THE DAILY SEfr-TUf SDAY , AT'vXJST 22 Ib8) ) w J BOOTH'S GRAVE. A Visit to the Lnat Resting Place of Proeident Liu- coin's The True Story of the Final Interment of tbo Body. Washington Cor Cincinnati Commeid 1 When in Baltimore I m do a special pilgrimage lo Oreon Mount cemetery , out on Iho York road ( which la called Oroon Mount avcnuo till the cemetery is patBcd ) for the eoko of seeing the buriftl place of the Booths , This an cient God's acre is BO nnircd because it ib'Htorally a green mount , or rather mounds. The growth of the city is fast encroaching upon it , and in n short time it wilt bo within itn cloaoly built limits , surrounded by busy tntdo and , possibly by noisy factories , in- steiul of the quiet flccfusion ono IOVRA to associate with those who , after lifo'a fitful fever , are supposed to sleep well. Green Mount was once an ideal local ityt.for a city of the dead , and is still very beautiful Not many ycara ago it was a lovely vnlo , with wooded spots nnd open fields , from the center of which rose thoproat green mound that overlooks the monumental city. "White marble shnfta gleam ihrouuh the trees upon all its dlopcs , and upon its npcx stands the crowning monument ment n , pinnacled cUapel 01 carver ] brown stone , with the symbol of the cross , like a t iant pencil tracing si lently upon the sky the Christian's hope of immortality. On the eido of the nlopo which facet the city , in company with a number o other polished shafts , onch urn or liguro-ciowned , atanda TUB ISOOTH MOMItMEKT. Thrcb rough-faced and massive blocks of granite sustain the shaft , upon the front of which , in bold relief - lief , ia cut the ono word : : BOOTH , I While around the base , almost hiding the foundation stone , a mass oi creeping - ing ivy springs from a mound at tlio loot. A single rose bush grows be fore thin pravo , where reata the elder Booth. Upon the base of the marblu , in bas relief , above his dust , appears the face of him to whoao memory thu stone was erected , Boiow ia thia in scription : lichold the spot whcro .ftmlua lies ! Uli , drop n tear when tnlont tiled Uf tragtily the mighty chief , Thy ixnver to ] > levo HurpMneJ belief : Hlo jacet , matchless liuotli ! Upon the face of the uhnft , to the left , are the words : JUNIUSHKUTUSKOOTII LousJlAv 1,1700. And upon the right face : DlKUNoVKMIIKllSO , 1852. It took considerable search to dis cover the grave of this gifted irmn'u son John Wilkes Booth , tha mur derer of Lincoln who inherited much cf his father's genius , a dangerous gift unices well balanced by common sense. At the buck ot thu lot , close fence , on the fourth side of the arblo obelisk which boars the aboro InTcriptions , is this simple announce ment ; To'tho memory of the children of Junlua Brutus nmiMiiry Ann Booth. JolmWilkei , Frederick , Kllzabutli , Mary Ann , Jlonry Byron. At the foot of this side of the monument is a second ivy-covered mound , and upon it grows a single rosebush , exactly like that upon the father's gravo. Thu siuulo line , WILKES , ' In the list of dead children is the only record tolling that the man who aimed the fatal shot is buried hero. There are no oth -J- i . , . . . not even * j.B JJ.A . woiud , . -ko of birth or death no moro recognition of him than of hip broth ers and sisters who died in infancy. Aa BOOH aftnr his death as the family could get pormitsion from the govern ment to remove the body ( which was not for some time , you remember ) , it was brought hero and his name carved upon the atone , as indicated above. A great many absurd stories have boon going the rounds as to the final dispo sition of his remains , the latest of which is that the body was sunk in the river seven imlca below here , near Alexandria. Beside the auction of spinal column which is shown in the museum , an eminent physician of this city uses u peculiar but not very beau tiful ink bottle , made of a human skull , which is currently reported to have belonged to Booth. In fact , if all the "remains" which are said to have boon a part of him are genuine , ho would have had moro lives than a cat , and Gabriel , toot ho never so loudly on thu last day , will never bo able to got him together again. The incontrovablo truth is this ! The remains were temporarily deposited in tlio Arsenal buildings , until President Johnson ordered them to bo delivered to the Booth family ; I whereupon , Mr. John Weaver , u Bal : timore undertaker , was sent to con voy them to that city. Upon his arrival at the Arsenal , a box was taken up and delivered to Mr. Weaver , pur porting to contain thu corpse ho catno for. Ho conveyed it to Baltimore , whore the rude collln was opened and found to contain a skeleton , W11A1TED IK AN OU ) AI'.MV 1H.ANKKT , upon removing which , the bonus wore found to bo completely covered with u powder-like substance , having the ap pearance of soap-atone , and which disappeared on being rubbed between thn ihigera , as that mineral will do , On the ri'ht ( foot was an army shop , cut cpnn at the top ita entire length , as if to accommodate a swollen foot , On the other was a largo cavalry boot. The leg was broken just above the ankle , the fracture being clearly marked. The portion below It being lifted out of the box , ahowcd the ends of the bouca to bo poifcctly white , thus leaving no doubt as to the fact that when Booth leaped from tbo president's box to the stage , lie broke his right leg , instead of spraining it , as was generally supposed at the time. Still , in view of all the rumors nfloat , thn identity of the re mains was not sufflciontly established to satisfy his friends , c peciallyj there was no portion of the spinal vertcbuu missing , and no mark of any bullet upon them. Booth's brother , Kdwin , was then sent for and nqnostcd to point out some p culiarity , if any existo4 , by which the body cnuld bo identified beyond a doubt , After considerable meditation tlio brother said ho could remember hut ono peculiarity , which was that John Wilkes had a tooth plugged with Rold in a singular manner , ilo described the , loc.\tion of the tooth and drew , with his pencil , the ohapo of the plug , which waa of unusual size. So the teeth of the skeleton were taken out and the plugged tooth was frund exactly as described , and thus tlio mooted question was forever settled , lie was said to hava been the hand- Bumcnt man in the United Stratcsand the curling dark hair which has caused so many young ladies to lose their hcarte , was still beautiful among the mouldering boncn in the old urmy blanket , and several looks were taken for his mother and friends. There \VM considerable stir made at the titno about tbo burial nf his body in any consecrated ground , but as the cemetery wan free to all who might purchuio a lot ( except colored people ) it could not well bo prevented , and the grave waa originally guarded for month' to protect it from Hurroptitioua desecration. Perhapn in ono of our northern cities it would not have been possible to bury the pvoeidont'a assassin so quietly at least not then ; bat the softening touch of time ban long since obliterated any desire for revengu upon more dead dust , and that "tho world do move" is proven by the fact that you road the letter vthich seventeen years ago if one had dared to write nobody would have boon found to publish in a leading paper of the foremost abolition state ! Everything about Booth's last rest ing place reminds one of him the poor handful of dust that managed to woik so much miechiuf during its short life. All this broad panorama of activity the city stretching out to the waters of the rivur which joins the great Chesapeake in carrying the commerce of a busy port out to sea ia iiiBcpornbly conincted with him , for in the midjt of it ho iraa born , only about forty-twoycnroago , though hia career has boon ended seventeen long years ! Tiiiii Booth monument formerly stood in thu old Baltimore cemetery , whore it marked the resting place of .Innius Brutus Booth only. Toward the close of the war Edwin Booth nnd hin mother ( who still lives ) bought this lot and removed the romaina and the marble to thin spot. Later the collitia of ihu children were taken up from the old Booth homestead , in Ilurtford county , that all might sloop together. The lot containing these graves is framed by a low stone coping , will granite posts at each of the four cor- norn. Close to each post grows a beautiful pine tree , nicely shaped nnd trimmed , showing evidence of careful attention. To the right of the monument ment , on a corner of the same inclos- uro , is an old marble hoadstouoj show ing that the insidious "tooth of Tiirto" ( ma been buoy , which marks the grave of John Wilkos' grandfather , Kiohard Booth , who died in 1839. FANNIE B. WAUD. Thero'a n Will llioro'a n Way. Anyone who has the will to IryTilOMiti1 El , onuo OIL , \vill surely iind the way to rcibiibt health , in cuues of bronchial nlfeo- tlorjH , Here throat , pains , oto. ; nnd na an internal remedy , it is invaluublo. JLIST OF LETTERS llcmaininff hi PostofTico during thu wock ending August 10 , 1882. Abr.uin H II Anderson A AkusHon A. Ackley 0 F ' Anderson J liennett K K-2 Brown K Bloomvillo E K Bohreng ] [ Bloom L D Uarnell I'11 ' Becra J 15uckley W U lUrloo 0 A Brown A V BrouU Broopliov D llrago lj ( ! Beagcr O F Boyntoa < J M Brown J F Boyd J L Qur'nn.S M OoonorE Oartor'H Crouyhlit J J Cuirrel > T Christcnucn J Clark It M Cole W U Uoratont 1) Cowlos T L OallaRnn .T Davlos J M Uetinett W ] ' ) Drain. ) Duul ii J W ' Uuteun it O Doy'lf A Donnvvn 1C 0 DiuiIeUaon A C ! D.mcan B Dohrer L Kmrleli F V Kvans It G FitzncrnUl J Fonriuldo 1) ( JouU W K Gii.tera .1 K ' ( irnoin A , T Hinliull'A W Ilunsun F2 Unas U IlonaOla Holmes M M Hewitt W O llereley 1) lIuacookF K llunnaon n U > llflnilch A HuHY aiideTC Hu/ciiLU Juuuhfion M 'JnckwmWH ' Jacubron I" Ireland A D , Tnkob < eu N Inj'viirflcin S Juimnoii N J Jouca H I ) Keith ( J A Klttusen K H ICt'Bkle K J Kcuucdy W L Kief J h Ki ttornir 0 Klnii 11 F Kulp W Kliuminim T Kulner A Kiiotbu B Kirk J Ltykke 8 Ijingford J E 1-eo U o Latbrop It I ) Lewkowlty M L iiiliitnat K McCiilf 1' JfoKuo M WoVoy W MoNeir A T ) Mcl.cnilon A J McKnight O U MooroSir&HT Mcrcler W ( i Murphy W D M idi telHiin J It Marter M 1' IMnnuel A c * Morgan 0 M NoUii J N Owen H .1 Obivmu I'relfhonlcrtr J I'orBon S F 1'orth II Paschal J L 1'ettenoii S I'ctt'Mnu h T Pratt JH IVfiuullorT I'/raon / A O Park CJ Palmer F II Ilotu Mr H itlmrtV Huiln W Itubbitt J HopewT P-l Jtol'crtBon P llobla H Kogert A llluk A llyan 0 ityan O Itiumusjcn K llu.-wdl V I ! Jtlclipioiul K I * Ituckwell j ; Salcn N N Htocl Mr Suclu W Sllghtam J .Shutter li H.iu o Q A Smith J Hliadtr A Ii Simpson A 0 Snyder A J Kbcrmaii K S-JimUt 1' K Seldel 1C P Tiun-yC Taylor F V uclief 1) fi Willetta J i : WlldSr J L Willlanii J W Walker It WhUnaud F Wicklmm U White Jl J Worley J J Worley J WiUon O It Wilmott 0 II WIu.low 15 L Workman G xrar Houses , Farms , Lands. FIFTEENTH AND DBOQLuS STS , nctut'.ful bullillnir ltea on Sherman avenue tlOth elreot ) louth of Pooplaon'a and J. J llrown'a nMilcmt * the tract bclonicl K to Sctm- tor Paddock for so many jcars being 863 feet west 'rontatrn rn the kvenun , by fr m SCO to C60 feet In depth , ruanlnL- eastward to the Mnarm & St. Paul K. II Will soil In strips of W feet or moro f ontaico on thcatenuo with full depth to the rallroa I , will tell the above on about uny terms that purchaser may ikslro. To parties who will airrcu to build housc > ice tlnir 31VGO and tipnrd will eel with out any payment dawn for ono year , and 5 to 10 equal annual p j merits thercnfur t" per ccm Interest. To parties whc do not Intend improv ing Immediately will Bt II for ( no sixth don n and 5 equal annual payments thorc&lUr at 7 per cent I me rest. Cholro 4 aero block In Hmlth'u addition at wcet end of Farnim street will krho any length of tlmu required at 7 per cent Interest. Alio a iplonilM 10 ncra block In Smith's addi tion on eamo liberal ter no forci ; lag. No. 805 , Half lot on ncai 20th J700.No No 801 , Lot on 18th struct near Paul , 81200. No 302 , Lot 30x280 feet on 1Mb btrcct , near Icliolia. No 209 , Ono quarter aero Hurt street , near Dutton 3500. No 207 , THO lots on Dlondo near Irorio street , J260 and&OOcaih. No 296 , Two lota on Ocorula near Michigan SJrect , SI 200. No2J5 ! ! , Twelve cbolco roMdcnco lots on llnmll- gjn etrect In Shlnn'ti aildltlon , flue and slghtl ) to to ? tOO each. No 291 Beautiful half lot on fit. Marj's av enue , 30x180 feet , i tar Ulthop Clurkuon's and VOth struct , S1WK ) No 21)2 ) , b'lvu choice lota on Park avenue , 60x ICO each , on street railway , { SOU < uch. No'JOl.Six lots In lllllard & Ca Uwcll's addition on Hherman Avcnuo near Popplctou'a , 131.0 to 8 150 each. No 2 = 1) , Cholco lots on Park avunuo and street ar line on ri < ad to Park , $ IGO to 81000 each. No 280 , Eleven lots on Deca ur and Irene streets , near BaunJera street , $ U7D to SI60 each. No 282 , Lot on lUth near i'aul street. $760. No 281 , Lot 65x140 ( vet near Mt. Mary's avcuuo , and 20th street. # 1600. No 270 , Lot on Decatur Ircno street , $326. No 278. Fuur lots on CuMwcll , ucar gaundors etrott , 8600 each. No 276 , Lot on Clinton street , near shot tower , $126.No No 27ff , Four lota on McLullan street , near Illondo , liapin's iddltKm , $ J26 oich. No'27'1 , Three lota near raca course : make offura. No 203 , Beautiful corner aero lot on California street , opposite * nd adjoining Sacred Heart Con- \ont Krouudu , 910CO. NoiJo ( , Lot onManon , near 1Mb street , $1,360. 100 ots In "Credit Fonclisr"aid "Grand View' additions , just south-east of U. P and D. A M. i allroad cpots , ranging f rom fc60 to < loOOcach anil on easy terms. Ucautlful Ucaidcnco Lots at n bargain \cry handy to shops 1UO to 260 cidi , C percent down nd U per con t per mouth , Call ami get plat and ull particulars. No 268 , Full corner lot on Jonon , Near 16th etroot , $3,000. No 263 , Two lots on Center street , near Curn- Inir etrect , 000 lor both or $600 each. No 261) ) , Lot on Seward , near King street , $360. " 0219 , Half lot on DoJge , near 11 h str'po 82.100 No 217 , " .our beautiful residence lots near Crnlghtou College ( or will separate ) $3,000. No 210 , Two lots on Center , near Cumlng street , WOO each. . No 2-10 } , Lot on Idaho , near Cumin ? street , M01I16 , Dcautlful corner aero lot on Cumlnar , near IMtcu itreet. near now Convent of tiacred U < -Mt , 81 , WO Ho. 211 , Lot on Farnam , near 13th etrect , SUM. No 213 , Lot 00 by 1 on Co'lcgo street , nearBt. Mao's avctmo , ( TOO. No 211 , Lot on I'nirnm , near 20th street , $1,000. ho 910 , Lot 00 by 00 "Otot " on South ft\cr.uo , near Hasan street , 5 060 , No. 29 ! , corner let 01 Hurl , near "M street , $ . , ! iOO. No. 238. 120x1 K " . ( it r , 1 Hariny , ucar 21th. street , ( will cut It uti ) $2,400. No. UJI , Lot on UouKlu etrect , near 26tb , Jl.tOO. o. 232 , Lot ou Pier tKU , Uuar (5c ( nri ! , tlCO.o. o. 227TwolotsonDmitur , near Ircno ( Wet , $200 uach. MI i2J , Lot 113 by t U foot on HhcM'anatc iuui(10th ( stu-et ) . nca Uraco , $2,100 , \\llldlvldo , No 2 0 , Lot 2JxCrct on Dodge , near 13th street ; inaVo sn uller , No2i7 , I/ton23rd ncarClarir , J500. No 21U , Lot on Hamilton near King , $803. No 2otf , Lot un Itith btroct , near Nicholas two.No No 207 , Two lets on 10th , near Pacific ( treat , J1.600 , AoxOI , lloautlful rusllcnco lot on Dhlalon itrcot , ni'ar Cumlng , faOO , No IDJj Lots on 16th street , near Plcrco , { 000.No No ID11 } , Lots on Sauuderi street , ncir Seward - ard $600. NolUl { , Two lots on ! d , near Oroco street , Nol02iT o lots on 17th street , ntar white load orku , 81,050. N 188 ( ; Ouu 'ull b\o& \ ten loU , near the barracks , $100. No 1U1 , Lot ! on Parker , street , near Irene 810J , No 183' Two lota on Can , near 21st street ( gilt edge ) . < 0,00j. .NO IhU , Lot on Pier near Eeward , $050. Nol70 , lx > t ou Pacltlottrcet , mar 14th ; mika fler , nulOO , Six lots ontParnam , near tilth street f. 100 tof,8iOcacli No 103 , Full block on SMh etrrcet , near race urso , i.d thruo lota In Qlio' addition , near untliTU and C'auius Directs , $2,000. No 127 , > ot ou Ibtn uticvt , near wblo lead orki , 8625. No I'J-J , 123x132 feet CJ lots ) ou 18th struct , near Poppltton'ii , Ul.OOO. No ll'J , Thirty lull acre loU In M lard & Cal. dwell * ad'lltloni ou Hheriuan avenue , Spring and burnt > ga street * , near the end of gioou strict car track , jfi5 to (1,1100 each. Nob'J , Lot ou Chicago , near 2d tieet , 81.81)0 ) No 8S , Lot ou Cal Jwell itreet , near Saundcrs , No PC , Corner lot on Charles , near Hauud- dom street , $100. Ko75. Oiix 2fwtoii 1'aclQc , near Stb street W.OUO. No 60 , Ighteou lot * nn SIst , 2iJ , 23d and dauudCM etrcutu , near Orai. ami ti uudor street bridge. $500 c Ui No 0 , Uuu-fourth black (160x135 ( feet ) , nca Iho Convent of Poor Claire , on Hamilton utrect va h cud of thu tud mrect car track , $1,030 BEEVHS' REAL ESTATE AGEKCY 16th ana uongias Str ot , WESTERN CORNICE WORKS ! 0 SL'EOUT . , - Proprietor. 112 Harnoy at. - Omrlia , M , MAHUFAcrtllKHSOK CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , FJNIAI.S , Tin , Iron and Slat0 Eo. fing , Specht'n Patent Motnlio Skylight. Patent Adjusted Ilntchot liar and Brocket Shelving , I am thn general agent for tlio abuvo line of Roods. IKON KKMU1NU. Qrcitln , Daliutradet , Ver nd k , Office urn Dank Rulllng * , Window and Cellar Quard * ; alto UKNKKAI , AOMNT KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE FI1011 COL. L. T. FOSTER. Young'town , Ohio , Muy in , l8So. DR. 1J. J. KP.SDAM , * Co. I hid n virjr vuluv hlo Hnmh ctonl n colt tint I ] > Izi > cry Ighly hohiul o la'K * li io-p \ln i one J it > t ntl 'a arnall ono nn the , 'lhtrtlch made him very lame ; I ha I him under tl c cliarpu o tw. ) veter inary Biiriteonii whlci filled to i tire him I ta ontiday rnd ng iho rt\tnllsoment o1 KelnhU'x S | MII | Cur * In th Chicago Kvjiriss I detent hits ] ntoiico tn try it a d it t our cm R sts ere to * ml f rlt , ilihcyrd'rtdt roe hbttius 1 to k all mil I thought I wuli imo t a tlnnouzli t'lil.I mod It a cordlni ; t3 direct ! in AIM ! tlio oiitth day Uo cott co oed to lie mno mil the lum hmo il'mppcnrtd ' I rued btl ono bottle and t'n colt'i ) llmtu arnni ( ii'oof ruiupinticlas smooth an a y hone In thcMnti 11 n-ut re ly curcH. Thn euro wi Bf > remarkable thit I ha\e Icttuool my tick-lib > r Inua the remain- ng two buttles win reno > u-limtt. Very respectfully. L.'f FOSTKR. Bond ( or Illustrated circular giving positive proof. I'llcoil. AM DruRcIutfl hftvo It or car net It lor you. Dr. li. J. Kendall & Co , Pro- prlctorH , Enonbuuh Falls , Vt. SOLD -BY ALL. DRUGGIS PS rl-w-lv DR. CLARKE No Cnri HEBTABUamD : i8B1 ) 811 WoPiiy ! I J I < oou t St St. Louis , is utill treatIng - Ing all I'UIVATB , NKM- V US , CIIUONIO i.nJ prcial D'scvca ' , Srcrwa- tnr lnca Imnori ncy ( Sex- ml Inca ncltj ) , Ko nln D ca ' , IrrrgulirUlcs , UlilicnlUcs , i'tc. tH Li > dlca , ten 25ccnt- 1 utainps ) t p yrxprr94 tiaro < on aaluahl \\orfc" entitled " 'Uo PC * ol Women , etc. " Work en CIIRONIO DINEASRS , ono st.inp 3T\'tct\ \ otScli-alimo or Prhato Lilscosc. Bond 2 a amp for UF.I.IBRATED oxKHi'n irriuinnd txml I IseiHej. Consnltntloii persnnilly o > hv Icticr , t''IKB Consii t the old DocU.r . , THOUSANDS CUKUi ) . Olllo In quiet , i rlv.Ue , rct'edi'ilo | ' ' placu. You MU no ono hu the doctx r. Ur. Idrkc I- the only physician In the city who w r- m' H cur > 'H or nn pay A'crlUlnea tent L\ir > whcro. Hou , 8 A. M. to 8 r. M. d&wly . other treatment DISEttSEHlt.curableby I ' . , vail rcelo , H NUI 1 , u Innry , gravel , stni o , uliors , ItrlghtN , d ahetuH , drorsy , consumption , soio thr at , ca tarrh d zz no's , lillllo isnc > 8 , < raa'li , nciira'gU ' , rhcmuallxm , luart , kidney nnd blad cr < I vires , aru > urcdbv the A ahcl Mineral h'pMnif Water or the pcifectct trratmrnt of the hiiropemand An crlea'i Medic il Iturcau spf chlty h tichisln Lnndnn I'arl , Vicnn. , Ucrllii , nd . * ev Yoik laaiphlet , with < 'lr ' c'.lo s and c.r Illcalo of cur'c , frco ilecllc 1 treatUo on linpotcnc ) , "tcrlilty. dleea'o'l ro tr to ultvtil , n dsnil'ilh ' , 25c. ' | Bv : , J31 Lex njjtoi ' . 've. New York city SPECIFIC Eir,0CI\ TRADE MARK Th , ° OmtAfm QG MARK Hngllshrcm- - oily. Anun- Ulllng euro i for Bemtnol \Vciknoae , fiponnatnr- jtv3tx' ' rhea , Impot- yfl AU ! S.cncy , andall OEFiRETAIHC.B ! ! ( < iuenco of AFTER TARINQ , S lf-Abu o : &a LOIJ of Memory , Universal Loss ! tudo , Puln In the I3ock , DItnncaa of Vlxlon , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Dlaoiso. ! that load to Insanity or Consumption a-Jcl a Prema ture Grave. CrFuil r-arilcUlalEi lli out pu.T.chlet , which wo do'jlro to send frco 1 v mill to every one. < 3TTho Bpaclfl ( Medicine Is sold by all druggist * at 81 pur package , cr U paclctccs for ? f > , or will be sent free by mall on if ipt of the money , by TIIKOHAY iKDICINKGO. , Dutfalo , N. Y. oc7mo-ood NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cnro Oaoropteod- Dr. E. 0. Wont'sNervoftmVurilnTreatmcnl A specific for HystefU , Tibnlneaa , Convulsions. Nervous Headache , Cental Deprewlon , Loss ol Memory,8i { nU tcrrhaaImpotenoy , Involuntarj GoiImlouB , J'Veraaturo Old Aue , caused by ovcr- exortlon. gelf-abuso , or over-indulgence , which Isadl * ' < J misery , decay and death. Ono box will cu'drcccnt caics , Ki.-h box contains ono month's 'roatnicnt. One dollar a boi , or MX bases for ttvo dollar * ; nent by mall prepaid ou receipt of price. Wo guarantee olx boxes to cure any case With each order received by us for six boxes , ac companied with five dolltrj , will send the pur- chaaor our written guarantee to return the money If tbo treatment do < not cff < ct a cure. d. F. GoodmMi , DriiK 'st ' , Sole. Wholesale and regul Acut , Omaha , Kati , Orors by mall at 0 * ' ' 1' M > 1Awlv HEAR THEWITNESSES. _ JUcy shrink from pu ll-lty In connection with S. H. H. , \\-uatopsnnlttud \ to rtfer tu tbu fol- lo lm ; pcrhoiid who ba > o knonri and \\ltncBtcJ Its wciucrful tffccta : I'KRttV , Houston Co. , Oa. \Vo ba\o In vn "EvvKt'a t-pii'ldv" toiled III hundredn ofinoit ohstlnatocas sot looilPoison- Ing , Mtrciirla' lib , iimat'tiii ' , Bcruf la , 8ore < , rvzeua , Cat rrh itc , atd do cji silentlously ti-nlfy that It met \\l h tinuioat pvrftet ntulg \ nil ticvcsi , clluu ed radical and perm iiieut cures liiemry c to ulthuut aslneleoxoontlon , Muijli L Dcniiurd. Ceo. W Kill n , JohnO. llrown , Hco. W. SlnKlntoo , Win , llruiiHcn , John II. IIuui ) , Jsines 1) . harp , i ; 1 Warren , ilooro ft 1'u < t c , .1 , W. lleU In , J. W. Wlmbcrly , J. W. Woolfock , w , I ) . Plereo , Sheriff , J , W. Mann , Co. Trcas. 0. C. Duncan , T. il. Klllcn , l ) > y & ( iordon , T , U. Uu'i cr , thc'lff. We are personally acquainted with tie KO tie- turn uhoso sunaturrsappetr to tbu above ct't- tlllcate. Tlisy are Itlzo' < i of bald ejunty , ot the lilK'lieit rcniiectablllty and character. A. i > . ail.KS. Ordinary , llcuston Ca.Ca. 1) . 11 , CULLUlt , cl'k Sup. Ct , Iloujton Co. Go. "Nothlnpbu * fatorablu reuortj , ] < clle > u 8. Ii nspecltlo for all ll.ood Ulteisuu. universal sitUfactlon " a. W. JOM:3 : & CO. . MemphisTrim. "S. S. H. elves better satUfactlon tlnn any- KO ha > e CUT handled , " JACKS & CO. , Helena , Ark. "Have nc\rr heard cou > i > Ulnt of ti. B. 3. " AUTIIUK PhTKIl & w'O. , Loulsulle.Ky. " 8. S. S , has Riu'ii entire satUfactlon to every one. " A. II. UIUIIAKD4 , tjhermanT x. "I lm\v had rxrellcnt tale f-r f. B , 3. and the results Imobren ino < t e * Isla-tory. " J. 0. llUUUfc1 , Howling Cncn , Ky. "Our pales < ( R. S. 8. have been good , and Hi p rleit. " JONK3 , v CAHUV , Montgomery , Ala. "S. 8.8 , hatch en ent'rolatldactlou toocry 0111. " K llKUdS , Paris , T x i. "S , S 8. Ina Uon unuemil fatUfactlon. " 11. W. 1'OYVKIIS & CO. , nichmond , Va. .S1.00O Howard will be paid la a . chemist who UTUnd , on analyiUof 100 Votll B. S. 8. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide of Po ilom or any Mineral substance. 8WUT SPE01F10 CO. Frori Atluiti , Oa Price of Small size , 11.00 , Lug * eiit Il.To. .Sold bf nil DruwUti. jcn suffer from Dyspepsia , wo BUKDOCn. 'LOOD BITTERS. If you are amicU J with Biliousness , use BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTER3 If jou are prostrated with tick Headache , take BUP.DOCK BLOOD BITTERS f your Bowels ro disordered , regulate them with BUHDOCK IJLuOD HITTERS. II v.'ur Blood li mpuro , purify It w 1th BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you ha e Indigestion , you lll hndan antldoto In BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If YOU ire troubled with Spring Complaints , er adicate them with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Lli-erls torpid , restore It to healthy action with BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is Mice ted , you will find a sure re- storatliotn BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you hat o any specie ; of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curatlto remedy w III lie found In BURDOCK BLOOD HITTERS. For Imparting strength and 11tahty to the sys tem , nothing can equal BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and Ocncral Debility , tone tip the sjstcm with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 81.00 net Bottle ; Trla BottloiIOCU FOSTEfi MILBUBN & Go , , , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by lib & McMahon and C. F. Ooodmaa. J0 27 eod-mo The Jjngiish Rurnedy Never falls to cuio Nervous Doblllty , VItal - tal Hxhaustlon , Emis sions , Seminal Woak- imOOD , and all the juxll effects ot youth > ] > ful follies and execs- 'lca. It stops perma Silently nil urakenlnfr. Hinxoluntary loss sand Bdralns upon the sys- Dtcni , thr Inevitable re- "suit of thcsu evil practices ' tices , which'af'o so dostrtio Ivo to mind and body and make Ufa miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It strengthens the Ncrveu.Braln , ( mcmoryt Blood , Muscles , Icntlve and Ucpro- ductlvo Orpins , It restores W all the orinuilc functlrns their former vigor and vitality , ma- Ing life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , 83 a 'lottlc , or four times the quantity 10. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except ou receipt of $1 as a guara tco. Letters re questing answers must inclose stamp. Dr. Mimio's Dandelion Pills are th j best and cheapest djepepsla and billions euro In the market. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents , Da UINTIIC'H Kirair REMEDT , NEPKunruM , Uurenall kind of Kldnoyarid bladdercauinlMnto , goiiorrhia , gleet and luucorrhia. r'or ealo oy all dauggists : 81 a bottlo. UNGL1SH MKDICAL INSTITUTE , 71801l\oSt. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale tn Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. Jan2flv Disease li an effect , not a cauno. Hi origin Is within ; Its manifestations without , r cncc , to cure the disoieo the CArsKmuat ha removed , and in no other ay can a cure over lo effected. WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND LIVER CURE Is established ou Just this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. 9f Ml diseases nrlzo Itora deranged kldetjt an &lvcr , audit strikes at once at the root jf the lUIculty. Tlioelcraertsof whlchltte WmiKMod ct dlrectly\ipon ihcso great org m , uoth as a JOOD ai d r-sroRKR , and , by i > laclii them In a healthy , cdhdltlcn , drive dlaeauo nud pain from tbo syetem. For the Innumerable trouKM caused by un healthy Kldripis , .Llvcr and Urinary Organs ; for the dn.tre-Alrt'-'plsorJtrsd : Women ; for Malaria , an > physlcir'ucrangimciits generally , this great ram dy haj no equal. IJtwaro of Impostors , Im itations and concoctlonssild tn be Just as good. For Diabetes , as for V/ARNLR'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. For sale by all dealers. H- WARNER & CO. , mo Rooliontor N. Y W If JOUMIfliainn % < mr duties uvoli' ' ilinmlantsi. i J u * Hop Bitter * . Uf-j ( lop D. utivrlnpfion "J iliscri'lto r0or jSjH'u Hun if > ou Or I. O U n l clr.t * . ) : iami , disente and Irreaiktiv tile c u r i > it tm < YViooii / , dronkennom Idrrutncnt * ! , UDO 0' uiUH VUQ will ho ti 1/aocu , < 1 > cured Irsouujc Hop Blttor Sold bj drt\ ' Ifyou re lm pl.H. rk > ujfur rtir wralc * uU C'trcultr It ! f HOIBirru * - ruv your r ra to. , 11 fe It lint oaved hun- t Uroits. iTroJlo. Oil To IMervous Sufferers THE ( MEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B , Simpson's Specific It Is t iiotitlrocuro for Upericttoirbei , Ecmlna Weoknetn , ImpoUacy , and nil dlocasca reenltlcg from fieU-AbuiO , M Mental AcxUty , LOSJI Memory , Pln In jhc B\ckiu _ Sld , unJ dltcucl Uoaautnt'tlOD iniuulty an _ oarlygrare The SrcclCc Medicine li Mag usud tritli wonder ful Buecesa. FaiuphlcM unt free to nil. Wilta lei them md got full j i. tlcularn. , , Price. Specific , 11.00 per pick iff , eli pack. aru for tl.03. Addrtwa all orderi to u. BIM60N UEDICK : ! " cs. Nc . 101 and 108 ililn fit Buffalo , K. Y. SoM In Oinahi bv C. F. Goodman , J. W. Btll , J , K. I h , and all ifrnctfi t overywhore. "BLACK-PnAUGHT" cures dj ipq > - ! ' ' - " totjun ami heartburn. 3VCEJD-A-UT I PULLEYS. E , M. MAXWELL , FREMONT , NEB , , EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THIS STATE , The following advantigea are lalmcd for this Pulley : IT is STito.NOKn and more durable , owing ! 1. To the absence of shrinkage strains. 2. To tlio increased num ber of ants , 3. To the fact that the rim is much etronger than the cat rim , IT is HKTTEII lUI.ANCKU. IT 13 MUCH MQHTEIl. IT SAVES BKLTINO. IT 13 CIIKAl'Kn , There ii no danger of breakage In handling when tthipped looso. When shipped loose they ate gencntllv accepted as tliinl-cl.ia * freight Iu3toid of first-class , and as the weight is only one-hull that of cast I'ullojM the frnight I < still further reduced. Wu QUAKANTE TIIKM to ) x > rform satisfactorily any work from the lightest to the heaviest , SPLIT PULLETS from 12 to 43 inches diameter only. Pulleys of wider face than 13-inch are provided with two sots arms without extra charge. charge.We We supply each Pulley with two sot-screws without extra charge. ALSO- OUR CLAIMS. What wo claim for our PATENT HOT POLISHED SHAFTINGS is : i 1st , That it is round and straight. lid. It can be accurately rolled to any desired gauge , 3d , That its stufacj being composed of magnetic uxide of iron obviates any un- ducjtcndoncy to rust or tarnish , wnile it at the same time gives one of the best journal or bearing surfaces ever discovered. 4th. That it will not wnrp or spring in key seating. fHli. That it is uiade of the very beat of refined stock. tarl'or further particulars , price list and discounts , send to E. M. MAXWELLS Foundry and Machine Shop , Fremont Nob. W.B. MILLAR1J. K ii. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED Agents for Peck & Bausliors Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. cr. cr. oo WHOLESALE Y Boots and Shoes , OMAHA , NEB. O. IE1. DEUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. tar Anyoco contcinplatlng bullaln ? store , bank , or any other Una will dud It to their ad < vantage to cotrva end with us before purchasing tlwir Plato Glass. OB F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. . C. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. WHOLESALE- j 1t < y 'W tftiStiiHtSMJ tUrfJlrTu t&V it Sd3 Ou River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts , , , . - * ' * DEA1.ERS . IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , - - 3SOE3IE5. JOBBER OF X wV AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. MIS FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA ,