THE DATLi7" BEE-OMAHA ERIDAF , AUGUST 18 , Id32 IEIID & OO. . The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware BHouse 3C33JT 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA . NEB. WHOLESALE $ f BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DKALKIt N 3f Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnfeam St. Omaha Neb. & Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnlmin Street , mak THE STOVE Manufactured by They make a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and h.avo this : car placed In the market n of the MOST ECONOMIC AND MOSV SAUSKACTOHY STOVES ever made. They makcboUi Plain and extension top , and guarantee- all their goods. The agents for the company arc. PIERCY & BRADFORD/ DEALERS Uf Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters HOC JBS * . 3XT "X ? OES X. 13 , JG R A T E S , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , in only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE QVER DOORS , For Bale byj MiLTOH ROGERS & SONS. Jull-m&cly DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. PROPltTETOJta TOWNF ARLINGTON. J. G. MclNTIRE. Lincoln , Nab , WEATHERLY HOUSE , f A. a. WEATHERLY , Manning , loWn. REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , Iowa. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8 , 8TELLINIUU Mllford , Net > . MARQH HOUSE , E. MANS BROWNSVILLE Neb OOMMEROIAL HOTEL" JOHN HANNAH , 8tromQur ! ! HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. G. MEAD , Nellch , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL E. SEYMOUR , Nabratka City'Han MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wator.Ns COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. CAARPEI7 , Hardy , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Oreonwood , Neb ) OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , low * ENO'O HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremant , Ceh EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Aihland , fx'cb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb , MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBB , Guldo Rood , No , SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & BECKER , Oreiton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la , CITY HOTEL , Dl A. W LLIAM8 , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS , M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Oornlne , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.IL. AVERY , Stanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Jur'.tlon , U COMMERCIAL HOTEL , B'anchard ' , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , to , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb BAGNELL HOUSE , OHAS.BAQNELL , College Spring * , la , COMMERCIAL HOUBf , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUOKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , U , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F , STEARNS , Odebolt la ' WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Otceolo , Neb , DOUQLAB HOUSE , d , 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Nob. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GBEEN , Bedford la , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLAOK & BON , Marysvlllej Ma NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nib WIN8LOW HOUSE G. McOARTY , Beward , Nab. AURORA HOUSE M , B , JONES , Auroar Neb. OROZIER HOUSE O. R , CROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb , AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROCKHOLD. AvocaUa. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak' FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewli a WHITNEY HOUSE E , HAYMAKER , Qrltwol DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , DunUp , la. LU8K HOUSE. J A. LU8K. Logan , la. DOW CITY HOUSE. W. H. MORTOV , Dow City , ! . JAOQER HOUSE , JAQQRR& SON , Denlion , la , A SUCCESSFUL BACKET. How Farmer Moroditli Wns Fleeced nt the Dunvur Exposition. Denver Tribune. Seine daya ngo there arrived in the city nn old farmer from Iowa nntncd Fintin Morcdith. IJo cnmo hero to visit the Stnto nnd the Exposition , nnd liad plenty of money to invo-t should ho find n good opening. It were bettor had ho remained nt homo , for rory evidently ho wna not nccus- tomod to thu ways of the world and the deep-laid snarca that nro always act for the unwary. Shortly nfter coming lioro ho nindo the acquaintance of n young man who gave hia namn as Ilnrbiaon , saying ho wan A eon of Col , Harbison , n mining operator of Grant county. [ There is no such county in the State. 1 On Tuesday they vUitod the Exposition , observing the opening exercises and taking in the Bights gen erally. While walking about the buildinir young Unrbiaon ntoppod bo- aide n Hugo pyramid of glittering ere nnd very coolly informed Mr. Muro- dith that the "atuil" was taken from the f-ithor'a mini' . Ho called the mine the "Mountain Queen , " nnd went on to toll how Innjo the pay-streak was , liow much the ere as sayed , nnd how much was being taken out every day by the force of men employed. The honcat old farmer toot everything ho saw for granted , nnd it was not long before ho waa wishing ho waaa mino-owni > r , um waa beginning to atudy out waya am means by which ho could gain posnea aion of ono of the coveted holes it thn ground , After thua having ex cited the old gcntleman'a cupidity for wealth , young Harbison very wisely allowed the aubject to rest until yea terday , when they ngain visited the exposition. About 11 o'clock in the forenoon the young man invited Mr. Meredith to accompany him to Sans Souci park , where they could drink boer in solitude nnd enjoy n quioi amoko. Tickled by the attention BO liberally paid him , the old gentleman very readily complied , nnd they BOOH found themselves in the main build ing in the park. While there a rather elderly and gentlemanly-appearing person catno in and leaned up againat the coulitor , near by. The young man quickly noticed the now comer nnd at once called him over , introduc- ug him na Col. IlarbiBon , hia father. The conversation wna cleverly turned , and noon all three were engaged in an earnest diacunaion of mining uflaira in gonpr.ll , and the "Mountain Qucon" 'n Grant county. Mr. Meredith after i time intimated that ho had some uoney to risk , and would like to in vest ii in mines , asking if there waa 10 opportuuity'for making nuch an in Vestment. Thia is juat what the illcgud father und son was waiting ' 'or. "Why , " aaid the elder Harbison. 'I think I can fix it ao you can como n with nio aa un equal partner. You oe , my partner ia a rambler , and nuch given to dissipation and caroua- ntr. The association ia not a plenaant one , and either of us would bo willinc and glad to got rid of- the other , nnd I hink that by talking to him I could jot hia permission to sell for him , and rou are just the kind of a partner I wunt have plenty of money and n e. " "la that so ? " exclaimed the crodu- OUB farmer. "How much will ho asker or his half ? " "Two thousand dollara. " "I don't think I have that much money with mo , but I can draw for non , " nnd going down to the inner- neat recoasoa oi hia inaido vest pocket , tferidcth pulled out n roll of money and bognn to count it out on the table before him. Ho had juat § 1,105 on hia person ; a good sum , which the shruivd operators were auro of secur ing."Well "Well , will you take the half inter- oat ? " aokcd the elder Harbison when the counting process hud been com pleted. "Yea , I will , if the mine ia just aa you represent it to bo. " "Mr. Meredith , it in fully na good as wo have represented it to bo and its chancea for developing even still greater value are wonderfully good ; and if you mean buainosa you will de posit thut money with us , the remain der of the $2,000 to bo paid ua when the deeds are made over to you " That settled it , The money waa handed over , and then , after taking another drink , they proceeded to the exposition to look up the recreant and undcservablo partner. They entered the building , and , before reaching the mineral department , thu elder Harbi son stopped , and , pointing to n well- dressed , gray-headed man , aaid : "I'horo he in now ; that's my partner. I think I had better go to him and have a private talk , as I don't want a row with him , and ho ia sure to flare if ho Hilda out I have been trying to sell him out. " The man indicated was rather prepossessing - possessing , had an independent nir , were a gray muatacho and goatee , and was standing beside thn very pyramid of ere which waa palmed offaaa portion tion of thu product of the "Mountain ( Jueon" on the day previous. The father and son went to the "partner'1 and drew him aside to a point near ono of the doors , all three seeming to bo earnestly engaged in a moro than usually interesting conversation , They remained there souia tirno , and soon the old man grew weary of waiting and began to gape around the build ing , As BOOH ua the old man's back was turned the throe men at the door ulippod out through the doorway , jumped into a hack and were drivoti uwny. uwny.When Mr. Meredith looked for them they were gone , and all he could see was the dust thrown up by the flying vehicle. It waa then that ho realized ho had been playing the part of a "sucker , " and had been robbed , lie rushed outnido like a mad man , yelling at the top of hia voice for a hack , und gesticulating in a frenzied manner. Those who Baw him , includ ing the hack drivora , thought him atark crazy , and therefore no convey- unco was oflutcd him. Finally , ho did the worat thinp he could poEsibly do , going to the Circle railway depot and waiting there fully ton minutes for a train , This gave the robbers all the time they could desire , and they pro- filled by it. Upon arriving in the city Mr , Mere dith placed the caao in the hands of Dectectivo Joe Arnold , and although two hours were spent in looking up the confidence men , no trace of thoin could be discovered , Mr. Meredith is 51 yearn of ago , nnd lives at a distance of about seven teen miles from Iowa City. Ho feel his loss vcty keenly , and ia yet very much excited. Young Harbison is described as well dressed , smooth-faced youna man , nnd the colonel was a flno-look ing gentleman , tall , nnd wealing A uiustaoho nnd sido-whiakora. Rheumatism , disordered blood , gen oncral debility , nnd many chronic dis ouaoa pronounced incurable , nro oftoi cured by Brown's Iron Hitters. Irrigation by Artoatnu Wolle. Among the schemes being workci up by the nattonnl department of agriculture riculturo is that of irrigating the gro.t arid plains of the woat by means o water obtained from nrtosinn wells The proposition in not n now one Attention waa called to it nearly fort ] years ngo. It remained for Gen. Lo Due , however , to urge the importanci of the matter on congress , nnd chicflj through his instrumentality nn np pronrmtion was mndo for sinking ox pcnmoutnl wolla. Several mouths nco commissioners were appointed to select sites for wells nnd tc oversee operations. No recent report 1ms broil received of the doings of the commiasionvrc. That thu money appropriated by congress wll all bo spent is altogether likely , but that any good will result , from the ox- pcndituru ia extremely unlikely When nil our arable nnd naturally watered loud ia taken up nnd im proved , na it ia in eomo pnrta o Europe and Asia , it will bo time tore claim land from the sou , to drain lakes nnd to experiment in irrigating ark plaina by moans of water obtainoi from artesian wolla. There is no oc casion , however , for doing anything of the kind when laud is so plontj that congress votco millions of acroa to rnilwny companies .uutoUorsnquar ter of a section to every foreigner who lands on our shores nnd declares hi * intention of becoming nu American citizen It aocma unlikely that nny member of congrcsa , when voting the Appropriation , considered the feasi bility of irrigating largo bodica ol land by means of water procured from artesian wolla sunk under the nioat advantageous circumstances. Irriga tion is quite an expensive business oven when water can. bo obtained from a natural stream. Irrigating small bodicn ot la d deVoted - Voted to crops that require a compara tively oinall amount ol water haa been quite successful in aomn parts of Cali fornia. In Lua Angelas nnd San Ber nardino counties there are about ono thousand artesian wells whoso w atcr a used for atock , domestic and irri gating purposes. Dr. 0. A. White , in in article on thia subject in the cur rent number of the North American lloviow , says : "Tho deeper wolla nro iOO foot , but the average depth is roiu 150 to 200 feet ; average coat , § 400 ouch ; average dia- charge fwater per well , one- onth of n cubic foot per second. Experience there shows that it tukea a low of ono cubic foot per second to rrignto ono hundred acres ot land. Pliu average well will therefore irri gate ten acres , und the average cost of such a well will add S-10 per acre o the original coat of the land. The > rcatcat How from uny of these Call- brnia wolla is that of the Burlinguino well , near Compton which amounts teL L 7 cubic feet per second ; enough to rrigato 170 acroa. " It ia understood hat these wells require no tubinpr , ind that they nro sunk with ittlo liability to accident. The water rises to n considerable dis- an co above the surface and can hcroforo bo easily conducted in any liroction. It-is nearly pure-and ia , onaequontly , well ndapted to irriga- ing purpoaoa. Such , however , ia not lib ciiao with the water obtained from nil artesian wolla. It is sometimes irnckish , and at other timoa it is hargo with iron , oulphur , magnesia , nd other impurities to such nn extent hat ia detrimental to the soil over which it flows. Unless the watei die- hargad from nn artesian well can bo uieod a considerable distance above ho surface oi thu ground it will bo nearly useless for irrigating nurpoaos , D n fall is required to carry it to the ill'ereiit partti of the tract to bo wa- wed. The prospect of obtaining water at moderate depth on great plains ia tot promising. Commissioner Lo Duo ndoavurod to reach water near Fort jyon , Col , , but after boring 800 feet lie work waa abandoned. A good ow of water was obtained nt Pueblo , /ol. , from two wells , each about ,200 foot deep , A flow of water was ecured nt Denver at n depth of 800 cot ; at Ohoyenno at 000 ; and at Oar- on ut 1,300. , There Jmvo boon , how- vnr , a great number of failuron at thcr places. Dr. White ia of the pinion that Hawing wolla can not bo ecuro'i on the great plains without oring from 1,200 to 2,000 ect. The cost of ono f thoio wolla , judging from the ind of rock Imt must be panned lirough , will not bo less than § 0,000 , vcn if no tubing ia required to pro- out the water from passing through lie shelly formation that may form : io aides of the well for a portion of 8 distance. If one of these wells liould afford a How of ono cubic foot f water per second , and no portion of ; waa wasted , it would irrigate one undrod acres of land at a coat of $00 or acrb for water alone. It must bo oinomborod that all the expanse of rrigatlng land ia hot confined to ob- aining a Hupply of water. It must o stored in such a manner thut ) can be at command when t ia required for flooding the and. After the artesian well has oen sunk and ( supplied with tubing , normoua reservoirs must bo con- truoted for holding the water , and itches dag for conducting it to differ- nt parts of the tract of land to bo rrigated. It is fair to catimato the oat of the reservoirs and canals ro- uirod for a 80,000 well at 81,000 , Inch would make the outlay for get- ing ready to irrigate a 100-ucro farm 10,000 , or § 100 per aero. It in ovi- ent that no farmer who haa not risen o the rank and estate of commis- ionor of agriculture , and who has a oairo to be it cabinet ofUcor would ngugo iu such an undertaking. Auvwor Tbl - Can you find a case of Bright'a Mseoso of the Kidneys , Diabetes , Ur- nary or Liver Complaints that la cur able , that lion Bitters haa not or can ot cure ? Ask your neighbor if they iiCBDlOSS Direc Ahttrncl mid lion ttute. JOHN U JteOAQUK , oppoMUt Poll Office. W. H. BARTI.KTT 317 South IBlh Ptrof . 4rettUctr. ! A B. Room II CVMrliton lilnck. A. T. T.AIUJK Jr. . Room-t. CicSebton BlofV. tiooti nri Uhnei. JA11ES DlVlNl ; ft CO. , fins Bee t * ntl FhOM. A Rood Mortu M tcma work on liMid , corner 12th unil llMnoy , " 1103. r.RICKSOX , y. R. CM. lath nd , Pi 10th ttroet , nrtTHifacturr * to orJei peed irort It ( nit prices Uciv\ltlin' lono. _ lipd prlnft , . 1S17 Jlotirl M Hookt , Haw * anu ( lutlonory. J. I. yuUKIIAUP lO'.B F nih m Strocl Butter and Fun . CHKOnnKR , ttu > ohlwt a nd . .inc In VrbraRku urianlltriotl 1R7S Omthk. OrrUKto ( ti < 1 Horn Won . VM , 11th r.l Itfirnev I'tffiitd. I , UAUKtn will p j hls-\ostO ) jhrtlti lot ceon 1 Ml Hfth'nf. IVrenr W.hil V tiihnm , \vim ona Ulli. KV11N & CO. rin > TAI.C Uoo-lf , Oar , lllh k.it1 T.J. WK1TRIIOWK , WhBlolala ; kKeUH , 15th n. 0. ttKlAl , SOtf tHMlh Olilo Cumlng ) trf . PM1H Viwd t inirt ml Ilo rl B'rnoti Uuinim. PAUL. fflUUuu JJlocX Uir. lith & 1 > OJ ( ( . Civil Cnslnoor * end Uurveyor * . ANIWIIW U05KWAT1W , CiolKblou niock. , fawu dunoyt , flrado tnd Ucwoi c > ' 3j ti > m SpocltHy. Dry Uoaae Notion ? , fcto. JOHN n. f. i-nuMANN A co. . n,7or * Dry Uasili Htotu , 1810 mil 1013 h w ttr ut ik KnewoM 1 > tooti Mid ihotK Al'tclac. rounJry. > N WKATWK.VROKS tor I4lhJ ekron ts vfowe r . JOHN nUIUKK Wit Fr.rn nr.iBtiiw , UndortaKert. IUKWK. 101V ritrnnom hul lolb At 11M. Hotctr. E , Oco. C'nuarfrt.dlb A I'arnhaaj OHAK UOU3K. V II. Cartflfl FnrnlikuiSt 'JtAVWB ' UOri'Jj , K. Slkvon , 10th 8t. out'jcin llbicl Ous. lUmol Bth CSNTKAb HIW. A. ftVAK , r ltthtn.1 Ddlffo. 8c b Hoard for tltn llonny. iUtntcn ! / ! vrrl by tle ; D y , TYw * or Month. GooJ Inring lor Cteh llnnwy Raprdlcd. rtmilture. / . ( IKOlia , AOK r.uJ CixjQUvl Hand ? nrnltor * d Htovct , 1111 IlouclNi. Ul hmt ckBh riles i frr roconit IianJ eos ! OHNiit ICCO Uonrlk Bt. MHO Z00d Ac. ferce Works. ilAUA FKKCU CO. 9 , KttlEU ACT 1218 tlnrecy ! J . , lixiprot Jrer A J > Vooil Kouccc , nnrnr "nn A' Pawnbroker * . Kith .St. . ll l Cat. ft Ilk Ratrl erfttora , Osnfleld'i Patent. DOOmiAN lib f-t ! > ( > t Kmi A Olznrk and Tobacco. FK1TU011KR , innuulacturora ot CRJI , n.l V/licIcewIci IloiUorni n Tohaccoa , 1C05 DouiUs. V P TA1UKNZKM m rmhrttirnr 14in Fitrnbkm Crockery. . WNNKK . Junk. U. EKBTUOLIJ , lt > m incl Motkl. uurnber Llmo nd Comont. 'OSTKE & QR\y corner flth nd DoufUe Hie Lamp * and Ula tore. DONNKR 1809 Domrlna Bt. Qood Vkrloty Merchant rllom. 0. A. MNDQUKST , > t > 9 ol oar most popular Merchant Tktlori la ra- olvlu ? tlio lutoet doulena for fifilny uid Sammor 'nctla ' ( or ( jcutleraonavcor. . RtylUh , durable , rd nrlcoN low IB over 1200 Farnnm etrct. Millinery. 1UI. 0. A. Iimaicn , WLoke Io nJ ReUll , Fan y OooJo In great > arloty , Zephyra , Oaril Borda ( celery , Cllovca , Ccraota , &c. Chupoat House In 'vj V/rnt. I'nrcliiwcrs uavo r.O per ocnl. Ordar f M\ll. lift Flltoonth Wrcct Plour * nd Fcrri. OiTV HILLS , 8th f.nd F rnh m CtD. Croon. fcTXVENU , SlHt liotwcon CumlriK ami fur A. KouIIANE , Cam 22d aud Gamine Otrccta. Hxrdwutr , Iron nnd Btnnl. OLVM it LAKaV/OUTHY , Wholetulo , 110 * af 14 Uth struct A. EOLMOl corno Ulh rod Call/oinlk. Hitrncti , Saddle * , be. II WWW1 MIEthtlt. bet Farn-ft Harnay. Florllt. A. inIino , I'l : it6 , cytflowcn , It. N. W. cor. Ifitli arid Iloui'lag otroota. 00 To CIIAIO'S Orocn Homo nth nnd Webster utrcot , for Ifttits , Bouquets , Klowcrd , Floral Ueulxn * 4o. Cornice Work * . We lcn Cornice Work * , Manutactmrii Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron mid I -to Kooning. Orders from tny locality promptly In the l > it manner. Factory and Olticu 1213 Ilarnoy Ht. 0. 8PKCIIT , roprlttor. Oklvknlied Iron Cornl'con , Window 0pa , eto. , manufacturud and put up In any part of Hie oountrv. T. HIN1IOI.1) 1U Thlrtoouth street Uommlailcm Merchant * . JOHN 0. Wlb L1U.11H Oodife Ctreel. D D. HKKMF.H , 1'or dotolln Piont In Dnllv and Wo kly. OlothlnR nnd FurnlthlnQ Qoc' i. UKO. II. 1'KTKIIUOH. Also Hat * , Capu , .hora It'ollnnaandOutloiv Ml H. 10th atroct. Uhuw Cmn Manufaaory. | 0. J. WILD ) ! . Mtr.ufactritci t.n'1 Duiltr In All Uuli Ciw.o , Uprliiit CJBOO , Ji' . , 1317 Cm Bt. rilAIJK L. OhUllAUP , proprietor how Ciwu mmiufftctnry , BIS Mouth 10th ntrut-t , ictweou LoivniMC'ith and MarcAll warrwitoJ cvti * mis inworo , A. BURMIW1KH , ) 'i 1eta tstovcokiiil'lliiwarv , Manafactq f Tin IViofd aud all Un4 of Jlutldlo ; Wou dd Fcllowc' mock. . UOHNKU. IW I < Qti.'lkB fit oed and Cheap. HRMUY KAUKMAWN , u tne new brick blocli on Doutrliui Btroct , bki luit opened M iijfMt elo aut Itorj Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to It everyday , 4 ill rla"J r-ALnOHKIl (1TO Htr nl. Oe d * , . EVANS , Whclunlaiiudlletall Bted D aud Cnltlvatora Odd Kullo * Hkll Pliotograpner * . OKO. nEYH , I'llOP , dr&nd C'ontral Oalkry , X12 eiitopnth Street. ur Ukionlc JUI1. Flrtt-cUuii Work tnd Prompt Plumblnc , Oa and Uteom Pitting , P , W. TAKPY & CO. . SIB Ot. , bot. Fnrnhara aad Dcjuyln. Work ( iromp y&ttcndfxl to , D. ITZI'ATRIOK , L nnzlia Btrcoi. Bhoa Btorcx , Phillip Lin mo Farnhktu it. l f Uth&lllh and Uurcoont. W. 9. CHUBS , II. I ) . , Room No i , Crelzhloo lllock , Uth Btiuvt. P. n. LKIBFJIRIKQ , U. 0. Uuoolo lllork. 0. Ik HAHT , U. I ) . , Eye and Ear oj > p. poitcfflco UK. L. II. OHAODY. Ocullat and AurUt , U. VI lith and Farnhkm Minting an npor angln , HENRY A. KOHTKHS lil Uodtce fitrael. B cond Hand Store' PKRKIH8 ft LEAR , 1118 Oouzlaa Bt. , New and ooond Hand Furniture , Ilouae Furolahlog Qoodl , a.i booirbt and told oo narrow AND Mining and Milling Company. > Votklng C rltil' . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . C | > IU1 aiotk , Fat VMut of Shared , . . . - . . . . . STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minoa Locator ! iu BRAMBL MININ& DISTRICT. DR. 4. f , THOMAS , rrtaldent , Cummins Wjomlng , \VJI. K. HI/TON , Vice-president , Oimuilu * . Wycmloj R. N. 1IAHWOOD , Bfctctiry , Cummlnft , Wyoming. A. n. LUNK , Troamrcr , Cunimlnr , pVyomln "JL" JcC."O' 51SCJE13E183 1 Ur. J. 1. Thonikj. Iflulii Mlllor \V. S. Urfttnel. A. O. Innn. N. llaru-ooJ. I'rancli LrM-rni. Oco , H , F lo . Uvrla Zolmaa. lr. J. C. WatUnr. moil Bm OKO.V , \.jnt lot Sihnl HaaV ! Omaha Steam Lanndry. The only Lnumlry in Nobrnska that is supnliod witli cnmploto machinery for Laundry work , Sund your orJorn bv niiiil or oiurcai. GOTT11EIMEU , GODKUEV & CO. , l'J07 Fnrnlmm Street. FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And nil Polutn Nearly 4,000 miles. Hoi Id Smooth Htcol Truck ! All ccnnccllnnn nro niado In UNION DhPOTQ. I hna u National Deputation no lielni ; the croat Through Oar Line , and Is universally oncmlcd to ho the FINEtiT EQUIPPED 1UII < road In the world for nil claxs-n ol tracl. . Try It and you will find trnrollni ; n Itmir ) natcad of a discomfort. Throunh Tlckntg via rhla Coichratiul Line (01 BOlo at Ml nlllcc-s In the Wont. All Infornmtlon nliout Hutos n Fnru , ClocpInR lar Acocmiualatlons , Tluio Tables , &c. , will be clioorfully ijUon hy apjilylnln to T. d. POTTEH , 2d Vtco-1'rcH't & Oon. JfMi PERCIVAL LOWELL. Clcn. 1'amieiv ; or Agt. Chicago , W.J. DAVKNI'OKT , Uon. Agent , Oonncll Illuffo. II. 1' . 1 > UKLL , Ticket morn-od ly HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. MADI : nv EIOHAKDS 3W.BOYNTON dz CO CHICAGO , ILLS. Kmlindy now 1SS2 I' pr vomcnls. llor , l > rnoiionlit ' * : Cost loss to kotp In urdor ; U ulon fu l | will KHu juoro huat nnd a brKer voluiiiu ol pui'A air tlun nny urnacu ina-Iu , Hold hy riKHCKV tt DUAUFOItl ) , Omaha.Noli1 Jiiil-dSm D. IVL WELTY , ( Encconrnr to D. T. Mcimt. ) Uanulkcturor and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANOY JIOllSM OLOT1IINQ BoliOB , Dustora nnd Turf OooflB of AM , UKSVUIL'TIONH. Agent forJai. . It. lllli ; : Co.'j 30 GONGOHD HARNESS "Tho Best in The World , " Order Hollcltcd. OMAHA , NEB itely EUROPEAN HOTEL , 7lia incut co'ilrallv locntid hrtol In the city. Ihoms 7Co. < l.t)0 ) , j ) 1. 63 and . ' .OOjicrday.f First Ulasu llutuurant tonnuutfd with the bold. . . HUUST. - . Prop. Corner Fourth tnd Locust Streets. MORQAN PARK MILITARY ACADEMY , A Chrlntlau Family Echool for lloyi I > reiare orCollozv , Hoientlnj Hih'jol or Ilutlncw. tiuad to Oupt , BD , N , KIRKTALOOtT. Principal , Morr an t'ark , Cook Co. , 111. , ( or caU'o uu , ' JIUJlOw For n tuart | irot n century or moro HostctUr'a Stnnmuh IMtcn l-ns Ixion the rol-iiiti | rpocllo torlmllutxtlon , tlyrpppnln , tcr r unit HRUO , n low 11 pliyfclcitl rtimna , Ihcr ooinpl Int R"I | other dl'rrjcrj , nn I lit li'cn inn t cmpha Ically In- ilor ud by mcdlc'no inciiai n hcixllh ni d strtngth 'tii-lor.tlM ) It conn orArls n tcudo cti pro- inivttirn dro y , nnd EUntnlnB and comfotta the ngi-rtixii'i Inflrni Knr ale by all rjrt ! | glnta and gi'iiiriilly , WBSTBJtN 0 SP1SC11T , - - Proprietor , 112 Harnoy St. - Oiurlia , Nol ) . w CORNICES , DOHJLER WINDOWS , FINIALS , Tin , Irou' and Slats Koofing- , Spocht'a Patent Motalio Skylight. Patent Adjusted llatohot Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the cronoral agent for the above line of goods. IKON VKNOINQ. Cresting * , Balustrade * , Verandai.lOfnca and Dank R lllnRi , Window and Cellar. Qiiard * ; alto AUKNT KSTADMbllKD 1663. SIUKSl'Iimo ATfAOIlMKNT-NOT PATENT Kl ) . A. J. SJ MPSON , LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1400 and 1411 led o Htrcot , aug 7-inu Gin OMAHA , NKII , r ? hP08 GOOX 'Jho [ fwHl'fil Hi i ? Sf HIIJTB WI'ASS.I U'V " 'avni ! < ' " " 5 PMffl \ if t' ' > " " " " ° * utoiUPJ ) ycnuiiiiiimv- ' ' 'rV * ' in i mini anf W kw . - -jw 'snowa U. , Koin ? / Uss , New l' t < i'il III.l-I.Ofrt . I'ncrni t-eniiit uiilr n-il InieivhiiiiiiHiilili' < Tefl Orlllc" , I--IKI rl v ! > liiir'n-rn lnililnnH I > N. Nvttlnn V < lv Il"iti r oil mil/J < Ytot K. Ktv Ha IV I. v Kui ' 'olr. V Vummur ute tliueo UIOVLX luUluponsa1 * Theio ceU'brntcd etovoa for Bale by L'lerey & Hrndfonl Omalm , Neb. P Irn \\Tn y,4-nrl J.ilo Tliue and W U/I1LUU Troanlieroai ( hi only Ufa nuth0tlr.cil hy bur , aid which will not lia n "Illoo J and Tiniudur" story , such as lm koounnlHlll i > a Uabllslioil , liut H true Lllu by Ilia only p rxou wha In In po dc rloii ol tbo ficts a Ui hlul anil Jovototl wife , Truth In more Interesting than fiction. Aiunts aliouM apply for territ > ry tit ntno. Band 75 cti. for H m- plo Dook. J , H > flbamtinra 8s. Co. , in . * i.l-w.u st tuU. Mo. * iy 100,000 y TIMKEM-SPRINC VEHICLES otd NOW USE. nn- 4 * . or ? They purpawallothor.a for oisy riJInc. xtylo and durability. They are for sale by all Loading Oar- , ES riuge Builders und Dealers throughout , the country. SPRINGS , GEARS & BODIES intrr For Bale by Henry Timken , Patentee indBullder of FlnoCarrU ? i , sacxoxrxfii , - - xuco. ji-eu