Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    ov THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , ATVtfST 17 18& .
The Boeler Brothers' JRnnchoB
in New Mexico and Ne
73,000 Beeves Roaming Around
Looeo in the Southwest.
Chlc jja Tribune.
At the Grand Pacific there ia ntop
ping a voritnblo cixttlo.king in the per
eon of Mr. J. 11. Boslor , of Carlisle ,
PA , who , with his thrco brothers , J
W. , Ocorgo nnd James Hosier , and
two 7 < un men named Lawrence and
Parker , of Carlisle , nnd Charles Wool-
TV or ill , formerly ot the Brigga house ,
iti this city , are proprietors of two of
the largest catllo-runchoa in the Uni
ted States. Mr. Boslor comes of a
family that understands herding cnt
tie. They started in n very email way
in Knnaas in 1871 , and lost niomy ;
but in 187f > they started n herd ot
about 0,000 Texas cattle on the rnnjjcn
along the North Platte river. Since
then fortune ha.i smiled upon them ,
and besides the barrels of money they
have salted in railroad ; , car-worlts ,
bank stocks , etc. , they own n littlu
.matter of 711,000 head of cattle , val
ued at nearly § 1,000,000 , with n val
uable lot of horses , 800 or moro
ponies , barns , houses , haystacks , etc. ,
until nearly $1,800,000 , in good Imrd
. money ia represented as roaming on
honfa over thn vast prairies of Now
Mexico and Nobraaka. The Hosiers
paid $315,000 in cash for the cattle on
the fatuous Dursiiy rancho in Now
Mexico. Included in the purclmao
was the privilege of buying CO , GOO
acres of land , upon which a portion
of the herd is now located. There
are over 100 milca of barb-wiro fence
on this place , hung on cedar poatn.
There is a little patch of 10,000 acres
fenced in for a horao pasture. Then
there is an 8,000 aero lot for a bull
range. And there ia another field of
aixteen itqunro milen hedged in upon
which thu cattle roam. Aftnr the re
porter had made himaclf Jinown , Mr.
Hosier said that ha did not doairo to
bo advertitiid. Ilia business was a
largo one , but ho did not seek news
paper notoriety. It should bu atatcd
for Mr. Cooler that ho iaa modest , re
tiring gentleman , with a mighty long
head on him Ho spondn six months
of the j car on his ranches. Mr. J ,
W. Bonier ia the politician of the fam
ily , and ho is an important factor in
Pennsylvania contracts ; and has been
a very successful government cattlu
contractor , who has always livpu up to
his contracts in his deliveries. lie is
a friend of J. W. Doruoy , nud was a
witness in hia behalf in the star route
trials now voing on. Mr. Dorsoy ia a
vary wealthy man , a good politician ,
but didn't know how to run a cattle
ranch. 13 o invested in expensive
ahort horn bulls , three splendid stal
lions , and ho expected to stock Now
Mexico with an entire now grade of
cattlo. Ho bought a Spanish land
grant of a man named Elkino , which
wouldn't hold water , and hence the
sale of the head. So much for his
"Hut , " said Mr. Boslor , after the
reporter had talked with him n while ,
" 1 am not hero to bo interviewed. 1
am hero to look after cur shipmoiitn to
Chicago this year , which will bo very
extensive , "
"How extensive ? "
"Aiionr 10,000 IIKAP. "
"Whoro are your cattle ranches ? "
"Wo have a ranch on the North
Platte , north of Sidney , Nub. The
range runs fifty miles along the river
front and twenty miles back. Wo have
only 40,000 , head of cuttlo there now.
Wo shall ship from this herd this sea
son 10,000 head toOhioij < o. "
"Havo you shipped any yet ? "
"O yes , wo have already disposed
of 3,200 head huro , and on Monday
another train of twenty-six ears will
arrive with 640 head. Wo have an
other ranch in Colfax , N. M. , which
' was bought from Mr , Dorscy , and
which contains 33,000 head ot very
line cattle. "
"How , many men doosittakoto care
for those ranches1 ?
"Wo employ about fifty. "
"What pay do they got ? "
"Wo pay $30 per month for ordi
nary hands. Wo pay from $50 to $75
per month for horses and foremen ,
and wo have ono man who gets $125 ,
In addition , wo board and mount the
men , and each rider has live hones
to use while on duty. "
"Whoro do you got your herders ? "
"Wo got some Texas boyo , and
others from Wisconsin , Iowa and east
ern Nebraska , and they ull make good
hands. "
"Aro they of the claim called
tough ? "
"No ; they are rather good boys ,
generally 'roll behaved , of good habits ,
They are pretty civil , and rarely any
thing seriously wrong is done , They
are thrifty UK a class , many of them
saving money and investing it in
cattle , I have two or three who own
cattlo. "
"Does catilo raising pay ? "
"Certainly , if it is practically done ,
Wo have made the bulk of what wo
have out of it , Our ranch in Now
Mexico , in Colfax county , is about
thirty miles from Springer , the pros-
put county-coat Our Superintendent
is Mr. Charles Woolwortn , whom you
know pretty well as an old Chicago
hotel man , who has an interest in the
herd , and who is a first-class cattle
man. This herd represents about
7,000 calves this year , and they are
now in the midst of the branding.
This section is a better cattle country
for brooding than the Platte River.
Our herd huro represents mi increase
of 83 per cent that is , eighty-three
calves from each 100 cows , and in the
Platte Hive. country wo only got an
cquil of fifty calves to each 100 cowi ,
which shows the dilleronco in the value
of the two sections , the grasses and
vrater being about equal , "
"How about the eeaeonsl"
"Tho grass conies on earlier in Not-
Mexico , and the winter ia shorter , and
I think that it will bo a better beef-
producing country than the northern
raug -
rnavo YOU bad enow-storms in win-
tor ?
enow in Now Mexico ,
but It is never very deep , Wo have n
praMo * country , and a woodland along
ili3 Jfatdn Mountain range , which runs
east from the Rockies , and terminates
in the pan handle of Texas.
i and watered by streams and springs ,
throe or four of the streams being of
very considerable size. The summers
are very hot , but very healthful "
"What kind of grass have you in
Now Mexico ? "
"Very good quality. Principally
the grama or Spanish grass , which is
of thoBnmo family AS the buffalo , very
nutritious , containing starch and sugar
and beef-producing qualities in largo
proportions , "
"Do you suffer from snowdrifts ? "
"Wo have no largo snowdrifts ,
Thcro is nothing to hinder catilo from
feeding on the rich qnws all winter. "
"Do you raise anything in the
shnpo of produce ? "
"Wo raise nothing but cattlo. The
land in the cattle bolt liea tn an eleva
tion of about J,000 foot above the
level cf the noa , and it is not supposed
to bo an agricultural bolt along the
Rocky maun tains. "
"What kind of cattle do you raise ? "
"Along the Platte river principally
Texas cattlo. Thcro are n good many
halt-breeds , Durham bulls and Texas
cows , on the rancho. South wo have
n better quality and higher grade of
natives , They have boon bred to
shorthorn bulls , and the natives of
Mexico nro hotter to rdnrt with than
the Texan cattlo. They nro not to
wild and are moro domestic. "
"Who eoll your cattle here ? "
"llnncnbaum , ] 3asa & Co. and Ad
ams & Burke ppll most of our stdck. "
"What did your cattle bring ? "
"Our ( irst shipment horn brought
us $40 per head not , and the lowest
wo obtained was $32 per head not this
season. "
"Will there bo largo ranch ship
ments this year ? "
"I think that as many cattle will bo
nhippod hero thin season aa there was
last from both sections , and the qual
ity will bo much better. "
"Why ? "
"Beciuao of the early spring , good
grass , and good season. The calf crop
will bo greater than it has been for
a number of years , and hcnco the
prospects are bettor for a good supply
of beef , if the winter docbti't kill the
cnttlo. "
"In that moro than possible ? "
"Yes. There i always danger from
snotr-drifto on the North Platte , when
wo have falls of BIIOW which Ho for a
long lime on the prairie , and which
wo fear moro when wo have ex
tended epolla of cold Vroathcr. Oat-
tip turn their tails to : v storm , and
will wander 100 miles without food to
got away from it. In such cases the
weaker cattlo- such as three-year-old
htifers sling their calvco when they
are very weak. Last winter u year
ago wo lout u good many cattle. It
was a very bad year , and inflicted , I
think , thu greatest loss that the country
hnn suntained in years nt least since
1871 or 1872. During the past year
there has been comparatively no loss
at all. "
"How about Texas cattle can
they bn domesticated to our farmn ? "
"I think that they cau. Texas
catilo , I notice , got tamer each year.
Thia year the cow-boya wont into the
corralls and drove them in on foot into
the shutos. The fact of it is , that the
drivera handle cattle moro gently
than they formerly did , and they uro
thus becoming moro docile , and we
can handle them bettor. "
Just then it dawned upon Mr. Bos-
ler that ho was being interviewed , and
the reporter left.
TIio Evil Effootn of tlio War Over
April " 10,1881. , /
H. II. WA.HNEK" & Co. : Sirs The
privations of the war imposed upon
me what phyaiciaim call "chronic"
diarrlHoi. Your Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure is the only medicine that
over did mo any good.
luo Growing Crops.
The crop reports both North and
South contmuo to bo of an onoourag-
ini ; character. In West Virginia the
chances favor a good corn crop. The
stand is clean and the stocks largo ,
which gives promise of a full yield ,
and the farmers are quito animated
over the prospect. The wheat will not
quito coma up to the expectation
termed , but the hay crops will exceed
any that has yet been grown in the
State. The small grain crop of North
Carolina has turned out finely. It is
the largest and best made ninco the
war , and us a consequence flour is now
down to $5 per b.irrul of two hundred
pounds at llnloigh and elauwliero in
the State , According to recent ad
vices the corn crop is growing finely ,
and corn never looked BO well as
nan * . Prom all parts of Tcnncasoo
comes the promise of a largo corn
crop. Ia thu western part of the
state the aoroago haa been increased
about ton percent and the crop gives
promiao of twenty-five per oaat over
the avoiago yield The forty coun
ties of Middle Tennessee give equally
good promise , and farmers on the lion
crock bottoma are looking to gather
twenty barrels of corn to the acre.
The outlook in Georgia is highly
promising , The wheat crop haa
turned out finely , and in Northern
and Middle Georgia it is reported au
being eleven per cent above the gen
eral uvorogo. Cotton ia not doing so
well , bui the corn crop never gave
bettor promise at this season ot the
year , An abundant crop of oata haa
been harvested , and the average
of the hay crop will bo about onu
and one-half tons poracro. Kentucky's
wheat crop is estimated at about 18-
000 bushels , an increase of about
7,000 , over the highest thrown crop of
former years. There has been too
much ram far corn , and the prospects
for n largo crop are not as promising
as they \ \ uro BOIIIO wooka ago , Doth
cotton and corn nro doing well in Ar
kansas , A disputed say * that corn is
made und the jiol'd will bo large. The
wheat crop nf Missouri is estimated at
40,000,000 bushels and valued at
$30,000,000. What with their wheat ,
corn , iuid minor crops , the farmers of
Missouri will find themselves amply
repaid for the yuar'o toil. Thu avur-
ego wheat yield of Nebraska will not
be less than twenty bushels to the
ucro , but many predict that it will
nearly equal twouty-fivo bushels. Rye
is aba abundant , and many farmers
claim that their oata will turu
out sixty buuhola to the acre.
Corn ia { { rowinp litiuly and promises
u good yield , There ia a fair prospect
of a full ooru crop in Iowa , but in Wu-
consiu the crop ia short and backward.
Minnesota proipeoU of wheat are
favorable , but earn is not promising ,
In Kansas thy corn ia shoulder high
and a good crop ia anticipated. The
prospect for corn is much moro prom
ising in Indiana than it was few
weeks ago. In the Southern part of
the State there will bo a fair average ,
and elsewhere the plant is doing well.
Corn is looking well in Southern Illi
nois , and with favorable weather there
will bn an average crop , According to
Secretary Chamberlain , ot the Ohio
Uonrd of Agriculture , the wheat crop
of this State will bo in excess of 39-
000,000 bushels. The corn crop , ho
s&yft , ia only equal to sixty per cent.
of a full crop , fcutoats , hay , and pota
toes are absvo the usual average.
Bucklm'a Armen
The UEST SAI.VK fn the * wJfl for Cote
Brul on , Sores , Ulcers , halt Hhcum , Ft
Tor Sores , Tcttor , CJnppfd Hands , Chll
blalnn , Corns , ana all akin eruptions , nn <
ptwitlrely cures piles It 1 * Kunranteod tt
plve aptlifnctlon or money refunded
Price , 25 cents per Lor. For wile by C ,
Ti" . Qnodmn"
Visiting Maud 3.
Saratoga Idler ,
By far the sweetest , prettiest thing
hero is Maud S. The other mornim ?
E went down to Vnnderbilt's private
stables just buck of Oontgrets hall to
see this beautiful creature that can
olin it faster than an exprcsi train on
* down grade , The head groom , after
surveying mu , concluded that 1 was a
harmless atom , nnd invited mo in , "I
want to see Maud S , " said I. "Do
you show her to strangers ? " "Oh ,
yes , " ho answered good , naturodly ,
lots of 'em como in hrro and they all
want to see her. " lie led the way to
her stall , which IB about ton feel
square and aa dainty ai a Indy'n bou
doir , nnd there , with a light horse
cover to keep the flies off
her , was the great mare.
She Doomed delighted to have
company , and like all other well-bred
creatures , was good natured and affa
ble and devoid of airo. Her coat won
softer than tntin , and oho has the
most earnest and intelligent eye over
scon in an animal's ' head. She sniffed
around complacently and rubbed her
slender nose ngainst me aa if wo had
been old acquaintances ; in three min
utes V70 had established intimate rela
tions The groom took ofT her cover
and turned her around to show her
off to my inexperienced eyes , when ,
her hind lego oimiing a little too .rloRo
to mo , I made H holt : for the door of
the stall , "Como back , " said he ,
laughing , " 0)10 ) never did an ill-
natured thing in her lifo. She
would no moro think of kicking or
biting you than you would think of
striking her. Slip IB so kind and well
disposed you'd think she v/.is human"
and I suopoct that the groom did
have a half belief that oho WHS human.
Ho was evidently delighted to have
an appreciative listener , and w.ia
ready enough to talk about thn Queen
of the Turf. Mr. Vaiidorbilt ia not
driving her at all now. She is in
training for the fall nioes , and every
morning at 10 o'clock her trainer
takes her out for n spin down the
road. Mr. Vauderbilt is not halt BO
proud of her aa the atublu men ore ,
and nlio is indeed a creature en gentle ,
so loveable , and BO altogothi'r the
ideal horse , that anything could love
Iiivor , Kidiioy nndBrleUt'sDIsonso.
A medicine that destroys the germ
or cause of Bright's Disease , Diabetes ,
Kidney and Liver Complaints , and has
ponor to root the'm out of the system ,
is above all price. Such a medicine is
Hop Bitters , and positive proof of thin
can bo found by ono trial , or by asking
your neighbors , who have been cured
by it.
The blood is the foundation of
life , it circulates through e cry part
nf the body , and unless it is pure
and richrgood health is impossible.
If disease has entered the system
the etify sure and quick way to drive
it out is to purify and enrich the
These simple facts arc \\ell
lno\\ii , and the highest medical
authorities agree that nothing but
iron will restore the blood to its
natural condition ; and also that
nil the iron preparations hitherto
made blacken the teeth , cause head
ache , and arc otherwise injurious.
UROWN'S IRON Bin IKS : will thor
oughly and quickly assimilate with
the blood , purifying niul strengthen
ing it , anil thus drive disease from
any part of the system , nnd it will
not blacken the teeth , cause head
ache or constipation , and is posi
tively not injurious.
Saved his Child ,
17 N. Lutaw St. , rhlilmore. Md.
Tcb. 17 , 1880.
Gents t Upon lite recommenda
tion of a friend 1 tried HIIOWH'S
IllUN UlTTUK ! ) ( IS .1 tonic Jhd 1C-
Moratlve for my ( Uii1itcr | , uhom
1 wat thoroughly convinced was
wasting away with Consumption ,
Having lost three daughters by the
terrible diica&e. under the care of
eminent tihys [ clans , 1 was loth to
] > clc\e ! Iliat nj thine couM arrest
the progress cf the disease , but , to
my great surprise , before my daugh
ter had taki.ii one bottle of IIKOVVN' %
IKON HITTKHS. she began to mend
and now is quite restored to former
health. A fifth daughter began to
show slgnt of Consumption , and
when the ph > slclan vas Consulted
lie quickly said "Ionics were re
quired i" ami when informed that
the eldersliicruas taking DHOMN'S
IKON llinuits , responded "that Is
a good tonic , talc It. "
UROWN'S IRON Ilirrr.RS effectual
ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion nnd
Weakness , nntl renders the greatest
i clicf niul benefit to persons sulTering
from Buch wasting diseases as Con
sumption , Kidney Complaints , etc.
H plait * rooi W3of o tnch'to
width tn tto cauucst felt * ot Imr-t i > l kg .
U dcu all kind * aud ot > lw u ! \ Ultlni ; In me ,
No Isity thai docj bet own drcAo making ct
aSord to do without ono M ulcu phlUnjr ll
ciorrr cat ol fashion , U K > on It iclli Itwlf , Fai
Uachtata , Circular * or Ag ni' tcriun aJdtoai
OONGAR & 00. ,
Adatas St , , Ubtoaco
Jens SMILIS , itoui ccninr ,
Prftlrtenl. Vice rif * .
W , R , Dimrrta. Ree. and TTCM.
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Plfintore , Hrrrowa.Fftrrn Rollers
sulky Hay RnKod. Buciiot , ttJovatli.B
Windmills , &o
W a prep re , ] tn da Job work and inanufac
turlne roths pirtlcs.
Aud'Bi n or lira
t/lnrnln. V
le by oth'r treatment
U ai noc urntl I . ci , strlctutcsnil occln ,
'xinlu imrj , gravel , sinnc , ulicre , nilgl 'K ,
ilifthitm , ilrorny , consumptirn , tore thr nt , cv
tnrrh il zz MOM , Mllloiinc , n'U'vli ' , ncttrn'cK '
tliciirr.Mlim hrart , kldncj nrid Mail cnl o oi > ,
ro 'mod by thu A ahel Mineral Spilnn Water.
or the perfcctc I trcatimiit ol the fciuop-nn and
An trluan Modlcxt I'lirtiu unrcUlty litf Icln s In
L ndr > n Patli , Vlcnn. , Her In , nd Yoik
I niiphlet , with rtlr ctlo * nnd c.r ol
cnri , Jrco Mnlle 1 tr < all on Impotence ,
Mcrlmy , dlfcKoil tos'r to nland , a do vl.illi ,
2Sc. i flic > , 134 Lexington no. Now York city
cdy. An tin-
lalllnq euro
( or fccmlml
rhca , Impot-
cncy , and all
- _ : DS I o o ( Memory , Ur.Iicnul Ltjial
tuilo , Pain In thg Hack , IMrunoen ot Villon , Premature
mature Old Ago , and ininy other Dlncaocs that
lead tn Tnxi\nUjr or Coniruniptloa and a Prcmi
turo Grave.
tSTFnll particulars In mir rarochlet , which
WB dcslro to tend free Ivmll to everyone.
fiS-Tho Spec IS < Ucdlclno In told by alt drugglsti
at 81 per paekacc , or 6 pact , \irci ( or $6 , or will
he cent frea by tnall on reint ol the money , h ;
iir..t. , , , TUB GRAY IKD1C1NKOO. ,
lloflilo , N. Y.
Youngntown , Ohio , May 10,1SSO.
Bn. I ) . J. KRSDAI.L * Co. I hid n vrry \ aliu-
bio llamb ctonl n colt thu Ip Izm very Ighly
liohvl a In'ge b 10 pivin in one j int atid a
Mnnll ono on the ithir llc' ' made liliicry
Inrcc I hail him under t ) '
; c chatfre o two vo'cr-
limry eurucons nHc i filled to i uro him 1 as
rnoniy nadmgihoiiitlsomciit \ ol KtiidiUV
Spn > In Cur In til ChlcAfro Evn 89 I dctcm Inc1
atoiics tn try t a tl jr t ourcru frets ' cro to
B nd I r If , at il the > > ril red t ret h ttle ; 1 to k
nil Mil I thought I wuM rno t a Ilimouzh
t l > l , I uicil It a cirdlnc to direct ! n < and the
oattli day tVo colt co scd to bo nmo arid the
him sheto d'Hippcand ' I tifccd bit ouobottlo
and t > col t'a Union tro as I'to ' of Ilia pi and na
Binoo'haaa ' y norm In the Matu Ilmarritro
ly cure I. The euro w * ai remarkable that I
hmolcttrtoof my ncli'Iil ) nhi\e thd rcmilu-
ing Use bUilen win Ftrono * u-lnKlt.
Very rcBpcctfulh ,
u'r ' rosiEn.
Bond for Illuetratod circular nlvln positive
proof. Frlco Jl. All DruKKitta have It or can
Bet ttfot you. Dr. D. J , Kendall & Co ; , Pro
prietor ? . Enosuiircfi Kails , Vt
JI ry ehrlik from pu It It } in conn' ctbn with
S. H. a . but wou'c P'tiulttcil to refer 1 1 tvo ( ol-
lowIriK porftonn who ua\o known and wi'.ncs.cit
its wm.crtul t fleets :
, ' KRRY , Houston Co , Oa.
Wo h&vj In un "Swlit's peclflc" lej cd In
hundredofmoit o'-etlna'ucis sol lood Po.son-
' ; , Mttcurla II h umattm Bi.rof Is , iscro' ,
czo n. Cat trh etc , n > d do cj tckntlously
tutlly that it met nl h th most perfect an i slj
nal UCCC33 , cfleu od rndua and perm ncntcurcs
litevo i o \uthoutuslnulocxoo lion.
lluxh Ii Dcnnard , Gco. W Kill n ,
John U. Ilriwn , Ooo. W. Sli gltton ,
Win. liruu on , J lin It. II-SJ ,
J ino < D , harp , K I Wurren ,
Muoro A ! Tu t n , .1. W L'eIMn ,
J. \\lmlcrly , J. W. WaoliWL ,
vv. U l lerco , lierlff , J W , Mann , Co. Trcis.
0. C. Duncan , 'J' . M. Killcn ,
y a ( , onion , T. M , Luii cr , ihoin.
Wo are \.tno ally atqimlnlci with tiuKO Hi-
la n uliosd sunaiurcs appear to t > o ulovo ccr-
tllliati * . 'i hey are ltlze > sof said county , ol the
lghcitrrFpo tablllt/and cuaiactor.
A , . ailKS , Ord naiv , Ilcuston CJ.Cn
D. U.'k Sup , Lt. Jiou ton Co. Ox
"Nothing bu' fn\orablo report s , Kclloro S 8.
8. Is nep'duc for all U oed DKcases. It jfhcs
unlurunl aitUfaaloii "
O. W. JO.M3 & CO. . Memphis , Tcnn.
"S. S. S , eUtg hotter uattifactlon thin any.
thing wo bat e v > cr handle I. "
J CKS & CO. , Helena , Ark.
"Ua > o rie\tr heard a complaint t > ( ti. ti a.1
AliniUR PfcTEU . CO. , U.U s > illff , Iff.
" 3. S. S , lias given cntlra satisfaction to p\ory
one. " A. U. U101I AKDa , Ehorinao , Tux.
"I ha\ohul excellent tale lor P. S. S. and the
results havobeeu mo'C B4 Isia-tory , "
J. 0. BUnur , Uowlltii ; Oncn.Ky.
"Our sales rl B , S 8. have been good , and Its
sucuiu Ji rfect. "
JOM3 & OAHEY , Manteomiry , Ala.
"S. S. S. has given entire latUfict'on ' tocmy
oin" E IteUriS , I'aila , Txai.
"U B 8 h's given univrraal iatl fac'Ioa. ' "
it. w. * OWIHB ; & co. , uaiimona , v .
S1.MO IVjwnva wll ; bo r Jrt M "J
chemtut who will dud , on unaiyolu ot ICC 1 ottle ul
6. B. I ) . , one particle ot Ucrcury lodlJt ot Pull s-
nlumoiRny Mli.Lnl substance.
HW/iTHJ-EomJ CO. Frcpj
Atlanta , Oa
Prlco of Dmi.ll tlte , Sl.CO.
" '
i nU Drj
To Ner\'ous Sufferers
Ur. J. B. Girnpsou's Specific
II ll a pcstl\cicuri | ; ( or UpraAtoirlici , Samlni
Vl'cokncsi. Irai tincy , and all ( lletidcn itfuUlc ,
( roii ScK-AbiiK , it Mciital Anxlct ) , l/tat
Uctnory , Ptlto In the litck or bUo. and dlactns
" llmt \ < 1 to
litunity an
c rlj tr Fc
Tha KpoclCc
' ffa wnyrfl W ° " -
-igPZ ? 3 X Sj Uhwond
VKw Jr 'nltuccow.
Jt/VflgjVt. . ft MQtoatA\ ? \ PjnjnhltfV )
H.Lt iri-o to all. Wiltc ( or bad g k lull rr.
' .IcuUrn.
Price , firixlfic , { 1 tx > roi rtcka v , or > ls pack
tgoa ( or S5.0J. Aitlrou nil initerl to
11. i'lUSOJ ' ) UEIUCINB CO.
KOI. 101 nnd. 10U Mtln gt. Bud . ! c , K. Y.
SoM In Oiuthi bv 0 , F. Oooilman , J. W. Doll ,
J , K. ( ill. And all Jn.fTj'
Kt. T.ouli. la .till treat'
Inf ( all I'lttVATK. KKII-
l < iUl Dlacaio , Sfetma-
tonhica , Imrottncy ( Sox-
nal Incapacity ) , Female
1) i " " , Irrcgularlilti ,
Ultl'cultlcs , etc.
tif Udlei , len 1 23 cent !
( In Uuiuf ) ) i piycxpru *
chaifre * on a ' 'valujMa
worl" entitled "ll o' eel
ol Women , etc. " Work
on CUKOMC DibKisui , one stamp. XjTVlctlun
ol Bill-abuie or Private Dlsoasf , seuil 2 stamp *
( or CKLKVIIATKDonkson lr\oul and nxu l
liUouei. Ooneultatlon personally or by letter ,
FREE Consu t the oU Doctor , THOUSANDS
CUUEO. Oltlcd In quiet , rri ate , teepcctablo
place. You tec no one but the doctor. Dr.
ilarkoli the only phj iilcUn In th clt ) who wit-
taut * cure * or no pay Mcdlcinco tent eury
where , llourti , 8 A. ii. to 8 r , x , diwly
Mrs J. 0. Robertnon , Pittfourjr , Pa. , writes : "I
wa.t niHetlnc Irom general dfl/ility. want ol ap *
petite , constipation , etc. , no that luo nan a bur
den ; alter ti'ln ? Ilurdock fllcxxl Hitters I felt bet
ter than for 3 cars. I cannot praise your Bitters
too much. "
fl.OIbb * . of nullnlo , K. Y , , wrltc ! 'Tonr
Ilurdock Illct tiittert , In chronic dlscucs ot the
blood , liter & . .I kidnoin , have b cn signally
marked wltheucccss. I hare umyt them mjsell
with best result * , for torpidity ol the ( her , and In
CMC ol a trlcnd of mlno suticrlnf ; from dropsy ,
the effect waa man clous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.iwrltcs : ' ! haie
been subject to ncrlous disorder ol the kldnca ,
nnd unahlo to attend to bulncs ; Dunlock lilood
Hitters relict cd mo btforu half a bottle was used
I tccl confident that they will entirely euro me , "
> Acenlth Hall , Blnghampton , M , Y , , write :
"I differed with a dull pain thrnugh mv ntt
Inn ? and shoulder. Lost my nplrits , appetite
and color , and could with dllllculty keep up all
day. Took j our Burdock Blood Hitters as di
rected , and ha\o felt no pain elnoo Ilrst week af
ter uslni ; them. "
lit. Noah Bates , Elmlrn , N. Y. . writes : "About
four jean ago I had an attack olblllousle cr.ntid
nc\cr fully recovered. Mv dlgcsthe organs
wcro weakened , and I would be completely pros
trated lor di ) s. Alter usln ; tn a bottles ot 3 our
Burdock Blood Bitters tbci mprovcment waq so
> 1 Iblo that I was astonished. I can now. though
01 3 ears of age , do a fait and icasonablo da'a
work , .
C , BKckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbj terlan , Toronto , Ont , w rites : "For years
I suffered grcatl } from olt-rocurrlng headache. I
used jour Burdock Blood Hitters with happiest
rcsultx , and I now find mi cell In better health
than for > cars post. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo. N. Y , writes : ' ! have
useJ Burdock Blood lllttoro lor ncneua nnd bil
ious hcado hc8 , and can recommend It to an ) one
requiring a euro for billlousnoss. '
Mrs. Ira llullnclland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For BOX era ! j cars I l.avo tnflctcd frtm clt itcut-
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com
plaints peculiar to my BOX. Slnca using 3 our
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Prlco , 01.00 ooi flottlo ; Tila Dottloj 10 Cti
FOSTER , MILBDRH , & Co , , Props ,
Bold tit wholesale by Itm & llcilihon anil 0. F.
dcodn'ntt. IB 2T i > od-mo
Dlscaso Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin la
within ; Its manifestations ulthout. licnco , to
euro the disoiso the CAUsamust ho removed , and
In no other way can a euro cier lo effected.
1.1 VER CURE la established on Just this
principle. It realizes that
96 PerCent. .
of all diseases arize from deranged kldnoya an
liter , audit strikes at once ut the root ol the
difficulty. Thoclcmo Is of which it la composed
net directly upon these great organs , both as a
poop ai d RKSTOIIKK , and , by placltg them In a
Lcalthy , condition , drive dUeaeo and palu from
For the Innumerable troub'ca caused by un
healthy Kldncjs , Lher and Urinary Organs ; for
the diitro'-alng Disorders of Women ; for Malaria.
an > physical derangements gcnerall > , thia great
rcm dy hai no equal. Btwaro of Impostors , Im
itations and concoctions Raid tn bo just as good.
ForDlabUcs , as for WARNUR'S SATE
tot sale by all dealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO. ,
mo Rochester N. Y-
The Great Jmgiish Eomedy
Never falls to cuio
Nervous Debility , VI-
Ital Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Wcak-
HOOD , and all the
\ 11 effects ol jouth-
lul follica and exces-
hes. It stops perma
nently all weakening ,
involuntary loss sand
drains upon the sjs-
tern , thr Inci liable re-
„ . , , suit of these evil prao-
tlccs , which are BO destructive to mind and body
cndtnako llfo miserable , often loading to Insani
ty and death. It strengthens the Ncn csBraln ,
( momnrjt Blood , Muaclca , Digestive and Repro
ductive Orcnns , It restores to all the organic
functions their former \lgor and vitality , ma-
hlng Ufa cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a
'lottlo , or four times tha quantity $10 , Sent by
express , secure from obstri atlon , to any address ,
on receipt ol price. No. C. 0. D. scut , except
on receipt of $1 aa a iruaranteo. Letters re
questing answers must Incloso stamp ,
Dr. Mintio's Dandelion Pills
are tr 3 best and cheapest dj epopsla and bllllous
euro In thu market. Sold by all druggists. Price
CO cents. .
Dn Hi-im'a Kiuntr RKMKDT , NrmmccM ,
Cures i II lilndol Kidney and bladder complatnta.
concrrliLa , gleet and leucorrhea. For f&lu uy all
dauigists : 81 a bottle.
718 Olive St. , St. IjQUla , Uo.
For Sale In Omaha by
jroE25E35EK2W't SVSSSXftl' & ycmnrimanut It rojur. > . ' rtj ;
} ' > f fmsIrtfiJ'.iMaL ' inmi or lei 3 , .
Uutol'ln'-'ordnih !
nifdl'irtliftsxralnor -
tour ilutlMim nlkht viirt , lu trr
JtUUUlftlllltt-llI Ulfc tore brain i'ertni > . ' . ' 1
Hop Qittora TT * t U U HOP Br
ir Tun nr JOWID" Mtd ruircrin from MIT Ii
> u or tllixl < lhk tiuui tt jnunri ruvi
fuil or utiu'le. "U or "ounif. suiri-rlny frc-
imur ) raUli or Ixnuuleii Inv on H bee 'i l 1
uwo , rely cu Hop Blttera.
WliufTCf TOinrp.'fi * , 'J Iirjlsai3 1l \
rtil 1 III naul.v rrom 91.
wli ne r you
tliUk ' " "rf ' ] formot florio )
Iftt-'P./ ni ! . * . „ .
imr 01 kUumlutintf , | A
nllhout < 'iw'i ' > ' " " Q lit * tlmuly umol
iiico Hop A HcpEUter *
Ditto- * .
V&5OKF *
, Do I. O
I In an cliso ] * k
f I I1 , '
t u r ii
Wuurt. Jruiikciiuatio
uvo o' diiipr ,
You will I'O tftoeoo '
uredtriouiise ntrcotlct ,
Hop Dlttcrc
ttm Bold bj rtrop
Hyoar ; sl tn. H uJf il
Mk iiuil
tilr tv < M\
la iJ > lrlUiltry NEVER
is ) It may
live your FAIL r rn ro ,
i\it \ > . It hat. ,
s.ivuti hun *
Dr. K.0. Wet ? * Nf rve and UratrI'icalment
A tpcclfio for Hysteria , Dlulncta , Con ulilotii ,
Ifcrvous Headache , Ueutal Depression , last of
Meniory.Speimatorrhcai.Iropotency , Involuntary
Emlralons , Frematuta Old Age , caused by orer-
exertlon , Bell abuse , or o > er-tndulrene . which
lcadttomldorydocaynnd death , Ono box will
euro irccat cased , Kt b box contilns ono month's
treatment , Ono dollar a box , or six boxed ( or
fho dollars ; icut by mall prepaid on receipt ol
price. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case.
With each order received by UJ foi etx boxes , ac
companied w Ith Qvo dollars , will Bend the pur *
chacer our wiltteu guarantee to return the
money II the treatment do not cff ct a cure.
0. F. doodmau , Druifolut , Sole. Wholesalt and
rejul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Ord MI by mall at
Storage , Coniinission and Wholesale Fruits
Agents for Peck & . Banskers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flonr i
, - - -
Boots and Shoes.
o. IEV
aaEi. : Jc.i3B : = t
Window and Plate Glass.
tar Anyone contemplating bulldlnr store , bank , or any other flno will find It to their advantage -
vantage to coma end with us before purchasing their Plato Olaes.
. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham" Street ,
Flour , Sail , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies/
A Full Line of the Eest Brands of
TEW1&Y 11
Lalh , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , , - DMA HA d *
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor , Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Nob1