V 4 t THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA JMONDAY , AUGUST v > l FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. flpeeUl DUjxitch * ) to Tim Dm , NEW YOUK , August 19. MONET. Money 2J@t per cent. ; closinjf offered at 2 } per cent. Prime Mercantile Pnper 6 ixsr cent. * : Sterling Exchange- Steady ; bankers' bill * , * 1.83i ; dcturmd , SUU. STOCKS , The stock market was irrrrgular until 1 p. mf when it became strong , nml to con tinued to the close. The helical prices to- diy were made iu the last hour. aOVKRNUENTS , Yostenltr. To day 6'a 1011 lOli 5'a lOli lOli 4V IWi 1HJ 4a * l.'i 119J 1'ftclh'o C' of 1893 130 130 IIONDS , Oentral PaciGo .ll Krie necond.-t , . . * U Lebigh \Vilkcabarro \ 10S LoiilHluua cnusulfl CD MiMunir ! li'd 110 St. Joseph Ill St , PHUI & Siour City ( irsta .111 . . . . Teuncnbeo O'H , , , . , . , , do new Union Pacllio 1st mortgage . do laud KrunU. . do slnkiog funil .111 ! Tirginia C's 35 uo cousoi n G'a . . . do dt ferret ] * 12 . . . TeioH & Pacitio land grnnU. . 07i do It. G. dtv. . . . S5J 8TOCKB , Adams Kzprcss 1-10 13'Jj Alton & . Terre Uauto 140 138 do pd. . . . 85 83 AmcricHii KiprcES Dli US ) Hurl. , Cedar K.ipkia & North t > 0 8U& Canada Southern C4J Glj Col. , Cin. & Ind. Central. . . . 1UJ 14 Central PoJhu flag Ubi Chesapeake & Ohio. . . . 24 . . . . do iHtpfd. . . Si& ( & d 2d pld . . 2f Chicago & Alton 141 13'Ji 'Z , do pfd 140 HO Chi. , Hurl. & Quiooy ' 1373 1301 Chi. , St , L. & \e r Orleans . 75 74 Gin. , Sand , & Cleveland. . . . C3 Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . 81i { . . . . Delaware & Hudson canal 18 . . . . Del , , Lack. & Western 147J Denver & Klo Graude Oli CIS Brio 3'Jrf 38 ? do pfd SO ? 7 Fort Wayne & Chicago 1 S 130 Hannibal ft tit. Joaoph 85 85 do pfd. . 1)3 ) 95 Harlem 2 J5 203 Iloustou Ac Texas Central. . . . 85 . . . . IllinjU Central 1371 130J Ind , , liloom. & Woatern 454 44 Kansas & Texas S'J ? 3'Ji Lake Krio & Western 41 . . . . Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .115J Irfjumillo & Na hvillo 74 LouiiV. , Now Alb. & Chicago 70 . . . . Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfu'lli . . . . do 2d pfd tl Memphis & Charleston G.2 . . . . Slichis n Central 'J'JJ 'J'J | llinouri Pacific 1' li1COJ / Mi.bilo&Ohio 2i Morru & Kisex 127 . . . . Nanhvillo \ Cnattanooga 01 . . . . New Jersey Lentrul 78 | 7W Norfolk A : vVeot-irn fie . . . . Northern Pacific 5Ufl 5dj do pfd 03 'J3S Northwestern U7 14 i do pfd liiUA 1 8 New York Ceutral 13CJ 135J Ohio Central 17 . . . . Ohio & . Missisdippi 37i 381 do pfd 105 105 Ontario & Western 2li . . . . Pacific Mail 45 . . . . Panama 1U5 Peoria , Decatur & , Evanav. . . 3535 Pitteb .rg & Cleveland 138 138 Rtodin , ' 013 Rock Island 137i 137 St. Louis & San 1'Van 4li 40 do pfd. . . . 59 | do 1st pfd 07 * . . . . St. Paul & Milwaukee 123J 123g do pfd..138 137 St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.140J 116JJ St. Paul & Omaha &nj { 55 do pfd Ill * 114 Texas & Pacific 52i : 615 Union Pacific 1101 IIGJ United S'ates Expr-us 74J "Wabush , St. L. Piicific. . . . 36 § 401 do pfd. G.H . 01J Well ? , Furgo & Co. Express. 130 Wobteru Union Telegraph. . . 88 : East Tenneduce 11 : do pfd 18 OarlhoN li Central Arizona Exceliior 1 UomcHtako 1'J LitUs Pittaburg 1 Ontario 40 Quicksilver 10 do pfd 45' . SilvorCliff J Standard 8 Sutro Itobinson 1 South Pacific 13 Minneapolis & St. Ljuiu. . . . 33 do pfd. C8 * Offered. COMMERCIAT , Omntm VyholonnloMarliot. OFI-IOE OF TUB OMAHA BKF , > Saturdr.v Evening , August 1' ' . J The wbolt-ealo trade of the city generally ia reported in a fairly uctho condition , the weather being fine aud the continued ( ; ljw- ing accounts from all quarterii of the state of the prospective cnrn crop ij very en couraging , The movement in boots and shoe * , hats aud c ipa and clothing continues good , and dry goods and millinery are im proving. The merchants in the o lines re port sales larger than usual at this eeaaon of the year , and buyers commencing to como in quite freely , though the volume of the busin si up to this time has been on mail order a count and through traveling salesmen. Prices remain firm all around , but uro especially FO for Standard cutton production * , and ostrich leathers and tips , raw materiul in ostrich having advanced from 33 to 100 per cent. The grocery trade was fairly active , and most of the staple ? were firm and utendy. The demand for full I * tailing off somewhat and pricoj weakening , liliot is advancing , selliiiK at S1.85. Wholesale ohfari an'l drupn rtre improv lag , nnd lepoit * uleH fur the seanoii very latldfactory. Tha advance in quinine , morphine and opium is well maintained , and prospects of etiil further advance. The produce business has been very ac live throughout the week and somewhat irregular , especially in fruits. Toe con * tigmnenU of apples , peaches , melons and tomatoes have been very large , and while the demand was good , the supi ly being so inush in excess , prices have declined , ant portions of some lots hie gone to wants for want of buyer * , especially watermelons and tonutoe-i , the latter of which exprena charges could not to realized in eomo con Hignmenta. Berries of all kinds were scarce and iu demand , Vegitables of all kinds are a drug in tb market , Lemons are only in fair supply am prices advancing , selling to-day at 87,0 for choice. Oranges ire in limited supply and telling at 83.00 , California fruits are irrirrlnff freely nd quotations maintained. The butter market continues to rule inn under n good local demand for choice dairy and fanc > creamery. Chee o continues gtondy < rth ! only A moderate demand. Eggs nre only Mr sui ply and firm At quotations. The poultry market rules hrm , with a nir demand And moderate receipts. Meats of nil kinds nnd lard are in Active novcment nt unchanged price * . Flour la in fair demand nt quotations. Other milhtuffj nro meeting with only moderate sales ; prices steady. The receipts of hogs for the past week WM 27cars , packers paying S7.CO for Rood. The local uraln trade is quiet and prices running remarkably steady. The only changes reported in the mar cel to-day nre nn follows : Whoit No , 2 mUanccd le. Kyo Declined le. Local Uroin Uenllnti. WHEAT.-Cnsh No. 2 , 85c ( cwh N > . 3 , 7Iic : rejected , fiOo. 11-ivlUjEY. Crwh No. 2 , 70fl ! No. 3 , CSc. CSc.IIYE. IIYE. Cakh , C3o. CO11N. No , 2 , GSe. OAT-S. C < v > h. 30n. STIIKBT PlUCES-Corn , CS73j ( onU , 40 ® 15 * Produce and Provltloni. POTATOES 20@2."o t > cr bushel. ONJONS-60@7iic | ) or bushel. NEW TOMATOES Drug ; 50@5c per box UUTTEH Cholcn country , 12@l5c. HGGS Scarce , 17c. HONEY Cnliforjiu. per Ih , 22o. APPLES Per lmrri-1 , S2 C0@2 75 C > sTAl OPES Par dozen , OOcCffll 00. OYSVKUS-S lect , C5o p rcau WATKKMELONS-1'cr 100 , 51500 ® 8 00. PEAKS-Callfornia , S3 00@3 25. PhUMS-Callforuin , 1$2 3X 2 50. GUAIKS-C lifornia , 52 2Ti@J 50. ] DEMONS-57 00 per box. OlUN ES-$8 0.1 . per box. Grocers' Ust. CUBKS3 Full Oroaiu , 12o | Part Skim. 10 J a. 13EANB Imported German 3 40 per mehcl. oOi'FB E. llio , fair , lloj Rio , good lUo. idii.is to choice , ISJo ; Old Rov't nva ; i ij 2 ! ] : , Mocha , 284o ; Arbuckle's , 51c. 51c.TEAS TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 4 ! > @ 55 ; Jhclco , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; 0 > "SM , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 8(5 ( ® Oo ; choice , 05c@Sl 00 ; tTajian Nat Loaf , 5o ; Japan , choice , C0@75cj Oolong , goi-d , 5@40 ; Oolong , cho.cc , 40@5C ; Souchong , reod. H5aiOc ( : choice , S5@45c. NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels , * 900 ; do in half bbla. C 25 ; small * , in bbls , UOO do , in half bbls , 700 ; gherkins , iu bbls. 13 00 : do , in half bbls , 7 00. WOODEN WAlia Two jop pailf , 05 ; three hoop pails , 2 20. Tub ? , No. leer wnshhoarcts , 185 Double Crawn 2 flO ; Wollbuckctu , 3 60. LEAD 15ar. 81 G5. VINEGAK Pure npple extra , 16c : itiro apple , 13c ; Prussine uure nuule , lOc. tiUUAJtS-Cut loaf. U i Urushixt ilc ; Gruuulated , lOloj Powdered , 11 ; -fino powderud , lie ; Standard Coffee A , Ifc ; Now York Confectioner's Standard . Ojc : Good A , 0c : Prnirlp Kxtrn 0. 9c. HOPE Sisal , i inch and larger , lOic ; U inch , lilt. . CANNED GOODS Oystera , 2 Ib .Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , jcr case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , i 75 , Lobsters , 1 It ) per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do S Ib per case , 3 00 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do i Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 315 ; string beans , per cose , 2 10 ; Lima beano i > er case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00. Pees , common , per case , 2 00 ; pens , choice , per case , 315. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , .MO ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 CO ; raspberries , 2 tb , per case , 3 20. Damsons - sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45 , Bnrtlett pears per case , 3 00@4 CO. Whortleberries per case , 2 40. Egg plums,2 ll > porcineV 75 ; jrnen gages,2 Ib per case , 2 75 ; do choice , . : b per case 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , percaae , 1 005 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 310 : do 3 Ib. case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) . 3 Ib , per oai > e.250 ; do pie , 0 Ib , per dozen , 3 50 , SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Aoh - sco De _ toda 2Jc.CANDLES CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi oz , 8s [ 5cboxcs ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Ge , V r , ItlCE Carolina , 7i@8c ; Louisiana , 7 @ 8c ; fair , C < g GJ. S YIUII'H. augar house , bb s , 55o ihalf ilu , 57c ; kegs , 4A gallons , $250 ; choice table syrup , 48c ; half bbls , 55c ; kegB , ! # 41) . STA11UU. 1'oarl , 4ic : Silver Gloss , a | 58Jc ; Corn Starch , 8i@9c ; Excelsior ilosH , 7c ; Corn , 7Jo. SPICES. J'epper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; lovca. 40c ; Nutmotri , SJ 00' 25cCo8)Ui ; , Mace 8100. MATC'HES-Por caddie , 5,5s ; round , canes , S8 10 ; prjuare , cases , $5 4J. SOAl'S Kirk's Savon Imperial , 345 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white UuBsian , 525 : Kirk'H Etitora , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen , 100 cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 & > . LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 340 : Western , 'i 7fi ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cano , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 CO. FIELD SEED Hod clover , cholco now , C 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , $7 00 ; white clover , now , 814 00 ; si nlfn clover , uow , $12 50 ; alsike , now , § 1300. Timothy , good , now , 83 00 , jlue gross , extra clean , 51 59 ; blue grass , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass S2 50 : red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , * 0c ; millet , Gorman , $100 to $125 ; Hungarian , 80c , HEDOESKED OSORO orange , 1 to 5 juahel.H , 35 00 ; imago orange , 10 bushel * or aver , 84 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , J5c ; per 100 IbH. , ? 25 00. FIS J. Family white fish , 00 Ib hf-bbln , 8 j 25 ; No. 1 white fish , 00 Ib hf bbl * . 7 00 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family 10 Ib kite , 83c ; New Holland herriug , per keg , 1 35 ; Hussian sardines , 75c : Colur < liia river salmon , per IGOlbs , 8 00 ; [ i.ink codfish , Cc ; Gen. boneless ) ic ; bonelesa fish , 5io , MAOJCEUKI lalf bbla mess umckerel , 100 Ibs , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 CO ; hf bbla , fat family do , 100 Iba , G 00 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No , 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ih do 75c. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten. nessee , lOopor Ib ; fanoy white , 10 Jo porlb ; raw v/bite Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 12 Ho. Dry Qosdi. BllOWN COTTON B A tlantio A. 8Jc ; Arplot XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8u ; Boott VV , Bio ; Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7c ; ChittenMif'o A , OJiUroat ; Falls E , Sic ; Hoosier , OJc ; llom.'et Width , K.Jc. In dian Head A. BJc ; Indian Standard A , c ; Indian Orchard . d , w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence LL , , 7c ; Myntio Hlver , 7ic : IVjuot A , RJc ] Shawmut , LL , 7cj Utica O , 5io ; Wachua- ett B. 7ic ; do A , Bio ; do K 48,12c ; Wai- cott BB. 8Jo. FINK BHOWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 : 7Jc ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc ; Atlantic LL. GJc ; Badger Stain X 4-1 , 7c Bcnnint.'ton 0 4-4 , GJcj IJuckoye B. 4.4 , ( lice Indian Orchard AA 0-8. 8Jc ; Laconln C 89 , 8Jc ; LehlL'h E 4-4 , Oic ; I > , nsdale 4-4 , lOc ; Peppereil N 80 , 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do 11 SO , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pooasset O 4-4 , 7c ; \Vnmnutta4-J 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog gin L i-4OicBlackstoneAA Iu perial 8c ; do do half bluachod 4-4'Jc ; Uulxit 4-4 , 8 J Fidelity * . * , 01cVruit ; of thoI/oom.lOi do cnnbrio4.4,13cdoWaterTwiat,10JcGroat ; ; KalUtj , lOJc ; Indian Headfclirunk 4-4 , 12c Ixjuadalo. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; New York Mills : 12c ; Pequot A,10c ; Peppeiel N G Twills , 12io ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , OJc Pocaaset 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , lie ; WonuuttA O X X. 12ic. DoOKS ( Colored-Albany ) K brown So ; do 0 , drab. Us ; do JCA. Htripea one plaidn , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripog Ana plaids , \25cj Arlington fancy , 19c ; Drunswick brown , 8Jo ; Cbnriot fancy , 12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20cj Fnll Kivcr brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indlnnn A brnwn 1V"Btx ! n ct A brown. 15c. T1UK1AUB Amo besB A O A 32 IPc ; do XX blue 32 , ISJcj Arrowar.ca , 9Jc ; Clnrcmont B B. 15ci fonestogft ? ex UA , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , ll c Ij ivi ton , v SO , 15c ; Minnehnha 4-1 , 20o ; Onipsft sujwr extra4.f.28c ; Pearl lllver 82. Kifoi Put nam XX blue utrlpp , 12c ; Shotuckot H 10c ; do S3 12c ; YcomanV blue 29 , . ) c IlKNIMS , Amorikcnk , blueand bronn IGJc ; Andover Dl ) blue , 15Jc ; ArlingX blue Scotch , 18&o & ; Concord 000 , lilno aw irown. 12Jcj do AAA , do do l ! < l ! do XXtn do do 14Jc : IlHjnnaksr's blue ixnd brown , lie ; Mystic Ulver DD strii * , IGlcj IVorl Iliver , blue nnd brown , lt' c ; Uncssvlllo , ) luo nnd brown. 11 Jo. CAMBRICS Barnard , Mo ; Kddyntone ltiR , 24 inch doublp face , 8 c ; Uarncr A [ lazed , fijo ; Mrtnhnttnn glove linloh , 5Jcj Jiewport do Go ; do glartxl , Sijc ; Pequot do > c : Ijockwnod kid tinifth tic. COUSBT JEANS Amorr , ScjArtdros coggin snttccn , 83oClnrciulco ; , OjcjConcs o gn RAtteeni , "Ic ; llftllowcl , 8o ( Indl J Drchortl 7Jej N I'oiiperill eatUMrn 94o : Hockport , 7Ja PUINTS Aliens , GJci American , Gjc ; Arnold , 'o ; Berwick , -llcj Cochcco , 7u ; Jonostniza. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnoll , > } © 7c ; Eddyntonp. 7c ; Gloucester , Go , llarrnony , BJc ; Knickerlmckcr , 0e ; Mcr- rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , 6Jc ! Spraruos. Go ; 3outhbrldge , Oc ; do. G heliums , 7c ; Marl boro. Me ; Oriental Gic. GlNGHAMS-Aiiipakcag. ISjc ; Amos- cc g dross 0 } Argyle , 10cj Atlnntlo , ) cj Cnmhorland , 7lc ; Highland , 7Jo ; Kenilworth , 8Jc ; I'luu kott , lOJoj Sus- aei , b'r ; COTTONADES Ahhorvillo l c Agate , We ; American , lie ; Artlslan. 20c ; 3airo D and T , IS c ; Clarion 1) ami T , 17Jo ; Doccan Co.Btripoa DnndT.lGc ; ICey- btono , ISJc ; Kantuckct. IVc ; Nonpareil , ICcj Ocean D nnd T , 13jo ; Uoyal , 1GJ i 3nnBex , 12c ; Tioga , 12lc ; Wnchu ott ahlrt- ni Jhecka. 12fcc ; do , Naukln , 12jc ; York. > latn Nankin. I2jc ; do , check * , ttripoa nnd ! nncy , 124c ; do , 8 oz. 20c. SHEETINGS Andniecogeln 10.27Jc ! do 0-1 , 2-lc ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; New York millaOS , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22icj Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; I'oquot 10-4 , Mfcc ; do 7-4 , 19o ; do 49 , IGc ; Ponperoll 30 , 20c ; 10 G7. 21c ; do 67 , 13c > Uticn 9ft. JC c ; do 8 , 224odo4S , 17o Cigar * and Touaccot. CIGAUS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut , S25.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , $50.00 ; Cloarllavann , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden JJnlo , II Ib , GOc ; Our llopo , firat quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , buttp.GOc ; Homo Shoe , Kiunda , 21 Ib , butt * , GOc ; Gilt Edge , ) ounde , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , raundii , 55o ; Bullionpounda ! , Me ; Lord- ard'a Climax , | xnmds , GOc. FINE OUT In pails. Hard to Boat ! ' 5c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c , ? avorito , 65c ; llocky Mountain , GOc : ? ancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50o. In tin foil litlinH O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Hi 6Sc ; Lori- Ulard's Tiger , 5c ; Diamond Crown , GGa. SMOKING All grades Common , 23 to SSo. Granulated Blackwella Durham , IB oz 51c ; Dukea Durham , 16 ozIGc ; Seal of S'orth Carolina. Hi oz , 46 ; Seal of Nehraa- ka , 10 01 , 880 ; Lone Jack. 4 cz , linen \\ng \ porlh , $1.85 ; Marbunra'l"uck 2 oz , tin oil , 613 ; Ooz Tail ( ibc. Palnti Oil * and VarnUhei. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. . 6Jc ; white lead , St , Louis , pure , GJi ; Maraailloa green , 1 to 5 Ib runs , liOo French zinc , gison seal , I2c ; French zinc , red seal , Ho ; French ztuo , in vaniiah nast , 20o ; French zincr , in oil nsal , IDc ; Haw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and hurnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke hroivn , 3 refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ; l"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L , M. & D. , 14c ; blind nnd abulter jroen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Parla green. 18o Indian rod , IBc : Venetian rod. ! lc ; Tuacnr drv , 22c ; American Vermiliod , I. &P. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c | yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre. 10 ; patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon ) : light oak , dark oat , walnut , chestnut and aah 15o Dry ° alnt White lead , Cfcc ; Froucn zinc. lOo : Paria whitoing 2Jc ; whiting nildera , IJc ; v > biting com'l , lie ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; Irmphlack , ordinary , lOc ; Pnia- fiinn blue , 55o ; ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , lcaienna ; , bum t , ic ; aicnna , raw. lo Paris green genuine , 2."c ; Paria green com'l 20u ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chrom- Ifreen K. , l'2c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver- inillion , America , 18c ; Indian rwl , lOc , roue pink , 14c ; venetian read , Cookeon's flic : venetian red Am. , IJc ; roi load , 7Jo ; carouio yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yellow - low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3o ; octre , Krcnch , 2Ju ; ochre , Anierican , 2c | Winter's mineral. HJcj lohigli brown , 2Jc : ( tpanish hrown. 24c ; Prince's mineral 80' OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , lljc ; 1'60 huaillight , per gillon. 12c ; 175' headlight , per gallon , Kic ; linseed , raw , per gallon , i7 ; linaeoil , boilo-l , per gallon , Gfle ; lard , winter at 'il , per inl- ton , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7fic ; castor , XXX. pi-r gallon , 110 ; No. H , 1 00 ; aweet , per gallon. 85c ; ope'in , W. B , , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , \V. B. per gallon , GOc ; ncatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 7 < > c ; No. 1 , 05c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; Binnmer , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO : aponn , aigjial , per gallon , 80c ; ter- pcntine , per gallon , C5c ; nnptha , 74 , per gallon , 18c ; Gl' . 17c VAUNISHES BarrolD per gullon. Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 51 ID ; each , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 7fi ; niian , 70cas- ; phaltum , extra , 85o ; ahollao 1-3 50 ; hari 011 flnlah. 81 30 PAPEIl Straw jispor , 2Vc ; rag paper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 0 ; ; runuila paper , lOc : news paper. 6c. Heavy Hardware Lltt. Iron , ratnH , ,3 10 ; plow nteel , anccia ! cast , 7c ; crucible,80 ; npeciul urGermanlic ; cant tool do. 15@20 wagon apokea , &t , 2 25@3 00 ; huba , per net , 1 25 ; felloes , RQWOC dry. 140 ; touguea , each , 70@8fic ; ailcu each , 75c ; Bimaro nuts , l > or th , 7llc waEhcrn. per Ih. 8@18c ; rlvcta , tier Ib , lie coil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; tnalloiblo , 8c , iron wedgofl , Go ; crowbars , Oo ; harrow teeth , 4c ; nnrpeahoca , per keg , 5 00 ; aiiring Htool , 7@8c ; Hurdcn'a horfieobocu , 650 Burdou'R muleshoca , 6 50. SHOT. Shot , ei-Sfl ; Buck uhot , 32.10 Oriental Powder , kega , SG.40 : do. , hal kegs , $3.48 : do. , quarter knga , # 1.88 ; BUut ' , kcRB. S3 85 : KIIHO. tier 100 feet 50o , BAi.BED WIICK In car lota.8 3'J per 100 : in Inns than car lota. H 55 nor 100 , NAILS-Kates. JO to G0 | , , 4 00 , Leather , Oak Hole , 38o to 42c ; hemlock BOO , 28c to 35c ; hemlock kip. 60o to 100 ; runner G5o to 80c ; hemlock calf , B5c to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23o to 2jc ( ; oak in per , 2lo alligator , 4 00 to G 50 ; calf kid , 32tfc : Grelaen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , HIJo t ( 1 00 ; oak calf. 1 ' . ' 0 to 1 30 ; French kip 110 to 1 55 ; Ficnch oalf , 1 25 to 2 0(1 ( ; run fcctt * . 0 50 * a 7 50 ; llniiign , G 00 tu 10 50 fcoptiiiiKB , 9 ( to lOf.O ; B L , Moroco.i , 'Ma to ; i"c ; peliblu 0 , J ) , Morocco , 35u ; xlmon 'I ' 0 to 3 00. IIAUNKSS-No 1 etnr oak , 42o ; N 'J do , 30c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 88c ; No. 2 do 35c ; No , 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 3io Horioi and Muloi. The market ia briak and all grades are selling well at elfcht advance In p Icea The demand for good horsea exceeda the tupply cooaideraaly , Prices range aa fol Iowa ; Flno single drlrera. 81W. to 300 , ; Kitru draft horsca , 817ft. to 225 , ; Common dra < horsoa , $100 , to 150 , ; Extra farm horaex SI 10 , to 125. ; Common u > good farm horaei 390. to 8100. } Extra plugii , fW. to 75 , Common plugs , $20 , to 940. MULES. 15 to 15J handd ( extra ) , $125 to 150. ; 144 to 15 hatida , 3100. to 110. 14 to 14 i hauila , $15. to 100. ; 131 to 14 hands , COO , to 75LI LI uor , ALCOHOL 187 proof. 220 per wine gallon ; extra California spirit * , Io7 proof , 1 20 per nroof gallon ; trlplo roliued upIrltH. 187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-diatilled utiakiod , 1 00f ) l I'M ; fine blended , 1 50 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken. tucky and Pennsylvania rye , 2tO@7 00. BJUNHIEH-Importud , 80 00@1000j domestic 110@4 00 , GINS IrrporUxl , 4 fX)6i6 ) 00 ; dotnwtlo , HUMS Imported , 4 60. 6 00 ; New SnirlMid. 2 00 $ 1 00 ; demotic , 1 608 50 PEACH AND APPLE BUANDY 75 < S)4 ) 00. CHAMPAGNES Imrortcrt pnr case , flOO@3l 0 ; casrl J , cace , IP 00 ® GOO CLA.UETS Per csuo , 4 W@lfi CO WINES Khlna wlno , per caio , G 00 © 0 00 ; Catawba , per cane , 4 OC7 00. Lumber. wHOUMALi. Wo qnoto lumber , atn and uhlngloa on ! re at Omaha at the following iirhwt .IOIHT AND SHANTLINIJ 10 ft. ml imler. $21 ( Hi ; 18 ft. , $22 00. TIMBEKH Ifi ft. and under , 822 00. TIMIlKll-AND JOIST-18 ft. , * 230'i ' ; C ft $24 CC , SS ft. , 827 r,0j 24 ft , $27 50. PKNClNi No. 1I ard 6 In. , $23 00 ; Vo. 2 , $20 HO. SHEETING No. 1 ( ihul common > nrd ) SIS 50 ; No. 2 , 817 00. STOCK HOAKDH , 12-ln. D , $2300 ; 12-in. C , S.V ) 00 ; 12-ln. B , $40 Ol ) . LIME I'ar barrel , 91 IS ; hulk pa 0119- 5o Ccmcut , bbl , 81 75. Iowa plrtrtor , bl , ? 2 00. Hair per bu , : V > c. Tarred olt 100 Ibo , $3 00. Straw hoard , $3 Of. COAI/ Cumberland hlnckmiilth , fl'J ; -lorrii - liun Blos burx , $12 ; WhltobroaH imp , 6fi TO ; Whltebrcant imt , JB r-0 ; Iowa ump , * ij 50 ; Iowa nut MM ; KoekSpriit ? , ' Authrauito. all ! zt Sll OJ. DUU S AND OHKMIUAI Acid Jnrbolic , 50c ; Acid , TArtRjie , We ; Balaam JopabK , per Ib , 70c ; Bar ! : , S.is : ifin , per b , I4c ; ( l.alomol , per Ib , 7i > c ; Cinchonltlm , or or , $1 lo ! Chloroform , t > ct Ib. 1 00) ) Cover's puwilcrit , per Hi , pi 10 ; IvptrM altM , per Ib. 3Jc ; Glycerine , purv , per Ib , 8c ; 1/omt , Acetate , p , < r Ib , 2c ! ; 311 , Cantor , No. 1 , per 1. PI IS ; JU , Caitor , No. 3 , per gal , $100 ; Oil , ) llvo , per R.il. SI 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 50 , ) piuni , $5 01) ) : Ouinino P. h W. A K. A S. wr oz , 82 30 ; Potassium , Iodide , per H 1 90 | Halnciu , per or. . A\ ' . ; Sulphate o lornhino , ver or , ft 85 ; Suliinur Hour icr Ib , lo : Strrchnluc. nor or , $1 35. Wool. ilerlno nnwna CK ) , ligtit , HlJjlCc ; hnvyr , l.Slfic ; moillum unwashed , llitht , ! S ( < d-JO washed , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub-dinV , ml w , , 28o ; harry , blnokmd o.ittoJ wool @r o leaf Hide * rurm , Cto. UIDES-'jirocn butclior's hide , CSG\e ured 7Jc ; hides , Kreon MIL part cured 7c 'liden ' , Olc ; dry flint , sound , 13@l4c ; dry alf nnd kip , l'2@Uc ; dry unit hilc , mmnJ , 0@llc ; orcen cjvlf. wt. 8 to 16 IbH. . 10fllc ; reen calf , wt , under 8 1U , per skin , 6fM reun polls , 50@S1 25 ; green lamb skin" , il SSfel 50 ; damaged hides , two-thlril rntc , ut scored and ono grub , claiHod two- Llrdn rate , ) branddl hull's 10 par cent , olf. Coon skinn , No. 1 , 45c ; No. ' . ' , 30c ; No. 3 , MNo. ; . 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 15o ; No. 4 , Be. Fox , No. 1 , > 0c ; No. 2 , 25c. Sktink , No. 1 , blnck , j5o ; short wtrljio , 40 < ] j narrow strix | ) 25o ; rend Btripo , lOc. ' .fallow 7c. Prcauoo. OIIICAOO. Augitdt IU. Wheat Fair demand ; lepuliir 1 02.J | for /VugtHt / ; O-g'HIUSJo ' for Si-ptombcr : ! ) ( jc for Otto'itr ; UB O lor Novomhpr ; ! ) GJe f-ir tha year ; No a rod winter , 1 03 ( H O.'H fur cash ; 1 02j@l ( tiS for Auijuat ; ttllg for St'i > teml.or ; 101J October ; No. 2 Chicago Birmg | , 1 Oil. Corn Uniettlo-J , but generally lower ; @ 7Go for canh ; GGo for Anpiint ; 1 > \ @ > ! Jii for September ! 7. ( ff"4o for Octoloi ; 7njs fur November ; GGnL'iiJo ( for the jenr ; jcotoil , 74a. Oals Act've , but weak and lower ; 45o for cash ; 4Mo for Aug i-tj yo for Sep- ; o nher ; 3"Jo for October nnd November ; 35j ( or the vear ; rejected , 43.- . B.rley F rmer ; Die. Tlinotliv Seed Cushdull ; future * lower ; mixed , 2 20 ; prime old , 2 28 © ' . ! ; 0 for c.vbj 2 20 for Annual ; 2 1C for September ; 2 11 @ 2 12J for October. Has Seed Firm ; merchantable , 119 ; damaged , 1 20. Butter- Stoutly with a good demand. Erfga Fnmoi ; 18i@l'Jj. Pork Active , firm und hi hcr ; 21 30 ® 21 4U 'or cash ; 21 3 * ( < r/.il 353 f ° r Augusts 21 21j2UO | for Septoml-er ; lit 52J 2 21 55 Tor uut her ; 1118 © ID HjjJ for Junuary ; 10 45@1 ! ) 60 for tn yeur. lix Modoiatcly actlvo and higher ; .2 23 for cath ; 12 27iC"3l2 3D for Su.tm. | ber ; 12 374@1.40 Oilier ; 1223for.Tmi uary ; 12 20i ( l224 f ° " 'he year. Uullc Muiitt Stionger ; Hlioulders , U 75 ; short rib , IS 20 ; > Ii irt cle r , 13 t i. Whisky Steady and unchanged ; 119. ItuU'ln. .11)111111 I- Flour -1,000 9,50 Wheat 7li,100 Sl.dOO Corn 130000 1120(0 ( Oata 90,000 1SS.OO U > o 7,00) ) Burley none Connofl niaU'i ! COUNCIL BLOTCH. Auptut 19. Flour Crystal Mills golilen lienf , It 30 ; host KHIIK.H linnils , 3 00ral3 tO ; Graham , 300 ; ivuil Hir , 300 Corn M-il-l 70 for uhlte ; yellow , 1 GO : cornch p , 2 < j 00 per ton ; corn mil uatu choii , 2'i ' 00 ptr ton. Wheat No. 2. 75o. Corn No. 2 , 57 o. Ityo No * , 47(260j. ( Borloy None Oats New , ! ! 0o. FUUITS HhickhPrrie ? , 15o per box ; iilbri , 2 .r/05/i : 00 jii-r barrel. Broom Corn 3JCUc. liny Lee < e , 7 OOte'J 00 ; baled , per hale. hale.Wood Wood 5 00@G 00. Wool irifetT . Butter Creamery , 20o ; in rollH , wrap- d , lOc ; rolli not , wrapped , 12Jc ; mixer colors , 1012ic. KggB 1 'C. Onions 7"o > per buihel. LUo ( xhichmiB 1 ln ( < yl 25 jicrdcuen. Potatoes SOc par i u lel. ) Cjbl ) gei-2")6/IOu / ; [ ier doz. Tiirnii | > < ' 10j | iur lninhcl. Sweet Coin 7a per di'Kjn. LIVE SCO 1C , C.atliiExtra , .1 00@ 350 Vnal C.dvoa . - 5 TO11 00. HO H 7 00&7 25. Hhneii 60 , Now York Pruiimiu , NKW YOHIC , August 19. Wheat Open , d iffljij ( ui li r ami linn iiftcrwunh ldl iulv.mcicloj ng weak ; re C.i-ii ju butti-r ; fliili Ktieiitly | fostitdvance clu-ini ; "toady ; rcei > litH | , 625 bu ; oxportn 1,900 'ju.jimgridcd , l4@87i ) ; No. 2 , 87o Oitts Uiuuttluil ; iC"- " low < rictelJti- ; | 51,00) ) liu ; exports 158,000 bu , ; mixed wrntmi , 50@58e ; white , 7'i@80o. 1'ork-Sliong ; n w mef ; 21 76@22 00 Lard Wcu'c ' ; pilmo Hteain. 12 C7J@ 1270. Buttor-QnVt hut firm : at 15@l7c. Cliii > aii Zitvn ntciolr. ClIIU.UJO , Allgiirt II ) Dr.ivein' Jouinal rep.jru na fo ! ta , 4,600 ; demand fairly active and 5a hiKher ; common , 7X"a800 ( ) good to priuio heavy , 8 20)8 ( ) 90 ; light , 7 GU ( R 25 ; Hkliw , 5 00u,7 ( 40 , Cattle Heceipti' , 2,400 ; un < hanged ; na tives ilotv ; txpurti7 CO © 7 ; K"1" ' to cholco thlppiiu , 'HO@0Kcniiniion ! ) ; to fair , 4 0@ti 00 ; InitchtTB1 steady ut 2 25@1 76 ; stnckerH und feeders in f .Ir dumaiid nii'l ' 1 Until uupiily ; Kulff , M 00 © 1 25 ; r.inge cat tle linn ; 't'utan' , 3 70 6 ( JO ; halfbreuda and Americans , 4 5 < ( % 5 40 Sh i HectliilK , 400infetlcr to fair , 275 )350 ) ; ii.edium to ( food , 3GOaIOJj choice to uxtra , 4 25 ( 4 CO. KnmuM City Live Utaok KA.NHAH CITV , AugiiKt 19. Thu Llvo Stuck Indicator reporU tut fi > l- Iowa- IowaC > ttle-Jt"celpta , 3 800 head ; tteadv and fairly uctlve ; no go id native steers offertd ; cowii , 2 75bj3 ( CO ; tteera , 4 30. Hogb Kuceil'U , 700 ; linn ml higher , ranifliiK' at G 80@8 15 ; bulk of sales nt 780@8CO HecelpU , none ; nativen , 3 60 , Bt. l > enl Sr. I < ODIS , Auguit 19. Ftotrn Up , * rft nde 6cgli ( o lower. WMKATOpenwi letter but declined or lutur.n ; CAI kte.-uly ; No. 2 red , flGIOD " for c * < h:9io for Auiu ; t ! 97lcfor 31o for October ; 99o } for No. lor the jou ; Nn. 3 redVOJ@ ) bid for c.i h ; No. 4 red , Wfl. CORN -Dull nmi Irregular ; 7lo bid for \ h ; "TJo for Atiuuit : 76o f r September : 3 for October ; C0o for the year and T. : OATH Opened better but fell off ; 39J ® Ijjo for c h : SOJifnr August ; STialor I'litomtier ; 3ljo for November ; 42Jo for hncnr. . 1ST * ( i'c. WIUSKT 1 17. DIIT SALT MEATS Higher ; nhouhlcra , fiO Mtli'c , (5 ( 25G.3 ! 75. .N Stitmiipr : ( honldetv , 10 621 ; " LAUD Niitnlimliy hlRlier nt 122. * . St- Lenin Llvo Stoolt. Sr. Louis , Augint IU , Hops llocclpti" , 400) ) iw supply ; nn nu r- ct ; MTV lltllo demand ; numitinlly un- hangrd , Cattle ISorelpU , 1,100 ; hlpmcuU , 2,20(1 ( ; upp'y good ; dom iiui Hunt ; price * weak ; ival li'XHiiii , 3 Ujfjj ) 1 60 : RTftsj Indl iiif , ; < . " > ; mnitliivciitii'cerM 6T > . SheepIStc I , U. 2,20(1 ( ; shipments , 950 ; ntr drmrtud for nil Kradv < ; tutivpa rmiK 7"i i ' 1'otans , 2 60@4 50 ; Block ahccp , 00. Kaumm City Prodnoo IvAN'SAH ClTT , AUK AVhcat Ucciuplv , 48,000 bu : nhlpiticnta , OOtH > Iiu. ; jtite ; No. 2 iwl , 8"i@v" lo for * h Aiul AUK'UII ; 8lc for Heptenr or. Corn Hcci'lptii , 1,000 1m , ; ah'pments , ,000 bu ; No , 2 mixed , ( US o for o.sh ; cjo bid f > r Aiutmt ; U7o bid for Septotulicr. U.UiBetter ; No. 2 inltcd , 3 1 Jo bid or CA h ; 33o for * AI T P o money amlonlcr mil direct from ) M ( _ I iu , uuli Ip proiujitly by rail at tlio owcst potillilu caili prlco to II western iiolnin itl-liii TVLKUtlAliTUn. , CONSPIRING CHIEFS. Tha CtvuBn or tuo Robolllon nt Pine Atrouay. The following letter was rocnivotl > y talc ruph nt the inilllnry hond- liiarturs in this city yortordny. It sotit by Acnt | McOilliouddy to ) ol. Suinnur , cunuuniidor at Ft. llob- iiaon , in reply to his tolcgrnm asking or dotiiils ns tu thu CHUSOS wliioh led o the proBont Indian trouble nt Pine itidgo agency , nnd nf tor its receipt by imil nt Ft. ItobiiiBon wna wired to dopnrtmont hundqunrtura iu Onmhn. I'ho diapiitQh | jubl.ahud on nnuther mgo wna aunt n dny later thnu the lot tur nnd gives the result of the council icruin rolurred to , which wna a unan imous votu by thu Indiana to otnnd by the A 'out. The luitnra roforrud to were the two mnit Col. Stun n ur nnd thu war dopnrt. nent ruapuotivoly coinpluinini ; ol thu ngunt nnd donmndiiig hia romovnl. I'hu following ia the luttor as rocoivud ioro : PINK Hiiuii : AOUNUV , Dakota , 17th. Co ) . Suinuca , U S. A , , Fort Uoliliuon , Neb : Your telegram recoivod. The lot- terauro writtuii by ono Qodfry , livini ; neiir the ngonoy , in Nebraska , who olaima to bo uu ola friend of Secro- tury Tolhir'a , oto. "Womau'a Drosa" lias boon working thia thing with Red J > oud fur aomo time to gut Rod Cloud'n liulp to innko him "Woinnn's Dreas" n chief. Uu in making trouble here ind if ho contintiuB I ahull put him in thu uun.nl hoiieu. The majority of the Indiana signing the luttor uo not know UH contonta. An far ua an outbreak ia iHineurnod our o-vn Indiiina will pio- vunt it nnd kid Hod Cloud if uocus- oury , but un long ua Hod Oloud ro- ( cmius hurt ) wu will have moru or loea ( rouble. I almll demand that the leadora in the movumunt bo cent to Noi von north or that Jtlio dopiirtmunt Htand the coiiur < ] iienct3. Jtwill only bu nucofuary to tntnaport thri'o or four. All of thu Ohuyonnoa and the bnllc of thu northern fciiotix Htand by mo. I'ho polino nro all coining in from the villagoa , and I ohull put this all'iir in thu hiuiilo of the Indiana nnd till' iiolioo to-morrow nt n goner.il council. Wo niuat Imvo dccisivo action on tliia thing , an it ia opi'ii 'bullion on the part of n vury fuw Indiana All I nsk m iuutruetionn , nnd wo will otruighton tliia m.itter up. Please pay no atten tion to Btainpudiiig rupurta. I will look to thu tt-luqraph line. If yon Imvo no objection , plenau tulugruph me copies of two lottura. MuOiii.i < iuiiiiv , Agont. Motion. The "Hawthorn Oontonnial Ex- ccltior Root Paint , " wna patented May 24th , 1881 , und Jetton ) patent niiin- burS-11 , SOU. Any person found or known to tamper with the inanu- f.icture of Buid p.tint will bo punish ed to the full extent of law. No prr- on juts nny uutliority whatever to Bell receipts. HAWTHORN it Bno. , Lancaster , J'u , 8200,00MWAttD , ! _ Will bo paid for thu dutuctinn nnd con viotioa of any person unlliiig ur dual ing in any LUI > UB , ouunttrfoit or iinitu tiou llcir JtiTTiiiw , I'spL'ciiilly liittur * or ] ) rumrutiiiiH ; with the word Hoi1 or Hoi'H in ihuir iminu or oonnuctcd tliorowith , that in intundud to niisloa .ind ohoat the puhlio , or any jirupara cion put in any form , prutondin to bo the sumo uu liur liirrKits. Thu nun- uini ) have a chiBtur of OUKKN HOI-H ( notice this ) printed on the wluto 1'ihtil , und uro I lib puroat. and bust nadiuino on oarlh , capoomlly for Kid- liny. Liver ami Nurvuutt Dieuaaos. Bu > u'liro of itllo horri , and of nil protondud fonnuUcs ur rouipeu of Hoi1 BrrrKiUi publinhud in juporu ur for aulo , aa thuy itro frauds and owindlca , Who- uvor duals in uny but the gonulno will bo proBuouttd. HoiUITTEUH Jtlra , Co , , jy22.ini itoohoator , N. Y. INCREASE YOUK CAPITAL , . Iliiiu ilenrlntf to uuVo imiicy on ma I unil Hi' Ium Int xtmoiililj xrtiln , | irovUloi < an I s'.ocU iipucuU- tloi , v H U mj liy oil'rail ni ; on ou i | iUri t'niu vi y 1 , Is8l , o iliopru WIIKAT t "tutu , 01 iiiVtfttni fi a of Jlu,01 to 81 OOJ , casj pralln lutu ounii rolzol anil pilj tn livuntiri uuKiuri IRK orovur I llnibt t ieur > K- hul UUI.S moil , tllDoaviiu On or Kin llmj tnuiit n&kliif iiiouuy orp j all ii on demand ' ' ciriuartauilrtUomoitlclfniiJ ru poiulble a enU wlioullr lul oJuuo lli-J I'1"1 Iiborikl coiu- nilulcrK ittlil AiMruM KlKMM > Nl ( UKultlAil , Oem mliwloii ilercuauta , ] or Cblcago , HI , SPECIAL NOTICES. n i DAN- ONr.Y TO t.OA.V O ll at Uw Omc of U. M1 D. Thomt * IltJmH Crrlehton tlloek , i\iwiTl' uuAfi A s Qorr/i \ pti WOU UUU t M > In ( mmo.of M.500 nr > upwards , for 8 to B yn r , on flnt-clMt eltj kni l\tm rroixtrty. firms Hsit , KJTIH ind totr ( th nd Dourlo 8tn WANTED ANrl > - \ flrot-clajs pMtry coon i Or , I- W tlontM hotel. 4-tr 'AAfANTKArlrl to > lo ( fcnn nl homo ork In > > ft mall ( Ami y None but on > thcrrtuh y rninptte t cil Apply , Inqulio at O'Dnnah u Do net' , 110 15th dlrt 102 'J AST IT y ina iv d lfut AD mitufnTiiTitd rooms Uh r wl hour b ard. I'rhair fau lly prc'crro ' . , AdJro > X lice o > ru , a20-t \VANTRI-ror tno-al lis GIRIj aily I'lipln ) m- lit In urn ill tiinlly > 'r . n 11. Ilurnlum , 1001 Idaho ktrrtt , or at th" Il > x > ofllco. B 21 f ANTKD 25 ( Min-ters to wrk ' n K "lo o' W Ml K-iitl 1'vrlflc ral rvtil i l > pi linn iff , ft month mid board Appl } o Win Hag rll nn thowrkst npllllon Ntb. Kor Iratisportitton toll , MuinncilvJ.Uinftha. WANfH-A ) Komi 1i > cail mid cake h krr. ( Iccxlww ; niiiiil | MI | einploynicMt A > l > dr. * O Lhuun , Wfcpmif Water , N b. 10 > l-21 f ANTRll A trA > clin. sdo-nun for * IIIIM- I ka to IntriMlni'o our tic * ty o uurncni on cniumlralon I'an bo orrliMl ltl. ot orT ( > d . oiD IMI in ( anlly t rn irav Mnjj rxpeimn - 1 Ibrsouolswli 10 > /iltitifof ( tr.lnn Hamp'o ' nil H it ulll D. nentlor < 2)0. hoiul lor | arllcli- i' Adilh's.1 TIIK I10TOS 1.AMI1 CO. W 22 { 47 Wn-li lU'ion St. , U nt n , lla s. Apooil loak-krcpor who ran n\\a \ U o luni city rofirriioHai il who Imi rl ute io - IHKN , wind I MI lo Kwp A n > of l vki fcriv mill I rom enrntlon , Iniiilro | 1J1H Fnniniii Btrnt. 1IJ2I \\rANTKD-A wonirm to cook at UOmuih VV Tlilituth itro.t 77-tf ONK HtmillCl ) WOUK1NO. WANTKD llnmh of finilll'p lo Dstist 11 fnrin. IIIR tliu "Onuba Co-opotikthn supply anil InViBt- nn lit Soclvt ) . " ( On rmlpt nl the riiUlslto | itimberof nnuirnamci-t'ni ' ; nlll horall il mini Posul Ithiiimo and oililro to "orifnn tor , " llrnolllco. HMD VI AN11H ) Ulil In fuinl'y ' of tuo. I qulro > 13th null \cinvott\M-st ! do , 2d iloirou 13til HtrooU a'-lH \\J ANTKU T o o , 1 btooiuiimkcr . Stiaily VV nork. Cnltnt Nubroaka liroom Kaitaty. 73-311 Ai'u. HANDOW. ANTl'.D Two llrrt cmm ' nrh r * . W J. W , 2 13 Ooiiiicll II uT ( nppiui tkcH wuntiil. App ) nt MlliMvhllV 1017 LliluiRO Btrcct. Ca I tftur 0 nVfock p. n < . 6S-1U WANTKD A boy not IVIH than H. > o r-i old , loloirn pbotOk'rtpby "t C'uirlii'H. Icail- li K pliQto < r.plmr , 1212 rarnam t 2Mf . lot ) men for m Irovl uo k. 11 WANTI.II MainmvlUr , o uplojmuiit nRcnl , llili struct , near Kiuiuin. Qfl3tf WANTrO Trn \\attenS1.riOpcrilny. . Inquliu M , Vincent , at Hin Dflfl-tf DflfltfANT WANT l0naImndJcilmnn.Vn.k.ci ll,7f ) | wr thy. Arply < n MlUhol Vlurent , nt Flnrciii-oOut ulT , i Ino inlKfl north of Umiihu. W At hi. Clnrlon hotel , t o llrdt lmn dining room ulili. _ UOS-tf _ NTrif llonrdrin a 110 HoutTllltli Ht Hoard j4,0o ; l ofurnl nl rcouiK Kran lh - B. \ OM-tf A llrnt-iMsi tfl" niil-t bo WANTKD wuchor Mid liiinrr.Vngu (4 00 ( itrnruk , Inquliu nt Leo , Filed & ( Jo's , or a- Ueii ulllc < i. U.U-tl IXrANTKD 600 privy \au.t , ulnks Anil C VV pools to clean with Hanltary Vault and .Sink Cluaiior , ( ho bout In uso. A. Kvana & Co , , riwldnncn 1209 Doilue utroct , Omaha. 'l o ur tl.ru rooms tu table fp WANIKD clllic. Addrim I r. I'l rlr Uoo olllco. 600-tf MICELLANEOU'S WANTS. . -To pll , allnhtstrck and furm- WAMT.ITo turo uf rc ln r.int In lllalr , Nub. lnU ro ' f L' . F. Hilton , at lllalr , or A. I'lirkliiH , Omaha. / : - Hiilti of two or ttiri-o unliirnlsh W/iNTiD-A i' < l ro > nm Address "A. 11 , " 102(1 ( Farnain btto t , Onmba , Neb , fi6 tt \\/AM'IK Ap rtiirr lth SI.OOu to 46.0UO , VV In Kvnera niofOlanill'O and farm mp'o. inonti , ( < ! it tr.i u cnabllslud. opply to lock box 63 , U'iinoro , Noli. 2J-12 ) bout Au UBt 16 , n hmmo of 4 or WANIKI 6 rooms , on line ot atrtot ralluay profur ri'il. Aililrcsn "llou-o " Hen Olili'O , atll tf SITUATIONS WANTED - pnxltlon a ihcmltt In fomu WANTIED-A i ti.rfi nmnufiutory nr a muailou Inn K adcd fiohool in ttnibir n < the rclunu' . ( ! oo ' r fo 01 rm liiinlthcil , AdilruiH "ti , A II. " Uoo lllcc , Unniha , fttb , 89 21 FOIt MINT One or tuo large , plrn ant front chninliur riinnii In nls'iuil ' ir nnf i nlxlud , InKlvor In milt , wltliout hoarl , to yoiitleinai ami lf < > , iimc'allfjriilnBtrool , hot. ! ! l tiiiiil22J 101 tl 71011 UKYr Iloilio of thrco rjoini , 817H 2li : ! ntrcot. 103-10 rpWO lurnliili d rooms t'j rent fo'Rcntlcmin 1 M i > . lar o auci , coin r 18th and California tails. Uiut f'imlrilii'il. | IO21 ,1O It UK NT riirnlnliod roiiim f r llxht h IIMO I 1 koqilnt ; . 8I& a month. 221U California Htruot. tft P/Oll IICNT Nlcoly fiirnU oil roi in , 812 N , 1) ) 17tliniroif , lut lluriund Cuniln > r. tb-'W i/Olt HrNT | In ioo < l linaton , aim FOO ( HK ) I' ro'iiiix on Hlru t cir I MI Iiniilru | 114 inoitli IHlli Mtruut , bctuo n Mdn.li ai d 1'uul itrcit. 74-Blj ; ITlUltNISIIH ) room f r rout at 1B1U rfnc-ai < i JJ lit cet. 69-10' HMlt ) IIIINI Nearly Nuwhoiuo , h rnoini , 101' ' I'.acilh' , iifur Lnloii oeput. U , 1 * . lllrktitt Hi ] Union tirutt. 60-tf 1.1OK ltll < I' Liru | ro m with bo rrl ; 1 wri' IHORUaMfor la ttriot. 1HU HIIN' Nc4 caitaju ol Ih-u roonm 171OII : | ) N. r , uDi.litli nd i liloi.-o Kw. t [ 7IO11 HUNT Kurulblieil loom. liiiilroaltk | L1 Unitf liloro , c r. luilmr.cl l > uicua. l-t 171011 IIKN1' . Cr.ltipu m l'lta < nni bticet.U d JL1 ilocrf ouiH , llaryVmBim | o. _ 'M tt l/lOlt lll'.NT 'Iwn new liuutu , IMIi Ch c > ( , ' 9 1J iln rooniB itsUi. liniiiru | of J. ItmlclU M 6th ami L'ho unit Btrtulu ouj tf .toit UCNT oillcn rurro.t , ai7 H.nili llnr- ' 3'tf W. I ) . WIl.UIIT. OIl ItKNT Ilrlck store , VdxCU and 8 rooms F aboro , nn 1'atlllo n nut , Iwittivn tth and 7th. The location vury licelrabla f r I'HU' , llntcbur , Iloul. ir Orccir. inifilra : | at il , uft'j 12lh and Fainhniitrim. . _ OJ7-22 171011 HKNl To rooun multiple for two or Jj lour K ntlimoa , at a , > V. corner Iblb and California utreel. li ; tt rPO UKNT ItoouiH fnniNliod and unfurnlsh d , L ri. * . corner of btiund Howard Hi Hooim aru now and oiiiiinunil line view of the rl\er , brldKo , illfi.reiitiallroiuUaiid Couiull lllulTs. Odi ) If Pli'Il ' IlKN Four room cottage , l rte lee i1 noutli 17tb , J L. Wolitiaiu , 16W Far nm utreet. ATIOKI.V furnlihcd front loom. CM1 e07J N J > | 17th Hlruet. _ _ . g 9t < . /wvLOl.T f/r uuuu ut (26 ou p < r uniiuin. mcb I U\ ' fir a term ol juu , at ' 'OMIIKD urovu 1'luT " ailj Inlni ; llamcoui l'rk on thu wu-t , lit n minutes wulk from a net can Money ran bo oblamu'l to bui d nltli , by pcntonu lvuulnH' thoio lots at ngular nti-a. jAMIWr. MOIUON , Onprjninil , oil i 1111 Kiriit'ii itrirj ITIOH KKN'J i ploataiit furni.h-il ro'in I1 iino or Iwj ( , 'O iUmcii , Inijnira at C * Ifomu.t dot 05'J-tf ' I poll HUNT foil o of U rocms , iitnly plan 1 tend ai > d p In til. 915 uu ptr iiiohth horthui laili utrovt lirlJ u on IS h mruit. Con Ybnient tu bhopn ApuW coiner I2ih aid How t. hcw < | upcr Unli n. _ hS7 U fvt IM.IIOU-.Ki rOIHfc.\l' , uill and lar o Xl two to twelve n > o > a vuch ; onu or two neu onus * ltb all modern convuiilunio ) . Ono of lit rooms , unltaMo lor bourdlu , : and room routliin , 17lh and Doujilaj oU. IIKMH , Ak-ont , uM-tf 16th and Diu/li4 Bin. T V pluuu.it furulihxdru ouiu on th lli t floor , oiiii black from klrut car. at 2418 llttrnuy ttrcel. QlU-tt OK HKNT-Urlck ktoro. lniulro at Drus Blore , comei 10th aud Douulia bis. 620-ti TOR RENT. Two new elegant hou e . In- qnlre at Peterson's Clothing ore , neir II 692-11 H NT Two new dwellings ana two othet X dwelling * In dmlnbl loc.lltjr , br McKoon "o. 1M4 DouvlM itreet 817-tf OALl SU.r. CHEAP -Dark bronn hora % f 1 oiiil Unit nj ooiln bitirgy n > l tin ir u.vl- 'le. VVII > rll chcup M I h e no u § forhra. All t 2 IS Ca Ifjrjla street , bet 2let nj 1SJ. IWl-tf 1DR SALE 20 ere dairy farm ; 60 vrw Im- p-jvcl wl h hcrl'if ( oichir k d all riecen- y bnllclmz-nnd lunturo. Price 8.600 Aprlr V II. Ujtry or at Joe'a hi cl , IlUIr , Neb. 0 .24' Hon. S'lECIlEAH-iroiuo 14x28. t railroad crn ting , 13th a're.l. a. IJOUUKB. 0024- R SAtB Aliou anJ lo * r > lrn ant.y loca- toil Inquire 1307 i-outh 12th street , 94-tt ( A1K A c.mpctot of irac c r ma- ' chhcrr , Kverythlnfc rrnu red to itart th en r ImMnw In Oma a Tti only ma lUhc- 1 y ol In kl d In t e State Can a b .u < kt io p. Ail rmi ' 0 N. II , , Omaha n > o ortlca ir .lirroilayi. 0-10) ) T QRHAt.K Iwoeood work tioraoi Inqulro 1 atllnrrh A Hnticr'a. 7o-2i .ID-ISA K Vo v cheap wI p i j I ip res- . livnr.Mit on Kutnhvn s red O . an . "ml orunl by yojt | inbo Ut. Inj ur j t til > cilice. 70-11 * TAY IIAI.KR r'Oll SAIOno tmond hand 1. olcikk liny Itoler with lapue tjr of twi Ir * went Ion i t > ir diy It li In food order. I o J 0 . i nsti coi t , $ "A . AclJrcsj Lyt'c ' rnV , Urn WIT 72 , OiiMlia , tf.l > . 71 (9) ( ) .lull SM.K-A I'.ilr nt liorim , la an ami luugy , clioip , I iUlro | t lied i.aro , 1 th rcct. 64-21 . y wlllKcll'2jliyliBI ct. at oirnoIh and Chtrlrnitrut-t , Cncir Oi.iclm n' ) for i-100. n < h anil $10 each month In e-rnt H per nt uKXlKlt U Til ) MAi& Itllu. M-lOt. /OH "AljR flrfttr ) ' and crock'ry liunl > io < ii , nllh or nlth ml build inAJdreBD'Otco - 7(011 ( HALF. UIH'.Al'-A new oitncr lop iihio- ; tonlaudftiun ilolUi'ty or o < ) > ou wagon. /aUatlihit. harbach'i sliupon Fifteenth. no r 33-tl [ 7Oll ri\IK-A itooil marc , turners nd ton 11 bugtry , by W. W. uoburta , Fort Omalii.BS5tf BS5-tf 1J1 Oil UAIjK I'rop.fal , t r th purcj * o ol Hit JL H > nnt llou o on N < rth uarnur street , bo- wocn Ifith anil 1H h , will bo rccctVul nt my tJieUDtll AUgunt 15th. 0 f. GOODMAN. atUtMt 7'It \ HALF. Hoiuj ft rooms anil corner lot 13t ! feet Bijuaro JltOO. MCI. KUO , opposite I'oit JllCO. 1177-1 ( EOIl HALK A tlto cro 101 iv'ul c J tmino ono inlio nortti ol llarr&ck * Inquire on nimltos or Qeo. II I'dcuon , No bOi , 10th ' icct. lUT-lm * C. Somtxao.t. j OU8K and lot for iulo , No. 1)46 Montana JLJL Blroi't , near Cuint if. Inquire Cifr Blare , " rncr Kllliand Jncknoii mrrct * . 8HV 25 HAUK llou-o nml c.rnor lot , nt 91,000. McCAUlKoppo ll < i I' . O. fS4K TIWO story bulullnif for calo at n bargain. Lo- ratoil at north-can corner ol 17th ntrwl , nil Capitol nxo. Mint bo uo\cd on or before , UKU t 7th proximo , t ) Kills' 770-tf Agent , Uth and DonglM. . FOIl flALU. Tnu Arlington lloiue UUTKI. First c'usi ; all furnished The only hotel -i town. The choapoat property In the state. Itwall ttiolrtuclliik-IIMI. will boeoldchtapon oni.H to nult. Knqulro of K. Fullo , proprietor , ' rlliiitton , Wunnliigt'in county. Neb 503-tl [ 71O11 SALlt Or will uxcna KU tor Omaha pri. . L poity , in linpro\ml sec on of land adloln- iK a etatlon on U. I1.11. H. U. DUNHAM , lill 'ambum Ut. , Omaha. 720 Rtnt HICK FOR B V0.1.tf E8TADUOOK t OOE. I.1OK UALIi the 1'UI'ULAU llOl'ttti , known 1 ! ra the BOYS' HOME. Thin huuw la cen trally located , hog ecu h and cast front , and If surrounded w th fine shade trees ; cent > lnsthirty Hooping rooms , has Ice bouno. laundry , sample ooin , &o. Hast world w do reputation and a letter patronngo than many houses of twice It * capacity. Prlco (5,000. For particular ! ad- 'roan , A. A. SAWDKY , Rod Cloud , neb. EM-U BELL & AMES , REAL EST1TE & LOAN BROKERS 1500 Fariinm Street , [ jlOlt BALK Small liouso and lot , part cash. rcOR HALE Two \cry Je/1 ruble btulncii lots. 1710 iSAIjK Good ( i room house , monthly pty- J inciiin. J71IIH H LIC Spcnilld propnty on stioitcir ; line , lot 14B 600 , fruit audnhado trcon , good iou o. Time Khcn. 8A1.IS Acre lot In ilcitnblilccslton I71JK } chrnp. SALE O.'o nf the flniet pleccH of prop. J710II 1 orly In On ana , on street car lln . HOMO 7 oouil fruit and nil da trou < , tarn , w < 11,1 c utcrn , iOu f oc front by 1(0 ( feet deep. T.rms ilc. , HALK Siicnlnfi In ItoiRin'i adill'lou. FOH trade I r Lu lnus or on H do property. MlaUEhLANIOUS , ' llctwtiiii DlholinAi I rlckoon'n nnd llip- IOfc'i J tint church , a pair of blue n-l uhlto xtr'pod I'll l'i n li mi , M nie-iuailc. 'J ho flniU r w I bonult > ml roHiirucdby lua\ln ( ; the auiiuat l'cl'i'liu& 'a 07 ID AOKNTS for Nebraska. Kanta and to rcpreiont the INDUaTllIAL KK AHMOCIATION tt Inillanaiwlla , Indiana , wu ch bia Btood the tn-t of tlnu , pt\a all losnaj In full ; utroiiu'ly InJorscil bv the butt lneiir.i co authnrl Ion ; thorouiftly cutubll'liul. easily worked , und U not o > i ibo uo opiratUo or old na plan. Liberal contracts mudii nlth cnor ulj u cntH ut a compensation ol from two housand to thrco tlioiisainl dollars per \car Addns. 1NIU-TUAI , L1FK ABJOUIATION , ku. 70 Kast Market strut , Indianapolis , Ind. /M.OSINOOUT SAf , OK HlOVCLfcS \J Olio Manufactory. ' < Uno 78 Inch , IMco t 860 , rtnuccd to 8 700. ) n032liuh , 1'rlco 10UO , rcdil.tiilto U (0. Ono 3(1 ( Inih , r ci 1710 , niluccd to 'fiOO , One Ililnch , t'llto 2209 , nducud to 18 00. Ono 40 Ine , I'rleo Z , Ot , minted to 21 00. Ono 02 li.ch , I'l leu tDOO , ro u o.l . to UOO it CI IKJI maud Itiililicr 'Oirs ; 0 u 80 I , CM , 1'ilcu $2S 00 , r diit-oii to > 0 00. Uno < 2 Inch. Prlu 3i 00 , iciluc d to roliiinbli , I'Jjio Mn'uf cti > ry : Ono 4(1 ( line , plain , I'riiu tUA , ruduccd to fK . Ono I ) I Inili. Imf bilcbt , irlcu $46 , reduced to . Ono 4U Inch , lull nlclile , 1'ilcu { 95 , rcdmed to i to. Ono KnprJiu wagon , price $110 00 , reduced to ( tin. tin.'Ihe alirvn IjloyrltB aroniw. AH I will CBO. miieHH lha ulimo Inducoi untsaroofcrcd. N. L I ) . H3lom.li , Omalu , Neb , _ 47-tfJ _ Absolutely Pusre. Tha | powder never var 10 purity , Btrrngtu and wholeiouienees. Alore ecoiiomlual than the onliiury kludj , and cannot be old incoinpatition with the multitude of low tent , abort weight , alum , or phosphate prmder * , Sold only in cam. llOYAb HAICINO I'OWDEIl Co. 100VulI St. , Now York.