1 MlCffil II ? , closlug at 1 141 ; do
'or November , 9o , < 00 Im xold at 1 l ( > l@
ITi'l ' , elortingat 1153 ; dn fnr December ,
0,0 0 bu Bold at 1 J"1 17J , cloning ut
O rn Cn''li imd August Iffllc higher ;
ingraited , 83@89ic ; No. 2 , 87 Jo In store ,
19. ) in elevator , do Ivcrrd ; No. 2 whitu ,
; do for AugiiMt , Kr > l@KI' tf , oliming at
iliic ; do for ijeptembei , 8ij. . H. Jt , clos-
ngutri5jiu ; do for October , Hll@t > 5c , cloi.
, do for November , 8tigj,80ic ,
Oata Kaifio lower ; rnixeil western , f > 0@
8c ; whim o tern , lIGitltxt ,
Jlav Quiet but hteady ; OOJi,70o.
ColfoaDull ; Itio c rgoeu , quoted nt 8J
51 if ,
Sugar l Demand active ; f-irtogood ro-
ininif , quoted nt 7 30@7 5-lP.o
Aloluiuei ) Quint and uuchuiiged ,
Idea - ( Jul t , but hteady.
T.a ow Firm und fairly acthe ; 8g@8io
ItoBlu-Htoadv ; 1 bO@l 95.
Turpentine Du 1 und lower ; 41J@15o.
Kh'sja Frenh wcatern , quiet unU nil-
1'ork Stronz ; new me f < , 22 00(5 ( 22 50.
Ueef Quiet , but ateady.
Cut MuntHScarce aud nominal ; long
Unr inid'lltH , 13 25.
Lard W ik ; pi lino'stcam , 12 Or.(5)12 ( ) 70.
liutter Ouiet , but Crm ; 15fe27c.
( hi CUR Dull and unm-ttlkd ; weuteru
lat , CdjlOo.
Itec'tH. Shipin'U. {
Vheat . 25,0li ( ) 1 1i9r (
Jorn . U03,300 031,000
ata . , 47,003 70)
o . C7000 BOO
\ Kuiisan City Prodnoo.
.1 KAKdAM ClTV , Augl
irtyhcat Weak ; No. 3 ii-il , 8lc for cash
ilatUnguet ; No. 2 red , 85a fur ca h ; 81Cu ] ; id
il r Anoint ; 83 0 for Septoirner ; No ,
rjjcf 88,8Uj / lor cdsli.
Ai Dull and woaV. ; No , 2 mixed. ! *
.Mfur . cauh ; G7o bid for AUjjiuit und .
pi. cr <
onchiHWlnw ; No. 2 mixed , Illo bid for
ivould VJiil for August ; -'So bid fur Hep-
U8ld tO \
3 11Dstd ! 1Cfjcc-ta
omo . -
. . . II
Tt 4VVW IrBt fJHtt'm t > O (
lUtodtobuiL . mooo 31000
' '
atrueturo on' . n'ouo 2it00 IIA
ittery , unUr- A
inoty days' warnint OITY , Au U8t 21.
lontiua. Tlio wluJ.Jtor rcpurta iu fol A1
gainst the atruoturo ah ,
nya'a notioo waa given. V'lJ/Iow nd
r ll active
TOXUH > te tn C (
Trolicht & Bunker
OX *
Guarantee Manufacturers' Prices and Invite In
spection to their Unsurpassable Selection.
St. Juonlt frtnlnco.
ST. IiOUlH. Augunt21.
Ki.ot'ii Slcaly and uuchauged ; up.i.'r
g ade * rifiijli o lower ,
WIIFAT Higher and very fllowNi. ; " 1
red.full , 97H ! > i ! ! tlo for Auiju t ; JJ i
for S * | .teinher . ; ySjn for Ostober ; 99a 1 1
Novombnr : St'fifl 7in for the JOT ; .X'o J
r. d full , 01@93ic ; No. 4 ml ( all , 87o ; - <
I'OIIN Dull and lower ; 7t577eforc * h ;
70 0 for Aiikii'l ; 743i ! f r S-iitoinb-r ; 701o
for October ; Ola for November ; ( Wlo lor
the year and Mny.
OAW Ijowor ; 38@t01o for cvih31Ji ;
for Augu-t ; SIJo for September ;
3 { } . ) for the > our.
KYK-Mnrkot dull ; V'\a \ bid.
liAULKr No market ,
JJUTTllli Stovly ; I5' < i)22o. )
Knos-.St ady16j10o. ;
WIIIHKY Sternly ; 1 17.
I'OIIK Aoli\e , lirm and higher ; 21
HULK MKATH Firm ; shoul'crs ' , 950 ;
hurt lib , 13 25 , hurt , 13 75.
BACON StromMinuhlar ; * , 10 CD@
0 024 ; ohoit , iib,1435@14 | 37i ; short clear ,
14 S7ifellDO.
LAHi-Fiim1225bM. ) ;
KccclrK Ship'tc.
Four . l.MKO 11,000
\Vhtat . 195000 120,000
Corn . 00,000 2,0li ) )
OatH . 12JI.OOO 25,000
lye . 2,000 .
Jarloy .
Iiivo atook.
CIIICAIIO , Angu-t 21.
Tim Drovcm' Journal repvUts IM fol-
own :
Hos IlecciptR , 8,500 ; ulilpmcnUi , 1-
" 00 ; demand brisk und priei'H lOo higher ;
common to good m'x ' il , 7 70@8 35 ; heavy ,
8 408 UO ; light , 7 (55 ( ! < i.S 40 ; Map * , 5 00 ©
' 40 ; c oied tttrong nml nil suUi.
C.ittlo ItoceiptH , 7.COU ; cbipment" , 1 , .
100 ; Htrong ; good ncaice ; ealei of export ? ,
' CO ® 7 ; good tocholcfl HhippilK , 0 40
© 7 00 ; common to fair , 4 40@5 90 ; mix-
il liulcbiiib' in heavy supply ; common to
air dull and 15@20o loner ; medium to
good , 3 353 1 0 ; choice , 4 00@5 50 ; mock-
> ra nnd feeder- 90aj4 25 ; r.ingoHtMiig ,
' , 3 30rgj5 25 ; huUbixodn and Amerl
cans , 501) ) 545.
Slicep IJeeeiplfl , 1,000shipments , 200 ;
low aud weak but ate uly for cliolco Htock ;
pnlen , | oor to fnirl , 3 00 ( ) ' 75 ; medium to
cb'-ioo , 4 OOy 1 10 ! ; local demand weak.
The Hrili-li cable advices to the Dro.
veia' Journal cnui'crning the live atock
unrlcct uro lo-to fuvorubl i than ono week
ago. Kecelpta of American aud Canadiiin
Block are reported large , wbili ) the tmpgly
of liomo-lcd nnimalri in fair. 1'revailing
irioci1 , twtimated dead weight , are bexi
itevrn , 12@llid per pound ; beat thcep , 1
@ 18d per pound.
Wow York Ltvo Stoclo
NEW YORK , Aufui t 21.
TheDroverH Joutnal liiitouu report * as
ollovvs :
BCCVCH lleceipts , 4,400 , making 11,570
or the weckiiuurkit lair at furmer figure )
or fair to prime native meoi)1 ; Tcxai nnd
Colorad htuck advanced 2.0i ) ) ; poor to
iriino uativoHiterH xold at 10 00 ® 14 00 ;
wo cailoadi ) of pjorto prime native At era
sold at 15 00 ; ColoradImlfhrotfd. . 10 0 i ®
125 ; Texas cteerx , 10 2J@10 50 ; exporter -
er iiRed 2 0 ntvcr > > , an i paid 12 Oil ®
3 00 for fair to goi d ; Khipmcnti for the
week , 1,4 i2qu , rtni beef , 409 livonliecp ,
and 329 c.ircasOH niu ton ,
Amcricnn refrigerator beef in quoted
lull in Liverpool to-day , nt ' Jcl.
Sheep Ifcceipts , 15,000 ; mukhig 40.5CO
( irthnweek ; inaiket dull ; 3 ( ! 0@5 50 o jr
: wt , for common to primu xheep ; 5 50 ®
75 f' ' r Bcuthern lambH.
Swine Itccoiptf , 5,000 ; making 10,8'0
or the week ; very quiut ; 7 50@8 55 i er
Condition of rVTnrli
LONDON , AugiiHt 21.
The Mark Lane KxprctHin UH review of
hn grdn trade of the pa t week , mye :
Tlicro Imvo been few nativu H.mpleH of
vho it on olfcr. Tha marliet hat been ir-
cgularly cheaper and wheat in iucreae.
ngly dilliciilt to Roll , Foreign wheat ban
ipeii dull and llfelefH nnd n dcdnction of
@JH ! wa necessary to dPct mlun. Off
east bimiiicBo ii ulnioHt ml. Twenlyninu
.irgoca of wheat iirrlved ; two were Hold
nd rlglitecn withdrawn. Flouting clock
ho H an InuroitHu of 07,501) ) ipmrterH.
Inl/.o was cheiipor. The HIOH of Knglinh
who it during the week Wrtio3,9'9 , ' quartern
tOOflid , aguinnt ll',9ll : ipiarieM at 48i
d , during the corroHpoudiiig perloJ of lant
car. "
St. IjoufH I < 1vo Stonlr.
ST. I.OLMH , A.ignnt21.
Calttlo IteceiptM , 3,100 ; hhlpmenta , 200 ;
cab and tendiiii ; downward ; supply lib
ra ! but mostly native umvn and Houtbweat
mtchcru' nlulf ; CDWH Hold at 3 0l@3 ( 5i > ;
) iiihwoit ( stoorH of 1.1HJ pnumlH , RO d nt
2"i ; canting TOXHIIK , 3 50@l 25 ; bent
lipping FteeiH pciirco mid light de
tain ! ; good to boxtheitvy woiil'l bring I ! 50
ij7 ftO ; grat-s uteern , ranue , I f)0fi/.r ) ) 5' ' ) ,
Shioii ItccelptH , 1,700 ; thlpiiiMitu , 000 ;
air denund for gond UTIUICH ; inediiim to
nicy mutton , 300 ( 'l ' 7" > ; TOX.-IIIH , 3 oO@
50 ; iitoi.k Bhetj ) , 2 li'ifell 00 per head ,
Pooriu Produoo.
I'KOIUA , Augn t 21.
( /'orn Steady ; high mixed , 741 ( ? 74fr ) ;
nixed , 74(5)7143. ( )
Out- Active and firm ; new No , 2 white ,
8-'Jo. ! '
Kyo Quiet ; No. 2 ( iy@07c. ( !
High inen-Steady ; 1 11) ) .
lUctH. Hhlptx.
Vheat I O.fl 3,500
orn 28,0'0 ' 25,001
its 1)5,100 ) 67,000
ye 4.40D 1,00(1 (
arloy l.TOO 0,000
Potrolooin Mnrlfot ,
I'ITTHUUIIO , I'a. . AngUHl 21.
Petroleum Dnil ; LTniteil ( crtittnitea ,
O''dy ; ole ed at 57ic ; iclinod , Slijj for
hlluddphlik dollrery.
NEW YOIIK , August 21.
Petroleum Noiui-allvunchatiKediUnit-
, 67Zo ; crude , COgW OZo ; rcCmed , 03Jo ,
AI T Fftve mom-y and onlrr nail Jlruct from
.3ML I iuuibhlp ) promptly hy mil nt tlio
owwt | io iilocaih | prlco 10 all u'uiUrn ] ioliitn
uU-lm TVJKUHALTB ; 'lraw Utty.Mkh
, Tontantl Wagon Dover
is only nttninod by usinfj
Stoves and Ranges.
For Bale by
Bnsinass Oirectorv ,
Abilnct and Ktui tiUte.
JOHN L. McOAQUK , opx | lto Port Offlca.
w. n. UAnruriT BIT south i th
k y.'uuuisonn ,
Room 14 CrclshMn Clock.
A. T. IiAUOR Jr. , Itcoru 3. Oiolehton Block.
Itoot * ntiu bno .
J Alt KB DxVIME ti CO. ,
Vine lirata afil Khne. ) . A yw.JMortmenl \
.in\e wcrk on lir.m ! , iHli ixnil Haiuov.
"KOO. KUICK8ON. H. K. Mir. lttinil Uecsl
I5S HUh ctrcut , tnniiitni lun n to onlor { ( neil woii
w l tr vrlrr * .
r < AUniMP.Il llamifnchirf r. 161T U
Itookt , rtown nnu Ut llorinry.
J. I. FRUKIIA1IP 10IB Pwihiiin Mml
Uuttar end
CSaANK ft SCHIlOKDr.U , thnoMont II. nd K.
tauao In irol > it. lt nt tiIOi ] l 1H7S
( TU KHYPHU. Klh mill llfunov IKroolt.
I. DAUHIH will iny hlghcittCMiriiiilca far uoonJ
ncl clatlilnir. Corni-r inili dn.l Furnhnin
Htinu n < i Oils.
Murmicieti , fins vuno UaaJs , Oor. Ulb and
Dousi n truota
T. J. milTKHOUr-K , VVholcnilo ft RcUII , 16th 51.
0. FIKLD , 022 North Sliiu Cumlng ntrcot.
I'ARH. Dmirirl't inin nit low M Wtnwtr
JU. I'AUL. . Wllll ui Ulcic.h Oor. 16th A loJk-o.
Olvll Engineer * find Ourveyori.
ANDUKW UOSKWAIK Crolnhtou Block ,
Town Survoye , Druid tuil Bower ge
ur > Uoooa N&vlont , tto.
JOHN 11. F. LEUUANN ft CO. ,
.aw Tstk Dry Ooada Score , 1310 ted 131S r ri ) .
liain tr ot.
i (1. Itnownld also boou and nfioc * A Ficlfiu
' 'IN v/KARNIC A HOMO oor Klh ft J r > on tt
owe arit.
JOHN IIAUSJKH 1814 Ftrnhktu Rtr .
Undort K r ,
nlA3 KIKWK. l U P-arnhtm hi > . 10 h At 111,1.
AUl'JELU OUanaco. C.-.r.UolJOth A F rnh m
nOllAN 1IOU3E , P II. 0 ry , 810 Farnhum St
SLAVEN'fl HOTEL , F. HUvoii , lOth SI.
Hctol GUM. Ilnraol eth ALcavcnwortb
Mill ) . A. ETAW ,
ccrnr lothnnd Dodico.
lloi l Iloird for the Uoncy.
C tislictl3n Uu r niecd
ti ill Ilouro.
fie nl liy the D y , Wco ) : ur Month.
deed Terms for Cnh
Fnrnlihml Unnmn flinipllod.
ruruiture ,
i / . OH03D , Now n < l Second Html rurnllnrc
ill Stovw. 1114 Doa-iUu. Illghetl c-iih price
4l. ' . lor bocond btud toooi.
CONNKU 1809 Dcinflu it. Finn coodi tut
rcrce Worha.
OilACA rilNC'L' 00.
J0.IT , BWF.HACO IZlBIUrooyfil. , ImiroTo
it Icu liozoj , Irct niV ooJ Frncni , Offlca
H'm-o , iinn n Vlni < ni1 W lnn
Pawnbroker * .
ROSKNFKLn 10th fit. , lid fir. A Hit
nctrlQomtori , O nlleld'o Potent.
1th HI t.rt F rn &
Olu : r * nd Tobuccu.
WiCST & FIIIIITC'CKII , manufscturon of Olx r ,
end Wholoial'i Doalvrul n Tatuccon , VSK& Iou/Uu ,
H. Y. MRVN'SKF mutn'fiPtiliiif 1118 * fhm
OrocUory ,
1809 1 in "t < ri
Lumuor Llrne nnd Cornent ,
t'OHTKIl ( t ( III-vY corner 6th and OoozlM 3ii
Lamp * nu CJInttwnre ,
1COS DoualM HI. flood VtrletY
Morchcnt r llom.
our uicet popular Murchant Tallori l ( it <
ilvlnfr the htcf.t dcsiiii ! ) for Hjirlnf and Utunmer
looda ttii t'entlomun a woir. Mtyll'h , durable ,
rd irtget Mw an over 1200 F rnam ttrct.
Millinery ,
< trin. 0. A. IHNOEU , Whotcrcla and Ketall , Fan
y Qooili In groit variety , Zephyra , Card lloariln
lorlrry , GIovw , CoritoU , &c. Clicapost House lo
thu Wft t. Purchoscni nvo SO per etol. Ordci
v M > ll. llj FI ( HTili ) ntrtint
Flour nd Feed ,
) MAHACITY UlLIJi , Rlh and Farnttai Iks.
e , , proprletari.
C. IIIEVKHU , Slot between Ourulag anil liar
V. A. KoSHANl ! , Com 23J aud Cumins Btroeta.
HardwBie , Iron and Qtorl.
OI/AN A LAN'OWOIITUY , Wboloutle , 118 aai1
, U Itth Etrcit
A. I/OI.MK3 come 10th tnil Calliornia.
H rmn * . Saddle * , &o.
P TCKIBT M lEIh Ht. bet FarrHarrKiy
A. Dontghuv , rlmln. cut noireu , ccoda , ooqacli
ol : . N. W. cor , 18th and Uouclia streets.
00 To CIlAKl'fl
Orccn flgufo 17th and Wgbstcr ftroot , for
I'lantH , llcmquetti. t'lowurd ,
Oornlcu V/orka ,
Yfct\r4a \ 0-jrnlcu WorkH , Manufectarcrt Iron
Oorulco , Tin , lion tii'l I -to itoofllo , Orders
Iroui ny In llly ptbictitly oiccutod In the beat
micutr. Factory and UiUco 1S1B lUrney bl.
C. BPKCHT , 'roprlotor.
Iron Corulcta , Window Capa , etc. ,
lu&auacturml ftiM put up In auy jwrt of tb
oouutry. T. 6INHOU ) lifl Thlrtoonth street
Uonmliolo ) ! Merchant ! .
JOHN 0. WIL , LJU.Hli Dodi'e Htrocl.
II. For dotiih gee largo adveitUn-
nt In lUllv and Weekly.
OlothlnK and Furnlthlna Ooo > I.
GEO. H. I'CTKRSON. Also llat * . Cip ,
Bhovi Notioua cad Outlory B01 H. lotb utrcel.
Bhow O i Manufactory , |
0. J. WILDE.
llinnfacturcr and Doalrr In all klndl
Oaiei , Uprlglit Canoa , fi'1817 Cut Bl.
KIUNK L. Or.IUIAUD , proprietor Omatua
dhow Caao manufactory , 818 South 16thetio * ,
bistweon Loavcnworth and Uarcy. AU
arrantcd drat-clara.
ovea and mware.
Potter In UtOToa and Tinwuro , and llanoiacta <
of Tin Roofa and all klnda of Bulldlnr Work
O < ! d Fallow a * Block.
J. 1IONNKK. 1309 Lonirliu HI oed and Ch j
In tn n < m brick block on Dotifrlaa Btr l , tmi
JQ6I cpouod a most elegant Bool Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to II
every day.
. nU" J KALfinVKK 878 18th Blroat
Ueoda ,
J KVANS.Wlioluutoamt Uotxll Qeod D and
Odd Kt < lln.r * Hall
fJKO. HKVN. 1'llOP.
Urand CoutrM Hillcrv ,
SIS Sixteenth Street.
t.Uvjnlc 1U1I. ITUBt-cUsa
- Work and rrompo-
Plumblnc. Uaa and Otaam Flttlnff.
P. W. TAlll'Y ft CO. , 210 12 Ht. , bet Farnhua
acd Dou Iits. Work pronip yattended to.
D. XITZl'ATKICK. I otislRj Btr-ot.
Bhoa Store * .
I'hllllp L n 1020 Farnham tt. tut ISUi & 14Ua
Phyilclcnr and OurEeona.
W. 8. ninCH , M. D. , Room No 4 , CreljbJon
Block , ICth Utrcct.
P. H. LRISHNRlNa , M. D. Maoonla Clock.
0. U 1IAKT. M. 1) . , Rye and Ear opp. pOEtofBc *
DU. L. II. UUA11U7.
Ocullit and , R. W 16th and Farnham
n mper
HKNUY A. K01TKRU 111 DoJ o BtmL
Occond Hcnd Store !
PERKINS & LEAR , 1418 Douglaa 81. . New B
Hocond Hand Furniture , IIOUJ6 Furnlshlnff Gooda
Ae. . Imncht and nnlil nn uarrow
Of Omaha.
Ilau purclifisoJof the OorlltaSafo lUnu ( cttiriuc
Co. , of I'rovldenco , 11 I. , a Hnfo whl ! ) la t'uar-
antcod In writing to b "abtolutcly liunjlar
fronf for a period of thirty-oU liouru contltiuous
and u disturbed a' lack with tbe use of such
toolnand appllcuticc > iii n liurnlnr can employ , '
andliiapractlua ly unconditional way.
Ilild Imnlc ditlnsn thorough toil made upo
tbltrafo. andlnciHo of falluru to utand It , tha
binlc will bi ) nt Illmrty to purchase any other
eof and nmv return thla to tlio manufacturer * .
Am' inrtylsat Iborty to undortuko thoattack
who will furnUli 8\'lifiu.tory bond to piy ol
ilanii 'u to tlju Haft ) , In caao It l < not uutvrod In
tlui Htlpulatud tlnio. Tnu Corliss Company agree
In wrlllm , ' to dopnalt with this hank the sum of
$7,000.00. upon tin ) BlKidug of an a rve nent
aliova tti ftald Hum to bo pacol within the
> afo and t'j bo for'oitml ' to the pirty operating In
C.IKO It IK forcibly opened and h contDuU rab
Klracted _ I1KNKV W. VATEd Cathie.
! 0 i
Tliifu doilrln ; to nuke manor aa
aikit I and mi turn Invjttmoiitiln Y
20 Ifraln , | > anl atook ipocubv-
tlo.n , o n ill bo liy oii'mtlnifoii our
| > Uii 1 Vom U y 1 , ioSl , to ilio pro-
WHEAT tout date , on liivoitiii n a of 910,00
to 91,00.1 , rasa prollU have b en
ro-lzul and pill to i'lvoutora
uii'Oiin lnjr'otc\er 1 Ilinoi tieorlir- ,
$50 Inil liivui'iiion , ullll leaving tlia
or > ; ln.l liivo-tmant maklni money
orp > ab m on demand Kiplanato-
STOCKS ry circu'am and rtiteinoit * of fund
Waii'lfroj Wo wfatit ra ponilblo
a < ontn who vvlln iiort oicropi and
Int o-lucj llu pi in Ii bora ! coia-
inlkaloiH laid , Ai'drcnii
nK > l.\l .Ul iS UKKHIAM. Com-
inlnalon Mc'rcliunts. tlalor Ulack ,
, HI.
Imported niid Domoatio-
Fiiioat Selection In Tows-
PrlooB to Suit Everybody.
From Haifa Dollar Dowa to 5o >
Sch roter . Becht's
BexterL.Tliomas&Bro ,
U'M.Fru misuwrru.
Pf.v Taxes , Rent HouBflo , Etc ,
Call at olllco , r-oni 8 , Urclhtou ; lilock ,