Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1882, Image 1

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Marvelloir Work of the Brit
ish iu tlie neighborhood
of the Nilo.
-The Slnujhier of the Rebels
Accurately Figured Out
and Given to the World ,
While the Britleh Escape
Without a Scratch as Par
aa Beard From ,
The Iiattor Sooro Another Vic
tory After Six Hoar * '
Lively Fighting
A Variety of Nowa From Otlsor For
eign Points.
Special Dlsratchr * to Tin II KF.
LONIMN , Auguat 21. The
News haa the foil iwiiiQ from a corro-
spondcnt atSiitz : 1 hnvo just re
turned troin Challonf , where I wi -
ncased thu conclusion of u flight in
which 250 of our men , including
Highlandfrs , Blue .Tuckets and ma-
rinea , defeated twice their number.
The tight lasted from 11 o'clock this
morning until nrar C o'clock thia
afternoon Tin. G itlin s in thu to pa
of the gunboats worked * ith aumirablu
precision nnd old much execution
among the enemy , who advanced to
withing a hundred jards of the bank
of the c.tnal. The siiccoas was all thu
moio brilliant owing tu the I'.xtrumoly
dlflicult nature of the country , winch
abounrii d ith low riducs nnd water
cuucacs. Lieut Luic , of the Ht li
landers , gaMatnly cnnaed the fresh
water canal in thu lace of u hot lire
and brought buck n boat , thus o
a company each of thu Highlandur
and niuriiifs to crnsa and take the
enemy on f lie tiyht fl ink. The enemy
r fought , bravely. Thuir commander
waa killeci.
A further report from Admiral
Hewitt , dated Sunz 0:15 : p. m , M..II-
d.iy , makes the ouemy' loan in the
fight at Sholuf 108 killed and 02 pris
oners. The latter included 27
. Aug. 21. Victor DoLcsaeps
informed un intorvinwer to-day that
his father , C mat DeLuasepa , hid held
actually no communication with Arabi
Pashu , with the exception of diaoatch-
ing telegrams at the request of the
Greek connul , interceding for the
safe y of Europeans in the territory
occupied by Arabi'a forces. His
father , Victor D Lcsaepa , ia perfectly
aatitfivd that Arabi Pasha will not in
terfere with the canal if the English
do not make it a basa of operations.
"t * -
ALEXANDRIA , Augu'at 21. The Second
end army division haa been ordorec
to hold itoolf in readincsa to pursue
the enemy iu the event of their re
SUEZ , August 21. Gen. Macphoi-
aon , commander of the Indian con
tingent , and hia staff , arrived hero thii
morning. The Highlanders carriec
the entrenchments at the point of the
LONDON , Augtut 21. Three men
working on a boycotted farm near
B lyle , were fired nt. Ono , named
Galfnoy , wna mortally wounded.
PAIUS , August 21 The French
govoriiment has sent Do Lessens an
ofihml communication inviting him to
employ prudence ntid circumspection
in his language.
LONDON , August 21 Seymour telegraphs -
graphs Irom Ismailia to-day thatNtfi
was occupied without opposition , the
enemy having fled.
ALEXANDIIIA , August 21. There
has been u light skirmish at I-nulia
It ia niinoiincod from Ruinleh that
the unetny ia moving up trains to
Kafr El , probably with the in
tendon ( > f withdrawing troops from
thoro. It is reported that Arabi
Piaha will concentrate his forces ut
Damunhour , nnd that ho haa in
trenched u camp at Tantnh , to which
place ho will remove his headquarters.
LONDON , August 21. A dispatch to
Renter's from Port Slid says : Fifty
of the cjpturcd Egyptian soldiere will
bo conducted to Alexandria. The
native quarter of Port S.iid ia almost
deserted. French , Russian and Dutch
dispatch boata nro nrriving. The
transport Catalonia haa been refl latod.
It ia rumored Do LiSBepi ia curiously
ill , The order for families of canal
employes to ( piit Jamailia has been
rescinded , aa their security ia assured
by the presence of British troops ,
ALEXANDUIA , Aug. 21. The out-
poata at R < unleh made a demonstra
tion this afternoon. Some artillery
shots were exchanged. The English
mot with no loss. It ia definitely sot-
tied that Major General Allison and
staff will move to Ramloh tomorrow.
The Russian consul will go from hero
shortly on a leave of absence. Uia
place will bo filled by a military of
LONDON , August 21. The News
Ismailia dispatch of Monday after
noon says : During the eholling of
Nofick early Sunday morning aovor-
al trains with troops arrived from Hi-
karlk , but Arabi Pasha , who accompa
nied them , did not like the aspect of
affairs and ordered the withdrawal _ of
the troops. Roar Admiral Hoskins
and Vice Admiral Snymour arrived
hero yesterday evening. Gen. Wol-
aoloy arrived to-day. A considerable
number of troopa have landed. Mali-
mnud Tohntr , who it w a reported had
been iirrcstotl in the native quarter t > f
lam.iilin , came yesterday to the out
posts accompanied by two oflicers and
surrendered. Gen Wolsoloy ia now
reconnoitcring nt Ncfick.
LONDON , August 21 A deputation
of Irish luombera of parliament will
bo sent to America by the Dublin
Mansion House committee for relief
and protection of evicted tenants , to
secure assistance. A conference of
the Celtic confederation will bo linld
to consider the best means of assist
ing the movement.
LONDON , August 21. The Daily
Telegraph dispatch from Suez says the
main body of Arabs , 2,000 strong , has
go no to Goncffe , taking with itn quan
tity of rn'.lwoy stock. An official telegram
gram from Port Said announces that
thu Suez canal company lisa resumed
working of the canal ,
LONDON , August 21. A dispatch to
Lloyds from Port Said states that nil
of the Arab laborera have fled nnd
ships traversinc ; the Suez canal must
bo coaled by their own crown.
porto refuses to permit the exportn
tion from Turkey of mules for the
British service in E ypt. Dulfcrin
staled that thia ia in contravention of
treaty righto and addressed n strong
protest to the porte , stating that Tur
key weald bo hold responsible for
heavy damages.
LONDON , August 21. Admiral
Hewitt telegraphs from Surz this
morning that yesterday Capt. Hust
ings in command of the ooamon nnd
uud murines of the gunboats Suauull
nnd Mosquito , assisted by 200 high-
landi ra under Muj Kelsey , proceeded
to Halfaf by w.iy of itho Maritime
oinal , and found six hundred of thu
enemy strongly entrenched behind
the station. The English forcolaiidud
nnd defeated them , taking 45 prisoners
with n small canon and u quantity
of ammunition otoros Our luca wna
two Highlanders drowned and two
uuunion wounded. The eiiomy'n losa
wan ubuut 100 killed nn wounded.
Brijito ! re'connoiterfrd in force nt the
saine time and in the same direction.
The transport Murtonhnll , with the
Seventh Bongil infantry , has arrived
at Sue-z. The French troop ship
Shamrock entered the canal this morning
POUT SAID , Annual 21. The trans
port Catalonia m aground.
POP.T SAID , August 21.9:45 : p. m.
Sunday ovonimr. The fleet nnd trana-
ports have entered the canal. Before
their departure Gen. Wolaley poated a
proclamation deu'aring ' that those who
respected the authority cf the khcdivo
would not bo molested , but that these
who resisted would bo treated as reb
els The British have evacuated the
ofllccs'ojE tbo canal company. * .Traffic
in the canal will bo only temporarily
suspended iu order to allow the Brit-
ftJh'vtssola tonnes. The company ro-
refused to send pilots on board the
men of-war
The Britiah occupy Nefich.
LONDON , Aug. 21. A dispatch from
Melbourne to Router's sajs : Arch
bishop Gold , of the Roman Catholic
diocese here , has been shot at anc
slightly wounded. The assailant namec
O'Furrel has boon arrested Ho is a
brother of the man who attempted to
assassinate the Duke of Edinburg nt
Sydney , March , 1808
DUBLIN , August 21. A conference
of delegates from the Celtic confeder
ation waa held hero to-day. Justii :
McCarthy , member of parliament ,
presided. On motion of Mr. Soaton ,
member of parliament , an executive
ommUteo was formed , including
representatives of thu Irish parliiv
montary party and prominent mom
bora of the land league. The conference -
once adopted an address to found an
association which will extend to the
different classes in Ireland thoao efforts
which have hitherto proved so fruitful
in the direction of land reform.
LONDON , August 21 Leigh Smith
states that the scientific results of thu
voyage of the Eira are almost noth
ing , owing to the loss of the vessel ,
Ho desires to express the gratitude of
himsflf und party for public sym
pathy of this and other countries
The medical oflicer of the fira reports
that there were were1 no Bovero frost
bites among the crew , und that sick
ness was rare. In the spring nearly
all hands were iifllictcd with n mild
form of enow blindness ,
The rescue party report that dur
ing the winter at Capo Flora snow
drifted to such height that it com
pletely buried their hut. Notwith
itandii g thia thu thermometer inside
.ho hut wua for a considerable ) tiino at
zero , while outside apirita of wino
were frozen in the bulb ut 45 dogroea
The Hope would have effected the
rescue of the Eira'a crew sooner had
aha not during July struck on a sunk
en reef while sailing along the coast
of Nova Xotnblo where she remained
.wonty-four hours , boating heavily.
Her keel and rudder posts were dam-
igud and repairs had to bo made bo-
'ore shu proceeded.
Offlolal % at Newport.
Special lilijiatch to Tin UKM.
NKWI-OUT , R. L , August 21. Pros-
dent Arthur will visit the Casino ,
Torpedo alulion and Fort Adams ,
jenoral Hancock will como up with
hroa of hia stalf , arriving Wednesday ,
ilo will meet many representative
men of the country hero. The seoro-
, ary of the navy will arrive Thursday ,
The secretary of state will bo here .
during the president's visit.
The Tariff Goiumiiilou-
Speclil Dlnjutch to TUB UEI :
LONG BIUNCH , Aug. 21 , The tarj
ff commission received communica-
Ions and recommendations from rep
resentatives of n number of interests.
It decided to hold n session in Mil
waukee , Sept. llth ; lonvo Milwaukee
for St Paul and hold n session there
Tuesday afternoon , Oa Wednesday
hold n session in Minneapolis ; leave
Minneapolis Thursday morning and
arrive at Dos Mr incs the same night ,
hold a session Friday nt the Ahorn
house ; leave Des Moincs Friday
night nnd arrive in St. Louis , SAtur-
drty , Sept | llith , where sessions will
bn hold ni the Southern hotnl , the
Itith , 18th nnd I'.tth of Sept.
Special DlcinU'h to In p. linn.
PHILADELPHIA , PH. , August 22.
No th ng has been hoard from the
a'oamor Republic up to this hour ,
12:45 : n in. Snu loft for Capo May
with 700 passengers and is aix hours
overdue. Crowds of o.icitodpeople
still linger nround the dock and all
sorts of rumors prevail. The gonornl
opinion , however , is thnt her ma
chinery has boon disabled nnd she tins
been obliged to anchor nnd wait for
assistance. A steamer has boon sent
down the bay to search for her.
At 10 o'clock this morning the Re
public parsed Delaware City , going
down the bay under full steam , The
pilot of the English steamship Croat
reports having passed the Republic
below Flaggor shoals , 22 miles this
side of Capo May , nt 12 o'clock Her
passengers numbered about 700 , in-
including the German S'tndny ' school
children from the church nt Fifth
street nnd Lohigh avenue , this city ,
nnd over 100 from Wilmington , Dela
There nro no tole'grnph stations
open. The Newcastle ollico bad ulnae il
before anybody got uneasy. A boat
haa been sent down to hunt for the
inisainu steamer , but no news is expected
pected to-ni'uht , ns the distance- too
great for her to return in time.
-An Elootrlo Motor.
Special Hspxtch to Tun II us.
CHICAGO , August , 21. J. B. At
water , an inventor of some promtn
enco , haa secured patents on n unique
and entirely new motor. It ia founded
nn this principle : Thu poles of an
eluctrict magnet changed to n point
distant from \vhpro they nre usually
located. By this transfer n Htroko
fiv < to thirty inches is secured in u re
ciprocating or an oscillating enqine
without breaking the current which
connects the battery with the motor ,
With the greatly increased power
thus gamed there is no increased
power necessary. The power gained
id continuoiiu , noiseless nnd Iho cost
at a minimum. The machine will
shortly bo placed on exhibition.
Scientific mill agree that many of ita
principles are new to science , and that
it may work u revolution in motors.
Going for Gould.
Special Dl- patch to Tin BIX.
ST. Louis , August 21. The law
fill -era of the Gould southwest system
of railroads here have boon notified by
the attorney general ot Texas that
proceedings in the nature of quo war
ranto will be commenced at once
againsi the E iat Line & Red River
railroad for forfeiture of the charter
for non-comphanco with the law , which
requires that all railroads operated
within the state shall have n general
ofiica in the state , nnd the officers
thereof shall reside therein. This
seems to bo regarded as the first atop
in a general nttacu upon the whole
Gould system in Texas.
A Hotnl Burned.
Spuclal Dispat h to Tux Dun
MAKSHFIELD , Mass. , August 21.
The Setviow house burned this morn
ing. The boarders , some 75 in num
ber , escaped , many with only their
niuht clothing on. Loss unknown ,
Many of the inmates of the hotel
were obliged to jump from the upper
part of the hotel building to the
ground , Several children were res
cued with difficulty. In the oflico
wore a number of watches and valua
ble diamonds bel nginp to guests ,
which wtro lost.
Arthur and Cabinet-
pedal Dispatch to THK IIUK.
NEW YOUK , August 21. An in
formal meeting of the cabinet was
held at Arthur's house to-day. All
members , except Teller and Howe ,
were present. There was no business
transuded , and the suasion was more
of a social ono than otherwise.
Vennor'n Pr dictions-
Special Dlipatch lo untile * .
TOUONTO , August 21. Vonnor pro-
dicta n aovcro storm period on the
lower lakes toward the end of the
eaeiit month und early in Septem
ber. He also predicts similar dia-
Lurbancea along the Nuw Jtfrsny
coust and southward to and beyond
Charleston and the Atlantic coast.
Yellow Fever.
Spcchl Dlipatch to TllK HHI.
WASHINGTON , August 21 , Surgeon
General Hamilton received a tolouram
rom acting collector Goodrich ,
Brownsville , stating that there were
thir y-two new cases of fever to-day ,
nnd three deaths ,
MATAMOKAH , August 21 Seven
deaths , but faw now cusoa. Weather
showery and sultry.
A Triple Murder.
I ) epatih to Tun IIKK ,
MT PULAHKI , 111. , August 21.
Chas , MoMaliotr , who lived five miles
east of this city , and who has boon
misting for the post three diya was
discovered yesterday with two young
men who had boon working for him ,
11 three blindfolded and their throats
: ut from oar to oar. No cause ia
A Strike Ended.
Hpeclil Dispatch to TlU tin.
PiTTHUUua , August 21. The Hlrilio
of the Pun Handle coal minors ended
.to-day , the mou going back nt the old
wages. The strike has lasted since
April. Thn men have lost in wagon ,
$250,000. The operators have lost
their summer contracts and their foot-
ng , to some extent , in the markets ,
and the railroad company haa loat
Tory heavily in freights.
Whisky anil Boor Mou at Lagor-
heads 0:1 : the Maiii
Question ,
The Illinois Association Sav
agely Attack the President
of the Distillers.
An Bye-Opener at an Early
Hour iu the Political
Enormoui Inoronioin ihoUniinen
of Chicago's Sontliwott
A Movement to Marblolio John
FptcUl Dlipatch to Tim DM : .
CHICAUO , August21. ' At n mcotlng
of thu state executive committo of tbu
Illinois liquor denier * ntid brovrura
opened this aftornobn , the nctiuii of
western diatillera at Ihorecent meeting
here , in passing resolutions favoring
ordurly Sabbath and high licotiao to
crush out disreputable saloons : iud
depreciating bringing the liquor ques
tion into politic * , was discussed nad n
act of savage resolutions passed nuking -
ing n personal attnok on LI. 15 Miller ,
nuthor of the rcaolutiono and pri'si-
dent of the diotillors association. Thu
preamble states :
"Experience has Jdomonstraod that
prohibitory and sumptuary It gishition
increases the conuuriptiim of cheap and
poisonous alcohol , thereby increasing
drunkenness nnd decreasing the con.
sumption of lighter nnd healthier
drinks , such as boor , wino , mid the
hotter cliwa of BpiYituoun l' < i'iora. "
That II 1873 v as elected
treasurer of Conk county on thu
strength of hia 'apoecliOB denouncing
the closing of aloom on Sunday ,
whereas now ho takes an oppoititu
Referring to hia conviction in con
nection with crooked whisky prose-cu-
tioiiB in 1870. the resolutions ctoao :
Itcsolved , Wo congratulate the tem
perance fanatics upon rucuiving the
cO'Oporntion of convicts nnd manufac
turers nf cheap alcohol.
lltJiolvedf Under'no circumstances
will we permit a inero hiuidtull of dm
tilleia , who never hnd any lucking on
the part of tho-voters , to interU-io
with our organization and completion
of a national association of the brew
ers and wholesale ) and retail liquor
dealers and manufacturers of pure
and healthy spirituous beverages ,
merely for the purposn of influencing
congressional legislation in their favor
at the ; expanse of tfio balance of trade ,
and just find liberal legislation on the
The split ia likely to play a prom
inent part in the politics uf this state.
note a marked L jrcaso in the traliic
from the southwest within the past
week , covering grain , live atock and
coal , and the present week promises
to bo one of the heaviest in many
On Wednesday tlioro will be a cele
bration at Ogden's grove ior the put-
pose of raising funds to erect a monument
ment to the memory of John Brown.
Mrs. John Brown arrived from Cali
fornia this afternoon to take part in
the coremonios. She denies the re
port thht she is living in abject pov
erty in California , but states that oho
has on interest in a farm there. She
will visit her husband's grave before
returning to the coast. She is GO
years old.
Marvin Hughottgonoral manager of
the Chicago & Northwestern loud ,
Bays the recent mooting was hold at
Saratoga , because that was the most
convenient place , as a number of the
directors were thero. Its only object
WAS to declare the usual quarterly
dividends on preferred stock ,
When questioned about the
rumor of intended ntock
dividend to dispose of $7,000,000
surplus in the treasury , lie fluid it wan
nordiscunsed and not contemplated.
Afl to the rumored intention of the
Northwestern to eccuro control of the
St. Paul & Omaha , ho said there
never had been a syllable uttered on
the subject In the council. Whan
asked it there were any big melons of
tiny kind to be cut thin oooson , lie
replied , "Not a melon , great or
Binall. "
The Wife ot the Rusulan Uruncl Duico
to bo Recognized ,
I'arlt Letter to the Now York Time ) ,
The chances are pretty oven , but
with slight odd * in favor of the olopo-
munt of Mohomot All's graiid-daugli
tor with Rome enterprising and tccun-
trio Englishman , Paris is the aim rf
lier ambition , and as women generally
manage to follow the bunt of their in
clination , I fancy wo uliall BOO her here
next winter , or perhaps sooner , as ehu
wanta to join one of her old friends , a
certain grand duchosa , whom the czar
baa promised to promote to the dig
nity of an authentic highness. I
moan the spouse of Alexis Aluxan-
drovitch Quite a romance is the
story ot this affair. Among the
ladies of honor of the late
Empress Marie was one of her countrywomen -
women , a young Hessian of whom she
was particularly fond. One evening ,
when alone with her sovereign , Mlle
X. threw herself at the imperial feet ,
and with many Uars , avowed that nho
was loved by the grand duke and re
turned his passion , wherefore she besought -
sought her majesty to consent to their
union. The imperial reply was an
immediate order to the petitioner to
retire to her family at Darmstadt , and
to the prince to join bin squadron In
the Baltic. But the august muateri
of Russia hnd not calculated
upon the strength of trim
love , Mulcmoiaellu pot nway from
her parents , or more probably
was hulpi d by them to mnko tlio jotr-
ney , lot k paisaco on the Ctmard
flUnmor and joined the man t f her
chnico in America , whnre they wore
ptivntuly married. You romniutar
tlio visit of L'rnnd duke to the
Suites in 1872 , of course , but neither
you nor nny ono else had nn idea that
ho wna thoio on n sort of wedding
trip. I mil assured , though , that tlio
f.icl.s nru ns suted , bu fmcy that
there inn chronological rror , nnd that
the episode is of much tnoro recent
date. However this tniy b - , the
p.iir were joined in holy wedlock ,
nnd thu rnctption of their mar
riage cortilicito raised n terrible
commotion on the banks of the Nnvn ,
Disgrnccs nnd vicissitudes of nil kinds
followed the exploit ; Alexis wn
threntoned nnd c joled to break elf
the "disgraceful connection , " but he
hold out bravely , nnd na the czur'a
own nll'tir with Princess Dolgorouki
cmno in the nick of tiino to incline
tint paternal heart to indulgence ,
Alex'indur II. finally agreed to shut
hia eyea to hia son's situation , nl-
thotigl sternly refusing to recognize
the legitimacy of the m.irringu. Like
the people' in the fairy land , Aiuxis
nnd his bride were very happy ,
and now , nt the solicitation
of thn Czarina , who appreciates the
buauticn of u united household , Alex
ander ill. proposes to ivo the niiir-
ringo lua official sanction. Alexis ia
one of the most distinguished mem
bers of the imperial family. Ho re-
xiMiiblos , in many ways , hia uncle , the
Grand Duke Constantine , nnd , be
lieving himself much superior , intol-
lectuully and physically , to hia broth
er ? , for years pinned hia faith on the
prediction of it gypsy , by whom it
wus foretold tlmt ho would some
day be ueated on the throne
of the R iinani If At ono tune ,
indued , circumitaiicas aeem to point
to the realization of this prophesy.
Thu lirst horn of tin ) c ir diud at
Nice , the Grand Duke Alexander , the
present empuror , scomcil ttic.qnblu of
holding the acuptor , nntl gave no
imnnioo of booonung what ho haa
bi-cnino , thtinks to hia wife , a deep
rhinkfr und imriiost worker , while the
Grand Duke Vladimir , nn ell\ minute
pleamiro aueker , would have Bold hia
birthright lor a casket of jewels. So
Alexis appeared to ba the only ono in
n condition to succeed hia father.
Since this events have upset
nil thi'so ' calcuUtinns , but
have not dos'roycd IIIH aspir.itinna nf-
tur Mivert-ign gr.ideur Ilia dream
wua Byzuntinu , the long c erishod se
cret ambition of hm uncle Constan
tine , but there agiin he waa doomed
to disappointment , nnd BO turned
toward Asia , whuru he hopes to found
an empire. Aa anything and every
thing is possible in this world , who
knows whether thia duuiuloas energy
may not yet present nn imperial
crown to her , whom , in the toi'th of
nil opposition , ho has aucseodcd in
making u princess.
Around , tlio World in Search of the
Sklna of Monlcoya and Utliors
NCM York Mall mil Kxprers.
Prof. Henry A. Ward , whoso largo
natural science establishment in Roch
ester , N. Y. , has won him national if
not universal renown na a collector ,
taxidermist , paleontologist , and min
eralogist , ia n guest nt the Aator house
for the present. His mission in this
city is one of great importance , nnd
will interest every class of readers.
About two years ago Prof. Ward , who ,
it should bu aiid , hold an honorary
professorship ut the Rochester uni
versity , aold to Mr. Robert Colgate ,
n public spirited citizen of this city ,
u striking group of orang-outangs shot
by one of the profeajor'o aids , Mr.
William T. Hornady , on the Sadong
river , Borneo. Mr. Colgate , in hii
turn , presented the group to the
American museum of natural his
tory in Ce'iitrul park They excited
much curiosity and admiration there * ,
being fine specimens of taxidermy ,
and ua n result Mr. Colgate wua in
duced to give Prof. Ward the order
to collect for the eumo museum speci
mens of ovary monkey in the world
About the B'uno tiino Mr. Morris K ,
Jesup , who waa always greatly inter
ested in the welfare of the museum ,
gave Prof. Wnrd nn order for a com
plute collection of thu nummula and
birds of the North AiiiKricrn region ,
consisting of the United States , Can
ada , Alaska nnd Greenland. The
lirat collection was to cost $7,000 nnd
the second 910,000 , In January , 1881 ,
the professor started on the sixth tour
which he hud mudo around the world
ninco 1870 , and naturally hia chief ob
ject was to fulfill thu orders for U- *
Nuw Yuik museum. After vialling
almost every country and city of im
portance in one-half of the globe , ho
returned to thu United States last
May , none the worse tor the hardships
and fatigues attendant on such n voy-
ugo , nntl the i ichor for a number of
exceedingly valuable specimens ,
"Thu portions of the world I visit
ed on my present trip , " he said , in
answer to a question , "included Am-
traliu , Nuw Xualund , the Polynesian
nrchlpelugo , thu Malayan islands ,
Cninu and Japan. First , I went via
San Fr.Hicisco to New Xoaland , whore
1 was lucky enough to obtain among
other tilings BOIIIO excellent specimens
of the remains of n bird called moa
dinomis The animal is now altogether
extinct , but ita bones can bu found
buried in large quantities all over the
island. It belongs to the family of
thu ostrich , and reaches u respectable
height. 1 also obtained a few speci
mens of the nptory , a large and al
most wingless bird belonging to the
ostrich family , and a few of the
very rare battcria punotata , the
vole representative of the order of
rhynchocephulma of lizards. There
nre no monkeys whatever in Nuwda -
land , The next place I viMled wus
Australia , including Van Dieman'a
Land. Hero animals of the marsupial
family , otherwise known as pouch nn-
mala , of which the kangaroo is the
most ordinary good specimens which
1 lent homo ready for glutting. I
furthermore found gocd tppcimcns of
irinthorinci , those peculiar nninnls
with the hond and web foot of a duck
nnd the body of n beaver. From
Australia I traveled Is the Dutch
poajcftsinnn in Kist India , composed
of the Islands of Java , Borneo and
Malacca This ia whore I first came
across really fine monkey specimens.
They wrro chiefly orang utanss
( inme of thorn very largo nntl anvngo
Tnoy live in inaccessible ptrta of the
country wlu-ro thick forests abound ,
but nt certain noa&ons of the year
when the lower country is inundated
they come down in largo numbers to
oat the durlon fruit , Then the na
tives act upon them and capture them
by the dozens. Many tine specimens
were brought to my honilquartors nt
Suranok , the capital of Borneo , and
some of them will bo ready soon for
thu American museum.
"My next voyage wns to the Malay
peninsula and Sinni , where , however ,
I captured little besides snakes. But
thoHO wore not to bu despised. Sumu
of my boa-constrictors are eighteen to
twenty foot loin ; , and Hums also some
excellent specimens of pythons. In
Cliina , wlii'ro I now wont , I found
doer nnd pheasants in any quantity ,
nnd helped myself plentifully. I
needed oniy to visit the markets
for what I wanted in this re-
rpect. To my surprise I found that
thu tiger had beootuo ncclinnited in
China , nnd not only there but in such
a northern country ns Coroa. There
thn nniiiiitl'ii hiiir is lout' and shaggy ,
nnd much of its southern fiorcunoaa
bus been replaced with lethargy. In
lapun I found many monkeys. Ltku
the Corenn tiger , thu clim.ito has had
its rlicet on thorn. Their fur ia lung
nnd bushy and they are comparatively
tamo. I wan nHtuniahed to find these
creatures wading through thu snow
with evident delight , BO thoroughly
had they become acclimated. Wild
boars and peasants nru perfectly nt
ho.iu in Japan , and no are moat of our
domestic animals. Fioin Japan I re
turned to S < iii Francisco , nnd reached
my home in Uocliontor in May. Of
courae , while collecting animals I did
not neglect thi ) other departinontfl ,
nnd I have enriched my tnatitu.ion
with numberless birdn , fossils , ores
with something of ovr-rytlung pertain
ing to natural history , in short , ex
cepting insects. "
A Sudtloit Flontl.
Hprchl Dispatch to I u HKK.
LAIIKDO , Tux. , Angus * . 21. Sud
den TIHU last niuht of tlu Rio Grundu
river carried i\wny a part ot the Inter
national it Great Northern railway
nnd n p < irt ot the M < * xi nn National
bridgea. It will atop r.ulway commu
nication with JVItxtco several ( Uyp ,
thouuh the damagf is not neceaaurily
detrinu nUl to tr < IU ) .
Can ail I aii Gathering *
Hpcclal Diapn cli to TllK lie *
MONTIIKAL , August 21. An im
nionso number of delegates to the the
agricultural forestery and science con
gresses , which commences sittings
this afternoon , have arrived.
Mining Bouan-
SpocUl Dispatch to Till Hilt.ffP. . .
WlLKKSUAlUlK , P * . , AuglMt ' 21.
Most of the mines are in full opera
tion again.
A Farmer * Death-
Hpoclil Dlipa'.ch ta Tim IMI. )
TIIALKE , August 21 A fnrmpr waa
ahot dead last night by moonlighters.
Department Note * .
The following telegraphic message
waa received at military hoadquartora
n city yesterday :
Four IloniNiJoN , August 20 , 1882.
AmMa'it Ailjutaut Qonernl , Department ol Ilir
n.tic :
Mutters nro in a more- satisfactory
atate nt Pine Ridge for the present
Red Cloud haa been arrested nnd is
out on parole , the other chiefs nnd
police being responsible for his good
bohnvior. E. V. SUMNEU ,
Mujor Fifth Cuvulry ,
Capt. Hays , Company 1C , Ninth in
fantry , loaves Fort Omaha Wodnea-
day for Fort MuKinney. Lieuta.
Stumbel and Palmer accompany him.
Col. Ludiugton und Capt. Thomas
left thia morning for Fore Niobrurt.
Gen. Crook returns on Wednesday.
Lieut. D. 0. Kingmun , with party
have returned from surveying the
reservation at Fort Thornburgh ,
A Curd.
To the Fdltir of Urn Hoc.
Aa I learn from several persona in
whom I have the greatest confidence
that there is considerable objection to
having the question of mixed schools
debated nt the entertainment ot St.
Phillip's Guild this evening , I
hereby announce that the proposed
debate will bo omitted out ol respect
for their wilCnes in Iho matter. Our
object ia to give an entertainment
which the liberal-hearted public will
feel free to patroniy.o. I mute this
utiitrinciit on behalf of the ladies of
the Guild. Very respectfully ,
Oviius D. BELL.
Notion- ,
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
celnior Roof Paint , " wua patented May
24th , 1881 , and letters patent num
ber 211 , 8JIJ. Any person found or
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint will be punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per
son haa any authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWTHORN & Buo. ,
Lancaster , 1'a.
Tlio Missouri Pacific railway is the
Short Line to all points in Texan and
the Great Southwest. The elegance of
its trains between Omaha , Kansas
City and St. Louis cannot bo surpass
ed , and for quick tiino and low rates
it stands at the head , For full and
roliublo information call at ticket oillco ,
cor Farnain and 14th atroota in Paxton -
ton Hotel. G. II. FOOTJJ ,
Ticket Agent.
-mouwoditf ri-nutetf
nug4mouwoditf -
Byborian Grans by the bushel nt J ,
I. Nlchol'fl. 19-2t
An Infallible Care For All Dis-r
eases Affecting the
Mho Peaco.
An Alabama African Ooneid-t- 1
ornbly Elevated by a , /
; <
Itn 1 ffloaoy n * a. Moral ,
Bownroof Counterfeits-Nono uonu-i
Ino Unloea the Nntuo la
Blown In the Ooflln.
Nipping n Plot.
Special Dl ptch to Tiu HtR ,
MOIIILK , August 21. Tn Choctnw-
county , Alabama , .thu inst. , a
bundle of papers disclosing a well or
ganized plot among the nrgroos to kill
the entire white population of that
county , was found near ono of their
rendezvous by two gentlemen , who-
laid the matter before the solicitor.
Oa the 10th n quiet meeting of the
ciiisitftis of Mount Sterling mid Butler
wna called at Bailer to consider the
best mndo of suppressing the intend
ed outbreak and massacre. Alter dis
cussion it wna agreed that the follow
ing ringleaders Jack Turner , F. D.
B rney , Jesse Wilson , Peter Hill ,
Willis Lyman , Aaron Scott and t tan go
West , to whom hud boon assigned the
duties of lending the respective f quads
to Butler , Mount Sterling , Deaota-
ville und other places nnd killing
nil whites nt each plnce ,
should bo nrrosted and
lodged in j-iil. Their nrreat wna
cilVotod the J7th without disturbance
or bloodshed , The same day n mass ,
mooting of citizens of nil classes waa
called for Saturday to dccido the fnto
of the prisoners. The plot had been
in cxiMemco aiuco 1878 nnd the con
spirators now number 400. They
have powder , shot nnd tuna nnd think
( .IioniHolves autliciently strong to nc-
compliph their fiendish design. Sun
day liight , the 17th of September , had
be-on appointed for its consummation.
The papers further showed that thia
day wna selected because then the
white people would bo nt n
ciimp mooting niiel unarmed nnd
could oiler no roaistence. The
meeting cillcd for Siturd iy brought
together about 700 men , among whom ,
were about 100 ncgroon , who , nftor
hearing the papers read , by an almost
unanimotia vote decided that Jack
Turner waa a turbulent nnd danger
ous character , n regular firebrand in
the community , and that thu public
demanded hia immediate death. Ho
was accordingly hanged ab'iut 1:15 :
the same afternoon in the presence of
the assembled multitude. The crowd
then dispersed and all signs of iho
disturb nco ceased. Everything was.
quiot-Saturday night Tbo other pris'
oners are still in jail to awaitt'furtfii
poclil Dlspttch to Till DIM.
WARHINOTON , August 21. In the
long pending case of the Djun Richmond
mend mining company vs. Broncho
company's claima for certain mineral
tracts of land for certain mineral
tracts of laud at Tucson , Arizona ,
Acting Secretary Joslyn to-day ren
dered a decision in favor of the
former. The decision cites that the
allowance of the application by the re
ceiver , who was acting aa register by
order of the commissioner of the gen
eral land office , during siiBponsion of
that ollicor by the president , was nn
act of a di'f.ic'.o . officer , and that the
entry should be admitted accordingly.
Totlon , counsel for Hrady , called at
tention to the fact that there was not
one order in proof which had boon ' * *
mudo by Br.idy. E/ory order pre
sented wua merely a memorandum
not signed by Thomas J. Brady , but
simply signed "Brady. " There .waa
not a word of evidence to show that
Brady had ever certified an order to
the aixth auditor. Was a man to bo
gu nsed into prison ? or presumed into
jikil ? Charges hud been made against
Turner. How in the name of decency
had poor Turner been draugod into
trial ? What had ho d no ? Even
Kerr had been bound to _ admit ho
could suy naught ngninut him. It was
ono of the grossest outragca over per
petrated on an innocent man.
Some other motive than vindication of
the law was nt the bottom of this ex
traordinary proceeding -thia extra
ordinary grouping of men from all
parts of the land , He was ready to
niako wuger that thia identical kind of
prosecution could bo carried OIL
ugainst any publio officer who waa
charged with the disbursement of
money. It could bo commented upon
with just na much venom aa thia caao
hud been commented upon , that the
secretary of war hud sent two rogi-
mentato Tongue river in order to de
fend the settlers. Before the conclu
sion of Totten'a remarks , court ad
journed ,
The following telegram was received
to-day by Commissioner of Indian
Affaire Price :
Commlfslonur it Indian AfUlH , Washington :
Rod Cloud hostiles are completely
squelched. Ho was forced to como to
the oillco yesterday and hear your
warrant for his arrest. IIoisnow _ on
parole. Tlio chiefs and police are re
sponsible for his conduct.
( Signed ) McUitnuuDDY.
The Indian Bureau received a com
munication to-day from Moacalero
agency , stating that ono of Victoria's
principal warriors who left the agency
in 1870 , with Victoria , haa boon cap-
Fine Merchant Tailoring at M
Uollman & Co. 17-4t