Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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An honest m n tlis noblest pursuit c
woman ,
The nawc t bodices nro glove-fUUns
wtlh latgo and full pnnlera aronnd th
hips ,
] J r nrm and necks are mjuln ilNpfoyo
liy the latest fashion In cuttlni ; I rcnch be
Vreflily gAthcrcrl flowers nro used t
trim tlio hats nod corsages of count ) ;
There is nntfljrtto revive wreaths i a * head-dicssci and low cluster
behind thocaip.
Apron i of ficelle Ince , wlthAlntROpocke
trimmed with a bright colored ribbon beware
are among tha coquetries of French toilet *
Woolen , vehct and brnentolle bodice
r worn over skirts of painted linen i
ecru hndo witli gay flimcw , and also i >
atccn ,
A Milwaukee woman has kept ft kotth
n ! hot water on the tove e\ery night fni
twenty-two jcara past in order to scali
Next wo shall h\e a tall ( llrtatioi
code. H-tvlne the tails covered with mm
will me i ! "I don't like her father. "
Boston J'oil.
Straw fans brought from Tiiocany nn
accompanied by n pnniHol of straw , and
worn with white muilln drcuscj that havt
yellow satin or brown velvet ribbon etna <
m-ntfl. _
One of thn latest freaks of ff\y Wfth. (
ington Rlrln is to ( Ion man' * attiic and raid
melon patches and berry curdcn . I'oni
of them were recently detected in tin
woik.A N'lrglnla woman in pursuit of 5
chicken can throw a ntono and break a
hcn'a neck nine times nut of ton , but as to
her skill with the fUtironithat's a famllj
If you want to be rca' etyllili in ynui
oono < pond -noi1 , according to the .Syra
cuse ileruld , you must luo 'fnnsy-colorod
alliig'Wax and o big ecnl to cloeu your
A small d wo with n black rlnfj nrmmd
HH throat , in ntUched by a ITJM urnanicnt
to French slruw bonncU. Another caprice
is n bonnet nude entirely ol grccti wo.-s
with n rosa wreath niouiul the brim ,
Tlio moht iTininal country toll-lH iiavo
skids of Turkey red calico , covered with
narrow gathered inlllw , worn under 3 par-
ilrsitis of light blue Woolen goods. The
hat ii dark blue straw with red popiiici.
"My bltf ra , " "My own darling green
rabbit , " "Tho Idolized jilir of my clreumv , "
etc. , was wliatn Krencli wifa wrote ton
captain of nitillery , and licr lumband linn
asked for a eaiiaration.
A fastdon item siyn the belle of the pa-
rloil now wean at her Wdl t bolt n little
rnueic-tor , faintly n .iiulu tune.
The American girl can put nn
enough DIH without ntt idling tnmle-box
to her wnist. Norrlstjwn Herald.
Cincinnati may not bo the moat oom-
fortablo city lor a minimcr rxurt , but it
hriB one ( it the m st Intoi rating bieach of
promise caets on record. The wicked do-
ceivcr , who has liiokon his plnlco is eighty
ycnrn of ago and idmoit 11 crlpplo.
IWq'uen nro cut In every nlnpo and style
irrmRlunblo round , polnteil. long or MIDI t ,
with ( quire tnbi all around the cdjjo , iti
pocitiuu fanhlon. or with lull pulls lined
with A contraHting color nml irsjiiiif ; from
benonth n fhiirp pointed culrasi corsage a
In Marie Autlonotto.
It Is serenely claimed by a Brmlfi.rd
editor that n young lady in charge of n
loml telephone ollica has such dulcet tones
that when fin Is talkiug through the In.
Htrument the yKollin hnrp , ntid Jitt o birds
ily out to roost on the line , in or Jer to
lenni new inuulo for their nougn.
A Niwhvillo woman , who had been slan
dered by a young man , nttaul > od th youth
In n street with u butcher knife , lucked
away nt hi u until ho ran , nd , H ys n
local paper , "conducted herself like n
perfect Udy throughout the affair. " Why
of courae.
Colored laces are meeting with great
favor with American Indlus. Their do-
Higns are usuullv of Spanish variety , owl
their co era include ull the fabhiuuablu
dyes of dork green , wood brown , bronze ,
royal blue , torra-cotta , garuot , com , Hue-
nlun gray , nmber. heliotrope , ] ) al-i Mut ) ,
and old gold. Thcdo l cca have been In
great demon 1 this season both for dress
and millinery pitrpoaee.
The nnhenru of tanicrlty of n young lady
who , instead of running nnd ccioiming at
the night of ft rat which crossed hur path *
stepped upon the rodent's tail nnd held
him fast till digputchod by ftomo men , wus
a mutter of so grvat eurprlso that an In
quiry as to her Identity was made , and it
was ( ound that "sho" was a well known
young man luacqueradlng Inlgirru nttlro.
Mine , Vallemberj ? , the daughter of Mr.
I ) . EhrenhoU , thod edleh mlnUter to the
porte , is In trjlnlng for a mvlm across the
JJonphoruf. This Is with the concurrence
of bar husband , a naval clllcer , tha eon of
a rich ba kcr of Norway , to whom she
was married a year or 40 ago. Mtne.Vl.
letnberg Las u I ready swum with the
stream down from Thcranla to Yeuikol ,
tha next village on the lloiphorus , on a
trial trip.
There are indications that skirts plaited
from belt to too will again bo much worn
this autumn. Imported traveling uklrto
have already H | > peurcd made thus , nnd
above thlskiftedtkirt Is the stylUh French
panntor poloualto with its exqulilto nhapo
and nrtlatlo drnporr , Oy.or ocher kilted
sklrtu ere worn the Newmarket jackets.
with full easli drapery uf the cliess material
caught up in graceful folds above the
liooU and tlioei. even for 'outdoor wear ,
not unfriqueutly luve the upper portions
made of material to match the dross word
with them. Those of velvet broca'lo nra
very handeomo In uppeitrauce. Houietlmes
the small raised ( loners uro seen upon
grounds of a corresponding color , in I ) ack ,
dark ereon , seal drown , atone gray , undthe
like , v ith kid foxiugs of the Maine shade ;
orotherwise , for evening wear , we see u
tvhito foundation , with pale , blue , mauve.
pear ) , or old gold ( lowers and wlilto kid
loiluRH , To match walking costumes are
rich looking bouts uf brouia kid with up
pers of brown vcher , Vho raised patterns
bclug of a dnrker tlmdo.
"Doea moonlight BOothoV nslcs tlio Now
"Vurk Uerald. Jf she doesn't j > an-j'orlo
will , ud ten cents buya A heap of It this
year.Ueorgia catQib may go on
calves end ulieap , but the tinny trlbo In
this atate will atlll be content with a small
boy now and then ,
The leader of a now Iowa brow baud liai
disappeared with all the liutrnuic'iits uiid
unlformi. Hume men who denorve momi.
tnentt never cat them ,
"Medicinal purposed" means Inndtnf ;
out whUlcy to any u au who ft-ela n llttla
off , If heels a little on niter ha nets It
that' * hU own uHulr.
A Nebraika boy threw an ege ut a cow
and killed her aton dead. Had tliut name
gg hit n lecturer , he would scarcely have
paused in hU address. Detroit Krea 1'rou ,
Three bottle * of ITnlleoks HyKlenlc 1U1.
luclnatlon in id a we B well man , aud re *
stored the use of my lluibi which had been
cut otf in a railroad accident , Jotin Hun.
y n ,
H1 A town in Connecticut had a innrrlugo ,
nn elopemtnt , tire , /iinerul , a clicm , a
inurdcr and a thunder itorm on thu tame
tiny , and UeadwooJ It aakctl to take a b < ick
8 at ,
The night ot n fat man tryln ; to look
graceful In a bathing null U what inikea
the little baldhealtcl lUbea etaud ou their
taili and gnu 1'hiUdelphia Chronicle.
Nearly all the touthcrn pai > crs change
from 62 to 610 per head for announcing
.political candidate * . In thli inanner-ihe
pre prevent * a ruihof over twenty candi.
< latea for each ollice.
Only one man out of nineteen takes
whisky ID hli B'jda water. The other *
prefer to keep them snporato and thu
inform thtinfehcs which of the two hurt
them the mott.
At this cftBon of the year there is nc
need of with erery man wh
Atipcars to be riuklog under the w iglit o
fnjno nccret torrow. It may be cncum
bers Lowell Citizen.
It costs this govetnment ! J18,000 pc
jear to fire tunset gu s at various mililyj
post , but wn wouldn't have "cm stop It fo
unythlnf. The Min doesn't know ennuijh
to dink out of sight without belnf ehoUt
Kreo I'teff ,
It is said that the green peel of the encumber
cumber Is n deadly poison to oocliro che
and will clear thorn out inside of twenty
four hours. But that l n't it , What wll
clean out the ward polltlcinn ?
Hefore the dreaded nplhthahnin car
make havoo with the Kngllsh troops In
Ugypt It will have to overcome the resist
ance of blue ipoct > cle . of whic 23,0 (
pairs have been oidcred by the governmcn
at five cents a pair.
It it fair to conclude from the following
advert lament wht h lately appeared it
the Cayua Chief , published at Weed *
nnrt , that meat is high In Western Now
York : "Wanted A gentleman denlres to
find a partner with capital to assKt him In
lh" purclinse of n beefsteak , One wh <
owns n frying-pan nnd a plcco of pork pre
ferred , "
"Now , the beauty ot a paper collar , '
reninikud the honornblo member , coailnj ,
mefract. ry pin , "is Its economy. Yet
wear ono a week , then you turn it nm
wear it nnotheiwcek. Then you sflit It
and you have two now collars with om
clenn side , good for another week , each o
Vm. " nnd ftdjuntlni ; the flat scarf over
the red flannel , clnrt , ho went down to
dinner. Burlington Hawkoyo.
"Look henh. boss , I want bo law on MIsa
Matilda Snowball , " slid .Tim Webster , M
ho entered the ofllce of Justice Ongg , nm
with his hooked finger dnshcd beads o
tHirxpirslt'in as largo as poacans from hi"
IDW. "What dlil ho do ? " "Sho am dn
lady who biut two holes In my banjo. '
"On piirpOFO ? ' ' "Ob couren she did. 1 !
she didn't moan to bust dem nr two holes
n do banjo , what for did she hold up her
, wo slurp pointed elbows when I tried to
mng her obor her black cocoanut wid do
lanjy fur glbbcn mo sass ! " Texas Silt
og. .
Tbo Great Conuroselontil Btoal.
From Puck.
The Skooknwahominy.
Two yards wlda and nil mud ,
I brnntbo into my Ktenm cilllopo and cele
brnto the Hknokuwnhonilnv creek ; ]
clovato my whoop for the Skookawa
The mud turtln with his head on ono bank ,
1'no mil of him on t o other ,
The inch and n half t > i-pnro.
You. oh chip , too I o Ichrato , vainly try
ing to float down that noble stream , In
the cddioi whlrl'd , in n two-inch eddy
tumultuitusly whirl'd.
The Hmiill boy In n red Htdrt , in bultornul
breeches drcss'd ; the ono mspendrr o !
him , the bent pin , the ynid of twine ,
thu hickory nwltch of him.
I celebrnta the fishing ho l doing , lie ii
getting no lish , but it is all right ; to
me , Walt , it la the
Endeavor Is much , 1 cocbrato ! endeavor.
Let us go out unit take a dtiuk to on-
deuvor ,
Let us diink up the whole Skookawa-
liomlny. Tliat Is about oao quaro
The congressman , In his scat uprising , the
eye of the speaker catching , the
speaker ncnrlydeal talking ,
The glor cs of the Skookawahnmlny ; the
dimensions of It , the mighty fleets on it >
breftht floating , the urgent , uocesflity ol
an appropriation.
Hie nizo of the nppiopriatlon ; tholnrgen ° Bs
and healthiness of. i ; the getting of it ;
the vetoing thai eof ; the congressmen
over the president's veto passing it.
[ ha immo into future. The American
citizen with n rope , with n club like
wise , outside the capital waiting.
L'ho congressman , thorjughly slugged , now
m-pemlul , over the tippling wttors of
the Skookawahomlny , ponuulous , vi
These thtrga I o lebrato. 1 , Walt ,
somewhat previous ; but not so for oil ,
Ton ho.r.
1'cr V. IIuoo DuaiNituiiv , 1' . 1 * .
Miss Emma O. Thursby will Bail fur this
ountry on the 31st of August.
Mlts Annie Lorenzo has come out as n
> rotulsinK sopruno In Sau Francisco.
Miss Mlnnia Palmer will appear at Ilnv.
rly's Fourteenth Street Theatre In Sep.
Miss Kmollno Melville Is said to have
met with a most ( Uttering reception in
Hnverly's Colored Minstrels nro to cense -
so idate hero with Culleujfr'a company on
the 2Sth hut.
Carl Ilosa'd company for English opoia
In IroUud includes Mine. Marie llozo and
Mine. Vullerb ,
October next Mr. Kdwarl Neuport , a
Norwegian pianist , will seek fame and for
tune in the United States ,
The "Parvenu , " now played at the
Court Theatre , London , will follow
"Trtken from Life" at Wallaok'a Theatre
next season.
Mr. Mipleeon is said to have engaged
for this country an Italian tenor natuo I
Clodlo , and tu have made overtures to
Miuo. Minnie llnuk.
The Intent toner U n Swedish nobleman ,
( on of the Governor of thu castle of tlio
King of Sweden. Madame Nilssun pro-
loimctB him o wonder.
Mr. Tom Keentt , the American trago-
] ian , will probably mnke it tour of AUH.
trail i next spring , taking with him a full
iViuerlcan company to support him ,
Thu now opera house in Fraukfort-on-
tho-Miilno illustrates the miuuer In which
L-lcctrloity now enters Into the cunvenieiues
uf daily life , It there sorvoa an n tire
alarm , n door closer , a heat indicator , a lift
iiientmrer , for tha ventilator , u roucrul II-
luuilnutur and n time boater for tha orclies. *
tra ,
Mr. Joseph JefTenon will begin an en *
: ag < montut thu Unbu Square Theatre on
the 18.h ot Soiitemher wltb "Tha KivaU"
Mr. Jefferson n conuiany fur the next eea-
ion will iu'iludo Mrs. John Drew , Mluj
lloia Wood , Mils Lllllun Lee , and Mcmru.
t-'iederlc jliiiiluson , Ii. T. llug { < . Id , 1'hos.
Jttfersuu , Charlo4 Waverly , and U , F.
Tuylor ,
Cbiittlno Nllsson { sat Dlvonne , a water
ing-place In tlio houtli of France , but will
return to Knglaud in September to fulfill
jngagemrnts ut liirminghaui , NottinRham ,
Urlghton , and other towui. She will give
t farewell concert at Albert Hall in Lou-
ion , October I''th , at which she will hav
the astistunco of Hlms Keuvea aud many
tvell'kuown artlsto , aud two days later she
rvlll sail from Liverpool fur Now York.
There are three dramatio clubs In Loa-
ion , Savage , Junior ( Jnrrlek , nnd Oreen
Ituum. The Knvuge , which recently en
tertained the I'rinco of Wali0 , was for a
time the rage ; hut the Junior Uarriclc
sventually eclipsed It in popularity , The
lirceu Hoom , founded by Sothcrn , and of
which the Duke of lieaufort Is 1'reiideut ,
is now ahead. Mott of the American ac
tor * and mai agers wlvo It the preference.
It and the Junior Gariick are on Adelphi
Terrace , commanding n beautiful view of
the river ,
Mirv Agnrs ( ieihert , who died at Mt ,
Uecbaim Seuluary , near Wheeling , W.
Ya , , on Monditv , w u one of the most
nottd teachers of vocal mutio In thin coun
try , 1'urepa Host , onca vMtejl the Seuit.
iinry arid after hearing "Sister Axnes" lng
"Alpine llflll , " declared , it U said , that * he
Iran ono of the greattxt lingers in the
world. Shortly afterward Max Btrakotch
jlfcred "Sister Agues" 950,000 for a ee , ou
if alx months in concerts , but UUhop
IVlialen decllnoti to permit her to accept
he pruifer.
Horiford'i Ada Fliaspliato
icU as food for au oiliausted braiu.
The llev. Mr. Oreon , of ifalelgh , N. C.
rpcently Immersed 110 jiersons In icvent ;
The Ken'ucky crangeKst , Mr. Uarnec
recently left Dayton , O. , for Indianapoi !
his now field of labor ,
Hlsnop Merrill started thh week fnr hi
conference work ninong the IJUck Hill *
Ho i-xpects to bo gone eight weeks.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Ful
ton Street Prayer-Meeting , New York
will be observed on the 23U day of SepUm
her noxt.
An appeal is made to erery CMhollc it
the world to contribute five ccnU towarc
erecting n monumcct to the memory of tin
lateP.po 1'iiix IX ,
The Irish Prebytcrian Afsembly h (
adopted resolutions stronsly cotidernnltif
the growing i r ctlce of silting instead o
standing during prayer *
The Hlluallstlo Churchei In London nm
vicinity are steadily incrcating , Some .t ;
churches < ; tit of S)07 ) now nco rucharlstli
vestments , ngalnit fourteen In 18G9.
There was for the year 1881 an nctua
losIn the 110 confer nce of the Method
tut Kpiscopal church of 2,017 member ?
while the decrease In probationers uni
The pay of Mr. Hnrtison , the boy evnn
gcllst , lor his cervices at the Lovelam
camp meeting , near Uinciimatl , Is olficinllj
htntod by thu Treasurer to have been SICK
a week and board.
It is probable that the next GenernlCon
fcrcnce of the ] Al lance wil
meet in Stockholm , Sweden , in Septcm
her , 1883. The Queen < d Sweden Is warm ,
ly interested In the work of the alliance.
There were added to the Soulhorn Pres
bytcrlan churche * In the year ending Moj
luit on profession of faith 0.002 persons , nr
advnuco of morn than 1,200 nver the prov
iousyrar. Tuero are O.iOO Kldern anc
1,000 Deacons in the chuich.
A California evangelist ndvcrUsen thai
ho is ' thocquulof Momly In exhorting ,
nnd bolter th in Kinkoy In singing " Not' '
withstanding thn richness of bis gift ? , heii
willing to "leave the matter of pay to th <
genoroxity of the brethren. "
A movement hai recently been innugu
rated in the Protestant Kpiscopal church
In Mnssachtl > ett , to secure tlio doing awni
ith thopow BJS em la nil their churct
edifices throughout the State , and the In
troductlou of the free system instead.
The "Salvatiou Anny'Ma about cnrryinj
the war Into thu gorgeous JCant. A do
tn < .hnicnt of Hjldiers , nil of whom , by tht
v.av , nru olliceip , has been selected to gc
to India , nnd is already uirlenvurhiK to ill
it elf for its duties by wearing oriental cos.
tume , the turban Included.
\VlJut Matter.
What matter , though wo sow In lean ,
And cr ps Ml at the re-ping ?
What , though the f nits of patient years ,
Have perished in our keeping !
Upon our hoarded treasures llocdn ,
Arise and tempests rcattcr.
If fnltb beholds beyond the cloud *
A clearer sky , what matter ?
What matter , though the cattle fnlj
And dlnnppenr whili building ?
ThoiiKh "Blr.mgo hand writing ou the wall1
Klame out , against the gilping ;
Tlunnib every idol of thu he.trt
The hand of death in.iv scatter ,
Though hope * decay and friends drpart ,
Tf heaven he onr , what mnttei ?
The beer gardan llmt hat been opened
on the Mount of Olives is well pntroui/.od
liy tourists.
It Is said that a Koup plenty good enough
For a church festival can ho made from
wntcimelon tceds and afforded for tec
cents n dish.
The Kov. Jusper , of Virginia , says thn ( in the casn of colored people
means deviltry. Ho can't see how educa
tion helps the whitewashing business any ,
Philadelphia has 237 churches open
every Sunday In the year , nnd yut ono who
spends Sabbath in th it < ity can't help but
mapo 't that 230 of the churches are taken
for warehouses by the residents.
Dining a camp-meeting at Knstmin , ( in. ,
last Sunday a row was Htnrted which re
sulted in the death of two men and the
wounding of several others. Salvation
fecmn t > to free In Georgia in case you
shoot first.
Hoy. if. D. Jump of the MethodUt
church nt ISemdngton , Vt. , hag received a
call to the pastorago of the First Piesby.
: erian church , Lnn-ingburgb , N , "V. II
the salary It right , we nliall expect to licit
I hit the llev. M. M. haa jumped at this
A Cairo clergyman who told his congre
gation from the pulpit , n week ago , that
only tipplers and diunkards were sun-
struck , was prostrated on the street the
very next day , and now ho hardly knowe
low to get out of his fix.
From the Mr. Jnekson'H eo'inon on
Faith , " in linston : "Oh ! I'vo got great
faith In do Lord , " hn cried. "Kf de Lord
was to say , 'Jackson , gn butt yer head
ngin dat tree , ' I'vo got faith to b'leevo dat
lo tree 'ud be removed afore 1 got tiff ' "
It was thought In a Moline co'uit of laxv
, bat n Chinese witness did not understand
no nature of an oath ! but when , in ro-
ponso to n question as to what would bo-
: nnip of him if he swore falsely , ho said :
'Go to holloe , nllee H imee Mellcan man , "
hero wan'uo further objrotlon to his tej-
A telegram intorms na that the Bishop
of Three Hlvors , Canada , has forbidden the
women of his parish to wenr onrl' , tinder
ecclcsiastit-al pennlty , If the Bishop pr > -
loses to liijlit It out on this line , there is
ikely to be a warm time in his , parish ,
flic power of the church is great , but there
uo some things that nro too much for it.
A wodturn p'iper ' savu that formerly in
mo of the remote ml.ilng tettlomenta of
SVyomlng u single copy of. n religious pa-
> er containini ; a tcrmon by the liov. Mr.
ritlinago mnda Its nppoirnnco weekly , and
hat every Saturday evening the men of
ho community mot to determine' by n
nine ol "Boveu-up" who rhould re d the
nrmon in public on the following day.
. 'ho western paper omits to state , how.
vi-r , nhethor there wus n wind-milt in the
Iclntty to furnish the u'stuio' . >
In the line of his advancement In praoti.
nl education the negro U becoming a
nanclcr , A colored elder rose at n camp-
ncctliig on Staten Island and applied the
clonco of economy in this exposition ;
'We've got expenscsbore , and need money
a pay 'em. If I didn't pay 'em 1 m bfruid
ho sherill wouldn't let mo go away when
ve'ro done , I collected 53 cents tills nu ru
ng , but I want ? 10 now. I know tberc'a
nonoy in this teht , and wo want eouie of
t. Don't give us any' iwnniea , I've
< nn\vn men who could ahut their o > e nnd
ell n penny from a dime by feel ing. Don't
1 > that with me. Put y ur hand In your
i uket , nnd If It hits a nickel , let It come ,
f it hlti a dime or n quarter , let it cunif.
Xii'l ' If It happens to touch one of dem big
lollars , let it onine. Now , I'm going
uouml with the plato , and Joe Titus is
join around with a nther. Don't Bliy-
< ody let us puss 'em. " It is not encourng-
ng to rel tt tlmt thn audience , which hnd
onio for religion , didn't care about finnno ? ,
ind raiildlydlmluiihod while the elder and
ilr. Titm fctepp d from the platform ,
Hill fomo rom.lined to pay , and the prac-
ICA ! but cnthusuvitio elder shouted acres *
o Mr. 'I Hum "Joe , I'm getting nothing
jut tickeln. Thank ( Jodl nobody's tot
ny pennlea Thii was a mbtike ,
Jyorybody on Mr. Tltub' Me ha I pennies ,
nd "the demnltion total , " ns tuo elder
vould nut ha\o Bivld , was ir" ! ,
"WaiOv r-
April ' 10,1881. f
II. \VBNKU' & Co , ; Sirs The
irivutioiiB of the war imposed upon
10 what pliyaiciuim call "chronio"
larrluua. Your Safe Kiduoy and
jtvor Ouro is the only inodicino that
vcr did no any good. .
Younit'town , Ohio , May V > , IbSO.
DR. II. 3 , HrMiALbAr Co. I hid & v ry valuv
rile llamli'Gtonl tl colt ry Ughly
lioh d a li'Ke Ii ito' | > n > ln in oun J int anil
small ono on the i.tlicr vile1) made him M-rj
lame ; thai him under tt'o ihariro o two vclcr
Inary surgeons u Mch filled to I nro him I v n <
one day ri ndlng the dveitl cmcnt ol KtndHV
St.-uln Cur'In tin Chlcijro Impress , I determined
ntoncotntry ( tad jrot mirtni'ic sta ncrctt
d nd ( r It , and the } rrdtrcdti rcobettlc * ; 1 to'l
all aril I thought I wnuld nl\o t a thorcujt !
t'UI , I u rd It n cordlnir tl direct ! in and tht
ourtli day tl > o colt > sed to be Inmo Mid tlu
him nlisvodktppciriil. .1 used bil one bottle
and f'o colt's limbs re ns ficool Itimpinndai
smooth as ai y horse In tha Mate lln ( srnt'ro
ly cured. Thn euro vtt f > remarkable that 1
) m\o lottwo nt my neighbors lm\o the remain *
ng two bottles wh1 are now unlnxlt.
Very respectfully ,
Bend for Illnitratoil circular ( riving poeltlvi
proof. Trice (1. All Drn clnW ha\o It or can
Kctltfor you. Or. n , J. Kendall L Co' , Pro-
prlctore , Cnoshiirnh Falls , Vt.
No CnrrlE8TABUKB ! | igoi.l 811
No Pnyt I J IioiniNt Si
St. IotiK ii PUII treat
Ing all 1'IllVATi : , NICK
-'peclal DlnoMcs , Bpcrma
tnnhrca , Impotincj ( Sox <
nal Incapacity ) , Female
Piens.IrreKUlarltlcs ,
UltTcultlcs , etc.
fjrLtiillra.n- : ) ccnt >
( l rtamps ) t py cxprra'
chMROi on a " lu blj
work" entitled "HPO | VQI
of Won-en , etc. " Work
on CiniONic DISKAKFS , ono Ktnnip
of gcli-nlniBO or I'rh&to Disease , soml 2 slamp
for UKLKnrtATr.n WoRKH > n ir\tu < and rxua
| i9oMo . OonnulMtlon personally nr by letter
KHHK Consu t the olil Doctor , THOUSANDS
CUllKO. UIIIcj In riulct. irhnto , rrapuctablc
place. You tea no one Im1- the dnctor. Ur
brlto Is the oiily physician In the cliy who w r
mtiti cur > 8 or no piy ycdlclncs tent c\tr <
where. Hours , 8 A. U. to 8 r. M. d&wly
/ < * l"urulldli.v other treatment
DISE/vSE lixcs , strictures , \ailoccle
N'xiul , u Inary , grnvcl , stone , ulcers , llrlKht' *
il alictea , dropsy , consumption ,
tarrh , d ZZ'IIOM ' , blllloisnc.'s , ma'nila , ncura'fli
rheumatlRin , heart , kidney nnd Mail lerol cites
ere turcdhy thu A olid Mineral Spilng Water
or the perfcotc I treatment ot the huropnmiant
Aucrlcan Mcdloil Hurcaiiflptchlty \ hxhichisli
London , l'atl < , Viciint , Hurl In , nnd Kov York
l'aiiihlct | , with illr cilo s nnd ctr-lflcatoi o
cur s. free Mocllc 1 trcatUo on Impotence
ntcrldty. dltra < C'l i rostr to Kland , n dsiptiill )
25c. < Die s , 1114 Lexington a\o. New.York city
Englbh rcm-
cJy. Anuu-
falling euro
> for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhca , Impot.
eiiey , and all
follow as ft
BEFCRETAtltnci.uequcnco of AFTER TAKIHQ.
aolf-Abu o : as Lass ol Memory , Lass
tudc , Pnln In the Dick , Dimness of Vision , Premature
mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema
ture draro.
jtarFull particulars In our pamohlot , which
wo dcslro to send free Ivmall to oicryouo ,
Uff"Tho Spcclfl c Medicine la sold by all dnifftflsti
at $1 per package , crO pack tecs for 35 , or nil
be sent free by mall nn rcr ipt of the money , by
addressing TUB OKAY iEDICINK CO. ,
Ecffftlo , N. Y.
To P Jervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
II b a voatlTocnra ; for Hportuntoirhca , fiunlna
ffookccaj. Impotancy , and all dlsoiaca rcBultinj
from nolt-AbuM , an Mental Anxiety , Lcsai
Memory , Palna In the Back or Sldo. and dlsenact
' ' ITTKH' ' that lead to
> " Congiimptlan
if X V"s
/ ? ,
ineanlly an
d -
J. > WiiV . carlyRrau
Tha UpcclOc
Uedlilue Is
bcln ? usud
* ltU wonder.
[ Ul BUCCC33.
P mnhletii
out true to til. V/rlto lor thorn tad get fall par *
Price , Specific , (1.00 pot packsgo , or six pack.
ages for ffi.OO. Addrcm all order * to
Ncs. 104 and 103 Main tit. DuCalo , N. f. .
Bold In Omaha br 0. y. Goodman , J. V/ . Bell ,
J. K. lib , and all irnirzlBlaoTcrywhoro.
4 t .rUw
Many thrlnk from publicity In connection with
B. U. a. , but \\ontu permitted to refer to tbu fol-
letting pcrxons who hd > o knoun and \UnestoJ
IU woiuc'rful tllccts :
rxnitr , Houston Co. , Oa.
Wo bate limui "Snllt'a fpcclllc" tested In
hundreds of mott obstinate cu ot blood 1'olsoii-
lutf , Mtrcurlal Rluiimatiem , EcrofuU , Horo- ,
Iczou.n , Cat rrli c'tu , and do cDr.tciontlously
tentlfy that It met ul h thi most perfect nnn slg.
nal ucccs ] , cffec cd radical and perm merit cnrt.8
la otory c \\Hlioiit a slnelu cxocutlon.
llutjh Ii DeuturJ , Goo , w Kill n ,
John O. llrown , nco. W. BlnKlttoo ,
Win. llruimnn , John II. lloae ,
Jtmtii 1) . harp , 1 ! LWarren ,
MuoraSTiHto , ,1 , W. Uchlii ,
J. W. Wlmbcrly , J. W. Woollocl- ,
w. 1) . I lercehcrlO , J. W. Jlann. Uo. Trea .
0. C. Duncan , T. M. Klllcn ,
l ) y 6 Gordon , T. 11. 1'iilccr" ihf lff.
Wo are | > crco ally acqualntod with tie K " '
nun whososjitiaturfB appear to tl.e abo\o cvr-
tltliati' . 'ihcysru Itlzo-iof said ojunty , ol the
hlifliVitrcMie lability and cbarnctor.
A. . ( llf.K.H , Ord narv , Hcuston Ca.Oa ,
1) . II CULLKU , Ll'k gup , Ct. llou ton Co. Oa.
"Nolilir ! ) ( bulavorable / report ] , Kcllovo S. S ,
S. Is niiiiiito for all U.ood Ulinsci. It gives
unlremal sithfactlon "
0.Y. \ . JOJ3 & CO , , Moi pbl9Tvnn ,
"S. S. 8 , then bettor satisfaction thin nnj.
lilutr we l'ae e > cr handle I , "
jACKb & CO. , Helena , Atk ,
"llt\o novfr heard & complaint uf S. H. 3.1
All I'll UK PbTKlt & CO. , Leu srille , Ky.
"a. S , 8 , las Riven entire utltfacllon to every
no. " A. II. HllilUKDd , Shcrui DTcx.
"I have had eicellcnt fale for P. 8. S. , and the
Esulia ht\ubc u uio < c BJ Itlaitory , "
J , O. 1IUHUK , Io\vlin6' Ortcn , Ky
"Ournaloinf 9 , s S.ho licon good , nnd IU
j > rlett. "
JOMC3 X OAHKY , Montk'Oiiury , Ala.
"K. S. S. haanh en entire latUfactlon toocry
nt " K UKVSS , ParU , T xai.
"S S 8. ) nsfhonuiii\crul tatUfac'lon. "
H. W. 1 OWtil3 : & CO. , K.chaiunJ .
Sl.OOll Reward wtU " i ' = r
bouiut bo will bad , on analyiUol 100 1 ottlc of
S. 8. S. , one nartlclaof Mercury lodldt of foUu-
lum or any Mlncnd eubstanco.
BWllTBPKCliria CO. Prop *
Atlanta , Oa
Ptlce ot Bmall die , (1.00.
Large ! ie tl.Ta.
Bold br all
oil * , MkuB ocuiMr ,
Prttldwl. Ylea PrcVt ,
W. H. DIU.IHI , hre. and Truav
Lincoln , Neb
Uorn Planters , Hrrrowa.Farm Bollore
buiny Hay ItaUod. Duouot , Klovutlug
Wladmllla , io
We prepared to do job work and tuanufio
nz the turtles.
Udeto i order *
Unrein. Ke .
Mrs J. O. nobcrtson , PltUonrp , Pa. , writes : "
was sufferlne from Kencrol debility , want of op
petite , constipation , etc. , to that lfo | was a burden
don ; nftcr uslni ; Durdock Dlood nitters I felt bet
ter than for } care. ' I cannot praise your Bitter
too much , "
K.Olbbs. of Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Yoni
Rurdock Diet Bitters , In chronic diseases of thi
blood , liver a J kldncts , have been signally
marked nlth ucccss. Ihnvo used them mjscl
* lth host results , for torjrfdlty of the liter , Mid It
case of a friend of mine suffering from dropsy
the effect was man clous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.iwrltc : ' ! havi
been luhjoct to tcrlous disorder of the kldnojs
nnd unable lo attend to buxlness ; Burdock Dloo <
Bitten rclic\ < l mo bcforu hall a bottle was used
I feel confident that they will entirely cure me , "
> Ancnlth Hall , ninghnmpton , N. Y. , wrltcc
"I RulTcrcd with & dull pain through my ofi
lunp and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite
and color , and could with dllHculty keep up al
day. Took j our Burdock Blood Bitters as ill
reeled , and haxo felt no pain since Qret week at
Ur uslntr them , "
Mr. Nonh Kate ? , Klmlrn , N. Y. . writes : "Aboul
four } cars ago I hid an attack of bilious fever , anc
never fully recovered. My digestive organ :
were weakened , and t would bo completely pros
tratcd for days. After using two bottles of youi
Burdock Blood Bitters the ! mprovcmcnt was sc
vlrlhlo that 1 WOP astonished , I can now. though
01 years of age , do a fnlr nnd seasonable dny'i
C. Bhcket Robinson , proprietor ot The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For vcari
I euflcrcil greatly from oft-recurring hcndacho. 1
used vour Burdock Blood Bitters with hnppicsl
rcsultii , nnd I now find nit-Keif In better hcaltt
than for jean past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo. N. Y , writes : ' Ilinvi
used Burdock Blood ulttcrs for ncrvcua and bll
loua headaches , and can recommend it to anyoni
requiring a cure for bllllousness. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes
"For several years I have suffered frtm cft-rcur
rltiL' blllloua headaches , dyspepsia , and com
G'alnts peculiar to my sex. Since luing you !
urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , 81.00 pel Bottle ; Trla Bottles 10 Cti
FOSTER , MILBUEH , & Co , , I'ropB ' ,
Sold at wholesale by l h & llcilahon and C. F
Goodman. IB 27 pod-mo
Disease la an effect , not a causa Its origin Is
within ; Its manifestations without. Hence , to
cure the disease the CAUsxmust ba removed , and
In no other way can a euro ever o effected.
LIVER CURE is cstabUihod on Just this
principle. It realizes that . , , ,
of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys an
liver , and It strikes at once at tha root of the
dllllcnlty. The elements of which It is composed
act directly upon these great organs , both as a
FOOD ni d RESTORXR , and , by placing them In n
healthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un
healthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
the dibtro-slng Dlsorderaof'Womonifor Malaria ,
am * physical derangements generally , this great
rcmi dy has no equal. Dtvraro of Impostors , Im
itations and concoctions said tn bo Just as good.
For Diabetes , as for WARNUVS SAFE
* or sale by oil dealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO * ! ]
m Koohoutor N. Y.
The Great Lngiish Kemedy
Never falls to cure
RNcrvous Debility. VI-
Etal.Bxhaustlon , Krals-
Bilons , Seminal Weak-
JIHOOD , and all the
1 vil oOocts of youth-
Ijful follies and execs-
'lies. ' It stops pcrma-
Inently all weakening ,
IInv oluntary lossis and
Idralns upon the sys-
Item , the Inevitable re-
. . . "suit of thcso evilprao-
tlcos , w hich are BO destructive to mind and body
and make llfo miserable , often leading to Insani
ty and death. It strengthens the NerveaDrain ,
'mumorU ' Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro
ductive Orpins , It restores ti all the organic
lunctlrns their former vigor and vitality , ma-
Unfr llfo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a
'lottlo , or four times the quantity 810. Bent by
express. Boouro from'observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. 0.0. D. sent , except
on receipt of 81 as a guarantee. Letters rj-
questing answers mutt incloso stamp.
Dr. Mintio's Dandelion Pills
are tt > boat and cheapest dycpcpaU and blllloas
cure lu the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
K ) cents.
Da UiNTin'ft KIUNIT REMKOT , NurBimcut ) ,
Cures til kind of Kidney and blaJdercomplalnte ,
gonorrhua , glcut and leucorrhci. for ealo uy all
uaugglEta : 1 a bottle.
7J8 Olive St. , St. Louis , Uo ,
For Snla In Omaha by
if yn itrt" *
of fiu > ln , ' > w
* u.-ill'7tlf strain or
four ilutio nvoltl
kUniuUiUjurv J us s.
Hop Bitt ra. u u Hop Q.
If joiiar joi tunrrliafrouiat , ? ' >
"litcinlon or turn I it > ouon. : rti
rkG oi flUKle. oH or -ounir , lutrvrlnir Irm
[ w r > ra.tli or Iwik-uUli llK UU A tM ! ' . V J.
Mia , r l on Hop Bitter * .
Wiocrer younri" .
MlnnvTcr jou fn-l iuaU > from iv e
tem turru ut Clunut
llmt your
' " " thai minli\
Iitr nr ttlm ,
wllhouU > ifo.r-alfiiir , tlmuly < ival
tUo Hop llcpittor :
Elite' * .
Xicinry O.I. O
ll Ml tKCltt >
anil trrcihti
ot O * * romacn , Ma cur i ) ( tt ,
t > cirrf . < i lo oil , dniiiUennK'nip
Hurornmx. l M" ' vJ I *
you will t > o t < t , ooo
cured If joause uwcctle * .
Hop Bitters
waalc s . 8c-uJ (
oiHlrlU'l. tlroulw
Iti It niuy
uvo your
lift. It hnb ft
on veil hun-
aradif U AT rcjw. Oil.
A Gnrri Qnurantoed. .
Ur , K. 0. West o Ncne anil Urtlu Treatment
A apoclfic lor IlyttctU , Uluiiicaa , Convulsion ) .
'crvouj tlcaduho , Mental Depregalon , Lou ol
J IVIUU , Vtl'UWWBV , 111 Ml tl * UUUl VUbV | CTUIV11
cada to takcry , decay and death. One box Hill
mro recent catt . E h box contalni ono month's
: rvaUuent , Ono dollar a box , or six boxes for
Ivo dollars ; tout by mall prepaid on receipt of
> rlc , \V Kuamntoo six boiea to cure any case.
iVUu each order received by us lor six boxes , ac-
ximpanled with flve dollars , will send the put.
± uer our written guarantee to return the
coner If the treatment do * act effect B cure.
0. / . Goodman , Drug'Ut , Sole. Wholesale and
eul Aircnt , Omaha , Neb. Oid > ri by mall at
lUiliurloj. dJiwlr
Storage , Commission and fliolesale Fruits , ,
Agents for Pock & Bathers Larfl , and Wiluer Mils Flour
OMAHA , - - -
cr. cr. oo
Boots and Shoes. .
Window and Plate Glass.
CJTAnyono contemplating building store , bank , or any other One wilt find It to their ad'
vantage to corns end with us before purchasing their Plato Glass.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnhsm St. . O-naha.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
3EB.4 !
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and'
AU Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
"W .A. Ili LIPA. . IP IB IB ,
* * * Jk5" * QE V \ liF Jl fflE" A * V ' "ll 4P i
WS M BM M D MHP 0 K W W W B * IT A D B S ! HWy
J. A.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , f/lQlDNGs / ! ? tiiVIE ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , -
-r i f
Steam Pumps , Engine
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets 0 , V