THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , THUESDAY , AUGUST 17 , 188 . itj ft The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Thursdav Mornintr , Aug. 17 Weather lloport. (1'ho ( following observation * are Ultcn the ame moment of time at all the etatloi DicrAnrMENT , U. H. S vice , UUAUA , Aug. 1C , 1832. ( l:45 : | > .m. olWeathe teol s : Weathe Denver. . . . . OT.8S N Ccar Chcytnna. . UK t'lor N.8S B lair Matte . . . . K Ilil-k lear Omahx. . . . 3/10 y Pro-h JMr TO.OJ H ICIcir Fat DCS Molnoo It 03 N Frcth Fair Davenport. 2 .97 Nff Fair St. Paul. . . 30 , .2 Fro-h lear Btlxrnl * . U.tV , kw fre-h Fair lloorhcatl. . 10.07 Nn ! Clear Vlnooit. . . 3J.07 , V , Kht : l ir Bismarck. . SI. fl VK Fre h Bnford . , . . 20 07 * K Fre h Clear Outer ? 0.8I IVW I.'Kht ' Clear Devi wood , . . 3.89 W Mght Pair AmtnlSnlnr. . Cirar Rlrer 7 f t 6 Inches above law water mark 0-naha , 4 feet 8 Inches M Yank ton ; Mlfttlmlppl S feet 8 Inches at f. Crosse , and 0 feet 9 Inche at Djbuque. LOCAL BREVITIES , There will be special meeting of tin Scandinavian branch of the O. Ii. P. IT. at Thlele'a hall , on Saturday August 1911 at 7:30 : p. m. By order of the president. nu7-3t SI orifl Dennett of IlaJlnn county nnc Deputy Shotlff Nea-J , of Shelby county Iowa , passed through here yesterday with two prisoncrfl , Dr. A. 10 Gregg nnd K. Ilolloway , chnrgcc with Btonlmg a team , The ulieriir rccov cred the team but left It at Wnhoo , an II had been driven BO hard that the horsci were tired out. ' There wns a lively runaway ycsterdaj i I about noon , which was checked at the i ! ; . corner of CMH nnd Sixteenth etrcolw , the t light vrngon being overturned and n small I boy therein being dumped out. It won at first thought that the little fellow wae badlyhurt , but ho limped off in compara tively good condition , Larson Miller , Sr. , Loraou Miller , Jr , Hiram Miller nnd John Kowera , arrested on the charge of taking unfair advantage of n young in in , John F. Smith , in a horco trade , out near the pent homo , were , upon examination before Judge Bcnelcu yeuter- d.iy , discharged. It was , all the same , a rather cloudy transaction. The dotniis were published at the time of the occur' rcnco. A couple of rather verdant looking men entered the gun utorc of Max Meyer Sc Co. , last evening , and showing a Smith & Wefeoti revolver , 38 ( .allliro , desired to exchange it for a gun , The weapon M aa handed ncro'n the counter to ono of the clcr/kp , Mr. II. HnfacI , who , in taUitig hill , iu someway dlcliarged ono barrel , the ball passing through the first finger of the left'hand and indicting n painful if not fOilouB wound. Mr. Siivorstein uprang forward and took the gun away from the man , Mr. Ilafacl received prompt attention ) ami will get thtough all right , Us The recent order made by the man- agora of the Unloul > nclBo railway , com * polling all passenger ralu men to wear a uniform contl > tog | of dark navy blue will bo a godsend to Homo of the men aa they will now be compelled to get sumo new clothes. This may neciu a little tough to Homo of the boys at first , as the company failed , by tome oversight doubtlois , to pro. vide for the paymeiit of the uniforms , but they will have the satisfaction of knowing that they bavo Homo now clotbca oven If they do Lave to pay for them. Laramie Times. Kaet bound Union Pacific train No , 4 , when near Amca station , just west of Fre mont , ycitcrday , ran into a young intui named Carl Fricker , aged 18 years , and bailing from Petersburg , Ills , Friokcr had sat down on the end of n tie in the shade of a fine tree and fallen asleep whorl ho was knocked off the track by the pilot. lie wan picked up in nu itiBouHlrlo condi tion and nken toFremont , where ho was attended by Dr. Abbott. lie waa out and bruised In several places , but tils most serioua wounds tetm to bo internal. lie was brought In to this city on No. 4 , and taken to the Union Pacific hospital. lie was in ft delirious condition latt night , and t ia feared tbftt his injuries may ye ; prove lataLAshbol V Ashbol Patten on ia a happy father. ) ' , Mother and son nro doing wall. . * A big stock train cauio Iu on the U. P. at noon yesterday. Five men are busily engaged In send ing out advertising matter for llio G. A. It , reunion. A. O , W. A. Members will pleano attend special meeting , thin evening , August 17th. M. llogew , D. G M. W. , of Missouri , will bo present. , Tbtio Is considerable talk of starting another pott o' the Grand Army in this city , as there nro enough old comrades bcre to warrant such an enterprise , The Indies of tbo Pint M , K , church give an ice cream and H iclul entertainment at the parnouai'e and church parlora on thii evening , All are cordially In vited. vited.K K , T. Shelby , a popular clerk in the U , P , local f i eight olllco , wes married on la > tBUu y In tho'cathedral at Cleve land , | Mlia Amanda Love , IU , Kuv , Dishop Gilmpre ofilclikting. ' The entertainment * still to como nt Boyd'u opera opera home this month are ; Itaverloy's Mastodon mlnstrolH the Slst , MendeUiohn Quintette club the 2Uh , llobert MoWnde in Kip Van Winkle the 25th. 25th.A A lot of small bojH have been bother ing the life out of John L'eae for the past two months by stealing fruit dUplayed In front of hit ttoro near the Sixteenth street bridge. He hai now filed complaints against two boys for stealing watermelons. The inany friendu of Dr. James > yilpbt will be glad to learn that he has located liU pflico at Homan'n stable * , on Thirteenth street. Dr. Wright was an old settler of Omaha , aud In the early days of { his city was highly appreciated by tha citlteni of Omaha aa on expert veterinary. California papers apeak of him in the high , u't'teiraa. Mr. Ed. Peyck * found a doren i liver ipoout and a lot of fine kuivei nud forks lying on bin dcor tep yesterday hnvii bo n left there by dome one during i night. Thty were hi * iwn nnd were stoli from n bureau drawer in the upptr part his house n few days. Suspicion fell up < a servant girl he Imd recentlv diecnargi nnd the ca < e had been placed in the batx of Ollicer Jacobson to work up , when it w , tattled In thin manner. lion. M. C. Johnson , of Clarimla , low sheriff of that county , was In the city ye lerdny and joined the excursionist * t th'-ir arrival , returning home with then He is n Kebra kn man And wni n Koldii In Copt. Lymnn lUcliArdnrn'ti compan ( itiring the war , 'ihe Nebraskn men seci to be quite popnltr in thil looallty , no tw other county offices nre filled by men froi this state. Mr , Johnson is a tcprrsenti tivo man nnd would do credit to any stftl * Mr. Wm , Gentleman and some of h ! friends started tbo other day , as did Iti rest of Omaha , on a chicken cxrcdltio which M far an wo know was very succesi ful. One of the party returned ycstenln on the train for the purpose of gettin a set of new wheels for their wagon , think Ing that the old ones would not bo stron enough to carry the Immense lot of chid ens that the party lion kll ) d. Wo fihoul not bo surprised it a deputation of citizen should meet them on the ouUtklrU am claim ft share of the chicken that wa killed. killed.Tho The railroads wcst'of the Missouri rive bavo agreed to make a rate of 876 , roum trip , for intending delegates to the trien nlal conclave of Knights Templar in Sni Francisco In 1883 , For going via on route and returning via another the rat will be $100. Having sold my grocery stock , come Twenty-third and Cuming streets , to Mr Mr , F. J. Allen , who will continue th business , I take this opportunity of thank ing my friends for their put patronage and hope they will extend the same to m ] successor. T. A. McSbane. The Omaha glee club will shortly cal a mooting to arrange for rehoartnls fo : the state republican convention to bo lick in this city , Trio boys will tnnko thingi hum on this occasion and rouse nil the en thuslasui of which delegates are capable Jack Galligan had a canary bird nnc cage stolen from the front porch to hi residence on Eleventh otrcuj on the Utt inst. Ono Chan. Wright was found to b < the , and had dlspoecd of the bin Tor (1. Ho waa seut up by Judge Benekc for twenty dnys , Senator Kogcru of the Missouri Lcgia Inturo i * in tbo city vititirg hia old friend , Doctor Jigg r , who by the way is nlno t number of the lower legislative IIJUFO ir Missouri. As Senator Ilogern is the leadei } f the Worklngman'a party in his State ind a most eloquent speaker why should 10 not be called on for an nddrciu whilt hero , A mooting of the committee on public 'ouutalnn of the Humana society mot at > fHco of O. F , David , 1507 Fnruam htreol , kt 2 p. m , yesterday , to take action rc < rarding the fountain just received by the loclcty. The c > mmlttoo consists of i'refli- lent Kennedy , ] ' . L. Perino , Judge Suv- ige , 0. F. Davis , Uov , John Williums and ll. Toft. The Suprems lodge , Knights of i'ythlas , meets in [ bi-annual session in Do- roit , on the 22d of'August. Prcparatlous ire making by the Detroit Knighta to give hi > Supreme Ledge a grand ovation. A 'elevation ' will uttend from Nebraska , in- iludlng J. J. Monoll and J. S. Shropshire , rho gu as the representatives of thin grand uriudlctlon. SATURDAY'S BESSATION. Inotbor Grana Sport Arranged by tbo Roadsters. The mooting of the ownora o iloodod roadatora nt the Driving park in Saturday last was such a complete luccens in every particular that an- ithor "tusalo" between the tyroa will nko place on Saturday of this week. Cure races have been definitely decided in , and no attraction has been offered 0 patrons of the turf tnoro pleasure living than thcso. The first will bo a iontoat between the following well mown roadatora : Harry Hornborgor'a Prince ; Jnko khroiner'a Slocumb : Mel. Fitch'a 3ypay Girl ; F. A. Niish'a Canada Girl md Sam Record's Little Davo. All ihcao homes are very cvunly matched md the knowing ones say that the ikill of the urivera will alnno decide ; ho contest. Of couno the agreement .a that the owners must drive their 3Wii horaoa , and this alone ia a roRiilnr sircus nttraction. Juat think if old , fat , fair and 'orty Hornborgor spinning around the track in a delicately constructed I'ohiclul Earnuni's Jumbo in a cob web sulky wouldn't compare in real ojthotio beauty. Then Sshroinor , ; ho soldier of the legion holding the rehiB over "Slooumb. " Jake will nako the latter como tp time , if ho ma to out through the contra Ibid. Then Filch wooing the Bjiowly qiml- lioa of the "Gypsy girl" tolling her 'ortuno na it were. There are aomu vho > any ho 0111 toll thu re&ult of the ace by n more glace ? nt the of , ho hand. It will bo well to heed the "Gipeey Jirl'o' warning in this rioi , for it acorns .o Eixy Bucceta. Nash \\ith hia quiet ray will not heaitato to jiivo H paps to ill compelitora with hia "Canada Girl. " \ltliougli undoubtedly in railroad mat- .era ho would hcaitatu und "pasa" all ipplicante for a frco firat poaition to nhera. Uecord'a "Lilllo Duvo" will not bo 'ound wanting when the heata are uided and wo should not wonder if here would bo a draw all around. The second trial of speed will bo 3Ctwoon punningham'a Wild Irialiman md Patrick's apoody team , This will )0 a most exciting race. Some Bay hat the former name ia not properly ippliod , and that it ought to bo the iVild Irishman'Ounningham. / . Bo thia tail may , the trial of apoodln thia case vill bo torrlfio , as Dennia , who iu 1 great Land Leaguer , wants to > eat Patrick because ho docs not pro * : ode his name Tth ! St. instead of AI. The racea will oommonco promptly it 2 o'clock , and a email admission fee rill bo charged just to defray ox- icnaca , No ono who lovca to ride be * ilnd a fast , spirited horse or envies mother that haa that privilege , should ail to viait the park on Saturday af * crnoon. ' Thcro ia nothing profoa- lional about the matter , BO that the neat earnest opponent of the turf na leboaod to gambling purpoana can neat conscientiously bo present. Wo mticipato a largo crowd on Saturday tt the driving park , WARLIKE WRINKLES In the Shape of Notes fro Military Headquarters , A Very Complimentary Letti to the Assistant Adju tant General. MlecollnncoUB Matters. Captain Nicdca * company from Fo LaramiQ , which was ordered to Onial barracks upon the Into transfer i troops in the department , arrive Tuesday nftornorin and proceeded in mediately to Fort Omaha. There ai throe companies now at the post whic will bo reinforced later by the con pany of Captain Quinn , Fourth infat try , and the battery of light artillery of which mention was made in yestc : torday'a BJI : : . A COMPLIMENTARY LKTTKll. Assistant Adjutant General Martit who is to leave shortly for the department mont of Arizona , in compliance wit the personal request of General Creel has received a very complimontar letter from Adjutant General Drun relative to his transfer. After replj ing to an official request , the ndjutac general says : * * * * "I doait to say to you that your general cor duct and the compliment paid you b General Crook's application for you detail , have gralifUd mo very muori and that 1 shall not forgeh an officer c my department who behaves in sue ! a soldierly manner , " Col. Martin will prove of Inraluabl service to Gen. Crook , owing to hi oxtennivo knowledge of the department mont to which ho is assigned Wllr HE IS COURT MAUIIALED. Mention has boon made of the court martial called to try Col. 'Joseph Tay lor recently detailed to relieve Col Martin in the department. A Wash ingtou dispatch gives the followlnj cause of the officer's falling under ofii cial displeasure : A court-martin which is likely to mnko a sensation ii the urray Was ordered at the war do partmont. Maj. Joseph H. Taylor assistant adjutant general , at prosonl flti'.tioueil at the headquarters of Gen Hunt , deportment of the south , Newport port burrocks , Kentucky , is the ofllcui offending , llo was recently ordorcc to go to Fort Omaha to servo as assist ant adjutant general with Gen. O. O Howard , who had been ordered then September 1st from West Point. The charges against him are insubordina tion , and it is understood that ho do clinca to obey orders because ho doei not wish to he associated with Gen , Howard. Gun. Sherman threatened Homo time ego to court-martial ofllctin who sought to interfere with the ac < tioii of the department ; through mem bers of c ingress. Taylor is the Oral one to ascertain that ho meant whal ho said. PERSONALS. General Crook is expected home next week. Lieut. I. T. Webster , First artillery lory , who for several years past hai filled the position of professor of mil itury tactics at the Nebraska univer lity at Lincoln , loaves to-das tc rejoin his company at Presidio. Cal , Lieut. Webster loaves a host of civil ian friends in Nebraska who greatlj regret his departure , Capt. Bourke has got his carde already printed , labelled "Prcscott A. T. " The captain is quite hilarious jvor the prospect of adding to his col lection of Indian curiosities a fevs genuine and undoubted specimens oi Apache scalps with'squaw trimmings. Campaigning under Crook offordt ipecial advantages for such adventur ous collectors. MATRIMONIAL. A. Popular Younar Oltlaon Joins the Army or Benedicts. Tuesday Frank W. Bandhauer' sue of the mostpopular and industrious xgonto of. the Union Pacific land de partment , was united in marriage tc Miss Emily Krojci , daughter of ono ol the best known and most highly ro- ipocted farmers of Fill more county , in this state. The ceremony took place it the residence of Jerome [ tachok , the well known litho- { rnphor , the bride being given .way by her brother Joseph. The zoldon bonds were tied by the afT.tblo fudge Beneko , who has bioonio so lojmlar as n tycr of connubial knoto , hat many weddings are postponed just to have the judge present , It io _ i pleasure ) to a heart sick or oven a lilted outsider , to are the gentle man- lor in which Judge IJeneko pronounces : ho lifu suntonco fn the matrimonial jaurr. Then his remarks to the sen * ; enctd p-irties they are chiseled ) , jlour , elovcr and really canonical. Dmieko ought to bo made n civic oivr- liniil if such an oflloo wore created. After the wedding ceremuny was jvor refroshmenta were served most bountifully , and one of the pleasant * ; at gatherings over held iu Omaha nude its mark on the social record of : imo iu these parts. The extensive \cquaintanco ot both Mr. and Mrs. Bundhauer Insures one thing , that , lus event in their lives will call forth ho kindest wishes for health , wealth , iiappiness and prosperity from a host ) f friends in Omaha , For Rent or Sale. A good house of ilx rooms , in good repair , ana lot , UO 1220 , on Fifteenth street , north of bridge , Rent , 81D.OO per month , Will sell tor § 800.00 , small cash payment , and jalanco on monthly installments. Inquire at Newspaper Union , 12th md Howard. aug.-tt-mo Free Shipment. The announcement hss already boon undo that articles for exhibition at : ho state fair will bo carried free by ; ho Union Paciao and Burlington A Missouri roads. The printed con- ; raot of the former give the following Hreotions for shippers ; In all cases , the charges on articles intended for exhibition at the sta fair ( except specimens of fruit , gra And vegetables , which will ba billr free ) must bo prepaid to Omaha D presentation to the agent at Omaha < a certificate from the secretary of tl fair that the goods have actually bcc on exhibition , they will be ro'urne free. On presentation of the satti certificate to the ngent at the statio from which shipment was origitmll made , the prepaid charaes will bo r < funded , provided that all the articlr shipped to Omaha nro returned. ] any part of the original consignmor is disposed of at Omnha , the agen will retain such proportion of prepal chsrgrs as may bo dun at tariff rate to Omaha on the articles not returnee The certificate of the secretary of th state fair must bo surrendered to th railway agent when the prcpai charges or any part of them are re funded. PERSONAL W. II. ( Jodfroy , of Sidney , is in towr lion. J. B. Bailer , of Herman , ii In th city. city.John John Steen , the Wahoo banker , Is 1 town , James Hasting' , of Lincoln , 3s at tb Millard. O. S. Seitz , of Ogallftln , U ft gucst of tli MiUard. Elder Gco. B. Storrs , of Columbus , is 1 the city. W , 0. CuminlngB , of Burlington , ii I the city. Lot Crown , of The Nebraska City Preti is in town , J. J. Uphatn , U. S. A. , Is registered a the Millard. ; S. Brayton , of Long Tine , It at tli Metropolitan , Satu'l ' Carhnrt , of Lincoln , U a guest a the Ctclghton. Judxo Jcsao T. Uarii , of Blair , was ii town last eight. John G. Bohin , of Springfield , Neb , , i at tbc Creighton. Wm. Winalow , of Helena , Montana , i at the Metropolitan. Mm. E. Cain , of Venetta , I. T. , ia i guest of the Creighton. D. P. Kolfe , of Nebraska City , IB rcgis tercd at tlio Metropolitan. John Tnllon and David Horn , of Pores ! Ci , y , ate at the Creighton. lion. Lorenzo Crtunse and two chilJret are guostn at the Crtighton. E. I' ' . Hay , ndvpttiain ? agent for Hnv- erly'a minstrels , in in the city. Samuel Kauchcr , a prominent milling man of Yankton , ia ia the city , George N. Clay too , the Kansas Citj railroad man , Is at the Millard. Father Hynn and Mr. Wm. Lamb , ol Columbia , are fit the Crcigliton. * lion KJ. Mclutyre , of Suwnrd , prcei- dent of the hoard t/f inanngcrn of the state fair , in ia the city. Sergeant If. C Oiborn nnd wife , Ser geant M. J. Dunkin and wife , nud W. J. Wells , wife and two children , all of Furl Laramie , D. T. , registered at the Metro politan Tuesday night , Hon. D. H. Wheeler , riattsmonth ; J S. Atwood , R. C. Cuehing , F. H. Tuttle , Lincoln ; D. McKel ip , Seward ; A. M , Post , Columbus , A. N , McCandlcps , Ne- mahr. county , nro all in the city and gueste of the Millard. Lieutenant Crosby , TJ. S. N. , is at the Millard. Senator Sounders arrived home from Washington yesterday. Hon. G. W. E. Doraey , bf Fremont , was in the city yesterday. Hon. John A. McShano was a westbound - bound passenger yesterday. IIDn , Daniel Wheeler , Secretary of the State Fair , is at the Millard. Mr. F. J. McShane , member o ! the Board of Education , has gone on a short trip to Colorado. S. N. Mealio , accompanied by Mr. I > Ii. Cole , left yesterday for Denver to visit the Exposition. He will be absent ton days. A. S. Bailey , editor of 'Tho Daily Star , CUrinda , Ia. , came over with the excur sion party yesterday favored Tint BKK of fice with a call. I. P. Greonvanlt , representing Clark Bros. ' hat warehouse , of New York , isin , the city. Gen. Frederick is doing the honors of the occasion. James Connolly , of Feeney $ Connolly , the celebrated 10th street shoe dealers , re. turned jesterdny from an eastern trip where he has been making special pur chases for bk bouse. Mr. W. N. Wood , a member of the Dlarlndn Hand and Mr. Johnson , of the iamo place , joined the excurainutsts at this point. The former bad boeu to Denver on trip. Henry M. James , the newly fleeted Superintendent of the Public Schools of ; hin city , arrived yesterday from Cleveland - land and will probably signify Ills accept * nice of the position tendered him , to-day. Ho met a nutuber of Omaha gentlemen .hia afternoon to discuss school matters Uattlo Oara Ordered. Oreighton & 0. , 20 cars , at Pine Bluffs , August 17th. Standard Cattle company , 20 cars at Pine Bluffs , August 10th. At Opulalln , August 10th , 20 ears for Addoms A Glover. At Ogulalla , August 20th , 17 cars For Oolrlohs Brothers , Convene Cuttle company , 20 cars at Opalaila , August 20. At Ogslalla , August 21st , 1G can for Oelrichs Brothers. Converse Oattln company , 20 cars at Dgalalln , Au utt 21st. Converse Cattle company , 20 cars at 3galalla , A gust 27th. Converse Cattle company , 20 can at Dgalalla , August 28th. Horsford'n Aold Phosphate icla as forwl for an exhausted brain. Notloo. The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex * : eliior Roof Paint , " was patented May 24th , 1881 , and letters patent num ber 241 , 803. Any person found or iiiown to tamper with the manu facture of said paint will be punish- id to the full extent of law. No per * ion has any authority whatever to sell recoipta. HAWTHORN & Buo. , Lancaster , Pa. ARMED INVASION , Our Iowa Gamins DoEcend Upo the City in Full Force , Headed by tbo Celebrated O B. & Q Band. A Special Train Docked Out with th National Coloru. At exactly noon yesterday a spoon train , consisting of Chicago , Bui'linj ton & Quincy locomotive No. 52 , bagcjaga car and three coaches , pallc iu at the Tenth street depot of th Burlington & Missouri rend and abou two hundred merry excursionists fror the littln city of Olarinda , Iowa , dia embarked for six hours of pleasur seeking and sight seeing in the Oat City.Tho The excursion ia given under th auspices of the Young Ladles' Aid Society cioty of Clarinda , an association gottei up for the purpose of raisiiij funds for the completion o a magnificent $20,000 church fo the Methodists of their place. Th names' the officers of the sociot ; could not bo obtained , but among thi energetic workers therein rtroMis Mollie Crooks and Miss Ada McOom bor , ably assisted by a score of others A successful incursion was given i short time ago , St. Joe being the objective joctivo point on that occasion , and i is probable that othuM will take placi before the season is over. Olarinda is a live and charming little city of nbout'4,000inhubitantssit uated 110 miles east of this city , on the line of the Chicago , Burlington iS Quincy road. The excursion left foi Omaha nt 6:30 : a. m , the train gailj decorated with the national bunting , the stars aud stripes fluttering fron : every point of the train from the pilol to the roar platform. The engine was handled by tiiat popular knight of the footboard , P. Swift , and his name in dicates the kind of time ho can make with his iron stood. P. Ballinger , a well known conductor , took good cart of hia passengers , nnd he was ably assisted in the management of bin train by Ohaa. Dingle nnd W. M. Ktrby , a couple ol dd'oy men at the brukcii About 200 gentlemen , ladies uud children , took ndvautago of 'ho opportunity to visit the metropolis of Nebraska , and brought ulotig the Olarinda silver cor net band , n splendid company of mu sicians , under the leadership of Frank Frazer. These boys became famous as theO. , B. & Q band , numbering at ono time thirty-throo musicians. They wore furnished a special car nnd as sisted in giving General Grant a roueitiL. reception on his return from Europe. They also attended the inaugural ceremonies of ex-President Gartield. Their old leader died u fovv months ago , bat un der the now regime they give evi dences of first-class discipline and training. They played several pieces at the depot and elsewhere about the city during their stay and were the recipients of much deserved praise. The entire party was in charge of Col. S. H. Crooks , a prominent mer chant of Clarinda and the trip overt made by way ot the now Plattsmouth bridge was a very enjoyable one. The day was spent m visiting the various points of interest about the city and the excursionists left for homo at G o'clock last evening. It is much to bo regretted that our citizens were not aware of their coming in time to arrange a programme for their day's pleasure aud that arrange ments wuro not made to meet them at the depot with street cars to convoy the entire party to Hanscom park , of which Omaha leels very proud , but it is hoped that their visit was aulliciunt- ly enjoyable to induce them to come again. Before leaving for home , the band serenaded THE BEE , Republican and Herald oilicos , aud called on muio host Thielo , of the Tivoli , who guvo them a smiling reception , being a man who can appreciate Hue mu&io and admire the musicians. SLAVEN'S YOSEMll'E COLOGNE Mode from the wild flowers of th FAU FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEV , it is the most fragrant ot perf umea. Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San Francisco. For sale in Omaha byV. . J. Whltohouso and KonnaiQ Bros , , &Co. _ Real Estate Transfers. John L. McOaguo , real estate and conveyances reports that the follow ing deeds were filed tor record in the 3ounty clerk's office on Monday and Tuesday , August 14th and 16th. Samuel E. Rogers to Francis S. Kendall , lot. 1 and 2 , block 9 , Roger's idd. $600. Catherine M Klinker to John H. illinker , the a wj of oco. 31 , town 10 , range 12. - § 2,000. J. 0. Thomas to Doloa Thomas , the uj of lot 12 , block 11 , E. V , Smith's md § 300. Julia A. Caulkin , trustee to Wob- iter Snyder , lot 7 , block 124. $4- 500 , Ezra Millard to S. S. Chambers , lot L0 | , Millard & Oald well's add. $800. Overworked men and women , perIODS - IODS of eedentory habits , nnd others yhooo system needs recuperation , lorvoj toned , and muscles strengthen ] } ) d , should use Brown's Iron Bitters. liovo Your When your friend or ne'ghbor Is labor- ntr under bodily aflliction , indigestion , jllilousuess , constipation , caused by im- jurity ot blood , or disorders of the ki mays > r liver , don't fail to recommendiBunnooK llLOOI ) BITTKUH , a sure and safe remedy. 'rice $1.00. Hil-lw NOTICE Advertisement To Loao , fet , Bile xwt , Found , WanU Hoarding , fcc. , will be In- erted | n that columnj once for TEN CENTS wr line ; c ch subsequent Insertion , FIYEOHNT3 wi lint. The Brut Insertion never leu thin rWKNTY.riVK I O LOAN MONl Y. VfONKT TO LOAM Call at L w Utcc * Ol D. LVJL UTbomM RoimB Creljblon Block. > O K A rtnA fAA-AI 8 per cenlln- I9ADU.UUU Ureit In iumitof H.600 and ipvardi , for S to B jrein , on Orcl j city md ana property. Buna Ruii Estm md LoiJi LsnT , Itlb and DoneUi Btf. TV/TONEY / TO LO\N-On ch tt l morl i > JL rorlty. A. n Tuttnn otn < * pf Orofl Jlontyomfy , orerOmtht Natbnil b nk. ? 3- HCLP WANTED Two o. 1 brcom maVit . Sltui WANTED tall at Nebtt 1i& l'tot > m Factor 7.1-Slf AUG. KANDOW. ) A wimin to cook t 110 unit WAVTM 'lUirlccnthatnot. DAVIS' . 77-Ifl A mart h ythou ) old , Cna who N tint nfriH nf w rk. A ] \U10 & ' 78-10 I ANT' ' -OooJ b rbf r , n 0 1Cth s'rrct , W SO 10t 8AMUEI , COHNFIELD , COAT MAKHl c n gtt perm cnl Jol A AiWrtw JUIRK tc VAN SANITF , 79-16J Clarlndi , towt , 1 ANTED AROOI wotnM ) c.jok lmmc < 1l t ( ly. ( JoodvAjtospMd. Apply tt the foir dji ooto' , Oth ttrcct. 38-10 * WANTKD An Apprentice girl to do crln ntllH Dodif * street. G7-2S W A ( rr1 for gfnern1 lioimworl K4sout SMh stret , corner t > otg ) , Cfl-10 rAVTFD-A dlulng r-om gltl i OcJJent ! bo-el. Ml 'AKTED Two flm clam Urberi. W J. W. DKHK KtT , 72 18 Council Bluff * low * . WANT D-Acolcctor anl poorl nlMtnan wiary (14 prr etk a d commission on ei trtBic. ! P. f. Collier , 160S Farnain , tccon < _ _ WJSKTED A ROOI ! cooV , wtehirand Ironci and n nu sc Rlrl to cowlthnn officer' famlk to Fort Nlotrarn , rJcb. Call at Mr Durn i crockirr tore. 131 j Farnam stioot. mtia 00-17 * WANTKD A lively- , net afraid of work , ti d9crrd < a d mah * hlmwll tmful In ; retail ihoe ktro. to learn th * Imnlnox. AdJrcs In own hand-writing , "shoc . " Dee oflicD. lt MlLLfvKKY appiontlcca wantrd. Apply a 1017 Chicago btrcit. Cal tftor 6 o'clocl ' P-- 58-19 _ WANTRD A girl for general houiewrrk,18 Cumlnp street 36-15 * " \TrANTKD [ A nrst-cla > < cook Must be trooi V V laundress tid undertta d inHni ; Luttor To a c impoti nt woman w i'cs W % week. Appli atUol. 11. T. Patilclc'i , bauiders tlrcct. ncai Gncc. 62-10 into WANTKll TWORO-I ! sali-Bnio" . Bnsary and commission. Apply at onco. F. P COLMER , 6MB * ir 03 Farnam street. ANTED A dining ir < M fflrl an chauv W bermald at the Crclirhl * u Elouao , 63rl7 Two linn cT gooJ addrtasto 8i.ll household ( TO. ds Miady emploj ment. Coodchanco In the rght men. Call 421 south 10th street , 4M5" WANTED A vtcod cinvas er. Sto dy worl and good pay. ( Ml ut 218 N. ICth etm t , rocm 0. 4i-tf WANTKD A boy not Icfs than ] 5 years oM , iolo rnt > hotacr < phy ut Uuirkr'n Icad- i ephcto ruplisr. li12 ! biirnam ft 22tt . Itr p ; niral hotuonoilc. HI us' b a Rood cook , imiil fiui'lj- ' , wet , Biiou'd djur fr , m Lcaiemorth. 10-11 TKD A fl t WA Icwftft d Ncbrnila. Nolcf'crsnnswcnil Appiynt rooms 0 nrl 7 , Council BluBs. 8-1 WANTKD 100 men for ra'lroad work. I ManrmciUr , o oployraout ajont , llth Btrtct , ncir Farnnm. 903lf WANT1- Ttn tnams WUKCS $3.tX ) per diy Inqulio U V'lnc.ut. atHorcoco Cut-off. 060- A7' 1' D Ono hnsdiort men. V > per day. Arply to Mltthe 1 Vincent , at Florcrc-jCLt iff , i ino mil a north of Omaha. SOStf W ANTKD * , rKt. Charles hotel , two first _ cla * dlnlng room glrla 003-tf D Ioardcra a 110 Rruth ] 3th St. WANTt Board 84,00 ; hofurnisoed Eojms. Fran Davis. 9G4-tf A flr.t-clasi girl mu t be ( roe < l WANTED cook , washer nud ironer. Wage * fioO icr we k. Inquire at Leo , Fried & Co'e , or at 3eo office. > 034-tf \TrANTED-600 pnvy vau.W , elnks .nd cos VV pools to clean with Sanitary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evan * , ft Co. , residence 1206 Podge street , Omaha. Two or three rooms BU'table ' fo WANTED office. Addrtsa Dr. Portr Bee office. C99-U MICELLANEOUa WANTS. WANTED Boom und board by a jour-g p. an. Prl atufamllvi referred. BIxo'clocc ilinerNot to t > xco d { 39 per month C2lt > . BOAUD. rx ard , after Srrtemln-r 1st. North of C p tolaienu. No other h nrdflrs preferred. Ad liess"iV."c rf of.Omaha Nathual Jiank. 66-18- - of two or threcTunfurnlsh. WANTKD-Asult cd rojma Address "A. fl , " 1020 Farran itre tOi aha. Neb. . f,6 tf ANTE A partnfr with S4,0pu to J5000 In genera mcrclandlto and farm mp'c- venti (7o d tiu c eaabllithid. Apply to lock jox 13Vi more , Neb. 23-12 WANTED A patt' cr w th capital to oI ( et expcricn'f , with a mau thoroughly ported , nannfai.turlnir st.lny and collars. Alsi > aundry m'ln S3. Aildrcsi C. T. EldreJgo , city pott- _ 'A.N'J ED bout August 15 , a hnueo ol 4 or fi rooms , on line of ttrcct ralhraj prcfer- ed. Addrcaa "Homo " Hoc Offlro. aul tt _ 8ITUATIONB WANTED. _ WANTFD Slt atlon > y a younp man In a A holt sle or retail Btorti Cit ro.cmiccs requlnd. Addros W. 1. H. , flee office. 84-17 * -OH KENT HOUSES AND LAND. FOR HHNT | In Rood Iocat < ona hoceo of six roomt oust re't cir line Inqulru lUuiortl .Slh R reel , hctwoin Mchcli ot.d Paul fctreet. - room f.r rent at 1610 Chlraco FURM-aiED st'cet. BQ-10' FOU HEIiT Nearly New homo. 8 rooms , 1012 Pacific , near Unlcn ' depot. 0. P. lilrkctt. 1D16 latoti tlrcct. K-tt 171011 KENT Kcur room cottajro , 31500 ror U moith , Joli s-n B reel , ono I lock south of it. liar'a aunuo , App'y wcbt duor or 2110 Iirneyntrett. 6T.U RENT Lirgo rom with hoard ; cloy board give , IhOH CaUlor.-la htrcet. IB It HOUSE KOH REKT-On Paul , li tw en 19Ui and 33th street * . I quire at I''l'J SluUciub treet. 3810 neil LEASE Anexccl'ont ' lot forliaEo fora [ ' tonn of years , at northeant corner of 17th nd Nkh las Direct , one block frrtn btrcet car rack. For tern K , Inquire of J u.ea bhanrion , on iremlfn. 2-17r PlOlt MENT Ncit collage of fUa roXims. L1 Enquire K , K cor. Hth nd Chicago Ste. ti IOIl RENT Purnlnlud room. It quire at the F ' ro , cor. loth and U nj ; as. B-t UENT Oltice fur rei.r , a 17 BOUUI Thirteenth - B teenth tt. 18-tf W. 1) . WIHOUT. rrtOR UENT-Drlck store , SBxCO and 8 rooms [ } alove , on I'ailfio strict , between ( tli and tb. Tbe location very detlrabla Ifr Dm ? , lutcher. Hotel , cr Grocer. Enquire at M. 16ft' * 2th > > tret < . 0 > 7-22 | 7 > OU HUN To rooms .suitabio for two or I ? lour if'ntU moo , t B , W. corner 16th and lallfornia street. 073 tf po UENT Uoon furnltbed and unfurnlih d , L S. W , corner of 8th and Dow ard Be Ronus renew and oretnaud tine > lew of the rlrer , ridge , Iflcrent raJlrovli nd Coundl Ulufti. MOtt riOll UENT House of 10 rom , cor , Chicago 1 and I3lhk1reet. BdO-tf [ TV'K UEN Four room cotUgf , larno lac L1 south 17tb , J. Ii. , 16C3 Far- am street. 9vS-tf VT1CELY furnished trout loom. Ctl ! 607t N N 17th stro.t. > PA ALUTD fur IctJO at J2& 00 per annum , tach . Vv ( or a term ot jests , at "Oruute Orovu Ulu" adjoining Hautcom Park on Ihe went. \e minutes from s r < et cars Money ran e obtained to build with , by persons leasing hee lots at regular rate * JAMES F.MORTON , Oa premUoj , omcs 1515 tu nant fltrea T710R RENT One neatly farnlthtd room , wlh JL1 prirllege ola < .Jolnlijpi ror , 181S Web l tr tot. 942-U _ _ TJ10R RENT A plovant ( urnl > hd room fo C ore or two jo tlfmin. Inqnire ' Itl U llfornl * . > tfcat CSJ-lf _ K NT Two new etnelllnjrs and two other FR dwellings In deVnble itc llty , ty McKoon No. 1614 DouiclM etrwt 817-tt Oil Khf.T3m U * .nd largo . two to twelve roe . ath ! one or two new ones ullh all modern convenience * . Ono of 12 room * , snltable for boardlnn and room rontlac. 17th and DouglM 6ti. IIFMI9 , Acnt , Je M-tf _ 15tVf.nilDnntla-.8ta. 1,1011 KK > T A ple a-tt fiirnl-htdra oem on 1 tha flnt floir , ona blcck from stret car , at S < 03 llnrney street. ( | I710RliKNT Brick etoro. Itqulre at Drue JJ Store , coiner 10th and Douglas sts. CIO-U 1J"OR KENT Uou 0 of 0 rooms , newlypla - L1 tend and p In'ed. gin 00 per month. North of ICth street bridge on IS h ulreet. Con- vonlcnt to thopn Apulir corner 12th atd How. ardstreet. Newipipcr Union. E87-tf < I7IOR KENT. Two new elegant bouic * . In- L1 quire at Peterson's Clothing 8.ore , near U. l' Depot. t&U PlLfi * T7fOt SALB-A fresh cow. Inquire 1016 unT- JJ f.'ff Itrter , bet. 10 h and 17lh. 5M9 TTIOil SAtE V i-y cheap a wtll-piTlcc res- JL1 tanrant on Farnham s'rctt Onah . Mtii : I e ol < l by September lit. Inquire at th's office. 70-12 * HAY BALKR FOR SAL" Ono s-cond hand Dcdcrlck Bay Paler with capac tycf Uclte > > i ent' tons per day. It Is In ( rood order. Pilco roi. r sh co t , 76i. ( Addrcn Lyto ! Bro > , Drawer 72 , Onuha , Neb. 71 IB I .LK Two ( rood wtrk hcricl. Inquire FUIIS It Fisher's. 70-18 E10 8ALK A calr of horioi , harntts and F bUTgy , chop. Innulroat Bel Laro , 1'tli TTTfc will Bell 25 liyliSfect , at corner Cthnnd TT Charlesitreetnear doodm nV ) for 8300. $10 cah and 910 each month Interest 8 per cent DEXTER L. THOMAS & BRO. M-10t FOR * ALE Grocery and crockery lrj.lne.Sfc * with or without building. Address "Otcc- Qla"Nrb.box49. .tf pOR BALE CIIKAP-A new either top pha tool and a new aelhciy or opens wagon , ill at Chas. harbaca's shop en Kfftio.tb. near Fornam , U OK tiALti A ( rood marc , harncffl nd top I .burcy. | ; by W. W. Hoberte , Fort Omih % . B85-tf _ TTIOR SAI.H l'ropoFtl ft r the purcha r of th JL Mount Houfc on Ni rth liarnor itrcer. bo- twc ( < n 16th and 18 h , will bo reccutd at my sUi o until August 16th , 0. F. GOODMAK. augg- F > H eArilUousi fi roorrs end corner lot 182 feet square , $1100. JlcCoRuc , oppOBtio I ovt o'llce. ' 977-ij _ "p31l BALE A flvo ncro tot and good hofcto JL } one nil 10 north of Barrack. Inquire on premho * or Oeo. I ! Peterson , No 80 1 , loth s trect. _ BIT-lm" _ 0. Bonnxion1. OUSB nnd lot for ealo , No 926 Mrntima Btrc-t , nenr Cumt p. Inquire C g r store , oi-rncr 10th rd Jnckson > frcft _ 8S'-atS F U HALE Hou-o and corner lot , at Sl.fCO. bargain McCAOUF.oppo I to K O. fSiU T1\VO stnry bulldlnc for tale at a biriln. Lo- JL < atod at noith-BM corner of 17th utrcet , nd Cupltol nve. Uustbo u.o\cA on or bcforo August 7th proximo. Bbill V 770-tt . _ Agent 16th Mid Dcnglag. QIX llfAUTlFUL LOtti 50x160 feet each In Q Hanscom I lace on street car lino. Best loU in whale addition on % cry cajy ttrmaandatn ; rcat bargain. Bums' nn-cnt , 16th and Bouglaa itrcoU _ l'1'OPKKTV ' i'OK KALE At ! B O BAiaAiN , ono Isr.o brick hou e , and one aruo frumo house , -with full lot on Caen near IWh trc. t. Flr.e cbmce for investment , rent f r S70 r month. Cull for full particulars , on BKMIS , CM tf _ Accnlt5th n-d DouglM tg. 0'lh.U ITIJK ALb. TIIB Arlington llouju I Irat c'osj ' ; all furnlehcd. Th only hotel n town. The cheupout property In the Btato. las all that raveling mn. < . Will be told cheap on eras to suit. Enquire of E. Fullo , proprietor , . Arlington , Wmnlngton county. Neb. 683 tt CIOK BALE Or will excha fo for Omaha pro. C party , an Improved DOC on of laud adloln- ng a station on U. P. B. B. II. DUNHAM , U19 ' t. , Omaha. 7:0 Bait UICK FOR KALfc. B S03-tl KALfc.KSTABUOOK a COK. ' BALK The POPULAR HOTEL , known B'OK the BOYS' HOME. Tula houfto la cot- rally located , has BGU'h and east front , r.Ld Is urrounded vr th fine thado trees ; conMnstil lr ] . . lecplng rooms , has Ice house , laundry , earn lV , com , tc. Has a world wide reputation am. a % H letter patronage than many houses of twice U * ? I opacity. Price $5,000. For particulars ad- Ireea , L A. SAWDEY , Bed Cloud , Meb. . , E6t-tf M1UOEL.LANIOUS. _ LOST-From the premises of the undersigned , on Toesd y _ a rge Wack sow , clghlng . . unds Rew rd f r Infonna Ion nlU o Riven by Jshn Swaclna , Bouomlan Hall lonth 3thetre t. 75-17) f" OSr Saturday botncon piatofflceand Dav- U np r st eel , purse , contalutog money and l tamps. Rcn-ari , I eooOUe. 6a-10 > , for Nebra > La KariRaa nd _ Mlstuil to repre ont the INDUSTRIAL . FB ASSOCIATION of Indianapolis , Indiana , lU'ch ' has stood the text of ttmi , pais all lossca n full ; strongly Indorsed bv the l-o > t Ingura ce uthori la ; thorougc ly establl > hed , easily rorkcd , nnd i" not on the co operative ) or old Ino plan. Liberal contracts made with ener etlo aicnt * . at a i ompensatlon ot from two houeand to three U'omind dollars per year iddrcsi INDU'TIl AU LIFE ASSOCIATION , > o. 70 East Market street , Indianapolis , Ind. | nly2j.lmo. CLOSING OUT SALK OF niOYCLE3- J O-to Manufactory , me ! 8 Inch , Pi Ice ? 8 60. reduced to $ TOO. ln 32 Inch , Prko 10 00 , redii' ort to 8 f 0. Ino 30 Inch , nci 17 10 , n duccd to ' fi 00 , Inc 42 Inch , Pilco 22 00 , reduced to 1800. lno46nu | , ITlce 27 Ol , ndiuodto 21 00. Ino B2 Inch , Price E6 00. ro u'oJ to 0 00' be el S | > oV es and Rubber Tvirs ; Ire 30 inch , Price ? 25 Oo , r ilucen 10 f20 00 , ino 12 Inch , Pric 35 CO , rcduc.-d to SO OP. Columbia , Pope Marufictory : ino 48 luce , plain , l'rlte'C5 , reduced to 150. InoStUich , ha.f bjlght , i-rlce $86 , reduced to ino 46 inch , half nlclcle , Price ? 95 , reduced to inoExpws nngon , price 9150 00 , reduced to The . .brA bicycles are new. As I will tlcse usiness. Ihe abo\o Induwcnts arooflertd. IN , .11. 8olom n. Omaha , Neb. < 7.f | So of rTlSSSl lONALlaT , 49S Tenth Ktroot , between Ferpara lidnunor. Will , wltii the aid of cuanllan , ) 'ritJ , obtain for any ono a glance r > t Ibe 111 ud proMnt , and on certain condition ! in the m- lire. Brota and Bhoej inad to > rdir. Pcthi ' NclVn nftMiy iif r , POWDER \ Vbsolutely Pure. This powder never varies , A man el of p , strength and wbolesomenesa. Uore ecooo [ cal than the ordinary kinds , and cannot k Id ID competition with the multitude ol o rt , short weight , alnm'or phonphat * rowdtn donly In can * . llOTAL lUmii romn 00 , B Wt W.HeirTork