Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
FriiJav Moraine , Aug. 18 ,
\Vonthor Koport.
( llio following observation' nro taken i
the mime moment of time At all IheMatiot
named. )
WAH DEi-AimtENT , U. 8. SIONAI. Sun.
vice , OMAHA , Aug. 17,1882. ( l45t ! > .m.
Klvor 7 ft * * 3 Inches above low water m tk n
Otiaha , 4 foci 8 Inches at Yankton ; Mlmlmlpp
4 feet 11 Indies at l.i Croiwe , and 7 foot 3 Inchc
at Djbuque.
Them nro quite a number of cases c
tyjihoid fever in Oitmha.
The river has fallen to tayen feet a !
inchew above low water mntk.
The O. A. 11. picnic nt Hansom
park , August 29tb , will ho an Intcicsttn
llcnry Slert hnd lit * place on tippc
l < "arnam street photoRrAlilied ycstcrda
by a traveling artist ,
Wymnn commercial college openH Soj
tcmbcr-Kb ; cvcniiU' Hemion begins ) tie [
tcmlicrCtk , Send for clicjlar.
Among cises in pollco court yeslcrda
was tht.tof Woybltiht vs. Hnrtlgan , tb
latter being accused , of 'striking n liUI
Three men , arrested Wcdncsilay on
charge of vagrancy , were dlneharKetl yoi
tcrday , having glicn n satisfactory ac
count of themselves.
The many frlcnJi of Mini Jcnni
Akin gave her a surprise party on Mmid. .
tbe celebration of her birtbday. The evoi
ing was enjoyably spent by thone present
It is rumored that a welt known bus :
ness man of thin city has disposed of hi
propeity and departed for pmU unknowr
accompnnlod by a fair but fruglle femali
Mins Ilardenborgh will touch elncutto
throughout the winter nt the room in Ma
Moycr'u building , cominGnciug huptembu
1st. AH interested In the ait will bo we
From the present outlook quite alarg
numtorof our iltfccns will witness th
ball uauio next Saturday between the SI
liouls Hods mid the 1) . & M. club a
Ouialm , Htato Journal.
The secretary of the MinHourl Valle ;
Medical association hax written to M'r
Shears to know if the Mlllurd hotel cai
furnlflh BccouunodationH il their con
vcntlon should bo held during the Ut <
The Union Pacific railway company
Wednesday made conneotiou between tin
city water main on Seventeenth street one
tlieir tank In tho.depot yard. The wate :
from the artesian well proved too eoft
making lota of foam when used.
The funeral yesterday afternoon <
the late II. M. Smith was largely attendee
and the ceremonies moat imposing. Tin
floral contributions were remark nblo foi
their number and beauty , including a mas
sive cross , crown , pillow , and oxtensivi
display of culla llllles , tuber-roses , eto.
In the police court this morning , Pat
rick Dclany , an old offender was tent m
In default of the UMIJ ! Quo fur intoxication
M. Tracoy paid 83 and costs for dlnturbluf
the peace. Frank Nicholas wan nrrostoi
on the complaiut of Tom Connelly , fo ;
being an inuiuto of a homo of ill-fame
This will to a novel case.
Miss M. A. Smith , chief cleric of tin
ticket department tit the Union I'aclfli
railroad , and nicca of Thomas L Kim
ball , while Hwh'glng n friend on tin
grounds of L. A. On ( I'd residence , been in
entangled in thu guide rope , and , an tin
wing went out , was thrown over and eon
Iderably bruised , though Dot seriously in
J. 0. McCride has resigned from th <
board of managers of the state fair and hit
resignation baa been accepted. The txinrt
of1 managers mceU next week and it li
probable that the vacancy will be thci
filled , an it la Decenary to have a complcti
board for the work aleut to be goni
through with.
The cote of MnryJJDuncnn vt. llildi
Paine , was the sploost ono In police couri
yesterday The latter was ohnrrfet
with tiling a brick with whlcu to drive tin
former from her premises and tto Ian
guago need on the occtslou would tel
grace a drawing room. TJio utteudance It
court was fair.
The Leadvllle Blues will play the
Hoitiugs Itcda on Ang. 122nd anil " 3rd , at
Hastings , The Hods are the championt
Af Westein Nebratkn , ami the Blues the
champions of Colorado , This will be n
good game. Arrange nenU have been
wade with thu U. P. and B. & U. for
special rati s from all points along both
roadu for those wlihing to nee the game ,
one and one-fourth rates having been
necured ,
John Brenimn , of Sioux City , arrived
inOmalulist evening. He proposes to
makt ) a Hying trip in the service of the
Sioux City Times over the line of the
Sioux City & r.clllc mllrowi in Nebraska
to the end of the road and beyond it to
Fort Niolirara. Tbe Sioux City 4c Pacitlo
company have opened up to H-ttleincnt a
magnificent region in Northern Nebraska
and ilr. Brenunu , who is an old newspaper
oorwponduit , has 1 een specially cnganed
for tlio good work , When the task of
"writing1 up" that favored region is accow
plUbed aa rxlltlon of 30,000 copies of The
Tiuicn , ooutolnlog it , will be circulated In
the cut , sa an invitation und guide to
. Duma Club Banquet Picnic.
/ The Burns club of this city holds
their annual basket ploulo at Han-
oem park , Saturday , August ll > th ,
nnd a most cnjoynblo time 'it nntic
puled ,
Among other amusements fo
everybody will bo the following rrce
nnd qamee , open to tnombors only :
A 100-yard racn , 300-jard race , IOC
yard n ck race , 100 y rd threo-Ioagtii
race , 28 yard Imkut nnd atone race
100 jnrd race for boya under fourtton
ICO yard r eo for irla under fourteen
nnd a quoiting match.
" ' In thu afternoon nnd evening dixnc
frig will bo indulged in , and Irvine'
bind of six pieces has boon engagei
for the occasion.
A cordial special invitation it. here
by extended to the St. George's BO
cioty of this city to participate in th1
iiiiiiiccmoritB of the day ,
Conveyance to thu park by atroo
cam , leaving thn earner of Fiftocntl
nnd Fnrimin , By order of the coin
The McOoy-Oasoy Nuptials nt 81
PhllomWm ano8diiy NlRht ,
Among the old reliableemployes c
the Union Pacific road is Mr. 1 hoinn
Casey , who resides on lower lOtl
street , and whom no ono would sut
pcct from hia looks of having a daugli
tor old enough to bo married , All
Casey , however , was married at
very early ago and has several Charm
ing daughters , the eldest tf whom
Mies Mary Onsoy , was given in mai
riago Wednesday to Mr. James Me
Coy , a fiiio young gantlcma :
who has been in O mail a abou
three years , at first employed at th
U , P. car shops and subsequently a
the transfer , in the freight depart
The wedding ceremony took plac
at7:30 : Wodiusday at St. I'nih
menu's cathedral , Uuv. Father Cola
nori ofliciatitiK. The cathedral wa
thronged with friends of the youthfu
brldo and groom and the deepest in
tercst manifested in t'uo solemn cere
monies , which were very impreehiv
The brida was elegantly dressed ii
in blue silk cut , cn tram , a dolioat
cream white oilk bonnut , veil an <
wruuth of orangu blossoms , with wuv
ing plumes and all thu etceteras o
toilet that niodvrn millinery can de
vise. The bridesmaid was Miss Kuti
Casey , the brido'n sistur , who lookci
superb in her dress cf wine colorei
poplin , whitu silk bonnot. etc.
The grouni and hm attendant , Mr
James Cook , were handsome dres
suits , white kids , and looked us maul ;
an the ladies did lovely. '
At the conclusion of the ceremonies
the entire p.irty retired to the rtsi
dunco'a of the bride's parents , whicl
was teen thronged to itii utmost ca
pacity. At ' ) o'clock the mognifi
i-eiit band of the Ancient Order of 111
boriiiuns appeared and remained in
guestB until midnight , ' discours
ing BOino of the finest inu
BIO of their oxlonfivo rupurtoire
/fliuro v.'us a delicious supper , will
refreshments both liqnid and sohc
and then llio ' ' 'light fantastio" wai
tripped until u Into hour to mimic fur
nished by these artists on the violin ,
Blossrs. John Price and James Boluu ,
Tnu bridu's f.ithor , with conmicnda-
ble foresight , had rented the cosy lit-
t' house next door to his own ,
which was ready furnished foi
occupancy by the bridal couple and
hither they removed ut once to begin
wedded hfo with a homo of their own.
TDK RBE reporter called upon them
yistorday and mot with that liospitublt
treatment which Erin's sons and
daughters alone can give.
The display of woddin
presents was extensive and beautiful ,
and among the list the following were
noted : Brido'a father a splendid cook
stove ; bride's mother silver castor and
sot ot dishes ; Miss Katie Caspy , sil
ver fruit dish ; Miss Hannah Casey ,
silver cako' basket ; Miss Muggie
Casey , canary bird and cugoj
Miss Mary Ilogan , sotof China plates ;
Miss Anna lloland , table cover ; ] tu-
bln Bros. , handsome toileted ; Mr.
Felix Siiivnii , n line bod-room sut ;
Mrs. It. U'Koufo , silver castor ; Mrs ,
Walter Powers , silver pickle castor ]
Miss Carrel , lamp ; Mr , P. Carrel , a
box of cigars ; Mies Mamie Dimond , a
largo lamp ; Miss Mary Dulore , a
lovely fan ; Mr. Henry Deloro , a large
ohromo ; Miss Nullio Conley , a glass
butter dish ; Mies Mary NVolah ; a glass
pitcher ; Mr. John Price , u silv > r
cream and sugar bowi ; Mr. John
O'Byrno , a pair of silver nap
kin rings ; Miss Kosa Donohuo ,
a handsome pair of vases ; Mies Mary
Donohoo , a handeomo broad plate ;
Mrs. Barry , a handsome table spread ;
Miss Katie Oliftion , a set of towels ;
Mrs. Carl ton , u set of dishes ; the
groom , a handsome clock ; Mr. Bolan ,
u hundsomo center table ; Mr. Hen'
drickton , castor , sot of dishes , sot of
teaspoons , table spoons , knives and
forks , salt cellar , handsome lamp ;
Miss Maggie Corkin , a bed
spread ; Mr. and Mrs. P. 0.
Byrnu , a half dozen * .linen
napkins and linen table clothe ;
Miss Ilosaiuia Ford , cup and saucer ;
Mr. Jumus Doyle , punter table ;
Michael Uogan , hundsomo clock shelf ;
Lawis Herman , table covur and nap
kins ; Mr. and Mrs , M. llobling ,
hundtomo camp chair ; Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford , black walnut clothes ruclj ;
Miss Sarah Fiannory , hundsomo pnir
uf vasen ; Miss llobinson , a fruit dish ;
Miss E llobinsoi ) , broad plate ; Miss
1511a llubbard , largo lamp. There
nroru many other prosonU equally
HHsful and valuable.
Kldnoy Dieoaao.
Pain , Irritation , retention , Incon
tinence , Deposits , Gravel , etc. , cured
" . "
jy "Buchupaiba.
Mode from the wild flowers of th
t is the most fragrant ot perfumes.
Manufactured by II. B. Blavon , San
. ' "runcieco. For Halo in Omaha by W.
I , Whttohouso and Kounaio Bros. ,
fc Co.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex.-
spltior Hoof Paint , " was patented May
! 4lh , 1881 , and loiters patent nuin-
jer 241 , 803 , Any person found or
uiown to tamper with the maim-
acluro of said paint will bo punisli-
id to the full extent of law. No per-
on has any authority whatever to sell
OOOipts , HiWTHOHK & BllO. .
Lancaster , Pa ,
Whicli Wrinkles at the Prospeo
of a Sioux Rising ,
Red Oloud Sassy and Want
Blood If Agent McGilli-
ouddy Doesn't Step
Notoa and Mows from Military Head
quarters , *
News was received yesterday o
the military headquarters that troubli
is brewing at the Pine llidgo agency
which , unless promptly suppressed
may result in another uprising of tin
Hioux. A dispalch from Col. E. V
Sumner , commanding at Fori Robin
son , reports thai ho is in receipt of i
loiter from Hod Clou-3 , chief of tin
Sioux at Pine llidgo aucncy
announcing that unices Agcn
McGillicuildy is removed by tin
by the 1st of October ho will brcal
out and start on the war path will
his entire party of braves. Agon
McGillicuddy also writes to the sami
effect , and the news is considered every
very grave importance by the sttlF o
the commanding general.
Signs of lied Cloud's insybordina
tiort have been accumulating sine *
1870 , whnn the chief was subdued bj
Ginural Crook and deposed from hit
ollico of head chief of the Sioux natioi
and Spotted Tail appointed inhisplaco
UMUII Dr. MtGillicuddy's appoint
muiit , his sullenuas and moroauriess
impelled the agent to take awuy from
llud Otoud hia tribal honors und reduce
duce him to the ranks. This has ran
kled in the elm fa mind and is un
doubtoJly the cause of his hatred o :
the ufrout and his demand for his re
moval. By general consent Dr , Mo
Gillicuddy is ono of thu ablest , most
upright and efficient agents in the aur
vico. Ho was connected for a nuin
bcr of yearo with the army as aurvoy-
or and surgeon and it has only bcei :
the posseHoion of great executive abil
ity which has given him the control
ho has maintained over tin
7,000 Indians under his charge.
Trio tusk has bean csptcinllj
difficult since Spotted Tail's
death , Red Cloud feeling that his old
position aa head chief of thu Sioux
ought to bo restored to him , and in
the place of any formal restoration
himself assuming that hu was Spotted
Tail's Itgitunato euccesaor. Now
that General Crook , who has won ut
once the fear and respect if the Sioux ,
is to Icuva the department , the situa
tion assumes a gravity which both thu
agent and the military c innot con
ceal. The nearest post to the Pi no
Ridge agency is Fort Robinson , u'5
miles distant , and garrisoned by two
troops of the Fifth cavalry ,
and ono company of the Ninth infim-
try. This'forco might bo sufliciont to
kit-p the peace wtro it not for the fact
that the Sioux at the Rosfbud agency
numbering an additional 7,000 men ,
women and children , would undoubt
edly join in any outbreak which might
occur. The combined forces could
muster some 3,000 or 4,000 cfToctive
warriors. Add to this the fact that
the Crows , who are now camped on
the Powder river , would assuredly
provo a disturbing element in any
trouble which might occur , and the
seriousness of thu situation can at
9iico bo grasped if Red Cloud persists
in his determination.
The following dispatch was received
it a late hour yesterday at the
military headquarters in this city :
FOUT ROIIINRON , Neb , August 17.
\eehtant Adjutant RonoiaJ , Headquarters De-
juitUiCnt ot llio Platlc :
A letter received by mo yestor-
lay , signed by fifty-two chiefs und
lead mun , indicates the widest spread
liesatisfaction at Pine Ridge agency ,
I'ho Indians loook to Gen. Crook lor
relief , and ask mo to inform him tliut
they havu given the interior depart
ment sixty dixjs , in which time they
. xpect Bomo action will bo taken or
trouble will ensue.
( Signtd ) SUMKP.R ,
Major Filth Cavalry , Commanding.
This news was at once telegraphed
; ho war department , and it la behoved
; lmt the outlook is oven more serious
; lmn appears from the dispatch.
The military are constructing a tele-
rraph line from Fort liridgur to Fort
Thornburg. The poles uro already
ying alone the ehtiro ronh , and ma-
.urinl has been sent to Fort Bridgor
o string the wires. The line is u very
mportant one from n military stand
loint , connecting thu Ute country
with the department of the PJatte.
Telephone communication will also bo
Col. Stanton , the popular and po-
omical chief paymaster of the de
partment has received a vary hand-
loino present from a friend in the
jast , consisting of n unique and ser
viceable purse manufactured out of
iheop casing. It is warranted to re-
: ain all that is placed in it , and will
provo of great service ) to the colonel
in his pay trips. LUtlo incidents
like thcso show the eitoem in which
nir department nilloors are hold by
ibjont their f riundd.
The roster of troops in the depart
ment for August hau not been issued ,
md owing to the great changes which
no to take place none will probably
ix > published until after Gen. Howard's
irrival , The Third cavalry have ro-
: oived notice that owing to the dis
turbed condition of allaire on the bor
der they have been permanently trans-
'erred to the department of Arizona.
Col , John J. Upham , major of the
Fifth cavalry and assistant instructor
n tactics ut the school of application
it Loavenworth , is in the city on
eovo of absence on his way to the
followstono park.
1. Private John Smith , company 0 ,
Ninth infantry , is detailed us moesen-
; ers at these hoadimarters , to date
rom the 10th Instant , under the pro-
iaions of paragraph 3 , general orders
'fo. ' f34 , series of 1881 , adjutant's gon-
iral's ofllce ,
Suflioient cause having been shown
or his inability to nav his own ex-
lenses , under provteious of army reg-
ilations , paragraph 205 , Iho quarter *
laster's department will furnish
transprrtntion from Omaha , Nob. , '
Fort T/iornburg / , U. T. , to Priva
Angelo Howard , company D , Sixl
infantry , a furloughed soldier < rithot
means to join his station.
The company commander will 1
notified by thu quartermaster furnisl
ing the transportation , of the co
thereof , to the rnd that it may I
charged against the soldier's pay c
the next muster rolls.
Recruit Calvin Strong , enlisted i
Fort DoiiBlas , Utah , is assigned t
company K , Sixth infantry.
First Lieutenant Frank Michle
Fifth cavalry , in appointed rccrniliti
oflicer at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo.
The following directions concernin
target practice are published for th
information and government ot th
The commanding officers of troop
and companies which compolo for th
Nevada Trophy will send their record
of best firing direct to these head
quarters as soon after September 30t
as possible.
Firing must conform strictly to * h
requirements of general orders Nc
52 , headquarters of the army , srric
of 1882 ,
The annual tareot records of troop
and companies wilt ha accompanied b
n list of all nmrksmon of the trno
nnd company with their qualifyin
scares in full. In c.iao n marksmai
has qualified in previous yearn th
fact will bo noted , givinir the year uni
number of thn order announcing thi
fact. Their qualifjing pcoresfor otho
than the current year nocd not b
Post commanders having cavalry ii
their commands will include in the !
special re'portn of best shots ( require !
bylottors from flmso heodquartcrn
dated Juno 10 , 1881 , ) scores madi
with revolvers and with carbines. Th
reports will nhow the distinccs , arm
user ! , nnd of firing mounted , the gait
Prnctiro must conform to Genera
Orders No. 57 , hcndquartora of tin
army , scries of 1882.
The public arn invitnd to call am
see the Automatic Cabinet Folding lied
the most complete article of furnituri
for small rooms , spare rooms , oxtn
beds for company , otn.
Llonth of the Pftpmaator of the Bur
Hu ton & Mladourl in Nobriibku.
Thn Burlington & Miasouri railroat
han been vury unfortunate of late
with regard to losing sumo of its bosl
men Oiily a day or two ago it be-
jamo err sad duty to record the do-
: omo ofIr. ] \ . H. M. Smith , the assist-
nit freight ngunt , und now wo liavc
, 'ot another to add ti the long list oi
: hose who have journeyed to that
Dournu wheucu no traveler returns.
AVedncsday morning , at about half-
last 9 o'clock , John MiKiunon died
> f typhoid fever , after an illness of
; wo weeks' duration. Mr. McKinnon
lad not yet reached his twenty-second
roar , and to look at him one would
magino ho had before him the pros-
jccts of n long and bright carcor. Mr.
yiclunnon , in the short time that ho
lad been in the city , had' mada
'riends' everywhere , and his integrity ,
itrict attention to business and intel-
ontual attainments , hud gained for
lim universal respect and esteem. He
fas a classical graduito of the Prince
if Wales college , Ireland , at Char-
ottotown , Princj Edward's Island ,
rhero his family reside , and where his
arly death will be mourned by a very
xtensivo circle ot friends and ac-
[ aainlances.
Latterly ho has b ° en residing at
Irs. Wilson's , on Nineteenth und
) edge street ! * , where ho received ov-
ry attention both from Mrs. and Miss
Vt son , Mrs. Duniso , and a host of
) . & M clerks , who all regarded hia
immature death as n personol bo-
eavomont. The family of General
ilanogcr Clark , of the U. P R. R. ,
.ho did ovL-rything in thuir power to
olievo tie [ sufferer as much as possi
ble. It appears that for some time
10 had been in failing health , and last
'ear ' ho took a trip to Duropo , return-
ng in Iho fall considoiably r'oinvigor-
, tud but unfortunately not perma-
toutly cured. His remains wern ro-
noved yesterday from Mrs. W l-
OII'H residence and convoyed by his
irother , Mr. Malcolm McKinnon , to
Jharlottotoirn , wooro they are to be
ntorrod. The B. & M. boys have
ontributcd some beautiful floral
rreaths to decorate his chllin.
liovo Your
When } our friend nr im'ghpor In labor-
HK under hodlly allllctiun , indigesMnti ,
ililoiisues-i , coiiMtlDniion , censed l > y 1m-
urity ut blooil , nr dbordcrjof the ki < nnya
r liver , don't fail to recommend Buiipoei ;
II.OOD UiiTKlis. a euro and safe rumedy ,
WANTKD A good second-hand
icyclo. Address box X , Ctintral
lity , Neb 10 3s
The Mew Clark ut the Puxton
Mr. A. II. Haskins and wife , of
Ihicago , are registered ixt the Millard
otol , and will leave Omaha in a day
r two for Denver. They will visit
tie exposition , and also several of the
io t attractive summer resorts. Mr.
laskins has been ono of thu clerks of
ho Grand Pacific hotel in Chicago for
uvcual years , uwl is ono of the most
opul'ar and best known hotel clerks in
liu country. Ho ia a majestic look-
ng gentleman , wears good clothes , is
Iwuys pleasant and affable , is fortu-
ale in having a remarkable memory ,
ud possesses all the other
unifications of a first-chiis hotel
aim , and is a great favorite with the
raveling public , Mr. Huskins yea-
erday closed a contract with the
nichon Brothers to take charge of
ho oilico of the Paxton hotel , which
i to bo npcmd next month , This
ras the object of Mr. Hdakins' visit
a Omaha. Ho has inspected thu now
onto , and thinks it as near perfection
s _ any hotel in this country , The
kitchens are to be congratulated upon
curing the service of such an oxpo-
loncod man as Mr. Raskins.
Overworked men and women , per-
> us of eedontory habits , and others
hoce system needs recuperation ,
orvos toned , and musclea atretiRtheuj
3 , should u > o Brown's Iron Bittore.
Iho New Milwaukee Line Sti :
a Subject of Specula-
lion ,
Frobabili * iea of Ito Alliano
with the Union Pacific.
Miscellaneous Track Topics froi
Various Quarters.
The now line between Milwaukc
and the Omaha transfer is attracting
good deal of attention at present an
the position which it will demon
among the rival roads is a matter c
much conjecture. The Chicago Time
ot Wednesday saya :
"Tho managers of the Chicago
Milwaukee ana St. Paul rnilwny havi
requested of the Chicago and Omuh
lines copies of all existing tariffs am
traflio agreements. This is undcralooi
as signifying a preparation on tin
part at the St. Pnul company for ad
mission to the Iowa pool. A gooi
many people think , however , that thi
Si. Paul will put in such an extra
vagnt claim that the 'allotment <
trailic will be i-rudirinKly granted , if
indued , it is granted at all. It is aaic
by some that St. Paul's ' indiu'oronco t <
thu pooling arrangement is accountet
for by the f > ct that it has jua
concluded a trullic agreement ot t
most favorable kind with the Union
Pacific company. Thii is nonsense.
The Union Pacific could not at > d would
not antagonize all the other Chicagc
roads tried und true connections foi
years past by contracting exclusive ! ;
with u now line eastward. Anuthei
curruut yarn is to the effect that the
imtnonso cattle business ot' the Union
Pacific will bo given to the St. Paul ,
almost to the exclusion of other roads ,
and doubtless there ! me thousands of
people who never question such re
ports. In support of that rumor it is
stated that Mr Clark was transferred
from the Union Pacific to the St.
Paul , in order that the latter compiny
might avail of his large experience in
directing the diversion of thu cattle
traffic from the older routes to the
new. These statements are , of course ,
simply senseless. "
The Times whllu it appears so con
fident in its statements us to the action
of the C. M. and St. P. road , really
knows nothing about it. The rumor
that the U. P. would enter into a
treaty oiTtm&ivo and defensive with the
now line is confirmed by nuny circum-
atancea that are knowu only to those
who are posted on the daily occur
rences at thia junction of the two lines.
It is undoubtedly true that it was not
the intention of the two roads to make
thu public at present , but it is
safe to Buy ihut no oilhor of these
roads will deny that sued a union of
iutercsts is in contemplation. As a
matter of fact , the Union Pacific does
not care a cent for the Iowa pool ,
Done of the roads over there
benefitting it particularly. On the
Dther hand it does want a line of its o wn
M Chicago to meet the 0. , B. & Q
iTcaly in the contest for Colorado
business. The now Milwaukee road is
now independent and can choose between -
tweon going into thu pool or going in
an its own hook. It is likely that tbo
latter will be tried first , and if not
iuccossful , it will bo time enough to
jo into a pooling arrangement. Gen-
ural Superintendent Clark arrived in
Omaha last night in his special car ,
No. 130 , and U still in the city , and it
is not unlikely that his business is
connected in some degree with the
] uettion of a consolidation of tbo
Union Pacific and 0. , M. & St. P.
Tin : Missomu PACIFIC ; .
It is reported at Atchison that the
Missouri Pacific company has made
irrangeraonts to lease the St. Joe &
Western from the Ui.inu Pacific. This
will give the Missouri Pacific a June-
: ion with the Union Pacific at Grand
[ sland , and will enable them to carry
jut their long cherished idea of run-
nint ; oars between St. Louis , Chicago ,
ind the west. If the arrangement is
perfected the road will probably bo
tpcratcd from Atchison , as the object
is to ruu the business ot that country
into the larger eastern cities , and this
: an bo done cheaper from Atchison
: han from St. Joe , which is twenty-
throe miles further , with Missouri
river bridges to cross. *
The Union Pacific opens up its Gun-
liaon line to Parlins on the 10th. It
, vill bo into Gunmson itself within n
nouth. The track of the Oregon
ihort line is now seventeen miles Meat
if Montpclier and will reach Soda
Springs by the first of September.
IT. O. L. A.
31 ? Business at the Quarterly Meet
The call for the quarterly meeting
if the U.iion Catholic Library Asso-
liation ut the rooms in Gtuighton
> lock Tuesday , brought out an
ittondanco of about fifty ladies and
; ontlemon , A number of now-mem-
> ors were added to Iho roll , and prom-
nont among the strangers present
roro Father Glanboe , of the German
ihurch in this city , and Dr. Borglum ,
ecently of Fremont , of this state.
Reports wcro made by the several
illicera and committcoa of the associa-
ion , showing the society in u most
loalthy condition , and uftor having
undo a number of purchases nnd
laid a number of outstanding bills to
mvo in its treasury about $120. A
lumber of articles of decoration , con-
isting of picture brackets , placquos ,
i to. , have recently been donated to
ho atsociation , and for the purpose
it taking charge of the same and dis-
losing ttiem upon the walls of the
ooirsj as also of adding to them , a
ommittco was appointed. The com-
aitteo will meet at the library rooms
n next Sunday at three o'clock ,
i'r. McCarthy ctl'jred as premiums
o the lady or gentleman bringing in
he greatest number of members dur-
ng the next four weeks , an annual
inscription to a Now York publioa-
ion. Thisnvill engender a competi-
ion between ladies and gentlemen ,
nd the result will be a larco accession
3 the membership , A plan was pre
sented nnd adopted providing forix series
rios of monthly entertainments o'ui
ing the c.imini ; fall , winter nnd spring
Alter an intormismon ot ten minute1
Miss Macgio Swift mont succeesftll
entertained the gathering with a pai
of beautiful piano tolos , for whic
she was warmly applauded , llereal
ler the library will bo open on Wet
noy evening , aa well as Sunday aftui
noon , for the drawing and returnin
of books. On the former evening fi
ciftl meetings will bo hold in th
HDSSIA Snhe Is unrivalled for lU p < ed
hertllnu qnnlllles. Ask your driijEisln ( t
It. 2 ft.- <
'ONKY TO LOAN U ll > t b w I'trirf ' ot I
M b. Thomu KojtnB Ciclebtcn Ulcck.
Al 8 per cen li
In eumsof $ J,600 n
upw rd , lor 3 to years , on Ant-clM4 city n
( vnn property. HXMIS Hint , ESTATI and LoA
AOINCT , 16th tnJ DoucUs St . _ _
ONKY TO 1 \N-On cli ttil mortjftcn
M curltj A. 11 Tat'iui clllfo rf UroU i
. oirrOm h Nallim-vl tjink , > 3-l
WANTtl ) 2.-ito m to work on ir.vlo Jl ! <
sIt I ' ' .u-illc Kill ion J at cnjillllciii , S f > I
msn'h ' dnd liiird Ajij-ly t * Wl 1mm l' < irncl
n u k , I'AI | | | lor , Xoi. _ 7tJ'
Ml-N. Ifnaili ft f.unlll s to ss'st ' I frrn :
Ing tbo "Onura Co-op ji&tho supply and tnVl l
u m Soclctt. " lOi r r. Ipt nf bo roqiiWt
r umber of nnus A rcicttij ! ; l I bo mil U fin >
Ponnl * ) th nama aid ruldrA s 10 "uricun'zer,1
Ken oll"o. ( _ HI. IQ
UANTKU- In Umot ( tuo. I < | iilr
ISftn.d lUumiort. nest B de , LMil croi
_ _
" "
D Aom n to eack"aT"nn sntitl
Ihtittcnlh ttruet. , DAVIS. '
77 17"
\\7 ANTFU Tno o. 1 brcoin maki r . h
V nork. lall nt tliiasln liroC'in Kn-tor\
73-3tf _ A U. . KANI10W. '
AMUJ-A dii LI ! AI. Oe I rnti
W ho tli , 4-tt
_ _
\T7ANTrD-Two flrr * , ca < i 'arfir' .
72 13 _ Council II ulT Ii UM.
Wl. > TED A K001 * ( oov , wnbhtr nnd Ironcr
mid a mine j'lil t > RO with nn clllcur' !
fnmHv to Krrt Nlibrnra , cll. Call at Mr.
Uurn's crockirv store , Isl Tarnnm ttic't.
_ rnc 00-17"
MII.LIVEuY apprcttlctu uantd. Apnlva <
1017 LblctRO .trtit. Cal kftcr 0 o'ckci
i. ir. 6S-10
W AM'El ) A ( tilling teem plrl mil
bcrtimM a tl o Cicisnioa llcuso
WANTED \K"odcjiii\-as r. Sto dy uorl
nod ( , 'coJ pay. C.ll at 1113 N. Ibth itin t ,
JCinO. -If-lf
WANTKD A lioy rot kfs tb\n J5 > cu.i o'd ,
10 loirn photo/r-phupi.t < ; un > .t's. Uai-
B photo. uplift , 1212 tarTmm ft 22-if
\\1 A TKU Girl lor jr'ncral hou-o ork.
VV Must b ngotd cook. Mn-ul fuml.i , tt
iiMu2Iat a net , b LULI ] daur ( r > ioit'au"j ttth.
WANThp 100 men lor ralrentl woik. I' '
Mann cili r , o cplojinCLt ngu ' . llih
'trict ' , near Farnani. 903 t
WflKTI D Un ttams. Waw $3 80 tier ila > .
Inquliu M. Vlncji.t. attkioaco Cii.-ull.
W'ANT D Ono hnndjcd men. Vagei 81,75
per iliy. Aopl > 'n ) Yimciit. at
: 'lirnnc9 Cut-oft , i Ino rail s north ol Omjha.
WANTKD At. StChar'cs ' hotel , Uo llrst
claisdlnlnpr room girl ) M.i-tt
ANT D Koardfrn n TO Fonth 13ih "st.
Boanl 4,00 ; Jsofutiiia id rooicilra > i
WH. i4-tt
WANTED A flrst-cl B9 girt , mu t > o peed
cook , washer mid Iruner. VVogo S4 00
trwcok. Icqutiu at Leo , Filed & CuV , or at
\ ) > 7AJNjkr.U 6UW privy > , ciunb aiiu CLIO
W P ° ° l to cltan with hanltary Vault and
ilnt ) Cleaner , the best tn UBC. A. Evans ft Co. ,
exldonco 1EOfl Dodee ulroct , Ontaha.
* HD Tno or three rooms tu'tnhle fo
WAN1 office. Addrtev li. I'frK
See office. . 699-lf
CTTAM-ED To R'll , a light st ck ard furm-
VV turo if restaurant In Blair , Xeb. 'IIHH re
f 1. P. lllito < , at B'alr. ' or A. Pcrkli , Oiualia.
ITTANTRD Boom end board In -\ou-g
VV nan" , rrl'ati-fimllvirc'errcd. Si\o'coca !
llrucrKot 10 txiu d i O per month
C2lt > . BOAUP.
A OnSTJEMAN and H'c ' d elra room with
Cx It'arJ , after Soi tombr 1st "ortn of i p-
to ! arena . No other b > arJ8 prc/.ncd. 'd-
liesu "if."eut of Omaha Katbuat Uank BS-18'
-A suit * of two or thtrp unfurnlih-
V % eil ro rrs Address "A. it , " 1020 Farnam
tic t , On aim. Neb _ M tf
WA.VlK A partner with SJ.OOO to ,
In fc'onera merer andl o nnd furui mp'r-
ncntii. Ro d tr.i o euablishid. Apply to lock
ox 5J , Wi more , Neb. 21-12
[ TTAN1ED < liont AiisruBt 15 , ahruw of 4 or
\ V fi rooms , on line of street railway prcltr-
cd. A < ) drB9 "itou-o " lleo Oftico aul tf
" 1AUPESTKH Wants a Job. UndcrUnda all
J lirnelie ft the trade , tAddresi "J1. W. J. "
lO south 13 Ji stroct. 82.1 tit
[ TITANl'FD blfatlon ly a joung nan In a
VV * holis lo or retail ttoro > 'it rc'crui'cen
requlrtd. Address W. * M. , Bee office. 64-17 *
roll Htrtl nuuor-.c. Anu L > IIU.
notl RK T Fnrnl hed roims for Kght home-
L1 kLe Ing 2210CalforuUs'r ! < et. t3 tf
rOll RtKT | In KOO I lo.-at'on , a ho-te of s'x
P ro'nis onulro t or I ID Inquire 114 north
Slli H'rcut , bctuciii Milioli ai d Paul itrcit ,
- ) room f r tent at IBltf Chicago
ht tet. 5D-10"
I7OU ' I1KST Ncirlv New house. 8 room-i. 1012
* 1'Jclllr , nearlni n ccpot. U.I' . ] l rkctt.l'i6
fason > i ret * . 55-tt
FOR UVJNT IVur mom cntlaie , 418.00 per
mo th , Jrh N us net , one I lock Hjuth of
t. JIarj' a Minnpp > vvi tt djor or 2110
I'rntj ' re < t fiT.St
F OIl KKNT Litfj rnim vlthlin r" djy
, 1KQS Ca'lfor la ftrrct. 18 It
fTlOU I.FAS * Anexccl'crit lot torlmee fora
[ ' to-iii cfcarg , atnorthca't rornor "I 17th
nd Nlih IIH uriet , one block fr"in street ( r r
ruck Voi Icra u , Inqu roof bluniion. < n
roni f .
[ 7011 IICN' Net ciltoge of n e rooms.
L1 Enquire N , h oor. 16th nd ( hlcai'oSti. t (
rjlOK KENT Furn'thcd room. I ) quire at tto
L1 Drug store , cor. lOOi and Ding as
[ 710R RF.NT , Ccttage 01 Pltatail street.2u
1 } door f < om Hi.lIar > Vcimo. | . 38 tf
rjlOR RENT Two new houro' , 2Mli Cti'tago
1 i Ix rooms etch. Inquire ol * J. lluddli ut
th ami Che-itnut streeU. W3 tf
r\OU KK.NT Ollice ( crru. t , S17 s ulh ltur <
j ttenth it. 13 tf W. D. WIllOUT.
7,011 UKNT-llrlck iitore , (1x53 and 8 room *
J above , on 1'aiiUc Blriet , brtuecn tth and
.b. Tbo location tcry dc&lrablo f r Dm/ ,
utchtr. Ilotil , tr Orcc.r , EmjulrottM. icli'
Mil and Karnlmu > tre H. 037-22
7,011 UENT To rooirs isuitabta for two or
< lour tfiithmoJ , at S. W , corner IMh and
kliforma street. 073 tf
HO KENT Rooms ( uruUred and unfurolnh d ,
L ri. * V , corner olSti nd llonarJ Su Hoon
anew ami oiimand line view of the rher ,
tdte , oUIcrciit rallroadj and Coundl IJluff * |
r > OR RENT Hoiwo of 10 r ornt , tar. Chlcngo
and 13th street ' > -tf
TiR UEN" 1'our room cottage , large lot
! eouth 17th , J L. Wehtaiia , IWa Far-
.01 etrcct. . Ou5-t (
TIOKLY furnlthed front loom. Call 607 } N
Nlth _ _ street. lOaOtt
W for iwsoTTIaS 00 per annum , Oi
) for a term ot jeiru. at "Oranica drove
alu1 aJJoliilnp Ilanwoui l' rk on the we t ,
e minutes walk from i rcet cars Iloney nn
i obtained to build with , by pcrnoM leoslog
ee loU at regular rate * .
On pretnltoa , offloi 1615 t'iruim a ( ret
IJ10K REST "na ncMly fnrnhhcd rooro , wih
L prltl'o > o of a. Jolnli.g par or , IMS " ebst
tr rot. _ 042 tf _
IOR"RENT AfloJfiint furnhhsl ro'm fo
C OTiotr twj go ilcmtn. Inqnre at 191
U 'lfojnliitioef _ 05it '
OR K Two ni-wd clllnr8 ( nu l oTthcr
F Indcslntlo 'to lltj , l.y McKcon
No. 1C14 nrctt M7-U
I.NhiiOU-K tOHKtNT .uull ami l
two to twrlro rue s e.ieh ; otie or two now
onts Ith all modern comoi.toncei. One of IS
r otns , snlt.iUo lor hoanlini and room renting ,
17th and Douglas ill. UEMH , Airent ,
j ! " 1' ' Ifit' ivn'l IV u IvMa.
| lUK UK T i > lo n Tt fiiinlfhulre wun on
I ? the flr t fl-nr , end bbck from ent car , ak
24t3llarney strict. Blfl-tf I
17 OU RENT Brick More. It qiilrn at Dm ;
1 ; Store , coinei lOlh and DomjUs sts. 20-tl
HUNT "on o of 0 rormj , ncirly plas
tered and p In rd , { 1500 per month.
North of I6lh street bridge on IS h trei t. Con-
\wilcnt toph-vs | Ap > l coiner 12th aid How *
ardttreet , Kewjpaper Union. l < 87-lt 1
fJIOR RENT. Two new elegant hounw. 1n-
L qtilre at Tetcrson's Clothlmc 8 ore , nrnr 17.
P. Ici t. _ fB2-tt
SAI.E- A cimn etc net of Cr cVrr m -
FOR , , err. im.vlhiijf : nqurcd lo'tari the
iraclir rmMncs lnOina < a Thf only not tiftc
torv ot Its kli il In t o Stole Can I u b lukt
choin. Ail rM " 0. W. R. , ' Omaha Doc office
for three da ) * , 0-19 }
ork her cj Irq'ilto
1 atllnnh.t Hsbcr'd. 7u-22
1,1 0 rt l. A Irish cow. Inquire 101S uns-
I g lr o , Let , 10 h intl 17iK 01-10
{ 7101 SAl II Vo V clcii > a wd'-p ' > jliB rcs-
1 U'iratil ' on rainhaMi s rc't On ah . vmt
1 a col' 1 1 \ Hei ttmbe , Ut. Innniro nt tli ofllce.
HAY llAt.Ktt TOR SAIj'-Onn sic-nd rand
TcdoiUk Day Ualir nltli capac ly f twilro
tocnt loin | cr iby It is In itood Older.
P'l'o 80. rush coft , J7 . Addresi Lyto
llroV , Dm\\ir72 , Onmhix Nth. 71 10 (
7tOlt kl l.K-A i > nlr of hors'n , Ya > m s and
bulgy , clicip. Iniulreat | Hod iarr , 1 tb
fctreet. 64-21 u
fctreet.Wi ; will tell VSliyl fifcct , at corno * Mhand
Cliirlinitrit-t , ( no r O-xdrn nVtrr ? 00.
Sinnili and Sin. cath month in cirst 3 per
cent UKX1EU L. TIIOMAdft 11HO.
TOR * AIjE Orrccry and cr ckfry ,
with tr without bulldinr. AJdriBs Ojcc-
ola , "NMb x49. 45-tf
T7.0R HA .r. OHKA1'-A new either top phae-
[ / tot1 ! atd a in w nclhct * or cup ns u&goa.
Ojll at Oh s. narbnch'a shop en Flfkio th , ntar
tVrnam S3-tf
inOU SALK A vood tnnro , liarnr's ' nd too
Jj bugary , byV. . W. llobtrts. Fort O.L'nhi.
FOH SA IIIProp * nl * f r the purci a o of th
JI n nt I'oufton ' K' rtn imrnuy stico' . be
tween Ifiili and If ) h nill bu r > ccii'd at my
itjio until Augustl6th C. F ROODUAK.
'It MAM : III usi fi roo-i s and corner lot 182
feet square , $ UOO lctguetopposlic HOit
aillcc. _ H77-'t '
FOR AIK A five rre' 'ol and fnothouio
fine mtio m.rtu of liarmki * Inquire on
KLtnljoa or Qeo. 11 rcteisoi ) , No f-u. , lOtU
t-cct. _ B47-lm * _ C. SORKM-ON/
HOUSK and lot lor jl , No OJfi Montana
utro't , rear Cunil g. Inquire C'gir ' store ,
iirner ICthnrd JackKfiii i-trcet *
F UK SALE Hou o and c rnc' lot , nt 81.1 60.
luntaln McCAfiUF.cppo Ito P.O. E3Ut
rWO story bul'dlnif ' for rale at a bargain. Lo-
rated at horth-evi corner of 17tli street ,
i'id CiMiitol avo. tlust bo u.ovcd on or before
\ujust Tth proximo. lihll I - '
770-tf Agent. Hth niid Donglos.
I.OI8 60X1WI feet tachln
Ilan-coiu i lace on ptrcct car lino. Best lota
n whole addition on > cry ia y tunas nnd at
treat bargain. DEMia'a cnt , IG.h and Douglas
itrceto )15tf
0 BANOiis , one lar.o brlok Iiouoe , and one
\jTio frame house , with full \ < l OM C'ar.s noir8 < h
troft. Flue ch'iico for inv" tintnt , rent f.r $70
> cr m-jnth. Call for full particular ! * , on
609 tf _ Acfnt. IMh a-d Dnuirl-c ts.
1 | UTKli lOh ortlK. Ine Arlington House
CL First c'ass ; all furnished. Thi only hottl
n town. Tbe cheapest property In the stato.
laaall tholmvorlngm-n. Will bo bold cht ap on
cm e to suit. Enquire of E. Fullo , proprietor ,
Arlington , Washington county. Noli PPS tl
OOK SALE Or will cxcho fo for Ou-alia pro-
t ) poriv , tn Ircprotcd ttc OB of land adjoin-
o ; a otatfon on U. P. R. 1C. U. DUNHAM , lilt
"nrnham St. , Qmaba. 7W Bret
noit HALt Ibo entfULAK HOTEL , known
C u the soys' nOMK. This houpo Is co-
rally located , fnn wa'rrihd east front , and Is
urrounded w tb flue tha < lo trees ; cent dns thirty
Icoplng roomi , bo Ice bouse , foundry , tamplo
com , &c. Hao a world w do reputation and a
> ctter patronage than many bouses of twice lt
apaclty. Prlro $5OCO For particulars ad-
roes , A. A. ' Cloud , neb.
r OST-From the \ remises nf the unJers'gncd.
| j ou Tuisdiy a lrgt bhcfc siw , elghlng
i out 25 p-unils Hew rd f r lufotma lou will
orhoi by John Swiclna. Bonoiulan Hall 'outh
3th at re. .
i AGENTS for Nebra-ka. Kanus nd
3 Mlswutl to rcpre-cnt tlio 1NDUVTKIAL
i FE ASSUC'ATION of Indianapolis , Indiana ,
li'ch h > stood the to't of Urn , ] m\a all losses
i full ; utronslv Indorsed bv Ihe hc < t lusur.v co
nthnrl los ; tboroug ) ly cstabll hcd , easily
orLcd , cud 1 * not 01 tbe c i optrutlvo or old
neplan. Liberal co'itractn midu with iner
< ll ] iuert at a com ; tc n sat Ion ot from two
10'JcanJ to three thousiml dollars per year
o. 70 East llarkct street , liidlunajiolls , Ind.
tulyZa-lm' ' ) .
j 0 to Manufactory.
no28lnri ) , Piled 8 SCO reduced to S 700 ,
ni ) 32 Inch , Price 10 00 , red i ed to S 60.
no iii ! Inch , rio 1710 , r > ductd to 'fiOO , -
inc liilncb , Pilco 2209 , rrduccdto IS 00.
ne4Glnc , I'rica 2 > 0' . riducedto 21 110.
iDcC2liiih , Price t500. io u-cil to 000
hfc olSpoVesaml Uuliber Tjers ;
lie SO 'lieu ' , Pi Ice $25 CO , r ducen to $20 03.
no 42 inch , Trie Vt 00 , rcduc. d to 30 00.
Columbli , Pope tliutif ct < , ry :
'no ' 40 Incc , plain , I'rlcetCS , reduced to tSO.
noailiicti , hat bilynt , trlco Si5 , reduced to
$ 5.
lie 40 Inch , hilt nkkle , Trice $95 , reduced io
M ) .
no Express wagon , prlca $ UO 00 , rcdiued to
Ihe b"v blcydiuaronew.s I will dose
us.ncss , Hm above Inducox ents are of ) end. IN.
, D. , Oomha , Neb. 47-11
IONAL1ST , 433 Tenth Street , between Parma
oilILitnov. V/11I , with llio eld cf Luard'.fO
jliitd. oblatrj for roiy one b gUm * ) at the p l
ad priM.t , and on certain conditions Io Kwhli
ire. J > i > ( nd2tOes rmrfn to irdor. P r
Absolutely Pure.
Phis powder nirer rarlea. A marvel of p
strength and wboletomeneu. More ecouo ,
cal thin tbe ordinary klndi , and cannot b
d In competition with the multitude ot o
t , ibort weight. aJum or phosphate powders
donly In cans , itorili Bliua POWBI * 00 ,
I Wi bt , New York