THE OMAHA .H TWELFTH YEAR. Oar AHA NEB. , JJlttDAY MOKNING , AUGM'ST K 18o2 ( Successors io Fred Lang. ) | Wo are now prepared with our new stock to offer ! BABGAINS in the following goods : Laundry Soaps , Canned Oysters , Fine Crackers , Fine Extracts , * Butter and Eggs. Wo can assure the public that wo can show the very choicest butter and eggs the country can produce.Vp re ceive daily , both , in largo quantities. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS Wo invilo to coino nnd civo us a call. Wo know it will bo to their ad vantage , na wo sell CHEAP and keep always the best stock of the STANDARD CALIFORNIA CANNED & DRIED FRUITS , Wo can challenge the World , aa we daily receive the very beat proofs that NEVER FAILS. As it rnnkou the LIGHTEST and WHITEST BREAD. Wo also invite all .that desire n peed cup of Coffee or Tea to our stock. Just received a lot of 0. G. JAVA , COSTA EICA BIO , GUATEMALA , . < and MOCHA X3ST " [ S73ES ' Wo can show early picked Yama hire , Japan Young Hyson , Japan Oolong Fine English Breakfast Souchong and Congou. All of theao Teas wo can recommem to bo pure of any poisonous colors aa wo pay special attention to tlii branch of buainoss. Wo have also received a largo lot of Jellies and Preserves In 10 and 25 pound pails , and wo pro pose to sell thorntOIIEAP. This is the beat chance TO BUY THESE GOODS Families that may wiah pure of the pureat quality , should not fai to give ua a call. This we lately addot to our business , and we keep no otho but the purest brands of these goods which wo only sell for medical purpo sea. In addition we keep the purest CALIFORNIA CLARETS , ANGELICA , SHERRY , AND PORT WINES Boots & Shoes We have aa large a stock as can b found in this city , both for Ladies Children and Gents' , which wo aell a jeasonabla prices. Heimrod & Dormann Corner 13th and Jackson ON TO ABOUKIR. JIB Land and Naval Forces of tlio British Preparing to Fall on the Forts , Great Activity Along the Wliolo Line and tbo Enemy Is Not Idle. Ooo Hundred Murderoxia Ma- obinea Beady to Salute the Invaders. Jermaiir Exprofifloi Her Disgniit nt tbo Proornstluntlnc Policy of the forte. Detailed Reports of the Condition of Crops In Europo. 3pccl l Dispatches to UK lm. ! THE COMINO llATTLi : . ALEXUIDUIA , August 17. The rautporta Egyptian Monarch and Ne vada arrived , Reports continue to assort that n combined land and sea ttackon the forts at Abnukir is imini lent. According to latest accounts the attack will bo made Sunday norning. The first division , with ono regi ment from the second division , will jnibirk to-morrow. After the bom- mdment of the forts nt Aboukir , for which all the men of war but two will DO withdrawn from Alexandria , it is .ntonded to land the first division un der the personal command of Gen , jtarnot Wolfioloy. I'RESH WATER CANALS. PAKIS , August 17. The following telegram , dated Ismailia , has been ro coivcd from De Lesacpa : "Tho gov ernor aakod mo to-day whether the Egyptians could Ifgally cut treah wuttr canals from Cairo to Ijiniuliii. I replied in the negative. I shall communicate my opinion , which has the sanction of legal decisions , to Arabi Pasha , who haa alwaya scrupu lously respected the rights of the Suez Ounal company. " I'OUTE I'OINTS. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 17. The portu has reiterated its instructions to provincial governments to take pro- cautiotm to prevent disorder in their rfapoctivo territories. Arab Shlok Oboidalluh , chief of iho ] vurd triboa , has disappeared. The government is endeavoring to ascertain his whore abouts. The communications of Lird Duf- fcrin with the porto the laat few days referred to the transport of mules ant oxen to Egypt , which , it ia reported , the porto is inclined to prohibit from Tutkish dominions. Said Pasha Turkish premier one minister of foreign affairs , nnd priuci pal representative of the porto at the conference , haa resigned the olfica of prime minister. MOVING TO THE.FttONT. ALEXANDRIA , August 17. The Third battalion of grenadier guards , the Firat battalion of Scotn guards , and the Second battalion of the Cold- stream guards , were ordered to env bark on transports early Friday moru < ing. A naval council was hold to-day on the Helicon. AIIAUI'S ODNS. Ar&bi Pnsha is said to have 100 puns in position nt Kafr-ol-Dwar. The English staff credits him with eighty , at least. TUB FKEMI O IN OERMANV. UKKLINJ Aug. 17. The delay of the porto in accepting the proposal for i mihtaiy convention haa considerably irritntfd the German government. Elerr Von Ilirschfeld , roprcsentativi at Constantinople , has beoii instructed lo make representations to the porte concerning the feeling of Germany 01 thin subject. The Croaa Gazette says ; The porto cannot undertake military intervention In E ypt under the same conditions as it could have intervened in July. It has only itsel to blame for the permanently disad vantageous position in which Turkey is now placed. Enaland asks no more in regard to conducting military opor ntioiis in Egypt than she did at tht time of the Crimean war , where Tur key agreed to her demands withou prejudice to the Bultun'o authority. JIUSHIA ANI > IUJUCKY. BEIILIN , August 17. A correspondent dent of The Cologne Gazetteexprosseo the opinion that Russia is preparing for war with Turkuy by way ot com pensalion of England's occupation ol Bjypt. A DE3EUTBH H YAKN. ALEXANDICIA , August 17. Arab Pasha is eaid to bo arranging for hi oicapu in case ) of need , to the resi donee of a fanatical Molumedan dig nitary on the borders of Tripoli. A deserter from Arabi's forcea gives t graphic description of the misery prevailing vailing in the latter's camp , whore the wounded are growling abou their sufferings , presenting a sat picture of distress and neglect. Some of these poor creatures are said to have boon shot by comrades to free them from agony. Many Egyptians are compelled against their will to fight. fight.Major General Sir Edward Ilawloy to-day assumed local command it Ilamleh , Major Generals Wood am Allison have taken command of their reapoctivo brigades , Colonel Mothur waa appointed censor of press mes- tages , I'KESS I'OINTH. LONDON , August 17. The Sland ard says Gon. Wobley'a parading was for thu ostensible purpose , and may have been the beat way of conceal ing his real intentions bofpro th enemy. Ho has boon deceived by moans of the press. The Standard further says ; Th ironclads may increase the * decep tion by bombardment of forts , and a nightfall the fleet of transports may steam back to Alexandria again and disembark troops and the entire lirit idh force fall upon Arftbi Pasha'a do * plotcd intronchmontsin front of Ram- loh. This is almost certain. Rvpoits f landing at Aboukir are spread to hrow dust in the eyes of Arabi 'ash ' a. Tno Times is qui'o silent regarding Ion. Wolsoloy'a intentions. The News draws attention to the act that when Gon. Wolseloy wrote vroto the first edition of 'Tho Sol- lier's Pocketbook , " ho regarded spo- lal correspondents as modern curses if the army in the Hold. Subscqueiu ivonU no doubt induced him to mod- fy his views , but notto such an ox- ont that ho would lightly take thorn nto hia confldenco without reserve. WANTS TO KIOI1T. PAWS , August 17. The Gaulois status that Prince Ibrahain Pasha , the bttrth son of the cx-khudivo , Ismail . * asha , has obtained leave of hia father o proceed to London to oolicit per mission from the duke of Cambridge to servo aa n private in the English army in Egypt. Prince Ibrahain iromiscs not to remain in Egypt after , ho cumpaign. COMVLKTINfl COMMUNICATION. , August 17. lions are proceeding with the canal company for the hiring of a wire from Onez to Port Said. If this is accotn- > liahcd it will complete direct tolo- jraphio communication between Suez uid England. * rilOM THE SEAT OFVAIl. . ALEXANDUIA , Augnat 17. Wolseloy has decided that the British advance shall bo made from Aboukir. The [ .roopa will attack the Aboukir forts on Sunday. The khedive to-day visited Wolso- , ley. ley.It It is reported that negotiations are proceeding for a surrender at Moks of 2,000 Be bourns now with Arabi Pasha. Another report states that Wolsoloy will make an attack on Saturday by two columns along the route ot the last recoimoiBanco and another by way of Lake Aboukir , taking Arabi at a point where hia right rear rests on the Mahtnondih cAual. There is reason to bollovo that the young Italian naval oflicer reported missing on 15tn inet. absconded with the intention of giving Arabi Paaha uaaiatanco. The troopship Euphrates with the oecond battalion of the Manchester regiment , and a battalion of the roya" artillery and transport Capolla will Uiu Duke of Teck have arrived. LAYIKO LOW. CONSTANTINOPLE , August 17. Duf ferin has been instructed not to press the Porto for a reply concerning the military convention. . - OENERAI , FOREIGN NEWS- ( pedal D.sjutche to THE UKB. CHOI'S IN EUHOI'E. LONDON , August 17. A dispatch of Berlin says : In Germany , althougl damaged in n few districts , the grait crops as a whole are full up to the average. In Russia crops in the can ter and southern provinces , _ vrhich suffered greatly from rains , insocta and blight ! are considerably under the average. In Finland , Courtland , Livonia , Rostcfl' , and the valley o ! the river Don , a good medium har vest has been scoured. Throughou Hungary the yield ia good , especially in southern Hungary , where wheat rye and maize crops are .excellent , Ii European Turkey they nro superior to any. In Sweden and Norway , the crop is a fair average. Rains ruined two-thirds of the harvest in Bohemia The potato crop in Galicia and Boho mm is destroyed. A COUNT JT.EECEn. VIENNA , August 17. A great burg lary was committed at the palace o Count Andressy. All the count'u orders dors , and many objects of art and an tiquity were utolon , THE KAICE AI1UOAD. LONDON , August 17. The Prince o Wahu , in obedience to the wishns o hia physician , haa started for the continent tinont , accompanied by Princeaa Alux andria. THK X.ULU CHIEF. LONDON , August 17. An cxpori cnced military officer of standing , win will remain some time in Xululund a a British resident , will accompany Cotowayo on hia return in order to aa slat in electing an understanding witl the present chiefs. AI.'UOBH THK 1'OND LONDON , August 17.Ljon , Play fair member of parliament for Ediu burg and St. Androwa university sailed to-night for the United State ? ASIATIC UIIOLKKA DUULIN , August 17. A foreign VCH sol arrived at Toynes , jn the Shannon v/ith two caeca of Asiatic cholera on board. The vessel is quarantined. DUCUOT D1AJ > . PARIS , August 17. Gen August Ak-xandro Ducrot , the woll-knowi French general is dead. WAH IN COJIEA. LONDON , Aug. 17. Private telegrams grams received 111 London say that tht troubles in Coroa have culminated ii a general insurrection , and thut th king and queen have been assassinated The Japanese legation was attacket by the natives belonging io the anti foreign policy. A Japanese man-of war has been ditpatonvd to the Second end river. ANTICLERICAL KIOTfl. PAIUH , August 17. BoriouH disturb anoes have occurred at Mont Soul Salr mines. A mob destroyed th church doors with dynamite , but th police prevented it from attacking th priest's house , The Tar ) if Commii Ioii. Special Dmpatcli to ' 111 is Uxi. LONO BiiANCU , August 1C , Th tarilf cotnmUsion to day listened t the argument by Edward Shcror chemiat in charge nf the United State labratory , Now York , holding tha the present sjstern of collecting dutie on sugar by the Dutch standard aliou ! bo Bupplamonted by permitting th secretary of the treasury to dotermin by chemical analysis or other tncuii the true color under the Dutch stanc ard , if sugar had not been artificial ! darkened. Gustav Schwab favored ad valorem istrad of specific duties on sugars chwnb , who is a'so an importer of eel nnd buyer of American wool , ad rcsacd himself to what ho termed loao features of the present compli cated wool tarill that do not affect the rinciplo of protection to American eel growers and that do operate to ! io detriment of American woolen in- ustry , the honest importer and the ovcnuo. Advalorom duties wdro fa- orod wsa lor wool by Schwab. Mr. chwab prefaced his roumrks by a tatomont to which Commissioner Connor referred as follows : "You ay if you were allowed to follow jour urn convictions you vrouM nuke an rgutnont in favor of free wool , but > ou believe such argument would not > c accoptnblo to this body. On what a that belief founded ? Why do you hink any nddrcsa or tiny subject .onnocted with the tarill , no matter low broad , how frco trade , or how liscuraivo , would not bo acceptable to his body ? " Schwab : "tlccauso I bolltwc " hesiiating ) . KoiiKer : "You arn cirrying out the theory that exists in the minds of a great many persons , that this com mission ia not to treat , ov.crybody 'airly and equaroly ? ' Schwab : "I did not mean that. " Kennor : "You say BO in the open- ng of your argument. " Schwab : "I believe this commission - sion is looking at nuUors connected vith the tajiff other than those which wo merchants are looking at. You iavo political considerations before 'Oil. " Ivonnor : "You have no authority to , ay any such thing. You sa.v you bo- iovo an argument advocating free rado in wool would not bo acceptable o this eommiaBion , On what do. you ) tiso that statement ? You have made ho assertion boldly and unequivocally. [ t goes abroad to the world and if wo nubmit to it wo submit to tlm auac'rtion : hat wo are disposed to bo unfair and unjust in matters brought buforo ua. " Schwab : "I did not moim to imply tiny rdldotion on the commission , but [ have been before congrenaional com mittees a number of times with the same subject. 1 have always found u was of no iiso to talk about frco wool , Wo were alwaya told the wool grow ing interest of the United States would never permit it , nnd the wool growing mtoroat wo know to bo all powerful. " LONU BRANCH , August 17. The tariff commission heurd Assistant Ap- pruiaer Kent in recommendation of n reduction of dutiea oa silk gooda. A paper was road favoring free trade. A dommunication from the Pacitiu Mail company recommended reduction of duty on wool. Thomaa Horton & Co. recommend u reduction of duties on munlin and woolen fabrics to a uni form rate of 35 per cent ad valorem. A. C. Babaon recommended that Port land cement bo put on the frco list. W. J , RICB fuvorod making hay free of duty. CAPITAL NOTES. Special Dispatches to Tin DKK. PENSION CLEHKB. , WASHINGTON Aug. 17. Secretory Lincoln appointed 200 clerks and a number of messengers and /watchmen for Borvici ) in connection wvh the ? pen sion cases provided for in the legisla tive , executive and judicial appropria tion bill. There are still about 150 appointments of this character to be mado. The treasury department to-day purchased 015,000 ounces of line sil ver for delivery at the mintu. THE MAR ROUTE CAHEH. Bliss for the prosecution bogim hia argument and will continue to-mor row. HEALTH RU'ORTii. The national board ot health haa ra- coivod a report from Surgeon Owen , United Statea navy , ac Ponuncola , stating that on the 15th mat. the mate of the Spanish bark Silota at Sullivan wharf , died of yellow fever and that three men were sick on board ; also that the bark waa towed to sea n few hours after the death occurred , Uo states great excitement prevailed at Poneacola , as there are rumors of oth er caeca of fever among the shippers. Comptroller Lawrence has given an opinion thut the national board of health ia authorized to select local boards and quarantine stations , and to bo aided from the iippropriation of $50,000. MJifKOTi RKMiAHED. Acting Secretory of State Davii learned to-day from Minister Lowell that McSwcenoy nnd Slattory , twc American suspects , have been released from prison in Ireland. RAILROAD COK'MIH.SIONIIRH. The president has appointed com missionurs to examine the newly com pleted 250 miles of the Northern P.v- cifio railroad. For the weatorn divin- ion , Capt. JJy. Blackatunu , James C. Reed , Iloraco B. Frye ; eastern divin- ion , Arthur B. Johnson , John B. Sanborn nnd II. W. Scott. A Hugo Dnpot. Special Dlipa'.ch lo Tun Dn OHIOAOO , August 17. The inter view in the east between Presidents Ackormun , Oummings and Yundorbilt has resulted in a decision that the Illi nois Central givn up the long contest with the city for two blocks ot land on the lake front. The companies will a1 once begin the erection of a dopol where the ruins of thn former depot burned in the great fire October 9 , 1871 , still ntund , It will cost over half a million and ba completed ir 1883. It will be occupied jointly by the Illinom Contra ] , Michigan Central Baltimore & Ohio and Now York , Chicago cage & St , Loin's railways. The Apnolies. Sjtcclal Dlfjntcli toTnr. I'cK. TUCSON , Arizona , Auguit 17. The Star's Mexican ad vices from Magdalins Sonora , of the 15th inst. , say ; The Apaches continue their raids in thu vicinity of Urea. A band of 70 to 100 is now raiding Sonora river valley Don Yullaaco , of Ouorbotb'a ranch and a number of others in the valley were killed last week. Ono hundroc people have been killed in the vicinit ; of Urea within ho last month. HE HAILS FROM UTIGA. The Mouth Organ and Political Manipulator for Now York Monopolies , A Bitter nnd Relentless War Innu&urated Against Gov ernor Cornell , The Smallwnrts Endeavoring to Oruah the Popularity of a PearleBB Executive. The flroiulth nnd Depth of Hii Mortal Slunitia Plainly Stntoii. A Ltvoly authoring of tlio Lonoaomo iTrntornlty Looitod for lu Doaton. The Split In Now Vorlt. Special DUpatili to Till Hun. OmcAno , Aug. 17. The growing bitterness of the contest for the re publican nominntion for governor in Now York , in which the present in cumbent on ono side nnd Ounkling nnd the stalwarts on the gthrr , are. now ongaaud-null the nbaoluto broach bolwoon Oornoll nnd the ox noimtor , is strongly shown by The Albany Dia- patch this morning. Cornell's orgnn t the stnto capital alleges that Conk ing , na attorney for Jay Gould , uaod 11 his inlluonco with the governor to irovont hia votooinj * Iho bill to relieve lie Pacific Stoamahip compvny of city axes , amounting to § 1120,000 , and I at ho personally nnd through others , ntinmtod lo the governor that hia po- itical intorcatn would bo advanced by iis approving the nioneuro , but to all arguments Cornull waa deaf , and ho bill didn't become a law. It is lao alleged when the bill to relieve ho Elevated JUilroad company of iioat of its taxon reached the Rovi rnor 10 wns informed th it hia approval of t would euro the difficulty with Conk ing and insure hin rennmina ion. Ho was also informed t is stated , that there would bo a dis- ribution of now stock of consider.- ) lo value , in which ho would not bo ort'otti'n. Nevertheless , ho vetoed he bill. A democratic paper at Albany , wili ng to do all it can to help on republi can disagreements nml to hurt both "actions , charges that Gould nnd Oor- loll had conferences when the olova- ed railway bill waa introduced , and hat , after its pasa'ago nnd buforp the veto , the governor had personal inter views with .Oonkling and second hand ones with Gould , who wns given to understand that the bill would bo signed. Finally , though , it was kill- id by a brief milk-and-water voto. Anti-Monopoly State Convention. 8 ] > ec'I Dispatch to Tim UKX. NBW YORK , August 17. The execu tive comimitoo of the state committee of thb Anti-Monopoly League 4has is sued u cull for a state convention , to bo hold nt Saratoga September 13. After declaring against corporate nonopulies , in favor of pure nnd dignitied judiciary , in favor of protect- tig Inbor , advocating a liberal policy 'or our waterways , and favoring n repeal of the objectionable "oaturea of the penal code , the call concludes as follows ; "If the con vention ahall decide i-i fuvor of indp- pendent action , it will then put in nomination candidates for state offi cers who are entitled to the ocmfidonco nd Hupport ot the people , nnd who , if oltctod , rtill carry out the principles the convention shall declare ought -to control the government of the cute of Now York.7 MimimoJiusotU Qreonbaokors- Special DUpitcli to Tiu U > r. BOSTON , August 17.-Tho green back stnto convention to-morrow promises to bo lively , in view of the tiil'nt to adjourn the convention with out making any nomination for gover nor so that the convention can meet again to nominate dun. Butler sljould ho decide to run nfter he has examin ed the republican ticket. "Straight" greonbackorfl will light nny suoli proposition - position , it is said. SPORTING. UTIOA IIAOKS. UTICA , N. y. , Augiiot 17. Thonn- finished pacing rnca , of which six heats wore made yesterday , was won by Flora Hello , Gem second , Lucy third , Buffalo Girl fourth ; time , 2:18' : , ' The 2:33 : class : C.tptain Lowns first , Barbara , Prttchon second , Allu/'heny / Boy third , Barrett fourlh ; time , 2:25f. : ROCHESTER RACES. ROCHESTER , N. Y. , August 17. Tliero were two special races as fol lows : Limber Jack iirht , Fuller second end , Bonsiu M third , Warrior fourth ; timo2:23,2:21 , : : * , 2:21 : , 2:22. : Special stallion race : Santa Olauc , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 ; Black OlouJ , 1 , 2 , 2 , 2 ; Jeromu EJdy , 2. 3 , 3 , 3 ; Von Arnim , drawn , time , 2:21 : $ , 2:25 : , 2:11) : ) , 220i. ; MONMOUTH I'AUK RACES. NEW YORK , August 17. First race , throe-fourths of a mile , Buckstono won ; time 1:21. : Second , mile and a half , Lauga Glnis won ; time 2:5U : ( , Tnird , ono and three-eighths of a mile , Ghoeknmto won ; time 2:35. : Fourth , mlle nnd a quarter , Keno won ; tirnu2:10j. : Fifth , mile , Hall Bay won ; time 1:57 : J. Sixth , mile andn half , hurdle , Guy won ; time 2:271 : CONBY ISLAND RACES. NBW YOIIK , August 17. First race , mile and ono-oi hth , Jim McGowan won ; time , 2:04 : . Second , thrw-quartorfl of B mile , Tonawanda won ; time , 1:1H. : ! Third , mile and one-eighth , Honk won ; time , 202J. ; Fourth' , vo furlongs , Bouncer won ; time , 1:04 : $ . . Sixth , inilo and a quarter , five hurdles , Jim Vnndovoor won ) time , 2trt8 HASr. UALU WOUCKSTKU , Mass. , August 17. Cleveland * 111 ; Worcester * 10. Tnov , N. Y. , Auguat 17. Chicagos 7j Treys . BOSTON , August 17.Bulfalos 0 ; OfttollM 1. Punvinr.NCK , August 17. Dotroits id Providences played to day n game I 18 inninus ; in the last inning the 'rovidonco made one run defeating : io Dotroits. THE DAD IN HIS BED. 'bo ' Mississippi Ulvnr Commission I'ropixrltiK for Woi k. IpcclM Dlrpittcli to Tin UK * . NKVV YOUK , August 17. The Mh > t asippl river commission , consisting ( if ! Gun. Gtlmoro ( president ) , Gen. C. 1 Comatock \ , Major Suter , Judge ' Taylor 1 , I'rof. Mitchell , Major llnrrod " tnd Cnpt. Jns. B. E\doa : , Imvo boon in n icssion since Monday. The whole na UU nt the diapoaal of the commission for the Mississippi river i $5,150,000 Thuconimisaion determined to roc- mniend an approximate allowance of ML'J3,000 , , which is for Iho improve- nunt of the river below Cairo. The inn § 100,000 waa loft anallowod or contingencies. The commnJBion ocided that work begin on the east lank of the river unino miles above ho mouth of the Ynzoo , and should ontinuo upward. Tno commissioners ocommond that $800,000 bp raised by ocal authorities to bo applied in such ray aa to secure , in connection with ho work done by the govern- nunt , continuity of the lines of ovoea from below upward. "With his end in view , the cmnmlesion , in linking allotment , took into considora- ion the amount of work likely to be one by authorities. Work nt 'lenn Point and Lake Providence onsiats principally of narrowing tht. Iroatns so as to increase tlm rapidity f the current and prevent formation f Handbird , which have n tendency to hift thu channel. Oile of the pro- > ostd ) projicts is to prevent by em- larkmeiitH the ll > w of watora of thf iliasissippi through Atuhafahiya rivor. A Blnzn from the Bowels. if cclnl 1) spatili to T.iK Her. . Cu.MiiHRiiANn , Md , Aug. 17. Theater \ator mine , owned by the Cotiaolida- od Coal company , near Lunaconing , imouldoriiig some time , burst fourth u a tremendous blaze to day , shoot- ng lifty foot in the air. The tire orig- nated from > Spruce slope of the name company , winch has boon working nit and beun burning ninco 4872. itvolliriga fiituatod over thu burning nine have boon doserted. There ia said to bo grear danger nf the fire commonicating with the V.tlo farm estate , with thousands of long of un derlying coal. Money tl Uou < HfccM Dltpitch toTiiKlliii. SARATOGA , August 17. At the jankers' convention several papers were road showing the agricultural , ndustrial and commercial condition of the south is exceedingly flattering , with good prospects ahead. , The con vention elected officers , and Goo. T. Do'&i J-Now York , was' ngim chosen resident. The Distillers. .Special DllpMcli to ' 1 UK DKIC. Cini.'Ado , August 17 The woatorn distillera are holding a business ineot- ng in thin eity to-day. Tlioy passed a resolution favoring enforcement of Sunday observance laws and judicious licoiiHo laws , nnd opposing the poliuy ) f saloon men in uniting with ono of the political parties for the protection of their intorcntn Drowiiod lir a Clonil Bnrnt' tjprchl tu Tint Ilii ; , BOWIK , A. T , August 17. A party of six smugglerfl with forty pack luiimula , who encamped for the nigh in a canyon in Swisholm mountains , were all nave ouu , drowned by n cloud burst last week. Their bodies wore found ecattorod along the canyon next morning. The Yollo w 8 o on rgo , Spcrlal tlUiiiUti to TIIH IlKl. BUOWKKITIM.K , Tex. , August 14. Twunty-onu now cases of yellow fever wore reported to-dny , 17 Mexicans and 4 Amurioina ; two Mexicans died. Ono American , u boy nine years old , nnd 0 nrgrocu and Frenchmen , all af- llintod with tlio fever , reached the outbkirtn of tlio city from Tampicoand wore tuken in clmrgo by the quaran tine authorities. Eight dcathu in Mutamoras during the last twenty-four urrf , but there hua been few nen oases. Anothnr Qtrlko. Bi-iUI ] Dlepatch la.TllK IlKK. JJoHroN , August 17. President Tyranu , of the L jngshoromon'a union , offers Btuumuhip companies an eocort of hia own men , wlio guarantee to protect all workingmvn from interference - foronco of hoodlums , which the Long shoremen claim to constitute the crowds which gather about the IUVOCB and huvo heretofore interfered with the men engaged by the steamship companies , The Longshoremen's provident association to-night voted to stand out. Keplouikhlng the Mexican 'i'rciu- ury. SpecialUltpatch to imJlKS. OITV OK MKXKJO. Aug. 17. An of ficial decree diolunng the forfeiture of tlm Tehduntepeo railroad concession if published in-day. The $100,000 placed by the company on deposit us n guarantee , will bo transforrcU to the Mexican treasury. Kluliluz Revived. Special I ) to 'Iim lint , Lim.K HOCK , Aug. 17. A band of men under thu guiao of klukux com pelled the negro workmen on the Mum- phis & Kansas City railroad in Craig- head county , to quito work and leave under penalty of death. Governor Churchill telegraphed the sheriff of the county to investigate the matter and protect the workmen , A POLANDIZED PEOPLE. 0 Liberty , What Crimes Are Oommitted in Thy Name in Ireland. The Arrest and Sentence of Hon B. Dwyer Grey "Abso lutely Unparalleled , " A Drum Hond Conrt Hnrrlo * Him to Jail With on t Anr At tempt nt Trial. no Mutter Denounced IrfPftrJinmont by tlio Irish Members. ipoc'at Ol\itclica | to Tim HFK. "AI1SOUITBI.Y UNl'AnAttKI.ED. " August 17. The Frco- nan's Journal , of wjiich Grey is pro- iriotor , says : "Groj'a sentence ia bajltitoly unparallotud. II o only rc- uivctt notice of the nature of the pro ceedings ngninst him Tueadity night. nd was without nny tune to prepare lie defense , which would probably uvo consintcd of nd'ulavita sustaining ho truth of hia published nssurtions. f his imprisonment tends in nny way o ward a thu reform of legal abuses , or romotion of the freedom of the proas , u will cheerfully t nduro it. " THE IJUKST1ON IN 1'AnUAMr.NT. LONDON , August 17. In the com mons the speaker road n letter from udao Lawoon , announcing ho had committed Grey. Gladstone moved o lay Ltwson's letter on the table , Inch ia simply a moans to defer the natter till Grey's term expires. Sexton road telegrams reciting alii- avits aworn to to > day , declaring that ovornl jurymen who convicted JJynes wore they were drunk lind repeated ho accusations of jury packing in re land. Soxtou said that ns long as no lives of the Irish people were at lie mercy of legal chicanery , no mi- , or reforms would sutiafy them. Grey's inprisnnmoiu , hu eaid , was n ncandal , nd disgrace to justice. Debate waa continued until suspcn- 1011 for the afternoon , the Irish mom- em repeating Sexton's accusations. At thu resumption of the sitting , do- ute relative to the Bontonco of Grey ivaa not rchumod , owing to the total absence of Irish members. Gladstone moved the adjournment > of the houno from to-morrntv until the 2-1 th of October , which was carried ivithout division. The houno waa counted out at 2:10 : p. m. TUB HKNTKNCK CONDEMNED. The Pall Mall Gazette condemn a. .ho sentence paasod on Grey. THE IN MEETING1. DUBLIN , August 17. A mooting , at ' which Lord Mayor Dawson presided , wan hold at the Mansion house to-day 'or the purpose of starting a fund for the nosistanco of evicted tenants. Parnoll and Dillon were present. The attendance was largo. Grey sent 20 Trom prison. A resolution was pused in tavor of the formation of a national fund to moot election expenses ot both nombora , with a view of obtaining on ' - 'flioiont national party in parliament. The support of the Irish people at . homo and abroad and the co-oporation of local public bodies was solicited. PEBHONAli. lien Kiinball , Is in the city. If. T. Clarke , of Ucllevuo , is in town. , If. 0. lirnmo , of Norfolk , ! i in the city. < W. B. White , of Tckumah , IB In town. W. II. Thrift , of Beatrice ; IH nt the Mil- f arcl. Senator Cliarles II. Van Wyck is in , iowa. ' rfol Illrali , of I'liiladolphin , la at the Millard. / Low K. Darrow , of Corning , Iowa , in hi ' the city. Matt. Kills , of St. Paul , is at the Met. raimlitan. L. Hill , of PJattamoiith , In at the Met- roimlltnn. Samuel Carlmrt , of Lincoln , IH at tbo L. A. Hurt , of The Dakota City 1'ftgle , Ia In town. J.U. Bill , of Blfllr , Ia a guest of U e Motropolltaii , ' John Jtaben , of Aurora , Is a client of the Metropolitan. Mlas 15. Alden , of Hauling ? , is at the Metropolitan. W. W. Knupp , of MoHon City , Id at the . Metropolitan. S. II. Tiowlway , of Hannibal , Mo. , Is at the G'rulghton , J , K. Porter ami wife , of Falrmouut , are at ttio Cunfield. ; ' J. li. Ansley , of Kansas City , was nt r > CanfleM last night. Will Vincent , of 1'routont , wai at the : Motropolltiui yoitvrday , Ooorge A. iirooIiB and wife , of Bazil.'o Milln , am at the Millard. Frank Aruold , of Oleunwood , Ia. , Is in tlio city , a Kuest of the Canfleld. Hon. fioorce A , Smith , of PlaUimouth , ' Ia on u visit to friends in thla city. Jatnos T , Brown arrl W. M. lloblnion , two proinineut pohtictana of Madison , aio at the Millard. W. II. Fender nnd Mlis a ! ' . and K. LuvInB , of Missouri Valley , were at tto Oaniit'ld yesterday. .1 , K. Thornton , of Oiceola ; J. H. Bell , of Blair ; S , Buckey , of Kreinontj V , G. ' Lnutry and Mrs. J. S. Hake , of Blair , are ia the city. W. 1) , Orlawold , at one time president " . of the Ohio & Miisleslppl loael , and J , A. Hill formerly general freight sgent of the Gould HueB , cauie in from Sioux City yea- tcnlay and regUterod at tbo Millard , ) ( J , A. MaoMurpfiy , of Plattsraoutb , f ' In town i" [ Ben ( iallagher return xl from Sidney Wednesday ,