THE VMLf BEE-O TAHA THURSDAY AUGUST 17 , JID & OCX The Only Exclusive liolesale Hardware 'House aczsr - OCJECEITOTISso ? . 1108 AND IIIO HARNEY STREET , OMAHA - NEB. - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. Wholesale Lumber , No14D8 FarBham Street , malm. M. THE MOLINE STOVE t f I Manufactuvud by They mnko a sDcclalty of COOKING STOVES , nnd have this ; car plared In the market niol thoMOsTECONOMlO AM ) MOST SAlISKACTOIlY STOVES o > or made. They m Uo botn Plain and extension top , and guarantee all their goods. She agents ( or the company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters HOC - k. 3Sff O ? 33 3Ci 83 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB PERFECTION IN ROASTING AND BAKING , is only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale byj MILTOH ROGERS & SONS , Jull-m&ely DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * . HOTELS. PROPRIETORS TOWN ? ARLINGTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nab , WEATHERLY HOUSED fA. U. WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa. REYNOLDS HOUSE , C. C. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , Iowa , OARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 Mllford , NoU. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS BROWNSVILLE Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL * JOHN HANNAN , Btromsburg No HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllle OITY HOTEL. OHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. O. MEAD , Netlgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL fi. SEYMOUR , MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping WaterNo COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Qroenwood , Heb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E , STOREY. Clarlnda , IOWB EHO'S HOTEL , E. U ENO , Eromor.t , Neb" EXCHANGE HOTEL , C. 0. HACKNEY. Athland , Keb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVCLL , Atklnaon , Koij. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUD , Quldo Recd , Na , SUMMIT HOUSE , CWAN & BECKER , Oretton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOU8E , O. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURCESS , Noola , la. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. w LLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , , MRS. M , E. CUMMING8 , Corning ; , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.JL. AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HO7EL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Jurttlon , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb BAQNELL HOUSE , CHAS. BAQNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , rtM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clark * , Neb. . V BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. CBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marytvlllo Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb fVINSLOW HOUSE a. MCCARTY , Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar Neb , O10ZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb. AM30A EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD. Avoca * la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & BHATTUOK , Red Oak' FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewi * WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Grliwol DEPTT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la. LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUBK. Logan , la. DOW CltY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow City , la , JAQQ1R HOUSE , JAQQRR& SON , Donlion , la , I H OP UlTIflS. Order of Progress Proportion ot tb ( New York Tlmr . The conaua figures show 2ti5 citici having n population of 10,000 or nioro mid M the ono nt the foot of the lit Ooltimbin , S. 0. has only 40 ovci the 10 000 , later corrections nmj carry the nuinbor up to a round 250 Now York ataiida13,700 , short of it million and n qunrtor , but if Brook lyn , Jersey City and llobokcn , < roru nddod , the "Metropolitan district' would just miss n round two million ! (1,021,053) ( ) Now York , Philadcl- phia , and Brooklyn ntand at the head of the list , an in 1870 ; St. Louis nnc Chicago , which stood four and fifth in 1870 (310,801 ( and 298,077) ) , shift positions , Chicago becoming fourth , with 50:1,185 : , nnd St. Louis falling back two places , with 50,518 , while Dos ton slips from eovuntti place upto fifth (302,8119) ( ) , and B.Uti. nioro slips down ono place to the seventh (332 ( 213) ) . The ( right h uhco is hold by Cincinnati , AS in 1870 , al though comparison as to that city ia confused by the exclusion of some tor * ritory included in 18 0. Now Orleans and San Francisco , which worn in ninth nnd tenth places in 1870 (191 ( , 418 and 1-19,473) ) , exchange nlucua , now having 233,959 and 210,090. , Af ter the tenth place in 1870 ( held by Now Orleans ) the order was Buffalo. Washington , Newark , Louisville , and then the figure foil under 100,000 ; now the order stands the same , \vitli Cleveland and Pittsburg interposed above these four , and Jersey City , Detroit , Milwaukee and Providence are added before the 100,000 limit is passed. The following shows the number of cities in several grades by the last two censuses : Fonulnlion. 1870. 18SO. lo.roo to . 28 144 20 , ( 03 to 30,0 0 . 2r. 38 yn.OOO tn 40,000 . 12 10 40 000 to 60,000 . 7 10 GO. 0 1 to no)0l ( ) ) . 3 0 CO.1 00 to 70 000 . 3 2 70.000 lo 8 > ,0 < 0 . 2 2 80,000 to 100,000 . S 2 100,0 ' 0 t.i llM.nOO . 4 fi 125,000 to IfiO.OOO . 1 2 IfiO 000 to 175,0-10 . II 3 175.000 to 2HO.OOO . 1 0 UCO.I 00 to 300,000 . I 3 390,000 to HOO.liOO . 2 : t COO.UOO and over. . 2 4 * l'hcso figures are prolnbly not quito complete for 1670 , us they are taken from.a . Hut of wjmt tire now the hun dred principal cities. The relative growth of our cities in the decade is inturcBlinp , and I ho fol io ivin aliown ( his OH t > the twenty now having -100,000 or more inhabitants mch : In some of the smaller cities the percentage of growth exceeds any shown above. Minncapolies. Oak land , Oal. , Grand Rapids , Wilkes- barre , DCS Moinea and Holyoke show 100 per cent or moro increase ; Bay City , Mich. , shows nearly 200 , and Denver carries the maximum percent age of growth up to 700. Charleston shows a growth of only 1,028 , having now 49,084 population ; Poughkoopsio has grown only 2,379 , showing now 19,743 , ; Mobile and Memphis have rotrocraded , showing 29,132 and 35- , 592 , a loss of 2,902 and 0,034. Looking at the division of the sex , we find females predominating in all but fiyo of the twenty largest cities forming the class of 100,000 or moro population , . the exception being Chicago , St. Louis , San Francisco , Cleveland and Pittsburp ; in those twenty cities , males are 2,940,507 , and females are 3,214,232 , un oxccss of 2C7.CC5 in the latter. Of the eighty remaining cities of the list wo are ex amining only seventeen show a predominance - dominance of males , namely , Colum bus , Ohio ; Scranton , Fort Wayne , Terre Haute , Dos Moines , Springfield , Ohio ; Bay City and the moro or less border cities of Kansas Oity , Minne apolis , St. Paul , Denver , Oakland , Gal , ; St. Joseph , Grand Rapids , Omaha , Sacramento and Sun Antonio. In the 100 cities there is an excess of 341,151 females , and as there is a pre dominance of males to thu extent of 888,290 in the general population , this shows how the female inhabits cities. Whether she comes there by migration , by birth , by survival , or by all three , in a comparatively largo measure , in a problem. Another is the comparatively largo growth of cities themselves. They can hardly bo called the ganglir of the country for they do not exactly supply mo tive energy to it , although they do send out impulses ( an from nerve centers ) from their fervid and intense being. They continually draw from the country outside , and it is probably the fact that the ouccoesful man even in city wu ft "country boy , " and that , if there were fuiry god mothers now who bestowed ante-natal gifts , the wise and kindly ones among them would deepoak country rather than city birth. The cities are dis tributing centers ; they originate loss than they exchange and parcel out , and in this view they may bo regarded as among the tools of the world. Rheumatism , disordered blood , gen- onoral debility , and many chronic dis eases pronounced incurable , are often cured by Brown's Iron Hitters. Spooponclytto Brooklyn Kigle. Comini ; up the river the other day , . ' saw a middle aged gentleman in a plug hat and business anit seated iit a icow bcaido an attractive lady , fooling .round among a lot of strings pendant rom the side of the boat and warning he lady that aha could not keep too quiet. "Now , my dear , " observed the gen- loman , "don't you rnovo , because I eel a crab on this line , I'll pull him up until ho is iti ; sight and then you slip the not under him , See ? " "Yes dear " the lit- , , replied lady a - lo flustered as shu contemplated her ih are of the performance , "But , Mr. Spoopondyko , what shall I do when I ; ot the not under him ? " "Scalp him ! " retorted Mr. Spoopon- dyke , drawing slowly on the line "Now war , ht'a there , " and Mr , Spoopondjlio bocamu oven more cui tiiuis in his movements "Sco him Them ho it ! Sj'lp him qmcl. ! " Mrs. Spoopendyko ' .ibbod the \\t\ \ into the watpr and awnshuil atoum with crcat ; vigor. "What yo doing ? " yollcd Jlr. Spoo. pondyke , straightpiiitimipand glaring at her , as the crab struck a line foi Newark bay. "What'd yo think ] had thrro , the bottom c.f . the rivori What'd yo suppOBO I was trying tt catch , n church ! Take it out ! Give it here ! " and he grasped the ladj around the waist and took the not away from her. "Did I acalp lilm ? " asked Mrs. Spoopondyko , flunliod with her exer tions nml trembling with excitement. "Show him tome ) Ljtmoacowhat he looks liku ! ' "Looks likcl rout-oil Mr. Spoopon- dyko. "Ho looks like Sandy Hook by this timol Why didn't yo sc.ilr him ? What's the matter with you ? " ' 1 I couldn't tell winch was hit head , " faltered Mrs. Spaopcudyko , who hadn't aeon anything at all. "Pull him up again , and you'll sot if I don't scalp the last hair on hie skull ! " The English language lost its last charm for Mr. Spoopundykc , and he turned to hia strings with a withering look of contempt for his wife. "Now you bo careful , " ho said at length. "Hi-re's another varmint , and you musn't ' lot him got away. When I say 'Scalp ! ' you shove the net under him nnd just bring him aboard , " "Can you BOO him yol ? " asked Mrs. Spoopondyko , waving the nilt over her head and pccrii.g into the water. "Wait ! YOP , there ho io' Careful , remember. Now , scalp ! " Ho must Imvo been a crab of phe nomenal scholastic udvantngus to have gotten rid of that swoop , foe Mrs. Spoopotulyke , with a viuw to ni- deeming horsolt' , wont for the end of the string blindly , but with a strength nf purpose that nmdo failure impossi ble. She not only got the crab , but she slummed nut , crab and all over Mr. Spoopondyko'a head. "What wah-h ! 1" shucked that gentleman us ho felt himself im pounded. "Lost him again ! " exclaimed Mrs. Spoopondyko , who hadn't the rotnot- ( .Ht iiiou wluit a crab louKcd liko. "Why , door , what' that iiwful big spider in thu not ? Good graciotibl' "T.ikoit oil ! " howled Air. Spoop ondyko. "Tiiko it wow ! thu ilium ua got mo by the IImil him oT ( , will ye ? " Mrs. Spoopondyko dropped the landlo of the not tin if it were an old 'asluoniid bonnet , and gazud upon her luabiiud in coiutoriiution. "Gast the crub ! " yelled Mr. Sponp- ondyko , tearing the not away. "Lat 50 , yo brute ! Wah-ha ! " and the un- : iirtunatu man xvroncliod thu tish from oil' Kia cur and duihud it in tlio bottom tom of the boa ! . . "What'n jour Lclieino in doing that ? " he demanded , lolding Inn oar with ono I'uLmid uh.ik- ng the o'hyr at hia wife. "Think you've got to eat 'em rifjlit out of the raterQot / a notion that ho como up cooked and you must down him quicker or he'll spoil ? " yelled Mr. Suoupon- dyke , enraged beyond all control by the sight of the carnage that trickled down hia fingers. "What'd yo mean > y it ? " and ho sprang into the air and alighted on the unhappy crab , slipping up and sprawling full length in the bottom of the boat. "Wai that a crab , dear ! " asked Mrs. Spooponkyko , assisting her husband > o arise and contemplating the man- > led full with anything but favor. Ma that what you call a crab ? I houi-ht 1" "You ! " Mr. thought ripped Spoo- icndyko , kicking at the bewildered crabf "That's the trouble with you < ou think ! Did yo think I was going .o stand hnro and lot that crab chow on my oar Mil hia logs ached ? P'raps ' 'o thought ho was whispering to mu ! Hay bo yo thought ho wus telling mo a funny story1 Well , ho wasn't , and f he was his voice was so hoarse I couldn't enjoy it. Yo thought , did > o ! " squealed Mr. Spoopondyko , hia vrath riaing as the pain and fear sub sided ; "thought a crab talked with his oos like some women , did ye'Oh / , rou thought ! If I had such a head an .hat . I'd fit it up with shuck beds and i stink of gum and start a fomulo warding ochool ! With yuur ability o think , you only need u squint and bur long words to bo a Concoid school of philosophy ! " and Mr. Spoo- ) ondyko plunged the oars into the water and began to row vigorously. "Whoro are you going , dear ? " askodMrs. Spoopondyko timidly , after lor husband and pulled hard for some line. "Home ! " grinned Mr , Spoopondyko pith a horrible expression of visage , I'm goint ; homo to nhow the people low much dnmngo a rualicuMng idiot asylum can do with ono measly crab wlion nho pins herself down to it ! " "Of course , " assented Mrs. Spoop ondyko humbly , "but cuy , dear , vouldn't ' you get on faster if you un- ied the bout1 Mr. Spoopoudyke turned and gave n sharp look at the bow. Then ho muled his hat down over his cars , topped ashore and ntruck out at a ) risk walk. " 1 don't know , " sighed MM. Spoop ondyko , as I took her boat in tow , "I don't know , but I don't think 1 care much for crabbing , though I'm not sure but what it's moro fun than walk ng homo on the wrong ido of the river with no bridge within BOVOII miles cither wayj" Answer Tlila- Can you find a case of Bright'a Disease of the Kidneys , Diabetes , Ur inary or Liver Complaints that la cur able , that Hop Hitters lias not or can not cure ? Ask your neighbor if they can. , to-art * EUROPEAN HOTEL , The nio t central ! located hotel In the city. n. < om 76o. 1.00 , < t , SOund ftOOp riUy. i'lrtt t'Uui lluUumit connected with the lotcl . HUH8T. . . Prop. Corner Fourth And I/ocunt HtrceU ) . _ _ \ - Af ( nt for the Life Times od Trouoberoui Duuth of " Written by hS WIFE ) , 1 the only life uthQrliod by her , tnd which will not be "Ulood a ail Thunder" itory.iuch u hu iwa * nd will bo uubllebod , but K true Lite by : be only pornon who U la poweatloa ol the fucti a foi hful and devoted wile. Tiuth U more utercitiuK than fiction. Agent * ihould apply lor territory at once. Send 76 cU. for 8 m. pie Book. J. H. Chamber * & Co. , ( itIoali , Mo. "Prpporvo nnd Hoitiilnto , Not Do stray , " l < a noun.I motto in incjU-ttlaim M fl M UtninMifh p. 1'rcs rvi ! the or ot the ill- KC tl o orcinnftiul rpjri1M the pocrctlomltt lArrn t' § Sclticr AjH'rlciit , ainl JOH nillcnn < b P'l"l Mvl HIOI lomjUlnt l > y n irorcstlt tmrnio y wllh the l wiof ! Nnttirc. NlolMitmel lcln > lii ehail their < U ) . 'Ihoy > \lt.illin l thi \ tcm. Ucn anft icll . tlio ( Umt-uli reject , tnoa' , llcly on thw cxhtlentlnr f ( > rcHc. ! nuir SOU ) I1Y ALti llllUUtllvTS. HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD , MADK UY RIOHARDSOW.BOYNTON & OC CHICAGO , ILLS. Embody navr 1882 tintr | vemenU , Uor , prnotlonl tun nr ; Cost Ions to kotp It : uiuoij Utolci , . fuel HIII nun more he l niiil n br or volume ° ' iniro air tlun nnj furnace niivfa SoldbyPIKUCEYAimAIH'OKDOmahaNob D. M. WELTY , ( Snccaiunr to D..T. Mouut. ) MauufacUircr niul DcAlir In Saddlosi Haruessi Whips , FANCY HOUSE OLOTUINQ a , Dusters and- Turf Goods Agent for Jn. It. Ulll & Co.'J ucrCr : ! < is ; 20 GONGOBD HARNESS 'Tho ' BOSL in The World. " Ordem Solicited. OMAHA. NEB mo 1 y Improved tar 1U82. TUT. IlKHT AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE BTOILOVK IN THK WOULD. Every houackoopor foolatho want of BomothitiK that will cook the daily Food undavoid the oxcosuivoheat , duat , ittor and aalica of n coal or wood o to vo. THE MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , butter , quicker nnd cheaper than any other innaiiH , It la the ONLY OTL STOVK nindo with the OIL riESERVOIIl ELEVATED at the jack of tlio etovo , u way from the heat : ay which arrangement ABSOLUTE SAFETY ia auourodjaa no gas can bo ; onoratod , fully twenty per cent more mat ia obtained , the wicka are pro- iccvcd twice as long , thua saving the ; roublo of oonatunt trimminK and the oiponso of nov ? onus. EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy no other. Manufactured only by the Monitor Oil StovoOo , plevolanao , Bond tor descriptive circular or call m MRogern & Son , agontu for Nu- irmtkn AND THE : Of Omaha. Ha * purchased ol the Corllii Hifo Manulacturlni Co. , of 1'rovlilenco , K , I. , a unfa whl h In guar anteed In writing to b "nbtoluteli/ > urylar jiroti/ for a period ol tb'rty-tlx ' hours contlnuoui and u dlttuibod a'tack wllh the u o ol such toola and aiiplluincciai a burglar can employ , ' audliiapractlta ly unconditional way. Tlili bank di lr < a tboroiifh tuit made upon thlacalu , and In cnw ol failura to utanj It , the bank will be at liberty to purcbuo any other gaf and may return thin to the manufacturer * . Any party liat Iboity to uudcrtiku theattacn who will furnUh mtlnlattory bond to pay al damaxe to the Bale , In cane It li not entered In the tUnulated time. Tne CorlUui Company agree In writing to dopoult with thU bank the Bum ol $5,000.00 , upon the tlgiilujr ol an agreement above thj Bald Bum to bo p'acod ' within { the tafe and to be forfeited to the pirty operating In caao Itl < forcibly onuiiwl and IK content * rab utracted IIKNKY W. YATE3 Co hlo. Forty yjnrs' trim ui r/rovu " BLACK * the best TCvct i w f mu imvM&vuiRi AM ) J Mining and Milling Oompany. Working CtpltM i Capital H'.ooH , tl.OOA.CCO , P i Value ot Shares , J2B , STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BBAMBL MININGDISTRICT. . DR. i. I. THOUAB , President , Cumratns Wyoming , Wai. K. TILTON , Vice-President , Camming , Wyoming' K. H. IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming , A. O. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummlnr , IWyomln Dr. 1. 1. Thomas. Ixmi , Miller W. 8. Bramel. A. O. Dunn. N. tUtwood. Francli Loarent. Oto.l.Falo . Uwli Zolman. Dr. J. a Watklnf. meg ! Bm QEO iW. , . Anthlrltlt for 3 t ot "Hoik ! B n Omaha Steam Laundry. The only Laundry in Nebraska that ia supplied with complete machinery for Laundry work. Send your ordora by mail or express. GOTTllEIMEll , GODFREY & CO. , 1207 Farnham Street. FOI * CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts East nndOouth-Eait. THKMNKCOMPUISKH Nearly 4,000 miles. Hollcl Umootli Stocl Tracki All connections nro uuilo In UNION DhPOTO t Inia a National HcrmtAtlon an bolnir the croot Throujjh Oar Line , nnd In universally onrodoil to lie the FINEttT EQUIPPED Kail , road In Ilinorkl [ at all clown of trmol , Try It And you will find traveling a Ituur ) Instead ot a 'llpcomfort. Through Tlclirtn via rhlg Celebrated Line foi solo at nil nlllcia In tlio Wwt. All Information about Hnt a o Faro , Bleeping Car Accommodations , Tlmo Tables , do. , will be cheerfully given by npplylnlntr to T. d. POTTER , 2d Vlco-l'roa't & den. ManaserChlca50. | PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oen. Paraoiuor Agt. Ohlcagro , W. J. DAVENPORT , Gen Avont , Conncll Dluffi. II. I' . UUKLI , , Ttckot morn-Oil ly FAST TIME I In ROlne Ktst Uka the era Trnlnn leave Omaha 3.40 p. m. and 7:40 : a. m. For full Information mil on U. I' . lUiiITlc- ; kct'Agcnt. Hth and Parnam fits. J. DKLI. . U. P lUllHnyDnpnt or at JAMK8T. OLAK don era 1880. _ KANSAS CITY , 3t , Joe & Council BMfe ui van oivt Dirocfc Line to ST. LOUIS AND Olln KABT From Omnhuund the Weat. A traln leave 11 li U , Depot , Omaha : Nti ) . Ho cbaDira r.t can tctircou Omaha and ci. iao\i \ , nnd but nno liutnicn O11AI7A and WKW YOKS. . r -i n -r- Daily Passenger Trams KAZ7KRN AKH WEflTRllH OITIEH with IEB OUAJWJ1W anil IN AUVANOK of Ult OTUKll LIHKO tntlre Una li o < | uli > port 'llh allmaa' KldeuInK Can , Palaoo liy OsacliM , 1111 or1 ! v ruttunn and Coupler , and tbo ctiobri' * id lnKnonie Alr-briko. fita that you ttohnl rea > ! VIA nAN'JAG ' cnv , IT. iny.U'O. b COUNCIL BWfga E read , via Dl. JoBcph and Ot. Iiouli. Tkkcla lci > anle at all ocnpcn itatlona ID Ibi Weak. 3 , Y. UAKKAIID , 0. VAV7EJ1 , Orn. Bupt. , Hi. Jowvlt , Ms ) A Q ID raw. and Ticket AKt. , Dt. Joeopb , Mo , AKar Bounyii , Ticket Agant , JOM Parnbam etrctt. W. JIivrNP ii7 , ( It rnr l Airtnt , Sioni Uiij & Mlc THE BIOUX OITY EOUTB Hani a HollJ Trala Ibroujh Itoo- Council Blulta to St. Paul ' * Without Ohango Tlmr , Only 17 Houri MILES IFlIE uilOUTKfl KODTB rtow COUNCIL BLUPPQ ro ar. PAUL , UINNKAPOLU DULUTd OK BI5UAHCK tnd all point ) In IlnrVtnin lov . Ulnnectta and Diikota. Tii ! line ia uiulppoil lih the Irnprovei ] Wutlnxhoiigo Autoinalla Air-brake and Ulllt CUtlorui flouDler and IIufTor : and for tll'KKD MAJTKTV AND OOIIFOET It nnmrpiruod. Pullman Palate bleeping Cn run through WITHOUT 01IANUK botwoeu KID mCltyand Bt , Paul , via Council BluOi and EIouz City. Train ) leave Lnlon Padflo Traniler at Oontt ell IJluns , at 7:85 : p. m. dally on arrival ol Utneti City , Bt Joseph nj council IlluRi train Ircro the South. Arrhlny at Bloux City 11:36 : p. ro , , and at the Hew Union Depot at St. Paul nlSIt : ( noon , mi JlOUKfl m ADVANOB Or AH7 OIQEB EOUTB. Mrr.emerober In taking tut Blouz City Hoot you jet a Through Trala. Thu Hhortest Line tbo QuIckoatTlme and a Oomlortabla Uld la Ih Ttrouirh Can between COUNCIL IlLUFfS AND ST. PAUL. ATBoo that your Tickut lead via tbe "Sloni Oity and Padllo KillroaJ ' / , B. WATTLUM , . B. DUOUAllAn Uuperlnteudeut. Oou1 Pass. Agent P. K. IIOBIKUON , Aaa't Gca'l Vuu. Afi. ' Mlwoiul Valley , a. W. K. DAY1H , Bouthwwitorn 1 Round MORGAN PARK MILITARY ACADEMY , A Chrlitlan Family School for Boj . Prcparva for College , UcleutlOo Bclnol or Biulnru. tiund ( o Oupt , ED , N. KIHKTALOOIT. Principal , Uorrgan Park , CookOo , , 111. , for catalogue , For n ciuubr of n century nr moro HoatcHrr's Kt'Mii3cli llttcrt hnn been the rmnnlnv poc1c ! fi.rlmllioMloitiljupojuila , feur axil RU , lo a itphjalul fttmim. Ihcrcompl Int aid other ( ll-rrjiu , anil \ \ \ . li-i'ti inn t cinpha Ically In- ilorxdl by iiudlclno menai a hcaUh at il itrirtjth rc-tor IUo It conn cruets a tcnile cv t ] prc- inaturt ilce'y , and tuutalna and comfoitl tbo aic.ilniirt loflrm , for sale by all Drupelets and Dealers gciu'rjlly. JltiPERfSHAJBLE PERFUME Kurray & Lanman's Ftmm WATER. Best fur TOILET. BATtt and ! . ANPKERCHIEF. Benius Eewardefl , OB. Tlio Story of tlio Sowing Machine , A bandiomo little pamphlet , bin * and gold GOTO with numerous ongnTlngt , will be GIVEN AWAY to nv Kanlt ponnri calling for It , atitn ; branch or lub-olllco of The Dinner Uaaufictuno ? Oarn > pany , or will bo eont oy null , pott paid , lo any person living at a dlattoco from oar otUcei Tlio Sinpr Manufacturing Co , , Principal Office , 34 Union Square , VORTT VftPOft C Itin Plnnrai < r S-Tt ) | I 7 I t > vuutvvtn \ tTi'Tili I . . ' w < N Hloyif KirnmlV uuiim i i ' 'HuS J i I' ' ' " ' " ° MfiiiS ffl I yiJWDM'IrttT ; t ' / / * - * > j ( iitlrn pi I'ert < uutf- 3rar f'.MIOII H X Gra 75,00 , * . . . . -r iBgif" " M ' * ( I yv i.i'i.i. " rjp l'ntrntremovnttl in < cl' nior tiii < i' " ' lil" * " * Orllli1' * . ri-ml il < r i.iiIHII i'i' trnii > iri' IS' I.IB Now Ono Vil l-'ii r nil "UI 'Mot 1 < . ft'mv MiifwtrKrt * i > lr. K' Bumni'T IIM I'u-i" ! P'l" " , i" These celebrated staves for sale by 1'lorcy & BrndforJ Omuhu , Neli. 9 1m WESTERN WORKS ! 0 SPKOilT , - . Proprietor. 1212 Harnoy St. - Omrha , Neb. MANUFAOTUnUHS OP DORMER WINDOWa , FINIALS , Tin , Iron and Slate Eoofiug , Spoolit'a Patent Motallo Skylight. Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving , I am thn general agent for the above line of goods. IRON KKNOING , CreitlnR * , Balu tradei , VerandaiIOn1ce and Bank Railing * , Window and Cellar , Guard * ; lo OKNKIlAIi ACtKNT Bide Spring ? Attachment Not Patented. A. J. SIMPSON , LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY KOO and 1111 Dodge Btreot , nug 7-me Om OUAUA ,