TEE D.A1JL * COMJC1L BLUFFS , IOWA FEIJDAY , 1 18 1&8B. The Daily Bee. COU&GiL BLUFFS. Friday Mornlap , Aug. 18. SUDSCKIl'TION HATES : S0 - - - - - Ofllco : No. 7 Poo.fl Street , Near M. 0. GRIFFIN , W n trcr. H. W. Tl LiTON. City Edltor.8 M1NOK MUJNT1ONB. J. Mueller' * P l co Mimic Hall. Shcrradcn Officer Tyson yesterday Rftemoon picked l > Tom Ward for betnj : drunk. Three drunks were yesterday disposed of m the police court at the advanced rate , $9. GO ench. Koimer Stoumermann and Annie \Viach , both of Avoca , were yesterday given leave tn nod. At Shull'R butcher nhop , Bonth Main ntroet , you can nlwnys set the best meat * at reasonable prices. Chan. Bennct was among thoi o booked ot the hotel de Field yesterday for boliig -drunk nnd carrying concealed weapons. Circus day drew ft goodly numl cr In from the country yesterday , hut not no many na such events usually do. The SpaldlnKfl , of Chicago , will piny the Council Bluffs Base Ball club on Sat urday at 4 p. in. , at the grounds in Coun cil Blurts. Howe k Son bought the llcrtr.rr.nn -store , on Upper Broadway , and ha\o moved into it with their stock of furnitura and Btovea , There wai loB fining at the dock yards yesterday then usual , them being no receipts nnd only nine earn shipped , they being by Barkcy Bros. & Co. , over the Hock Island. A number who had ( mooting galleries , taso ball rackets , etc. , to make u Htnko out of n connection with the ctrcvr , on finding that they would have to pay 810 license , -folded their tents and silently Htolo away. There were four pickpockets wbo liovercd about the circus ground * ) ycator- day and tiie.l to work the crowd , The officers liad an eye on them , eo that they cou.d not do very nucccssful work. George W. Bailey , of Onklund , and Sarah ] ' . Guvin , of Meuona , came into tha city yotterday to ecu the show. By the .kindly service of Justice Abbott they re turned homo an Mr. and Mrs. George W. Valley. Information wanted of Ory Uaraett , who resided In Council Bluff * lust July , "by his'brother , William Garnott , late fiom Wisconsin. Any information lending to Ills ylleIcabout ( will bo gratefully re > ceived. Address But office'Council Binds. A man giving his name an Harry Moore , was yoiterday afternoon arrested by the special policeman at the North western depot for being drunk. Muoro had a coat on wliloh did not belong to him , and that mystery will probably bo cleared up this morning. David Foaterln was yesterday brought before Justice Fralney , to answer to a charge of assaulting his wife , Ho pleaded not guilty , and demanded a jury. Ills cote was tot for next Tuesday afternoon , and be gave bail in the turn of $100. Batcheller & Doris' circua drew a good crowd yesterday afternoon and evening , Though there Ii a sameness in all these shows , yet this ono introduces an unusual number of novel featH and eights. The crowds were pleased , as was evidenced by the expressions of praise hoard on all sides , The electric fire alarm system is not in running order yet. Iho boxes are at tached and can bo used by tha department in sending in alarms , but the keys will not la distributed through the citj until after Iho striking and repeating apparatus in ot up in the encine house. TCIley Oldoker was yesterday before Justice Abbott on a uhargo of cruelty to nnimala , It being claimed that a horse ho \vas working was aa thl.i and weik and had Buch a sore nook tint h won unlit for service. The cose wax continued on con dition of Oldoker putting the homo Into pasture and giving him n rent for thirty days. Yesterday woman' * rights were duly respected. One was seen grinding away at a hand organ and was ullowi d to tire all cars In the vicinity of Broadway and earl trcets , Another woman was noticed sauntering along Broad way smoking a pipe with the greatest uonuhalenco and evi dently enjoying life as well as any man could under similar circumstances , Thu auffrogists should not feel discouraged on oeiug tmcb hopeful signs. The Quartette of degraded females who occupy a cell In the jail liavo been malting -uch an indecent show of themselves at the 'window , and hooting and yelling obscene language to all passing tha vicinity , that * wooden barricade lias been placed iu front of their window , shutting off nil chance of setting or being teen. They have demolished furniture in the cell und keep a constant uproar. They are now threat' ned with either a cold water dousing or a diet of bread and water if quiet and de cency ore not obtened. A countryman named B. A. Kountr , * who was a little boozed yesterday , claimed -that he wan swindled out of tovorai dollars "by two fellows , git lug their names ai Jos. Boyd and Frank Phlllins. lie said they old him n revolver for a dollar and kept "both the money and tha weapon. They also got 85 out cf him on a little bet of leu than dollar , on which they failed to re turn change. Oflicer * Sterling and Ulough locked up tbe trio , Kountz cho.rgrd wjth feeing drunk , which will eeno to hnld him as a wltne 8 , and the two other * for lar ceny , They will have a hearing this morning , Hertford' * Aolcj Flioipliato .acta as fond for an exhausted brain. A nice stock of Furniture and Stores , at livinc pricea , can always bo /oiiud at Howu & Son'0 noivetore , No , f 503 Broadway , Ijerzrnan'a old aland. ,1 , TJio London Lancet * The ' London Lancet" " , eaym "Many a life has been saved by the moral courage of tbe fculfcrer" od many n llfo has been . aved by taking 8iiiit ; > u DLOasou In coise of bllllom fever , in'dige tlou or liver coin- plaintf. Price GO c nt , trial bottles 10 . " V REPENTING AND RETURNING. Tno Lontr Sought Mlosourl Girl la Found and la Homuwurd Bound. A short ttmo ftio THE BKR noted the fact that there wuro parties in this city trying to gat some troco of n wayward girl , who for two year * had been lost to homo nnd friends. The friends had boon informed that she for a time lived in this city , but they were unable to get any trace of her , and the search hero was abandoned as it had boon in other placer. THE Bat the timugavoan outline of her life , how shohftd lofthorhomo of lux- urp and wealth , preferring to BOO thp world without restraint. The father , who is wnll known throughout Mn- souri , and who ia both promi nent and wealthy , is ign in health , and the for his loot daughter bore heavily upon him. Ho wa not backwack in expending money in his search for the daughter , and hna sent messengers in various directions during the pint two years , but all in vain. The atten tion called to the case by TUB BEK re sulted , however , in accomplishing what those messenger afailod to nccoin- pliah. A gentleman of her acquaint ance finding the account of hur life and wanderings to coincide with those which she hud related to him , sent her a marked copy of the paper and wrote to her , urging her to return homo. She could not believe that her friends were BO anxious for her return , but on finding that it was indeed her father who was thus searching far and near for her , she has decided to return to her homo in Missouri , and leave the gilded palace of sin in St. Jo , whore she hna been living of late. She seems fully determined to load a lifu more worthy of her friends , and more true to her womanhood , and in a letter totho gentleman whouent herTjiKUKf. and put her on the track toward h Jinu and friends again she saya : "I thank you from the bottom ot my heart for fth'c interest you luivu taken in mo. I have' ' soon the folly of drink BIO the deareut friends turn against mo. I hope you will accept my sincere thanks for your kindness , und real assured you will always bo considered the means of changing mo from a low degraded life to ono L hope of hap piness. " It is to bo hoped that Bur- rounded by the helpful and healthy influences of the homo to which nho is poinu her resolution to reform may never be broken. FIXED FUR FIRES The Withdrawal of the Bluff City Company Will Not Losaou the Company'a ElfocttvonoBS. At a mooting of the Bluff City hoao and engine company , hold Wodncoday evening , the following was adopted : WIIBHBAH , The fire department of the city of Council Ululls , aa u volun teer oruanizution under the ordinances of said city , convened on the Oth day of Juno , 1882 , to elect a chief engi neer of said dopartmutit , the name ot whom BO elected to bo preaented to the common council for confirmation under the laws of aaid city , as had al ways boon done ; and < WiiKHKiH , Said department did on said day auloct a chief engineer of said department from the Bluff Uity tire company , F. H. Ouanella , whoso nnmo was presented for confirmation to the city council as had boon done in the pott , and who was rejected in violation of the existing ordinances in relation to said department and the custom formerly granted the volun teer iiro force ot said city , when ex pressed by n majority of the members of the aoveral companies composing naid do'partmonta in disregardjof this right the council refused to confirm said Guanolla in eixid ollico and did ap point and confirm anotlu r pornon tlnui the ono Bo'uotod ' by thp said iiro de partment , and WHEIIKAH , The said city council of said city huvn also rofuaud to pay the monthly allowance heretofore allowed by the city fur contingent oxponaea and to maintain the organization of all volunteer companies comprising and working in said department , this com- piny as one of them ; therefore be it Jtcsohcd , That the Blufh Oity IJoeo 'and Engine company , from this date , will cease to act in uuid city an an no- tlvo volunteer flro company for the Bupprcssion of firea , and lhat the members thereof will not act at any tire under the organization of the company regulations and disciplines as heretofore , but that wo will still maintain our organization us a private company , but in no manner undur the control of the city na n fire company , 0.V. . STIIOOK , Soo'y. Thu action of the aumpany will not , aa some imugino , interfere with the workings of the department. The apparatus belongs to the city and the driven , and engineer are paid men , so that in cuuu of an alarm the onginu and hose cart will roll out na lively au over , and arrangements are niado to provide whatever other men are needed. Under the new ordination such men tire paid at the rate of $1 20 a year and 40 cents for each hour at a fire , The change being inudo frout n volunteer department to a paid ono ia rapidly going on , and this withdrawal of the IJIuiTd Oity is but ono move in that direction , With the completion of the electric fire alarm , the uator works and the perfecting of the paid department system , the city will bu in pretty good shape t.o suppress blazes. DUN1BON BLUOQ15R8. Correspondence ot Tha lie * . DKHIUOK , Iowa , August 1(1 ( This morning Mr , J. II , Meier , who runs the saloon about hero known as the Vair Throe-Mile house , mot * lth a orious loss of property , and only by great firmness naved his life. While Mr , Meier was in Donison throe mon , August Eggois , Henry Es-gors and their hired man , entered his saloon in Uoodrich township. They called for liquor , but as spirits are not kept there Mrs. Meier refused thorn. They became very violent und threatened to kill Mr. Meier. They then started to find him. In the meantime Mrs. Meiers sent word to her husband to hurry home. Ho returned with quite load of groceries. After unloading those he saw the men returning. They -entered the place , imashod everything - thing breakable , scattered all the stock on the floor and then proceeded to at- tack the proptiotor with a knifo. The sight of his twi revolvers and the cool ness ho diepbjcd chunked their inten tions in this rtspcct But they ended by destroying the remaining furniture in ho house. Meitrfl has just sworn out informa tion , nrd ono of them ia already nr rontfd. Ofiicera arc out after the ether or two. Mr. Meiers deserves great credit for not slugging them. Ho preferred the moro fiuiot proceeding of the law.W. W. ATTENTION EVERYBODY. ' IIowo ( t Son have moved their stock of Furniluro and Household Goods to 303 Broadway , Herzman's old stand , PEHHONAb. Dr. 0. W. Archibald , of Olenwood , was in the city yettcrday , J. II. Hnrton nnd Frank Prim , of Den ver , were at the Ocdcn yesterday. Dr. C. W. McGavIn , of Ml eourl Vol. ley , was In the city yesterday. J. M. Dorlty , of Crouton , was n wel come caller at 1 UK Ui'B office > c tcrday. Oen. John 0 , Cowan , of Omaha , was among the prominent * in the city yester day. Jofcph Hosier , of Carlisle , I'n. , an ac count of whoso extensive cittlo ranches wnn given in yesterday's lin : , arrived at the OK de ii yesterday. G. Q. KIrhy , who is In the banking and real enlate bueincs * in Uuulap , and who ia well known throughout this part of the country , was hcto yesterday. Jacob William ! ' , l'iq. , came from Neb - b skn yesterday to BOO how Council UluIN h growing , nnd to Hlnko hands with tlio many friends of hli old lumo. Mrn. Chn o nnd Mint Richardson , of Janesville , Wis. , parsed through the city yesterday en route for Washington terri tory , where the former has been nummon- od by the newa of the furious iliiicna of her daughter , Mrs. George Strout. Dr. nnd Mrs. K. J. Wnodhury , nnd their daughter Misi Ollie Woodbury , re turned ycbtentay from the cast where they hnyo been for about seven weeks , vlaitlng their old homo iu Boston and vicinity , the White Mountain * , Old Urch- nrd Death , Maine , and other uuints of inter eat und enjoyment. Mr. < T , Marnli , Bunk of Tuionto , Out writer : "lillioUHiie.'nmil ! ( dyspepsiaHICIU , to have grown up with me ; having been a sufferer lor venn1 , I liavo tiled many nine diiH. hut with iiolin-tiiiKie-iilt until I oted voun huiinocK HLOOD UITTHIS They hnvo betn truly n jjlenelnK to me , in d I tannot speak too highly of them. " Price SI. 00. lld-lw HELP WANTED A godfirst-class ) moat cook , and two dining-room girls , at the Metropolitan Hotel , Omaha , Nob. a5 2 ; SINGULAR , THOUGH PI/URAL It Is ono Woman with Two Bodies , or Two Women with Ono Body. The two-headed woman arrived yea torday with Batchollbr & Doris' cir CUB , and in the forenoon hold a sort of reception * to the medical fraternity and newspaper men. It is diilicult to decide how to speak of this mystery , whether to say "she , " "lhoy"or "it. " There never was a personage so rays tifying and puzzling to any ono desir ing to use the English without slaueh toring it. "They is a she , and it are u woman , " ia about as near as ono can got at the truth. Whatever the term that may ho Used , the mystery , in oponlung with either mouth , always Hays "I , " and never "wo. " So it may be fairly judtred that the use of the singular number is approved by both heads. "Sho , " then , ia called Millie Ohriiitine , or Cluiatino Millie , onu head being christened Millie and and the other Christine. Shu is about thirty years old , and was born of aluvo parents in North Carolina , being then the properly of the fathe of their present manager , Mr. Joseph Smith. She is a light mulatto , of medium height , possesses two heads , four arini , one waist and four legs. In fact tiho ia two persons in one. Each head aeema to work in dependently of the other , go far as talking , singing , etc. , is concerned , so that she can never get lonesome AS ono head can visit with the other. Above where both mnrgo into one trunk the sensation nf touch ia felt separately by each. For iimtaiico , by pinching one of the anne ono head alone fools it , but below the juncture all sensations uro the BUIIIM to both brains. If nny one stops on any corn oj any one of the four fort bo'h heada feel the pain , a double uliliction which should bo avoided by having the corns above the juncture if they or she have or has any at all , She converses with cqua ) fluency and witli as many differ- out languages with one head as with the other. She sings , she dances , she indulges in duuta all by lioiuolf , und ran sing and talk at the same time. In fact she is really a mystery. She has traveled extensively in Eu rope as well na this country , and on the expiration of the present ongnge- uiont with Batoholler it Doris , Nov ember 1st , will still further inciraja her knowledge of other landi by a trip to Australia und the Asiatic country , She has. amassed a fortune , nud now owns the plantation on which she was born , and there cares for her old father and mother. Among those who saw her at the Ogden houeo yesterday was Dr. Pin- ni-y , whom TJIK BEB man questioned as to what ho thought of her , the doctor having bsen one who examined her. The dootor said that by exami nation it was found vlmt the spinal column of each individual ponon ( for ho deemed thorn two personalities ) was perfect and complete dawn to the lumbo'saoral region , whore there was a complete and perfect junction , the one terminating In the other. Nature had at this conjunction of the spine and pelvic region culminated in a unl- city of being , so far as sex , etc. , wai concerned , Yet the lower extremities wore those again of two , separate and distinct persons. Doctor Pinnoy ex- prosiod it as his belief that nature intended them for two persons , but the two germs from which they had their origin , by contact and pressure coalesced daring the first weeks of uterine life , which \fully \ accounted for each having the enmo sensations , in the lower extremi ties , from touch or injury. FOK SALE My residence , No , 715 Fourth street Bancroft' ; L. F. Munr Y. Realizing on Real Estate. The following transfers of titles are reported ai token from the county rectrdsby.T W. Squire & Co. , ab stractors of title , n al estate and loan agents , Council Bluift : A. L. Field to S E. Archer , Jot 1 in block 3 , Williams'addition to Han cock , 885. W. S. 8. Williams to J. McClelland and Thomas Beck , lots 11 and 12 in block 2 , Williams' addition to Han- cok , S1CO. W. G. Archer to W. M. Gordon , n. J of nw. | , 1 3 , 70 , 39 , $2,400. Francis M. McElrath to Lilian Me- Elrath , n. A of no. j and sw. 1 of no 24 , 74. 41 , 810. C. E. Perkins , trustee , to August Warnko , se. | cf no. j , 8 , 75 , 40 , $2,400. .J. A. Otto to N. Mnyeg , aw. J of sw i , 20 , 70 , 44. G. Mnnnscn to J Dow , lol 14 iu block 1 , Mindori , § 500. W. H. Vnughan to E. Saunders , lot C in block 17 , Bajhsa it Palmer's add , , $75. E Dean to W. L. Dean , n of s. w. ij of n. o. i of 30 , 75 , 28 , SlOO. 0 T. Stockton to W. .A Spencer , lot C block 0 , Macedonia , § 450. 0. Jonlyn to M A. Cooper , n. e. j of n , o. | and s , w , \ of n , o. and s , e. } of n , w. | , 30 , 70 , 40 , § 3,000 A. Swicart to J , T Gary , a. A of n. w. | , 29 , 70 , 39 , § 2,208. K. E. Ingrahum to b D Street , w. \ of lot 2 in block 1 , MnoMnhon , Coo per & Jeffries' add. , city , $900. F. P. Morgan to F. E. Gricga , lot 4 in block 12 , in Hyatt's subdiv. , city , $508. J. Jt. Smith to W Wray , lot 4 in block 33 , in Kiddle's subdiv. , city , 6200. Peraunglvonoaaof the Musket. Tolcib (0. ) ado. Gen. St ceil man tells a good story which ia applicable to the manner in which the aristocratic Sixtieth Iliilts recently E kipped out in front of Jtatn- leh and gave everything up to tha Egypt inns While near Nashville the general had n negro regiment on the picket line , and a bright young mu- late sergeant in command of n post got the drop on a rebel pout nnd cap tured the whole outfit. The rebels were a crnwd of high-stepping young Virginians , and some of them were badly wrought up by the idea of hav ing to surrender to a "ltf of niggers. " Gi'n Sleedman took their commander , a line young fellow , into his tent , ex tended coino little courtesies to him , and iu the course cf the conversation slid : ' 'It was a little tough , Lieuten ant , to be taken in by colored soldiers , but war 1ms Btranyo experiences " "Well , General , " raid the other , setting ting down his ( flats , "I've been in the army now nearly four years , and if I've learned anything it has been a profound respect for the musket. When the muzzle is nhoved into my face I don't usually ask any questions as to who's got hold of tho'breech. " Gen. Sherman tolls nearly as good a story , in his book. Ho was stand ing on the sidewalk in St. Louis when Gen. Lyou went out with his mon to attack the secessionists at Camp Jack son. A young lady of Gen. Sher man's acquaintance daughter of one of the most aristocratic families in the city was standing on a stoop near by , wringing her hands and crying. She said her brothers , cousins , and number of 'acquaintances were in Camp Jackson , and she was certain that they would all bo killed , for they wore proud , high-spirited men , belonging to the best families in the city , nnd they would all die before they would yield. Gen. Sherman tried to console her by saying that he had noticed that sons of lirst-clusa families wore usually not any moro willing to die than any other people , He continued his walk , and in a little while mot Gen. Lyon returning with the entire force at Camp Jackson , which had surrendered without firing n gun. He hastened hack to comfort the young Iiidy with the newn of hrr kinsnibii'ij safety , but after she hoard it nho slammed the door in his face. MAIN STREET LIVERY ; FEED AND- All Shippers nnd Travelers will find fined nccuimnudution and reasonable charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - . Iowa. HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietor * . WJECXI Murray Iron fforlis , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable Engines , FOR OHEAMKHIE8 FARM WILLS , Printino : Offices Etc. , The Largest Iron Working Establish- moot in the Ktate. Steam Engines , GENERAL MACHINERY. TUB Howard Automatic iJut-Otf Steam Engine , Bond torditultr. 83-lm MRS. fl , J. HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. B 882 Broadway Cotmoil Blufe. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. . Sfwcial advertisement * , uc i Lost , Found , To Loan , For Silo , To Kent , WanU , Hoarding , etc. , trill bo Inserted In thlt column t the low rat ot TEN CENTS PEB LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for c&ch ( ubsequont Insertion Leave rulv ertUcmcntfl tit our office , No. 7 IVarl Street , near llrovlnay , Wants. WANTED Imtnidlitrlf , A fpod wood 1iun ir t Mclnhlllcr's lurntturo factor ] , Cotihcll IJInfN. la. WANTFD-fllrls the K. C. Hoti-e , on South Main fctrcet. Immediate ! } , ono hundred men WANTKD At Florerco Cut-oft , in Neura'ka , n .ith of Omthft. WDKCJ : men , $1.75 : team * , ? 3SO , Knnii ru on Iho grounds , or at llm office , Conn- til llnlT ! , In. WANTED 'ciiool teitcliere , mlnlntcM , stu- ilcntn ami others cm a d to their income by dc\o Ing n portion of thotr time to Mmnsilrfr or our Mnndnrd broU and r iriooals | , or can rnako l rjri > icc' b > d Xotlnp their whole limn to It \\a wnnt n nctlto male < r fo le 'g rt In c\rrj tnwn-blp In Iowa arid > chrnskannd Hill cffrr extra tnducen ' ts. For cir nil s ail- dro Wcst < rn Hook Company , Lox tS4 Council 131 Ds.Ia. Kvcrj bodIn Council llluflj It WANTED to takoTnn UKN , 2D cento per wtel. , dc ll\crcd by carriers. Offlco , No 7 t'carl Street near Hrovlway. To buy 100 toni broom coin WANTED * address Co'incll Bluff ; Droom Factory , Council Bluffo , low * . CfS-Z9t ( For Sale nnd Rent I710K SALE Onet ting bay Jorfc , suitable lor Jj < " > rrl iic ; alee one tine drhli ; m.ic. In- ( jiilro of J. 11. Bvltb , Council Muffs , auyll tf FOIl BALK The two jearn and Ihrco mot ths his" , t o Ilxtuiis and turnlturo of tl o C.Vlf rntn liovec. Contalng nine rouins with bonn tonicimti odate thlriy men. Hou o now full , ftrding [ orly to fifti u en dally. A giand chancf to Imj Into a flno pa > lng busltic'S Ill lira h ol prn ] rictor Iho only tv on frr pelllnj ; . Addnu * owner , Henry ttwilgcrt , California house , C. . 3ALK f My torn rf Ice doiherrd on cirt FOIl ro'a , Iowa. Fntiduir furnished. Ad- lire's. Ali tin Casiy , Cciincll Muffs , or IT. L. iloV > 'l ilumi , Ncola , Iowa. _ au10-3tt TT > OU SALH Two claims la Ntbra'ki , cheap , JL1 h } Odtll A.Daj. j)2Mw FOIl SALE Uoa-iMul reiluYnco lots , SCO etch ; nothing down , and 3 vermouth only , by EX-MAYOU VAUQHAN npl3-tf MlbcollaneouH. HAltCOUKT & SMOTIILUS , Council Bluffs and Omaha cxjirtsj Order * left at I oston ir . store , Miln etr ct L'outi" 1 luCTa , or J. 0. KIKot' , 1-16 Farnam ttrcct , Oanlu , will reccl > e prompt uticnt on lylf" t' 01 ILL AHEAD Great tucco'S. Call nnJ ecc O "iw accessories and sjucimcin of pictures ta cub the reliable gelatine liroii.lde process , at the Kxcfls or ( if Mr o 10'tMiln Btrfot | pvll. W. L. I'ATION I'hjslclttii and Oculist. I J Can euro any caw of ooreejc * . It It only n mittcr of time , and can cure generally in from three tc fho tels It iroki * no difTcr- cnco how long dlseacuil. \ \ 111 straighten trots 1,3 en , optrato and rtcuo\o Pt } rrinntnr , ttc. , and Inpcrt rrtlllcial cjc3 Special attention to ro- n-o\c/riLF / tadcunrms apD-tf Facts forth Knowing A new crop Garden Grown Japan Tea ( very fine ) 76o Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of fered at 75o COc Very Fine Young Hyson , equal ' to that offered at $1.00. 7Co We Mean Just What We Say , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Gouncil .Bluffs , Iowa , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOVA. Wo Kho special attention to Stamp BflllB'Smelting , Furnaces , HOLSTERS AND BENEEAL MILL HAOfflNEBY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK trill rCLolvo prompt nttontlon , A Kcnerol as- txirtmuat ol Brftos floods Bnlting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Founfliy , PJg Iron , Ooke , Coal , OHAS , HENDRIK , President. Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALKHS IX GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOESETC A'so ifenta lor tbe followingllnci of Steamship Companies : Cuimd , Anchor , Gulon , American , acil State bttauiahip Uoui | anlix ) 3O > 3E& a 3E"3Cla3 For lalo on the Hojal Bank of Ireland and Dank ot Ireland , Dublin , llioso w o Intend to KiiJ for friend * to nu jiart of turope will Und It to their ntirr.t to ( all un Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTB , 343 Broadway. Council Blu Ta Ia. JACOB SIMS- Attoruoy and Counsellor at Law. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Ornn Droadua } , between Main inctr Btreoti. Will practice In fauto and Fcdota Courte TT& A and Fourth Street Broadway , , , Council Bluffs , rnnr-2-Bm LJJUa , GHICKERINC AND WEBER PSANO , Burdette and Western CoTtage - tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- third off. Agents wanted. i O Qorrespondenos solicited Jell J. ' MUELLER , c 'COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BWOTMKnjsr CSJ * TE5J5ZJ $ m Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and Willow greets. . Council EMs. UNION BAKERY , ' 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 'J HE BEST BREAD IN" THE CITY. None but firat-c a Bakora. employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , Ac. , delivered to any part of the city. Onr Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. E * C2 &ffl Haa ' For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landa y and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYME , over Savinga Bank , . OOU VQIL BLUFS SUMMER le are Offering Special Bargains in All Kinds of Summer WE CARRY THE LAHGEST STOCK OF IN THIS PART OF THE WEST. ZfffB . 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , A. IIEKDE , W. KUNYAN , \V. BEEBB C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and He tall Dealeru In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos , 2f 7 & 209 Broao > ay , C ouncil Bluffs. INFIRMARY ! T.J.CADY.IU.J.S . . . . . , , ( Lta Veterinary Surgeon U , 8. A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the Oity , OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , UPPER BROADWAY. REFERENCES : All cf the beet f bi'cUiiH in Council niuffa nod ( urrounillu d The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAINST , Employ the bc t Dread C&kcr la tbo West ; * lw > t choice bind lor Cakes and Plea. Dread delhered to all parti ol the city. MAUKBR & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qlasa , Fine Frencn China , Silver Ware Sic , , SM BlOlDTiT , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Hubbor Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) IH03. orriCKR w. u. ti. rcsir. OffiOER & PUSET , Council Bluffs Ia , Established , 1856 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Kxchinzo and homo eternities. MRS. 3. P. BILLUPS , PKOPniETOK 0V RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , BIS South Main Street , Council D uOi. Now houeo and newly fitted up In flrtt claij ityla Meals at all hour * . Ice cream and lemo- 01 le emjoveuluff. . FrulU aid confectloncrte J. M. PALMER , PEALER IK REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUETS , IOWA.