Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , Ave. 21.
By Currier , - - - - - SO cent.- , per week ,
By Will 110 on per Tent.
Offlce : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
Broad war.
II. 0. C.H1FFIV , Mtnugcr.
H. W. T ) UTON , City Editor.
J. Mueller's Palace Mimic Hull.
Sherraden nmkci photogrnph * .
The circuit court Is txpected to open
The exterior cl the savings brink In
being improved.
-Bliss will have new uood Wednes-
About sixteen miles of water main *
now been laid.
Bust h netting very fly on the utrtcts
where the sprinkler \ not ! .
llllss ivill open n new line ot notions
Wednesday. nug2t-3t
The McUiodlnt * hnvo arranged to FO-
clftllzo next Thursday evening.
At Shull's butcher ohop , Roulli MMn
street , you can always set the licet meats
at reasonable priced ,
K An occldcnUllnsuranco rollcy In favor
of Jl. A. Uarrctt has betn found and left
nt THE BKB office for the owner ,
There were no escapes from the cala-
txjosa yes crday. Reason , because there
were none in sober enough to crnwl out.
Atkins' dniR store is bclnj ? improved ,
the entire interior to bo finished in ebony
nnd gold , with Japanese designs ,
lid , Holland wan found sleeping on
the sidewalk , and now waits in the cala-
booso for the city to gtvo him work.
A fell w named .Tim Crowley , who
was noi y druuk on Broadway Saturday
nfternorn , was placed in the cooler by
Officer Edgar.
( if Benches were in demand inthopatk
yesterday , there nut being half numerous
enough to accomodato the visitors and
Therein to bo n business meeting of
the Young Men's ChrfatUn association nt
their rooms In Hvcrott'a block , 'lucsday
evening ,
One drunken fellow was raining ft
lively disturbance in the vicinity of the
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy depot yei-
tcrday afternoon and was jugga ' ,
A warrant was issued Saturday for the
arrest of George IJagley , who Is charged
with stenll , g a watch from a trunk belonging -
longing to Andoison Hobinson ,
Some changes nro being innde In iho
interior of the post < ( lice , to facilitate the
handling of mall matter , and to make
ready for the inauguration of the carrrior
system ,
There was a Saturday night row in
the dug-outs. Madame Le Flour tried to
match the bangs elf Irish Molllo , and
both got snatched. They will be inter
viewed by Judge Ay les worth this morning.
Information w.mted of Ory Garnott
who resided in Council muffs last July ,
by bis brother , William Qarnett , late from
Wisconsin. Any information leading to
his whereabouts will be gratefully re
colved. Address 13 KK office , Council Uluffs.
Yesterday a three-year-old child was
found wandering abont the vicinity of
I'rank and Fierce streets. It took Officer
ledger some time to place the child , but it
proved to bo a little son of Sir. Bokompcr
The cigar makers' union is using on
the boxes of cigars made by union men the
special label vouching for the fact that tbo
cigars are made by skilled men belonging
to the union. This label helps to sell the
cigoiH thus marked , as many vmokcra in
sympathy with the union refuse to buy
nny other cigar. The local union is
\ < The female quartette looked up in the
jail do not get on tlitlr good behavior yet.
They delfcht in stripping themuelvcH ,
hooting aiid yelling , and muklng as great
nuisances of themselves as possible. Ar
rangements are now being made to give
them a sound dousing if they do not rub' '
lido , it lioso and rcienoir belug the oppli
ancea to be used.
Another case of small pox is reported ,
it being a railway man living on SIxtli
etroet near the foundry. It is understood
that objection is made to either removing
him or putting out the Hag of warning in
front of the house. It is kbout time tha
the authorities were more strict in theii
quarantine regulations. Otherwito th
( llneueo will keep banging about the city
until cold weather and then go in for
It is said that the prospect of lion
John Y , Stone for securing tbo appoint
ment as railroad commlnsioner In being seri
oiuly damaged by the genera ! belief tha
it was a part of n bargain wheieby h
ceased to bo a candidate for congresi In th
Hinth district. Whether this belief is truer
or false , in places Gov Sherman in a pos
lion where , thould the appointment b
made , he will bo charged with permittiui
candidates to nrratice political trades rely
Ing upon him for a gubernatorial deliver ;
of the goods. Coming Gazette.
j7 There was a midnight shooting scrap
In a saloon on Broadway , near the Kever
house , Friday night. The particulars
reported seem a little mixed , Some clalu
that one fellow , enraged at an epithet aj ;
plied by another , pulled hlsguuand blazei
away , but failed to hit , and the row wai
nt once squelched. On the other hand it
ii claimed that the shooting wan merely
accidental. Both parties an to lie 'urrcnt-
ed , and the true inwardness will probably
come out on the trial in the pollso court
to-day ,
The commissioners appointed to locate
the government building here h 7e re
turned to their homes , without announc
ing any dcci.lon , Their last visit bore
WAS to complete contracts with some
whose property was under consideration ,
no that in c&so they thould accept one of
their bid * the owners could not K" back on
their offer. Toe couimlmiioucis will cor
respond with the department teforo dccui-
leg , end it Is not improbable that Suptr *
; vltfog Architect Hill will visit the city be-
fo e the location is filially fixed upon , as
t e Ii'lfj * ody etaited for some of the
northern clllc * , which have been given ap-
linn rlntion * , nnd this may bo on his lift.
There nio many reports afloat , ono I einR
to the t licet that n syndicate or ting is
quietly nt work trying to fectire property
in the vicinity of the new building , and
that they httvo n fccret "pointer'1 as to
where It wdl bo located , If there U any
such tchcmo on foot the public will ho
given the details in due time There h.ii
been some attempt to influence tha loca
tion by urging the claims of certain wards
on politic * ! grounds. All such nttcmpti
are worse than foolish , however. The
building should bo located without fear or
favor , just where business principles
would place It , rather than where thli or
that politician , or editor wonts It , Thus
far the chief prewure on the comm'si'loners
seems to have been brought by pollti-
ci ns and real estate men , Ttio business
men should have their opinions consulted ,
if nnv are consulted , and those who hare
private axes to grind thould bo thrown
overboard ,
. Mr. Bachelor , the newly-elected oil
Inspector. In to commence work to-day ,
lie has secured the nccexsnry instruments
from Ht , Louis and has been getting post-
nd , K3 that ho can enter actively upon his
duties. If there is oil belnq sold here for
illuminating purposes which Is not of the
proper test it ought soon to bo discovered
now , nnd the people will not feel to ner
vous as thev tit down by n kerosene lamp
to rend the nowppaper account of the re
cent explosion. Consumers ntiould re
member , however , tlutt they have a duty
to poiform ns well as dealers. Lamps
should bo properly cleaned and trimmed ,
and this fulls to their pnit.
My roaidonco , No , 715 Fourth street
Baticroftv L. F. Mum-jiv.
Rov. Dr , Hatflold , of Chicago , Din-
courHOH on Temptation Otlior
burvicoo Hold ? oatorday.
At Broadway Methodist church
yesterday morning there was a largo
audience to listen to Rov. H. M. Hat-
field , U. D. , of Chicago. The repu
tation which ho gained led most of his
audience to expect a brilliant showing
of his po worn of thought and eloquence ,
but in this ho disappointed them. lie
chose as his text "Blessed is the man
thnt ondureth temptation , " and from
this drew a number of Huggestivo
thoughts , taking of course the stal
wart orthodox view of the blessings of
BUliuring nnd the ways to gain strength
to boar ullliction. II is sermon was
moro in the nature of ono of his
prayer meeting talks , arid there were
but onu or two passages in which
iUshod forth in nny degree the bril
liancy which ho after shows in thought
and diction. Still ho was listened to
clusely , and in an easy conversational
manner , ho presented many thoughts ,
which of all , wore healthy and help
Dr. Hatfield nnd family are en route
for the west , ' and as they were taking
a rest over Sunday hero ho was
pressed into service , and it wan grati
fying indeed to many to bo thus able
to hoar ono with whoso name and
reputation they had bcc mo BO
At the sumo church last evening
Rev. Mr. Hobart occupied the pulpit.
Ho ism route for China , whore ho
will enter the missionary field.
As the Baptist church yesterday
afternoon there wan a sermon service
at which Mrs. L. B. Benedict , of DOB
Moincs , gave an address on the sub
ject "A door of hopd for the prodigal
daughters of Iowa , in which she pre
sented the interests of tha homo for
fallen women , located at Des Moines ,
and wliich promises to udbrd practical
help in the field of reform.
Lust tivoninp Rev. Mr. Lemon , pas
tor of the Baptist church , presented
some thoughts concerning Henry
Ward Beechor'a recent article on
"Procross of thought in the Church. "
The pastor of the Congregational
church , Rev. Mr. Hanilin , being ab
sent on his vacation , Rev. . Mr. Rogers
occupied his pulpit yesterday.
Rov. T. O. Ballard , of Corning ,
lawu , occupied the pulpit of the Pres
byterian churnh yesterday , and in bu
half of the presbytery formally declared <
clarod the pulpit vacant ,
A goodjfirst-class moat cook , and two
dining-room girls , at the Metropolis
Hotel , Omaha , Nob. nG-2t
Journalistic Contortion.
The Corning Gazette lias the follow
ing to say concerning the consisted
inconsistency of The Nonpareil :
It must bo very gratifying to the
congressmen from lowiv who votec
against thu river nnd harbor bill , am
also those who assisted in its pawsago
over the president's veto , to know
that they are alike endorsed by Tin
Nonpareil , which if inconsistent it
small things , is at leant always
consistent in maintaining its posi
tion as n worshipper of botl
God and Mammon and ii
furnishing cortficates of 'good ' or bai
diameter for either , ns the case ma ;
require. Arthur was right in votoin
thu bill , and Hepburn , McDill atii
others were right-in vetoing the veto
the measure was inexcusably bad , bu
it will bu productive of untold bless
ings ! What proposition could be
clearer and % vhat position moro invul
nerable , no matter from whence comes
the enemy ? Having obsequiously en
dorsed the president iu its first
editorial , it next became necessary for
that paper as a matter of secondary
prudence to put its loving arm around
writes s "Bnilousness nnd dyspepsia seem ,
to have grown up with me ; hauug been a
ufferur for > ears , I ha\e tried many remo-
dliH , but .with uolattiug result uutn I u > d
your UfiinocK HI.OOD HITTHKB. They
have been truly a blcesltiL' to mo , ardl
cannot speak too highly of them. " 1'rlce
91.00. Md-lw
Blifa , tbo loading house for Mil.
Iinery , will open new fall styles
The Drdio ! Project Should Bo Kept
Moving Until Succoselully
Thcrohag been little said or done of
late concerning the proposed building
of a street railway nnd wagon bridge
across the Missouri , between Council
IJlufls and Omaha. Last spring sev
eral conferences were hold , called by
n number of the leadin ? men of this
city , and in which committees op *
pointed from Omaha joined , There
was much enthusiasm then manfostod
concerning the enterprise , and as n
result n bill was drawn up and pre
sented in the house of representatives
by Mr , Hepburn. It was given a
accond reading , rofotrod to the com-
mittco on commerce and ordered
printed. The bill has been allowed to
there slumber , nnd little has boon
done about it since.
Wlmtuvor may be thought of that
particular bill , or the plans therein
proposed , the matter is ono of vital
importance to both cities. Not a day
passes without complaints buing mndo
of the lack of accommodations for
crossing the river. As it is now ono
can only cross the stream at such times
and in such manneras the Union Pacific
may cheese to dictate , and the ar
rangements are B'lch ' that any ono liv
ing in ono city fairly dreads making n
visit to the other , so much time and
trouble ia consequent on such nn un
dertaking. Thu mercantile interests
of both cities would also bo greatly
bonolitted by the establishment of u
bridge which would bo open to pun-
oral UBO at any und all times.
Of course there is some opposition
any plan for n wagon bridge bo-
neon the two cities , but it emanates
ainly from the Uninn Pacific and
1000 who are under its training or
ho nro duped by the mlsrcproaontn-
ons of ita ilunkioa. It is given out
f thcso that Council Bluffs will bo
catly hurt , and that Omaha will gobo -
o everything , while on the Omaha
do it ia given out that thu building
* n foot and wagon bridge will bo the
cans of forever putting oil the day
hen another railway bridge will bo
uilt , HO that all roads now terminal-
ift hero will soiul thpir trains across
10 river. The project is also sought
) bu tumbled into oblivion by attract-
ig attention to another proposed
ridge to bo built by the Union Pa-
lie so as to provide ono for freight
id one for passenger traflic , whh the
romiao that then both will have am-
o accommodations ,
The very fact of the Union Pacific
iposca the building of n foot and
agon bridge , is indicative that such a
rojcct will prove a benefit to the poo-
o. As for the city it ia certain that
there was a chance to croan thu
ver at any anil all times by foot or
earn , there would bn many moro
idod to the population of this city ,
'hero would bo greater mercantile ad-
milages. There would bo a healthier
Jinpotitlon in trade , by which both
ties would bo bonditcd , as thono
oniing from n distance could look
vor both market , and this double ad-
antngo would naturally draw moro
rado to both and from a larger torri-
ory , us the two thus joined would
make ono great contra ! point for a
argo extent of country.
It takes time to plan and carry out
uch an enterprise , and the longer the
olay in starting the further elF is the
ay of completing. While so many
thor projects are commanding the
ubllo attention , this matter of a
ridgo. should never bo f'-rgotton or
llowod to rest , for it is aa important ,
not moro so , than any.
Chicago Nine Fall to Bent
the Homo Oiub Five of Hpald-
Men to Remain Horo.
The contest between Spnlding's nine
f Chicago , nnd the Council Bluffs
ilub , resulted Saturday afternoon in a
iolory by the latter by n ncoro of six
o five. A goodly nizod and onthusi-
latio crowd witncsaud the game neb
ithatnnding thnt it was the fourth
amo this week , and ono would natur
, lly think thnt tlio public had been
urfoitod , Thu following ia the t-coro
n full :
Hrock , o . 3 100811
Uryan.lstb . 5 1 1 U II ! 0 1
ack.p . -J 0 ( I 0 0 fi 1
lart. lid b . -1 1 1 1 1 II 1
Smltb.Db . 4 100022
Clinton , c. f . 4 1 0 0 3 0 1
U. Urowu , H. s . 4 1 0 II 2 'J 1
M. Urown , If . -1 011100
"oiicn.r. f . 4 011002
Totals 1)5 ) 01 fi 27 13 10
HrALDlNUH. All. U. 1111. Til. I'O , A , 1C
"ncli , B. 5
Kuelme , 2d b 4 012521
Yolt , c -1
Scott. 1st b -I 022800
Merrill , ildb -I 0 0 0 3 2 4
O1 Doy , p 4 00005
Jloken , If 4 00010
! InRBH , c. ( 4 10010
Morton , rf 4 100200
Totals : . . .37 fi 0 8 21 12
INNINCIB. . ! 2 H 4 0 0 7 8 t )
c. imiir < i..o oooooooo-c
Bpa"dlng's..2 " -f ,
Umpire Chas. Stewart.
Scorer Chas. Outh ,
The Council 13lulls nine ia to bo reorganized
organized and greatly strengthened
by the addition of iivo of Spnlding's
nine , who have been engaged to re
main hero the rent of the season The
Iivo are Ilagan , 0'DAyMorrill ' , Roach
and Kuohnp. The homo nine , when
thus reorganized and strengthened
will bo ono of the strongest teams hi
the country , and oven the nrrognnf
Union Pacifies may have a little con
ceit taken out of thorn when they moo
them on the diamond , The clul
should receive huurty oncouragomon
and practical support from the citizens
zons of this place , for the nine la OIK
which will prove n credit to Onunci
Binds. Scott and Vott of the Spald-
ings are to go td Ft. NVayno , they being -
ing under contract thoro. The others
will return to Chicago.
Stock Btatlatlcs.
The following were the receipts nt
the Union Stock Yarka Saturday.
Qoorge Kellino , 17 cars ; Croighton
& Co. , 21 cars ; llarknoat , 4 cars ;
liana Bro's. , 9 caraj Paxton it Ware ,
20 cart ; Haas Bro's , , 14 cara ; Harper
& Pensloy , 9 cara ; B. F. Johnson , 8
cara ; L. Brush , 18 car * . Touil , 117.
The shipments were :
George Keelino , 17 cara over 0. M ,
fe St. P. J Huns Bro's. , 19 cara over
1 M. A St. P J Crfighton A Co , , 21
: ara over 0. M. & St. P. Total 57.
J. Do Witt Jones , of Milwaukee , Is nt
he Ogden.
John Kpcnetcr now cares fur a lame
nn , the result of n tumble.
George Oehleardt , of Philadelphia , is
niong the arrivals at the Ogden.
Dr. W , K , Slnton hat returned from an
ixtendcd trip through the west.
Fred Spctrnan , of Burlington , n cousin
' the Spctman liros , , of this city is pay-
fg n visit to them.
J , J. Sullivan , of grocery fame , now ban
dded to the attractions of his hnrao a verv
ttithful daughter , and all is well.
Aylciworth hat returned from his Da-
oU trip , where he located lands in con-
unction with others from this city.
Deputy clerk of the conrtu , Warren , ha *
> tumed from n succeeful chicLcn hutit
car Dunlop , Ho bnggrd about forty ,
J , W. Htt\cn , who for some time was
ho leading editorial writer on the Xon-
arcil , li.ii now left the Nonpareil , upon
Inch he was employed while regaining
calth and strength , and has attached him-
to the Corning Gazette. He .spent
unday in the city with friends.
Justice Abbott , who was assaulted nnd
ibbod Tliun-tlay night , was able to drive
nt a short distance Soturlay , and yester-
ay morning felt to well that he started
Orraha , but was obliged to turn back
nd seek his cot cgain. It will bo n clay
r two longer , probably , before ho recov-
irs from hi * injuries.
The Iiondon Iiancot.
The ' ( London Lancet" says : "Many n
fo has been unveil by the moral c' urago of
.ho Bufferor" nnd many n lifo bun been
aved by taking Sl'Ul.vo BLOSSOM In case
f billions fevtr , indigestion or Jivcr com-
lalnti , 1'rlco CO cents , trial bottles 10
cuts. Wd-lw
"Think of the Do. . "
otrolt Frco Press.
At Cassvillo , Ga. , wo had just taken
eats on the varanda for the usual
inoko and talk when up came two
olorod inon who were evidently
roatly agitated , Ono of them inado
; iquirifa for the justicu of the peace ,
, nd being told that ho was out of
own ho turned to the other and said :
'I'll leave dia case to any of deso
jon'len to ducido on. What do you
ay ? "
"PlldudeBamo. "
It was a case whoro'onu owned a
! og and the other owned four sheep ,
'lio uheop didn't care for dog meat ,
tit the cur hankered after mutton
.nd . got it , killing the whole four. It
as now question of damages , and
hen n referee had bocn choatii the
wnor of the sheep remarked :
"Do wnluo of dem sheepses was
, hroo dollara upieco , jist as doy stood ,
ayin' nuffiu 'bout do incroaao for next
eah ? "
"Yea , I reckon doy was wo'th all of
at , " replied the dog-owner.
"Then why don't you settle at that
guru , " replied the referee.
"Bokaao , sah , bukaso I'zo got dam-
.gos . , too , I own up dat do dog killed
' .o . shceps , nn' I allows dat $12 am a
! a'r price , but you orter soon dat dog
rhon ho cum homo ! Why ho was all
her blood an' wool an' mud an
urts , nn' de hull fam'ly had to work
ibor him all night to pull him frow.
claim * sail , dat ho should knock off
.wo . dollars fur do way my dog had to
.o cripple hiirnnlf to git at do mut
; on ! "
The roferpo couldn't pee it in that
ight , and the dog man turned away
with the remark :
"Worry well , sah , dis case will bo
ookon into law , and if do law of
Georgia doan * sympathize wid a dog
who had fita nn' shakos an' shibora
ur eighteen straight IIOUIH don iao
gwino to pack right up fur Tonnos-
160. "
directions for every use
\ro given with the Diamond Dyes.
" < \r dyeing Mosaes , Grasses , Eggs
very , Hair. tc.
All Shippora and Travelers will ilm
( rood accommodation and rcaaonabl
Council Bluffs , - - r Iowa
Proprietor ? .
Murray Iron forks ,
Burlington Iowa.
Soml Portable
Engines ,
Etc. ,
} A Specialty ,
The Largoat Iron Working Establish
ment in the Stato.
Steam Engines ,
The Howard Automatic Out-Otf
'Steam Engine ,
Bcnq tor clrcuhr. 21-1 m
Attorney and Counsellor at Law ,
Orrici DrotulHty. between JJaJn anil P r
StriMtii. VS111 loctlce lo Bute Md KeJor *
NOTICE. Special advertisements , sac ai
Ixwt , Kotind , To Ix n , Tor 8 lft , To Uent ,
W nti , Boarding1 , etc. , nlll t > e Inserted In thlt
column t the low rite ol TEN CENTS FEIt
I.TNR for the flrst Insertion and FIVK CENTF
PEll LINE for eich rubncquonk Incortlon
Irffiro iu\v crtUcmcnts at our office , No. 7
reftrl Street , near llroadwuy ,
WANTED A ( food n rl h or SwH" flrl t- >
doccrcralbourevorkn ftli wdlnffIIOLSO.
I ntii1ro | of Mis. K. A. llosp , Ko , 14 4 South
Main slrrct near C. & H. I. II , II.
vyANTFD7nlrls t the K. C. House , on
South Main Street
\\7ANTKD Scrionl rtkchcrp , mlnlsttn , slu-
VV dcnttind olhcrscm a d to thermc mc
by del o Intfn po'tlon ol thc'r ' tlmelo r
'or our piniidtrd lire s nd p no' Ica1 , or can
m&ko l rt ( w RO' hyd o'lnfr tlielr % hnl time
tollVot ant < n kctlre mala . r ( o elo if rt
In ever ) fwn-liip In Iowa nml fbriwka , and
will tflrrixtrn Inducono' ' to. r'or clr ula s ml-
drc Hx > k Coiuinny , Box 654 Council
- ' In Council UluUs 1.-
to tnkoTnn Um , 20 cents net wrek , rio
llvcrcd by carriers. OIHco , No 7 1'corl Street
near Broad noy.
> To buy 100 tons broom corn
For particulars addroi Council Bluff
Broom Factory , Council BHff , Iowa 658-23tf
For Solo nnd Rant
TTlOIl 8 IK OnojcunRkaylonc sullablolor
JL ctrrln o ; alto one Hi' ' " drlvl ir 1111 c. In
quire of J , M , h" itb , Council bluffs ,
8A' K One sst tint crs' teeN , nc 'ly now
clieapfor uxfh. U , It. Jono-.No. ISlllroid-
way , Cotiiicll I luffs , Ia.
T710U SAIjB Thotwoyrars and Ibrco moi ths
I' least * , tt o flitnrca i > i.d lurnlturn of the
Ci'ld ' rnla boiuc. Contain ! n na rn ma with
lion toaccatiin cdnt3 thirty men. linn o now
full , feeding for'y ' to flft.i n en dally. A grand
cbano to liny Into a line trying biistne's 111
bra h ot proprietor the only ru < on fcr
Address ownrr , Henry awelgirt , Calllornra
huuse , C.
FOK SALIC Mxty tom f f Icn delivered on cirj
at cn'a , Icmu. fc'audu r ftiriilahcd. Ail-
lire's. Martin Ca < cy , C < uncll Ultiffg , or II. L.
, Mco'a , low a.
FOU SAT.K Tno cUltns la Ncbra < kj > , cheap ,
by Odcll It Day. J24-lw
] 70Il SALE Rea-itlful residence lots , J60
1 } each ; nothing do n , and ( .Ipcrmnnth only ,
T OST A large wardrob k y. 1 Iberal regard
I 1 ( oiltd r Enquire nt llco oHlgo.
& 8UOTUKUS Cnuncll Bluffs
and Omaha cx | reoa. Orders left at Boston
To * store , Main str et , ( 'onnc 1 luffs , or J , C.
Klllot . Ulfi Karntin itrcct , Omaha , will receive
prompt at'cnton. jylfif
AIIKAU Great fucco 8. Cull and BCD
STILL accessories and Hpcclmcns of pictures
ta < icuh tliu rc'liblc jrelntlno tiromfdo pruieaj ,
at the Excclhlor U&IIirv 10 Mftlnetrcct.
. W. L. 1'ATTON l-hyslclan and Oculist.
Cnn euro any case of pore tye . It In only
a matter of time , and can euro generally In
from thrco tc Iivo weeks It irakca no dillcr-
erica how long dlncagul. Will fctralghtcn cross
eyes , operate and remove rtjretrirms , etc. , and
ln vrt urttilclal eyes Special attention to re-
tnovpinir tadcuornis ap5-tf
Facts forth Knowing
A now crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 7Co
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that offered - .
fered at 75c GOo
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that offered at § 1.00 76o
We Mean Juet What We Say.
16 Main St. and 15 Peari St. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
OHlco nnd Works , Main Street ,
Wo Kn \ e ] > eclal attention to
Stamp Mills , Smolfcing Furnaces
Mill roccho prompt attention. A ( 'oiioral us
cortnicnt of
Brass Goods , Belting , Pining
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Ooal
Sullivan & Fitzgerald
Orookory , Glassware ,
Also igonta lor the follow lug lines ot
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , ( lulon , Ainerlcin , ixnd Stit
Sti'ttmbtiip Cora ; anloa.
3O 3EC , JSX. 3E" O ? S
For Bale on the Hoyil D&nk of Ireland and Dan
of IrelanJ , Dublin. TlKwi w o IntcnJ to iwiid fcr
frlcnda to any part ot Europe u 111 Had It to the
ntereot to lall on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway. Oounoil Bluffs la
MRS , fl. J , HILTON , M , D.f
1822 Brondwftv Council BluflW.
Broadway , and fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Burd tte and ryestern Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all. TJ
Ii Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one-
third ofF. Agents wanted.
C Correspondence solicited
' -r
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Willow Sreets , Council Bluffs ,
'J'HB BEST BREAD IN IKE OI'J'Y. None but firet-class Bakora
imployod. Bread , Cake , Pics , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our
Wagons run all dny.
P. AYREfl , Proprietor.
las For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands
and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYTE , over Savings Bank , - OOU VQIL BLUFS
f e are Offering Special Bargains in All
EMs of Summer
! I
412 Broadway , Gouncil Bluffs. *
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholcaala and Kotall Dealers in
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
, , , ,
( LAte Veterinary Surgeou I ) . S. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
AH of the bret 1'h ) slctarifi In Council Dluffa and
eurrouiidln t ;
The Star Bakery ,
227 MAIN ST ,
Kmploy tha boat InJ ) Baker In the West ; alee
a choica bind for C ke and Plea.
Bread delhereU to all | rta of the city.
Bleb Gut Glass , Fine French China ,
Silver Ware Ata ,
Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ,
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. )
TII08 , W. II. U. IT8IT.
Council Bluffs , Ia.
Established , 1856
Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange
and home securities.
813 South Main Street , Council Bluffs.
New house and no ly fitted up lu first dais
it ) lo. Meals at all hours. Ice cream and lemo-
D Jo in cry ev euiujr , i'rulta ai d coofccttonerla