Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Tob' hed orery mornlnp , except Bondo :
Cto only Alonilr > nomlng dally ,
Ono Vsar $10.00 I ThresMontrw.SS.t
8U Months. o.OO | Ono , . l.C
n _ . _
IHB WKEKLY BEE , pnbllntcdoi
ry Wcduasday.
Ono Ycnr 82.00 I TlireeMoolhs. . E
liMc th.i. . . . 1.00 | One t . . S
or NowBdealera In the United Btaloi.
e tlont relntlnt ; to Nenr and Kditorfolmal
era Bhould be nddrouod to the EDITOR o
tni DKE.
BUS1VES3 LETTEI13 All Btwlnw
fcottors and Remittance * should bo tw :
dreaded to Tun BEK PCBLISIIINO Cov
rAHT , OMAHA. Urnfts , Choeka and Posl
flloo Orders to be made payable to th
rder of the Company
fho BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props
V , KOSEWATEH , E lltor.
ENOUOII marines arc being nont t
Egypt by England to man a goo
many ships of the desert.
AT fiix dollars a thy during vnu
lion , Vnlcntino'd clcJk must bo addc
to the long list of public burdens.
* , > Ilr.aoi.tmoN after resolution passe
the city council , but uctiml pavin
operations oootn BB far off as over.
speculation in food nn
prices in railroad stocks nr
euro indications of n lively fall trade
4v SAYH the Springfield
. "Let no man bo deceived by the vail
show of political platforms. The wa ;
to got reform ia to olcot contfrceama :
' > v who will inaisl upon having it. "
; *
, .
\ UPON returning to hia district Vnl
remarked that it had grown BO mucl
while ho was away that lit * really elidn'
know it. It is exceedingly likuly tha
, \ , his constituents will afford him ampl
time and leisure to bccomo acquainted
' , with it.
THE $0 clerk who is drawing hi
ji pay regularly for the benefit of th <
farmers has an explanation for over ;
J I act that his good provider has booi
guilty of. lie will presently oxplaii
to the people of the state why Valen
tiuo drew ? 1,87C for services which h
novur rendered and which nnotho
man was paid for performing. Sei
Xawa of Nebraska , 1879 , pp.148,44tt
Vttlontino left Washingtoi
3io made application that the salary o
' his clerk should bo continued at "thi
* ; usual rate of $6 a day during the va
cation of congress , as the agricultura
committee had need of hia nor vices
Mr. Valentino's clerk is valinntl ;
earning hia salary by working on bo
ihalf of the agricultural community
for his niostor'd ro-olootion. In otho :
words'tho farmers of Nebraska anc
the United States are paying $ G a dix ;
from the public treasury for aidini
Yulontiuo's congreiaionQl campaignoi
the pretense of furthoritig the publii
EvjiiYTiiiNn : m Washington fron
the newspaper to the hotel , down t <
the barber shop nnd gin mill is dub
bed "national. " The Plattsmouth77 r
nld quotes from an obscure concert
called the National limner , publish
tid nt Washington by some horny
handed lawyers , to prove , tlmfc the of
' arts of our Yal. on behalf the Amorl
> - - \
can farmer are highly cotnmondablo
'fir There are a good many moru farmer
liable to read the item quotad in th
riattnmuiitli JlctalJ than have oucn i
in the National Farmer. Ono awallni
does not uhvayn make summor.
Caouoit IIowj : will presently b
' hoard from. If the primaries in No
malm county go against him io-duy
* a dispatch will nppqur in the next , is
" 1 * aao of the Kepullicttu wordud iibnu
* /
u follows : lion. Ohuroh Hovro ha
t-t mot wit ! ) another fearful acoidant
Wliilo driving his team ncrosi Sal
crook hia homos became frightonci
aud ho tumblud down an ombankinou
novoral hundred feet upon the rocks
sustaining very eorious. iiijunea. II
is now laying nt hia homo in n ve-r ;
critical condition , Within three day
the lion. Church IIowo will appear ii
the atroota of Omaha leaning on
cano , but in a very fair way of rooov
IN the last national campaign yva
Hobraska gavs the groonbaokor's candidate
didato for the prcaidunoy (1,85:1 ( : vote
out of a total of 87,355 votes cast fo
presidontiol oloctora. In what is i\o\ \
the Third congressional district of Nc
braskaWo vor rooolvod D23 votes am
Allen Itoot for congressman 57U votes
out of a total of 20,185 votes. Witl
fltich a showini ; it would oeom that u
aauo man would attempt to nominal
a greenback ticket in Nebraska 1
1882 , but wo notioo that Mr. Pace , o
Lincoln , who calls himself clmii
man of the atato grooubac
committee has. issued a ca
for a groenbackors convention t
nominate a atato greenback ticket
Now.who will take part in that fare *
Are there fifty men in Nebraska till
enough to attempt an organized stat
campaign with loaa than four thoui
and greenback votea out of fully on
hundred thousand that will bo cat
next November ? Why should th
ghost of a dead iesuo and a dofuuc
< * ' ( party forever thrust itself into th
.political arena ]
The organs which a few weeks agi
were loudly boasting that E. K. Val
cntiuo would bo nominated by accln
mation are drawing in their horns am
whistling loudly to keep up thoi
courage as they enter the woods of ai
actual campaign. Their brazen braq
gadocio of " fralk-aways" and "ro
nomination without a struggle" nr
only intended to deceive timid pol !
ticians in the Third district and whi ]
thorn into Una through fear of beitij
left on the losing aide. This style o
argument will deceive no ono whi
watches the progress of the campaign
which BO far has been a very livol'
and disappointing ono for Vnl. Fig
urea never lie if tnado up correctly
but n doctored table like the ono published
lishod in yesterday's ItcpulUtan is i
lie on its face , which only needs ti
bo examined to provo its falsity
Xnox county , which which was fnirl ;
carried against Valentino is placed ii
the list of countloa which "it is roa
eonablo to suppose will declare fo
Valentino , " and by figuring in n larg <
number of others in which ho ha
only a "fighting clmnco , " n total o
81 votca is figured out for Val. "Broj
in a good dog but hold fust is a butte
ono. " The Jlejntliliean lion won u gooi
many campaigns on paper which failed
od to connect in the convention am
at the polls. It elected Hitchcock 01
tha first b.xllot before the Icgialatur
mot. It gave Paddock u "walk away' '
at the last senatorial election and nn
Burcd its reader. ] of the certainty o
Haacall'a election na mayor of Oaiahi
the day before ho waa buried undo
1,000 majority ut the polls. Whoi
the liqnMic/m makes u political proph
coy it is always safe to bet on the ether
or aido.
IT begins to look as if the compli
monte paid to General Crook in Iran a
forriiig him to the p.cono of nctua
hostilities in'tho department of Ari
zona might bo recalled with cquai ro
[ jard to his abilitiea as thn bust Indiai :
fighter of the army. The iiows fron
Pine Ilidgo Agency that the Siouj
openly announce an outbreak in eixtj
days unless their grievances are rightoc
and Agent McGillicuddy removed , ii
of the most serious nature. There
are seven thousand Sioux at Pine
Ilidgo and an equal number at the
Kosobud Agency , both of which could
put a force of bucks in the field whioli
would make an Indian war of large
proportions. . . Northern Nebraska with
her rapidly settling frontier countioi
will bo exposed in such on event and
It is of the highest importai co that
prompt measures should bo taken tc
nip in the bud the first symptoms ol
disturbance. For this purpose nc
man is BO avail&blo as Qeorgo Crook
whoso valuable experience in dealing
with the Sioux has boon so service. .
able to our people in preserving peace
on our border for the last eix years ,
No gonorul has so thoroughly won the
respect of the Indians. The request o !
flfty.fwo of the chiofa at Pine Jlid e
that ho bo cent to investigate thoii
grievances against the agent is tin
strongest possible pronf of his remarkable
markablo power as an Indian parifior
Arizona la well gonorallod at present ,
and Nebraska will not willingly give
up at the most critical moment tin
man who has won for himself a wol
earned rooutation for successful cam
paigru'ng against the Indians.
IT is going to take something mor <
than bluster and baby kiaaini ; to wit
the day and candidates may just ai
well make n notoof it , sooner or later
THR case of Hmh va. Valentino wa1
taken to the uupremo court und dooi
don against Hush. Wo thought thai
wo had heard the lust of that cam
paign foolishnoasj hut it Hooms tha
the dead devils iiro to bo brought for
ward to do aervico during tins cam
piiign. Mr , Valentino's brother in tint
city jeta ; a ponnion of $2 per month foi
disability .proven. Ilo never stoat
the examination for lifo insurance ,
has no life iiiHuranco , nncl could no
ntund an examination if ho tried it
The back pension which ho recoivot
was hiss than
The Bupromo court of Nebraska dii
not decide the case of Hush va. Valet
tine against Hush. The judjjoa punod
no opinion upon the fuel a in the case
The question waothcr E. K V.ilon
tine robbed u homoatoador of hit
property was not decided. The cour
simply gave their opinion that om
state courta had no jurisdiction eve
the case , and , that il oiuht to havi
boon brought before the Unitot
States general land otlioo for adjudioA
tion. Of courao Valontini- , who wa
rogislrar of the land otllod , forcstallen
action there by false statements
Judge Savugo , in hia opinion upon thi
merits of the case , moat cm
phatically said that it was i
swindle. If the damning proofs o
Valentino's bold and barefaced rob
berioa as registrar of the West Poini
land uflico had ever boon passed upoi
in any Nebraska court wo should boa
less of his candidacy for congress in i
district whore a icoro of hia pluu
drred victims are now living.
Vul's clerk aaya the pensioned brother
or only drew 100 back pay , but Ui
petitioned postal clerk boasted that h
received § 3,000. It ia a fact that E
K. Valentine's brother , "Muggins,1
a broad-shouldered , strapping me
chanio , secured a pension upon a bo
g'ua claim of disability , and afterward
joined a mutual insurance bonovolon
society which admits only men aoum
in body and mind. It makes no dif
ferenco as to the size of the pcnsio
or the amount of back pay , the rai
on the treasury was fraud , whotho
$400 or $3,000 was dishonestly cb
IIeating private houses and furnish
ing motive power for business house
and manufactories by means of steau
convoyed from n central statioi
through pipes , has been auccoasfull ;
attempted in Now YorK and will sooi
bo extended through the lowc
portion of the city. Thre
years ago when the prospect o
laying pipes in the streets for the pur
pose of supplying power and heal
was first seriously diooussed , the plai
was generally denounced as impracti
cable and dangerous To-day twi
companies are busily engaged in lay
ing mains , and the wotk has been sat
lafactorily tested by n number of us
tablishmonta which dro supplied fron
the central station. In ono largo restau
rant steam Ima been used since Apri
20th , and is olwayn ready in an ]
quantity though carried some block
under ground , It works the elevators
ventilating fans , and electric ligh
machines and tloos three-fourths o
the cooking at an expense much Its
than ateam made on the promise
with the manifest advantages of thcr
being no heat from boilers nnd fur
luces all summer , no co.vl to handli
and no duab from furnaces. The Un
itcd Statca electric light compan ;
have boon using 300 horse powe
from the steam heating company fo
running tlioir dyimmoc , largi
printing houecs purchase power fo
their presses and a acoro of largo pub
lie buildings are oupplied with heat a
n Icsa expense than they could makt
it themselves.
The system Is likely to spread to nthci
citicn and provo of .is great couvcnienci
at gau or the .electric light. Whor
our housea can bo lighted by simplj
preaeing a button connected with ar
electric storage reservoir , and hcatoc
and our food cooked by merely turT (
ing on n atop cock connected with r
atcam heating main , much of the in.
conveniences of housekeeping will be
done hway with. The probability ol
public steam service will add anothci
disturbing element to our streets whet
the long wished for paving Is an ao
complishod fact , and when the da ]
comes that telegraph and telephone
companies will bo compelled to laj
their wires under ground , our pave
ments will bo laid over a network ol
mains , each of which will reprosonl
work done by the wholesale at some
central point with a view of saving in.
dividual labor nnd inconvenience.
Tnu Republican accuses TUB BSD ol
being a free trade organ. This papoi
is not in favor of free trade , because
it believes it impracticable. It ob
jects , however , atrongly to the tarif
because it is a string of monopoly in. .
terosts tied together by bargaining
solfmhnoas. Wo are in favor of a sim
plified tariff which is not merely t
system of grabs and neither foi
revenue nor protection. Wo advocati
titich an adjustment of internal taxa
tion as will not discriminate agalus
the majority of the producing classes
to enrich u few nabobs and corpora
tions. Wo behove in the theory tha1
infant industries ought to bo protected
od , but wo cannot fail to notice thai
tholoiior manufacturers are subaidizac
through turifl protection , the more
exacting and rampant they , are foi
further protection. It boliovea thai
the ao-oallod "high wages" which undue
duo protcction ° is nupp > scd to atimu
'ute ' , ore ndulusion and a snare , wher
the cost of living , induced by exorbitant
bitant national taxation decrease the
purchasing power of a dollnra fron
twenty to fifty per cent , what it woulei
bo were that artiGcial stimulant re.
moved. Finally , THE BKE is in favoi
of a tariff which shall bu drawn in the
interest of the majority of the people
ple , nnd not patched together by tin
power of thu lobby to increase the
enormous profits of thu pampered
mtlllunuiros. In conclusion we waul
a turill' ba ud upon the wants of tlu
country to build up and sustain Amur
ioin industry , but not a turifl baaed
on the greed ot close corporation tt
build mm maintain American mo <
nopoly ,
Gtiblo HUIOB to ocno Down ,
8) ) Loulj Ololio 1 finrcrat.
In itn closing hours congroaa char
tered an Atlantic cable company
which , it it "incatia business , " will
rlltfctually break up the existing com-
tjiimuoii. Fifty cents a wori ia nun
charged by tuo associated lines. Tlu
now act expressly provides llu > tby the
now line "the rutoa clmrced for message -
sage * for individuals ahull not exceed
'JO conta for each word ; " reaurvea to
congr s the right to amend the char
ter , or to fix rrttua by a general law ;
and declares that if the new corpora
tion waters its atock , or enters into
union with any other gable company ,
or with a combination to establish
rates , or sells out to another company ,
its rights shall be ipso facto forfeited.
The act is rather loosely drawn , and
sharp lawyers may find some waj tc
uscupa its provisions and penalties -
they are morally certain to try to de
so but the purpose of congnaj ic
plain onoifuh , the restrictive clausot
were adopted unauimoualy in botli
branches , and the company is likolv tc
bo bnu ht up with a round turn if il
undertakes any sharp practice.
The experience of oow-resa in dealing -
ing witli cable companies has been
anything but astiafactory. It granted
reat privileges to the last concert
that was organized , and left no loop
hole , as it supposed , for amalgam *
tioii. But no limit of rates was tixed ,
The consequence was , that after a bri
period of competition , during whic
2G cents a word was charged , the mai
agors of the rival lines got togothi
and quickly agreed to double up the
exactions. A good deal of unnccossi
ry fuss has been m ado about this con
bmation , btcauso- after all , whettu
cable service coats little or much doc
riot concern the mass of the people
Those who use the cablei daily oi ours
grumble at the imposition of hig
rates after low 'rates have prevailoe
but they are , as a rule , quitn able t
pay all that is over demanded. Th
cable business is limited , and genera
ly merchants and others who Imvo 01
raaion to communicate with Eurapo b
telegraph fully recoup themselves o
the public.
It is doubtful whether the incoi
poratora of the now concern , at whoi
head , is 8. L. Jr. Barlow , of No1
York , are exdctly pleased with th
shape in which their act wotitthroURl
The limitation of charges to 20 con !
a word or lose WBB incorporated in tli
bill after it had been reported to tli
satiate , chidly through the efforts i
Senator Vun NVyck , of Nebraska. I
the houao a New York ' member , nfte
pointing out that thu present rate :
CO cents , observed that it struck hit
as "very singular that n body of me
can desire to be incorporated into
cable compiny and guar.iutca thr
they will not charge over 20 cents pc
word. " There ia no evidence that tl
incoipor.itora do desire to gtvn th :
guarantee. The highest desire <
cable companies , of late , accnia t
have boon to get their charters und <
falao protcnscD , and then sell out I
existing corporations or combine wit
them to keep up ratca. The 'JO-cm
limitation waa Gc d not at the deaii
of the petitioner ! ) , but at the dcairo e
Senator Van Wjck , Hale , and two c
tbrAo others.
It is probable , however , that Mi
Barlow's ' company can go ahead , li :
its cable , And maico money at 20 cunt
per word. The old compiinea roa
( mormoni profits. They tax the put
lie for dividenda on niilliono upon mi
liona of watered Block. A now lin
which lias to earn only fait' returns o
ita actual coat cin mnko money wit
very much lower charges than ar
levied by the dropsical extortionist
who now monopolize the business.
The most important thing about th
grunting of thia charter is thn intiina
tiun which it affbrda that the wide
spread popular dissatisfaction wit
Btock-waturing , combinations to rais
rates and unjust discriminations , i
coming to find echo in congress. Th
tendency umong railroad owiui
aud telegraph managers , whothe
on land or water , is to forge
that they have received privilege
from the public , and in return hav
positive and unmiatakablo duties t
the public to perform. Mr. Vai
Wyck pointed out that , in the face o
all the talk about competition as thi
best regulation of laud telogrdph lines
' . 'Every organization of a nuw com
pany ia absorbed by the old ono , am
the public suffers by the watering c
the atock Lnd the increased rate o
charg-ia. " Mr. Halo alluded to th
fact chat , in the case of cable com
panics , "competition runs for awhile
but amalgamation is the end of com
petition. " This sort of talk is con
mon , both in congress and out , and i
ought to warn not n few corporation
that their disregard of their publi
duties promotes the increase of th
communistic spirit which disregard
their private ni > hta.
Hon , M. K. Turner.
Sclmjlcr fun.
It ia witti no amtll degree of pleat
uro that The Sun unnouucoa Hon
M. K. Turner , of Columbua , as a can
thd a to foi ; congress from this dtatrict
The situation 'waa cipe for Mr. Tui
iiur'a candidacy , anal at the urgeu
solicitation of hia friends ho onturc
the couteat. There ia little ocasio
for eulogy on our part. Mr. Turner' '
Jong residence in Nebraska , hia pron :
inenco as editor of a leading re
publican paper , and hia record a
it member of tlio atato setmt
form a butter history of hia charade
than could be conveyed in words. H
is eminently n man of the people-
plain , practical und sensible. Tnero i
uoout Him none of the arts of th
adroit politician , but in their stead
frunknesa of mumuT and un honest
of purpose that make him honore
and trusted among men. Aa a mem
bur of the atato atmuto from this dta
( net ho made an excellent record , on
that required no explanatio
or whitewash. In point of in
tullitiimce , ho ia the pee
of uny gentleman now before the pea
[ > lo of thia- district as a Ciindidato-
liia knowledge of public affairs ca
only bo upprt-ciated by these who en
joy n personal acquaintance , Hi
character us u man , u cttiKan und a re
[ jublicaii ia beyond thu puaaibility of
reproach , Thu predominating elr.
meiit of the republican party in t > i
district ia composed of fannera , am
from them Mr. Turner's oindidac ,
should meet with ospooial cunsidcru
tioii. _
Wo uro informed that AI. K. Tui
ner , of The Columbus Journal , hu
teen brought out tin a candidate fo
congreea. Although our first choio
m Hon , Lorenzo OrouuBi-.ef Washing
ton county , yet "iM. K , " ia a goutle
man whuau sterling integrity am
Honesty commends him to all clasae
of society. The pioneer editor of Th
Journal stands head and shoulder
above Vulfiitiiif. [ Albion Argus.
Political Straws.
The struggle for the cungreasiono
nomination in thia district ia withou
doubt destined to bo an extremal ,
hard ono. Mr..Valentino'aaupporior
do conaidorablo boatting , but they ar
only whistling to keep up their cour
ago. Only a political miracle wil
aavo their chief. The sentiment op
posed to his nomination grows strong
ur every day , and the convention
that have thus far boon hold indicat
that sentiment as assorting itself am
assuming form. There ia every indl
cation that Mr , Valentino will lac
the number of votes (74) ( ) necessary t
a nomination
Disinterested Advice.
OrJ ( Valluy county ) Qiii.
The smart young man who edit
The Omaha Republican is a great poll
tloiun ( In his mind ) , and has gener
oualy undertaken the job of olectitij
his late boss , "Our Val , " to congres
from the Third district. Of court
the simple-minded and unsophiaticato
people of thia district , who are no
supposed to have sense enough b
manage things for themselves , will b
greatly obliged to the mighty Itspub
lican scribbler for hia unasked am
disinterested ( ? ) services in their bo
A Texas
Text ] Slftlnjr.
"Do you moan to call mo a liar } '
asked ono railroad man of anotho :
railroad man during a dispute on busi
ness they had on Austin avcnuo yea
torday. "No , colonel , I don't meai
to call you a liar. On the contrary , ' .
say you are the only man in town win
tells the truth all the time , but I'n
offering a reward of $25 and a chromi
to any other man who will say ho believes
lievos mo when I say you never lie , '
was the responap. "Well , I'm gla <
you took it back , " replied tha otho
party , as they shook ,
A Long-Felt Wont.
McmpVI * Atnhnche.
Wanted A congressman who wil
not log-roll eight months for a rive
and harbor steal to the exclusion o
legislation for the reduction of taxca
Special Correspondence ) ol Tun linn.
SOOTH AuntiN , Neb. , August 17 ,
A largo aud enthusiastic meeting wa
hold at Samuolson's ' hall laat Siturda ;
evening to consider the matter of re
moving the county seat from Brown
villo to Auburn. While the majorit ;
of thoao present were in favor of proceeding
ceoding with the matter at once , i
waa decided after considerable diacua
aion to delay action until oftor thi
fall electiona.
D. J. Wood , the poet lariat of Soutl
Auburn , ia cnjojiog a wrcatlo wit !
the ague.
The first ball of the season will b
given at Samuilson'a hall next Prida ;
m oning , by the Social Circle Olub
Tliia ia a new org.mmt.ion composed
of our young men who are fond o
dancinir and other aocitil amusements
While Nate Miller , of North Au
burn , was attending the county
removal meeting last Satuidiy evening
ing , the safe in his otoro waa blowi
open und r.ibbod of about ono hundred
drod dollars.
Reuben Holmes has bought a nea
cottage on Maxwell street and bocomi
a permanent resident of the city.
The now bank to bo established it
South Auburn by John L. Carson Ji
now ready for business , the furniture
turo , with the exception of the safe
having arrived and boon put in place ,
Thia will be a substantial aid to oui
Joe Groan is building a now reai
donco on Maxwell street , which , whnr
completed , will bo one of the prottiesl
homes in town. Joe is a good boj
und worka hard , and out-lit to prosper ,
Arthur C. Davenport , a right clovei
young fellow representing THE BEE ,
waa in the city last Monday.
Work ia progressing rapidly upor
the now hotel at North Auburn. It u
expected that the building will be
ready for occupancy before the advenl
of cold weather.
Politics is the staple topic of con. .
venation in this county just now ,
Groups' of men- who ought to hav <
been at church , stood about the stroeti
all day last Sunday discussing the sit
uvtion , and the chances of this 01
that ono for congressman , governor
etc. VIOYOK.
Pen Sketch of Stanberry , the Metrop
oils of Gentry County.
Correspondence of THE BEE.
STANBKUUY , Mo. , Auguat 17. Thi
thriving city of Stanberry ia situatoc
in Gentry county , Mo , , 117 milei
southeast of Council Bluffs , on tlu
line of the W. , St. L. & P. Ry , anc
is the division town between Counci
Bluffs and Brunswick , Mo. It is vorj
pleasantly located , and ono coulc
hardly believe that loss than three
yeara ago auch a place aa Stanborrj
was uiuhought of. Ttio population
now numbers at least 2,500 , and uvcrj
brunch of business is well represented ,
Thuro are a number of tiuo business
buildings and residences which the
citizens feel juatly proud of.
Among thorn are the Wabash hotel ,
situated near the passenger depot , ite
pleasant surroundings making it ( i
favorite with the trai cling public ; the
normal school , an elegant four-btorj
brick building , winch waa completed
laat fall at a coat of $14,000 ; Armstrong -
strong & McLean's handaumo atone
and brick bank building ; A. L. Tom-
blin's bank building , ami a number of
other uubatantiul business houses
which were built with thu fact in view
that Stanberry m destined to become
quito a city. There are three neat
church buildings , Baptist , Methodiat
and Catholic , all of which have a largo
number of members. A firat class
( louring mill waa completed a short
time ugo and is owned and operated
by the firm ofVules & Hawkins ;
vuluo , $10,000. A contract waa lot
aome time a o for a $12,000 public
Bchool building , which will bo erect-
near the normal.
Work 1ms already commenced and
it is the intention to have il finished
for school thia coming season. There
* ro also auvontmi other business
houses aud residences in courao of
erection. .
The railroad shops , round house ,
etc. , are located just south of the
town anc\ present a very business like
appearance , giving work to a largo
number of mechanics , laborers , etc. ,
which brings in hundreds of dollars
Stanberry has two weekly news
papers. The News ( republican , ) and
pontlnol ( democratic , ) both excellent
A cornet band was organized some
time ago and the boys have arranged
fora "hop" next Wednesday eve , and
proceeds to go toward buyiug some
new instruments.
The normal school closed on the 13d
itiat. , and the surroundings of that
place are more quiet than usual.
The prohibition movement has been
started hero , and a lew daya since twc
ladiea were canvassing thu town with
a petition against the saloons , though
thia will doubtless provo a failure ,
Stanbury being too much of a railroad
Crops in this vicinity are doing ex
tremely well , so much better than
was expected during the wet woathoi
laat spring , and 1 have hoard a num
ber of farmers say that it is ono of the
boat crops they have had in the 'M
ten years. Yours respectfully.
"P.M.F. "
Correspondence ot Tin tier.
SCIIUYLEB , August 17. Our farm
era have all reasons to bo satisfied witl
the year's harvest. Oats , barley am
flax have boon abundant , and whoa
turned out better than it has been fo
many years. Corn looks splendidly
and , if nothing happens , will yield ai
average of fifty or sixty bushels.
Buainoaa is good , and the prospect
for a No , 1 fall trade were nave :
There is quito a building boom go
ing on in thia town , and before a yea :
haa passed Schuylor will present a verj
handsome appearance to her numor
oua visitor ? .
The weather is hot and dry.
The political horizon ia heavily
clouded , and there am indication !
that a storm is browing. Would-bt
candidatea for con reas are visitini
our burgh , renewing old acquaintance :
nnd trying to make now ones. Tni
local wirp-pullora are hard at work t <
ahapp things in their favor for the republican
publican county convention , Saturday
August 20th. Wo have rvset of publi
spirited men in thia town who are al
wajs rasdy to servo their country ii
aoino nhnpo or another. One of them
R. 0. Rucecl , ono of thosu numeroui
heroes who fought , bled and ran fo
their country , has an eye ft r a scat it
the legislature Ho brings the nocas.
tire qualifications for this high oflioo ,
Ho ia a "atalwartof the stalwarts , " at
active oflicor of the G. A. 11. , a dca
con of a church , Bomethiuj ; of a law
yer by profession , a chairman of tin
republican central committee , a tern
ppranco man and advocate for prohi
bition , and last but not least , one o
the workers for "gallant Val. " Hii
nomination ia sure , for ho knows the
waya that are dark , and ho ia trickieii
than a Rocky-mountain mule. Tht
intelligent independent republic * !
voters , however , will hnvo somothluc
to say and take him. down a "peg 01
two , " aa they did last fall , when , run
ning for county judge , ho wua elo.
fcatcd , although the republicans mus
ter a majority of over ono hundred in
thia county. Anous.
Mr-Explicit direction * for every use
are given with the Dumond Dyea.
For dyeing Mosses , Grasses , Eggs ,
Ivory , Hair , &c.
Civilisation and Crops.
Washington Special to the Pioneer Prjes.
Among the latcwt arrivals here frorr
the \Veat ia Dr. F. J. Quinlan of New
York , who for the paat three or four
yeara haa boon the resident physician
at the StandiniRock ) agency n | D kots
Territory. Upon thu reaervatioii
whore he waa stationed there were up
ward of 5,000 Sioux , one-half of whom
are just learning to bo civilized. The
doctor stated to your correspondent
that in his observations of Iho habite
and tendency of the Indians , they did
not evince any desire on their part
to return to savage customs ,
and , as he exproaaed it , the late
hoatiles make the beat farmers
Thoyl are anxioua and willing to till
the Holds , and the success of the pres
ent year's planting haa been of great
assistance in encouraging the practice
of peaceful pursuits , and Sitting Bull ,
who waa for a long time at Standing
Rock agency , has recently sent a po
titiori tu Maj. McLaughlin , the agent
in charge , asking to bo remove I from
Fc. Randall , where the famous war
rior is now confined , back to the agen
cy. Ho aaya that ho wants to gel
back among hia own'peoplo , and prom
ises if thia requeat is grunted to bo n
good Indian und live at peace with
the whites. The mortality among the
Indians ia not at all largo , und during
the past two years the births havt
largely exceeded the deaths , There
ia , however , considerable consumption
among them , which Dr. QUID-
Ian ascribes to the chaiigu
in their diet , clothing and
habits. Other diseases which
prevail among tlu-'Indians are ascribed
by the doctor to their association with
the whites and the entire change in
their manner of living. Still with all
drawbacks the condition of affairs at
Standing Rock agency ia of the moat
oatisfaotury and prosperous nature ,
which ia due in a mo is uro to the energy -
orgy , zeal and excellent ability of
Agent Mclaughlin , and one of the
boat features of hia management waa
the organization of a mounted police ,
thirty in number , composed of the
leading and beat behaved Indiana at
the agency. They were selected with
; reut care by Agmit McLiuuhlin , and
lave rendered valuable Hervico in re
turn for the promotion. They
make regular bi-monthly reports to the
agent of any irregularities in the con
duct of the Indians , the births , the
death or accidents that occur from
time to time , and &eom anxious and
willing to make a good showing.
3omo of the tribes represented at the
igenoy are the moat warlike of the
tndian tribes in the wcat , but they
a em to realize now that their only
( salvation ia to conform to the practices
of civilization , aa the g4ino upon
.vhich . they have been forced to depend
'or subsistence , is rapidly disappear-
tig , and in it fo w yeara may bu complete-
y exterminated. The crop raised by
; ho Indiana thia year comprises wheat ,
corn , oats , potatoes , melons , and
other cereals , and all the work upon
.ho farm land * at the agency have
JBOU performed by them ,
Short Breath-
O. Bottle , Manchester , N. Y. , was
troubled with abthmi for eleven yeara.
Hud been obliged to git up sotnethnei ten
or twelve nlghta In succegilon. Found
mmediate relief from THDHAB' ELEOTIUO
OIL , and ia now entirely cured. 1-U-lw
tor all diseases of the Kldneya and
It has specific action on IL1 most Important
organ , enabling It to throw oir torpidity and
Inaction. stimulating- healthy accretion
of the JJlle , and by keeping the txiwcls In free
condition , cffootinff Its Kiulir dlscharsa.
Mfletlespl : * Hyou are suJTcrlng from
rndlCtl Idi malaria , have the cfcllls ,
ara bilious. dyspepUo , or constipated , Kid
ney-Wort wilisurcly relieve & quickly euro.
la this season to cleanse the System , every
one should take a thorough course of it , ( > l )
SOLD BY DRUCOI8T8. Price 91.
7 FT.
Can Bo Handled By a Boy.
The box need never bo taken OH the wagon and
all tho.bolloil
Grain and Grass Seed Is Save
It costs less than the old tM < s racks. Every
sUfdartl wagon la wild with our lack comple.o
Or buy the nttachments an pplv them to
your old tvapon ban. For fulo I jfrbraska by
J. C. CMHK. Lincoln.
MANN1XO& HRSfl , Oaiahx
FKKD KDDR , flrand Is'and. '
HAOOLKTT &ORKI" , linst'iiir * .
CiiAnt > r8 tcnroDKrn , Cohtinbus.
GrANOoLB ft FUNK , Ucd Clou J.
U. It. CRANK & Co. , Red Oak , lon.i.
L.V. . Itusszi , jGlontt-03' ' , Jew
And ocrv tlrstcla'a dealer In Iho nest. A k
them for descriptive circular or esnd direct
J , MoOallum Bros. Hanuf g Oo , ,
Otnce , 21Veit Lake Street , Chicago.
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all who have put them
to a practical test ,
Piercy & Bradfor
Notice U hereby given thit the Board of
2auLty G'omruia loaeri of ( logo c trity , Ne-
liraski will reecho prpjf l8 with pi ins and
po'iticatl na , tor the co btruction .f two
wrought Iron or wooden bridgesarrosg iha B'g '
Dlu * rier One t > bo on or nuir the cen cr line
ItaitanU w st ) of i-ocl I JH Vfl , tow i 3 iiorlh , raiuo
J ens , bai'l brldjro tu be cf nno ep\u ot one
hun red mil temy feet in liMintti ant to line
liitc nfectioidwjy The t nu for the \tijvl'mf
be furnlfho t in the quirry free. ' J'
The other brUfrn to lia bn It ivroas the Kvf
II uu at on ear a p I t ( lie hundred foot north
of tenter lln i ruunini ; Cist and west thr uh
sect ! n27 , ton 2 nirthra j ; < t7 easisaH bridge
1) b one Sinn an I to net on piling.
t-cpmto bids will he revived for the ttono
nas jury ani the iipp'oauiiuJ , a id the uholo will
be let 08 01 o or Dtp rate contract ) , at tto cam-
mis loner * deem b at.
aih prop sal rniut bn acctmpinled by a good
and lUiliclimt bond with t * o < r nmra cupondble
nucuritl * ' to the County Comm "loturj ( f tbo
conn y of Uae , aim Sfcito oj - ebnn n a'ld to
their 8 .cixssora In afllcu. < nn sum < Ku le the
amount of thd bid , comlltio ul tli't the prln-
dpi 111 the lion t ulll , when thereto requested
y said oainilsfloiurs cntir lnt a c infract
with t esul Cniiuu S'lcnere nil their uce > -
sorsi niLtc , ti'iir ' nth thvinvtra a ddotno
w r < prcjuoid and In-urd it < ful llmcnt , pr i-
viJed that u contract e'all ie ttuardid la him
by ho Gummlsehnr ri on his bid
Ihi UonimUd mors rn ervo tothomselvpn the
Ichtto rtjiC' any or all bKN , II they fhtll
t mco-sary for the interest of t e c.unty.
TniiphiHftml poilncitlon of tha atone ma-
a nry uiiy bo He n upon application to the
County Clerk of cuutity , at Beatrice , Nc
/ill r > t In sialcd and cndor'oil on
hu 'iut-idu of r pper "H'i 'RO ' 1'ropiB.ils , " and
> o adilriu'ol to the "Board ol County Comm's- '
la en of ( 'ago ' lountt liiatrto , Nehriska "
All p'i p mis iuu t ho til d on or ticforo the intb
l > y < f 'tunst , IS ; ; at wlii h tlmo and place
Duit'Icr ) they w 1 tin o ; enod
Hy.or.ler uf the Qjuity c'onmlsjloaora thin
Stlicl.yof July , 1-8J.
[ Hint. ) A. J. I'HTUOUM , County Cleric.
Of Omaha.
Dag purchase 1 of the Gorilla Safe Manufacturing
Co. , ol Providence , II , I. , a safe whi-h la puar-
uiteoci In writing to b "altolulcly burglar
proof for a period ol th rty-tlx huura continuous
ind U"dlsturbod a1 tick with the use of such
tools and appllcanccs as a burglar can employ. '
nd In a practlca ly unconditional nay ,
Ihisbank dirlrtt a thorough teit made upon
thl tale , aud In ciso ot failuru to stand It , the
jink will be al liberty to purchase any other
! f and may return this to the manufacturers.
An ) party It at lb ity to undertake tit attacc
itho nil ) furnUh sitl factory bond to\iy al
laini e to the sale , In case It U not entity" , lu
.be stimulated time. TUB Corliss Couipiny J > a
n writing to deposit with thlt bank the turn '
$5,000.00 $ , upon the tlKuiug ol an agreement 4
ibov * th said sum to bo paco4 within th' .
au snd t'i be forfeited to the p > rty operatlngln'
Imported and Domeitio.
Flneat Selection in Town.
Price * to Salt Everybody.
From Haifa Dollar Dawn to So *
Sch roter & Becht's