Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
rnb'J li6d every rooming , except 8nnd y
bo only MonJay taorolng dally.
Otw You $10.00 I ThrceMonthii.83.00
Month * , 0.00 I One 1.00
jtnB WKEKLY BLB , publWied T-
OoeYeat , J2.00 I ThreeMonlhi. . K )
IxBIcntru.- . 1.001 One ' \ . .20
or NowKlcslers in the "sited States.
l t'ont relntinq to NewoftndEdltorlftlmRt-
en shonH bo nddroo-cd to the KDITOB or
fat 1'rn.
Jtiot.'xam nnd RcrnltUncoa iihould be Ad
newel to Tilt BJK PmsLIBHlNO COM-
rABT , OMAHA. Drafts , Check * and PoBt
fBoo Ord ra to bo made payable to the
rder ol the Company
ihe BEE PUBLISHING OQ , , Props.
r.i TnEWATER. Cattor.
THE ghost of the murdered pro rota
haunts ( ho alcop of the Unicn Pacific
EVF.IIT dead beat and bummer in
Omaha classes himself as among the
Angcllic hoit.
VAI/S. "walk-n-way" will prowc a
wnlk-a-way from a Majority in the
Fremont convention.
PENNSYLVANIA has live uUto tickets
in the [ field and the anti-Masonn
havn't yet put ia an appearance.
DOHSEV is beginning to wish ho
hadn't written that letter. Do has
Peter Schwcnnk'a entire sympathy.
OHIO doraoorAts will formally open
their campaign on the 5th of Septem
ber The Nebraska campaigners never
wait for formalities. The campaign
already opened.
RRV , JoaKPiiCooK is expected homo
shortly. Air. Cook will bo remem
bered as the Boston gentleman who
gave the plan upon which thouniverao
was brcacud Jjq ) uiujuohflud personal
IT is a sad matter , but the number
of newspapers in th'o Third district
who rcfuso to bo whipped into line by
threats and blackmail is larger than
Val had any idea of before ho came
homo to look after these foncos.
UUIDOES are projected and bridgcu
built , but n competing bridge ftcroon
the Missouri at Omaha is yet to conio
into existence. Meuntimo our people
reap' the .disadvantages of a great
monopoly in high prices and extor
tionate tolls.
u WITH the land frauds , back pay
atoal , census frauds , agricultural
bureau nonsonno and Fremont and
Elkhorn valley railroad job staring
him in the face , E. K. Valentino 1ms
the brazen check to talk about hio
"record. "
A LONDON loiter protests against
sending dark horses to Egypt , ns they
attract the tiles and die of fovcr. Nebraska -
braska is greatly in need of a few
thousand of the most improved Egypt
ian ilios to groom , a number of her
political dark horses.
TUB monopoly organs who are uup-
porting E. K. Valentino's candidacy
are always vory'oarnoat in advocating
the claims of candidates iwho may bo
roosonably supposed to act in the interests
terosts of the pooplo. Railroad or
jjans always support the farmers' can
didates , '
AcuonoiNa to the Lincoln Journal
Lorenzo Orounso slept through two
terms .of congress. The railroad managers
agors who own the paper can toll its
editor a different story. Judge
Grounso'a efforts to compel the Union
Pacific to comply with the law , to reduce
duce bridge tolls , and to force both
corporations to pay tuxes on their un-
patented lands , caused a good clou !
of sleeplessness in the monopoly
lobby , Nebraska wants a forf moro
of just such Rip Van Winkles.
TUB friendship of the Republican
lias proved fatal to every man it has
touched. Not to go back very far , the
JlepitlUcan favored Tliayor , and Hitch
cock was elected , Then there was no
god like Hitchcock , and Saunders was
the popular choice. Next Nebraska
could not oxiet without Paddock , ami
* Van Wyck occupies his seat. Now
there is none like unto Valentino , ant
) the result may bo predicted with
safety. The fact is , the llcpullican
has firat.opposed every public man til
ho siicoooded , then it has pandered to
him , and then slain him.
The amount of proof upirita din-
tilled , imported and consumed in
Great Britain and Ireland during 1881
give a total distillation of 30,204,811
gallons , Of this 10,023,803 gallons
were distilled in England , 18,9)8-187 ! )
in Scotland , and O.OiL'.Dli ) in Ireland ,
"Duty was paid on 29,771,42(1 ( gallons ,
and 28,730,710 gallons were couaumei
17,0 ,907 gallon in England , U ,
502,'Scotland , and r > ,123-193 ii
Ireland , The amount in bondt't
stores at the end of the year was 49 ,
351,510 gallons , of which ' 7,7C8iaa
- in(8oot
\ \
There is no reason why Valentino
should not bo ro-nominaedand there
ia every reason why ho should bo. Ho
hns n record that is perfectly clean ,
tlo has shown nn ability to make use
of his educational advantages of his
congressional ponition , and what he
has done Is an earnest that what ho
will do will bo conspicioualy excellent
for himself nnd for the atato. It
would tiiko as bright ft man as Valcn
tine four years to reach the position
that ho hns reached , in these matters
in which success is purely the result of
oxpanonco , Jifpifillcan.
There is no reason why E. K , Val
entino should bo re-nominated by the
voters of the Third District and there
is every reason why ho should not bo.
Judged by any standard , by that of
manhood , by that of his individual
and public record , by that of his per
sonal and political asociationRho [ has
fallen short of the rraark which the
voters of Nebraska have sot up for
the attainments of the men upon
whom 4ioy ! propow , in the
Future , to confer their suf-
rages for ofliccs of representative
trust. A tack pay grabber before ho
wont to congrcae , a dishonest oflicial
of the government who proatitutod his
oflico for private gain , ho has been
during the two terms of hio congres
sional career in Washington .a trader
in the paltry party patronage which he
was able to secure , and n pliant tool of
the monopolies whom ho hoc ropro <
sonted. As the only congressman
from Nebraska he has received jjomo
slight recognition at Washington from
Ilia party associates. That recognition ,
every ono who has visited the national
capital knows , wa accorded to
the state and not to any
Idea of the man. In/ the four
yearn in which VaL has boon
in cougroas ho hai made no speech of
iny length or weight In the house ,
lias participated in no debates and has
originated no measure of national im
portance. His appointment c.t chair-
of the committee on agriculture
was1 Iho rcs'ultof a'bargain with Kuifcr
'or his vote for the speakorahip. It is
aa well known fact that Valentino
wont to Washington pledged for Kas-
son , of Iowa , d changed his mind
und vote in rnturn for the promise
of a chairmanship. Asa opoakcr nnd
debater ho has ronkoiJ with the nijont.
minority , whoso speeches were
"printed" but not delivered and
whoso remarks in debate wore
chiilly in ono syllable. He
voted for every job which lias placed
the republican party on the defensive.
tlo was an advocate at the tariff coin
mission , and the river and harbor
steal , Ho assisted in strangling every
noiiQuro which waa drawn against the
nterests of , the monopolies , and the
department records show him to have
icon an endorser of every disreput
able applicant for ollico from Nobras-
jora in the census fraud and loft the
Fremont and Elkhorn valley railroad
bill to the tender morciea of a follow
committobman after instructing him
how to kill it without causing much
talk in the newspapers. Vrtlontirso'ajso
called "record" nuoda only to bp punc
tured in order to provo that
it ia a ilunsy bubble without substance
or solidity. The great agricultural
department bill for which ho claims
the credit was drawn up by llopro-
Bontativc Thomns , of Iowa. It passed
into Yalodtino's hands only as chair
man of the committee on agriculture
whoso duty it was to report _ it to the
liouso. And the speech which was
supposed to have been delivered in its
support first saw the light in the pages
of the Congressional licconl where it
waa printed by leave of the house whenever
never hoard a word of the production.
But Valentino's signs of omission
are greater than thoao of commission.
Ho lias failed to represent the widhcs
of his constituents , or to voico-their
demands upon questions of vital im
portance. Neither his volco nor vote
have boon used to dooreuso the natio
nal expenditures , to force upon con-
gruss'tho necessity of regulation of Iho
railroads , or to compel the corporation
cormorants to boar their lawful share
of the burdens ot taxation , An exponent
nont of the power and prestige doe
trine , u traitor to his representative
trust , a trimmer on important issues ,
and a shirker of the duties imposed
upon him by his constituents ; there is
nothing in hia personal qualifications ,
nothing in his previous career , and
absolutely nothing in his congressional
record to entitle him to the honors of
a third term as a representative of the
people of this state.
There is undoubtedly such a thing
us common sense in politics , and that
8UH80 displays itself in selecting candidates
didatos for public ollico from irien of
known Ability , integrity nnd expe
rience. Without the two first , the
last is worthless.
Pjior. JAMES , of Cleveland , who
Imi beou elected superintendent of
schools in Ma's city , has returned home
after surveying the field , undetermined
mined whether or not to accept the
ofllru. Mr. James noticed an appar
ent lack of interest among our huei-
r'css men and heads of families in our
school system , That there has boon
such a lack of interest has boon duo to
very grave niiBnmnagomont on the part
of past superintendents and school
boards. As soon as parents lose con-
fjdenco in instructors they lese inter-
eat in the system which employs their
services , The possession of a com
petent superintendent will bo the
means of restoring that interest which
many of our citizens now withhold
from our public hchools.
In every community lying at a distance -
tanco from the great markets the
soundest ' economical' policy requires
that producers nhould decrease the
volume nnd increase the value of all
products offered for naloi The ques
tion of freights must enter largely
into the value of articles requiring
transportation from the farm or the
factory to the consumer and the mar
ket. Every dollar paid to the carriers
must bo deducted from the profits of
the producer and a wine nolicy in proi
ductinn which condenses the greatest
value into the least bulk will result in
n great saving of cash
An examination of a few statistics
will make the matter clear to our
farmers. In 1879 the average rate
per ton on Iowa pool lines was ono
cent and O.'MOO a mile. Of various
farm products estimated on a basis of
weight , the transportation of hay to
Chicago would use up five-sixths of its
market value , of potatoes one-half , of
oats five-twelfths , of corn ono-half its
value , of common steers one-four-
teonth of their value , and of high grade
cattle only ouo-sovontoonth of their
market. Of creamery butter only one
hundredth of its value is consumed by
transportation to the Chicago market.
The comparison between the econ
omy of shipping bulky and condensed
produces is shown oven moro clearly
by examining ( he value of corn and
pork as farm products requiring trans
portation. It is estimated that
bushel offcorn'willgmnko ton pounds
of pork wiMi hogs of good brooding
and thrifty condition , Placing corn
at an ayor/ige of 25 cents a bushel and
pork nt 4 cents a pound live
weight , and reckoning the labor
of breeding nt 5 cents , nnd
wo find a profit of ten conto on
every bushel fed , while in addition
the cost of freighting ton pounds of
pork to Chicago it 3.7 cento , while
the cost of freighting a bushel of corn
is 4.2 cents.
In an address delivered before the
Iowa stock breeders last January Pro
fessor Welch called attention to the
fact that nearly nil the processes of
productive industry nro only successive -
ivo stops ill the progress of condensa
tion. Thus wo tUrn soil into grass ,
grass jntp milk , milk into cream , and
crcntn into butter , which la the llnal
product in the serice , "Corn , which Js
a form of condensed so' ' ! , may itaalf bo
condensed into whisky , starch or glu
cose. The amount ot twenty-eight
pounds ot glucose extracted from ono
bushel of corn is sold at twlco the
price and freighted at loss than half
the uost. Oats are condensed into
oatmeal ; sorghum into sugar ; apples
into cider ; barley into beer , and so
without stint. Every stop advances
the price , diminishes the weight , nnd
saves cost in carrying to market. But
the ordinary form of condensation on
the farm begins with coarser crops
nnd ends in the various animal pro
ducts. Sheep , cattle , ho s and horses
are ondeneed from.tho grasses and
grains , and every step of the series all
the way up from the soil to the thor
oughbred , if rightly managed , brings
its legitimate profit , the final gain be
ing the comparatively inexpensive
conveyance to market which comes
from largo values packed into reduced
In condensed freight Nebraska far
rncra will find ono cfliciont relief from
oppressive railroad rates on their pro
duots. But corn sent to the market
in hogs , sheep and cUtlo and such
bulky products as do not bring a good
price at homo transferred into others
which in smaller bulk and greater
value will readily find a foreign de
mand , ono of the greatest pjrobloms
of farm will be solved which is to no-
euro the greatest value from the least
expenditure of time and labor.
Sir Garnet Wolsoloy has arrived nt
Alexandria , has inspected the posts ,
conferred with Admiral Seymour ,
hold a council war , and will at once
begin notivo operations against Arabi
and his forces. There is little attempt
now made by the English journals to
conceal the fact that General Alison's
operations have been unwlso and en
couraging to the enemy Three ro-
connoissances nnd two skirmishes have
taken place during the past week ,
with no practical result either in the
way of discovering the poaition of
Arnbi'a forces or their number. Ono
thing has , however , been accom
plished , and that is a complete refuta
tion of the idea that the Egyptians
are cowards nnd will make no rosis.
tanco. The plan of General Wolsoloy's
campaign , though undoubtedly do-
elded upon , h s not been oOlcially
made public. The correspondents assort -
sort that a combined land and
attack will bo uudu upon the Aboukir
forts , but the comments of
the London journals incline to the be
lief that this programme is only intended -
tended as only u bjind to the general's
real intention to divert the nttcnlion
of the oiioiny to Aboukfr , while a vigorous -
orous attack will bo made on iho main
entrenchments in front of Alexandria.
The conference' still continues its
sessions in harmonious co-operation ot
the powers. The sultan having proof -
claimed Arabi Pasha a rebel , and or
dered his troops to the seat ot war ,
the usual diplomatic delays are now
progressing rcapoiting the terms of
the military convention between Eng
land nnd the portc , which is to Bottle
the basis on which combined military
operations are to bo conducted , Lord
Duflbrin , whoso conduct of England's
case has been masterly , has been or
dered not o press matters ; but
Prince Bismark's hand is again visible
in instructions to his representative to
support England's demands with all
the authority of the homo govern
ment , Baron Hlrachfold voices thoP
will of Germany's dictator when ho in
forms ! the sultan that his delays nro
irritating i and unreasonable , nnd that
England's 1 wishes are legitimate and
boar 1 the sanction of the Emperor
Italy has recovered from her indig
nation nnd consents to participate in
the | joint protection of the Suez canal
Her irritation nt Great Britain is not
nt all surprising when it is remembered -
od that only last year she had n aim-
ilar fooling agninat Franco , and the
reason was the same in each case ,
Franco excited Italy's wrath by practically -
tically overpowering Tunis nnd therer
by extending the area of her influence
in Northern Africa. Gr .nt Britain
has now Inid her paw upon another
largo slice of this now El Dorado by
her action against Egypt. The great
dnrk continent seems to bo assuming
the same relation toward the Euroj
pean natioj as was occupied by North
and South America for nearly throe
hundred years after their discovery
a land to bo fought for nnd pillaged
irrespective of the lives , fortunes or
sacred liberty of its occupants. Italy
is angry simply because so far oho has
not participated in the spoil. Pres
ently Spain will bo casting longing
oycs toward Morocco , and if Italy
doea not absorb Tripoli before Franco
can gather it in she will not
have much to choose from. It
ia curious that two nations
should behave to indifferently under
exactly parallel circumstances ns did
Franco nnd England in their dealings
with Tunis nnd Egypt respectively.
The former insisted that her citizens
had never boon or were to be it mnt-
ttored little which ill treated , and eho
straightway . lauded her army , took
the boy under her august protection
nnd killed all the natives who rebelled.
The English have gone ns far ns tak
ing charge of the nominal ru.loy Oj
; but instead of boldly follow
ing up their action they paused , dal
lying on the brink , "waiting for the *
sultan to declare Arabi a traitor. "
Probably it amounts to the same thing
in the end ; but the French way is the
shorter und moro satisfactory. I rnnco
is hanging back from the Egyptian af
fair only because eho knows that she
has already had her share of the north
coast of Africa , and she has nothing
to gain by helping England. Some
day , if Russia , Austria nnd Greece
should decide to nbaorb European Tur
key , it will bo interesting to observe
how shocked , England , Italy nnd
Franco will bo at the greediness of
these other nations and their shnmo-
ful disregard of treaties , etc.
The proclamation said to have been
made by the Arab UJomaa , deposing
the Sultan of Turkey from the Khali'
fate of Islam , und submitting in his
stead the Choroef of Mecca , furnishes
the true key to the conditions which
underlie the present quarrel in the
oast. Mohammedanism , like Chris
tianity , is split up into sects , the ono
headed by the Choreef representing
the reactionary , bigoted element , that
is opposed to all modern progress and
to the introduction of nil now or for
eign ideas ; the other , headed by the
Sultan , being open to change and in
novation wherever either appears to
supply greater temporal convenience
and prosperity without sacrificing too
much the dogmatic teachings of the
Koran , The quarrel that has been
going on between these opposing
factions have been no the less grave
because it has boon carried on in com
parative silence. During the last
Russia-Turkish war the Sublime
Porto strenuously endeavored to
obtain the consent of the Choroef ,
who is the custodian of the Green .
Standard of the Prophet , to dnclaro T
a holy war , but without avail. If .
Arabi has succeeded where the Sultan
failed it can but signify n collision be.
tweon the two religious factions con
cerning whoso result no man living n
can foresee the outcome. The only b
thing sure is that the preponderance
of European power seems likely to bo n
cast on the side of the Turkish if
Mohammedan as against the reactionary - A
ary Arab. c
The British occupation of Suez , of
which the over suspicious Russian
government has demanded and receiv
ed nn explanation , places Arabi be
tween two fires. True , iho _ -
done to the railways of the t Lai
delay the progress of . . .nfnl
but with only 100 miles of- " " - "
traverse their final advancp _
long retarded Arabi'a present posi vu
tion , with Gen. Alison in his front and u
the East Indian troops in his rear , ia
very much that of Lee in 1505 , when
confronted by Grant before Richmond
while Sherman was advancing upon
hint through North Carolina. If the
Egyptian loader moans to balllo his
enemies by slipping away from be <
tween them like kOecoola in the Scm-
inolo war , his recent planting of cloven
fresh guns on his earth works may bo
only n clever feint. But should ho
really contemplate falling back into
the desert to join his friendly Be
douins ho has no time to lese : and it is
doubly unfortunate for him that his
growing ill health , the reports of which
nro now confirmed , should have weak
ened his faculties nt the very time
when ho most requires thorn.
Ireland ia ngain aflame over nn out
rageous crime against the liberty of
press in the arrest , drum head trial
and imprisonment of Mr. Grey , pro
prietor of the freeman's Jouniui ,
whoso only ofionsowas the publication
of n chnrgo that n recent jury which
convicted n political suspect contained
several drunken men on its panel.
Without time to prepare his defense ,
and the truth of his charge seems to
bo everywhere admitted , ho wns hur
rlcd into court and promptly Bon <
tcncod. Justice Lawson , under whoso
jurisdiction j this outrage WAS commit
ted , is n servile tool of the government
mont , ready to stretch nny principle
ho 1 may possess in order to assist in
maintaining the coercion policy of the
ministry. The reform of legal abuses
is i ono of the most crying necessities
for Ireland of to-day , nnd no laws
which may bo passed by parliament
may avail in assisting her people if
they can bo perverted at any moment
by an unscrupulous and time-serving
judiciary. j
The O'Connoll statue was unveiled
on Tuesday in Dublin in the presence
of a concourse of 100,000 pooplo. No
disturbances occurred , owing , doubt
less , to the great military precautions
which were taken. The most impres
sive feature of the the procession was
the . loner line of Catholic religious con-
fratornitirs. The Land League was
. not directly represented ; but fourteen
Irish members of parliament were
present , including Parncll , Sexton ,
O'Connor , Dillon , lledmon nnd Big-
gar. Dttvitt and A. M. Sullivun were
also present. Only three Irish Catholic
lic ' nrchbishopa attended Dorrinn , of
Down . , nnd Connor nnd Duggan , of
Blonfert. Some half dozen colonial
bishops assisted in the ceremonies ,
Parnoll , Dillon and Dayitt wore much
cheered along Iho whole route.
The Argentine republic is taking
measures to secure a al re of Euro
pean emigration. The congress is
panning hiws to encourage colonization
societies , and terms arc to be offered
immigrants which will provo a very
strong inducement to any who desire
to go so far from homo. News from
the cast coast of South America is
very dull. The Buenos Ayres Herald
hns advices from Montevideo regarding
the failure of the Uruguayan insurrec
tion. Maximo Perez , one of its
leaders , died suddenly , nnd it was to
this the collapse of the movement was
duo , "as Perez was undoubtedly the
whole visible support of the insur
gents , though the real inspiration and
direction may have come from someone
ono in Iho background. Bad as has
been the government of President
Santos , ho has now an opportunity to
win lasting fame and popularity if ho
trill finish his oflicial term in wisdom
and discretion. Should ho fail to do
BO , tbo public feeling would probably
favor annexation to some moro stable
government. Great progress is mak
ing , it is claimed , in the ngricultural
regions of the Argentine states. An
instance is given in which n plantation
recently sold for $2,000,000. It was
a largo tract , highly cultivated and
stocked with the latest improved ma
cliinery. Among its products last
season were 7,200,000 pounds of sugar
and 12 , GOO barrels of distilled spirits.
Tire sugar refineries are being built
in Ilong Kong. The largest of these
will bo nine stories , and a tank on thereof
roof Jive feet deep , making a total
height of 110 foot. Its capacity will
bo 150 tons a week. The estimates
for plant , site nnd buildiugs exceeds
ono million dollars , nnd the machinery
nnd appliances have been contracted
for at Greonoak , Scotland. The other
sugar refinery , building on the Bow-
rington canal , is the result of Chinese
enterprise nnd capital , the chief owner/ /
being a well known Chinese merchant ,
Leo Yeuncr. Its capacity will bo fifty
tons n week , and its estimate cost is
about $300,000.
The American colony of Berlin
numbers about 200 nativn bom mem-
bers. About fifty of these are stu. $
dents at the university , at the veteri (
nary school and conservatories. There
also a largo number of German-
Americana who lightly belong to the $
colony and make ii n point to visit its
headquarters when business brings
them to the imperial capital.
In many parts of Germany the crops
have recently suffered incalculable in-
jjry from an incessant fall of rain
during ton succeeding days. There
are sections in which the harvest has $
been completely ruined , grain crops
which ought by this time to be har {
vested , lying in a totten condition
upon the fields. Before this rainfall
of erything had promised neil for the
German cropi , Not for seventy years
had the outlook been more favorable ,
Ootowayo is expected to have an in
terview with Queen Victoria and then
bo restored to his ' kingdom. Ha
should have had his liberty long ago *
Beautiful building sites.on ShcrWn avenue
Gth street ! south ol I'oopkton'a and J. J
Brown's rfsldonccs the tract bolongi g to Sona
tor Paddock ( or so many yearn being
86d toot west Iron tare on the uvenuf ,
by trim 300 to 650 feet In depth ,
running outward to the Omaha & St. Paul R. U
Will sell In strips of CO feet or moro fronUsre on
the avenue with full depth to the railroad , will
sell the above on about any terms that purchaser
maydtslre. To parties n ho will agree-to build
housescoetlnc $1200 and upard < t will sell with
out nnv pa > mcnt don n lor ono year , and 6 to 10
iqual annuil pij mints thereafter ct 7 per cen
inttnst. To parties hcdo not Intend Iraprox-
Ing Immediately wlllatll for < no sixth don and
B equal annual payments thercalUr at 7 per cent
Choice 4 aero block In Smlth'sadclitlon at wcut
end of Furnam street u HI glio any length of
time required at 7 per conn lntcreit. ,
AUo a splendid 10 aero block In Smith's addi
tion on same liberal tcr no forctr Inir
No. SOS , U U lot on near 20th
No SOI , Lot on 18th street near Paul , 312CO.
N.o S52 , M 30x2 0 feet on :5th street ; near
No 299 , Ono quarter acre Burt street , near
Dutton $50 .
No 297 , Two lota on Elondo near Irene street.
$250 ! and $100 each.
No 2J6. Two lots Cn Scoria neir Mlchlgaa
ojtcct. JlJW ,
NoSSS , Tr/eho choice residence lots on Harull-
Sn ttrcet In Shlnn's addition , flno and sightly
tO to $600 each.
No 291 Beautiful half lob on SU Mary'a av
enue , 30x180 fust , near Bishop Clarkson's and
iOth street , 81600
No 202 , flu choice Iota on Park aVcnue , 60z
160 each , on street railway , $300 each.
No 201Six lota in Mlllard & Caldncll's addition
on Sherman Alcnuo near Popplctou's , $300 to
$160 each.
No 2a9 , Choice lots on Park avenue and street
ar line on road to Park , $450 to 81000 each.
No 285 , Eloin lots on Dcca'ur ' and Irene
streets , near Saundcrs street , $ J75 to { 150 each.
No 282 , Lot on 19th near Paul street , $760.
No 281 , Lot 65x110 feet near St. Mary's avenuo.
and 20th street , 81600.
No 270 , Lot on Dccatur near Irene street , (325.
No 278 , Fuur lots on CaUwoll , near Saundcrs
street , $500 each.
Mo 270 , Lotou Clinton street , near shot tower ,
No 275 , Four lota on McLellan street , near
Blonde , Kazan's addition , $ ! ' - ( > cich.
No 274 , Three lota near race course : make
No 268 , Beautiful corner aero lot on California
street , opposite und adjoining Sacred Heart Con
vent grounds , 81000.
No2Go , Lot on JIaion , near 15th street , $1,350.
In "Credit Kohclor"and " '
100 ota "Gram View'
additions , Just eouth-cast of U. P and B. A M.
> allroad cpots , ranging from 4160 to { 1000 each
an Jon cosy terms.
Beautiful Residence Lota at tt bargain very
handy to shops 100 to $260 each , 6 per cent down
nd 6 per cen t per month. Call and get plat and
ull particulars.
No 256 , Full comer lot on Jones , 'Near 16tb
street , $3,000.
No 25J , Two lota on Center street , pear Cum
in , ; street , $900 for both or $500 each.
No 251) , Lot on Scward , near King street ,
$350. *
No 219 , Ilalt lot on Dodge , near llth str'ioa
No 217.our beautiful residence lota near
Crnlghton College ( or will separate ) $3,000.
No 218 , Iwo lots on Center , near Cumlng
street , $400 each. -
No 246 } , Lit on Idaho , near Cumin ? street ,
fto'15 ! , Beautiful corner aero Iflt on Cumlng.
near Button street , near now Convent of Sacred
Urart , $1,600.
No. 211 , Lot on Farnam , near 18th etrcct ,
No 213 , Lot 60 by 1 on College street ,
near St. Mary'a at unuo , $700.
No 211 , Lot ' on Farnam , near 26th street ,
No 210 , I/it CO by 09 foot on South aenue ,
near Mason street , G50.
Xo.liiO , conur lot on Kurt , near 22d'8trcit ,
$ .SOU.
No. 233,120x132 feet o 1 Ilarnoy , near 24th ,
street , ( will cut it up$2,400. )
> o. KBl , Lot on Uouglaa street , near 5tb ,
fvo. 232 , Lot on Pier trect , near Beware" ,
t J < o. 227 , Tn o lots on Dccatur , near Irene E irect ,
$200 each.
fo * 2J , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman a\c >
nui , (16th ( sticot ) . nea Grace , $2400 , will divide.
No2.0 , Lot 2JxOret ou ledge , near 13th
street ; make on uQcr.
No 2.7 , Loton2Snl nearCUrif , $500.
No 216 , Lot on Hamilton near King , $303.
No 2u9 , Lot en 18th street , near Nicholas
No 207 , Two lots on ICth. near Pacific ttrest ,
No 201 , Beautiful residence lot on Division
street , near Cumlng , tMOO.
No IDJi Lots ou 16tb street , near Pierce ,
No 193 } , Lota on Sauudcrs street , neir Sew.
ard $600.
No 191 } , THO lots on 22J , near Grace street ,
No 192 } , Two lots on Uth'strcct , near white
lead orks , $1,050.
N 188) ) ; One full block ton lots , near the
barracks , $100.
No 101 , Lota on Parker , etreot , near Irene
No 183' Two lota on Caea , near 21st street
KUt edge ) . $0OOJ.
No IbO , Lot ou Pier near Scward , $ CCO.
No 170 , Lot on Pacific street , near 14tb ; make
Her , '
flol00 , Six lots onjfarnain , near 21th street
$2,100 to $2b50 each
No 103 , Full block on 23th strreot , neir race
ourno , and three lots In OUc' < aiditlon , near
auuUcroaud CaMiUd strccU , f..OoO.
t > o 127 , Lot on Ibtn stiett , nur while lead
orks , $525.
No ! . ' , 123x132 feet (2 ( lot ) on 18tb street ,
near PoppUton's , $1,600. :
Noll'J , Thirty b\lf acre lots In M lard & Cat-
dwell ad iltlons on Sherman avenue , Spring and
Saratoga strtotn , near the cud of giocu itrcct
car track , $ s5 to $1,300 each.
No 89 , Lot on Chicago , near 221 ticet ,
No Si , Lot on Caldwcll street , near Saundera , ; i
$600.No ol
No Bfl , Corner Iqt on Charles , neat Saund- ;
deis Dtroct , $700.
No 76 , 6ifxti2 feet on Pacific , near 8th street
NotO , Ightoen lota nn 21st , 22d , 23i and
dauudcH street * , near Grace aud a uudera street
bridge , $500 uath
No 0 , One fourth block (180x135 ( feet ) , nea
the Convent of Poor Claire , on Hamilton utieet
ca lie cud of the red rtrwit car track , $1,050
16th ana uongma Street , ,
B OX.- 1
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
The box : need never bo taken ott the wujron and-
all tbOkhcllod
Grain and Grass Seed Is Save >
It costs less than the old stvle rucks. Kvorjr
standard agon l > sold with our tack complete
Or buy the attachments ftn pnly them to
your old wif on box. For Wit I Nebraska fag
J. C. CtiAHK , I , ncoln.
itAsm.vo & IIBM , Omaha.
FRED 'KDDK , drand Island. .
IlAOOMtTT & QnERf , llMting * .
UiiArars JCIU-.ODBPH , Columbus
SrANOOLRjt KUHK , Hcil Cloud.
0. II. CRANE &Vo , Bed Oak , Iowa.
L. W. ItissKt , , Otcnwoo I , Iowa.
And every first ela dealer In the west. Aatt
them ( or descriptive circular or tend direct
tO US.
J , MoOallum Bros. Hanuf'g Co. ,
Office , 24 Wo t Lalco Streol , Chicago.
Are acknowledged to ba the
best by all who have'put theme
[ o a practical test ,
Piercy & Bradford ,
Evorjr Corset Is murantod satisfactory -
factory to Its wearer la every way ,
or the uionoywill bo refunded by
the person from whom It was bought.
PRICES by Hull , Portage Fold l
llcaltb Prturvlnir , * 1.GO. Helf.Adjurtlnir , 91.BO
Abdominal ( rxtruhcavjr ) $8.00. Kanlae , 1.DO
Ilcalth l're > ervliiir ( flnc ooutll ) JC.OO. 1'urnjcoa
r-ui.liurnu. . .
For mile by leading Hctull Kculer * everywhere.
Ul2i3liH 1 ilf
' ! It'll ! IlUt ; V..II ,
f fl\ \ ' " " ' " SI " > '
VV 11..M.I . , , - . -
' ( ' f U I' 1.1' I ) ' t $
* -s fur f -
Hntt'nt iM-miii nl U'nt" MitcT hnnt1 * .il l * ,
„ TIliC" , I'-ii-i tlt ! tin n > n ' n-riS
lilo tiow tttn V > \ 3l"rn r on i\n > r * < it
Vt f V. AV % Hal'tvlleutr. .
Sitrainr wo HH' * " > Smvt irHlsp M i
These celebrated stoves for aale by
Pioroy & .Bradford Onuha , Neb.
9 1m
"By B thonusli knowle-lgo of the natural law
whkli Ko\ern the operations of clge tlon and
ui rillon , and br a cmful appllcati n of the
luo r > rep > rtis of \\olalootil Cocoi , Mr
KIJH lujp o > dcd cur trrakfist taM s with
dU cit ly II tvored h xcrago which nay site
niny buavr doctors' bl U It l < by tlio Ju.llcl ui
uotf such articles of diet that a o iietitjilon
may bo KMd I'ly ' h 11 UD uii'll .iron/ enough
> resUt tr toiJcncf ti dhtauo. HuaJruU
subtle miUdu.arv tinting ar und in ready
onttic.k wh ruir there la a iak poli.t. Vie
may escape rua yafit.l shaft b ) kccpinir our-
fclu il fortlrkd "i h pure blaod and a prop-
cily nourl lied frame. " Cull Sn\le * liazetto.
JH-ie ( Imply with boiling witur or milk. Sold Y
Intlniotilv ( i-loaudlb ) labeled
Homcjoopatfolo Obeiniata ,
d-tues&iat-Bly LondOD , Entflaud.
\J QINEERNQat | the rtenistilaer Polytech.
nlc Institute , Troy , N. Y. Tliool.eU engineer.
Dif school in America , Next term begins tap.
.euiber 14th. llio rojU'.cr lor 1&K2 ion til ns a
lituf the jraduit 8 for the p it65)iar , with
heir portion * ; alia , ouri ct tuJy , require.
menU , expeuBcs. etc. Addreu