Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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vUIicsto Tun Bus.
NEW YORK , August 13.
Government to-day were firm
and without change in quotation * , Monet
n pledge ot thorn is still 3 per cent , on
Share simulation opened with prices
weak , bein , < i@i per cent , lower than yen *
terday's cins ng prices , la early dealings
there was b fractional recovery ot J@J per
cent , tlio latter In Denver & Hlo Urando
and Texas Pacific. At 11 o'clock the gen
eral list reacted I'a g per cent. Afternoon
prices continued the decline and closed .In
the main wek , recording prices J@ljJ per
yent. lower tlian yesterday's eloped ,
Moneyi i ( < $ > j per cenl. ; closing at UJ
per cent. '
Prime Mercantile Paper 0 per cent.
Sterling Exchange- Steady ; Innkcrs1
bills , $4.85 } ; demand , $1.89.
.11.1 .
5'g 101 ,
4i's 1U ;
Vs 119 ;
Pacific G's of 1895 130
Central Pacific
Kri sccondi t
L high Wilkchbnrto
Louisiana consul : )
Missouri ti's
St. Jofc ph t
St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .
Tcunosseo G'a
do new
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. .
Jo land ( , nxnt3. . .
do Kinking fund. .
Virginia G'a
do consols G's
do deferred
Texan & Pacific land grants. .
do It. U. dlv. . . .
Adams iKxpress . 140 140
Alton & Terra Haute . 140 138
do pfd. . . . 85
American Kxnress . t i
Burl. , C Ur Unpicts & North SO
Canada Southern . ClJ 04
Col. , Uin. & liul. Central. . . . 124 121
Cetitial iVIhu . 'J3i U3
ChesiH eiko & Ohio . -I
. do 1st pfd. . . 30g
dj 2d pld. . . ' t
Chicago & Alton . 141
do pfd . 140 no
Chi. , r.url. & Quiuey
CSii. , tit. L. & . .NOW Orleans. i5 " 78
u. , S ml. S Clovelimd 53 07
Clove. ; ' Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 81 $ . bO
Dolawuro'i : Hudson canal. . . . 1 18 1K1
Del. , Ij ck. & Western 147J 14GJ
Denver & llio Grande ClJ Gig
Erie . 3)4 ! 388
do pfd . SUf 7o
JFort Wayne & Chicago . ISO 1SG
.llnnnibul& tit. Joseph. . . . 85 85
do pfd . . 05 94
Harlem . , . . 2 J3 205
ilouston Texis Central. . . . S3 bO
Jlihuis Central . 13TJ
Ind. , lilooui , & Western . -15J
.Kansas & Texas . 3Di { S8A
Lake Erie k Western . . . . 41 40 |
.Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .115i IHft
Louisville & Nashville . 74 ' IHftm
.Jjouisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 70 70
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd"li ( Iti
do 2d pfd ! > 0
Memphis & Charleston . G2 OL
Michigan Central . U'JJ out
Missouri Pucilio. . . : . . . .llGtf
MobUoAOhio . 22 224
. Morris & K tux . 127 10 ?
'Ntiihvillo & Cauttanooga . ( i I G33
New Jersey Central . 78Z 78(1
Norfolk & Western . 054 fjl'l
Northern Pacific . I50R 504
do pfd . 93i'
Northwestern . . -.147
do - pfd . It9i 118 :
New York Coutral . 13G | 135
Ohjo'Central.- . 17 17
> Ohiq , & Mississippi. , ' . . 37i 37
do pfd . 105 10'
Ontario & Western . UG 2
Paoifio Mail . . , . . 45 4
Panama . 1G5 1G5
Peorin , Decatur& ISvansv . 35J 35
Pittsburg < * Cleveland . 138 138
Heading . Gig GO
Hock Island .
, . , . , . . _ ' 1374 . . . 137
St. Louis & SanM'ran 4H 40
do pfd. . . . 59 $ C8
do -1st pfd 97J 98
St. Paul & Milwaukee..l'23jf 12 :
do ' pfd..188 13U
St. Paul , Minn.Manitoba.14GJ 144
St. Paul & Orauha Oh ) } 53
do pfd Ill * 111
Texas & facific 52J 61
Union Pacific 1IG ± 110
"United States Express. . . . 741 74
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific . . . 3G > 30.
do pfd. G. | Ul
Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.130 130
Western Union Telegraph. . . 88. 88 !
tHast Tennessee . * . 11 11
do pfd 18 18
Caribou 1 1
Central Arizona
Excelbior 1 1
Ilomestake . . . . . . . . . A 10 19
Little Pittsburg 1 1
Ontario 40 40
Quicksilver 10 10
do pfd 4ui 45
Silver-Cliff. . J
Standard 8 10
Sutro q
llobinson > 1
South Pacific 13 14
Minneapolis & Si..Ljuis D.'H ,32 ,
do pfd. . GSr1 08
Oomna "Whole inlolilarliet.
OiririoE 01 ? TUB OMAHA Bar , I
d v levelling , Augiibt 18 , (
The only changes reported in the mar
ket to-day are M follows :
Kirlc'u Savon Imp'eiial Ooap advanced
10 cent * and Klik'n SUndnrd declined
ft cents.
Local Grain Dealing ! .
WHEAT. Cash No. a.B < c ; cash No ,
, 7ici rejected , COo.
UAtfLEY. Cash No. 2 , 7'Ja ; No. I !
COltN. No. 2 , Gib.
OAT-S.-Caah , 30.i.
STUKBT PKICES-Oorc , C575j oats ,
I/ S 4K -
Prcduco and Pravlilons.
POTATOES 20@25o per hiisliel.
ONIONS-.r > Ofe7flc per bushel.
NEW TOJCATOKS-Hrug ; 607Cc pw
bar ,
BOTTEH Choice country , 12@15o.
KUGH-8cane. 17c.
HONKY-CaHforjia. ppr lh , 22c.
APPf/KS Per barrel , S2 0070
O \ NTAjOl'JCS ] Per dozen , 60c@l 00.
OV l'JUtS-S lect. G5o per can
Grocora1 List.
OHEJ3S2 Vull Cream. 12oj Part
flkim. HJij.
UKAKe Importa-J German GO par
. lUb , ftir , lie ? Bio , good
Eio. piJins to choice , 120 : Old gov't '
Java ; 2CJj.2ic | ; Mochi , 28Jc ; Arbuckle's ,
TEAS .flunpowdcr , good ,
Choice , GXSTtc ; Imp ri i , good , 0@ricj
Ct-cJc , C0@7fo ; Young Hrson , good , bCo
COcj choice , G5e@l 00 ; Jar n Nat Leaf ,
85cj Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , goud ,
B5@10 ; Oolong , dio.celOfelo ; Bouchoni/ .
good. a'5a40c ' ( : ohoCce. 35(3450. (
NJIW PIOKLES-Medium , in'barrels ,
8900 ; do in half bbl * . G 25gmall ; , in bblx.
11 00 do , In balfbMn , 700 ; gherkins , in
bbli. 13 00 ; do. In half Lbhr , 7 00 ,
WOODEN \VAUE Two. hoop pjtili ,
1 05 | tbrw hoop palbr , 2 20. Tubs , J o ,
neer wMhboard * , 185 Doable Cr wn
290 ; Well bucket * , SBO.
LEAD Bar , 81 65.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 16o :
pure apple , ISc : Prussinc oura nnnle , ICc.
tJUUAKS-Cut loaf , 11 < Crushed
lie ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powilered , 11 ;
Fine powdered , lie ; Standard Coffee A ,
9Jc ; New York Confectioner's Standard
A , 9jc ; Good A , Me ; Pnvirlo Extra C. Oo.
HOPE Sisal , 4 Inch and larger , 10k- ;
IJInch. Ilk.
CANNED GOODS oyster * , 2 ib
( .Field's ) , per case , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 75 ; rte 2 It > ( Standard ) , ] x > r case ,
3 75. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 8 Ib per
ease , 300 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
rr case , H 10 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , S15 ;
string bean. * , per case , 2 10 ; Limn beans
per case , 1 85. Siccotash per case. 2 00.
Pcao , common , jper case , 2 00 : pe.v , choice ,
per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 21b , pcrcaso ,
.40 ; strawhcrrit'ti , 2 Ib , jior case , 2 GO ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 20. D.vm.
oI53i 2 lh lr cx'e 2 45' Bartlctt
pear's per eft * , 3 00@i CO Whortleberries
ura .2 In . * ? .1 !
per g < wo,240. E < t Dorou !
UWefl 5rigcs,2 lbj > or cose , 2 76 ; do choice , * i
Ib per CASO i 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cane ,
400(3575 ( , Peaches , 2 tb per case , 310 :
do 8 Ib , case , 4 50@B 00s do , ( pie ) , 3 H > , per
cabo,260dople ; , 6 Ib , i > cr doren , 3 50.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; Ash-
ton , In sao ks , 3 50 ; bblu dairy GO , 5s , 3 CO
HOMINY New , $5 00 per bbl.
SODA Dwi Rht'a Ib papers , * 2 85 ; Pa
end do , $2 83 ; Church's , 8J 85 ; Keg t-oiia
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , in nz , 8s
15cboxc9 ; 40 Ibs. , 1G 02. , Os , 15o.
RICE Carolltia , 748o ; Louisiana , 7.
@ 8c ; fair , 0@6 } .
S VUUPS. SugM bouse , bb n , 55o Shall
bis , 6"e ; kegs. < i Rr\llOns , 5250 ; choice
table syrup , 48 : ; blf bbls , 5oc ; kegsS3 49 ,
B7A11UU. t earl , 4Jc : iJilvor Gloss , 84
@ 8Jc ; Corn Starch , S9o ; Exceldor
Glean , 7c ; Cora. 74o.
BPICES.-Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , SOc ;
loves , 40e ; Nutmegs , 8 ! 00 * 25cC/a8si ; / ,
Mace $1 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , ? 5e ; round ,
cases , $810 ; square , cases , W 40.
SOAPS Klrk'a Savon Imperial , 3'4r ;
Kirk's satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's ' standard , 3 75 ;
1vu-k' white Kuisian. 535 : Kirk's
Eutoea. 215 Kirk's Pralrifl Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 85.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 340 :
W atem , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 GO ; Jen-oil lye , 2 76.
POTASH Pennsylvania ns , 4 doz. ,
iu cone , 3 35 $ Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in caao ,
190 ; Anch * Ball 2 doz Ir. case , 1 60.
FIELD SEED Rod clover , choice
new , SO 03 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. ? 7 CO ; white clover , new , $14 00 ;
11 alfa cfiovcr , now , $12 50 ; aleiko , now ,
$1300. Timothy , good , UOTT , 83 00 ,
blue grafts , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue crops ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass 32 50 ; red top ,
choice , 103 ; mlllut , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , 8100 to SI 25 ;
Hungarian , SOc.
HEDOESEED Ounge orange , 1 to 5
buzhels , C5 00 ; osage orange , 10 uushcln or
Dvor , Si 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , : loc ; per
100 Ibs. . $25 00.
F1S J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
85 23 ; A'o , 1 white tiah , 90 Ib hf bHs , 7 00 ;
No. 1 White fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family
10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines , 75o : Colum
bia river salmon , per lOOlba , 8 00 ; Georpi'i
Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. bilneloss codr iij
9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
MAOlCEHEL Ilalf bblumess mackerel ,
100 Ibs , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox shore do ,
100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbla , fat family do , 100
Ibfl , G 01) ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 150 ; No , 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANUTS Itooated , choice , red Tennessee -
nesseo , lOoper Ib ; fancy white , lOJo porlb ;
raw rvbita Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Qoodi.
BllOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 84
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boot !
FF , 6c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W
7ic ; ChitteuanL'o A , Gjc ; ( Jreat Falls E
8tc ; Hoopier , Gic ; Honest Width , 8j.c , In
dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , J51c ; Lawrejici
cott.BB. . 8io.
4.4 : 7ic ; Alligator 8-4J3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c
Atlantic LL. Gic ; Badger Statfl X 4-J , 7c
Benningtou G 4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJct
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8Jc ; Laconia 0
8 , 8Jc ; Lelilgh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdalo 4-4
lOc ; Pepperoll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do li
36 , 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8io ; Pocasset O 4-4 , 7Jc
\Vamsutta4-4 13o
gin L 4-4,9icBlackstoneAA ; , imperial 8c :
do do half Bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4 ,
Fidelity4-4 , 9JCFruit ; of thoLoom , 10 ;
can.brio4-4,13cdoWaterTwist,10icGrea' ; ;
FnllaQ , lOJcj Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c
Lonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; No\\
York Mills. 12Jo ; Penuot A , We ; Popperol
N G Twills , l2Jc ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9Jc ;
Pocasset 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , tic ; Wamautta
O X X , 12ic.
UoCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown ,
8c ; do C , drab. Slo ; do S.X. Btripos and
plaids , 1-ic ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; Brunswick brown , SJo ; Chariot fancy ,
12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kivor
brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown IKp. Vooonsot A brown. 15c.
1'lUK.ijlNUaxmoskeag A O A 32
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowanra
9ic ; Claremont B B , 15Jc : Conestoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , llio Lewiaton A
30 , 15e ; Miunehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , lofo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shclucket S
lOJo ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue .29 , 9o
DENIMS , .Arooikcalc , blueand bronu
IGJc ; Amlovcr DD blue , 15Jc ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue a w
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto
dodo 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue nud brown ,
OJo ; My-Htio River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , ICc ; Uticasvlllo ,
blue and brown , 14Jc. >
OAMBUICS Barnard , 5\o ; Eddyatono
lining , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
glazep , f > io ; Manhattan glove finish , OJc ;
Newport do Gc ; do glared , 5Jc ; Pequot do
5c ; Lockwood kid finish Gc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8c ; Andros
coggiu satteon , 8Jc ; Clarendc a , Cc : Conea
o ga aattecns , 7ic ; Hallowel , Sc ; Indi i
Orchard 74c ; Narr > ganuettlinprovpda
Pepperill sattfen 9Jn ; Rockport , 7So.
PRINTS Aliens , GJo : Amerioau , Gjc ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Sc ; Cocheco , 7o ;
Conedtdga , GJc ; Dunkirk , 4 c ; Dunuell ,
Gi@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gbucestor , Gc ,
Harmony , 5c ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mer-
ritnao D. 7c ; Mystic , f ie ; Spratnjos , Gc ;
Southbridge , Gc ; do. GaghamH,7c ! ; Marl ,
bore , 53c ; Oriental GJc.
GINGHAMS-Amoskcag. 12Jc ; Amos ,
kea ? dress iJl ) Argyle , lUic ; Atlantic , :
9c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highlantt , 7Jc ;
Kenilwortb , SJc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sus
sex , 8c.
COTTONADES Abbervllle 13io
Agate , 0c ; American , lie ; Artlainn , 20e ;
Cairo D and T , 13io ; Clarion D and T ,
17io ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T.lGcj Key. '
stone , 13&c ; Nantucket. 19o ; Nonpareil ,
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13Jo ; Koj-al , 1GJ i
13 x , 12c ; Tioga , 12jcVachiwettAhIrt. ; .
. . . , sbecka. 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York ,
plain Nankin , 12c ; do , chocks , Btiii-oJ and
Fancy , lU c ; do , 8 or , 20c.
SHEJJTINGS-Androscog8JnlO ,27ic !
la 9-4 , 2 < o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Contlceutal C
12 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , S74 ; New
iTork mills 08. 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do C8 , 22io ;
I'etnbroke 1C-1 , 25c ; Poauot 10-4 , 2 ic ; do
r-4 , 19c ; do i'J , IGc ; I'cuperull 3G , l9c ! ;
lo Of , 21c ; da 57 , I8ct Utica 96 , S5c ; do
8 , 22ic ; do 4g , 17o
Olxori and Tobeccos.
CIGARS. tiseds , 815.00 ; Connecticut ,
F25.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana ,
550.00J ClearllRvana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
W Ib , ( JOcj Our Kops , first quality , 62c ;
itar , pout'ds , 21 Ib , butt , GOc ; Home Bhoe ,
xjunds , 2i Ib , butta , GOo ; Gilt Edge ,
HMinda , 24 Jb , butts , 69 ; Anny and Navy ,
louudii. 55e ; Uulllon.fpounds , C9c ; Lorll.
artl'n Climax , wunds , oOo ,
FINE ClJT--In nailn Hard to Beat !
5c ; Golden Tliread , 70c ; 1'ountalo , BOc ,
pnvorite , C5o ; Rocky Ifotuitaln , 60c :
runcy , 65c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin fail
latllna O. S , , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori'
Jard'g fieer , 05c ; Diamond Crown , GOo. ,
° " " "A"i
AJJgr dM-Coinuion , 5toj
S3c. Grannlatod Blackwells Durham , 16
oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4Go ; Seal of
North Carolina , lf oz , 4G ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 16 o ? , SSc ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bag *
perlb , $1.35 ; Mn-rburps'Pnok 2 or , tin
oil , 65 Do ? Tail clc.
Paint * Oils and Varnlihe * .
PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omahn
P. P. . f'lc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJ't ;
Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cAns , 20c
French zinc , risen seal , 12c ; French line ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , in tarnish asst ,
20c : French tinco , In oil Mat , 15c ; Raw
ami burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12cj raw find
burnt Sienna , lo : van-iyke brown , 3-
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach block , lcc )
i"ory black , IGo ; tlrpp black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ) chrome
green , L. M. k D , , Me ; blind and shutter
green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; 1'nris preen. 18o
Indian rod , 16c ! Venetian rod. Ocj Tuscan
drt , 22c ; American Vermlllod , 1. & P. , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. A D 0. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1 < 5 ; patent
dryer , 8c ; cralnlug colors ! llnht oak , dark
out , walnut , chestnut and sum 15o.
Orv ° alnt
\Vhite lead , GJc ; French fine , lOci Paris
whjtcing 2ic ; whiting pilders , IJij
\i tlinrf coni'l , lie ; Iam | > blfick ( Jerm .
town. 14c ; If mpblAck , onlblftty , If j pnlB.
sian blue , 55c ; ultraumrino. 1 0. vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , bum v > ic ; wnbor , raw ,
Icjsionna , burnt , 4C. Fienn , raw , 4o
i million , 'America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc ,
rose pink , 14cenoti ; n read , Cookson's
Jci Venetian red Am. , 1ic ; rod lead , 74c ;
chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2Jc ; ouhro , American , 2c ;
Wintor'n mineral : 2jo ; lehlgh brovni. 24os
Spanish brown , 2&c ; Prince's mineral oo *
OILS 110" carbon , \ * > r gallon ,
IHc ; 1'50 headlight , per gUlou.
12Jc ; 175 * headlight , per gnllon , IGc ;
liusccd. raw , perpallon , 7 ; linseed , bo lH ( ,
per gallon , Oflc ; l rd , winter st'M , per col-
Ion. 100 : No. 1 , 83c { No. 2 , 7fic ; castor ,
XXX. ppr gallon , 110 ; No. 3,100 ; sweet ,
par gallon. 85c ; spoim , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 55 ; fish , W. It , i l > er gallon , GOc ; nontsfuot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ;
golden uiachino , No. 1 , par gallon , 35oj No.
2 , SO : sperm , rijnal | , per gallon , 80c : tor-
pontino , per gallon , 65c ; uuptha , 74 , per
gallon , 18c ; Gl17c
VARNISHES Barrels per Rillon.
Funilturo , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
$1 ; coach , extra , $1 40 ; oncli , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; apan , 70cas- ;
phaltum , extra , 85c ; Ebellao S3 50 ; bard
oil finish. SI 30
PAPER Straw paper , 'JVc ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 63 ; uinmln paper , lOc ;
news paper. 8c
Heavy Hardware Lltt ,
Iron , rates , $3 40 ; plow steel , special
cust , 7c ; crucitile,8c ; pecial irGornmnGc ;
cast tool do. 15@0 wagon spokes , sot.
2 25 ( < S3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 2o ; felloes , sawoil
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , '
onali , 75c ; smiaro uuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , nor Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; niallcnbla , 8c ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horscEhoea , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8e ; Iiurdcns [ horseshoes , 5 50 ;
Burden's muleshoos , G'50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.6S ; Bnck shot , 52.10
Oriental Powder , kegs , 50.40 : .Io. . half
kegs. 53.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 51.88 ; Blaet-
inir..kees. 8335 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50a.
BAM3ED WIRE In car lots,8 3'J per
100 : in IOSH than car lots. 8 55 ner 100 ,
NAILS Rates. 10 to G0l\ 00.
Oak sole , 3So to 42c ; hemlock sue , 28o to
35c ; hamlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner ,
G5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; hemlock -
lock upper , 28c to 2Gc ; oak u > per , 2Jc ;
alligator. 4 00 to 0 50 ; oalf kid , 32@35c ;
Greisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8Uo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 te 1 3D ; French kip ,
110 to 1 55 ; Fiench c.ilf , 1 23 to 2 00 ; run.
Bolts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50
toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOc
to 35c ; pebble O , D. Morocco , 35c ; simon ;
2JTO to 3 00.
UARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2
do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 88c ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37o ; No. 2do.34c.
Horses and Mules.
Tlio market is brisk and all grades nro
selling well at nlicht advance in p ices.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considoraoly. Prices range oa fol
lows :
Fine single drivers. 8160. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225 , ; Common dra t
horses , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm hcreo.1 ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horsey
590 , to 8100. ; Extra plugu , $00. to 76. ;
Common dugs , § 20. to 340.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 512
to 150. ; 144 to 15 bauds , $100. to 140 ,
14 to 114 hands , 375. to 100 , ; 134 t
hands , $60. to 75.LI
LI uon.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 20 per wlm
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 2G per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits.
187 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; ro-diatillod
wtiekles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 150 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky .bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken
tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 C0@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , 86 00@1G 00
domestic 1 404 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic ,
1 40@3 00.
RUMS Imported , 4 50r6 00 ; Now
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 50
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
2400@ < U 0Aic9rhJ , case , 1200 ©
1600 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 60@10 00
WINES Rhino wine , per case , 6 00 ®
20 00 ; Oatawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
We quote lumber , atn and shingles on
ars at Omaha at the following prices ;
under , S21 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00.
TIMBERS 10 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , $23 00
if. ft . 52-J CO , 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 24 ft. , 627 50 ,
l < iOINGr No. 1 , A acd In. , 822 00 ;
No. 2 , § 20 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
bourdu ) 818 50 ; No. 2 , 517 00.
STOCK BOARDS , 12-ln. D , $2300 ,
12-in. C , $35 00 ; 12-ln. B , $40 00.
LIME Per barrel , 8115 } bulk po OUH
35a Cement , bb ] , 81 75. Iowa plabtcr ,
bbl , ? 2 00. Hair per bu. 35o. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , 83 00. Straw board , 83 CP.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ,
Morris Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whltobreost
lump , G . " .0 ; Wbitobroost nut. ( G 50 ; lown
lump , $ G 50 : Iowa nut 90 50 ; Rock Spring ,
$3 ; Anthracite , all ulzfca 811 03.
darbolio , 50c ; Acid , Tarturlo. GOo ; Balsam
[ Jojiabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , HaMnfrSo , ner
b , Me ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Ulnchouinia ,
> er oz , $115 ; Chlorufonn , per Ib. 100 ;
Dover's powdorb , per Ib , 31 40 ; Epson
lalta , per Ib. SJo ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
! 8c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 24c ;
311 , Caitor , No. 1 , per gal , f l 15
3il , Castor , No , 3 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil !
Jlivfl , per gal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , fX ) ,
Jpiuni , 85 ( X ) ; Quinine P. 4 W. te R , & S. ,
> er oz , 82 30 ; Potassiurn. Iodide , per 11 ,
? 190 ; Salacin , per ox. 40c ; Sulphate o
Morphine , r > or oz , 83 85 ; Sulpnur flour
) er Ib , 4c ; Strrclmlne. uor oz , 21 35 ,
Vlerinounwwi ed , light , 14@16oj haavy.o
g)1316c ; medium unwashed , light , 18 @iO
vftsilied , choice , 32c ; fair , SSa ; tub-ding
md w , , 28o ; hurry , blaoktnd cottud wool
k@b'o less
Hldei * uri , Etc.
HIDES Orecu butcher's hide , Gf01
rurod74c ; hides , gpjen salti part curoil7o
ildes , Gic ; dry flint , sound. 18Hc ; dry
alf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hidawBound ,
0@llc ; green cnlf. wt , 8 to 15Ibs , . 10@llc ;
; rcon calf , wt , under 8 lti , per gkin , Wto ;
ift enixilta , 60@$1 25 ; fjiecn lamb Mna ,
125@150 : damaged hidea , two-third rate ,
ut scored and cue urtib. claused two-
Urdu rate , ) branded liiilcu 10 per cent , ' nil.
Joon nkins , No. 1 , 45c ; No , K , SOc ; No. 3 ,
0. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. I , Mc ) ; No , 2 ,
Oo ; Mb , 3 , 16o ; No , 4 , 6c. Fox , No. 1
Oc ; No. 2,25& Skunk , No. 1 , LUck |
5c ; short dtrljie , 4Dm narrow stripe 2Cc ;
rowl itripe , JLOo. Tallow 7c ,
Cltio&Ko Froaaoo ,
CiucAoo. August 17.
Hour Dull ; pom-nou to choice nprini i ,
00@0 5Qj common to fancy Miniums , ,
A00@676 ; patents , rJfi . 'Kt ; fair a
choicu old winter wheat , 0 ( KXoG 50 ; new ,
firm at C 50 ; l.w grade * , 3 00$4 50.
Wheat Unsettle ! ; io ul r I 02i for
Augtut ; O Ja for September ; 9-Bij for Oc
tober ; 9jjo for November ; ! 'io ' fir the
year ; No. 2 red winter , 1 WiH 03J for
cash ; 1 02@lu3for } August : 1 01J@102
( or September ; No. 2 Chicago spring ,
n mtnally 1 05 } for cath ; 1 (01 ( 07 for
August ,
Corn Higher ; ? fJ@7fij ! > for cn h and
Aiitit"GlW"GJ' ; ) for SepUmb'rj 74 o for
OUoler ; "IS ® " ! Jo for Novenber ; UOJ ©
Cfljjo for the jo r ,
O.ils Act've , firm and htnliorKilo ; for
cosh- 43fl for ' ' ' '
l ! AMJ ? t : 373o for September :
35o for * for i. _ October . . ami Nou'inbcr ; ; i5j33le |
the ycftr.
Rye Firm and unchanged j 'o.
11 itlfyHlglirr ; 9.lo for S < pton.m.T.
Hnx Seed-H glier ; merchantable , 123
on trncii , 1 t ) dcllveird ,
1'ork 4ct'v ' - ' l" > t firm and higher ;
211'0 21 2S 'or WU and A UM , . ; { 2'
W)21 ) 271 f"r ptflmlic21 , ! ! S- ' -'Ul ) for
nctob j IflSdfor Junuary ; L'l .5 21 10
' the yoar.
| Lar.t Active , firm and higher ! 12 20 ©
112 2't for cash and Aiuust ; 12 'JJjMia 25
SopUmber ; 12 3iiH512 ( X > tar UcUbcr ;
1222i@122' for November ; 12 20 for
Jnmntry and thn ycnr ,
Uulk Mcatt Higher ; shoiililcrs , 975 ;
short rib , 13 15 ; short clear , 13 4i ) .
ButterFirm. .
Eiss ( J ( lot ; with fair demand
Whi-ky-Higher ; 119.
FroighU Rates on corn to JitilTato , 2. ,
Wheat Higher and Irregular ;
" ? 3 for August ; Wo for September ; 9S@
. -jo for October ; Mio for N < nember ; 97Ju
for the je.u ; Xo. 2 red 1 03 fi r AtigiHt ;
No. 2. roil for September 101 ; No 2
ChlcHKD spring 1 07 lor Augtut ; JHI@Oylc
for September ; 'J"Jjo for the ytnr.
I'orn Irr xu ar ; 7(5Jc ( fiir Augu t7ll@ ; | ( ]
rOjo for Sopti'iiibcr ; 7l374)'ii for Octooer ;
7'S ' < & 71Jc for November ; Gt Jj for the ;
Uijc : for May.
Oats Irregular ; -IBo for Auqust ; 37io
for Beptoinlivr ; 3 Jo for October niul No
vember ; JT' o for tlio vcar.
Pork Irregular ; 21 22J for September ;
2140 lor October'lt)37i ; ) for tlio ycar ;
1 ! ) 75 for .iHtiunry.
L-ird Invgular ; 12 25 for September ;
1'J.S.i for October ; 12 12J12 'M for the
year ; , ! " " 0 for January.
Roc'ts. Shipm'ts
Flour 5XX ) (5.50J (
Wheat SO.WX ) lli.OOO
Corn 184500 20(5 ( UOO
Onls 91,100 111,00' '
Rye 0,000 1,000
Barley 5JO 500
Now York ProUnoa *
NKW VOKK , August 18.
General business has been good during
the week , and the movement of uicrchnn.
( Mao of all kinds has been extensive. The
number of bujera in the vuiioin mnrkets is
very largf , mid there is antici
pation of nctivi- , healthy traJe for fall and
Money cantinuea easy and clearing
house exchanges show n largu iucieato for
New Yoik n > cr the corresponding inunth
of last year , w > ilu o tbido of tlii * city ,
str.tLigo to H.IV , there is a slight fulling off ,
The uiarKot for wheat has hi en quite
steady with a flight easing off in prices
and at the close moderate recovery.
Com lm lieon nome vi lint unsettled , and
prices have declined , and opcratoiu teem
disinclined to tno : hold of it.
O its have been a leading feature of thn
market ; deliveries fluctuated considerably
within a rangoof 3@5o per iiuthcl , and
the market clones quite strong at some-
thin ? below the prii.cs of a week ngo. The
later montlis is is thought ha\o been held
up by higher prices of August , but they
have.been very steady and inrulo but slight
Stock" of wool are gradually accumu
lating and choice selection * are in fair re
quest. Prices are fairly well maintained ,
otherwise nothing of iuteicst.
The petroleum market has been com
paratively quiet with fluctuatioim within a
very narrow range , and the \olumo of
business ( juke moderate ,
Fitights Owinif to lack of tonnage
grain room advanced so much as to restrict
shipments. This applioj to petroleum OB
well. In other descriptions rates are hi li ,
with the volume of business moderate ,
In the tea trade there IB nothing to note :
business is dull nud values somcwlut Ir
regular. Transactions except for Binal
immediate uupplles are iiihiinificant. ;
There is a fair inquiry for raw Hiigar and
the pried ef 'fair.retining is quoted at abou
7 34Gc , though it in ihuught concessions to
induce Inninpss have really put the prlci
lower. Refined siuj.-ira are in small demauc
at price ) a shudo less firm ,
Cotton Steady ; 13it ; 5.1Gc ; futures
steady ; August , 12 81c ; September , 12.5Gc ;
October , 11 90 ; November , 11 G8ic ; December -
cember , 11.70J ' ; January , 11.79c ; l-ubrti-
ary , 1'l.flO ; M'arcli , 12.03c ; April , 12 IGo
May , 12.280.
1'lourDull ; superfine ntato weatern ,
3 50@1 75 ; cumninii to good extra , 4 50ul (
520 ; good io choice , 5 25@8 50 ; whitu
wheat extra , 7 00uJ ( 50 ; extra Ohio , 4 75 ®
7 50 ; bt , Louif , 4 7825 ; Mimiceota patent -
ent iirocosH , 7 0 C ,8 75.
Wheat Cash loU j@lo } bettor ; options
/lQliit'li'i ! / ; N'o. 2 Hiring nominal ; un-
gr.idod teit , i 02cfl 11 ; stenmor No. 3 led ,
1 05@1 OJJ ; No , II roil , 1 li ; blenmcr No
2 rwl , 1 1M@1 13 ; No 2 rwl , 1 Vl
1 13g forcertriioaUiH ; 1 ly l llVdellvei-i.I .
ungraded white , 1 Oli@l l3Nn. ; 1 white , 5 , .
00 DU. s lil at 1 llit l Kii ; No. 2 red fur
August , 45G.OM ) bu Hold ut 1 Ki.jfSd l.ij ,
cln.siiif , ' at 1 1 ! / : do for Septembur , 7liOOjtJ
bu Hold at 1 UGol 1 1 , cloning at 1 13J ; do
for October , 1)2,000 ) bu Bold t 1 I IH@
1 15J , closing at 1 15 ; do fur Novemlior ,
188. 00 Ini Bold at 1 15 © ' li ( , ulodin
ni 1 1G1 ; do for Decembur , SO.OuO bu Bole
at 1 n\@l \ 17 ? , chmii ) , ' t I I7i-
Cin-lfeljjo Iiigln-r ; ungruded , 8li ©
EGc ; No. a , fiGJo in elevator ; H7f < a88jo Uo-
livurud ; No. U for Angusf , BJ KIIi.clia -
ing nt HOJc ; do for Kupteuiber , 8U " 8'IJ '
closing at 8iSlc ; do for October , BlJfeBSj
clo ing at tirijj ; do forXovotnbsr , B'lJfeHl
cloning at Hie ; do for December , 77Ju.
Oats -ldn'2\o \ higher ; mixed western , 51
@ ( it > o ; white HO torn , 75f ? bOc ,
Hay In fair demand ; OSg Oo for
Cc-lfee Dull ; Rio cargocH , quoted at 8
@llo ,
Sugar Demand active ; fair to good re
fmliu , ' , ( moled at 7 3-1 G7 5-lCc ,
MoUssBH Quiet but steady ,
Ricu Qulf t , but Bteady.
Talow J-'irm ; prime city , 8 4@81o ,
Ronln Market dull and u tlmdu lower ;
1 80@1 05.
Tnr | enlin9 Mirkst dull ; 45Jc ,
I'Vesh WMtcrn , dull and weak ;
J'ork Quiet ; new mess , 21 7fl@22 00.
Beef Quiet , but firm ,
Cut Mo.ttDull nud nomiiul ; long
sloir middkn , 13 75.
Lard Stead ; ; mime oleum , I2GO ,
Butter Ouiet , but firm for cbo.ce ; 15@
'Gj ,
licese ] ) ull and lower : western lUt ,
! @ 10c.
Reo'tn. Shlpm'U ,
h'lonr. . . . 1 > 2,003 1 KOO
IVheat . 20 ,001 187.001
3orn . JH.OOO S.J'XK )
58.6K5 l.tOJ
Petroleum Murlret * ,
I'inHunio , Pa , . AuHiwt I .
Petroleum ( fillet ; LTnltud gertilicitea a
hadd weaker ; clotu.l nt 5Du for 1'hiladel.
> hfu doll very ,
Nuw VOIIK , August 18.
Petroleum -Higher iiud'.firnii United
ortlfjcaten , 61) ) cj crude , GJ@G2ci rcfiu d ,
Connell BlnfT * Market.
COUNCIL 1)i.nm. ) Aneu t 18 ,
Flour Crystal Mills ffoldfn utienf , 3 30
N > t Ksn M liMndu , 3 00 < W3 ( 0 ; Uralian.
3 00 ; rye flour , 8 00.
Corn Mori I 70 for white ; yellow. 1 GO
cornch p , 2JOO per ton ; corn and ont <
chop. 2(5 ( 00 w r ton.
Wheat No. 2 , 752.
Corn No. 2 , 57 *
Rjc NOT. 47@M > %
Barley None ,
Ont.-Now , 30c.
1'RUri'S lll ckbcrrlo , 15c per box
npnlci , 2 fX)53 ) ! 00 per barrel ,
llrooin Corn 3if Pc.
Hay LOOM , 7 W > 69 00 ; baled , pci
Wool 15@25.
Butter Creamery , SOc ; In rolln , . .
nal , IGc : rolls not wrapped , IL'lcj mixed t.
-opri > , 10l2io ,
Onions " 5o per Inifhol ,
lUo Chlckeni 1 7 < 1A2 ( 2M per dozen ,
Potatoes ? 0c per buihcl.
2" ) @ tOo per doz.
Turnips 40o per bushel.
Sweet Corn to per itncen.
LIVK STO ' 1C. Catllo-Kxtrft , 300@ )
3 50 Veal CiUvcs-5 f.O ® ' ' 00. Hogs
7 C07 25. Sheep 3 60.
Iilvorpool Produce.
LiVKiii'OOL , Auguot 18.
The leading weekly grain circular sayi
The harvest steadily progresses toward
the north. The Hidden largo influx o
American now rod winter wheat toiutbl ,
affects values and the markets have been
dull , and wheat being lower cargoot off th
coast anil to arrive 1m vu been ciiually iimn
linate , At the market to-dny a good hutii
ness was done in 'now red winter atnrc-
dtutlon of 3d ; white won In limited de
mand and ld@'Jd lower ; flour wnn qulot
except Amotican corn , which was deprosc <
and Id lower and limpid.
BrondstufTii Dull ; Cnlifornln clulnvhoM
Oj 8l@10 , < ; winter red woitcin , 8 < .
red MM Ing , 81 4d@ltj ,
Beef India mesn , 15s M ,
l.nrdAmcricau , Gls UJ.
Pork Pi line mem , ! UI .
Yarns and fabrica at Manchester ,
but steady ,
ItccrlpU of whett for the post thro
days , 400,000 centals ,
CliioaK ° Hvo Htoolc.
CIIIOACO , Augutt 17
Thn Drovers' Journal repot IH as fol
lows :
Itocs llecclptn , lO.fOO ; shlpmcnti * , 5 ,
500 ; demand vrry fair . ml nmikot s
at mi lU'red r.\tcH ; roinmon to good
7 oO S 15 ; heavy. 8 L'0@8 1)0 ) ; light , 7
820 ; skips. 500gj lO.
C.ittlo Receipts5,000 ; nhlpnicnta , 3,100
fairly uctixe ami HteaHy , nnd iintivci plentiful
tiful ; exports , 7 10@7 G3 ; good to cholci
Hhlppin ; ; , G 10(1-0 ( 83 ; common to fair dull
4 25iiG 00 ; mix d Imtohnn1 stock , ntoidy
common to f.ilr , 2 40 ( ? ! > 50 ; good to chclc
375 ® I 25 ; slooki-rt mid feeder' ' . 2 llO
t 3ii ; r. ngo cuttle linn. 'lVAnn , ! i ! ' 0@ I 70
half breed native * , 4 50@5 40 ; dairy calvu
1000S)1700 ( ) per head ,
Shuep Ri'ceiitH | , 1,3 , 0 ; cliipmctilH , 1,000
to uly and dcuiunil fair ; poor to fair , 2 .II
( 3 1)0 ; medium to good , 3 70 ® I 20 ; cliolc
to extru , I 30 ® J GO.
Now Vox-It Hvo Stuck.
NKW VOIIK , August'lS ,
The Drovers Journal Bui o.iu roportn ai
follows : '
Bue\ps Rccoiptn , 2,200 ; dull nnd weaker
or , c'ofing ' heavy mid 1 00 imr head lowei
on Texan nnd common .ind native steam ,
nnd { c per pound on Dilr to good unlives
extremes , ! ) 0,1(5)10 , ( ) 00 for Tcxaiw ; ' . ) 2.Fi {
U 2o for halMirced Colorado cattle ; i ) Oilfc
11 23 for poor to good n dives ; 13 Bl13 ) 7f
for strictly prime. Exporters wvt [ ID ca
Iond atl2l0@1300.
Sheep Hccoipts , 5,500 ; Irregular trade ,
with finish and downward tendency ; rlieo
ranged from 3 E0@5 G24 and Iambi from
4 7ii@(5 ( 7 .
_ Swiuo Receipts , 1,000 ; poorest to bos1 ,
live hogH nold at 7 25@8 50 per cwt. ; mar
ket closed very tniuo.j
Mllxvanlioo Prodnoo.
MlLWAUICEK , August 18.
Plour In fair demand.
Whcat-Qpilot mid stronger ; No. 2 Mil
waulcee , 1 03J for cash ; August , 1 O.I
Sejitoinber , 'JUjc ; Uctobcr , 98JcNo. ; 3 Mil
wuukeo , Ui'c.
Corn Scarce and firm ; No. 2 , 7Gc } ;
jected , 7lje.
Oats Unsettled ; No. ? , white old , G5s
now , GOc.
Rye -Firmer ; No. 1 , GSJc ; No. 2 , G8o
Barley 'nil ' and nominal V higher ; No
2 spii g , 70 bid for September ; No. . ' !
Hpi log , extra , G3o bid for September and
October ; Gla a-kcd.
Provisions Higher ,
St..Loals Llvo Stock.
Sr. Ijouis , AngiiKt IS.
Ifogs1 In fair demimi nd lower ; plgi
and light Yorkers , 7 30@7 70 ; good York
ern , 780@810 ; hutchurs' to best heavy ,
82T @ 8 76 ; culic , G 00@7 Ou ; receipts , GOO ;
abimnentu , GOO.
Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; ihipmontx , UOO.
olferimiB soneieted ulmost entirely of poor
nnd mixed gradcx , and prlcen were weak :
cows and hoifcrH. 2 75 ( < $4 00 ; butchers
staff , 3 00@ I 2 * > ; ' 1 exons ncan o and steady ;
cunning grades , 3 2o@ t 25 ; good to best
HtCOIH , t f0.
Kansn * Gity Produce.
KANHAH Cirv , August 18.
Wlicat llasy ; Mo , 3 red , 7llJ ! for casl ;
and August ; No. 2 icd , HIJCiiKlvi for cash
h3Ja.83fo ( for AiiKiut ; 83nju ( ) ! | for Hep
temher ,
Corn-Cj lict ; No. 2 mixed , GGo bid for
cash ; ( iTJu bid for August ; Glie hid for riep-
Oats-Stronger ; No. 2 iniiod , UJo hlil
for cash ; 'Ma bid for August and .Sep
Butter Steady ; ' 05,170 , ,
HIM * Weak ; 15o.
Ree'tH. Shiitn't ! .
Wlicat 51,000 3:5.000 :
Corn 1,100 il.OOO
Fooriu Prodnoo.
PKOIKA , August 1H.
Corn Stoiily ; high mixed , 74iCu > 75o ;
mixed , 74@7li3.
O.iti Active and firm ; now No. 2 , GGe ,
Highulntiti Active , firm and higher ;
110 ,
ItrctB. Shlpta ,
Wheat . 1.8JO 500
Com . 32,0'JO ' Ifi.OOl
Oils . G2.IOO 21,000
JCyu . 3,800 IXl ( ) (
Hurley , . , . 2,700 none
Kiintoii City LIvn Stoolc
KANHAH Onv , August 18.
The Live Stack Indicator ruportu as fol
Cattle Receipts , 2000 he&d ; lower and
weaknati\u UOCTH Ji77 ! Ihi uvcrago * old
at 5 75 ; cows , 2 803 10 ; TC-XIM
Hog * ItecelptH , 1,200 ; steady , ranging
from G 75i')8 ( ) 10 , with tlio bulk of sales at
785(08 ( 1 0
Sheep- Receipts , DO ; nominal ; 300 ©
3 50.
Et. juonii ire < tuoa.
8r. LOUJB , August 18 ,
Wiieat Better ; ! ) G'/o bid for August ;
07o for Septemberj tl.-g OSfc fcr Ojtvbtr ;
Wl@l OOj ) for November
Corn Very nlowj t74 I'M for August ;
7f'Jo hid for Heptuuii'Or ; 70 o bid for
October ; Gl of or the year
Oata Firm ; 3'Jfo for August ; 35J9 for
Hoptetnbor ; 31 for October ; Uljcfortlie
The Wool Market.
BOHION , August 18 ,
Market active and demand good from
manufacturers. I'tlce steady nnd firm ;
jales over 3,000,000. Calafornla more in.
rjulred for } salon , 225,000 ; ipriug , 25@3i'c.
/ . I
. . , , , ,
The following atlvanttgcs are lalmcd for thli 1'ulloy : IT is RTKONORII and moro
durable , owing ; 1. To the absence of shrinkage utraius , i ! . To the Incrcved num.
bor of nnrs 3. To the fact that the rim U much stronger than the cait rim. IT IS
U no danger of breakage In handling when vhlppad lomo. When shipped loose they
are generally accepted ai tliinl-clm < freight insto.ul of first-clans , and ta the weight Is
only one-lnlt that of cut Pulleys the frnlfiht N still further reduced. WK aiiAiiANTKB
TltKM to perform ati < tfi\rtortly any work from the lightest to the hoavloit.
HrMT Put.uv : < from 12 to 48 inchcm diameter only ,
PulloyR of wider face than 18-inch are provided with two sola arms without oxttn
Wo supply each 1'ulloy with two tot-screws without extra charge.
What we claim for our PATENT HOT POLISHED SIIAI-TINO in :
Int. That it IH round and straight.
2d. U can be accurately rolled to nny desired gauge.
3d. That Its euifno : holni { compojod of nuKiiotio oxldo of iron nbviatoi auy un-
dupjtendeiicy to mat or trnlih , wnilo it at the .ima time glvax one of the best Journal
or bearing mrfucea over discovered.
4th. That it willnut xvntp or nprlng in key scnting.
5th , That It is made of the very brut of refined stock.
r further particulars , price list and discount * , ecnd to
Vonnilrv and hnp ,
A rnml > { nnttonnfJ'ro
tnrlilt of I fan , J 'rritcian
Unrlinml I'limi'Iinruiln
n j > atatal > ia farm , 37ir
onltti > rrt > aratlcnoftrn >
that trill not blacken th
f/ij o cliaractrrlstleo )
' oTltTytiarn in imxlK'iiio , I hart * luuiut iMiinlnjT liPKf' ' * the nwultn that DR.
GjN'VlKM IltON TtiNKMltHttt. my In onw > A of Nmuin I'nwtrntinn , lu'tnalo l > btuu * n , DynjM-psirt. nnd itnpovcr-
llAUTKii'H .
. , , , . , , , , > orlw-B rvimnlj litf In inyhmnlii , iiiadwroninwnndrrnilcimin. * ) awf thi tlHI.1
tliobl MMtttilAiK ( > ii
UlitMl C4nuiti ) inor nni i.nir „ | . I , . , _
] ly. proncnlKt
liivllliMl tif our n , * st ninitnitti ni)4lcUiut linvniohtMl U > Ihb rnyit nml InconipArnliln rotuci „ .
m > inu arompntmit Uit HAIITFH'R IiiOHTONtti In atii *
mirh mi
It tu tiit ftTiMie loAny . inMinrt'iw" Illi. UOHKUTHAMUKUS.niOnViuih inndo Intact * vff .St. ljMityMii.t Nov. SlItll.lHSI.
rt > KHlly In my i nutk
Jt i/lvr * rotor tn 1ft r7)/iMnf. '
itjttHirntttc'tlt/tj'itlottntt )
it n ] > nHcnlila io ( Irncrul
Je6lJMKK of A > ) ( -
titel'eotratlnn nft'llul
' . itr.d Jiii/iofciirr.
J'mrrrit < < ri / T
Ml It \ ' .
OAI T Save money niul onlcr silt cllroct from
OHL. I uiwonlilp promptly liy rail nt the
lowuitliOHHlliloensli prleu Io nil western poln s
mO-Iiii TYliKIl HAI.TCO , , Unslnaw Ultr.Mlch
Tbo l)06t In the country ; ( or tlio money.
M. A. McNamara ,
No. 214 S. Fourteenth Stront Omulm
ilu.all kinds of Job work dono.
Now buildings cractetl. 1'Unu au <
tlons lurnlslioil
1410 Barney Bt , bet. 14th & 16th ,
Jyti-O.n .
Physician and Surgeon.
llodlclnoa furnlebed at office.
Oncc ! IN. W career 13th and Fnrnnm airoots
over HUU Ilnnk. Omaha , Nob.
5,000 rTe r
f the ( 'orllia 4-ifo M nnfactnrln ( ;
Co. , ol I'rovlilonco , K I. , ft Hifo will hi ) Kuar-
Rnteuil In writing to b "absolutely lurylar
jiroiif ( or a period ol tli'rfy'klx hours uuntlnuoui
anil u dcotiirliod a talk with tlio UJo ol buck
tools and nppllcaureHana tjiiril r ran employ , '
ami In npructlci ly inicunilllloual way ,
'Ihliliauk ditlroia thorough test rnoxlo upon
llil < nafo. and In ei u ol ( all nro to stand It , tlio
hink will l > u at lllinrty to purcliuo any other
eat and may ruturn tlilu Io the nmiiuluctiirorg ,
Any ( arty U at Iborty to undorUko thoattacn
who vtlll liirnlili mtlnfactory liond to piy al
diiiii/i ) to tlio lulu , In CABO It U not entorui ) In
tlio mlpulatcil time. TfioUorliuiCaiiiiiny ! | ugtee
In wrltlni ; to doimult with till * hunk tlio uilui of
(5,000.00. upon iho slKnlnj ; of an a/rou nviit
aljovu tin wilil nil in to hu paooil vvltliln tlio
tafunnil tn bo forloltRil totliu p.rty n | > urittliiln )
case It la I orcl . ly opunoil and li contaiiti tab
utracti'd. _ IIHNKV W. VATKj Uanhlc.
a :
' ( ho olJcttt and most mlUblo
In North Onuta. Vtty choice
Heat , Poultry and Vegetables ,
300K & STOEHM , Proprietors.
JuO dm QOtU and ( Jumlntf .
ui-parfncrtldp hirgtaforo cxUtlnv do.
blirj .or & 11 , l.rluuu I ai I his day
n mutually dluiilttd , J , blirclnor ul 1 nllro
rein th hu iuoisttiiil II KrJmniiUlloiitliuiu
ho Inulncsa. | wy ll Uuhta and o I tot all dint ) .
J. BlUthlftKII.
iioalaa , Autr. 15it8 : J. II. KIIDJUN ,
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this : It is the best Iron
preparation ever made ; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific , chemical and
medicinal principles , and
docs just what is claimed for
it no more and no less.
J3y thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood ,
it reaches every part of the-
system , healing , purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
79 Dearborn Ave. , Chicago , Nor. 7.
I have been a great sufferer from
a very weak stomach , heartburnanil
ilyspcmla In Ul worst form. Nearly
cveryllilnz 1 ate cave me dutreii ,
end 1 could cat but little , I have
tried every thlngrccomnicndedhavo
taken the prescription ! of a doien
physlclani , but Rot no relief until I
took llrown'i Iron llltten. I feel
jionc of the uld trouble ! , and am a
new man , I am getting much
stronger , and feel first-rate. I am
a railroad engineer , and now make
my trips regularly. I can not say
( oo much In praise of your wonder
ful medicine. D. C. MACK.
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol , and will not
blacken the teeth , or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia , indi
gestion , heartburn , sleep
lessness , dizziness , nervous
debility , weakness , &c.
U only Ilrown'i Iron Hitters made hy
} ! rown Chemical Co. , llalllmore. Crossed
red lines and trade-mark , on wrapper.
1 and Invxtniantila
BIHU m mum
20 irraln , provlrloniaiU Htoolc apocula-
tlo 11,0 n it HU by on iratln. ; on our
plvi 1'oin M y 1 , 1'sSl , io hiipro.
WHEAT rent Hate , on InvaHin tinot 810,00
to $1004 , ana prollti fuvo tiuun
ru Irul and pill to I vtstirj
amuU'i liiJ ( otevor 1 llmojt uurljT *
S5Q liul iiivtn in' nutill Icirint Ilu
oryliiillmd tniitnt luaklnjinonoy
or ji jabioon demand Kipltnato *
STOCKS ry'ars and .Utomgoti . f ( unJ
W a lira Wo want repintlbla
nonU who wll report o'lcropi ' mil
int oduui Ih pi in liberal com-
$100 mlwlotif | ld Ai'drew
FI.KMjlf > H & MBrjltlAlI , Cora-
inUtlon Mtn.liO.uU , ilujor lllock ,
. 't ) , HI ,
It ( ilalta roui l-.3ol a o Inch to
will Ji In tl > e cojTrtut ( olU or flnojt 1 k <
II iloou all klndd aud etylc * al I lading In CM.
lh t dou her own Urueanuklucan
to do without ono * a nlca ulMtloir li
set IT out ol ( union , U uocn U soil * ( Uell. JTof
llachlrwi. f.lrculari or A ( teal's tctini ftddieil
" "
' OONQAtt & CO. ,
Ad\m Bt. . Ubloaru