Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1882, Image 8

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rp1I : L1 ADING 11I LUI CTUmi a
T:8r 18 ] IEJ R S
Wish to announce that toge'her ' with one of the most
extensive lines of
French Clocks , Bronzes , Brass and Bisque Goods , they
have added very largely to their
and are offering rare Bargains in Forks and Spoons ,
and Fancy Nieces , both by the ounce and finely
cased for presentation purposes The
most complete stock of
a 81' dots , Joe 1 C erS1 lllliel'1 BSSel' 1 all ea eS 1
Castors , Cake Baskets , Berry and Fruit Dishes , Etc ,
Etc. Also many articles of Table Wale , Elegant
and Unique in design , and not found elsewhere ,
Wo koi p thi BEST NEDUM PIUCED WATCII , in ailtor caeer , that can bo found in tllie
country for the mony ; and , old under spacial guru tee. In mnnufactl ring , deaii ping and on.
graving we have every facility , and will , on the ehortesl notice , produce any deaign to order ,
The Dail Bee.
. I
Mondry Morninir , Aug , 21 ,
Weather Report.
f 1'he following observntlon + are taken at
the same moment of tineat all the atatione
aamoL )
WAn DarAnTMENr , U. S. SIGNAL Sin.
QIer OIfAIfA Aug. 2J 1882 , :
8 l
oy Mq uQ L'S
Donvcr. : : 2u,7L P8 4W Ugh ( Fnlr
Choyonne. . . 39.81 71 N Ight Cloudy
wasakle. , . . , 41,81 IO W IJght CI udy
Flatto. , . . . . , 29.81 UI A Orisk l' Jr
Omaha..5 tO 87 IF risk Far
Yankton. . . , 21.95 0r A Ilrlsk I'slr
Doe 3lolnOL. 3n.le 86 8W Froh lair
DavcnporL.3),19 14 'iw Fr.nli F.tlr
' at. l'aul. . . 80,0 { 70 8 Fresh ( loud , '
St. Louis . 91.21 FU + E IJg'it Clear
Hoorhad. . 29.04 72 8E unek Clnulr
Ylncuat. . , . 2i 119 77 41 : Il.isk Clear
t Blernurck..19.8r 84 9C Fresh Fir
Daford 29.81 81 N A' Ilrlsk Fair
Cuator. . . . . , 9.7,0 87 r. Fro-h Fair
Doalwood.2.72 : U F. Fresh Fa r
dnlnlt.nlne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rlvor 7 foes 2 inchoe above low water bark at
Oaaba , 4 feet ar Yankton ; Miealaslppt , 3 Scott
loclioe at L Orosae , cud a feat U Inches 5t Da'
t Haverly'a Mastodonl to nfght.
-Gueat are turned away nightly from
the Millard.
-There will be five trains of stock in o0
the U. P. today.
4 -Theta were eleven cars out on the noon
U. P , train yesterday ,
-Two months of hot weather may be
looked for yet this fall ,
I -Two tea trains came In from the wont
i last night on the U. 1' .
-The fall of 18 $ . ' promisee to be similar
'to that of 1878 for uled and dust.
-The Union I'aeifrca '
- play Ifaverly's
7.taatodun minstrel nine this after.
= To river bottoms form a free Sunday
brio ball ground , whom stockholders do
Aot interfor0.
-The grading on the 11. & M , dump hue
progressed so far that the frame of the
new frelght house le already up"
s s. -The hull of the now steamer being
built on the river front le nearly dune nod
has received its ! rat t oat of paint.
, -A new Ptilluiat sleeper on the 0. 13.
iz Q , Denver line has been nosed the
"Lincoln" ht honor of the capital of No'
1 braska.
i -If a guard rail Isn't put on the west
' aide of the Ninth street bridge pretty soon
w me one will fall ever and be asubject for
an Inquest.
-Sunday vu a scorcher and the lively
breeze only served to fill the air with dust
and make one sigh for the relief of a Sa
barn shnor n.
-The birthday anniversary of Miss
Mattle 1'olnck , the 8 ycar old daughter of
Mr , A. Polack , was celebrated by a gun ,
oral gtihering of her friends at her 1:011:0 : ,
1 on Saturday.
-A laborer who was employed on the
sewer in the alley back of liumberger's ,
bad a narrow escape on Saturday evening ,
about eeveu feet of earth cavuig In e1 hhu.
lie wail notatall injured ,
r ' -A woman living near B , k ii : . Assu.
Clatlon park , was going to chop Mr. 1) . S ,
1 lloodriah , the waturworks superintendent ,
l to pieces with a hatchet , on Saturday , for
, „ tying his horse to her fence ,
I -There will be seine changes ill lhs
choir of Trinity cathedral after September
' : , 1st. Mr , Pennsll , it h said , will lead , at.
aided by Mies 1'onnell as alto. The other
4 two voices arc not yet chosen ,
-Mr. Jacob lisuek , tile well known
German actor , turn. out to be quite an no.
wmpliehed painter. lie has just executed
in pastille , a very fine portrait of 11111 little
non , which Is on exhibition at Mr , hose's
art gallery ,
-The overhand train from the west yes ,
terday was a big one , being cumpasetl of
live begga6e cars , four ) day coaches , two
'n man sleepers and the l'ul11uau hotel
car "Coatinentel , " The latter took Col"
Matnlnond and party out std returned
light. It was sent a : through : to Chicago ,
-Col , G W , Dickey , a noted horseman
of New York , passed through tills city
yesterday with six flyers , which he 1s tak.
Lug to the races at Davenport and Da
Blolnes. They came from Ireadvllle , Salt
' I Make and other lllaca out there , and will
return to Omaha for the state fair very
i : likely ,
1 f ; -The picnlo at Hascall's park laturday ,
tinder the auspices of the A. 0 , IL , was.
1 a ,
pleasant one in every respect. It was
largely attended and there was both brats
and string nntic , the former furnished by
the A , 0. 11. band , Dancing and the
usual games were resorted to for the day's
amusements ,
-Dy a recent order issued from the
headqunrters of tills department ; Ftlat
Ideutensnt Charles W. Mason , Fourth In.
fantry , and detachment company G ,
Fourth infantry , now in Cheyenne depot ,
/Vy a , will Iroceod to join their station ,
Fort Omnha , Neb.
-One hundred and twcntylvo plates
have been ordered at the Millard for the
bnnquot to Oon. Cook next Friday even'
lug , Of those twoutyfive will ho otfeers
of tbo departm-nt , 50 that tf to lint is very
nnt'h narrowed when the great number of
the genornl'e friends is considered. The
banquet will bo hold in the lnrgu dining
hull of tllu Itlillard and the full Musical
Union orchestra of thirty 1)10005 will be
present ,
-'I'ho U P , epeCial car , No. 10 , form.
Orly the "Directors" car , has boon ro
IllUdIO i for use us a regular day iwch.
It still rotaina evidence of its former tong.
niftceuce , in its size , its mirrored panels ,
elegant toilet rooms , etc. It is said that
it will bo put on the dunnny run , and 1t
would certainly be splendidly adapted to
that purpose. The big locker still rolnains
under the car , but not filled with good
grub , as of yore.
-There was a ripple of excitement at
U. 1' , depot yesterday afternoon while the
overland train was waiting to cross t11e
river , it being stated that Dee linggs , the
Denver bunko ilian , who had been In
Omaha a couple of days , way about to
leave. The doctor took the train , with
his wife and the child , and had their bag ,
gage chocked for St. Paul , Minn , There
wasasquad of policaon hand and they , as
well as the colspany oflicials , kept an eye
on the Bagga family until the train pulled
-Constable Edgerton has received a
letter from Dr. llartwoll , whose wife
eloped to tills city ( ruin Dee Afoines , with
the 111110 Osborn , The doet"r wants hull
particulars of the duinus of the couple
while in Omaha , a9 ho expects Mrs ,
11 tobring snit for a divorce and posses
sion of the child , lie asks particularly
about a reported scene at the jail , when
she called Oaburnlier husband and is alleged
to have hugged and kissed 111111 with great
gusto ,
-\Vo understand an excursion from
Onluha to this pluco Is being talked up , In
the former city" Should tlm Omahas tie.
cide to honor our city in this way they
will find our citizens ready to do nuything
in their power to ulako their a ploan
ant ono , and as for natural facilities nifered
IlicIlck'ore : , in the way of Ilandsolne grovel
nail besuliful scenery , Weeping Water
will not take a back soot for guy town in
the weat.-Weoping Water if epublical.
-Joke Alstadt loaves for the east Sun
day to join Bultale Bill's tolnbuuutoll as
vlo'hdst and cornet player. Jake will
nuke a ; lend record , and toe wish 111111
every prosperlty.-North Platte Nehras
katt ,
-Tine Papillion Timea says ; " 1Vo learn
that the school board have secured a prln
clpal for the fall and winter teems , lie is
It nlarriod ulau , well recoomnended , and
halls frail 0111 dm , ' 1'ho assistaui teachers
have not boou hired , " 1VIw is het
-A prominent citizen of Oulalla , wldle
In for a lark recently , was rubbed of a
epluudld $ 60 gold WatChl while riding in u
hack with a woman , who twisted it frnul
the 0115111 Thls was u(1 'Puesday la.t , and
he put the case in the hands of Constable
Edgerton , P Inting out the woman's rest.
dance , but cautioning hhu that his na11Yo
was hm no case to be brought before the
public. In an hour Constable Edgertou
had the tilno piers , ahiCil the woman dug
up from under the water closet , where It
hind been concealed , The watch was par ,
tieularly valued as being a present ( rota a
friend ,
-Between 1 and 2 o'clock Friday an
individual wearing a Mexican sombrero
and ulouuted on a little bronciuo , rode up
to Scbr' Oder & Ileht's Fifteenth street
drug store and diem0unted , lie was coy.
erect with blood and his taco was fright.
fully cut and swollen on the rigllt side.
After his wounds lead been attended to by
the dndor , be stated that his union was
1)J' , Mal'hersun , and that lie worked for
Parker , near the city , lie tvar on his
way 1101110 about , nidelght , and stopped In
at a saloon on Sixteenth street , near the
bridge , where lie was lured by the siren
voice of a councllmau , who was talking
politics , into Btsyhlg for some tiliio , 1Yhen
he rude away there was a little racket
with the boys , and some one threw a rock
and gave 11101 the wounds described , lie
expressed bis intention of leaving his as.
.silaut arrested ,
J- -
L. i
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1020-1022 ° 24 11 IAX IV EYER , & ] 3I O .E. RNA. St
An 9matour Highwayman Fall s
Before the Fatal Bulkt.
A Equad of Fort Omaha Soldiers
diors Turn Highwaymen -
men ,
"Budge" Driven Thom to Ro b
One Man and Hold Up
They Catch a''artnr and Eman
uel Shrader in Shot
Dead ,
A Coroaor's Jury Faonertttos th o
Mau Who Shot Him.
Dotaile of n Romnrlablo ° hturday
Night Sensatlcn ,
At midnight Saturday night a toe.
rible tragedy was enacted on thu
road just south of Florunco and about
Dix nilloe north of this city. The
principal aotur3 were Al. Squiree , of
this city , a fine young follow who
works in a brickyard out on Sixteenth
street , Itiehard Wolsoy , a farmer residing -
siding north of Florence , and Etn-
manuel D. Shrador , a private in company -
pany IC of the Ninth infantry. The
two former are great frionde and
Squiree is accustomed to going out
ovary week and stayinu over Sunday
at Wolaoy's ' place , returning in time
to resumohis work on Monday morn ,
ing ,
On Saturday evening they left this
city together in a wagon , about 930 ;
o'clock. It wue pretty dark and they
drove slowly , singing as they want
along. As they drove up the lull
just this side of the little
town of Florence they wore startled
by a man suddenly jumping
out from the aide .f the road , and
suiziug 1110 hrIreca by the bit , at the
sumo 111110 exclaiming , "Your money ,
or your life , " lie repeated , "Give
mu your money , or 1'II ' blow your
braille out , " and poiututl his hand toward -
ward ttm occupants of the wagon , who
thought h0 had a pistol , though it appeared
pearod doubtful wliuthur ho had or
not , In the darkIteen lID scented to
take anal at Wolsoy and Squires ,
rightly judging from time tole in
whioll tiloy were addressed , that it
was rut a tune t" stand on curelnuny ,
pulled out a Smith tC Wcssun to.
volver , 32 calibro , and
FlttEn AT TIIE IIIn11wAY31AN ,
who lot go his hold of tutu horses and
fall , while tue two mcn drove rapidly
on to Floroneu. Thum there was a
dance in progreoll , and among others
present was Sergeant Allisoll , of corn
p5uy IC , 9th infantry , who with cot oral
othuro repaired at once to till BCOIIO
of the tragedy , whore the victim was
found still lying by the roadside and
quito dead , the ball front fir. Srlgiros'
revolver having Duo through his
nook and probably gbroken the spinal
chord. supposed highwn
was idettiiied as bovo being readily
recognized by his uniform , nd his
features being familiar to IIIaIIy of
those who soon assembled at the spot.
It will now be necessary' to go back teat
at earlier hourof the evening in order
to fully explain matters.
It ap oars that about 9 o'clock '
Shrador , m company with 301111 Daw
Sou , of Company 0 , of the Ninth , an' !
Janes ' 1' . Flintwell and 1V , P ,
Danald , if tlto Fourth infantry , to-
coutly transferred from Arizona
to this post , loft the barracks
to attold the daleu at Florence. They
were all grotty well "budged up" and
were quiet hilarious , halloiug , singing
and nuking quite a uniioo as they went
along. Just above the barracks they
Came across Frank Luwiu , who lives
at Florence and who was on his way
hano , having been over at Fort
Omaha on business , Low in had a
ecyiho in his hand and ho was noj
greatly ploaaed at their too zealous
overtures for his acquaintance. One
of the soldiers , Fhntwoll , ho says ,
succeeded in getting the scythe away
from 111111 , and a teat ( overtaking them
at that mommit compelled hi to onside
nsido in the brush and with the point
to remain quiet until the wagon bad
puaod on toward Florence , As the
gang foil into line one of thorn to-
tuarkud that that was good a place as
any to get away with him ( Lowin ) , and
accordiflgly they took from him six
collars r1 nenoy , a coupie of pocket
knives and a bottle of whisky , coufis
ctthlg the latter to the exigencies of
war.Lowln was then asked it that wns
all ho had and replied 't Ycs"what 11D
was told that that was too thin , and
1IE fAi1 IIETTER snow III' .
LDWIn , however , protested that ho
had nothing moro , forgetting that ho
had a tivu dollar bill stowed away in
the watch pocket of his pantaloons ,
which waa thug preserved. IIe was
then told that lmn might go if h0 would
PC0lmla0 not to stop at Florolco and
lily ) too glad to eocapu 50 easily , ho
prouliscd and lit cut on the double
quick , but went right atraight to Flor-
uucu and told of thu robbery.
'l'he four soldiers then proceeded
toward tine ( lance Old prob eby , used
up the eottentu of Lewul'e bottle on
the way. idcDutiald and Dawson
claim that al arriving at the hollow
near which the ahuuung took place.
Shrador and F'lintwoll were too drunk
to go on and that they left them and
On reaching 1'toreuee they found ,
after putehueuig tiekutn , that Luwlu
had gut in ahead of them , and not
tlunking ievory healthy to ho caught
in that locality , started for home , Ink
ing a'rouU back through tire orchard
and across the fields.
Fliutwull who fell by the wayside ,
with Shrader says tkat they wore
both full and laid down , not getting
up till about llo'clock. Shlaier getup
up first and started toward the north.
This was in the hallow just south of
Barott'ahouse. . Shrader was noisy
as he went up the 11111. The next
thing Flintwull heard was the rattling
of the wagon aid the singing of
Squires and WolSoly. Then he heard
tire team stop and heard Shrodur's do.
eland your money or your hfo ,
Fiintweli says lie called out to the
] men in thu wagon not to shout no
their asaailant was drunk" 110 spoke
too late.
Thu NATAL shot
wan fired and the 111011 drove off. Ho
says h o 111011 went to Barrett's house ,
having found Shrador wounded and
other dead or insensible , Old woke
up Mrs. Ii , who sent her ltttle boy
with a lantern to 8110w 111111 the way tea
a net ! burs , her husband boiiig away
and Flintwull wauttng assistance.
After going to Mr. Coins , which Was
close by , ho ruturned to the place
wllcro the body had been left and
found that life was entirely extinct ,
This was the situation of alfaire wIlohi
Sergeant Allison and party arrived ,
and finding Fliutwoll
took him in charge , en bout Luwin's
and the mariner's eoalplalilt. Ile waa
aearuhed for settle of the fermor'B
property , but uothiug wvita found ,
though on Sunday ulordug 011(1 of tie
atuluu kniyeo was picked up near
whure Fliutwull was aemrchod , and
where 1e hind poseibly thruwn it. Tills
prisoner was takml to till guard house
at Fort Omuha , where McDonald wnS
50011 lodged witht hill , snd the tro
made eonipieto by the arrest of D.v.
sun yuatordsy.
The body of Shrader was loft lying
wlero it tell , all night , and at an
early hour yesterday uloriing Coroaur
Jucobs ( vas uottlied by tulephullo [ ruin
Sergeant AhisOll , and proceeded to
thle spot to hold
A jury was mtpuuullud , eona'atiug
of 11ni 1V , Roberts , F J , Otik ,
William Ellis , J. D , Ellis , J , lr. Cole
and 0. II. Franey , and an inquest
told on the eamo of the killmlg , 'Pho '
witnesses exltnnaed vuro Janice P.
Fliutwull , W ill , F. McDonald and
Julia Dtwaon , the three comrades of
Shrader , Mrs. Mary Barrett , Frank
Lewin , hoary Taylor and John Cole , I
The witnesses were uxainIiod eaphr
ably , and there wore io now facts
elicited" Thoru was a eunhlict in the
atateutcuta of MoDanald mud DAwson ,
who had gee at to Floretc + . Thu
forniur swore that after they left
lomU they hind passed Flintwull and
Shrader in a drunken stupor
and had tried to gut them
up , but being unable to arouse
them , loft th etls whets they were.
Dawson , on the contrary , swore that
they didn't see the two nisi after
they left Florence" McDonald being
recalled apd questioned about this ,
seeing that Dawson had got llinl in a
corder , said they were
at the time that ltfs partner might not
have eoerI thews but that ho did , The
men who saw the two leavostho dance
say they didn't take the road at all ,
About 11 o'clock yesterday forenoon
aiWr cP'
' 11 ,
Are offering rare Bargains in
Pianos nano
Sole agents in Western Iowa and Nebraska for
.31L-3 ] 1EIs.T : TlI ) T3x .
CLOUG 11 & WA1REN Organs , STERLING Orgaus , r
Country dealers desiring the agency for their towns or counties should apply at once for prices.
2nd terms , stating territory wanted. Pianes and organs for rent , l'ianoa and Organs tuned and
ropaired. Times and Organs sold on installmsute , at a cash prio : , without mteruat , Call turd
, et our figurer before purchasing clsuwhuru.
Revolution in SlSEl' MUSIC , Wenre now soiling all the latest and must popular pieces of
the day at the uniform price of FIVII OIdNT3 A. C JPY.
This music is the same in every respect as that which has hitherto been sold at from 30 to 75c
a cagy. The paper on which it is printed is of the best q'uality' H is also full music sizo. New
pieces added is our already large assortment , daily. Also a full line of the smaller sized music at
P CENTSi , Copy. Wo will give publishers' prices and discount on all music books , CALL
qurua and Wolsoy both drove to
town and reported to Mr , Grubo The
utter tolephoi'd fur Judge Boneku
and on his arrival the man made their
5tatemotlt in accurdanco with the
above and were consigned to the
county jail to await the result
of thu coroner's investigation , which
was adjourned over until 7 o'clock
Itst tveuulg in order toallow Dr. Rub-
ert , of the barrncks , to make a post
mortem of thb body ,
There was one upttii011 heard to relation -
lation to the whole affair , and that
wa + that Squires waa entirely justifiud
Ui the shouting and that it will serve
us a lesson to those who will go au
on lawless sprees and interfere with
peuconl + i ; ; disposed persons. As in too
many instances the lees guilty party
0.01(003 to naVU been the victim uu this
case. Shrader was a member of Capt.
Ray's company , was 20 yours
of age mid is described
as ono of the best and most inotien- soldiers of the Ninth regiutunt.
Lewiu charges Fiultwell with being
the leading spirit in his own case and
it is probable that in the drunken car
uusat on the highway ho put idtiaa
into Shruder's head winch ho carried
out only when
It is reported that Capt. Hay feels
deeply the fate of the unfortunate
young man and that he at first would
nut credit the facts ; aleothat Sergeant
Cady , whose word gees as far as any
( tan's in this country , gives Shrador
the highest character.
The prisoners will doubtless be
urued over to the civil authorities for
ttrial , the charge of highway robbery ,
which was committed alt Lewin , buftig
sufficient to send theta to the peniteu-
ttary if proven.
At G o'clock last evening Coroner
Jacobs , accutnpanied by Deputy Sheritf
Crowull and the two prisoners , drove
out to Fort Omaha , whore the inquest
was resumed. The testimony of
Messrs. Squires and Wulsoy Was
taken andthatof Dr. M. A. Robert ,
the post eurgeou , who made the post
mortum. Thu latter testified that the
ball had entered below and back of
thu left car and had lodged in the
atlilial curd , producing itmtallt death.
The testimony of thin two men under
arrest did tot dilfer from that t f the
morntug. Thu jury therefore brought
in the following verdict :
" 1'110 said Eriauuul D. Shrader
came to Fla death by a pistol shat
wound received at the hands of Alfred -
fred Sq'nres , on the flight of August
19th 1882 , near Floreueu. And we ,
the jury , lied that the ahootiug was
fusutied and done in self defense. "
The prisoners score thereupon die.
Of Shrador took place intho ) afternoon
hit time post cemetery , thi body being
interred with the usual military
ilollere ,
The military authorities will , it is
understood turn the three men row in
thu guard house over to the civil
altho'ttior this uoriing to be dealt
with for highway robbery.
Since setting the above it is
learned that the robbery of Lowon
and time fatal assault on Wolsoy and
squires were coinnitled at nearly the
131411111 eput , both being in sight of liar.
rett a helms and both a hturs witneasod
by Mrs , B fruun her window"
* * * "A coward can be a hero at a
distance ; presence of danger testa
prcauuce of mind , 1 rostuee of die-
luau test the value of n curative.
1CidmoyWurt challenges this test al
ways mud everywhere , so r us all
complaints of the bowels , liver std
kldiuye are concerted" It cures all ,
nor asks any odds.
Thb Races Saturday.
There teas a good attondaneo Sat.
urday afterloa/i at the Omaha driving
park to witness the gentlemen's road.
aloe race , the entries for which were ;
IL Ifornbergor , Prince ; F" A. Nash ,
Oanadm Girl ; Sam , Record , Little
Dave , and Mel , Fitch , Gypsy Girl ,
In the first heat Little Dave came
In first very easily , Canada Girl see-
end , Gypsy Girl third , and Prince
fourth , Thu judges , however , gave
the heat to Canada Girl , and put Little
Dave back to second place for run-
ning. Little Dave won the 11extthree
heats and the race , Canada Girl see
owl , Gypsy Girl third , and Prince
fourth , Time , 257 ; , 300 ; , 305 ; , 312 ; ,
Time Elegant Silver Tea Sat put.
chased by the clerks of the U" P ,
Auditor's oflicu , and presented to Mr ,
and Mrs. Shropahiro , canine from Ed.
helm tC Erickson' . , oppostito peat.
In Wins All Around On the
Diamond Field ,
The Wahoos and Red Stock-
jogs Go Down Gracefully -
fully ,
The greatest interest was manifested
in the two games of ball announced
for Saturday afternoon and the street
cars were overloaded for hours preceding -
ding the opening of the two contesta ,
everybody who didn't take in thu races
going to one of the base ball assoein-
ciations' grounds.
A largo crowd assembled at the U ,
P Association park to witness the
game between the U. P , nine and the
Wahoo club , the latter comprnsiug the
best amateurs in the state
outside of Omaha , The Wahoo
brass band , which accompanied the
excursion to this city , was on the
grounds and enlivened the occasion
by discoursing some flue music. There
wassunle delay in getting started , as
Smith , the catchier for the Wahooe
wont back on them at the last minute
to play with the Bluffs club in their
game with the Spaldirlgs. Thu game
waa called at 4 o'clock , with Dwyer ,
of the Union Pacifica , catching for the
Wahoos , but after the first inning he
was forced to retire owing to siekuese ,
Tommy Wilson , pitcher fortho second
Union Pacific nine pitched the first
six innings for the home club , but the
visitors wore hitting him a little too
freely , and the last two innings were
pitched by Dorr. Whrn the change
was made the score stood , Union Pa-
cifics , 5 ; tVahoos , 4. After Darr took
the pitcher's station the Wahoos
scored but once.
The following is the score :
WAROOO n u , II ,
C Julln 00 , r. f , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 0
Johnson , t' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Mcliiuuey , 3b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 "
'Phoaass.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 0
E „ ery , let b , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 0 0
Fox , e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Gritlitl,2db . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Dtrey,1. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Sherwood , c. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Totals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5
UNION m'Actrlc R. It , Ii.
I3andlo , c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Derr , s s. and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2
Whitney , 2d b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 2
Tr + 91ey , e , s , and 3d b. . . . . . . . . . . .t 2
Marston , 1. f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Funkhouserc I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
unhand , tat b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2
Wilson , p , amts , a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Newman , r , f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 11
Innings , .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Wahoos,0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 15
t..1' 0.5 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0-11
1lrrors-Union Pacifies , 7 ; Wahoos , 14.
Theo of Game--Two hours ,
L'nipire--John 1' . Lord.
About 1,000 persons were present
to witness the gone at the B , & M ,
grounds between that club and the St ,
LOUB ! Reds , Lincoln and Plattaneuth'
each sending up largo delegations ,
1'hu visitors labored under thu disad
vantage of being minus four of their
best players and defeat seemed immt-
nent front the outset. The score was
oven worse against them than that
against the lVahoos am the other
grounds and at the conclusion of the
iimth inning stood as follows :
Sr. Locus 1tElla , An , Ii. In to A. Y.
Iavl0 , 3n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 0 5 2 , , , . . . . , . . . 5 0 115 0 1
ltadenlakcr e . , . , , , . . . 5 1 0 0 4 2
tiinipkon,2h. . . . . . . . .5 0 0 3 1 1
Crothers , p . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 0 8 1
Mhtahan , r. f. . . . . . , . , . 4 0 1 0 0 0
League , c , I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 2 0 0
( iru le , l f. . . . , , . . . . . . 4 0 1 0 ' 0 0
Frye , c , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 4 1 1 7 _ 8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 27 23 10
B , & 31 , An , it , In ro t. E.
1Cortmnn , lb. . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 2 0 2 1
Jones , 1. f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 2 1 o
Ellin , 2d b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 1 3 2
alortun , 3b . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 3 2 1
Cosby , B ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 2 0 3 1
Jamison , r , f. , . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 1 0 0
Monroe , c , f. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 1 1 0
Durkeop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 2 3 9 0
Brandt , c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 1 7 3"
T'tals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 11 17 27 21 7
Ituas Earned-B , & M's. ; 6 , St. Louis 3.
'Pwo liaue Rita-Morton 2 , Durkee ,
l ortman Grable.
Three BasesGormau ,
Itonie ltuus-1Cortmau ,
halls Oahlcd-St. Louis , 87.
Balls Called-B. & M's.19.
Strikes Called-I ) , k M's. , 35 ,
Strikes Called-St. Louie , 27 ,
Struck Out-St , Louis , 0 ,
Struck Out-B , k M's. , 3 ,
Wild Pltches-Durkee 1 , Gorman 1 ,
Double Plays-Brandt to Mortor ,
Davis to Morton , Davis to Simpson and
Time of Game-.2 h , and 15 m.
Umpire-Mr. Mayo , of Lincoln , ;
Scorer F. 1V. Shaw , I
, . , , ,
B. &M's .244102100-14
. . . . . . .0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0-4
The B. tS M , play the Leadvillo
Blues next Saturday. J , . "
The Union Pacifica have secured
dates with the St. Louis Browns ,
Mr. Sessions , tickut seller for the
B tC 0L'e , sold 800 tickets for Satur- '
day's game. '
The Chicago Spaldings defeated the
Atlauticsat Atlantic Iowa Thursday , t
bYa score of 22 to 5. . '
PROVIiuNCE , August 19-Provi-
dunce 9 , Detroits 8 ,
BosToN 19--Buffalos 4 °
, August - - ,
Bostons 1.
NEw YORK , August 19.-Chicago.
2 , Metropohtana 1.
WoiOEarrn , August 19.-Cleveland. .
14 , Worcester 7.
A Bloody Deed Committed in the Old.
Beileyue house.
The notorious old rookery known a , k
the Beliovuo house , on Dodge street ,
] just back of the Metropolitan , was the'
scene of whatalmoat became a murder °
on Saturday night. +
The victim was the notorious character - '
actor known to the police as U. P. '
Mary , whose husband , an equally
notorious character , is Martin J.
Kearney. This is the man who was
arrest' d for firing Boyd's packing
house and whose case is still pending
oft the docket of the district court.
Kearney and his wife occupied a bed
Upstairs in the old hulkamld , it appears
that about Il o'clock Kuarney came ,
home more or leas under time influaneo
of liquor , and climbing up the koty
and dangerous stairway , ho called his
wife to him , and after a brief quarrel
lie took out his pocket knife and
stabbed her fn the throat , iuflicting
a wound an inch long , which , as was
afterwards learned by Da Hyde ,
would have severed either lute carotid
artery or jugular vein if itlmad been a
quarter of al inch deeper , and in that
avant death would certainly have ensued -
sued ,
OlliceraMcCuno , Bwke amid O'Boylo
accompanied Dr. Hyde to the scene
of the outrage and after the wound
had boon dressed amid the victim's 1
recovery pronounced curtain took her
amiable spouse to the city jail ,
_ _ .
- - - - - - - ' -
A Midnight Blaze on North Sixteenth -
teenth Street. ,
About 11 o clock Saturday night i
fire wan discovered in Itedman's fe ,
stable , on Sixteenth street , betty
Cuming and Izlyd. Ollicor O'Gr ,
who passed the alley and was tho/r8 /
to see the flames , also saw a in i in
hie shirt sleeves , with his coat Wrts
his shoulder , nom o out of the al , ,
and asked him , "IVltat's that-4 i
"I don't know anythnbg about / , ' ' -
said the follow , as he shipped o toward -
ward the bridge. The samle ma/Was /
seen as he ran away by 11. 0. larty
amid wife"n
Officer Grady sent in an alan from
box 1.4 , amid the fire dopartmut soon j
arrived but experienced somdroublo
iii getting water on the flames , odmlg
to bursting hose. Thu men mlthe
vicinity broke into the stabd
turned the horses , some thir in
nutttber , out , Barig all and ling ,
some wagons out as well , Tw tame
BtablOd , the food store std ( small
building occupied as a shoe sl were
destroyed before the fire w of un
der control , and J00 RobbiO barn
cane near going up the llualfteo , but
wits saved.
Mr , ltedmnan was absent fop home ,
having started to Denver tl5t even.
ing. The loss is estimate at$2,500 ,
while the insurance is abort ( 500
01 ly , There is no doub' buttho fire
was of incendiary orlgih thotjhaomo .
assort that the man wlo ran Way had r t . ,
boon asleep in till' barn ad had 1
thrown down a 1thted clpr stub ,
which caused the soiiflagratlp. 1 he
flames were semi at work hit two
places at once and spread rapily ever
the entire building. A 4 calbro
bullet properly planted weld Itop
soma of this "lire bug businas.
- - --a------
a tddpackage of "BLACR Dll UGIT"
free of charge ,