Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    * i
Tlit > Methodists of DcndwooJ will bul
t tomp'e.
A MeUiortnt church will be built i
Plankioton this fall.
The Catholic church now building :
Ornfton , Pctnbina county , will be read
for coii ecrnHnn August SOtli.
The tViimbia ii-lil dftm hai wash
a way. Qaick itnil below the foundatlc
ivm the cftUf-o nf the mischief.
The city fmtncra of Blmrck are I
such n iiro'p'rom condition that n move
on foot to exempt homeitcads from cit
Dr. Cole , denll t , waft whipped by
brakeman on this road dome time go n
la t week th railroad company paid hii
S\000 for liln inuilt.Aurora AiIvuCAM.
1'lic Valley Uitv llecord sav the wife (
Joinlllack. ghe birth to ft child on Thur
day last Tvhicli wclKheil clijlitcen pound' '
The child find IU mother ro ilulnsj wall.
A. W. McrricU 1m retired from tli
Devlwood INoncer. Mr. Matrlck Iminijl
the first Jiewcpajicr outfit into the 151 * o
irilU in the RprliiK of 1870 , an i in nod tti
first number of thut | )8i er ( weekly ) in Jim
of thnt jc r-
A copper siniltcr is to bo erected n
Il tt\illB.
Ulra , l rn rtoming , of Lirnmlc , hn
been taken lo lh Line tin insane a ylu
Prof. (3. H. Halley , lain of the Nehratk
university , has been cjliimtsaioned territu
rial geologist.
John 0. Krlonil , rdltor nf the H wlln
Journal , mid Mim L-nh Welch were inai
ried on the 'Jth.
O\er Sl.GOO Imvo been subarril cd I
erect Catnollo church at Ijindnr , in tli
Wind Klver country.
The Cheyenne fensitlon nf the llth wa
nn attempt of ratio b avillianon a 0-yoni
oK' girl. Mo wan caught , and will proba
bly upend n few yiarn in the pcnltentlarj
Tom lliley , In jail at Laraiuie , was dh
covered recently tryini ; to nit hit Hhucklc
with n saw made from ft steel Rprint
Where thnprlng came from is unknown
Thl i8 the third tlrno Ulloy has tried t
escape ,
Dr. OrafT , of Omaha , and I'rofouo
Auxhoy , Btato geologist uf Nebraska , ha i
been inspeo ins and nurvoylug the grca
Oil liaslDi north uf HawHtin rome twelv
miles. Thcun hanlns nro four in number
being cUled Ueavtr , Seminoo. KattlLRiiaki
and Sweetw ter. Pr. f Aughey etatc
that from 10,000 to 50,000 barrels of oi
per day could ho not from thorn will
proper development , an < t the tmnplv i
practically inexhnustablo. The oil , wliil
itiescinbfcs the nineral oil of Pcnnsyl
v ania , Is far more valuable.
The Rlriko of the Denver operators cndoc
( ant week 'by the HlilkerH returning t <
J' . Holike , cook in ncampnonrCoWad <
Bpringx. Hick nnd tired ol the \vor ( I , laj
ncroM tholtio Urandp tracknud let a trail
cut him in halve * .
Myron A. Hoot , aDoovor bu > inc > a man ,
narrowly escaped belntf imwrierod by ai
aajftssin on iho iUh. . The villain lirod twc
nhotii , the ficcond taking clicet in lluot'e
At Longmont. on the llth , the persona
property uf the Denver. Wentcrn Piicifii
r.illrnnd * aj Hold. T. J. Milner bid it nl !
for Sidney Dillon. , The priced not known. .
And it in the general impression thut tin
Union Pnclliu folks were afniid tome per
BOH would iind out that thcro was u eale.
The Salt Lake Knights nf Pythias had i
grand time nt Ugiicn ou the 9th.
One thousand dollars reward is offorei
( or rrcovury of the body of a man rocentlj
drowned in Suit Laku.
The Tribune sayx there is no truth Ii :
the report that the Ilto Grande road will
be built to Ogdon.
The Salt l < uko Tribune hai a long am !
circumstantial account of th r > cenimarri
ago of Territorial Auditor Clayt n to 11
uccoiid wife This man wan married and
had ono child. Ab > ut eight moil Ii3 ngt
ho became lafttu ited with the young will-
aw of KrneRt Youn/ son of Drl hatn
This pa-sion increa ed until he grow tc
absent himself for whole da > n from home ,
A doineHtio o IsU BO in occurred Ho lie-
Glared that ho must bo "aoaled" to tin
widow tu H tve her from future puniOimont ,
Ills legal wife n turul y objected und he
lefc her , dlnca then ho I ma been nealed in
du i farm and is a palygamlst , hut still retains -
tains hit olfl o , Jill < lo.ort.d ! wife lu re
cently given birth to annthor child , und is
roportud to bo in great diotrem of mind
over bin cruel ubandoumont.
It is culd that the Wood river branch of
the Oregon Slioit Line will be completed
to Hftlluy Uctobur 1st.
I lodinu girls nupply tlio MissouUi marko
\vitn huckloberrioi ,
1 1
A lionton man claims to have discover
ed tlio skolotonof KOIUO amphibious animal
fully i 0 ftut The stury bus n ileci-
doJly nuliy odor.
A half'brced stele n borne lu Dcnton last
vcok and sulil it near town , mid the nuxt
night went and at lo it again and renturocl
it tolho rlnlittul owner.
A late \liitor of the Castor bittle field
cays that the munuinent , of very poui
granite , has comine csd tu chip elf , iind
that n ims ot the intines of the fallen heroes
liavti boLOinu obliterated ,
A goo 1 dual nf coaivo ) rold ban buen
found on tha bar j net below the m mtli nf
Uaar gti'oh ' , u the Votlvv tonc , loiiliugto
the Hiiiipunltioii thnt ricli placer dl tiijfd
may bu found there.
A L'rericnnun out at Highland Is thought
to bo oniiy. Sumo tlmu Blnco hn vin
offered S3 per coul for his hit of 1,0 0
cords oPivuod , hut refunod It. HJnuo which
timu ho could nuly get : v b.d of 75c , | ior
Cold , Tllia to Inuen.ed him thut IIH lux
since comine c.ed lu burn it up und THUD.
dayovuniiiKhit'biintiiu could bu pluiidy
fleen from Hiitto. Ho Is etid ntly crazy.
Thu etogu on the Tongue ri\cr ruutu waa
atomicd last week a ulior dlilunco I.eyond
liilliiiKM. A linrder rull'un titupped out
Irom hit ouiic < utmaiit lieldnd BOIIIO bii lie. |
bndcivered iho driver with u rtvolvur.
But llank .Mmik , the drivur , touched the
leadorii Hint won oil , The robbir lire I tlvu
nhots ; the firtt h t hit DUO of the pulu
buriU' , itiidanothur Hhatlored rpoke in
one ol thi > hind whe lg Thu nthi-r tlireu
did lit dulling * , A111 h nnd a halt distant
the camp of Home frogut era \viut reached ,
and n lre h horsa took the idico of the
wuimdtd uuiiuuL
Three pris ners lu the county jail at
Jacksun utuupmi ou the Oth Two worn
Indian * murderers and the other wiis a
hoy. They dug their way out with a
pointed wire.
An ouilKruiit train convey ing about three
hundred people from Kaunas , Nebraska
and Iowa ure uxuectrd at Walt Walla
inside of t o weeU , They left their old
Lomea inteudlug to settle in cat tern Wash ,
Jilonan Stubble eld , of Walla Walla , baa
IhU teaaon tliroohed one field of tevoiity.
five acres of wheat which | { a\e n total pro.
duct of 3,375 bushels , or 45 bu h < Is to the
aero. This field Is 011 the foot uf the
mountains ,
HUII. h. L Me Arthur , judge nf ttti
Fifth district court , ban temlerkd his re <
ign.tti m to ( jov. Thayer , totaio iilaieBvp-
tem'crlut. J. H Itntd , of P ndl tun ,
and A. K. Dennett , of Tne Dalloa , are can
didates for the vucauoy.
Mr , Villard has lately bought the coal
mine * at Wllkeson und will put u large
forui of miuers at work getting' out bituui'
inouscoal by the hundrff H of tons a daj
and nendluK it by tall to New 'I tcauia foi
ehipuieut. Tiojma Is becoming a formid
able rival to Seattle.
The H Juion fishing neaion on the Col.
umbU closed l < wt week. It Ii
that the catch thl eafon i les than thief
of last a nn. Diiiiig the neaaon tw
canneries burn d ; thirty-four were i
operation throughout the entire urnet
the Bslmrn run. It li thought thr
thirty-nine cannciics will bo operated nex
The new opera hotiso of Stockton wd
opened on the 8th for inspect ! in ,
The contract for building ft seven-dor
flour mill Rt Stockton ban junt been iver
The Independent fayn that this mill wl
bo able to grind nil the wheat that Is noi
ent away trom Stockton , nnd that it wi
be \aluablo addition to the Industries c
the city.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Tha Wlnnemucca Silver State lolls ho <
Jose Kiqulga and Juan Aid mils came t
Huinbililt county < lir ct from Spain ii
1870 nnd went tn work herding rhecp n
8,10 ft month and board. Inn few year
they were ble to buy floclci of their own
fj.tst week they Mild out their nlieep ant
raui.e for 318,000 arid left for th ii-nativ
land , xvhore they have a ban k account o
several thoimml dollar * , which they hai
unit homo when they Hold their wool Ian
year an i the yent before They in
tend to return next spring If they BUCCCCI
in getting married ,
( Jovorlior Sheldon olfcrn ft reward o
SUM ) for the arrot of I'ranclnco Trujilio
murderer of Daniel King in Colfax count :
lu 1878.
It It natd th it n secret Hotiety is beim
organized in Grant county nnd the ndjv
cent tcriitory of Arlronn , for the pur
po e of "wiping out" the San Carlos ruser
It is reported that llb IngorHollM fa
muiM Ivanhoo mluo hai been mid to t
wealthy Kncllsh c. mpany , nnd thnt worl
of development will commence linmcdi
Hon. Tranquilina Luna , present cfficien
delegate tu C'itigiU'8 , will bo rennmlnatui
on the first ballot In the republican cone
\o tlon at Albuquerque ,
Now Mexico Ihshbi tip well at the Den
ver exposition , nlthouch not nrar her en
tire oxliibltlon has reached there. Com
[ tared with Colorado , her ores arc fai
ihoid , c < ioccially in copper , and are at
traotlng a greAt deal of attention nmonfi
eastern miuiag men.
Iho ErilEiFoots of the \Vnr Ovpr-
Srr.VKNH I'OINT , Wis. , "I
April 10,1881. j
II. II. WAUNKII &Cp. : Sirn Thi
) rivntious of thu war imposed upot ;
no what phyaiciuim call "clironio1
linrrluui. Your Snfo Kitliioy and
Liver Cure ia the only modicum thai
over did no any good.
Md-lnr 8ivnr W. UOUSSTED.
Correspoudoiico ot lint Jim.
PAWNEI : CITV , Aug. 15 Crops of
all kitida nro bcUor nud larger thr :
over , ospucially politicians nnd visit
ng statuBiiioii.
1'c.iohes iiro so plentiful that thoj
Tiillcoininnud 25 cunts per bunhol.
Our now opera house will bo upon
od about Suptombor 5th.
Our county norinal'ia now in DCS
flion nnd lurgoly Attondcd by prattj
BchiMil mn'ams , whonmt our county
Bupurintuiidant is grutuJy elated bo
cauHo ho is u notnnn aullrngo man.
Ex. chancellor Fnisfiuld of univorsitj
amp looturud botoro u vary limited
.udionoo here last week , Jus subject
'Egyptian pyrnuiids ' nor his Ono ab-
lines na a talker itiducrp our people
o coino out.
Church Howe , the "granger atatoa
nan , " "temporanco rolormor , " "rail-
road oappt'r , " nnd candid.tto tor 'cnu-
rrosa in the Fitat district , was in
wn laHtrook buying cattle , as hu
ullugca. Wo only know of ono or two
mrchaaoa ho niado and both instance !
tie ° were political stags and woru
usolooa. Mr. Hutvo found tlmt thu
laoplo liked him , but vainly preferred
omo other mini to roproiont them ,
Tablu lluck has no braaa band and
ho good people have to do thuir own
_ A careless drug clerk prescribed
tincture of vorntrum viridea instead
of valerian for Mra. Q. F. Morey ,
who took the medicine and soon dis
covered the mintalto from its Lilucts.
A physician waa summoned , natoinaolf
pump prccurod and u drug clerk dis-
ahurgud on ohort notice , whereby n
human life wan u ivod itud none in
future will bo ondunguiod. ] VIra.
Jlorwy soon recovered.
Wimiim's rights lunatics nru ntill on
the w.irpath in this county raising the
< iuosion ; why thuir Creator did not
niiiko them an other men and alleging
that by voting for the amendment this
full i\U defects in the constitution of
the United Stntea nnd the iticongru-
onuica of m-x will bo rumodiod ,
Air. McMuatiirs , president of the
White Ijiko lumber eumpaiiy in Ne
braska , nnd W. P. Henry , our grain
buyer , Imvo each fine rusidunccu un
der way , which will ba nn ornament
to our city nhen completed.
Jloiin Juokaun nnd Linn , Pawnco'a
iiblu representatives in the late logia-
luture , are buiug urged nguin by their
many trit'iuh to whoul into line ferro
ro election tliii fall. No lopreaentn-
tivna ovur rilldciod moro credit on
( huir coii&tituunu , nud thoiv ro-uleo-
tlon vtiuild bit the forcrunm-i * of vig-
tirous h'gialulivu pohoy on the parf of
the 1'uwnuu delegation.
The Pasvnoo lUnnor it the latest
move of n juunmtiHtio or litoraiy clmr-
uctor that lian doudopud itself in our
ci y. It ia a neat eix column qiurto ,
j&mmod full of live locals und etlootive
tditorinla , und i destiiu-d to btcoine
tliM leading papei of Southeastern Ne-
A bnok kiln within the suburban
limits of our city ia the btust addition
to our induatriif.
Owing to thu exorbitant pricoa of
hogs in thu market , vo Miggeat that
uonie of our hogqiuh politiciuna be
turned into market nnd sold for the
bonotlt of their constituents. Thuro
might bu aomothing realized from the
dirty fat at least.
Last Thursday , aa William Bruca
was loading oats in the field , and as
thu load was about ready to go to the
stock yard , it gave way und fell to the
right , while ho fell on the left fore
wheel of the wagon , causing death in
about 20 hours. It ia aupoonod that ,
as the young man waa ullhcted with
heait disease , his death wua hastened
by this accident. On Saturday his
body was forwarded to Illinois , where
his friends reside. The scene of the
sad accident was ilvo miles aouthratt
of Pawnee City , on Theo. Dart's farm.
TIIOUAH' Kuurmu OIL has obtained
treat popularity , Irom its intrinsic value
as a reliable uwultliie , in curing hoarte-
nese , and all irritations of the throat , dis.
eases of the elicit , etc. 1'ur these it is an
mcoupar blo pulmoiiic. lld-l\v
What Has Been Done nnd What ]
Done by the Engineers.
S n
Operations in connection with th
projected Panama Canal have for eom
time past been principally directed t
the completion of the surveys alon
the line of the canal. Thia wnrJ <
though proeoculcd with nil possibl
dispatch , has mot with coneidornbl
vexatious delay in endeavoring to me
terially reducj the excavations nftc
the central line nf the canal shall b
determined. With thia end IfTView
the regular engineer corrs has bcoi
divided into exploring parties , cnc'
having ita designated locality for
field of oporntionn. The instruction
invariably received nro to ascertain th
topography of the country along' th
main line of the canal as nt present de
cided upon , note carefully the different
ont ncchvitics encountered in the im
mediate vicinity and their ndaptnbilit ;
for ntationf. On the concluaion o
these rcBotrchon n roporb is oubmittci
to the Executive Board at I'anuin-i
and by the comparison which in inati
tutcd a line ia roichod as a basis fo
fuluro operations. Under the dircc
tion of Pec'ro ' Span , a prominon
Columbian engineer , excellent result
have been arrived nt , so thut the ox
cavationn originally proposed havi
been materially reduced
In nn Interview with Jcronimi
0 s , a mombar of the engineer corp
in I'nnnma , and who arrived in thi
city by tha last steamer , it waa oscor
tallied tlmt the surveying Iind bcoi
lintshod , and that attention is nov
concotitrntpd upon determining thi
canter of the canal. The louto of thi
canal has already boon cleared o
trees , and with the above oxceptiot
everything ia in rcadinosa tor the ox
cavntion to nmmonoa In fact , a con
tract hnn already been given to excavate
vato a distance of eight miles , fron
Colon to Gat um , and it is oxpcctec
thnt work will bo commenced on No
vcmbor 1st. As ras been previously
noticed in The Chronicle , thn machinery
ory to bo used in thia work ia in pro
: OIB of construction , aomo of it await
ing nhipment from this city to Nev
The moat important l.xbor , thnt o :
erecting a dam nt Gainboa on tin
Chugrcs river , ongroesea the nttontior
of the engineer. ) . Over oixty kilomc
tors of the river Imvo been oxplorec
and its nflluonts nnd currents studied ,
In another diructnm tracks have beer
laid for the pnrpono of carrying th (
excavated earth and atones to the pro
posud site of the dam , while along the
whole route of the canal , from Color
to Panama , stations 1mvu boon ra'ab
lialicd. A large number of warehouse :
have albo been built. A cnmmodiouE
hoBpitul has been constructed upon at
eminence in Punaiun for the benefit ol
the canal company's ' employes anc
placed under the direction of competent
tent physicians. An auditionnl con <
tract to .that cited above lias been
given for the uxcivation of 87,00f
cubic motors at Obispo , where a largt
warehouse ) will bo built , aa well as ad
Htional shops to those already erected
[ t is now detinitoly settled that the
canal will bo completed within the
, itno originally aaaignod.
Passing from the recent develop
nonts , Sunor Oasa stated that busincai
n Panama , under the influence of the
general activity along the line of the
: anal , had largely increased and thai
.ho laboring elapses experienced nc
ack of employment.
Cilvor , Kiunoy nniiBrlcUt'o Disease.
A medicine that dtiatroys the germ
> r cause of Brighr/aDteoiBo , Diab.ttos ,
Cidnoy and Liver Complaints , and has
joner to root them out of the system ,
a above all pnco. Such a modiciiio ie
lop Bitter * , arid poaitivo proof of thie
can bo found by ono trial , or by inking
'our neighbors , who huvo been cured
> y it.
The blood is the foundation of
life , it circulates through c\ury part
of the body , nnd unless it U pure
nnd rich , good health id impossible.
If disease has entered thu stcm
the only sure and quick \ \ ay to dm o
it out is to purify and cnrjch thu
These iimplc facts arc well
known , ami the highest medical
authorities ngrec that ttct/itiig but
lion \\ill restore the blood to us
nnturnl condition ; nnd also that
all the iron prcpniatlons hitherto
nude blacken the teeth , cause head
ache , and arc otherwise injurious ,
UuowN'slRON Uim Kbill thor
oughly nnd quickly assimilate \\ith
{ he blood , purifying and strengthen
ing it , and thus driv c disease from
any part of the system , nnd it \ \ ill
not blacken the teeth , cause head
ache or constipation , and is posi
tively HIinjurious. .
Saved his Child.
17 N. r.uUw St. , Haltlmore , Md.
Icb. u , 1860.
Genii ; Upon tlje recommenda
tion of a friend 1 tried HKOUN'S
IKON HimiKS as a tonic and re
storative for my daughter , whom
1 wut thoroughly convinced ua
watting away with Consumption.
Having lost ihrtc daughter ! by the
terrible iliscaic. under the care uf
eminent phiiclant , 1 wu luth to
tcltcve that an ) thine could arreit
the [ irogresi p ( the uliease , but , to
my great f urprlte , before my daugh
ter had taLiii one bottle of IKOUN' ]
IKON Ilirrtus. the begin to mend
and now It "Julie rcitorcd to former
licallh , A tifih tUughtcr brgan lo
choir tlgnt of Cunsumpllon , and
\\licn llio phjtlclan ujt consulted
lie quickly tald "Tonlct were re
quired. " and vihcn Informed that
i lie elder titter vat laUni ;
IKON Dili UK : , , responded "that Is
a good tonic , take lu"
HRO\YN'S IRON BITTI ns effectual.
ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and
Weakness , and renders the greate-st
relief and benefit to persons suffering
from such casting diseases as Con
sumption , Ividuey Complaints , etc.
Sioux Citj &
Rnni * nolM Train through frorr
Council Ulufffl to St , Paul
Without Oh nu Time , Only 17 Hour *
ad nit noInU la Northern Iowa. HI/.n > H.U at
Oikct * . Thin line Is equipped with th > In ftnt
WtMlnghtiutti Autorratlc AJr-bntke toil Mill
Vl tfarrn Coupler ami Bnfltf ! mil lor
Ic nnroniuwod. Pulltuan f&hoc 8loet > Irifr f.v
ran throuicli WmiOWI CHANGE bctwetn KM
illCltjrar.d HI. l' ul , vim Council Blnti an
Sioux City.
TrJno lcvr tnlon Pacific Trtunfer l Cam
ell BluCj. &t 7:86 : p. in. dAll ? on arrival fit Kuan
City. St Jcwcrli nnd Council Iliads trulo ftoi
the Boulh. Arriving at flloux Clly 11:55 : | i. n
nd at the Maw Union Datxil tl Bl. r ul at 1S.S
CSTllonirmbcr In tikltiK the 81nai I'lty Ron !
you get a Through Train. Tha Murteit Llni
the Qulckoofllme wid a Comfortable KIilo In li !
Through Cars between
KTBco that your Tickets toad \Io tbo "Qlon
01 tj and paclfllUUrm.1
Btip rlnteniIenJ. Oeu' PJD * . Agent
P. B. IIOBIHSOH , AM' } Oca'l I'am. Ajf'S ,
Mlwxiurl Valley a ,
\7 B. UAV19 , Roulli' < Urn
1880. SI.OKTJ.iHE.
IB mil tMtT
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
PYotn Omaha and the West ,
A tmlns leave B ft M. Depot , Ouiaht : Nab.
'to cliuige < > t turt bttwcci Ouuh * tad at.
anJ bat rnc Iwtwcen OMAHA d
Daily PassengerTram ;
SABTKim AMI ) pr-WKHN 01TISS with LS3
iiotlre line 18 nqtuprxd vrtJh allraao
ealico Slurping Cuts , Palace l ) y CoMbra , Mil cr
HM'CIV I'latiara and Ccnplar , auJ too iciebtato
tttmiriioaso Alr-hr kc.
faTHea thai you tlchot ro de VTA nANSA ,
orrr , ar. JOBEPII * COUNCIL BLUJira tu
road , > la St. Joseph anil St. Louie.
Ticket * lor ertta nt all coupon ttllon la Ib
Went. J. F. BARNARD ,
O. DAWKS , 0 on. Supt. , St. Joseph , ltt |
4. Sea Pan. and Tlckul Agt. , Ei. Joseph , Mr.
AKDT HiUDrjf , Ticket AlfC : : ,
1020 Farahirn ' , .cvt.
W. J.IUvinroRT , 0 i : . : Arcnt ,
Murray & Lanman's
Best fir TOILET , BATH
English rcm-
oily. An un
failing euro
> lor Hcmlual
Weakness ,
iboa , Impotency -
oncy , and all
Diseases that'
follow ao a
6EftiRETAKinQ.Boquonce of AFTER TARIRB
jolf-Aiiuso ; us Less ot Memory , UnU orsal Lose
tudo , Fain In tha Back , Dlmnosa of Vilon , Pr <
mature Old ARC , and many other Diseases tha
load to Imuialty or Consumption and a Promo
ture Grave.
2TFull particular ! ) In oar pnmuhlct , whlcl
wu desire to send frco I v mall to every ono
S"Tlio Spccifl cMcdlclua Is sold by all dru Ub
\t 01 per package , or G packM-o9 lor 36 , or wl !
Ki Bent Ireo by mill on rtr ii > 5 ol the money , b'
aJdro.slrjff THKORAY iEDICINE CO. .
alo. N. T.
ociuio eod
To 5\ervous Sutterers
Or. 0. B , Simpson's Specific
It la a io < ) tlvocure tor bpnriEttonhi-a , Strain *
iVtOlmcsi , Iinpotancy , and Ml dlEMSoe resultln :
'loin Bflf-AbiJ.- lloatol Anxiety , Loss.
y , IV.ns In Iho Hak or Eldo , nr.d dUuiuio
Hint load ti
inmnlty nn
The hl)3c3i !
Jlcluo | .
I yfiUM / * T c A'SA-XS
A&SV'bv rf V . ( nl "UC ca" .
gXj ; > < BA4v Fn sSSvrMzn { & * * . ] pcinphloti
loot free to all. WiUo lar > tcm and get iol ) pw
Vrlss , flcoc'Cp , tl.CO pn vwcdnKC , or vli p ck
K03 for Ti.M. Addrc.13 ll cnlcru to
U. HllliJO.V 11EU1CLKE CU.
KOI. 101 .mil 1US Ualu St. EdCMa , If. Y.
Sol t In Oimhs by C. ? . flcodicua , J. W. Bell
J. K. lali , and All ilmirIgtreTrrywhorg.
i .rUw
M ty shrink from jm U ItjIn ronnectlonwltl
I. S. b , but n e a'o ii.nnlileil to refer tit olul
owing ) iorMU8 who iio Icnovvn and \tlnoivc :
Uvroiuorful tTctt ( $ :
riiRY , Ilouiton Co , da.
Wo ra\o liii n "Swlit'ii pitlllc" to cd li
lundreditofmokt o * > tlua'uca BO ( lootl I'oiaon-
ntf , lUrcurlii llh unmt Mil , HucT U , scro-
czoua , Cat nh etc , uul do 19 tclentlouklj
ustily thatlt nut \\i h til most perlctt nn i eg !
nl iact'33 , cOtL ud radun ami perm iiont curie
rieicrj u m witliout aHini.lo c\ou tlon.
lu.'li L Dciin ird , Goo. W Kill n ,
Jolin U. llrown , OD. W. bli glcioti ,
Vm , Itruuicxi. J hn H. Huui1 ,
Jamcj D. liirp , K I Warrin ,
luoraafii'ti ) , ' . W tielvln ,
J. \VImlcrly , J. \Voolfotk ,
. I ) ' Icrci' . hirlfl , J W. Mann. Co. Troif ,
0. 0. Duncan , T. 21. Ktllcn ,
1) y OL dordon , T. tl. him or , fhcCUt.
\Vearo | ir o ally aiqoalutO'l ' with tiu KO II ?
m n whoso m.'im'urfsapc | r to tro bo\u icr
ItU-at" . ilicyaru Itlze sot tald c < untjof thi
hlghottrcMiu tablllty and tnaractor.
A. . O1LEH. Old natv , llcuaton Co.Ca.
I ) . H UULLElt , .rk Sup. Ct. llou ton Co. Qa.
u1 fa\orablo icporU. Vellovo S. B ,
8 , la atpidrc for all IJ.ocd Ultcaata. It gUci
uulvirsal iutUfaitlo'i "
0 , W , JOW1C3 ti CO. . Memphis , Tenn.
"S. 8 , 8 , fhos bettor satisfaction than an ) '
uha\ocer hindloil , "
JACKS & CO. , Helena. Ark.
"Hat o net ? r heard a complaint of tj. & S. ' '
AHTUUIl PtTEll S. CO. , Lou'iville ' , Ky.
" 8. 8. 8 , 1ms ghcn entire aatUfactlon to evcrj
ono. " ' A. 1J. HlCHAKDs , Bbvrman , Tus.
"t ha\o had rxtellcnt tale frr f , 8. 8. and tlu
csullB \elweu man M isliv.tory. "
J. O , UUllUb , llonllnj Oricn , Ky ,
"Our sales of H. S , 8. liavo been good , and III
ucccua i ) rfict. "
JO.NUJ .t CAUEY , Moutjouury , Ala.
"S. 8 , 8. hat ghcn entire latUfactlon toc\cr )
n i " K UBUSS , I'ails , T xnj ,
"Is S S Ins ch on uiura l tatWuctlon. "
. \ \ , I OWKlta Ss CO. , Klehmoud , V * .
81,000 Ro-orard will bo paid W anj
horufrt Uo will Kirf/on / onilynl * ot 100 Vottle ol
8. S. H. , oao iiartlUo of Mercury lodldt of Voti
lum ot any Mineral tmbaUnca.
AtlaDia , Qa.
Fries of BiuaU alto , (1.00.
iUe Jl.To.
| 8old bf all DrusjrUI * .
Mrs J. O. Robcrtflon , PltUonr ? . I'a. , writes : '
M suflcrlnff from general debility , want of ft ]
petlto , constipation , etc. , to that Ilto was a bui
den ; after mln ? Ilurdock Illood Bitters I felt be
tci than for j cart. I cannot pralsa jourlilttci
too much. "
K.GIbb ? of nnffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Von
Murdoch Illoc Ulttcr. % In chronic diseases of th
blood , Ihcr a > .JI kldncyi , tiaio signal I
marked with nuccess. I have uitcd thim ni > se
with l < nt rciults , for torplditj of thelhcr , ftndl
cnf > oo ( n friend of mine suffering from dropsj
the effect WM marclous. . "
nruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.fvrrltc8 : ' 1 hav
been subject to Bcrlous disorder of the Kldnoji
ami unalilc to attcnil to business ; llnrdock Cloo
Hitters relieved mo bcforo halt a bottle wajuoe <
I feel confident that they v. Ill entirely cure mo. "
Ascnlth Hall , TJlnghampton , N. Y. , wrltci
"I suffered with a dull pain threush inv el
lunR and shoulder. Lost my KpIrlM , apMtit ]
and color , and could nlth dllttculty keep up a
day. Took jour liurdock Blood Hitters as d
reeled , and halo felt no ] > aln slnw ) first week al
tcr uslntr them. "
Jlr. Noah Untca , Elmlrn , N. Y. . writes : "Aboti
four } cars ago I had nn attack of billons f tcr , aii
nexcr fully rcwcred. Jly dlgcstlxo orgin
were ncal < cnodnidl would beconipletply proi
t rated fordijB. Alter using two bottles of } ou
Uurdock I'.lood Hitters the ! iniro\cincnt M e
\ I Iblo that I was astonished. I can now. thoug
01 years of ago , do a fair and uasonablo day' '
work ,
O. Blacket Iloblnson , proprietor ot The CanaJ
Presbjtcrlan , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For\eai
I suffered crc-itlj from ott-rccurrin ; ; hcadaclio.
used J cur burdock DIood Hitters with happln
results , and I now find nnvcU In bettor bcalt
than for j cars past. "
Jlre. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! hav
used Burdock Blood Bitten for ncneua and bi
lous hcadiwlics , and can recommend It to an } on
requiring a euro for bllllousncss. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N.7s , write :
"For scicral jcars I have tuSeied frcru eft tccui
ring blllious headaches , dyspepsia , and con
plaints peculiar to mj sex. Since- using jot ;
Burdock Blood Bittern I am entirely relict cd. "
Prfco , 01.00 net Bottle ; Trla BottlcilOCti
FOSTER , MILBUM. & Co , , Props
Sold at wholcealo by Ish L McMahon and C. I
Ooonman. ( e 27 cod-mo
Dlscaso l > au effect , not a cause. Its origin I
within ; Us manifestations without. Hence , tc
: ure the dimso the CAUSK must ba rcmocd , am
tn no other u ay can a crro ov cr I o effected
IiIVER CURE Is established on juat thi
principle. It realizes that
95 Per Cent.
of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys an
liver , and It strikes at once ut the root of th
difficulty. Thoolcmo ts of whlchit is compose ,
act directly upon Iheso great organs , both as ;
FOOD ai d ttitsTOREB , and. by plackg them lu ;
Lcalthy , condltlrn , drive dlaeaso and pain fron
Iho sjstcm.
For the Innumerable trnub cs caused by un
ficalthy Kldno > Ei , Liver and Urinary Organs ; fo
the dutre-ulnar Dleordcrsof Women ; for llalana
an physical uerangiments goni-ralh , this grca
mil' dy ha * no equal. Hiuaro uf Impostors , Im
tntlorH and contoctlonsHilJ tn bo Just as good
For Diabetes , as ( orTPAIlNUi'S SAPI
nil dealers.
for sale by .
H. H. WARNER & : CO.,1
me llocheslor N. Y.
Tiie Great Lngiish K'imedy
N'over faIN ta cur
Nrrvoua Debility. VI
til Exhaustion , Kmls
tlon" , Seminal Weak'
nciwo.iLOBT MAN
HOOD , nnd all th !
v\ll tlfucts of jouth
ful lollies and oxccs
its. It etops pcrma
ucrtly c.11 ncaUenlng
lrn oluntary loss sani
ilralnti upon tbo BJB
rcm , thchioUtablo re
, , , wit of these evilprao
tlces , hich aru no destruotU o to mln 1 and bodj
andnml.o Ufa miserable , often leading to lns il-
y and death It strengthens the ! f nisnraln ,
momorjf Illood , Mus < .les , Dlgottlve nnd llcpro.
lucthourir'ns , It restores to all the organic
unctlcns their former \l < or and vitality , ma >
> > lng life cheerful aid cnjojablp. Prici1 , SJ a
'lottlo , or four times tl.o quantity 410. Ueiit by
express , nccuro from oM < rtlon , to any r.Jtlrcsi ,
on receipt of prke. No. 0. 0. I ) , oent , except
on receipt of $1 sa a guarantee. Litters rj.
ruc tliu' unswcrd must Incloco ttamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
are tl > bent and cheapest dyspepsia r ud billion *
cuio In the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
0 cents.
Du UINTIK'H KibNsr UEUSUT , NcrRirricnt ) ,
Cures i II kind of Hldnuy and bladder comjildnto.
onorrlica , gkct and.leiicorrlica , her ealo ny all
iauifg eta : il n bottle.
7l8OlUo l , Ut. l.oula , lie.
Tor HMoln Omaha by
O , I. ft
I.In c u r n I
ute of w
cundltyauuie narcotic * .
Hop nltters
rr k mid Llrcul&r
Hi It may BUh BlfTHJ.
uvo your f ru to
llfu. U hm
eiived hun Uockeitt * S 1
arnciu A T roalo. Out.
lous ariELii , uou aciuur ,
1'rtsldent. Vice f rci'i.
W. B. Diun . Gee. and Trnu
Lincoln , Nab
Oorn Planters , HrrrowB.Form ttollora
HulUy Hay Kaliou , BUCEOI hiloviitlug
WlnamlllB , &o
Wo nrepircd to do job w ork and luinuftc
ng the | rtli .
uac63 a ordtr *
Llncola. No
Storage , Commission , and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peek & Bauehers Lard , and Wilber Mills Floor
OMAHA , - - -
o. IE1.
.Window and Plate Glass.
toT Anyone contemplating Imllnlnj 8 tore , bank , or any other flno will flnd It to their ftd
e to corrcs end with us before purchasing their Plato Glaes.
OMAHA - - - NEB.
. o.
' 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha.
On River Bank , Bet. Parnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
3D. O
1020 Farn.ha'm Street ,
' *
J <
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line oi the Best Brands of
/ | * * 3 Wliln
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific .Depot , GMAEAfl *
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,