Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Agent McOllllcudcly Only Asks tor
Authority to Crush the Hobolilon.
The following dispatch was received
at the military headquarters in this
city Saturday , in rotiponso to the tola ,
pram sent by Adjutant General Mar
tin to Agent McOillicuddy for full
particulars of the troubles and complications -
plications at Pine Ridge Agency :
PINE HUME , D. T. , Aug. 18tli.
"lied Cloud nnd a fovv dissatisfied
Indiano , though white iniluonco in
Northern Nebraska , have throatcnod
an outbreak in sixty days if I am not
removed. I summoned a general
council of all the chief head mon and
Indians to-day. They have voted
unanimously to crush out thorobollion
and have sworn allegiance to the policu
There is no danger and no troops tire
required at present , Red Cloud , how *
ever , will always bo n source of
trouble , and should ho removed to
Fort Lonvenworth , ntid the continual
interference and connivance cf white
cut-throats in Nebraska prevented ,
All I require is authority nnd power.
MrGiMioum > Y , Agont.
Information has also boon received
at military headquarters that
"Woman's Drcup , " an enlisted In
dian ocout ut Pine Ridge , linn been
placed under arrest by Agent McGilli-
cuddy for insubordination.
Hartford' * Ada Phniphnto
. acts aa food for nn exhausted brain.
Handsome Tostlmonial to tUo
Superintendent of the PackIng -
Ing House.
of the plcaaahtcst sjrprisoa of
the season happened in South Omaha
Ifriday. The occasion was the
28th anniversary cf the birthday of A.
U. Buchanan , superintendent for Mr.
J. E. Boyd.
The employes of the packing house ,
accompanied by the Bohemian Band ,
assembled at hia residence and dis
coursed some beautiful music and Mr.
Spiiuldmg , in behalf of the mon , pre
sented a handsome silver wntor serv
ice , consisting of pitcher , goblet and
tray , also a beautiful pair of gold and
pearl opera glasses , a pair of silver
napkin rinus , and wound up with a
gold lined silver mug for the baby ,
that would niako ttio oldest infant
Mr. B. wan completely taken by sur
prise nnd could hardly express his
thaiikd , but his wife was not so badly
rattled and caught the boys with
iponchcs and cako.
It was n handsome testimonial and
'the men certainly did themselves
< proud , and they will never bo forgot
r ten by Mr. B. and family. After
more niusio and many wishes for hap
py returns , the mon repaired to Sixth
-and Pacific and wound up the evening
with a general jollitication.
Short { Breath-
0. Ilortlo. Manchester , N. Y. , was
troubled with Mtbmu for eleven years ,
lltui been obliged to sit up sometime * toner
< or twelve nlKnts In twccesulon. Found
immediate relief from THOMAS' Kr.Konuo
OIL , and Is now entirely cured. 14d-lw
Death of Mies Fannlo McCarthy.
The mortuary roll of this city has
not been especially lengthy of late.
It has , however , boon roumrkablo in
other respects , for the reason , princi
pally , that it contained the tiamos of
victims who woru cither well known
in the community or from whom , had
their career not boon out short , bril
liant and successful lives might have
boon oxpooted.
In the present instance the deceased
is a young lady possessed of those
kinaly qualities of heart and disposi
tion that endeared 'her to all with
whom uho mot. Miss lAimiio Mc
Carthy is the sister of James P. Mc
Carthy , of the firm of McCarthy &
Burke , recently established on Four
teenth street , near Farnnm. Ic was
at her , like maliy another , shining
mark , that Death has nimo4
his shaft. It was a fatal
dart. Mies McCarthy died
at the residence of her sister , Mra.
Burke , Twenty-fifth and Howard
streets , Friday ut 0 o'clock. Shu
had been ill t'r several yearn , and
had but recently como from Kt. Paul ,
Minn. , for the simplu purpoao of ugain
meeting her sister nnd brother , to
wlunn she waa moot \varmly _ attached.
It was well known the visit would
satisfy only the desire of ngttin Boeing
her family nnd , despite the fact that
she left a brother behind in St. Paul ,
the wish of the lady was gratified.
Her career has , it may bo said ,
been somewhat chortunud ; but
that pot-hups is a consolation , since for
many days back it him boeii apparent
that the uU'ort to live , if such devotion
to lifo may bo termed , waa little loss
than a sult'oring of pains not leas in
dued than those of martyrdom. Fort
ified and consoled with all the consola
tion which faith and the church af
ford , the Bull'oror pasted away , ns ubpvo
mentioned , surrounded by immediate
roUtiyou and friends. Her brother
and sibtor in St. Paul have been tele
graphed and will arrive hero tomorrow
row morning. The fuiu > ral took
placu yesterday afternoon , 20ih inst. ,
at ' < ! o'clock from the residence of her
sister Mrs. Bulk , Twenty-fifth and
Iloward street , to the Cathedral of
St. Philouiuna. thciico to Holy Sep
ulchre cemetery ,
Revitalizing the blood is absolutely
necessary for the cure of general de
bility , woiknosa , h.usitudo , Ac. The
boat onrlohor of the blood is Brown's
Iron BittierB.
When the Plowing Tldo Oomou In.
Those are the days when Father
Ocoau becomes festive and fanciful ,
when hn cajoles and carcases and
twirls and tosses , laughing and luring
to himself humanity at largo. Hither
throng the city maidens , "fancy free
and full of glee , " and what bewitching
costumes they display , and whal
charming dimples and what mys
terious fancy-work , which , like Pen-
olopo's of old , noyor acorns to advance
very perceptibly , It appears to bo aa
lasting as the rocks , an occupation
that flags , but never fails. Some va
rieties of it are as engaging as puzzles ,
and the startling liuuros of birds ,
hearts and flowers worked thereon
must 1)0 suggestive to naturalists nnd
botanists of entirely now clasificntions.
Now this is right nnQ dosirnblo , and
whenever fancy work , whether in
crewels or otherwise , promotes investi
gation it is doim ? good , actlvo service
in the world.
Apropos of fancy work , there are
the poodles , who figure largely on the
gay beach , and even in the shining
walks. But the poodle docs not take
kindly to salt water and hates the
maid who gives him his morning bath
and combs him out , tics his rose-
colored ribbon around his neck , and
tells him to bark "bon jour" to his
young mistress as she trips down to
breakfast looking like n rose herself.
Then comes the morning stroll on
the beach to see what the tide has
washed up in the way of sea weed ,
shells and the debris of vessels. Than ,
O blissful thought ! arrives bathing
hour , nnd all is commotion. Uoro
comes the stout papas and smiling
mama * , the timid maiden aunts , the
pretty nieces , the rollicking children ,
all robed in gay flannel and prepared
to do battle with old Neptune. And
here , 0 liorol comes the young swell ,
do ia just from town 1 So is his bath
ing suit ! How gracefully ho saunters
into the watorl But ho evidently
misses something. Can it bo his cano ,
nnd is ho looking toward his bath
house for it ? Yet , and while turning
his head a "breaker" catches him and
his view is onti.'oly marine. Look at
that little bluo-oyod beauty from the
Philadelphia natatorium , diving in
the waves like a fish and floating along
at pleasure. Why do wo not all go
to natntoriums nnd become mermaids
and mor-mon ? Why not lot "acqua-
tics" become America's characteristic ?
Soft and hard shell crabs , oysters and
fish , Mumm's extra , and French des
sert what else would you
wish ? Nothing , unless it bo n
fast drive along the merry
beach , with n vision of crimson
sunset and gorgeous cloud effect. Later
the band plays Gorman waltzes nnd
if your partner understands the poot-
ty of motion you may prefer the ball
room to the moon-lit walks. It is a
toss-up between an afternoon German
and a cozy little fishing party. Per
haps the yachting costume is more ut
terly becoming than the full dress ,
and this is , of course , the chief con
sideration for ovoryono. As for the
fish , they are plenty in the water but
its quite as interesting to drift into
toto-a-toto. May bo more BO ! How
oxhiliraling it is to bo upon the broad ,
the bounding , the bellowing ocean ,
to BOO the porpoises Hushing in the
HUH , to have faith in your yacht and
in the discretion of your gracious
chaperon who confides to you that she
finds the lunch "so engrossing. " Now
is'nt the salt breeze invigorating and
worp'nt blue ribbons always intended
to tie around bewitching little white
Bailer hats ?
- "For I have loved thy waves ,
ocovi , " sang Byrotfe So say all who
hie them to the cool seaside resorts
and enjoy the vivacious lifo of Long
Branch , Newport , Capo May , Atlantic
City , Coney 'Bland and nil ether
charming placoff. It may1 bo incident
ally mentioned that these resorts are
healthful , that the salt nir has tonic
properties and that salt water
puts now strength into tired
human nature and banishes
the restless thoughts of busy , noisy
town lifo. The sea-sido is nlso the
sure test of your fair friends amia
bility. If she undergoes the process
of Bunburning , freckling and tuning
and retains her good humor and merry
smile she may safely bo said to possess
the sweetest of dispositions , Then
what rare opportunities the shady
piazzas nnd board walks offer for the
discussion of friends nnd foes , and
what rare bits of gosaip llont in with
the tides ! Truly , the sea-sldo is an
interesting place. The bowling alloy ,
too , offers long vistas of delight and
you learn to spot your ninepins nnd
knock them down with such accuracy
that you fool u natural pride and
fondly fancy thnt in the army you
could easily win your way to fnmonnd
A week ? By no moans ; you will
need twice that time to appreciate the
nrtistio costumes cf the belle of the
season , and not to know hur in all her
toilettes would bo to argue yourself
unknown. Therefore stay a long time
and if you can't stay long , stay na long
as you can , nnd in uithor cnso bo
grateful to Father Ocean.
"OilA. "
August 19 , 1882.
True to her Trimt , ,
TOD much cannot bo Bali ) of tno aver
faithful wife nnd mother , constantly
wntthlni ; and caring for her ilonr UIIOH ,
tiover iioijU'cthif n * iugltj duty in their be
half , When tlioy IUD iikenik'd ) , y ( lieease ,
and the uyuteiu Hluuiid hrtvo a thorough
cleansing , tliu Hloinach ami liowolu re n-
luted , lilixid iiui ifitil , and malarial poison
exterminated , tlio must know the that
Klectilo Jlitteru are the only uiiro remedy.
They uro the best mill purest moilluluo In
the world ami only cost fifty cents. Sold
by 0. ! ' . ( ioodmuu.
Ex-Soldlors nua bailers , Attention
The ox-soldiers nnd sailors of Mich
igan will hold an election ut Grand
lalmul on Thursday , August 31 , 1882 ,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the
election of ollicers for the association
for the next year , and tranenct other
business ui nuy bo demanded by them
then and there.
President of ex-Soldier's and Sailor's
State papers please copy.
The Evil Effects of the War Ovrr-
ooxuo *
April 10,1881. /
II. II. WAIWKJI & Co. : Sirs The
privations of the war imposed upon
mo what physicianu call "chronic"
diarrluua. Your Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure is the only medicine that
over did mo any good ,
1-ld-lw BETH W. IIOUNBTEI ) .
Maao from the wild llowura of tli
it is the most fragrant ot perfumes.
Manufactured by II. B. Sluven , San
Francisco. For mlo in Omaha by W.
J. WhltehoUBo and Konnnia Bros. ,
& Co.
The Itoynl Quarters of Omaha's
Youngest Banks.
The now building of the Nebraska
National bank extends 28 foot on
Farnam street by 132 foot on Twelfth
street , nnd the front and sides nro all
to bo made of iron , The nrchltccta ,
Dufrono & Mondlcssohn prepared as
elaborate a design as could bo made of
iron , and Hough , Kctcham & Co. , of
Indianapolis , the same firm that did
the iron work for the Paxton , to-
ccivod the contract in preference to
eastern firms who bid. The first iron
work will bo hero in a few days , as
the contract requires that the base
ment nnd first story mustjbo sot up by
September 1st , and the entire super
structure completed by December 1st
of this year.
There are to bo four stories above
the basement , which stands BO much
above ground that a height of live
stories is almost reached. The exte
rior is in a very rich design , broken
up into two-story bays by piloatorn ,
between which round columns are
placed , giving the building a solid yet
graceful appearance On the Farnnm
Btrcot front are two very largo windows
dews , nnd the main entrance to the
bank is across the corner , which is
truncated. In front ot this entrance
is n porch formed by columns , sur
mounted with n cornice , frieze nnd
On the first floor the banking room ,
finished in aolid mahogany , extends
back G3 feet to the fire and burglar
proof vault , which is 7x14 foot. Be
hind this vault is the directors' room ,
an elegantly furnished apartment 12x
20 foot , finished in cherry and with
toilet rooms and closota. Back or
north of this is n hall , 14x20 foot ,
hnishod in oak , with a tiled pavement
approached by a largo aide entrance
on Twelfth street. In the center of
this hall runs the elevator , and
around the elevator shaft winds an
easy stairway of four platforms to
each flight. The plan of placing the
stairs and elevator in conjunction
this way is now to Omaha and appears
to bo eminently convenient. Back of
the hall are two largo ofiicos with an
other outaldo entrance.
In the second floor are six offices ,
two of thorn having the benefit of the
largo bay windows which ran up two
stories. Three of the largest rooms
are already taken by Brndstreot for
offices. The third and fourth floors
have seven oflicoa each , some of these
in the stird story having the balcony
on top of the bays. Above the cast
iron work is a very orrmto cornice and
ballustrado of galvanized iron. The
boiler nnd fuel rooms are under the
sidewalk in a 10x45 vault , entirely
separata from the building. As soon
as the iron work is Sup steam fixtures
will bo put in and the plastering nnd
inaido finishing work continue during
the winter.
As soon aa the first story is finished
the bank will inovo into the basement
and use that temporarily. The cost
of this grand structure will not bo less
than $50,000 , which is much more
than was originally intended , the first
plan being only for a 827,000 build
ing. Ono very beautiful plan in brick ,
in which 4x20 feet was gained by bays
corbelled out , making oriels over ttyo
sidewalk , waa to have cost $35,000 ,
but it was decided to go above that.
Dufrono & Mondlossphn gained this
after severe competition with foreign
nnd local architects.
great popularity , from Its intrinsic value
as n roli .bio medicine , In curing lioarre-
ness , and all irritations of the throat , dis.
ennes of the clio t , etc. 3or these it ia an
incomparable pnlmonlc. 14d-lw
The Report of the Y. M. O. A. Secre
tary for July ,
The general secretory of the Young
Mon'a Christian Association makes the
following report of the association
work for July :
Visitors nud reader * at rooms 1,080
Sunday KOopel meeting , 450
Saturday uong service 301
Men's meeting , 257
1'raUo Borvico , North Omaha 2'1Q
Weekly prayer meeting.jv. 83
Workerx nicotine 03
Cottage prayer meeting , ( J3
1 folpera nt jail 30
At monthly social 100
Ohlneue Sabbath school 1) )
- Total attendance 3,100
Religion * papera distributed 23.r >
Directed to hoarding hnunod and rooms. . 1'J
ViaiU to ! ck nnd ftiuilliei 1G
The rooms are now open from 8 n.
in , to 9:30 : p. m. , and nro supplied
with interesting religious and secular
reading matter.
The conveniences for letter writing
are much appreciated by young men ,
who find it u pleasant and quiet place
for correspondence.
The library committee will probably -
bly huvo the library ready for circula
tion among members in n short .time ,
some valuable donations having been
made during the month. "D'Aubigno's
History of the Reformation" in four
volumes , with other looks , was given
by Mr. J. E. Dovalou.
'I ho committee in charge of the
railroad men's rooms on Webster and
Sixteenth , made the moat encouraging
report slnco the work waa organized ,
The attendance at the 7 o'clock Sab
bath evening meeting WAS increasing ,
and the classed formed for the study
of mechanical Aclonoe was the begin
ning of what is hnpoa will develop
into an interesting educational work ,
The success of the work as carried on
among railroad mon in many of the
eastern cities is sufficient guarantee
that the efforts of the Omaha associa
tion will be appreciated , and at im
distant day bo known throughout the
The Central association is still look
ing for convenient and moro comma-
ious roouie.
When buby uu ( uliu at dwulof Bight ,
Uothertu a flight , lather In a | % lit ;
When \\cruin Jo blto , baby uuist cry ,
It lever soil In , lul > y muit die ,
If craujiy | wln * Kill Leonora ,
In that hoiuo thtrota no C * . tor la ,
For Diothcre learn without JeUy ,
Cotoil * cure * by night and day.
Forty y wru * trim < /lovt-q " BLACK-
PR AUG1.1T ' 4 the best liver mcUi
Youn ? town , Ohio , May 10,1BSO.
DR. It. J. KENDALL It Co. I htd a very vultia-
file Unmli'ctonlin ' colt tint I ) ) lz < v'cry Ighly
hohncl n l&'Re liro-pmin < n one ] int and n
SIMM one on the other wHch made him very
lame ; t had him under the charge o tno veter
inary surgeon * wblcb ( ailed ID uiro him I M
one d y rinding the ilv itlomcnt o' KemUJI'H
Spavin Curxln the Chicago Kxprrx .I determined
atonce to try it a tl ( fut ourtru/pBti I 6ro to
cnil f rlt , Btdlhcy rrilcrcdt rcatrattlc * ; 1 to k
all aril I thought I wnulJ cHo t A thorough
ttUI.I mod It a cording t } direct ! n' and the
'outth day Uo toll it > scd to ha lama and the
luni n havn < l' ' im > eartd. I lined 1m otio bottle
and fie colt's llmtw are n free ot lutupi and aa
smooth a * ai y hnrco In the ( lain Hn In rnt'ro-
ly cured. The euro wa si remarkablu that I
haiolcttnool my neighbors hiuo the remain
ing two bottles who arorio * iihlii lt.
Very luncctfiilly.
Bond for ttluotraied circular giving positive
proof. I'tlco ? ! . All Drut'glBM hmolt or can
get It for you. Dr. D. J. Kendall & Co , , Pro
prietors , Knoohureh Fall ) , Vt.
No Cnrol lEs
Ro P y ! I > l.ooaiitSt
aa St. LouK Is atlll trcat-
* | Ing all 1'IUVATK , NUH-
V'lUS , OIIHONIO and Diseases , Hpcrma-
tor < hcca , Iraiiotincy ( Sexual -
ual Incapacity ) , Female
Di Irregularities ,
UitnculUcn , etc.
H3 ladles , ecnj 25 ccnt
( In tainjn ) t p > y express
charge : ) on n "valuable
IjH wor " entitled "olio ecs
Women , etc. " Work
on CHRONIC DIBEJSKS , ono stomp
ol Bcll-abuso or Prlxato Disease , send 2 stamps
for CELKDRATRU WOKKS cm irviAH nnd cxnil
Diseases. Consultation personally or by letter ,
FKEK Consu t the old Doctor. THOUSANDS
CUUED. Office In quiet. I rlrato , reepoctablo
place. You eco no one bui the doctor. Dr.
i larko U the only physician In Iho city who w r-
tnnts cures or no pay Vcdltlncs tent every
whcro. Hours , B A. x. to 8 r. H. d&wly
Incurabk by other treatment
DXSEaSES 1 > n > cg , strictures , vail occle ,
Hexiul , urinary , gravel , etono , ulcers , Brlght'ii ,
diabetes , ilropsy , connumptmn , sere threat , ca
tarrh d'zzlnow. ' lilllio'isncis ' , malaria , neuralgia ,
rheumatism , heart , kidney and lilad'cr al-cucs ,
are lurcdby the A-ahcl Mineral Spring Water ,
or the perfected treatment o ( the buropoinand
Ancrlcan McdlcU Durcau specialty hvulclans In
London. 1'arli , Vicnni , llcrllii , nd > 'o-York
Vauiphlct , with illnctlo s and ctnlllc.ito-
cunts , Iree Medic 1 treatise on Impotence ,
Htcrliity , dleca > c > l rostr to gland , a dstphilU ,
2Sc , Illc s , 131 Lexington rc. . New York city
English rcm-
cdy. Au un
failing cure
' for Seminal
Weaknosa ,
ihca , Impot-
cncy , and all
follow aa a
ScK-AbuBo ; as Loss of Memwy , Universal Lass I
tudo , Pain In tbo Uack , Dimness of Vision , Pie
mature Old Ago , and many ether Diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema
ture Grave.
jtarFnll particulars In oar pamohlet , which
we desire to Bond free t v mall to every one.
CTTho Spcclfl cModldne la told by all druggist !
at tl per package , or 6 pack\ges for | fi , or will
be Bent free by moll on rec ipt of the money , by
addressing THEdBAY iEDICINK CO. ,
Buffalo , N. T.
To Nervous Sufferers
t ,
Or. J. B. Simpson's Specific
II It A positive cure for Spcrmntoirhca , fiemlnt
tVcokncei. Impatancy , and all dloeascs resulting
troin Holf-AbniB , is Moctal Anxiety , Losoi
Urmory , Palm In the Bicl : or Shle , and dlseuei
* ' " " jiTttt " that load to
lacanlty an
early gro re
The tipeciac
MudUlno li
ba\Dg \ UBed
with wonder
( ul succoso.
J Tunphlott
miit troa to all. Write fat them icd get lull pur-
Price , Siwcllc , Jl.W ) po ; packige , 01 B'.x pici.
ages for Vfi.OO. Addioea all ordcni to
Noa. 101 and ICd Main 3t. UuB&lo , N. Y.
SoM In Omaha by 0. 5. Goodman , J.V. \ . Boll ,
J. K. lali , and all ifrnst la.'Bevtry whrro.
i -iliw
JUr.y ehrlnk from pullrlty In connection with
S. S , U. , but wo nro permitted to refer to the fol *
toning persons w ho have known and wl'.ncBtcd
Itu wonaetJul ( fleets :
I HURT , Houston Co , , Oa.
Wo have Kniwn "Sivllt'H i-pcclllc" tested In
hundreds of moit obatlnatocas sol load 1'olson-
Ing , lltrcurlal Illnuinatiein , Bcrofuli , Bores ,
t czoiLa , Cat rrh. etc , anil do cat tclentlously
tentlfy tint It mot \\l'li ' the most perfect ami sig
nal ticccss , cdcu'cd radical and pvrminent cures
in i\cryc BO ulthoutaslnclo cxooptlon.
llu li I ; Deunard , Goo. W Kill n ,
John U. Ilrown , Oeo. W. Kluglttoo ,
Wm. llruunon , Jolin II , Hos ? ,
Jamci I ) , harp , K I Warren ,
MooroitTu't'o , .1 , W. llolvln.
J. W. WImlierly , J. W. Woolfuck , ' _
tt. D. llerce , herlff , J W. Mann , Co. Trcos.
0. C , Duncan , T. M. Klllcn ,
. . . T. M. liutner lliO"-
D > y & ( iordon , , -
Wo are porsoually arqualntvd with tlio no llv
iii > n whoao aguaiurcH appv > r to tie above ccr-
tlllcate. 'Ihoyaru ItltO' s of said c unity , of the
hlfc'host rcepb tablllty and cnaiacter.
A. < - . Oll.KS. Ord'iiarv , lleuatoii Co.Oa.
D. U CULLKU , cl'l ; Sup. Ct. Homlou Co. Ga.
"Nothing bu1 favorable reports. Uelleve B S.
8. li uipeclno for all U.ood Dlictucu. It gltoa
unlvcrital tut Mutton "
0. W. JONU3 & CO. . Memphis , Tcnii.
"S. 8. S. el > cs bettor satisfaction thin any
thing we hao in cr lianjle.l. "
JrtCKD CO , , Helena , Ark.
"Have nevrr heard a complaint of U. B S. "
AKTHUll 1'fcTEU t CO. , Louisville , Ky.
" 3 , B. 8 , has gltcn entire satlefactlon to ivery
one. " A. U. lUUlUKUj , bhcrinau.'i'ux.
"I have had excellent tale for P. 8. S. and tlio
rcsullu have been most sa lsatorj- ( . "
i , O. 1IUIU1K , Uowllii - Hncn , Ky ,
"Our tales of S , 8 , 8 , liavo been good , and Ui
success ii.rfect. "
JOI is tc CAHKV , Montifonury , Ala.
" 8 , S. 8. haiwU cnent re tatlif ct on toc\ery
oni" K ULUSS.l'AiU , T x\i.
" 8. 8. S. h I Klrou umvrnAl atl faclou. ; "
It. W. rOWEKb & CO , , UichuionU , Va.
1,000 Roinird will be paid to any
chainfat who wlUflndTon anilyeuiof 100 lottleof
B. 8. 8. , ono particle of klcrcury , Iodide of FoUs-
slurn or any Mineral lubst&nce.
AUaaU , Oa
Price of Small elw , 11.00.
Large ilia Jl.To.
Bold by all Drue lats ,
President Vice 1'rtd't.
W. 8. Diiiina. See. and Tron.
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Phujteru. Hrrrowa.Furm Kollera
Bulky Hay WaUeu , CUOKOC Klovatlua
* o do job work and ma.uUo
tig th portion ,
Uucola. No
lira J. 0. nobertson , rittt urg , Pa. , wrIUis : "I
WM suffering from general debility , want of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , BO that lifo won a bur
den ; after using Ilurdock Dlood Hitters I felt bet
ter than for years. I cannot praise your Hitters
too much. "
K.OIbbs. of Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Your
Hurdock Blot Hitters , In chronic diseases of the
blood , liver a.iJ kidneys , hare been signally
marked with success. Ihaie u cd them myself
with best result * , for torpidity of tholhcr , and In
case of a friend of tnlua suffering from dropsy ,
the cCoct was marvelous. "
Druco Turner , RochcTtcr , tt. Y.w rites : ' ! have
been subject to serious disorder ot the kidneys ,
and unalito to attend to business ; Durdock Bloou
Bitters rcllc\cd mo before half a bottle waa used
I feel confident that ther will entirely cure me. "
, Ascnlth Hall , Dtnghampton , N. Y. , writes :
"I Buffered with & dull pain thr ugh mv eft
lung and ehoulder. Lo t rny spirits , appetite
and color , and could with dltliculty I.eep up all
day. Took your Ilurdock Dlood Hitters aa di
rected , and have felt no pain since first week af
ter using them. "
Sir. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About
four years ago I had an attack ot bilious fevernnd
nocr fully recovered. My digestive organs
ncro weakened , and I would bo completely pros
trated for days. After luting two bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitters thei mprovcuient was so
vltlble that I as astonished. I can now. though
61 years of age , do B fair and loasonabfo dsy'a
O. Bhckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forvcars
I Buffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used your Burdock Blood lllttcra with happiest
result * , and I now find uivpclf in better health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace. Buffa'o ' , N. Y , writes : ! have
used Ilurdock Blood Blttcra for ncnous and bil
ious hcadaihcs , and cm recommend It to auyone
requiring a euro for bllllousncss. '
Sirs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For several ycara I have tufleicd frcrn cft-tccur-
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com-
plalntfl peculiar to tuy eex. Since using your
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , el.OO oei Bottle ; Trla Bottles 10 Ots
FOSTER , MILBURN , & Do , , Props ,
Bold at wholesale by leh & McMahon and 0. F.
Ocodiuan. Jo 27 eod-me
The Great tngiish Komedy
Never falls t cuio
Nervous Debility , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Wcak-
i HOOD , and all the
eill cflccts of youth
ful follies and cxcos-
. It stops perma
nently all weakening.
Involuntary lossi a and
drains upon the BJB-
I tern , the Inevitable re
, . . , uit of those evil praC' '
tlccs , which are so dcstrue'ho to mind and body
and make lifo miserable , often leading to Insani
ty and death. It strengthens tba Nerves , liraln ,
( mciuorjf Blood , llusoles , DIgefitlvo and Repro
ductive Org.ins , It restores ti all the organic
functli-ns their former vigor and vitality , maKing -
King Ufa cheerful and en jo } able. Price , S3 a
bottle , or four times the quantity 310. Sent by
express , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt ot price. No. C. O. D. Edit , except
on receipt of 81 as a guarantee. Letters ra
questing answers must inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills
are tfc 9 best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous
euro In the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
60 cento.
Da MIRTH'S Krusur RKHKOT , NxpRBncax ,
Cures r 11 kind of Kidney and bladder complain te ,
gonorrhea , gleet and loucorrhea. For sale by all
daugglsts : SI a bottle.
718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
ForSaleln Omaha by
Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Ha origin Is
within ; Its manifestations without , llcnco , to
euro the disease the CA UBS mast ba removed , and
In no other way can n cure over I'D effected.
LIVER CURE Is established on Ju.t this
principle. It realiiea that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arlio from deranged kidneys an
atver , and It strlktsat once et the root of the
Hllculty. Thoolcmortsof which It Is composed
ct directly upon these greet organs , both as a
ilooo m d RKSTOKER , and , by plach.g them In a
health- , condition , drive dlsea o and pain from
the 8yntcm.
Kor the Innumcrnblu troub'cs caused by un
healthy Kldnovs , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
the distressing Dleordcrsof Women : for llaiana ,
and phyblcal dcracgcmciits generally , tills great
remidyhas no equal , lit ware of Impostors , Im
itations and concoctions mlil to bo Just as good.
Kor Diabetes , as for WARNER'S BATE
For sale by all dealers.
mo Koohnnter N. Y
nlr on Hop
Wliuotcr youan > .
that your
needs cleaiwInK. t.on
Intr in
ave your
life. It hn
suvetl hun-
I IE ?
Dr , E. C. Woava Nerve and liram Treatment
A speclBc for Hytterla , Dlnlneai , Convulsions.
Nervous Headache , Mental Depreaslou , Load of
Uemo rySperuia to rrhcoa.Itn potency , Involuntary
Emiealont , Premature Old Axe , cauned by ovtr-
exertloo , self-abuse , or ovcr-ladulgencp. which
loftdi to misery , decay and death. One box will
cure recent outi. Eai box cont&loi one mouth's
treatment , Ono dollar a box , or six boxoa for
five dollar * ; sent by mtll prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee lx boxta to cure any css.
With each order received by us lor six boxes , ac
companied with five dolliN , will send the pur
chaser our written guarantee to return the
money If the treatment d cot efftct a cure.
0. t , Goodman , Drivlit , Solo , Wholesale and
rcirul Agoat. On. hi , NcD. OrJ'ii br mall at
lAlMil wflnmi'i1 kll fULLfild ,
The following advantages nro Inlmed for this Policy : IT is sinoNOKit nnd moro
durable , owing : 1. To the absence of shrinkage strains. 2. To the increased num
ber of ones 3. To the fact that the rim ia much stronger than the cast rim. IT 13
is no danger of breakage in handling when shipped looio. When shipped loose they
ate generally accepted as third-das' ) freight instead of first-class , nnd as the weight is
only one-kilt that of cast Pulleys the freight h still further reduced. WE GUARANTEE
THEM to perform satisfactorily nuy work from the lightest to the heaviest ,
SPLIT PULLEYS from 12 to 48 inches diameter only.
Pulleys of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two sots arms without extra
charge.Wo supply each Pulley with two sot-screws without extra charge.
t for PateiloSislieu Slafiifli
What wo claim for our PATENT HOT POLISHED SHAFTING is : '
1st. That it is round and straight ,
2d. It can ho accurately rolled to any desired gauge ,
3d. That its euifmo being composed of magnetic oxide of iron obviates any un-
dueltcndency to rust or tarnish , wbilo it at the same time gives ono of the best journal
or bearing surfaces ever discovered.
4th. That it will not warp or spring in key seating.
5th. That it is made of the very best of refined stock.
iSTFor further particulars , price list and discounts , send to
Foundry nnd Machine Shop , Fremont Neb.
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peck & Baushers Larfl , antl Wilber Mills Floor
, - - -
J" . J. BIRO'W'IEsr < Ss OO
Boots and Shoes *
Window and Plate Glass.
t3TAnyone contemplating bullulng store , bank , or any other flno will find It to their ad
vantage to corrca end with us bcforo purchasing1 their Plato Glass.
OMAHA . . . . NEB.
IE1. . O.
7 * / ? K * j * y
1213 F arnham St. . Omaha. M
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
, \