Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1882, Image 6

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    . .I .
The Daily Bee.
"Wednesday Morning1 , Avg. 16.
By Citrlcr , Mcent * pel week.
By Mall - $10 00 per Y t.
Ofllce : No. 7 Pearl Street , Now
M. 0. GRIFFISf , Hunger.
O. W. T ) LTON , City Edltor.B
.T. Mueller's Palace Music Hull.
Sherraden tnnlcBfpliotogrnphc.
Shclnhlller'g furniture factory ndver-
tlica for wood turners on another P RO.
Some more fnat steppers arrived nt
the driving park yesterday , from Neoa. !
A very desirable piece of property for
* ale , on totith tide of Sixth ntrect , In the
block opi > otite the new opern houpe , on
Uroadway. Front twenty lect. IVho
throe thousand cbllaM. Inquire nt
A new brick sidewalk is being laid on
Hrynnt street leading to Uohany'a hall.
The circuit Instead of opening tomorrow
row as arranged will open next Monday.
Information Is wmitedof Qry Garnett ,
who resided In Council UlulfB last July ,
by hi * brother William . ( Jarnett , late from
Wisconsin. Any Information leading to
bis whereabouts will b gratefully re-
celved. Address UKI : Ollico , Council
In another column is oflcrcd for sale
iho lease end of the California
Justice Fialney liai tied the knot ma
trimonial fastening Charles Watts and
Since thn middle of June to date ,
there have been ItlO po.lce court cases be
fore Judge Aylcsworth over five n day.
Justice Fralnoy , noting for Judge
JVyleswoith , adjusted two drunks yestcr-
< 'njr , 1'atrlck Gllmoro and John SuiU ,
each being fined 57.00 , the same is if the
judge was hero liinunlf.
The hauling of bilok commenced yes-
tcrday tor Btill further building Improve
ment * on Evans' mill. Now olIlcoH nro to
be built , adding much to the convenience
of the establishment.
With characteristic enterprise TUK
DAILY HKK of the 7th , gUcs the IJUH'IIBSH
men of Council JJlulfi nn extenniyo write
up. TllKllKK seems to bo getting aprotty
good foot hold In that city. [ Macedonia
Olker's band will furnish the muslo at
St. Joseph's Academy to-night. ThU hall
is ouo of the ilnefit In the chy for quadrille
parties. One hundred and twenty couple
can bo on the lloor nt th < ) same time.
Isn't it nbout time that the sidewalks
about the IHoomer chool building wore
fixed ? The woik of grading up and re
building was begun xomo time ago , but tlie
work was intcrruplod , and It ataj B Inter
rupted , causing a bad break in pedal Irani.-
A street car track is being laid to the
driving park , He that during fair week
easy tlnosportntion can be secured. This
will bo appreciated by the public , but not
ao much by the expressmen mid others
who are in the habit of reaping a harvest
on such occasions.
William Clark , n colored man , was
-arrested on complaint of Jxnils Wierhorn
for assault. It appeared that the latter ,
while a little full , lout his pocketbook ami
charged Clark with taking it , which Clark
indignantly resetted but did not strlko
him. Clark was discharged ,
Justice Abbott had a queer wedding
on hand the other evening. The man was
a.hoppy bridegroom for the ninth time ,
though ho insisted that one of tha times
didn't count , as the wife to whom ho was
then married ran nwny the very next
morning. The bride in this cane wan com
paratively an amateur , having been mar
ried but thrco times before.
Justice linlnl yesterday rendered his
decision In the case ogalnct John Martin
for resitting Constable Fox. llo con
cluded to hold Martin iu $200 bonds to
answer to the grand jury. The charge of
per jury brought against Martin will bo
examined into by Justice Ualrd to-day ,
and will necessarily bring In ns witnesses
the notorious Koxa tribe ,
4 / YesterJny , in the police court , a feral-
nine row wns .settled , It appears that a
notorious young white ijirl , Magglo Lin-
day , threatened to whip a cokred fclrl
named Moggie Johnson , and the latter in
turn dared her to get out of the buggy in
which iho was riding and try it , The
white girl dtd HO , and the colored girl get.
Ing the whip away Jroni her , thmhed her
Houndly , Then the white feiulniue had
her colored opponent urreste : ! for assault.
Justice Fraiuoy thoueht they both d -
tierved puuUhing , nnd accordingly fined
each &IO. Not having the cash , they
were locked up together In { all ,
James Park , Jr. , MUs Hello K. dial-
faut and Mlua M. Park , of Pittsburg , are
at the Oirden.
Josnph 8. Schott , dealer in wholesale
saddlery , Uurllngton , Iowa , was in the
city yesUrday ,
Kd Ityan , whoie business Is now in Ne
braska , is now In the city ( baking hands
with hU old friends. ,
A. Althof , of Allliof & I'uiulerod ,
wholesale liquor dealers , Burlington , Iowa ,
was hero yesterday liandchaklng with his
A. M. Jackson and J. A. Jackson , lefl
yesterday for their extensive cattle ranch ,
aud it is expected time shipments from
tluin will begin to arrive the fii > t of next
month ,
O. II. Home * , one of the eutcrprlsiut
merchants of Magnolia , Iowa , and n
prominent citiren cf Harrison county
was ono of the many cjllera nt Tm : UKI
office ycbterclny. Ho sup * at the Qgden.
I ) . Palmer , of liellefontulne , 0 , , who
has gained numerous acquaintances hereby
by former visits to the city , is again hero
He has become intertetcd iu the nmnu
facture of a new wind mill , which ev !
deutly has tome points of tupmlorlty tether
other * .
lily residence , No , 815 Fourth streo
33aucroff ( , L. F , Muitryv.
Tboy Dot Awny with .tho Dubuquei
by Ton to Nino.
Ycstcrdfty afternoon Spalding's Chicago
cage nine mot the Dubuques on the
diamond flnld hero nnd defeated thorr
by ( en to nine The ( jaino was rathci
poorly played in many respect * , but i !
proved nory interesting if not a vorj
scientific one. The following ia the
saoro :
SlVU.DI.Vn S , . AH , It. ] II. IB. I'O , A. K.
Itoach , B B B 2 a a 2 1 I )
Kuehno , 2d b f , L 2 3I 0 3
Yoth. c r , 123322
Scott , tit b 0 I 2 2 3 ! l 0
\lprrlll , 3b -1 2 a 2 2 S 1
O'Day , p 0023330
llofjsn'c. f -
Morton , I. f
Wccker , r. f.
Totals 40 10 13 10 21 23 fi
IlL'nvgoi.s , AII. K. In. TII. VO.'A. E.
Sullivan , t 5 2 2 2 3 1 II
> wvcr , 1st b 5 2 1 3 2 4 0
T. lltirnr , L'a b fi 1 0 U 4 6 1
tIJcr , r. f fi 1 1 1 2 1 2
Jrown , 3d b 510033 2
ivmi * . c. f 1 2 2 3 0 2
} iilmi , n. H 4 1 1 1 3 fi II
.Hums , I. f 4000400
ting , c 4 0 2 2 3 1 U
Totals 4L 0 3112720 7
iNNixort 1 2 nt 5 0 7 8 0
Spaidlng' . .3 3 1 1 l l 0 0 0-10
Jubuquos..3 2001 1 1 1 0 ! >
To-day the Spnldingi and the Coun
cil Blulls nine are to piny , nnd tin in-
orcstiiiL' ijamo will auruly bo the re-
Stagnant Wntor , Humming Mud-
uolos nntl Filthy Alloys Demand
THE HUE is almost daily in receipt
of complaints concerning stagnant
> oola of water in various parta of the
city , or mudholcs , which nro atcnmiii
orth niiaamn , or some alleyway which
8 filthy. A oiiinplo of the complainta
a given olsowhoro. Thcso c.iuoca ot
of grumbling nro confined to cor-
nin Bcctions of the city , where
hero are low plscoa or defective
drainage , Tlioao complaints nro not
ndicativo that the city na n whole in
I'.ihealthy , for euuh is not the ease ,
( Still there are iv number of places
vliich are brciding discueo rapidly ,
aid which ought to be remedied lit
once. Take , tor inalaiico , ono sprit
lutwccn Main nnd Bancroft , nnd bo-
.ween Sixth nnd Seventh nvonuca ,
which ia apparently breeding diocaau
M. J. Kelley and ono of his om-
iloycH are both ailing , also Mr. W. A.
iVood nnd family , and others who are
ikowiiu npparonsly ufl'dcted by malarial -
rial troubles. It ia high time that
> rompt attention was paid to thosn
iausus of complaint , for each day in-
cruBoua the danger , and jeopardizes
.ho health nnd oven lift ) of aomo of
our bust citizona and their ftunilius.
A ContompUblo Conductor.
I'o the hilltjr of the 1'co.
I niu impelled through n BOMNO of
ustico to draw the attention of the
Council Bluffs public to the impartial
manner in which men and women
f they wear the appearance of honest
abor ore treated by the conductor of
; ho transfer street curs. Mine ia not
an only case. Nor are Indies , no matter -
tor how virtuous or industrious , ex-
ampted ; if they are not decked out in
finery , If the latter , no matter whut
their virtue , they nro treated civily ,
which I do not complain of. I work
at the U. P. otook yards for Thomas
Daroy , going homo nt 4 o'clock yea-
onlay afternoon I handed the con-
Uiotor twenty-Dvo cents to pny my
'aro of fifteen cents. llo did not re-
urn me my ohango but in a most con-
omptuoua manner throw it at mo , it
ell on the bottom of the car , I did
tot pick it up , na I felt humilntod bo-
ore u crowded car of passengers. I
with maiiv of my friends are com
piled to often ride in these cars ,
[ hey will vouchnafe for the correct
ions of mine nnd oiniilar treatment.
Wo claim to bo na f/ood , but no better
ban other people , no matter what
heir clothes may bo. Wo insist on
equal treatment from the eelf import ,
ant street car conductor.
At the Stock Yards.
The following are the shipments
and receipts at the Council Blullu
stockyards , Monday , August 14 :
DcnnU Shcedv , via It. I. 11.11 ,
Orawford & Co , , via 0. , I ! . & Q .14
V. fiarner & Co. , " " . 5
Ulldenbmen & Co. , ' " .lit
JJ. aheedy , " " .30
Krewen & Bon , " " . .21
Thn following wore the receipts :
Hut-cess & Gocdcll . 21 cars
1) . Bhecdv . 22
Uarltlcy Uros . 88
leuiirljjlitlhdB . " " . . , ,17
ICunient liroe. . . , . . . U
Yesterday the receipts consisted of
1-1 cars , containingL'liO head , CrawFord -
Ford it Co ,
The shipments were ns follows :
1) . Shtedy. L'2 cars , by Chicago &
Rock Island ,
Boslor Brof. , 21 cars , by Chicago it
Hosier liros , , 10 cars , by Chicago ,
Burlington it Quincy.
Crawford & Co. , 13 cars , by Ghicugo
& Hook Island.
Doublo-Huadoci Curloally.
The Nonpareil should join -sonic
show troupe , aa it nppcars to be n
greater double-headed curiosity than
any now on the road. In yestordny'c
issue it pitched into the Iowa Home-
dead bocauao it denounced the late
river and harbor bills The Nonpareil
saya : "Our granger friends nro hard
to please. " The Nonpareil Jiofon
abusing iho Homestead should hare
read an editorial which appeared on
the 3d Inet. , it it columns and whtcl :
opens na followr :
"The notion of the president in vetoing
toing the river nud liarbor bill , not <
withstanding it WUB promptly piusei
over his veto , will bo regarded ns juat
and will hnvo a tendency to incrensi
public confidence in liis administration
The reasons ho gave in his message
when ho returned the bill , will bo auf
ficlent defense for the chief oxccutivt
with the people , who regard the largi
appropriation , wliich it made , u tb (
result of n ba g in nnd ff.lo
mcnt by nhicli millionR ot-dollars ore
to bo fritted anny wi'h ' no bontfit nc-
crning to the nnlion nt large , nnd in
ninny instances vrrv little to tlio lo
cal ities moniioiied
The Nonpareil should notnpcak ono
thing with ono head , ami another
with the other head. Its renders
never know which head in the respon
sible ono. Perhaps neither.
Another Expression Concerning An
derson's Qualifications nnd "That
Blasted Bond. "
The Stuart Ledger enya : The Win-
tersot Madison thinks that the ninth
district should bo permitted to settle
its own quarrpln and aomowhat sharp *
ly taken to task thunowBpapera outside
of the district that have commented
unfavorably on Major Anderson's '
bond. The remainder of the statoia
ns much concerned with the chnrsctor
of the representative from the ninth
district na is the district itself , and it
certainly has a right to express MI advisory -
visory opinion at least as to its fitncea.
It scoma to ua that Major Andoreon
is a good person to keep nt home. If
lie gave the bond for tno purpose ho
claims that is to convince a cross roach
pool-master that ho had nothing to do
with hio removal , ho is too ignorantly
innocent a parson to send among the
moral pitfalls of the national capital.
Ho would I all confidingly into iho
tuila of the first sharper who wished
bo secure his vote or possible influence.
If , on the other hand , the bond was
iiven ; , as the Major's enemies claim ,
to ot-curo the supposed influence of n
"county statesman" to help him to
gut to congress , ho is too dishonest to
rnprcaent n decent constituency. A
man who will buy his nomination will
bell his vote without n moment's hesi
tation. Major Anderson's ' friends
will insist that other candidates buy
nominations by promises of postoflicca
and other positions , oven though they
do not strengthen the promise with n
bond , That , however , is something
that can only be suspected , it can
rarely bo proved. But when , as in
this case , the transaction ia admitted ,
it certainly in time to show gentlemen
aspiring to positions , that some
regard to honesty is necessary to ue-
cure them.
They Arrange fop n Housing Reunion
Uoro In tieptembor.
An htis already been announced
Council Bluds has been fixed upon au
the ploco for holding the next reunion
of thn Veterans' Association of south
west Iowa nnd northwest Missouri.
Yeatordny nftornoon there was n
gathering nt the Ogden house to form
the arrangements for the reunion.
There were present A. J. Chiintry , of
Malvon , president of the civil organ
ization ; E. Krotchmor , of Coburg ,
Iowa , secretary ; Qeorgo H. Caotlo , of
Shenandoah , Iowa , trustee ; J. H.
Booth , of Griswold , Iowa , truntoo ; E.
F. Holmes , of Council Bluil'd , vice
president ; and E. J. Abbott , of Coun
cil Bluff * , adjutant.
There wore several sites for the en
campment talked about , ono being
Fulmor'a groyu , another Fairinount
park and still another , the driving
park. It was finally decided to leave
iho matter in the hands of the com
mittee , consisting of Col. Sapp , Major
Lyman und Co ) . Ktlntloy.
The details of reception were loft to
[ ho Geld and staff.
A committee , consisting of Col ,
Cnatlo and E. J. Abbott , wn& appoint
ed to prepare nn address and various
'itcrnturo to inform the veterans as to
ho details of preparation and inbtruc-
ions as how to organi/.o nnd what to
J. T. Baldwin waa added to the
committee on tnmsportion , which con-
istud before of Col. Sapp only.
The eucretnry wus instructed to BO-
mire , if possible , the nttctidatico of
iinoral John A. Logan ut the reunion
na nno of the orator ? .
The details were then discussed , but
not decided upon ay to < ho programme ,
except that there would be puard
mounting nnd drees parade daily ,
company and battalion drills , and
other similar feature. ) of interest , not
only to the military , but alee to the
public. The government is to furnish
GOO tents , and it is the purpose also to
hnvo arms furnished , There will be
much fun in store also , nnd every
thing points to u merry time to nil
The reunion at Slionandoah last
year brought nbout 1,800 into camp ,
nnd an the tcrritoiy has been in-
crenzcd since then and other
organizations been included , it is
Enfo to predict that there
will bo,500 veterans present
nt the reunion hero. There will bo na
many moro visitors , so that thorn will
doubtless come to this city over 5,000
pcopje , drawn hero by the reunion.
In view of the mnanitudo ot the event
the citizona hero will with ono accord
cheerfully ( jive what help ia needed
to make the occasion nn enjoyable
success in all rcspecte.
The following is Iho nddrcss pre
pared yesterday und which Tin : ISKI : ia
requested to publish :
Conrntltj ol Scu'lmcs ) Iowa aril Kcrtliwist
ilmioutl :
The time for holding iho annual re
union of the veteran soldiers' associa
tion of southwest Iowa and northwest
Missouri is approaching. The ccminc
reunion will bo held In the city of
Council Bluff : ) , Iowa , commencing on
the 28'h day of September of Septem
ber , 1882 , and will continue thrco
days. The outlook is propitious for
holding the largest and moat enthusi
astic reunion yet hold by the associa
tion. All organizations attend
ing former reunions tire cor
dially invited to attend and
localities not represented in former
years nro urged to organize nnd meet
with us. Pleasant camp ground will
bo selected , und tents furnished.
Daily programme of each days' ex
ercises will be made out by the com
mandant. All old soldiers and sailors
of the federal army and navy , who
have boon honorably discharged , are
invited to attach thomielres to some
organization , and nicct with u .
Btonk muster rolls will bo furnished
upon oppllcition to Crinrado E. J.
Abbott , cf Council BlufTa , adjutant.
The rtut/inn of the 29th Iowa regi
ment will bo held at the same time
and ploco nnd will be nn important
featnro of the occitiion.
Doubts ns to tbo Advisability of O3t-
ting Judgment For Unpaid
David Moltax , the poll-tax collec
tor , has reported the names of ICO
persons who have failed to pay or
work out their poll'tax , and the ques
tion arises as to what shall bo done
with them. Some of the nldormen
favoring the commencing of suit
against ovoiy delinquent , while others
think it too expensive , and that when
the judgments are gained the whole
batcli v.ill not bo worth the coat of the
paper , upon which the judgments are
written. The law provides that oven
a man's personal property ia not ex
empt , nor his wn es , but that they
are linblo to bo pounced upon to satis
fy a judgment for unpaid poll-tax ,
but in many of thcso cuses it is difli-
cult to find the parties , and equally
difficult to find what property they
have. The oipouto of serving paper ? ,
etc. , is no small item in 100 suite.Then
there ia somu trouble nbout deciding
who ohall commaico the suits. The
names were handed to the city attor
ney , and ho does not think the cleri
cal duty of making out the papers in
100 cases belongs to him , and that all
ho shall bo expected to do ia to attend
to caaea where a c-ntcnt arrises. The
clerk of the court does not think it is
duty. The poor poll tax collector
soema to bo the onlyono left , and the
work will probably full on him , unless
the council cmpl < yJ aomo clerical ns-
aiatancc. Then u will tnko sumo time
to wiito up the judgements after they
have boon gaintd , to bsuo executors
and to hunt up property. In fact
thiTO ia a big amount of .work connect
ed with ICO aid units , BO much as to
\lmoat frighten the council from or
doriutz it undertaken. Still they have
sued some already , nnd what is for
ono should be made to apply to all ,
Then too , there nro some who might
bojnghtontd into a settlement , " who
may refuse to pay if they think ' there
are lo bo no moui auit.i. 'What the
outcome will be ia not determined ,
but it is probable that whether it
involves much or little work , suite
will bo commenced and no much got
out of it a possible Those therefore
who nro delinquent will do well to
srttlo up without any nioro costa , ns
thqy increase very r.ipidly after suit
has beaun , and nothing is ixompt
from execution on n judgment.
Hori.lbrd's Acid Puisphato
ucto ua food for an exhausted brain.
A goodjfirat-class meat cnok , and two
dining-room girls , at the Metropolitan
JUotel , Omahu , Neb , u5 2t
The Progress Being Made In Im-
provlncr trie Driving Park.
Everybody and everything haa a
lively appearance in and about the
driving park , the preparations for the
coming fair and meeting , which is to
begin Sept. 18 , are being pushed along
lively. The now building looms up in
fine proportions , it being in the shape
of a cross , caoh transvor&o being -15
foot in width by 100 in length , while
from the center is being reared the
tower 85 feet in height. It U cer
tainly to bo one of the finest /air
buildings in the west.
The street on the cast which has
been given to the association in con
sideration of the city receiving an
other ono still further eaat in being
inclonod nnd being inudo part of the
grounds thus giving this much moro
room. The grounds now embrace
about 80 acres.
The lumber is on hand for the
building of about 400 cattle sheds.
Then there are already several largo
stables , nnd other convenientnnd spac
ious buildings.
The improvements already made
and in progress will render the as-
uucintioim grounds aa nearly perfect aa
nny which can ba found. The mile
truck Imn nlrcady gained the reputa
tion of being ono of the best in the
Innd , und inaido tins ia a half mile
track , which ia being put in a most ex-
colltm1 condition ,
The liberality cf the purses offered
for Bhowinga of spued , und the prem
iums for exhibits of all kinds , will
under the punont rcopotiMhlo nnd en-
ti'rpriein managflincnt tturoly makn
tlm comirg fair und mooting n crnml
success , and the public should join
hearty and practical Hupport to it.
IMioumntism , disordered blood , gon-
oueral debility , and many chroma dis
eases pronounced incurable , are often
cured by Brown's Iron Bittfrs.
All Shippers and Travelers will find
peed accommodation und reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - . Iowa.
Attorney anil Counsellor at Law ,
OrriCH-Uroadw y. between Main andTcarl
StroeUill pravtlce in btatt and Fcdcial
NOTICE. Special advertisements , tuc iu
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Halo , To Rent
W > it. < , Boarding , etc. , will ho Inserted In thli
column at the low titoof T H CENTS PEt
1,1 Nil for the first Inocrtlon itnd FIVE CEKTf :
PER LING for each tubccijuent Insertion
Leave adv ertUcracnts at our office , Mo. 7
PIAT ! Btrert , near tlmndwty.
WANTKD Inmrdlatilf , a fed wooil tutu-
er t t tclnlilllcr's liirulturo factor ? ,
Comitll niuffyln. . _ _
VTTANTRIwoirl * at the K. C. Home , on
South Main Mrcct.
\TtrANTKD-linmcdlattly , ono hundred men
VV at riorct'to Cut-off , in Kclita-ka , n ith
cf OmihR.V fc : men , fl.76 : toami , ? 3.50.
Kmm'raon ' Ihagrcundt. or at LKR office , Coun
cil Hindu , U. .
WANTKD School ttaclicm , ministers st"-
denUnml other * ctn O'd to the I Income
hy dc\o Inj ; n ] > ottlcn of thetr tlmoto c'tunsilr ( , -
'or our ( Ini.iUrtl hcoM ml pcnof leal * , or can
inaVo lurco wifro * hyd totlnfr their uholo tlino
to It We nant MI actUe male i r f tlo t nt
In c\cry tcxniihlp In Ibwa nud h thrniknand
Mill tlfrr cxtrn Inducrnci te. Frr clr iiln s ad *
drc Wcit rn Ibok Comiuny , Cux ED4 Council
1)1 ) (
A ( jcod , o mfotnt ( rltl none
WANTKD rcpil ni | )1j for cn' tnl hrjii.iworn.
JIri .T K. Ca\ln 4aa'jiilhccciidtrcft.
Everybody In Council Illuffe lo
WANTED IHs , 20 cento per week , da
live rod by carrion. Office , No 7 Vrarl Strcot
ncr.r Hrcadwny.
To buy 103 tons broora corn
WANTED nddrew Council Dlufft
llroora Factory , ( > > ncll Dl : < fl3 , Iowa. OBS-29tf
For Sale and Bout
SAl.K Onuji iitiB taylorfc. dutiable lor
L' rtrih k ; nlso olio line tlrtvhc nuio. In-
( | ulru ot J. M. b Tilth , Council UlulTs. augll tf
TJ10U BALK Thotwojeirj anil Hirco mntths
C liMr.t-c tUturcs ami lumlturo nf the
California honeo. Cotitntna nine rooms with
liciiH taacoinii odatj thirty men.- lion c now
full , tVeditiK forty to flttticn dally. A giaml
chatco to buy Into a fine ) i.ijini ; liuetoc's 111-
hfn h ol proprietor the cnly ro on lor ulllnif.
AiUlrcji owner , Henry Uwcl ert , CalKornin
hjutc , C. .
"OOH SALE flxty tans cflosilcllverftl on o ri
J } nt coln , Iowa. Sanilua * fnrnlsheJ. Ail-
ilrc'fl. Martin CaFcy , Council IllufTj , or ( t. L.
n , Prolix , Iowa. niiijlO-Stt
l -TAvo claims in Nebnula , cheap ,
Jj > & .
byOdcll&Day. Jy24-lw
SALE Beautiful rcelclinco lota , GQ
FOK ; nothing down. nnd$3pcrrmnth only ,
& SMOTHERS , Council Bluffs
HARCOUUT cxrrcss. Ciders kit at Cotton
'lua store , Main sir ct , Counrl uluDn. or J. C.
Klllot , 1SC5 Farnun itrtct , Omaha , will rrcctto
[ iroinpt at'en ton jylftt'
A HEAD Great 6ucce e. Call and see
STILL accessories and specimens of pictures
ta-cnb Iho re laVe polatlno bron.ldo pro
at the Exci-IVor Clqllery 10-MMnstreet fl
. W. L. I'ATTON I'hj-Klcian and Oculist.
Can cure any case of sore CJ-OB. It Is only
a mutter ot time , and can euro generally in
from thrco tc flvo uccks It nmltcti no dlfler-
cncu how long diseased. Will straighten cross
cyca , operate and rcniovo PljrcKinin" , < tc. , and
lnst.'rt artlDclal eyes Special attention to ro-
ino\rnie tadcuoiniB ap5-tf
Facts f ortli Knowing
A now crop Garden Grown Japan
Tea ( very fine ) 75c
Fine Japan Tea , equal to that of
fered nt 7oc GOc
Very Fine Young Hyson , equal
to that offered at 81.00 76o
We Mean Just What We Say.
16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. ,
Ooecil fluffs , Iowa ,
OlHco and Works , Mnln Street ,
We giro special attcntlru to
Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces ,
will ro'-oho pruinpt attention. A guntrr.l us <
scrtracnt ol
Sraes Goods , Belting , Piwing ,
' Pig Iron Ooko Ooal
i-'oimflry , , , ,
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
Orookory , Glasswnro ,
Also t enta lor the following lines ol
Steamship Companies :
Cun&td , Anchor , Oulon , Amrricin , acd HUtc
btcauishlp Ooui ) aules.
30 3E6 - & . 3E"CE' S
For sale on the lioy&l Tank ol Ireland and Tank
ol Ireland , Dublin. Those w o Intend to BfiiJ lor
( rlonda to anyvurtul Kuropa will llnj It to their
ntcreat to ( all ill
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway. Council Bluffs Ia.
MRS , fl. J , HILTON , M.D. ,
282 BroAdwav Council Blu * -
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Burdette and Western Cot
tage Organs. Prices reason
able ; terms to suit all.
Importer and Dealer in
of all kinds. Sheet Music one
third off. Agents wanted.
O Oorrespoudeuoa solicited
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and fillow Sreets , Oouncil Bluffs ,
'I'HIO BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakora
employed. Bread , Cnko , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our
run all day.
P. AYRES , Proprietor.
Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Jvanda
nnd a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office -with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUNTQIL BLUFS
fe are Offering Special Bargains in All
Kinds of Summer
* TBy * Wfefl * TH TB " " fli k
JL EBBS C.39" r J
412 Broadway , Council Eluffs.
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale aud Uctall Uraltrs In
Hos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
. . . . . . ,
( Late Voterlnary Surgeon U , S. A. )
The Only Veterinary Surgeon
in the Oity ,
All cf the lubt i'lijs'chtia la Council BUitli and
surcounclln c
The Star Bakery ,
827 MAIN ST ,
lof the beat Bread Baker In the West ; ftlto
choice bind for Cakroand Plod.
IJrcad dclhcred to nil part * oj the city.
Blob Out Glass , Fine French China ,
Silver Wore &c. ,
Eubbor Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and -l f
Trimmings , at "
Bixby VodcTs \ , '
On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- )
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1856
Dealira In Foreljn anil Doxeitlc Kxchanjo
and Inme tecmltlc-a.
813 South Mala Street , Council R'utla.
Niw house and newly fitted up Inflretclisi
itylo Meals at all hours. Ice cream anil Icmo-
u ] o every evening. Fruits aid confcctlontrle N