/ * > A .V , * . THE DAILY BEE SA1UKDAY , AUGUST 10 1882 O. O. C9O03BZ OO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council ninfl9. Iowa. WHOZjESAI.EFI.OtrR HOUSE , , General Agents for the Celebrated Hills ol It , I > . Hiuh & Co. . Golden Koglo Flour UrcnwoJth KanM" , ( .nil yuoeii Dee Mill * , bloux Kails , Dakota. IMercnce , Smith fc Ctllt"iiilen , .Council . Hhifl < . In. IBI. ZED. W IOLKSAtK AND URTAlIi STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , OOUKCII , BLUFFS , IOWA TITU ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. j.KT. . * caj'crsK.3Ei : : : zoa . Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - IOWA 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER EN SHOE FINDINGS. ncaJy-nttccl uppers , In cMI skin and Lip. Oak nnJ Hemlock SOLE LEATUER , and 1 oodn niippftalnlnjf to the hoe trade. Oo' Jq sol J M cliPAp M In the Hast. PERIS' ' HEW HHiLINEEY STOEI FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never rcqulro crimping , nt Mrt. J. J. Hood's Hair Store , nt prices never bcforo touched by ny other hnlr dealer. Also a mil Una ot switches , etc. , ut * really reduced prices. Also gold glhcr and colored ncti Waves made from ladles' own hair. Da not ( all to call before ( nirchislng elsewhere. All goods warranted aa represented. MItS. J. J OOOL ) , 29 Malnetrcci , Council Blunt , Iowa. B4TEIM HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Flaln , Medicated , V < per , Electric , I'lungo , Douch , Shower , Hot and Cold Uatha. Com petent aalo and fcmilc nurses and aUcmhntu always on hand , and the bet of rate and atten tion given patrons. Special attention R\en ! to bathing children. Investigation aud { > atrona a solicited DR. A. H STUDLEY & Co. , 100 Dpper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment of chronic diseases made a epeclalty. REMOVED without tha CANDIES i drawing ot blood or use of knllc. Curca lunjr diseases , , Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- AND OTHER . . I > 'alnt ' , Dropsy , llhcuran- PV > CM. < % r. < n T U M fl R S tl6mFcvcr and Mcrcur- I W III U 11 U lal 80rca > Erysipelas , Salt > , . ; ' , Rheum , Scald Ilcid , Catairh , ucik , inflamed iV and granulated EJCB , scrofulous Ulcers and 1'u- * ' male Olaeaso- all kinds. Also Kidney and Venerlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured , . money refunded. \ All diieasea treated upon the principle of veRct- I nbio reform , without the use of mercurial pois- l ) ona or the knife. Klcctro.Vapor or Udicated Baths , furnished who doairo them. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by the ueo the Elastic belt Truts and 'laster , which has superior In thoworla. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OM Oil ADDRUSS Drs , E , Rice ana F , D , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand. Council Bluffs , Iowa. WILLAKD SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician andSurgeon , Office and residences 016 Willow avenue , Coun- el Bluffs , Iowa. SINTON & WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Eitractlnj ? and filling a.tpcclilty. First-class work guaranteed. DR. A. F. IIANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. Houii , 0 a. in. to 2. , and 2 p. in. , to G p , m. llealdencc , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection wlih Central olllce. F. T. SEYBERT , ML D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Offioo No. 5 , Everett Block , Broad- fray , over A. Louie's Restaurant. Merchants Eestanrant J , A. ROSS , Proprietor. Comer Broadway * nd Fourth Streets. Good accommodations , good fare and cour teous treatment. E. J Office over sayings bank. OOUNOLL. . BLUFFS , - . - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0 , Jaince , ( n connection with his law aud collection business buys and ( elli real cttUa. Persons wishing to buy or sell city proport ) cxll at big office , over Biuhncll' * book utore , 1'cari trwt. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs J cknowl WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves JVIndu From Your Own Hair. TOILET RTICLES , All Goods "Warranted as Represented , and Price ; Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MES , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Qraduato of Electropnthlc Institution , Phila delphia , I'enna. Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Aye. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlooases and pnlnful dlf- flcultlea peculiar to females a specially. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Office over First National Bank , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Will practice in the ttato and fodeial courts. Game aid Poultry , Can always be found a B. DANEHY'P , 130 Upper Broadway JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Jnske of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Oonnoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B , MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of ahstracls of Pottowattamio county. Olilco corner ol Broadway and Main BireeU , Council Pluffu , lona. JOHH STEINER , WI. D. , ( Deutachcr Arzt. ) COR. BROADWAY AND 7TJJ ST. Council Bluffs , t/ltcaaca of women and children a specialty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , FllEE DlHl'ENHAKY KVKltY SATUKDAY. n OHkoln Everett's block , I'carl treet It col ] dence 623 Fourth street. Olllce hour , ( rom 0 to 2 a. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 o 3 p , m. Council I luDu F P I U. PRACTICAL DENTIST ; Fearl opposite the postofflce. One of the oldest practitioners In Council Bluffj. Batla- Isfactlon tfuoranteod in all case ! ) DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AMD EAR SURGEON , WITH OH. CHAULES DEETKEK. Office over druif ttore , 4U Broadwty , Council Blulfn , Iowa. Al dlactAca of the eye and tar treated under tlumodtupro\cd method ftud all corn guaranteed , JOHN LINDT , | ' ' ATTORNEY'-'AT-lAW , AN APACHE RAID. Bow Indtnna A o Kouijhtby the Sot tiors.lu Anronln. Sin FrMicUM tall. Ono morning in Florence In tli sumncr of 1877 aonio 1'itrm Indian brought us intelligence tlmt the gentle tlo Apnoho had culled on thorn th night b ( f jro nnd relieved thorn of lixrco amount of surplus stock , \vc tnon nnd other easily convoyed nrti cleg. The boys said : "Let'em mid inoro fun and ICWR Injuns for ono trib or t'olhor , " nnd went to brenkfnsl r.ut whim n Mexican came to town ot n foaming pony nnd ennounced that thousand Apaches vroro coming tilth up the valley , wo thought nomothin wns up. ThiMi dashed in a _ white nm on a horse covered with awcn and dust , nnd j oiled ; "Apache right liore ; moro'n five tliousnni of 'cm , riming ; nil hands am the cook turn out : you ! " So wi turned out. From the Pimaa wi learned that there ware not over a hundred Apaches , nnd , of course , nn ; ton of us young chaps thought TV could innko n hundred Apaches skip Guns , nnnnunition , horses nnd sad dies were bought or seized \ TO bon publico , nnd eoino government mules were ruthlessly pressed into service Wo invited n baker to accompany us but ho engerly declined the honor Those who would have preferred to stay wont because the rest did. The Mexicans did not volunteer very eagerly ; but the church had many people praying in it. Every bummer dead-beat and desperado was nnxioui to die for his country , and most o ; the citizens of Florence were quite willing that they should 'enjoy the privilege. THE HO 1.1)1 ) RUB HALT. By the time wo reached the auency a crowd of men , variously nrnied and mounted , were on hand , nnd wo mot n small force of noldiors. The friendly Indians easily found the trail , and the Mexicans matlo first rnto follows to ride ahead and yellWo wont near Superstition Mountain , and then the soldiers camped. Riding up to the ofticor.in command "Colorado Jack" asked , "What in nroyOu camped for ! " With military hauteur the Colonel drew himself up nnd replied , "To wait for provisions , pack-mulca and rein Torcoments , sir. " " it , do you expect the Apaches to wait for us ? Ef you push on wo could give "em fits before morning. " The officer explained that his men cuuld not go on without rations , and ho had to wait. The best mounted and most desperate of us prepared to 50 on , provisions or no provisions , nnd : > nly n few remained with the troops. Cursing the U. S. Government , the officers , the army and the Indians , wo wont on. The Colonel called out , "When you arc repulsed you can fall bncV on this command and you will bo sustained ; wo will follow as quickly as uoasiblo. " A HLOODV TRAIL. All night we rode on , eVer the hills ) through canyons , and twisting in and out , constantly expecting to be attacked. Some men joined us from the Glebe and Final districts , and about daylight wo stopped to oat our scanty breakfast of bread , bacon , pickled beef and a iittlo ciitco. The trail began to grow hot ; Horses were : ound dead , or hamstrung , as well as many articles that the fleeing Apaches were forced to throw away to insure greater rapidity of movement. The bMrna guides found a man of their : rlbo that the Apaches had captured. They had hanged him to a tree , dis- mibowllod him , scalped him and tore liis tongue out. After that , wo found on the path the body of a young girl mutilated. Wo continued a north- eastly course , going on both sides of every canyon for fear of an ambus- cade. Just as the Pimas were going down a canon ahead of us , and wo were stringing along behind , they were irod on ; then wo were fired on from iho hill above us , and as the men.in 'ront poured back , wo young chaps jroko into a run poll-moll , ovury man or himself. The older men foil back a Iittlo way to a jood position as to rocks and trcos , whore the Apaches were hold in check. Jack and several others came attor us , and back wo went. Led on by him , with the help of the "old-wheel horses " - , we drove Indians back to their old previous po sition , regaining the ground wo had ost. After a brief rest , we made n lank attack and a charge , and down they went through the canon to their main body. Hero , occupying a good position in a brushy gulch , they coin lolled us to keep well in order. From irueh to rock they skipped , and-we lid the same ; finally , under the able eudcrslnp of Colorado Jack wo boat tlu < m back. Thn Apaches are good shots nod have bravo men , and had ; hey not boon weary with a week's marching , wo should have received u good dreesing down at their hands. A HANI * TO HAND 1'IOIIT. Every man was quite independent , and did not consider ho was obliged o obey any other man. Most of us iaa Winchester rill OB. Some had other kinds of rifles , and uomo had shotguns. An Irishman had u Win chester given him , but long before txhausting the shots in the magazine , 10 clubbed it in several charges in- lead of firing it. Lyintr behind a rook with him , I asked him why lie didnotfiro. "Oh " ho " , replied , "yon nay take aim an' take aitn until your eyes are blind , an' you don't get the ed devil ; but whin I take aim with a lub , bogor , something cracks. " At one time live of us were behind rook , and a fallen tree was held by onu Indian , who kept us from the main lii ht below. Many uhgta were xponded in the endeavor to got him. At last ono fired , followed immediately > y two shots , one on each side of the roe , resulting in one dead and conso- niontly good Apacho. When ua Indian was killed or rounded , desperate efforts were made > y the othora to keep him out of our lands ; and BO generally were they ucceHaful that it was impossible to enow how many Indians we killed , ] n > ry one of our party claimed to ave killed ono or inoro of the In- ians ; but as we greatly outnumbered hem , it is not obvious how so many uad Indians were supplied. Those ndianu were armed with government loedlo guns , Winchester and Hum- ngton rifles. They fought almost or uito naked. Ono had a sword , and was said to bo a chief of the rone- * dea. The whites were as brutal as he Indians in many respects , such as calpini } and mutilating the prisoners nd the dead. Towards evening , while going through narrow pass , the Apache sent n volley of well-directed shots n the advance column , killing ono o mnro men and wounding govern Springing up nn almost itnp.issibl trail , wo reinforced the fUukora , nn drove the Apaches down to thu no * canon. Hero wo camped by n spring nnd cooked our supper of horse meat Several wounded were sent back bj the Punas nnd Mexicans , nnd tlirot dead were burled. A MKSSAOB VKOM Till * . SOUUEIiS. An Indian runner ouno with n letter tor from the ntliccr in command of th soldiers before mentioned , stating tha ho could not follow nny further , bu was cumpod nt n plnco designated whore he would wnit throe days for ute to come back. Wo decided to gi nhcnd , if not whipped , nnd sent run tiers for inure nnnnunition nnd pro visions , firmly believing that to-tnur row wo would "ovorlnstingly clean U ] the Apnchcsl" All night ncrosa tin canyon the guards exchanged shot whenever onu tired or n noino wn : made. So close were wo that if a per son on either side did riot step very carefully , shots weto dropped nl around him. Early in the morning wo ponrot over the hill and canyon , only to line the main body of Indians had Hod leaving only n few to hold us back through the night. Many worowenry nil hungy nnd dirty , nnd not n few thirsty. If wo had not caught up with the main body of Apaches bj noon , wo should hnvo boon liglitinj each other As it was , many turnci back , and only the most determined , not over 75 in number , kept on , The moat exciting incident of the day was a hand-to-hand fight , laatlnj about live minutes , between Jack am abaut ton men , with a chief nnd prob ably twenty Indians , resulting in the chief's death. This was followed by a Ipspurato fight for his body and to till Jack , who was scalping him. wild and whooping crowd of us thoi lushed down the hill , most of us ot uirsoback to the relief of Jack nni iis party. My pony wan shot in thi ; neo , and on jumping oil' hia back , ] ound myself in the thickest of the ight. My nllo was wrested out of my land by a litho nnd strong younj jnck , but before ho had Mine to clinch , Jack stabbed him in the side with ono hand , nnd dreg ed mo out with the other , holding the scalp ol .ho chief in his mouth. The boys laving the body of the chief had to Irop it , and , slipping into a gully , wo fopt oil' thu infuriated Apacheo until ill the felloVa could come together and "give 'oni a rillle. " "INDIAN MAD. " With ua was a peculiar character mined Potter , who was said to bu "Indian mad. " IIo would fight the Apachca at every opportunity in revenge vongo for their having eomo years previously killed his family and out raged his wlfo before his eye ? , ho only escaping by good luck from n death ns cruel as they could invent. lie would dash right on to a crowd of hem , and was never badly hurt. Bo ng a good shot , ho made himself a .error to the band of Indiana whom wo vroro fighting. Sometimes , nftor irospecting or working in a mine for evoral months , ho would go.off by himself after the Apaches. At night wo only camped for n few lours and then endeavored" to pass the [ ndians and take them in front and roar } Wo came in on the flank of nojt of them and 'fought until day- ight , with but Iittlo damage to cither aide. At this time ho hall reached .he vicinity of Salt river , some dis- anco above Tonto crook and not far rom the Glebe mining district The county was wild and rocky , the hills steep , and the brush thick. Wo could ise horses but littln and fought moit- y on foot. The Indians fought shyly , uoving hero and there , but not falling > ack in any general direction , as they tad been doing. At ono time , when dunging down a canyon nftor a few ndians who had collected together , ny pony stumbled and throw mo on in old warrior just dying , but who ind enough strength loft to strike at no with his broken rifle barrel. escaped unhurt , though badly frii'ht mod , and the Indian was soon killed .wenty times over. IN Till ! INDIAN VILLAGE. An old Maricopa of our party said hat the Apaches must bo trying to coop us from their camp , and that about throe miles over the mountains was a deep canyon where there used o bo a village of them. Guided by litn over a long disused trail , wo 00011 md hard fighting with a largo number , from bank to bank wo went , and at nst could BOO where there was a can yon. II ore , behind a rocky ridge , our opponents made their last stand , and most desperate ono it was , As they HWO way I loft , with about twenty- ivo others , for the lower part of the canyon , thinking they miglit endeavor o drive oil' their stolen stock hat way. Slipping down a gulch vith our horses , wo followed down ho bottom of the canyon in the iroction indicated by fresh homo racks. Above us , where the canon widened a little , there was a field of orn , and we could hear cries nnd veils from the Indians , as our boy * [ rove back their warriors above them/ / Halting a sudden turn we struck BOV-- iral Indians driving a largo herd of loraes down the canon. As they Hod hrough the bushes wo secured the lorses. Driving thorn into the corn nnd leaving some of our number to fatch tlieni , wo rode to the now burning village to ace if our aid was leeded , Everything had been carried If or fired by the retreating wretches , nd only throe men , two boys and a oung rquaw were our priionora. tinny of our men followed after the ( ilrcating Indians , but UH they wore irod and hungry they noon returned , coding our horses 011 the green corn nd ourselves on horse meat , wo re- nainod there till morning. Our men acted very brutally to the ndian woman ; I cannot describe heir conduct , but the Indians thorn- elves oould never have noted worse o our 'women short of killing them , t was horrible. One of the old men ras killed by some of our men during lie night , and it was nil Jack could dee o prevent them from killing the re naming prisoners. The next day we started on our re- urn by a shorter trail than we used oining , but having eovcral wounded nd a large number of horses wo could ot travel fast. Dirty and thirsty , at veiling , wo cauipod by u little uprmg , nd eating our half-cooked horse meat nd a Iittlo parched corn from the urned village , wo passed a wretched nigl-t. The poetry of Indian fighting was not apparent , nnd besides was tin- remunerative. I thoioforo concluded never to turn out of my wny ngain to fight Indians , nnd that ten-cent novels on the subject wore 'decidedly "thin ' * T11K SOLDIKUS MODKST DEMAND At this spot several of our men lefl us , to return to their mines , nnd when , on the next day , wo reached the sol dieiV \ir.p , thcro was not so ninny ol us as when wo had loft it come day ; boforo. The olllcors kindly oll'ornd to take charge of the captured stock , but wo didn't BOO it in that light. Then it was delicately intimated thai without the stock no provisions would bo issued , nnd claimed that iho horses properly belonged to the United Stnten army. At the intimation that no pro visions would bo issued , thomon lUrei up nnd vowed they would hnvo pruh or something red nnd hot , too. Hun gry mnn cnu ilgjit like demon * ; bill wo got our provisions , Around roar ing fires wo that night piled in the hoi cotloo , bacon nnd hard tack , to which not n few added \vhiaky. Abuse ol the government , nnd brags of exploits in the recent lights , were the ctaplea of conversation , The nrmy ollicers doipUo the citizens ns to their fighting qualities , nnd baliovo that but for the military the Indians would take the \rholo territory. The citizens , on the other hand , buliove that if the army would leave the citizens would lick every redskin , from Sonura to Cole rado. llomnrkod a gignntlo cavalryman : "You fellows must bu nnxious to fight 1 Why don't you stay at homo nnd oat , live nnd grow fnt , juot like wo do ? Why hould wo want to fight for thir teen dollars n month ? Wo hain't ' hereto to tight ; wo'ro here to eat up rations , to gut rid of the surplus provisions in the United States. Ef it wn'nt for the U. S. army lota of grub in this country would rot. " Ilin views accord with tlioao of n Gorman U. 8. soldier I subsequently mot nt Fort Olnrk , Texas. "You any dot we don't got much fight , Wo netlike like tight ; wo hold dor posts , nnd got our moneys nnd feed the emigrants. I gomes from St. Louts for tirtenn dollar n niont for five years not fight dor Indians ; don I goes pack to Shar- many. " Other reasons for the disinclination of soldiers to fight in Arizonn may bo found in the fact tlmt their clothing nnd equipmons nro totally unadopted LO the climate and circumstances of : hat ( or probably any other ) territory. 3reiu lumbering delicate horses nro used , where only tough ponies would 30 of nny service. Wootlou pants , fit only for the Arctic rcgionc , and n cnp that protcctn neither from cold nor lent , nro not invigorating at 120 dog. n the shade. M ) THI : UAMP nun. "I tell you what , boys , " said a rough tlissourian mound thu soldiers' camp ire , "tho way to nettle the Indiana is tor get nbout a , thousand barrels of vhiiiuoy nnd a thouoand cases of cnivcs , put 'em together in a big val- oy , and invite all the Indians to n ) ow-wow. Then leave 'em ulono for i week ; then co back withshovola nnd mry the last of 'em , for they will bo all dead ns salt herrings. " "Better way would bo , " said a phil anthropic Yankee , "to give 'em two yenrs to got to Indlnn Territory , ono roar to got settled , nnd then if they can't earn their own livin' , let thorn atnrvo. If they steal , shoot 'em down. " "Might as well shoot "em at first , " added a wiry Illinoisan. "Oh , no ! " sarcastically rejoined a Webfoot ; "pot "om , food 'em , give em arms , let 'em steal nil they want , and food 'om while they cut every body's throat. Poor Indian ! " Then spoke a Oalifornian : "Tie every Apache by the heels to n China man and pitch 'em In the sea. " So the conversation continued to a ate hour of the night. Somehow very ittlo philanthropy for the Indian is to > o found nmong the people who see most of them. Wo soon reached Floronco. Many of the horses thus recovered wore owned by people in the valley ; the re- naindor were Bold. For my services [ got 830 ns the proceeds of a horse vliioh I claimed , and a good rifle which I found beside n dead Indian. KNOCK AIIOUT. IOWA ITEMS. Cedar Falls has a humane society. A man named Anderson , spvonty- ; wo years of ago , committed suicide at 3odar Falls on the llth inst. Iowa has ton millionaires. They ivo in Davenport , liurlington , DCS Vloinos , Dubuque and Iowa City. The laying of the corner stone of .he State Normal school building nt 3edur Falls will take place August 2'J , Governor Sherman will deliver an ad- dross. Fir on wtro kept up in the pasgangor cars of the Chicago & Northwestern ailwny while passim ; through Iowa nst Thursday the 10th inst , , so cold was the temperature. The brewers of the state propose a ncoting at Davenport August 2 ! ) , for ho purpose of determining what is icceesary to be done in view of the jnssago of the constitutional amend- none , W. H. Phelps of Jcfierspn took the irst prize at the recent Chicago annu al shooting tournament , killing fifteen > irds without n miss. The prize con sisted of $07.00 in cash , nnd u silver service valued at $1CO. Had material hits boon put in the oundution of the now court house at Oikalousa , and it has got to come out , which will cost some one u couple of housand dollars , The point now poms to bu who must lese thu noiioy , Francis Banger , a Kookuk tailor , coimnittoa suicide by putting a bullet hrough his brain. Years of trouble , which have weighed heavily upon him , was the cause , If is wife has been in ho insane asylum for some eight years nnd ono of his daughters is deaf and lumb. There will bo a competitive drill at ) ubuquo on the 2Ui ! innt. , under the auapicua of the state fair association , md The Times says thu all'dir is honed o excel in attraction the state fair tself. The best military men in the Jnlted States will compete , and Gens- . jrant , Sheridan and Crook will be the udyou. Debilitated persons , and sufferers vasting diseases such as consumption , crofula , kidney afflictions , will bo really bonclitted by tuini ; Brown's ron Bitters. { To tlie Oonsumers of Carriages & Buggies I have a complete stock of all the Lat33l ; Sbyles of Carriages , Phaetons and Opoa and Top Buggies , * * 4 I P Consisting of THe Celebrated Browster Side Bar , The Haralin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Ba , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Ah-tho | | Old Rel able iSUplic Spriag Buggies and Phaetons , They are all made or tha best materials , aid un der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to caU and e * amino my stock. I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL.BLUFFS , IA. _ ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AJvD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACOTMA , LEHI&H , BLOSSBUEG AND ALL CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Offloa No. 34 Pearl Street , Ym-ds Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Gounoil Bluffe. P. T. MAYNE. 0. E. MAYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE . BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Best of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highest MarketJPrioo | Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBROOM : : : Parties Wishing to Sell Broom Oorn Will Please Bend Sample. JAMES FRANEY , Merchant Tailor 372 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Always kcepi on hand the finest assortment of mat rial for gentlemen's wear , Satisfaction guaranteed -aeo Tor all kinds of 1'ANOV dOUDS , such as Laces , of all descriptions. Also llandkerclilon ( , both In silk and linen , hose of all Kinds , thread , plni , tiootllOH , itc. Wo hope tha iaulcs will call and BCD our stock of goods at 630 Broadway bcforo . ( ol'i oiuewhcro. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. Ttili laundry hujuit boon opined for bus ) . net } , and wouro now prepared to do lamdry v ork of all hinds and gu trauteo satisfaction A specialty uiodo of flno work , bucli aa colbri , uflu , line tlilrta , tto.Vo want everybody to give lu a trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. I , U RUMUNIWON , K. L.HIIUUAttT. A. W , BTHXltT , ' Vlce-1'rcg't. Ciuhlcr. CITIZENS BANK Of Council BluUV. OrganUod under thu lawj of the State of Iowa. ( aid up capital . 9 76,0:0 AutlioiUul capl.ul , . . . . 20UOQO Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts an thu prlnupit cltlim of the United titate * and Ctiropu. t-pojal attention nlvon to collections uid uorruspjiidcnca with prompt returns. J. P. Kdmnndion , K.Ii.hhuuart , J. T Hart , \V. \ W.V.ilUco , J. W Itodfer , I. A III lir , A. W. Street , Jy7iltt On Avenue B , No , 1902. ( Mill imOAUWAT. ) Clothes gathered up and delivered promptly. Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Lost Clothes made good. NO BETTER LAUNDRY WEST OF OHIOAGO. or. jr STARR & BUNCH. HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININB AND GRAINING , -flu sx'xsoxAJc.'srar. Shop Corner Broad way and Soott Sfc HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , PruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco , Fresh Oyaters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blufl's. Quo of the best > tcond-cloag Hotcla lu the West la the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K IJlttfWN , Prcprlttor. oa 631 aud 630 Broad way , ( ouncll Bluff * , low * , supplied with the beat tha market af- fordd. Ucod rooms and Unit-claw b'odj. Teruii very reasonable. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. 0. Gerspacher & Son. KIUBT CLASS HOTEL AT REASONABLE 1'UICES. TWANB1ENT8 ACCOMMODATED HOTEL FOU SALE. GOOD HKASONU FOB SELLING , . i