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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1882)
' \ % THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 1C , F FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Sp e ! l Dlspatcheg to Tun Bui NEW YoBt , Angtut 15. 1 iiosnr. " > Money-4@8 per cent , ; closing at 8 per ent. 1'ritue Mercantile Paper 5J@OJ per cent. Sterltug Exchange- Steady ; bankers' bill ? , 54.85J ; demand , 81.h'J. 1'ioduceexports for the week , $7,780- 000. Governments were firm , nnd Jo higher toH's registered , Jo htjier fur -IS * coupon , 4i'ami extended O'B nnd ! > ' unchanged , Kallroad bjiuU were dull and generally n fraction bight r. Speculation wai active and generally utroug on the flock exchange ngaln this morn > ng , but the greatest lUvanco and act ivity as on yesterday were In sonn of tlio granger nnd coal shar n. Tne revival of talk about scrip dividends nnd le.ncs among rangers caused ntwiatlng of shorts in oonl roads , nud wai the chief cause of the further raise in these stock ? , to which the renmin Jer uf the active list lghtly ! re sponded. In opening business the St. Paul & Omaha was n feature , and started the ball , loinmon advancing to 55 , nud preferred to 112 } ; the transactions on thu way up were unusually larpe , and intended with much excitement. Northwestern share * followed with a rise to IfiO for com mon nnd 173 ? tor prefoired. St. I'nul , Minneapolis & Manitoba then fell Into " line and roaa etea lily until 14'JJ was touched. The quotations for all these stocks ( with the. single exception of Nor h- weaterii pominon , which sjld at 230 In the great corners sumo years ago ) are the high est ever made. St. Paul shares sympa thii-d to a moderate extent , common sell ing up to 124 end preferred to Ih'JI Stocks were weak in the last hour ; busi ness and prices declined 3 per cent , for Northwo tern preferred and J to ' 1 per cent , f r the general list. The udvance in money was the main reason assigned for the late fall in prico' . The market closed generally steady. The rise in Nor hern I'aomo preferred was due to t'io announce ment that comuiUsionera have been ap pointed to inspect newly built parts of the road , preparatory to issuing patents to lauds going with the road when accepted Toe meeting uf Chicago & Northwestern directors at tan week is looked forward to with much interest by specula- turd HI It in i spooled d finite notion will bo taken on some cmesliouii now agitating the Htreet The 1'o.t says : "U doubtedly the ten- tency of rates fur in , u y in to higher fig ure , but , thu advance this afternoon wns clearly forced by speculators " GOVERNMENTS. yesterday. To d y O's 1 Oil li'lj G'a IDlJ 10 4 4J'a 1UJ 1I4J 4fa li"6 llj ! ) Pacific O'd of 1893 130 130 BONUS. Central Pacific HGi 115 Erie seconds * 0 * i 71 Lehigh tt Wilkesbarre 107 107 _ Lo iisuna cuiisulu. O'Ji u8 Missouri ti's * 110 llu at Joseph * Ill 111 St , P.iU. & Sioux City firsts. .110 110 Teiineisee O'n 6li 67 do new "li ' ' 04 Uni n Paclliu 1st mortgage. . 110J lllii do land trants..lU4 111' do sinking fuml.,1- . * 1-3 Virginia G'a 331 38 conaoiu 6'd 6'J 57 do deferred 12 J2 Texas & Pacific laud grunts. . 07 07 do K. U.-div. . . . 85J 85J [ STOOKb. Adams Express 1384 Alton & 1'erra lluuto 1JO 1414 do pfd. . . . " 7 ' 87 American Express " 01 91 Burl. . Cedar ltiuuis& North 83 kO Gamut i Southern ( ' : ! i G2 Col. . Oiu & 1ml. Central. . . . 13 Hl Prt iHo 'Jiy 01 Chunape.ue ex. Ohio 5J" > 14 J ilo 1st pfd. . . 384 38 j il. id ! pld . . iGi ! id } Chicago & Alton ! ' / US do pfd 1 MO Chi , Bur . & Quiuoy 1372 137.1 Chi , St Li. & < w i.rleaus. . 711 .5 Gin. , sJmd it Cleveland 03 55 Clevo. , ulol. & Cincinnati. . . . hi 81 Deluwnro & Hudson canul. . . 118 : Western 1415 } Denver & Kin Grande " ' Ens 40i SUf dn pfd 80 8l ij Kurt \Vayno i : Chicago 131 13i Iluunibal & rft. Joseph b3 83 do pfd. . . " 31 'J3J Harlem 20 i : M > Houston & T.-x .s Central. . . . b."i 8. Il.iu > it W'i 137i lud. , UliMiiu. & VVcitern 4li -JU KunsaH Ttx is -1LH 3lJ ) IM\I \ Kile tc SW tr. , -I' ' i Lake Snore & Michigan So. . .U 1 } LouUville & Na-hvilla 754 7-Jj Loui v. , N'ew Al'i & ' ihicago 72 7U Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfal < > fcJO do 2d pfd U U M'emphij & Charleston 57 58 Mining n iViarnl ll"J 10 Mi-Hou.i Pacific I07i 1" i Mobile ic Ohio ! i3J 23 Mornx&Kfcex 1 t > J 127 Nashvillu tx OnutUnoOo'a filft OJ New .lerney fentral 7'Ji 7 NurfoU & > Ve tirn CO 6ll Northern Pacifiu W4 < 'lfi do pld U' U5 Northw. Btern 1 If'g 118 do pfd 173A 170 New Y..rk Ce-itrat J3Urf 1 Ohio Central 18 18 Ohio & Mlsalsiiippi 334 80. do pid 105 10-j Ontartu & Western W\ \ 2li Puc lie Mail 4 - ' Paiwma 105 105 Pforu , Iecatnr& KvanbV. . . 301 30. Pitthb igix Cleveland 138 138 llea Ini ; . , . ' , l Jj i Hock f.Uml lA.V 138 13v tit. LIUUIH & San Iran 41i 4i , ilu pfd. . . . uOi (10 ( do 1st pfd 03 D31 St. Paul & Milwaukee lMi ! IMi do pfd..13 $ 138 St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 143 140 St. Paul & Omaha 5U 5H do pfd Illy 111 Texas & I'acifio 52 51 Union PaciHo 1171 H7 : United S ales Kxpr- 74 74 Wab , ii , St. L. & Pucific. . . . 38 87. do pfd. OliJ C : Well' , Frgo & Co.'O 130 Western Union Telegraph. . . 8U4 88 Eiet Tenneweo lift H do pfd 1'JS 10 Caribou 1 ? 1 " Central Arizona , i Exculnlor 1 1 Homtntaku , 10 10 Llt.le Pitt.burg 1 1 Ontario 33 38 Quicksilver 10 10 do pfd 45 45 SlherCllff if Standard 13J 12 Sutro , 3 Itobins > n 1 1 South P.-clfie 15 13 St. LjuU. . . . . 33 31 do pfd. CS CO Offered. fExtra dividends. CAI T Fue money unit order salt direct from OML I > ui , eihlp promptly by rail at the low cut possible cash prlco to all wiatcrn polo i. m lm TYLEU BALTCO. , Bairln w Citr.UIch I COMMERCIAL. OmnrinV holtmnla Market. OrnoB or THE OKAHA Her , \ Evening , August 15. J The only changes reported iu the mar ket to-day are in follows : Matches hnvo advanced 5c per c.vldtc ; round , per c > o. 4" > c ; tqunie , | cr CMP , 30& LocAl Jr ln uii > iiri t. \VHKA'i.-OMli No. 2 85Jcj cash N. . . i , 7flc : reiectecl , 503. HAllLKY. Caih No. 2 , 78c : No. 3 , C'i' ! . i.VR. C.-wh.Wc. CO UN. No. 2. C3) . OAT-S. Cnh,30 , ' . STKF.BT PUIOES-Corn , C5a73 ( ! onU , rroduce nnd Provlilons POTATOis-20isl5a : ( ! prr bmhel. ONIONH-r @ 75o per litwhcl. NEW TOllATOES-Scarce ; SI per box DUTTEU Cliotcn country , 12@l5n. i'lttaScarce. . 18c. Il'iNP.Y-Oalllorali. pcrl22c. . APl'LKS Per burrvi , 82 7f > C 3 00 C ST . .LOPKSPer dozni , bOcQjil CO. OYS ' K IlhH lecS 05c p r ptn WATEU.MILONS : 100,52300 ® 28 00. Qrocors" List. 011EE.ST i-'ull Ure u. , PJ : | Part < klni. Hi : . HE < VNt lmi > ortod German 00 per bushel. ooKLi1 ] ? E. Klo , lair , lie ; lllo , good Hio , | .ih , IB to choice , laic ; Old gov't ; 23)li 2-J : , Mocha , liSJc ; Arbucklo's , . TEAS .Gunnomlcr , good , 4.ri@55 ; ihcice , 0075c ; Imperlrd , good , I0ft45c ( ; OK-Jw 50@7oc ; Young Hyson , good , S0@ 5 ) c ; choice , G5c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Lcnf , 160 ; Japan , choice , t0@7oo ! : Oolong , coed , )5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40@5b ; Souchong , < ood. 35(340c ( : choice. 3545o. NEW PICKLES-Modiutn , In barrels , $900 ; do iuhalf bbbi , 5 25Binalln , in bblx , 11 00 do , in halfbblB , 700 ; gherkins , in bbbi. 13 00 ; do , in half bbla , 7 03. WOODEN W AUK Two tit ip pa'l'i ' 1 'J5 ; three hoop palle , 2 20. Tub' , No. ucer wtehlmordf , 185 Double Cruwu 290 ; Wellbuckotw , 3f,0. IjBAD Uor. 81 05. VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 16o : pure apple , 13c ; Pnissinc uuro annlo , IGo. SUGARS -Cut loaf , lie ; Crushe < t llo ; Granulated , 10c ; L'owdorod , 11 ; n'ino powdered , lie ; Standard Colfco A , 9jc ; New York Confoclionor'a Standard A. . 9Jc : Good A , OJc : Prairie Rxtra (1. Oo. HOPE Sisal , 4 inch and larger , lOJc ; IJinch. lljt. CANNED .GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib tFicld'o.per ) case , $4 00 : do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per cose , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cao , H 75. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per case. 300 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) coso , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do rr Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per caop , 3 15 ; string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Limn beans par case , 1 85. Succotash per cane. 2 00. Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per caae , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 240 ; strawberries , 2 10 , per case , 2 GO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per caao , 8 20. l ) , in- sous , 2 Ui ; per case , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per caco , 3 00@4 CO. Whortleberries per case , 240. Egg pluuiB,2 Hi perctse , 75 ; Grnen gages,2 tb per case , 2 73 ; do choice , " Ib i > er case 1 50. 1 ino Apples , 2 tb , jcr cacc , I OOS5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 : do 3 Ib , case , 4 50(35 ( 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per jitoe.260 ; do pic , C 16 , per do7 < in. 3 50. SALT. Dray loact . per hbl. 1 0 ; Aeh- on , in sac ks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy fiO , 5a , 0 HOMINY Now , ? 5 00 per bbl. tSOD.V DwiKht'n ll.pnpeiH , fr2 85 ; Do end do , Si 83 ; Church's , Si 83 ; Keg soda 21 c. CANDLES Boxes , 40 tbs , Ifi oz , 8s 15uboxcs ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Cs , 15c. RICE Carolina , 7i@3c ; Louisiana , @Sc : fair , C@OJ. SYKUIJM. Sugar house , bb a , 55o Shalf bis , 57c ; kegs , 4J gallon r 8250 ; choice able nyrup , 53c ; half bbls. 05c ; UogoS2 50. STAROU. Pearl , 4Jc : Silver Glomi , 8i $8Sc ; Corn Starch , 8J@9c ; Excelsior rlous , 7c : Corn. 7ic. SPICES. Pepper , 20 ; Allspice , 20c ; loves , 40c ; Nutmeg , $7 0025cCassiu ; , Mace SI 00. MATfHES Per caddie. E5s ; round , cues , $8 10 , uquarc , casoa , $5 4 > . SOAPS Kirk'a Savon Imperial , 8 35 ] Kirk's satinet , 3 CO ; Kirk's ntandard , 3 80 ; Kirlt'a white llusaiau , ft 25 ; Kirk'f Eutoca , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen , flOO cakca ) , (0 ; Kirk's magnolia. 4 35. LYE American , ' 3 40 ; Greenwich , ! )40 ) : Western , 2 75 ; North Slur , 2 60 ; Lowio' ' lye , 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 2 76. ' POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In cane , 1 00 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in cane. 1 TO. KIEL ! ) S BSD Rod clover , choice now , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , 87 00 ; white clover , new , SI J 00 11 ftlfa clover , new , § 12 50 ; abiiko , now , 61300. Timothy , good , now , CC 00 , blue ITOSB , extra clean , SI 50 ; blue grnpa , clean , $1 23 ; ore-hard grass $2 50 ; rail toj ) , choice. , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri 80c ; millet , German , ? 1 00 to $125 ; IIum.rlan. BOc. HKDiiBSEED Osage or.ingo , 1 to I busbela , 35 00 ; osnjjo orange , 10 busheld or 7vur , ij-l 50 ; lionoy locust , per 11) . , iJOc ; per 100 ibK , 325 00. KIH JL Family white flub , 90 Ib hhblB (51 ( 25 ; A'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 < X > No. 1 whita fish , in 10 Ib kite , 1 10 ; family 10 Ib kits , 85c ; Nev/ Holland ImrrinK , pei keg , 1 35 ; Ruaaiau Eardincb , 73c : Colur" Ilia river Biilmou , per lOOlba , 8 W ; ' Bank codrish , Gc ; Gen. boneloiia 0c ; bonelcKS Hull , 5ic. MAOKEREIHalf bbU mcBaumckerol 100 Ibs , ? 12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex chore do 100 Ibo , 8 00 ; hf bills , fat family do , 101 Ibfl , 00) ) ; mes mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 No.1 or shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. 1 shore 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75o. PEANDTS Roasted , choice , rod Ten uesseo , lOopor Ib ; fancy whlto , lOJo peril ; ruv white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted Dry Qoodi. BHOWK OOTTONB Atlantic A , f , Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boot FF , SJoi Buckeye I L , 4-J , 7c ; Cabot W 7icj Chittcnanw A , GJc ; Ureat Falls K file ; Hooaicr , OJc ; Honest. Width , 8Jc. In dlan 11 end A , 8jcj Indian .Standard A 8je ; Indian Orchard d. vSJcj Lawronc LL , 7c ; Myatio Hlver , 7io : Pecjnot A , fi o rihawniut LL , 7c ; Utlca 0 , fijcVachun ett B , 7Jc : do A , 8ic ; do K 48 , 12io ; Wai cott BB. 8io F1N15 BROWN COTTONS Allendal 1-4 ; 7ic : Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 1-4 , 7tfo Atlantic LU Oio ; Badger StatB X 4-1 , 7c Ucnnington O 4-4 , G-jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , CJc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 81q ! Lacouia 0 89 , 8Jc ; Lehigh K 4-1 , 'JJcj I > , n8dalo 4-1 lOc : Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do 1 SO. 73cj do E 39 , 8ic ; Pocasaot 0 4-1 , 7Jc Wamsutta4-4 13o BLKACIIKD COTTONS Androsco gin L 4-lOicBlack8tonoAA Imperial 8Vc do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4 , Si Fidelity4-4 , 9icVrnlt ; of thajjoom , 10 ; d can.brio4-l,13ojdoWaterTwl8t,101cGrea FallaQ.lOJc : Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c Loiwlalo. lOc ; do cambric 37 , I2jcj New York Mllla. 12jc ; Pcnuot A.lOc ; lfepperol N G Twilla , 121cj Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9Jc PocoaEet 4-4 , 8 c ; Utlca , llo ; Wanuutta 0 X X , 12ic. DuGKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown 8c ; do 0 , .Irab , UM do X.A. atripea an plaids , VJjc ; do XXX brown and drat stripes nad plaide , V.'Jc ; Arlington fancy 1'Jc ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancy , 12ic ; do extra heavy , 'Me ; Fall Hiver brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A lirnwn ! * Veoonaet A brown. 15c. TlUKlAijB rtmoskeag A C A 32 lOcj do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowacra , 9Jc ; Clareniont B B , 15Jc ! Coneatoga * i tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , lljo Lewiaton .v 30 , 15c : Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega aupuri extra 4-4 , We ; Pearl Uivcr 32,10o ; Putnam tS nam XX blue Btripo , 12cj Shetucket B " % : do S3 I2c ; Veoman's blue 2'J , 9o DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue mid bro into ICJoj Andover 1)D blue , I54oi Arllng inw blue Scotch , 18Jcj Concord 000 , blue a w brown , 121c ; do AAA , do do 13Jj do XXto do do 144ci Hayraakers blue and brown , 0 c ; My tlo Kiver 1JD stripe , ICioi Pearl Iflver , blue and brown , IGcj Uncaavllle , blue and brown. 1 4 Jo , OAMI3HIC3 Uarnard , DJo ; Eddystoue lining. 24 Inch double face , Sjo ; Garner A glazed , 5ic ; Manhattan glove finish , 6c ; Newport do Go ; do glazed , 6Jci Feqaot c'o c ; Ixxdcwood kid finish , tic. UOUSKT JEANS Amorr , 8c ; Anlroa rgln xattren , 8 jc ; Clarendc o , CjjcjConea rga gftttcend , 7c ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indl i I nlmnl 7J3 ! Narrigansott.lmprove'i.o 'epperill Batten 9Jn ; Ilockport. 7ja PHINTS Alien * , ejo ! American , 6Jc ; irnoid , 7c ; Berwick.1c ; Cocheco , 7o ; oncstn ii. GJci Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunncll , J@7cj Eddystone. 7c ! Qhuccstcr , Co > iarmony , 5Jc ; ICnlckprbocker , GJc ; Mcr- imao D. 7cj Mystic , SJcj Spramcs , Co ; onthbrldge , Gc ; do. Olnglifttns , 7o : Marl * orii , 63cj Oriental GJc. GINGHAMS AmoskoAg , 12icj Amos. > : ? drcis 9)1 ) Argyle , lOjci Atlantic , Ci Cutiiborlnnd , 7Jcj llighlrtmt , 7c { venllworth , SJc ; Plun kctt , lOJcj Hu - ° XCOTTONADES Abborvlllo ate , VOct Antoricnn , llo ! Artlnlxn , S airo D nnd T , 13 Jo ; Clnrion D and T , ? } c ; Dcccau Co. strides DnndT. IGc ; Key- 10110 , ISJc ; Nanturkot , lOc ; Nonpareil , Go ; Ocean D and T , ISjci Hoynl , lU i nisox , 12c ; Tlogiv. 12 cj wachurott uhlrt- i j ibpcks , 12Jc ; do , N'nnlcln , 12Jo { York. lain Nankin , 12 c ; do , checks , stripes run ! ancy , 12A ! ! do , 8 oz , 20c. SHKETlNGS-Androscoireln 10-4,27jc ! 0-1 24c do 8-4 Continental C o - , : - , 22cs 2 , Uc ; Fnilt of tlio Loom 10-4 , 27J ; Now fork mills 09 , SScj do 78 , 30o ; do 68 , 22Jc ; 'ombroko 10-4 , 25c ; PoquotlO-l , 28Jc ; do -I , 1 C ! do 40 , 16c : Popnoroll 30 , 20o ! 0 G7 , ale ; do 57 , ISC' Utlca 38 , S5c : do 8 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17o Olgun nd Tob cco . OIGAUS. Seeds , Slfi.OO ; Conncstlcnt , 25.00 ; Mixed , JSo.OO ; Scod Hnrana , 50.00 ; Cloarllnvnniv , $7fi.OO. TO13ACCO PLUG. Golden llnlo , 4 Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , tirat quality , G2c ; tar , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GOc ; Hone Shoo , ounifs , 24 Ib , butts , Gito ; GJlt Kdgo , ounds , 24 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Nnvy , oumle , 55c ; UulUoui ) > ounds , 59c ; Lortl- ard'a Climax , pounds , GOo. FINK CUT In palls. Hard to Boat , 5cj Golden Thread , 70c ( Fountain , 80c ; avorito , G5cj llocky Motintnjn , GOo ! ancy , 55c ; Daisy , OOo. In tin foil atllns O. S. , B Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori- llard's Ticer , G5c ; Diamonil Crown , GOo. SMOKING All graded Common , 25 to Do. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1G 7. file ; Dukes Durham , 10 ox , 4Uc ; Seal of brth Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nobrca- a , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 cz , linen l.i-s ) ( er Ib , $1.35 ; Marburos' Puck 2 oz , tin I , 5 So : Do ? Tall ( We. Paint * Oils and Vnrnlihoi. PAINTS IN OIL Wblto load , Omaha . P. . G c ; white load , St. Louis , pure , d'i < : ; iarsillles green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , 'Me rcnch zinc , gisin Real. 12c ; French r.lno , ed goal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst , Qct French zincc. In oil asnt , 15o ; Unw ad burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and urnt Slnnna , 13o : vandyke brown , 8- efinod lampblack. 12c ; coach black , lnc ; ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian lue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome roen , L. M. & D. , Me ; blind and shutter Teen , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , IHc nillan rod , 15c : Venetian red. Oc ; Tuscan rt. , 22c ; American Vcrmillod , I.&P. , I8c ; hromo yellow , L. , M. , O. k D O. , 18c ; ellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochro. 16 ; patent rver , 8c ; cr.ilnln ? colors : light oak , dark n c , walnut. chcHluut and ivsb loc Dry ° alnti White load , GJc ; French line , lOc : Parts hitelng 2c ; whitiug widow , 13c ; biting cornel , lie ; lampblack f5onnaii- own , 14c ; Innpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pnin- ian blue , 55c ! : ultraniarinn , 18c ; vandyke , rown , 80 ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , cjsionna , hum t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o 'aris green genuine , 2oc ; Paris green com'l Ou ; cliromo green , N. Y.1 "Oc ; chrom- recn K. , 12c ; vermillion , Etig. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOc , use pink , 14c ; venoriau read , Cookson's Jo : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rol load , 7Jc ; uromo yellow , genuine , 20c : chromo yol- ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; oohro , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral. 2Jp ; lehigh bro\vn , 2Jo : paniah broxvn , 2ic ; Prince's mineral So' OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , lie ; 1'50 headlight , per p llon. 2jc ; 17fi' headlight , per gallon , IGc ; inaoed , raw , pcrpallon , > 7 ; linaced , boilo-i , ) er gallon , Gllc ; fan ! , winter st 'd , per oral- on. 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 7fic ; castor , XXX , PIT gallon , 1 10 ; No. 3 , 1 00 ; sweet , > er gallon , 85c ; spo m , W. B. , per gallon , . 55 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 7uo ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , ttic ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 , SO ; sperm , aignul , per gallon , 80c ; ter- pontine , per callou , fi5c ; naptha , ? ! , per "ollnn , 18c ; fir. 17c VAUNISHKS Uarrcla per frallon ' 'nrniturc , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , 51 ; coach , extra , 31 JO ; oaoh , No. 1 , U 20 ; Dairiar , extra , 51 7G ; apan , 70c ; ai- ihaltum , extra , 85c ; shellac > J3 50 : hard oil finit-n. SI . / ) 1'Al'JJIl Straw pwer , 'Jjc ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods naner , G ; munila pnpor , lOo1 naws piper. 8c rloavy Hardware Llct. Ir6n , ratfje , S53-10 ; plow ntcel , Bpecia cant , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; HpecialiirGormau.Co : cast tool do. 15 < ? g20 v/ucon fipokes , sot. 2 2.j@3 ( Whul33 ; , per sot , 1 23 ; folfocn , saweil dry. 1 40 ; tongued , each , 70@fc5c ; axles , each , 75o ; Bfjuaro nuts , per U > , 7llc ; wiuilicrs. per lfy818c ; rivets , nor Ib , lie : coil chain , per Ib , li12c ; malleable , 8c ; rou wedgCB , Co ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; norseuhocB , per Icog , 500 ; opring itool , 7@8c ; Uurdcn'a borso oes , 0 50 ; Burdun'H niulcshoed , G 60. aHOT. Shot , W.85 ; Uuclt shot , 02.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 : do. , half kegs , $3.48 ; do. , ( juarter kngs , fl.88 ; Ulabt- , kocs. S3 35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet 50c. Ai.BKD WIiK In car Iotn,8 30 pe 100 ; In less than car lots. H fifi nor 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to COtf , 4 09 , Leather , Oak Hole , 880 to 42c ; hemlock HU'.O , 28o ti 3. > c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , tfa to 80c ; hemlock culf , 85c to 1 20 ; hem loci : upper , 23c to 2Gc ; oftU u per. 21c alligator , 400 to C 50 ; o.ilf kid , 32@3.'o Groiwn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8Jo ( t < 1 00 ; oak oalf , 1 20 to 1 8U ; French kip 1 10 to 1 55 ; Ficnch calf , 1 % > to 2 00 ; ru , HOtts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , B0 ( to 35c ; pebble O. D , Morocco , U5e ; slmon rOto300. 1IAHNHHS No : star oak , 42o ; Node do , 3Dc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do 35s ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37o ; No. 8 do , IMc , Horaei Rnd Mulei. The market is brisk and all grades nn idling well at n. ilk'ht advance In p fees The demand for good hornen exceeds th supply conslderaoly. Prices range an fof lows : Fine single drivers. C1CO. to 300. ; Uxtrj draft horsoi ) , $176. to 225. ; Common drai ! hones , 8100 , to 150. ; Ultra farm horaos , 8110 , to 125. ; Common 10 good farm homci $00. to 0100. ; Extra plugii , C < X ) . to 75 , Common plugs , 820. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15i hands ( extra ) , 8125 to 150. ; 14 i to ID hands , $100. to 140. 14 to 11J hands , $75. to 100. ; 13 } to 1 bands , $00 , to 75LI LI uor * . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 2tJ per wjn , allen ; extra California uplrita , 187 proof 1 2li per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 1 24j > er proof gallon ; re-disln | ufciikles , 1 00al ( ) 10 ; fine blended , 1 HO 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 : Ken tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 20u)7 ( ) ( jo HftANDIEH Imiwrted , 80 00@16 00 domestic 1 40@4 00 , GINS Imported , 4 D0@6 00 ; domestic 1 40C 3 00. HUMS Imported , 4 60r0 00 ; No i England. 2 00@4 00 ; domettio , 1 503 5 PJJACU AND APPLE BKANDY 1 75(34 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per 2tOO@3l OjAiosrljiJ , caiso , 12000 CLARETS Per case , 4 B0@l(5 ( 00 WINES Hhlne wine , per case , G 000 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , Lumber , WIIOLKBALE. Wo quota lumber , atn and uhlnglca o ara at Otdaha at the following price * : JOIHT AND H < JANTUNG-10ft. an under , 821 (10 ( ; 18 ft. , $22 00 , TIMBK11S 10 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMHICH AND JOIST -18 ft. , 62300 ; 1C ft. 824 CO. 22 ft. , $27 60 ; 21 ft. , 627 00. L'hKClNG-No. 1 , 4 acd (5 ( in. , 2'J Of j No. 2.820 00. . SHHKTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common board818 ) 60 ; No. 2 , 817 00. STOCK BOAUDS.-12-In. D , 82300 ; 12-in. 0 , 835 00 ; 12-ln. B , WO 00. i L1MK 1'er barrel. $1 16 ; bulk po . ) u 35o Cement , bbl , $1 75. IJWA plater. bbl , f2 00. Hair per bu SJo. Tarred felt 100 lb . M 00. Straw bo ird , $3 0 ? , COAL Cumberland bl o nith , ! Morris Run Blomburg , 812) ) > Vhttebr ast lump , 66 60) ) Whltobreast nut , 86 60 ; low * ' imi , oooVi IOWH nut fGf > U ; JUiclc tuirmrf ; Anthraclto. all size * . , 611 OJ. DRU S AND CIIKMlUAIjS AcU Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tarlaiic. GOc ; Balnam Cop-ibla , tier Ib , 70o ; lUrlt , 8a afrafl , pc Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 76c ; Clnchouliiih , i r oz , $115 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 Dover's ( Hinders , Per Ib , 81 40 ; .Kpaor < aHs , per Ib. .1Jo ; Glyucrlno , pure , per Ib We ; I ad , Arotate , lx < r Ib , 2 let Oil , Castor , No. 1 , rr * ' . B > Ifi. Oil , Ca < tor , No. 8 , per gal , 5100 ; Oil , OHvo , per gal. SI CO ; Oil , Origanum , fiOc Opium , $ .1 00 : Oulnlno P. A W. tt 1 ! A S. per nc , $2 SO ; Potaiwiuni , lodldo , per U tl 00 ; Salacm , per o 40c : Sulplinto of Morphine , > er or , 83 8. ' ; Sulpnur Uour , per Ib , 4u ; Strychnine , tier or. , $1 M. Wool. " Alcrltio nnwas od , light , U@lGc ; hs. vy.o @Ull5c ; modlum unwa hod , light , 18'u > 20' ' wa hoiJ , choice , 82c ; fair. 80o ; tub.uiui , ( nnd w , , 28cj burry , blaokaud ootto , ! woo V@Go ! lest Hldei f-uri , Etc. HIDK8 ' . .recn bntchcr'a tilde , cured 7ic ; hide * , green salt , part cm oil 7c hidoa , oic ; dry Hint , Round , K@llcdr\ ) calf nnd kip , 12@llc < ; dry salt hlao 10 ( < Jllc ) ; croon calf , wt. 8 to 16 Ibs. . green calf , wt , unilor 8 Ite , per kin , croon ] > elts , 50iA81 ( 2A ; grocn lamb skin. , 91 a,1 ? © ! 50 : danuigi'd hides , two-third ratu , cut scored and ono grub , classed two > tLlrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off , Coon skins , No. 1 , 4f.c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , J0. ! ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , We ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 3 , IDo ; No. 4 , oo. Fox , No. 1 , tiOo ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , blnck , G."c ; abort ntripe , 40o ; narrow atrlpo 25o ; broad strlpo. lOo. Tallow To. St. Louis Ijlvo Stoolc. Sr. Louts , August 15 , Cattle Receipts , 1,700 ; BhlpmentK , 550 ; market fiim and Ked demand f r all grades , but only gross Texas itnd Indian cattle we litre , sold rrailily at 3 5C ( t 85 ; good to ho t n.tivo shipping teo' w uM tiring G fit > @ 7 60) ) gr B * native * 4 > 0@li ifl Sheep J { cclptJ , l.fiOO ; shipments , UiO ; slpaily and unclinnged ; f ir tu Uucy IH- tlvos , 0 50@5 00 ; T an , 30004 50 ; Iambi , l00@350perhcad. ! Hogs Receipt , 230 ; shipments , 120 ; nn supply and but llttlo demnnil ; prlctw nominal ; plus and li ht Yurkorv , 7 2f > ( a ) 7 GO ; good Yorkers , 7 0@8 10 ; Imtchem' to best heavy , 8 25@8 75 ; culls , 5 00 © 700. Chicago Hroanoa. CuicAdo August 15. Flour Dull ; common to choicu Hprhu'H , 4 0 > © ( ) 50 ; common to fancy Minnesota's flOO Jl57fi ; patent * , fi 5tji7 ! fiO ; fnlr to c.iuieu old tvlutar wheat , 0 UO@G 50 ; new , linn at 5 5 I ; 1 > w grades , 3 QOfajl SO. Wheat Unsctlltd but lower ! regular , 1 02 for Angmt ; HSjo for September ; Vila for October ; \tt\a \ f-ir the year ; No. 2 rud winter , 1 02@1 021 f r caah ; 1 0'J@U21 lor Augusts l 0 © L 01 i for Septenitiir. Corn- " ? ! " lor caali ; 7"ii for August ; 7iH)7 | ( ) Jo for .September ; 7f Jo for Octobur ; 7 8u tor November ; U7jt07io ! ! for the year. O .U Active , fiim and higher ; 4 life for cash ; 4ljjj foi Aug Bt ; 301@3flfii : for September ; 3V'c , for October ; 3lk tor No vember ; 3r > ( < i3.ijo tor the year. Kyf Weukui ; > > 7ie. B rley Stiong foi futures ; ' .He for Sep tember ; OOu lor October. Pork In good demand , but ut lower rate * ; Ul JU@ ! ' 1 'J."i for cash and Auiu ; < t ; 21 17ifci2t 20 for Septum cr ; 21 30@2l 3. ' fur Uaolcr ; 1085@1087J for Jnuitary ; 10 00 for the your. Lur t-K inter ; 12 30@12 32.\ for cash and August ; 12 JIiKoHfor S puinber ; 12 42iC rJ 2 15 lor Ojttber ; 1235@l > . ,7i tor Nuvcuibor ; 12 25 fur January ami thu year. year.Hulk Meats Weaker ; shoulders. 9 HO ; short rib , 13 10 ; blurt , clour , 13 35. S.eady ; 1 18. I1 reijhtij Rates ou corn to BulFiUo , lj | @ 2j. CAIJ. noAitn. Wheat Fair demand , but nt liwer rate- ' ; regular , lOUVHOli for Auituit ; 08i''a ' ! ) So lor -pUmbei ; l ; jj a ! l7v'j for Oc- tciotr ; USc fir November ; 1)71 ) f"r t'10 ' > oir ; No. 2 red winter , 1 0/fel ) O.J for Augu-t ; lOlfu'101/i / fur beptfinbcr : 1 Oj for Oc.ober ; ! ) ! ) ia lor thoytur : Nn 2 Chi c go spring , 1 1 1 > for Atumt ; UdJCill.ju ! foi .Sejittiubei ; ! )7i ) ( ) ' . )7.1o ) for the ymr. Cmn - Un t led lint enorilly lowar ; 77 ( < i'77i'i for August ; 7li'/'J / for Suptvinbor ; 7"'J " (7 i f > r October ; 'rfjo for the yuar ; iiU : < il > ( u for May. UuU Quiet : 4Uofor Au mt ; 3Gc { lor September ; 3oio for Octobtr ; 3)0 lor the ytar. ytar.Poik Act ! 'o but lower ; 2L 15 for S p. ti-mtjcr ; 2 274 ( or Ootoiwr ; TJ12J for rt 3 em ; 11) ) 82 | for .1 nm try. Luu liiactiva and lower ; 1230 f r September ; 1240 for O ( olio : 12174 © 1225 fortha year ; 12 20.2)1223 ) for Jim- iury. . R n'tN. Inpui t Flour . 7,500 8,00 Wheat . Oli , 00 Uil.tiOO Com . ir.8OJ ( 4'.M,00 OiU . lO'i.COO 2 ,00. Uyo . 5,501 1-1,000 Bailey . 510 . Council Illuifa COUNCIL. Hi.ur < rn , Augu < t 15. Flour Cryhtal Mill golden uhe f , : i 30 ; bc't JCunBun liruidM , 3 OOfo ! ) .0 ; Urah.uu , 3 00 ; lyu II mr , 3 00. Corn Mtul 1 70 for white ; yellow , 1 00 ; cornch p , 28 00 per ton ; cirn nnd out * choii , 32 00 per ton ; chop , 33 00 per ton. Wliout .No. 2. 7 < ic. Corn No. 2 , 67 J. Kyo No * , 47 ifiOj , * Hurley Nonu , O , t None I'KUJIri-Blackberifca , 16o per box ; apiilen , 2 rX.V(3 00 prr buirel. Broom Corn ! li ( < jfS/'e. Hay Loose , 7 twat ) 00 ; b.Uod , pur bule. bule.Wood Wood C 000 00. Wool ir > < .U ) . Butter Creamiry , UOo ; In rolls , wrnp- nod , IGc ; roll * not wrupitd , 12Jc ; mixol COIOIM , IGJfllL'io. Kggd 1 D. Ouioru 7'o per bushel , hive Chicken 1 7fla,2 ( 25 per do/.on , PotatouH . Oo per i Uihel , ( 'Mbl > ugei 2.ValOo ! pur doz. -I0j i er LIVE STO 1C. Cattle -Kxtra , 3 00@ 350 Veul C lves-5fiO@ ' > 00 , 7 00@7 25. Kh ep3 50 , Iitvo atoolt. CIIIUAIIO , Augu > t 15. Th Drovera' Journal rcporta ua foi. low ; Ilmra-Hocelptu , 12,103 ; shlprncnta , 4- 100 ; market wo.itt on 11 > ut l > eit grmlm ; 5fc4lO lower , aud genera ly dull ; mixed , 7 I558 ( i(0 ( ; heavy , 8 35a,8 ( OU ; light , 7 G0g ( 835 ; BkipK. 4 76j&7 ( 60. Cattle Keouipt * , 3 , 00 ; xhlpmenta,2GOO ; HUpply and dem nd small ; market low and w uk ; exports i-ro ijuotablo at 7 2 ' < © llb ; good to choice aMiipIng , G60@ 7 00 ; common to fair , 4 60@G 00 ; irlx d Inituh'Ta' steady ; common to f'llr , 2 ' ' © 3 50 ; nudlum to g md , 3 7S@1 76 ; mockers and fre'lm. ' 3 ( )0.5J ) 1 2"i ; dairy calvtt" , per heid , 12 60@14 50 ; runie l w ; hulf bri'edn and Aiueiiuaua , 4 ! > fS ! > 60 ; 'J'o aiu Htroug , 3 Bncri75 ShtiniiHeceiptH , 1,5 0 ; fliljnnentH , 100 ; dull , 25o lower und weak ; coui'ii'iii to filr , 30jf jli5) ; mull.iiii t't , " ) ' ; , 3 (10 ( © 4 20 ; chbicj to extra , 4 SO J 75. XCuutn * fJlty Proilnoo. KANSAI ) CJTV , Angmt 15. Wheat Sir 11401 ; no. 3 red , 7fl@7 ! J for cash and Atiuiiit ; No. 2 led , 8.1(0,8,111 ( for caih ; tillfa 8 > ! Ju for Anvil t. Corn-niut ; No. 2 in < xe > l , 7Ggt bid f t cash ; 11311 ' ' ' f"r An nut and riiijtembt r. Oatt Dull : No. 2 mixol , 'i.'c bid for cash30j ; bid for August. Butter Unchanged. Kggi Unchanged , Rec'U. Shipm'U. Wheat . . .7J.OOO 2'J.OOO Corn 2tOO 2,000 - M v xuu HMD remedy , I IJOI1 j Now York Prodncxi. New VOIIK , August 15. Cotton Steady ! 13 < fl/U fcltw ; futures tcndy ; Auicint , 12 Sic ; Soptcmlior , H.iWc ; October , ll'.l.i ; Xovembtr , It GSJo ; D . Minbrr , 11.70 ; Jiinimrv , 11.70c ; F bni- ary , ll.W ) : Match , 12.03c ; April , 12 1C.- ; Al v , 12,288. Flour -Dull : superfine stale western. 4 40 © I G. : coinniiin to RCHH ! xtrn , 4 C0yi ! flM ; good in ch-ice , 5 S.8 50 ; whltn wheat extra , 7 OOC"1 50 ; extra Ohio , 45fri 7 50 ; at. lmnl . 4 IH@860 ; MlnnotoU pat ent jiroce sj , 7 " ifi S 7i" . wheat C-nh lot * , l&'la lower ; option * , ij'afia lonnr ; No , 2 mitlng nnniliiNl ; un K'riitoil rcd.l On ( < tll 14J ; teritner No. 3 ted , 1 Oil ; No : t rcil , 1 K 2i ftoitmer No 2 roi' , I 12 ; No 2 icd , 1 I''iftOl 13 ; certincAto , 1 1 J@1 1 1 dtllvct .l : No. 1 red. 1 17l No. 1 white , 0000 Im s Id at 1 10 ; No. 2 ml for August , 218,0(0 ( hit sold at 1 12 © I 1 J clo lng at 1 I ; do for September , r > 8 .tl.Kllm sold at 1 ilJJl ! ( ? 13 , clo lng nt I I3J : ilo for Octolwr , 4yf.,00 < ) bu Ril.l nt 1 Hitall US , closing nt 1 111 ! do for No. vombcr , 181 , 00 lut solil nl 1 Ifi n1 ! I , closing rn 1 Ifi ? : December. I12.0JO bu cold Ht 1 ITd'U 17 | , closing at 1 l"i. Crtrn JfiJJo lower and lcs actUc ; un- nrniicd , Wljc : No. 2 , 87' ' In stire ; 88Jc dn- liver -il ; No. 2 whit.1 . 00 : ungraded whlto. IMci Ni 2 for Aucint. .Stii'iriSOJ ' , clo.i g i\t8ilp ( : dn for September , 8iH(2.Stle ( ! , clos- lij : do for October , HojCgS.'i&c & , al 8 , " > lc : ilo for No\ ember , 8.J © 81ft- , closing ataift . Outs lJo higiu'r ; mlxeit nestorii , ( M @ ( > nc ; whlto o tern , " 05SOo. flnv Quiet , lint firm , ( Dia'Oo. Ci.llooDull ; Hio cargoes , < iuotod nt SJ @l c. , Sugar Dull nnd nominal ; fair to'good lelimmr , limited tit 7 3- lifi5'lrto. / ) . MoliiBseM-ljitttit an I utitliitngod. Hlca-Qiil't , lmt t n , y. Talow Finn ; prime ntoam , 8jJ8lo. R ln-S o dy : 1 85@l 'J5. ' TnrpcntiuiFunij 4lo. ( ) K > ! ? Freeh w tom , demand fair and market firm ; L2 r i9o ) Porlt Dull unit lower ; now mew , 2200. lUof ( fillet , I ut steady. Cut -Dullaudnoinlnallongclu ; > r inldillrH , 13 75 L inl lower ; piimo stoum , 12 77i © 12 82J. Dutter-S ronger ; 15@-tj. ( Olu'oso Firm on Iliirj woj orn tUt , ( ! @ 10 c. Reo'ts. Shlpm'tr. Flour. . Wheat . 22IOOD 302,000 , Corn . 17,000 40 Oats . 8 ! > ,00) ) 6CO St. Ojoata jrroduoe. ST. LUUIK , AngiiEt 15. Flour S'oaily and unclmngfd \\hettt IHgh-T , with fidr tnvllng ; No. 2 red f .11 , OOigU7o ( for o > h ; 1)71 ) for Aug. us' ' ; ! ) Sc for aeptemb. r : UDo for Oetoi cr ; 101 for Novemb-r ; OOgo for the year ; No , 3 ro-1 'all , IttiuUSJo. O.irn-Qulet , but hluiidy ; 7777So ] ( for Bli ; 7ltyblil for Augmt ; 75sL'.75io ( < < > r rfo teinbir ; 72J.728u for Ovtulirr ; liUJiu for N > v ember ; ( ! i'o ' tor the vo r ; O Jo but for May. OnU Higher 3UV ) ! 01i for cash Sj1 ® 39ii for AUK'iHt ; : ) ljH3."u ( ! for Santiinbai ; 35 0 for Ootoberjltljo for tlio year. B Rye High r ; G7iU"Jo. ( B .rloy - No nnirknt. Hiitl-r Steady ; dairy , 15@22o ; o cam- cry. 22@2.- > KU.B Sto.dy ; ITiJi. Whisky Sto idy ; 1 17 Pork Dull ; 21 40 bid for cash and An- giint. giint.Bulkme.its - Q ilot ; no sales ; nh < tnldorH , J,5 ; Blti-at rib , ) ; , hcrt uleor , 13.GO llioon Stonily but nl"w ; rhmldoni , 10 7J ; short no , 14.801 25 ; Hhor.ulo ir , U.87o Lard- Nominally unclmnirod ; 12.32 } . Rt-coi t < . Shtp'tx. Four . 7.0'0 ' 11,000 Wheat . 111.000 1)7,000 ) ( " .Mil . 30,01)0 ( iO.O 0 OitH . rtl.liOO 32,000 Kyo . 20,000 liarlov . AFTIMNOON : lioAini Wheat , lownr ; ! 7o for Augii-i)7i ; ) < J tor Septombur ; US mr O-t her ; D'Jgj ' lor November. Corn Dull ; ! } i for August ; 7r > 8o bid for Soptstn o : (5 ( % Jo for November. Ont Loiv-r : 3Hf f r AugiiKt ; 3IJj for October ; 35) ) i foi November. Poorm Produce. PE HIA , Angmt 1" Corn Steady and iic Ivo ; hlgii mixed 75 ] te7uj , " . mixed , 7fi@7f < iJ. Ryu-Dul , ( md Rcarco ; no\ No. V , CiSj. O.iU-Stoady : No 2 whlto , ! ) ® ! ) . it-etc. Shlpla Wheat non ( ! oni 320 0 4.IH ) Oitn ni.iOO Un * IJarley 0 City JUiVH btnolc KANHAS CUT , Anoint Ifi. The Live Stock Indicator reportu an foi IllWH1 C ittlo IteceiptH , 4600 head ; ( .lead ; and fuirlv iiciivin itlvu nleuM 1'dO I 1276 HH mild ut nO'ft//i ' ' 0 ; cow3 OO'ij ; i W ) ; Ti X'IK meorx of 8iil ( Ibi wild ut 3 8U 1'JOu c'adv. C 70fi ll-'gn Itecuiptd. , ; 8 3\ with tlui ullt of ut 7 ! > . > ( < ' .3 'i Sliuep11 ceiits | , 450 ; Hteady ; 3uUy3 GJ Potrolouxu ninrbat. Atw VOIIK , AugiiHt IB. Tclroleiirn Diiil ; United , G0 < s ; crude I'liimiuim , PA. , Aufiiist IB. Pdtrolcum tjiino ; Unltfil nun ecu uvalicr ; cloned nt B'.lo ; relined , lijo f Phlhuelpllia alloy. Tlio Wool WoolBos Bos l ox , August 15. The wo'il mn'kut ruimwrM ijuiHt an steady , with u f .ir demand from muiiira tureiH. I'ri'-oi nio imchi' K d. Supplir cjiitliiiiB to uirlvi ) tjnito fro-ly Ire u J11ICI1 gnll v , . ) . 'ujll/u , liiib it 10 uiium' ' uht.ilii over .illj for goo I viT ge lot j . . . 1 Mkhlgun .md Ohio , 13 © 160 , and In la demand. Cmnl ) iu iindduldnn In do mind ut 1I@I5 ! < for line Michigan ntn Ohio doluin ; 4liC J ' 81 for line > md No 1 climbing , Un > v.wilied wooln , 2.r © (2o for line ( lid Medium ; ch'iluu ' meillum nolfC- tluni * , 3.ic3'i ( ] ( ! , and low nnd coiirMi , 1'J / ' 23) . 1'uiicd WOIJ.B In ilcmundut 42fe40o for good und cholee ; 350100 for common und good. California wool quiet , utrl fo - eign leimlnnntiohitiined. Tlio lupply of uirpet MOU ! U Hold up olo'o , FACTS. The Mitaouri 1'acilio railway ia tlio tihort Line to nil points ii > Toxaa nnd tliu Oruut Southwest. Tlio uh-gancu of tta traina hutwuen Omuhu , Kinuai City and St , Louis cannot bo surpuBs od , and for quick tiino and low raton it utatidd ut tno head. For full mid roliabloinfurmation cull ut ticket ollicu , cor Fiirnum und 14th Htrc'ota in I'ux- ton Hotol. Q. II FOOTB , Ticket Agent , & & aug4-motlwod&fri-in&utf NEBRASKA GRAINS Tlio B. & M , Exhibit ut the Denver Kx- An account of the exhibit inudo by tho.U. P. Jl H. at the Denvur ux- poaition was publislicd eomu tiino ego , and the following BUnnlumimtary showing of the part Nobniskn will pluy in the hi oxliibit of weatorn products ia from the State Journal : At noon yoatorday a npooiul bat-ga o car waa attached to the ro ular Denver - vor train containing the uraina , both thrcahud and inadu up into ahcavua , and all the decorations to be put into liirtKHu Hro. Co. , I Ut' : the exposition by the 0. , II. & Q , AIIO H. t M. railroad companies , tnori- popularly known as the Uiirlinpton routo. The dlsplnj- goltuu up an * nut in by the land department of tin H , tt M. , and ia all from Nuhraskp. Judging from the \oliimo of tnatorial nnd the men at the houd of it whi have boon nt this work for ton or twelve yoarc , thcro in IM question bu > that Nebraska will bo wull t < prusont od In this great exposition in tin m luntains. The exposition opened August 1st , but it vnis itnpoBsihlo to put in grain uf this year nl that ditto , nnd by spu- cial nrraneumont the "Nebraska dia > ptity , " ns it will bo known nnd called out there , was not to bo in place iinti' iitxiut the loth nf this month , Tin- exposition will hold until the last duj of Soptombnr. Chpap round trip rates nro olfcrod , which inchuto two adnitBsiittis to the exposition. Through thu kindnosn < f ox-dov nrnor Furnnn , of llrownvillo , Sccro- lnry NVhnolor , of Platttinuuth , and lion. . ) . It. Mantors , of Nubrnskii City , Ihoru will ho placed in tin's dis play about the 10th of September n very ( ino exhibit of fruits. Nubriukn hna m former year * taken tirat pro iiiitini over nny state in npplca unil fliMno hinds of fruits , nnd advices from the I'notorn slopiv of our state u < i t * > nhow Unit she is not behind her fornu'i record thin year , so that these wlu < visit the Denver reposition may ox- poet to sue nbout the middle of Sup < lumber n line diaplny of frnita. Motion- The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex- ccUior Hoof Paint , " was p tented Mnj 24th , 1881 , nnd lottora patent num ber 241 , 80t. : Any purson found or known to tiimper with thu inann faclure of said paint will bo punish ed to the full extent of law. No per son h.ia any authority whatever to Bull receipts. UAWTIIOHN & Duo. , Lancnator , Pa. Col , .T. J. DIckay returned from Denver yesterday. Hon. J. 11 , Mniichestcr 1ms gone to Chi cago. Itav. A. K. Sherrlll lift for the cait Mi n lur. Hon. HenrySprick , of I'ontcnello , Neb. , is in town. Brad SUughter , nf Kiillcrtou , nn old thno j iiirnuliBt , Is at the Mlllard. Mr. W. 1C. Andrew * , manager of the town newspaper union , Is In the city M. H. Do Young nnl wife , of the San Fr.iiui.ico Chronicle , wont west yontcrcliM. ( ! . W. Vh , who represent the II. P. ndlro.ul at Amsterdam , Holland , is at tlio Millard. "Proporvo find Uomilnte , Not Do- Btroy , " ! aHOiiiiainoltolii inculcatlonim well UH't.UBininili p. Crwrtolho t nor of tliodi- io tl o nrKnimnnd rox"tno ( the socrctloimwlt inrriv I'D dtltrcr Ajicrlcnt , nnd ) oii mil euro ilyei | ) i U othl ll\iu toii hlnt li n rr lemln Irnrnio y with Ilia lunof Niituru. V olcnt mo' ' li-lri . Imxolmd nolr iloy. 'Iliey il > ltnlni the nymeni. ltciini' > n < null nil thu utonmcli ri'JccU tlio i , duly on tlilH oxlillcrntlnir ( ptcl'lc. aiK ! BOLD IIY Al.l , DllUOdl ' 1H. D. M. WELTY , ( SucoosKor 1o D. T. Mount. ) itaimfmtnrcr nnd Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , ' I 'ANOV HOUSE CLOTHING Eolios , DiiBters and Turf Bnofls P& AgoMtor Ju. It. Hill tc Co.'o 'Tho ' Boat in The World. " S3or , Orclon ollcltod. OMAHA. NEB ino 1 y INCREASE Gjlft YOUR CAPITAL. iiul < o nnnoy on f.n Nina I nnd m > mm tiitrntiugnd In VII iraln , i > iovliloit an I B''ick Biicoiala- tloi. , u ml m > iiy | ra'.ii'if ' on uur | il > 'i I'Vini y 1 , 1 ' 81 , o il.H pro ' 01'1 ' ' " ' " < "i 1'ivmtin ' n n of $ | u,00 tl ) tlo0) ) > , | IMjtJ ( nm , ) , roliol am ) ptli ti | i\oat > r ou i IIIK u utur I tlmo- uurlK * lrul "v " " " " ' ' " " " lu " " " " or tin I HIVJ tnidiit . or p ynliiion dumand IV icularJ auil til muit < Lf fund Wl ( UfBye w < Ilt ru poiulble a vnU wliowllr lorcucr > | > i md lut oiluiii Ilia pl.ii I. licral uoui- $100 inl li Hi luld Ai'druM K ( > KHM N < & MK HIAM , Com- mUiilon Mi-rchttiiUi , > ] or , 111 , LAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY COLiLEOB Thrco ; oien to both AUADB CUtilii'l anil Kiiullsli Ghm tie lo.cof lral'nilTr coUtrenrbnin PifiltltY IIttl < Ij-Heiiiinary Jor VOUIIK laJiix. Iliiauriiabiioil In bu lily and lioal hfiil- um of eltuitli , nd In ix o it ( I tdtautaxon ollerid ttiul thorouijliiiei * of trailing It en. On llilni { > n. Vuor liu lna Scrteinlior 13 , 18B2 Apply to PttEST. QUUiOORY , tiulto FprrtBt , 111. THE KENDALL PLAITING IAIMEI DBKS8-PKEIIS1 ODMPAIIIOH , It pUlta roai lOof a u Inch to width 111 tliu tOf.iu' t ( ultu ur Onuct Hi ki II Aoui all kliuU tad style , ot j Itltlug tu oat. No U'ly tliftt dott livr own dreM-iuaklrjc i t iUutii to do without ono ai ntco | jUitlu II jovorojlol iMQlon , ltcu II ikillt lUolf. foi UtchlnM , Circular * or * Aveutii teruiu UJrcsi OONQAR & 00. , ) d.Jiuj Ht. Uhlonvcl UHiOAQO. Side Sprinc Altiokmont Not Patented. A. J. SIMPSON , LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 ml tilt Ilodiro Strtat , ntig 7-ino Om OMAHA , Np.n. WKSTJ3KJN CORNICE WORKS ! 0 SPE011T , - - 1'ropriotor. Harnoy St. - Omrlia , Neb. MANOFACTl'llKKS OK COU NICKS , DORMER WINDOWd , KINTALS , Tiu , Iron nud Slata Koofing1 , Spocht'a J'Atont Motnlio Skylight. Patent Adjuntod Ratchet Kur nnd Bracket Shelving. I nm tlu > ( ; etiurnl agent for the nbuvo line uf gooda. IRON FENCING. ctlnct , Daluttrndsi , Var nd iOfl1c | nd Dank n IIInKm , Window and Quardt ; lie 1380. SHORELINE. Id80. KANSAS CITY , 3t JOB & Council Blnfe u tni OXLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TUE EAST From Omaha and the West. A tintni loat o D. A U. Depot , Om h : Nob. io cb nea ol on between Omaha and at. xiaa , nod but one l > f twcdn OlIAIIA and NEW Y011K. _ . . Daily PassengerTrama ( AXTRltN AND WUfTTKllN CI7IRS with LESI OHAllOKS and IN ADVANCE of UL | OT11KK LINKS entire Una Is equipped irllh oilman"1 'allot Slricplnif Can , Falaco D/\y CoxchM , Iltl cri 'afctT ' I'lattorm ami Coupler , and tha ceiibratad Voillnlioua | Alr-buke. /VUee that veil tlckel rrntli VIA nANFlAB ITV , t.T. JOSKPH k COUNCIL BLUFITS IU - J , Tla St. JONCjih and Et. Louis. Tlckoti for lain al all coupon ( lattoni la tbt Veil. J. F. BAKNAHD , 0. DAWKS , Oen. Bunt. , SI. Joseph , lie ) \ Oen l' M. and Ticket A t. , 0 . Joacvn , Uo. AXDT Doaum , Tlcliot Agent , 1020 Farnhatn dtrect W. J.DlTiNrQKT , ( ) r" r l Acent , MONITOR OILSTOVE Itnprovnd lor 1HH2. TUB DKHT AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE BTOILOVK IN IllK WOULD. Every liouuokcop or fcula the wnntof ( OiuotliinK tlmt will cook the daily food atidnvoidthocxcuBaivohent , dust , littur nnd uahoB of a coal or wood stove. THE MONITOR OIL STOVE. WILL DO IT , butter , quicker and choipor than nnyothorniouiiH. It iathuONLY OIL STOVE in'ido ' with the OIL UESERVOIR ELEVATED at the baclc of the utovo , iiwnyfrom the lioah by which arrnngptnont ABSOLUTE SAFETY ia scouredas ; no gas c.m bo gcnoratod , fully twoiity per cent moro ' lioat is obtuinud , the wicks nro preserved - served twice as long , thus enving the trouble of constant trinnniiid and tho. oxnonHo of now onoa. EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy no other. Manufactured only by the Monitor Oil Steve do , Cleveland ! ) , Send tor douoriptivo circular or call oil M. Rogers & Son , amenta for No- hrn'nkn Murray ran forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable Engines , FOR CIlKAllKHIES Printing ODlcos1 Etc. , Speoialty. The Largest Iron Working Establish ment iu the State. ' MANUriCTTKBKS 0V Steam Engines , ANO OENERAI. MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Ont-Off Stoara Engine , 801111 lorclrcultr. 23-lm Genius Eewarded , o ; ; , The Story of fclio Sewing Maolilne. A h nd oni9 little tuiaipblet , biup and gold cove nltb nuuieroui cuj.-r lii 8 , will ba GIVEN AWAY to ny kuult iictva c\lllnfr lor It , l nr brunch or lulH-otlloi ol Ibo Hluiter UauulMturlngOom- iiauy , or will bu sout by mall , pott raid , to any person llvlutf at UliUoce Item oui otQce * Tlio iiiRor Manufacturing Oo , , Principal ltlioe , 2Unlou , Square , NKWlYORK. GOOD