Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1882, Image 1

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    EE. .
( Successors to Fred Lang- )
Wo are now prepared with our now
stock to ollor
in thu following goods :
.Laundry Soaps ,
Canned Oysters ,
Fine Crackers ,
.Fine Extracts ,
Butter and Eggs.
\Vo can assure the public that wo
can show the very choicest buttorxand
eggs the country can produce. Wo receive -
coivo daily , both , in larjjq uantitiea.
Wo invite to como nndqivo us n call.
Wo know it will bo to thnir ad
vantage , as wo sell OI1EAP
and keep always the best
stock of the
Wo can challenge the World , ns w <
daily receive ) the very beat
proofs that
f Me Fl
As it mnkPT -LIGHTEST and
Wo also invite all that desire a poet
cup of Coffee or Tea to our stock.
Juat'received a lot of
0. G. JAV ,
Wo can show early picked
Yama hire ,
Japan Young Hyson ,
Japan Oolong
Fine English Breakfas
Souchong and Congou.
All of thoBO Teaa we can recommon
to bo pure of any poisonous colors
aa wo pivy special attention to thi
branch of business.
Wo have also received a largo lot of
Mies and Preserves
In 10 and 25 pound pails , nnd wo pro
pose to cell them CHEAP. This
ia the beat chance
Families that may wish pure
of the purest quality , should not foi
to give us a call. This wo lately addec
to our businrss , and wo keep no otho
hut the purest brands of these goods
which wo only sell for medical purpo
sea , In addition wo keep the purest
Boots & Shoes
Wo have as largo a stock as can b
found in this city , both for Ladies'
Children and Gents' , which wo sell a
seasonable prices.
& Dormann
Corner 13th and Jackson
Around WMcli Circle Satelitos of
Higli cind low Mm ,
The TrafflcUerain Q'fHcea Never
So Prosporoub as at
The Population of Lincoln Pull
ing for Position and a Pat
The Sweet Singer of Lancas
ter W&rblincr Qaloy in the
Statesman's District ,
While' DawoB jDanmnds That
the Monops Stand and De
liver the Goods.
Saline County 'Trots Out Her
Favorite for State
A PcouUiirPalitloalDooumant nnd
the Eudorsonfpnt of "Our Vnl"
earns Receives Another Installment
of Monopoly Money Stnto Poli
tics Generally.
Correspondence of THE HEU
LINCOLN , Aoguat 18. Every man
and woman in Lincoln is a politician ,
and just now ivery man and woman
in Lincoln it engrossed up to their
chins in politia. Although the slate
for haa been agreed
on , there in iJtenao feeling and not a
kicking' ! The scramble for the
Ir'gi&Iature lias been moot eaciting
Tlmt pink o | wire-pullers Tom Ken
nard bus roared from the field after
deaper.uo effort to got. on the ticko
for the statjf oenate. But E/'E. Brown
has held hiJ ground , and will head tin
legislative jtiskot from thia county
with Whelon aa a leader for thi
lower liouifc. Whedou started out na
but hua li * mollilif d by the assurance
anco Of iS-elecuon to the houao with
strong backing for the comiuij apeak
pi-ship. leaves the Lancaster
dclegntioii ahead' for G.iloy , who is
makilig an active canyaas in other
counties ; and he will have a strong
following. There ia great dissatlatoc
tioa hero among the Gorman republi
'cans ovjfcr the attempt to torco pro
hibitiotf ; and a fight is expected al
along the line among that nationality
My scrap book contains , among
other thihga , the following interesting
notn out of the St. Louis Globo-
Democrat :
WAaniNGTON , D. C , , Juno 23 , The
eecretary ol slate for Nebraska , S J.
Alexander , eaid lo-ni ht that if the retnib-
licaua in liiu ttnta did not have a hard
fight , politically , this full , they would
make one. Tne indications were that
there would bo several c anil id a ten in the
field for governor. But it was a little too
so n to know who the nspiranti would be ,
although there would be mauy camliilat a
for .congmn Jn two of the districts that
have juut been or ated Mr. _ Valentino
would be returned from the First district
without opposition. Oolmiel Tom M. jor ? ,
ho Buiii , lived in whut wai known as tlio
"statesmen's district , " anl tint it em
braced Uniiiha , Lincoln , and tbo county
of Otoe , Senator Van Wyck'a Lome , and
th it a lively contest was promised m that
What changes a few weeks do
make , to bo sure ? A a political
weather prophet , Alexander was not a
great success , ulso ho would havu
have known that ho was to bo among
the politically dead before the cam
paign had fairly begun. That bogus
census corttticdto was the last nail in
his noflin. Judging from the newspa
pers in the North Platte country ,
Valentino ia not deatined to bo re
turned without opposition , and Tom
Majors , poor Tom , Ima gene with
Alexander to the happy hunting
grounds , u victim of too much confi
dence in Valuntimi'd man Friday ,
Peter Schwenck * . Alexander waa emi
counter IN ONK TIIINO.
The indications nro that there will
bo several candidates for governor ,
but the race ia not alwuya to the
flwift , nor the battle to the strong.
When the legislature waa in session in
1881 , the slate wus made up for the
governorship in thu state houao. It
was agreed between Thumtun , Nanco ,
and the other schemers that D-iwes
i to bo thu coming man , D.IWCS
had played it way down deep on
to deliver Saline county to the man
from the state of lioutrico , but ho'wus
all the time eupporting him with a
monopoly reservation to muko Nance.
On ono memorable evening when
Church Ilowo and Ddwoa and Thurs-
ton had arranged for thu
springing of the Nanco boom
Dawcs was seen sliding through tlu )
corridors of the Commercial , with H
little ribbon in his button hole tliat
was to aignalizo the break from Paddock -
dock , but the boom died a horning.
It was not as big r.s Fred Fyfi's il/
fcpeck , and poor D.iwus wont homo
with a very lario black eyp and a sore
hoad. Von Wyck'a election was the
first bad break of the Diwes" slate ,
but the sorrel top from Saline has by
no means given up , as ho still count )
on Til u re ton and Nanco to reward his
treachery , and I am reliably informed
that he counts on the backing of both
corporations , There is , however ,
A LION IN 111 * I'ATJf.
Saline county ia tired of having only
ono great man to monopolize aH posi
tions of honor and trust , Bhu has
done enough for Dawcs and the indi
cations are that she will present the
name of lion. 0. . Duras for the posi
tion of state treasurer. Mr , Duras
has been treasurer of Silino county
during two terms and ia a man in
every way qualified for * , ho position.
Ia Is n man Of culture , thoroughly
tjrsod in business affairs and decidedly
jopular , Ho has been very reluctant
tbotlt entering the fiolflj but has boon
urged by numerous friends in "various
.actions . of the state and has tlnally
tonsontod to become a candidate. Mr ,
Duras is a Bohemian by birth , but has
> eon in this country 'for many years
md is thoroughly , No
nan in Saline is more popular and it
s almost a foregone _ conclusion that
10 will have the backing of hit county
n apito of all that DAWCS can do with
iia machine.
reminds mo of an incident that occurred >
currod last spring in Washington City
when the president decided to super
scdo John J. Gospcr as secretary of
Arizona. Bo was induced to send in
the name of Hiram M. Van Annan ,
who was recommended by novoral
Pacific coast congrcsamon. Van Ar-
man had lived iu Nebraska aomo years
ngo and was generally known hero as
a bummer and dead boat of the lowest
ordor. His nomination was referred
to the commit tee on territories of
which Senator S.iundors is chairman ,
A protest was filed against this bid
man by several citizens of Nebraska
who made a specific charge that Van
Arman was a disreputable character.
The preaidont wns about to withdraw
Van Annan's name , but our Val.
promptly cttino to the front with
for the vagabond which waa procured
at Omaha and roads ns follows :
OMAHA , Xeb. , March l ! tli , 1882.
We , the citlziuaof Outalin , Neb , her'liy
certify that wo know II rn n Nt. Van
Annan when ho resided In lhli at-itc , ami
chei tfullt vouch for lib" nan uojUouuui ol
good roiut | < nnd ch rrctcr.
" ( J. K Yont. manager of the Omaha
K public < li ; 1. W. Miiuir , pworetary of tha
Oiniihk Itepublican ; Alf. Sorcn un , rit\
edit > r i f 'ho Oiimh llt-publicim ; W. , V.
IJriwn. IsVlirask i Cltv Nebrnnka 1'res * ;
Paul Vnnclcrv.x rt , hicf clerk , U S. M.S.
S. J. Akx.jndcr , f-ecrotMry of s'.ute ; Al.
E K. Hrnwn , J. W. I'earintm. "
\VA8HiNtiT9N Cifv , Alurch ICtb , 1882.
I nm ] er 'inftily mqiulntcd wt'h ouch o
the gentlemen who ( , lj > ned Iho foitvoin '
nnJ fay tlmt they would untosiguei unlerB thn cnntcnti nf aaino were
tue , audl tlur.'f' r in pt cordially
ciilnr. ( a siuiie 3 . VAi.KNmi : .
I endorse the above.
above.GEO. . II.
Ex-Attorney General.
This is nn exact , copy < f the docu
m < mt on file. " ll'ould not of siyneil'
it decidedly original and ahowa ou
Val to bo ' up English grammar will
the cow'-b'oys.
Now that I have looked through my
scrap biok , I may aa ' well give you an
was picked up the other day by a citi
iton of Seward. It ia a poatal card
and reads as follows : ' -
CAsiiiitii'fl OFVIUK ,
OMAHA , August 10,188 : . J
K O , data , Esq. , Di\U City , Neb. :
DUAII Sm-On Juno 2nd I sent yoi
richer for 8114.80 nnddrafts _ inj > aymen
Query. What did Cams do for tli
U. P. to earn $444 80 ? The Jegisla-
turo ia not in session and Cams doea
not , edit the Omaha Republican.
is felt hero in Church ) Ho we. Most of
our business men. are anxious to got a
whack at that legislative blackmailer.
They have boon bled every year for
capital appropriations , bills for public
improvements 1 , etc. They now want
a chance to make Hpwo difgorco. Ac
cording to the best information , however -
over , Howe's boom has collapsed and
the Lincoln merchants and property
owners can never got their money
back. 3' Wt
_ _ _
Massachusetts Grpolmolicrs.
Special 1)1patch to Tux Una
BOSTON , Mass. , Auguas e8 Tlio
Massachusetts state greenback
convention assembled this morn
ing , and after affecting an organiza
tion adjourned till afternoon.
In the afternoon the convention ,
after a rambling discussion as to the
relative merits of the dillbront gentle
men whoso namca were presented ,
proceeded to ballot with the following
result ; whole number of votes 15J ( ;
necessary for choice , 7-1 ; B , F Butler
67 , Judge Israel W , Andrews 52 , John
Devino 31 , There being no choice
thu name of Devino was withdrawn.
The second ballot taken result
ed ; Wllolo number of rotoa ! . ' ! ( ! ; nco-
easiry for choice , ft'J ; B. V. Butler
had 76 , Judge Andrews 40 , John M.
Devino 111 , Horace B. Sargent 1 ,
Gun , Butler was declared nominated.
After the nomination of Rutlur , the
following were nominated : Lieutenant
uovornor , Guorgo Dutton , Springfield -
field ; secretary of the state , John
Howes , Worcester ; treasurer , George
Foster , Lynn ; attorney general , E.
A. Onow , Athol ; auditor , Augustus F
Merchant , Luverott. Powcc-was giren
the state central committee to till va
cancies that may occur on the state
ticket. Resolutions were passed tlmt
the groenbackers in Alaitioshould sup
port Governor Plulslcd.
Thu resolutions state that while the
old political parties ridiculed green
back principfcs , they had boon adopt-
inc them from time to timo. Among
the principles stated to have been
thus adopted are the policy of destroy
ing the greenback chuiigod to reissuing
ing it ; silver which was demonetized
secretly baa been publicly restored to
its former place. Our declaration
that the only weakness of the green
back was because of the exceptions
placed upon its back by friends or
dupes of the money power been proved
true by the action of Joint Sherman ,
secretary of the treasury , who
upon his own authority re
moved the greatest of these ex
ceptions and brought the greenback
to a premium otar gold and silver
coin. Our position that the govern
ment should retain for itself the op
tion of pa/ing ita bonded debt when
ever it had inonoy to do so , instead of
funding into long time bonds , is
rapidly becoming tlio position of the
intelligent masses of our people.
The resolutious further demand
that a check bo put upon the power of
wealth ; that the national debt bo paid
as rapidly as the revenues allow , and
: refunded to bo made payable at op-
ion ; that the government isiuo all
ho ' money , metallic or paper , and
uako it full legal tender ; abolish the
ranks aa banks of issue ; that no ono
10 allowed to monopolism the
and , air , light nnd water ;
ha. all citizens bo allowed
ho'ballot on equal forms ) equal tnxa-
ion ; against property qUAiilications
or suflrngo ; favoring eight hours as a
lay's labor , and a board of arbitiatlon
o settle disputes between employer
\nd employe ; against convict contract
The resolutions conclude' That , as
Vmoricnn citir.ono , wo deplore the nr-
> itrary imprlaonment nnd illegal do-
ontion of our citizens In "British bas-
ilcs , and deplore our ( continued mis
representation nt the court of St.
James by n minister who s\iictionn :
the illegal conduct of the British
; ovormuont.
Special Dlnutch to Tun fiitr.
WAHHINOTON , August 18. The navy
department to-day received ' the fol-
owing cable from St. Pototsbuig :
"Berry , Melville nnd 'party arrived
.his morning , nil well. " - .
Major General Wiloox , commanding
the department of Arizona , hai issued
n general order compHmonling Oaptain
A. II Ohnfl'eo , Sixth cavalry , add his
immediate command ; Troop I , Sixth
cavalry , nnd Company 13 , Indian
ocoutsj Lieutenant Morgan. Third
cavalry , and alee Major A. W. Evans ,
Tliird cavalry , for gallantry dinplayod
in the engagement with the Apache
Indiana on thu 17th of .Inly last.
The dopnrtmont of ntato has information
mation of an nnti-fonJign itiBurrcstion
in Oorcu nnd tlmt the eit nation thuro
ia regarded as. critical' Until the return -
turn of the "Monarch , " which Ima
boon ordered to Gprea , the details
' '
cannot bo doftmt'oly 'learned.
Bliai concluded his argument in
the star ronto cssosUo-dny uud the
court adjourned till plondny.
Notice was to-day rocuived nt the
poattllico dop.irttnout that miiilu ivu >
being quarantined , in the atato of
Texas , on the account of the prevalence -
valence of yellow fever.
A late dispatch this afternoon to
Surgeon General Hammond , from the
acting collector of internal revenue nt
Brownsville , Tex , 'rcportH tliirty-feix
now caat'a ot yellow fever ut that plueo
since yesterday. ,
TUI : ujLUjniiA niviu. :
By direction of the Decretory of
war a board of oflicorn of ( he corps ot
engineers , to consist of Col. Ch S
Stewart , Lieut. Col. G. II. Mendcll
Lieut. Col. Wro. P. Graighill , Ljorft.
Ool. Cyrus B. Oomstuck , n u O.ipt.
Charles F. Powell , \vill assemble at
Astoiia , Ore , , oil the 12th of Sop.
tetubor , or as BOQH thereafter at prao
tieablo , "to'"oxamino in dutai.
the mouth of Columbia river ,
Oregon. ) and report such plan with ca-
timates tor its permanent Improve
ment as they approve , as provided for
in the river and harbor act of con
press. " The board will mflko its re
port in time to bo received hero on or
about the 20th of November next. On
thojcomplotion of the foregoing duty
the members of the board will return
to their stations.
The order detailing Mujor Richard
Arnold , Fifth artillery , as commandant
of cadoto of the United States Mili
tary ncadamy , West Point , 1ms been
revoked. No one baa yet been selected
lectod in his place.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury
French to-day received a telegram
from collector of Port Townsend -
send , Washington territory , Btatini" "
that the steamohip Elder had arrived
there from 'Frisco with thirty-two
Chinese as passengers , having touched
at Victoria , British America , on JUT
way. The collector asked for in
structions as to whether the Oliincso
in question had a right to land under
the present law. The acting secre
tary telegraphed him that the Chinese
could land as they had not come from
a foreign port , but only from San
Francisco on an American vosuol
bound for an American port , and the
fact that she had touctiod nt n British
port on her way did not destroy the
the right of the Chinese pusseiigora to
Sptclal Utapatih toTiiBUnK ,
ST. Louis August 18 , A Republican
can special says the Into election in
thu Ohickaaaw Indian nation resulted
in the ro-elcction of Governor Overtoil
by a largo mujorlty. Hia eloution ia
regarded as a triumph of the law and
order clement of the na
tion , Capt. Dan Miller , who
waa placed in com mind a few
daysago , of a company of forty picked
men , with instructions to capture the
murderers wanted by the Ghccuto
authorities , has taken thu Held for
that purpose , and expressed a deter
mination to keep it until ho accom
plished hia object. All the rest of the
Checato party had disbanded and
gene home , The outlaws being pur
sued by Captain Miller are supposed
to number 15 or 20 , and if they uro
overhauled there will be lively times
and a fierce fight.
Palhnc the Iiottorlo * .
Bpecltl DIsf atchca to THE II KK.
CIIIOAOO , August 18 The lottery
shops in this city were raided by the
police this afternoonat the inntanco ol
the Citir.ona' ' Anti-Gambling associu
tion. The agents of the Little jla
vana , Louisiana State and Common
wealth lotteries were arrested. The
association proposes to make a strong
effort to break up the business.
No Such Word at Full.
"I have u eil your HriiiNU lii.os.HOSi fo
dyaj > ei > i'iii ' , headache , iuicounll | < ati"ii , urn
tiuil It baa done me a great deal of good
I aball recommend It to my friend * ,
"May 2itb. DO Malu Ht. , Uulfalo.1
IVIui 50 cenU , trial pottlea 10 cent * .
nor Haj sty's Civilizing Maclitn-
ory Preparing to Reform
the Natives ,
Gront Secrecy Observed in the
Moveuiontu nud lutoutiona
of tbo British.
A Donporato StrncRlo Expoototl
The S1 D of Arnlil'n Army.
All Proparntlona for the Turkish Ex
pedition Countermanded.
LONKON , August 18 , A _ dispatch
from St. Petersburg says it is believed
at Krzeroum , Armenia , that Russia is
about to occupy the whole of Asia
Minor to the Bosphorua. Offing to
tbo undefended state of that part of
Turkey the HUSMHB could easily do
this without much Bloodshed. It is
no secret tha * Russia ia concentrating
n formidable i\rmy in the Caucasaua.
The army , it is estimated , will num
ber 78,000 men.
Sr PuTituHituiui , August 18. The
government ollieiaily dunies the re
ports relative to the concentration of
troops in dmcnssus.
LONDON , August 18. The lorda nnd
ommons both adjourned to thu 2-lth
if Octobor.
CoNRTANTisoi'Li : , August 18. Lord
Dutl'orin , Biitish nmbatHador , in an
ntorvio - to day , mud ho understood
10 was nuthomed to iiuiko conces-
ioiiH , if nocussary , in regard to some
if the terms of the military coitven-
ion , without altering the loading
> viticiplt < o of the ngrcoinont.
Troopp huvo been ordered lo pursu
the Arab sheikh , Obcidalln , wlu > , it is
ucLitainod. Inn lljd into l\tirdiatan.
IN rnoNT.
ALDXAMIUIA. August 18. There ia
reason to buliovo that the censorship
of proaa tulrgrumn will bo ahiinged for
the German syetoin , making cor
respondents personally reaponalblo.
xnd allowing tliom to Bt-nd what they
Tlio enemy seoma content with his
entrenchments , doing little or nothing
to improve them , llabi'l oilieiiii re
na state their forcoa number 11(1,001 (
regular , 38 000 militia * , nnd fiO.OOC .
armed Bedouin ? , They olaim to Imv
25,000 , limn nt Knfr-el-Dwar. Thesi
uumbt-ra are , of cour-io , greatly oxog
goratod , but show the iono of conli
deuce adopted by the national party
The transports Orient , Capalln , Pal
myra and Iberia loft the harbor to
day ; also another atoamor with railwai
.wagons , rails and engines for Ismaila
Men and stores were landed to-do ;
from the Orient.
ALEXANDRIA , Aug. 18 The Abou
kir division will consist of about G.OO
men. In casa of necessity it will b
reinforced by 2,000 from tbo nava
brigade. Major General Sir Edwar
Dalwoy's division is 7,000 strong.
The weather is opprosivoly warm
The marines have t'ono on board th
transports. The men of the Incon
stant took two six and ona-half toi
guns , Arabi I'asha'n weapons , fron
Fort Adah to Humloh to-day. A trait
jan : to-day for the firHt time from Ro
gotta. It convoyed a part of th
Gordon highlundera io thorfaht ihnk
It if reported from Cairo that Arab
Pasha warned European residonUthn
ho will not bu reaposiblo for the !
satoty , haying called all soldiers am
police to the front ,
LONDON , August 18. The Post un
dorstauds the porto has counter
manded the military preparations fo
the expedition to Kjypt , nnd decline
to accept the British conditions for
military convention.
Special D.iijHttcliuu to Tim DKX.
VIKNNA , Aug 18. A dispatch fron
Trieste aayK ; The Lloyd steamo
that arrived lo-day from Vonlco hat
on board a box which was opened b ;
thu police and found to contain bombs
and * nutarda ; also documents provin
that the torclilight proeosnion 1-is
night in celebration of the emperor's
birthday was intended to bo nmdo at
occasion for further outrugoa , Pro
vioua to the opening of the box , th
consignee was arroutud.
BOENOH AVIIKS , July 21. Advice
from Chili Htuto that several skirm
ishes huvu oceurucl between th
Chiliana and Peruvians , in all o
which the former were victorious , ex
c pt in 0110 iiicluuco where nuventy
live Chiliuna wmo attacked by twr
liundred Periiviuua , and refusing I
surrender were massaorod.
A Ruvlilier JjynoUcd.
D'gpitcti t ) Tim Hue :
ALDuyOKiujiiK , N. M. , Auguat 18 -
A special from Borocco aaya a wo !
known monte gambler named Jua
Elvorad was arrested this , foronoo ;
charged with violating the person of <
girl eight years old. He'enticed he
to hia room , locked the door , emoth
ored her criosj uud accomplished hi
desires. The crime was committe
on Sunday afternoon. It was no
known until the child's condition ut
.traptcd the attention of her mother
A medical examination reveale'
the fact that the chil
was in a pitablu condition , bein
bruised and lacerated to a fearful ox
tent. The prisoner was sent to ja
in default of 8" > 00 bond. To-nigh
about 10 o'clock a mob of some 20
strong quietly collected and went t
the jtttl. overpowered the jailor itn
took the keys from him. The fien
was then led out , and beim ; taken being
ing taken before the little girl , wa
sitivoly identified. Ho was then
trung up to n 'rcc.
Attempt nt Train Wrooldnjr.
ptclftl Dlwttch to THE lir.K.
I'lTTMit'iUi , August 18.An attempt
na madtt to wreck nn excursion train
n the I'ltlsburs fc L ko Erie railway
estorday. A largo beam was placed
n the tr < ick where it ptrsod over n
iph bridito , but luckily the engineer
aw the obstruction nud was tvblo to
overao the engine in time to avert a
orrible cntastrophoy. 'I ho train con-
nitiod over 1,000 jnsaongcr.i. No
rrosts have been mndo ami there ia
oaltivoly no clue.
pcc'nl D ) wUU to Tun linn
UTICA , Auguat 18 The unfinished
ace , two twenty-six class was won by
Cornelia ; time , 22U , 224 J.
The grand special purse was won by
Sdwin Tliornc , Clingatono second ;
imo , 218J : 220A : 221.
The two twenty clasa was won by
P. Morri * . Fanny' Wilhornpoon
cond ; time 22(1 ] : 220 : 223J ; 221 * .
BOSTON , August 18.Bufialos 8 ;
iostons i ) .
WOUOE.STER , Mass. , August 18.
Olovulatids 22 ; Worcoalers 7.
NEW YOHK , August 18 The Mot
opolitans defeated the Chicngos to-day
to U.
Rntlrnr.d Raton-
H'chl ntf ] < atih to I'm KRK
CIIIUAOO , AuiMist 18 The Chicago ,
Arlington & Qinncy will reduce paa
ungur rates over their linos' ' , Si'ptom-
) er lit , from Chicago to the following
loints tlinnighout ilio stnlo of lown :
Council ninir * ? 14 40 , Iowa City
< 55 | 80 , Dos Moincs S10.-I5 , Columbus
unction 80 lie , Oaknlooxa $8,70 , Pa-
o Junoiion § 14.40 , West Liberty
115. Orinnull 8880 , Greawold
81l ! ! J5 , Waahington S7.20 , Knoxville
! Jrlliry-
ll.m ,
i } AiiKtist 18. At n mooting
if thu county board for equalization
if taxes , this iiftrrnooti , Hugh Maher ,
laaussor for thu town of Ilydo Park ,
ircaoiitcd an nllidiivit , otating that n
prominent citi/.un , whoso name waa
not given , tried to bribe him with nn
ollur of § 1,000 to reduce the ncscss-
inont on the property of the Pullman
company in that town. The announce-
inaut created n aouaation. The attor
ney fur the company , in nn interview
denied the truth of the alliilavit. Il
ia understood thu matter will b (
brought to thu attention of the grand
3"ry. .
[ tcchl I IspiUh t 'Inn HKK ,
NEW YOHK , August 18 The Mis
ninnippi rivur commiasion met again to
day at the army headquarters. Tin
commission decided to rccommom
continuation nnd protection t > f Belt
Point. The allottmonta mndo ywtcr
day were reconnlderod and ft fo
amondmonla made , the principal on
of which was the trannfor of $100,001
each from the allottmonta few Now
Madrid and Plum Poiut nud 850,000
from that of Lake Providence to thu
unallotted balance. The allottmonts
for those places ns they now stand are :
Now Madrid , 8700,000 ; Plum Point ,
8700,000 ; Like Providence , 8050,000.
Other allottmentH remain an before :
For Momphia harbor wprk , 5:100,000 : ;
closing gap nt luvoos , $ L DOO.COO , and
contingent fund , § ! ? : ! , 000. This
makes up the total nliottmont of § ( ,
12,000. ) TJio commiasion recommend
to the war department that immediate
preparation ! ) bo nmdo to keep onon
the mouth of Red river by dredging
as heretofore at low water. The next
meeting of the commission will bo in
St. Luuls early in September.
A Strllie A cut list Timo.
Hpcclal Dispatch to Tim UKK ,
BLOOMINOTON , III. , Aug. 18. Near
ly all the laborers in the Cliicugo &
Alton machine shops qulto work at
noon to-day , in consequence of thu
reduction of hours from ton to nine
per day. They include the en
tire force of iron wb'rKersand some of
the wood workers. Their demands
havu not yet been formulatedbut they
will probably able an advuno of 10
pur cunt in order to mike : the wages
the same us before the reduction.
Collision of Froluht Trnin -
Spoalal IhMtcli | to 'fill K.
OiuoAoo , August 18 , A collision
between two freight trains , following
each other on the Illinois Central raii-
road occurred fit the crossing of that
road and thu Michigan Central south
of the city this morning , The onginu ,
caboose and about twonty-flVo freight
earn wnro smashed ; loss estimated at
25,000 , An unknown man asleep in
the lubooHo was fatally scalded , The
track was obstructed two hours and a
Array Talor | ] ib Mem-
gpeckl 1)1 * pftlcli to ' 1 UK It .
Gmutno , August 18. At the mooting -
ing of the Biirvivors of the military
tologrnph service , hold at the Grand
Pacific hotel to-niiiht , a-nocioty of the
United States military telegraph corps
was organized with W. 11. Plum aa
president. A national reunion was
called at Niagara Fulls for Sept. 21st.
An exotucivo committee of eight was
appointed , conaiating of Gen , Anaon
Stager , J. J. 8 , Wilson , Col. R. 0.
Olowry , 0 , G. ShoJea and othura. A
constitution and by laws waa adopted ,
copiea of which will bo mailed to all
interoated whoso addreasea can be
obtained. The mooting was well
attended nnd quite enthusiastic , Com
munications should bo addressed to J.
K Pottit , secretary , care Mutual Un
ion Telegraph Co , , Chicago.
Bueklm'ti Arnica tialve.
The HKUT SALVK In the world for Outu
liruUen , Hured , Ulcori , bait Hheuin , ! ' "
vor Bo'roj , Tetter. Chapped Hands , Clill
blaluu , Corns , uua all skin eruptions , nnc'
| w itlvoy ) curoii illua. It Ia guurauleecl tt
give uatlufactfou or mouoy refunded ,
1'rloe , 25 centa per box. Vor nal8/by j.0 ,
V ,
Hush's Celebrated GOLDEN
FLO nt. J. B , French & Co , , aolo
agents ,
rolaiul Entering the Dark Valley
of Despair , Surronuderl by
Bayonets ,
Her Lenders to bo Cast Into
Prison Again for
Too Loud ,
I'ho Repression Bill Proves the
Most Villainous of All
Brutal Codes.
"ho Imprliionment of Groy the Fore
tnnuor of Mnny Other * .
Ailaltlonal Troops Necopsary to Sus
tain Urltleh Civilization.
Special llupilchei toTm linn.
LONDON , August 18 , The Pall
Mall Guzotto aay : "Mr. Groy'a
sentence looks worse to-day than it
.lid yesterday , It ia now qneatioti
whether Mr , Grey as a journalist has
nut been instrumental in unearthing
a grave scandal. Wo do not buliovo
huro is a single English journaliat
who would not have called attention
, o such n report nt that spoken of by
Mr , Groy. That Mr. Groy should bo
n jail ia a acandal of thu" iirat magni
tude. "
Al'l'I.VINIl THK < 1AO.
A dispatch to the Pall Mull Gazette
'rom Dublin otatoa that the spocchcH
lohvured at the banquet given to Par-
lull after the conviotion of Groy have
loon submitted to law oiiicers for a
lucinion ns to whether any action
should bo taken 'hem.
O'Gorman Mahon , moiUbor ot par-
iamunt for county Olaro , in n npuoah
m that occaaion compared Judge
[ jivvson to Jutrreys , and pointed out
, tmt. tbo formur hiul narrowly escaped
: ) oing torn to pieces by n indignant
plo. Mr. llualuy , member of pur-
iimuiiit for \Voxford borrough , denounced -
nounced Judge Liwaon with similar
DUIIMN , August 18 Subscriptiona
are lluwing in toward the fund for pay-
munt of the line imposed on Mr. Grey.
The list ia beaded by thu names of
Catholic bishops.
Tito Dublin metropolitan police
have petitioned the committee who
will connidor the claims of the royal
Irish constabulary , to also inquire
into their grievances ,
MORB moors.
LONPON , Auguat 18. Six hundred
of the army reserve have boon ordered
to Ireland , to replace the troops sent
from there to Egypt ,
Mr. Dillon'i speech at the mooting
; t tad Mansion llouao yesterday , in
which ho referred with eonsidurablo
Ft'oling to the action of certain land
lords whom ho named , if under con
sideration by the law oflicortf ,
LONDON , Auguat 18 , A man named
Joyce and hisontiro family were murdered -
dorod hist evening in his own house ,
near Cong in Gal way.
Tno family consisted of Joyce , wife ,
mother and daughter. They were
Tired at and killed by a party of men.
1'wo boys were also wounded. It is
believed in the locality that the Joyces
gave information relative to the mur-
jur of the bailills.of Lord Ardeloun ,
whoso bodies were found together in
lake Cong.
Kecno'a Fnxlm'l tool : the brush at the
fnx limit at Newport , yotterJij ; . .
The village of LImlelmrden , West I'mn-
la , hurnetl , uud two huudrcd porauns are
Tlirco Italian laborers were drowned at
KcImnerH Stutlan , ! ' . , - Thursday nlgh
whlio drunk.
Uno liundroil workmen on the St. Paul ,
MluuenpollH k Mnnltobii quit work ycater-
ilay , M thutr 'domand for S3 per Hay wa *
not cninnllrd with. They huvu been re
ceiving 51 73.
Thlity.flnht new caws nnd 0110 death
from yullow fever at lirowiiuyjlle , TCIIIH ,
yustorday , Mho fever in iucreuiint ; among
Aiuoi leans. The dlneaie seams to bu un
tlio lnerenHU In Matamortu , thoua'l ) the
death rnti In moru farjrable , Only thrco
utliH thuro ,
A liru Ijrukoiiut lust night In a nine-
story iilnuu factory , 4'JO to1U3 West Fifty.
i-uvoiiUi btrcut , iNow Yoik , uwuel by
Hurdiimn , IJowln ! & Peck. Threu alaruiit
wuro tunt nut nnd the fUuiea LiurueJ
rcely. L'Bs heavy.
Tjm wooJw n the emits of Grow Nest
and .Storm ICing , In tha highlands , on thu
Iliiilson , uiu Im niiu ; , Kurmora nrali lit-
IIIK the lir-1 , and It uppearii to bo sprOAdiiifj
towanl Wt t Point. Tlio enlisted men.
Imvo ul o bi-un xi'iit forward to check its
luotfrocH. Coutlcleruhlu cordwuod la cn-
The l'irk houeo at liflnnlngtnn , Vt. , os-
. .ibllelied by Treuor W , 1'urk , as A utato
minu tur uged wouieiinnil orphan children ,
> vlll bo vented hi a hoard of trustees chosen
from the cltlzeu * of Ufimiiiyton , one from
each protudtant ileuomlnatlou , and an ad-
vinery hoard of one i ertou from each
county In Vermont , who will manage the
iiiHtitution , A public meotlug will bo
called to lettlu the preliminaries of orb'.m-
Izitlou , The property purclmceJ la the
lute summer ro'iilonco of lion , Both B.
Hunt , of Now York.
Hpoclil Dltpatch to Tins DII.
' TUCSON , Ariaona , August 18. Newa
baa boon received from Trinidad of
horrible outrugoa committed by the
Apaches in the Sahuahupa district.
They have already tilled twenty-five
white people. Of theap cloven were
women , lieforo they killed the latter
they stripped them entirely naked
and violated their persons repeatedly
in the most brutal manner , and then
tortured them to death , A band of
citizens and Mexicans are in pursuit.
It is believed all the mail riders have
boon killed , aa none have oorna in tor
several days. The hostilea number
two hundred ,