Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1882, Image 10

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The Daily Bee ,
Tuenrlav Morninp' , Aug. 22.
\Voathor Koport.
(1'ho ( following observation- Ufcen c
the tame moment of time at all the sUtloc
Mncd. )
TICK , OMAHA , Aug. 21,1882. ( l:15pm.
Hirer 7 fei 0 Inches aboTe lov water mark i
Croatia , i ( at Yankton ; MI ilMlppl , 3 foot
Inches at I , Crowo , and B feet 3 Inches at D.
More wind and dust.
This Is good com weather ,
The neighborhood of 13th nnd Chlcao
streets was cdtficd yesterday by th
light of n man expelling his wile from h !
The Scandinavian branch of the O , I
It. U. will hold n special meeting n
Kuony'a hall , to-day evening nt
o'clock sharp. By older of the President
Mm. Vcrnon Wlllard will give lesson
in Klocutlon , Literature , Ithctoric , Krone !
and Conversation. Apply nt cor. 17th nni
Douglas streets. >
The County Commissioners met yes
tcrday to receive bldn and nward th
contract for the construction of three nc\
county bildges. Ten bids were in up t
noon ,
If the party who purchased a wlllov
rocking chair about three weeks ago o
Abiabam & Lewis , next dour to Iluhcr
mann's , on Douglas street , will call nt Till
DRE office they will learn of something ti
their ndvaiilago ,
Secretory Connoycr , of the Hoard ol
Education , received a telegram ytstcr
dny from I'rof. Henry M. .Tamex , o
Cleveland , announcing hh acceptance o
the position of Superintendent of 1'ublii
Schools in Omaha ,
Judge Ilcneko'a list yesterday in
eluded six plain drunks , nnd ono dl tuibe
of the peace. Of the former , ono paid , om
was discharged and four were "sent up. '
The mnn charged with dlbtnrhing thi
peace explained matters BatiafactoiIIy niu
wan also released.
Some rascal tore ( 'own the sign o
James Writjht , M. I ) . V. S. , whose ollici
In located on 13th direct , nt Human's ata
bles. The sign had just been completed i
few days ago and the doctor expresses him
self very strongly nbotit the rascal ant
wonld gladly give § 10 to nnybody thai
would bring the culprit tb justice.
The annual institute of the Dougliw
County TeacherV Aiwoclatlon will open al
0 o'clock thia morning in the iilgli
echool building , und will continue in BOB-
ion two weeks. Compel * nt instructors
bavo been engaged nnd n good attendance
ia expected. State Superintendent Jones
will be present on the 29th inst. nnd will
cctnro in the ovcninc.
Entry McCormiek , the bright Jittle
non of Mr. J. S. McCoruiick , met with n
actions accident yesttrday He , in
company with two companions f about Ids
uwn ngo , was out hunting not far from
town nnd while lying on the ground nnd
putting n cap on his gun which wia braced
against hia loft foot , ono bairol wnn dis
charged nnd two of the toes of his foot no
badly Injured that amputation was neccs-
nary. Harry is a healthy ns well ns n
plucky bny nnd ho will soon bo out again
and all right.
The Omaha Macnnorchor goes to
Flattimouth next Sunday to participate in
the anniversary colebratum of the Mnon-
nerchor of that city.
Martin Kearney , who tried to cut hia
wife's throat Saturday night with a pen
knife , Is hold to await the result of the in *
juries before ho Is given a hearing.
There was it dangerous runaway at
Hnnscom Park Sunday. The carriage ,
which was whirled uway RO rapidly that
the result ol the cscarada could not be
learned , contaim d n lady and two children
and a driver. It is presumed it ended nil
right aa no casualty IB roportol ,
Peter Hawkinuon , nn employe at Tin
Herald olllce , did a plucky und prai <
worthy deed Sunday evening , A horse at
tached ton buggy containing ouly n-llitlf
girl ahout three yearn iif nge , rau.awiy ; m
Harney street and whim between 15tl ( and
10th Mr. Hawkluuun ran out into tlu
itreet and nt the ri.k of his life caught tlu
runaway by the bit nnd held him until In
bad been dtagRcd quite ft ilLtauciwhei :
the dead weight brought the nulmal to t
stand Btlll. The llttlu girl b d cluug erne
no tightly that she eicaned without lujun
but Mr. II , had liU knvci hurt Boinuwlml
by the horee. The owner of the imtlit noon
arrlvtd ami took cara of the name.
A laborer ngagod in excavating foi
the gas mains on 10th btrcct yesterdaj
accidentally struck a fellow laborer on tut
arm with the point of a * pick , neriouslj
dLubllug him ,
A man uamrd Wotsndt , doing Bomi
Mcraper work on lodge ) street , had his lefl
leg broken below the kuee.about noon y
texdav. He wa holding the ncraper whet
the chain broke on ono tide and the bandit
flew around and struck him , Ho wan car
rled into W. C. McLeod & OU'.B place ,
where the Ixme wan tot by Dr. Van Camp
after which he wan taken to bit borne ue.ii
the neil works.
The little Italian vlollpiit nnd ilngei
' who fell In front of Kaoi pV store BOIIII
time ago wlih what was pronounced i
stroke of paraly Ii , had a uimllar attack Ii
front of Dohle'd thee qtoie jcatordaj
L'e WM carried to Saxe'a opera house phar
.irmcy and cirud fur by phytlciani.
Lut night OOiceniUuik nndO'Iioyle
who were nUnding on Twelfth and Doui <
lot , heard a ihot fired In the vicinity o
Eleventh , between Douglai and Karnam
One run down DougUs and the other dowt
the alley ami owallfd n man who gat
his Damons Albtrt Ifoldtr. He hud
new "British Dull Dp , " one chamber i
which wni empty , mid tie pleaded that h
was only trying the weapon. Ho was pi
In the cooler , all the name ,
A portion of Uuflalo 13111 s Iron c , It
chilling SKUc | < l llorso n IVmnte chic
registered at thn Canfield yesterday. Tli
Matte 011,1 divided up between the Car
field and the Metropolitan.
The llohemlnn Turners1 society "Si
kol"\vH ! cclo ruin In fifth nnnlversir
neptomhcr 3d hy a picnic At Hdnall
park nnd nil evening entertainment I
Kciuler'R hall ,
Next Thurnlay tvcnlnR ft mcfUnif c
linhcnilati citizen * will b held at Kewilor
hall , to organize a hranch of the dmah
Labor 1'ro octlvo union. All citizens c
that nationality nre cordially invited.
Tim following gatnca of } > MO ball ei
announced : Ji advllle Jilucs with B. .
M.V , on 1 ! , < t M. grounds , Friday , A <
Riist 25th ; Council Ulufl * vs. Lcadvill
Hluei , on Council IJluffj groundf , Satui
day , August 2Gth.
The man who kicked up the row wit
his wife , on 13th and Chlcag i ntreeU yei
torday afternoon wan Dyer , the t.illoi
who baa had several rows . La *
night ho reported to knlvca and Hat-iron
at poratuivn meoturei against his wife nn
w * jugged by the police ,
A m n named , John Itog rs was ai
rested by Officer Buckley last night in th
act of trying to steal a buggy trim .
Btablo ncjr 10th and Davenp it , Some
body will try to steal n hotel next.
- Mr * . LesirnUn's blooded mare , belle
known by h tfcincn an "Old Uticlikin ,
WAR killnd by an online between Omahi
and Florence lant Friday ntfjht. Ijos
S2JX ) .
A Happy Family Party at the Tlvoll
In making his diurnal perambula
tiona yuiturdny n BEK rcporte
looked in the Tivolimardona , where hi
found seated at a table a thoroughlj
cosmopolitan crowd. IJo was at onci
recognized by ono of the party am
invited to join thorn in the cousump
tion of seine soda water apd crav
fish. Among these proaent won
HullUlu Bill'n genial factotum , Mr ,
ILury Mulmer , familiarly known m
"Undo Hill " "Bluo Hawk "
; , a etal
wart P.IWIIUO chief ; Jake A
AlsUdt , a nipnibor of IJuf
falo Bill's excellent troupi
and Dovoral othora. It was perbnp
ono of the moat mixed little purlin :
that had ovur gathutcd together ii
ouch a promiscous way. Thuro wort
in the party two Germans , ono African ,
two Englishman , ono Indian , om
nouthemor , ono northerner nnd ai
Irishman. The Indian chiuf , "Blur
Hawk" was tlicidedly the ci-nter ol
attraction. IIo could sponk but littli
English , but the reporter was able tc
couvurso a little with him through Mr
Molmer. Blue Hawk cnjnyed hit
noda watur nnd cigars fumously , but
when it came to the crawfiali
ic was non-plusaod and refused to
lave anything to do with them , re
tarding them with great suspicion.
Mr. Thiolo , the jovial host , tried tc
) orsuado him in Indian to oat ono ,
jut ho only replied by shaking hie
lead and saying , "No good , " in hia
vernacular. It was highly amusing to
BOO the jolly German trying to talk
Buffalo Bill's ' party will leave to
day for Jaynosville , Wis.
WANTED. A good spcond-hand
> icyclo. Address box X , Central
City , Neb _ I6.3t
Preparations lor Flromon's
tjio An
nual Parade ana Ball.
The Omaha fire deportment hold a
pocial mooting at Firemen's ' hall , at
p. m. Sunday , fb muko arrange-
monta for the annual parade and ball ,
vhich will take place September lllth ,
It was determined to invite the
Oounoil Bluila Uro department , thu
) urant engine and hose company , nnd
Jtir'a hose company , to participate in
the festivities of the day. The latter
organization now have fifty men en
rolled , who aio having their uniforms
nude , to bo done this week. They
yill proaent a line appearance. The
'ollowinir ' is thu general committee ol
arrangements ;
M. Goldsmith , D. S. Mitchol , Phil
Dorr , Uirry Tnggor , Jacob Hauck ,
31ms. Hunt , Qjorgo Kotchum. J.V. .
Sicht > ln\V. J.Vhi ohouw , J. U. But
or , Jerome 0.
THK < ; rcal dliitluKuUlitnc ; fcntnro ul
jRcdillu 'H KiiHiii. S.lroU ; UN power li
iodine inlUinatiun ,
Mlaa MoCnrtuy'ti f imoral.
The funeral of Mini \iimio < Mo
Oarthy took place Sunday aftornooi
at 2 o'clock from the roaidoneo ol
Mn , Burke , sister of the ik-coiiBocl ,
on the BouthwoBt cornnr of Twontj.
fifth and Howard stroota. The remains -
mains were enclosud in a beautiful ,
marbloizul , white casket , upon the
lid of which was a silver plato in.
ucribod in Human , "Our Sinter. " Tlu
remains \yoro berne to the cathedral
of St. I'liilonieim
, accompanied by u
numbnr of friends and relatives of thu
leceasod and her family. Among thoac
from abroad wore Mr , Ohas , Me.
Oirthy , brother of the deceased , nnd
Judge Thoa. Howard , both of St ,
Paul , Minn. The furoral uurvlct
was road by llev. Fr. English , aftei
kvliich the remains wore convoyed U
Holy Sepulcho cemetery , where thoj
\v > ro interred. A number of beauti
; ul floral emblems was sent by friend :
and placed upon the casket. Aftei
the interment they were placed upor.
the grave.
"Buchupaiba. "
Quick , completa cure , all annoyinf
Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary Dis
om-u. Druggists , gl ,
Bludo from the wild flowers of th
it is thu moat fraurant ot perfumes
Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , Sat
Francisco. For aulo in Omaha by W ,
J , Whltohouso and Konnato Bros. ,
& Oo. '
The Mngnittco t New Quar
tera of the Miiaouri
Equipped nntl Fnrnfnliod Futlrol ;
liV Xome Talent
The Missouri 1'aciiio folks nrn do
terminud to leave nothing undoni
that will make a good impression 01
Oinana people and the traveling pub
lie in generally. Their trainc , ono o
which may aU/ays bo aeon lying 01
the side track south of the U. P
di-pot , are the finest that run inti
Omaha , and the new office , openoi
out some time ago in the Paxton , ha
j ist been completed in a nc.ilo of mug
nificciico that cdipats anything of thi
kind over soon out thii way. It i
positively aaaserted that there is nose
so fine an oflico in all St. L'juis , am
not only that , but that i
is the finest oflico west of th <
Mississippi river to the Pacifi
Coast and Omaha may well bonot
it. The room is spacious and find ;
lighted , being finished in the ologan
siylo adopiua lor thu rest of this pa
lutiul hutol. It is divided longthwisi
by a Cuuntor and railitn ; extending thi
untiro lungth of the room. This furniture
nituro was designed by the well-know ,
architect , Mr , Fowler , and uianufdc
turod by Rusunnnrry Urea , being fin
iehed up by Ilonry Lohman. Tin
counttr id nmaaive and Hubdiantial , o
alack walnut , with elegantly venooroi
panels and mils , all alter the popula
Queen Anne etylo. Thu top case o
crib , for stamps , punches , tariff *
oto. , is equally handsumo am
lib panels are of glass , decorated will
cardinal , green and gold , one ruvduij
in Imnclsomo gold loltera , ' 'Ticke
oflico. " The black walnut railing ox
tunclit from this cuso nearly to thi
south wall , leaving a paasago way ti
tlio uflicu ol tliu Pttxton , which is entered
torod by a door lettered in cold
"Missouri Pacific Itailwuy Ticku
Oflico , " which Bign will ho conspicu
oua irom all parts of the the hoto
Thoao handeomo q-iarloro will bi
occupied jointly by Mr. 0. B Max
well , contracting freight ngont for thi
MisRouti Pacific , and as a ticku
oilLo , Mr. G II. Pooto , ticku
agent and F. W. Crowe , E q.panton
gur ugont being in chargu of tltu latlfi
department. Thuro will alao bu a tul
ograph operator added to the force , t (
incruaso thu facilities of the officers
and a telephone , ulec ric call and at
m will como in us ot cett'ras. 'J ht
leer of the outer uflico is laid witl
t pretty pattern of linoleum , whih
ineido a handsome piece of budy biua
eola increases the rich ol
.ho placo. TiiuEu artiolta wuro all
lurcliuaud of , und luid hy Mr. J. B.
13otwiler. The beautiful chauduliort
und gas fixtures weru purchased of ui
Jinalui firm , and it must bo said tc
the credit of the now road that thuj
) atronizud our homo merchants and
woikmen oxcluaivoly in fitting up
; heir office , and it is a good specimen
> f what Omaha can do in tht way.
The window cumina , lambrequins ,
wall papering and signs , are all gotten
up in the aatno elaborate style as the
rest of the equipn.cns but have al
ready been described. The furniture
naido the ollico includes a splendid
cylinder desk , an immense ticket case ,
a beautiful Hall safe , ebony and gold
chairs , nicklo plated cuspidorea and
ovorj thing to match. It la a big card
for the Miasouri Pacific , and it is
worthy of the Paxton , and an evi
dence of the enterprise that has given
un a now railroad and a magnificent
low hotel.
To bo Always Alioad of the Tlmos-
Hoyu'a Success.
George Uoyn , the enterprising Six-
oenth street photographer , has re <
urnod from Indianapolis , where he
vaa attending the United States
photographers' convention , ho being
tho' only photographer from Nebraska
hat attended.
Whenever Mr. Hoyn goes east he
always returns with aorao novelties ,
nid is always introducing the very lat
est inventions in photography. Ilia latt
iroceaa ot instantaneous photograph ;
ma brought to him auch a rush of
juainesa that wo hopu at an oarlj
date to RCO him in more commodiout
nd elt'gaut quarters. A ri-porun
ojllad upon him yesterday tc
whom Mr. Hoyn stated that during
hinntay in the east ho visited Chicago
ind Detroit , where ho uurchuaod
aovcral thousand dollnra worth ol
btouk for this coining BOIHOH. ; Ho hot
ilso purcliaeud a lot of fine ohronu
cardu , the uiujt , elegant wo over
in the nest , which hn intend to dix
ributu to thu ludion of Nebraska tlur-
ng thn coming fnir , for which Air.
Iloyu is nuking grand preparations ,
Uaiiroad Notua.
The Plattamuuth Journal of the 18tl ;
Bays :
"Oroapolis KBombled an infanl
Chicago this morniMg , No.1 from
Lincoln being late , No. 1 from the
east pulled out to moot her at Oruap-
ilia. Juat as No , 1 arrived thora the
K. 0. , train from Omaha alao arrived ,
making five passenger trains with an
aggregate of twenty-three coaches , all
circulating around the "Y" at once.
There were the Omaha and Lincoln
sections of No 1 , thu Omaha and
L'Jattamouth sections of No. 4 , and
thu K , 0. train No. 58 from Omaha
to Plattsmouth. "
Saturday evening coming in a lively
and fine race was indulged in between
: ho passenger trains on the Chicago ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Rock
[ aland. The ruco was made between
Noola and Wostyn , and wan quito edi
fying to the paaaongora as well as train
men. The Milwaukee train von the
lirat heat , going into Weaton ahead of
; ho Hock Island , Conductor Ilubbart
auya ho can beat them every day In
the week if ijivuu a chance.
\VarronFullor , who run the first
locsmotivo west of UIR Misaourl river ,
now master mechanic of the B , & M ,
at Denver , is expected to-day , with a
view of romovintr the family to Den
ver. IIo and hia oitimablo wife will
bo tnuih nmsod iu the city where the ;
have resided for twelve jeara. Slat
/ < mrnif.
Experienced psssongcr men prodic
that the railroad trnvul this fall is t
bo the heavieot in the history of th
railroads of the country.
Whlou Will bo Found of "omo Pat
Bonn ! Interest to Otaahn Bcya.
D O. Clark , of the coal depart
ment , puned east this morning.
General Passenger AgentMorso wa
an east bound passongc-r this morning
Thu Union Pacific is driving an at
ttsimi well at Thayer , a bin/ill stntioi
between lUvvlliiH and Green river.
Dr. Graff , of Omalm , pasatd was
last ovuiung en ruuto for liawlina am
thu northern oil basins.
George Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs
Gabriel returned last evhning Iron
ifieir visit to S.tlt LiUo.
Alra. House , rib of the chief engineer
neor of the Miitouri Pacific , nabsvi
through the city to-day , on routi
Three blooded rncu horses ownoi
by Oolontl Shuughnoasy , ot Salt Lake
occupied a opccul car attnchud to laa
niKlit'a express , on route for the east
Tnoy wore in charge of M. A. Liwis
Among the went bound pasat-ngur
on last ntght'ti uxprusa weru Dr. Gruli
and Messrs. Rogers and Lovott , all o
Omaha , who were tn route for th
northern oil basins , to take forma
poBseaflion of them in the nunio of th
compaiif they ruprenent.
Lint nighi'a express from the woa
brought in among other distinguishei
passi'iigorv , Judge William II Da veil
port , ot Eureka , Nevada. Ho is 01
routu to thu east , where ho goes aa thi
suprumo reprcaeutativo of the state o
Nuvudu to the oupremo ledge o
Knights of Pythias of the world
whicli convenoa at Detroit , Michigan
on thu 22d instant ; after which ho nil
attend thu sovereign grand ludgo I O
0 , F. , as grand repn aentativo , whicl
meets on iSt-ptombor 8ih at Baltimore
* < . * "A coward can bo a hero at i
disunion ; presence of danger tenti
pruBuncu of mind. " Presence of dia
eaau test the value of a curative
Kidney-Wore challenges this test al
ways and everywhere , to far as al
coniptninta of the bowuls , aver am
kidneys urj concerned. It cures all ,
nor uska any odds.
Heal Eatuto Transfere.
The following deeds wt-ro fi'ed ' foi
record in the county clerk's office to-
day. Reported for THE BKE by Bull
& Ames , real estate djalera :
Frank P. U union to Jacob King ,
w. d. to s. w. | ace. 23. town 15. 11. r.
11 o. ; S3 500.
J G. ttuui , w. d. to e. of n. w |
eec 24 , town 10 , 11. r. 12 > . ; $ lV2U
James Tnompsou ut ul. tti E iztbutlt
RMII , w. d. , B u. 1 , BOB. 13. 10wn 1G.
n. r 12 o ; $2,400.
F. B. LUHU to Marvillo Ward , w.
d. , lot 14 and eaw 100ft. , lot 15 , block
2 , Park place ; § 550.
G. P. Bonus and wife to Lena
Quick , w. d. , Ion 4 blocs : 1C , Credit
Foncior addition ; $1,000.
Ezra Millara and wife to John
Wcsaburp , w. d. , lot 18 , block 1 , Millard -
lard place ; $600.
F. B. Lowe to F. J. Thomas , w. d. ,
w. i , lot 7 , block 5 , Park place ; 8175
Jb. L Heed and wife to D. H. Reed ,
w. d , lot 1C , block 44G , Grandviuw ;
James O. Hanoy to James Hanoy ,
w d. , a. w. | sec. 11 , town 15 , n. r.
11 o. ; $2COO.
The Elegant Silver Tea Sot pur
chased by the clerks of thu U. P.
Auditor's office , and preaented to Mr
nnd Mrs. Shropshire , came from Ed-
helm & Erickson's , oppoatito post-
A Wyoming1 Merchant Practices what
Ho Pieacbod.
Mr. Robert Footo , of Buffalo ,
Johnson county , Wyoming , was in the
cl'y last week , and while- here pur
chased his entire stock , consisting ol
jrocoriea , dry gooda , boots and
shoos , from Omaha merchants. Mr.
Footo made a trip to Ornahu
and Chicago last spring and purchased
a portion of his stock in each place.
On his return ho asserted his belief
tha western merchants could buy tc
better advantage in Omaha than in
Chicago , nnd now ho is simply prao
ticing what ho preached.
Mr. Footo bought goods amounting
in all to over $20,000 , buying from
Paxton & Gallagher , alonn , seven car
loads of groceries , 140,000 pounds ,
making the largest shipment over
made at ono time to any ono indi
vidual from this city. An example
line this cannot but have its cfloct
on western merchants , by inducing
them to inquire aud satisfy themselves
of the relative advantages of the two
cities named. It is proper to say that
thia condition of uffairs has been
brought about largely by the efforts
and enterprise of Messrs. P.ixton &
Gallugher. who have revolutionized
the trade in thia prrt of the country
to a great extent.
For Bronchial , Asthmatic , and Pul
monary Complaints "Browi.'a Bron
chial Troches" manifest remarkable
ourativo properties. Like all other
meritorioua articles , they are frequently
quontly imitated , and these purchas
ing should bo sura to obtain the
genuine. d&wlt
Successful Dual Representation Bun-
duy livening In the Hummer
Sunday evening the Gorman sumner -
nor garden was filled to overflowing
to witness a very fine ropraontation
of "The Love Drink" and 'Tho Gos
ling of Bachenan. " In the first
named piece Mra. Pals-Ahl sustained
the role of Widow lloobchen with her.
accustomed vivacity , and aho gained
several well-merited enooroa. Mias
Buachmann made a very charming
Grotchon , and Mies Thleaaen's Bri-
gitto , was everything that could be
doairod. Mr. Lindeinann aa Peter ,
the comic young man of the plnj
was , of courao , good , nnd Mr. EC
Schmitz as E storwitz , was aiir
ply immense. Otto Pu
made an excellent Conrad
The chafictcn in "Tho Gosling t
Bachoimn , " were equally well BUI
tnined , Mr. Luideiimnn per-oimle
the baron in n princely way , nnd Mu
Butchuiann madn thu sweetest of bs
rontssen. MissThiossen's porsonific
tion nl Agnes was very fine , nnd Mi
Molchin aa FiHk wia a decided sue
cess. Mr. Oito Pula , in the role t
Siiberting , showed up well , and Mr
Ej. Schmitz a * Jacob , n servant , crt
nU'd ttitliuiiastic bursts of morrimcnl
and ho was repeatedly recalled. Th
dramatic pcrlormances were intei
tporsed with BOIIIU lively solos an
duets , and on tha whole the afui
was highly successful. At the con
elusion of the histrionic petition of th
programme , thu visitors indulged ii
dancing until the break of day , who
they separated ior their roapoctiv
Debilitated persons , and sufferer
wasting diseases auch as consumption
scrofula , kidney directions , will b
greatly bontlitted by uainij Brown' '
Iron Bittera.
For Ilent or Sule. A good housoc
six rooms , in good repair , and lot , 3
x220 , on Fifteenth street , north o
llent , 815 00 per month , Will sol
for $800 00 , small cash payment , an
balance on monthly installments.
Inquire at .Newspaper Union , 12t
and lie ward. nug-4t-mo
Tables supplied with the boat th
market ultorda. The traveling publi
claim they got better accommodation
and more general ( satisfaction her
than at any other houeo In O in aim
Rate , $2 per day. aug21tfmo
C. C. Minn , U. S. A. , Is at the Millard
Chauncey Witse , o ! Graud Island , la I
A. Hetzler , of Lyons , is at the Metro
p illtan.
M. B. Chimberlain , of Ashland , is a
the Metropolitan ,
W. D. Hill , of Beitrico , U n guest o
the Metropolitan.
H n. Chfts. M. Van Wyck , wns at thi
Millard last night.
GeorKO Crandall , of Camp Cauflcld , i
at the Ciindeld hou o.
11. L , Slownrt , wife and daughter , o
Iliverton , regiattircd at the Canlield las
n ght.
Mr. E. J. Holt , of St-ward , and Mr
Jake Ogg , of Ulyn > ac , two of Nebra-ka'i
rapri-sentative merch mts , arc in the cit )
nuchasin their fall et > cka.
E. L. Buis , of tha Him of C. B. Kich
arda & Co.linkers aud general pnssengei
agenti of tha Hamburg itcivmliip com
[ > any , is n Kuest of thu Millard.
B. F. Diffenbacher , ( if South IJend ; Al ,
H. Wrst , ot Grand Itland ; S. W. Bilyeti
and L. L. Doano , i.f Scotia ; K. Kiely , ol
Norfolk ; Geo. S Congdun , of Lincoln ;
Jni. 1) . Ward , of Gilmore ; A. C. Barker ,
ofTecumseh nnd U. B. Han > en , of Liu.
coin , were at the Can field last night.
H. B. Windhcim and Isaac Nebs , ol
Plattsuii.uih ; G. Miller and E. F. Holt ,
of Seward ; Jeff gd , of U ysses ; S. E.
3nv , of Bl .ir ; Win II. Alexander and J.
W. Bitrnbart , of Lincoln ; F. A. Sears ,
of Gram ! Inland ; Geo. Collins and S. W ,
Powers , of , Keuney ; Chis. West and
wife and John S. We-4 , of Lincoln , arc
iromiueut Nubraskans at the Millard.
Hon. Lorenzo Crounae was a west bound
passenger yeaturday.
Geo. D Davfo , with Ascher , Barnard &
Co. , of Chicago , id at the Millard.
Mr. A. C. Troup left yesterday to visit
friends in Kansas to be absent about twc
weeks ,
I'rof. Martin Cnhn went out on the noon
train yesteiday to Grand l landon buslne :
c nnected with their branch houeo nut
there. It is very few men who make good
musicians an I good business men at tin
vaine time , but Martin is ono of them.
Dr. J. O. Whinnev , brother-in-law of N
A. Kuhn , E q. , the Iftfbenth utre t dru > ; .
riithi.s entered yoiter lay iutu partneitih ! [
with Br. Churles , the relublo ileutUc.
Dr. Whiuney is a graduate ot the Boston
college ant ! comes from Sun Franciscc
with tha highest recommeudaticna ,
Jud e Thos. Howard , and Mr , Chas
McCarthy , both of St. Paul , Minn. , are ii
town , expecting to remain till to-day ,
Both gentlemen are well known in theii
respective profusions in their city , tin
'uruier in the legal und the latter iu the
mercantile lino. Omaha would seem tc
: iavo impressed both gentlemen as favor
ubly , as have Omahanu been pleased tc
meet with thodo genial gentlemen from the
A General Stampede.
Never was such a rush m.nio for anj
Drug ittare ns IB now at 0. F Goodman's ,
for a Trial UutUo of Dr. King's Now DU
covory for Consumption , Coughs and
L/olda. All PHHOIIS ulllictecl with Asthma ,
lironchitix , ] lo.irfunea , Severe ' oiiKh" , 01
any affection nf tha and Lunua
can get a Trial Bottle of this great reined )
fnc , by wUiing nt ubovo named Druj
. TO IO\N On chktttl mortfiase 10
MO.VEY . A. U Tutt.'ii otfito of tirclf a
, over Om h National bank. S3-tl
ONCY TO LOAN Call at L > w Utnco of D.
M L.ThctnM RojroH CrsUhton Block.
Kl LOAN Al B pet cenlln
< iK > wuufw tertat In Bums.of | 3,6CO and
upwardo.for 8 to 6ye n , on Brut-clou city and
farm property. Ilxuu UIIL EUTITI and Lou
AaiKcr , jf > tb andpoupU Sts *
I > 1MMKDIATEI V-Aflr.t-cUstcooY
WANT be a goo laucdusiiiiid urderutai d
n akinK UitUr. App'y at voi. M. T. 1'itilck'n ,
Btunden stree > , n ar Cr ce , 10023t
Two good silcaiKii ; aUo ladj
WANTtCD bcr. Call J21 south IQtb St. Uli
TtJn A good and < xp rlemwl brcat
WA cake ba > rr ( Jobcr likbltn ; geol wafttg ,
Apply to D. L Wallace , City ttai cry , Kearney
Nib For refer tee go to R. lliugbam A , So
Oniah * . lOd " 7
\\7ASTtD A youn ; > nan t ) take mexurt
VY Irr custom ehlua. on the roaJ. Om&hi
Shirt Factory , No. 1207 FarcbaT tit. 117-21
A girl to do general hou ewoikU
WANTKD . 101 eouu iMh etrcel , cor
ner BoJge. 180-8M
W ASTFD An odl ctor. Cell & AmM , IK
" n > m sticct.
WANT D \g\tl \ ted i tencral kou'twoili
Lltxra w K" will bo feul tj onoot expe
ritncE , App ! 3.6 ISth strict , Z < ] coor tenth c
St arys atenuc. 110 SI
WAS'SEO A good wrm&ncoolc ,
N ne ' .i > tn do n w man nco
Oao.1 TOR . S. JlcCoy , Oiu t Houfle ni r nei
K vornutntcorinll. llB-tf
I-A tlr.-t-cliss ] > Mtrjr coo * . . Uc I
WAIXTt r.okl. . 4-tf
- U y tra > ardvlfet * o unlurnl'hd
WANT- , with or wl bout b ard , I'rl\ati
faully prclcrro' ' . Addro t X Iec o > > ec , n20-t
/1IRL WANTMJ For ino al h u-uork
\Jf SI ady cjiplo > m-nt In am ill fnul } Vrs
D. BurnhMii , 1004 liliho ktrctt , or at tb' IU
Olllcc. 0 .211
WANTCD 25toiim-tcr < to wprkrn a
Mlosotul Pacific ral road nt P pt lion 8i
a month and licard. Apply to Win. Bap ; ' til 01
tbcwtkst vapllllon Neb. For IransLortitloi
toll , llannncllul ( Jinalii. 02-224
N FD A good b-cad nmfcake biker
W Ooodwag'snndteidy ' employment. A
drrts O. fhiucn , Weep tig Water , N b.
. ' . A tr.vuiln 9-ic mmi lor MM
la to Introduce our now sty o burners ui
tommUsion. Can bo cmltd witr. ot cr jfuort
Haloin en cin easily earn irav ling expense se 1
intf these iioads wh ID wilting for trains. Samp'i '
outfl' ' a will b tent lor * J,00. Send lor partlct :
larsi Address
09-22 G07 Wa h nyon St. , II ston , Jla-s.
good look-keeper win can nhe M.o bci
A city reftrcnc s H > d h3 ! > rl u.-o etc
inx § , win d lue to kppp KO * of bo'kn for i
tin 11 coin cnsatlon. Inquire 1J1S Farnam street
VWANTKD-A won all to cook at 1 in tout !
V > Thlrtetth etro.t. f AVIs'
ThD A boy not lus than l&yctr * old
WA tolcirnphotOL'rtphy , nt Cutrlei's , lead-
Ii g photcurspher , 1212 Karnam ft 22-tf
100 men for ralroadttoik. 1
WANTKIJ , 01 plo > mout &genl , 1111
street , near Farnam. 903tf
\\J Aim U-Tcn te ms. Waccs S3.50 per duy
Inquire 11. Vincent , at Moicncc Cut-on.
WANT D One hn'idaed men. Waoa ftl,7l
per d y. Apply > o llltclio 1 Vim-out , a
Florence Cut affiIno mil. . s north of Omaha.
ANTKD At M. Chnr'es ' hotel , two Hral
W class dining room tilth. OC3-tf
' > D Boardi r a 110 South 18th 8
Board $4,00 ; uleofurnls cdrcouii- . Fran
Davis. Q'4-tf
ANTKD A nrut-cliB4 gin nm-t bo ( root
cook , wa-licr find Itunrr. Wage * 84 01
per week. Icnuliu at Leo , Fikd & Co' * , or a
Uoe oinc4. OJl-tf
\TTANTED-600 privy vau.ta , sinks nd cca
Vy poolto clean with Sanitary Vault auc
Sink Cleaner , the best In uao. A. U ans & Co.
rcMdenco 1200 Dodge xtrret. Omabi.
AN'IK1 > 'Ino 01 ii.ric rotnis tu UMcfc
phjslciais clljcc. Acldntu I r. Pirti
Hco olllcc. 699-tf
w ANTKD To Bll , a lljihtet'ck and furni-
, , ttiroif rcslaurintln Illair , Neb. In , lire
f I. . F 111 , to * , at li'alr , or A. 1'erU , s , Omaha
t" of twoor tlitco iinlurnlth-
cd ro ) ms Address "A. U , " 1020 Farimui
etrc t , Omalia , N'cb. _ 6i tf
W ANTKD ny mai and wife , furnUhci room
o fucnlfihcd suite fur light homckccpln/ .
Address " ii , " Bcoolll o. 114-il <
"ITTANTED By man and wfe two unfurni-h
W cd rocma , niih or with tut , board. IVvatc
lamlly prcfcrnil address "X" Ucooilko 107-'fe
WANTl , ! ) A piwtlin a chemist In eomu
ucsttrn manufictor. , or a uua Ion in a
K aded school % uadier ni tlio pciciitc. Goo
nlo CLCts liirnithcd. Addrdis "S. A. 11. " Hoc
olllcc , Omaha , rub. fc'J-22
run HfcrtinUUUbe * nti c > hu
room K-r rent at 1017
bt-cet. 110-if
OR KENT Good second-hand p ano at 81,00
per mouth. Inquire nt 21J ( eoutli ICth Kt.
RENT Small furnl hcd room ; MHO ono
FOR front loom sulta le fortwogintl men ,
S. E. cornnr 14th and Chicafto. 112-tf
ItENT One or two large , plca nt front
chamber reams , fu nlshud ir unfn nlshed ,
inglvnr in stilt , without boar 1 , to goutlcman
OLd if , 2115Callfornia Btrcct , bet. 2l8tund2J.
m\VO litrnlshcd rooms to rent for gentleman t
X U f. 'arao ago , corn < r 18th and California
tracts. Gas f-irnished. | 1021
17IOR KENT Furnlfhed rooms f r lltrh' h uso-
J ; keeping. $16 a month. 2219 California
street. 63-if
IOR RENT Nicely furuia ed ro m , 812 N.
F Biroif , bit Uurtond Cumlnj , ' . 8B-261
fTIOR Rr.NT | In ROO'I on , a hose of six
JJ room * on sire t c rl no Inquire lit north
18'h rcct , Nlchd ) ai.d Paul street.
74-fit *
) KBM Neariy e * bouse , a loom , , 1U12
HUU . ' , LnUn ccpot. C. 1' . Rlrkett.lnlS
llason hiroet. co-tt
[ 71011 RENT Laifre romi with tie rd ; doj-
boarlBi\o IBnHQallfor la ntnet IRt
HEN NLJ coitago ol flvu rooms.
FOR N. K coi. loth nd i hlcaro Sts. tf
I OR HE\T Furnished room. I qureattbc
F Drug store , car , lulh and O ugas. B-t
riOR BEN1' . Cfttago o-i Pltasant street,2nd
I door f ou. Si. Mary's avenue. 38 tf
J.1O1. 11KNT Two new hotifcs , 25th UHcago
L tlx rooms eacli. Inqu ru of J lloddfo at
6th and Cho tnut mrcct8. OT3 tf
1.1011 RKNT Olllce fur re > t , 317 south Tntr-
E tecuth tt. 13-tf W. I ) . WRiOtlT.
RENT-Brick store , 20x60 and 8 rooms
FOR , on 1'a.Iflo . B net , brtwccn eth a < id
7th. The location very acslrablo fcr Druir ,
llutcher , Ilut > l , i r Grocer , EniUiro | at M. . oft/d
12lh and Forr h4u. trot < . 087-22
[ 7IOR RENT TAoroous suitable fortwo or
L1 four g ntlirooii , at S. W. corner 16th and
l | > ( ) RKNT Rooms furnished and unfurnlsh d ,
1 B. * V. corner ofbti und llonarU St Roons
are now and cjo.mnn'i niio view of the liver ,
brldto ; , klffcreutiailroadiauJ Couni.ll Ululfd.
OBJ ) tf
RUN Four room cottage , large lot
Full 17th , J. L. Weinmans , 1603 Far-
nam street. 9uS-tf
XTIOKLiY furnUhid frout loom. C.U C07J
JM 17th street.
vLOln fur 'oasu ' lit 4ii 00 pur aritum , < Mh
J.V/ for a term ot joars. at "Orauiiu Orovi
flali ' adjslnlns llanncoui P rk on the we-t
H > n minutes walk from n net curs Jlo ey ran
bu obtained to build with , by persona leasing
theeu lots at regular r Un.
OnpremuH o'U ' 1611 ' > r it'n * > tre <
KKM \ pleasant furiilrh-d ro m
FOR twj goiitUmen. Inijniro at
UAllfornUtt cot 05J-tf
RENT Uou o of 0 rorras , niwy plan
FOR and p lu ed. J1500 per month
North ol I eth street bridge on 15h street. Con
venient ta fcliaps Apply corner 12th aid How
ard street. Newspaper Union. F87 If
XflNE HOUdEi FOR RENT Smll and lance
jX two to Uolvo ruo.i s each ; ono or two now
ones ntth all modern convenience , ) . One of 1 !
rooms , suitable ( or boarding and room renting ,
17th and Douglas bU. DK111S , Ageut ,
) u23-tf 16th and Douylait Sta.
iu ; T * ple iaut furnUhtxlre oem on
tAOlt 1 first floor , one block from etrut car , at
24C3 Harney street. 010-tf
RENT Brick store. Irqulro at Drug
EOR , comet 10th and Douglas sts. 620-tl "
I71OR RENf. Iwo new elegaut bouses. In"
_ L' qulro at 1'ctcreon'u Clothing store , near II
1Oit itN I Two new dwelling * ana two other
1 dwelll gs in desirable looiilty , by Mctloou
No. 16U PouglM tnct b7-tf
O , UaaKoui I lace on street car line. Best lots
In whole addition en very cny t rmiandata
great bargain. Bum1 a ent , 16lh - ' " ' "
O , BAKQIIK , ono Ur e brick house , and one
arge frame bouse , with full lot on Cam 151 h
trot. Fine ctunco for mmtment , rent for flO
per month , CM for full p rtlcul r , on
608 tf Agent. 16th and Douzlm > U.
IpOK BILK CUEAP Dark bro n hoistfe
i ) and Llnvl and oed IL buggy and ua. er sad
dle. Will ll cheap as I hare no us. , for h ID ,
C.ll at 2115 Ca'lforala > tr < xt , bet iht mi S2d ,
11OR S tLE ISO cre da'ry fa ro ; 60 cre. In-
t1 p ovcd vrl-h Otiul R o clAr a d all i.ecea- ;
5j y Millding. and p tture. I'rcoj'.SOO Apply
t0 \ " o. Lautry or at Joe's hotel , HM , Ncb. (
moil SALECHEA tlcute Hx28. tl r ilr. , < l
I < troOing , ISih t. * . BOURKE.
> SAi" K-A ho ! ' < j and lo'fl nranty Ifca- i
J7K ted Jmuiro J3V7 south Ktb ttriKt , 81-.4 * „ f
AliB iwoeoo-1 work horjo Irqnlt
POJl Han H A islet' * .
. OR SALE- -Ilnu o and corner lot , ntlCO.
1. bargain McCAOUK , orOT8llp ) I' . O. > 84U
JQSA ( K Ve \ chc-vi > , * w1 - pl. l. g s-
I 1 tairoti' on Farnhatn s reel U an . uj
t o foi.I l.y So , t inbo Ut. inquire at tli t cf'.lcc.
MAI.E-A tnlr of hors.-a , ft-ds s ind
gy , cho.p. Inquire At Ko4 t.ttu , 1 th
etrcct. 64-Jl
\ lll oll25byt'5f ct , at cirnethand
WK\ trutt. ( noir Oi .dm n' ) for # ? 00.
$10 cnh and $10 each mo "tli in o'cst S per
tint bKXIKtt 1 , . Til MAI & UUU.
cu-iot _ ,
. OH 'AljK Ori-ccry and crjckfry biistue ,
with or ! tlirut bulUiiU. Aadr.fl-t ' Osco-
ol , "N.b.bax49. 4VU
ITIOIt SAUK OHKA1'-A new oitflcr top phivo-
JU toolaudaniw aclhcty or e < p CM wA on.
Cull at anrbBCb'a shop on Fiftte th.
raraam. 83 U
" 171 U OALK IKuss 6 roorts and corner lot lit
JJ feet equaro ? ltOO. ilcl ) fue , opi'os'10 ' lo' '
ollico. M771
SALh > A flro cro lot and oed houo
Full mlin north of IU trick' Inquire on
prcmltus or Qeo. U PeioiBon , No & 010th
tticet. _ 9 < Mm * _ C. auKK < soK.
and lot for sale , No 925 MunUn *
HOUSK - , near Cumt g. Inquire C gir ( tore ,
corner 10th nnd Jackson Mrcct8HVa25 _
story buiidln < for rule at u barrfHln LO-
JL < atcd at notth-u&s corner of 17lh street ,
and Capitol avo. Mint Iw u.o\orl on or before
August 7th proximo. BhMIV
770-tf Agent. 15th and Donglas.
OTEU KOK ciAtK. The Arlington House
First c'oss ; all furnlshod The only hotel
In Wwn. Thu cheapest property In the state.
Ilaa all the traveling m n. Will bonoldctuapoa
tcrii g to nult. Cnqulro ol K. fullc , propilctor ,
Arlington , Waahlngt'in county. Nob. 603'tl
Farnhain St. , Omaha , 720 Bint
I/Ull MALE ino I'UHULAK HOl'Kl , , Known
C us the BOYS' HOME. Thl house Is ce i.
trally located , hat ) sou h and cast front , and It
surrounded w th fine shade trcon ; con -Inn thirty
s ccplrjR rooms , baa Ice houso. Uundry , snmnlo
loom , jsc. IIn t world w do reputation anu a
better patronage than manv houeta ot twice Its
capacity. I'rlio 85,000 For partlculm J-
drcsa , A. A. 8AWDEV , Hod Clond , Mil ) .
_ _ _ -
1506 Fnrnnru Stroot.
SALK Small house and lot , patt oash ,
TI05 SALE TAO > crj dcflrable business lots.
O SAI. . . Good 0 room house , monthly p-jr-
men B.
71HK BAl E > p cnilhl propcitj on tt'c tear
' line , lot HSxbiO , fruit and shade tret * , good
UU83 Tiiuogl > cn.
17 JK \LE-Acre let In dieirabl , Icntlon
I1 chcnp.
SALE O cot the flnrstpi"cc8 of properly
erly in On oru , on itreet calln . Ho ise 7
room * Iru t and th di trce , barn , w I' ' , * c stern ,
500 ftet front by 1 0 feet deep. Terms
! ie.
ie.POK SALE Se\cnln ( " In Re gpn' < addl'lon. '
Wiiltradc f r Ublncse or ou sdo t > rocrlT. |
FOR 8 LK Tno bistl aero kt JuthUcit ) .
htdt ttrmi.
' S LK Valuab neidcuce .
F'U e proj.irt } .milt-
able to cn up , with OUHIrult an ' thado
; . ces , on St. Marj 's uvtnuc. 'J luio ( ia > ments.
7710R SALE Four acres , house , barn , wellcla-
E tern , fruit and sh do trees , Lcautlfully loca-
: o t In woit Omtlia. T , rum to suit pur. hns r.
IjlOH SALE 20 acres , house , barn , fruit end ,
JD siadutroe- , graphs , Ihice and a hal. nllos
n m court housu. Va uable property on easy
; eims.
SALE File room cottage In UTrdeslra.
ble Ucatiou , 'lorms to suit purchaser.
OR REVT Head of St. Mary's avenue nevr
hous , 7 roorta.
gl ) tAA will buy the furni' uro cf the beifr
P 4iJUU payl' if h' ti > In K a. Kent rcai-
mablj. Addr iuj Dolph Macgrrgor , lieo ollic' ,
) maha , Neb. IOC tt
ST Fri ay , August 18th , Sorrel ft'ttr , white
Li > pjt on hip , cara ellgn'ly cut , front feet
mod. A da br Ole a d Huddle ou. La seen
jack of Crcight in C ill te. Fmdc Hillheliuer-
illy row a d u by roturmng ta C , > V. Mill c , 7 Ceo
e\o to n h trect 121-221"
AGENTS for Ncbrackf. ICanws and
il to retire'ont the INUUiTKIAL
ASSOCIATION of JndiutapolU , Indiaoo ,
vn ch has stood the tot of tltu , P' " 8 all lossoj
n full ; strongly Ind-rtedbr the bc t iuaura oo
mthorl ies ; thorougi H' cttabli hid fjieily
vorkcd , and IK not on the co-operative or old
Ino plan. Liberal lontracta made with rncr
: oilo luents , at a compensation of from two
housand tothrco thousand dollars per year
S'o. 70 Eaat Market Btrcit , Indlanajiolla , Ind.
( j 0 to Manufactory.
> ne ! 8 inch , IMce 3 8 W ) rtouccd to t 700.
) no 32 Inch , I'rlco 10 00 , red i cd to S CO.
) nu 3U Inch , ro 17 00 , r-duc'd to 000 ,
Due 12 inch , 1'iUo 22 09 , reduced to IS 00.
Duo -10 Inc , I'rlco 2 OJ , ridtucd to 2100.
Dno62l cb , Price 3600 , ro u cd to BOO
fct ulSpoViaand Rubber Tjirs ;
3no30 Incn. IMco J25 fO , r ducon to $2000.
Jno42lnch , Prlo 31 00 , rcdJc d to 3d 00.
rohimliU , I'opc klaruf ct. ry :
tno 40 Ince , plain , I'r'cofGS , reduced to fCO.
JneSilncb , half b ight , irico $ s5 ,
3nu 48 Inch , halt ulckle , I'rlco $95 , reduce , ! to
Ilia Express wagon , price $ UO 00 , reduced to
Iho alrv- bicycles arc new. As I will cl eo
luiticsd , UIH alioNC InJnco' cnts uroofierid. N ,
: . I ) . SMcm n , Omabi , Neb. 47-tfJ
TIONALIST , 493 Tenth Street , batwetn Ffcrawa
tiidUarnbr. Will , with tbo aid of II > MAD !
iptriK outala for any CDU x gUuca r.t the paat
tid vrpcnnt , and on ccrnln condition * ) tn too 'a
, ie Rroia wid Ghoon made to irder. k"iifai
. . /
AbsoSisteSy Pure.
This powder never varies , A marvel of
mrity , strength and wholecomeneea ,
VIore economical than the ordinary kinds
ind cannot be bold incum | > etiUon with the
nultitudo of low teet , ihoit weight , alum
> r phoaiibate powders. Bold only in cans
100 Wall St. , New York ,