THE DAilA' J3EI4 COOK OIL BLOTS , IOWA SATURDAY , Al GILSi , ' 10 The Daily Saturday Morning , Aug. 1ft. SUIiSCHIPTlON BATM : Brr rrer - - - - - JO cents per week. B/Mafl - - - - - - Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. U 0. OnlFFIN' , Manager. U. W. n L.TON , Oity Edltor.fl M1WOK MLJNT10JNB. -.T , Mueller's Palace Music Hall. Sherraden makwlpholographs. The old street caw are being repaired. yesterday the waterworks company pjld od their men , The August term ol the circuit court in expected to open here Monday next. Jtutlce i'rainey yesterday adjusted threa drunks , Boyd , Sluw and Kountze. At Shull'n butcher shop , south Main utreet , yon can always ict the best moats at reasonable prices. The outzoing train eastward thin af ternoon will beotcr the Chicago & Nock Tiland. Tiland.At At the stock yards there were nine teen cars received by Haan Bros. & Co. No shipments. Information wanted of Ory Uarnott , whorctidcd in Council UlufT last July , by his brother , William Garnolt , late from Wisconsin. Any information leading to his whereabouts will ha gratefully ro- coivcd. Address BKB office , Cmmcll Bluff * . Keuhcn Iluasel ) , of the waterworks gang , was yesterday complained of for shreatening to strike Moses Doty ever the head with a shovel. Arrangements have been made for another exciting base ball contest , to tale place between the Spaldlngs and Council Bluffs. The game is to bo called nt 1 o'clock. " * This afternoon a race Is announcsd to take place at the driving park between L. Goldstein's horeo and ono of Dr. Cady'n , the puuo being for SIOO. The time fixed for the start is 2 o'clock. Kev. A. O. Dallard , of Corning , Iowa , will prcat-h in the Presbyterian church tomorrow - morrow morning and evening , nnd , by order of the Presbytery , will declare the pulpit vacant , The authorities ought not to bo too hasty about making private individuals fix up their afdownlks , so long as the walks about the Bloomer school building are in such a horrible condition. Justice Fratnoy had before him yen ter day the old man Kountzo who claimed to bo swindled on circus day. The old man was fmid forbelntr drunk , while the fellows arrested for swindling him had co capod , Thoao who have had eigna.stlcltinK out beyond their buildings on Main street aid liroadway , have been compelled to pull them in. They In turn arc nowgruinblinK about the boxes and barrels which are allowed to obstruct the sidewalks. Arrangements have been made so that these of the Grand Army of the Itopubllo who desire to attend the re-union nt Grand Island , August 28 , can do so for $5,15 round trip , Tbo tickets to bo good until September 4 , To-morrow evening Kev. Mr. Lemon will deliver at the Baptist church , of which ho is pastor , a discourse on "Progress of Thought in the Church , " it being a review of Henry Ward Becchcr'a article in The North American Koview for Auguut. All are invitod. Conttablo Kox , who lost a coat and Much strength in' arresting a crazy Eoldier who escaped from Fort Omaha , has sent in a bill for damage to clothing , but the officer In command returns it with the chilling information that there ia no pro vision for paying such a claim. T. B. Walker was yesterday before Justice Fralmy charged with aeHaultlug T. B. Younghusman , his tenant. It appears - pears that a dispute arose about the use of a team , and thomont that wan claimed by the latter was that Mr. Walker made uaa of hot words. The case Is to be decided tub morning. , Despite the notices of warning some have been hitching horiea to trees by Bay * lias * park , end in several Instances the horses have gnawed the bark and Injured trees greatly. The olfiocra are on > the alert , and are determined to catch some of the offenders. They yesterday gave chase to one man but ho encaped. A large number of the friends of Mr , and Mrs. Taylor gathered at their resi dence , 700 Mynster street , on Thursday evening , to witnods the opening of n night blooming cereui. Many of those present had never had such an opportunity before , u the Dower is rare in thcio parts. Thia proved to be an unusually fine ono , and it has been placed in spirits to preserve it , II possible. h jj Yesterday afternoon OdlccrTyfon ar rested a man sleeping off a drunk in o livery stable hay mow , While taking him to the station the fellow vklppcd up the alley , and on being overtaken by the officer thowcd fight ; but be was iorced tc mo along and bo locked up. Ilia name proycd to ba Robert Whiting , aud he claims Valnca a * his homo. The commUtlonen appointed to locate the govei ninent building were yesterday cloning contracts with those whcwo property they consider llltely to bo chosen , The ' ) will correspond with the. department in reference to tribe before reaching a final conclusion , to that the location will pfoba bly not be fully determined for a week 01 ten days. It is understood that the choice will probably be either Keller's property \ , corner of Bryant and Broadway ; Palmer'i property , on Sixth and Broadway , or tin Catholic property. Yesterday Officer Tyson met a womai on Fearl street who stopped him ant ileslred lo have him use his authority ti etop the'bulldlng that wai going ou In tin * city , a there was no one paying for it She was anxious to have the brickyard closed up as the surest way to atop work The officer took br t * the court housa t < ee about It , aud the commIsiionorB > cr notified of her evidently deranged sondl tlon. She proved to be Mrs. Tunk , of Hazel Dell toinublp , whost husband li oboeinaker , and formerly lived her * . lie aid the walked In from her homo yostei day morning , a dlstanoo ot tea miles , irid her conc'ltion WAS that of one who had walked far to Iho clnst. Her friends were fcnl for , ami on their arrival the ncccswry papers were made out and last oiculng ho was taken to the a > ylmn. There hive been f qu nl compblnls about some of the special pollicernen , It was not long ago that one was chirfced with trying In decreto a man for whom rnio of the regular force wai hunting. The matter was dropped , however. Rome who attended the circus Thursday evening complain - plain that nno special policeman insisted on standing i\t the edge of the ring , ob structing tlio vlew.of many in the audience. Some yelled for him to mt down and two or three of the circus men Bpoko to him about It , but he stubbornly refused for n half hour or no and then subsided. Men should learn that the authority to wear n star doesn't make them little gods. The Nonpareil hns nanowed Itnelf down to one argument only , by which It endeavors to force the anti-Anderson re. publicans into hli support. It docs not pretend any longer to urrjo voters to sup port Andt won became of his moral or In tellectual fitness for the position , It has abandoned all attempts to disprove the serious charges preferred against him by men of his own party , Its argument now is ultnply that though he may be n bad man nnd ft weak man , yet ho Is the republican nominee , and ought to bo c'ectcd , because the next house may bo close and the democrats may get a major , ity. The Nonpaiell's position now In that if there was no danger of the democrats getting a majority in the next house , it might do to defeat Anderson , hut ns it is , ho must bo elected , bad or not bad. Thinking republicans will not bo fright- cncd by any such stuff. The simple ques tion is whether Anderson is , or is not , a fit man to represent the republicans of this district ? l''nch voter nhould dccMo that for hlinsclf. If ho is n man who can- tint bo trusted , It would bo far eater to elect him when there was an overwhelming re publican majority in the house , rather than when there it n close content. If ho ia a man morally corrupt , or intellec tually , or both , ho ought not to bo elected at all by any party , or for any purpose. To force such a candidate on the party by one majority , and then try to crack n party whip over the back of honest voters , is not true republicanism. SPOILED THE SPOILS. An Engineer Bavoa n Green German Prom a Got fldonco Game Just in Time. The Strange * IndHToronoo of a Po liceman Who Was Watchlnu the Affair. Of ] ate there have been several con fidence tricku turned in the yicitiity of the Drovora' hotel , and yesterday there was another ono attempted , which fortunately for the victim \vas interfered with juat in time to aavo him his money. James Burns , who ia a moat worthy engineer in the cm ploy of the Chicago & Rock Island railway company about noon time noticed that a confidence shark had a Gorman greenhorn in tow. Boon a friend of the confidence man ( came up and shook hands with him , and was introduced to the German. The three soon sat down on the street car track and wore talking. Burns strolled over that war and plainly saw the Gorman count out about $100 in tons and fives , and aa ho was about to give ever the role of money to the sharpers. Burns asked the green horn to como over to him. Ho at first declined doing so , but aa the icqucst was re peated in a very peremptory tone , he wont to Burns. At this time ono of the confidence men had a check or re ceipt written out , ready to turn ever for tbo money , but when they over heard Burns posting their victim , they started oil at n lively gait 'and struck out for up town. Policeman McMillan , the special day policeman at the Union Pacific depot , was apparently watching the performance from the window of his own house near by , but did not make any oiler to stop the game or capture the men. It is said that several portions tions asked him afterwards why he did not arrest them , and his reply was , in substance , that there was no good in doing so , as they would not do any thing wltn thorn up town. It scorns that the several tricks turned lately have born done by about the same parties each time , and that their haunt socms to bo'in the vicinity of the Drover's hotel. With the do- Bcrintion given nnd their runaway known , it seams that the police might arrest them if they so chono to do. At least , there is no seeming excuse whore a policomiii noes ihn gnmo go ing on himself. It indicates a bail state of affairs , indeed. ' TAKING A TEAM , A Stock Man Huntlncr After tnc Follow Who Stole Hla Horses. A day or two ago two men engaged in trading horses and dickering in stock came to this city from Fremont county. They gave the names of A. M. Smith and Sam Wilcott , Yester day whllo Smith was looking nftoi business in ono part of the city , Wil disappeared with tho' team ant iJ wagon. Smith claimed the property A to bo his , and that ho had hired Wil cott on condition that after ho hai , got broken in ho would give him hai the profits , and when ho had got $51 ahead ho would give him n half inter est in the property. Wilcott was ovl dontly not satisfied to work and wait and so skipped with the team. Smitl swore out a warrant , and Oflicor Ed gar started on the chaso. The teen was finally found at William Harris' about twelve miles south of the city Wilcott had Held the ttom to him fo ? 90 and skipped. The horses wer not in condition to travel back , am Mr. Harris promised to bring then in to-day , and giro Smith a chance to provo hta rl ht to the property. FOR SALE. My residence , No. 715 Fourth itroe Bancroft V L. F , MUUPHV , JUMPING JUSTICE. 'Squire Abbott Aoeaultod in the Street and Robbed. The HlRUwnymon Escape Ihelr Victim HolplcK * in tbo Rondwny. E J. Abbott , the well known jus tice of the peace , was the victim of a bold and successful robbery Thursday night about 11 o'clock. IIo was re turning to his homo on Damon otroet , and was just about the corner of his own property when ho was attacked. The street was dark and there are high banks on each side. Mr. Abbott did not notice any ono on the street , and was not on the alert. The first ho know two men jumped at him from behind , and quickly caught him by the throat , while a third man ad vanced from in front , and attempted to rifle his pockets , Abbott shouted for help , and at the same time struck ojit at the follow in front of him , hit- ling htm a stinging blow in the face. The follow kicked Abbott in the bowo'g , knocking the wind out of him , and rendering him almost helpless. Aa ho sank to the ground Mr. Abbott managed to got ono pocketbook out of his pocket and keep it firmly clutched in his hund. Ono of the gang in the meantime removed his other pocketbook - book , and aa Mr. Abbott's dog came rushing down from the house the three skipped right lively leaving their victim there unable to move and groan ing with the intc'iao pain cause by the kick ho had received. Mrs. Abbott hoard the noise aa did some of the neighbors and they were Boon on the spot , * and assisted him into the houso. Dr. Soyburt was called in and found that Mr. Abbott had not been BO sev erely injured ns to justify any great alarm no to the final result , though the hurt was a painful ono , and caused great bloating and distress. Inflam mation was the only thintt to bo fear ed , and it was thought this could bo avoided by care and quiet. The pocketbook of which ho was robbed contained two five dollar bills , ono iiva dollar gold piece , and a two dollar bill - $17 in all. The thieves ns they run uway emptied this , nnd dropped the pocketbook which was found a short distance from whore the attack wns made. The pockcit- book which ho hold grasped in his hand contained change and silver to the amount of o few dollars. The affair was so euddon and so quickly over , and the spot so dark , that Mr. Abbott could cam but a very indefinite idea of the looks of his assailants. It appears that they must have been in wait for him , and hid upon the toj. of ono of the banks by which ho pasted , for they jumped upon him so suddenly , that ho was not aware of the nearness of any ono until ho heard a rustic , and almost immediately was throttled. It is ox- occtod that ho will be able to bo out again in a few days. It was rather cool in the highway men to pick upon such a victim , as the squire is a man who is not ver dant or timid. Ho was formerly on the police force in Cleveland , has served gallantly in the army , and in fact has had u variety of thrilling experiences , and it bad never entered his head that ho would bo hold up on the street and robbed. It adds ono moro tally to his score of adventures , while at the same time it shows clear ly that Council Bluffs has some bold villians who fear neither the Isw nor it ministers , Tapping a Till. Some ouo slipped into Mr. Jen- ning's store on Upper Broadway and tapped the till , getting about ยง 25. Suspicion fell upon Ed. ' Henry , a colored boy , who visited the store about the time of the till-tapping. Ho wanted norno little article for Mrs. Wallace , and on getting it started on the run for homo. Soon after the money was missed. Ho was arrested and lodged in the calaboose , and when the six other prisoners escaped ho re fused to go. Ho denies that ho took the money , and explains his suspicious running for homo by saying that ho loft a game of cards , with another boy , to go on the errand , and was in a hurry to got homo and finish the game. Yesterday the cose was con tinued , His bail wan fixed at $300 , and in default he was locked up in jail , Tbo r > ondon Iiancot. The ' .London Lancet" Bays : "Many a life has been Ravrd by the nmril courage of the Mifferer" mul many n llfo IIHB been unveil by Inking Sl'lilNU BLOSSOM In case of billions fevf r , Indigestion or liver crm plnlnU 1'ricu 50 cents , trial bottle * 10 cents. Hd-lw PEI18ONAJ- . II. W , D-echer , of Brooklyn , dined at , the Ogden yesterday. Wni. K , ] { charda and wife , of , MHivn\f- kco were in the city yesterday. Karl Glcnson , the tourist for Krb A Du- quotte , returned from a successful trip las ! evening , Mr , Peterson , theJblncVcmlth on Broad way , now rejoices in the advent of a bran n w boy , of goodly weight and health , J. Bebald , of Loveland , one of the con stant readers of THE BEE , dropped In upon us yesterday , being In the city on busi L. I ) . Mossier , proprietor of the 0 , O D , Clothing Store , left yesterday ruorn Ing for New York nivl other eastern inarj kola to purchase liU fall stock. Mr. and Mm. A. It. Walker left latt evening for Denver , where they will 'take a peep at the big exposition , Mr , Walkei hag an eye to buslnesa , it being his inlen tion to K t some good pointers as to the beat kind of machinery to purchase for the Consolidated Milling company , . -r Recognizing Iowa. The supreme ledge of 'Knlghts'ol Pythias moots in Detroit on the 23rd , * ' Iowa will bo represented by Hon Jno. Van Valkonburg , of Fort Madl son , and A. V. Dodge , of Burlington As Iowa has contributed largely to th support of the order , and has nore boon glron a supreme lodge chair , 1 I 1 is purpono < ! bv the 'fraternity to press forward Mr. Van Valkenburfl for the oflica of vjco chnncolor , nnd it is ex pected thnl the claim Kill bo rccogniz- rd. Mr. VnlkonblirK is editor of the Ktiights 11 J'ythia" Jilnnual , and has been carnifet na well ns prominent in building u { > the interest of the order in thia stntc , IIo has rcproseiitcd the ntnto in three sessions of the nupremo lodge , and nt the laafc ecsaion in St. Louis , cnme ivithin ono yoto of being elected vied chnncolor , ho declining to vote himself. It is expected that Iowa will bo recognized this time by giving the oflico to ono BO worthy of it , nnd who no well represents the order in o state , HALF AND HALF. Six Prlaonors Hk'.p From the City Calabooso nnd Hlx Remain Behind. On Thursday night there were twelve prisoners in the city calaboose , Bomo for being drunk , some for lar ceny nnd others for like minor offonsos. The key to the back door of the cala- booio generally hangs in the front oflico , and in aomo way thia waa taken by sotno ono of the prisoners , prob ably aa they were passing in through the oflico , and later at night was used to unlock the door , so that ogress into the yard and from thence ever the fence to liberty was very easy. Six of the twelve prisoners thus made good their escape. Among thorn was Frank Phillips and W. Lloyd , who were ar rested on the charge nf having swindled an old man named Kountzo out of a revolver and some money. Four others arrested for being drunk or dis orderly or both , made up the nix who escaped. Six remained , including Ed Henry , the colored being charged with stealing $25 from Mr. Jonning's store. The escape in this instance seems to have boon the result of careless ness on the part of the officials , rather khan the weakness of the calaboose. Still it .reminds the citizens again of the fact that there is no decent or suitable provision for the care _ of prisoners. Is is time that a good jail is well as n. good city building was provided , The erection a combina tion of these two with a market house also , cannot begin any too soon. The property ia already purchased , the public has already boon assured that auch on enterprise would soon bo begun , nnd as everything is ripu , it seems that there ought not to bo any delay in meeting the great want. Mr. J. Mnrrh , Bonk nf Toronto , Ont. write * : "Bllllouaness and dyspepsia seem , t < > Imvn grown up with me ; huviug been a sufferer tor ycar , 1 have tried many reme- dim. but with nolnM.Dgrci ! > ult until I used your I'unnocK Uioon BITTEIIS. They have betn tiuly a blessing to mo , n > d I cannot speak too highly of them. " Price 81.00. 14d-lw Killing Corroapomtcnco ot The Dec , A bolt of lightning struck in Nan din township , Audubon county , luwa , nn the 14tti hist , on the farm of J. V. D. Lewis , injuring a farm hand named Drake and killing nno span of horses for Mr. Emory. Drake was knocked down but came to and was not seriously injured. HELP WANTED. A goodjfirst-class moat cook , and two dining-room girls , at the Metropolitan Hotel , Omaha , Nob. a5-2t True to her Xrnut' Too muin cannot bo eaid of the ever aithful wife and mother , constantly watching and caring for her dear unes , lever neglecting a single duty in their bo- lalf. when they are assailed by disease , and the system should have a thorough cleanaing , the stomach and bowels regu- ated , bloi d puiifitd , and malarial poison ixterminated , she must know the that DIectiioBittera are the only sure remedy. they ! are the best and purest inediciue in ho world and only coat fifty cents. Sold > y ( ! . F. Goodman MAIN STREET LIVERY , ! FEED -AND SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find coed accommodation and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs Iowa , - - T , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. Murray Iron forks Burlington Iowa , SomlPortabli Engines I FOR OKBAMKRIE8 MUM MILLS , Printing Offices' Bto. , H Specialty' ' The Largest Iron Working Establishment mont in the State. UAXvriCTi'Riiu ) or Steam Engines , AHD GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Qut-01 tf Steam Engine , Beog lor circular. gS-lm MRS , fl , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I. ll ttT COUBPU Bluff * . JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , OrtlCB-Broadnay. between ll ln f Btreeta. ttUl practice In SUto and CourU COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICfi Special adtertlseraenU , cue 09 Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sate , To Kent , Wants , Itmrdlng , etc. , nil ! bo Inserted to thlt column At the low r t of TEN CKNTS PER MNK for the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS I'KR LINK for each subsequent Insertion. Leave odv ertlsotnenta at our office , No , 7 ! ' < " > il Street , near Hnxulwyr. Wants. WANTED A scod Darl h or Swede clrl ti ( loco-etui houtettorku almidlnjMiosM- . 1-nn.uiro of Mis. II , A. Iloaa , Jfo. till South Main stirctncar C. & K. I. K , K. WANTF.D-ny m nni wife , tno furnlihcd or ti'furrith'il loorrs , with or v.ltmuf bond ) prliAtcftinllvprcfcircd. Addrc j "X , " ( illf WANTFD-Olrls at the K. 0 House , on South Vain btrcct. WANTED Rcnool t kclicr , mnl ! tor , stii- clonM nnd others on n il to the r income lij dcio Injf n | > ottlon of their time to cinrM lrj ; for cur etai.dnrd heots and | < cnoilcals , or can make laga V , KCI by dMotlnji their whole time to It.Ve naiit an active male or ( o Mo ttf rt In c\cry tcwmhlj ) In lown nml cliraska , and will cffrr extra Induconcntn. For clt ula s ad- tire Wcsttrn Hook Company , Box 664 Council Dl ffi.Ia. Everybody In Council Bluffs lo WANTED to take Tin Um , HO cents per week , de livcred by carriers. Offlc'o , No 7 Pc rl Street near Croadtmy. VTTANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn YV For particulars address Council niuffi Broom Factory , Council Uluffs , Iowa. 6f > 8-29tf For Sale and Rent 71011 SLE ODO jouiiff bay rene , suitable for _ J carriage ; alto one line driving mate. In- < iulro of J. M. botltb , Council Muffs. nugU tf "ipon SA' E Ono set tinner * ' tools , ncvlj-new , J ? cheap for c h. II. R. Jonci , No. 231 Uroid- nay , Council Hinds , Ix T710R SALE The two ycara and Uirce months L' lease , the fixtures nnd Imnlturo of the California' home. Contains Dint rooms with lions to accaum odate thlny men. Hone now full , feeding fqr'y ' to fift ) acn dally. A gland cliancu to buy Into a nno pa } ing business III- hra 'h ol proprietor the only roi on for Felling. Address owner , Henry awcljrert , California h Me , C. . SAiE Phty tons rf Ice dcllmril on cm FOR Nco'a , Iowa. Sawdust furnished. Ad- iirc-8. Martin Ca'cy , Ccuncil llliiUs. or U. L. McWIl lam * . Nco'a , lovtn. augio Btt TjTOH SALE Two clilms In Nebraska , cheap , JC by Oilell & , Day. Jj24-lw SALE Beautiful residence lots , $60 EOR ; nothing down , nnd ? 3 per month only , by . EX-MAYOlfVAUaUAN. Miscellaneous. T OST A largo wariirob key. liberal rcnard Jjtofiidr Enqulro at Bco'office. fc SMOTUhllv , Council Bluffs HAUCOURT and Omaha criss. . Oidcri 'clt nt Coston luk store , Miln Btr ct itoun 1 luffs , or J. C. Elliot , 1VIC Fnrntm ttrcet , Onnlm , vl\l \ rccchc prompt at'cnt on. J > 1Et A1IBAD Gnat tucoo'B. Cfll and nee STILL accessories and upcclmtns of pictures takcnb the to lalile gelatine brrmldo process , at the Kxoels'or ' Oalltrv 10 Miln street. . W. L. PATTON Phjslclan and Oculist. DU. euro any casoof sorocjen. It Is only a matter of time , and can euro generally m from three tc flvo weeks It make * noduTcr- ouco how long diseased. Will Etralghtcn cross eyes , operate and remove Ptyrcglnma , etc. , and Insert artificial cjc9 Special attention to re- movemir tadc onns apG-tf lacts Worth Knowing A now crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 76o Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 75o GOo Very Fine Young Hyson , equal to that offered at $1.00. 75o We Mean Just What We Say , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Oflico and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We ( ftvo gpeclal attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Goal , OHAS , HENDBIE , President , Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALERS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also tgcota lor the following line ol Steamship Companies : Cunanl , Anchor , Ouloo , American , and SUtc gtcam&hlp Companies. . 3E * O ? ff- For gala on the Ro > al Bank ot Ireland and Bank of Ireland , Dublin , Those wr o lutpn to frond fet friend * to any ( iart ol Europe will dud It to theli nternt to call on , Sullivan & 'Fitzgerald , AGENTS , taj 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs Ift HAKKEIESS , OSCUTT & Broadway , and Fourth Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. mnr-2-Rm - - MUELLER' tf GHIGKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cot tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- s third off. Agents wanted. o Gorrespondenos solicited. I JB d. MUELLER , o COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. RD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00 Bluff and ffilluw Sreets , Council Bluffs , UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT F/JAIN STREET. I'HB BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. Nona but first-class Bnkora jmployed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &o. , delivered to any part of the 'city. Our Wagons run nil day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. Haa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands 9 and a number ol Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , OOU VOIL BLTJFB SUMMER SHOES. We are Offering Special Bargains in All / Kinds of Summer SHOES AND SLIPPERS. 1 = g.TFg TS/ff "Fg TVT WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOOK OF JB" X 1W 3EZ GhOO IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs. . , . , . A. BEEBH W. UUNYAN W. DEEBB C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale an J 1UU11 Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. INFIRMARY ! ( Late Veterinary Surgeon D. S. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPEE BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All ol the btet I'hjs'ciiuM In Council Bluffg and turroundtn e The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 827 MAIN 8T , Employ the beat Bread Baker In the West ; aluo a choice hind lor Cakoa and Pica. Bread delivered to all parta ot the city. MAUREB & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Qlaaa , Pine Froncli OUlna. Bilvor Ware < 5o , JM BMlswiT , . COUNCIL DLUrrB , IOWA. Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) THOU , OFFICER. w. n. n. rroir. OfflGEB & PUSET , XCiEPy Council Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and home securities , MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , PROPRIETOR OP RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 818 South Main Btrctt , Council BmBa. New house and newly fitted up luflritdaM \ tyle Mealt at all hour * . Ic cream and lemon - n Je every etenlng. FrulU acd confectloncrlo J. M. PAXMEE , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , OODXOHi BI/UXTf , IOWA , L'i